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A project report
Prepared By
P.K.V.I. Erangika

Course: Certificate Course in Human Resource Management
April, 2013


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First of all I must thank to lectures of IPM institute (Sri Lanka) for give their
knowledge source to me.

Next I must be thankful to staff members of the library of IPM who helped me to get
this information from library books.

Finally I must thank IPM lecturer panel of cchrm, the staff, my colleagues and all the
others who supported me in various ways were not mentioned to make this project a
And also
I gratitude to my parents who gave us the
Courage & enthusiasm in preparing this assignment.

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Unichela Koggala is a one of the companies belongs to the MAS Holding group and
specialized in producing lingerie items. It is one of the organizations in Sri Lanka
with best human resource practices as well as health and safety practices. Health &
Safety responsibilities in the organization go to employees in all the levels from board
room employees to shop floor employees. The areas of responsibilities for each level
and Responsibility of HR Manager, Plant Manager, Head of Department, Line
Manager, Health & Safety Manager, Employees are separately mentioned in the
There are no trade unions within the organization to address labour issues as well as
health and safety issues. MAS group do not allow establish trade unions within the
organization. Instead of trade unions the organization practices joint consultation to
address labour issues as well as health and safety issues. There are very good health
and safety practices within the organization and consideration to these health and
safety practices is also given when written the report. The health and safety practices
identified are provided under the appendix. The drawbacks of these policies and
practices are also identified.
As the final part of the report the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
the health and safety policy is identified and suggestions are given to improve the
health and safety practices.
Mainly the information to right the report is taken by interview with the health &
safety officer & employees at Unichela Koggala. Information is also acquired via

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1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. II
2 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... III
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. IV
4 CHAPTER 01 - INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 6
4.2 VISION, MISSION & OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION............................ 7
4.2.1 Vision of the organization ........................................................................ 7
4.2.2 Mission & Objectives ................................................................................ 7
4.3 STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION............................................................. 7
4.3.1 Organizational Structure of Unichela ...................................................... 7
4.5 PRODUCTION PROCESS .................................................................................. 8
4.6 OUR PRODUCTS .............................................................................................. 8
5 CHAPTER 02 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................... 9
5.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ........................................................................ 9
5.2 RESEARCH PROBLEMS .............................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
5.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................................................... 9
6 CHAPTER 03 - LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................... 10
6.1 HEALTH & SAFETY ..................................................................................... 10
6.2 HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY ........................................................................ 10
6.3 DELEGATION OF POWER ............................................................................. 11
6.4 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................... 11
6.5.1 Health and Safety Principles .................................................................. 12
6.6 HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY AT UNICHELLA .............................................. 13
6.7 POWER DELEGATION OF HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY............................... 14
7 CHAPTER 04 - RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................ 16

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7.1 AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................... 16
7.2 RESPONSIBILITY OF HR MANAGER ............................................................ 16
7.3 RESPONSIBILITY OF PLANT MANAGER ...................................................... 17
7.4 RESPONSIBILITY OVER HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ........................................ 17
7.5 RESPONSIBILITY OF LINE MANAGER ......................................................... 19
7.6 RESPONSIBILITY OF HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGER .................................. 19
7.7 RESPONSIBILITY OF EMPLOYEES ................................................................ 20
7.8 RESPONSIBILITY OF TRADE UNION ............................................................ 20
7.9 SWOT ANALYSIS OF UNICHELA ................................................................ 21
8 CHAPTER 05 - RECOMMENDATION ......................................................... 25
8.1 SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE THE POLICY .................................................... 25
9 CHAPTER 06 CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 26
10 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 27
11 APPENDIX ......................................................................................................... 28
APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................... 28
APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................... 33

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4.1 Core Organization and History of the Organization

MAS Intimates Unichela (pvt) Ltd is the pioneer of manufacturing and design
excellences in Sri Lanka, MASS Intimates design bear the label of top-end
intimates brands. Thousands of employees works in the MAS group which is at
greater and successful organization among the big companies in Sri Lanka. Their
teams design skill leveraging aesthetics, creativity and technical prowess are
supported by the latest technology, facilitating the development of both basic and
complex structured garments. Large no. of factories is situated in countries like
India, Mexico and Madagascar. Especially MAS holding produce Lingerie,
Daywear, Night wear, Leisure wear, childrens wear and also Knitted, woven
elastics.MAS Intimates is a cluster company. MAS holdings are a greater company
in the world. They have achieved more high standards and they are received more
awards for their achievements and success.
The starting point of this organization is encounter of Mahesh Amalean and Martin
Trust, the president of MAST Industry, who was looking for a partner to manufacture
synthetic dresses in Sri Lanka. As the result of this combination the MAS Intimates
Unichela-Koggala was started at 22
April 2002 in Free Trade Zone Koggala. There
are 2 factories is this zone. Dian Gomes is the CEO of MAS Intimates, the Intimate
apparel division of MAS holdings, as well as a group director of MAS holdings.

Mahesh Amalean Ajay Amalean Share Amalean

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4.2 Vision, mission & Objectives of the organization

4.2.1 Vision of the organization
No 1 preferred partner of the worlds leading brands of intimates, sports
wear at leisure wear with a turn of USD Billion
4.2.2 Mission & Objectives
Retain partners and consumers as the life time customers by producing
world best Intimates and giving maximum benefits for them.
Building continuously improving environment through the group concept by
using persons who have excellent skills, best materials and modern&
successful production method.

4.3 Structure of the organization
Organization structure consists of the General Manager, Deputy General Manager,
HR Manager, Operation Manager, Cutting Manager, Quality Manager & Maintenance
& Mechanical Manager. Below there is a diagram of the organization structure.
4.3.1 Organizational Structure of Unichela


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4.4 Production process

Figure 01 Production Process of Unichela [source:]

Figure 02 Production Process of Unichela [source:]

4.5 Our products

Garment Items
Night wear
Leisure wear
childrens wear

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5.1 Background of the study

According to the project title, that is employee health & safety, the project main goal
is to identify the health & safety of the Mass Unichela Company in Koggela.
Following objectives are concerning while the development of the project, those are,
Employees job safety
Employees environment safety
Employees health safety
Employees safety practices

5.2 Objectives of the study
Following key objectives are concerning while developing the project.
Job safety of the employees How much unichela concern about the
employees job safety. How train their employees do the duties safety and
reduce the accidents. How use tools and how to operate machines correctly.
Employees environmental safety Unichela concern make their environment
clean. Not only that they arrange the equipment properly. Because if there is a
fire employee can exit quickly.
Employees health safety And also unichela concern about their employees
health. They gave to employee medical coverage.

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6.1 Health & Safety

The term of health and safety has become more popular in modern environment.
Increasing the concern about the employee in an organization can be identifying as
the major reason for that. Because, rather than the past , the employees have become
more intelligent and they are full with a lot of information. So, they are always
searching for jobs, with more advantages and most comfortable working environment,
where there no hazards or in minimum hazards.
In order to that health and safety management has become very important and
motivate factor to employees as well as employers.
The main objective of health and safety is preventing employees from being harmed
at works and becoming ill, by taking right precautions and providing a satisfactory
working environment.
In here there are two main words, health and safety. The term health is emphasizing
that the condition of the body and degree to which is free from illness or being well.
And the term safety is a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in a risk.

6.2 Health & Safety Policy

When considering about organizational aspect there are special policies which are
established for the better health and safety management within the organization. Its
generally called the health and safety policy. So, it can be defined as a plan of actions
course or method of action that has been deliberately chosen and that guide or
influences future decision.

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In order to carry out the health and safety policy of the organization, employees and
management must have enough power. The top management has to delegate this
power to their subordinators to implement and control the desired health and safety
practices in the organization.

6.3 Delegation of Power

Delegation of power in an organization can be done through the organizational
hierarchy. Normally it shows the organizational power flow from top to bottom.
But in regarding with health and safety, that power delegation sometimes cannot be
seen from the organizational hierarchy. Because in some organizations it different. It
means the health and safety power flow system can be seen separately. This
difference is occurred due to the practical issues and the easiness of the control.

6.4 Responsibilities

Health and safety responsibilities are equally affected to everyone in the organization.
Because it is fact regarding the every person in it, from the general manager to the
operational level employees.
But when carrying out and controlling the safety practices the responsibilities become
different from each other. If there is a health and safety department more
responsibility is going to it. And if there are not those responsibilities coming under
the HR managers functions.
After implementing the safety practice in the organization all peoples responsibility
to carry out accurately those practices to prevent happening accidents and injuries.

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6.5 Importance of Health & Safety Policy at Unichela

6.5.1 Health and Safety Principles

Unichella implementing set of principles like as follows;

Hazards are manageable by elimination, safeguarding, training and safe
Managers must know how work is carried out in their areas of responsibility
and will be held accountable for seeing that hazards are identified, properly
managed and safe procedures are followed.
All employees will receive adequate training to allow them to work safely.
Workplaces will be regularly audited for hazards and unsafe working
All employees must work safely and report hazards and unsafe practices.
Willful violation of health and safety rules and procedures by any employee
will lead to dismissal.
All accidents and occupational diseases are preventable. Accident statistics are
a measure of suffering and unnecessary cost.
Workplace cannot be totally hazard free. Adequate provisions must allow
work to be done in safely in the presence of hazards. If a job cannot be done in
safely it should not be done.

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6.6 Health & Safety Policy at Unichela

Health and Safety Policy guides actions by stating principles and rules. Further it
indicates the degree of an employers commitment to health and safety. It is an
integral part of the business strategy. Therefore the organization allocates a separate
provision for health and safety of the organization. Further health and safety plans are
formulated in order to achieve the standards required. The health and safety policy of
Unichela is as follows;
1. Formulate and Implement

The organization formulates specific health, safety and emergency response policies,
management programs regarding operational areas and initiatives with the aim of
continuous improvement. Unichela (pvt) ltd- koggala and its operators are liable or
take responsibility for implementing the principles of this policy trough the
commitment and action of each employee.
2. Operate and Evaluate

The organization operates and evaluates health and safety policy in order to ensure
compliance with government and organizational requirement to minimize risks related
to human health and safety.
3. Educate and Empower

They maintain education and empowerment with the aim of understanding employee
skills and facilitate to achieve an injury free operational environment and maintain
wellness and safety on and off the job.
4. Require Contractors

They require contractors in order to implement practices consistent with
organizational health and safety policy.

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5. Inform and Train

The organization frequently informs and trains employees on safety concepts in
hazard management, housekeeping and transportation.
6. Compliance

Compliance is a must within the organization. All employees shall adhere to the
health and safety procedure and should report about hazards, violations and unsafe
practices. Willful violations of any employee regarding health and safety procedure
will lead to his/her dismissal.

6.7 Power Delegation of Health & Safety Policy

Deputy GM
Health &
H & S
H & S
Cut Kit
Maintenance &
In Charge

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Power reflects the ability to handle someone or influence over once action. In H & S
policy lions share from the power and responsibility goes to HR Manager and the HR
Department. Other managers also have the responsibility over the policy. They should
responsible for their own departments health and safety issues. As an example,
operation manager and assistant operation manager should responsible for the
employees who are working in production line and they should report those matters to
the H & S manager and H & S officers. Then the H & S Manager and his two officers
is the responsible person to take corrective actions over it. So all department heads
should be responsible over their departments and subordinates against the health and
safety matters. Overall responsibility of H & S policy goes to the Deputy GM and
GM. In order to minimize his risk, he has appointed a H & S manager and two H & S
officers under HR Department.

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7.1 Areas of Responsibility

HR Manager : HR Department & Other Offices
Assistant Production Manager : Right hand side of the production floor
Left hand side of the production floor
Quality Executive : AQL
Chief Mechanic : Workshop & Machine Stores
Maintenance in Charge : Technical office & Canteen
Store Manager : RM Stores
Cut Kit Executive : Cut Kit
Administration Executive : Sahaja Cleaning Department
Security driver, caterers

7.2 Responsibility of HR Manager

Ensure that all employees are kept aware of recovery process.
Ensure that welfare of employees who have suffered injuries.
Ensure that statutory payments are made to employees during the shutdown
Liaise with the joint consultative committee and conduct the regular meeting
to ensure that all employees are kept aware of the recovery process.
Facilitate for health and safety meetings and other safety programmers.

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7.3 Responsibility of Plant Manager

Inform the chief executives of the recovery plan and obtain approval for
reports to the board of directors should be submitted for formal approval.
To coordinate with insurance and ensure that the proper and key personnel
are available to assist in this process.
Keep records of the development in the recovery process.
To take overall responsibility for the health and safety process ensures that
the key personnel are available to assist in the process.
Continuously review and asses the development of health and safety policy.
Maintain emergency log, when an accident occurred within the production

7.4 Responsibility over Head of Department

As a textile supplier, MAS unichela has departmentalized each activity as
convenience for control. According to the organizational hierarchy we identified
several departments as follows;
- Human resource department - operational department
- Accounting department - maintenance department
- Cutting department - quality department

And also there are specific persons assigned by the management to control its
operations done by their subordinates. Building a work environment with higher
degree of safety and healthy is a main responsibility of health and safety manager in
an organization. To strengthen his or her hand regarding that matter, each department
heads should be care about their employees health and safety. On this ground they
have following responsibilities as the member of MAS- unichela.

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Implementing the health and safety policy in his or her department and
arranging it to the attention of all employees.

All risks are presented by the work or work environment, department heads
are responsible to assess, record and to implement suitable controls.

Introduce with safety precautions that apply to his or her department,
including the selection and control of contractors.

Ensure that all new entrants are properly inducted in to the organization and
making all of them aware regarding the all precautions and procedures
applicable to the job and the emergency procedures.

Ensuring that no person is permitted to work at any kind of machinery or
hazardous task unless they have been properly and full instructed.

Ensuring that all staff are aware of the location of all firefighting equipment
and alarm call prompt in the department and are conversant with its effective

Ensuring that any legal requirement relating to the operation of the department
are fully complied with including,
o Inspection of all firefighting equipment.
o Maintenance of all appropriate record.
o Necessary safety training of staff.
o Statuary inspections of plant and equipment.
o Provision of first aid equipment.
o Accident investigation.

Ensuring that any responsibilities delegated to subordinates staff are clear
Ensuring that access to the premises by customers or other members of the
general public is strictly limited to safe areas.

Ensuring that there is good repair and inspection.

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7.5 Responsibility of Line Manager

He examines accurately employees use the safety equipments regularly.
Actively he participate health & safety activities. It means that plant manager
train employee who works under him.
Plant manager gives proper instructions for employee to using the new
machines & equipment.
Delegate the power among each & every department heads.
Give the instructions to continue PPE.
E.g. wearing different kind of head covers to identify speed of employee.
Practically demonstrate the task among the employees.
Monitor the performance. As well as consider the employee compliances.
Line manager encourage the employee who follow safety system.
Always monitoring the safety records. Then easily understand the unsafe area.

7.6 Responsibility of Health & Safety Manager

Train the sectional heads in level wise & give them to extra knowledge about
health & safety.
Help to health & safety manager to implement new health & safety programs.
Organize workshops with getting the knowledge of resource persons.
Investigate the accidents & introduce preventive activities.
Conduct the researches & aware about departmental safety.
Study & measure environmental hazards.
Appoint mechanic to examine machines before using.
Arranging plant layout getting the consultant service.

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7.7 Responsibility of Employees

Not only the managerial level employees but other operational level employees also
should highly care about the safety matters of themselves. So all operational level
employees of unichela garment factory are responsible for following matters;
To take reasonable care for her or her own acts or omission and the effect of
those activities may have upon the safety of themselves or any other parson.
Every employee must use safety equipments or clothing in a proper manner.
Any employee who intentionally or recklessly misuses anything supplied in
the interest of health and safety will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Every employee may undertake any task for which they have not been
authorized and for which they are not adequately trained.
Every employee must work accordance with health and safety procedures,
instructions, trainings
Every employee is required to bring to the attention of a responsible person
any perceived shortcoming in the companys safety arrangement or any
defects in work equipment.

It is the duty of the all employees to familiarize them with the policy.

7.8 Responsibility of Trade Union

They dont have any trade unions inside the factory. So they have established joint
consultative committee instead of it. That committee represented by the section
members and they get together monthly and talk about all health and safety issues
around them.

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7.9 SWOT Analysis of Unichela


Smooth floor of power delegation.
Separate team takes the
fire team, emergency team, first aid
Proper maintenance and supervision.
Ex- fire equipments- 4 times per year
Medical checkup giving to all
employees whether they have any
disease or not.
Well arrangement and protective
physical environment within the
There are separate uniform, scarf and
medical checkups for pregnant
Proper smoke detection system is
Open-door policy.
Employees can express their
grievances at any time for certain


No health and safety

No trade union

Only one doctor for 24000

Although they have health
and safety committee,
officers, nurses, and hr
manager are the only parties
who involved to H and S

Fire training gives twice a
year and generally turnover
ratio is high within
unichella. Therefore, it is
difficult to get the proper
knowledge for new
employees who enter during
this time period.

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Smooth transformation process
can be implemented without any
break downs due to their proper

Diseases can be identified before
it becomes serious due to
frequent medical checkups.

Fewer tendencies to occur

Higher degree of organizational

easy access for getting local and
international standards

Responsibility and the scope is too
high for HR manager.

no representatives for employees
and it may lead to
low productivity
high stress

One doctor can not treat all
employees at once in an emergency

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Research data
10 randomly selected employees at Unichela, Koggala.

According to the research there were 1 employee below 20 years and
3 employees were between aged 20- 30. Also there were 4 employees between aged
31 40 & 2 employees above 40 years. So according to my observation majority are
between 31- 40.

Age Distribution
Below 20
20 -30
31 40
Above 40

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According to the Appendix B, My 5
question was education
level. There were 5 employees educated up to O/L s., 4 employees educated up to A/L
s, & 1 employee educated up to higher studies. So I think majority are educated up to
O/L s.

Educational level
up to O/L
..up to A/L
..up to higher education

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8.1 Suggestions to improve the policy

Now they have 40% minor injuries happening rate, so it is advisable for them
to reduce it up to 20% or 25%. It can be done by making aware the employees
more about health and safety and its important.

Annually, they can introduce new safety improvements (15 improvements per
year) like, new PPE , new ergonomics principles, methods of handling stress,
new healthy habits etc.

Establish safety committees for each line and let them to discuss about safety
issues around them. Then management can easily provide appropriate
solutions for each line.

It is advisable to provide correct ergonomic guide lines for sitting and
standings. Because of wrong posters, workers quickly get tired and it reduces
the efficiency and effectiveness. It cause to fatigue.

If they can provide a 24 hour medical centre, it may be very helpful for the
employees to get rid from illnesses and in case of accident it may be very
useful for all.

In case of fire, their exit doors are not much enough for all the employees. So
if they can provide more exit doors, it may be good for all.

There are only two health and safety officers they have to handle 24000
employees. So it a very risky task and the number of safety officers should
exceed up to five or six.

It is advisable for them to give needle guards for all machine operators in
order to prevent from hazards.

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MAS Intimates Unichela (pvt) Ltd is the pioneer of manufacturing and design
excellences in Sri Lanka, MASS Intimates design bear the label of top-end intimates
brands. The success behind their progress is achieved by treating its workforce as the
heart of the organization. All organization efforts are catering to build educated Multi
Task efficient workforce while keeping up its production smoothly
Employee health & safety plays a major role at Unichela. Current health & safety
practices target to improve the overall efficiency of the organization, reduce accidents
while using machines and tools , maintain higher level of discipline among
employees, improve proper health and safety practices among employees and
identifying grievances of employees. By using proper health and safety methods,
management develops employee security and reduces the accidents.
Finally, I could understand how current health and safety procedure is practically
implementing at Unichela while facing the critical circumstances in the industry.

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Apparel industry of Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013.Apparel
industry of Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 09
August 2013].

MAS Intimates Unichela . 2013. Readymade Business Opportunity. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed
02 August 13].

MAS Intimates Unichela . 2013. Ethical Manufacturing Facilities. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed
08 August 13].

MAS Intimates Unichela . 2013. We make Garments with Conscience and Care.
[ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 05 August 13].

at: [Accessed 10 August 2013].

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Health & Safety Practices
The success or failure of health & safety policy can be accessed through investigating
the actual working procedure, health & safety practices at unichela garments. They
have implemented much more health and safety programmers and precautions as a
necessity of factory ordinance. The factory ordinance is used as a guide by the
management of unichela to ensure the security of their workforce and as the

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fulfillment of legal requirement. In accordance with the factory ordinance, have
summarized overall health & safety practices as follows;
Budgetary allocation
Fire preventing programmes
First-aid facilities
Medical supervision
Emergency team
Workplace safe
Sanitary conveniences
Personal protective equipments
Evaluation programmes

Budgetary allocation
Attracting and maintaining a healthy workforce in an organization is an essential to
achieve success through the competition. To reach this target, unichela people have
arranged proper environment. The main thing is providing adequate financial
resources to produce healthy and active workforce. As the main responsibly people of
unichela, the strategic level managers are prefer to allocate sufficient budget yearly to
implement health & safety policy. If any urgent matter is arisen in the work force,
senior management ready to give special approval for financial provisions to meet
those emergency cases.

Fire preventing programmes
The factory ordinance implied that every factory shall be certified by an inspector as
being provided with such means of escape in case of fire
As fire preventing method, unichela people arrange fire training programme twice a
year. This training normally held as 2 day training. All employees should participate
this training and they have been given a profound knowledge about how to prevent
from fire, how to identify fire situation, who is the responsible person for that..etc.
And they have established fire extinguishers in hazardous places in the plant. This fire
resource consists with following materials;

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Dry powder

These equipments checks by responsible people at four times per year and at the last
time they refill these extinguishers. When fire is arisen, following procedure should
be followed by all workers.
Break glass of fire alarm to activate the fire alarm.
Fire evacuation & roll calling
Call the fire brigade.

All the responsibilities of fire system are handled by the special fire team assigned by
the human resource manager.
First-aid facilities
As a health provision required by the factory ordinance, there are 20 first aid boxes
establish around the premises. To get maximum contribution from this programme,
management has assigned a special teamwith higher skills by transferring all
responsibilities of small injuries. Organization hires expert persons from both inside
and outside firm to conduct training programmes to improve knowledge of this first
aid team. These training programmes held two times per year.
Medical supervision
There is a medical centre in inside of the unichela plant with a doctor and three
nurses. The doctor visits the unichela people day after day to conduct medical
checkups. Whether there is a health care problems like accidents, desieses among the
employees or not, all employees have an opportunity to get medical treatments or
counseling via this centre. All these medical checkups are given by the management
without charging from their employees. And also a special clinic organizesfor the
pregnant mothers who are working in the plant and these maternity mothers have to
wear a speciallycoloredscarf to identify them among other workers.

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Emergency team
Emergency team has been established by the management to deal with emergency
cases. This team consists of general manager, plant manager, HRM, deputy HRM,
store manager and etc.
Emergence of safe workforce is essential to motivate employees and get effective
contribution from them to achieve organizational goals. On this ground, they have
organized variety of programmes and procedures to make safe and effective
workplace. Such as;
Suggestion box

Employee participation for health & safety policy development is ensured by this
suggestion box culture. Employee can put their suggestions related with health &
safety issues and responsible persons it update daily to resolve their grievances.
Near misses capturing

Near misses mean that the issues of Health and safety provisions,meet by the
managerial level or operational level people while they are engaging their daily
routines. The person who is faced near misses she or he can fill a form regarding the
matter and particular responsible person may take correction actions for that issues.
Notice boards and banners related with health and safety.

Throughout the Unichella premises can see various notices related with health and
safety. These notices and banners shows that what are the health and safety and safety
rules, the places where the health and safety equipment fixed, how should behave in
the premises with safety.
Proper noise level, dust level and oxygen level maintenance

To provide effective work place to employees, the production floor has air
conditioned. The all employees are engage with ergonomics training at the induction
period of their work life.

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Sanitary facilities
Sufficient sanitary facilities are available for employees. Wash rooms, changing
rooms, resting rooms are available in the premises. Clean water, healthy foods are
provided by the organization via its canteen. The company has outsourced its canteen.
Food samples keep in the canteen for 3 days in order to ensure the quality of the
foods. If any allergic arises for any employee above samples are checked. The
outsourced company has been selected by the company to inspect the food items once
a month.
Organization is implemented a smoke detected system
Nobody can use cigarettes or alcoholic things in inside of the organization.
Unichela generally implements and uses better PPE such as;
-Eye guar -Dust masks
-Gloves (metal, electrical, rubber) - machine guard
-Ear plug
Evaluation programmes
For the employees those who are performing in a best way regarding health and safety
will motivate by offering them presents and gifts weekly.
If any kind of disability occurs while any employee, the organization will claim or
compensate for such employee. Further if any employee die due to any unsafe health
and safety behavior the organization covers the all funeral activities and treat their
family members too. Generally Unichela compensate their employees more than the
provisions of factory ordinance.

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1) EPF No:
2) Name:
3) Age Distribution a. Below 20 b. 20 -30
c. 31 40 d. Above 40
4) Gender Male Female
5) Education level a.up to O/L b..up to A/L
c. .up to Higher Education
6) How many years do you work in the company?
a. Below 6 months
b. 6 months 1 year

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c. 1 year 2 years
d. Above 2 years
7) How much salary you received from the company?

8) Are satisfy about health and safety practices in the company?
Yes No
9) Does company give you an insurance policy?
Yes No
10) Does company give you medical coverage?
Yes No
11) What are the suggestions you wish to improve employee health and safety in
the company?

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