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Internal workings of Aliencraft [ Part two.

"Zeta-Reticula" ]
( Continuing from Part-one.) I was obliged to accompany this tall Alien-
form towards a number of glass-type vessels. Which comprised of a
compartmental-door a rubber-loo!ing static-base and tubes which fed into the top
via sealed-openings. "sing telepathy this #$ for want of a better word then
as!ed me to get inside one of these transparent-vessels. %e e&plained in a calm
polite manner that because of the 'ibrational-distortion occuring in dimensional-
flight beings li!e myself must be housed within a safe-environment. %e was
wearing some sort of (umpsuit a colour-green and it )protected) him and the
others from )any) unwarranted intrusion. Again he e&plained because of his *ace
and their +!eletal-ma!eup and ,io-chemistry form they could travel $ime and its
many-levels without fear of accelearated -e-composition. (An accelerated growth
rate). Certainly this reassurance did little to my internal ideas of what was
about to happen. ,efore entering this glass-tube I as!ed if this spaceship was on
earth or cloa!ed somewhere outside our orbit. %e seemed pu//led however he
said )they) have fre0uented earth many times and )indeed) ta!e some earth
people bac! to their planet1
I then opened the compartmental-door and stepped inside my
attire had somehow been removed. I was na!ed and standing upright I had
little room to move my arms or legs and my head seemed to fit snugly into a
purpose built bottle nec! aperture. %e ga/ed upon me and still using telepathy
told me not to be concerned the li0uid would fill my entire body and prevent
damage to my organs and sight. I never saw him press any switches but
immediately a dar! orange-li0uid began to fill the vessel slowly rising upward.
2y vision became blurred and I noticed a change of colour outside the vessel.
#ventually the li0uid reached my mouth and I had no choice but to ta!e it
down1 I cho!ed at first but then found myself breathing a spontaneous
interaction of this strange li0uid bringing me bac! to a form of reality. 3oo!ing
through this glass I perceived nothing (ust an array of fast-moving colours large-
craft seemed to have dissapeared. $hen at first one saw a feint glowing white-
light which grew larger and came closer towards this containment. I then felt
terribly-sic! and perceived the li0uid emptying out of the vessel I felt wea! and
the #$ carried me to a rest bed. 4
I then "567*$"5A$#38 Awo!e1 I was covered in sweat drenched1 +uch
e&periences haunt ones mind over time. 57$ in a frightening aspect but in
relation to what )may) have occured within myself both physically and 2entally.
All lifeforms have a )3in!) to the )9odhead) to the ,eginning 2A58 "niversal-
systems having their Parallel-time-scales their $ree-of-!nowledge. : $hey )float)
within that which is the )9reat-Abyssmal-9arden) tended as it were by the
+pider-;ueen-of-space mentioned in other treatise as +;+. +he whom can
transcend all $ime all space1 )6or +he whom spins the Webs of space is not of
the Aeons ma!ing1 6or when +he returns to repair a past she disperses a
5ew-awa!ening1) 4 I have lived a +$*A59# 3ife1 #ven now Im caught between
the flu& of spacetime and #arthly-reality. I have seen<tal!ed to many forms
without the aid of drugs or ceremonial-ritual. Im li!e a magnet to the )unseen)
perhaps my mind is on the )edge) of Cavernous-time and occasionly I fall into
the dar!ness therein. Certainly I have no wish for 2arriage or Children no
long-term companion. I will say I have a )connection) a bearing towards
2A*-"=1 I will say that I have tal!ed to 2#*3I51 And finally the CA,A3 the
5W7 are 57$ as a0uainted with the 7ccult or the Cosmos as they might
thin!11 $*$hompson

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