Lotus Speech AGM Minutes, Nov. 2009

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Annual General Meeting Lotus Speech Buddhist Society 2009

Held on: Nov 21, 2008

Shechen Changchub Ling Retreat Center, Sproat Lake, B.C.

Present: Trevor Jones, Christine Bird, Brian Menzies, Sandy Menlyk, Penny McGuire, Sue Price (via

1. Call to Order 1:35pm by Trevor Jones, President.

2. Agenda reviewed and accepted through consensus

3. Presidents Report by Trevor Jones

2009 Changling Rinpoche’s Teaching Tour was a great success in Canada and US. Lotus Speech Canada
was responsible for financing, scheduling, booking and co-coordinating Rinpoche’s tour throughout the US
as well as Canada. Rinpoche reported that he felt welcomed in each of the 22 centers and there was a great
turnout overall and he intends the same for 2010.
There were successful teaching events held at both Sechelt and Sproat Lake, with good attendance and a
profit generated from each location. Victoria and Vancouver reported the same. Changling Rinpoche has
requested that he repeat the visits to all the above centers in 2010.
Lotus Speech continues to support the Yangsi visit. The Website is up and running and tickets sales are at
projected levels.
Acknowledgement of the natural conclusion of director Etta Rosso. Whole group Thanks her for her
Lotus Speech has reached all projected goals of 2009 Budget.
1.Completion of residences for Monastics in Kalimpong and placing of additional students.
2. Financial support for Publication for 2010 Celebrations
Changling Rinpoche acknowledges the efforts of everyone on the board and is very happy with Lotus
Speech Canada. So happy he is encouraging LS Australia and LS USA to follow suit.
In 2010 Rinpoche is hoping to formalize LS Hong Kong.

4. Financial Report by Christine Bird, Treasurer

Document: Balance Sheet as of Oct 31/09 was reviewed and accepted by all present.
Document: Income Statement was reviewed and accepted by all present
Celebrated most successful year so far.
All agreed for Laura Macay to continue as auditor for Lotus Speech for 2010.

Motion: To adopt year end financial statements as presented

Passed: Unanimously

5. Charitable Activities for 2010

a. Group agreed to continue support for monks and nuns in Kalimpong Monastery and increase the goal to
$4320 ($360/year for each monastic) for 2010 to support a total of 12 monastics of which a minimum of 4
and a maximum of 12 nuns.
Action: Christine has offered to match donors with names/photos of respective Monks and Nuns.
Action: Board: In 6 months board with assess financials and if monies are available board will forward a
minimum of half the above yearly payment to the monastery.

b. Board has set a target of $7000 offer as gift to share between Yangsi, Rabjam, Changling Rinpoche and
Matthieu Ricard for teaching in Vancouver August 2010. The board will revisit this amount before the
event with the hope that there will be more to give as this is such a historic event and a milestone for
Changling Rinpoche and Lotus Speech.

c. Changling Rinpoche’s 2010 Teaching Tour tentative dates on website. Rinpoche would love members
from BC to join the teachings in Halifax, US and Brazil!
LS Canada will continue to support LS USA and fund and support teaching tour as last year, until LS USA

d. Rinpoche has requested that Shechen Changchub Ling run regular retreat weekends to prepare the space
for Yangsi and Rabjams’ arrival in 2010. Group agreed to try for every 2 months in conjunction with board
meetings. Suggested practices: Tara and Vajrayogini as these are the empowerments that Rinpoche has
given here.
Pick ups and car pooling can be arranged from the Nanaimo ferry to Sproat Lake.
Action: Sandy has offered to pick people up from the ferry on Saturdays.
*Request for main land residents that a regular practice group for Lotus Speech be initiated in Vancouver
for those who can’t make retreats at Sproat Lake.

6. Donations/Gifts to Teachers
Christine been talking to other centers re their protocol regarding this topic to find there isn’t a standard
Trevor suggested being able to offer charitable receipt makes it easier to cultivate repeat donors.
Action: Christine will make a brochure about Lotus Speech Canada and present to board for
approval/changes, then make available for Yangsi visit.

7. Retiring of Etta Rosso

Many Thanks from board. All agreed she will be reimbursed her ticket for the Yangsi visit as a gift of
Thanks for her service to Lotus Speech.

Motion: Appoint Penny McGuire to the position of Secretary and authorize her to replace Etta Rosso
as a signing authority on the Vancity Account
Passed: Unanimously.

Action: Christine, as treasurer, will complete this transaction for Etta’s reimbursement
Action: Christine will contact bank re paperwork for signing authority.

8. New Board Members

Janet Cotgrave, Anna Merner and Jessica Ho were suggested as new board members. They will be
contacted and formally made Directors at the next Board meeting.
Action: Penny will contact all three and ask their interest and invite to next board meeting.
9. Special Resolution: Motion: Brian Menzies : Lotus Speech will amend its bylaws to expand the
number of board members to a total of 9.
Passed: Unanimously

10. Next AGM to be scheduled for January 2011 to meet with LS year end Dec. 31, 2010.

Meeting closed at 2:50pm

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