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Sarah Najwa binti Deni

Miss Wan Nurul Aini

May 5, 2014

Essay Writing
Some people view conict between teenagers and parents as a
necessary parts of growing up, while others view it as
something negative which could be avoided.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

If life was a journey then surely the milestone was affected by the people we live with.
Needless to say the people who give the most noticeable and prominent effect is the ones who
brought us into the world, our parents. At the same time, as we are growing up, they are
growing old and under certain circumstances we might grow apart even the smallest matters
can be turned into disputes. The conicts and misunderstandings climax at adolescence phase
and this includes ghting over everything such as social life, academic issues and even
religious views. Teenagers have this urge of wanting to be right, even when they are not and
once their parents are not on the same page with them, this is when the conict begins. There
are lots of things that cause these difference in perspective. One of it was generation gap.
Children nowadays did not grow up in the same surrounding as their parents. While their
parents need to go to the library to do research for college assignments, their children only
need to google it on the internet and get the job done. Kids nowadays are getting more access
to the global world and it is more challenging to control their activities. A little
misunderstanding might be effective as it ensures healthy communication between parents
and their children but when these conicts turned into a screaming match lled with rage,
that is when the headache begins.

For me, conicts and misunderstanding between parents are unavoidable and
somehow it worked just ne between me and my parents. It makes me appreciate our
differences and train me to be more mature to understand where are they coming from.
Needless to say they live a longer life than me, which mean they know more to life than I do.
However, it is truly vital for parents to understand that children don't just follow orders.
Parents need to let their children to make their own mistakes and write their own fairytales.
Because when it comes to life decisions, it is the children call to make, not the parents. The
key to this understanding is communication. Growing up, teenagers will face a lot of
problems dealing with friends, teachers and even life. It is important for them to know that
there will always be someone who is rooting for them and are always there when they need
someone to talk to. Yes, of course the opinions given by parents might be different from ours
but eventually we will understand that our judgement will be hugely affected by their
opinions. This is the vital part of growing up, which is accepting other people opinions and
take them into account because we need to realise that our life decisions will affect people
around us, especially the closed ones.

On the other hand, we need to accept the fact that some might think that conicts
and misunderstanding are negative thing that makes parents-children relationship to turn
sour and it is something that should be avoided. Disagreement might lead to rebellious and
repulsive response. Knowing that teenagers are very immature in dealing with life issues, bad
things might happen due to relationship fallout with their parents. They might even become
more aggressive or even depress. What teenagers need to understand is that negativity can be
replaced by something more constructive, by an understanding that the past cannot
determine the future, that there is room to develop among shadow casted by history. If this
belief is enforce in their everyday life by parents, there will be no conict that cannot be
solved by a good communication between teenagers and their parents. There is no such thing
as avoiding conicts because a conict is not something that you intentionally make, it
happens naturally. Holding it within will not solve the problem either, because it might work
out at rst but the fact that you do not have a say in your own life decision will slowly eating
you up from the inside. Therefore, teenagers need to learn to express their opinion in a
respectful manner to prevent misunderstandings with parents.

In a nutshell, conicts and misunderstandings have large impact to the relationship
between teenagers and their parents. It cannot be avoided but it can be solved. It is part of
growing up and it helps you to be more matured in life. One might think that having conicts
with parents is a problem, but actually the real problem is when you have nothing to disagree
about. Life is too short to do exactly what others tell you. At the end of the day, it is the
chance that you did not take that you regret the most. So take that leap, make a change, stand
for what you believe in. Parents will always be there to support you regardless which route in
life that you go through.


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