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Q f Inveslignrions

U.S. De part ment of Homeland Security

425 I Street. NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs
FEB 1 2 2 07

TO: Julie L. Myers

Assistant Secretary


John P. Clark
Deputy Assistant Secretary

Marcy M. Forman )'l~

/ tA )
Director 't
Office of Investigations

John Torr
J;« Director
. Office of Detentio & Removal Operations

SUBJECT: Cabarrus County Sheriffs Office request for 287(g) Delegation

of Authority Training

On October 26, 2006, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (lCE) Headquarters (HQ)
received a request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority tra.ining from the Cabarrus County
Sheriffs Office (CCSO) located in Concord, NC. Brad Riley, Sheriff for the CCSO has
requested 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for 4 deputies in the Cabarrus County Jail
facility. [n his letter, Sheriff Riley states, "this program ... will enable us to participate with
ICE in identi fying criminal aliens who pose a risk to the citizens of Cabarrus County." Sheriff
Riley proposes the establishment of "Identification Review Officers" at the facility to
administer the 287(g) prograln.

ASAC Charlotte will be available to support the Cabarrus County initiative in February 2007.
The Field Office Director (FOD) has confinned that CCSO is not a contract facility; however,
CCSO has indicated that they are willing to become one. The FOD indicates that the number
of trained officers wiJl 'not out strip ORO resources. ORO is anticipating an additional 100 to
200 beds to become available in early spring 2007 at the Alamance County Jail, North
Carolina. The FOD also anticipates 15 positions becoming available for the state of North

The Field Office Director for the Office of Detention and Removal Operations in Atlanta
currently has only 2 Deportation Officers (DOs), 4 Immigration Enforcement Agents (lEAs)
and insufficient available bed space to support CCSO's 287(g) Program request. The FOD has'
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Office ofInvestigations

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

425 J Street., NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs
Enforcem ent

Mr. Brad Riley

Sheriff of Cabarrus County
P.O. Box 525
Concord, NC 28025

Dear Sheriff Riley,

This letter is to notify you that Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) approved your request for 287(g)
Delegation of Authority Training for the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office (CCSO). The letter also
serves as a notice of intent to negotiate a MOA between DHS/ICE and the CCSO.

DHS/ICE is looking forward to the partnership and the success of this joint venture. The 287(g)
program has produced very good successes in other locations and I have no doubt it wiU be sliccessful
in Cabarrus County.

The local ICE points of contact are Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC)( (6), (b)(7)(O)and
Assistant Field Office Director (AFOD) Paige Edenfield, whom will oversee the 287(g) program for
ICE in North Carolina. b 6 b 7 C can be reached at 704-~~t UlL(l~P AFOD Edenfield can be
reached at 704-~~, (b){7)(C)

.----_ _---.;S
.....i ncere Iv_

(b )(6), (b ){7)(C)

287(g) Unit Chief

Criminal Alien Division
Department of Homeland Security
I.mmigration and Customs Enforcement

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