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Yakult has demonstrated corporate social responsibility through several ways in

the past. In year 2005, Yakult enterprise proposed to enhance its corporate social
responsibility projects in economically developing nations to celebrate its 70

anniversary. That year, Yakult selected JOICFP to collaborate with to support the
event. This is due to the similarity of JOICFPs beliefs, to enhance physical and
mental wellness with the primary aim of achieving happiness for people all around the
world, likewise, Yakults philosophy is to put on a smile to faces around the world.
On 22
of September that year, Yakult had officially approved the International Safe
Motherhood Project 2005-2009 to be operated in several states in Indonesia like
West Nusa Tenggara. Furthermore, this program was financially supported by the
Yakult headquarters and the charity events of the 136 allotting department in Japan.
In 2011, Yakult Honsha set up a Great East Japan Earthquake working party
soon after the earthquake tragedy. Yakult Honsha constructed accommodating
systems to provide everyone in the affected areas with protection and support. For
example, providing water supply and providing aid to the residents of the affected
Last but not least, for the past 40 years, the ladies in Yakult made frequent visits
to the single elderlies whenever they deliver their products to them personally to make
sure they are safe and spend time making conversations with them. This activity is
known as Courtesy Visit Activities.
These corporate social responsibility efforts made by Yakult has earned societys
trust and at the same time promoted a beneficial relationship with society.

2. Just like any other industry, Yakult has its own code of ethics to follow. One of
the ethical rule to follow is that employees should not only be punctual but to also
greet their colleagues before their shift is about to start. Employees should obey the
scheduled time for their lunch break or going home time unless of an emergency.
Also, employees must maintain their hygiene. This is to prevent any transmission
of illnesses, diseases or bacteria from the employee to the product. Employees
working in the Yakult factory must wear white clothing, with hair net and gloves as a
sign of cleanliness. Employees handling food is obliged to show a health certificate
proving that they are healthy and safe to handle the products. Employees must wash
their hands before work.
Teamwork is also vital in this company. Teamwork has a lot of benefits to it,
from building relationships to absorbing information at a faster rate. Teamwork is also
a way to distribute workload equally therefore less reducing the stress in workplace
and increasing the working speed and getting things done at the same time.

3. Maintaining personal hygiene in the workplace is good for the companys image.
People are too quick to make judgements judging by how something looks or how
they are served. This is why employees handling the product wears hair net, gloves
and is dressed in white to show cleanliness. Customers or society will look up to
Yakult and believe that they are working with strong moral principles which gives
them a professional reputation. What most people do not know is that personal
hygiene and cleanliness in a workplace can actually maintain or enhance the positive
feelings of an employee.
Teamwork allows tasks to be completed efficiently within a faster time frame.
This means that the company can get more work to be done and earn more profit at
the same time without having to hire more staffs. Of course, there will always be
everyday challenges, therefore having your teammates to cheer you on or give you
mental support can boost performance. Also, teammates can correct each other
whenever they know the other is doing something wrong leading to improvements in
their performance altogether.
Being punctual often shows loyalty to the company. It shows eagerness and
willingness to sacrifice energy, it also shows respect for the company and in turn
employees who are always punctual to earn respect as well. It also means that the
employer will most likely trust the employee thinking their reliability is high because
someone who is punctual most likely to be very organized as they think ahead of time
often and manage their time and priority well.

4. Corporate Social Responsibility projects that Yakult might turn down can be
because of several reasons. Yakult might be unwilling to engage in a social
responsibility can be because of the high cost. The high cost of production will reduce
The second reason could be because the amount of money spent on Corporate
social responsibilities might not be what their stakeholders want their money to be
spent on. Yakult has to consider what their stakeholders think as they play a role in
this as well. If not carefully considered, stakeholders might be unhappy and could
result in selling their shares, and too many shares sold at the same time could lower
the value of the shares.
Also, Yakult might be unwilling to engage in socially responsible behaviour
simply because of the last minute request or not having enough man power.


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