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Angels Daemons and Aliens [ Part one ]

The Necessity to categorise certain beings is "paramount" if one

wishes to communicate with them. Forms of alternatie earthly physics are
in a nutshell! dimensional" #Ts howeer are a different source of $enetic%
engineering" &h Adam! were thou not created for earthly%pleasures' &h
#e! didst thou ta(e the serpent within thee' Tis a long cycle of cyclic%time
which bears down heay upon this writers hand. A form transpondent with
a triad of souls" )ou may wonder upon the maleolence of your (ings!
your state%leaders. They whom tread a path more abhorrent than your
dar(est fears could manifest. They whom command your armies your worth!
and manipulatie mind. [ *o Angels! dar( or light! they whom come forth at
their appointed hour! amidst sorrow and wanton bloodshed" +all ye the
Destroyer" The Angel%of%Death! the ,ringer of +haos in -ight! call ye the
Fallen%&ne! the -ucifer of Anti.uity. )our biblical past has been "hidden"!
the truth yet uneiled! sinister though it is! your genetic%state has been
prepared for the final hour" Angels! are they /aleolent' Are they
spiritually motiated' 0hom told you this! what te1t was written by a true
hand' The gree(s were nearer to the truth with their /ount &lympus! with
2era and 3eus. Agh the testimoniuls of some! of the Power granted to
"some"! tis an Art to call%forth such a being. Tis a beginning to an end.
-i(e the circle which enhances the inbetween%worlds! the s.uare which when
folded becomes another possibility' No you not that the +ross the si1%
figured si1 dimensional shape! holds si1 times si1 worlds" 45 planes of
e1istence. Ten hidden and twenty%si1 symbolic' That three of these crosses
then 67 times 4 8 the thirty%hidden! e.uialent to the "three%worlds"
pertaining to that you call 9abbalah" And three crosses times twenty%si1
shown%worlds e.ual the :; cards of the <&TA the TA<&T" &h angelic%hosts
which =ohn%Dee didst summon ! &h angelic%hosts which watch and wait for
their trumpet%call! their "ibrational%spell". They shall come! do they not
respond to "certain%geometric%form'" ] And the "Daemons" Agh ha! those
unfortunate%terrestrials abandoned upon this tiny sphere many A#&N* ago"
)es they are as <#A- as you and >! that is if you really grasp your form
your genetic%engineering' +ast out they were! left "trapped" in this worlds
physics! motiated by lust for manifestation for corporeal%e1istence! their
host being a human form" The *uccubi the >ncubi! they #?>*T clambering
to e1pel your wanted desires into their star%dynamics. To draw thy
"creatie%seed" thy "N>$2T*##D" from thee! to lubricate their unseen%
cerebral mind! their unseen form. They whom can control the elements and
at times cast forth dar(%spells in to the dreamers nightmares. For their star
form can @ibrate%speech un(nown to thee! can turn thy being into a hellish%
Aombie! and yet! they see( to escape! to return to their forbidden planets"

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