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78 M.E. Argun etal.

/Journal of Hazardous Materials 141 (2007) 77-8

Table 1
Heavy metal removal capacities (mg g^
) for various methods, and cost comparisons
N! not available"
#rder of costs matches the order of the ions, from left to right"
as an adsorbent has been stimulated by the good results that have been obtained $%&" 'n this conte(t, oa) (!uer"us "o""ifera)
sa*dust is particularly interesting in Tur)ey because of its high availability and lo*+cost, oa) sa*dust costs appro(imately -./ 0"07+
/0"10 )g1
(2emir 3orporation sa*mill in Tur)ey), versus 1-./ %4 )g5
for Na#H (a chemical precipitation agent, 672 3hemicals
8ellets (3.) 900 g, -./ :8":7), -./ ;%0 )g5
for ion+e(change resins (2o*e((r) 90<=8+100 ion+e(change resin 900 g, -./
1%9";0), and 1-./ 1:9 )g5
for activated carbon (charcoal, activated coconut, 672 3hemicals 900 g, -./ 77":0) $>1&" 'n addition,
it is a rene*able resource, and does not need to be regenerated after it has been used to capture the metals"
Ho*ever, treatment *ith unmodified oa) sa*dust is also li)ely to create a high 3#2 in the *aste*ater" Thus, our goal in the
present study *as to determine *hether acid+modified oa) sa*dust *ould have an acceptable adsorption efficiency for removing
3u(''), Ni(''), and 3r(?') and *ould thus offer an effective and economical alternative to more e(pensive treat+ments"
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Adsor#ents and reagents
cid+modified oa) (!uer"us "o""ifera) sa*dust treated *ith H3l *as used in this study" The adsorbents *ere obtained from the
2emir 3orporation sa*mill in Tur)ey@s Aonya city" .truc+tural analyses of this material *ere performed using the ?an .oest
method $>>& (Table >)" The proportions of lignin increased and cellulosic materials, hemicellulosic materials, and e(trac+tives
decreased during the modification process" This change is beneficial because previous research $>;& has demonstrated that heavy
metals are adsorbed by lignin rather than by cellulose and hemicellulose" ll the chemical compounds used to prepare the reagent
solutions *ere of analytic grade (7erc), <hitehouse .tation, NB)" The stoc) solutions of the three metals used in this study
(1000 mg C
) *ere prepared by dissolving *eighed Duantities of Ni3l>, 3u3l>, and A>3r>#7 salts in t*ice+distilled *ater"
3oncentrations of the metal solutions ranged from 0"1 to l00 mgC
. Eefore mi(ing these solutions *ith the adsorbent, *e
created test solutions *ith pH values ranging from > to % (to permit a determination of the optimal pH for adsorption) by adding
0"17 Na#H or 0"17 HN#;" fter *e selected the optimal pH, *e only tested one pH value in all subseDuent adsorption tests"
2.2. $nstru%ents
thermal stirrer (FH<G+>00E, FH'3H6NH nalytical 3o", Ctd) *as used for the batch adsorption e(periments" The metal
solutions *ere filtered through 0":9+((m membrane filters (7il+lipore 3orp", Eedford, 7ass") after settling" The filtrates *ere then
analyIed using an inductively coupled plasma spectrome+ter (#ptima :;002? '38, 8er)in+6lmer, Eoston, 7)" The pH
measurements *ere performed using a digital ion analyIer *ith a combination electrode (7ulti ;:0i, <T<, <eilheim, Hermany)"
2.&. 're(aration and %odifi"ation of adsor#ents
The adsorbent used in this study *as oa) sa*dust *ith arange of particle siIes" 'n accordance *ith .T7 7ethod 2:7:% $>:,>9&"
<e sieved the sa*dust through a range of sieves, and used only the particles that passed through a 0">9+mm mesh in our study"
The sieves *ere sha)en for appro(imately 19 min, then the separated particles *ere stored" fter sieving, the adsorbents *ere heated
in an oven at 80+89 J3 for > h"
Table >
7aterial .ources 3u('') Ni('') 3r(?') 8b('') Fn('') 3d('') 3apacity per unit cost (mg -./
3hemical precipitation (Na#H) $9& %"9 %"4 8"0 7"% 4"> %%, 100, 89, 8;, 49
'on+e(change resin (2o*e(90 <) $4& 1:4 1;8 + :>9 19: >70 408,979, 1770,4:0, 11>:
)erato(*+llu% de%ersu% $7& 4"> + ::"8 1:"0 + N
7odified pine bar) $10& + >0"98 + + + + N
Natural Ieolite $1:& 8"% + + 8"9 + N
,*izo(us nigri"ans $17& + :4"18 + + + N
-*u.a orientalis $18& 1%">; + + + + + N
Mu"or *ie%alis $1%& + + :7": + + + N
<ool $>0& + + :1"19 + + + N
#live ca)e $>0& + + ;;":: + + + N
ctivated carbon (.igma 3+;01:) $;>& >">; + + + 1">; 1"91 19, %, 10
7aple sa*dust $;;& 1"7% + + ;"1% + + N
.phagnum moss peat $;:& 1>": 7"9: + 1>"; + + N
7odified oa) sa*dust 8resent study ;">> ;">% 1"70 + + + >:90, >900, 1>%:
.t ruct ur al anal yses of t he oa) sa*dust sampl es ( *t " K daf )
and 3#2 cr eat ed
by sa*dust before and aft er aci d+ modi fi cat i on
Hemi cell ulose (K)
3el lul ose
Eefore ;>"7
fter ;>"9;8">>4"8>"9
:1" 9
daf! dry and ash free"
l cohol + benIene e(t ract i ves"

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