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Chapter 9 : Field Effect Transistors

Section 9.26 :
Ex. 9.26.2 : The FET used in Fig. P. 9.26.2 has V P = 2 V, IDSS = 1.65 mA. It is desired to bias the
circuit at ID = 0.8 mA. If VDD = 24 V and rd >> RD.
Calculate : 1. VGS 2. gm 3. RS

Soln. :
Step 1 : Obtain the value of VGS :
We know that,

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Substituting the values we get,

VGS = 0.6074 Volts


P. 9.26.2

Step 2 : Obtain the value of gm :

We know that,
gm =
But we do not know the value of gm0 so let us find it out,
gm0 =
Substituting the values of IDSS and VP we get,
gm0 =
gm0 = 1.65 10 3

Substitute this value into Equation (2) to get,

gm = 1.65 10 3 = 1.15 10 3 mho

Step 3 : Obtain the value of RS :

Apply KVL to the Gate to source circuit of Fig. P. 9.26.2 to write,
0 = VGS + ID RS
RS =




Substituting the values we get,

RS =

RS = 759.25


Ex. 9.26.3 : The amplifier stage shown in Fig. P. 9.26.3(a) uses a n channel FET having I DSS = 1 mA,
VP = 1 V. If the quiescent drain to ground voltage is 10 V, find R1.

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Basic Electronics (GTU)


(a) Given circuit


Field Effect Transistors

(b) DC equivalent circuit

P. 9.26.3

Soln. :
The DC equivalent circuit of the given amplifier assuming IG = 0 is shown in Fig. P. 9.26.3(b).
Step 1 : Calculate ID :
ID = = = 0.25 mA
Step 2 : Calculate VGS :
0.25 =
(0.25)1/2 = 1 + VGS
VGS = 0.5 V
Step 3 : Calculate R1 :
From Fig. P. 9.26.3(b) it is clear that VGS = ID R1
ID R1 = 0.5
R1 = = 2 k


Section 9.32 :
Ex. 9.32.4 : The drain current in milliamperes of the enhancement type MOSFET shown in
Fig. P. 9.32.4(a) is given by, ID = 0.3 (VGS VP)2 mA in the region VDS VGS VP.
If VP = + 4 V, calculate IDSQ, VGSQ and VDSQ.
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Field Effect Transistors


(b) Equivalent circuit

P. 9.32.4

Soln. :
Steps to be followed :
Step 1 : Write the expression for VGS in terms of VDS.
Step 2 : Write the expression for VDS in terms of ID by applying KVL to output circuit.
Step 3 : Write Shockleys expression to get ID.
Step 4 : From the value of ID, calculate VDS and VGS.
Step 1 : Expression for VGS :

Refer Fig. P. 9.32.4(b) to write,


...(since IG = 0)

Note that as IG = 0, current through RG and RGS is same. Hence we could write the above
expression for VG.
As VS = 0, VGS = VG
VGS = VDS = 0.5 VDS


Step 2 : Expression for VDS :

Apply KVL to the drain circuit of Fig. P. 9.32.4(a) to write,
VDS = VDD ID RD = 30 15 ID


Substitute Equation (2) into Equation (1) to get,

VGS = 0.5 [ 30 15 ID ] = 15 7.5 ID
Step 3 : Expression for ID :
Given that, ID = 0.3 (VGS VP)2,

and VP = 4

Substitute Equation (3) into this to get,


= 0.3 (15 7.5ID 4)2 = 0.3 [ 11 7.5ID ]2


Basic Electronics (GTU)


Field Effect Transistors

= 0.3 [ 121 165ID + 56.25 ] = 16.875 49.5ID + 36.3

16.875 50.5ID + 36.3 = 0

= = 1.79 mA or ID = 1.2 mA.

ID = 1.79 mA results in a negative VDS. Hence discard this value.

Select, ID = 1.2 mA


Step 4 : Values of VGS and VDS :

VDS = VDD ID RD = 30 (15 1.2) = 12 V
VDS = 0.5 VDS = 6 Volts


Ex. 9.32.5 : For the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.32.5(a) calculate I D and VDS if the MOSFET parameters
are VT = 1 V and k = 0.1 mA / V2. Also check the region of operation of the device.
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(a) Given circuit


(b) DC equivalent circuit

P. 9.32.5

Soln. :
Step 1 : Draw the DC equivalent circuit :
The DC equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. P. 9.32.5(b).
Step 2 : Find VGS and ID :
Since the value of k is given, we need not calculate it again. From Fig. P. 9.32.5(b) we get,
VG = VDD = 6 = 2.33 volts.

As the source terminal is connected to ground, VS = 0

VGS = VG VS = VG 0 = VG = 2.33 volts.

Assuming the MOSFET to be operated in the saturation region, we can write,

ID = k (VGS VT)2 = 0.1 (2.33 1)2 = 0.178 mA

Step 3 : Find VDS :

Apply KVL to the drain loop of Fig. P. 9.32.5(c) to write,


Basic Electronics (GTU)


VDS = VDD ID RD = 6 (0.178 18) = 2.8 Volts

Field Effect Transistors


Step 4 : Check the region of operation :

Find VDS(sat) = VGS VT
VDS(sat) = 2.33 1 = 1.33 V.
If VDS > VDS(sat) then MOSFET is in saturation. In this
case VDS = 2.8 V and VDS(sat) = 1.33 V.
MOSFET is in saturation.


P. 9.32.5(c) : Drain loop

Ex. 9.32.6 : Analyze the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.32.6(a) to find I D, VSG and VSD. Check the region in
which the MOSFET is biased. The MOSFET parameters are : k = 0.1 mA/V 2 and
VT = 1V.
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(a) Given P MOS circuit

(b) DC equivalent


P. 9.32.6

Soln. :
Step 1 : Draw the DC equivalent :

The DC equivalent circuit is as shown in Fig. P. 9.32.6(b).

Step 2 : Find VSG and ID :

Since the value of k is given, we need not calculate it again.

VG = VDD = 6 = 2.12 Volts

From Fig. P. 9.32.6(b),

VS = VDD = 6 V

VS VG = 6 2.12 = 3.88 Volts

Drain current ID = k (VSG + VT)2

ID = 0.1 (3.88 1)2 = 0.83 mA


Step 3 : Find VSD :

VSD = VDD ID RD = 6 0.83 3 = 3.51 Volts
Step 4 : Region of operation :


Basic Electronics (GTU)


Field Effect Transistors

VSD(sat) = VSG + VT = 3.88 1 = 2.88 Volts

As VSD = 3.51 V is greater than VSD(sat), the P MOSFET is indeed biased in the saturation region.

Section 9.33 :
Ex. 9.33.2 : Let in the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.33.2 represents a small signal such that V o is 20 times
VS in amplitude. Find the necessary value for RS if ID = 15 mA when
VGS = 4 V and VP = 2V.
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P. 9.33.2

Soln. :
ID = 15 mA, VGS = 4 V, VP = 2 V
4 = 25 15 RS
Solving this equation we get the required value of RS.
RS = 150



Section 9.34 :
Ex. 9.34.1 : In the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.34.1(a), determine the co-ordinates of Q-point and state the
region of operation of the transistor.
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Basic Electronics (GTU)



Field Effect Transistors

P. 9.34.1(a)

Soln. :
Step 1: Obtain expression for VGS :
Assuming IG = 0 we get,

VG =

5 = 2 Volts.

As VS = 0, we get VGS = VG = 2 Volts.

Step 2 : Draw the DC equivalent circuit :
The DC equivalent circuit, replacing all the
capacitors by open circuit is shown in Fig. P. 9.34.1(b).
Fig. P. 9.34.1(b) : DC equivalent circuit
Step 3 : Obtain the value of IDQ :
IDQ = k (VGS VT)2 = 100 10 6 (2 1)2 = 100 A


Step 4 : Calculate VDSQ :

VDSQ = VDD IDQ RD = 5 (100 10 6 20 103) = 3 Volts
Ex. 9.34.2 :

Determine following for given circuit :




VD .

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Soln. :
The given MOSFET is a depletion type
MOSFET and the type of biasing is self biasing.
Step 1 : Find IDQ :


VGS = ID RS = 2.4 ID
ID = IDSS = 8 = [8 2.4 ID]2

P. 9.34.2


Basic Electronics (GTU)


Field Effect Transistors

8 ID = 64 38.4 ID + 5.76
5.76 46.4 ID + 64 = 0
ID = = 6.29 mA or ID = 1.77 mA
Select IDQ = 1.77 mA
Step 2 : Find VGSQ :
VGSQ = 2.4 IDQ = 2.4 1.77 = 4.24 V
Step 3 : Find VD :
VD = VDD ID RD = 20 (1.77 6.2) = 9.026 V
Ex. 9.34.3 :


Consider circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.34.3, assume

k = 75 A /V2 , Vth = 0.8 V, Find ID, VD, VS and VG.
.Page No. 9-78.

Soln. :
Given :

k = 75 A/ V2 , Vth = 0.8

To find :

ID , VD, VS and VG

The type of MOSFET is p-channel enhancement MOSFET.

Step 1 : Calculate VGS :
Assuming IG = 0,



P. 9.34.3

= 10 = 5V
VD = 0
= 10 ID RS
= 5 ( 10 ID RS ) = 5 + ID RS = 5 + 6 ID


Step 2 : Calculate ID :
ID =

k ( VGS Vth )2 = 75 106 ( 5 + 6 ID + 0.8 )2

ID = 75 10 6 ( 4.2 + 6 ID)2
13.13 ID = 17.64 50.4 ID + 36
36 63.53 ID + 17.64

= 0
ID = 1.42 mA


ID = 0.345 mA.

For ID = 1.42 mA, VDS will be positive so discard this value and select ID = 0.345 mA.
Step 3 : Calculate VDS :
Applying KVL to the drain loop we get,



= VSS ID ( RS + RD ) = 10 0.345 ( 6 + 3 ) = 6.895 V

= 6.895 V


Step 4 : Calculate VD and VS :

VD = ID RD = 0.345 3 = 1.035 V


Basic Electronics (GTU)


Field Effect Transistors

VS = ID RS = 0.345 6 = 2.07 V


Ex. 9.34.4 : In the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.34.4, find the

value of RD if VDSQ = 3V .
Transistor data : VTN = 1 Volt, kn = 160 A / V2
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Soln. :
Given :

VTN = 1 Volts, kn = 160 A /V2

To find :
Step 1 : Calculate VGS :
IDQ = k (VGS VT)2
160 10 6 = 160 10 6 (VGS 1 )2
(VGS 1)2 =
(VGS 1)2 = 1


VGS 1 = 1

VGS = 1 + 1 = 2V


3 = 5 IDQ RD

RD = = = 12.5 k
Ex. 9.34.5 :

Determine the coordinates of operating

point Q and state the region of operation of
the transistor on output characteristics for
the circuit shown in Fig. P. 9.34.5.
.Page No. 9-78.

Soln. :
Step 1 : Expression for VGS :
= 12 = 5.4 V

VGS = VG ID RS = 5.4 1.5 ID


P. 9.34.5

P. 9.34.4

Basic Electronics (GTU)


Field Effect Transistors

Step 2 : Find IDQ :

ID = kn (VGS VT)2 = 0.5 (5.4 1.5 ID 2)2 = 0.5 (3.4 1.5 ID)2
2 ID = 11.56 10.2 ID + 2.25
2.25 12.2 ID + 11.56 = 0
ID = = 4.2 mA or 1.22 mA
With ID = 4.2 mA, the VDSQ would be negative which is not acceptable.
Choose ID = 1.22 mA
Step 3 : Find VDSQ :
VDSQ = VDD IDQ ( RD + RS ) = 12 1.22 ( 3.9 + 1.5 ) = 5.412 volts


Step 4 : Region of operation :

VDS(sat) = VGS VT
But VGS = 5.4 1.5 ID = 5.4 (1.5 1.22) = 3.57 V
VDS(sat) = 3.57 2 = 1.57 V
As VDS > VDS(sat) the MOSFET is in the saturation region.
Ex. 9.34.6 :

For the Fig. P. 9.34.6, determine VGSQ, IDSQ and VDSQ


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P. 9.34.6

Soln. :
Step 1 : Find expression for VGS :

= ( VDD VSS ) = ( 5 + 5 )
= 4V

VG = VR2 5 = 4 5 = 1V
VS = ID RS 5 = 1 ID 5

= VG VS = 1 ( ID 5 ) = 1 ID + 5

VGS = ( 4 ID )


Step 2 : Find ID and VGS :

ID = kn = 0.5


P. 9.34.6(a)

Basic Electronics (GTU)



8 ID + 9


Field Effect Transistors

= ( 3 ID )2 = 9 6 ID +
= 0
= = 6.65 mA or 1.35 mA

Discard ID = 6.65 mA since it will result in a negative VDS .

IDQ = 1.35 mA


VGS = 4 ID 1 = 4 1.35 = 2.65 V


Step 3 : Calculate VDSQ :

Refer Fig. P. 9.34.6(b) and apply KVL to get,



= 10 ID ( RD + RS )
= 10 1.35 ( 2 + 1)

VDSQ = 5.95 volts



P. 9.34.6(b)

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