Creepsta Reply To User

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7 hours ago
Reply to user
Lockie, before using your account on Gizmo, we need to make sure that it doesnt show that it is
an Alt account. A new plugin was installed that shows if you have an alt account. All advisors
and staff in the group can help you and tell you if you can use it. If it doesnt pop up as an alt, you
can use it. If later it pops up, you can just say that you first gave it to a friend and then took it
back because he was being a jerk or something like that. As for me, I can use one of my friends'
accounts or just get a new one (I've been saving up money from dog-sitting... yeah) and then
once the deed is done, I can use it for Lockie's purpose (trolling on other servers :3) or give it to
a friend or something.

3 hours ago
Reply to user
Lockie get a proxy so giz can't see your IP.

Turts If you really want to you can get an alt, but I would prefer avoiding BUYING an alt if you
dont want one.

I have a friend who could be considered a master troll, but sadly his comp isnt working so well.

3 hours ago
Reply to user
Nix, Icey, embrace yourselves. Gizmo says Swords will be talking with us or something.

3 hours ago
Reply to user
oh ffs gizmo already deleted another one of my posts that stated duck was the 'goose' that he said
he was... I wish I could somehow get evidence of this to present in case of another supprise

54 mins ago
Off topic, but i just realized i have 4 Ejin profiles, all of them under creepers_creepy as
username, and all four i use on MV Ejin...(Currentlythis is for a dif server, which i'm a
millionaire on

57 mins ago
Reply to user
Fri at 2:10
Reply to user
It is a lost cause guys, Swords does not care about what the people think. We lost. He won.

20 hours ago
Reply to user
Swords used to be a good owner... but I'm going to say it straight up atm.

Swords = Can't fucking be bothered with the "Grunt Work" (leaves to gizmo)
Swords = Doesn't give a shit about the 'fairness' of what is happening
Swords = Nice enough guy, he's fun to be around, but when it comes to the player input...

I actually have an alt account. I mainly use it for trolling and PvP servers, but I will start trolling
gizmo with it. I'd rather not tell you the name at the moment (hint hint latios)

Start slowly... acting like a complete noob, cap raging, pm spamming, but not quite enough to be
banned for.

Also, something funny. Do you notice how many of the PM'd people have lost ranks?

Nix, Pix (hur hur nix and pix RHYMEZ), aero, Husky, (CW)

19 hours ago
Reply to user
also aero, what exactly do you mean a spy
if he has a spy in this convo we're all fucked lol

17 hours ago
Reply to user
Ugh... if only I was on for all of these vital moments I could have taken screenshots of the staff
chat. As for the spy, I'm waiting for someone to leak our group out to Gizmo to get on his good

17 hours ago
Reply to user
Okay aero let me explain it like this:
Gizmo is aware of us, he just doesnt know who all. He pieces together information and checks
chat logs after he found us by using local logs chat waaaay back in July. Basically, I would say
he knows about maybe only a fourth of the group. Just an estimate.

About yesterday, Swords claims that after a 1v1 voice chat with gizmo about a week ago, Gizmo
should not be doing this. Any evidence before Sunday = worthless now.

I don't really feel this is 100% legit though with recent events. Still we'll need to restock
evidence if it isnt legitimate.

57 mins ago
Reply to user
To: Kill723 , AEROGIS tag, HuskyHat , lockiegengar12 , dasilentkilla , nixborn , CW41 ,
Mrzeldaootfan , ShadowK1144 , LOLGUY2222 , XSir_TurtleX , MaliciousUnicorn , Pixarnut ,
ICEY__Dropz , TAKLC03 , DreadandPie , Left4Trains , Orion323 , creepers_creepy , Bimbo27
, EnderKid4 , You , Timmy12302

Mon at 2:13
Reply to user
So lets go over some things for the new people.
Gizmo would never be straight out demoted by swords, so we must have people learn what he's
done. We actually have been stockpiling a decent amount of evidence, especially that pic ICEY
took of gizmo saying that he runs the server. Remember to keep stockpiling the evidence so we
can report him and hopefully, for once, have success. Don't even try to make a report abuse
thread, gizmo deletes those. Also never start talking about the rebellion on the server straight out
and I mean NEVER.
Hopefully this will be the last chatroom needed to be made.


Mon at 2:13
Reply to user
One of us is a spy.

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
That sounds really suspicious aero. :l

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
You forgot to add Gizmo

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
Also, suggestion, we don't even call this a rebellion, and simply rename it a chat with pictures of

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
< 3

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
The pic of Gizmo saying he runs the place:

Mon at 2:15
Reply to user
If there's no words against gizmo, we have full deniability. its just photos of gizmo.

Mon at 2:16
Reply to user
It's him saying he runs the place. How is that not "dominating" and "controlling the server."

Mon at 2:16
Reply to user
I has chat logs of gizmo muting cw for wanting a chess plugin. (CW, me , and others were
arguing with him of course, but nothing should of resulted in that mute)

Mon at 2:28
Reply to user
Okay I have a few screenshots of Gizmo from the last year, including him log/relog spamming, a
pointless mute, etc.

Mon at 2:49
Reply to user
Oh. so we ARE doing this. Guys, Screenshot EVERYTHING you speak to gizmo about.

Mon at 2:56
Reply to user
To make things easier, non windows 8 ( I dont know if mac works for this) users can make batch
chat loggers to log all the chat they see.
Any users users can use fml to do the same thing, but I prefer batch chat logs.
These give the literal exact time to the second, but dont give the date.

Tue at 0:56
@dread Link? I'll try to reformat it so it's usable for windows, And if sucsessful, THen i'll use it.
i don't get on the server much tho, and i might just leave this group but not tell anyone about it in
a loooooong time, and won't rat yall out. Trying to earn advisor (So in other words doing nothing
under the radar of Gizmasouras Rex

Tue at 2:08
Reply to user
So random question:
Have any of you ever thought to email your screenshots o swords?
I mean, he has an email.
Why not?

Tue at 2:11
Reply to user
Slightly off-topic, but who is Creepsta?

Tue at 23:33
Reply to user

Wed at 1:19
Reply to user
creepers_creepy and Creepsta are two separate usernames...

Wed at 2:32
Reply to user
yeah well he uses both

Wed at 22:47
Reply to user
Me: *Likes Hockey's artist app; tells what I like about it and what I think could of been

Gizmo: *Deletes the comment*


Wed at 23:50
Reply to user
Unless you have proof that it was deleted by him, you can't accuse him of it. I only say this
because if there's even a shred of "evidence" where there is a 0.000000000000000001% doubt
that it WASN'T him, even though it obviously was, he will get back at you for that and accuse
you of lying, accusing, etc.

Wed at 23:54
Reply to user
Hmmm point. however im pretty sure someone had to have seen it, also ill see if I can pull up a
log from mozilla so I can get proof of at least the time.

Thu at 2:21
Reply to user
Man. I really should have screenshotted the time I was mod, and when gizmo threatened to
demote and ban me for finding his stronghold. Even then, he took my ender egg.

Thu at 2:24
Reply to user

Thu at 2:27
Reply to user
1 1/2 years ago now ;_;

Thu at 2:28
Reply to user
Y'know what we should do.

Make an alt account when we're on a different IP (Public IP probably the best)
and PM swords with out evidence about it.

Thu at 2:45
Reply to user
Swords refuses to accept the fact gizmo abuses from my view. It's as though he knows but just
refuses to admit it. Directly reporting to swords wont be so easy.

My overall idea was to show the people what is happening. Sooner or later people will have to
realize and they will start complaining. THEN we report him when everyone is already
complaining. Isnt as easy as it sounds though.

note: This is all from my view.

Thu at 3:03
Reply to user
What Dread said is the only solution, Swords has seen that Gizmo is a troll, and he either does
not care or refuses to believe it. People have tried in the past to report him, and it has never
worked. All reporting gizmo has done is get the people who reported him in trouble.

Thu at 4:18
Reply to user
I had the same idea as you lockie a while b4. The problem is that we will need to spend money
on an alt account and we will also need a different IP to log in from because we now have a new
plugin that shows if you have alts (like it shows up for advisors and staff) so yeah...

What I was thinking is that, if we can pull it off, we have two alternate accounts: one that is nice
to gizmo and befriends him to gain his trust, and one that trash talks about the one that is nice to
him and see how he reacts. I was thinking that the account that is friendly is named something
that appeals to Gizmo (like CaveGizmo or TheAmazingGizmo) so that he gets even more pissed
off at him. The one that is meant to find the proof could be named anything, but the person can
not offend Gizmo himself because that would be "disrespect towards staff" so that's why we need
two accounts to offend Gizmo indirectly untill he begins to lash out. That is when we gather

Thu at 4:22
Reply to user
Or enlist your trolly friends if they're willing to subtly push him over the edge with enough
pestering that not legitimate for any staff action.

Thu at 15:56
Reply to user
You honestly think we want to spend $54 dollars just to get rid of Gizmo when it might not even
work? Get real -_-

There are a couple of things that he can't stand that are not against the rules, at least not yet.
These include:

- Using the light blue text because it's a "staff color"
- Saying things that are along the lines of "Pandaville was dumb"
- Warping to places that he teleports you away from (assuming the warp there is public or is a
location you are certain anyone can go to)
- Sarcasm and minor jokes (Don't go too far or it will be considered "trolling")
- Advertising your shop (Has not been as big of an issue as before)
- Complaining about any shop prices (Especially his)

Also, since it's already known that "pm's" automatically appear on an admin's chat screen, you
can take advantage of this and have a "spammy conversation" with another use. Pre-arrange this
so the other user goes along with you and doesn't get pissed off. There's a good chance that he
will get angry from the "spam," even though pm's are not against the rules and they're supposed
to be "private."

NOTE: It has been pointed out that admins are now capable of coming online without a log-in
message. The command /staff no longer exists, and /online does not display people who are
invisible. This means the Herobrine pranks CANNOT be ruined, and staff can stalk you
undetected, UNLESS you check enjin to see who's online. Their grip is tightening on us. Don't
let them. There is still time.

Thu at 18:35
Reply to user
You can also just exit the server and hover your mouse over the number showing how many
people are online while on the server list. It will list the names of players there as well

Thu at 18:51
Reply to user
That doesn't display everyone if the number of people is over 10 people or something like that

Thu at 22:30
Reply to user
LOL about the pms, toto and I irritated him and he made us use local when we were having a
pokemon battle. :3

It does display everyone for me. I remember warping to pandaville during the grief party, he took
away my rights when it blew up until swords gave theme back. I find it funny how he lagged the
nether out of me trying to nuke iceland within 5 seconds of the grief party starting. -_-

Fri at 1:59
Reply to user
guys, try to use /players if that shows vanished

Fri at 2:01
Reply to user
Wow, I was nearly promoted to advisor. Gizmo saw this and did not like this. He told Swords to
demote me, I am sure this is what happened.

Fri at 2:02
Reply to user
Welp fuck that

57 mins ago
Reply to user
To: Kill723 , AEROGIS tag, HuskyHat , lockiegengar12 , dasilentkilla , nixborn , CW41 ,
Mrzeldaootfan , ShadowK1144 , LOLGUY2222 , XSir_TurtleX , MaliciousUnicorn , Pixarnut ,
ICEY__Dropz , TAKLC03 , DreadandPie , Left4Trains , Orion323 , creepers_creepy , Bimbo27
, EnderKid4 , You , Timmy12302

Mon at 2:13
Reply to user
So lets go over some things for the new people.
Gizmo would never be straight out demoted by swords, so we must have people learn what he's
done. We actually have been stockpiling a decent amount of evidence, especially that pic ICEY
took of gizmo saying that he runs the server. Remember to keep stockpiling the evidence so we
can report him and hopefully, for once, have success. Don't even try to make a report abuse
thread, gizmo deletes those. Also never start talking about the rebellion on the server straight out
and I mean NEVER.
Hopefully this will be the last chatroom needed to be made.


Mon at 2:13
Reply to user
One of us is a spy.

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
That sounds really suspicious aero. :l

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
You forgot to add Gizmo

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
Also, suggestion, we don't even call this a rebellion, and simply rename it a chat with pictures of

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
< 3

Mon at 2:14
Reply to user
The pic of Gizmo saying he runs the place:

Mon at 2:15
Reply to user
If there's no words against gizmo, we have full deniability. its just photos of gizmo.

Mon at 2:16
Reply to user
It's him saying he runs the place. How is that not "dominating" and "controlling the server."

Mon at 2:16
Reply to user
I has chat logs of gizmo muting cw for wanting a chess plugin. (CW, me , and others were
arguing with him of course, but nothing should of resulted in that mute)

Mon at 2:28
Reply to user
Okay I have a few screenshots of Gizmo from the last year, including him log/relog spamming, a
pointless mute, etc.

Mon at 2:49
Reply to user
Oh. so we ARE doing this. Guys, Screenshot EVERYTHING you speak to gizmo about.

Mon at 2:56
Reply to user
To make things easier, non windows 8 ( I dont know if mac works for this) users can make batch
chat loggers to log all the chat they see.
Any users users can use fml to do the same thing, but I prefer batch chat logs.
These give the literal exact time to the second, but dont give the date.

Tue at 0:56
@dread Link? I'll try to reformat it so it's usable for windows, And if sucsessful, THen i'll use it.
i don't get on the server much tho, and i might just leave this group but not tell anyone about it in
a loooooong time, and won't rat yall out. Trying to earn advisor (So in other words doing nothing
under the radar of Gizmasouras Rex

Tue at 2:08
Reply to user
So random question:
Have any of you ever thought to email your screenshots o swords?
I mean, he has an email.
Why not?

Tue at 2:11
Reply to user
Slightly off-topic, but who is Creepsta?

Tue at 23:33
Reply to user

Wed at 1:19
Reply to user
creepers_creepy and Creepsta are two separate usernames...

Wed at 2:32
Reply to user
yeah well he uses both

Wed at 22:47
Reply to user
Me: *Likes Hockey's artist app; tells what I like about it and what I think could of been

Gizmo: *Deletes the comment*


Wed at 23:50
Reply to user
Unless you have proof that it was deleted by him, you can't accuse him of it. I only say this
because if there's even a shred of "evidence" where there is a 0.000000000000000001% doubt
that it WASN'T him, even though it obviously was, he will get back at you for that and accuse
you of lying, accusing, etc.

Wed at 23:54
Reply to user
Hmmm point. however im pretty sure someone had to have seen it, also ill see if I can pull up a
log from mozilla so I can get proof of at least the time.

Thu at 2:21
Reply to user
Man. I really should have screenshotted the time I was mod, and when gizmo threatened to
demote and ban me for finding his stronghold. Even then, he took my ender egg.

Thu at 2:24
Reply to user

Thu at 2:27
Reply to user
1 1/2 years ago now ;_;

Thu at 2:28
Reply to user
Y'know what we should do.

Make an alt account when we're on a different IP (Public IP probably the best)
and PM swords with out evidence about it.

Thu at 2:45
Reply to user
Swords refuses to accept the fact gizmo abuses from my view. It's as though he knows but just
refuses to admit it. Directly reporting to swords wont be so easy.

My overall idea was to show the people what is happening. Sooner or later people will have to
realize and they will start complaining. THEN we report him when everyone is already
complaining. Isnt as easy as it sounds though.

note: This is all from my view.

Thu at 3:03
Reply to user
What Dread said is the only solution, Swords has seen that Gizmo is a troll, and he either does
not care or refuses to believe it. People have tried in the past to report him, and it has never
worked. All reporting gizmo has done is get the people who reported him in trouble.

Thu at 4:18
Reply to user
I had the same idea as you lockie a while b4. The problem is that we will need to spend money
on an alt account and we will also need a different IP to log in from because we now have a new
plugin that shows if you have alts (like it shows up for advisors and staff) so yeah...

What I was thinking is that, if we can pull it off, we have two alternate accounts: one that is nice
to gizmo and befriends him to gain his trust, and one that trash talks about the one that is nice to
him and see how he reacts. I was thinking that the account that is friendly is named something
that appeals to Gizmo (like CaveGizmo or TheAmazingGizmo) so that he gets even more pissed
off at him. The one that is meant to find the proof could be named anything, but the person can
not offend Gizmo himself because that would be "disrespect towards staff" so that's why we need
two accounts to offend Gizmo indirectly untill he begins to lash out. That is when we gather

Thu at 4:22
Reply to user
Or enlist your trolly friends if they're willing to subtly push him over the edge with enough
pestering that not legitimate for any staff action.

Thu at 15:56
Reply to user
You honestly think we want to spend $54 dollars just to get rid of Gizmo when it might not even
work? Get real -_-

There are a couple of things that he can't stand that are not against the rules, at least not yet.
These include:

- Using the light blue text because it's a "staff color"
- Saying things that are along the lines of "Pandaville was dumb"
- Warping to places that he teleports you away from (assuming the warp there is public or is a
location you are certain anyone can go to)
- Sarcasm and minor jokes (Don't go too far or it will be considered "trolling")
- Advertising your shop (Has not been as big of an issue as before)
- Complaining about any shop prices (Especially his)

Also, since it's already known that "pm's" automatically appear on an admin's chat screen, you
can take advantage of this and have a "spammy conversation" with another use. Pre-arrange this
so the other user goes along with you and doesn't get pissed off. There's a good chance that he
will get angry from the "spam," even though pm's are not against the rules and they're supposed
to be "private."

NOTE: It has been pointed out that admins are now capable of coming online without a log-in
message. The command /staff no longer exists, and /online does not display people who are
invisible. This means the Herobrine pranks CANNOT be ruined, and staff can stalk you
undetected, UNLESS you check enjin to see who's online. Their grip is tightening on us. Don't
let them. There is still time.

Thu at 18:35
Reply to user
You can also just exit the server and hover your mouse over the number showing how many
people are online while on the server list. It will list the names of players there as well

Thu at 18:51
Reply to user
That doesn't display everyone if the number of people is over 10 people or something like that

Thu at 22:30
Reply to user
LOL about the pms, toto and I irritated him and he made us use local when we were having a
pokemon battle. :3

It does display everyone for me. I remember warping to pandaville during the grief party, he took
away my rights when it blew up until swords gave theme back. I find it funny how he lagged the
nether out of me trying to nuke iceland within 5 seconds of the grief party starting. -_-

Fri at 1:59
Reply to user
guys, try to use /players if that shows vanished

Fri at 2:01
Reply to user
Wow, I was nearly promoted to advisor. Gizmo saw this and did not like this. He told Swords to
demote me, I am sure this is what happened.

Fri at 2:02
Reply to user
Welp fuck that

42 mins ago
Reply to user
Jan 8, 14
Reply to user
Spread the word of Gizmo's wrong deeds. If any one asks why he hasn't been caught, tell them
swords doesn't believe. If they ask why swords hasn't spotted it in the logs, tell them he doesn't
check the logs 24/7. When the people see the truth, we can start getting somewhere. Eventually
when they know everything, we can report Gizmo no problem.

Swords wont demote Gizmo ever, unless I'm assuming everyone knows what he has done and
dislike that. I feel as though Gizmo gains power as Swords denies us. Which is why I didn't want
that argument Kill started that one night.

It seems as though we have a chance. Stockpile that evidence like crazy. When we do the final
report, it will be huge and good provided everyone puts out all reasonable evidence they have.
This, however, must be done after everyone knows what Gizmo does.

Finally, I want to have you all tread carefully. He spies on us even on the site through logs of
what happens on THAT domain. I'm using the Nexus Enjin site to avoid his loggers. Try to get
on another Enjin site so you can do the same and avoid the loggers.

- Dread

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user
Yeah, I'm officially out of the gizmo discussion on MV itself. I'll only talk about it on enjin.

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user
What happened anyways?

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
So, i have an update. Remember that stronghold i spent 10 hours re-doing? Well Giz reset it
because S6 found i a month ago and nevr claimed it. Thats bullshit. i found it and i claimed it
therefore it is mine. im beyond pissed off right now. and then while arguing gizmo continued to
say how he "runs the server" and how it's "his server" because e restarted it twice today.
Whoopdie Freaking Doo want a cookie?! Then he proceeded to delete the warp and burn my
fortune 5 unbreaking 3 efficiency 5 pickaxe because it was "above vanilla standars" even though
i got it before it was decided that EP was to be removeed and swords even said we could keep
our items. im completely fucking done with GIzmo. from now on if he is on im not playing. Im
not dealing with his bullshit anymore.

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
please tell me you took screenshots of him saying "i run this server" and of him burning your

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
Holy crap
Thats all I have to say

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
i wish i had

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
how do i send images in here?

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
thats all i have
im sure swords could go through the logs though

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
of course he would

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user


Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
LOLOLOLOLOL the idiot doesnt realize that he ticked you off and abused on you.

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 17, 14
Reply to user
Duck... this is a serious question... was your father by any chance your uncle?

Seriously though, that first screenshot is dam good evidence. With screenshots like that, gizmo'll
be outta here in no time.

Jan 17, 14
Reply to user
I need to update the chatroom. got more people to add. Ill do it tomorrow sicne itll be friday.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Should i show swords the picture?

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
holy tits.

the first screenshot is fuckin gold.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Click here.
Post those screenshots and this as well as what you sent about the pick being burned. That will
seriously help us.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Giz will delete it right away

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Cant you email it to him?

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Someone lost a lot of popularity, or ifi gained a lot. (Bu then giz would have more likes.)

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
he deleted it because he didn't get enough likes? o_O

notice a pattern? those who giz likes get promotions for dayz

IfI: Joins as a nobody. Gets Advisor after friends with Giz, Giz gets him HOST, then he becomes

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Aero: Awesome mod+, but dislikes gizmo. Gets demoted to mod. :l

Jan 19, 14
Reply to user
just take a screenshot of it, and post it on your page

Jan 21, 14
Reply to user
he did? wtf

Jan 25, 14
Reply to user
Apparently gizmo thinks that we are so stupid that we lack any trace of common sense. he thinks
that I didn't know that MA was lagging the server, and yells at me because I "claimed what he
said" when it's quite obvious that its the file that was added when the lag starts after its added.

Jan 25, 14
Reply to user
that's just his "control freak antics" kicking in

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Reply deleted by DreadandPie

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Panda is still mod+.... and aero was on the site decently :l

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
So would anyone care to explain what is currently going on with the mods-mod+ and

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Tak, favoritism on Gizmo's side. People he likes gets promoted. People that he dislikes gets
demoted, whether they deserve their position or not.

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
No wonder I'm still Veteran

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Thanks. Well I guess I'll add favoritism to the list of things I hate about gizmo.

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Cream Cheese

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user

Feb 4, 14
Reply to user
Pattern; he deletes my posts before anyone comments/likes them so no one will get suspicious I
bet. -_-

Feb 4, 14
Reply to user
What a weird coinciden

41 mins ago
Reply to user
Jan 8, 14
Reply to user
Spread the word of Gizmo's wrong deeds. If any one asks why he hasn't been caught, tell them
swords doesn't believe. If they ask why swords hasn't spotted it in the logs, tell them he doesn't
check the logs 24/7. When the people see the truth, we can start getting somewhere. Eventually
when they know everything, we can report Gizmo no problem.

Swords wont demote Gizmo ever, unless I'm assuming everyone knows what he has done and
dislike that. I feel as though Gizmo gains power as Swords denies us. Which is why I didn't want
that argument Kill started that one night.

It seems as though we have a chance. Stockpile that evidence like crazy. When we do the final
report, it will be huge and good provided everyone puts out all reasonable evidence they have.
This, however, must be done after everyone knows what Gizmo does.

Finally, I want to have you all tread carefully. He spies on us even on the site through logs of
what happens on THAT domain. I'm using the Nexus Enjin site to avoid his loggers. Try to get
on another Enjin site so you can do the same and avoid the loggers.

- Dread

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user
Yeah, I'm officially out of the gizmo discussion on MV itself. I'll only talk about it on enjin.

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user
What happened anyways?

Jan 9, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
So, i have an update. Remember that stronghold i spent 10 hours re-doing? Well Giz reset it
because S6 found i a month ago and nevr claimed it. Thats bullshit. i found it and i claimed it
therefore it is mine. im beyond pissed off right now. and then while arguing gizmo continued to
say how he "runs the server" and how it's "his server" because e restarted it twice today.
Whoopdie Freaking Doo want a cookie?! Then he proceeded to delete the warp and burn my
fortune 5 unbreaking 3 efficiency 5 pickaxe because it was "above vanilla standars" even though
i got it before it was decided that EP was to be removeed and swords even said we could keep
our items. im completely fucking done with GIzmo. from now on if he is on im not playing. Im
not dealing with his bullshit anymore.

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
please tell me you took screenshots of him saying "i run this server" and of him burning your

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
Holy crap
Thats all I have to say

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
i wish i had

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
how do i send images in here?

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
thats all i have
im sure swords could go through the logs though

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
of course he would

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user


Jan 16, 14
Reply to user
LOLOLOLOLOL the idiot doesnt realize that he ticked you off and abused on you.

Jan 16, 14
Reply to user

Jan 17, 14
Reply to user
Duck... this is a serious question... was your father by any chance your uncle?

Seriously though, that first screenshot is dam good evidence. With screenshots like that, gizmo'll
be outta here in no time.

Jan 17, 14
Reply to user
I need to update the chatroom. got more people to add. Ill do it tomorrow sicne itll be friday.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Should i show swords the picture?

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
holy tits.

the first screenshot is fuckin gold.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Click here.
Post those screenshots and this as well as what you sent about the pick being burned. That will
seriously help us.

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Giz will delete it right away

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Cant you email it to him?

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Someone lost a lot of popularity, or ifi gained a lot. (Bu then giz would have more likes.)

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
he deleted it because he didn't get enough likes? o_O

notice a pattern? those who giz likes get promotions for dayz

IfI: Joins as a nobody. Gets Advisor after friends with Giz, Giz gets him HOST, then he becomes

Jan 18, 14
Reply to user
Aero: Awesome mod+, but dislikes gizmo. Gets demoted to mod. :l

Jan 19, 14
Reply to user
just take a screenshot of it, and post it on your page

Jan 21, 14
Reply to user
he did? wtf

Jan 25, 14
Reply to user
Apparently gizmo thinks that we are so stupid that we lack any trace of common sense. he thinks
that I didn't know that MA was lagging the server, and yells at me because I "claimed what he
said" when it's quite obvious that its the file that was added when the lag starts after its added.

Jan 25, 14
Reply to user
that's just his "control freak antics" kicking in

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Reply deleted by DreadandPie

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Panda is still mod+.... and aero was on the site decently :l

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
So would anyone care to explain what is currently going on with the mods-mod+ and

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Tak, favoritism on Gizmo's side. People he likes gets promoted. People that he dislikes gets
demoted, whether they deserve their position or not.

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
No wonder I'm still Veteran

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Thanks. Well I guess I'll add favoritism to the list of things I hate about gizmo.

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user
Cream Cheese

Jan 26, 14
Reply to user

Feb 4, 14
Reply to user
Pattern; he deletes my posts before anyone comments/likes them so no one will get suspicious I
bet. -_-

Feb 4, 14
Reply to user
What a weird coinciden

41 mins ago
Reply to user
Where can I find this

Oct 30, 13
Reply to user
dead rn

Oct 31, 13
Reply to user
Gizmo is the reason i quit the server.... I had nothing left to do anyways...

Oct 31, 13
Reply to user
him when he was just on and it is all the suddenly out of my inventory.

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
He claims the server must of done it. >.>

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
Do you have actual proof that he did it? You can't go running off making these assumptions and
just hope that they're right.

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
How much crap he takes from players? Yeah, he takes crap from players as in he takes stuff from
us! He threatened to reset my mypet, Luxo Jr., just because he was mad at me for siding with
dread and then hanging out with him! Last time I tried to train him, (I forgot how to use the
command to see levels) I couldn't use /pb raid! I could before but now I can't!
We should all keep inventory of our stuff, maybe write the number down somewhere where Giz
has no power like on our computer or on a sticky note IRL so he can't fool us into thinking we
had 8 diamonds instead of 80.

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
im going to confront gizmo, i don't care if i get banned

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
"lol, this seems more like a mini war with no winner/loser between you two." - Swords...
Well, it appears swords won't take this seriously....but, Gizmo attacking Pix, kill, creeps, mali,
and I failed. If you must ask, he is going on about randomeet. . .

Nov 1, 13
Reply to user
Oh btw pix, he didnt know anything of me rebelling when you joined sides with me.

Nov 2, 13
Reply to user
Every time I feel like joining the server none of you guys are online ugh

Nov 3, 13
Reply to user
what do i do if he questions me?

Nov 3, 13
Reply to user
What I do is act really stupid and make him think im stupid while being able to hit the right

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
Dread what mail am i supposed to be checking?

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
This one nub. Great... now imma have to find more ways to escape gizmers wrath. -.-

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
Wait what were you saying about me being staff though?

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
I said nothing about you being staff...

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
yes you did!

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
don't make me kill you

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
er. lemme check my logs and see if I did make something sound like it. The most probable staff
choice would be n00b.

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
I did not... isaid you were suspicious...

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
you said something like "you're going to enter staff (something else i dont remember)"

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
send me the logs

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
"You're endangering yourself." is what I said.

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
what did you mean>

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
Gizmo has friended you, you nub.

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
On enjin

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
he did?

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
Yes... look at your friend list.

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
oh yummy

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
So, earlier, Gizmo was talking about some agl over global. Recently, I learned it was the name
creeps gave the rebellion and just gah. At this rate, there always needs to be two of us on at once
if one of us gets online. >.>

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
does that mean someone talked..........

Nov 6, 13
Reply to user
Er. Apparently we don't know stealth. Also there were days when the Rebellion was like 6
people and we weren't sure how far Gizmo would go.

Nov 7, 13
Reply to user
creeps.... did you not see who was online when you asked for the new name?
time to put up an act if you can see this

Nov 7, 13
Reply to user

Nov 7, 13
Reply to user

Nov 7, 13
That wasnt me....

Nov 7, 13
Reply to user
Well. Im on zel's site... HA

40 mins ago
Reply to user
he Gizmo Rebellion Refreshed and With added Members
To: Kill723 , HuskyHat , lockiegengar12 , dasilentkilla , Frightened_Panda tag, CW41 ,
Mrzeldaootfan , ShadowK1144 , LOLGUY2222 , MaliciousUnicorn , Pixarnut , ICEY__Dropz ,
TAKLC03 , DreadandPie , Left4Trains , creepers_creepy , Bimbo27 , You , Timmy12302

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Once again hello fellow Gizmo rebels. We are getting close to the point of being able to attack.
My goal is 25 people involved. Now, we aren't fully sure if Gizmo will get banned or demoted if
we succeed, but at this rate, with so many of us, we can't get banned. We unite against him. He
will fall if we just try enough. This isn't just one or two people, as you can see, this is a huge
group. No longer will we deal with his abuse of his powers! NO LONGER WILL HE ACT
LIKE THE RULES DON'T TOUCH HIM. No longer will he be able to yell out personal info
over global like he did with kill. His reign is OVER

(yes, this is so we don't have to scroll so far down to talk and also has more people.)


Oct 26, 13
Reply to user

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Why don't we have nixborn yet

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Please gather any and all evidence you can. Also, you can speak freely about him here. Don't
worry, he isn't enjin staff so he can't acsess these logs. anyways, im locking the old chatroom.

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
About nix, can you talk to him? He isnt replying to the message.

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
We can not give up, we have to keep moving forward, no matter what it takes. Giz has lost the
way, this must stop no matter what it takes. This cant fucking go on for too long, We must stop
Gizmo before he turns to crazy and starts bullying many others...................

This is where we make out last Stand

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
He is kinda crazy already, I hate how he likes to pick on me if he isnt trying to find reasons to
ban me. >.>

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
Welp the map transfer sucks balls...clearly Swords didn't listen to the polls

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
The awkward moment when

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
Swords is being stupid... the rules DONT state that you have to stop that.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
Now I can firmly state this. I feel like yelling it in Swords face. The reason for these "problems"
are all triggered by Gizmo. Apparently that proved to me we are going to definitely need the
community after Gizmo. Obviously if the server is still "driven by the small community" then
Gizmo would be long gone. I never thought Swords could be so stupid. >.>
Im not sure if swords will ban us all, but he cant without the server collapsing. He is going to
have to learn that. And if we get banned, Im pretty sure a good portion of the other staff will
begin to rebel. At this rate, we are going to bring Gizmo down. Just, the more people helping, the
less messy.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
Sorry for posting alot, but I have some lies for you guys to look at.
Notice how what josh said was lies.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
From my perspective, it's just another one who drinks the kool aid.

See also:

Dengnip's "gravestone" kinda made my day though

Oct 29, 13
Reply to user
Okay, again, if you haven't, unfreind Gizmo. Icey, I know you haven't. Look under the
communities joined on his wall to find the unfriend button.
Pix, please talk to orion and emc soon and tell me the results. ;D

Oct 29, 13
Reply to user
Sorry for language, but it is true about Giz.

40 mins ago
Reply to user
he Gizmo Rebellion Refreshed and With added Members
To: Kill723 , HuskyHat , lockiegengar12 , dasilentkilla , Frightened_Panda tag, CW41 ,
Mrzeldaootfan , ShadowK1144 , LOLGUY2222 , MaliciousUnicorn , Pixarnut , ICEY__Dropz ,
TAKLC03 , DreadandPie , Left4Trains , creepers_creepy , Bimbo27 , You , Timmy12302

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Once again hello fellow Gizmo rebels. We are getting close to the point of being able to attack.
My goal is 25 people involved. Now, we aren't fully sure if Gizmo will get banned or demoted if
we succeed, but at this rate, with so many of us, we can't get banned. We unite against him. He
will fall if we just try enough. This isn't just one or two people, as you can see, this is a huge
group. No longer will we deal with his abuse of his powers! NO LONGER WILL HE ACT
LIKE THE RULES DON'T TOUCH HIM. No longer will he be able to yell out personal info
over global like he did with kill. His reign is OVER

(yes, this is so we don't have to scroll so far down to talk and also has more people.)


Oct 26, 13
Reply to user

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Why don't we have nixborn yet

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
Please gather any and all evidence you can. Also, you can speak freely about him here. Don't
worry, he isn't enjin staff so he can't acsess these logs. anyways, im locking the old chatroom.

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
About nix, can you talk to him? He isnt replying to the message.

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
We can not give up, we have to keep moving forward, no matter what it takes. Giz has lost the
way, this must stop no matter what it takes. This cant fucking go on for too long, We must stop
Gizmo before he turns to crazy and starts bullying many others...................

This is where we make out last Stand

Oct 26, 13
Reply to user
He is kinda crazy already, I hate how he likes to pick on me if he isnt trying to find reasons to
ban me. >.>

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
Welp the map transfer sucks balls...clearly Swords didn't listen to the polls

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
The awkward moment when

Oct 27, 13
Reply to user
Swords is being stupid... the rules DONT state that you have to stop that.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
Now I can firmly state this. I feel like yelling it in Swords face. The reason for these "problems"
are all triggered by Gizmo. Apparently that proved to me we are going to definitely need the
community after Gizmo. Obviously if the server is still "driven by the small community" then
Gizmo would be long gone. I never thought Swords could be so stupid. >.>
Im not sure if swords will ban us all, but he cant without the server collapsing. He is going to
have to learn that. And if we get banned, Im pretty sure a good portion of the other staff will
begin to rebel. At this rate, we are going to bring Gizmo down. Just, the more people helping, the
less messy.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
Sorry for posting alot, but I have some lies for you guys to look at.
Notice how what josh said was lies.

Oct 28, 13
Reply to user
From my perspective, it's just another one who drinks the kool aid.

See also:

Dengnip's "gravestone" kinda made my day though

Oct 29, 13
Reply to user
Okay, again, if you haven't, unfreind Gizmo. Icey, I know you haven't. Look under the
communities joined on his wall to find the unfriend button.
Pix, please talk to orion and emc soon and tell me the results. ;D

Oct 29, 13
Reply to user
Sorry for language, but it is true about Giz.

Just now [x]

DCK5148 In response to Lockie:
{Response to Point number 1}
I honestly don't care what you guys called it, you understand what i mean. So please, stay on topic..

{Response to Point number 2}
Lockie... Are you serious.... Me? One of the people Gizmo likes? Yeah, that is the case now...
However, when i first joined... I probably was one of the people most hated by giz? Why you ask? The
answer is simple, I agitated him like no other. I was kinda like that 5 yr old across the street who put his
finger 2 centimeters away from your face and chants "Im not touching you! ha ha Im not touching
you!"... so yeah, i was kinda a troll to him.. And back then, i would have also probably would have said
that gizmo is abusive and mistreats me..but then, i'm not sure exactly when it was--but, i saw the light
and I finally figured it out, gizmo wasn't mistreating me --I was mistreating him. I was mistreating
through means of trolling [ in your case, through means of creating the AGL or whatever you want it to
be called]. So i have been "mistreated" (Those are huge sarcasm quotes as he didn't actually do anything
unjustified) by gizmo in the way you were.... So cut the poor me crap.

{Response to Footnote}
Well he can go ahead, i took a screenshot.
DCK5148 "Annoyed, agitated, calm. " By calm, i dont suppose you are trying to tell me that those
GIZTURD" post(s) you made below [but deleted now] were "Calm".

I think you know that you and this AGL is full of shit, even if you dont want to say it..

I like you guys, but c'mon--what this AGL thing-- its just stupid.. Rather than organizing a "Common
cause between friends" cult[idiomatic], i think you should JPTFG (Just play the game) <3 read less
6 hours ago 2/15/2014

2/16/14 11:01 AM
DreadandPie In response to ducks first post there:
I never reveal my plan to those who I don't trust.

In response to ducks response to lockie's point two: The AGL as you apparently love to call it, was
intended to be a simple sweep and mass report because Swords wouldnt listen to even 3-5 of us when
we tried to all report him at once. Considering you aren't a rebellion and never was one, you don't
understand anything. No matter how many screenshots Gizmo could have shown you, you would never
understand how it was. The gathering of the rebellion wouldnt have ever happened HAD swords actually
listened to someone for once. A lot of the rebellion's work happened in enjin PMs. The chatroom was
just a place to smack down evidence and recent news and stuff. The thing about the rebellion was that
most all of us were friends with each other. I cant remember one person (in the rebellion) who didnt
have at least 3 friends in the rebellion. This crap would NEVER have happened had we became so
desperate. Some say it's Swords fault for never listening to us. Duck, use your common sense, if so many
people revolted, then didn't Gizmo have to do SOMETHING?
lockiegengar12 Oh yes, and for those people who consider us completely in the wrong, this may
change your mind.
Doesn't seem like much, does it? Well my next screenshot completely disproves it. If you're wondering,
this is the one I posted to swords, and he failed to provide a direct answer.

Screenshot by Gyazo
Gyazo lets you instantly grab the screen and upload the image/GIF to the web. You can easily share
them on Chat, Twitter, Blog, Tumblr, etc. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
12 hours ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post

lockiegengar12 Another bullshit point; ShinyMudkipHD was banned along with me. There is absolutely
no reason for this, she still has a LOT of fun playing on MV. I have no intentions of getting on the server
ever again, so why should my punishment be inflicted on her?
12 hours ago Like +3

mickdude2 Preaching to the choir lockie. Swords has proven time and time again that he doesn't care
about the players; he regularly sides with the admins, he doesn't listen to both sides of any story, and
he'd rather preserve the ego of one staff over the good of server. Just leave multiverse to whoever can
still tolerate it.
12 hours ago Like +4

DCK5148 I smell Hasty Generalization... Oh hi Mick.
7 hours ago Like +0

ahmadrules and to think you were mod and my friend
didn't know you had this shit going for you
5 hours ago Like +0

Brengar419 throughout this entire thing i feel like the crowd at a tennis match
3 hours ago Like
lockiegengar12 oh ya and in response to duck

wtf are you talking about? this was not so much a cult, as a group of friends united over a common

people keep calling is 'immature'
I have a question, how in hell is being immature standing up against the injustice that has been shoved
at us?

mickdude is 100% correct in that sword basically does nothing to help. In the conversation he sent us
guys, I can get a very interesting print screen of him avoiding an important statement I made

oh ya and in response to the thing about kill; it's his enjin wall which entirely belongs to him, why should
he not delete ones he doesn't like? gizmo deleting his (and dreads) posts on the homepage is entirely
out of spite.
DreadandPie As for you loyal Gizmo mutts, you noobs are more of a cult than The Rebellion ever was
and ever will be.(Which guess what, IT WAST. *mind blow*)
Obviously you mutts have no sense of morality and need to learn what the word 'cult' means. You guys
also need to learn what the word friendship means too.
DCK5148 You done yet dread? You seem to be talking this ban very hard. Its okay to be sad or sorry,
you don't need to mask it by this false-hatred. We all have our own way of dealing with things when
we're sad...
2 mins ago

DCK5148 I don't think bulling gizmo, and people who don't mind him is a good way to handle things
however.. A little immature..
Just now
Kill723 Note: I'm not going to share my opinions on what has happened in the past few days on the
forums or in forum mail, unless I can trust you 9001%. This, hopefully, will save me from even more
trouble. If you really want to talk to me, ask me to add you on Skype.

Point: If you (Lockie, Dread, etc.) post something related to this and I agree with it, I will not
like/comment on it. I'm trying to stay neutral after this.

Also, I will admit this. I do believe that there is SOME corruption going on in MV. HOWEVER, some of
what our clan discussed was fabricated or tweaked to sound better, so we weren't free of corruption
either. But isn't corruption everywhere? Corruption is a form of entropy, and, yeah I just made my point less
18 mins ago Public post
DreadandPie Such a disgusting face. >.>
6 hours ago Like +0

DCK5148 Dread, there is nothing disgusting about markiplier's
6 hours ago Like
mickdude2 From a legal standpoint... your full of it turq. According to Minecraft Support:

We occasionally get requests to moderate player behavior or server content, and are unfortunately
unable to do so. All servers are privately run, and players are responsible for their actions server to

Meaning, Multiverse is a private establishment, and therefore not subject to regular minecraft ToS. And
because of the circumstantial nature of this case, I'd say you're very unlikely to make any headway. Nice
try, though. read less
3 hours ago +1
DreadandPie Not only has Gizmo done the Herobrine trolling, but he has actually driven one of my best
friends off of MV. he claims she left on a good note, but she's mature. her ign is Pixarnut and he said
straight over GLOBAL CHAT ON MV that she cant control herself. her father confirmed for me that she
left because of your little friend Gizmo. I would assume that if I could get my account suspended, and
you seem to want to do it illegally, then Gizmo could have his account suspended too. read less
4 mins ago

DreadandPie Also XSir_TurtleX was done with MV because of Gizmo before he was banned. Nixborn
was once threatened by Gizmo to have his IP traced. You are telling me that these are all innocent little
things that dont matter? Yes im looking off mick's wall. Im very amused that you locked comments.
These people are my friends. I don't tolerate that stuff. read less
1 hour ago +2
DreadandPie You, sir, are amazing. I was looking for the area in the ToS stating about player
harassment, which i did not find, where as you were looking for an answer about the player behavior.
5 hours ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post

Turqmelon That would be the case if I didn't have direct contact with whom I spoke of. There is also a
clause that allows them to suspend or disable any account if they deem it necessary.

3 hours ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post

mickdude2 No... legal statements uphold, even if you're supposed 'buddies' with a dev...

And Minecraft support is very clear. As long as the issue in question was never public as 'trolling',
which, as defined by Mojang's server definition, does NOT include servers, even public ones, then you
have no grounds. DreadandPie never publicly harassed anyone, therefore did NOT infringe on Mojang

And, if you want to be a stickler for rules, then I'd also like to point out that Gizmo has, on at least two
confirmed occasions, disguised himself as 'Herobrine' for the express purpose of trolling players. But of
course, this happened on Multiverse, so it's not public, right? read less
3 hours ago Like +1

Turqmelon What I was referencing strictly goes beyond what is shown in the Mojang help page, and
into the terms of service side of things.

If you're really throwing a tantrum over someone disguising as herobrine, then you really need to grow
up, as that is a flea when compared to the personal threats that Gizmo has received.

I'm not going to sit here and debate what I will and won't do. If you feel like something won't/can't
happen, then don't worry about it. There should be nothing to worry about. read less
2 hours ago Like

mickdude2 Turq, please. Don't lock comments unless you're afraid of something I'll say. And if you're
right, you have no reason to be afraid, right?

Now, let's look at this AGAIN, since I haven't made the impression yet. First off, Minecraft ToS:

"...The types of things you must not make available using our Game include: posts that include racist or
homophobic language; posts that are bullying or trolling; posts that might damage our or another
persons reputation; posts that include porn, advertising or someone elses creation or image; or posts
that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people."

Now, look at the Mojang support page...

"We occasionally get requests to moderate player behavior or server content, and are unfortunately
unable to do so. All servers are privately run, and players are responsible for their actions server to
server. If you are having trouble on your server, we would suggest researching one of the many anti-
griefing mods, and whitelisting your server so that only specific people are allowed to play. If you are
having trouble on someone else's server, please contact that server's administrator or moderator team
for assistance."

Meaning, servers are private affairs, not licensed by Mojang. I'd also like to point out the section where
it says "...If you are having trouble on someone else's server, please contact that server's administrator
or moderator team for assistance...", further proving my point that all problems are intra-server, not

Because servers are private, that means that any punishment on any server is not based upon Mojang
ToS. Also, while Minecraft is not yet listed by Entertainment Software Rating Board, the ESRB states:

"All online interactions not rated..."

In conclusion, the events that transpired on MV happened on a private server, with the interactions on
that server not being rated by the ESRB; i.e., anything that transpires on online play is not a part of the
game, and shouldn't be treated as less
1 hour ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post

Liked this
Turqmelon I don't take harassment lightly. Especially to those I look to with respect.

You've been added to The Nexus blacklist with an unappealable ban. Servers sharing The Nexus ban
plugin are no longer accessible to you. We'll call it strike 1.

If you continue to harass myself, or friends of mine, I will escalate this to strike 2. You can consider this a
ban from any server with any significant presence in the minecraft community.

Lastly, if you still hadn't gotten the message, I will personally request your account to be disabled by
Marc Watson, support and head of accounts at Mojang, for violating Mojang's ToS.

I don't take harassment lightly. At all. And this goes for you and anyone involved.

Good less
9 hours ago Public post
AEROGIS wrote:
As the subject says, I'll just keep trying. The reason I am talking to you is because I believe Gizmo is
abusing his power and overstepping his bounds as an Admin. I believe that he should be given a
demotion and a stern talking to at the least.

As much good as Gizmo does, he also does bad. I think the server would benefit the most if Gizmo
publicly apologized to everyone he has slighted and harmed. People do what Gizmo does, without the
abuse and disrespect to the players regarding.


1. Enchanting tools with commands past "vanilla standard" for unknown usage. (We have claims he has
taken items from another player for having an item enchanted past "vanilla standard")

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If I was demoted for using tools past the legitimate enchanting limit, Gizmo should be as well.

2. Gizmo has a problem with a specific group of players but did not bring these problems to you. Instead,
he has kept it to himself and attempted to deal with it on his own. When a person in power acts on his
own instead of making decisions as part of a group, its becomes tyranny.

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3. Gizmo granted money to a player. Not gave, granted. Money was spawned into the system. If this isn't
illegal, I don't know what is.

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4. Gizmo has been and continues to be disrespectful to players, both to their faces and behind their
backs. He also blatantly lies to players. As an admin Gizmo should be the moral example for the
community.But as the evidence shows he is anything but.

(Heres the entire album of him in the logs generally arguing, and generally disrespectful to players, such
as Nix losing Advisor status, and Kill.

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There was another claim that you disregarded all evidence that had been collected against Gizmo
previously. Let me know if this is true so I can show you some of the stuff. Those people in the rebellion
chat you've probably heard about just want Gizmo completely gone, but I can see that we kinda need
Gizmo for the server to be running at full efficiency. But please, do not allow him to continue to abuse,
cheat, and badmouth the community like this.

(I do realize how messy this entire message is, and I'm sorry for that.)
(If this evidence is found to be insufficient, I will happily provide more.)

This issue regarding Gizmo has escalated to a point where it can no longer be ignored. It is deeply
troubling to many members of our community, and is beginning to cause unrest within the system.
Please respond at your earliest convenience.

Your ridiculous PM, AERO, came alongside 5 others sent to me regarding yesterday's incident, and
frankly it was the least important of them.

I figured I'd save you the embarrassment of getting a reply from me completely laughing at your
baseless claims, but since you asked for it:

1) No context for what it was used for. Gizmo, as an admin, has the right to use/test any plugin for any
personal use, so long as it doesn't affect other players adversely. My understanding is he was playing
with the dig speed of a shovel. You, as an ex-moderator, do not have that right and Gizmo (nor I now) do
not trust you with those powers.

2) These logs came literally within 12 hours of your PM to me; furthermore, I've known about the AGL
the whole time and have countlessly dealt with them in a passive manner (before this weekend), which
is in complete contrast to your claim and is laughably sad.

3) Hey, dipshit, ever consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he was regranting someone money
for a glitch or for testing a bug that involved spending money? Or maybe paying him for a reward for
doing something? Or maybe a repayment for an accidental death? Always assuming the worst of people.

4) The only thing you have anywhere near the ability to argue, and it's something Gizmo has been
drastically changing within the past month, and especially as of the last week. And while this isn't
entirely an excuse, there was at least a reason why he would be disrespectful to nix/Kill, as they are
absolute bullies with no redeeming qualities.

Hope you enjoyed this new side of AERO, Gizmo. You make me sick thinking you can just come here and
explain all your wrongdoing away, and pretend you weren't heavily involved. You of all people claim you
weren't a problem after posting literally five different textual quotes specifically showing what you did
wrong? I'm speechless at this point. I'm pretty shocked Gizmo is being the good cop here, but I'm more
than glad to take on the bad cop role in regards to you. I TRUSTED YOU. Gizmo never did; he constantly
spied on you and told me to demote you based on assumptions of your own power abuse, but I never
believed it because he rarely had proof. But to do this to me- you're just a little snake in the grass now.

If for some reason you're still interested in coming back after my ridicule of you, there's no way you're
being unbanned until next month.

Posted 7 hours ago

Contraption234 Hey swords, I'm calling you out. I'm disappointed in you. You're failing us as an admin.
I know you're thinking that yourself, so just admit it. Ever since Gizmo has joined this server and come
into power there have been problems. COUNTLESS players have left because of Gizmo. Players have
formed support groups to deal with the abuse and tyranny Gizmo has instated. And you still refuse to
lift a finger to help, and instead try to wipe it all under the table by mass banning the innocent and the
guilty alike. You're the owner, take some responsibility for gods sake and fix this disaster before what's
left of Multiverse collapses.

I'll say it again, I'm disappointed. I fully expect to be banned off of this site, but my message will remain.
Gizmo is corrupt. He is mean, he is evil, he is small-minded, selfish, a bully. He can help this server yes,
but can do without the nastiness. Really, does ANYONE enjoy whining, groaning, and general
annoyance when being helped by staff? Of course not, but that is all you're gonna get from Gizmo. He'll
fix your problems yes, but only after you ask a dozen times. And even then he'll probably "logoff." Hah!
He just Vanishes so he doesn't have to help you. And when he finally finds the generosity within himself
to actually stop what he is doing and help you, he'll fix your problem as fast as possible simply so he can
return to whatever he was doing as fast as possible.

Staff should take pleasure in helping the community, that's the bottom line. Think about that, and keep
it in mind the next time you ask Gizmo for help.
Contraption234 I hope Gizmo will prove me wrong, that he will act exactly the opposite of what I said.
It's a win-win scenario either way. Gizmo either steps down from his abused position of power or treats
the community nicer, and quite frankly I don't care which one happens.
DeathGodMC I'm pretty sure you guys are being the bullies if you are forming a group to take down
one person.
Contraption234 Do you see me standing at the front of a group? No. I am on my own. I am one person
lobbying to remove a tyrant from power. Besides, any number of people would be at a disadvantage
trying to dislodge an admin from power. That's the entire idea behind a group. Fair isn't fair at all when
one side of the argument can delete what the other says.
DeathGodMC He is not a tyrant, he is a normal person who makes mistakes idk why you are acting like
this, and he only deletes post if they are 1. Stupid, 2 unnecessary or targeting another player or 3.
Contraption234 I think you are stupid, but that doesn't mean I can or should delete your comment.
1. Stupid is subjective and anything a person doesn't like could be considered stupid.
2. Unnecessary is also subjective. I believe my posts are necessary because people have been unfairly
3. Your only valid point. Good for you.
DeathGodMC I'm just really hating how you could go to being friends with someone and then the next
day just despise him, I still consider you guys my friends but this is just unbelievable

ahmadrules Swords doesn't make all his work public for everyone
Creepsta Contraption, Honestly just stop. Swords is the best admin i've ever met, and he does alot for
the server. Yes, you may not know about what he does (This annoyed me alot before, get used to it) and
also, Gizmo is amazing. Where's your evidence?
AEROGIS For the fool posting polls trying to demote Gizmo, I hope you realize how easy it'll be to fake
the results, and why should the Admins even listen to the result anyways?
6 hours ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post
good morning you'll enjoy this, it's my last post to them:

You guys are too funny.

Do you ever take the time to consider that maybe, just maybe, you aren't the center of the world? That
maybe, just maybe, not one person makes every decision around here? No, clearly not. I haven't lied to
any of you, you little pieces of shit- I told you exactly how I felt and what I believed to be what was going
on. Your complete immaturity for always assuming the worst and blaming it on the wrong person is
distasteful, and if you're going to try and bully/troll me into doing your bidding, you're sorely mistaken.
So now, because my patience has worn thin for your tactics, I'll treat you little dickwads like garbage,
since you're doing the same to me and my server- leave us the fuck alone and go spend your time at
"better" places, if you're so inclined to believe we're doing so horribly here.

By the way, I can make up textual evidence the same way you guys have, and/or coping and pasting
messages and pictures to try and deface my name or any of my staff- and I'd do a damn better job than
any of you mediocre kids would, if I felt like wasting my time fighting fire with fire.
im putting all my cards on the table for you, so you better have my back and not let me down. i expect
the best possible behavior from you; don't make a fool out of me.

Lockie Look at this. it really made my day.
Swords calls us immature, yet are we the ones having a massive swear rage?
It bears striking resemblance to the one he sent mick so long ago.
I personally think a swear rage is swords' way of covering up when he know's he is wrong.
I'm going to leave this pic here for you guys to ponder. And for your information, MV will always remain
a small server due to the lack of a proper hierarchy, advertisment and youtubers in general. Always,
scrap the fuckingRead more

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Gyazo lets you instantly grab the screen and upload the image/GIF to the web. You can easily share
them on Chat, Twitter, Blog, Tumblr, etc. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
57 mins ago Comment Comments Disabled Like Public post
Lockie Swords, I don't give two fucks if you show pictures of me. When will you realize, MV is nothing
but a small crappy server that contributes nothing to the overall picture of minecraft. I don't care what
anyone else thinks of me, I have my friends, and my enemies.
Contraption234 Poll update: Votes have come in at 10 for demotion, and 10 against. it's split 50/50
haha. Sorry Gizmo, looks like people want you ousted. (P.S. I'm not sorry.)
ArtemisR Not to kind of rain on your parade there but it looks like there's 37 votes to not demote him
and 10 votes to demote him....also these results were before u posted this so... Lol?
Contraption234 *Sigh*
Really guys? You even resorted to falsifying the results of a poll to convince yourselves that what, Gizmo
is a popular guy? Last I checked the poll was 10 to 10, not its 10 to 37.

So you're telling me that 27 Multiverse players logged on and voted in support of Gizmo. Guys, just look
at the list of recent players. It's impossible, first to have had 47 MV players to vote, and second for 27
people to have appeared out of nowhere to vote. kill723

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