Kertas 2: Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Putih Tawau Gerak Gempur 3 Name

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Name : ____________________________
Kertas 2
Time: 40 minutes
Masa: 40 minit
This paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces
provided in the question paper. Show your working. t may help you to get marks. f you wish to
change your answer! erase the answer that you have done. Then write down the new answer. The
diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. The marks allocated for
each question are shown in "rackets. This question paper must "e handed in at the end of
1 $artition %& 0'(.
Cerakinkan 86 052.
)* mark+
[1 markah]
2 ,iagram * shows a num"er line.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu garis nombor.
Diagam 1
Rajah 1
What is the value of Y-
!akah ni"ai Y#
)* mark+
[1 markah]
3 ,iagram ( shows the mass of a novel.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan jisim satu buku no$e".
Diagam 2
Rajah 2
What is the mass of the novel-
%era!akah jisim buku no$e" itu#
)* mark+
[1 markah]
! ,iagram . shows a cone.
Rajah & menunjukkan sebuah kon.
Diagam 3
Rajah 3
What is the num"er of edges of the cone-
%era!akah bi"angan te!i kon itu#
)* mark+
[1 markah]
" /#press 0%1 as a decimal.
'(atakan )8* sebagai nombor !er!u"uhan.
)* mark+
[1 markah]
# 2ind the sums of ( *(4 ! (0 3%. and *% 00%
Cari hasi" tambah bagi 2 124 + 20 ,8& -an
18 0)8 ia"ah
)( marks+
[2 markah]
$ 4 5
)( marks+
[2 markah]
% 6alculate 401 of *%0.
.itung 40* -ari!a-a 180.
)( marks+
[2 markah]
& 78.. 9 780.40 9 %' sen 5
)( marks+
[2 markah]
10 ( days : 3 5 ;;;;;;; weeks ;;;;;;; days
2 hari / , 0 1111111 minggu 1111111 hari
)( marks+
[2 markah]
11 * kg 0%0 g < ' 5 ;;;;; kg
)( marks+
[2 markah]
12 3 03. 4 & *.3 9 ' *.% 5
)( marks+
[2 markah]
13 3.'%4 4 &.0** 9 3.0& 5
)( marks+
[2 markah]
1! Ta"le ( shows the mass of three "o#es! 2! 3
and R.
4a-ua" 2 menunjukkan jisim tiga kotak+ 2+ 3
-an R.
2 3 R
Ma)) *g+
Jisim (g)
'&& '44 00'
Ta,le 2
Jadual 2
What is their average mass! in g-
!akah !urata jisim tiga kotak itu+ -a"am g#
)( marks+
[2 markah]
1" There are 3% %&' "alls in a "ig "asket.
.. '00 are yellow "alls! 0 *33 are green
"alls and the rest are "lue "alls.
What is the num"er of "lue "alls in the "ig
5er-a!at ,8 865 biji bo"a -i -a"am sebuah
baku" besar. ntaran(a+ && 5)0 ia"ah bo"a
kuning+ ) 1,, ia"ah bo"a hijau+ -an (ang
"ain ia"ah bo"a biru. %era!akah bi"angan
bo"a b"ue (ang a-a -i -a"am baku" besar
)( marks+
[2 markah]
1# A "o# contains '0 mar"les. 4* of the
mar"les are yellow.
What is the percentage of yellow mar"les in
the "o#-
6ebuah kotak mengan-ungi 50 biji gu"i. 41
-ari!a-a gu"i a-a"ah kuning.
!akah !eratusan gu"i kuning -i -a"am
kotak itu#
). marks+
[& markah]
1$ ,iagram 4 shows the locations of school 7!
Y and 8.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan "okasi seko"ah 7+ Y
-an 8.
Diagam !
Rajah 4
=iven the distance "etween school 7 and Y
is of the distance "etween school 7 and 8.
6alculate the distance! in km! "etween
school Y and 8.
9iberi jarak antara seko"ah 7 -an Y a-a"ah
-ari!a-a jarak antara seko"ah 7 -an 8.
.itung jarak antara seko"ah Y -an 8+ -a"am
). marks+
[& markah]
1% ,iagram ' shows the time when >aris
started and ended her piano lesson on
saturday night.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan masa mu"a -an masa
tamat !e"ajaran !iano .aris !a-a hari
sabtu ma"am.
Diagam "
Rajah 5
>ow long did >aris take to finish her piano
%era!a "amakah masa (ang -igunakan o"eh
.aris untuk menamatkan !e"ajaran !iano#
). marks+
[& markah]
1& ,iagram & shows a composite (?, shape.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebuah bentuk
gabungan 2:9.
Diagam #
Rajah 6
What is the perimeter of the (?, shape-
%era!akah !erimeter bentuk gabungan 2:9
). marks+
[& markah]
20 Shukor had ('' ram"utans. of the ram"utans
were eaten.
>ow many ram"utans do he has now-
6hukor mem!un(ai 255 rambutan. -ari!a-a
rambutan itu te"ah -imakan.
%era!akah rambutan (ang masih tingga"#
). marks+
[& markah]
1 %0 000 9 & 000 9 '0 9 (
3 4.( kg
! *(
" 0.0%
# 4* *%'
% 0(
& 784*.('
10 ( weeks 4 days
2 minggu 4 hari
11 0..'& kg
12 % 03(
13 *(.&..
1! &0'
1" '% 03&
1# %'1
1$ .&
1% * hour 40 minutes
1 jam 40 minit
1& 4& cm
20 *00

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