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AK/ADMS 2511 - Management Information Systems Practice Midterm

Covering Sessions 1 to 4 !nits 1 to 4 in t"e Internet Section#

$"is %ractice e&am is str'ct'red to ta(e t)o and a "a*f "o'rs+ Since it is )ort" ,5 mar(s-
yo' )o'*d a**ocate t)o min'tes for eac" mar(+
Question 1 - Multiple Choice Questions 5. mar(s 1.. min'tes#
/0ote t"at t"e rea* midterm )i** 1e "anded o't to yo' in %arts+2
3or 1est res'*ts- ans)er t"ese 4'estions 1efore c"ec(ing t"e so*'tions+ 3or t"e act'a*
midterm e&amination- )e )i** 1e 'sing scantron s"eets- so 1e s're to 1ring a %enci* and
an eraser+
51# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing is an e&am%*e of a data item7
A+ an invoice
8+ a st'dent9s name
C+ a sa*es ana*ysis re%ort
D+ a forecast
52# :o'r com%any "as recent*y decided to re%*ace com%'ter e4'i%ment and c"ange t"e
)ay its %ersonne* in t"e fie*d 'se t"eir "ard)are+ :o' "ave 1een as(ed to c"ange t"e
"ig"-*eve* doc'ment t"at s"o)s t"e information assets in t"e cor%oration+ :o' are
'%dating t"e;
A+ strategic %*an for t"e 1'siness
8+ information tec"no*ogy infrastr'ct're descri%tion
C+ information tec"no*ogy arc"itect're doc'ment
D+ information systems o%erationa* systems descri%tion
5<# 8estP"arm se**s "ard)are and c'stomi=ed soft)are to %"armacies and %"armacists
dea*ing )it" %rescri%tion interactions+ 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing is a )ay t"at 8estP"arm
mig"t dea* )it" tec"no*ogica* innovation or o1so*escence7
A+ ma(e s're t"at its %rod'cts are easy to 'se and 'se straig"t-for)ard *ang'age
8+ "ave c'stomers 1'y t"eir "ard)are direct from "ard)are s'%%*iers
C+ 1e %roactive and e&%*ain )"y its %rod'cts are as good as com%etitors
D+ a*)ays "ave c'rrent information a1o't t"e interaction data1ase avai*a1*e
54# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing 1est descri1es 3riedman9s t"ird f*attener- deve*o%ment of
work flow software7
A+ avai*a1i*ity of 'ser friend*y internet 1ro)ser soft)are to t"e %'1*ic
8+ a1i*ity to '%*oad content to t"e internet 'sing o%en-so'rce soft)are
C+ "aving anot"er com%any %erform interna* f'nctions for yo'r com%any
D+ ena1*ing com%'ter a%%*ications to intero%erate )it"o't "'man intervention
55# >o) do strategic systems %rovide for an effective organi=ationa* res%onse to
1'siness %ress'res7 S'c" systems
A+ increase mar(et s"are or %rofits- or %revent com%etitors from entering t"eir mar(ets
8+ decrease mar(et s"are or %rofits- or %revent com%etitors from entering t"eir mar(ets
C+ res'*t in t"e organi=ation dea*ing )it" c'stomers at t"e transaction *eve*
D+ %rovide re%orts of acco'nts %aya1*e or ot"er systems t"at aid in t"e decision ma(ing
5?# A financia* ana*yst is an e&am%*e of;
A+ a (no)*edge )or(er
8+ a c*erica* )or(er
C+ an o%erationa* manager
D+ a midd*e manager
5,# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing em%*oyee gro'%s )o'*d ma(e 'se of 1'siness inte**igence
8I# soft)are7
A+ (no)*edge )or(ers
8+ e&ec'tives
C+ c*erica* staff
D+ *o)er-*eve* or o%erationa* managers
5@# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing is a 8I 1'siness inte**igence system# c"aracteristic7
A+ re*y on e&isting cor%orate data and data f*o)
8+ are re*ative*y inf*e&i1*e
C+ s'%%ort com%*e&- non-ro'tine decisions
D+ "ave *itt*e ana*ytica* ca%a1i*ity
5A# Proced'res are an im%ortant com%onent of com%'ter-1ased information systems+ In
t"is conte&t- %roced'res are;
A+ )ritten- forma* %roced'res te**ing em%*oyees )"at to do d'ring t"eir time at t"e
8+ t"e instr'ctions 'sed 1y com%'ter %rograms to e&ec'te %rograms and create t"e desired
screen dis%*ays and o't%'t
C+ a** instr'ctions 'sed to esta1*is" and maintain com%'ter 1ased systems so t"at t"ey are
a*)ays avai*a1*e
D+ instr'ctions a1o't "o) to com1ine "ard)are- soft)are- data1ases and net)or(s in
order to %rocess and o't%'t information
51.# 3'nctiona* %rograms 'sed 1y t"e "'man reso'rces de%artment to screen Bo1
a%%*icants and to monitor em%*oyee t'rnover )o'*d 1e ca**ed;
A+ enter%rise reso'rce %*anning systems
8+ decision s'%%ort systems
C+ office a'tomation %rograms
D+ a%%*ication %rograms
511# !sing t"e frame)or( for et"ica* iss'es- )"at ty%e of iss'e does t"e fo**o)ing
4'estion %ertain to; C6"o o)ns t"e data a com%any co**ects a1o't its c'stomersD7
A+ %rivacy
8+ %ro%erty
C+ acc'racy
D+ accessi1i*ity
512# Princi%*es 'sed 1y t"e com%'ter sec'rity %rofession to reg'*ate itse*f and to g'ide
decision ma(ing are ca**ed;
A+ a code of et"ics
8+ %rofessiona* res%onsi1i*ity
C+ %rofessiona* standards
D+ a %rivacy %o*icy
51<# PIPEDA Persona* Information Protection and E*ectronic Doc'ments Act# re4'ires
t"at organi=ations;
A+ ens're t"at %"ysica* assets are %rotected from t"eft
8+ individ'a*s 1e %revented from accessing t"e information t"at t"ey s'1mit
C+ esta1*is" 1ot" a %rivacy %o*icy and %roced'res to ens're t"at t"e %o*icy is ad"ered to
D+ %revent a** of t"eir em%*oyees from accessing c'stomer information
514# 6"at (ind of a net)or( is a virt'a* %rivate net)or(7
A+ avoids t"e 'se of t"e internet- 'sing dedicated *ines
8+ virt'a**y im%enetra1*e d'e to t"e ty%e of ca1*ing 'sed
C+ tem%orary 1eca'se t"e organi=ationa* connection e&ists on*y d'ring transmission
D+ o%en on*y to 'sers )"o 1e*ong to t"e net)or(
515# Actions to %rotect yo'r credit cards and de1it cards s"o'*d 1e ta(en in t"e conte&t
A+ t"e n'm1er of cards t"at yo' "ave
8+ t"e fre4'ency )it" )"ic" yo' s'rf t"e internet
C+ "o) often yo' c"ange yo'r PI0 %ersona* identification n'm1er#
D+ yo'r financia* e&%os're
51?# If yo' are t"e victim of identify t"eft- one of t"e actions t"at yo' s"o'*d ta(e is;
A+ s"red a** of yo'r mai*
8+ fi*e a detai*ed %o*ice re%ort
C+ s"red a** of yo'r credit card statements
D+ contact ne) credit card com%anies and get ne) credit cards
51,# $"e decima* n'm1er , re4'ires;
A+ one 1it of storage
8+ one 1yte of storage
C+ t)o 1its of storage
D+ fo'r 1ytes of storage
51@# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing 'ses a series of *ogica**y re*ated t)o-dimensiona* ta1*es or
fi*es to store information in t"e form of a data1ase7
A+ re*ationa* data1ase
8+ data )are"o'se
C+ se4'entia* fi*e
D+ e&%ert system
51A# Fe*ationa* data1ases can 1e s*o) if t"e ta1*es created "ave too many data e*ements+
6"ic" tec"ni4'e )i** "e*% s%eed '% data %rocessing 1y stream*ining t"e ta1*es in a
re*ationa* data1ase7
A+ norma*i=ation
8+ str'ct'red 4'eries
C+ o1Bect-oriented %rogramming
D+ 4'ery 1y e&am%*e
52.# 6"en contrasting f'nctiona**y 1ased systems to data1ase management systems-
)"ic" one of t"e fo**o)ing is an advantage of f'nctiona* or traditiona* systems7
A+ data red'ndancy
8+ *ac( of data s"aring and avai*a1i*ity
C+ sim%*icity of o%eration
D+ inade4'ate data sec'rity
521# A *ogica* record contains severa* fie*ds of re*ated data e*ements t"at %ertain to an
event or an entity+ 6"at is a c"aracteristic of t"e %rimary (ey fie*d7 It contains
A+ t"e dis( address of t"e record
8+ t"e %ass)ord t"at a**o)s access to t"e record
C+ t"e data dictionary item n'm1er
D+ s 'ni4'e identifier of t"e event or entity
522# A %erson9s name is an e&am%*e of a;
A+ record
8+ data1ase
C+ fie*d
D+ 1yte
52<# >tt%;//)))+yor('+ca is a;
A+ net)or( access %rotoco*
8+ !FG 'niform reso'rce *ocator#
C+ $e*net site
D+ 3$P fi*e transfer %rotoco*#
524# $"e internet is 1eing 'sed to access a %ersona*i=ed gate)ay to information and
(no)*edge for a st'dent a*'mni gro'%+ $"is gate)ay is ca**ed an#;
A+ affinity %orta*
8+ cor%orate access %oint
C+ soft)are agent
D+ mo1i*e %orta*
5 25# Ana*og signa*s are digiti=ed- sectioned into %ac(ets- and t"en sent over t"e
Internet+ $"is %rocess is ca**ed;
A+ mod'*ation
8+ e*ectronic c"at room
C+ monitoring and s'rvei**ance
D+ voice over internet %rotoco*
52?# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing is a disadvantage of t"e Internet7
A+ s"o%%ing can 1e faster and more convenient
8+ offerings can c"ange instantaneo's*y
C+ data sent via t"e Internet is not %rivate
D+ %ricing can c"ange instantaneo's*y
52,# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing items )o'*d 1e considered to 1e information7
A+ 1'i*ding n'm1er
8+ sa*es invoice
C+ invoice n'm1er
D+ s'%%*ier name
52@# A com%etitive strategy t"at concentrates on ma(ing c'stomers "a%%y 'sing
%ersona*i=ed )e1 sites is ca**ed an#;
A+ innovation strategy
8+ o%erationa* effectiveness strategy
C+ cost *eaders"i% strategy
D+ c'stomer-orientation strategy
52A# A common "'man mista(e t"at can %ose a *arge sec'rity %ro1*em at organi=ations
A+ damage d'e to fire
8+ data corr'%tion
C+ %oor %ass)ords
D+ %o)er o'tage
5<.# An e&am%*e t"at i**'strates data isolation is;
A+ c'stomer information in t"e sa*es systems cannot 1e accessed 1y ot"er a%%*ications
8+ d'%*icate %ayro** information is stored on m'*ti%*e servers in remote *ocations
C+ servers are iso*ated to im%rove sec'rity over confidentia* data fi*es
D+ data is co%ied onto m'*ti%*e media and stored in 1ac('% *i1raries
5<1# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing organi=es data 1y 1'siness dimension or s'1Bect so t"at t"e
data is consistent and non-vo*ati*e7
A+ data1ase management system
8+ transaction %rocessing system
C+ se4'entia* fi*e system
D+ data )are"o'se
5<2# A comm'nications %rocessor t"at connects dissimi*ar net)or(s 1y trans*ating from
one set of %rotoco*s to anot"er is ca**ed an#;
A+ ro'ter
8+ gate)ay
C+ em1edded *oca* area net)or( GA0#
D+ 1ridge
5<<# C"evron- an internationa* oi* com%any "as nationa* net)or(s+ It 'ses "ig"-s%eed
centra* net)or(s to )"ic" m'*ti%*e sma**er net)or(s s'c" as GA0s or sma**er 6A0s#
are connected to stay connected+ $"ese "ig"-s%eed centra* net)or(s are ca**ed;
A+ gate)ays
8+ 1ridges
C+ 1ac(1one net)or(s
D+ s)itc" net)or(s
5<4# Em%*oyees at t"e Hran(o Com%any are "eavi*y invo*ved in researc" and
deve*o%ment+ $"ey (ee% an eye on )"at is "a%%ening )it" t"eir com%etitors 1y 'sing
soft)are t"at searc"es severa* searc" engines at once and integrates t"e findings+ $"eir
soft)are is ca**ed an#;
A+ searc" engine
8+ decision s'%%ort system
C+ artificia* inte**igence
D+ metasearc" engine
5<5# C"evron cor%oration offers a %ersona*i=ed- sing*e %oint of access t"ro'g" a )e1
1ro)ser to critica* information+ Em%*oyees access t"eir em%*oyee data- c'stomers access
t"eir %ast 1'ying "istory- )"i*e s'%%*iers access stat's of de*iveries+ C"evron %rovides
access to information t"at is *ocated 1ot" inside and o'tside of t"e organi=ation+ $"is
%orta* is ca**ed an#;
A+ commercia* %orta*
8+ cor%orate %orta*
C+ affinity %orta*
D+ ind'stry)ide %orta*
5<?# MaBor Com%any %rides itse*f in "aving fast res%onse time on its e&tranet and
intranet+ It 'ses deve*o%ment tec"ni4'es t"at s%eed '% res%onse time and increase 'ser
satisfaction+ Ince s'c" tec"ni4'e- ca**ed AJAK;
A+ is 'sed to descri1e (ey)ords or %ieces of im%ortant information to faci*itate
8+ ena1*es constr'ction of 1'siness a%%*ications 'sing )e1 services rat"er t"an dedicated
com%'ting e4'i%ment
C+ %ermits 'sers to se*ect and com1ine a*most any device- from %ersona* com%'ters to
mo1i*e %"ones
D+ a**o)s %ortions of )e1 %ages to re*oad )it" fres" data instead of re*oading t"e entire
)e1 %age
5<,# 3ranBette is a )riter )"o "as a series of nove*s %'1*is"ed+ As s"e )or(s on a ne)
1oo(- s"e sends o't emai*s to "er s'1scri1ers- *etting t"em (no) a1o't c"anges to "er
1*og+ >er s'1scri1ers are a*erted to "er ne) content+ 3ranBette is 'sing;
A+ Fea**y sim%*e syndication
8+ Socia* net)or(ing
C+ $agging
D+ Aggregation %rocessing
5<@# Sam "as a )e1 site made '% of %o%'*ar Bo(es and comics+ >e ta(es %arts of content
from n'mero's ot"er )e1 sites and mi&es t"em toget"er to create mi&ed-'% Bo(es and
video trai*ers+ Same is 'sing a tec"ni4'e ca**ed an#;
A+ FSS rea**y sim%*y syndication#
8+ %odcast
C+ mas"'%
D+ videocast
5<A# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing is an advantage of te*ecomm'ting7
A+ em%*oyer increased %rod'ctivity and retention of s(i**ed em%*oyees
8+ increased fee*ings of iso*ation from fe**o) em%*oyees
C+ %ossi1*e *oss of fringe 1enefits s'c" as em%*oyee *'nc"es at t"e cafeteria
D+ t"e %otentia* for s*o)er %romotions d'e to red'ced face time
54.# $"e data *ife cyc*e fo**o)s t"e se4'ence of; co**ection- storage- %rocessing and
'sage+ 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing e&am%*es is re*ated to %rocessing7
A+ soft)are is 'sed to %rovide trend ana*ysis and %redict f't're %'rc"ases
8+ data is entered or scanned 'sing "and-"e*d devices
C+ data is reorgani=ed or mani%'*ated to ca*c'*ate ot"er information
D+ transactions are retained on "ard dis( drives
541# $"e data *ife cyc*e fo**o)s t"e se4'ence of; co**ection- storage- %rocessing and
'sage+ 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing e&am%*es is re*ated to storage7
A+ soft)are is 'sed to %rovide trend ana*ysis and %redict f't're %'rc"ases
8+ data is entered or scanned 'sing "and-"e*d devices
C+ data is reorgani=ed or mani%'*ated to ca*c'*ate ot"er information
D+ transactions are retained on dis( drives
542# $"e data *ife cyc*e fo**o)s t"e se4'ence of; co**ection- storage- %rocessing and
'sage+ 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing e&am%*es is re*ated to 'sage7
A+ soft)are is 'sed to %rovide trend ana*ysis and %redict f't're %'rc"ases
8+ data is entered or scanned 'sing "and-"e*d devices
C+ data is reorgani=ed or mani%'*ated to ca*c'*ate ot"er information
D+ transactions are retained on "ard dis( drives
54<# $"e data *ife cyc*e fo**o)s t"e se4'ence of; co**ection- storage- %rocessing and
'sage+ 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing e&am%*es is re*ated to co**ection7
A+ soft)are is 'sed to %rovide trend ana*ysis and %redict f't're %'rc"ases
8+ data is entered or scanned 'sing "and-"e*d devices
C+ data is reorgani=ed or mani%'*ated to ca*c'*ate ot"er information
D+ transactions are retained on "ard dis( drives
544# A8C Com%any "as determined t"at t"ere is a "ig" ris( of intr'sion to its sec're
)e1 site+ According*y- t"e com%any "as im%*emented anti-vir's- anti-s%am and
monitoring soft)are t"at is '%dated dai*y- and monitored 'sing 1ot" soft)are and %eo%*e+
A8C Com%any is engaging in;
A+ ris( ana*ysis
8+ ris( mitigation
C+ ris( acce%tance
D+ ris( transference
545# A8C Com%any "as a variety of %rocessing contro*s in its acco'nting %rograms+
$"ese contro*s add '% data and com%are to ot"er fi*es- do ca*c'*ations- and %rovide edit
c"ec(s on in%'t+ $"ese contro*s are ca**ed;
A+ identification cards
8+ %"ysica* contro*s
C+ *ogica* contro*s
D+ access contro*s
54?# >AG Gimited )o'*d *i(e to im%rove t"e 4'a*ity of its contro* environment+
According*y- t"e com%any s"o'*d;
A+ im%*ement %o*icies and %roced'res t"at descri1e s'%ervision %ractices
8+ c"ec( t"e assignment of %ayro** system access %ass)ords
C+ im%rove editing %rograms over t"e acc'racy of t"e date fie*d
D+ im%*ement manager a%%rova* of %ayro** )age rates for ne) factory em%*oyees
54,# PIM Cor%oration is 'sing soft)are to "e*% ana*y=e t"e %otentia* ca'ses for
e4'i%ment fai*'res+ $"e soft)are "as 1een deve*o%ed 1y 'sing t"e (no)*edge of
n'mero's re%air %ersons )"o "ave 1een )it" t"e com%any for many years and are no)
near retirement+ $"e re%air maintenance diagnosis system is *i(e*y an#;
A+ 1'siness inte**igence system
8+ management information system
C+ e&ec'tive digita* das"1oard
D+ e&%ert system
54@# MPP: Cor%oration "as a *arge data )are"o'se )it" "istorica* information going
1ac( ten years+ $"e data )are"o'se inc*'des c'stomer name and c'rrent address- as )e**
as %'rc"ase detai*s s'c" as item 4'antity- item descri%tion and %rice+ $"e mar(eting
de%artment )o'*d *i(e to do its o)n data ana*ysis of t"e data )are"o'se to decide )"ic"
%rod'cts to mar(et toget"er+ $"e mar(eting de%artment )o'*d *i(e*y 'se an#;
A+ e&%ert system
8+ transaction %rocessing system
C+ office a'tomation system
D+ 1'siness inte**igence system
54A# 6"ic" of t"e fo**o)ing re%orts %ertaining to %ayro** information )as *i(e*y
%rod'ced 1y a management information system7
A+ em%*oyees )"o "ave )or(ed more t"an ?. "o'rs in t"e *ast )ee(
8+ "o'rs )or(ed- 1y em%*oyee- s"o)ing )age rates and gross %ay
C+ %roBections of *a1o'r costs if )age rates are increased 1y ten %ercent
D+ im%act on t"e *a1o'r force of adding a ne) %rod'ction *ine
55.# Kitc"en Aid mi&ers- )e**-(no)n "ig"-vo*'me-%rod'ced (itc"en devices- are
avai*a1*e in a variety of co*o'rs+ 6"en ordered on*ine- yo' can se*ect yo'r co*o'r-
)"ereas if yo' 1'y it in t"e store yo' can 's'a**y on*y se*ect 1et)een )"ite and 1r's"ed
stee*+ $"e o%tion of se*ection 1y co*o'r on*ine is an e&am%*e of;
A+ mass c'stomi=ation
8+ nic"e mar(eting
C+ vertica* mar(eting
D+ ma(e-to-order
Question 2 1. mar(s 2. min'tes#
Hreenvi**e >os%ita* is a modern faci*ity t"at %rides itse*f on "aving acc'rate %atient
information and )e** integrated acco'nting systems+ $"e "os%ita* is a*)ays *oo(ing for
ne) )ays to 'se com%'ter systems so t"at its medica* staff can s%end more time )it"
%atients+ $"e "os%ita* "as an '%-to-date "ard)are and soft)are infrastr'ct're 'sing )ire-
1ased systems+
A# 3or eac" of t"e fo**o)ing information system ty%es %rovide a definition and an
e&am%*e system- e&%*aining "o) t"e e&am%*e system co'*d 1e 'sed 1y Hreenvi**e
>os%ita*+ 4 mar(s#
$PS $ransaction Processing System
DSS Decision S'%%ort System
8# 3o**o)ing is an e&tract of information from Hreenvi**e >os%ita*9s %ayro**
Employee name Wage rate per
Regular hours
Overtime hours
54?24 Ama*ie Smit" 1.+.. 4. 5
54A?@ >arrison C"an 15+.. 4. .
?A..2 Cindy 3*a"erty 14+.. 4. ?
$o doc'ment t"e data mode* for %ayro**- descri1e t"e fo**o)ing t"ree com%onents
of t"e data mode* and %rovide an e&am%*e from t"e ta1*e t"at i**'strates t"e
c"aracteristics of t"e com%onent+ ? mar(s#
Descri1e com%onent of data mode* E&am%*e from ta1*e t"e c"aracteristics of
t"e com%onent
Primary (ey
Question 3 15 mar(s <. min'tes#
C"evron Cor%oration is a *arge m'*ti-nationa* energy cor%oration )it" over L2.. 1i**ion
in sa*es+ In Canada- C"evron o%erates as $e&aco- )"ic" inc*'des "ead office-
man'fact'ring and distri1'tion- and retai* gaso*ine stations+ In information tec"no*ogy
a*one- t"e com%any em%*oys a1o't <-5.. %eo%*e- "as a1o't 1.-... servers and %rocesses
a mi**ion emai* messages dai*y+
A# I'r te&t1oo( descri1es fo'r genera* categories of et"ica* iss'es t"at are re*evant
to information tec"no*ogy %rivacy- acc'racy- %ro%erty and accessi1i*ity#+ 3or
eac" of t"ese iss'es- descri1e "o) t"e iss'e is %ertinent to information
tec"no*ogy- and %rovide one e&am%*e of "o) t"ese iss'es mig"t %ertain to
C"evron or $e&aco+ @ mar(s#
Descri%tion of genera* category of et"ica*
iss'e re*evant to information tec"no*ogy
E&am%*es of "o) t"ese iss'es mig"t %ertain
to C"evron or $e&aco
8# Descri1e t)o net)or( %rotoco*s t"at a C"evron/$e&aco co'*d de%*oy in its
net)or(s+ 2 mar(s#
C# 3or eac" of t"e fo**o)ing ty%es of net)or(s- e&%*ain "o) C"evron/$e&aco co'*d
'se t"e net)or(+ < mar(s#
Type of network
(no description
Explanation of how C"evron/$e&aco could use the network !"ote
that each example must be different and be clearly illustrative of
the nature of the network#
6ide area net)or(
net)or( MA0#
D# E&%*ain "o) a C"evron or $e&aco em%*oyee co'*d 'se a smart %"one and a
net)or( a%%*ication for t"e %rocess of discovery+ 2 mar(s#
End of practice exam Effective date; May 1.- 2.11#

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