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New American Notice of Understanding and Claim of Right

by ibeme on Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:52 pm

Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

I, ______________-________________: (______________________), a living, breathing soul, do

declare, my yes being yes and my no being no, that the following is My Truth and My Law along with
truth and commands directly quoted from the King James Bible:

Whereas it is my understanding that I am who I say I am, and,

Whereas it is my understanding the only form of government recognized as lawful in the "UNITED
STATES" and the "STATE OF _____________________" are representative ones, and,

Whereas it is my understanding representation requires mutual consent, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor
governance can exist, and,

Whereas it is my understanding those who have a SSN (Social Security Number) are in fact officers
and/or employees of the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the federal
government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one’s SSN (Social Security Number), and,

Whereas I claim the right to collect a pension if I have paid into it and claim that said right is not
affected if I abandon any Social Security Number, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that living, breathing souls in the "UNITED STATES" and the
"STATE OF _____________________" have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and
thus governed, and,

Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government
control and statutory restraints, and,

Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory
restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,

Whereas I, ______________-________________: (______________________) am a Freeman-on-

the-Land, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully within community standards does not breach the
peace, and,

Whereas I, ______________-________________: (______________________) am a Freeman-on-

the-Land and revoke and deny consent to be represented by any artificial political entities by or of any
title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas I, ______________-________________: (______________________) revoke and rescind

any signature, supposedly and allegedly made by myself unto and in relation to any artificial political
entities by or of any title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I can only be slave to one kingdom and I choose to be bond-
servant unto God both now and forever, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, as scripture states, “God
was manifest in the flesh…” (1 Timothy 3:16), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that there is only one God:

(Isaiah 44:6 – King James Version: “Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the
LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God”) , and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Jesus Christ is the creator of all things and therefore the owner of
all things, including all thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:

(Colossians 1:16 - King James Version: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that
are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:
all things were created by him, and for him) , and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no man nor woman, nor any governmental agency, nor any
person, whether artificial or natural, nor any individual(s), nor any legal fiction by any name, title,
type, or quality can challenge God’s possession, supremacy, ownership, and execution of supreme
authority over all creation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no man nor woman, nor any governmental agency, nor any
person, whether artificial or natural, nor any individual(s), nor any legal fiction by any name, title,
type, or quality can challenge God’s ownership of all creation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Psalm 24:1 states unequivocally that the entire earth and every
soul residing thereon are God’s sole:

(Psalms 24:1 - King James Version: The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and
they that dwell therein), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God has made me, under and unto God, a sovereign without

(Revelation - King James Version: And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to
him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen)

(Kings: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: “a sovereign”), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am the property of God alone, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not the chattel property of any man nor woman, nor any
governmental agency, nor any person whether artificial or natural, nor any individual(s), nor any
crown by any name, title, type, or quality, nor any legal fiction or artificial entity by any name, title,
type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that equality before the law is paramount and mandatory,
Whereas it is my understanding that I am where I am and I live and dwell where I am, and where God
says I am, and,

Whereas I am sovereign between and among men and under God, and,

Whereas it is within the scope of my power and authority as a sovereign to act as agent for the legal
fiction titled “NAME IN ALL CAPS”, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God says I am seated in Heaven:

(Ephesians 2:6 - King James Version: And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God says my politics, citizenship, and commonwealth are in and
of Heaven:

(Philippians 3:20 - King James Version: For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look
for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ)

(Philippians 3:20 - New King James Version: For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also
eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ)

(Philippians 3:20 - Revised Standard Version: But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we
await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ)

(commonwealth: Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament:

Politeuma : Thayer Definition:
1) the administration of civil affairs or of a commonwealth
2) the constitution of a commonwealth, form of government and the laws by which it is administered
3) a state, commonwealth
3a) the commonwealth of citizens), and,

Whereas I have not granted any legislative powers unto any artificial political entity, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am a member of the political and jural society of the kingdom of
Jesus Christ and offer no membership unto any other political and/or jural society, and,

Whereas I do not consent to be known and/or recognized as a member of any other political and/or
jural society other than the political and jural society of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and,

Whereas I do not consent to be known and/or recognized by any number, name, and/or appellation
found on any state or federal birth certificate, or any state or federal certificate of live birth, or any
other private, public, state or federal certificate or document which has not been directly fully and/or
partially disclosed to me, and,

Whereas I do not consent to be ported or deported, handcuffed by any means, arrested, detained,
questioned, searched, harassed, or jailed, and,

Whereas I do not consent to be threatened with or harmed by any firearm of or by any title, type, or
quality, and,
Whereas I do not consent to be threatened with or harmed by any electroshock weapon of or by any
title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas I do not consent to being physically touched in any way, whether by direct hands or by any
of the weapons employed by men, women, legal fictions, and/or artificial political entities, and,

Whereas I do not consent to be forcibly vaccinated, and,

Whereas I do not consent to forcibly participate in any physical or mental examination, and,

Whereas I do not consent to forcibly take, ingest, consume, or be administered any drugs by or of any
title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the kingdom that I serve and am slave to is not of this world:

(John 18:36 - King James Version: Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom
were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is
my kingdom not from hence), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God has commanded that I refuse to be the servant of any man or

(1 Corinthians 7:23 - King James Version: Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men),

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not the voluntary servant and/or slave of any man or woman,
or legal fiction, or artificial political entity, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Jesus Christ is my only master, magistrate, administrator, and
judge, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that any designation, or categorization, or classification that applies to

me, ______________-________________: (______________________), originates from myself and
God alone, and,

Whereas, ______________-________________: (______________________) is who I AM, and is

not a name, nor an appellation, nor a designation, according to the supposed laws, statutes, code, rules,
and corporate bylaws which were and are invented by men, women, and artificial political entities,

Whereas it is my understanding that I, the living, breathing man, ______________-

________________: (______________________) neither possess nor employ any numerical
designation nor classification, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God has given me a new name and has not disclosed that name to

(Revelation 3:12 - King James Version: Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my
God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the
city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will
write upon him my new name), and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I am a living, breathing tripartite creation of God; being body,
soul, and spirit, and nothing more:

(1 Thessalonians 5:23 - King James Version: And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I
pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a legal fiction nor artificial entity by or of any name,
title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not the source nor owner of any legal name, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a “fiction yields to truth,” and

Whereas it is my understanding that “where there is truth, fiction of law exists not,” and

Whereas it is my understanding that I have no first hand knowledge of my genesis, supposed birth,
creation, and/or family descent, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that is impossible that I should with full knowledge and
understanding, know and claim any supposed facts relating to my genesis and descent, having no first
hand knowledge and having no memory of such supposed facts and events, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a “vassal” nor “vessel,” nor do I make any oath of fealty
to any man nor woman, nor any individual(s), nor any person, nor any kingdom, nor any government,
nor any state, nor any monarchy, nor any crown, nor any military, nor any religious leader, nor any
religion, nor any corporation, nor any other entity or living, breathing soul that would seek to assert
authority over me as I serve God and His kingdom alone, and,

Whereas I owe all allegiance to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and,

Whereas I owe nor offer any allegiance to any man made government and/or artificial political entity,

Whereas it is my understanding that I do not function under, nor am I subject to, nor do I submit to
any feudal system, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I never knowingly and intentionally, being fully informed of the
consequences, ever freely and voluntarily give up my personal and individual sovereignty or God
given, unalienable rights to any artificial and/or fictitious political entity, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am a living, breathing soul, created by God, and NOT a legal
fiction, nor an individual, nor a person, whether artificial or natural, nor a “human being,” nor any
other scientific and/or legal entity or title created by men, women, scientists, and/or legal fictions, all
of these titles being absent from the King James Bible, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am NOT an animal, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am NOT a supposed and alleged primate, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am NOT descended from any animals, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am directly descended from Adam the first created living soul,

Whereas it is my understanding that Adam was created from the dust of the ground and was not
created as a supposed and alleged primate, and/or as a supposed and alleged member of any supposed
species titled “homo sapiens,” and,

(Genesis 2:7 - King James Version: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul)

Whereas it is my understanding that I am created in the image of God, and,

(Genesis 1:26 King James Version) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth)

Whereas it is my understanding that I was not born, nor registered, nor delivered into or unto any
corporation, nor legal fiction by any name, title, type, or quality, nor any artificial and/or fictitious
political entity, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a certificate of live birth does not register a living, breathing soul
and man, created by God, but does register events, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a certificate of live birth is created by a fictitious governmental

agency, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no medical doctor, attendants, and/or County Registrar had the
power of attorney to deliver me unto any instrumentality of the “UNITED STATES” (sic), nor to
create a mortgaged property (chattel paper) with my supposed appellation attached thereto, all of this
by fraud, subterfuge, and deceit, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the person, “NAME IN ALL CAPS,” or any construction thereof,
is an artificial entity and/or legal fiction and not a living, breathing soul, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that my signature is nowhere found on any certificate of live birth,

Whereas it is my understanding that I do not exist as nor am I found on any certificate of live birth as I
am a living, breathing man and not an artificial entity, and as the entity represented on and by a
certificate of live birth is an artificial entity, and that artificial entity does not exist in nature, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I do not exist as nor am I found on any driver license as I am a
living, breathing man and not an artificial entity, and as the entity represented on and by a driver
license is an artificial entity, and that artificial entity does not exist in nature, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I do not exist as nor am I found on any social security card as I
am a living, breathing man and not an artificial entity, and as the entity represented on and by a social
security card is an artificial entity, and that artificial entity does not exist in nature, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that an artificial entity can only act upon another artificial entity, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a woman who has just expelled a newborn, living, breathing soul
from her womb is not a competent informant nor would she agree to sign as an informant if she knew
what the word legally meant, nor would she agree to sign as an informant if she understood the
consequences, she having not received full disclosure, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I live, exist, and function free, under God, on the land and soil,
and not in or on any water, having reserved all of my God given, inalienable rights, as a living,
breathing, soul and man, created by God, and nothing else, rejecting all titles created and devised by
men, women, and legal fictions, and not by God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the united states of America is a republic and a common law
jurisdiction, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a resident of an artificial political entity titled the

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a resident of an artificial political entity titled the

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a resident of an artificial political entity titled the
“STATE OF ____________________,” and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am a resident of Heaven and of the kingdom of Jesus Christ,

Whereas it is my understanding that I serve the God of the Bible, specifically The King James Bible,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am in covenant relation with Jesus Christ and that covenant
supersedes any other agreement, covenant, oath, or contract, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am, in obedience to Jesus Christ, attempting to discuss the issues
stated herein to avoid conflict and controversy, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I seek no conflict nor controversy, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I retain and possess the God given inalienable right to obey God’s
express commands, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I possess and retain any and every God given inalienable right
which was and is, both purchased and given, by Jesus Christ, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that scripture states that “We ought to obey God rather than men,”:

(Acts 5:29 King James Version: Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to
obey God rather than men), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that this lawful Notice of Understanding and Intent And Claim of
Right has the highest force and effect of law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that these maxims state:

“If ever the law of God and man are at variance, the former are to be obeyed in
derogation of the later, [Acts 5:29]” and also,

“That which is against Divine Law is repugnant to society and is void,” and also,

“That is the highest law which favors religion,” and also,

“Truth, by whomever pronounced, is from God,” and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I stand in the Kingdom of God, and as a child of God, and as a
son of God, and as a minister of God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that my rights derive from God and not from any legal fiction or
artificial political entity by or of any name, title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I can only be slave to one kingdom and I choose to be bond-
servant to God both now and forever, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, as scripture states:

(1 Timothy 3:16 - King James Version: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles,
believed on in the world, received up into glory), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that there is only one God:

(Isaiah 44:6 - King James Version: “Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the
LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God”), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Jesus Christ is the creator of all things and therefore the owner of
all things, including all thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:

(Colossians 1:16 - King James Version: “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and
that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or
powers: all things were created by him, and for him”), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no man nor woman, nor any governmental agency, nor any
person, whether artificial or natural, nor any individual(s), nor any legal fiction by any name, title,
type, or quality can challenge God’s possession, supremacy, ownership, and execution of supreme
authority over all creation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no man nor woman, nor any governmental agency, nor any
person, whether artificial or natural, nor any individual(s), nor any legal fiction by any name, title,
type, or quality can challenge God’s ownership of all creation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that Psalm 24:1 states unequivocally that the entire earth and every
soul residing thereon are God’s sole possession:

(Psalms 24:1 - King James Version: The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and
they that dwell therein), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God has made me, under and unto God, a sovereign without
subjects, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I am the property of God alone, and

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not the chattel property of any man or woman, or any
governmental agency, or any person whether artificial or natural, or any individual(s), or any crown by
any name, title, type, or quality, or any legal fiction or artificial entity by any name, title, type, or
quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that, although I am subject to the kingdom and dominion of Jesus
Christ, I am not subject to any supposed dominion or kingdom of any legal fiction or artificial entity
by any name, title, type, or quality, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus

(1 Timothy 2:5 - King James Version: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus”), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I live, exist, and function free, under God, to serve God, dwelling
solely on the land and soil, and not dwelling in or on any water, having reserved all of my God given,
inalienable rights, as a living, breathing soul and nothing else, rejecting all titles created and devised
by men, women, and legal fictions, and not by God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I live, exist, dwell, and function wherever I am, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God is not a legal fiction, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God is not a myth, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God’s acts, as described and made manifest in the King James
Bible, are not myths nor fictions, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that God’s words, commandments, directives, and demands, as

written, described, and made manifest in the King James Bible, are not myths nor fictions, and are my
highest duty and obligation to fulfill, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that any oath of loyalty is forbidden by God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I obey Jesus Christ over all others, as He has created me, and as
He owns me, and as He demands my complete obedience and allegiance, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that, since the King James Bible states that Jesus Christ is “KING OF
KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS,” so I, therefore, must declare, that I am obligated to obey Jesus
Christ over all others that would seek to assert authority over me, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I offer no consent to any law, code, act, statute, requirement,
directive, order, or any other supposed obligation or directive, made by and at any level of any
government, being made by men, women, or legal fictions, which violates and contradicts God’s law
as found in the King James Bible, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that no man, nor any woman, nor any individual(s), nor any person,
whether artificial or natural, nor any kingdom, nor any government, nor any state by any name, title,
type, or quality, nor any legal fiction by any name, title, type, or quality, nor any other entity by any
name, title, type, or quality, possesses any God given inalienable right and/or authority to compel me
to disobey God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I offer no consent to any man, nor any woman, nor any
individual(s), nor any person, whether artificial or natural, nor any kingdom, nor any government, nor
any state by any name, title, type, or quality, nor any legal fiction by any name, title, type, or quality,
nor any other entity or crown by any name, title, type, or quality, which claims the power and right to
compel me to disobey God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding any law, code, statute, requirement, directive, order, or any other
supposed obligation or directive, made by men, women, governments and/or legal fictions, which
violates and contradicts God’s law, is null and void, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is my God given inalienable right to offer no consent to any
proceeding, administration, legal wording, verbiage, law, code, statute, supposed requirement,
directive, order, or any other supposed obligation, made by men, women, governments and/or legal
fictions, which seeks to cause, directs, requires, or supposedly obligates me to make any affirmation
and/or oath and/or sworn statement and/or sworn writing, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is my God given inalienable right to offer no consent to any
proceeding, administration, legal wording, verbiage, law, code, statute, supposed requirement,
directive, order, or any other supposed obligation, made by men, women, governments and/or legal
fictions, which seeks to cause, directs, requires, or supposedly obligates me to disobey God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I waive any benefit, privilege, opportunity, or any supposed
obligation of any proceeding, administration, legal wording, verbiage, law, code, statute, supposed
requirement, directive, order, or any other supposed obligation, made by men, women, governments
and/or legal fictions, which seeks to cause, directs, requires, or supposedly obligates me to disobey
God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am self governing and fully capable, under God, of interpreting
the King James Bible and do not need, desire, nor require any man, woman, person(s), individual(s),
government, nor any other entity to interpret God’s words, commandments, directives, and demands,
as written, described, and made manifest in the King James Bible, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that any proceeding, administration, legal wording, verbiage, law,
code, statute, supposed requirement, directive, order, court ruling, or any other supposed obligation,
made by men, women, governments and/or legal fictions, which seeks to cause, directs, requires, or
supposedly obligates me to make any affirmation and/or oath and/or sworn statement and/or sworn
writing is null and void, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I may, if I choose, sign by the words “without prejudice” and/or
“under duress,” and,

Whereas it is my understanding that my signature authenticates that I, ______________-

________________: (______________________), a living breathing soul created by God and not a
legal fiction, signed the document, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that my yes is yes and my no is no, and that, according to God, that is
sufficient in any matter related to God and/or his creation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I offer no jurisdiction to any man, or any woman, or any
individual(s), or any person, whether artificial or natural, or any kingdom, or any government, or any
state by any name, title, type, or quality, or any legal fiction by any name, title, type, or quality, or any
other entity by any name, title, type, or quality, which claims the power and right to compel me to
disobey God, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am a member of the body of Christ, being a part of him,
according to the King James Bible, the church and body that was originally formed through the death,
burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am not a member of any church and/or gathering of believers in
Jesus Christ that has begged or applied for any benefit, privilege, or opportunity, from any fictitious
political entity, or any other legal fiction, or any man, or any woman, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I am a member of the Church and body of Jesus Christ and that
church is full grown and self governing, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the Bible clearly states that I am a “fellowcitizen(s) with the

(Ephesians 2:19 - King James Version: Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but
fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God), and,

Whereas it is my understanding that, since I choose to obey God’s law, any man or woman, or any
individual(s), or any person, whether artificial or natural, or any kingdom, or any government, or any
crown or monarchy by or of any name, title, type, or quality, or any state by any name, title, type, or
quality, or any living breathing soul, or any legal fiction by any name, title, type, or quality, or any
other entity by any name, title, type, or quality that wishes to claim authority to compel me to disobey
God, must first prove they exist above God; that they are God; that they exist between me and God; or
that they have a document upon the face of which can be found the verifiable signature of God.

Whereas it is my understanding that failure to first do one of the above mentioned things means all
claims to authority are abandoned or unlawful.

Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that I, ______________-
________________: (______________________), do hereby state clearly, specifically, and
unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist in obedience to God. Furthermore, it is my
understanding that that I possess and retain the God given, inalienable right to live, unimpeded and
free from harassment and interference, according to my understanding. Furthermore, it is my
understanding that that these actions are not outside my community’s standards and will in fact
support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom. Further it is my understanding
that I possess and retain the God given, inalienable right to build on this Notice of Understanding as
God demands and as I see fit.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having
been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is
breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt
with in a properly convened court de jure.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that I possess and retain the God given, inalienable right to
convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace
officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who having been served notice
of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or
omission with the lawful exercise of established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one
is service upon both.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that I possess and retain the God given, inalienable right to the
right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and
negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose I
see fit.

Affected parties wishing to make discussion and negotiation concerning my understanding shown
herein must respond appropriately and upon their full commercial liability within FOURTEEN (14)
days of service of this notice.
I claim “The Authorized King James Version” bible (circa 1611) as my only law.
I, ______________-________________: (______________________), my yes being yes and my no
being no, and that being sufficient; a living breathing soul and man, created by God, and NOT a legal
fiction, do declare that all statements made herein are true and accurate, in all respects. My yes is yes
and my no is no and since I choose to obey God’s law, that is sufficient under God and in relation to
any man or woman, or any individual(s), or any person, whether artificial or natural, or any kingdom,
or any government, or any state by any name, title, type, or quality, or any legal fiction by any name,
title, type, or quality, or any other entity by any name, title, type, or quality that wishes to claim
authority to compel me to act in any manner. I do not invoke the name of God, as this is forbidden,
and as no man nor woman nor living breathing soul knows God’s entire name. “YHWH” is the closest
resemblance to God’s known name. As “YHWH” contains only consonants and no vowels, every
other derivative or title amounts to mere speculation. I make my mark with my signature and/or
thumbprint, the signature and/or thumbprint of a living, breathing soul and man, created by God, and
not a legal fiction.
Please take careful note. My signature includes, without limit, the words “without prejudice,” “all
rights reserved,” and “no assumpsit contract.”
No part of this Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right may be construed as a change
in status or entrance into or acceptance of any foreign jurisdiction.
Without prejudice. All rights reserved. No assumpsit contract.
Claimant: ______________-________________: (______________________)


Date _______________________________________________________________

______________-________________: (______________________) c/o temporary mailing location




Place of “Notice of Understanding and Intent And Claim of Right”

(spelled properly, or in ALL CAPS, including, without limit, every derivative thereof also.):
__________________, __________________ County, State of ______________, STATE OF
____________, the United States, the united states of America as originally constituted under the
Constitution for the united states of America, and all places created and owned by God and God alone.

Use of a Notary Public and/or Common Law Notarian is for attestation and verification purposes only
and does not constitute a change in status or entrance or acceptance of foreign jurisdiction.

Common Law Notarian

Witness: _______________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Witness: _______________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Witness: _______________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Witness: _______________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Witness: _______________________________________________________
Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Witness: _______________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Notary Public

I, ________________________________________, do swear and

affirm that all statements made herein are true and accurate, in all respects.
Signed: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________

SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, ______________________,

By___________________________________________________, on

the _______________________day of ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________, 2009,

which witnesses my hand and seal of office.



THE STATE OF _______________
Without prejudice. All rights reserved.

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