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ALFA Pricing Manual Entry, v7

Table of Contents
Section 1: Weapon Effective Plus
Table 1a: Weapons Plus Value
p. 2
Table 1b: Bonus Damage Effective Plus
p. 2
Table 1c: bilit!"#eats Effective Plus
p. 2
Table 1$: %n&it bilit! Effective Plus
p. 2
Weapon Special bilities
p. '
Section 2: (mo("S)iel$ Effective Plus
Table 2a: (mo( Plus Value
p. *
Table 2b: bilit!"#eats Effective Plus
p. *
Section ': +ast Spell Tables
Table 'a: Sc(olls"Single,-se Spell T(igge(
p. .
Table 'b: Potions"Single,-se -nive(sal -se
p. .
Table 'c: Wan$s"./ +)a(ges0 1 +)a(ge pe( -se0 Spell T(igge(
p. 1
Table '$: 2o$s"./ +)a(ges0 1 +)a(ge pe( -se0 +omman$ Wo($
p. 1
Table 'e: Won$(ous"+omman$ Wo($ 1"$a!
p. 3
W)ic) Table to -se
p. 4
Table 'f: %n-se items 5g(ena$e,li6es7
Section *: 8ene(al P(ope(ties
Table *a: bilit! Sco(es
p. 9
Table *b: (mo( +
p. 9
Table *c: :atu(al"Deflection +
p. 9
Table *$: Do$ge +
p. 9
Table *e: Bonus Spell Slot
p. 9
Table *f: Damage 2esistance
p. 9
Table *g: Saving T)(o; Bonus
p. 9
Table *): S6ill Bonus
p. 9
Table *i: Specific Spell <mmunit!
p. 9
, ,
Table *=: Spell 2esistance
p. 1/
Table *6: <mmunities
p. 1/
Table *m: Pe(manent >ig)t
p. 1/
Table *n: Bags of &ol$ing
p. 1/
Section .: Slot ffinit!
Table .a: Bo$! Slot ffinities
p. 11
Section 1: Base <tem +osts
Table 1a: Weapon +ost
p. 12
Table 1b: (mo( +ost
p. 12
Table 1c: ?aste(;o(6 bilit! Substitutes
p. 12
Section 3: Basic P(icing Wo(6s)eet
p. 1'
p. 1*
Section 4: Special 2ules " $vance$
p. 1.
Section 9: Banne$ P(ope(ties
Table 9a: Banne$ +ast Spell
p. 13
Table 9b: Banne$ %n&it
p. 13
Table 9c: Banne$ ?iscellaneous
Section 1/: Special ?ate(ials
Table 1/a: Special ?ate(ial P(icing
p. 14
, ,
Weapon Effective Plus
T)is p(icing sc)eme applies to all ;eapons0 ;)et)e( melee0 (ange$0 o( una(me$ attac6 gloves as fo(
mon6s. Eac) plus one to attac60 )o;eve(0 is onl! ;o(t) @/.4. an$ a plus one to gloves 5bot) attac6
an$ $amage7 is ;o(t) @1.2 in t)e unifie$ sc)eme. #o( eAample0 gloves ;it) @' to attac6 an$ @' to
$amage ;ill count as a @'.1 ;eapon. T)e maAimum en)ancement bonus is @.0 t)e maAimum effective plus
is @1. :ote t)at a ;eapon must be at least @1 en)ance$ to )ave an! fu(t)e( effective plus p(ope(ties
5eAceptions note$7. #o( gloves0 a @A attac6 bonus is sufficient to (eplace a @A en)ancement bonus fo(
T)e basic p(icing fo( ;eapons is:
P(ice C Base <tem +ost @ ?aste(;o(6 +ost @ En)ancement +ost 5Effective Plus sBua(e$ D 2///7
:o sBua(ing belo; 1. Base item costs a(e in section .. #o( bot) melee E (ange$ ;eapons0 t)e maste(;o(6
cost is '//gp. Table 1 s)o;s t)e maste(;o(6 plus en)ancement cost fo( t)e follo;ing plus values0 so
subt(act '// fo( gloves. mmunition " t)(o;ing ;eapons a(e p(ice$ as if ./ pieces substitute one ;eapon.
Table !a" Weapons Plus #alue
Effective Plus$ #alue %gp&
@/.4. 2000
@/.9 2100
+1.0 2300
+1.1 2720
+1.2 3180
+1.3 3680
+1.4 4220
+1.5 4800
+1.6 5420
+1.7 6080
+1.8 6780
+1.9 7520
+2.0 8300
+2.1 9120
+2.2 9980
+2.3 10880
+2.4 11820
+2.5 12800
+2.6 13820
+2.7 14880
+2.8 15980
+2.9 17120
+3.0 18300
+3.1 19520
+3.2 20780
+3.3 22080
+3.4 23420
+3.5 24800
+3.6 26220
+3.7 27680
+3.8 29180
+3.9 30720
+4.0 32300
+4.1 33920
+4.2 35580
+4.3 37280
+4.4 39020
+4.5 40800
+4.6 42620
+4.7 44480
+4.8 46380
+4.9 48320
+5.0 50300
+5.1 52320
+5.2 54380
+5.3 56480
+5.4 58620
+5.5 60800
+5.6 63020
+5.7 65280
+5.8 67580
+5.9 69920
+6.0 72300
For values in-between listed numbers, say +3 attack
bow at +2.55, just use half value between 2.5 and
Table !b" 'onus (a)age Effective Plus
P)!sF E
Pos0 Div
@1 @/.* @/.. @/.1 @/.1
@2 @/.4 @/.9 @1./ @/.2
@1$* @1./ @1.1 @1.2 @/.'
@' @1.2 @1.' @1.* @/.'
@1$1 @1.. @1.3 @1.9 @/.*
@* @1.1 @1.4 @2./ @/.*
@. @2./D @2.2D @2.*D @/.1
@1$4 @2.2D @2.*D @2.1D @/.1
@2$* @2..G @2.3G @2.9G @/.3
@1 :" :" :" @/.4D
@1$1/ :" :" :" @/.4D
@1$12 :" :" :" @1./D
@2$1 :" :" :" @1.1D
! "inimum +2 base bonus
# $estricted to ali%ned&bane wea'ons
( )void the same dama%e ty'es the base wea'on, as it
does not stack with the enhancement dama%e bonus
Table !c" Ability*Feats Effective Plus
Ability*Feat 'onus +estrictions
D(o;c(aft @1./ See belo;
#eat: +leave @/..
#eat: Disa(m @/.'
, ,
#eat: <mp +(it 5-7 @/.. 8loves onl!
#eat: Hnoc6$o;n @1.2 ?e$">(g
#eat: Point Blan6 @/.. 2ange$ onl!
#eat: 2api$ S)ot @1./ 2ange$ onl!
#eat: Weap #inesse @/..
#eat: Weap Spec
@1./ 8loves onl!
Heen"<mpact @1./
Su(e St(i6ing @1./ Special"see
-nlimite$ mmo @1./ Special"see
Vampi(ic 2egen @/..DV
?aA 20 evil onl!
Table !," Ability Effective Plus
Attac/ For) 01 !21 Per (C 3245
Blin$ness D+1* @/.3 @1.* @/.2
DaIe D+1* @/.4 @1.1 @/.2
Deafness D+1* @/.1 @1.2 @/.2
Doom D+1* @/.* @/.4 @/.2
Silence D+1* @/.1 @1.2 @/.2
Sleep D+1* @/.9 @1.4 @/.2
Slo; D+1* @/.9 @1.4 @/.2
Poison @1 pe( 1$2 D+1* @/.2
Woun$ing D+1* @1.. @/.2
Blesse$ Bolt
@1./ :"
Sla! 2acial
See belo;
Weapon Effective Plus Continue, 6pecial Abilities
T)e follo;ing special abilities a(e bot) ve(! pa(ticula( an$ can potentiall! unbalance to t)e campaign0
(eBui(ing a significant numbe( of caveats.
Sla! 2acial 8(oup: @2 to effective fo( D+ 1*0 @1 to effective fo( eac) D+ @2 5limit D+ 147
T)is effect ma! not be applie$ to pla!e( c)a(acte( (aces o( outsi$e(s 5as specifie$ in t)e toolset0
elementals a(e still allo;e$J see belo;7.
Elementals a(e (ecommen$e$ not to be a$$e$ 5as t)e engine $oes not p(ope(l! $elineate an item t)at
;oul$ $efeat fi(e but not ;ate(70 but can be ;it) an a$$itional @1 5meaning @' effective fo( D+
1*0 @* fo( D+ 117
T)is effect ma! not be combine$ ;it) an! @$amage effect eAcept fo( ligne$ ;eapons. <t is mutuall!
eAclusive of Bane ;eapons.
Su(e St(i6ing , @1 to effective bonus
>imite$ to melee ;eapons ;it) a base $amage no )ig)e( t)an 1$1
?inimum @2 base en)ancement bonus
?a! not be combine$ ;it) an! ot)e( subg(oup bonus0 $amage bonus0 o( an! ot)e( featu(e ;)ic) a$$s
to t)e Keffective plusK of a ;eapon
?a! not be combine$ ;it) an! ;eapon,alte(ing spell t)at (eBui(es a non,magical ta(get 5suc) as
Da(6fi(e an$ #lame Weapon7
+(afting o( commission (eBui(es a ve(! (a(e o( specific base mate(ial 5a$amantine fo( metal,base li6e
$agge(0 eAcee$ingl! (a(e ;oo$ fo( ;oo$,base li6e club70 ;it) a significant Buest +2 at D?
$isc(etion. su(e st(i6ing ;eapon cannot be foun$ at (an$om , it must be specificall! Bueste$ fo(.
-nlimite$ mmunition , @1 to effective bonus
can a$$ $amage boni0 p(ice$ as fo( melee ;eapons 5table 1b7
note t)at ce(tain $amage p(ope(ties ma! (eBui(e a )ig)e( t)an @1 base en)ancement 5see table 1b7
D(o;c(aft , @1 to effective bonus
;o(6s onl! in #ae(Iess )eav! a(eas0 ;)e(e it applies a @2 eBuivalent bonus0 e.g. a @1 $(o;c(aft
longs;o($ ;o(6s as a @' longs;o($ in #ae(Iess a(eas0 an$ a @1 longs;o($ else;)e(e
applicable to ;eapon an$ bo$! a(mou(
eAposu(e to sunlig)t $est(o!s t)e $(o;c(aft p(ope(t!0 but $eals no ot)e( $amage to t)e ;eapon
it is (ecommen$e$ to use t)is p(ope(t! spa(ingl!0 an$ mainl! to inc(ease t)e $ange( of an :P+
c)allenge ;it)out inc(easing t)e useful loot fo( t)e P+s upon $efeating t)e encounte(
, ,
Ar)or*67iel, Effective Plus
T)is p(icing sc)eme applies onl! to a(mo( an$ s)iel$s. <tems in ot)e( slots a(e p(ice$ $iffe(entl! an$ $o not
)ave t)e same effective plus s!stem. T)e maAimum en)ancement bonus is @.0 t)e maAimum effective
plus is @1. :ote t)at an a(mou( " a s)iel$ must be at least @1 en)ance$ to )ave an! $iffe(ent p(ope(ties.
T)e base p(ice fo( a(mo( an$ s)iel$s is:
P(ice C Base <tem +ost @ ?aste(;o(6 +ost @ En)ancement +ost 5Effective Plus sBua(e$ D 1///gp7
Base item costs a(e in section .. #o( bot) a(mo( an$ s)iel$s0 t)e maste(;o(6 cost is 1./gp.
Table 5a" Ar)or Plus #alue
Effective Plus #alue %gp&
+1.0 1150
+1.5 2400
+2.0 4150
+2.5 6400
+3.0 9150
+3.5 12400
+4.0 16150
+4.5 20400
+5.0 25150
+5.5 30400
+6.0 36150
Table 5b" Ability*Feats Effective Plus
Ability*Feat 'onus
,1/L Spell #ailu(e @1./
D(o;c(aft @1./ 5see above7
#eat: le(tness @1./
#eat: +ombat +asting @1./
#eat: Do$ge @1./
#eat: EAt(a Tu(ning @1./
#eat: ?obilit! @1./
%ne #eat: Spell #ocus @1./
T;o #eats: Spell #ocus @1..
T)(ee #eats: Spell #ocus @2./
8lamme(e$ @1./
<nvulne(abilit! @'./
Spell 2esistance 1/ @1..
Spell 2esistance 12 @2./
Spell 2esistance 1* @2..
Spell 2esistance 11 @'..
, ,
Cast 6pell Functions
T)is p(icing sc)eme (efe(s to all items t)at use t)e +ast Spell function of t)e0 b(o6en $o;n in t;o ;a!s
T)e fi(st is ;)et)e( t)e! a(e single,use0 c)a(ge$0 o( castable a numbe( of times in pe( $a!. T)e secon$ is
;)et)e( t)e! a(e spell t(igge( 5can onl! be cast b! an app(op(iate spellcaste( class7 o( comman$ ;o($.
W)en a spell can be cast b! multiple classes0 t!picall! t)e value of t)e po;e("item is a function of ;)ic)
class can c(eate it at t)e lo;est cost. 2ange(s0 $(ui$s0 an$ pala$ins0 as ;ell as cle(ics casting spells b!
vi(tue of $omain,g(ante$ spells0 a(e an eAception M t)e! a(e too (a(e o( unsuite$ to c(afting as a gene(al
p(ofession to $efine t)e ma(6et value.
Table 8a" 6crolls*6ingle9:se 6pell Trigger %6pell Level $ Caster Level $ 50gp&
6pell Level
Cast Lvl 29lvl !st 5n, 8r, ;t7 0t7 <t7 7t7 =t7 >t7
1 13 25 - - - - - - - -
2 25 50 - - - - - - - -
' 38 75 150 - - - - - - -
* 50 100 200 - - - - - - -
. 63 125 250 375 - - - - - -
1 75 150 300 450 - - - - - -
3 88 175 350 525 700 - - - - -
4 100 200 400 600 800 - - - - -
9 113 225 450 675 900 1125 - - - -
1/ 125 250 500 750 1000 1250 - - - -
11 138 275 550 825 1100 1375 1650 - - -
12 150 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 - - -
1' 163 325 650 975 1300 1625 1950 2275 - -
1* 175 350 700 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450 - -
1. 188 375 750 1125 1500 1875 2250 2625 3000 -
11 200 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 -
13 213 425 850 1275 1700 2125 2550 2975 3400 3825
14 225 450 900 1350 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600 4050
19 238 475 950 1425 1900 2375 2850 3325 3800 4275
2/ 250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Table 8b" Potions*6ingle9:se :niversal :se %6pell Level $ Caster Level $ 02gp&
6pell Level
Cast Lvl 29lvl !st 5n, 8r, ;t7 0t7 <t7 7t7 =t7 >t7
1 25 50 - - - - - - - -
2 50 100 - - - - - - - -
' 75 150 300 - - - - - - -
* 100 200 400 - - - - - - -
. 125 250 500 750 - - - - - -
1 150 300 600 900 - - - - - -
3 175 350 700 1050 1400* - - - - -
4 200 400 800 1200 1600* - - - - -
9 225 450 900 1350 1800* 2250* - - - -
1/ 250 500 1000 1500 2000* 2500* - - - -
11 275 550 1100 1650 2200* 2750* 3300* - - -
12 300 600 1200 1800 2400* 3000* 3600* - - -
1' 325 650 1300 1950 2600* 3250* 3900* 4550* - -
1* 350 700 1400 2100 2800* 3500* 4200* 4900* - -
1. 375 750 1500 2250 3000* 3750* 4500* 5250* 6000* -
11 400 800 1600 2400 3200* 4000* 4800* 5600* 6400* -
13 425 850 1700 2550 3400* 4250* 5100* 5950* 6800* 7650*
14 450 900 1800 2700 3600* 4500* 5400* 6300* 7200* 8100*
19 475 950 1900 2850 3800* 4750* 5700* 6650* 7600* 8550*
2/ 500 1000 2000 3000 4000* 5000* 6000* 7000* 8000* 9000*
! *otions above 3rd level can only be created by the rare "aster )lchemist *r+, never sold in merchants
, ,
Cast 6pell Functions Continue,
Table 8c" Wan,s*02 C7arges, ! C7arge per :se?, 6pell Trigger %6pell Level $ Caster Level $ 702gp&
6pell Level
Cast Lvl 29lvl !st 5n, 8r, ;t7 0t7 <t7 7t7 =t7 >t7
1 375 750 - - - - - - - -
2 750 1500 - - - - - - - -
' 1125 2250 4500 - - - - - - -
* 1500 3000 6000 - - - - - - -
. 1875 3750 7500 11250 - - - - - -
1 2250 4500 9000 13500 - - - - - -
3 2625 5250 1050
15750 21000 - - - - -
4 3000 6000 1200
18000 24000 - - - - -
9 3375 6750 1350
20250 27000 33750* - - - -
1/ 3750 7500 1500
22500 30000 37500* - - - -
11 4125 8250 1650
24750 33000 41250* 49500* - - -
12 4500 9000 1800
27000 36000 45000* 54000* - - -
1' 4875 9750 1950
29250 39000 48750* 58500* 68250* - -
1* 5250 1050
31500 42000 52500* 63000* 73500* - -
1. 5625 1125
33750 45000 56250* 67500* 78750* 90000* -
11 6000 1200
36000 48000 60000* 72000* 84000* 96000* -
13 6375 1275
38250 51000 63750* 76500* 89250* 102000* 114750*
14 6750 1350
40500 54000 67500* 81000* 94500* 108000* 121500*
19 7125 1425
42750 57000 71250* 85500* 99750* 114000* 128250*
2/ 7500 1500
45000 60000 75000* 90000* 105000* 120000* 135000*
# ,able describes abilities that use one char%e 'er use. -ivide values by number of char%es 'er use
! .ands can only hold s'ells of /
level or below. *ricin% for hi%her level s'ells included for ma%ic
Table 8," +o,s$*02 C7arges, ! C7arge * :se?, Co))an, Wor, %6pell Level $ Caster Level $ >22gp&
6pell Level
Cast Lvl 29lvl !st 5n, 8r, ;t7 0t7 <t7 7t7 =t7 >t7
1 450 900 - - - - - - - -
2 900 1800 - - - - - - - -
' 1350 2700 5400 - - - - - - -
* 1800 3600 7200 - - - - - - -
. 2250 4500 9000 13500 - - - - - -
1 2700 5400 1080
16200 - - - - - -
3 3150 6300 1260
18900 25200 - - - - -
4 3600 7200 1440
21600 28800 - - - - -
9 4050 8100 1620
24300 32400 4050
- - - -
, ,
1/ 4500 9000 1800
27000 36000 4500
- - - -
11 4950 9900 1980
29700 39600 4950
59400 - - -
12 5400 1080
32400 43200 5400
64800 - - -
1' 5850 1170
35100 46800 5850
70200 81900 - -
1* 6300 1260
37800 50400 6300
75600 88200 - -
1. 6750 1350
40500 54000 6750
81000 94500 108000 -
11 7200 1440
43200 57600 7200
86400 100800 115200 -
13 7650 1530
45900 61200 7650
91800 107100 122400 137700
14 8100 1620
48600 64800 8100
97200 113400 129600 145800
19 8550 1710
51300 68400 8550
102600 119700 136800 153900
2/ 9000 1800
54000 72000 9000
108000 126000 144000 162000
# ,able describes abilities that use one char%e 'er use. -ivide values by number of char%es 'er use
! ,able describes char%ed abilities that can be used by any class. 0f item does not need to be e1ui''ed 2as
with a non-wea'on model rod3 to use, these 'rices will be doubled 4 see 5lot )ffinity, 5ection 5
Table 8e" Won,rous*Co))an, Wor, !*,ay? %6pell Level $ Caster Level $ :ses per (ay $ 8<2gp&
6pell Level
Cast Lvl 29lvl !st 5n, 8r, ;t7 0t7 <t7 7t7 =t7 >t7
1 180 360 - - - - - - - -
2 360 720 - - - - - - - -
' 540 1080 2160 - - - - - - -
* 720 1440 2880 - - - - - - -
. 900 1800 3600 5400 - - - - - -
1 1080 2160 4320 6480 - - - - - -
3 1260 2520 5040 7560 10080 - - - - -
4 1440 2880 5760 8640 11520 - - - - -
9 1620 3240 6480 9720 12960 16200 - - - -
1/ 1800 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 - - - -
11 1980 3960 7920 11880 15840 19800 23760 - - -
12 2160 4320 8640 12960 17280 21600 25920 - - -
1' 2340 4680 9360 14040 18720 23400 28080 32760 - -
1* 2520 5040 10080 15120 20160 25200 30240 35280 - -
1. 2700 5400 10800 16200 21600 27000 32400 37800 43200 -
11 2880 5760 11520 17280 23040 28800 34560 40320 46080 -
13 3060 6120 12240 18360 24480 30600 36720 42840 48960 55080
14 3240 6480 12960 19440 25920 32400 38880 45360 51840 58320
19 3420 6840 13680 20520 27360 34200 41040 47880 54720 61560
2/ 3600 7200 14400 21600 28800 36000 43200 50400 57600 64800
# ,able describes abilities that can be used once 'er day. "ulti'ly values by number of uses 'er day
, ,
.o@ to C7oose W7ic7 Table to :se
-se t)e follo;ing Buestions to $ete(mine ;)ic) table to use ;it) a given cast,spell function:
<s t)e item a single,use itemN
Oes: Does t)e item )ave class limitations $ue to t)e spell being on t)e classP spell listN
oOes: -se Table 'a 5sc(olls7
o:o: -se Table 'b 5potions7
:o: <s t)e abilit! c)a(ge$N
oOes: Does t)e item )ave class limitations of t)e spell being on t)e classP spell listN
Oes: -se Table 'c 5;an$s7
:o: -se Table '$ 5(o$s7
o:o 5uses pe( $a!7: -se Table 'e 5;on$(ous abilit!7
:ote t)at t)e t!pe of class limitation is impo(tant M use (est(ictions alone a(e not enoug). #o( eAample0
t)e(e coul$ be a pala$in,onl! item t)at casts magic missile at 2 c)a(ges pe( use. T)e(e0 t)e (est(iction is on
t)e item0 not on t)e abilit! itself M it canPt be a spell,t(igge( (est(iction since t)e pala$in class can un$e( no
ci(cumstances ot)e(;ise cast magic missile. T)e same ;oul$ appl! even if t)e item ;as limite$ to
;iIa($s0 so(ce(e(s0 an$ pala$ins. %nl! if it ;e(e limite$ to ;iIa($s an$ so(ce(e(s alone ;oul$ it be a
potential spell,t(igge( item. -se (est(ictions ca((! t)ei( o;n p(ice value M see Section 4.
Table 8f" -n:se ite)s %'ase Cost $ :ses per (ay $ 50gp&
Type 6ingle :se !*,ay
ci$ Bomb 1.// '3.//
ci$ #las6 2/ .//
lc)emistPs #i(e 2/ .//
+alt(ops 2/ .//
+)o6ing Po;$e( */ 1///
#i(e Bomb 1.// '3.//
&ol! Wate( '/ 3./
Tanglefoot Bag 1/ 1.//
T)un$e(stone */ 1///
, ,
Aeneral Properties
T)e(e is no unive(sal p(icing sc)eme fo( t)e follo;ing p(ope(tiesJ eac) ;ill follo; its o;n s!stem. T)ese
s!stems ;ill be $esc(ibe$ in base p(ices0 not accounting affinit! o( upg(a$e penalties on items. Some ;ill
note (est(ictions to ce(tain bo$! slots0 pa(tl! to cut $o;n on unive(sal use0 pa(tl! as a balance mec)anism.
Table ;a" Ability 6cores %'onus?5 $ !222gp&
Ability 'onus #alue %gp&
@1 1///
@2 *///
@' 9///
@* 11///
@. 2.///
@1 '1///
Table ;b" Ar)or AC$ %'onus?5 $ !222gp&
AC 'onus #alue %gp&
@1 1///
@2 *///
@' 9///
@* 11///
@. 2.///
! ,his 'ertains to armor bonuses on bracers
Table ;c" Bat*(eflect AC$ %'onus?5 $ 5222gp&
AC 'onus #alue %gp&
@1 2///
@2 4///
@' 14///
@* '2///
@. .////
! ,his 'ertains to deflect )+ even on wea'ons
Table ;," (o,ge AC %'onus?5 $ 5022gp&
AC 'onus #alue %gp&
@1 2.//
@2 1////
@'D 22.//
@*D *////
@.D 12.//
! 5tron%ly consider avoidin% -od%e )+ this hi%h
Table ;e" 'onus 6pell 6lot %Level?5 $ !222gp&
6lot of 6pell Level #alue %gp&
/,level 2./
1st 1///
2n$ *///
'($ 9///
*t) 11///
.t) 2.///
1t) '1///
3t) *9///
4t) 1*///
9t) 41///
Table ;f" (a)age +esistance? %#aries&
(+ Ele)ental$ Begative
. */// 1///
1/ 12/// 14///
1. 2//// '////
2/ 24/// *2///
2. '1/// .*///
'/ **/// 11///
# 6imited to armor, rin%s, amulets and cloaks
!$efers to only a sin%le subty'e 4 each elemental
resistance is 'riced se'arately.
Table ;g" 6aving T7ro@ 'onus %#aries&
'onus F*+*W Min, -t7er$ :niversal
@1 2./ .// 2./ 1///
@2 1/// 2/// 1/// *///
@' 22./ *.// 22./ 9///
@* */// 4/// */// 11///
@. 12./ 12.// 12./ 2.///
! $efers to all save bonuses other than s'ecified.
0ncludes )cid, Fire, 7e%ative, Fear, etc.
Table ;7" 6/ill 'onus$ %'onus?5 $ !22gp&
6/ill 'onus #alue %gp&
@1 1//
@2 *//
@' 9//
@* 11//
@. 2.//
@1 '1//
@3 *9//
@4 1*//
@9 41//
@1/ 1////
no sin%le item can %rant more than a total bonus
of +85 skill 'oints
Table ;i" 6pell C))unity %%Lvl?5 3 !& $ !222gp&
6pecific 6pell of Level #alue %gp&
/,level 12./
1st 2///
2n$ .///
'($ 1////
*t) 13///
.t) 21///
1t) '3///
3t) .////
4t) 1.///
9t) 42///

, ,
Aeneral Properties Continue,
,able /j9 5'ell $esistance# 2:aries3
6pell +esistance #alue %gp&
1/ 1///
12 1////
1* 2////
11 *////
14 1////
2/ 4////
22 1/////
2* 12////
21 1*////
# 5e'arate 'ricin% for armor&shields
Table ;/" C))unities %#aries&
C))unity #alue %gp&
#(ee$om of ?ovement *////
Deat) ?agic 4////
Disease 3.//
#ea( 1////
Hnoc6$o;n 22.//
>evel"bilit! D(ain *////
Pa(al!sis 1.///
Poison 2.///
Table ;l" 6pecial Abilities an, Feats %#aries&
Ability*Feat #alue %gp& +estrictions
Da(6vision 2.// &ea$0 2ings0 mulet onl!
#eat: le(tness ./// &ea$0 Belt0 mulet0 2ings "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: mbi$eAte(it! 1//// 8loves0 Belt0 mulet0 2ing onl!
#eat: +ombat +asting ./// &ea$0 2ings0 mulet "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: Do$ge ./// Boots0 2ings "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: EAt(a Tu(ning 3.// 2ings0 mulet"&ol! S!mbol "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: ?obilit! 1//// Boot0 2ings onl!
#eat: Spell #ocus 3.// 2ings0 mulet0 Staves "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: Spell Penet(ation 3.// 8loves0 mulet0 2ing0 Staves "" (mo( 5Table 2b7
#eat: T;o,Weapon #ig)ting ./// 8loves0 mulet0 2ing onl!
#eat: Weapon #inesse ./// 8loves0 mulet0 2ing "" Weapons 5Table 1c7
Table ;)" Per)anent Lig7t
Lig7t +a,ius #alue %gp&
.m 1//
1/m 2//
1.m '//
2/m *//
Table ;n" 'ags of .ol,ing
+e,uction Type #alue %gp&
2/L 1///
*/L 2.//
1/L *.//
4/L 3///
1//L 1////
, ,
6lot Affinity
T)is is not a t(ue t!pe of item o( abilit!0 but instea$ a mo$ifie( to abilities on items. <n canon0 instea$ of
being able to place abilities in$isc(iminatel! on items0 ce(tain slots on t)e bo$! ;e(e meant to )ave a
p(efe((e$ enc)antment t!pe. #o( eAample0 gauntlets (ep(esent offensive po;e(0 boots (ep(esent
movement an$ so on. Bet;een t)is an$ upg(a$e penalties it c(eates a so(t of (a(it! fo( ce(tain
enc)antments0 an$ en$s up c(eating bottlenec6s ;)e(e multiple $esi(e$ abilities canPt be stac6e$ onto a
limite$ numbe( of slots ;it)out pa!ing a p(emium.
n enc)antment t)at $oes not matc) t)e liste$ affinit! ta6es a minimum of a @./L value penalt!0 )ig)e( at
D? $isc(etion $epen$ing on )o; poo( t)e fit is. #o( eAample0 8oggles ;it) a @* st(engt) enc)antment
mig)t be p(ice$ at @'//L to a p(ice of 1*/// because of t)e absu($it!. T)e list f(om t)e './"'.. S2D is:
Table 0a" 'o,y 6lot Affinities
'o,y 6lot %ite) types& Enc7ant)ent Affinity
&ea$ 5&ea$ban$0 &elmet7 ?ental imp(ovement0 (ange$ attac6s
&ea$ 5&at7 <nte(action
&ea$ 5E!e >enses0 8oggles7 Vision
+loa6 5+loa60 +ape0 ?antle7 T(ansfo(mation0 p(otection
:ec6 5P)!lacte(!7 ?o(ale0 alignment
:ec6 5mulet0 B(ooc)0 ?e$allion0 :ec6lace0 Pe(iapt0 Sca(ab7 P(otection0 $isce(nment
2ing Eve(!t)ing
&an$"(m 5B(ace(s7 +ombat
&an$"(m 5B(acelets7 llies
&an$"(m 58auntlets7 Dest(uctive po;e(
&an$"(m 58loves7 Quic6ness
Belt 5Belt0 8i($le7 P)!sical imp(ovement
Boots 5Boots0 San$als7 ?ovement
+)est 52obe7 Eve(!t)ing
+)est 5S)i(t7 P)!sical imp(ovement
+)est 5Vest0 Vestment7 +lass abilit! imp(ovement
Bo 6lot
:ot liste$ above a(e items t)at $o not nee$ to be eBuippe$ in an :W: slot to be use$. T)ese inclu$e items
li6e <oun Stones0 tattoos0 some magic (o$s0 an$ so on. Eve(! abilit! on t)ese items ta6es a @1//L affinit!
penalt!0 ;it) no pa(ticula( enc)antment affinit! of t)ei( o;n. Single,use"consumable items a(e eAempt.
Stones6in 537 tattoo0 1"$a! use M value 2/11/
Base cost of +ast Spell 1"$a! on Table 'e of 1//4/ 5Spell >evel *0 +aste( >evel 37
ffinit! penalt! of @1//L since tattoo $oesnPt occup! an eBuippe$ slot
&elm ;it) @* save v fi(e M value 1///
Base cost of @* %t)e( save on Table *g of *///
ffinit! penalt! of @./L 5?ental"2ange$"<nte(action"Vision $o not appl!7
Woul$ lose affinit! penalt! on cloa60 nec60 (ing0 o( a(mo(
Belt ;it) %;lPs Wis$om 5'7 '"$a! M value 932/
Base cost of +ast Spell '"$a! on table 'e of 1*4/ 5Spell >evel 20 +aste( >evel '0 'A7
ffinit! penalt! of @./L 5P)!sical <mp(ovement $oes not appl!7
Woul$ lose affinit! penalt! on )ea$ 5?ental70 nec6 5Disce(n70 (ing0 o( a(mo(
B(ace(s of S2 1* M value '////
Base cost of S2 1* on Table *= of 2////
, ,
ffinit! penalt! of @./L 5+ombat"llies"Dest(uction"Quic6ness $o not appl!7
Woul$ lose affinit! penalt! on cloa60 nec60 (ing 5p(otection7J sepa(ate p(ice fo( a(mo(
, ,
'ase Cte) Costs
W)en $ealing ;it) ;eapons 5inclu$ing staves7 an$ a(mo(0 t)e(e a(e basic costs associate$ ;it) t)e items.
To be enc)ante$0 t)ese items nee$ fi(st to be maste(;o(6 Bualit!0 ;)ic) )as its o;n cost. #o( all ot)e( slots
5;on$(ous items0 (ings0 etc.70 t)at p(ice is Ie(o0 bot) fo( t)e base cost an$ t)e maste(;o(6 cost. Even
t)oug) items ma! cost mo(e at D? $isc(etion because of ;)at t)e! )ave 5sa! t;o *///gp eme(al$s in a
(ing70 t)e items use$ in manufactu(ing t)ose items can be (olle$ up into t)e enc)antment cost.
>astl!0 an item t)at is maste(;o(60 but not enc)ante$0 can )ave abilities t)at mig)t cost mo(e if ta6en f(om
t)e tables in sections 1,*. T)ese abilities a(e va(ie$0 an$ a(e inten$e$ to give maste(;o(6 items a little bit
mo(e va(iet!0 since it is not eas! to eAactl! $uplicate canon. W)en an item becomes @1 in Bualit!0 it
imme$iatel! loses an! an$ all of t)ose abilities0 )o;eve(. 2emembe( t)at t)e maste(;o(6 cost is al(ea$!
(ep(esente$ in Tables 1a an$ 2aJ t)ese numbe(s a(e =ust fo( maste(;o(6,onl! items.
Table <a" Weapon Cost %in gp&
Cte) Ba)e Mun,ane Master@or/
mmunition 5./7D 1 './
Basta($ S;o($ 3/ '3/
BattleaAe 2/ '2/
+lub 2 '/2
Dagge( * '/*
Di(e ?ace 4/ '4/
Double Ae 1/ '1/
D;a(ven Wa(aAe 1/ '1/
8(eataAe */ '*/
8(eats;o($ 1// *//
&albe($ 2/ '2/
&an$aAe 12 '12
&eav! +(ossbo;DD ./ './
&eav! #lail '/ ''/
Hama * '/*
Hatana 4/ '4/
Hu6(i 11 '11
>ig)t +(ossbo;DD '. ''.
>ig)t #lail 11 '11
>ig)t &amme( 2 '/2
>ongbo;DD 12/ *2/
>ongs;o($ '/ ''/
?ace 1/ '1/
?o(ningsta( 11 '11
Qua(te(staff 2 '/2
2apie( */ '*/
Scimita( '/ ''/
Sc!t)e '1 ''1
S)o(tbo;DD 1/ '1/
S)o(ts;o($ 2/ '2/
Sic6le 12 '12
Sling 2 '/2
Spea( 2 '/2
T;o,bla$e$ S;o($ 2// .//
Wa()amme( 2* '2*
W)ip 1 '/1
! )mmunition refers to arrows, bolts, bullets,
darts, shuriken, and throwin% a;es all.
!! "i%hty 'ro'erty is +<5%' for li%ht
;bow&shortbow, +8==%' for heavy ;bow&lon%bow
for each +8 of mi%hty
Table <b" Ar)or Cost %in gp&
Cte) Ba)e Mun,ane Master@or/
Pa$$e$ 5+17 . 1..
>eat)e( 5+27 1/ 11/
Stu$$e$"&i$e 5+'7 1. 11.
+)ain S)i(t"Scale 5+*7 1// 2./
B(eastplate"+)ain 5+.7 1./ '//
Ban$e$"Splint 5+17 2// './
&alf,Plate 5+37 1// 3./
#ull Plate 5+47 1.// 11./
Small S)iel$ 5+17 1/ 11/
>a(ge S)iel$ 5+27 ./ 2//
To;e( S)iel$ 5+'7 1// 2./
Table <c" Master@or/ Ability 6ubstitutes
Cte) Type Possible Master@or/ Ability$
4/L Weig)t 2e$uction
Single @1 s6ill bonus
@1 s6ill bonus to t)(ee a(mo( c)ec6
penalt! s6ills 5+ ' o( )ig)e(7
4/L Weig)t 2e$uction
Single @1 s6ill bonus
@1 s6ill bonus to t)(ee a(mo( c)ec6
penalt! s6ills 5+ 1 o( 27
?elee Weapon
@1 $amage 5p)!sical7
?assive +(iticals 10 20 '0 o( 1$*
Single @1 s6ill bonus
4/L W2 5a$$e$ to an! of above7
2ange$ Weapon
4/L Weig)t 2e$uction
?ig)t! @1
?assive +(iticals 10 20 '0 o( 1$*
@1 $amage 5p)!sical7
4/L Weig)t 2e$uction
! >ach 'ossible masterwork ability in each
sub%rou' is e;clusive from the others, e;ce't for
?=@ .$ on wea'ons
, ,
Manual Pricing Wor/s7eet
Colu)n A Colu)n ' Colu)n C Total #alue
Base <tem +ost
Weapon Effective Plus RRRRRRRRR
(mo( Effective Plus RRRRRRRRR
%t)e( bilities ,able :al )ffinity A'%rade
, ,
,otal +ost 2in %'39 BBBBBBB
Manual Pricing Wor/s7eet Continue, 9 Cnstructions
-se t)e follo;ing p(oce$u(e to fill in t)e p(icing ;o(6s)eet:
8.'ase Cte) Cost4 0f the item is a wea'on, armor, shield, or ammunition, use ,able 6a or 6b to %et the
value, and 'lace it in the C,otal :alue column.
a.<f t)e item is enc)ante$0 use t)e ?un$ane column of Table 1a o( 1b
b.<f t)e item is unenc)ante$ maste(;o(60 use t)e ?aste(;o(6 column of Table 1a o( 1b
2.Weapon Effective Plus4 0f the item is neither a wea'on, nor ammunition, ski' this ste'
a.W(ite $o;n t)e base bonus in column in t)e Base Bonus line
b.W(ite in all special ;eapon abilities 5foun$ in Tables 1b0 1c0 an$ 1$7 an$ place t)ei(
effective plus mo$ifie(s in column neAt to t)e app(op(iate abilit!
c.$$ up all of t)e effective plus mo$ifie(s0 an$ place it in column in t)e Weapon
Effective Plus line
i.<f t)e total effective plus eAcee$s @.0 ;eapon is not legal s)o(t of a(tifact
$.-se Table 1a to get t)e value of t)e effective plusJ place it in t)e Total Value column
3.Ar)or Effective Plus4 0f the item is neither armor nor a shield, ski' this ste'
a.W(ite $o;n t)e base bonus in column in t)e Base Bonus line
b.W(ite in all special a(mo( abilities 5foun$ in Table 2a7 an$ place t)ei( effective plus
mo$ifie(s in column neAt to t)e app(op(iate abilit!
c.$$ up all of t)e effective plus mo$ifie(s0 an$ place it in column in t)e (mo( Effective
Plus line
i.<f t)e total effective plus eAcee$s @.0 a(mo( is not legal s)o(t of a(tifact
$.-se Table 2a to get t)e value of t)e effective plusJ place it in t)e Total Value column
;4-t7er Abilities
a.W(ite in all non,;eapon"a(mo( special abilities 5foun$ in Tables *a M *67 an$ place t)ei(
value f(om t)ose tables in column neAt to t)e app(op(iate abilit!
i.<f t)e item is a ;eapon0 a(mo(0 o( s)iel$0 it must )ave a base bonus of at least @1 to )ave an! abilities in t)is
b.$$ in affinit! penalties if app(op(iate to eac) abilit! in column B0 using t)e eBuippe$ slot
an$ Table .a
c.Define ;)ic) abilities a(e upg(a$e abilities
, ,
i.<f t)e item is a ;eapon0 a(mo(0 o( s)iel$0 all abilities a(e upg(a$e abilities.
ii.%t)e(;ise0 all abilities eAcept t)e most eApensive one ;)en a$$ing columns an$ B toget)e( a(e upg(a$e
$.Place a value ./L of column in column + of eac) upg(a$e abilit!
e.$$ toget)e( columns 0 B0 an$ + to gene(ate t)e total value of eac) abilit!
04Total #alue
a.$$ eve(! item in t)e Total Value column to gene(ate t)e total item value
, ,
6pecial*A,vance, +ules
T)e follo;ing (ules ma! be mo(e mat)ematicall! intensive t)an t)e p(icing ;o(6s)eet. #eel f(ee to consult
Stan$a($s fo( )elp using t)em.
:se +estrictions
<f an item contains (est(ictions ;)et)e( b! (ace0 class0 o( alignment0 no (e$uction in value is available.
C7arge Pool
T)is (eBui(es a numbe( of c)a(ge$ +ast Spell abilities to all $(a; f(om t)e same c)a(ge pool. ?ultipl!
eac) c)a(ge$ cast spell acco($ing to t)e follo;ing fo(mula:
?ost eApensive +ast Spell abilit!: 1//L 5no (e$uction7
Secon$ most eApensive +ast Spell abilit!: 3.L 52.L (e$uction7
ll ot)e( +ast Spell abilities: ./L 5./L (e$uction7
o:ote t)at most eApensive inclu$es value of t)e abilit! consi$e(ing )o; man! c)a(ges it
(eBui(es to use t)at abilit!0 not =ust t)e table value alone
EAample: 2ing casts T(ue Seeing 5117 . c)g0 See <nvis 5'7 ' c)g0 -lt(avis 5'7 2 c)g0 >ig)t 5.7 1 c)g
?ost eApensive base is T(ue Seeing 5.9*// b! table '$ $ivi$e$ b! .7 D 1//L C 1144/
Secon$ most eApensive base is -lt(avis 5.*// b! table '$ $ivi$e$ b! 27 D 3.L C 2/2.
:eAt most eApensive base is >ig)t 522./ b! table '$ $ivi$e$ b! 17 D ./L C 112.
:eAt most eApensive base is See <nvis 5.*// b! table '$ $ivi$e$ b! '7 D ./L C 9//
Total Value of 1.9'/gp
Contribution Factors
T)is p(icing sc)eme is use$ ;)en a ;eapon en)ancement bonus o( a(mo( bonus is (est(icte$ to a pa(ticula(
subg(oup0 suc) as a ;eapon t)at is @10 @2 v evil. Suc) a ;eapon is bette( t)an a @10 an$ ;o(se t)an a @20
an$ t)e s!stem attempts to sa! t)at t)e ;eapon ;ill pe(fo(m as a @1 some pe(centage of t)e time an$ a @2
some ot)e( pe(centage of t)e time0 an$ ma6e t)e effective plus base$ on t)at (atio. T)e eBuations a(e:
Effective Plus C 5Sum of Subg(oup Bonuses7 " 5Sum of +ont(ibution #acto(s7
Subg(oup Bonus 5alte(nate bonus7 C 5Effective Plus v t)at enem! t!pe7 D +ont(ibution #acto( 5t)at t!pe7
Subg(oup Bonus 5base bonus7 C Base Bonus D +ont(ibution #acto( 5base7
+ont(ibution #acto( 5base7 C 1 M 5Sum of +ont(ibution #acto(s fo( all alte(nate bonuses70 minimum 1"'
+ont(ibution #acto(s (ep(esent a conse(vative
f(action t)at t)e ;eapon ;ill be)ave at t)at
level. D?s a(e empo;e(e$ to a$=ust value fo( a
given c)a(acte( base$ on t)ei( use patte(ns. #o(
eAample0 a s;o($ ;it) a bonus v goo$ is less
valuable to a pala$in t)an a bonus v evil.
Default cont(ibution facto(s a(e in Table 4b:
Base cont(ibution facto( is ;)ateve( it ta6es to
ma6e sum of facto(s eBual to 10 o( at least 1"'
Table =b" Contribution Factors
6ubgroup 'ase CF MaD CF
lign 8(oup 5non,
1"' 2"'
lign 8(oup 5neut(al7 2"'
Damage T!pe 5a(mo( onl!7 1"2
2acial 8(oupDD 1". 2".
Specific lignment 1"4
! 8&2 base for >vil, since static content favors
evil ali%nments 2%oblins, orcs, etc3
!! +onsider hi%her base for 'owerful ty'es like
undead, outsiders, %iants, etc.
, ,
6pecial*A,vance, +ules 9 Continue,
:pgra,e Proce,ure
T)is p(oce$u(e is so(t of li6e an eAten$e$ ve(sion of t)e upg(a$e penalt! pa(t of t)e base p(icing
;o(6s)eet0 as seen in steps *c an$ *$ of t)e p(oce$u(e. T)e actual p(oce$u(e $epen$s slig)tl! on ;)at is
being c)ange$ in an item0 )o;eve(. <f a$$ing ne; abilities a(e a$=usting multiple abilities0 upg(a$e t)e
item one abilit! at a time to avoi$ confusion. W)en $ealing ;it) eac) abilit! being a$=uste$ o( a$$e$0 use
t)e follo;ing se(ies of Buestions to $ete(mine )o; to p(ice t)e cost of t)e upg(a$e:
(e !ou a$$ing o( c)anging an abilit! t)at cont(ibutes to t)e effective plus of ;eapons"a(mo(N
oEes %part of effective plus&"*rice the new item, subtract the cost of the current item, and
add no u'%rade 'enalty, to %et the u'%rade value.
oBo %not part of effective plus&" )re you addin% an entirely new abilityD
Ees %ne@ ability&"Find the base value of the ability, add 5=@ u'%rade 'enalty, add
affinity 'enalties, and this is the u'%rade value.
Bo %upgra,ing eDisting ability&9 .hen 'ricin% the ori%inal item, does the ability
you are adjustin% have an Cu'%rade or column + cost alreadyD
Ees %eDisting upgra,e cost&"*rice the new item, subtract the cost of the
current item, and add no u'%rade 'enalty, to %et the u'%rade value
Bo %no eDisting upgra,e cost&"Find the new base value of the ability,
subtract the abilityEs current base value, and add 5=@ u'%rade 'enalty
to %et the u'%rade value
:ote t)at t)e(e is an intentional $istinction bet;een ;)en to p(ice out t)e ne; item enti(el! o( =ust p(ice an
abilit! befo(e a$$ing upg(a$e penalties. W)en upg(a$ing multiple abilities on an item0 t)is p(oce$u(e ma!
nee$ to be $one fo( eac) ne; abilit!. <n gene(al0 t)is p(oce$u(e $iscou(ages f(eBuentl! ma6ing small
upg(a$es ove( t)e c)a(acte(Ps lifetime M tampe(ing ;it) p(e,eAisting $;oeme(s is complicate$ ;o(6.
, ,
'anne, Properties
T)e follo;ing p(ope(ties ma! not be a$$e$ to items s)o(t of a(tifact level. EAceptions ;)ic) mimic co(e
engine o( campaign items ma! be consi$e(e$ on a case,b!,case basis b! contacting Stan$a($s.
Table >a" 'anne, Cast 6pell Abilities$
6pell Con,ition
Blac6staff l;a!s
Bla$e T)i(st l;a!s
Bless Weapon l;a!s
Da(6fi(e -ntil +2 +)angeG
#lame Weapon -ntil +2 +)angeG
T(ue St(i6e -ntil +2 +)angeG
Tense(Ps T(ansfo(mation l;a!s
Ba(6s6in bove +aste( >evel 1
8(eate( ?agic Weapon bove +aste( >evel 1
?agic Vestment bove +aste( >evel 1
! ,hese abilities are banned in char%ed or use&day
format. ,hey may still be used in sin%le-use items
# A'comin% )+$ chan%es will chan%e the
functionality of these items considerably to
'revent their abuse, and 5tandards will rela;
restrictions at that time
Table >b" 'anne, Abilities
%n&it: bilit! D(ain
%n&it: +onfusion
%n&it: Disease
%n&it: Dispel ?agic
%n&it: #ea(
%n&it: 8(eate( Dispelling
%n&it: &ol$
%n&it: Hnoc6
%n&it: >esse( Dispelling
%n&it: >evel D(ain
%n&it: ?o($en6ainenPs Dis=unction
%n&it: Sla! lignment
%n&it: Sla! lignment 8(oup
%n&it: Stun
%n&it: Vo(pal
%n&it +ast Spell 5eAcept Blesse$ Bolt P(ope(ties7
Table >c" 'anne, Miscellaneous Abilities
Damage <mmunit! 5pe(cent (e$uction7
Damage 2e$uction 5soa6 (e$uction7
Damage 2esistance
#eat: (mo( P(oficienc! 5)eav!7
#eat: (mo( P(oficient! 5lig)t7
#eat: (mo( P(oficienc! 5me$ium7
#eat: &iPS
#eat: S)iel$ P(oficienc!
#eat: Snea6 ttac6 5@1$17
#eat: Snea6 ttac6 5@2$17
#eat: Snea6 ttac6 5@'$17
#eat: Snea6 ttac6 5@.$17
#eat: -se Poison
#eat: Weapon P(of 5+(eatu(e7
#eat: Weapon P(of 5EAotic7
#eat: Weapon P(of 5?a(tial7
#eat: Weapon P(of 5Simple7
#eat: W)i(l;in$ ttac6
<mmunit!: Damage T!pe
<mmunit!: +(itical &its
<mmunit!: ?in$,ffecting Spells
<mmunit!: Snea6 ttac6
<mmunit!: Spell Sc)ool
<mmunit!: Spells b! >evel
<mp(ove$ Evasion
T(ue Seeing
, ,
6pecial Materials
Special mate(ials can be use$ fo( ce(tain 6in$s of ;eapons an$ a(mou(s. T)e! a(e eit)e( ;oo$ o( metal0 an$
onl! applicable ;)e(e it ma6es sense M no mit)(al Bua(te(staff0 fo( instance. Special mate(ials cannot be
Special mate(ials $o not count against an itemSs effective plus. :ote t)at onl! configu(ations ;e can
simulate some;)at satisfacto(il! ;it) :W: 1 a(e liste$.
Table !2a" 6pecial Material Pricing
value gp
mmo >ig)t
$am. @1/ @.0/// @1/0/// @1.0/// @10/// @10*// @20/// ,
. Silve( @2 , , , @2/ @9/ @14/ ,
(an$u( @*/ , , , @20/// @'0/// @*0/// ,
Blue;. , @'// @1// @102// @*// @1// @9// @'//
+oppe( , @10.// @10.// @10.// , , , ,
Da(6steel @*/ , , , @20/// @'0/// @*0/// ,
Dla(un @*/ , , , @20/// @'0/// @*0/// ,
D(agonf. , , , , @20/// @20/// @20/// ,
D(agon). , @'0/// @10/// @110/// , , , @*0///
Dus6;. , , @'0///D , @*// @1// @9// @'//
#eve(i(on @*/ , , , @20/// @'0/// @*0/// ,
&iIaag. @./ , , , @20/// @'0/// @*0/// ,
>ive ?. , @20/// @'0.// @.0/// , , , ,
?it)(al , @10/// @*0/// @90/// @10/// @10/// @120/// @10///
Son$a(( , @20/// @20/// @20/// @10/// @10/// @10/// @10///
! Fnly breast'lates
!! ,o determine the 'rice of a Galantar item, use the ori%inal wei%ht but add 8=%' 'er 'ound to the 'rice of a
masterwork version of that item
, ,

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