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Seen on a restroom wall: "God is dead: Nietzsche.

Nietzsche is
dead: God."
Philosophy is a game with objectives and no rules.
Mathematics is a game with rules and no objectives.
renowned philosopher was held in high regard by his driver! who listened in awe at
every speech while his boss would easily answer "uestions about morality and ethics.
#hen one day the driver approached the philosopher and as$ed i% he was willing to switch
roles %or the evening&s lecture. #he philosopher agreed and! %or a while! the driver handled
himsel% remar$ably well. 'hen it came time %or "uestions %rom the guests! a woman in the
bac$ as$ed! "(s the epistemological view o% the universe still valid in an e)istentialist
"#hat is an e)tremely simple "uestion!" he responded. "So simple! in %act! that even my
driver could answer that! which is e)actly what he will do."
philosopher went into a closet %or ten years to contemplate the "uestion: 'hat is li%e*
'hen he came out! he went into the street and met an old colleague! who as$ed him
where in heaven&s name he had been all those years.
"(n a closet!" he replied. "( wanted to $now what li%e really is."
"nd have you %ound an answer*"
"+es!" he replied. "( thin$ it can best be e)pressed by saying that li%e is li$e a bridge."
"#hat&s all well and good!" replied the colleague! "but can you be a little more e)plicit*
,an you tell me how li%e is li$e a bridge*"
"-h!" replied the philosopher a%ter some thought! "Maybe you&re right. perhaps li%e is not
li$e a bridge."
#he point o% philosophy is to start with something so simple as to seem not worth stating!
and to end with something so parado)ical that no one will believe it.
Philosophy: route o% many roads leading %rom nowhere to nothing.
great truth is a truth whose opposite is also a great truth.
Circular definition
#his is where you include the concept you are de%ining in the de%inition o% that concept.
0utthead: Shut up! bunghole1
0eavis: 'hat&s a bunghole*
0utthead: bunghole is what you are! bunghole1
Fallacy of Accident
ssuming that a generalization will hold in every case.
0utthead: #hey must be cool! they&re %rom Seattle.
Converse Fallacy of Accident
Ma$ing a generalization %rom insu%%icient evidence.
Store$eeper: 2ello! Ma)imart. 'e&ve got a robbery in progress
Police: re they armed*
Store$eeper: 3r...o% course they&re armed. ren&t all $ids armed*
3"uivocation means many things! but is o%ten ta$en to mean using a word in a di%%erent
sense to that which was intended. (n %act the word "e"uivocation" is pretty e"uivocal.
40eavis! under the in%luence o% a music video! is "dancing" on the so%a.5
0utthead: Get down! 0eavis1
0eavis: ( am getting down1
Circular causation
chic$en and egg situation. Not always the result o% %aulty logic! o% course 6 li%e is o%ten
li$e that! as 0utthead demonstrates here....
0eavis: 2ow come #om Petty&s on #7*
0utthead: ,oz he&s %amous! dumbass.
0eavis: +eah! but how come he&s %amous*
0utthead: ,oz he&s on #7! butt munch1
0eavis: +eah! but how come he&s on #7*

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