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Puntos: 1
Unit 6. Frequency adverbs with negative answer
Complete the dialogue with the correct answer:
Mike: Hey Sue, ______________________.?
Sue: No, my sister doesnt always study at the university.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Does your sister study always at the university?
b. Does your sister always study at the university?
c. Do your sister always study at the university?
d. Where does your sister study?
Puntos: 1
Unit 3, 5 and 8 Numbers there is,there are
Read the article: "The house where r. and rs. iller live" and accordin! to the readin!
answer the "ollowin! #uestions:
Who is $ir!inia %ivin! with?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. She is livin! with r. and rs. iller
b. She is livin! with r. and rs. %ope&
c. She is livin! with a partner
d. She is livin! alone
Puntos: 1
Unit 1, 6. Verb to be, Simple Present, The family, Professions and oupations.
!ordin" to the readin" #T$o %nternational &riends#, selet the orret ans$er to
the ne't (uestion)
What does (laudio do?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. )e is a teacher
b. )e is a student
c. )e is a business*an
d. )e is a doctor
Puntos: 1
Unit 2- . !h "uestion and #er$ to $e.
%isten to the audio &He is 'ute& and a((ordin) to it, answer the ne*t
!ho is the $a$y o+ the +amily?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. %ucy is the baby o" the "a*ily
b. ,a*es is the baby o" the "a*ily
c. Sally is the baby o" the "a*ily
d. Ta**y is the baby o" the "a*ily
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 and 6 Verb To be, Simple Present, the &amily, professions and oupations.
.ccordin! to the readin! "Two /nternational 0riends"1 select the correct answer to the ne2t
What pro"ession does (hul have?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. )e is a Doctor
b. )e is a student
c. )e is a business*an
d. )e is a lawyer
Puntos: 1
Unit 11 and 1* Simple Present
+omplete the sentene $ith the orret $ord)
y best "riend 44444444 to *e every wee5.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. writes
b. writiees
c. writies
d. write
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 and * , Verb To -e
+hoose the best ans$er aordin" to the onte't of the piture)
This is 7eor!e Washin!ton. )e 4444444441 and )e is very representative in the a*erican
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. are "ro* 8n!land
b. is "ro* /taly
c. is "ro* the 9nited States o" .*erica
d. are "ro* 0rance
Puntos: 1
Unit * This is.These are .udio
%isten to the audio "This1 That1 These and Those" and accordin! to it1 co*plete this
44444 children live here.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. They
b. That
c. Those
d. These
Puntos: 1
Units 3 and / Numbers
%oo5 at the picture and co*plete the sentence:
.ccordin! to the picture1 you will !et a twenty percent discount1 i" you pay
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. "*ore than two hundred dollars "
b. "*ore than two hundred dollars and less than "ive hundred dollars "
c. "*ore than "ive hundred dollars "
d. "ore than "ive thousand dollars "
Puntos: 1
9nit 2 This is=these are .udio
%isten to the audio "This1 That1 These and Those" and accordin! to it1 co*plete this
/ don>t li5e this1 / pre"er 444444.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. These
b. They
c. Those
d. That
Puntos: 1
Units 3 and / 0os demostrati1os) this, that, these, those.
(o*plete the dialo!ue:
.: )i1 ?aren1 44444 is ,a*es.
@: )ello ,a*es1 nice to *eet you.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. these
b. those
c. that
d. this
Puntos: 1
Units, 3, 5 and 8 Numbers, there is, there are, ad2eti1es
Read the article: "The house where r. and rs. iller live" and accordin! to the readin!
answer the "ollowin! #uestions:
)ow is upstairs?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. 9pstairs there is the livin! roo* and the bedroo*
b. 9pstairs there is the library and the livin! roo*
c. 9pstairts there is the bath and the library
d. 9pstairs there are "our bedroo*s and the bath
Puntos: 1
Unit 1, 6. Verb o be, !imple "resent, the Family, pro#essions and
$ccording to the reading %wo &nternational Friends%, select the correct
answer to the ne't question:
How many $rothers and sisters does 'laudio have?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. )e has two brothers
b. )e has one sister and one brother
c. )e has one brother and two sisters
d. )e has one sister and "our brothers
Puntos: 1
Unit 13 %ndefinite Pronouns
&ill in the blan3 $ith the orret indefinite pronoun)
/ don>t 5now 4444444 who has superpowers.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. nobody
b. anybody
c. everybody
d. so*ebody
Puntos: 1
Unit ,. -he #er$ to .e
"/>* ario "
y na*e A1B444444 ario and A2B 4444 a Doctor. y A'B 4444 is Cor5 .venue1 2' and
*y telephone nu*ber is 2-- -3 6-. A+B 444 +- years old and />* *arried. y son Peter A-B
4444 ten years old. y wi"e1 7eor!ia is .*erican and she is a lawyer.
/((ordin) to the te*t &01m Mario& what1s the $est o2tion to (om2lete the s2a(e No.

AA+B 444 +- years old and />* *arried.B

Seleccione una respuesta.
a. aren>t
b. isn>t
c. aren>t
d. />*
Puntos: 1
Units 3 and / Numbers
0oo3 at the piture and ans$er the (uestion)
.ccordin! to the picture1 what is this place celebratin!?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. They are !oin! to celebrate their 1<th anniversary
b. They are !oin! to celebrate their +<th anniversary
c. They are !oin! to celebrate their -<th anniversary
d. They are !oin! to celebrate their 3<th anniversary
Puntos: 1
Unit () *. Frequency $dverbs.
+oo, at the picture and choose the right #requency adverb:
3o$erto is an e*(ellent student. He _________ )oes to (lass.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. always
b. so*eti*es
c. never
d. usually
Puntos: 1
Units 3, 5 and 8 Numbers, there is, there are, ad2eti1es
Read the article: "The house where r. and rs. iller live" and accordin! to the readin!
answer the "ollowin! #uestions:
)ow *uch is the rent?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. /t is D 2<.oo 9S Dollars
b. /t is D 1<.oo 9S Dollars
c. /t is D '<<.oo 9S Dollars
d. /t is D +<<.oo 9S Dollars
Puntos: 1
Unit 5 !d1erbs of &re(ueny $ith 4"o5 to tal3 about daily ati1ities.
(o*plete the dialo!ue with the correct answer:
i5e: )ey ,e""rey1 / prepared soup "or lunch1 what does your cousin pre"er?
,e""rey: Well1 *y 4444444444444444444444.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. cousin ,ohn pre"er usually lasa!na "or lunch.
b. cousin ,ohn usually pre"ers lasa!na "or lunch.
c. cousin ,ohn pre"er usually lasa!na "or lunch.
d. cousin pre"ers ,ohn usually lasa!na "or lunch.
Puntos: 1
Unit *,3 and / 6h (uestions $ith 1erb To -e.
%isten to the audio ")e is (ute" and accordin! to it1 answer the ne2t #uestion:
What>s her brother>s na*e?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. )is na*e is athew
b. )er na*e is Ta**y
c. )is na*e is ,a*es
d. )er na*e is Sally
Puntos: 1
Unit (, *. Frequency adverbs $lways, !ometimes, -ever.
Complete the sentence with an adverb o# #requency:
!e _______ )et u2 at 4:56, e*(e2t on weekends.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. hardly ever
b. never
c. so*eti*es
d. usually
Puntos: 1
Unit 3 y / 7emostrati1e !d2eti1es
0oo3 at the piture and hoose the ri"ht 7emonstrati1e !d2eti1e)
.re yours 444444 paperclips?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. those
b. this
c. that
d. these
Puntos: 1
Unit () *. Frequency $dverbs
+oo, at the picture and choose the right #requency adverb:
Matthew only )oes to the )ym three or +ive times a year. He ________ )oes to the
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. usually
b. always
c. never
d. seldo*
Puntos: 1
Unit .) *. /h questions and Verb to be.
+isten to the audio &He is 'ute& and according to it, answer the
ne't question:
0s he smart?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Ces1 / bet he is nice
b. Ces1 he is very s*art
c. Eo1 not really
d. Ces1 he is cute
Puntos: 1
Unit * , Present +ontinuous
Pro1ide a sub2et and a 1erb in the present ontinuous form to omplete the follo$in"
. : What444444444444444444444444?
@: .n!ela is eatin! a chocolate ca5e.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. is the ca5e chocolate?
b. is .n!ela eatin!?
c. Does .n!ela have anythin! to drin5 with the ca5e?
d. a* / doin!?
EFT.: 2<<

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