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Angels Daemons and Aliens [ Part two ]

Daemons come in many disguises, sometimes masquerading as human-souls at

seances and ritual-dance! A Daemon "Prince" has his own Legions, as the
scriptures talk upon Seven-Princes o hell! "ach o whom have # servitors or
elemental-kings$ %hereore we now have # times # & '(! Aggh, what a lot o
Legions! %he elemental-kings not only control earth)wind)ire)water, they also
control some dimensional-orces, though this manipulative-power does draw much
energy rom them! * %he +ross used against the ",ampire", the "other remnant"
let -ehind on this planet, is o no use i made rom unpure metals$ Silver
"transmutes" certain-energys within this maca-re--eing, draining as it were
dimensional-luids rom one space to another$ %he vampire co-e.isted with
early man as a shadow, a magical-orce$ +asting orth /agical-secrets into the
enlightened minds o some$ 0 %he Dark -rotherhood, whose /asters consist o
Alien 1righns, co-operate "or the time--eing" with mans so called elite, the
2erman-occultists and their renowned raternity$ 3ut "know-this", there are -oth
/alevolent and 3enevolent Daemons, contrary to pu-lished religeous doctrine!
Are all men "vil! Are all men good! 4ho is a /an or woman to say they
"know-o" a Daemons worth! 1ne should ask onesel, "Are there daemons on
other planets! Does /ankind consider themselves 2ods! 5oolish is he whom
6nows-everything yet is decieved -y his own pride! 7t is the " sanctimonius
charlatans" o certain occult-orders whom are children o the -east, swine whom
at any given moment can -e gorged and devoured -y the dimensional-entitys
so oten portrayed -y the novelist lovecrat! * A little upon aliens must -e said,
or indeed they are paramount to "arths uture to earths inal-conlict$ /any
851s, many Aliencrat and S1/" human-engineered crat are more and more
requenting our skies$ %is a whole new chapter o space-e.ploration, o visitors
-eyond the stars, -eyond this universe, or there A9" many! %he
ka--alah)ca--ala secret-teachings, show the transmuting-sphere o DAA%:, the
sphere which leads to 8niverse 3, as some would quote it! %here are the ;;
paths, the he-rew letters which are Linked to the tunnels o S"%$ And -ecause
o the three-worlds attri-uted to this %ree-o-lie we have ;; times <& ==$ 1h and
=== o course is the num-er o the 3east, so it is written! 7 will not dwell on
the ka--ala as there are a multitude o good -ooks on this su->ect, -ut it is
quite good in portraying some things, geometric and linear! So aliens work hand
in hand with speciic 3lack-covert-ops, yep and most have to -e malevolent!
Some propulsion-units work on a magnetic-pulse which is "orientated" to a
desired wavelength or gravitational-ield$ Some propulsion-units are +rystal, -ut
not crystals rom "arth! +rystals which lower respectively into a circular magnetic-
housing, a kind o spinning-vorte. which is "accelerated" -y the immersion o
these space-crystals! %he output-energy is then dispersed via portholes around or
-eneath the crat, creating a "change" in gravitational-density$ %he philadelphia-e.
was o course 9"AL and much was gained rom it, including the "visitation" o
-oth dimensional and "% lieorms! 7 have no time or the skeptics o this world,
rather they -ury their heads in the sands, they might >ust get a mirrored view
o truth! 3eore 7 leave this little treatise, as -eore mentioned "7 have o course,
encountered)e.perienced much more than most, Alien)supernatural)paranormal
phenomena$ 7 was -orn seconds ater midnight ;=)?)?'$ A -irthchart showing 7
was -orn under the 2reat trine$ /y lie revolves around the occult and thereore
7 tread where angels ear to tread! %9%hompson

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