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6/18/2014 Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials and Gases 1/10
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Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials and Gases
Thermal conductivity of some common materials and gases - insulation, aluminum, asphalt, brass, copper, steel and many more
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Thermal conducti vi ty i s the quanti ty of heat transmi tted through a uni t thi ckness i n a di recti on normal to a surface of uni t area, due to a uni t temperature
gradi ent under steady state condi ti ons.
Thermal conducti vi ty of some common materi al s and products are i ndi cated i n the tabl e bel ow.
1 W/(m.K) = 1 W/(m.
C) = 0.85984 kcal /(hr.m.
C) = 0.5779 Btu/(
Thermal Conductivity - k - W/(m.K)
Temperature -
25 125 225
Acetal s 0.23
Acetone 0.16
Acetyl ene (gas) 0.018
Acryl i c 0.2
Ai r, athmosphere (gas) 0.024
Ai r, el evati on 10000 m 0.020
Al cohol 0.17
Al umi num 205 215 250
Al umi ni um Brass 121
Al umi num Oxi de 30
Ammoni a (gas) 0.022
Anti mony 18.5
Appl e (85.6% moi sture) 0.39
Argon (gas) 0.016
Asbestos-cement board 0.744
Asbestos-cement sheets 0.166
Asbestos-cement 2.07
Asbestos, l oosel y packed 0.15
Asbestos mi l l board 0.14
Asphal t 0.75
Bal sa wood 0.048
Bi tumen 0.17
Bi tumen/fel t l ayers 0.5
Beef, l ean (78.9 % moi sture) 0.43 - 0.48
Benzene 0.16
Beryl l i um 218
Bi tumen 0.17
Bl ast furnace gas (gas) 0.02
Brass 109
Breeze bl ock 0.10 - 0.20
Bri ck dense 1.31
Bri ck, i nsul ati ng 0.15
Bri ckwork, common 0.6 -1.0
Bri ckwork, dense 1.6
Heat Exchangers Brick Materials Thermal Materials Gases in Water
6/18/2014 Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials and Gases 2/10
Bromi ne (gas) 0.004
Bronze 110
Butter (15% moi sture content) 0.20
Cadmi um 92
Cal ci um si l i cate 0.05
Carbon 1.7
Carbon di oxi de (gas) 0.0146
Carbon monoxi de 0.0232
Cel l ul ose, cotton, wood pul p and regenerated 0.23
Cel l ul ose acetate, moul ded, sheet
0.17 - 0.33
Cel l ul ose ni trate, cel l ul oi d 0.12 - 0.21
Cement, portl and 0.29
Cement, mortar 1.73
Chal k 0. 09
Charcoal 0.2
Chl ori nated pol yether 0.13
Chl ori ne (gas) 0.0081
Chrome Ni ckel Steel (18% Cr, 8 % Ni ) 16.3
Chromi um 94
Cl ay, dry to moi st 0.15 - 1.8
Cl ay, saturated 0.6 - 2.5
Coal 0.2
Cobal t 69
Cod (83% moi sture content) 0.54
Concrete, l i ghtwei ght 0.1 - 0.3
Concrete, medi um 0.4 - 0.7
Concrete, dense 1.0 - 1.8
Concrete, stone 1.7
Constantan 22
Copper 401 400 398
Cori an (cerami c fi l l ed) 1.06
Cork board 0.043
Cork, regranul ated 0.044
Cork 0.07
Cotton 0.04
Cotton wool 0.029
Carbon Steel 54 51 47
Cotton Wool i nsul ati on 0.029
Di amond 1000
Di atomaceous earth (Si l -o-cel ) 0.06
Di atomi te 0.12
Earth, dry 1.5
Engi ne Oi l 0.15
Ethane (gas) 0.018
Ether 0.14
Ethyl ene (gas) 0.017
Epoxy 0.35
Ethyl ene gl ycol 0.25
Feathers 0.034
Fel t i nsul ati on 0.04
Fi bergl ass 0.04
Fi bre i nsul ati ng board 0.048
Fi bre hardboard 0.2
Fi recl ay bri ck 500
C 1.4
Fl uori ne (gas) 0.0254
Foam gl ass 0.045
Freon R-12 (gas) 0.007
Freon R-12 (l i qui d) 0.09
Gasol i ne 0.15
6/18/2014 Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials and Gases 3/10
Gl ass 1.05
Gl ass, Pearl s, dry 0.18
Gl ass, Pearl s, saturated 0.76
Gl ass, wi ndow 0.96
Gl ass, wool Insul ati on 0.04
Gl ycerol 0.28
Gol d 310 312 310
Grani te 1.7 - 4.0
Gravel 0.7
Ground or soi l , very moi st area 1.4
Ground or soi l , moi st area 1.0
Ground or soi l , dry area 0.5
Ground or soi l , very dry area 0.33
Gypsum board 0.17
Hai rfel t 0.05
Hardboard hi gh densi ty 0.15
Hardwoods (oak, mapl e..) 0.16
Hel i um (gas) 0.142
Honey (12.6% moi sture content) 0.5
Hydrochl or aci d (gas) 0.013
Hydrogen (gas) 0.168
Hydrogen sul fi de (gas) 0.013
Ice (0
C, 32
F) 2.18
Insul ati on materi al s 0.035 - 0.16
Iri di um 147
Iron 80 68 60
Iron, wrought 59
Iron, cast 55
Kapok i nsul ati on 0.034
Kerosene 0.15
Krypton (gas) 0.0088
Lead Pb 35
Leather, dry 0.14
Li mestone 1.26 - 1.33
Magnesi a i nsul ati on (85%) 0.07
Magnesi te 4.15
Magnesi um 156
Marbl e 2.08 - 2.94
Mercury 8.3
Methane (gas) 0.030
Methanol 0.21
Mi ca 0.71
Mi l k 0.53
Mi neral wool i nsul ati on materi al s, wool bl ankets .. 0.04
Mol ybdenum 138
Monel 26
Neon (gas) 0.046
Neoprene 0.05
Ni ckel 91
Ni tri c oxi de (gas) 0.0238
Ni trogen (gas) 0.024
Ni trous oxi de (gas) 0.0151
Nyl on 6, Nyl on 6/6 0.25
Oi l , machi ne l ubri cati ng SAE 50 0.15
Ol i ve oi l 0.17
Oxygen (gas) 0.024
Paper 0.05
Paraffi n Wax 0.25
Perl i te, atmospheri c pressure 0.031
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Perl i te, vacuum 0.00137
Phenol i c cast resi ns 0.15
Phenol -formal dehyde moul di ng compounds 0.13 - 0.25
Pl aster l i ght 0.2
Pl aster, metal l ath 0.47
Pl aster, sand 0.71
Pl aster, wood l ath 0.28
Pl asti ci ne 0.65 - 0.8
Pl asti cs, foamed (i nsul ati on materi al s) 0.03
Pl ati num 70 71 72
Pl utoni um 6.7
Pl ywood 0.13
Pol ycarbonates 0.19
Pol yester 0.05
Pol yethyl ene l ow densi ty, PEL 0.33
Pol yethyl ene hi gh densi ty, PEH 0.42 - 0.51
Pol yi soprene natural rubber 0.13
Pol yi soprene hard rubber 0.16
Pol ymethyl methacryl ate 0.17 - 0.25
Pol ypropyl ene, PP 0.1 - 0.22
Pol ystyrene, expanded styrofoam 0.03
Pol ystyrol 0.043
Pol yurethane foam 0.03
Porcel ai n 1.5
Potato, raw fl esh 0.55
Propane (gas) 0.015
Pol ytetrafl uoroethyl ene, Tefl on, PTFE 0.25
Pol yvi nyl chl ori de, PVC 0.19
Pyrex gl ass 1.005
Quartz mi neral 3
Radon (gas) 0.0033
Rock, sol i d 2 - 7
Rock, porous vol cani c (Tuff) 0.5 - 2.5
Rock Wool i nsul ati on 0.045
Rubber, cel l uar 0.045
Rubber, natural 0.13
Sal mon (73% moi sture content) 0.50
Sand, dry 0.15 - 0.25
Sand, moi st 0.25 - 2
Sand, saturated 2 - 4
Sandstone 1.7
Sawdust 0.08
Sheeps wool 0.039
Si l i ca aerogel 0.02
Si l i cone cast resi n 0.15 - 0.32
Si l i cone oi l 0.1
Si l ver 429
Sl ag wool 0.042
Sl ate 2.01
Snow (temp < 0
C) 0.05 - 0.25
Sodi um 84
Softwoods (fi r, pi ne ..) 0.12
Soi l , cl ay 1.1
Soi l , wi th organi c matter 0.15 - 2
Soi l , saturated 0.6 - 4
Steel , Carbon 1% 43
Stai nl ess Steel 16 17 19
Straw sl ab i nsul ati on, compressed 0.09
Styrofoam 0.033
6/18/2014 Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials and Gases 5/10
Sul fur di oxi de (gas) 0.0086
Sugars 0.087 - 0.22
Tefl on 0.25
Ti mber 0.14
Ti n Sn 67
Ti tani um 22
Tungsten 174
Urani um 27.6
Urethane foam 0.021
Vacuum 0
Vermi cul i te granul es 0.065
Vi nyl ester 0.25
Water 0.58
Water, vapor (steam) 0.016
Wheat fl our 0.45
Wood across the grai n, whi te pi ne 0.12
Wood across the grai n, bal sa 0.055
Wood across the grai n, yel l ow pi ne, ti mber 0.147
Wood, oak 0.17
Wool , fel t 0.07
Wood wool , sl ab 0.1 - 0.15
Xenon (gas) 0.0051
Zi nc Zn 116
1 W/(m.K) = 1 W/(m.
C) = 0.85984 kcal /(h.m.
C) = 0.5779 Btu/(ft.h.
F) = 0.048 Btu/(i n.h.
What i s conducti ve heat transfer?
Example - Conductive Heat Transfer through a Aluminum versus Stainless Steel Pot
The conducti ve heat transfer through a pot wal l can be cal cul ated as
q / A = k dT / s
q / A = heat transfer per uni t area (W/m
k = thermal conducti vi ty (W/mK)
dT = temperature di fference (
s = wal l thi ckness (m)
Conductive Heat Transfer through Aluminum Pot Wall with thickness 2 mm and temperature difference 200
q / A = (250 W/mK) (200
C) / (2 10
= 25000 (kW/m
Conductive Heat Transfer through Stainless Steel Pot Wall with thickness 2 mm and temperature difference 200
q / A = (16 W/mK) (200
C) / (2 10
= 1600 (kW/m
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