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Standard Operating
Exit Management Application v 2.0

Training and Guidelines
HCL Technologies
Creation Date: 17 Oct 2012
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2012


All type of Separations is facilitated through Exit Management Process which is followed through an
online workflow to cater to employee/HR/First Level Manager (FLM) Requirements for managing
the separation process as per company policy.

Voluntary Exit Process is initiated by employee where employee shows his/her desire to separate
from the Organization by necessarily submitting his resignation request on Intention to Separate
header through the Exit Management Application or she/he has to submit his/her request to the
Reporting Managers and concerned HR/Work Flow Partner through offline email.

Steps of Execution:

Initiate Resignation:
Employee has to necessarily submit his Resignation on Intention to Separate page on Exit
Management application.
Path to EMS is as follows:

Employee has to fill in All Mandatory Information and Full and Final communication details.
This information will flow to Employee Record Digitization tool for Full & Final settlement.
My HCL My Transactions Exit Management Application

Employee Notice period start date will be applicable from the date of Resignation Initiation.
Click on submit. Below screen shot will appear as second screen providing information and
press continue.
Once Submitted, Employee will receive an Auto Generated mail as confirmation.

Steps of Voluntary Exit Process Workflow:

Employee resignation submission Intimation is sent to his/her First Level Manager (FLM),
Second Level Manager(SLM) and Employee Partner (HR)
Stages of Approval are as follows:

Ready Reckoners for Employees

Resignation initiation cannot be a backdated initiation.

Employee EMS Submission
First Level Manager Approval
Second Level Manager Approval
Work Flow Partner Approval
Stakeholder Clearance

In case the employee is unable to initiate his EMS. He can ask his Reporting Manager and
HR to initiate it in EMS
LWD of the employee cannot be lesser than the Initiation date of the EMS
Employee can check his Clearance status/ LWD details and Stakeholders Mapping in EMS
Clearance Page.
Employee has to Mandatorily inform about his Exit to his Reporting Manager and HR partner
in advance so that in-time EMS can be initiated.
Employee has to submit his Access Card Laptop and IT assets to Local SPOC and inform his
HR Partner Work Flow Partner for the same.
Employee has to mandatorily ensure that an EMS has been triggered against his/her
Resignation Withdraw: If employee wants to withdraw his Voluntary EMS; Employee should
inform the Reporting Manager and HR partner for the same

If an Employee wish to Transfer back to his Home country. He should inform his HR partner
on Priority.
Employee HR partner and Work Flow Partner (WFP) details are present in EMS application
for reference.
Employee has to necessarily inform his FLM/Reporting Manager; His HR partner and WFP
about his Last Working day in the organization.

Separation and Full and Final:

Employee will be terminated from the services of the HCL based on Last Working day
(LWD) input by the HR (WFP)
EHS will prepare Employees F&F documents based on inputs shared by HR
Employee will receive his F&F dated his LWD in HCL.
On LWD employee Separation action will run in Organizations database (SAP)
Employee ID and access will be blocked immediately after separation action.

Resignation Withdrawal:

If employee wants to withdraw his Voluntary EMS; Employee should inform the Reporting
Manager and HR partner for the same.
If EMS is Pending for Acceptance Employee will click on Withdraw button
Employee cannot initiate another resignation on the same date of Revocation.


Please inform HR Partner/ FLM on every movement
Please inform about your LWD in organization in advance
Please declare all your pending dues and claims to your HR/FLM
Please ensure timely EMS has been logged in.
For further Queries Please raise SSD Exit Management Application.


FLM: First Level Manager or Reporting Manager
SLM: Second Level manager
HR: Employee Partner
WFP: Work Flow Partner
LWD: Last Working Date
Resignation Date: Notice period start date
EHS: Employee HR Services

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