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Marketing and publicity are vital to any event. Innovative publicity and marketing ideas are
much more likely to get noticed and lead to successful turnout and results. Some suggestions
when marketing events are below:
On any piece of final publicity, make sure it answers the questions: ho! hat!
hen! here! hy! and "ow Much!
#sing themes can be helpful in programming.
$ormulate ideas well in advance so there is ample time for carrying them out.
%et started on publicity early so individuals can plan ahead.
Identify who you are trying to reach.
&ou don't have to be artistic to have successful publicity.
(ap into the resources around you on campus and in the community.
)now campus posting policies.
If you create posters for marketing, make sure they are clear and simple, have a logo if possible,
use colored paper and different inks, use a creative title or catchy phrase, make sure the
information is accurate, and distribute them where students will see it* +ary the locations if
possible, including the height or shape of the posters to make it more eye,catching.
(here are poster materials and pens available in the -SO# Student Organi.ation lounge for
any recogni.ed, active student organi.ation on campus to make posters for its own use.
Materials should be properly cared for and used only in the lounge location.
WOU Poster Guidelines
O# /ampus 0osting guidelines can be found on,line at:
-ll signs1posters posted on campus must be authori.ed with a stamp of approval by the +ice
0resident for Student -ffairs office 4#/, 2
floor5 before posting. -ll posters1signs must
contain the name of the sponsoring organi.ation, and other pertinent information, and should be
free of misspellings and inaccuracies. 26 posters1signs or less are needed to post on all boards on
campus. 7very organi.ation or individual is responsible for distributing their own posters1signs
after they are approved, and removing the posters1signs after the event.
Poster Regulations:
82 posters1signs 4or less5 are needed.
0osters may be no larger than 93: ; 22: in si.e.
0oster copy must include, but is not limited to, all of the following pertinent information:
"O is sponsoring the event 4full name5, "-( the event is, "7<7 and "7= it
will be held, and "O M#/" the admission fee is 4if applicable5.
It must also include the disability accommodation statement: >If you have a disability that
may require some accommodation in order to participate in a estern Oregon #niversity
activity, please notify ?O# organi.ation or department name@ at ?phone number or e,
mail@ at least 6A hours in advance.B
Single,event posters may be posted two weeks in advance of an event. Multiple,event
posters may be posted for the duration of the events.
Signs1posters may be posted only on bulletin boards assigned to the building. State law
prohibits posting on doors. /ampus policy prohibits posting on any painted, wooden or
brick surface.
(he sponsoring organi.ation is responsible for removing all posters within 32 hours
following the event in order to retain future posting privileges. 0osters1signs posted in
unauthori.ed places or not following these guidelines are subCect to charges for removal.
=on,event posters1signs are approved for a two week hanging period depending on the
amount of signs1posters already distributed. If the individual or organi.ation would like
their posters1signs to stay up after the two week period, the posters1signs must be re,
approved by the +ice 0resident for Student -ffairs office.
#se 0#S" 0I=S D no S(-0E7S.
$or Fanner space locations, check the erner #niversity /enter office.
$or More Information: /all the +ice 0resident for Student -ffairs at A8A,A229. (he +0
for Student -ffairs office reserves the right to refuse authori.ation to any sponsoring
organi.ation or individual not following these guidelines.
Poster Distribution Areas:
0lease =ote Specific Instructions for 7ach -rea
Administration Building: 9 poster. #se the board on the right side of the hall
inside the main entrance doors. GO =O( post on
any of the :Cobs: boards.
APSC: One poster. Fulletin board inside main entry.
Arnold Arms: 9 poster. Only use bulletin board on left side of
front doors.
Campbell Hall: 9 poster. =o staples. #se bulletin board by west
end, ne;t to <m. 999, to the right of the stairs.
Cottage: 9 poster. Fulletin board outside main entry 4to the
HEducation Department: 2 posters. %ive to the office staff on the second
floor for posting.
ESL: 8II =. Stadium Gr. 9 poster. %ive to person at
window to the right of the front door. 4(his is the
trailer across from the stadium.5
HLibrary: 9 poster. 7ast entrance vestibule.
Natural Sciences Building: 9 poster. #se bulletin board to the right of the main
door under the sign saying, :"appenings in =e;t 9J
NPE: 9 poster. %ive to -thletics Gepartment office staff.
OPE: 9 poster. #se bulletin board ne;t to <oom 9IJ.
Residence Halls: K posters for halls and one poster for +alset.. %ive
all of them to #niversity <esidences office at
+alset. "all. -n additional 8K posters may be
provided for the residence halls.
Rice Auditorium: 9 poster. Fulletin Foard located ne;t to room 9I6.
Smit! Hall: 9 poster. %ive to office staff in <oom 9I2 for
Student Healt! Center: 2 posters. %ive to office staff for posting.
"odd Hall: 9 poster. #se bulletin board at the foot of the stairs,
making sure the poster does =O( hang over the
#ni$ersity Public Sa%ety: 9 poster. %ive to secretary for posting.
&erner #ni$ersity Center: 8 posters for campus,sponsored events. %ive to
front desk across from olf 7;press.
&est House: 9 poster. #se bulletin board in the hallway on the
left side.
=O(7: (he buildings listed with an :H: are campus :"ot Spots.B Most of the student1faculty
population will see these boards. Gue to limited space on some boards youLll find it useful if you
post these :"ot spots.: Please conserve space and be considerate to others when posting. Thank
Questions & Answers
How effective are campus signs posted on bulletin boards
-lthough there are numerous locations for posters and signs, this method of advertising
is minimally effective unless you do dramatic signs with eye,catching graphics. )eep
this in mind with your marketing D you are fighting against a large number of other
messages in the same location.
!hat methods of advertising would you say are most effective
Sandwich boards along Monmouth -venue do well, handing out fliers on the 0la.a,
campus,wide e,mails can work and word,of,mouth are typically effective methods of
advertising. -nything creative and out,of,the,ordinary are the best methods.
Valsetz Dining Hall Poster Policy
95 Signs, posters, and table tents must include the following information to be approved for
posting in the +alset.:
7vent or program title
-ll signs, posters, and table tents displayed in the +alset. are approved through the Gining
Services Office. Signs pre,approved for display in the glass cases should be left with the
#niversity <esidences Office.
25 $or -SO# and off campus events:
0osters for off,campus events are limited to the glass cases with approval from 0ublic
(able tents must be printed on card stock, pre,approved, and space reserved with the
$ood Service Girector. =o more than two table tents may be placed at each table.
-SO# events may reserve one wall space for events, in addition to the
glass cases. (he space must be reserved with the #niversity <esidences Office, and the
sign1poster must be pre,approved by the $ood Service Girector.
=o glitter may be used on signs or posters.
Sponsoring organi.ations are responsible for posting and taking down large posters and
table tents.
85 -reas approved for large posters include:
(he belt line 4si.e limited to 8L ; M.JL5
Middle Sister 4brick walls, si.e limited to 8L ; 9IL5
=orth Sister 4brick walls5
Signs and Other Guidelines
7asels, lawn signs, and banner space is available to assist groups with advertising. 7asels and
lawn sandwich boards can be reserved by coming to the erner #niversity /enter information
desk to review which spaces are available. Fanner space, located above the elevator, can be
reserved in the #/. (hese can be reserved during your 7vent -dvisement meeting or on,line
Eocations above the #/ elevator, 2
floor. #se push pins.
Ma;imum of 9I days and ma;imum si.e of 8' ; M'.
Only one banner space per event.
M Eocations in the #/, 9
and 2
floors for O#,sponsored activities only.
Ma;imum posting time of 9I days with ma;imum poster si.e of 26B ; 8IB.
(acks or sticky,tac to keep signs on the easels.
Sandwich Foards
0lacement only on grass strip between sidewalk and street along Monmouth -venue
between Nackson and /hurch streets. -lso available are campus tree circles and bark dust
areas other than flower beds.
Ma;imum poster si.e is 93B ; 22B
Sandwich boards must be returned to the #/ Information desk at the end of their
reserved times. $ines or charges may be allocated if not returned in such a manner.
Sandwich boards must be removed from grass areas from 3 am D 92 noon on Monday
morning to allow for maintenance by O# grounds crew.
Eawn Signs
=o larger than 93B ; 22B posters.
Ma;imum of 9I on each side of Monmouth -venue and in the same locations mentioned
in the >Sandwich FoardB policy above.
%roups must provide own lawn stakes.
%roups must remove lawn signs after event, posting on a first,come, first,request basis.
Only one event per week granted for a ma;imum of seven days.
Eawn signs must be removed from grass areas from 3 am D 92 noon on Monday morning
to allow for maintenance by O# grounds crew.
/halking on public walkways is discouraged because of the chalk that tracks into the
university buildings.
Questions & Answers
!hat should " do if sandwich boards or easels aren#t ready for my event
hen picking up sandwich boards or easels for the #/, contact the Information
Gesk for service or for problems.
!here can " make banners
(he student organi.ation lounge on the lower level of the erner #niversity /enter
has large markers and butcher available to make a banner.

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