8534 Holding On To Misguided Spiritual Knowledge .... Desire For Truth ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge ....
Desire or truth ....
!t remains an impossi"le #enture to $on#e% the truth to people
who "elie#e that the% alread% possess it& or the% are
unapproa$ha"le and don't a$$ept an%thing& no matter how
appealing it is oered to them ....
(he% stu""ornl% hold on to the spiritual knowledge in their
possession without $onsidering whether it $an la% $laim to
truthulness. )nd the longer su$h spiritual knowledge $ontinues
to e*ist among the human ra$e the harder it is to eradi$ate it&
the darkness is so immense that no ra% o light $an penetrate
it ....
But since people deem themselves in possession of the
truth, they will not appeal to Me Myself for truth either;
consequently, it is not possible to convey truthful
knowledge to them.
)nd e#en i people de"ate the issue o truth and untruth at
times& the% onl% e#er merel% use their intelle$t and will thereore
ne#er rea$h the goal o re$ognising error and untruth $orre$tl%.
(he $on$ept o the +working o the spirit' in the human "eing is
also in$omprehensi"le to them.
They only ever abide by the knowledge the% a$$epted "%
wa% o edu$ation& whi$h the% "elie#e to "e true& and do not allow
an%thing else to shake this "elie .... And yet they are
profoundly mistaken and dont realise it as a result of
their spiritual darkness ....
!mparting the pure truth to su$h a person will remain
unsu$$essul until a messenger o ,% Word su$$eeds in shaking
this person's irm $on#i$tion& until he su$$eeds in $learl%
e*posing the truth and in arousing the person's dou"t so that he
will dwell on it and thus there is a $han$e that his thinking might
"e$ome enlightened. -#en then& this will onl% "e possi"le i a
person li#es a lie o lo#e ....
But sin$e espe$iall% people li#ing in error prioritise unimportant&
humanl% de$reed $ommandments while the $ommandments o
lo#e are oten set aside or are merel% marginall% taken noti$e o&
they lack the love which would grant them spiritual
enlightenment .... )nd thus onl% a person's degree o lo#e is
de$isi#e as to whether and to what e*tent he is re$epti#e when
purest truth is gi#en to him ....
Onl% a person who is willing to lo#e will thereore eel ae$ted "%
and "e re$epti#e or the truth& and onl% a person willing to lo#e
will a$$ept ,% dire$t re#elations and re#ise his present thoughts.
!n that $ase it will "e a signii$ant gain& or he will also ad#o$ate
the truth where#er possi"le.
.et on the whole& all eorts o li"erating people rom erroneous
thinking will "e in #ain& the% will "e unwilling to e*$hange it or
the pure truth& the% will resist the light and "e $ontent with
de$epti#e light& whi$h merel% redu$es their e%esight so that the%
are no longer a"le to re$ognise true light.
Howe#er& the truth does not esta"lish itsel or$i"l%& ne#ertheless&
e#er%thing will "e done to make it a$$essi"le to people& "ut
where the resistan$e $annot "e "roken it will remain dark&
"e$ause the people themsel#es oer resistan$e& whi$h $annot "e
"roken "% or$e.
)nd neither will large $ampaigns su$$eed in $hanging people's
thoughts& or e#er% human "eing is responsi"le or himsel& and
regardless o what a person's awakened spirit tries to e*plain& he
will onl% e#er "e a$$epted where the ground has "een prepared
"% a lie o lo#e& where the pre$onditions are in pla$e or $lear
and $orre$t thinking& or the re$ognition o truth.
(hereore the error $annot "e s%stemati$all% eradi$ated either&
e#er% indi#idual person must $ome to terms with it "% wanting
to know the truth.
)s long as this will& the desire for truth& is not present& e#er%
eort to tea$h people otherwise will "e utile ....
!ne can only ever try to motivate people to live a life of
love, to e"plain to them the significance of love, that love
is the only possibility for attaining beatitude and that all
other actions and traditions wont benefit the soul in the
slightest if love has not been kindled in a person.
)nd i a person takes this message o lo#e to heart and makes an
eort to perorm selless deeds o lo#e& mu$h will ha#e "een
a$hie#ed alread%. (hen it will no longer "e hopeless that he will
think $learl%& or lo#e will ignite a light in him& it will awaken the
spiritual spark to lie and this will su$$essull% inluen$e the
person rom within .... He will dou"t& /uestion and also re$ei#e
an answer as soon as he genuinel% desires it.
0e#ertheless& a re#i#al will onl% e#er graduall% take pla$e&
"e$ause people are alread% too enguled "% the darkness o night
and the% la$k the will to rea$h the light.
The conviction of knowing the truth is the most effective
poison the adversary could have administered to
people ....
)nd %et& people who want to es$ape his inluen$e are not
hopelessl% lost .... Howe#er& the% ha#e ree will and thereore
the% $an onl% e#er "e prea$hed lo#e and& depending on their
ulilment o the di#ine $ommandments o lo#e& their spiritual
state will $hange as well .... (he% will "e a"le to step out o the
darkness o night into the light o da%& the% will realise the truth
and will su"se/uentl% also want to release themsel#es rom error&
and ,% strength and gra$e will alwa%s help them to a$$ept the
truth ....
1u"lished "% riends o new re#elations o God 2!normation&
download o all translated re#elations& theme3"ooklets at4


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