Victorian Novel - Dickens

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HARDY THEMES: The virtuous though hu!"e #i"" i$evit%!"& triu'h over the
(orru't) gree*&) %$* o''ressive o+ the i**"e %$* u''er ("%sses.
The Mayor of Casterbridge (A Study of a Man of Character)the su!tit"e suggests
th%t it ust !e re"%te* to He$(h%r*,s (%'%(it& +or su++eri$g) si$(e +or He$(h%r*--i$ '%rt
o#i$g to his +%i"ure to (ou$i(%te his true +ee"i$gs %$* to his te$*e$(& to#%r*s
.i$tros'e(tive i$+"e/i!i"it&. 0%$ i$%!i"it& to u$*erst%$* his o#$
otiv%tio$s1--.h%''i$ess 2is3 !ut the o((%sio$%" e'iso*e i$ % ge$er%" *r%% o+ '%i$..
H%r*&,s esse$ti%""& g"oo&) $ihi"isti( vie# o+ the hu%$ (o$*itio$ (o"ours eve$ the
(o$ve$tio$%" .h%''& e$*i$g. i$ % se(o$*) !etter %rri%ge th%t H%r*& %& h%ve *erive*
+ro Di(4e$s,s David Copperfield.
Cert%i$"&) $either He$(h%r* $or Lu(ett% re%"i5es %$& s%tis+%(tio$ +ro %$
e/iste$(e +ou$*e* o$ % "ie. 6oth (h%r%(ters, +%tes i""ustr%te the '%tter$ o+ % se(ret i$ the
'%st u$e/'e(te*"& !ei$g !rought to "ight %$* !"ighti$g 'rese$t h%''i$ess. Lu(ett%
re+uses to .!e % s"%ve to the '%st. 0Ch. 781) %$* *eteri$es to !ur& the se(ret o+ her
+orer re"%tio$shi' #ith He$(h%r* 0%$*) there+ore) her so(i%" o!"ig%tio$ to %rr& hi1
i$ or*er to s%tis+& her 'rese$t '%ssio$. Sii"%r"&) He$(h%r*,s "iei$g to Ne#soe %!out
the *e%th o+ E"i5%!eth-9%$e is *ire(t"& res'o$si!"e +or her re:e(tio$ o+ hi. E"i5%!eth-
9%$e %$* ;%r+r%e !oth es(%'e the tr%ge*& !e(%use) %"though the& too %re gui"t& o+
i$or *u'"i(ities) the& %re esse$ti%""& %"truisti( %$* .si$g"e-he%rte*.. It is $ot e$ough)
H%r*& sees to i'"& i$ this $ove") to eet the vi(issitu*es o+ "i+e heroi(%""& or
*e+i%$t"&--o$e ust *o so #ith "ove) (o'%ssio$) %$* (h%rit&.
I$ Tess of the D'Urbervilles) there %re % $u!er o+ thees) !ut % si$g"e u$i+&i$g
'ri$(i'"e o+ 0or o!serv%tio$ %!out1 hu%$ e/iste$(e eerges +ro the re"%tio$shi's o+
the 'ri$(i'%" (h%r%(ters. A"though su++eri$g %$* *e%th %re i$evit%!"e) A$ge" C"%re
through his "%(4 o+ e'%th& +or Tess o$ their #e**i$g $ight %$* his %''%re$t re:e(tio$
o+ her 0%s suggeste* !& his tri' to 6r%5i"1 !ri$gs u'o$ Tess ore su++eri$g th%$ she
*eserves %$* u$#itti$g"& *rives her to#%r*s the +i$%" (%t%stro'he) the ur*er o+ A"e(
D,<r!ervi""e. O$"& %+ter it is too "%te *oes A$ge") re%"isi$g Tess,s true #orth) %((e't
res'o$si!i"it& +or his o#$ %(tio$s. Tess is %$ o** (o!i$%tio$ o+ (o$tr%ries: % +%t%"isti(
#ho $everthe"ess strugg"es +or h%''i$ess %$* +u"+i"e$t i$ % #or"* !e$t o$ *e$&i$g her
!oth. This %ttitu*e is sue* u' i$ her re%r4i$g %t Sto$ehe$ge .This h%''i$ess
(ou"* $ot h%ve "%ste*. 0Ch. 8=1. Li4e Tess) e%(h o+ us is *e+i$e* !& our '%st) #hi(h
0together #ith our u'!ri$gi$g %$* so(i%" 'ressures1 "iits our (hoi(es %$* (o$*itio$s
the 4i$* o+ 'eo'"e #e !e(oe. A$* &et) Tess strugg"es %g%i$st the '%st %$* !e"ieves
she h%s the 'o#er to over(oe it> this !e"ie+ %& !e % 'h%$t%s) !ut ho"*i$g +%st to it
is #h%t %4es Tess #orth& o+ our s&'%th&) +or it "ies %t the (ore o+ her 'erso$%"
I$ ters o+ eotio$%" res'o$se) the u"ti%te +%te o+ Tess) s(io$ o+ o$(e-'rou*
%risto(r%ti( +%i"& !rought "o# !& H%r*&,s t#i$ e$eies o+ hu%$it& 0Tie %$*
Ch%$(e1) %rouses ore 'it& %$* +e%r i$ % o*er$ re%*er th%$ *oes He$(h%r*,s.
Soe#here !et#ee$ the t#o o$ & eotio$%" res'o$se s(%"e "ies Eust%(i% i$ The
Return of the ative) +or her +%te resu"ts +ro the ver& t#e$tieth-(e$tur& error o+
%rr&i$g e$tire"& the #ro$g 'erso$. A *%55"i$g +igure +ro the !e%u o$*e o+ the
?%risi%$ !ou"ev%r*s) C"& is gr%*u%""& *ii$ishe* i$ her esti%tio$ %s he 'ursues the
go%" o+ !e(oi$g % rur%" s(hoo"%ster. Yet Eust%(i% herse"+ re%i$s #orth& o+ our
i$terest +ro !egi$$i$g to e$* !e(%use she $ever %!%$*o$s her *re%.
I$ H%r*&,s +i(tio$ %$* 'oetr&) the .i$*is'ut%!"e he$(he$ o+ this +or(e 2the iro$i(
*eit&3 %g%i$st %$,s +e"i(it& %re Ch%$ge %$* Ch%$(e. 0Ri(h%r*s) !art T"o) 781.
H%r*&,s (h%r%(ters "ive i$ % #or"* gover$e* !& these t#i$ 'o#ers) #hose i$+"ue$(e %""
too o+te$ is +or evi") $ot +or goo*.
Throughout The Return of the ative !%* thi$gs h%''e$ to goo* 'eo'"e.
There sees to !e $o :usti(e +or the goo* or er(& +or the ist%4e$. The (riti( A"!ert
E""iot *es(ri!es H%r*& %s h%vi$g .$o *esire to e/'"%i$ e/'erie$(e> he #ishes o$"& to
'rese$t it. 0171. A"though H%r*& is o+te$ (o$si*ere* % 'essiist %s % resu"t o+ his
$eg%tive vie# %!out the 'ossi!i"it& +or ho'e+u"$ess i$ "i+e) he !e"ieve* th%t he #%s
ere"& .tre%ti$g %tters o+ "i+e :ust %s the& #ere. 0E""iot 131. I$ %tte'ti$g to re'rese$t
re%"it& %s he s%# it) he #rote $ove"s #hose '"ots #ere he%vi"& i$+"ue$(e* !& +%(tors o+
(h%$(e %$* (h%$ge) o+te$ "e%*i$g to % $eg%tive (o$("usio$. H%r*& *i* $ot e$:o&
#it$essi$g the su++eri$g i$ the #or"* %rou$* hi) %$* .+e"t s&'%th& +or %"ost %"" o+
his (h%r%(ters> the ,vi""%i$, h%s %"ost $o '"%(e i$ his #or4s. 0Ri(h%r*s) !art T"o)7@1
!e(%use to hi %"" o+ hu%$it& is gui*e* !& %$ outsi*e %ge$(& %$* so h%ve "itt"e
res'o$si!i"it& +or the '%i$+u" out(oes th%t o((ur.
M%$& eve$ts %re gui*e* !& (h%$(e %$* (h%$(e to the #orst 'ossi!"e out(oe-
*e%th) %$* $o re(o$(i"i%tio$) 'rovi$g to the re%*er th%t hu%$ .'ote$ti%"ities +or
h%''i$ess) s%tis+%(tio$s) 2%$*3 Aoo* %re se"*o +u""& e/er(ise*. !& the u$iverse,s
gui*i$g +or(e. The .sho(4i$g *is(re'%$(& !et#ee$ #h%t h%''e$s %$* #h%t shou"*
h%''e$ i+ Right 'rev%i"e* i$ the #or"*. is !rut%""& 'rev%i"e* i$ H%r*&,s te/ts. The Bi""
is .!"i$* %$* *istri!utes goo* or !%* #ithout reg%r* to erit. 0Ch%'%$ 1@C1 i$
H%r*&,s $ove"s.
Other Vi(tori%$ %uthors o+te$ 're+erre* to e$* their $ove"s #ith % h%''&
(oi$(i*e$(e) restori$g right to the #or"* %$* hu%$it&,s +%ith i$ 'rovi*e$ti%" :usti(e.
H%r*& *i* $ot see th%t :usti(e i$ the #or"* %rou$* hi) %$* so it is %!se$t i$ this te/t.
The iro$i( (o$tr%*i(tio$ !et#ee$ #h%t is %$* #h%t ought to be rever!er%tes The
Return of the ative) %r!"i$g the (h%r%(ters, "ives #ith ,i+ o$"&,s,. V%rious
i$strue$ts o+ +%te i$+"ue$(e his (h%r%(ters, "ives %s he !e"ieve* i$+"ue$(e* %"" o+
hu%$it&,s) %$* this tr%gi( $ove" "e$*s gre%t i$sight i$to H%r*&,s 'hi"oso'h& o+ the
#or4i$gs o+ our o#$ #or"*.
Charles #ohn $uffa% Dic&ens 0;e!ru%r& D) 1=17E9u$e F) 1=DG1) 'e$-$%e .6o5.) #%s %$
E$g"ish $ove"ist. Duri$g his (%reer Di(4e$s #rote %$& e$tert%i$i$g #or4s #hi(h #ere
ie$se"& 'o'u"%r %$* *is'"%&e* his ri(h i%gi$%tio$ %$* (oi( ge$ius. No# he is vie#e* %s
o$e o+ the %:or $ove"ists o+ the Vi(tori%$ er% %$* %$ i'ort%$t *o(ue$ter o+ "i+e i$ those
ties. L%ter (riti(s) !egi$$i$g #ith Aeorge Aissi$g %$* A.K. Chesterto$) (h%'io$e* his
%ster& o+ 'rose) his e$*"ess i$ve$tio$ o+ eor%!"e (h%r%(ters %$* his 'o#er+u" so(i%"
STYLE: Di(4e$s, #riti$g st&"e is +"ori* %$* 'oeti() #ith % stro$g (oi( tou(h. His s%tires o+
6ritish %risto(r%ti( s$o!!er&Hhe (%""s o$e (h%r%(ter the .No!"e Re+riger%tor.H%re o+te$
'o'u"%r. Co'%ri$g or'h%$s to sto(4s %$* sh%res) 'eo'"e to tug !o%ts) or *i$$er '%rt& guests
to +ur$iture %re :ust soe o+ Di(4e$s, %(("%ie* +"ights o+ +%$(&.
CHARACTERS: The (h%r%(ters %re %o$g the ost eor%!"e i$ E$g"ish "iter%ture>
(ert%i$"& their $%es %re. The "i4es o+ E!e$e5er S(rooge) ;%gi$) Mrs A%') Ch%r"es D%r$%&)
O"iver T#ist) Mi(%#!er) ?e(4s$i++) Miss H%vish%) B%(4+or* SIueers %$* %$& others %re
so #e"" 4$o#$ %$* (%$ !e !e"ieve* to !e "ivi$g % "i+e outsi*e the $ove"s th%t their stories h%ve
!ee$ (o$ti$ue* !& other %uthors. Di(4e$s "ove* the st&"e o+ 1=th Ce$tur& gothi( ro%$(e)
though it h%* %"re%*& !e(oe % !it o+ % :o4eH9%$e Auste$,s Northanger Abbey !ei$g %
#e"" 4$o#$ '%ro*&H%$* #hi"e soe %re grotesIues) their e((e$tri(ities *o $ot usu%""&
oversh%*o# the stories. O$e ,(h%r%(ter, ost vivi*"& *r%#$ throughout his $ove"s is Lo$*o$
itse"+. ;ro the (o%(hi$g i$$s o$ the outs4irts o+ the (it& to the "o#er re%(hes o+ the Th%es)
%"" %s'e(ts o+ the (%'it%" %re *es(ri!e* !& soeo$e #ho tru"& "ove* Lo$*o$ %$* s'e$t %$&
hours #%"4i$g its streets.
Social co%%entary
Di(4e$s, $ove"s #ere) %o$g other thi$gs) #or4s o+ so(i%" (oe$t%r&. He #%s % +ier(e (riti(
o+ the 'overt& %$* so(i%" str%ti+i(%tio$ o+ Vi(tori%$ so(iet&. Throughout his #or4s) Di(4e$s
ret%i$e* %$ e'%th& +or the (oo$ %$ %$* % s(e'ti(is +or the +i$e +o"4. Di(4e$s, se(o$*
$ove") Oliver Twist 01=3F1) #%s res'o$si!"e +or the ("e%ri$g o+ the %(tu%" Lo$*o$ s"u th%t
#%s the !%sis o+ the stor&,s 9%(o!,s Is"%$*. I$ %**itio$) #ith the (h%r%(ter o+ the tr%gi(
'rostitute) N%$(&) Di(4e$s .hu%$ise*. su(h #oe$ +or the re%*i$g 'u!"i(> #oe$ #ho
#ere reg%r*e* %s .u$+ortu$%tes). i$here$t"& ior%" (%su%"ties o+ the Vi(tori%$
("%ssJe(o$oi( s&ste. Bleak House %$* Little Dorrit e"%!or%te* e/'%$sive (ritiIues o+
the Vi(tori%$ i$stitutio$%" %''%r%tus: the i$teri$%!"e "%#suits o+ the Court o+ Ch%$(er& th%t
*estro&e* 'eo'"e,s "ives i$ Bleak House %$* % *u%" %tt%(4 i$ Little Dorrit o$ i$e++i(ie$t)
(orru't '%te$t o++i(es %$* u$regu"%te* %r4et s'e(u"%tio$.
I$ Oliver Twist) Di(4e$s 'rovi*es re%*ers #ith %$ i*e%"ise* 'ortr%it o+ % &ou$g !o& so
i$here$t"& %$* u$re%"isti(%""& .goo*. th%t his v%"ues %re $ever su!verte* !& either !rut%"
or'h%$%ges or (oer(e* i$vo"vee$t i$ % g%$g o+ &ou$g 'i(4'o(4ets. Bhi"e "%ter $ove"s %"so
(e$tre* o$ i*e%"ise* (h%r%(ters 0Esther Suerso$ i$ Bleak House %$* A& Dorrit i$
Little Dorrit1) this i*e%"is serves o$"& to high"ight Di(4e$s, go%" o+ 'oig$%$t so(i%"
(oe$t%r&. I$ %(tu%"it&) e%(h o+ his $ove"s %+ter Dombey and Son 01=@=1 !e(%e
i$(re%si$g"& "ess .se$tie$t%". %$* ore (o$(er$e* #ith so(i%" re%"is) +o(usi$g o$
e(h%$iss o+ so(i%" (o$tro" th%t *ire(t 'eo'"e,s "ives.
These $ove"s) %s #ith ost o+ his $ove"s) %"so e'"o& soe#h%t i$(re*i!"e (oi$(i*e$(es 0+or
e/%'"e) O"iver T#ist tur$s out to !e the "ost $e'he# o+ the u''er ("%ss +%i"& th%t r%$*o"&
res(ues hi +ro the *%$gers o+ the 'i(4'o(4et grou'1. Su(h (oi$(i*e$(es #ere % st%'"e o+
the eightee$th-(e$tur& 'i(%resIue $ove"s 0su(h %s He$r& ;ie"*i$g,s Tom Jones1 th%t
Di(4e$s e$:o&e* so u(h. So there is %$ i$terte/tu%" %s'e(t to this (o$ve$tio$. Ho#ever) to
Di(4e$s these #ere $ot :ust '"ot *evi(es !ut %$ i$*e/ o+ % Christi%$ hu%$is th%t "e* hi to
!e"ieve th%t .goo*. #i$s out i$ the e$*) o+te$ i$ u$e/'e(te* #%&s. Loo4i$g %t this thee +ro
% !iogr%'hi(%" (o$te/t) Di(4e$s, "i+e) %g%i$st %$& o**s) "e* hi +ro % *is(o$so"%te (hi"*
+or(e* to #or4 "o$g hours i$ % !oot-!"%(4i$g +%(tor& %t %ge 17 0his +%ther #%s i$ the
M%rsh%"se% *e!tor,s 'riso$1 to his st%tus %s the ost 'o'u"%r $ove"ist i$ E$g"%$* !& the %ge o+
David Coer!ield is o$e o+ the ost ("e%r"& %uto!iogr%'hi(%" !ut the s(e$es +ro Bleak
House o+ i$teri$%!"e (ourt (%ses %$* "eg%" %rgue$ts (ou"* o$"& (oe +ro % :our$%"ist
#ho h%s h%* to re'ort the. Di(4e$s, o#$ +%i"& #%s se$t to 'riso$ +or 'overt&) % (oo$
thee i$ %$& o+ his !oo4s) %$* the *et%i"e* *e'i(tio$ o+ "i+e i$ the M%rsh%"se% 'riso$ i$
Little Dorrit is *ue to Di(4e$s, o#$ e/'erie$(es o+ the i$stitutio$.
He %i$t%i$e* % high Iu%"it& i$ %"" his #riti$gs %$*) %"though r%re"& *e'%rti$g gre%t"& +ro his
t&'i(%" .Di(4e$si%$. etho* o+ %"#%&s %tte'ti$g to #rite % gre%t .stor&. i$ % soe#h%t
(o$ve$tio$%" %$$er 0the *u%" $%rr%tors o+ 6"e%4 House %re % $ot%!"e e/(e'tio$1) he
e/'erie$te* #ith v%rie* thees) (h%r%(teris%tio$s %$* ge$res. Soe o+ these e/'erie$ts
#ere ore su((ess+u" th%$ others %$* the 'u!"i(,s t%ste %$* %''re(i%tio$ o+ his %$& #or4s
h%ve v%rie* over tie. He #%s usu%""& 4ee$ to give his re%*ers #h%t the& #%$te*.
At % tie #he$ 6rit%i$ #%s the %:or e(o$oi( %$* 'o"iti(%" 'o#er o+ the #or"*) Di(4e$s
high"ighte* the "i+e o+ the +orgotte$ 'oor %$* *is%*v%$t%ge* %t the he%rt o+ e'ire. His
+i(tio$ #%s 'o#er+u" i$ (h%$gi$g 'u!"i( o'i$io$ i$ reg%r* to ("%ss i$eIu%"ities. He o+te$
*e'i(te* the e/'"oit%tio$ %$* re'ressio$ o+ the 'oor %$* (o$*e$e* the 'u!"i( o++i(i%"s %$*
i$stitutio$s th%t %""o#e* su(h %!uses to e/ist. His ost stri*e$t i$*i(te$t o+ this (o$*itio$ is
i$ Hard Times 01=8@1) Di(4e$s, o$"& $ove"-"e$gth tre%te$t o+ the i$*ustri%" #or4i$g ("%ss.
I$ th%t #or4) he uses !oth vitrio" %$* s%tire to i""ustr%te ho# this %rgi$%"ise* so(i%" str%tu
#%s tere* .H%$*s. !& the +%(tor& o#$ers) th%t is) $ot re%""& .'eo'"e. !ut r%ther o$"&
%''e$*%ges o+ the %(hi$es th%t the& o'er%te*.
I$ the *e(%*e +o""o#i$g his *e%th i$ 1=DG) % ore i$te$se *egree o+ so(i%""& %$*
'hi"oso'hi(%""& 'essiisti( 'ers'e(tives i$veste* 6ritish +i(tio$> su(h thees #ere i$ (o$tr%st
to the re"igious +%ith th%t u"ti%te"& he"* together eve$ the !"e%4est o+ Di(4e$s, $ove"s. L%ter
Vi(tori%$ $ove"ists su(h %s Tho%s H%r*& %$* Aeorge Aissi$g #ere i$+"ue$(e* !& Di(4e$s)
!ut their #or4s *is'"%& % "%(4 or %!se$(e o+ re"igious !e"ie+ %$* 'ortr%& (h%r%(ters (%ught u'
!& so(i%" +or(es 0'ri%ri"& vi% "o#er-("%ss (o$*itio$s1 th%t steer the to tr%gi( e$*s !e&o$*
their (o$tro".

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