July Astro Tarot Forecast 2014

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1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Ace of Cups

You'll be slightly more susceptible to stress this month. This wouldn't be such a bad thing for most of the
other signs in the Zodiac, but Aries has a way of dealing with stress in a very petulant manner. Yours is a
sign that likes to act out and throw things when you feel overwhelmed. Some basic relaxation
techniques should help you through most of these problems, however, and with just the slightest bit of
self-control you'll be able to weather this storm with aplomb. We believe in you, Aries.
Expect to be a bit jaded when it comes to romance this month, Aries. While your naturally high sex drive
is still certainly active, you'll also have more than a little bit of cynicism regarding potential mates.
Recent lovers who may have been unfaithful or less than adequate will begin to resurface in your mind.
Your outlook at the moment isn't healthy enough to sustain a new relationship, nor will you be
particularly interested in doing so. Take the time off in July to settle some of your deep-seated issues:
You'll have a much better view of love in the coming months.
In Love
Jealousy is one of the negative traits that affects Aries more than nearly every other sign in the Zodiac.
This month your propensity toward that often destructive mindset is raised and you will find yourself
expressing distaste for your partner's flirting and familiarity with others. But the fact of the matter is
that this familiarity may only exist in your mind. Try to take a step back from the situation and look at it
rationally. And above all, don't let your ire descend into violence or anger of any sort.
The possibility of incurring debt is very real. You'll be more inclined to hold on to the money that you
have and instead start purchasing things with credit. If you have decent credit and you don't go
overboard with these purchases, you may come out alright. But if your standing isn't as healthy as it
could be, your best bet is to try to rein in these habits. Remember that buying something and paying for
it later isn't so cut and dry: Do you really want to be paying down fifteen percent interest on a pack of
gum and a magazine?
You may have noticed a trend this month that revolves around frustration. We all know that frustration
can lead to anger and anger leads to stress. That's bad in and of itself, but stress leads to a plethora of
health problems that happen to be the most destructive to your body and mind. Do your best to avoid
stress this month that means avoiding anger and frustration. Yes, it's easier said than done, but as an
adult you simply must learn how to handle these issues.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: Five of Wands

This month, Jupiter will enter Leo and your fourth house. The fourth house rules matters such as family
and kinship. As such, you'll feel closer to your coworkers than you typically would. This is a great time to
let your colleagues know that, though your Taurean exterior evokes an aloof and stubborn demeanor,
you really do know how to let your hair down and have a good time, just like everybody else. This is also
a great time to foster a deeper relationship with bosses and superiors.
The so-called urge to merge is strong with you throughout July. The idea of a frivolous, short-term
romantic fling isn't traditionally frowned upon by Taurus, but this isn't a traditional month. The influence
of your fourth house is sending signals to your heart and mind and telling you that these fleeting
romances are ultimately meaningless: It is true love that really matters. This is why you'll be much more
reticent to bed a stranger until you know enough about them to know if they are worth pursuing for the
ultimate goal of a lasting relationship.
In Love
Whether you've been with your partner for five years or five weeks, there will be an increase in the
attention you pay to your lover's overall happiness. This will be most apparent in relationships that are
built on a solid foundation and have room to grow. If you detect even the slightest hint that your mutual
love can blossom into something deeper and more significant, you will use that Taurean bullheadedness
to further cement the connection the two of you have together. This is definitely a good month to
improve your relationship on all levels.
Planning for the future will be the order of the month. You may be a bit more averse to spending your
money freely because your mind will be more occupied with expenses down the road. You'll be looking
to get your financial house in order so that debt doesn't continue to plague you throughout the coming
months and years. This is a very positive period in which you'll be able to have very comfortable amount
of savings. Just make sure you don't become too much of a penny-pincher during this time.
You'll be taking more stock in your overall health. Most strikingly, you'll finally feel like you have the
ability to quit the vices that heretofore have been gradually diminishing your health and threatening
your future livelihood. Many a Taurus enjoys a nice drink at the end of a long day, and if you limit
yourself to just a couple cold ones, then you needn't quit entirely. But if you have the reputation of one
who can throw them back, you'll be less likely to revel in such merriment. The same goes for that
smoking habit that you've been meaning to kick. If you're serious about it, this is the month to do it.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Six of Pentacles

This month Geminis will be taught the all-important lesson of patience. If you've been waiting for a raise
or promotion (or even a new cubicle), you can expect to wait just a bit longer. Delayed gratification runs
rampant throughout this month and it shouldn't come as a surprise that this is a bitter pill for a Gemini
to swallow. But stay strong throughout July, Gemini, and you'll be granted some wonderful insights
which will serve as a great reward for the patience that you are able to muster.
This month, your dating life will be summed up by the phrase All Quiet on the Western Front. July
does not bode well in terms of finding that special someone, no matter how much you may crave the
love of another human being. But that also means that this is the perfect time to learn to love yourself.
Take a look inwardly and evaluate the shortcomings within yourself that have led you to be single up to
this point in your life. You won't always like what you find, but learning experiences like these are always
rewarding in the end.
In Love
Geminis in a relationship can expect a bit of friction between themselves and their mates. This doesn't
necessarily mean that the month will be filled with fighting and arguments (though it certainly doesn't
preclude it either). More likely, there will be a bit of coldness and crossed communication. Luckily, this
shouldn't lead to any major problems. By July's end the two of you will be much more compatible, but it
is important that you weather the storm as best you can until you get back into the harbor.
Somewhat related to your relationship woes, your financial outlook will be indelibly tied to your
partner this month. The two of you are likely to have disagreements about expenses and savings. You
are more likely to be a bit freewheeling with spending this month, while your partner may balk at such
recklessness. In truth, both of you will be exaggerating the problem a bit. You won't really be as
financially reckless as your partner makes you out to be, while your partner won't be the Scrooge that
you pin him or her as.
Your vitality will take a hit this month, and you will find certain tasks a bit more difficult than usual.
Geminis who exercise or lift weights will find that they aren't progressing as much in endurance or
strength as they usually might. You'll be a bit more winded at the end of each work day, but on the plus
side it will be easier for you to fall asleep. Fortunately, this condition won't last the entire month. By the
third week of July you should start to see your strength return and come August you'll be right as rain
once again.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Nine of Cups

Be careful of falling into gossip this month, Cancer. For one thing, it is unbecoming of anybody, man or
woman, to air out other people's dirty laundry. But in July it can lead to disastrous consequences that
may even threaten the stability in your position. Sure, it can be enticing to hear illicit news through the
grapevine it's part of our nature. But when you approach the water cooler and hear talk of so-and-so
being seen with What's-his-name, do yourself a favor and turn around. When everything comes to
light, you'll be happy that you did.
This month you'll be a lot more sensitive about your appearance when going out on the town. This isn't
especially out of character for a Cancer your sign has always had a thin skin despite being represented
by the hardy shell of the crab. But in July you'll be even more self-conscious about your appearance,
your fashion choices, and your overall demeanor. A meaningless jibe from a friend about your earrings
will make you reel and want to shout out, et tu, Brute? This is a month in which it will be difficult to
make a connection with another human being; you'll be too busy thinking about yourself. But August
will bring a lot more confidence as well as more opportunities to meet someone special.
In Love
You'll be a bit more serious when it comes to love and togetherness. There will be very little room for
playtime with your partner. Instead, you will be more concerned with adult concepts like fidelity,
loyalty, and so forth. This will become even more pronounced at the halfway point of the month, when
amorous Venus enters your own sign and stays there for the rest of July. Your partner, however, may be
unaware of this fact and it will be very easy for you to become frustrated if he or she doesn't seem to
reciprocate the deep feelings that you put forth. But before you fly off the handle, simply speak frankly
with your lover let him or her know your concerns and it's quite likely that they'll put your worries to
You will be very curious about the idea of making money while away from work. Indeed, the chance of
earning a second income to bolster the first will be very appealing to you. But it is not recommended
that you go forth with any investment ideas that come to you this month. Your mind is a bit muddled
and luck is not on your side. If you come into contact with a stock tip from a stranger, do all you can to
avoid going through with it. Fortune does not bode well in this instance.
Confusion rears its head here and there this month and, to be sure, issues revolving around your head
will be a bit more prevalent this month. Cancers who are predisposed to headaches and migraines are
at risk for a flare-up. If you're the type who can't function until you get that morning cup of coffee in
you, be warned: The headaches that come with caffeine withdrawals are also going to be a bit more
pronounced throughout July. If it comes to that, the only solution is a mug of joe or an energy drink.
But be sure not to overdo it. Sometimes caffeine is a necessary evil but it is preferable to avoid it
entirely if it can be helped.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Eight of Wands

Prepare for an unstoppable month at the workplace, Leo. Mercury's influence is very strong this month
and there is very little that can get in your way as you blaze through anything and everything in your
path. And what great timing, too! So far your year has been very unpredictable in terms of your career
and this is just the kick in the pants it needs. Do your best to make the most of this prolific period.
Naturally, you don't want to push yourself too hard, but July is a month where you'll have plenty of
gusto to muster.
Last month you no doubt noticed that your sexual appeal and physical attractiveness were both in top
form. Well, the good times continue throughout July, thankfully, and single Leos will have plenty of
opportunities to find romance. This is also a good time to settle down and find that special someone,
but chances are that you won't really be interested in being tied down at the moment. All the same, that
doesn't preclude the idea that someone you have a fling with now will become something more in your
eyes as the year progresses.
In Love
Leos who have already nabbed their soulmate should be careful to avoid flirtation with others when you
and your partner are out in public. Your curiosity about the opposite sex (or same sex if you're in a
same-sex couple) is in full force. Leos are flirtatious by nature and love being buttered up. As such, you
will find plenty of folks willing to flirt back with you. But this is a month wherein you can go too far too
fast and alienate the person you go home to every night. You can imagine the doomsday scenario that
that portends.
Leos love to treat themselves to the finer things in life. Like the proud lion who refuses all but the most
juicy, delicious gazelles, you want to be pampered with the finest bath salts, the most gourmet food,
and the most trendy clothes. Every now and then you can force yourself to step down your tastes just
enough to keep your bank account healthy, but you're also quite prone to relapse. This month is just
such a time, and you will crave the haute couture even more so than usual. Proceed with caution, Leo.
The desire for a more robust physique will permeate the minds of male Leos, while female Leos will
crave a thin, model-type body. Don't be surprised if you start to ramp up your fitness regimen this
month, or start it up again if you've been neglecting it as of late. In and of itself, exercise is always a
good thing. But the resolve that is filling you has the potential to make you overwork yourself. Nothing
is more detrimental to a workout routine than pulled muscles or aching joints.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: II The High Priestess

Expect to expand your social circle while at work this month, Virgo. Yes, you'll still be as productive and
industrious as ever, but you'll also find yourself chatting up coworkers and forging stronger friendships
with colleagues. Your contemporaries will also see that you like to let your hair down and have fun just
as much as everybody else, which will further ingratiate you into their hearts. New workers, who haven't
quite adjusted to the job, will look to you for help and support, and you'll be all to happy to oblige them.
Virgos aren't much for variety. When you find something that suits you just fine, you stick with it. But
this month the dating scene will be given a shakeup. You will be a bit bored with the typical nightlife
scene that you're used to and it will pull you toward new venues and new diversions. This can be a good
thing, because you'll be able to meet new people with different, varying interests. The chance of one of
these people becoming something more in your eyes is quite strong, and some Virgos, especially those
born closer to the Leo cusp, may feel an instant attraction to a mysterious stranger.
In Love
As for Virgos who have already found love, expect a warm, peaceful month with very little friction
between you and your mate. This is a wonderful time to take your relationship to the next logical step.
Fighting, jealousy, and ennui will be in very short supply, and when things become more complex and
difficult down the road, it will help to remember this month as an oasis of peace. Doing so will help the
both of you to handle anything that may threaten the foundation of your lasting love.
Anybody who has owed you money for a while is likely to get an earful from you this month. It isn't so
much that you're low on funds or that you particularly need that money right this instant. And it's not
that you're feeling greedy or money-hungry either. But all the same, you will take it personally when
you remember that your cousin has owed you a hundred bucks for the last year, and that your best
friend never repaid you for bailing her out of jail. If the debt is old, it's better to let it lie. The same goes
for any small amount that you lent out. It will be easier to just wipe the slate clean and it will help your
friendships to remain strong.
Your metabolism will be a bit slower this month, and Virgos who consider themselves foodies may
notice that every meal they eat stays with them just a bit longer. This is definitely not the time to start
gorging yourself. Virgos who love starchy foods like donuts, pasta, and so forth will be affected the
most, but even those of you who try to keep a balanced, healthy diet will notice that their weight
retention is a bit higher. Don't take it too hard, though: By Summer's end your metabolism will shoot
right back up where it needs to be.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Knight of Pentacles

Prepare to feel like a Luddite throughout July, Libra. When at the workplace, machine and computer
malfunctions will follow you like a bad habit. Even simple technical tasks that you know by rote have the
potential to devolve into mishap in your hands. A good idea would be to save your files often, especially
in some form of cloud, just in case a virus or power shortage threatens the data you've worked long
and hard on. By the third week of the month things should start returning to normal hopefully you can
hold out until then.
Your heart is in a very susceptible place right now. Normally, Libras scoff at such prosaic platitudes the
idea of romance in all its sweet, cuddly forms is anathema to you. But this month, you'll find yourself
endeared toward that sappy, romantic-comedy style of wooing. Receiving flowers on a date, or a kind
complement by a handsome stranger, will send your heart aflutter and make you wonder what
happened to the real You. We all need a little romance in our lives every now and then, Libra. Just go
with it.
In Love
As important as sex is to a healthy relationship, this month you won't be so concerned with it. The
physical aspect of love, while still valuable to you, will take a backseat to the more emotional type of
connection that comes with a different form of intimate contact. Instead of a night of passion, you'll
prefer a night spent on the couch, under a blanket, snuggling close with your sweetheart while watching
a movie on Netflix. This is a great time to reignite the warmth you and your lover feel for one another.
Green is the color of money, but it is also the color of envy. And this month you will be seeing the
second type of green whenever you see someone else with the first type. Yes, you'll be a bit more
jealous of those who have more income, better toys in short, anyone who has more stuff. The
notion of keeping up with the Joneses will matter more to you. During this time, try to remember that
it isn't what you own that defines you, but what you are.
The moon's influence will cause you to be a bit more on edge. Frustration at work, jealousy within
domestic life, and a general malaise will plague quite a few Libras this month. Libras in a relationship
will have the easiest time making it through this phase, but for Libras who are unattached, the best
advice is to focus on deep breathing exercises, meditation, and other things that help to reduce stress
to a manageable level. This should help you make it through July with minimal strife.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Ace of Swords

Many Scorpios aren't thought of as charming. Brilliant, yes. Quick-witted? Definitely. But the truth is
that Scorpios have a great grasp on humanity in general and the power of words as a whole. You can be
charming whenever you wish, it just isn't your M.O. But this month your ability to charm will take you to
new heights at the workplace. Whether it means impressing higher-ups or wooing colleagues to your
side, you'll be able to play the office like a marionette band, and whatever you desire in your career will
have a much better chance of coming through.
Scorpios will also be happy to find that their higher amiability will also translate to the dating world. This
is a wonderful time to meet somebody new and enjoy a few magical nights with them, but it is
recommended that you avoid trying to bed as many potential lovers as possible and instead focus on
those who could be good relationship material. Finding someone who can provide a lasting
connection right now will pay off in spades as the year progresses. And this is the perfect time to find
that special person who fits the bill.
In Love
Scorpios who have already found someone special are likely sitting in the proverbial catbird seat right
now. During this phase the potential for relationships to blossom into something meaningful and
otherworldly is very high. Scorpios aren't the type to succumb to lovey-dovey feelings but this month all
bets are off. If you are overprotective of your heart, you're in for a rude awakening. Cupid's arrow is
locked and loaded and ready to rid you of the snide cynicism that has been plaguing you in the last
couple of years.
The phrase neither a borrower nor a lender be will have a special significance for you this month.
Friends, relations, and even lovers will seemingly come out of the woodwork and require financial
assistance from you. And though Scorpios are often more generous than one would think, you'll be quite
averse to lending out even the smallest amount of scratch. But do try to look at it from a case-by-case
basis. Your deadbeat friend who still owes you a tidy sum is one thing, but if a sibling who is generally
pretty responsible with money is down and out, you might look into throwing them a few bones. Not
only will you be paid back rather promptly, but you'll also receive blessings from the cosmos toward the
end of the year for your generosity this month.
Flexibility will be a bit lower this month. This can lead to soreness throughout your body as well as any
number of other complications. Waking up each morning will be a bit tougher, and a stiff neck is almost
a certainty. To combat this, it is recommended that you try out some flexibility-encouraging exercises
such as yoga. If you're a runner or weightlifter, you also might look at your warmup and cooldown
routine. Do you stretch both before and after exercise? If not, the lactic acid buildup can wreak havoc
on your muscles, making this month even more difficult than it may already be.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: VIII Strength

A strong moral compass runs through you this month, and the timing is just perfect, because you'll be
tested in any number of ways on your humanity while at the job site. You may see a coworker who is
skimming off the top. You might be witness to an illicit affair that goes strictly against workplace rules.
Whatever the case, you will definitely have to deal with some inward struggles as to whether spilling the
beans is the right thing to do. Only you can decide the right course of action, but make sure you think
long and hard about it.
This month you'll be a bit more averse to the traditional game of courtship. The strutting males, trying to
out-peacock one another. The women slathered in makeup displaying come-hither stares to every
available guy. It will all be a source of disgust for you. That isn't to say that you won't meet anyone
special this month, but if you do, it won't be in the same old haunts and dives that you usually frequent.
This is all part of the growth process that you're going through, Sagittarius, and you'll soon come to find
that love means so much more than a man willing to buy you a Sex on the Beach.
In Love
Sagittarians in a relationship will be filled with doubt this month about fidelity. Even if you've got the
most loyal, steadfast partner in the Tri-State area, you will still wonder if there is something they are not
telling you. Part of this has to do with a slight bump in insecurity this month, but this is also related to
your growing moral concerns about love, relationships, and the whole bit. Don't be passive-aggressive
during this phase; talk openly with your lover about your feelings and you will find that there really is
nothing to be worried about.
Throughout July your inner philanthropist will shine through, and you'll be much more inclined to give to
charity and donate to worthy causes. Part of this will be a result of your increased concern for the well-
being of others, but another aspect will be the fact that money isn't as important to you right now. Sure,
we all need some modicum of earnings to stay alive to eat, to maintain shelter, and so on. But you
won't be as swayed by material possessions for the next several months, and you'll be more than happy
to help spread the wealth to those less fortunate than you.
Skin conditions will arise in some manner, owing to your body and soul trying to leach out all the
negativity within you. But luckily, it won't be as bad as you might think. Instead of, say, melanoma, you
will be more likely to have a minor rash or eczema flare-up. Instead of a giant, pustulating boil on your
face, you may get a loose smattering of blemishes. While none of these conditions are preferable, you
can rest easy knowing it could be worse. Some basic hygiene habits can go a long way toward making
even these more minor issues avoidable. Make sure to wash the makeup off your face every night
before you go to bed. Strive to make skin health a habit, but also avoid harsh astringents that can do
more harm than good.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Ten of Swords

Rejoice, Capricorn! This is a month in which it will be much easier to get what you want in many areas of
your life, your career included. Jupiter has entered your eighth house, ruled by Scorpio, and the two are
conspiring to make your life considerably easier during this period. Thanks to the blessings bestowed
upon you by Jupiter, your ability to woo people and convince them to do your bidding is much more
honed, making this a great time to ask for a raise or a promotion.
Capricorns sometimes get a bad rap for being one of the less amorous signs of the Zodiac. But the
truth is that Capricorns make great lovers once they've found their special someone, that is. Most
Capricorns just aren't as interested as spreading their love around as much as, say, an Aries. That being
said, this is a great month for Capricorns to experiment, if they are so inclined. Your ability to charm
members of the opposite sex is considerably enhanced, and while you won't feel any more frisky than
usual, you'll find many more opportunities to enjoy a bit of the old horizontal dance.
In Love
Capricorns in a relationship are also primed for a great sex life throughout July. Anxieties about
performance, duration, and other lovemaking issues will be put on the back burner. And the best part is
that you will not only feel much more physically connected with your lover during this period you'll
also form a deeper emotional connection. Physical compatibility isn't the most important thing in a
relationship, but a healthy sex life is nevertheless an indispensable part of a healthy, happy coupling.
And this month you'll have all the bases covered.
This is a great month to follow your gut feelings when it comes to investing. Luck will be on your side
throughout this month and the next and if you've been holding back from any major purchases or
business plans (like we recommended over the past several months) now is the perfect time to make a
go of it. You should never bet the farm, even on a so-called sure thing, but if you feel like putting
forward a tidy sum in the hopes of turning it around into greater profits, the cosmos are with you in your
Your physical health will remain stable throughout July, with no major concerns to threaten your well-
being. What's more, your energy levels will be a bit higher than usual, allowing you to finish all the
important tasks of the day while still having enough juice left over to enjoy yourself at the end of each
work shift. You'll be able to both work hard and play hard. Chores that you have put off up until now
can be seen to swiftly and with plenty of aplomb.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: XXI The World

Expect a new level of comfort and security this month at the workplace. Saturn finally ends its long
retrograde status, which means that you'll feel more at home within your job. Earlier in the year things
were a bit touch-and-go. There were whispers of a job change or relocation, and you even contemplated
leaving this career and starting fresh in another arena. But now things have settled down and you have
no doubt found a comfortable groove in which you can feel productive while still avoiding soul-crushing
Aquarians who are born closer to the Pisces cusp have a much better chance of being in a relationship
by this point, but if you're still single, the chances are good that you are growing close to someone who
will become very special to you. If you have yet to meet him or her, be assured that they'll be coming
around soon. If you're born closer to the cusp of Capricorn, your chances of romance are a bit higher
this month, but it is less likely that anything serious and long-lasting will come of it.
In Love
Remember, Aquarius, that the partners you choose for a long-term relationship aren't always as
carefree and easygoing as you. Depending on their sign, they may require more intimacy, more comfort,
and even more time alone with you. These are the sort of things that make Aquarius run for the hills,
and it's a reason why your sign is rarely tied down. But if you're serious about making this work, you'll
need to make the effort to be more accessible to your lover. Try to see things from their perspective,
and give a little more on your end.
You'll be a bit more risky when it comes to money, and this is something you'll want to keep a close eye
on this month. The thrill of gambling, of chance, is quite alluring to many an Aquarius and your addictive
personality makes it even more of a dangerous game. If you must bet your money on a high-risk
enterprise, why not just buy an extra lottery ticket each week? Try to avoid any investment schemes
that promise huge dividends. This isn't the month to be speculating.
Expect to be a bit more sluggish than usual in July. You'll still be able to handle your various
responsibilities, but you may need some more time to do it, and it will be later in the day when
everything is completely finished. What's more, it will take a slightly higher toll on your body. This is a
good time to form a better sleeping arrangement. If you've been burning the midnight oil and then
rising early in the morning to do it all over again, stop now. Try to get to bed earlier each night. It will
do wonders for your productivity.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Three of Swords

Pisces who are in a position of power in their vocation will be subject to a bit of friction from their
underlings. This doesn't just apply to those of you at the highest managerial positions either: Assistant
managers will have to deal with unruly employees, shift bosses will endure challenges to their authority.
During this time, it is important that you don't blow your top and appear unprofessional. Deal with
dissension in the ranks professionally; try not to yell and definitely don't swear. By the end of the month
your employees will know that you mean business.
Stormy is the best word to describe any new love that you may find yourself courting this month. A
whirlwind romance is certainly in the cards, although it may be a bit much for you at this time. You'll be
enticed by lovers who can provide you thrills, but such people will also goad you into arguments and
tempers will run high between you. This will be a short-lived fling, so try not to get your heart set on this
person: It isn't healthy for either of you.
In Love
Money matters will be a source of frustration between you and your partner. If you're the sole
breadwinner you can be even more sure of friction. Right now you're averse to the idea of frivolous
spending and if you have a partner who likes to ride high on payday and then suffer for the rest of the
week, you'll be very unhappy indeed. That being said, this is the perfect time to put it all on the table
and discuss these very important issues. With any luck an agreement can be reached that will satisfy
both of you.
This month you'll be more concerned about the state of your bank account and you'll balk at the idea of
spending too much money on any one thing. Don't be surprised if you find yourself canceling
subscriptions to things you deem frivolous, such as your cable bill, or certain memberships to clubs
that you still pay dues to. You'll also be concerned about your debt situation, but it is recommended that
you don't overwhelm yourself with all these matters at once. Becoming fiscally responsible takes time,
and you needn't lay any undue stress upon yourself right now.
Anxiety is a distinct possibility this month, and it has the chance to arise in nearly every sector of your
life. Try to avoid becoming too stressed out with things that don't matter much in the long run. This
means new relationships that have barely gotten off the ground, or petty matters involving small
amounts of money. If you feel faint of heart and uneasy, it may be a panic attack looming. Be very
careful if you've had panic attacks in the past. It may behoove you to see a psychologist and get to the
bottom of your condition. It just might save your life.

Renae and Paul Metaphysics Academy
Address: 135 Middle Road, Byland Building, #05-09, Singapore 188975
Contact: +65 93660272 Email: enquiry@renae-paul.com, renaenpaul2001@gmail.com

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