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Here is where you are supposed to write your abstract title

(typically up to 20 words, Arial 14pt Bold)

F. Silva
, M. Pereira
, and (please use this style for all authors names, Times
Ne !oman, 12 pt "old# the underline name is the e$pe%ted presentin& author'
Department of , Faculty of , University of Porto, Portugal.
Use as many lines as required to include all authors affiliations !imes "e# $oman, 11pt%.
&t is important that you use the format of this document to ensure that all contri'utions
in the final pu'lication have the same style. (o, please #rite your a'stract over this
document to )eep the same style !imes "e# $oman, 12 point in the te*t section, single
space%. Dont change the margins, layout, etc. The a(stra%t should (e ritten in
)n&lish and %annot (e lon&er than 1 pa&e.
+hen start #riting your short a'stract, it #ould 'e convenient to #rite first a very short
introduction, to 'etter orientate the reader to the matter covered,discussed 'elo#.
-fter the introduction, a very 'rief e*perimental description may 'e done. .ere you
should descri'e the methodology employed in the e*periments performed if
appropriate%, range of conditions used, etc. /ut this must 'e really short0
-fter#ards, you should descri'e,discuss the main results o'tained. 1ou can, eventually,
include only one fi&ure or one ta(le to 'etter illustrate,discuss your results. &n such
case, please cite it in the te*t Fig. 1 or !a'le 1%, and use appropriate caption !imes
"e# $oman, 11 pt, to 'etter distinguish the caption from the main te*t%. &f any
mathematical equations are needed to 'e included, they should 'e laid out using an
equation editor and 'e num'ered consecutively in the te*t e.g., 2q. 1%%.
!he main conclusions dra#n #ith the #or) should 'e summari3ed at the end, follo#ed
'y the ac)no#ledgments section, if appropriate. -fter finishing #riting the a'stract,
please chec) if you have deleted all these instructions. !hen, please send it to the
organi3ers according to the instructions given in the #e'site. During this su'mission
you #ill 'e as)ed to indicate the preference for the presentation, 4$-5 or P4(!2$.
!he final section !imes "e# $oman, 11 pt.% is for eventual references cited in the a'stract,
#hich should 'e num'ered in the order they appear in the 'ody of the te*t, and placed 'et#een
square 'rac)ets. For instance, 718, 729:8 or 71,;8. !hey should 'e then num'ered and listed
according to the e*ample formats given 'elo#.
718 (mith, ".<. and <ones, =. 1>?>%, A Companion Guide to Good Authorship, (ocial +or)
Press, (ydney.
728 =orris, <.(. 1>@A%, The Art of the Review, in +arren, 2.B., C&nnovations in 2ditingD,
/romley Press, (ydney, pp. @912.
7;8 +right, 4.$. 1>A>%, Summary of Research on the Selection Interview Since 1964, Personal
Psychology, 22 2%, ;>19:1;.
7:8 Elacic, 5., =ills, D. and 5o#e, &. 1>>A%, Interated Resource !lannin" A #ulticriteria$
%ased &ecision #odel, in Bertler, <.<., and Pesh)in, =. 2ds.% Proc. of the 1;th +orld
Fonference6 &nternational Federation of -utomatic Fontrol, (an Francisco, <une ;G H <uly I,
1>>A, pp. 2A?92?2.

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