Ogniem I Mieczem - Quiz

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate word

saves promise beautiful trouble love caracter teaces
The story is: Jan Skrzetuski (envoy of the duke
Jeremi Winiowiecki) """# ohdan
!hmielnicki"s life (!ossack leader)# Then he
tells the gentry who gathered in a tavern a$out
!zapliski% who is !hmielnicki"s enemy% doesn"t
like Skrzetuski"s act# Skrzetuski """##
!hapliski a lesson and wins two friends" hearts : &ag'o$a"s and (od$ipita"s# They set off
to )u$ni*w together where the duke Jeremi comes too# +n their way Skrzetuski gets two
women (duchess ,urcewiczowa and her """"## companion -elena) out of """" #
The main """# soon falls in """# with -elena and his love is reciprocated# They reach
(,urcewicz"s estate) together# They meet ohun there% the man who had -elena"s hand
promised in """## # ut later on the duchess $reaks the """# under Skrzetuski"s
$or% fi&%s se&%s capture% comes fell ru&s
The duke Jeremi Winiowiecki """# Jan to
Sicz with a mission% he is to get his
$earings a$out the !ossack feeling# +n his
way Skrzetuski """ out a$out the uprising
which is planned $y !hmielnicki and he
sends .zdzian% a clever servant% with a
message to the duchess# Skrzetuski himself
was """"## $y Tatars and then ransomed $y the uprising leader !hmielnicki (who was
himself saved $y Skrzetuski some time ago)# Jan """"# $ack to .oz'ogi $ut he finds
only charred """"# as .zdzian ""## into ohun"s hands/ ohun is furious at the
duchess $ecause of $reaking her """ (he foud out a$out it from the letter he intercepted)
and he kills the duchess and her sons# -elena """"# away with the help of &ag'o$a and
they $oth reach ar#
a&%some ama'i&! sets baleful fulfille% o&e
Skrzetuski """ off to find his
$eloved# ut he doesn"t find her in the
place where he e0pected her to $e#
ohun a$ducts -elena and hides her
in !zarci Jar where two """ men:
-orpyn and !zeremis watch her#
ohun himself sets off to war#
Skrzetuski and his companions go to
war too#
There are a lot of """## adventures: a lark with &ag'o$a and a pigsty and a tragic story
of (od$ipita who dies while trying to get to the king ($ut first he managed to """## his
oath and he cuts three pagan heads at ""# go)# 1fter all Jan and -elena meet and get
Skrzetuski releases ohun# The """""# !ossack goes away into the steppe#

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