Documentreality of Is Part One

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The Reality of "Inner-space" .

It should be easy to grasp the fundamental-values of the Unseen-worlds, if you

open-up your clarity with a new-perceptive approach. Perception is judgeing-reality
or its conception by "viewing" the senses of Cosmic-thought. he Internal-canals
of thought are "a!uainted or monopolised by "aterial-teachings "most" of which
are dogmatic and sublime in their necessity to put Universal-theorys forward. #ere
then, in these treatise are "opened-realitys" to Universal-perception, opened-
doorways granted to the few. I am not a teacher of earthly-physics nor
$stronomer in $dvanced elescopic-techni!ues. %uch visions only show the
&eality of density '( the internal-framewor) of space* %o here we go. (ne
Universe, for #+&+ $&+ many, loo)s something li)e this , $ shimmering-tree
held stable within a %hell which suspends or floats within the $byssmal-garden.
he &+$- garden of +.+'* here are "$'/ such "rees" or "Uni-verses",
rees-of-sentient-)nowledge which form the framewor) of space and time, and its
various "anomalies". +ach ree" 0Universe1 gives forth a different-hue of colour, a
different vibrational-chord, or song* 02hich ultimately contributes to the heavenly
(rchestra heard only by he on high1 -ets e3amine one-tree 0Uni-verse1, jutting
out of this tree at its base are a number of "roots" or tunnels, most escaping
into the $byssmal-garden some leading to a dead-end. 4rom the Centre of this
swirling root-system can be seen a downward "spiralling-tube" a 5lue-corona
alternating down its length, and finally descending into the "op" of the ne3t-tree
0uni-verse1. $ll these "&++%" are lin)ed and it is by their "$%C+'%I('" the
soul or 4lame gains %piritual-light. 2e ne3t see or view by inner- perception, the
5ranches of this tree, and "see" freely hanging at intervals the "fruits-of-
)nowledge" the C+-+%I$--spheres. he harbours of sentient-lifeforms and
spiritual-development. $long these "branches" are shown "6'(%", )nots which
are really "Pylons" or 7ateways to the deeper-dimensions. 2here respectively to
the left and right of their pylons 0gateways1 can be found the .eni8ens and
+ntitys "used" by "$7I forever in ageing rituals* .imensions which harbour
"beings" unfathomable to "ans concious or unconcious Imagination. here are
appro3 9: "6nots" within each tree 0uni-verse1.
here $&+ seven-levels of I"+* $ view loo)ing down upon one tree gives
forth a 2ebbed-matri3 "intertwining" in a cosmic-cycle. he %even-Concentric
Circles of time, each showing a variant in "vibrational-colour". ime is a concept
of "speed";"acceleration" of-magnetic-thought through the 4ields of 7ravitation and
"anifest-matter. +ach ime-cycle or circle of time, arrays its lifeforms in " systems
and gala3ys of pools" of inherent matter of plan)tons cast in an Infinite-ocean*
4rom the %lowest-timescale 0Circle-of-time1 at the op of the ree to the 4astest-
timescale, 0near the bottom of the tree1 are seen the 2ebbed-lines of space,
"he-corridoors" of $nti-matter. Used "as it were" by some U4(s* 2e
"+$&#-I'7%" live in the si3th-scale of time, its accelerated-timescale causing
premature molecular-ageing. $lien-froms from say number-one timescale live $
<+&/ -('7 I"+* heir molecular assimilation very-slow. ime is two-parralels ,=
the continuous "state of being" of particles spinning in consistency to their %ub-
atomic form, their &+$-I%$I(' of being. ime parrallel >, the )nown "%eeing"
or perception of imes-reality, where "things" are moved throughout a created
.ensity of atomic-state. his tree li)e all of the "many-others" harbours
)nowledge, wisdom creation. $nd each of us through $scension of each-tree
gains more )nowledge more -I7#* Part two e3panding upon this. (utside this
tree in the $byssmal-garden are a number of silver-webs, clearly seen;percieved
by my inner-self, my opened cosmic-self. hese 2+5% furnished by the "%pider-
?ueen-of-%pace", the 7ardener of spiritual-growth one might say@ #anging upon
some of them a collection of "Cocoons", "%hells", which contain Immoral-souls and
trapped dar) "agi, for a time un)nown. Close by are " the ?-IP(#", whom
await a chance to "Pierce" these shells and "4eed" upon the "inds within.
'othing in he dar)ness is as it appears to be. &hompson

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