Propose Charter - MSTOA-Divine National Movement-Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple - Michigan - ANNOUNCEMENT

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Amendment to:

[Document No. 10105905 BK.521 Page 579, AUGUST 01, 1928

Purpose of the Amendment:

reference Amendment Order Number:

per Delegation of Authority Order Number:
%B2!0!!9&99US' (atc)e* to: [10105905

Announce formation of the following:

Moorish Science Temple of AmericaDivine National Movement
Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple-Michigan

+o, -./.0.(.t1 o+ t)./ ent.,e *ocument, /ee t)e +o(( (.n3:


Illinois Republic )
Illinois Republic )

To All Whom These Presents May Come,


The Home Office

By virtue of the authority vested in the ost Holy !rophet, "oble #re$ Ali and the Moorish Science Temple
of America%Divine National Movement by a la$fully &ranted 'harter(


This 'harter has been &ranted to )hei*, inister !lenipotentiary, Amar Amani of the family Bey in order to
la$fully carry out his missionary $or* of upliftin& fallen humanity( The house of the Illustrious !rophet
"oble #re$ Ali &uides his path and he shall represent $hat is to be styled and *no$n as+

Moorish Science Temple of America%Divine National Movement
Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple-Michigan
Authority Number+ ichi&an%,,,

an Or&ani-ation, "ation%)tate Theocracy of $hich is fully vested $ith all the po$ers and privile&es of a
Moslem Missionary, Minister Plenipotentiary, Sheik, $ith po$er to establish Temples throu&hout the
ichi&an Republic under the name mentioned above $ith title of+


of this Major Temple for the ichi&an Territory( .rom this day for$ard Chairman of this Temple is as follo$s+

Amar Amani of the family Bey

ear !e!

/urisdiction aforesaid by virtue of $hose authority it e0ists, $hile actin& in conformity $ith the la$s, rules
and re&ulations of the Illustrious !rophet "oble #re$ Ali( Bein& duly and la$fully or&ani-ed, constituted and
established is hereby authori-ed and empo$ered to initiate and confer the de&rees of said Temple in
accordance $ith the established forms and usa&es upon all such persons as are duly in line $ith all of the
!rophets of Allah, !rophet1s2+

Yashua [Jesus], Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, etc.

The Home office can at any time suspend, revo*e or ta*e a$ay this 'harter or 3arrant of Authority if in the
4ud&ment of our 5rand Ruler and !rophet "oble #re$ Ali, said subordinate Temple has violated any of the
principles or rules of the Moorish Science Temple of America"Divine National Movement(

In Testimony 3hereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affi0ed the )eal of the said
Moorish Science Temple of America%Divine National Movement"Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple%Michigan

Attest "oble #re$ Ali 1affi0ed are the seals of the Moorish Science Temple of America%Divine National
Movement"Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple-Michigan and the seal of !rophet "oble #re$ Ali2(



Grand Sheik

Affidavit, Our Authority

Illinois Republic )
) ss
Cook County )

I, Amar Amani of the family Bey, affirm that at a meeting of the members of the Moorish Science
Temple of America-i!ine "ational Mo!ement-Michigan# Maurikanos "$t%&, Societas Republicae 'a Al
Maurikanos( a bo)y politic *+eir,s Apparent# -rophet "oble re. Ali /ast 'state0, hel) at nation-
Illinois Republic near Cook County, Chicago Territory on the 1
)ay of 2uly 34156 7or that purpose, the persons .ere appointe) Shieks 8 Sheikess, accor)ing to the usages or customs *rule,
regulations, articles of association, constitution, by-la.s, as the case may be0 by the *conference,
con!ention, consul, or like theocratic bo)y, or like theocratic officer9s), as the case may be0, the rules
an) usage of such Society:

C ; Malik of the family Bey, Melkiyah of the family 'l, +aythem of the family 'l an) Chacham of the family
Ram Bey un)er an) by !irtue of sections 5<a, 5<b, 5<c, 5<), 5<e, 5<f, 5<g an) 5<h, of =An act concerning
corporations,= appro!e) April 1>, 1>?3, the society 8 trustees a)opte) as its corporate name:

Moorish Science Temple of America-Divine National Movement
Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple-Michigan
*a "ation State-Theocratic Society0

An) at the meeting this affiant acte) as Secretary6

Subscribe) an) affirme) to before me on the 1
)ay of 2uly the year 34156

Secretary: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A.R.
Sheik, Chairman, Minister -lenipotentiary, Bey:Amar-Amani

Such Society may change its name or make other amen)ment to its original affi)a!it of formation by passing a
Resolution of such amen)ment in accor)ance .ith the rules an) usages of such society an) filing an affi)a!it to that
effect in the office of the recor)er in the county in .hich such Society is locate)6

Such affi)a!it, or a copy thereof )uly certifie) by the recor)er, shall be recei!e) as e!i)ence of the )uly forme) Society6

formed per *+eir, Apparent0:
*>4A I;CS 1148BA-5C0 from Chapter B3, paragraph 1<50
*>4A I;CS 11485<b0 *from Ch6 B3, paragraph 1??0
*?<A I;CS 51484641-30, *from Chapter 15>, paragraph <40

-age 3 of 11
This Act done per: Dur Authority "o6 1414AC4A Cook County Illinois *1C3>0, an) Delegation of Authority Order Number: *RB35455C<CCES0
-not subFect to any foreign Furis)iction-

-age B of 11

Prophet Announces is Authority and Po!er

Forced to make changes. All Governors and other officers of the Moorish Science Temple are
hereby congratulated for their past loyalty and fidelity, for I kno it ill be the same in the future.
!ecause of certain incidents that have arisen in some of the Temples hich seem to come from
the fact that there are those ho do not kno here the seat of poer is vested the "rophet has
ordered the folloing to be published# All authority and poer of the Moorish Science Temple of
America is vested in the "rophet $oble %re Ali and those hom he appoints to act as in the
Supreme !ody. The "rophet has the authority and poer to e&pel any officer or member of the
Moorish Science Temple of America ho illfully violates or refuses to comply ith the rules in
regard to branch Moorish Science Temple, and such suspensions and e&pulsions shall stand until in
the 'udgment of the "rophet, the members and officers shall have made satisfactory atonement.
All officers and members of the Moorish Science Temple of America and such rules and
regulations of the constitution shall be in riting and not at variance ith any la of the city, ton
or nation hich the prophet shall declare a la.

%uring this session of the convention, all rules, regulations, and las of the constitution and such
as might be enacted and ordered by the "rophet, shall e&press and e&plain in detail, so there can
be no doubt as to hat is re(uired of each and every officer or member of the organi)ation.

The "rophet ill positively not tolerate any interference ith the operation of the $ational %ivine
Movement from any one.

!y the "rophet,

Noble Drew Ali

source: Moorish Literature, page 13; see heading, Prophet Announces His Authority And Power
"age * of ++

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Religious Societies.
61-1. Trustees may be appointed and removed.
(a) The conference, synod, convention or other ecclesiastical body representing any
church or religious denomination within the State, as also the religious societies and
congregations within the State, may from time to time and at any time appoint in
such manner as such body, society or congregation may deem proper, a suitable
number of persons as trustees for such church, denomination, religious society, or
congregation. The body appointing may remove such trustees or any of them, and
fill all vacancies caused by death or otherwise.
(b) A person serving as a trustee appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section
or a director or officer of a religious society shall be immune individually from civil
liability for monetary damages, except to the extent covered by insurance, for any
act or failure to act arising out of this service, except where the person:
(1) Is compensated for his services beyond reimbursement for expenses,
(2) Was not acting within the scope of his official duties,
(3) Was not acting in good faith,
(4) Committed gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct that resulted in the
damage or injury,
(5) Derived an improper personal financial benefit from the transaction,
(6) Incurred the liability from the operation of a motor vehicle, or
(7) Is sued in an action that would qualify as a derivative action if the organization were
a for-profit corporation or as a member's or director's derivative action under G.S.
55A-28.1 or G.S. 55A-28.2 if the organization were a nonprofit corporation.
The immunity in this subsection is personal to the officers, directors, and trustees and
does not immunize the organization for the acts or omissions of the officers, directors, or
trustees. (1796, c. 457, ss. 1, 2; 1844, c. 47; 1848, c. 76; R.C., c. 97; Code, ss. 3667,
3668; Rev., ss. 2670, 2671; C.S., s. 3568; 1987, c. 799, s. 1.)

"age / of ++

noted this 21
day of April 2014, I, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Minister "lenipotentiary, T 01Al of the family Malik
2l, ith the poer vested in me and Affirmation of the
Grand body, hereby mandate all death penalty actions are
to cease and desist immediately. Death penalties
from this day forard are on hold and are to be enforced
only after ma&imum vote of:
Maurikanos Nt, Societas Republicae a Al
Maurikanos!, "rand #od$.
Maurikanos $4t56, Societas Republicae a Al Maurikanos!, "rand #od$
has adopted these sacred and ancient ritings of our Mother7Fathers.
"age 8 of ++

Oral Statement & Prophesies of Prophet Noble Drew Ali

Statements of Sheik Shariff Abdul Ali [Prophet Noble Drew Ali]

1. The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali told the Moors

!" brou#ht you e$erythin# it takes to sa$e a nation take it and sa$e yourself.! %hen He said that the Prophet was holdin# up a Holy
&oran of the Moorish S'ien'e Temple of Ameri'a and a (uestionnaire to show us the books we need to sa$e oursel$es with.

2. The Holy Prophet told the Moors

!)hildren you are at home and the *uropean is +,,, miles from home and he is #oin# to ha$e to take some water!

. -eported by .ro. /. Payton0.ey Temple 1+ Detroit Mi'hi#an.2. .ro. ". )ook0.ey and other Moors said The Holy Prophet said

!My #ood Moors are #oin# to li$e.!

4. The Holy Prophet said

!" am #oin# to stop the *uropean from thinkin# and start you 3The Moors4 to thinkin# for your own #ood.!

5. Sister A. .rown *l of Temple 1+ said that the Holy Prophet said

!"f you #ot people in the South #et them out be'ause that is where destru'tion is #oin# to start.!

6. The Holy Prophet told The Moors

!5or the $arious lyn'hin#s and murders that were 'ommitted in the South6 the South is #oin# to ha$e to pay off and pay off in

7. .ro. 7. 5oster0.ey of Temple 8 and 1+ Holy Prophet said

!*$ery word that " speak is spirit and you Moors had better heed.!

3That is #i$e it attention obey4.

8. .ro. 9. )ook0.ey 9.S. 3*meritus4 of Temple : )hi'a#o """. said that the Holy Prophet said

!;ook around and where you see people6 one day wild animals will be roamin# down the streets.!

9. .ro. 7. 5oster0.ey Asst. 9.S. of Temple 1+ and a member of Temple 8 in the :<1,=s said that the Holy Prophet said

!%hen the fire 'omes " will be the water.!

1. Moors that saw and heard the Holy Prophet said that He said

!%hat is all these people doin# here> There is only #oin# to be a handful sa$ed. " 'an 'ount them on my fin#ers and ha$e fin#ers
left o$er.!

3The Holy Prophet was lettin# the Moors know that when the fire 'omes that will destroy the wi'ked at the *nd of Time there will
be so few people left that he 'ould 'ount them on his fin#ers and ha$e fin#ers left o$er4.

11. Sister M. Payton0.ey of Temple 8 and 1+ said that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali said

!" ha$e #ot airplanes ?eppelins and apparatus. " am #oin# to take my #ood Moors up in an apparatus on an in'line until it@s all o$er

3%hen the fiery destru'tion 'omes at the *nd of Time the Prophet is #oin# to take His #ood Moors up on an in'line until the
destru'tions is o$er with where they will be safe. Then they will be returned to earth to dwell4.

12. .ro. .. 7ones *l of Temple 82 heard the Holy Prophet said

!/ne day they are #oin# to tear down all the 'hur'hes and take the bells and melt them down and make bullets to fi#ht with.!

1!. .ro. 7. .lakely0.ey said that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali said

!/ne day e$ery wheel of industry is #oin# to stop and when they start up a#ain it will be in the Asiati's fa$or.!

14. .ro. 7. .lakely0.ey said that the Holy Prophet said

!"f the *uropean be Aust they would ha$e an Asiati' Bi'e0President and if they had an Asiati' President they would ha$e a
*uropean Bi'e0President.!

15. .ro. 7. .lakely0.ey said that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali said

!"n the year 1,,, the Moors will 'ome into their own.!
Pa#e :, of ::

Express Trust Being Presently Performed

The Expressed Trust Written Chart

There are six (6) instruments used by the trustee to establish the legal existence of the
Express Trust created by the trustor, Prophet Noble Drew Ali, in 1928 for the benefit
of Moorish-Americans. The instruments are:

1. A certified copy of Our Authority, a Torrens System Registration (an abstract of
title), made directly from the Recorder of Deeds Office of Cook County, Illinois.

2. A sealed copy of the Moorish Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of
America prepared by the trustor Prophet Noble Drew Ali. In this sealed instrument,
specifically Chapter 47, is the actual Deed of Conveyance.

3. Act Six (6) of the Divine Constitution and Bylaws of the Moorish Science Temple
of America recorded on Page 8 of the Holy Koran questions for Moorish Americans.
This instrument and act clearly identify the true owners of the land, or trust property,
described in Chapter 47, the actual Deed of Conveyance.

4. The trustor's edict (recorded in the Moorish Literature pamphlet, Page 13) he
issued at the 1928 convention announcing his authority and power. In the first clause
of the second paragraph is where the trustee derives his authority and power and it is
directly from the trustor Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Specifically, he said: "All authority
and power of the Moorish Science Temple of America is vested in the Prophet Noble
Drew Ali and those who he appoints to act as in the Supreme Body" . This is positive

5. Acts four (4) and five (5) of the Divine Constitution of the Moorish Science
Temple of America:


All members must preserve these holy and divine laws, and all members must obey
the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part
and parcel of the government, and must live the life accordingly.


This organization of the Moorish Science Temple of America is not to cause any
confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution of the said government but to
obey hereby.

6. The Oral Statements and Prophesies of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Founder of the
Moorish Science Temple of America, and trustor of the Express Trust was
incorporated in 1928 for Moorish Americans.

This Express Trust Being Presently Performed, perC /ur Authority No. :,:,+<,+ )ook )ounty "llinois [:<1D] and Delegation of Authority Order NumberC [-.18,88<E<<FS]
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