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Webs of Deceit, [ New World Order ]

Level 1. [ Beneath us all lay a paramount display of "darkness" at its

penultimate-level! Not just the "covert-scientists" but their "Malevolent-cohorts" the
Reptilian race, the Greys and a "third"! Disectin, manipulatin human-prisoners,
taken from the !orld above, and charted by the state-police as "either" dead or
lost throuh drus or "lchohol related #llness! $ %ere then, in some of the
dumbs &deep underround military bases' is the "Real-hell!" ()perimentation on
human DN" and cross-breedin !ith "nimal and alien forms is the norm do!n
on the lo!est levels* #t is astonishin that +, senators, -entaon aents "keep-
shut" about .lack-ops !orkin/ (ven more so about the R("D0 s1uads of
,uper-elite-#nfantry* Ready and capable of e)terminatin any one and anythin at
a moments notice* Guess they are a!aitin the .#G-2N( the attack from
outside! 3he attack from .(N(425(N3 "liens, !hom shall indeed make
themselves kno!n to us all shortly! #t is N23 in the N62 curriculam to entertain
ood-people, certainly not ood (3s! "s before said many times, "a lare-
e)plosion" seen by all, & amateur-astronomers, professional-astronomers and many
makesfhift vie!in appararus' !ill occur upon the "Darkside-of-the-Moon* this
e)plosion !ill herald the oncomin invasion! 3he 7orrupt Dark-manipulations of
our countrys our peoples, by the N62 and its 2ccult-infantry the #lluminati, are
indicative of the approachin 7"."5 plan for !orld domination! 3he "#nstallation"
of more and more Missile-defence systems across the lobe are a 8(0 part
of this plan* 3he +, and .ritain in smaller part, kno! of the oncomin alien
invasion* 3hey both playin-do!n the 3R+3%, and secretly "establishin" ",leeper-
units" across the "rab-fronts! "t a 4(R0 early ae # !as "fortunate" to talk
telepathically !ith "5emurians", to be sho!n "numerous" ,tarcraft* 9 and since
then continuin to encounter various aliencraft, observin propulsion and
sometimes occupants*$ Guided on a path to!ards occult kno!lede and
enlihtenment* # "M N23 "52N(! 3here are factions !aitin, !hom are livin
under the same ""lihnments" as myself , as 3%(R( "R( also dark-malevolent
individuals "5,2 a!aitin a different call! 3he (arths "stral-field ro!s darker,
its "inhabitants" !atchin the 4(#5 !hich divides !orlds slo!ly dis-interate!
3he 3hule-society the 2ld-%itler orientated 4R#5-society or 4%R#5-society,
"6"#3#NG the comin of those "Deep-.elo!"* 6hether or not you believe in
the Great-2ld-2nes, or the (lder-ods is a point of testin your insanity/ 3he
7omin of those-belo! is N23 instrumental to the .o!els of the earth! 93he
+nseen-!orlds some of !hich # mentioned in other-uploads, have a variety of
Deni:ens, of horrors closely portrayed by the famous -hilip-ho!erd-lovecraft! $
5ike it or not ,2M(3%#NG .#G 3%#, 6"0 72M(,! 6hy so many Missile-
defense-systems/ 6hy so many D+M.,, 6hy enae in so many 6ars/ "n
#nvisible-cloak is bein formed around the Globe, a formation !hich !hen ready
6#55 and 7"N control;dominate receptive-minds, the Dumbs bein immune to
such-sinals! "lso, !hy the vast-manipulation of our "tmosphere/ 2ur #onisation,
our Manetic !aves, onoin in the "ntartica! ,urely not to enable "a vast open
portal" to 5(3 #N un!arranted-intruders/ " much bier e)periment than the
philadelphia break in spacial-time* 2f course "certain" aliencraft !ould be more
suited to " chanes in -olari:ation in chaned #onisation and Manetic-fields!"
(nd of 5evel <* 3R3%ompson

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