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Physical fitness is one of the foun- Factors that affect the content of

dations of combat readiness, and main- the sports program differ at every
taining it must be an integral part of Army installation and unit. Initiative
every soldiers life. This chapter dis- and ingenuity in planning are the most
cusses competitive fitness activities vital assets. They are encouraged in
and athletic events that commanders the conduct of every program.
can use to add variety to a units
physical fitness program. There is also OBJECTIVES
a section on developing a unit intramu- A well-organized and executed
ral program. Athletic and competi- intramural program yields the follow-
tive fitness activities are sports events ing:
which should only be used to supple-
ment the units PT program. They Team spirit, the will to win, confi-
should never replace physical training dence, aggressiveness, and team-
and conditioning sessions but, rather, work. All are vital to combat effec-
should exist to give soldiers a chance tiveness.
for healthy competition. Only through A change from the routine PT pro-
consistent, systematic physical condi-
tioning can the fitness components be
developed and maintained. The chance for all soldiers to take
Crucial to the success of any pro- part in organized athletics.
gram is the presence and enthusiasm of ORGANIZATION
the leaders who direct and participate
in it. The creativity of the physical The command level best suited to
training planners also plays a large role. organize and administer a broad intra-
Competitive fitness and athletic activi- mural program varies according to a
ties must be challenging. They must be units situation. If the objective of
presented in the spirit of fair play and maximum participation is to be
good competition. achieved, organization should start at
It is generally accepted that com- company level and then provide com-
petitive sports have a tremendous posi- petition up through higher unit levels.
tive influence on the physical and Each command level should have its
emotional development of the partici- own program and support the next
pants. Sports competition can enhance higher program level.
Competitive fitness a soldiers combat readiness by pro- To successfully organize and con-
activities help in the moting the development of coordina- duct an intramural program, develop-
tion, agility, balance, and speed. Com- ers should consider the following fac-
development of petitive fitness activities also help de- tors and elements.
assets that are vital to velop assets that are vital to combat ef-
combat effectiveness. fectiveness. These include team spirit, Authority
the will to win, confidence, toughness,
aggressiveness, and teamwork. The unit commander should pub-
lish and endorse a directive giving au-
Intramural thorization and guidance for a sports
program. A detailed SOP should also
The Armys sports mission is to give be published.
all soldiers a chance to participate in
sports activities. A unit-level intra- Personnel
mural program can help achieve this
important goal. DA Pam 28-6 de- Leaders at all levels of the intramu-
scribes how to organize various unit- ral program should plan, organize, and
level intramural programs. supervise it. Appointments at all

echelons should be made for at least prepare a budget in which they justify
one year to provide continuity. The each sports activity separately. The
commander must appoint a qualified budget must include special equip-
person to be the director, regardless of ment, supplies, awards, pay for offi- Commanders can
the local situation, type, and size of the cials, and other items and services.
unit. The director must be a good or- Units can reduce many of their costs stimulate soldiers to
ganizer and administrator and must by being resourceful. participate in
have time to do the job correctly. He competitive athletics by
should also have a sense of impartial- AWARD SYSTEM
ity and some athletic experience. using an award system.
Commanders should form an intra- Commanders can stimulate units
mural sports council in units of battal- and soldiers to participate in competi-
ion size or larger and should appoint tive athletics by using an award sys-
members or require designated unit tem. One type is a point-award system
representatives. The council should where teams get points based on their
meet at least once a month or as often win/loss records and/or final league
as the situation requires. The council standings. This reflects the units
serves as an advisory body to the unit standings in the overall intramural
commander and intramural director. It sports program. The recognition will
gives guidance about the organization help make units and individuals par-
and conduct of the program. ticipate throughout the year. Trophies
can then be given for overall perform-
Facilities and Equipment ance and individual activities.

Adequate facilities and equipment PROGRAM PLANNING

must be available. When facilities are
limited, leaders must plan activities to A successful program depends on
ensure their maximum use. In all sound plans and close coordination
cases, activities must be planned to between the units involved. The
ensure the safety of participants and intramural director should meet with
spectators. subordinate commanders or a sports
representative to determine what pro-
Funds and Budget gram of activities is compatible with
the mission and training activities of
Adequate funds are essential to each unit. Unless they resolve this
successfully organize and operate a issue, they may not get command
sports program. Therefore, before- support which, in turn, could result in
hand, organizers must determine how forfeitures or lack of participation.
much money is available to support it. The less-popular activities may not be
To justify requests for funds they must supported because of a lack of interest.

Evaluations Funds. Determine how much each
unit can spend on the intramural
Before the program is developed, program.
leaders must study the training and Personnel. Assess how many people
availability situation at each unit level. are needed to run the program. The
They should include the following list should include a director and as
items in a survey to help them deter- sistants, sports council, officials,
mine the scope of the program and to and team captains, as well as volun
develop plans: teers for such tasks as setting up a
General. Evaluate the commanders playing field.
attitude, philosophy, and policy Coordination. Coordinate with the
about the sports program. Under units operations sections to avoid
stand the types of units to be conflict with military training sched
served, their location, the climate, ules.
and military responsibilities. Activities. The intramural director
Troops. Determine the following: should plan a tentative program of
1) number and types of personnel; activities based on the season, local
2) training status and general duty situation, and needs and interests of
assignment; 3) special needs, inter- the units. Both team and individual
ests, and attitudes. sports should be included. Some
Time available. Coordinate the team sports are popular at all levels
time available for the sports pro- and need little promotional effort
gram with the military mission. for success. Among these are vol-
Determine both the on-duty and leyball, touch football, basketball,
off-duty time soldiers have for taking and softball. Some individual com-
part in sports activities. petitive sports have direct military
Equipment. Consider the equip- value. They include boxing, wres-
ment that will be needed for each tling, track and field, cross country,
sport. triathlon, biathlon, and swimming.
Facilities. Determine the number, While very popular, these sports are
type, and location of recreational harder to organize than team sports.
facilities both within the unit and in See Figures 9-1 and 9-2 for a list of
those controlled by units at higher sports activities.

Figure 9-1

Figure 9-2

Table 9-1

Functions Make a printed schedule. Using

scheduling forms makes this job
Once the evaluations have been easier. The form should include
made, the following functions should game number, time, date, court or
be performed: field, and home or visiting team.
Make a handbook. An intramural Space for scores and officials is also
handbook should be published at helpful. Championship games or
each level of command from instal- matches should be scheduled to
lation to company to serve as a take place at the best facility.
standing operating procedure (SOP).
This handbook should include the Unit Activities
essential elements listed in Table
9-1 above. The following games and activities
Plan the calendar. Local situations may be included in the units PT
and normal obstacles may conflict program, They are large-scale activi-
with the intramural program. How ties which can combine many compo-
ever, a way can be found to provide nents of physical and motor fitness. In
a scheduled program for every sea- addition, they require quick thinking
son of the year. and the use of strategy. When played
Choose the type of competition. vigorously, they are excellent activi-
Intramural directors should be able ties for adding variety to the program.
to choose the type of competition
best suited for the sport and local
circumstances. They should also
know how to draw up tournaments.
Unless the competition must take The object of this game is for each
place in a short time, elimination of a teams five goalies to have one
tournaments should not be used. ball.
The round-robin tournament has
the greatest advantage because indi- Players
viduals and teams are never elimi-
nated. This type of competition is There are 25 to 50 players on each
adaptable to both team and individ- team, five of whom are goalies. The
ual play. It is appropriate for small other players are divided into four
numbers of entries and league play equal groups. The goalies play be-
in any sport. tween the goal line and 5-yard line of

a standard football field. The other There are no time-outs except in
four groups start the game between the case of injury, which is signaled by two
designated 10-yard segments of the sharp whistle blasts. The teams change
field. (See Figure 9-3.) The goalies positions on the field after each set.
and all other players must stay in their Team members move to different zones
assigned areas throughout the game. after the set.
The only exceptions are midfielder
who stand between the 35- and 45- Rules
yard lines. These players may occupy
both their assigned areas and the 10- A ball is played along the ground or
yard free space at the center of the over any group or groups of players.
field. The ball may travel any distance if it is
played legally.
The Game Goalies may use their hands in
playing the ball and may give a ball to
The game starts with all players other goalies on their team. For a set
inside their own areas and midfielder to officially end, each goalie must have
on their own 40-yard line. The nine a ball.
balls are placed as follows. Four are on If players engage in unnecessary
each 45-yard line with at least five roughness or dangerous play, the refe-
yards between balls. One is centered ree removes them from the game for
on the 50-yard line. The signal to start the rest of the set and one additional
play is one long whistle blast. Players set. He also removes players for the
must pass the balls through the oppos- rest of the set if they step on or over a
ing teams defenses into the goal area boundary or sideline or use their hands
using only their feet or heads. The outside the goal area.
first team whose goalies have five balls If a goalie steps on or over a
wins a point. The game then stops, and boundary or sideline, the referee takes
the balls are placed for the start of a the ball being played plus another ball
new set. The first team to score five from the goalies team and gives these
points wins. balls to the nearest opposing player. If

Figure 9-3

the team has no other ball in the goal The Game
area, the referee limits the penalty to
the ball that is being played. The object of the game is to send
If a ball goes out of bounds, the the ball over the opponents goal line
referee retrieves it. The team that by pushing, rolling, passing, carrying,
caused it to go out of bounds or over or using any method other than kick-
the goal line loses possession. The ing the ball.
referee puts the ball back into play by The game begins when the ball is
rolling it to the nearest opposing player. placed on the centerline with the op-
posing captains three feet away from
PUSHBALL it. The other players line up 45 feet
from the ball on their half of the field.
This game requires a large pushball At the referees starting whistle, the
that is five to six feet in diameter. It captains immediately play the ball,
also requires a level playing surface and their teams come to their aid.
that is 240 to 300 feet long and 120 to At quarter time, the ball stays dead
150 feet wide. The length of the field for two minutes where it was when the
is divided equally by a center line. quarter ended. At halftime, the teams
Two more lines are marked 15 feet exchange goals, and play resumes as if
from and parallel to the end lines and the game were beginning.
extending across the entire field. (See A team scores a goal when it sends
Figure 9-4.) the ball across the opposing teams end
line. A goal counts five points. The
Players team that scores a goal may then try
for an extra point. For the extra point,
There are 10 to 50 soldiers on each the ball is placed on the opposing
of two teams. teams 5-yard line, and the teams line

Figure 9-4

up across the field separated by the fields. Team commanders assess the
width of the ball. Only one player may situation on the fields and distribute
place his hands on the ball. The player their soldiers accordingly. The com-
who just scored is directly in front of mander decides the number of soldiers
the ball. At the referees signal, the used, within limits imposed by the
ball is put into play for one minute. If rules. This number may be adjusted
any part of the ball is driven across the throughout the game. Play on both
goal line in this period, the offense fields occurs at the same time, but each
scores one point. The defense may not game progresses independently. At the
score during the extra point attempt. end of play, a teams points from both
The game continues until four 10- fields are added together to determine
minute quarters have been played. the overall winner.
Rest periods are allowed for two min- This game requires two pushballs
utes between quarters and five min- that are five to six feet in diameter.
utes at halftime. Pull-over vests or jerseys of two dif-
ferent colors are used by each team for
Rules a total of four different colors. Start-
ers and reserves should be easily dis-
Players may use any means of tinguishable. Starters and substitutes
interfering with the opponents prog- should wear vests of one color, while
ress except striking and clipping. the team commander and reserves wear
Clipping is throwing ones body across vests of the second color.
the back of an opponents legs as he is Players may wear any type of ath-
running or standing. Force may le- letic shoes except those with metal
gally be applied to all opponents whether cleats. Combat boots may be worn, but
they are playing the ball or not. A extra caution must be used to prevent
player who strikes or clips an opponent injuries caused by kicking or stepping
is removed from the game, and his on other players. Soldiers wearing
team is penalized half the distance to illegal equipment may not play until
its goal. the problem has been corrected.
When any part of the ball goes out The playing area is two lined-off
of bounds, it is dead. The teams line fields. These are 240 to 300 feet long
up at right angles to the sidelines. by 120 to 150 feet wide. They are
They should be six feet apart at the separated lengthwise by a 20-foot-
point where the ball went out. The wide divider strip. The length of each
referee tosses the ball between the field is divided equally by a centerline
teams. that is parallel to the goal lines. Lines
When, for any reason, the ball is are also marked 45 feet from each side
tied up in one spot for more than 10 of the centerline and parallel to it. The
seconds, the referee declares it dead. lines extend across both fields. Di-
He returns the ball into play the same mensions may be determined locally
way he does after it goes out of based on available space and the number
bounds. of players. The space between the
fields is the team area. Each team
STRATEGY PUSHBALL occupies the third of the team space
that immediately adjoins its initial
Strategy pushball is similar to push- playing field.
ball except that it is played on two Time periods should be adjusted to
adjacent fields, and opposing teams suit weather conditions and soldiers
supply soldiers to the games on both fitness levels.

Players Runners serve at least one period;
they may not play during that period.
There are 25 to 40 soldiers on each They are allowed on the field only
team. A typical, 25-member team has during breaks in play after a dead ball
the following: or goal.
One team commander. He is respon- Reserves are used at any point in
sible for overall game strategy and the game on either field and are com-
for determining the number and po- mitted as individuals or groups. They
sitions of players on the field. may enter or leave the playing field at
Sixteen starting members. Eight are any time whether the ball is in play or
on each field at all times; one is not. Team commanders may enter the
appointed field captain. game as reserves if they see the need
Four reserve members. These are for such action.
players the team commander des- Reserves, substitutes, and starting
ignates as reinforcements. members may be redesignated into any
Three substitutes. These are re- of the other components on a one-for-
placements for starters or reserves. one basis only during dead balls, in-
One runner. He is designated to jury time-outs, or quarter- and half-
convey messages from the team time breaks. A reserve may become
commander to field captains. a starter by switching vests with an
The proportion of soldiers in each original starter, who then becomes a
category stays constant regardless of reserve.
the total number on a team. Before the When possible, senior NCOS and
event, game organizers must coordi- officers from higher headquarters or
nate with participating units and agree other units should be used as officials.
on the number on each team. Players must not question an officials

Figure 9-5

authority during play. Otherwise, the A substitute may not start to play until
game can quickly get out of control. the player being replaced leaves the
Chain-of-command personnel field.
should act as team commanders and When any part of the ball goes out
field captains whenever possible. of bounds, it is dead. The teams line
up at right angles to the sidelines; they
are 10 feet apart at the point where the
The Game ball went out of bounds. The referee
places the ball between the teams at a
The object is to propel the ball over point 15 feet inside the sideline. Play
the opponents goal line by pushing, resumes when the referee blows the
rolling, passing, carrying, or using any whistle.
means other than kicking. When the ball gets tied up in one
The game is officiated by two refe- spot for more than 10 seconds for any
rees on each field, a chief umpire, and reason, the referee declares it dead. He
a scorekeeper. Referees concentrate restarts play as with an out-of-bounds
on player actions so that they can dead ball, except that he puts the ball
quickly detect fouls and assess penal- on the spot where it was stopped.
ties. The chief umpire and score- Time does not stop for dead balls or
keeper occupy any area where they goals. Play continues on one field
can best officiate the games. The chief while dead balls are restarted on the
umpire monitors the use of substitutes other.
and reserves and ensures smooth prog- At each quarter break, the ball stays
ress of the games on both fields. The on the spot where it was when the
number of officials may be increased quarter ended. The next quarter, sig-
if teams have more than 25 players. naled by the scorekeeper, starts as it
Referees use their whistles to stop and does after a ball goes out of bounds. At
start play except at the start and end of halftime the teams exchange goals, and
each quarter. The scorekeeper, who play resumes as if the game were
times the game with a stopwatch, starts beginning.
and ends each quarter and stops play A goal is scored when any part of
for injuries with some noisemaker the ball breaks the plane of the goal
other than a whistle. He may use such line between the sidelines. A goal
devices as a starters pistol, klaxon, or counts one point. At the end of the
air horn. fourth quarter, the points of each team
The game begins after the ball is from both fields are added together to
placed on each fields center mark. determine the winner.
Opposing field captains are three feet If there is a tie, a three-minute
from the ball (six feet from the center- overtime is played. It is played the
line). The rest of the starters are lined same as in regulation play, but only one
up 45 feet from the ball on their half field is used, with starting squads from
of the field. (See Figure 9-5.) At the both teams opposing each other. For
scorekeepers signal, field captains control purposes, no more than 15
immediately play the ball, and their players per team are allowed on the
teams come to their aid. field at once. The team with more
Starters may be exchanged between points at the end of the overtime wins
the fields if the minimum number of the game. If the game is still tied when
starters or substitutes per field is time expires, the winner is the team
maintained. that has gained more territory.
Substitutes may enter the game only The game continues until four 10-
during breaks in play after a dead minute quarters have been played.
ball, goal, or time-out for injury. There is a 10-minute halftime between

the second and third quarters. The the referee judges to be excessive and
clock stops at quarter breaks and blatant. It is also called against a
halftime. Time-out is allowed only for player on the sidelines who interferes
serious injury. Play is then stopped on with the ball or with his opponents on
both fields. the field. A player who violates these
rules should be removed from the
Rules game and made to run one lap around
both playing fields. A penalized
Players may use any means of inter- player leaves the team shorthanded
fering with their opponents progress, until he completes the penalty lap and
but they are penalized for striking or the next break in play occurs on the
clipping opponents or throwing them field from which he was removed.
to the ground. These penalties are The penalized player or a substitute
enforced by the referees. Force maybe then enters the game. Referees and
legally applied to any opponent whether the chief umpire may, at their discre-
or not they are playing the ball. Block- tion, eject any player who is a chronic
ing is allowed if blockers stay on their violator or who is judged to be danger-
feet and limit contact to the space ous to other players, Once ejected, the
between waist and shoulders. Blockers player must leave both the field of
may not swing, throw, or flip their play and team area. Substitutes for
elbows or forearms. Tackling opposing ejected players may enter during the
soldiers who are playing the ball is next break in play that follows a goal
allowed. The chief umpire or any scored by either team. They enter on
referee may call infractions and im- the field from which the players were
pose penalties for unsportsmanlike ejected.
conduct or personal fouls on either
field. Penalties may also be called for BROOM-BALL HOCKEY
infractions committed on the field or
sidelines during playing time, quarter- This game is played on ice or a
and halftime breaks, and time-outs. frozen field using hockey rules. Play-
Personal fouls are called for the fol- ers wear boots with normal soles and
lowing: carry broom-shaped sticks with which
Illegal blocking (below an oppo- they hit the ball into the goals.
nents waist). The object of this game is for teams
Clipping (throwing the body across to score goals through the opponents
the back of the opponents legs as he defenses. Using only brooms, players
is running or standing). pass the ball through the opposing
Throwing an opponent to the ground team to reach its goal. The first team
(that is, lifting and dropping or to score five points wins. Broom ball
slamming a player to the ground in provides a good cardiorespiratory work-
stead of tackling cleanly). out.
Spearing, tackling, or piling on an
opponent who is already on the Players
Striking or punching with closed There are 15 to 20 players on each
fist(s). team. One is a goalie and the others are
Grasping an opponents neck or divided into three equal groups. The
head. goalie plays in the goal area of a
Kicking. standard soccer or hockey field or
Butting heads. along the goal line if the two opposing
Unsportsmanlike conduct is called goals are the same size. One soccer
for abusive or insulting language that ball, or some other type of inflated

ball, is used. The players need no times. Only goalies may use their
padding. hands to play the ball, but they must
The three groups begin the game in always keep control of their sticks.
center field. All players must stay in Other players must stay in their re-
their designated space throughout the spective zones of play (Attack, De-
game. A diagram of the field is shown fense, Centerfield). The ball is played
at Figure 9-6. along the ground or over one or more
groups of players. It may travel any
The Game distance as long as it is legally played.
The referee calls infractions and
The face-off marks the start of the imposes penalties. Basic penalties are
game, the second half, and the restart those called for the following:
of play after goals. Each half lasts 15 Unnecessary roughness or danger-
minutes. For the face-off, each player ous play. (The player is removed
is on his own half of the field. All from the game; he stays in the
players, except the two centers, are penalty box for two minutes.)
outside the center circle. The referee Ball out-of-bounds. (The team that
places the ball in the center of the caused it to go out loses posses-
circle between the two centers. The sion, and the opposing team puts the
signal to begin play is one long blast on ball back into play by hitting it to
the whistle. The ball must travel the nearest player.)
forward and cross the center circle Use of hands by a player other than
before being played by another player. a goalie. (The player must stay in
There are no time-outs except for the penalty box one minute.)
injury. The time-out signal is two Improper crossing of boundaries.
sharp whistle blasts. (When a member of the team in pos-
session of the ball crosses the bound
Rules ary line of his zone of play, posses-
sion will be awarded to the other
All players, including goalies, must team.)
stay inside their legal boundaries at all

Figure 9-6

Orienteering markers are to reach. Whoever collects
the most points within a designated
Orienteering is a competitive form time is the winner. Points are de-
of land navigation. It combines map ducted for returning late to the finish
Orienteering combines reading, compass use, and terrain study area.
map reading, compass with strategy, competition, and exer-
cise. This makes it an excellent activity LINE ORIENTEERING
use, and terrain study for any training schedule.
with strategy, An orienteering course is set up by Line orienteering is excellent for
competition, and placing control points or marker signs training new orienteers. The route is
over a variety of terrain. The orienteer premarked on the map, but check-
exercise. or navigator uses a detailed topogra- points are not shown. The navagator
phical map and a compass to negotiate tries to walk or run the exact map
the course. The map should be 1:25,000 route. While negotiating the course, he
scale or larger. A liquid-filled orien- looks for checkpoints or control-marker
teering compass works best. The base signs. The winner is determined by
of the compass is transparent plastic, the time taken to run the course and
and it gives accurate readings on the the accuracy of marking the control
run. The standard military, lensatic points when they are found.
compass will work even though it is not
specifically designed for the sport. ROUTE ORIENTEERING
The best terrain for an orienteering
course is woodland that offers varied This variation is also excellent for
terrain. Several different courses can beginners. The navigator follows a
be setup in an area 2,000 to 4,000 yards route that is clearly marked with signs
square. Courses can be short and or streamers. While negotiating the
simple for training beginners or longer course, he records on the map the
and more difficult to challenge the route being taken. Speed and accuracy
advanced competitors. of marking the route determine the
The various types of orienteering winner.
are described below.
Competitors in this event carry
This popular type of orienteering is flashlights and navigate with map and
used in all international and champi- compass. The night course for cross-
onship events. Participants navigate to country orienteering is usually shorter
a set number of check or control points than the day course. Control points are
in a designated order. Speed is impor- marked with reflective material or dim
tant since the winner is the one who lights. Open, rolling terrain, which is
reaches all the control points in the poor for day courses, is much more
right order and returns to the finish challenging at night.
area in the least time.
Urban orienteering is very similar
Quick thinking and strategy are to traditional types, but a compass,
major factors in score orienteering. A topographical map, and navigation skills
competitor selects the check-points to are not needed. A course can be set up
find based on point value and location. on any installation by using a map of
Point values throughout the course are the main post or cantonment area.
high or low depending on how hard the Soldiers run within this area looking

for coded location markers, which are Participants and Rules
numbered and marked on the map
before the start. This eliminates the Urban orienteering is conducted
need for a compass. Soldiers only need during daylight hours to ensure safety
a combination map-scorecard, a watch, and make the identification of check-
and a pencil. (Figure 9-7 shows a point markers easy. Soldiers form two-
sample scorecard.) man teams based on their APFT 2-
Urban orienteering adds variety mile-run times. Team members should
and competition to a units PT pro- have similar running ability. A handi-
gram and is well suited for an intra- cap is given to slower teams. (See Fig-
mural program. It also provides a good ure 9-8.) At the assembly area, each
cardiovascular workout. team gets identical maps that show the

Figure 9-7

location of markers on the course. Playing the Game
Location markers are color-coded on
the map based on their point value. Once the soldiers have been as-
The markers farthest from the assem- signed a partner, the orienteering
bly area have the highest point values. marshal briefs them on the rules and
The maps are labeled with a location objectives of the game. He gives them
number corresponding to the location their time limitations and a reminder
marker on the course. A time limit is about the overtime penalty. He also
given, and teams finishing late are gives each team a combination map/
penalized. Five points are deducted scorecard with a two-digit number on
for each minute a team is late. While it to identify their team. When a team
on the course, team members must stay reaches a location marker, it records
together and not separate to get two on the scorecard the letters that corre-
markers at once. A team that separates spond to its two-digit number.
is disqualified. Any number of sol- Point values of each location marker
diers may participate, the limiting fac- are also annotated on the scorecard.
tors being space and the number of When the orienteering marshal signals
points on the course. the start of the event, all competitors

Figure 9-8

Figure 9-9

leave the assembly area at the same while running across streets and to
time. One to two hours is the optimal emphasize that team members should
time for conducting the activity. A always stay together.
sample location marker is shown at
Figure 9-9.
For this example, team number 54 Set Up and Materials
found the marker. The letters corre-
sponding to 54 are LD, so they place The course must be well thought out
LD on line 39 of their scorecard. and set up in advance. Setting up
This line number corresponds to the requires some man-hours, but the course
locations marker number. When the can be used many times. The major
location marker code is deciphered, tasks are making and installing location
the team moves on to the next marker markers and preparing map/scorecard
of its choice. Each team goes to as combinations. Once the location marker
many markers as possible within the numbers are marked and color coded
allotted time. After all teams have on the maps, they are covered with
found as many location markers as combat acetate to keep them useful for
possible and have turned in their map/ a long time. Combat acetate (also
scorecards, the points are computed by called plastic sheet) can be purchased
the orienteering marshal to determine in the self-service supply center store
the teams standings. He has the key under stock number 9330-00-618-7214.
to all the points and can determine The course organizer must decide
each teams accuracy. Handicap points how many location markers to make
are then added. Each soldier gets and where to put them. He should use
points if his 2-mile-run time is slower creativity to add excitement to the
than 12 minutes. (See Figure 9-8.) course. Suggestions for locations to put
The teams standings are displayed point markers are as follows: at inter-
shortly after the activity ends. sections, along roads in the tree line, on
building corners, and along creek beds
Safety Briefing and trails. They should not be too hard
to find. To help teams negotiate the
The orienteering marshal gives a course, all maps must be precisely
safety briefing before the event starts. marked to correspond with the place-
He reminds soldiers to be cautious ment of the course-location markers.

Unit Olympics Sandbag Relay

The unit olympics is a multifaceted This event uses four-man teams for
event that can be tailored to any unit to a running relay around a quarter-mile
provide athletic participation for all track carrying sandbags. One player
soldiers. The objective is to incorpo- from each team lines up at the starting
Unit olympics rate into a team-level competition line with a full sandbag in each hand.
incorporate athletic athletic. events that represent all five He hands the sandbags off to a team-
events that represent all fitness components. The competition mate when he finishes his part of the
five fitness components. can be within a unit or between com- race. This continues until the last team
peting units. When conducted with en- player crosses the finish line. Placings
thusiasm, it promotes team spirit and are determined by the teams order of
provides a good workout. It is a good finish.
diversion from the regular PT session.
A unit olympics, if well promoted Team Flexibility
from the top and well staged by the
project NCO or officer, can be a good In this event, if teams are numeri-
precursor to an SDT or the EIB test. cally equal, all members of each team
should participate. If not, as many
TYPES OF EVENTS team members should participate as
possible. Each teams anchor person
The olympics should include events places his foot against a wall or a curb.
that challenge the soldiers muscular He stretches his other foot as far away
strength and endurance, aerobic en- as possible as in doing a split. The next
durance, flexibility, agility, speed, and team member puts one foot against the
related sports skills. anchor mans extended foot and does a
Events can be held for both indi- split-stretch. This goes on until all
viduals and teams, and they should be team members are stretched. They
designed so that both male and female cover as much distance as possible
soldiers can take part. Each soldier keeping in contact with each other.
should be required to do a minimum The team that stretches farthest from
number of events. Teams should wear the start point without a break in their
a distinctively marked item such as a chain is the winner.
T-shirt or arm band. This adds char-
acter to the event and sets teams apart Medicine-Ball Throw
from each other. A warm-up should
precede and a cool-down should follow This event uses four-member teams.
the events. The teams begin by throwing the ball
The following are examples of ath- from the same starting line. When it
letic events that could be included in a lands, the ball is marked for each team
unit olympics: thrower, and the next team player
throws from this spot. This is repeated
Push-Up Derby until all the teams players have thrown.
The team whose combined throws
This is a timed event using four- cover the most distance is the winner.
member teams. The objective is for the
team to do as many correct push-ups as Job-Related Events
possible within a four-minute time
limit. Only one team member does The organizer should use his imagi-
push-ups at a time. The four team nation when planning activities. He
members may rotate as often as de- may incorporate soldier skills required
sired, of an MOS. For instance, he could

devise a timed land-navigation event (MC) announces the sequence of events
geared toward soldiers with an MOS of and rules for each event. The games
11 C. The team would carry an 81 -mm then begin.
mortar (tube, tripod, and baseplate) to
three different locations, each a mile JUDGING AND SCORING
apart, and set it up in a firing configu-
ration. This type of event is excellent The MC should have one assistant
for fine-tuning job skills and is also per team who will judge that one team
physically challenging. during each event. Assistants give
input on events that need a numerical
count. The MC monitors the point
OPENING CEREMONY accumulation of each team. Points are
awarded for each event as follows:
The commander, ranking person, First = 4 points.
or ceremony host gives an inspira- Second = 3 points.
tional speech before the opening cere- Third = 2 points.
monies, welcoming competitors and Fourth = 1 point.
wishing them good luck. The olympics When two teams tie an event, the
is officially opened with a torch light- points are added together and split
ing. This is followed by a short equally between them. After the
symbolic parade of all the teams. The competition ends, the totaled point
teams are then put back into forma- scores for each team are figured. The
tion, and team captains lead motivat- first- through fourth-place teams are
ing chants. The master of ceremonies then recognized.


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