Cayetano vs. Monsod

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 111! Septe"be# !$ 1%%1
REN&TO C&'ET&NO$ petitione#$
C&R&GUE$ in his capacit- as Sec#eta#- of .u,/et an, Mana/e"ent$
Renato +. Ca-etano fo# an, in his o0n behalf.
Sabina E. &cut$ *#. an, M-lene Ga#cia1&lbano co1counsel fo# petitione#.

P&R&S$ *.2p
3e a#e face, he#e 0ith a cont#o(e#s- of fa#1#eachin/ p#opo#tions. 3hile
ostensibl- onl- le/al issues a#e in(ol(e,$ the Cou#t4s ,ecision in this
case 0oul, in,ubitabl- ha(e a p#ofoun, effect on the political aspect of
ou# national e5istence.
The 1%67 Constitution p#o(i,es in Section 1 819$ &#ticle I:1C2
The#e shall be a Co""ission on Elections co"pose, of a Chai#"an an,
si5 Co""issione#s 0ho shall be natu#al1bo#n citi;ens of the Philippines
an,$ at the ti"e of thei# appoint"ent$ at least thi#t-1fi(e -ea#s of a/e$
hol,e#s of a colle/e ,e/#ee$ an, "ust not ha(e been can,i,ates fo# an-
electi(e position in the i""e,iatel- p#ece,in/ 1elections. )o0e(e#$ a
"a<o#it- the#eof$ inclu,in/ the Chai#"an$ shall be "e"be#s of the
Philippine .a# 0ho ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least
ten -ea#s. 8E"phasis supplie,9
The afo#e=uote, p#o(ision is patte#ne, afte# Section l8l9$ &#ticle :II1C
of the 1%7! Constitution 0hich si"ila#l- p#o(i,es2
The#e shall be an in,epen,ent Co""ission on Elections co"pose, of a
Chai#"an an, ei/ht Co""issione#s 0ho shall be natu#al1bo#n citi;ens
of the Philippines an,$ at the ti"e of thei# appoint"ent$ at least thi#t-1
fi(e -ea#s of a/e an, hol,e#s of a colle/e ,e/#ee. )o0e(e#$ a "a<o#it-
the#eof$ inclu,in/ the Chai#"an$ shall be "e"be#s of the Philippine .a#
0ho ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s.4
8E"phasis supplie,9
Re/#ettabl-$ ho0e(e#$ the#e see"s to be no <u#isp#u,ence as to 0hat
constitutes p#actice of la0 as a le/al =ualification to an appointi(e
.lac> ,efines ?p#actice of la0? as2
The #en,ition of se#(ices #e=ui#in/ the >no0le,/e an, the application of
le/al p#inciples an, techni=ue to se#(e the inte#est of anothe# 0ith his
consent. It is not li"ite, to appea#in/ in cou#t$ o# a,(isin/ an, assistin/
in the con,uct of liti/ation$ but e"b#aces the p#epa#ation of plea,in/s$
an, othe# pape#s inci,ent to actions an, special p#ocee,in/s$
con(e-ancin/$ the p#epa#ation of le/al inst#u"ents of all >in,s$ an, the
/i(in/ of all le/al a,(ice to clients. It e"b#aces all a,(ice to clients an,
all actions ta>en fo# the" in "atte#s connecte, 0ith the la0. &n atto#ne-
en/a/es in the p#actice of la0 b- "aintainin/ an office 0he#e he is hel,
out to be1an atto#ne-$ usin/ a lette#hea, ,esc#ibin/ hi"self as an
atto#ne-$ counselin/ clients in le/al "atte#s$ ne/otiatin/ 0ith opposin/
counsel about pen,in/ liti/ation$ an, fi5in/ an, collectin/ fees fo#
se#(ices #en,e#e, b- his associate. 8.lac>4s +a0 Dictiona#-$ !#, e,.9
The p#actice of la0 is not li"ite, to the con,uct of cases in cou#t. 8+an,
Title &bst#act an, T#ust Co. (. D0o#>en$1@% Ohio St. @!$ 1%! N.E. AB9
& pe#son is also consi,e#e, to be in the p#actice of la0 0hen he2
... fo# (aluable consi,e#ation en/a/es in the business of a,(isin/ pe#son$
fi#"s$ associations o# co#po#ations as to thei# #i/hts un,e# the la0$ o#
appea#s in a #ep#esentati(e capacit- as an a,(ocate in p#ocee,in/s
pen,in/ o# p#ospecti(e$ befo#e an- cou#t$ co""issione#$ #efe#ee$ boa#,$
bo,-$ co""ittee$ o# co""ission constitute, b- la0 o# autho#i;e, to
settle cont#o(e#sies an, the#e$ in such #ep#esentati(e capacit- pe#fo#"s
an- act o# acts fo# the pu#pose of obtainin/ o# ,efen,in/ the #i/hts of
thei# clients un,e# the la0. Othe#0ise state,$ one 0ho$ in a
#ep#esentati(e capacit-$ en/a/es in the business of a,(isin/ clients as to
thei# #i/hts un,e# the la0$ o# 0hile so en/a/e, pe#fo#"s an- act o# acts
eithe# in cou#t o# outsi,e of cou#t fo# that pu#pose$ is en/a/e, in the
p#actice of la0. 8State e5. #el. Mc>itt#ic> (..C.S. Du,le- an, Co.$ 1@
S.3. @, 6%B$ !C Mo. 6B@9
This Cou#t in the case of Philippine +a0-e#s &ssociation (.&/#a(a$ 81B
Phil. 17!$17A11779 state,2
The p#actice of la0 is not li"ite, to the con,uct of cases o# liti/ation in
cou#tD it e"b#aces the p#epa#ation of plea,in/s an, othe# pape#s inci,ent
to actions an, special p#ocee,in/s$ the "ana/e"ent of such actions an,
p#ocee,in/s on behalf of clients befo#e <u,/es an, cou#ts$ an, in
a,,ition$ con(e-in/. In /ene#al$ all a,(ice to clients$ an, all action ta>en
fo# the" in "atte#sconnecte, 0ith the la0 inco#po#ation se#(ices$
assess"ent an, con,e"nation se#(ices conte"platin/ an appea#ance
befo#e a <u,icial bo,-$ the fo#eclosu#e of a "o#t/a/e$ enfo#ce"ent of a
c#e,ito#4s clai" in ban>#uptc- an, insol(enc- p#ocee,in/s$ an,
con,uctin/ p#ocee,in/s in attach"ent$ an, in "atte#s of estate an,
/ua#,ianship ha(e been hel, to constitute la0 p#actice$ as ,o the
p#epa#ation an, ,#aftin/ of le/al inst#u"ents$ 0he#e the 0o#> ,one
in(ol(es the ,ete#"ination b- the t#aine, le/al "in, of the le/al effect
of facts an, con,itions. 8B &". *#. p. @A@$ @A!9. 8E"phasis supplie,9
P#actice of la0 un,e# "o,e" con,itions consists in no s"all pa#t of
0o#> pe#fo#"e, outsi,e of an- cou#t an, ha(in/ no i""e,iate #elation
to p#ocee,in/s in cou#t. It e"b#aces con(e-ancin/$ the /i(in/ of le/al
a,(ice on a la#/e (a#iet- of sub<ects$ an, the p#epa#ation an, e5ecution
of le/al inst#u"ents co(e#in/ an e5tensi(e fiel, of business an, t#ust
#elations an, othe# affai#s. &lthou/h these t#ansactions "a- ha(e no
,i#ect connection 0ith cou#t p#ocee,in/s$ the- a#e al0a-s sub<ect to
beco"e in(ol(e, in liti/ation. The- #e=ui#e in "an- aspects a hi/h
,e/#ee of le/al s>ill$ a 0i,e e5pe#ience 0ith "en an, affai#s$ an, /#eat
capacit- fo# a,aptation to ,ifficult an, co"ple5 situations. These
custo"a#- functions of an atto#ne- o# counselo# at la0 bea# an inti"ate
#elation to the a,"inist#ation of <ustice b- the cou#ts. No (ali,
,istinction$ so fa# as conce#ns the =uestion set fo#th in the o#,e#$ can be
,#a0n bet0een that pa#t of the 0o#> of the la0-e# 0hich in(ol(es
appea#ance in cou#t an, that pa#t 0hich in(ol(es a,(ice an, ,#aftin/ of
inst#u"ents in his office. It is of i"po#tance to the 0elfa#e of the public
that these "anifol, custo"a#- functions be pe#fo#"e, b- pe#sons
possesse, of a,e=uate lea#nin/ an, s>ill$ of soun, "o#al cha#acte#$ an,
actin/ at all ti"es un,e# the hea(- t#ust obli/ations to clients 0hich
#ests upon all atto#ne-s. 8Mo#an$ Co""ents on the Rules of Cou#t$ Vol.
! E1%B! e,.F $ p. AAB1AAA$ citin/ In #e Opinion of the *ustices EMass.F$
1%C N.E. !1!$ =uote, in Rho,e Is. .a# &ssoc. (. &uto"obile Se#(ice
&ssoc. ER.I.F 17% &. 1!%$1CC9. 8E"phasis ou#s9
The Uni(e#sit- of the Philippines +a0 Cente# in con,uctin/ o#ientation
b#iefin/ fo# ne0 la0-e#s 81%7C11%7B9 liste, the ,i"ensions of the
p#actice of la0 in e(en b#oa,e# te#"s as a,(ocac-$ counsellin/ an,
public se#(ice.
One "a- be a p#acticin/ atto#ne- in follo0in/ an- line of e"plo-"ent
in the p#ofession. If 0hat he ,oes e5acts >no0le,/e of the la0 an, is of
a >in, usual fo# atto#ne-s en/a/in/ in the acti(e p#actice of thei#
p#ofession$ an, he follo0s so"e one o# "o#e lines of e"plo-"ent such
as this he is a p#acticin/ atto#ne- at la0 0ithin the "eanin/ of the
statute. 8.a## (. Ca#,ell$ 1BB N3 !1@9
P#actice of la0 "eans an- acti(it-$ in o# out of cou#t$ 0hich #e=ui#es the
application of la0$ le/al p#oce,u#e$ >no0le,/e$ t#ainin/ an, e5pe#ience.
?To en/a/e in the p#actice of la0 is to pe#fo#" those acts 0hich a#e
cha#acte#istics of the p#ofession. Gene#all-$ to p#actice la0 is to /i(e
notice o# #en,e# an- >in, of se#(ice$ 0hich ,e(ice o# se#(ice #e=ui#es
the use in an- ,e/#ee of le/al >no0le,/e o# s>ill.? 8111 &+R @!9
The follo0in/ #eco#,s of the 1%6A Constitutional Co""ission sho0 that
it has a,opte, a libe#al inte#p#etation of the te#" ?p#actice of la0.?
MR. GOH. .efo#e 0e suspen, the session$ "a- I "a>e a "anifestation
0hich I fo#/ot to ,o ,u#in/ ou# #e(ie0 of the p#o(isions on the
Co""ission on &u,it. Ma- I be allo0e, to "a>e a (e#- b#ief
The Co""issione# 0ill please p#ocee,.
MR. GOH. This has to ,o 0ith the =ualifications of the "e"be#s of the
Co""ission on &u,it. &"on/ othe#s$ the =ualifications p#o(i,e, fo# b-
Section I is that ?The- "ust be Me"be#s of the Philippine .a#? J I a"
=uotin/ f#o" the p#o(ision J ?0ho ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice
of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s?.
To a(oi, an- "isun,e#stan,in/ 0hich 0oul, #esult in e5clu,in/
"e"be#s of the .a# 0ho a#e no0 e"plo-e, in the CO& o# Co""ission
on &u,it$ 0e 0oul, li>e to "a>e the cla#ification that this p#o(ision on
=ualifications #e/a#,in/ "e"be#s of the .a# ,oes not necessa#il- #efe#
o# in(ol(e actual p#actice of la0 outsi,e the CO& 3e ha(e to inte#p#et
this to "ean that as lon/ as the la0-e#s 0ho a#e e"plo-e, in the CO&
a#e usin/ thei# le/al >no0le,/e o# le/al talent in thei# #especti(e 0o#>
0ithin CO&$ then the- a#e =ualifie, to be consi,e#e, fo# appoint"ent as
"e"be#s o# co""issione#s$ e(en chai#"an$ of the Co""ission on
This has been ,iscusse, b- the Co""ittee on Constitutional
Co""issions an, &/encies an, 0e ,ee" it i"po#tant to ta>e it up on
the floo# so that this inte#p#etation "a- be "a,e a(ailable 0hene(e# this
p#o(ision on the =ualifications as #e/a#,s "e"be#s of the Philippine .a#
en/a/in/ in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s is ta>en up.
MR. OP+E. 3ill Co""issione# Go; -iel, to <ust one =uestion.
MR. GOH. 'es$ M#. P#esi,in/ Office#.
MR. OP+E. Is he$ in effect$ sa-in/ that se#(ice in the CO& b- a la0-e#
is e=ui(alent to the #e=ui#e"ent of a la0 p#actice that is set fo#th in the
&#ticle on the Co""ission on &u,itI
MR. GOH. 3e "ust consi,e# the fact that the 0o#> of CO&$ althou/h it
is au,itin/$ 0ill necessa#il- in(ol(e le/al 0o#>D it 0ill in(ol(e le/al
0o#>. &n,$ the#efo#e$ la0-e#s 0ho a#e e"plo-e, in CO& no0 0oul,
ha(e the necessa#- =ualifications in acco#,ance 0ith the P#o(ision on
=ualifications un,e# ou# p#o(isions on the Co""ission on &u,it. &n,$
the#efo#e$ the ans0e# is -es.
MR. OP+E. 'es. So that the const#uction /i(en to this is that this is
e=ui(alent to the p#actice of la0.
MR. GOH. 'es$ M#. P#esi,in/ Office#.
MR. OP+E. Than> -ou.
... 8 E"phasis supplie,9
Section 1819$ &#ticle I:1D of the 1%67 Constitution$ p#o(i,es$ a"on/
othe#s$ that the Chai#"an an, t0o Co""issione#s of the Co""ission
on &u,it 8CO&9 shoul, eithe# be ce#tifie, public accountants 0ith not
less than ten -ea#s of au,itin/ p#actice$ o# "e"be#s of the Philippine
.a# 0ho ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s.
8e"phasis supplie,9
Co#olla#- to this is the te#" ?p#i(ate p#actitione#? an, 0hich is in "an-
0a-s s-non-"ous 0ith the 0o#, ?la0-e#.? To,a-$ althou/h "an-
la0-e#s ,o not en/a/e in p#i(ate p#actice$ it is still a fact that the
"a<o#it- of la0-e#s a#e p#i(ate p#actitione#s. 8Ga#- Munne>e$
Oppo#tunities in +a0 Ca#ee#s EVGM Ca#ee# )o#i;ons2 IllinoisF$ E1%6AF$
p. 1B9.
&t this point$ it "i/ht be helpful to ,efine p#i(ate p#actice. The te#"$ as
co""onl- un,e#stoo,$ "eans ?an in,i(i,ual o# o#/ani;ation en/a/e, in
the business of ,eli(e#in/ le/al se#(ices.? 8Ibi,.9. +a0-e#s 0ho p#actice
alone a#e often calle, ?sole p#actitione#s.? G#oups of la0-e#s a#e calle,
?fi#"s.? The fi#" is usuall- a pa#tne#ship an, "e"be#s of the fi#" a#e
the pa#tne#s. So"e fi#"s "a- be o#/ani;e, as p#ofessional co#po#ations
an, the "e"be#s calle, sha#ehol,e#s. In eithe# case$ the "e"be#s of the
fi#" a#e the e5pe#ience, atto#ne-s. In "ost fi#"s$ the#e a#e -oun/e# o#
"o#e ine5pe#ience, sala#ie, atto#ne-scalle, ?associates.? 8Ibi,.9.
The test that ,efines la0 p#actice b- loo>in/ to t#a,itional a#eas of la0
p#actice is essentiall- tautolo/ous$ unhelpful ,efinin/ the p#actice of la0
as that 0hich la0-e#s ,o. 8Cha#les 3. 3olf#a"$ Mo,e#n +e/al Ethics
E3est Publishin/ Co.2 Minnesota$ 1%6AF$ p. B%!9. The p#actice of la0 is
,efine, as the pe#fo#"ance of an- acts . . . in o# out of cou#t$ co""onl-
un,e#stoo, to be the p#actice of la0. 8State .a# &ss4n (. Connecticut
.an> K T#ust Co.$ 1CB Conn. @@@$ 1C &.@, 6A!$ 67 E1%B6F E=uotin/
G#ie(ance Co"". (. Pa-ne$ 1@6 Conn. !@B$ @@ &.@, A@!$ A@A E1%C1F9.
.ecause la0-e#s pe#fo#" al"ost e(e#- function >no0n in the
co""e#cial an, /o(e#n"ental #eal"$ such a ,efinition 0oul, ob(iousl-
be too /lobal to be 0o#>able.83olf#a"$ op. cit.9.
The appea#ance of a la0-e# in liti/ation in behalf of a client is at once
the "ost publicl- fa"ilia# #ole fo# la0-e#s as 0ell as an unco""on #ole
fo# the a(e#a/e la0-e#. Most la0-e#s spen, little ti"e in cou#t#oo"s$
an, a la#/e pe#centa/e spen, thei# enti#e p#actice 0ithout liti/atin/ a
case. 8Ibi,.$ p. B%!9. Nonetheless$ "an- la0-e#s ,o continue to liti/ate
an, the liti/atin/ la0-e#4s #ole colo#s "uch of both the public i"a/e an,
the self pe#ception of the le/al p#ofession. 8Ibi,.9.
In this #e/a#, thus$ the ,o"inance of liti/ation in the public "in,
#eflects histo#-$ not #ealit-. 8Ibi,.9. 3h- is this soI Recall that the late
&le5an,e# S-Cip$ a co#po#ate la0-e#$ once a#ticulate, on the
i"po#tance of a la0-e# as a business counselo# in this 0ise2 ?E(en
to,a-$ the#e a#e still uninfo#"e, la-"en 0hose concept of an atto#ne- is
one 0ho p#incipall- t#ies cases befo#e the cou#ts. The "e"be#s of the
bench an, ba# an, the info#"e, la-"en such as business"en$ >no0 that
in "ost ,e(elope, societies to,a-$ substantiall- "o#e le/al 0o#> is
t#ansacte, in la0 offices than in the cou#t#oo"s. Gene#al p#actitione#s of
la0 0ho ,o both liti/ation an, non1liti/ation 0o#> also >no0 that in
"ost cases the- fin, the"sel(es spen,in/ "o#e ti"e ,oin/ 0hat EisF
loosel- ,escc#ibeE,F as business counselin/ than in t#-in/ cases. The
business la0-e# has been ,esc#ibe, as the planne#$ the ,ia/nostician an,
the t#ial la0-e#$ the su#/eon. IEtF nee, not EbeF st#essEe,F that in la0$ as
in "e,icine$ su#/e#- shoul, be a(oi,e, 0he#e inte#nal "e,icine can be
effecti(e.? 8.usiness Sta#$ ?Co#po#ate Ginance +a0$? *an. 11$ 1%6%$ p.
In the cou#se of a 0o#>in/ ,a- the a(e#a/e /ene#al p#actitione# 0i/
en/a/e in a nu"be# of le/al tas>s$ each in(ol(in/ ,iffe#ent le/al
,oct#ines$ le/al s>ills$ le/al p#ocesses$ le/al institutions$ clients$ an,
othe# inte#este, pa#ties. E(en the inc#easin/ nu"be#s of la0-e#s in
speciali;e, p#actice 0i/ usuall- pe#fo#" at least so"e le/al se#(ices
outsi,e thei# specialt-. &n, e(en 0ithin a na##o0 specialt- such as ta5
p#actice$ a la0-e# 0ill shift f#o" one le/al tas> o# #ole such as a,(ice1
/i(in/ to an i"po#tantl- ,iffe#ent one such as #ep#esentin/ a client
befo#e an a,"inist#ati(e a/enc-. 83olf#a"$ sup#a$ p. A679.
.- no "eans 0ill "ost of this 0o#> in(ol(e liti/ation$ unless the la0-e#
is one of the #elati(el- #a#e t-pes J a liti/ato# 0ho speciali;es in this
0o#> to the e5clusion of "uch else. Instea,$ the 0o#> 0ill #e=ui#e the
la0-e# to ha(e "aste#e, the full #an/e of t#a,itional la0-e# s>ills of
client counsellin/$ a,(ice1/i(in/$ ,ocu"ent ,#aftin/$ an, ne/otiation.
&n, inc#easin/l- la0-e#s fin, that the ne0 s>ills of e(aluation an,
"e,iation a#e both effecti(e fo# "an- clients an, a sou#ce of
e"plo-"ent. 8Ibi,.9.
Most la0-e#s 0ill en/a/e in non1liti/ation le/al 0o#> o# in liti/ation
0o#> that is const#aine, in (e#- i"po#tant 0a-s$ at least theo#eticall-$ so
as to #e"o(e f#o" it so"e of the salient featu#es of a,(e#sa#ial
liti/ation. Of these special #oles$ the "ost p#o"inent is that of
p#osecuto#. In so"e la0-e#s4 0o#> the const#aints a#e i"pose, both b-
the natu#e of the client an, b- the 0a- in 0hich the la0-e# is o#/ani;e,
into a social unit to pe#fo#" that 0o#>. The "ost co""on of these #oles
a#e those of co#po#ate p#actice an, /o(e#n"ent le/al se#(ice. 8Ibi,.9.
In se(e#al issues of the .usiness Sta#$ a business ,ail-$ he#ein belo0
=uote, a#e e"e#/in/ t#en,s in co#po#ate la0 p#actice$ a ,epa#tu#e f#o"
the t#a,itional concept of p#actice of la0.
3e a#e e5pe#iencin/ to,a- 0hat t#ul- "a- be calle, a #e(olutiona#-
t#ansfo#"ation in co#po#ate la0 p#actice. +a0-e#s an, othe#
p#ofessional /#oups$ in pa#ticula# those "e"be#s pa#ticipatin/ in (a#ious
le/al1polic- ,ecisional conte5ts$ a#e fin,in/ that un,e#stan,in/ the
"a<o# e"e#/in/ t#en,s in co#po#ation la0 is in,ispensable to intelli/ent
Const#ucti(e a,<ust"ent to "a<o# co#po#ate p#oble"s of to,a- #e=ui#es
an accu#ate un,e#stan,in/ of the natu#e an, i"plications of the
co#po#ate la0 #esea#ch function acco"panie, b- an accele#atin/ #ate of
info#"ation accu"ulation. The #eco/nition of the nee, fo# such
i"p#o(e, co#po#ate le/al polic- fo#"ulation$ pa#ticula#l- ?"o,el1
"a>in/? an, ?contin/enc- plannin/$? has i"p#esse, upon us the
ina,e=uac- of t#a,itional p#oce,u#es in "an- ,ecisional conte5ts.
In a co"ple5 le/al p#oble" the "ass of info#"ation to be p#ocesse,$ the
so#tin/ an, 0ei/hin/ of si/nificant con,itional facto#s$ the app#aisal of
"a<o# t#en,s$ the necessit- of esti"atin/ the conse=uences of /i(en
cou#ses of action$ an, the nee, fo# fast ,ecision an, #esponse in
situations of acute ,an/e# ha(e p#o"pte, the use of sophisticate,
concepts of info#"ation flo0 theo#-$ ope#ational anal-sis$ auto"atic
,ata p#ocessin/$ an, elect#onic co"putin/ e=uip"ent. Un,e#stan,abl-$
an i"p#o(e, ,ecisional st#uctu#e "ust st#ess the p#e,icti(e co"ponent
of the polic-1"a>in/ p#ocess$ 0he#ein a ?"o,el?$ of the ,ecisional
conte5t o# a se/"ent the#eof is ,e(elope, to test p#o<ecte, alte#nati(e
cou#ses of action in te#"s of futu#istic effects flo0in/ the#ef#o".
&lthou/h "e"be#s of the le/al p#ofession a#e #e/ula#l- en/a/e, in
p#e,ictin/ an, p#o<ectin/ the t#en,s of the la0$ the sub<ect of co#po#ate
finance la0 has #ecei(e, #elati(el- little o#/ani;e, an, fo#"ali;e,
attention in the philosoph- of a,(ancin/ co#po#ate le/al e,ucation.
Nonetheless$ a c#oss1,isciplina#- app#oach to le/al #esea#ch has beco"e
a (ital necessit-.
Ce#tainl-$ the /ene#al o#ientation fo# p#o,ucti(e cont#ibutions b- those
t#aine, p#i"a#il- in the la0 can be i"p#o(e, th#ou/h an ea#l-
int#o,uction to "ulti1(a#iable ,ecisional conte5t an, the (a#ious
app#oaches fo# han,lin/ such p#oble"s. +a0-e#s$ pa#ticula#l- 0ith
eithe# a "aste#4s o# ,octo#ate ,e/#ee in business a,"inist#ation o#
"ana/e"ent$ functionin/ at the le/al polic- le(el of ,ecision1"a>in/
no0 ha(e so"e app#eciation fo# the concepts an, anal-tical techni=ues
of othe# p#ofessions 0hich a#e cu##entl- en/a/e, in si"ila# t-pes of
co"ple5 ,ecision1"a>in/.
T#uth to tell$ "an- situations in(ol(in/ co#po#ate finance p#oble"s
0oul, #e=ui#e the se#(ices of an astute atto#ne- because of the co"ple5
le/al i"plications that a#ise f#o" each an, e(e#- necessa#- step in
secu#in/ an, "aintainin/ the business issue #aise,. 8.usiness Sta#$
?Co#po#ate Ginance +a0$? *an. 11$ 1%6%$ p. C9.
In ou# liti/ation1p#one count#-$ a co#po#ate la0-e# is assi,uousl-
#efe##e, to as the ?abo/a,o ,e ca"panilla.? )e is the ?bi/1ti"e? la0-e#$
ea#nin/ bi/ "one- an, 0ith a clientele co"pose, of the t-coons an,
"a/nates of business an, in,ust#-.
Despite the /#o0in/ nu"be# of co#po#ate la0-e#s$ "an- people coul,
not e5plain 0hat it is that a co#po#ate la0-e# ,oes. Go# one$ the nu"be#
of atto#ne-s e"plo-e, b- a sin/le co#po#ation 0ill (a#- 0ith the si;e
an, t-pe of the co#po#ation. Man- s"alle# an, so"e la#/e co#po#ations
fa#" out all thei# le/al p#oble"s to p#i(ate la0 fi#"s. Man- othe#s ha(e
in1house counsel onl- fo# ce#tain "atte#s. Othe# co#po#ation ha(e a staff
la#/e enou/h to han,le "ost le/al p#oble"s in1house.
& co#po#ate la0-e#$ fo# all intents an, pu#poses$ is a la0-e# 0ho han,les
the le/al affai#s of a co#po#ation. )is a#eas of conce#n o# <u#is,iction
"a- inclu,e$ inte# alia2 co#po#ate le/al #esea#ch$ ta5 la0s #esea#ch$
actin/ out as co#po#ate sec#eta#- 8in boa#, "eetin/s9$ appea#ances in
both cou#ts an, othe# a,<u,icato#- a/encies 8inclu,in/ the Secu#ities
an, E5chan/e Co""ission9$ an, in othe# capacities 0hich #e=ui#e an
abilit- to ,eal 0ith the la0.
&t an- #ate$ a co#po#ate la0-e# "a- assu"e #esponsibilities othe# than
the le/al affai#s of the business of the co#po#ation he is #ep#esentin/.
These inclu,e such "atte#s as ,ete#"inin/ polic- an, beco"in/
in(ol(e, in "ana/e"ent. 8 E"phasis supplie,.9
In a bi/ co"pan-$ fo# e5a"ple$ one "a- ha(e a feelin/ of bein/ isolate,
f#o" the action$ o# not un,e#stan,in/ ho0 one4s 0o#> actuall- fits into
the 0o#> of the o#/a#ni;ation. This can be f#ust#atin/ to so"eone 0ho
nee,s to see the #esults of his 0o#> fi#st han,. In sho#t$ a co#po#ate
la0-e# is so"eti"es offe#e, this fo#tune to be "o#e closel- in(ol(e, in
the #unnin/ of the business.
Mo#eo(e#$ a co#po#ate la0-e#4s se#(ices "a- so"eti"es be en/a/e, b-
a "ultinational co#po#ation 8MNC9. So"e la#/e MNCs p#o(i,e one of
the fe0 oppo#tunities a(ailable to co#po#ate la0-e#s to ente# the
inte#national la0 fiel,. &fte# all$ inte#national la0 is p#actice, in a
#elati(el- s"all nu"be# of co"panies an, la0 fi#"s. .ecause 0o#>in/
in a fo#ei/n count#- is pe#cei(e, b- "an- as /la"o#ous$ tills is an a#ea
co(ete, b- co#po#ate la0-e#s. In "ost cases$ ho0e(e#$ the o(e#seas <obs
/o to e5pe#ience, atto#ne-s 0hile the -oun/e# atto#ne-s ,o thei#
?inte#national p#actice? in la0 lib#a#ies. 8.usiness Sta#$ ?Co#po#ate +a0
P#actice$? Ma- @B$1%%$ p. C9.
This b#in/s us to the ine(itable$ i.e.$ the #ole of the la0-e# in the #eal"
of finance. To bo##o0 the lines of )a#(a#,1e,ucate, la0-e# .#uce
3asse#tein$ to 0it2 ?& ba, la0-e# is one 0ho fails to spot p#oble"s$ a
/oo, la0-e# is one 0ho pe#cei(es the ,ifficulties$ an, the e5cellent
la0-e# is one 0ho su#"ounts the".? 8.usiness Sta#$ ?Co#po#ate Ginance
+a0$? *an. 11$ 1%6%$ p. C9.
To,a-$ the stu,- of co#po#ate la0 p#actice ,i#el- nee,s a ?shot in the
a#"$? so to spea>. No lon/e# a#e 0e tal>in/ of the t#a,itional la0
teachin/ "etho, of confinin/ the sub<ect stu,- to the Co#po#ation Co,e
an, the Secu#ities Co,e but an incu#sion as 0ell into the inte#t0inin/
"o,e#n "ana/e"ent issues.
Such co#po#ate le/al "ana/e"ent issues ,eal p#i"a#il- 0ith th#ee 8!9
t-pes of lea#nin/2 819 ac=uisition of insi/hts into cu##ent a,(ances 0hich
a#e of pa#ticula# si/nificance to the co#po#ate counselD 8@9 an
int#o,uction to usable ,isciplina#- s>ins applicable to a co#po#ate
counsel4s "ana/e"ent #esponsibilitiesD an, 8!9 a ,e(otion to the
o#/ani;ation an, "ana/e"ent of the le/al function itself.
These th#ee sub<ect a#eas "a- be thou/ht of as inte#sectin/ ci#cles$ 0ith
a sha#e, a#ea lin>in/ the". Othe#0ise >no0n as ?inte#sectin/
"ana/e#ial <u#isp#u,ence$? it fo#"s a unif-in/ the"e fo# the co#po#ate
counsel4s total lea#nin/.
So"e cu##ent a,(ances in beha(io# an, polic- sciences affect the
counsel4s #ole. Go# that "atte#$ the co#po#ate la0-e# #e(ie0s the
/lobali;ation p#ocess$ inclu,in/ the #esultin/ st#ate/ic #epositionin/ that
the fi#"s he p#o(i,es counsel fo# a#e #e=ui#e, to "a>e$ an, the nee, to
thin> about a co#po#ation4sD st#ate/- at "ultiple le(els. The salience of
the nation1state is bein/ #e,uce, as fi#"s ,eal both 0ith /lobal
"ultinational entities an, si"ultaneousl- 0ith sub1national
/o(e#n"ental units. Gi#"s inc#easin/l- collabo#ate not onl- 0ith public
entities but 0ith each othe# J often 0ith those 0ho a#e co"petito#s in
othe# a#enas.
&lso$ the natu#e of the la0-e#4s pa#ticipation in ,ecision1"a>in/ 0ithin
the co#po#ation is #api,l- chan/in/. The "o,e" co#po#ate la0-e# has
/aine, a ne0 #ole as a sta>ehol,e# J in so"e cases pa#ticipatin/ in the
o#/ani;ation an, ope#ations of /o(e#nance th#ou/h pa#ticipation on
boa#,s an, othe# ,ecision1"a>in/ #oles. Often these ne0 patte#ns
,e(elop alon/si,e e5istin/ le/al institutions an, la0s a#e pe#cei(e, as
ba##ie#s. These t#en,s a#e co"plicate, as co#po#ations o#/ani;e fo#
/lobal ope#ations. 8 E"phasis supplie,9
The p#actisin/ la0-e# of to,a- is fa"ilia# as 0ell 0ith /o(e#n"ental
policies to0a#, the p#o"otion an, "ana/e"ent of technolo/-. Ne0
collabo#ati(e a##an/e"ents fo# p#o"otin/ specific technolo/ies o#
co"petiti(eness "o#e /ene#all- #e=ui#e app#oaches f#o" in,ust#- that
,iffe# f#o" ol,e#$ "o#e a,(e#sa#ial #elationships an, t#a,itional fo#"s of
see>in/ to influence /o(e#n"ental policies. &n, the#e a#e lessons to be
lea#ne, f#o" othe# count#ies. In Eu#ope$ Esp#it$ Eu#e>a an, Race a#e
e5a"ples of collabo#ati(e effo#ts bet0een /o(e#n"ental an, business
*apan4s MITI is 0o#l, fa"ous. 8E"phasis supplie,9
Gollo0in/ the concept of boun,a#- spannin/$ the office of the Co#po#ate
Counsel co"p#ises a ,istinct /#oup 0ithin the "ana/e#ial st#uctu#e of
all >in,s of o#/ani;ations. Effecti(eness of both lon/1te#" an,
te"po#a#- /#oups 0ithin o#/ani;ations has been foun, to be #elate, to
in,entifiable facto#s in the /#oup1conte5t inte#action such as the /#oups
acti(el- #e(isin/ thei# >no0le,/e of the en(i#on"ent coo#,inatin/ 0o#>
0ith outsi,e#s$ p#o"otin/ tea" achie(e"ents 0ithin the o#/ani;ation. In
/ene#al$ such e5te#nal acti(ities a#e bette# p#e,icto#s of tea"
pe#fo#"ance than inte#nal /#oup p#ocesses.
In a c#isis situation$ the le/al "ana/e#ial capabilities of the co#po#ate
la0-e# (is1a1(is the "ana/e#ial "ettle of co#po#ations a#e challen/e,.
Cu##ent #esea#ch is see>in/ 0a-s both to anticipate effecti(e "ana/e#ial
p#oce,u#es an, to un,e#stan, #elationships of financial liabilit- an,
insu#ance consi,e#ations. 8E"phasis supplie,9
Re/a#,in/ the s>ills to appl- b- the co#po#ate counsel$ th#ee facto#s a#e
Gi#st S-ste" D-na"ics. The fiel, of s-ste"s ,-na"ics has been foun,
an effecti(e tool fo# ne0 "ana/e#ial thin>in/ #e/a#,in/ both plannin/
an, p#essin/ i""e,iate p#oble"s. &n un,e#stan,in/ of the #ole of
fee,bac> loops$ in(ento#- le(els$ an, #ates of flo0$ enable use#s to
si"ulate all so#ts of s-ste"atic p#oble"s J ph-sical$ econo"ic$
"ana/e#ial$ social$ an, ps-cholo/ical. Ne0 p#o/#a""in/ techni=ues
no0 "a>e the s-ste" ,-na"ics p#inciples "o#e accessible to "ana/e#s
J inclu,in/ co#po#ate counsels. 8E"phasis supplie,9
Secon, Decision &nal-sis. This enables use#s to "a>e bette# ,ecisions
in(ol(in/ co"ple5it- an, unce#taint-. In the conte5t of a la0
,epa#t"ent$ it can be use, to app#aise the settle"ent (alue of liti/ation$
ai, in ne/otiation settle"ent$ an, "ini"i;e the cost an, #is> in(ol(e, in
"ana/in/ a po#tfolio of cases. 8E"phasis supplie,9
Thi#, Mo,elin/ fo# Ne/otiation Mana/e"ent. Co"pute#1base, "o,els
can be use, ,i#ectl- b- pa#ties an, "e,iato#s in all lan,s of
ne/otiations. &ll inte/#ate, set of such tools p#o(i,e cohe#ent an,
effecti(e ne/otiation suppo#t$ inclu,in/ han,s1on on inst#uction in these
techni=ues. & si"ulation case of an inte#national <oint (entu#e "a- be
use, to illust#ate the point.
E.e this as it "a-$F the o#/ani;ation an, "ana/e"ent of the le/al
function$ conce#n th#ee pointe, a#eas of consi,e#ation$ thus2
P#e(enti(e +a0-e#in/. Plannin/ b- la0-e#s #e=ui#es special s>ills that
co"p#ise a "a<o# pa#t of the /ene#al counsel4s #esponsibilities. The-
,iffe# f#o" those of #e"e,ial la0. P#e(enti(e la0-e#in/ is conce#ne,
0ith "ini"i;in/ the #is>s of le/al t#ouble an, "a5i"i;in/ le/al #i/hts
fo# such le/al entities at that ti"e 0hen t#ansactional o# si"ila# facts a#e
bein/ consi,e#e, an, "a,e.
Mana/e#ial *u#isp#u,ence. This is the f#a"e0o#> 0ithin 0hich a#e
un,e#ta>en those acti(ities of the fi#" to 0hich le/al conse=uences
attach. It nee,s to be ,i#ectl- suppo#ti(e of this nation4s e(ol(in/
econo"ic an, o#/ani;ational fab#ic as fi#"s chan/e to sta- co"petiti(e
in a /lobal$ inte#,epen,ent en(i#on"ent. The p#actice an, theo#- of
?la0? is not a,e=uate to,a- to facilitate the #elationships nee,e, in
t#-in/ to "a>e a /lobal econo"- 0o#>.
O#/ani;ation an, Gunctionin/ of the Co#po#ate Counsel4s Office. The
/ene#al counsel has e"e#/e, in the last ,eca,e as one of the "ost
(ib#ant subsets of the le/al p#ofession. The co#po#ate counsel hea#
#esponsibilit- fo# >e- aspects of the fi#"4s st#ate/ic issues$ inclu,in/
st#uctu#in/ its /lobal ope#ations$ "ana/in/ i"p#o(e, #elationships 0ith
an inc#easin/l- ,i(e#sifie, bo,- of e"plo-ees$ "ana/in/ e5pan,e,
liabilit- e5posu#e$ c#eatin/ ne0 an, (a#ie, inte#actions 0ith public
,ecision1"a>e#s$ copin/ inte#nall- 0ith "o#e co"ple5 "a>e o# b-
This 0hole e5e#cise ,#i(es ho"e the thesis that >no0in/ co#po#ate la0
is not enou/h to "a>e one a /oo, /ene#al co#po#ate counsel no# to /i(e
hi" a full sense of ho0 the le/al s-ste" shapes co#po#ate acti(ities. &n,
e(en if the co#po#ate la0-e#4s ai" is not the un,e#stan, all of the la04s
effects on co#po#ate acti(ities$ he "ust$ at the (e#- least$ also /ain a
0o#>in/ >no0le,/e of the "ana/e"ent issues if onl- to be able to /#asp
not onl- the basic le/al ?constitution4 o# "a>eup of the "o,e"
co#po#ation. ?.usiness Sta#?$ ?The Co#po#ate Counsel$? &p#il 1$ 1%%1$
p. C9.
The challen/e fo# la0-e#s 8both of the ba# an, the bench9 is to ha(e
"o#e than a passin/ >no0le,/e of financial la0 affectin/ each aspect of
thei# 0o#>. 'et$ "an- 0oul, a,"it to i/no#ance of (ast t#acts of the
financial la0 te##ito#-. 3hat t#anspi#es ne5t is a ,ile""a of p#ofessional
secu#it-2 3ill the la0-e# a,"it i/no#ance an, #is> opp#ob#iu"ID o# 0ill
he fei/n un,e#stan,in/ an, #is> e5posu#eI 8.usiness Sta#$ ?Co#po#ate
Ginance la0$? *an. 11$ 1%6%$ p. C9.
Respon,ent Ch#istian Monso, 0as no"inate, b- P#esi,ent Co#a;on C.
&=uino to the position of Chai#"an of the COME+EC in a lette#
#ecei(e, b- the Sec#eta#iat of the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents on
&p#il @B$ 1%%1. Petitione# oppose, the no"ination because alle/e,l-
Monso, ,oes not possess the #e=ui#e, =ualification of ha(in/ been
en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s.
On *une B$ 1%%1$ the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents confi#"e, the
no"ination of Monso, as Chai#"an of the COME+EC. On *une 16$
1%%1$ he too> his oath of office. On the sa"e ,a-$ he assu"e, office as
Chai#"an of the COME+EC.
Challen/in/ the (ali,it- of the confi#"ation b- the Co""ission on
&ppoint"ents of Monso,4s no"ination$ petitione# as a citi;en an,
ta5pa-e#$ file, the instant petition fo# ce#tio#a#i an, P#ohibition p#a-in/
that sai, confi#"ation an, the conse=uent appoint"ent of Monso, as
Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections be ,ecla#e, null an, (oi,.
&tt-. Ch#istian Monso, is a "e"be# of the Philippine .a#$ ha(in/
passe, the ba# e5a"inations of 1%A 0ith a /#a,e of 6A1BBL. )e has
been a ,ues pa-in/ "e"be# of the Inte/#ate, .a# of the Philippines
since its inception in 1%7@17!. )e has also been pa-in/ his p#ofessional
license fees as la0-e# fo# "o#e than ten -ea#s. 8p. 1@C$ Rollo9
&fte# /#a,uatin/ f#o" the Colle/e of +a0 8U.P.9 an, ha(in/ hu#,le, the
ba#$ &tt-. Monso, 0o#>e, in the la0 office of his fathe#. Du#in/ his stint
in the 3o#l, .an> G#oup 81%A!11%79$ Monso, 0o#>e, as an
ope#ations office# fo# about t0o -ea#s in Costa Rica an, Pana"a$ 0hich
in(ol(e, /ettin/ ac=uainte, 0ith the la0s of "e"be#1count#ies
ne/otiatin/ loans an, coo#,inatin/ le/al$ econo"ic$ an, p#o<ect 0o#> of
the .an>. Upon #etu#nin/ to the Philippines in 1%7$ he 0o#>e, 0ith the
Me#alco G#oup$ se#(e, as chief e5ecuti(e office# of an in(est"ent ban>
an, subse=uentl- of a business con/lo"e#ate$ an, since 1%6A$ has
#en,e#e, se#(ices to (a#ious co"panies as a le/al an, econo"ic
consultant o# chief e5ecuti(e office#. &s fo#"e# Sec#eta#-1Gene#al
81%6A9 an, National Chai#"an 81%679 of N&MGRE+. Monso,4s 0o#>
in(ol(e, bein/ >no0le,/eable in election la0. )e appea#e, fo#
N&MGRE+ in its acc#e,itation hea#in/s befo#e the Co"elec. In the fiel,
of a,(ocac-$ Monso,$ in his pe#sonal capacit- an, as fo#"e# Co1
Chai#"an of the .ishops .usiness"en4s Confe#ence fo# )u"an
De(elop"ent$ has 0o#>e, 0ith the un,e# p#i(ile/e, secto#s$ such as the
fa#"e# an, u#ban poo# /#oups$ in initiatin/$ lobb-in/ fo# an, en/a/in/
in affi#"ati(e action fo# the a/#a#ian #efo#" la0 an, latel- the u#ban
lan, #efo#" bill. Monso, also "a,e use of his le/al >no0le,/e as a
"e"be# of the Da(i,e Co""ission$ a =uast <u,icial bo,-$ 0hich
con,ucte, nu"e#ous hea#in/s 81%%9 an, as a "e"be# of the
Constitutional Co""ission 81%6A11%679$ an, Chai#"an of its
Co""ittee on &ccountabilit- of Public Office#s$ fo# 0hich he 0as cite,
b- the P#esi,ent of the Co""ission$ *ustice Cecilia MuMo;1Pal"a fo#
?innu"e#able a"en,"ents to #econcile /o(e#n"ent functions 0ith
in,i(i,ual f#ee,o"s an, public accountabilit- an, the pa#t-1list s-ste"
fo# the )ouse of Rep#esentati(e. 8pp. 1@611@% Rollo9 8 E"phasis
*ust a 0o#, about the 0o#> of a ne/otiatin/ tea" of 0hich &tt-. Monso,
use, to be a "e"be#.
In a loan a/#ee"ent$ fo# instance$ a ne/otiatin/ panel acts as a tea"$ an,
0hich is a,e=uatel- constitute, to "eet the (a#ious contin/encies that
a#ise ,u#in/ a ne/otiation. .esi,es top officials of the .o##o0e#
conce#ne,$ the#e a#e the le/al office# 8such as the le/al counsel9$ the
finance "ana/e#$ an, an ope#ations office# 8such as an official in(ol(e,
in ne/otiatin/ the cont#acts9 0ho co"p#ise the "e"be#s of the tea".
8Guille#"o V. Soli(en$ ?+oan Ne/otiatin/ St#ate/ies fo# De(elopin/
Count#- .o##o0e#s$? Staff Pape# No. @$ Cent#al .an> of the Philippines$
Manila$ 1%6@$ p. 119. 8E"phasis supplie,9
&fte# a fashion$ the loan a/#ee"ent is li>e a count#-4s ConstitutionD it
la-s ,o0n the la0 as fa# as the loan t#ansaction is conce#ne,. Thus$ the
"eat of an- +oan &/#ee"ent can be co"pa#t"entali;e, into fi(e 8B9
fun,a"ental pa#ts2 819 business te#"sD 8@9 bo##o0e#4s #ep#esentationD 8!9
con,itions of closin/D 8C9 co(enantsD an, 8B9 e(ents of ,efault. 8Ibi,.$ p.
In the sa"e (ein$ la0-e#s pla- an i"po#tant #ole in an- ,ebt
#est#uctu#in/ p#o/#a". Go# asi,e f#o" pe#fo#"in/ the tas>s of le/islati(e
,#aftin/ an, le/al a,(isin/$ the- sco#e national ,e(elop"ent policies as
>e- facto#s in "aintainin/ thei# count#ies4 so(e#ei/nt-. 8Con,ense, f#o"
the 0o#> pape#$ entitle, ?3ante,2 De(elop"ent +a0-e#s fo#
De(elopin/ Nations$? sub"itte, b- +. Michael )a/e#$ #e/ional le/al
a,(ise# of the Unite, States &/enc- fo# Inte#national De(elop"ent$
,u#in/ the Session on +a0 fo# the De(elop"ent of Nations at the
&bi,<an 3o#l, Confe#ence in I(o#- Coast$ sponso#e, b- the 3o#l,
Peace Th#ou/h +a0 Cente# on &u/ust @A1!1$ 1%7!9. 8 E"phasis
+oan concessions an, co"p#o"ises$ pe#haps e(en "o#e so than pu#el-
#ene/otiation policies$ ,e"an, e5pe#tise in the la0 of cont#acts$ in
le/islation an, a/#ee"ent ,#aftin/ an, in #ene/otiation. Necessa#il-$ a
so(e#ei/n la0-e# "a- 0o#> 0ith an inte#national business specialist o#
an econo"ist in the fo#"ulation of a "o,el loan a/#ee"ent. Debt
#est#uctu#in/ cont#act a/#ee"ents contain such a "i5tu#e of technical
lan/ua/e that the- shoul, be ca#efull- ,#afte, an, si/ne, onl- 0ith the
a,(ise of co"petent counsel in con<unction 0ith the /ui,ance of
a,e=uate technical suppo#t pe#sonnel. 8See Inte#national +a0 &spects of
the Philippine E5te#nal Debts$ an unpublishe, ,isse#tation$ U.S.T.
G#a,uate School of +a0$ 1%67$ p. !@19. 8 E"phasis supplie,9
& c#itical aspect of so(e#ei/n ,ebt #est#uctu#in/Ncont#act const#uction is
the set of te#"s an, con,itions 0hich ,ete#"ines the cont#actual
#e"e,ies fo# a failu#e to pe#fo#" one o# "o#e ele"ents of the cont#act.
& /oo, a/#ee"ent "ust not onl- ,efine the #esponsibilities of both
pa#ties$ but "ust also state the #ecou#se open to eithe# pa#t- 0hen the
othe# fails to ,ischa#/e an obli/ation. Go# a co"pleat ,ebt #est#uctu#in/
#ep#esents a ,e(otion to that p#inciple 0hich in the ulti"ate anal-sis is
sine =ua non fo# fo#ei/n loan a/#ee"ents1an a,he#ence to the #ule of la0
in ,o"estic an, inte#national affai#s of 0hose >in, U.S. Sup#e"e Cou#t
*ustice Oli(e# 3en,ell )ol"es$ *#. once sai,2 ?The- ca##- no banne#s$
the- beat no ,#u"sD but 0he#e the- a#e$ "en lea#n that bustle an, bush
a#e not the e=ual of =uiet /enius an, se#ene "aste#-.? 8See Rica#,o *.
Ro"ulo$ ?The Role of +a0-e#s in Go#ei/n In(est"ents$? Inte/#ate, .a#
of the Philippine *ou#nal$ Vol. 1B$ Nos. ! an, C$ Thi#, an, Gou#th
Oua#te#s$ 1%77$ p. @AB9.
Inte#p#ete, in the li/ht of the (a#ious ,efinitions of the te#" P#actice of
la0?. pa#ticula#l- the "o,e#n concept of la0 p#actice$ an, ta>in/ into
consi,e#ation the libe#al const#uction inten,e, b- the f#a"e#s of the
Constitution$ &tt-. Monso,4s past 0o#> e5pe#iences as a la0-e#1
econo"ist$ a la0-e#1"ana/e#$ a la0-e#1ent#ep#eneu# of in,ust#-$ a
la0-e#1ne/otiato# of cont#acts$ an, a la0-e#1le/islato# of both the #ich
an, the poo# J (e#il- "o#e than satisf- the constitutional #e=ui#e"ent
J that he has been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s.
.esi,es in the lea,in/ case of +ue/o (. Ci(il Se#(ice Co""ission$ 1C!
SCR& !@7$ the Cou#t sai,2
&ppoint"ent is an essentiall- ,isc#etiona#- po0e# an, "ust be
pe#fo#"e, b- the office# in 0hich it is (este, acco#,in/ to his best
li/hts$ the onl- con,ition bein/ that the appointee shoul, possess the
=ualifications #e=ui#e, b- la0. If he ,oes$ then the appoint"ent cannot
be faulte, on the /#oun, that the#e a#e othe#s bette# =ualifie, 0ho
shoul, ha(e been p#efe##e,. This is a political =uestion in(ol(in/
consi,e#ations of 0is,o" 0hich onl- the appointin/ autho#it- can
,eci,e. 8e"phasis supplie,9
No less e"phatic 0as the Cou#t in the case of 8Cent#al .an> (. Ci(il
Se#(ice Co""ission$ 171 SCR& 7CC9 0he#e it state,2
It is 0ell1settle, that 0hen the appointee is =ualifie,$ as in this case$ an,
all the othe# le/al #e=ui#e"ents a#e satisfie,$ the Co""ission has no
alte#nati(e but to attest to the appoint"ent in acco#,ance 0ith the Ci(il
Se#(ice +a0. The Co""ission has no autho#it- to #e(o>e an
appoint"ent on the /#oun, that anothe# pe#son is "o#e =ualifie, fo# a
pa#ticula# position. It also has no autho#it- to ,i#ect the appoint"ent of a
substitute of its choice. To ,o so 0oul, be an enc#oach"ent on the
,isc#etion (este, upon the appointin/ autho#it-. &n appoint"ent is
essentiall- 0ithin the ,isc#etiona#- po0e# of 0ho"soe(e# it is (este,$
sub<ect to the onl- con,ition that the appointee shoul, possess the
=ualifications #e=ui#e, b- la0. 8 E"phasis supplie,9
The appointin/ p#ocess in a #e/ula# appoint"ent as in the case at ba#$
consists of fou# 8C9 sta/es2 819 no"inationD 8@9 confi#"ation b- the
Co""ission on &ppoint"entsD 8!9 issuance of a co""ission 8in the
Philippines$ upon sub"ission b- the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents of
its ce#tificate of confi#"ation$ the P#esi,ent issues the pe#"anent
appoint"entD an, 8C9 acceptance e./.$ oath1ta>in/$ postin/ of bon,$ etc. .
. . 8+acson (. Ro"e#o$ No. +1!61$ Octobe# 1C$ 1%C%D Gon;ales$ +a0 on
Public Office#s$ p. @9
The po0e# of the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents to /i(e its consent to
the no"ination of Monso, as Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections
is "an,ate, b- Section 18@9 Sub1&#ticle C$ &#ticle I: of the
Constitution 0hich p#o(i,es2
The Chai#"an an, the Co""isione#s shall be appointe, b- the
P#esi,ent 0ith the consent of the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents fo# a
te#" of se(en -ea#s 0ithout #eappoint"ent. Of those fi#st appointe,$
th#ee Me"be#s shall hol, office fo# se(en -ea#s$ t0o Me"be#s fo# fi(e
-ea#s$ an, the last Me"be#s fo# th#ee -ea#s$ 0ithout #eappoint"ent.
&ppoint"ent to an- (acanc- shall be onl- fo# the une5pi#e, te#" of the
p#e,ecesso#. In no case shall an- Me"be# be appointe, o# ,esi/nate, in
a te"po#a#- o# actin/ capacit-.
&nent *ustice Teo,o#o Pa,illa4s sepa#ate opinion$ suffice it to sa- that
his ,efinition of the p#actice of la0 is the t#a,itional o# ste#eot-pe,
notion of la0 p#actice$ as ,istin/uishe, f#o" the "o,e#n concept of the
p#actice of la0$ 0hich "o,e#n connotation is e5actl- 0hat 0as inten,e,
b- the e"inent f#a"e#s of the 1%67 Constitution. Mo#eo(e#$ *ustice
Pa,illa4s ,efinition 0oul, #e=ui#e /ene#all- a habitual la0 p#actice$
pe#haps p#actise, t0o o# th#ee ti"es a 0ee> an, 0oul, outla0 sa-$ la0
p#actice once o# t0ice a -ea# fo# ten consecuti(e -ea#s. Clea#l-$ this is
fa# f#o" the constitutional intent.
Upon the othe# han,$ the sepa#ate opinion of *ustice Isa/ani C#u; states
that in "- 0#itten opinion$ I "a,e use of a ,efinition of la0 p#actice
0hich #eall- "eans nothin/ because the ,efinition sa-s that la0 p#actice
? . . . is 0hat people o#,ina#il- "ean b- the p#actice of la0.? T#ue I cite,
the ,efinition but onl- b- 0a- of sa#cas" as e(i,ent f#o" "- state"ent
that the ,efinition of la0 p#actice b- ?t#a,itional a#eas of la0 p#actice is
essentiall- tautolo/ous? o# ,efinin/ a ph#ase b- "eans of the ph#ase
itself that is bein/ ,efine,.
*ustice C#u; /oes on to sa- in substance that since the la0 co(e#s al"ost
all situations$ "ost in,i(i,uals$ in "a>in/ use of the la0$ o# in a,(isin/
othe#s on 0hat the la0 "eans$ a#e actuall- p#acticin/ la0. In that sense$
pe#haps$ but 0e shoul, not lose si/ht of the fact that M#. Monso, is a
la0-e#$ a "e"be# of the Philippine .a#$ 0ho has been p#actisin/ la0 fo#
o(e# ten -ea#s. This is ,iffe#ent f#o" the acts of pe#sons p#actisin/ la0$
0ithout fi#st beco"in/ la0-e#s.
*ustice C#u; also sa-s that the Sup#e"e Cou#t can e(en ,is=ualif- an
electe, P#esi,ent of the Philippines$ sa-$ on the /#oun, that he lac>s one
o# "o#e =ualifications. This "atte#$ I /#eatl- ,oubt. Go# one thin/$ ho0
can an action o# petition be b#ou/ht a/ainst the P#esi,entI &n, e(en
assu"in/ that he is in,ee, ,is=ualifie,$ ho0 can the action be
ente#taine, since he is the incu"bent P#esi,entI
3e no0 p#ocee,2
The Co""ission on the basis of e(i,ence sub"itte, ,olin/ the public
hea#in/s on Monso,4s confi#"ation$ i"plicitl- ,ete#"ine, that he
possesse, the necessa#- =ualifications as #e=ui#e, b- la0. The <u,/"ent
#en,e#e, b- the Co""ission in the e5e#cise of such an ac>no0le,/e,
po0e# is be-on, <u,icial inte#fe#ence e5cept onl- upon a clea# sho0in/
of a /#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion a"ountin/ to lac> o# e5cess of
<u#is,iction. 8&#t. VIII$ Sec. 1 Constitution9. Thus$ onl- 0he#e such
/#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion is clea#l- sho0n shall the Cou#t inte#fe#e 0ith
the Co""ission4s <u,/"ent. In the instant case$ the#e is no occasion fo#
the e5e#cise of the Cou#t4s co##ecti(e po0e#$ since no abuse$ "uch less a
/#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion$ that 0oul, a"ount to lac> o# e5cess of
<u#is,iction an, 0oul, 0a##ant the issuance of the 0#its p#a-e,$ fo# has
been clea#l- sho0n.
&,,itionall-$ consi,e# the follo0in/2
819 If the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents #e<ects a no"inee b- the
P#esi,ent$ "a- the Sup#e"e Cou#t #e(e#se the Co""ission$ an, thus in
effect confi#" the appoint"entI Clea#l-$ the ans0e# is in the ne/ati(e.
8@9 In the sa"e (ein$ "a- the Cou#t #e<ect the no"inee$ 0ho" the
Co""ission has confi#"e,I The ans0e# is li>e0ise clea#.
8!9 If the Unite, States Senate 80hich is the confi#"in/ bo,- in the U.S.
Con/#ess9 ,eci,es to confi#"a P#esi,ential no"inee$ it 0oul, be
inc#e,ible that the U.S. Sup#e"e Cou#t 0oul, still #e(e#se the U.S.
Ginall-$ one si/nificant le/al "a5i" is2
3e "ust inte#p#et not b- the lette# that >illeth$ but b- the spi#it that
/i(eth life.
Ta>e this h-pothetical case of Sa"son an, Delilah. Once$ the p#ocu#ato#
of *u,ea as>e, Delilah 80ho 0as Sa"son4s belo(e,9 fo# help in
captu#in/ Sa"son. Delilah a/#ee, on con,ition that J
No bla,e shall touch his s>inD
No bloo, shall flo0 f#o" his (eins.
3hen Sa"son 8his lon/ hai# cut b- Delilah9 0as captu#e,$ the
p#ocu#ato# place, an i#on #o, bu#nin/ 0hite1hot t0o o# th#ee inches
a0a- f#o" in f#ont of Sa"son4s e-es. This blin,e, the "an. Upon
hea#in/ of 0hat ha, happene, to he# belo(e,$ Delilah 0as besi,e he#self
0ith an/e#$ an, fu"in/ 0ith #i/hteous fu#-$ accuse, the p#ocu#ato# of
#ene/in/ on his 0o#,. The p#ocu#ato# cal"l- #eplie,2 ?Di, an- bla,e
touch his s>inI Di, an- bloo, flo0 f#o" his (einsI? The p#ocu#ato# 0as
clea#l- #el-in/ on the lette#$ not the spi#it of the a/#ee"ent.
In (ie0 of the fo#e/oin/$ this petition is he#eb- DISMISSED.
Ge#nan$ C.*.$ G#iMo1&=uino an, Me,ial,ea$ **.$ concu#.
Geliciano$ *.$ I ce#tif- that he (ote, to ,is"iss the petition. 8Ge#nan$ C.*.9
Sa#"iento$ *.$ is on lea(e.
Re/ala,o$ an, Da(i,e$ *#.$ *.$ too> no pa#t.

Sepa#ate Opinions

N&RV&S&$ *.$ concu##in/2
I concu# 0ith the ,ecision of the "a<o#it- 0#itten b- M#. *ustice Pa#as$
albeit onl- in the #esultD it ,oes not appea# to "e that the#e has been an
a,e=uate sho0in/ that the challen/e, ,ete#"ination b- the Co""ission
on &ppoint"ents1that the appoint"ent of #espon,ent Monso, as
Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections shoul,$ on the basis of his
state, =ualifications an, afte# ,ue assess"ent the#eof$ be confi#"e,10as
atten,e, b- e##o# so /#oss as to a"ount to /#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion an,
conse=uentl- "e#its nullification b- this Cou#t in acco#,ance 0ith the
secon, pa#a/#aph of Section 1$ &#ticle VIII of the Constitution. I
the#efo#e (ote to DEN' the petition.

P&DI++&$ *.$ ,issentin/2
The #eco#,s of this case 0ill sho0 that 0hen the Cou#t fi#st ,elibe#ate,
on the Petition at ba#$ I (ote, not onl- to #e=ui#e the #espon,ents to
co""ent on the Petition$ but I 0as the sole (ote fo# the issuance of a
te"po#a#- #est#ainin/ o#,e# to en<oin #espon,ent Monso, f#o"
assu"in/ the position of COME+EC Chai#"an$ 0hile the Cou#t
,elibe#ate, on his constitutional =ualification fo# the office. M- pu#pose
in (otin/ fo# a TRO 0as to p#e(ent the incon(enience an, e(en
e"ba##ass"ent to all pa#ties conce#ne, 0e#e the Cou#t to finall- ,eci,e
fo# #espon,ent Monso,4s ,is=ualification. Mo#eo(e#$ a #ea,in/ of the
Petition then in #elation to establishe, <u#isp#u,ence al#ea,- sho0e,
p#i"a facie that #espon,ent Monso, ,i, not possess the nee,e,
=ualification$ that is$ he ha, not en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at
least ten 819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"an.
&fte# consi,e#in/ ca#efull- #espon,ent Monso,4s co""ent$ I a" e(en
"o#e con(ince, that the constitutional #e=ui#e"ent of ?p#actice of la0
fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s? has not been "et.
The p#oce,u#al ba##ie#s inte#pose, b- #espon,ents ,ese#(e scant
consi,e#ation because$ ulti"atel-$ the co#e issue to be #esol(e, in this
petition is the p#ope# const#ual of the constitutional p#o(ision #e=ui#in/
a "a<o#it- of the "e"be#ship of COME+EC$ inclu,in/ the Chai#"an
the#eof to ?ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819
-ea#s.? 8&#t. I:8C9$ Section 1819$ 1%67 Constitution9. Ouestions
in(ol(in/ the const#uction of constitutional p#o(isions a#e best left to
<u,icial #esolution. &s ,ecla#e, in &n/a#a (. Electo#al Co""ission$ 8A!
Phil. 1!%9 ?upon the <u,icial ,epa#t"ent is th#o0n the sole"n an,
inescapable obli/ation of inte#p#etin/ the Constitution an, ,efinin/
constitutional boun,a#ies.?
The Constitution has i"pose, clea# an, specific stan,a#,s fo# a
COME+EC Chai#"an. &"on/ these a#e that he "ust ha(e been
?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s.? It is the
boun,en ,ut- of this Cou#t to ensu#e that such stan,a#, is "et an,
co"plie, 0ith.
3hat constitutes p#actice of la0I &s co""onl- un,e#stoo,$ ?p#actice?
#efe#s to the actual pe#fo#"ance o# application of >no0le,/e as
,istin/uishe, f#o" "e#e possession of >no0le,/eD it connotes an acti(e$
habitual$#epeate, o# custo"a#- action. 1 To ?p#actice? la0$ o# an-
p#ofession fo# that "atte#$ "eans$ to e5e#cise o# pu#sue an e"plo-"ent
o# p#ofession acti(el-$ habituall-$ #epeate,l- o# custo"a#il-.
The#efo#e$ a ,octo# of "e,icine 0ho is e"plo-e, an, is habituall-
pe#fo#"in/ the tas>s of a nu#sin/ ai,e$ cannot be sai, to be in the
?p#actice of "e,icine.? & ce#tifie, public accountant 0ho 0o#>s as a
cle#>$ cannot be sai, to p#actice his p#ofession as an accountant. In the
sa"e 0a-$ a la0-e# 0ho is e"plo-e, as a business e5ecuti(e o# a
co#po#ate "ana/e#$ othe# than as hea, o# atto#ne- of a +e/al Depa#t"ent
of a co#po#ation o# a /o(e#n"ental a/enc-$ cannot be sai, to be in the
p#actice of la0.
&s aptl- hel, b- this Cou#t in the case of People (s. Villanue(a2 @
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance fo# it consists in f#e=uent o#
custo"a#- actions$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe#
0o#,s$ it is f#e=uent habitual e5e#cise 8State (s1 Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$ 67
Pan. 6AC$ C@ +R&$ M.S. 7A69. P#actice of la0 to fall 0ithin the
p#ohibition of statute has been inte#p#ete, as custo"a#il- o# habituall-
hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# an, ,e"an,in/ pa-"ent
fo# such se#(ices 8State (s. .#-an$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C. ACC$AC7.9 ...
8e"phasis supplie,9.
It is 0o#th "entionin/ that the #espon,ent Co""ission on
&ppoint"ents in a Me"o#an,u" it p#epa#e,$ enu"e#ate, se(e#al
facto#s ,ete#"inati(e of 0hethe# a pa#ticula# acti(it- constitutes
?p#actice of la0.? It states2
1. )abitualit-. The te#" ?p#actice of la0? i"plies custo"a#il- o#
habituall- hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# 8People (s.
Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State (. .o-en$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C.
ACC9 such as 0hen one sen,s a ci#cula# announcin/ the establish"ent of
a la0 office fo# the /ene#al p#actice of la0 8U.S. (. Ne- .os=ue$ 6 Phil.
1CA9$ o# 0hen one ta>es the oath of office as a la0-e# befo#e a nota#-
public$ an, files a "anifestation 0ith the Sup#e"e Cou#t info#"in/ it of
his intention to p#actice la0 in all cou#ts in the count#- 8People (. De
+una$ 1@ Phil. %A69.
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance fo# it consists in f#e=uent o#
custo"a#- action$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe# 0o#,s$
it is a habitual e5e#cise 8People (. Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State
(. Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$ 67 Pan$ 6AC9.
@. Co"pensation. P#actice of la0 i"plies that one "ust ha(e p#esente,
hi"self to be in the acti(e an, continue, p#actice of the le/al p#ofession
an, that his p#ofessional se#(ices a#e a(ailable to the public fo#
co"pensation$ as a se#(ice of his li(elihoo, o# in consi,e#ation of his
sai, se#(ices. 8People (. Villanue(a$ sup#a9. )ence$ cha#/in/ fo# se#(ices
such as p#epa#ation of ,ocu"ents in(ol(in/ the use of le/al >no0le,/e
an, s>ill is 0ithin the te#" ?p#actice of la0? 8E#nani PaMo$ .a#
Re(ie0e# in +e/al an, *u,icial Ethics$ 1%66 e,.$ p. 6 citin/ People (.
People4s Stoc>-a#,s State .an>$ 17A N... %19 an,$ one 0ho #en,e#s an
opinion as to the p#ope# inte#p#etation of a statute$ an, #ecei(es pa- fo#
it$ is to that e5tent$ p#acticin/ la0 8Ma#tin$ sup#a$ p. 6A citin/
Men,elaun (. Gilbe#t an, .a#>et Mf/. Co.$ @% N.'.S. CA@9 If
co"pensation is e5pecte,$ all a,(ice to clients an, all action ta>en fo#
the" in "atte#s connecte, 0ith the la0D a#e p#acticin/ la0. 8El0oo,
Gitchette et al.$ (. &#thu# C. Ta-lo#$ %C&1+.R. !BA1!B%9
!. &pplication of la0 le/al p#inciple p#actice o# p#oce,u#e 0hich calls
fo# le/al >no0le,/e$ t#ainin/ an, e5pe#ience is 0ithin the te#" ?p#actice
of la0?. 8Ma#tin sup#a9
C. &tto#ne-1client #elationship. En/a/in/ in the p#actice of la0
p#esupposes the e5istence of la0-e#1client #elationship. )ence$ 0he#e a
la0-e# un,e#ta>es an acti(it- 0hich #e=ui#es >no0le,/e of la0 but
in(ol(es no atto#ne-1client #elationship$ such as teachin/ la0 o# 0#itin/
la0 boo>s o# a#ticles$ he cannot be sai, to be en/a/e, in the p#actice of
his p#ofession o# a la0-e# 8&/palo$ +e/al Ethics$ 1%6% e,.$ p. !9. !
The abo(e1enu"e#ate, facto#s 0oul,$ I belie(e$ be useful ai,s in
,ete#"inin/ 0hethe# o# not #espon,ent Monso, "eets the constitutional
=ualification of p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s at the ti"e of
his appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"an.
The follo0in/ #ele(ant =uestions "a- be as>e,2
1. Di, #espon,ent Monso, pe#fo#" an- of the tas>s 0hich a#e peculia#
to the p#actice of la0I
@. Di, #espon,ent pe#fo#" such tas>s custo"a#il- o# habituall-I
!. &ssu"in/ that he pe#fo#"e, an- of such tas>s habituall-$ ,i, he ,o so
)&.ITU&++' GOR &T +E&ST TEN 819 'E&RS p#io# to his
appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"anI
Gi(en the e"plo-"ent o# <ob histo#- of #espon,ent Monso, as appea#s
f#o" the #eco#,s$ I a" pe#sua,e, that if e(e# he ,i, pe#fo#" an- of the
tas>s 0hich constitute the p#actice of la0$ he ,i, not ,o so
)&.ITU&++' fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent as
COME+EC Chai#"an.
3hile it "a- be /#ante, that he pe#fo#"e, tas>s an, acti(ities 0hich
coul, be latitu,ina#ianl- consi,e#e, acti(ities peculia# to the p#actice of
la0$ li>e the ,#aftin/ of le/al ,ocu"ents an, the #en,e#in/ of le/al
opinion o# a,(ice$ such 0e#e isolate, t#ansactions o# acti(ities 0hich ,o
not =ualif- his past en,ea(o#s as ?p#actice of la0.? To beco"e en/a/e,
in the p#actice of la0$ the#e "ust be a continuit-$ o# a succession of acts.
&s obse#(e, b- the Solicito# Gene#al in People (s. Villanue(a2 C
Essentiall-$ the 0o#, p#i(ate p#actice of la0 i"plies that one "ust ha(e
p#esente, hi"self to be in theacti(e an, continue, p#actice of the le/al
p#ofession an, that his p#ofessional se#(ices a#e a(ailable to the public
fo# a co"pensation$ as a sou#ce of his li(elihoo, o# in consi,e#ation of
his sai, se#(ices.
&CCORDING+'$ "- (ote is to GR&NT the petition an, to ,ecla#e
#espon,ent Monso, as not =ualifie, fo# the position of COME+EC
Chai#"an fo# not ha(in/ en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten
819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent to such position.
CRUH$ *.$ ,issentin/2
I a" since#el- i"p#esse, b- the ponencia of "- b#othe# Pa#as but fin, I
"ust ,issent <ust the sa"e. The#e a#e ce#tain points on 0hich I "ust
,iffe# 0ith hi" 0hile of cou#se #espectin/ his(ie0point.
To be/in 0ith$ I ,o not thin> 0e a#e inhibite, f#o" e5a"inin/ the
=ualifications of the #espon,ent si"pl- because his no"ination has been
confi#"e, b- the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents. In "- (ie0$ this is not
a political =uestion that 0e a#e ba##e, f#o" #esol(in/. Dete#"ination of
the appointee4s c#e,entials is "a,e on the basis of the establishe, facts$
not the ,isc#etion of that bo,-. E(en if it 0e#e$ the e5e#cise of that
,isc#etion 0oul, still be sub<ect to ou# #e(ie0.
In +ue/o$ 0hich is cite, in the ponencia$ 0hat 0as in(ol(e, 0as the
,isc#etion of the appointin/ autho#it- to choosebet0een t0o clai"ants
to the sa"e office 0ho both possesse, the #e=ui#e, =ualifications. It 0as
that >in, of ,isc#etion that 0e sai, coul, not be #e(ie0e,.
If a pe#son electe, b- no less than the so(e#ei/n people "a- be ouste,
b- this Cou#t fo# lac> of the #e=ui#e, =ualifications$ I see no #eason 0h-
0e cannot ,is=ualifie, an appointee si"pl- because he has passe, the
Co""ission on &ppoint"ents.
E(en the P#esi,ent of the Philippines "a- be ,ecla#e, ineli/ible b- this
Cou#t in an app#op#iate p#ocee,in/ not0ithstan,in/ that he has been
foun, acceptable b- no less than the enf#anchise, citi;en#-. The #eason
is that 0hat 0e 0oul, be e5a"inin/ is not the 0is,o" of his election
but 0hethe# o# not he 0as =ualifie, to be electe, in the fi#st place.
Co"in/ no0 to the =ualifications of the p#i(ate #espon,ent$ I fea# that
the ponencia "a- ha(e been too s0eepin/ in its ,efinition of the ph#ase
?p#actice of la0? as to #en,e# the =ualification p#acticall- toothless.
G#o" the nu"e#ous acti(ities accepte, as e"b#ace, in the te#"$ I ha(e
the unco"fo#table feelin/ that one ,oes not e(en ha(e to be a la0-e# to
be en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 as lon/ as his acti(ities in(ol(e the
application of so"e la0$ ho0e(e# pe#iphe#all-. The stoc> b#o>e# an, the
insu#ance a,<uste# an, the #ealto# coul, co"e un,e# the ,efinition as
the- ,eal 0ith o# /i(e a,(ice on "atte#s that a#e li>el- ?to beco"e
in(ol(e, in liti/ation.?
The la0-e# is consi,e#e, en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 e(en if his "ain
occupation is anothe# business an, he inte#p#ets an, applies so"e la0
onl- as an inci,ent of such business. That co(e#s e(e#- co"pan-
o#/ani;e, un,e# the Co#po#ation Co,e an, #e/ulate, b- the SEC un,e#
P.D. %@1&. Consi,e#in/ the #a"ifications of the "o,e#n societ-$ the#e
is ha#,l- an- acti(it- that is not affecte, b- so"e la0 o# /o(e#n"ent
#e/ulation the business"an "ust >no0 about an, obse#(e. In fact$ a/ain
/oin/ b- the ,efinition$ a la0-e# ,oes not e(en ha(e to be pa#t of a
business conce#n to be consi,e#e, a p#actitione#. )e can be so ,ee"e,
0hen$ on his o0n$ he #ents a house o# bu-s a ca# o# consults a ,octo# as
these acts in(ol(e his >no0le,/e an, application of the la0s #e/ulatin/
such t#ansactions. If he ope#ates a public utilit- (ehicle as his "ain
sou#ce of li(elihoo,$ he 0oul, still be ,ee"e, en/a/e, in the p#actice
of la0 because he "ust obe- the Public Se#(ice &ct an, the #ules an,
#e/ulations of the Ene#/- Re/ulato#- .oa#,.
The ponencia =uotes an &"e#ican ,ecision ,efinin/ the p#actice of la0
as the ?pe#fo#"ance of an- acts ... in o# out of cou#t$ co""onl-
un,e#stoo, to be the p#actice of la0$? 0hich tells us absolutel- nothin/.
The ,ecision /oes on to sa- that ?because la0-e#s pe#fo#" al"ost e(e#-
function >no0n in the co""e#cial an, /o(e#n"ental #eal"$ such a
,efinition 0oul, ob(iousl- be too /lobal to be 0o#>able.?
The effect of the ,efinition /i(en in the ponencia is to consi,e# (i#tuall-
e(e#- la0-e# to be en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 e(en if he ,oes not
ea#n his li(in/$ o# at least pa#t of it$ as a la0-e#. It is enou/h that his
acti(ities a#e inci,entall- 8e(en if onl- #e"otel-9 connecte, 0ith so"e
la0$ o#,inance$ o# #e/ulation. The possible e5ception is the la0-e#
0hose inco"e is ,e#i(e, f#o" teachin/ ball#oo" ,ancin/ o# esco#tin/
0#in>le, la,ies 0ith pubescent p#etensions.
The #espon,ent4s c#e,entials a#e i"p#essi(e$ to be su#e$ but the- ,o not
pe#sua,e "e that he has been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# ten
-ea#s as #e=ui#e, b- the Constitution. It is conce,e, that he has been
en/a/e, in business an, finance$ in 0hich a#eas he has ,istin/uishe,
hi"self$ but as an e5ecuti(e an, econo"ist an, not as a p#acticin/
la0-e#. The plain fact is that he has occupie, the (a#ious positions liste,
in his #esu"e b- (i#tue of his e5pe#ience an, p#esti/e as a business"an
an, not as an atto#ne-1at1la0 0hose p#incipal attention is focuse, on the
la0. E(en if it be a#/ue, that he 0as actin/ as a la0-e# 0hen he lobbie,
in Con/#ess fo# a/#a#ian an, u#ban #efo#"$ se#(e, in the N&MGRE+
an, the Constitutional Co""ission 8to/ethe# 0ith non1la0-e#s li>e
fa#"e#s an, p#iests9 an, 0as a "e"be# of the Da(i,e Co""ission$ he
has not p#o(e, that his acti(ities in these capacities e5ten,e, o(e# the
p#esc#ibe, 11-ea# pe#io, of actual p#actice of the la0. )e is ,oubtless
e"inentl- =ualifie, fo# "an- othe# positions 0o#th- of his abun,ant
talents but not as Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections.
I ha(e "uch a,"i#ation fo# #espon,ent Monso,$ no less than fo# M#.
*ustice Pa#as$ but I "ust #e/#etfull- (ote to /#ant the petition.
GUTIERREH$ *R.$ *.$ ,issentin/2
3hen this petition 0as file,$ the#e 0as hope that en/a/in/ in the
p#actice of la0 as a =ualification fo# public office 0oul, be settle, one
0a- o# anothe# in fai#l- ,efiniti(e te#"s. Unfo#tunatel-$ this 0as not the
Of the fou#teen 81C9 "e"be# Cou#t$ B a#e of the (ie0 that M#. Ch#istian
Monso, en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 80ith one of these B lea(in/ his
(ote behin, 0hile on official lea(e but not e5p#essin/ his clea# stan, on
the "atte#9D C cate/o#icall- statin/ that he ,i, not p#actice la0D @ (otin/
in the #esult because the#e 0as no e##o# so /#oss as to a"ount to /#a(e
abuse of ,isc#etionD one of official lea(e 0ith no inst#uctions left behin,
on ho0 he (ie0e, the issueD an, @ not ta>in/ pa#t in the ,elibe#ations
an, the ,ecision.
The#e a#e t0o >e- facto#s that "a>e ou# tas> ,ifficult. Gi#st is ou#
#e(ie0in/ the 0o#> of a constitutional Co""ission on &ppoint"ents
0hose ,ut- is p#ecisel- to loo> into the =ualifications of pe#sons
appointe, to hi/h office. E(en if the Co""ission e##s$ 0e ha(e no
po0e# to set asi,e e##o#. 3e can loo> onl- into /#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion
o# 0hi"sicall- an, a#bit#a#iness. Secon, is ou# belief that M#. Monso,
possesses supe#io# =ualifications in te#"s of e5ecuti(e abilit-$
p#oficienc- in "ana/e"ent$ e,ucational bac>/#oun,$ e5pe#ience in
inte#national ban>in/ an, finance$ an, instant #eco/nition b- the public.
)is inte/#it- an, co"petence a#e not =uestione, b- the petitione#. 3hat
is befo#e us is co"pliance 0ith a specific #e=ui#e"ent 0#itten into the
Inspite of "- hi/h #e/a#, fo# M#. Monso,$ I cannot shi#> "-
constitutional ,ut-. )e has ne(e# en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# e(en
one -ea#. )e is a "e"be# of the ba# but to sa- that he has p#actice, la0
is st#etchin/ the te#" be-on, #ational li"its.
& pe#son "a- ha(e passe, the ba# e5a"inations. .ut if he has not
,e,icate, his life to the la0$ if he has not en/a/e, in an acti(it- 0he#e
"e"be#ship in the ba# is a #e=ui#e"ent I fail to see ho0 he can clai" to
ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0.
En/a/in/ in the p#actice of la0 is a =ualification not onl- fo#
COME+EC chai#"an but also fo# appoint"ent to the Sup#e"e Cou#t
an, all lo0e# cou#ts. 3hat >in, of *u,/es o# *ustices 0ill 0e ha(e if
the#e "ain occupation is sellin/ #eal estate$ "ana/in/ a business
co#po#ation$ se#(in/ in fact1fin,in/ co""ittee$ 0o#>in/ in "e,ia$ o#
ope#atin/ a fa#" 0ith no acti(e in(ol(e"ent in the la0$ 0hethe# in
Go(e#n"ent o# p#i(ate p#actice$ e5cept that in one <o-ful "o"ent in the
,istant past$ the- happene, to pass the ba# e5a"inationsI
The Constitution uses the ph#ase ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at
least ten -ea#s.? The ,elibe#ate choice of 0o#,s sho0s that the p#actice
en(isione, is acti(e an, #e/ula#$ not isolate,$ occasional$ acci,ental$
inte#"ittent$ inci,ental$ seasonal$ o# e5te"po#aneous. To be ?en/a/e,?
in an acti(it- fo# ten -ea#s #e=ui#es co""itte, pa#ticipation in
so"ethin/ 0hich is the #esult of one4s ,ecisi(e choice. It "eans that one
is occupie, an, in(ol(e, in the ente#p#iseD one is obli/e, o# ple,/e, to
ca##- it out 0ith intent an, attention ,u#in/ the ten1-ea# pe#io,.
I a/#ee 0ith the petitione# that base, on the bio1,ata sub"itte, b-
#espon,ent Monso, to the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents$ the latte# has
not been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s. In fact$ if
appea#s that M#. Monso, has ne(e# p#actice, la0 e5cept fo# an alle/e,
one -ea# pe#io, afte# passin/ the ba# e5a"inations 0hen he 0o#>e, in
his fathe#4s la0 fi#". E(en then his la0 p#actice "ust ha(e been
e5t#e"el- li"ite, because he 0as also 0o#>in/ fo# M.&. an, Ph. D.
,e/#ees in Econo"ics at the Uni(e#sit- of Penns-l(ania ,u#in/ that
pe#io,. )o0 coul, he p#actice la0 in the Unite, States 0hile not a
"e"be# of the .a# the#eI
The p#ofessional life of the #espon,ent follo0s2
1.1B.1. Respon,ent Monso,4s acti(ities since his passin/ the .a#
e5a"inations in 1%A1 consist of the follo0in/2
1. 1%A111%A!2 M.&. in Econo"ics 8Ph. D. can,i,ate9$ Uni(e#sit- of
@. 1%A!11%72 3o#l, .an> G#oup J Econo"ist$ In,ust#- Depa#t"entD
Ope#ations$ +atin &"e#ican Depa#t"entD Di(ision Chief$ South &sia
an, Mi,,le East$ Inte#national Ginance Co#po#ation
!. 1%711%7!2 Me#alco G#oup J E5ecuti(e of (a#ious co"panies$ i.e.$
Me#alco Secu#ities Co#po#ation$ Philippine Pet#oleu" Co#po#ation$
Philippine Elect#ic Co#po#ation
C. 1%7!11%7A2 'u<uico G#oup J P#esi,ent$ Gil1Capital De(elop"ent
Co#po#ation an, affiliate, co"panies
B. 1%7A11%762 Ginacie#a Manila J Chief E5ecuti(e Office#
A. 1%7611%6A2 Gue(ent G#oup of Co"panies J Chief E5ecuti(e Office#
7. 1%6A11%672 Philippine Constitutional Co""ission J Me"be#
6. 1%6%11%%12 The Gact1Gin,in/ Co""ission on the Dece"be# 1%6%
Coup &tte"pt J Me"be#
%. P#esentl-2 Chai#"an of the .oa#, an, Chief E5ecuti(e Office# of the
follo0in/ co"panies2
a. &CE Containe# Philippines$ Inc.
b. Datap#ep$ Philippines
c. Philippine SUNs-ste"s P#o,ucts$ Inc.
,. Se"i#a#a Coal Co#po#ation
e. C.+ Ti"be# Co#po#ation
Me"be# of the .oa#, of the Gollo0in/2
a. En/inee#in/ Const#uction Co#po#ation of the Philippines
b. Gi#st Philippine Ene#/- Co#po#ation
c. Gi#st Philippine )ol,in/s Co#po#ation
,. Gi#st Philippine In,ust#ial Co#po#ation
e. G#aphic &telie#
f. Manila Elect#ic Co"pan-
/. Philippine Co""e#cial Capital$ Inc.
h. Philippine Elect#ic Co#po#ation
i. Ta#lac Refo#estation an, En(i#on"ent Ente#p#ises
<. Tolon/ &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation
>. Visa-an &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation
l. Gui"a#as &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation 8Rollo$ pp. @11@@9
The#e is nothin/ in the abo(e bio1,ata 0hich e(en #e"otel- in,icates
that #espon,ent Monso, has /i(en the la0enou/h attention o# a ce#tain
,e/#ee of co""it"ent an, pa#ticipation as 0oul, suppo#t in all
since#it- an, can,o# the clai" of ha(in/ en/a/e, in its p#actice fo# at
least ten -ea#s. Instea, of 0o#>in/ as a la0-e#$ he has la0-e#s 0o#>in/
fo# hi". Instea, of /i(in/ #ecei(in/ that le/al a,(ice of le/al se#(ices$
he 0as the onea,(ice an, those se#(ices as an e5ecuti(e but not as a
The ,elibe#ations befo#e the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents sho0 an
effo#t to e=uate ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0? 0ith the use of le/al
>no0le,/e in (a#ious fiel,s of en,ea(o# such as co""e#ce$ in,ust#-$
ci(ic 0o#>$ blue #ibbon in(esti/ations$ a/#a#ian #efo#"$ etc. 0he#e such
>no0le,/e 0oul, be helpful.
I #e/#et that I cannot <oin in pla-in/ fast an, loose 0ith a te#"$ 0hich
e(en an o#,ina#- la-"an accepts as ha(in/ a fa"ilia# an, custo"a#-
0ell1,efine, "eanin/. E(e#- #esi,ent of this count#- 0ho has #eache,
the a/e of ,isce#n"ent has to >no0$ follo0$ o# appl- the la0 at (a#ious
ti"es in his life. +e/al >no0le,/e is useful if not necessa#- fo# the
business e5ecuti(e$ le/islato#$ "a-o#$ ba#an/a- captain$ teache#$
police"an$ fa#"e#$ fishe#"an$ "a#>et (en,o#$ an, stu,ent to na"e onl-
a fe0. &n, -et$ can these people honestl- asse#t that as such$ the- a#e
en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0I
The Constitution #e=ui#es ha(in/ been ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0
fo# at least ten -ea#s.? It is not satisfie, 0ith ha(in/ been ?a "e"be# of
the Philippine ba# fo# at least ten -ea#s.?
So"e &"e#ican cou#ts ha(e ,efine, the p#actice of la0$ as follo0s2
The p#actice of la0 in(ol(es not onl- appea#ance in cou#t in connection
0ith liti/ation but also se#(ices #en,e#e, out of cou#t$ an, it inclu,es the
/i(in/ of a,(ice o# the #en,e#in/ of an- se#(ices #e=ui#in/ the use of
le/al s>ill o# >no0le,/e$ such as p#epa#in/ a 0ill$ cont#act o# othe#
inst#u"ent$ the le/al effect of 0hich$ un,e# the facts an, con,itions
in(ol(e,$ "ust be ca#efull- ,ete#"ine,. People e5 #el. Chica/o .a#
&ss4n (. Tin>off$ !%% Ill. @6@$ 77 N.E.@, A%!D People e5 #el. Illinois
State .a# &ss4n (. People4s Stoc> 'a#,s State .an>$ !CC Ill. CA@$17A
N.E. %1$ an, cases cite,.
It 0oul, be ,ifficult$ if not i"possible to la- ,o0n a fo#"ula o#
,efinition of 0hat constitutes the p#actice of la0. ?P#acticin/ la0? has
been ,efine, as ?P#acticin/ as an atto#ne- o# counselo# at la0 acco#,in/
to the la0s an, custo"s of ou# cou#ts$ is the /i(in/ of a,(ice o#
#en,ition of an- so#t of se#(ice b- an- pe#son$ fi#" o# co#po#ation 0hen
the /i(in/ of such a,(ice o# #en,ition of such se#(ice #e=ui#es the use of
an- ,e/#ee of le/al >no0le,/e o# s>ill.? 3ithout a,optin/ that
,efinition$ 0e #efe##e, to it as bein/ substantiall- co##ect in People e5
#el. Illinois State .a# &ss4n (. People4s Stoc> 'a#,s State .an>$ !CC Ill.
CA@$17A N.E. %1. 8People (. Schafe#$ 67 N.E. @, 77!$ 77A9
Go# one4s actions to co"e 0ithin the pu#(ie0 of p#actice of la0 the-
shoul, not onl- be acti(ities peculia# to the 0o#> of a la0-e#$ the-
shoul, also be pe#fo#"e,$ habituall-$ f#e=uentl- o# custo"a#il-$ to 0it2
555 555 555
Respon,ent4s ans0e#s to =uestions p#opoun,e, to hi" 0e#e #athe#
e(asi(e. )e 0as as>e, 0hethe# o# not he e(e# p#epa#e, cont#acts fo# the
pa#ties in #eal1estate t#ansactions 0he#e he 0as not the p#ocu#in/ a/ent.
)e ans0e#e,2 ?Ve#- sel,o".? In ans0e# to the =uestion as to ho0 "an-
ti"es he ha, p#epa#e, cont#acts fo# the pa#ties ,u#in/ the t0ent-1one
-ea#s of his business$ he sai,2 ?I ha(e no I,ea.? 3hen as>e, if it 0oul,
be "o#e than half a ,o;en ti"es his ans0e# 0as I suppose. &s>e, if he
,i, not #ecall "a>in/ the state"ent to se(e#al pa#ties that he ha,
p#epa#e, cont#acts in a la#/e nu"be# of instances$ he ans0e#e,2 ?I ,on4t
#ecall e5actl- 0hat 0as sai,.? 3hen as>e, if he ,i, not #e"e"be#
sa-in/ that he ha, "a,e a p#actice of p#epa#in/ ,ee,s$ "o#t/a/es an,
cont#acts an, cha#/in/ a fee to the pa#ties the#efo# in instances 0he#e he
0as not the b#o>e# in the ,eal$ he ans0e#e,2 ?3ell$ I ,on4t belie(e so$
that is not a p#actice.? P#esse, fu#the# fo# an ans0e# as to his p#actice in
p#epa#in/ cont#acts an, ,ee,s fo# pa#ties 0he#e he 0as not the b#o>e#$
he finall- ans0e#e,2 ?I ha(e ,one about e(e#-thin/ that is on the boo>s
as fa# as #eal estate is conce#ne,.?
555 555 555
Respon,ent ta>es the position that because he is a #eal1estate b#o>e# he
has a la0ful #i/ht to ,o an- le/al 0o#> in connection 0ith #eal1estate
t#ansactions$ especiall- in ,#a0in/ of #eal1estate cont#acts$ ,ee,s$
"o#t/a/es$ notes an, the li>e. The#e is no ,oubt but that he has en/a/e,
in these p#actices o(e# the -ea#s an, has cha#/e, fo# his se#(ices in that
connection. ... 8People (. Schafe#$ 67 N.E. @, 77!9
555 555 555
... &n atto#ne-$ in the "ost /ene#al sense$ is a pe#son ,esi/nate, o#
e"plo-e, b- anothe# to act in his stea,D an a/entD "o#e especiall-$ one
of a class of pe#sons autho#i;e, to appea# an, act fo# suito#s o#
,efen,ants in le/al p#ocee,in/s. St#ictl-$ these p#ofessional pe#sons a#e
atto#ne-s at la0$ an, non1p#ofessional a/ents a#e p#ope#l- st-le,
?atto#ne-4s in factD? but the sin/le 0o#, is "uch use, as "eanin/ an
atto#ne- at la0. & pe#son "a- be an atto#ne- in facto fo# anothe#$
0ithout bein/ an atto#ne- at la0. &bb. +a0 Dict. ?&tto#ne-.? & public
atto#ne-$ o# atto#ne- at la0$ sa-s 3ebste#$ is an office# of a cou#t of la0$
le/all- =ualifie, to p#osecute an, ,efen, actions in such cou#t on the
#etaine#of clients. ?The p#incipal ,uties of an atto#ne- a#e 819 to be t#ue
to the cou#t an, to his clientD 8@9 to "ana/e the business of his client
0ith ca#e$ s>ill$ an, inte/#it-D 8!9 to >eep his client info#"e, as to the
state of his businessD 8C9 to >eep his sec#ets confi,e, to hi" as such. ...
)is #i/hts a#e to be <ustl- co"pensate, fo# his se#(ices.? .ou(. +a0
Dict. tit. ?&tto#ne-.? The t#ansiti(e (e#b ?p#actice$? as ,efine, b-
3ebste#$ "eans 4to ,o o# pe#fo#" f#e=uentl-$ custo"a#il-$ o# habituall-D
to pe#fo#" b- a succession of acts$ as$ to p#actice /a"in/$ ... to ca##- on
in p#actice$ o# #epeate, actionD to appl-$ as a theo#-$ to #eal lifeD to
e5e#cise$ as a p#ofession$ t#a,e$ a#t. etc.D as$ to p#actice la0 o# "e,icine$4
etc....? 8State (. .#-an$ S.E. B@@$ B@!D E"phasis supplie,9
In this <u#is,iction$ 0e ha(e #ule, that the p#actice of la0 ,enotes
f#e=uenc- o# a succession of acts. Thus$ 0e state, in the case of People
(. Villanue(a 81C SCR& 1% E1%ABF92
555 555 555
... P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance$ fo# it consists in
f#e=uent o# custo"a#- actions$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In
othe# 0o#,s$ it is f#e=uent habitual e5e#cise 8State (. Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$
67 Pan. 6AC$ C@ +R&$ M.S. 7A69. P#actice of la0 to fall 0ithin the
p#ohibition of statute has been inte#p#ete, as custo"a#il- o# habituall-
hol,in/ one4s self out to the public$ as a la0-e# an, ,e"an,in/ pa-"ent
fo# such se#(ices. ... . 8at p. 11@9
It is to be note, that the Co""ission on &ppoint"ent itself #eco/ni;es
habitualit- as a #e=ui#e, co"ponent of the "eanin/ of p#actice of la0 in
a Me"o#an,u" p#epa#e, an, issue, b- it$ to 0it2
l. )abitualit-. The te#" 4p#actice of la04 i"plies custo"a#il-o#
habituall- hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# 8People (.
Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State (. .#-an$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C.
ACC9 such as 0hen one sen,s a ci#cula# announcin/ the establish"ent of
a la0 office fo# the /ene#al p#actice of la0 8U.S. (. No- .os=ue$ 6 Phil.
1CA9$ o# 0hen one ta>es the oath of office as a la0-e# befo#e a nota#-
public$ an, files a "anifestation 0ith the Sup#e"e Cou#t info#"in/ it of
his intention to p#actice la0 in all cou#ts in the count#- 8People (. De
+una$ 1@ Phil. %A69.
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance$ fo# it consists in f#e=uent
o# custo"a#- action$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe#
0o#,s$ it is a habitual e5e#cise 8People (. Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1 %
citin/ State (. Cotne#$ 1 @7$ p. 1$ 67 Pan$ 6AC9.? 8Rollo$ p. 11B9
555 555 555
3hile the ca#ee# as a business"an of #espon,ent Monso, "a- ha(e
p#ofite, f#o" his le/al >no0le,/e$ the use of such le/al >no0le,/e is
inci,ental an, consists of isolate, acti(ities 0hich ,o not fall un,e# the
,eno"ination of p#actice of la0. &,"ission to the p#actice of la0 0as
not #e=ui#e, fo# "e"be#ship in the Constitutional Co""ission o# in the
Gact1Gin,in/ Co""ission on the 1%6% Coup &tte"pt. &n- specific le/al
acti(ities 0hich "a- ha(e been assi/ne, to M#. Monso, 0hile a
"e"be# "a- be li>ene, to isolate, t#ansactions of fo#ei/n co#po#ations
in the Philippines 0hich ,o not cate/o#i;e the fo#ei/n co#po#ations as
,oin/ business in the Philippines. &s in the p#actice of la0$ ,oin/
business also shoul, be acti(e an, continuous. Isolate, business
t#ansactions o# occasional$ inci,ental an, casual t#ansactions a#e not
0ithin the conte5t of ,oin/ business. This 0as ou# #ulin/ in the case of
&nta" Consoli,ate,$ Inc. (. Cou#t of appeals$ 1C! SCR& @66 E1%6AF9.
Respon,ent Monso,$ co#po#ate e5ecuti(e$ ci(ic lea,e#$ an, "e"be# of
the Constitutional Co""ission "a- possess the bac>/#oun,$
co"petence$ inte/#it-$ an, ,e,ication$ to =ualif- fo# such hi/h offices as
P#esi,ent$ Vice1P#esi,ent$ Senato#$ Con/#ess"an o# Go(e#no# but the
Constitution in p#esc#ibin/ the specific =ualification of ha(in/ en/a/e,
in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s fo# the position of
COME+EC Chai#"an has o#,e#e, that he "a- not be confi#"e, fo# that
office. The Constitution cha#/es the public #espon,ents no less than this
Cou#t to obe- its "an,ate.
I$ the#efo#e$ belie(e that the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents co""itte,
/#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion in confi#"in/ the no"ination of #espon,ent
Monso, as Chai#"an of the COME+EC.
I (ote to GR&NT the petition.
.i,in$ *.$ ,issent

Sepa#ate Opinions
N&RV&S&$ *.$ concu##in/2
I concu# 0ith the ,ecision of the "a<o#it- 0#itten b- M#. *ustice Pa#as$
albeit onl- in the #esultD it ,oes not appea# to "e that the#e has been an
a,e=uate sho0in/ that the challen/e, ,ete#"ination b- the Co""ission
on &ppoint"ents1that the appoint"ent of #espon,ent Monso, as
Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections shoul,$ on the basis of his
state, =ualifications an, afte# ,ue assess"ent the#eof$ be confi#"e,10as
atten,e, b- e##o# so /#oss as to a"ount to /#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion an,
conse=uentl- "e#its nullification b- this Cou#t in acco#,ance 0ith the
secon, pa#a/#aph of Section 1$ &#ticle VIII of the Constitution. I
the#efo#e (ote to DEN' the petition.
Melencio1)e##e#a$ *.$ concu#.
P&DI++&$ *.$ ,issentin/2
The #eco#,s of this case 0ill sho0 that 0hen the Cou#t fi#st ,elibe#ate,
on the Petition at ba#$ I (ote, not onl- to #e=ui#e the #espon,ents to
co""ent on the Petition$ but I 0as the sole (ote fo# the issuance of a
te"po#a#- #est#ainin/ o#,e# to en<oin #espon,ent Monso, f#o"
assu"in/ the position of COME+EC Chai#"an$ 0hile the Cou#t
,elibe#ate, on his constitutional =ualification fo# the office. M- pu#pose
in (otin/ fo# a TRO 0as to p#e(ent the incon(enience an, e(en
e"ba##ass"ent to all pa#ties conce#ne, 0e#e the Cou#t to finall- ,eci,e
fo# #espon,ent Monso,4s ,is=ualification. Mo#eo(e#$ a #ea,in/ of the
Petition then in #elation to establishe, <u#isp#u,ence al#ea,- sho0e,
p#i"a facie that #espon,ent Monso, ,i, not possess the nee,e,
=ualification$ that is$ he ha, not en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at
least ten 819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"an.
&fte# consi,e#in/ ca#efull- #espon,ent Monso,4s co""ent$ I a" e(en
"o#e con(ince, that the constitutional #e=ui#e"ent of ?p#actice of la0
fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s? has not been "et.
The p#oce,u#al ba##ie#s inte#pose, b- #espon,ents ,ese#(e scant
consi,e#ation because$ ulti"atel-$ the co#e issue to be #esol(e, in this
petition is the p#ope# const#ual of the constitutional p#o(ision #e=ui#in/
a "a<o#it- of the "e"be#ship of COME+EC$ inclu,in/ the Chai#"an
the#eof to ?ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819
-ea#s.? 8&#t. I:8C9$ Section 1819$ 1%67 Constitution9. Ouestions
in(ol(in/ the const#uction of constitutional p#o(isions a#e best left to
<u,icial #esolution. &s ,ecla#e, in &n/a#a (. Electo#al Co""ission$ 8A!
Phil. 1!%9 ?upon the <u,icial ,epa#t"ent is th#o0n the sole"n an,
inescapable obli/ation of inte#p#etin/ the Constitution an, ,efinin/
constitutional boun,a#ies.?
The Constitution has i"pose, clea# an, specific stan,a#,s fo# a
COME+EC Chai#"an. &"on/ these a#e that he "ust ha(e been
?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s.? It is the
boun,en ,ut- of this Cou#t to ensu#e that such stan,a#, is "et an,
co"plie, 0ith.
3hat constitutes p#actice of la0I &s co""onl- un,e#stoo,$ ?p#actice?
#efe#s to the actual pe#fo#"ance o# application of >no0le,/e as
,istin/uishe, f#o" "e#e possession of >no0le,/eD it connotes an acti(e$
habitual$#epeate, o# custo"a#- action. 1 To ?p#actice? la0$ o# an-
p#ofession fo# that "atte#$ "eans$ to e5e#cise o# pu#sue an e"plo-"ent
o# p#ofession acti(el-$ habituall-$ #epeate,l- o# custo"a#il-.
The#efo#e$ a ,octo# of "e,icine 0ho is e"plo-e, an, is habituall-
pe#fo#"in/ the tas>s of a nu#sin/ ai,e$ cannot be sai, to be in the
?p#actice of "e,icine.? & ce#tifie, public accountant 0ho 0o#>s as a
cle#>$ cannot be sai, to p#actice his p#ofession as an accountant. In the
sa"e 0a-$ a la0-e# 0ho is e"plo-e, as a business e5ecuti(e o# a
co#po#ate "ana/e#$ othe# than as hea, o# atto#ne- of a +e/al Depa#t"ent
of a co#po#ation o# a /o(e#n"ental a/enc-$ cannot be sai, to be in the
p#actice of la0.
&s aptl- hel, b- this Cou#t in the case of People (s. Villanue(a2 @
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance fo# it consists in f#e=uent o#
custo"a#- actions$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe#
0o#,s$ it is f#e=uent habitual e5e#cise 8State (s1 Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$ 67
Pan. 6AC$ C@ +R&$ M.S. 7A69. P#actice of la0 to fall 0ithin the
p#ohibition of statute has been inte#p#ete, as custo"a#il- o# habituall-
hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# an, ,e"an,in/ pa-"ent
fo# such se#(ices 8State (s. .#-an$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C. ACC$AC7.9 ...
8e"phasis supplie,9.
It is 0o#th "entionin/ that the #espon,ent Co""ission on
&ppoint"ents in a Me"o#an,u" it p#epa#e,$ enu"e#ate, se(e#al
facto#s ,ete#"inati(e of 0hethe# a pa#ticula# acti(it- constitutes
?p#actice of la0.? It states2
1. )abitualit-. The te#" ?p#actice of la0? i"plies custo"a#il- o#
habituall- hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# 8People (s.
Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State (. .o-en$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C.
ACC9 such as 0hen one sen,s a ci#cula# announcin/ the establish"ent of
a la0 office fo# the /ene#al p#actice of la0 8U.S. (. Ne- .os=ue$ 6 Phil.
1CA9$ o# 0hen one ta>es the oath of office as a la0-e# befo#e a nota#-
public$ an, files a "anifestation 0ith the Sup#e"e Cou#t info#"in/ it of
his intention to p#actice la0 in all cou#ts in the count#- 8People (. De
+una$ 1@ Phil. %A69.
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance fo# it consists in f#e=uent o#
custo"a#- action$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe# 0o#,s$
it is a habitual e5e#cise 8People (. Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State
(. Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$ 67 Pan$ 6AC9.
@. Co"pensation. P#actice of la0 i"plies that one "ust ha(e p#esente,
hi"self to be in the acti(e an, continue, p#actice of the le/al p#ofession
an, that his p#ofessional se#(ices a#e a(ailable to the public fo#
co"pensation$ as a se#(ice of his li(elihoo, o# in consi,e#ation of his
sai, se#(ices. 8People (. Villanue(a$ sup#a9. )ence$ cha#/in/ fo# se#(ices
such as p#epa#ation of ,ocu"ents in(ol(in/ the use of le/al >no0le,/e
an, s>ill is 0ithin the te#" ?p#actice of la0? 8E#nani PaMo$ .a#
Re(ie0e# in +e/al an, *u,icial Ethics$ 1%66 e,.$ p. 6 citin/ People (.
People4s Stoc>-a#,s State .an>$ 17A N... %19 an,$ one 0ho #en,e#s an
opinion as to the p#ope# inte#p#etation of a statute$ an, #ecei(es pa- fo#
it$ is to that e5tent$ p#acticin/ la0 8Ma#tin$ sup#a$ p. 6A citin/
Men,elaun (. Gilbe#t an, .a#>et Mf/. Co.$ @% N.'.S. CA@9 If
co"pensation is e5pecte,$ all a,(ice to clients an, all action ta>en fo#
the" in "atte#s connecte, 0ith the la0D a#e p#acticin/ la0. 8El0oo,
Gitchette et al.$ (. &#thu# C. Ta-lo#$ %C&1+.R. !BA1!B%9
!. &pplication of la0 le/al p#inciple p#actice o# p#oce,u#e 0hich calls
fo# le/al >no0le,/e$ t#ainin/ an, e5pe#ience is 0ithin the te#" ?p#actice
of la0?. 8Ma#tin sup#a9
C. &tto#ne-1client #elationship. En/a/in/ in the p#actice of la0
p#esupposes the e5istence of la0-e#1client #elationship. )ence$ 0he#e a
la0-e# un,e#ta>es an acti(it- 0hich #e=ui#es >no0le,/e of la0 but
in(ol(es no atto#ne-1client #elationship$ such as teachin/ la0 o# 0#itin/
la0 boo>s o# a#ticles$ he cannot be sai, to be en/a/e, in the p#actice of
his p#ofession o# a la0-e# 8&/palo$ +e/al Ethics$ 1%6% e,.$ p. !9. !
The abo(e1enu"e#ate, facto#s 0oul,$ I belie(e$ be useful ai,s in
,ete#"inin/ 0hethe# o# not #espon,ent Monso, "eets the constitutional
=ualification of p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s at the ti"e of
his appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"an.
The follo0in/ #ele(ant =uestions "a- be as>e,2
1. Di, #espon,ent Monso, pe#fo#" an- of the tas>s 0hich a#e peculia#
to the p#actice of la0I
@. Di, #espon,ent pe#fo#" such tas>s custo"a#il- o# habituall-I
!. &ssu"in/ that he pe#fo#"e, an- of such tas>s habituall-$ ,i, he ,o so
)&.ITU&++' GOR &T +E&ST TEN 819 'E&RS p#io# to his
appoint"ent as COME+EC Chai#"anI
Gi(en the e"plo-"ent o# <ob histo#- of #espon,ent Monso, as appea#s
f#o" the #eco#,s$ I a" pe#sua,e, that if e(e# he ,i, pe#fo#" an- of the
tas>s 0hich constitute the p#actice of la0$ he ,i, not ,o so
)&.ITU&++' fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent as
COME+EC Chai#"an.
3hile it "a- be /#ante, that he pe#fo#"e, tas>s an, acti(ities 0hich
coul, be latitu,ina#ianl- consi,e#e, acti(ities peculia# to the p#actice of
la0$ li>e the ,#aftin/ of le/al ,ocu"ents an, the #en,e#in/ of le/al
opinion o# a,(ice$ such 0e#e isolate, t#ansactions o# acti(ities 0hich ,o
not =ualif- his past en,ea(o#s as ?p#actice of la0.? To beco"e en/a/e,
in the p#actice of la0$ the#e "ust be a continuit-$ o# a succession of acts.
&s obse#(e, b- the Solicito# Gene#al in People (s. Villanue(a2 C
Essentiall-$ the 0o#, p#i(ate p#actice of la0 i"plies that one "ust ha(e
p#esente, hi"self to be in theacti(e an, continue, p#actice of the le/al
p#ofession an, that his p#ofessional se#(ices a#e a(ailable to the public
fo# a co"pensation$ as a sou#ce of his li(elihoo, o# in consi,e#ation of
his sai, se#(ices.
&CCORDING+'$ "- (ote is to GR&NT the petition an, to ,ecla#e
#espon,ent Monso, as not =ualifie, fo# the position of COME+EC
Chai#"an fo# not ha(in/ en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten
819 -ea#s p#io# to his appoint"ent to such position.
CRUH$ *.$ ,issentin/2
I a" since#el- i"p#esse, b- the ponencia of "- b#othe# Pa#as but fin, I
"ust ,issent <ust the sa"e. The#e a#e ce#tain points on 0hich I "ust
,iffe# 0ith hi" 0hile of cou#se #espectin/ his(ie0point.
To be/in 0ith$ I ,o not thin> 0e a#e inhibite, f#o" e5a"inin/ the
=ualifications of the #espon,ent si"pl- because his no"ination has been
confi#"e, b- the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents. In "- (ie0$ this is not
a political =uestion that 0e a#e ba##e, f#o" #esol(in/. Dete#"ination of
the appointee4s c#e,entials is "a,e on the basis of the establishe, facts$
not the ,isc#etion of that bo,-. E(en if it 0e#e$ the e5e#cise of that
,isc#etion 0oul, still be sub<ect to ou# #e(ie0.
In +ue/o$ 0hich is cite, in the ponencia$ 0hat 0as in(ol(e, 0as the
,isc#etion of the appointin/ autho#it- to choosebet0een t0o clai"ants
to the sa"e office 0ho both possesse, the #e=ui#e, =ualifications. It 0as
that >in, of ,isc#etion that 0e sai, coul, not be #e(ie0e,.
If a pe#son electe, b- no less than the so(e#ei/n people "a- be ouste,
b- this Cou#t fo# lac> of the #e=ui#e, =ualifications$ I see no #eason 0h-
0e cannot ,is=ualifie, an appointee si"pl- because he has passe, the
Co""ission on &ppoint"ents.
E(en the P#esi,ent of the Philippines "a- be ,ecla#e, ineli/ible b- this
Cou#t in an app#op#iate p#ocee,in/ not0ithstan,in/ that he has been
foun, acceptable b- no less than the enf#anchise, citi;en#-. The #eason
is that 0hat 0e 0oul, be e5a"inin/ is not the 0is,o" of his election
but 0hethe# o# not he 0as =ualifie, to be electe, in the fi#st place.
Co"in/ no0 to the =ualifications of the p#i(ate #espon,ent$ I fea# that
the ponencia "a- ha(e been too s0eepin/ in its ,efinition of the ph#ase
?p#actice of la0? as to #en,e# the =ualification p#acticall- toothless.
G#o" the nu"e#ous acti(ities accepte, as e"b#ace, in the te#"$ I ha(e
the unco"fo#table feelin/ that one ,oes not e(en ha(e to be a la0-e# to
be en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 as lon/ as his acti(ities in(ol(e the
application of so"e la0$ ho0e(e# pe#iphe#all-. The stoc> b#o>e# an, the
insu#ance a,<uste# an, the #ealto# coul, co"e un,e# the ,efinition as
the- ,eal 0ith o# /i(e a,(ice on "atte#s that a#e li>el- ?to beco"e
in(ol(e, in liti/ation.?
The la0-e# is consi,e#e, en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 e(en if his "ain
occupation is anothe# business an, he inte#p#ets an, applies so"e la0
onl- as an inci,ent of such business. That co(e#s e(e#- co"pan-
o#/ani;e, un,e# the Co#po#ation Co,e an, #e/ulate, b- the SEC un,e#
P.D. %@1&. Consi,e#in/ the #a"ifications of the "o,e#n societ-$ the#e
is ha#,l- an- acti(it- that is not affecte, b- so"e la0 o# /o(e#n"ent
#e/ulation the business"an "ust >no0 about an, obse#(e. In fact$ a/ain
/oin/ b- the ,efinition$ a la0-e# ,oes not e(en ha(e to be pa#t of a
business conce#n to be consi,e#e, a p#actitione#. )e can be so ,ee"e,
0hen$ on his o0n$ he #ents a house o# bu-s a ca# o# consults a ,octo# as
these acts in(ol(e his >no0le,/e an, application of the la0s #e/ulatin/
such t#ansactions. If he ope#ates a public utilit- (ehicle as his "ain
sou#ce of li(elihoo,$ he 0oul, still be ,ee"e, en/a/e, in the p#actice
of la0 because he "ust obe- the Public Se#(ice &ct an, the #ules an,
#e/ulations of the Ene#/- Re/ulato#- .oa#,.
The ponencia =uotes an &"e#ican ,ecision ,efinin/ the p#actice of la0
as the ?pe#fo#"ance of an- acts . . . in o# out of cou#t$ co""onl-
un,e#stoo, to be the p#actice of la0$? 0hich tells us absolutel- nothin/.
The ,ecision /oes on to sa- that ?because la0-e#s pe#fo#" al"ost e(e#-
function >no0n in the co""e#cial an, /o(e#n"ental #eal"$ such a
,efinition 0oul, ob(iousl- be too /lobal to be 0o#>able.?
The effect of the ,efinition /i(en in the ponencia is to consi,e# (i#tuall-
e(e#- la0-e# to be en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 e(en if he ,oes not
ea#n his li(in/$ o# at least pa#t of it$ as a la0-e#. It is enou/h that his
acti(ities a#e inci,entall- 8e(en if onl- #e"otel-9 connecte, 0ith so"e
la0$ o#,inance$ o# #e/ulation. The possible e5ception is the la0-e#
0hose inco"e is ,e#i(e, f#o" teachin/ ball#oo" ,ancin/ o# esco#tin/
0#in>le, la,ies 0ith pubescent p#etensions.
The #espon,ent4s c#e,entials a#e i"p#essi(e$ to be su#e$ but the- ,o not
pe#sua,e "e that he has been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# ten
-ea#s as #e=ui#e, b- the Constitution. It is conce,e, that he has been
en/a/e, in business an, finance$ in 0hich a#eas he has ,istin/uishe,
hi"self$ but as an e5ecuti(e an, econo"ist an, not as a p#acticin/
la0-e#. The plain fact is that he has occupie, the (a#ious positions liste,
in his #esu"e b- (i#tue of his e5pe#ience an, p#esti/e as a business"an
an, not as an atto#ne-1at1la0 0hose p#incipal attention is focuse, on the
la0. E(en if it be a#/ue, that he 0as actin/ as a la0-e# 0hen he lobbie,
in Con/#ess fo# a/#a#ian an, u#ban #efo#"$ se#(e, in the N&MGRE+
an, the Constitutional Co""ission 8to/ethe# 0ith non1la0-e#s li>e
fa#"e#s an, p#iests9 an, 0as a "e"be# of the Da(i,e Co""ission$ he
has not p#o(e, that his acti(ities in these capacities e5ten,e, o(e# the
p#esc#ibe, 11-ea# pe#io, of actual p#actice of the la0. )e is ,oubtless
e"inentl- =ualifie, fo# "an- othe# positions 0o#th- of his abun,ant
talents but not as Chai#"an of the Co""ission on Elections.
I ha(e "uch a,"i#ation fo# #espon,ent Monso,$ no less than fo# M#.
*ustice Pa#as$ but I "ust #e/#etfull- (ote to /#ant the petition.
GUTIERREH$ *R.$ *.$ ,issentin/2
3hen this petition 0as file,$ the#e 0as hope that en/a/in/ in the
p#actice of la0 as a =ualification fo# public office 0oul, be settle, one
0a- o# anothe# in fai#l- ,efiniti(e te#"s. Unfo#tunatel-$ this 0as not the
Of the fou#teen 81C9 "e"be# Cou#t$ B a#e of the (ie0 that M#. Ch#istian
Monso, en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 80ith one of these B lea(in/ his
(ote behin, 0hile on official lea(e but not e5p#essin/ his clea# stan, on
the "atte#9D C cate/o#icall- statin/ that he ,i, not p#actice la0D @ (otin/
in the #esult because the#e 0as no e##o# so /#oss as to a"ount to /#a(e
abuse of ,isc#etionD one of official lea(e 0ith no inst#uctions left behin,
on ho0 he (ie0e, the issueD an, @ not ta>in/ pa#t in the ,elibe#ations
an, the ,ecision.
The#e a#e t0o >e- facto#s that "a>e ou# tas> ,ifficult. Gi#st is ou#
#e(ie0in/ the 0o#> of a constitutional Co""ission on &ppoint"ents
0hose ,ut- is p#ecisel- to loo> into the =ualifications of pe#sons
appointe, to hi/h office. E(en if the Co""ission e##s$ 0e ha(e no
po0e# to set asi,e e##o#. 3e can loo> onl- into /#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion
o# 0hi"sicall- an, a#bit#a#iness. Secon, is ou# belief that M#. Monso,
possesses supe#io# =ualifications in te#"s of e5ecuti(e abilit-$
p#oficienc- in "ana/e"ent$ e,ucational bac>/#oun,$ e5pe#ience in
inte#national ban>in/ an, finance$ an, instant #eco/nition b- the public.
)is inte/#it- an, co"petence a#e not =uestione, b- the petitione#. 3hat
is befo#e us is co"pliance 0ith a specific #e=ui#e"ent 0#itten into the
Inspite of "- hi/h #e/a#, fo# M#. Monso,$ I cannot shi#> "-
constitutional ,ut-. )e has ne(e# en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# e(en
one -ea#. )e is a "e"be# of the ba# but to sa- that he has p#actice, la0
is st#etchin/ the te#" be-on, #ational li"its.
& pe#son "a- ha(e passe, the ba# e5a"inations. .ut if he has not
,e,icate, his life to the la0$ if he has not en/a/e, in an acti(it- 0he#e
"e"be#ship in the ba# is a #e=ui#e"ent I fail to see ho0 he can clai" to
ha(e been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0.
En/a/in/ in the p#actice of la0 is a =ualification not onl- fo#
COME+EC chai#"an but also fo# appoint"ent to the Sup#e"e Cou#t
an, all lo0e# cou#ts. 3hat >in, of *u,/es o# *ustices 0ill 0e ha(e if
the#e "ain occupation is sellin/ #eal estate$ "ana/in/ a business
co#po#ation$ se#(in/ in fact1fin,in/ co""ittee$ 0o#>in/ in "e,ia$ o#
ope#atin/ a fa#" 0ith no acti(e in(ol(e"ent in the la0$ 0hethe# in
Go(e#n"ent o# p#i(ate p#actice$ e5cept that in one <o-ful "o"ent in the
,istant past$ the- happene, to pass the ba# e5a"inationsI
The Constitution uses the ph#ase ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at
least ten -ea#s.? The ,elibe#ate choice of 0o#,s sho0s that the p#actice
en(isione, is acti(e an, #e/ula#$ not isolate,$ occasional$ acci,ental$
inte#"ittent$ inci,ental$ seasonal$ o# e5te"po#aneous. To be ?en/a/e,?
in an acti(it- fo# ten -ea#s #e=ui#es co""itte, pa#ticipation in
so"ethin/ 0hich is the #esult of one4s ,ecisi(e choice. It "eans that one
is occupie, an, in(ol(e, in the ente#p#iseD one is obli/e, o# ple,/e, to
ca##- it out 0ith intent an, attention ,u#in/ the ten1-ea# pe#io,.
I a/#ee 0ith the petitione# that base, on the bio1,ata sub"itte, b-
#espon,ent Monso, to the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents$ the latte# has
not been en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten -ea#s. In fact$ if
appea#s that M#. Monso, has ne(e# p#actice, la0 e5cept fo# an alle/e,
one -ea# pe#io, afte# passin/ the ba# e5a"inations 0hen he 0o#>e, in
his fathe#4s la0 fi#". E(en then his la0 p#actice "ust ha(e been
e5t#e"el- li"ite, because he 0as also 0o#>in/ fo# M.&. an, Ph. D.
,e/#ees in Econo"ics at the Uni(e#sit- of Penns-l(ania ,u#in/ that
pe#io,. )o0 coul, he p#actice la0 in the Unite, States 0hile not a
"e"be# of the .a# the#eI
The p#ofessional life of the #espon,ent follo0s2
1.1B.1. Respon,ent Monso,4s acti(ities since his passin/ the .a#
e5a"inations in 1%A1 consist of the follo0in/2
1. 1%A111%A!2 M.&. in Econo"ics 8Ph. D. can,i,ate9$ Uni(e#sit- of
@. 1%A!11%72 3o#l, .an> G#oup J Econo"ist$ In,ust#- Depa#t"entD
Ope#ations$ +atin &"e#ican Depa#t"entD Di(ision Chief$ South &sia
an, Mi,,le East$ Inte#national Ginance Co#po#ation
!. 1%711%7!2 Me#alco G#oup J E5ecuti(e of (a#ious co"panies$ i.e.$
Me#alco Secu#ities Co#po#ation$ Philippine Pet#oleu" Co#po#ation$
Philippine Elect#ic Co#po#ation
C. 1%7!11%7A2 'u<uico G#oup J P#esi,ent$ Gil1Capital De(elop"ent
Co#po#ation an, affiliate, co"panies
B. 1%7A11%762 Ginacie#a Manila J Chief E5ecuti(e Office#
A. 1%7611%6A2 Gue(ent G#oup of Co"panies J Chief E5ecuti(e Office#
7. 1%6A11%672 Philippine Constitutional Co""ission J Me"be#
6. 1%6%11%%12 The Gact1Gin,in/ Co""ission on the Dece"be# 1%6%
Coup &tte"pt J Me"be#
%. P#esentl-2 Chai#"an of the .oa#, an, Chief E5ecuti(e Office# of the
follo0in/ co"panies2
a. &CE Containe# Philippines$ Inc.
b. Datap#ep$ Philippines
c. Philippine SUNs-ste"s P#o,ucts$ Inc.
,. Se"i#a#a Coal Co#po#ation
e. C.+ Ti"be# Co#po#ation
Me"be# of the .oa#, of the Gollo0in/2
a. En/inee#in/ Const#uction Co#po#ation of the Philippines
b. Gi#st Philippine Ene#/- Co#po#ation
c. Gi#st Philippine )ol,in/s Co#po#ation
,. Gi#st Philippine In,ust#ial Co#po#ation
e. G#aphic &telie#
f. Manila Elect#ic Co"pan-
/. Philippine Co""e#cial Capital$ Inc.
h. Philippine Elect#ic Co#po#ation
i. Ta#lac Refo#estation an, En(i#on"ent Ente#p#ises
<. Tolon/ &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation
>. Visa-an &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation
l. Gui"a#as &=uacultu#e Co#po#ation 8Rollo$ pp. @11@@9
The#e is nothin/ in the abo(e bio1,ata 0hich e(en #e"otel- in,icates
that #espon,ent Monso, has /i(en the la0enou/h attention o# a ce#tain
,e/#ee of co""it"ent an, pa#ticipation as 0oul, suppo#t in all
since#it- an, can,o# the clai" of ha(in/ en/a/e, in its p#actice fo# at
least ten -ea#s. Instea, of 0o#>in/ as a la0-e#$ he has la0-e#s 0o#>in/
fo# hi". Instea, of /i(in/ #ecei(in/ that le/al a,(ice of le/al se#(ices$
he 0as the onea,(ice an, those se#(ices as an e5ecuti(e but not as a
The ,elibe#ations befo#e the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents sho0 an
effo#t to e=uate ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0? 0ith the use of le/al
>no0le,/e in (a#ious fiel,s of en,ea(o# such as co""e#ce$ in,ust#-$
ci(ic 0o#>$ blue #ibbon in(esti/ations$ a/#a#ian #efo#"$ etc. 0he#e such
>no0le,/e 0oul, be helpful.
I #e/#et that I cannot <oin in pla-in/ fast an, loose 0ith a te#"$ 0hich
e(en an o#,ina#- la-"an accepts as ha(in/ a fa"ilia# an, custo"a#-
0ell1,efine, "eanin/. E(e#- #esi,ent of this count#- 0ho has #eache,
the a/e of ,isce#n"ent has to >no0$ follo0$ o# appl- the la0 at (a#ious
ti"es in his life. +e/al >no0le,/e is useful if not necessa#- fo# the
business e5ecuti(e$ le/islato#$ "a-o#$ ba#an/a- captain$ teache#$
police"an$ fa#"e#$ fishe#"an$ "a#>et (en,o#$ an, stu,ent to na"e onl-
a fe0. &n, -et$ can these people honestl- asse#t that as such$ the- a#e
en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0I
The Constitution #e=ui#es ha(in/ been ?en/a/e, in the p#actice of la0
fo# at least ten -ea#s.? It is not satisfie, 0ith ha(in/ been ?a "e"be# of
the Philippine ba# fo# at least ten -ea#s.?
So"e &"e#ican cou#ts ha(e ,efine, the p#actice of la0$ as follo0s2
The p#actice of la0 in(ol(es not onl- appea#ance in cou#t in connection
0ith liti/ation but also se#(ices #en,e#e, out of cou#t$ an, it inclu,es the
/i(in/ of a,(ice o# the #en,e#in/ of an- se#(ices #e=ui#in/ the use of
le/al s>ill o# >no0le,/e$ such as p#epa#in/ a 0ill$ cont#act o# othe#
inst#u"ent$ the le/al effect of 0hich$ un,e# the facts an, con,itions
in(ol(e,$ "ust be ca#efull- ,ete#"ine,. People e5 #el. Chica/o .a#
&ss4n (. Tin>off$ !%% Ill. @6@$ 77 N.E.@, A%!D People e5 #el. Illinois
State .a# &ss4n (. People4s Stoc> 'a#,s State .an>$ !CC Ill. CA@$17A
N.E. %1$ an, cases cite,.
It 0oul, be ,ifficult$ if not i"possible to la- ,o0n a fo#"ula o#
,efinition of 0hat constitutes the p#actice of la0. ?P#acticin/ la0? has
been ,efine, as ?P#acticin/ as an atto#ne- o# counselo# at la0 acco#,in/
to the la0s an, custo"s of ou# cou#ts$ is the /i(in/ of a,(ice o#
#en,ition of an- so#t of se#(ice b- an- pe#son$ fi#" o# co#po#ation 0hen
the /i(in/ of such a,(ice o# #en,ition of such se#(ice #e=ui#es the use of
an- ,e/#ee of le/al >no0le,/e o# s>ill.? 3ithout a,optin/ that
,efinition$ 0e #efe##e, to it as bein/ substantiall- co##ect in People e5
#el. Illinois State .a# &ss4n (. People4s Stoc> 'a#,s State .an>$ !CC Ill.
CA@$17A N.E. %1. 8People (. Schafe#$ 67 N.E. @, 77!$ 77A9
Go# one4s actions to co"e 0ithin the pu#(ie0 of p#actice of la0 the-
shoul, not onl- be acti(ities peculia# to the 0o#> of a la0-e#$ the-
shoul, also be pe#fo#"e,$ habituall-$ f#e=uentl- o# custo"a#il-$ to 0it2
555 555 555
Respon,ent4s ans0e#s to =uestions p#opoun,e, to hi" 0e#e #athe#
e(asi(e. )e 0as as>e, 0hethe# o# not he e(e# p#epa#e, cont#acts fo# the
pa#ties in #eal1estate t#ansactions 0he#e he 0as not the p#ocu#in/ a/ent.
)e ans0e#e,2 ?Ve#- sel,o".? In ans0e# to the =uestion as to ho0 "an-
ti"es he ha, p#epa#e, cont#acts fo# the pa#ties ,u#in/ the t0ent-1one
-ea#s of his business$ he sai,2 ?I ha(e no I,ea.? 3hen as>e, if it 0oul,
be "o#e than half a ,o;en ti"es his ans0e# 0as I suppose. &s>e, if he
,i, not #ecall "a>in/ the state"ent to se(e#al pa#ties that he ha,
p#epa#e, cont#acts in a la#/e nu"be# of instances$ he ans0e#e,2 ?I ,on4t
#ecall e5actl- 0hat 0as sai,.? 3hen as>e, if he ,i, not #e"e"be#
sa-in/ that he ha, "a,e a p#actice of p#epa#in/ ,ee,s$ "o#t/a/es an,
cont#acts an, cha#/in/ a fee to the pa#ties the#efo# in instances 0he#e he
0as not the b#o>e# in the ,eal$ he ans0e#e,2 ?3ell$ I ,on4t belie(e so$
that is not a p#actice.? P#esse, fu#the# fo# an ans0e# as to his p#actice in
p#epa#in/ cont#acts an, ,ee,s fo# pa#ties 0he#e he 0as not the b#o>e#$
he finall- ans0e#e,2 ?I ha(e ,one about e(e#-thin/ that is on the boo>s
as fa# as #eal estate is conce#ne,.?
555 555 555
Respon,ent ta>es the position that because he is a #eal1estate b#o>e# he
has a la0ful #i/ht to ,o an- le/al 0o#> in connection 0ith #eal1estate
t#ansactions$ especiall- in ,#a0in/ of #eal1estate cont#acts$ ,ee,s$
"o#t/a/es$ notes an, the li>e. The#e is no ,oubt but that he has en/a/e,
in these p#actices o(e# the -ea#s an, has cha#/e, fo# his se#(ices in that
connection. ... 8People (. Schafe#$ 67 N.E. @, 77!9
555 555 555
... &n atto#ne-$ in the "ost /ene#al sense$ is a pe#son ,esi/nate, o#
e"plo-e, b- anothe# to act in his stea,D an a/entD "o#e especiall-$ one
of a class of pe#sons autho#i;e, to appea# an, act fo# suito#s o#
,efen,ants in le/al p#ocee,in/s. St#ictl-$ these p#ofessional pe#sons a#e
atto#ne-s at la0$ an, non1p#ofessional a/ents a#e p#ope#l- st-le,
?atto#ne-4s in factD? but the sin/le 0o#, is "uch use, as "eanin/ an
atto#ne- at la0. & pe#son "a- be an atto#ne- in facto fo# anothe#$
0ithout bein/ an atto#ne- at la0. &bb. +a0 Dict. ?&tto#ne-.? & public
atto#ne-$ o# atto#ne- at la0$ sa-s 3ebste#$ is an office# of a cou#t of la0$
le/all- =ualifie, to p#osecute an, ,efen, actions in such cou#t on the
#etaine#of clients. ?The p#incipal ,uties of an atto#ne- a#e 819 to be t#ue
to the cou#t an, to his clientD 8@9 to "ana/e the business of his client
0ith ca#e$ s>ill$ an, inte/#it-D 8!9 to >eep his client info#"e, as to the
state of his businessD 8C9 to >eep his sec#ets confi,e, to hi" as such. ...
)is #i/hts a#e to be <ustl- co"pensate, fo# his se#(ices.? .ou(. +a0
Dict. tit. ?&tto#ne-.? The t#ansiti(e (e#b ?p#actice$? as ,efine, b-
3ebste#$ "eans 4to ,o o# pe#fo#" f#e=uentl-$ custo"a#il-$ o# habituall-D
to pe#fo#" b- a succession of acts$ as$ to p#actice /a"in/$ ... to ca##- on
in p#actice$ o# #epeate, actionD to appl-$ as a theo#-$ to #eal lifeD to
e5e#cise$ as a p#ofession$ t#a,e$ a#t. etc.D as$ to p#actice la0 o# "e,icine$4
etc....? 8State (. .#-an$ S.E. B@@$ B@!D E"phasis supplie,9
In this <u#is,iction$ 0e ha(e #ule, that the p#actice of la0 ,enotes
f#e=uenc- o# a succession of acts. Thus$ 0e state, in the case of People
(. Villanue(a 81C SCR& 1% E1%ABF92
555 555 555
... P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance$ fo# it consists in
f#e=uent o# custo"a#- actions$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In
othe# 0o#,s$ it is f#e=uent habitual e5e#cise 8State (. Cotne#$ 1@7$ p. 1$
67 Pan. 6AC$ C@ +R&$ M.S. 7A69. P#actice of la0 to fall 0ithin the
p#ohibition of statute has been inte#p#ete, as custo"a#il- o# habituall-
hol,in/ one4s self out to the public$ as a la0-e# an, ,e"an,in/ pa-"ent
fo# such se#(ices. ... . 8at p. 11@9
It is to be note, that the Co""ission on &ppoint"ent itself #eco/ni;es
habitualit- as a #e=ui#e, co"ponent of the "eanin/ of p#actice of la0 in
a Me"o#an,u" p#epa#e, an, issue, b- it$ to 0it2
l. )abitualit-. The te#" 4p#actice of la04 i"plies custo"a#il-o#
habituall- hol,in/ one4s self out to the public as a la0-e# 8People (.
Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1% citin/ State (. .#-an$ C S.E. B@@$ %6 N.C.
ACC9 such as 0hen one sen,s a ci#cula# announcin/ the establish"ent of
a la0 office fo# the /ene#al p#actice of la0 8U.S. (. No- .os=ue$ 6 Phil.
1CA9$ o# 0hen one ta>es the oath of office as a la0-e# befo#e a nota#-
public$ an, files a "anifestation 0ith the Sup#e"e Cou#t info#"in/ it of
his intention to p#actice la0 in all cou#ts in the count#- 8People (. De
+una$ 1@ Phil. %A69.
P#actice is "o#e than an isolate, appea#ance$ fo# it consists in f#e=uent
o# custo"a#- action$ a succession of acts of the sa"e >in,. In othe#
0o#,s$ it is a habitual e5e#cise 8People (. Villanue(a$ 1C SCR& 1 %
citin/ State (. Cotne#$ 1 @7$ p. 1$ 67 Pan$ 6AC9.? 8Rollo$ p. 11B9
555 555 555
3hile the ca#ee# as a business"an of #espon,ent Monso, "a- ha(e
p#ofite, f#o" his le/al >no0le,/e$ the use of such le/al >no0le,/e is
inci,ental an, consists of isolate, acti(ities 0hich ,o not fall un,e# the
,eno"ination of p#actice of la0. &,"ission to the p#actice of la0 0as
not #e=ui#e, fo# "e"be#ship in the Constitutional Co""ission o# in the
Gact1Gin,in/ Co""ission on the 1%6% Coup &tte"pt. &n- specific le/al
acti(ities 0hich "a- ha(e been assi/ne, to M#. Monso, 0hile a
"e"be# "a- be li>ene, to isolate, t#ansactions of fo#ei/n co#po#ations
in the Philippines 0hich ,o not cate/o#i;e the fo#ei/n co#po#ations as
,oin/ business in the Philippines. &s in the p#actice of la0$ ,oin/
business also shoul, be acti(e an, continuous. Isolate, business
t#ansactions o# occasional$ inci,ental an, casual t#ansactions a#e not
0ithin the conte5t of ,oin/ business. This 0as ou# #ulin/ in the case of
&nta" Consoli,ate,$ Inc. (. Cou#t of appeals$ 1C! SCR& @66 E1%6AF9.
Respon,ent Monso,$ co#po#ate e5ecuti(e$ ci(ic lea,e#$ an, "e"be# of
the Constitutional Co""ission "a- possess the bac>/#oun,$
co"petence$ inte/#it-$ an, ,e,ication$ to =ualif- fo# such hi/h offices as
P#esi,ent$ Vice1P#esi,ent$ Senato#$ Con/#ess"an o# Go(e#no# but the
Constitution in p#esc#ibin/ the specific =ualification of ha(in/ en/a/e,
in the p#actice of la0 fo# at least ten 819 -ea#s fo# the position of
COME+EC Chai#"an has o#,e#e, that he "a- not be confi#"e, fo# that
office. The Constitution cha#/es the public #espon,ents no less than this
Cou#t to obe- its "an,ate.
I$ the#efo#e$ belie(e that the Co""ission on &ppoint"ents co""itte,
/#a(e abuse of ,isc#etion in confi#"in/ the no"ination of #espon,ent
Monso, as Chai#"an of the COME+EC.
I (ote to GR&NT the petition.
.i,in$ *.$ ,issent

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