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User Manual

Companion Software for HydroTrac, BusTrac, and FluxTrac
Iris Power Engineering Inc.
1 Westside Drive, Unit 2
Toronto, Ontario

The information contained in this document is the property of Iris Power Engineering Inc., and is to be
considered proprietary material. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for distribution to a
Third Party without the express written permission of Iris Power Engineering.
TracCon User Manual Version 4.3
November 2004
Iris Power Engineering Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
TracCon, TracLink, TracWiz, FluxTrac, HydroTrac, BusTrac, PDLite and PDView are trademarks of Iris
Power Engineering Inc.
Windows 98, ME,2000 & XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark International Business Machines.
Paradox is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation Limited.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
TracCon User Manual
Iris Power Engineering Inc.
1. Overview.........................................................................................................7
2. Getting Started...............................................................................................9
2.1 System Requirements........................................................................9
2.1.1 Operating Systems .................................................................9
2.1.2 Other Required Software........................................................9
2.1.3 Hard Disk Space.....................................................................9
2.2 Quick Start........................................................................................10
3. Manual & Software Conventions ..................................................................13
3.1 TracCon File Window.......................................................................13
3.1.1 The Mouse............................................................................14
3.1.2 Scroll bars.............................................................................14
3.1.3 Menu Commands .................................................................14
3.1.4 Dialog Boxes.........................................................................15
3.2 Definitions.........................................................................................15
4. Database Management................................................................................19
4.1 Create A New File............................................................................19
4.2 Adding Machines..............................................................................20
4.2.1 User Defined Property..........................................................20
4.3 Adding Instruments ..........................................................................21
4.4 Adding Communication Profiles .......................................................21
4.5 PI Interface.......................................................................................24
4.5.1 Data Exchange.....................................................................24
4.5.2 PI Interface Components......................................................25
5. Menus & Commands....................................................................................27
5.1 File Menu..........................................................................................27
5.1.1 New Database File................................................................27
5.1.2 New Report File....................................................................28
5.1.3 Open......................................................................................28
5.1.4 Close.....................................................................................28
5.1.5 Save/Save As .......................................................................28
5.1.6 Reports .................................................................................28
5.1.7 Print / Print Preview / Printer Setup......................................30
5.1.8 Send As Mail.........................................................................30
5.1.9 Recent File List.....................................................................30
5.1.10 Exit .......................................................................................30
5.2 Edit Menu.........................................................................................31
5.2.1 Tools Customize...............................................................31
5.2.2 Acknowledge Alarms ............................................................31
5.2.3 Database Machine Editor......................................................31
5.2.4 Options & Settings................................................................31
5.2.5 Select Colors..........................................................................36
5.2.6 Edit Machine Parameters......................................................37
5.2.7 New Machine........................................................................38
5.2.8 New Instrument.....................................................................38
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5.2.9 New Communication.............................................................39
5.2.10 Attach Instrument/Communication .......................................42
5.2.11 Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete / Rename ..................................42
5.2.12 Copy Special/Paste Special .................................................43
5.2.13 Update From Database........................................................43
5.2.14 Detach/Disconnect Instrument .............................................43
5.2.15 Close All Ports/Open All Ports..............................................43
5.2.16 Undo / Find / Find Next / Replace / Select All.......................43
5.3 Settings Menu: Report Files Only....................................................44
5.4 View Menu........................................................................................44
5.4.1 Alarm Window.......................................................................44
5.4.2 Hide TracCon (Show TracCon).............................................45
5.4.3 List Bar: Machines, Instruments, Communications ...............46
5.4.4 Status Bar.............................................................................46
5.4.5 Tool Bar................................................................................46
5.5 Window Menu...................................................................................47
5.5.1 New Window / Cascade / Tile/ Arrange Icons.......................47
5.5.2 Open Window List.................................................................47
5.6 Help Menu........................................................................................48
5.6.1 About TracCon......................................................................48
5.6.2 Iris on the Web......................................................................48
5.6.3 User Manual .........................................................................48
5.7 Iris Hyperlink.....................................................................................48
6. BusTrac/HydroTrac ......................................................................................49
6.1 Menus & Commands........................................................................49
6.1.1 File Reports........................................................................49
6.1.2 BusTrac or HydroTrac Menu.................................................50
6.2 Instruments Page.............................................................................51
6.2.1 Information Page ..................................................................51
6.2.2 Diagnostics Page...................................................................51
6.3 Machines Page.................................................................................53
6.3.1 BusTrac/HydroTrac Setup Page...........................................53
6.3.2 Triggers Page.......................................................................54
6.3.3 Test Log Page ......................................................................57
6.3.4 Alarms Page...........................................................................58
6.4 On-line Tests....................................................................................59
6.4.1 Threshold Alarms..................................................................59
6.4.2 Triggered Data Collection.....................................................59
6.4.3 Quality Flags or Flames........................................................60
6.4.4 Errors....................................................................................60
6.5 Interpretation....................................................................................60
6.5.1 Trend Analysis......................................................................60
6.5.2 Comparison to Similar Machines ..........................................61
6.5.3 Data Summary thru 2002..................................................62
6.5.4 PD Characteristics................................................................63
7. FluxTrac........................................................................................................67
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7.1 Menus & Commands........................................................................67
7.1.1 File Reports ..........................................................................67
7.1.2 FluxTrac Menu......................................................................68
7.2 Instruments Page.............................................................................69
7.2.1 Information Page ..................................................................69
7.2.2 Diagnostics Page..................................................................70
7.3 Machines Page.................................................................................72
7.3.1 Information Page ..................................................................72
7.3.2 Flux Probe Data Page...........................................................73
7.3.3 Data Files Page......................................................................74
8. Iris Database Utility.......................................................................................77
9. Customer Support ........................................................................................81
9.1 Technical Support ............................................................................81
9.2 Sales ................................................................................................81
9.3 Product Updates, New Products ......................................................81
10. Quick Reference...........................................................................................83
Appendix A: Alternative Method for Adding Machines........................................85

List Of Tables
Table 3-1. BusTrac - Directly measured Categories...........................................16
Table 3-2. HydroTrac - Directly measured Categories.......................................16
Table 5-1: Startup Options and Alarm Options settings. ....................................33
Table 5-2: Tasks settings. ..................................................................................33
Table 5-3: Application settings. ..........................................................................34
Table 5-4: Report Page settings..........................................................................35
Table 5-5: Supervisor Option settings. ................................................................36
Table 5-6: Colors dialog box settings. ................................................................36
Table 5-7: New Machine dialog box settings......................................................38
Table 5-8: New Instrument dialog box settings. .................................................39
Table 5-9: Communication definitions. ...............................................................40
Table 5-10: Alarm Window settings....................................................................45
Table 6-1: Instrument Page details. ...................................................................51
Table 6-2: Test Measurement information..........................................................58
Table 6-3: Alarm information..............................................................................58
Table 7-1: FluxTrac Instrument Page details......................................................70

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1. Overview
Welcome to the TracCon User Manual. This software package complements and enhances
Iris Power Engineerings HydroTrac, BusTrac, and FluxTrac systems in their ability to
continuously monitor partial discharge (PD) and flux activity in motors and generators. TracCon
is data acquisition software for those Iris Trac instruments operating in either remotely
controlled or autonomous mode. It contains modules for data storage triggers, magnitude and
trend alarms, and supports a variety of communication configurations for the communication
protocol used between TracCon and a given Trac instrument.
Utilizing this software, you are able to locally or remotely access any number of Trac
instruments, schedule tests, collect and view data. All Iris Trac instruments utilize a common
Command Bus, thus the TracCon software must be configured to work with your particular Trac
instrument. Two companion software packages: TracLink and TracWiz enable you to
download archived data and configure the Trac instruments. For further information on these,
please refer to the appropriate User Manual within these programs.
This document explains the menus and commands TracCon supports. Although we have made
every attempt to ensure TracCon is bug free, should you encounter difficulties with this software
or have suggestions for improvement, please refer to the Customer Support Section 9.1 of this
document. Once you have installed the TracCon application on your computer, take the time to
work through this document and ensure you are familiar with the features you need to control
your Trac instrument.
You do not have to be an expert to produce quality configuration reports using TracCon, though
a basic understanding of the Microsoft Windows
environment is assumed. TracCon does not
produce reports for the partial discharge (PD) data or flux data. For partial discharge viewing
and report generation capabilities, you need PDView2
. PDView2 was installed with TracCon,
and can be accessed via the Program Files Iris PDView sub-menu through the
MicrosoftWindows Start menu.
For further information regarding PD theory contact Iris Power Engineering; for further
information regarding flux data contact your flux probe manufacturer; for further information
regarding Microsoft Windows refer to the Microsoft Windows Users Guide.

Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
PDView2 is a product of Iris Power Engineering Inc.
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2. Getting Started
2.1 System Requirements
2.1.1 Operating Systems
Windows 98 and higher

Windows ME

Windows 2000

Windows XP

2.1.2 Other Required Software
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher

2.1.3 Hard Disk Space
We strongly recommend the following computer requirements
IBM compatible computer, with a minimum 586-120 MHz processor.
32 Mega-bytes of free hard disk space for the software.
64 Mega bytes of RAM.
256 color display, 800x600 resolution
CD-ROM drive

Products of Microsoft Corporation
Product of Adobe Systems Incorporated
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2.2 Quick Start
Six Easy Steps:
Install PDView 2 and TracCon
Insert the auto start TracCon CD ROM in your drive. Follow the install wizard
instructions, to install PDView2 and TracCon. If the setup program does not
automatically start within a few moments, double-click on the SETUP.EXE
program in the CD-ROM explorer window.
TracCon allows you to configure and download data from your Trac
PDView 2 allows you to create reports and interpretative graphs of your
PD data.
Run TracCon by accessing the Iris folder under Programs in your Microsoft
Windows Start menu.
Looking at the basic user interface of TracCon, the database window on the left
displays the content of an active (loaded) database. The database structure is
displayed in three divisions: Machines, Instruments, and Communications.
Define Your Machine
First add a machine to the Paradox database by selecting Database Machine
Editor in the Edit menu. An alternative to this is described in Appendix A.
Enter the Utility, Plant and then open the Machines page to Add New Machine.
Be careful with spelling and information, as it is not easy to edit. At the end press
Add to Database to add the new machine to the database.
Copy the Machine data to the TracCon database, by selecting New Machine in
the Edit menu and selecting the one to add.
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Define your Communication
Open the Communication page to see the profiles currently defined.
Add a Communication profile to the TracCon database by selecting New
Communication in the Edit menu.
When you add a Communication profile, you provide the type, addresses of the
Tracs, and other data as required by the communications protocol being used.
Define your Instrument
Open the Instruments page to see the instruments currently defined.
Add an Instrument to the TracCon database by selecting New Instrument in the
Edit menu.
When you add an instrument, you provide an Instrument name, serial number,
network address, machine to which it is attached, and the communications
protocol to be used.
Set up the HydroTrac or BusTrac instrument
Refer to Section Error! Reference source not found. for FluxTrac instruments
Open the Machines page and after expanding the machine tree, highlight the
Trac instrument.
In the Items Detail Window on the right, select the Trac Setup page.
Enter the following:
AC synchronization signal: C1
Phase adjustment: 90 degrees
Test duration: 1 second
And the coupler sensitivity ranges: 50-850mV (default ranges)
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Collect data
Open the Machines page and highlight the Trac instrument.
Click Acquire under the Trigger page.
If no operating conditions are available through a PI interface, enter the current
operating conditions of the machine.
TracCon connects to the instrument and collects data.
The results can be viewed in the Test Log page.
The PD data can be viewed using PDView button or double-clicking on the test

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3. Manual & Software Conventions
3.1 TracCon File Window
The TracCon File Window is partitioned into two sections: the Inventory List (on the left side of
the window) and the Item Details Window (on the right side of the window).
The Item Details Window displays selected-item-specific information dependent on the item
selected in the Inventory List. In the case shown below, a machine, named Hydro 003 is
selected. The Item Details Window shows specific information on Hydro 003.

Item Details
Screen 3-1. TracCon File Window
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3.1.1 The Mouse
In this document, there are some terms for using the mouse.
Mouse Action Action Description
Click Press the left mouse button and then immediately release it
without moving the mouse.
Double-click Click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Right-click The mouse has a right button that controls a different set of
commands. To access these commands, the manual instructs
you to right-click. The right mouse button controls menus
specific to the graph windows.
3.1.2 Scroll bars
The scroll bars appear whenever you may need to view work larger than your work window.
The scroll bar along the right side allows you to move the screen up or down, while the scroll
bar along the bottom allows you to move the screen left or right. You only see the scroll bars
when they are necessary.
3.1.3 Menu Commands
Commands are grouped in menus and can be accessed via the menu bar across the top of the
main screen. The menu bar changes or is inactivated (dimmed) based on the applicability to
your current action. When you select a menu item followed by an arrow (), a sub-menu is
displayed from which you must make another choice. In this manual, main menu items appear
as File and sub-menus as File Open, with Open being the sub-menu. Several functions are
accessible via right-click pop-up menus. In this manual, these items appear as Rename.
Right-click pop-up menus are context-menu sensitive, so the options change based on the
current action.
Menus can be opened from any page by using the <Alt>key along with the underscored letter
specific for each menu. Once the menus are open, an option can be selected by pressing the
underscored letter for that option.
Key Menu
F File
E Edit
M HydroMachine or TurboMachine
F FluxTrac
B BusTrac
H HydroTrac
V View
W Window
H Help

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3.1.4 Dialog Boxes
A dialog box is a window in which you specify one or more options. Dialog boxes appear when
additional information is needed to carry out an action. Many dialog boxes are context-menu
sensitive. In this manual, when referring to a specific dialog box, quotes are used around the
name. For example, the dialog box for opening a database is referred to as Open File (shown
in Screen 5-2). A dialog box may include areas in which you enter text or numbers and view or
change settings for options related to the command. All sections with a dialog box are also
shown with quotes, as in File name (shown in Screen 5-2). There are four basic types of
options available in dialog boxes: the check box, the list box, the text box, and the command
You can exit a dialog box without completing any command by clicking the Cancel or Close
command button, clicking X in the upper right corner or hitting the <ESC>key. Once you have
entered the dialog box to enter data, you can navigate from one field to another using the <Alt>
and the appropriate underscored letter or number. Check Boxes
Check boxes are options you can switch on or off. In some situations you may select more than
one check box option. An unchecked box is an empty box. Click each empty box you want to
select. Click the box again to clear the selection. List Box
A list box shows a group of available choices. If the choices do not fit in a list box, a down
arrow () becomes active so you can move up or down quickly through the list. Scroll the list
and click the desired item. Text box
The text box requires you to enter specific information, such as a file name. Command Button
Command buttons initiate an immediate action. Default command buttons have a dark border
while unavailable commands are dimmed. In this manual, commands appear in the following
form: Close.
3.2 Definitions
There are some terms used throughout this manual that are technical or specialized in nature.
For a better and much quicker understanding of this instrument and for maximum productivity,
please read through these definitions.
Directly Measured Pulse Categories HydroTracs & BusTracs: When the Trac instrument
measures the pulse signals from a sensor, it categorizes the pulses according to time of arrival
and polarity (positive or negative). A pulse counter in the test instrument is assigned to each of
these fundamental categories or types of pulses. Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 show the directly
measured pulse categories.
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Table 3-1. BusTrac - Directly measured Categories
Name Short Name Description
+PD from Machine Machine PD +
+PD pulses originating from sources within the
winding or terminals
- PD from Machine Machine PD -
- PD pulses originating from sources within the
winding or terminals
+Noise Noise + +Noise pulses from the power system or bus
- Noise Noise - - Noise pulses from the power system or bus

Table 3-2. HydroTrac - Directly measured Categories
Name Short Name Description
+PD from C1 C1 + +PD pulses near C1 coupler
- PD from C1 C1 - - PD pulses near C1 coupler
+PD from C2 C2 + +PD pulses near C2 coupler
- PD from C2 C2 - - PD pulses near C2 coupler

PD Activity Indicators (NQN and Q
): The HydroTrac and BusTrac instruments calculate the
quantities Q
and NQN based on the Pulse Height Analysis (PHA) plot. The NQN, or
Normalized Quantity Number, is a partial discharge quantity that is proportional to the total
partial discharge measured by a PD sensor. NQN is an indicator of the average condition of the
stator winding insulation. The negative NQN refers to the total activity from negative PD pulses,
while positive NQN refers to the total PD activity from positive PD pulses.
, or Peak Magnitude, is the magnitude of the pulses for one fundamental (directory
measured) pulse category that has a repetition rate of 10 pulses per second, and corresponds
to the peak PD activity. Q
is an indicator of how severe the PD is at the most deteriorated part
of the winding. Positive and negative Q
refers to the peak PD activity from the positive and
negative PD pulses, respectively.
Pulse Height Analysis 2D Plot: The Pulse Height Analysis Plot graph type often referred
to as the 2D plot or PHA plot represents the relationship between pulse magnitude and pulse
repetition rate for both negative and positive polarity PD counters, for instance, Machine PD+
and Machine PD-. These plots are viewable using PDView2.
Based on this plot, the summary numbers are calculated: Normalized Quantity Number (NQN)
and Peak magnitude (Q
). These numbers are used for trending of insulation aging. Thus, the
PHA plot is one of the fundamental plots for interpretation of partial discharge data. TracCon
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stores the 2D plot when you Run Measurements or Schedule Measurements using the Triggers
(see Section 6.3.2).
Triggers: In order to properly use Trends, it is necessary to collect data periodically. This is
done by setting triggers, which for HydroTracs and BusTracs are user-defined sets of time-
based conditions that, when achieved, direct the Trac to automatically save data (see Section
6.3.2). For the FluxTrac scheduling is done at Load points (see Section 7.1.2).
Alarm: The alarm will signal that partial discharge readings have been received which are
higher than the thresholds set by the user in the configuration of the instrument. Once the
alarm is triggered, it will remain on until acknowledged by plant staff.
Alarm Threshold: The alarm threshold is a number set by the user as an upper limit of NQN or
Qm acceptability. Once this value is exceeded in the monitoring process, an alarm is triggered.
Sensitivity Range: This range determines the upper and lower boundaries of the partial
discharge detection of the instrument. If the 5-85 mV sensitivity range is selected, then PD
pulses of magnitude greater than 85 mV will be over range. It is possible that if the sensitivity
range is set too low or too high, no NQN or Q
can be calculated.
Phase Adjustment: In order to properly calibrate the Trac instrument, the phase shift between
the power frequency reference voltage and the voltage of the phase being tested must be
Load Point: TracCon supports 12 predefined Load Points that will command the FluxTrac to
collect data. The predefined load point data includes MWatts, MVars, Field Amps and Field
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4. Database Management
4.1 Create A New File
When TracCon is run for the first time, open a new database, with the extension called .TCN.
This file, the TracCon Database, is used to hold the configuration information required by
TracCon and is the link between the TracCon application and the machines you have defined in
your Iris Paradox database. When partial discharge (PD) tests are done with your Trac
instrument, the PD data is stored into the Iris Paradox
Database for later analysis and display
via standard Iris programs like PDView. The figure below shows the relationship between the
TracCon Database and the Iris Paradox Database. Similar procedures are used for FluxTrac
data, see Section Error! Reference source not found.. You can save the default file with a
new name by selecting the File Save As command. It is recommended you save your file
Iris Database
TracCon Database
(.TCN File)
Copy of
List of Tests
"Update From
Database" Command
Test Performed
and Data Stored
Into Iris Database
Note: TracCon can be programmed to automatically save your file. Please
see Section for more information.

Paradox is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation Limited.
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4.2 Adding Machines
The first step in using TracCon involves adding your machine(s) to the Machines List; see
Screen 3-1. You can create multiple files, each containing a specific list of machines,
instruments and communication profiles, depending on how you plan to use TracCon.
TracCon cannot directly create machine definitions in the Iris ParadoxDatabase; however, a
tool is provided allowing you to enter your machine definitions and store them into the database.
As with most actions within TracCon, there are two ways to access the
tool to define a new machine in the Iris Paradox database. Using the
Control Panel, double click on the Iris Database Utility applet (see
Screen 4-1) or select the Edit Database Machine Editor command
within TracCon. Either way, the same machine editor is accessed. For
information on the Iris Database Utility, see Section 8.

Screen 4-1. Iris Database Utility
Once you have all your machines entered into the Iris ParadoxDatabase, select the Edit
New Machine command in TracCon, or with the Machines page open right-click to New
Machine. This creates a record in your TracCon data file to link the TracCon machine definition
with the machines defined in the Iris database. See Section 8 for more information. An
alternative to adding machines to the Iris Paradox database is described in Appendix A.

4.2.1 User Defined Property
With a machine highlighted, you can add user-defined properties and values through the
Machine Add User Property menu, right-click to Add User Property, or via the Ins key
with the User Information property field highlighted.
Right-click or use the Machine menu with the User Property
highlighted to Add, Delete or Edit the User Property or Value.
Some of the control functions in
Screen 4-2 are only available when the User Information is

Screen 4-2. User Property
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4.3 Adding Instruments
Before you add your instruments to TracCon, you must know the instruments seven-digit serial
number. The serial number is provided on the packing slip when you received your instrument
or you can get the serial number from the instrument. See the Instruments User Manual for
information on obtaining the serial number from the front panel keyboard and display. Once you
have the serial number, select the Edit New Instrument command, or with the Instruments
section open, right-click to New Instrument. See Section 5.2.8 for more information.
4.4 Adding Communication Profiles
Communication profiles are the connection information between an instrument, or instruments,
and the computer running TracCon. Each instrument supports a direct connection via its front
panel RS232 connector or a multi-drop addressable connection via a copper RS485 or fibre
optic backbone. Before creating a communication profile, you must know how your computer is
connected to the instrument: what port is being used and what mode of communication is being
used: direct connect or multi-drop (see Section 5.2.9). Select the Edit New Communication
command, or with the Communication page open, right-click to New Communication.
There are four basic methods to attach your Trac instrument to your computer. The first two
involve utilizing the RS232 communications ports of your computer to connect to one or more
Trac instruments. The second two methods involve using a TCP/IP Network connection to a
remote Terminal Server hooked to the Trac instrument(s). Definitions for communications
profiles are:
Multi-drop One or more addressable Trac instruments
Direct Single Trac Instrument
Local Port Local communications port on your computer
Network Communications over a TCP/IP to a terminal server device

Each of the four basic alternatives for communications is described in more detail in the
following pages. Local Port Multidrop Connection
In this configuration, one or more Trac instruments can be chained together via RS485 copper
twisted pair cable or fibre optic cable and connected (through a suitable converter) to the port of
your computer (typically COM1 or COM2). Each Trac unit has a unique address on the bus
(see Section
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In this configuration, your computer is directly connected to the RS232 port of one Trac
instrument via a suitable serial cable. Since only one Trac instrument can be directly
connected, there is no need to specify an address for the Trac instrument (see Section Network Multi-drop Connection
In this configuration, one or more Trac instruments can be chained together via RS485 copper
twisted pair cable or fibre optic cable and connected to a Terminal Server, which is in turn
connected to your computer via an Ethernet TCP/IP network connection. Each Trac unit has a
unique address on the bus and the particular Port used on the Terminal Server is identified in
the TracCon software (see Section

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In this configuration, your computer can be directly connected to a Terminal Server via a TCP/IP
Ethernet connection. A Trac instrument is then connected to one (up to four) of the Terminal
Server Ports identified in the TracCon software. In this case, since only one Trac instrument
can be directly connected to a given Terminal Server Port, there is no need to specify an
address for the Trac instrument (see Section

Your Computer
Terminal Server
RS485 RS485
Port 4 Port 1
N /
Partial Discharge
Monitoring For
1 F
a ta ax

N /
Partial Discharge
Monitoring For
1 F
a ta ax


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4.5 PI Interface
The TracCon software allows for the integration of a Trac system with an OSISoft PI System.
Data from most field sensors of the generator or motor ends up in the PI Server via the plants
programmable logic control (PLC) or data control system (DCS) and a PI Interface Node
(sometimes called a PI API Node). Partial Discharge Sensors are connected directly to the Trac
Instruments that are linked to the Trac controlling computer running the TracCon software. The
Trac Controller must be on the same network as the PI Server [Figure 4-1].

Figure 4-1. PI Server
4.5.1 Data Exchange
The Trac Controller is responsible for acquiring the generator or motors real-time operating
conditions from the PI Servers snapshot [Figure 4-2]. The real-time operating conditions are
evaluated against user defined trigger conditions to determine if Partial Discharge data should
be downloaded from the Trac instrument. The partial discharge data is stored in the Iris
Paradox database along with the operating conditions recorded at the time of the
measurement (see Section 6.3.2). Users can access the partial discharge data across their
Local/Wide Area Network using the Iris PDView Software (see PDView User Manual). If the
user wishes to view the archived data of any related operating conditions they could use an
OSISoft client application such as PI Process Book
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4.5.2 PI Interface Components
TracCon uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to gain access to the Iris PI Interface
application. The Iris PI Interface application uses the PI-SDK
to gain access to the PI
Server. Please note you may require an additional license to use the PI-SDK with third party
The Iris PI Interface application can be installed on any machine on the network. It doesnt
have to be installed on the PI Server or the Trac Controller. This allows flexibility if, for example,
multiple instances of TracCon need to access the same PI Server(s). All the operating
conditions for each instance of TracCon can be channelled through one instance of the Iris PI
Interface application.

Figure 4-2. PI Interface
Configuration of the PI server interface is done during commissioning. If changes are required,
please contact Iris Field Service Technical Support.

Product of OSISoft, Inc.
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Chapt er
5. Menus & Commands
TracCon displays a variety of different information in the Item Details Window, depending on
the item selected in the Inventory List (see Screen 3-1). Most of the time, you will probably
have the Machines page open in the Inventory List; so, the following subsections describe the
menus and commands from the selected machine perspective.
Some of the following menu commands are generic in nature. That is, they are always available
regardless of the item selected in the Inventory List. Some items, like the File Reports
menu, vary depending on the machine type or instrument selected. Some menu descriptions
are instrument specific and described elsewhere in this document.
5.1 File Menu
All file related commands are located under the File
menu. Additionally, print support and report
generation commands are located under the File

Screen 5-1. File Menu
5.1.1 New Database File
Select this to create a new, empty TracCon database file (TCN extension).
Note: If this command is unavailable, check if the command has been disabled in
the Options & Settings. See Section Settings.
You may be prompted to save the new file immediately. This occurs when you have the Save
file hourly flag set in the Options & Settings. See Section Tasks.
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Database files (TCN extension) cannot be directly printed to the printer; however, it is possible
to generate printable reports on specific information contained in the file. See Section 5.1.6
5.1.2 New Report File
Creates a new New Report File. Report files are text-based documents that can be opened
with most text editors, can be sent to a printer, and their contents can be Cut and/or Pasted
using the clipboard, perhaps to be imported into another application.
Note: To change the format of a Report File, or the way it is printed, see
Options & Settings, Section Reports.
5.1.3 Open
Prompts you for information to open an existing file. Two
file types can be opened: TracCon Database Files (TCN
extension) or Report Files (TXT extension).

Screen 5-2. Open File dialog box
5.1.4 Close
Closes the open file or report. If you have changed the file in any way, you are prompted on
whether you want to save the changes.
5.1.5 Save/Save As
Saves the current file. Save As saves the current file to a new name.
5.1.6 Reports
The report options depend on the page selection in the Inventory List window.

Screen 5-3. Report Menu Alarm Report
TracCon can be programmed to produce an alarm when a PD measurement exceeds a user-
defined limit (see Section Alarms are stored in the Alarm Window (see Section 5.4.1).
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The Alarm Report command generates a report on all items in the Inventory List (see Section Inventory Report
The Inventory Report command generates a report on all items in the Inventory List. The list
contains three pages: the Machine List, the Instrument List and the Communication List. See
Report 1: Sample Inventory Report.

Report 1: Sample Inventory Report Machine Report
The Machine Report command is used to generate a report on the selected machine in the
Machines page. The information displayed is obtained from the database when the machine is
added to the file. See Report 2: Sample Machine Report.
Note: If you change a machines definition in the database after it has been
added to a TracCon Database File, the changes are not reflected in TracCon.
You can synchronize the machine definition in TracCon with the database
information by selecting the Edit Update From Database command.
Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V6. 0
Hydr ogener at or Machi ne Repor t Fi l e
Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V6. 0
I nvent or y Li st Fi l e
Pr epar ed On: Tue J ul 08, 2003 11: 12: 27
1. Hydr o 001
Dat abase Name: Hydr o 001
Machi ne Type: Hydr o Gener at or
Oper at i ng Vol t age: 13. 80
MW/ HP Rat i ng: 350. 00
Wi ndi ng Type: Epoxy Mi ca
Wi ndi ng Manuf act ur er : GE
Year Of I nst al l : 1996
Coupl er Pai r #01: A- C1 & A- C2
Last Mai nt enance J an 23, 2003
1. Hydr oTr ac 001 I nst r ument I nf or mat i on
Measur ement Oper at i ng Vol t age: 0. 00
Measur ement Oper at i ng MWat t s: 0. 00
Measur ement Oper at i ng MVARs: 0. 00
Measur ement Oper at i ng Temper at ur e: 0. 00
1. HYDROTRAC I nf or mat i on:
Name: Hydr oTr ac 001
Ser i al Number : 0350902
Mul t i dr op Addr ess: 2
Communi cat i on Pr of i l e: RS- 485 on COM 1
1. Machi ne Name: Hydr o 001
Connect ed t o channel / i nput : 1
Al ar mSet t i ngs: ( 0 val ue i ndi cat es di sabl ed al ar m)
Coupl er Pai r #1 ( Sensi t i vi t y = 20 mV t o 340 mv) :
Coupl er 1 ' A- C1' : +NQN=0, - NQN=0, +Qm=0, - Qm=0
Coupl er 2 ' A- C2' : +NQN=0, - NQN=0, +Qm=0, - Qm=0

1. Local , Mul t i dr op Connect i on:
Connect i on por t : COM1
TracCon User Manual Page 29 of 88
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Pr epar ed On: Tue J ul 08, 2003 11: 16: 11
1. Hydr o 001
Dat abase Name: Hydr o 001
Machi ne Type: Hydr o Gener at or
Oper at i ng Vol t age: 13. 80
MW/ HP Rat i ng: 350. 00
Wi ndi ng Type: Epoxy Mi ca
Wi ndi ng Manuf act ur er : GE
Year Of I nst al l : 1996
Coupl er Pai r #01: A- C1 & A- C2
Coupl er Pai r #02: B- C1 & B- C2
Coupl er Pai r #03: C- C1 & C- C2
Last Mai nt enance J an 23, 2003
Report 2: Sample Machine Report. Include User Information
When this option is checked, the Machine Report generated contains the properties and values
the user has added to the machine. See Section 4.2.
5.1.7 Print / Print Preview / Printer Setup
With a Report open, Print, Print Preview and Printer Setup will be available in the File Menu.
5.1.8 Send As Mail
Starts your e-mail program and attaches the currently active TracCon file to the message.
5.1.9 Recent File List
The recently opened file list.
If you have the Automatically load last file at startup option checked in the
Options & Settings [Section 5.2.4], the first file in the list automatically opens
when you restart TracCon.
5.1.10 Exit
Exits the application. If you have any open documents that have been modified, you are
prompted to save them before exiting TracCon.
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5.2 Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands to configure or edit the
TracCon document.
The command to Edit Machine Parameters applies to only those
systems working with PI interface.

Screen 5-4 Edit Menu
5.2.1 Tools Customize
This command allows you to add applications that are
accessible via the Edit Tools command. When you select
Customize, you are prompted with a dialog box to configure
the new tool.

Screen 5-5. Customize Tools dialog box.
5.2.2 Acknowledge Alarms
When alarms are active, this automatically acknowledges all alarms. For more information on
alarms, see Section 6.3.4. You can also Acknowledge Alarms by right-clicking on the blinking
alarm indicator in the status bar [
Screen 5-26].
5.2.3 Database Machine Editor
Starts the Iris Database Utility, which is used for defining new machines in the Iris database.
See Section 8 for information.
5.2.4 Options & Settings
Displays TracCons Options and Settings. There are five groups of options and settings, as
described in the following subsections.
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Iris Power Engineering Inc. Startup & Alarm Settings
These options are used to set the behavior
of TracCon when it initially starts up, and
when alarms become active.

Screen 5-6. Startup Actions & Alarm
Settings dialog box.

Setting Result
Automatically load last file when
When TracCon starts, it automatically loads the first
file in the Recent File list. (See Section 5.1.9).
Startup hidden TracCon starts with its main window hidden. To un-
hide TracCon, right-click over the Iris logo in your
taskbars notification tray. (See Section 5.4.4).
60 Second delayed startup Select this option if you have placed a shortcut to
TracCon in your Start Up folder.
Maximize application on startup TracCon starts in a maximized window; otherwise, it
starts as previously closed.
Show splash screen on startup TracCon displays the splash screen when the
program is loaded.
Show Alarm Window when file
The Alarm Window automatically displays whenever a
TracCon Database File is opened.
Show Alarm Window when an alarm
becomes active.
The Alarm Window automatically becomes visible
when an alarm becomes set.
Only show system tray Alarm Status
when alarm is active.
The taskbar notification tray only shows alarm
indicators when there is an active alarm. (See
Section 5.4.4).
Generate alarm when instrument has
no comm profile.
TracCon generates an alarm when a scheduled
measurement fails. Some instruments, like HydroTrac
and BusTrac, can be programmed to run
measurements on a schedule. If a scheduled test
fails (due to hardware problems, communication
problems and so on), TracCon can generate an error
to inform you when user intervention is required.
Update Analog Signal Output
Upon completion of a measurement, the signal to the
Sensor Output Module updates based on the
measurement results.
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Place instrument in Autonomous
In order for the TracCon to collect data it must
temporarily be in control. This option returns the Trac
to continuous mode upon completion of the
Close communication port Upon completion of a measurement, TracCon will
close the communication port making it available to
TracWiz and TracLink.
Table 5-1: Startup Options and Alarm Options settings. Tasks
These options are used to select which tasks TracCon should process in the background. All
tasks rely on the system clock for synchronization.

Screen 5-7. Tasks dialog box.
Setting Result
Enable background time schedule TracCon scans all scheduled measurements
every minute or so. When a scheduled
measurement is due, TracCon automatically
performs the measurement.
Automatically save file hourly TracCon automatically saves all TracCon
Database Files every hour, on the hour. This
way, if the computer is reset unexpectedly,
data loss is minimal.
Enable audible alert when measurement is
TracCon emits a pleasant sound just prior to
performing a measurement.
Enable audible alert when
communications is malfunctioning
TracCon emits an error sound when it cannot
open communication to an instrument. This
error sound can be used to alert personnel
when user intervention is required.
Table 5-2: Tasks settings.
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Iris Power Engineering Inc. Settings
General application specific options and
settings are set here.

Screen 5-8. Settings dialog box.

Setting Result
Allow new TracCon documents to be
TracCon allows users to create new TracCon
Database Files existing files can be opened
and saved.
Maximize documents when opened All documents, or files, that are opened or
created, are automatically maximized.
Show the communication list When a TracCon Database File is opened,
you can hide the Communication bar to ensure
accidental changes are not made to the
Show the instruments list When a TracCon Database File is opened,
you can hide the Instruments bar to ensure
accidental changes are not made to the
Show a progress bar during lengthy
A progress bar is shown on the Status Bar for
lengthy operations. Some instruments require
tens of seconds to perform a measurement,
and the progress bar provides completion
status (so you dont think the application has
Status Information text color The default color used to display status
information, at various places throughout the
Default Working Directory The Default Working Directory is the default
location for storing new Report Files.
PDView executable The location of PDView, if it exists on your
system. HydroTrac and BusTrac can
automatically start PDView so you can get a
quick view measurement data.
Table 5-3: Application settings.
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Iris Power Engineering Inc. Reports
These options and settings are for Report
Files only. When these settings are
changed, all Report Files are updated.

Add the &f to include the filename and
the &p to include the page number.

Screen 5-9. Report dialog box.

Setting Result
Report document tab stops The size and frequency of tabs in the Report File
Printer left margin (in characters) The position of the left margin. Enter the actual
character spacing. For example, 6 characters of Times
New Roman, font size 12, are equivalent to about 1.
Header The header text when the Report File is printed. Two
options are also provided: file creation time and current
computer system time.
Footer The footer text when the Report File is printed. Two
options are also provided: file creation time and current
computer system time.
Table 5-4: Report Page settings. Supervisor Options
In the Supervisor mode a fifth icon, Supervisor
Options, appears on the Options & Settings window.
Contact Iris Technical support for information about
Supervisor mode. (See Section 9.1)

Screen 5-10. Supervisor Options
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Setting Result
Enable new HydroTracs Allows you to add New HydroTrac instruments
Enable new FluxTracs Allows you to add New FluxTrac instruments
Enable new BusTracs Allows you to add New BusTrac instruments
Enable new machine Allows you to add New Machines from the Iris
Paradox database
Enable new direct communication
Allows you to change the port configurations for
direct communications
Enable new multidrop
communication profiles.
Allows you to change the port configurations for
multi-drop communications
Enable PI interface. Allows you to enable interface with a PI system to
acquire operating condition parameters
ODBC Connection String System variable definitions and file locations
Table 5-5: Supervisor Option settings.
5.2.5 Select Colors
When viewing machine properties, the Item Details Window
shows properties and values obtained from the database and
defined by the user. You can select the colors to distinguish the
different types of information displayed.

Screen 5-11. Colors dialog box.

Settings Application
Machine Properties The background color and the text color of machine
Machine Values The background color and the text color of machine
property values.
Machine Selection The color of the highlighted item.
User Properties The background color and the text color of user defined
User Values The background color and the text color of user defined
property values.
User Selection The color of the highlighted item.
Table 5-6: Colors dialog box settings.

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5.2.6 Edit Machine Parameters
If you have the PI server connection enabled, you need to configure the machine parameters.

This function requires the installation of another application that provides the interface between
TracCon and Iris. Supervisor options can enable/disable the PI interface (see Section
Please contact Technical Support for more information.

Screen 5-12. Edit Machine Parameters (PI interface)

Settings Application
Iris-PI Interface Location The location of the IICS application that provides the
communication interface between TracCon and the PI
Test PI Server Connection Tests the communication and interface between TracCon
and the PI server
Machines Machine for which these tags are applicable
Get from PI When checked, it means all operating parameters will be
acquired from the PI server. Same function as on the
Trigger screen [see Section 6.3.2].
Polling Period Determines how often the PI server will be queried for
updates to the operating parameters
Param Name Operating parameter to be acquired from the PI server
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PI Server Tag Name Tag name in the PI server. Ctrl-Space can be used to
access a drop-down list of tags.
PI Server Name Name of the PI server.

5.2.7 New Machine
Adds a machine (from the existing Iris database) into
the TracCon Database File. The machine must
already be defined in the Paradox database (see
Section 4.2). This command is used to copy the
machine definitions into the TracCon Database File.

If no machines are available, youll be asked if you
want to add a new machine to the (Paradox)
database. This option is available by right-clicking
New Machine in the Machines page. Supervisor
options can enable/disable the ability to add new
machines (see Section

Screen 5-13. New Machine dialog box.

Settings Application
Machine A machine, already defined, from the Iris database.
Machine Details Provides convenient machine definitions for your
information. This data cannot be changed here.
Table 5-7: New Machine dialog box settings.
5.2.8 New Instrument
Adds a New Instrument to the TracCon Database File. This option is available by right-clicking
New Instrument in the Instruments page. Before adding a New Instrument, you must
know two things about the instrument:
1. The instruments serial number, and
2. The instruments multi-drop (or Network) address.
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Additionally, you can specify what machine (if one exists) to what instrument, and the
communication profile (if one exists) for that connection. Supervisor options can enable/disable
the ability to add new instruments (see Section

Screen 5-14: New Instrument dialog box.
Settings Application
Add New Instrument The name of the instrument, as it is to appear in the
Inventory List.
Serial Number The instruments serial number.
Network Address The multi-drop address of the instrument.
Machine The machine this instrument is attached to. If you
havent added a machine, select None.
Communication Profile The communication profile used to connect to this
instrument. If you have not added a communication
profile, select None.
Table 5-8: New Instrument dialog box settings.
5.2.9 New Communication
Creates a new Communication Profile. This option is available via right-click New
Communication in the Communication page. A Communication Profile describes a physical
hardware communication configuration for connecting your instrument(s). Supervisor options
can enable/disable the ability to add new communication profiles (see Section Definitions
Term Definition
Connection Name The name of the Communication Profile, as it is to appear in the
Inventory List.
Communication Port The physical hardware port of the computer.
IP Address The terminal servers IP address.
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Port ID The terminal servers Port ID address.
Scan Addresses The multi-drop addresses you want to enable.
Fibre Optic
Check this if you are using a fibre optic mode.
All Enables all addresses.
None Disables all addresses.
Ok Returns to Communication Screen after creating the new profile.
Cancel Returns to Communication Screen without creating a new profile.
Multi-drop One or more addressable Trac instruments connected in a bus
Direct Single Trac Instrument
Local Port Local communications port on your computer
Network Communications over a TCP/IP to a terminal server device
Table 5-9: Communication definitions. Local Port, Multidrop
Select Local Port, Multidrop to create a connection from a computers COM port using a RS-
232 to RS-485 converter to multiple instruments connected via RS485 or fibre optic in a bus
Enter the Connection Name, Communication Port and Scan Addresses. Enable Fibre
Optic Connection if appropriate.

Screen 5-15: Local Port, Multidrop dialog box Local Port, Direct
Select Local Port, Direct to create a connection on a computers COM port when connecting
directly to an instruments front panel RS232 port. This is a single connection.
Enter the Connection Name and the Communication Port.
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Screen 5-16. Local Port, Direct dialog box Network, Multidrop
Select Network, Multidrop to create a connection using a terminal server connected to multiple
instruments connected via RS485 or fibre optic in a bus configuration.
Enter the Connection Name, IP Address, Port ID and Scan Addresses. Enable Fibre
Optic Connection if appropriate.

Screen 5-17. Network, Multidrop dialog box Network, Direct
Select Network, Direct to create a connection using a
terminal server with each port connected to a single
Enter the Connection Name, IP Address and Port ID.

Screen 5-18. Network, Direct dialog box

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5.2.10 Attach Instrument/Communication
If a Machine is highlighted in the Machines tab, the Attach Instrument command links an
Instrument to a machine. When you select this command, a
dialog box with a list of all available instruments appears.
Some instruments, like FluxTrac, can be connected to
multiple machines; so, they appear as frequent as there are
inputs available and require assignment of instrument input.
In the Machines page with a machine highlighted, you can
right-click to Attach Instrument. You can detach an
instrument by highlighting the instrument to detach in the
Machines page and then right-click Detach Instrument or
EditDetach Instrument.
Screen 5-19. Attach Instrument dialog box

In the Instruments tab, a similar procedure, Attach
Communication is used to link a Communications
profile to an Instrument highlighted. You can also
right-click with an Instrument highlighted to the
Attach Communication.

Screen 5-20 Assign Instrument dialog box

5.2.11 Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete / Rename
Cut the selection and place it in the clipboard
Copy the selection and place it in the clipboard
Paste the clipboard contents into another TracCon database
Delete or remove the selected item
Rename (Communications page only) to change the name of the
communications profile
Note: You cannot delete machines or instruments profiles that are attached.
Communication profiles can be deleted at any time.
These options are also available via the right-click option in all pages.
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5.2.12 Copy Special/Paste Special
In some pages, such as Triggers and Flux Probe data, there are Copy Special and Paste
Special commands, where Special is replaced with the appropriate context sensitive
Page Special function
Triggers Trigger/Schedule Page
Alarms Alarm Settings
Information (FluxTrac) Machine Data
Flux Probe Data Load Point Data

5.2.13 Update From Database
In the Machines tab, this updates the machine definitions in the TracCon Database File with the
machine definition information contained in the Iris Paradox Database. If you change a
machine definition in the Iris Database according to the instructions in Appendix A, you must
use the Update From Database command to import the changes to TracCon. You cannot
change Database information using the Database Machine Editor within TracCon.
Note: If the database no longer contains information on a particular machine,
updating is not possible.
5.2.14 Detach/Disconnect Instrument
In the Machines page with an instrument highlighted, you can Detach the Instrument from the
machine. This does not delete the instrument; it only breaks the link to the machine. This
option is available via the right-click option Detach Instrument in the Machines page with
the instrument highlighted.
In the Communications page, you can disconnect an instrument from a communications
profile. This does not detach an instrument from a machine. This option is available right-
clicking to Disconnect Instrument in the Communications page.
5.2.15 Close All Ports/Open All Ports
In the Communications menu that is available when the Communications page is open, you
can Close or Open All Ports. This does not change the database, but will allow other
applications, such as TracLink or TracWiz to use the communication ports. These options are
available by right-clicking to Close/Open All Ports in the Communications page.
5.2.16 Undo / Find / Find Next / Replace / Select All
Used to change Report Files:
Undo the last editing command
Find specified text
Find the Next occurrence of specified text
Replace selected text with new text
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Select All contents of a file.
5.3 Settings Menu: Report Files Only
Sets the Report File display font.
Sets the Printer Font.
Mirror, or same, Font for printer and display.
Screen 5-21. Settings Menu
5.4 View Menu
This menu contains commands regarding the appearance of TracCon and the Alarm Window.

Screen 5-22. View Menu (typical & Reports only)
5.4.1 Alarm Window
The Alarm Window contains the list of all current alarms. Alarms are categorized into three
Active Red
Acknowledged Yellow
Cleared Green

Screen 5-23. Alarm
Window Alarm Legend
Whenever a new alarm is generated, it is added to the Alarm Window as an Active alarm.
When a user Acknowledges an alarm, the alarm changes state from Active (red dot) to
Acknowledged (yellow dot). You can only Clear acknowledged alarms, and you can only
Delete cleared alarms.

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Settings Application
Hide Hides the Alarm Window.
Acknowledge / Clear / Delete Multi-function button (its function depends on alarm item
selected) is used to toggle alarm from Active to Delete.
Report Used to generate an Alarm Report (Report 3: Sample
Alarm Report)
Reset Deletes all alarms, regardless of their state.
Table 5-10: Alarm Window settings
Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V6. 0
Al ar mRepor t Fi l e
Pr epar ed On: Tue J ul 08, 2003 11: 36: 38
Al ar m#1:
ALARM set at Fr i J ul 04, 2003 21: 21: 16
Det ai l s: ERR023
Measur ement on ' Hydr oTr ac 001' abor t ed due t o t i meout .
The i nst r ument may not be conf i gur ed cor r ect l y, or a
mal f unct i on may have occur r ed.
Al ar m#2:
ALARM set at Fr i J ul 04, 2003 22: 29: 16
Det ai l s: ERR023
Measur ement on ' Hydr oTr ac 002' abor t ed due t o t i meout .
The i nst r ument may not be conf i gur ed cor r ect l y, or a
mal f unct i on may have occur r ed.
Report 3: Sample Alarm Report
The Details for a given alarm can contain a generic application error code such as ERR039
shown above or a description of an alarm generated by an instrument such as Over pulses
detected on measurement or +NQN Alarm (see Section 6.3.4).
5.4.2 Hide TracCon (Show TracCon)
This command is used to hide/open TracCon from the computers desktop. This is ideal when
TracCon is run in the background. A TracCon icon in the notification tray in the task bar
indicates TracCon is running. Right-click on the icon to Hide/Show Window or Exit TracCon.
An alarm is indicated with a red blinking indicator, otherwise there is a green indicator in the
taskbar. Right-click on the Alarm icon to the Alarm Window or to Acknowledge Alarms.

Red blinking
Alarm Window
Screen 5-24: Taskbar Icons
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5.4.3 List Bar: Machines, Instruments, Communications
The command is used to select one of the Inventory List pages for

Screen 5-25. Inventory List window
5.4.4 Status Bar
When checked, the Status bar is displayed at the bottom of the TracCon application window.

Screen 5-26. Status Bar
The left side of the Status bar contains a description when the mouse cursor hovers over
toolbar items. The right side of the Status bar contains application information
Screen 5-26]. The NO symbol over an image indicates the option is not enabled.

Status Bar Image Application
Diskette When the Automatically save file hourly option is enabled in the
application Edit Options & Settings Tasks. (See Section
Calendar When the Enable background time scheduler option is enabled in
the application Edit Options & Settings Tasks (see Section
SCADA When at least one machine is acquiring operating parameters
through a PI interface
CAP The keyboards CAPS lock is activated
NUM The keyboards NUM lock is activated
SCRL The keyboards Scroll lock is activated
Date/time The last two panels display the current date (MM/DD/YY) and time
of day in 24-hour mode.

5.4.5 Tool Bar
The Toolbar contains icons representing the most common commands.

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A New Database File
B New Report File
C Open
D Save
E Send As Mail
F Print
G Options & Settings
H New Instrument
New Machine
J New Communication
K Close All Ports
L Cut
M Copy
N Paste
O Delete
P Alarm Window
Q New Window
R Cascade Windows
S Tile Windows
T About TracCon

5.5 Window Menu
The Window menu contains commands regarding the open windows
displayed in your workspace.

Screen 5-27. Window Menu
5.5.1 New Window / Cascade / Tile/ Arrange Icons
Creates a New Window that is a copy of the existing window.
Cascade all open and visible windows in your workspace.
Tile all open and visible windows in your workspace.
Arrange all icons in the window.

5.5.2 Open Window List
Contains the filenames of all open files, or windows.

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5.6 Help Menu
5.6.1 About TracCon
Displays TracCons about dialog box containing
the application version information and the
application serial number.

Screen 5-28: About TracCon dialog box

5.6.2 Iris on the Web
Contains the hyperlinks to Iris for technical support and marketing information.

Screen 5-29. Iris on the Web
5.6.3 User Manual
The Help menu contains the User Manual, which displays this

Screen 5-30. Help Menu
5.7 Iris Hyperlink
This Iris Power Engineering icon provides easy access to the Iris website,
through a hyperlink.

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Chapt er
6. BusTrac/HydroTrac
6.1 Menus & Commands
When the Machines page is open in the Inventory List, and a BusTrac or HydroTrac
instrument is highlighted, the following menus and commands are available.
6.1.1 File Reports
FileReports menu contains commands pertaining to
file, report and print operations (see Section 5.1.6 for
other commands).

Screen 6-1. Machine File Menu. Database Log Report
This command creates a Database Log Report containing a list of all the run-time operating
conditions entered or acquired when measurements were performed on the winding to which
the BusTrac or HydroTrac is attached (see Section
Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V6. 3
Hydr oTr ac Dat abase Log Li st i ng For Uni t 1A

Pr epar ed On: Tue Nov 04, 2003 22: 46: 44

#. Dat e & Ti me Cpl . Pai r Temp kV MW MVAr Rec # Comment
1. 10/ 28/ 03 15: 24 C- C1- C- C2 55. 00 13. 80 200. 00 0. 00 278 t est ( Not
schedul ed)
2. 10/ 28/ 03 15: 23 B- C1- B- C2 55. 00 13. 80 200. 00 0. 00 277 t est ( Not
schedul ed)
Report 4: Sample BusTrac Database Log Report.
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Iris Power Engineering Inc. Measurement History Report
The Measurement History Report is no longer available.
6.1.2 BusTrac or HydroTrac Menu
The BusTrac or HydroTrac menu contains commands
specific to these instruments only.

Screen 6-2. BusTrac or HydroTrac Menu Run Measurement Now
Performs a measurement on the selected BusTrac or HydroTrac immediately. Database Log Report
Creates a Database Log Report. The Database Log Report contains a list of a
measurements performed by the BusTrac or HydroTrac instrument (see Section Change Alarm Settings
Sets alarm threshold levels for the NQN and Q
values returned by the BusTrac or HydroTrac
instrument when a measurement is completed. Alarm thresholds are defined per coupler per
phase. Alarm values of 0 are used to disable the alarm threshold.
This screen is accessible by double-clicking on an entry in the Alarms page.

Screen 6-3. Alarm Settings dialog box Copy Item / Page
Depending on the item selected, copies information to the clipboard. Paste Item / Page
Depending on the item selected, pastes information from the clipboard.
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6.2 Instruments Page
The following information is displayed when the Instruments page is selected in the Inventory
List and a BusTrac/HydroTrac instrument is highlighted.
6.2.1 Information Page
The Information page displays information specific to
the BusTrac or HydroTrac instrument highlighted in the
Inventory List.

Screen 6-4. Information page
Setting Result
Name The user supplied name given to the instrument.
Serial Number The instruments unique serial number.
Multidrop Address The instruments multidrop address used for RS485 and
fibre optic communication modes.
Communication Profile The name of the communication connection this
instrument is connected to.
Version Information The instruments version information.
Table 6-1: Instrument Page details.
6.2.2 Diagnostics Page
The Diagnostics page contains information from the
BusTrac or HydroTrac instrument.

Screen 6-5. Diagnostics page Update
Obtains the last diagnostics information from the instrument. To perform a self-test, use the
Self Test command then Update to refresh the information.
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Iris Power Engineering Inc. Self Test
Performs a self-test in the instrument. The contents of the Diagnostics page is not updated, you
must Update the contents. Attention
Sets (turns-on) or resets (turns-off) the Attention indicator visible on the instruments front
panel. Diagnostics Report
Select the File Reports Diagnostics Report or from anywhere on the instrument
Diagnostics page Diagnostics Report to obtain a report on the diagnostics information
[Report 5: Sample BusTrac Diagnostics Report.]

Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V6. 0
Hydr oTr ac Di agnost i cs Repor t : : ' Hydr oTr ac 001'

Pr epar ed On: Tue J ul 08, 2003 11: 42: 43
Last updat ed on: Fr i J ul 04, 2003 20: 56: 44

- - - COMPONENTS - - -
Communi cat i on Li br ar y 05. 01 ' Tr ac Bus Li br ar y
( I Tr cBus. DLL) '
I nst r ument Li br ar y: 02. 01 ' Hydr oTr ac Li br ar y
( Hydr oTr c. DLL) '

- - - DI AGNOSTI CS - - -
Ac Sync Vol t age: Det ect ed. 8
Bat t er y: Good. ( 159)
- 15 Vdc Power : Good. ( 126)
- 5 Vdc Power : Good. ( 129)
+15 Vdc Power : Good. ( 241)
+5 Vdc Power : Good. ( 127)
Sync Fr equency: 59. 974 Hz
I nt er nal Temper at ur e: 48. 0
Ref er ence Vol t age: Good. ( 209)

- - - EVENTS LOG - - -
Power Suppl y Faul t s: 0
Communi cat i on Er r or s: 18
Over Temper at ur e: 0
Under Temper at ur e: 0
Syst emFaul t s: 5
Reset Count er : 1060
Last Reset ( YY/ MM/ DD HH) : 03/ 07/ 04 h: 20

- - - STATI STI CS - - -
At t ent i on St at us Code: 100D
Temper at ur e Li mi t s: Yes.
Power Suppl y Faul t s: No.
Har dwar e Reset Fl ag: Yes.
Communi cat i on Er r or s: Yes.
User At t ent i on: No.
Memor y Er r or s: No.
Synchr oni zat i on Si gnal : Det ect ed.
Cl ock St at us: Ok.
Bat t er y St at us: Ok.
Ext er nal Mul t i pl exer : Det ect ed.
TracCon User Manual Page 52 of 88
Iris Power Engineering Inc.
On- Ti me Ti ck Count er : 715434
Opt i ons Code: 1279
RS485 I r i sBus: I nst al l ed.
At t enuat or s: +12 dB.
Ampl i f i er s: +12 dB.
Mul t i dr op Ter mResi st or s: I nst al l ed.
Ext er nal Mul t i pl exer : Suppor t ed.
Ter mi nat i on Resi st or s: I nst al l ed.
Ext er nal Sync Opt i on: I nst al l ed.
Fr ont Panel Connect or s: Absent .
Temper at ur e Measur ement : I nst al l ed.
Fi r mwar e Ver si on: 04. 05
Har dwar e Ver si on: HYDRTRC1
Report 5: Sample BusTrac Diagnostics Report.
6.3 Machines Page
6.3.1 BusTrac/HydroTrac Setup Page
The BusTrac Setup or HydroTrac Setup page is used to configure the BusTrac or HydroTrac
instrument prior to performing a measurement. A typical configuration is described below. For
more information on the Trac setup parameters, see the appropriate instrument Trac User

Screen 6-6. Setup page
You can start a measurement at any time using this right-click () command on any of the four

Be aware that the values entered in the Operating Parameters section on the Triggers page will
be stored with the results (see Section 6.3.2).

Setting Result
TracCon User Manual Page 53 of 88
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AC Synchronization
The source of the synchronization signal. Normally, the C1 or
MACHINE input is used as the AC Synchronization Signal.
Phase Adjustment
The phase adjustment used when a measurement is performed.
When using capacitive couplers, the phase adjustment is +90
Test Duration The duration of the measurement cycle, per magnitude window.
BusTrac or HydroTrac has 16 magnitude windows, so typically test
duration is about 16 times the Test Duration. Recommendation is 5
second test.
Coupler Sensitivity
Used to select the measurement coupler sensitivity used for each
coupler pair. A BusTrac or HydroTrac can be attached to up to six
coupler pairs, but the actual number of couplers displayed depends
on the number of couplers installed on the machine to which the
instrument is attached. The coupler pair definitions are retrieved
from the Iris Paradox Database (See Section 4.2 for more
information about machine definitions). Recommendation is that you
select a sensitivity range such that the maximum partial discharge
levels detected will be about midrange. That is, if you have partial
discharge levels of 150mV, select the 20-320mV range. This
ensures that the partial discharge will be detected and also provides
maximum sensitivity to the activity.
6.3.2 Triggers Page
The Triggers page is used to define an automatic data collection schedule. Triggers can be
purely time based or parameter based. Purely time-based triggers will collect data at a user-
defined frequency, while parameter-based triggers will collect data when some user defined
machine operating conditions are true. Time-based Triggers
The time-based trigger requires a name, start time and time interval. When the start time is
equal to the present time, data will be collected from the instrument and when the operation is
complete the start time will be incremented by the time interval. Parameter-based Triggers
The parameter-based trigger requires a name, start time, one or more parameter ranges and a
time interval. All parameter ranges require a center value and a tolerance above or below that
value. When the start time equals the present time TracCon will begin to compare the current
operating conditions, obtained from a PI server, with the user defined parameter ranges. If the
actual conditions fall within the user-defined tolerances for all the parameter conditions in that
trigger, data will be collected from the instrument. When the operation is complete the start time
will be incremented by the time interval.
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List of trigger names
parameter ranges.
Take a
Screen 6-7: Schedule page.
In order to make changes to Triggers you must enter the Supervisor mode. Please contact Iris
technical support for information (see Section 9.1). Supervisor options can enable/disable the
ability to use PI Interface (see Section

Within the Triggers setup page you can Run Measurements, or Copy and Paste the Schedule
Page to and from the clipboard using the right-click () commands.
Be aware that the values entered in the Operating Parameters
section on the Triggers page will be stored with the results (see
Section 6.3.2).
In Supervisor mode, you can create new triggers by double-
clicking on the name and entering a unique name.
Double-click on each of the parameters you require for this trigger and enter the center value
and tolerance for that parameter. Each parameter specified for a trigger will be combined in a
logical AND, that is all must be true for the trigger to be activated.
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The different trigger definitions will be combined in a logical OR, that is, each trigger will be
evaluated individually and can thus be activated or non-
activated independently. Triggers also have time and
frequency requirements, see Section, which must be
met for the trigger to be activated. See Section 6.4.2 for advice
on setting triggers. Acquire
Force a measurement to occur immediately. This does not change the measurement schedule.
If you are not getting operating conditions through PI, you need to enter the Operating
Conditions prior to acquiring data (Section Operating Conditions
If PI is enabled (see Section 4.5), then you can get the operating conditions from PI; otherwise
you will need to enter the following data that will be stored with the PD results:

Reactive Power (MVar)
Stator voltage (kV)
Winding Temp (C)
Hydrogen Pressure (if applicable)
Active Power (MW)

You can also enter a Test Comment that will be stored with the data. Measurement Specifics
Setting Result
Enable Current Trigger When checked, the selected trigger is enabled; however, you must
have Enable background time scheduler in the Options & Settings:
Tasks checked for the triggers to run (see Section
Start Date & Start Time The date and time the trigger begins to be valid. If this is a time-based
trigger this will be the time that the next measurement will be taken.
End Date & End Time The date and time the trigger will no longer be valid. If you want data
collection to continue indefinitely, then leave the check box empty.
Number per Interval This number indicates the total number of measurements to be
performed during each time interval. For example, if you want to
collect 4 sets of data, one after the other, for each time interval, enter
the number 4.
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Time Interval This is the time between measurements. Every time a measurement is
performed the start time will be incremented by the time interval.

6.3.3 Test Log Page
The Test Measurement Log contains a list of all measurements in the database. When a
measurement is selected, you can launch PDView to display the measurement data or double-
click on the test result.
The Refresh updates the list by reading the entire contents of the Iris ParadoxDatabase.
This command can take several seconds to complete.

Screen 6-8. Test Log page
You can start a measurement at any time or generate a Database Log
Report using the right-click () command (see for more
information on the report).
Be aware that the values entered in the Operating Parameters section on the Triggers page will
be stored with the results (see Section 6.3.2).

The Test Measurement Log displays the following information:
Date / Time The date and time the measurement was performed.
Coupler Pair The coupler pair used for the measurement.
Status The measurement status: OK and OVR (see Section 6.4.3)
+NQN1 C1 or Machine coupler +NQN summary value
NQN1 C1 or Machine coupler -NQN summary value
+Qm1 C1 or Machine coupler +Qm summary value
Qm1 C1 or Machine coupler -Qm summary value
+NQN2 C2 or System coupler +NQN summary value
NQN2 C2 or System coupler -NQN summary value
+Qm2 C2 or System coupler +Qm summary value
Qm2 C2 or System coupler -Qm summary value
Temperature The machine operating temperature when the measurement was performed.
Voltage The machine operating voltage when the measurement was performed.
MW The machine operating megawatts when the measurement was performed.
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MVAR The machine operating reactance when the measurement was performed.
H2 Pressure The machine operating hydrogen pressure when the measurement was
Comment User defined comment, from the database.
Table 6-2: Test Measurement information.
6.3.4 Alarms Page
The Alarms page is used to define alarm thresholds
per coupler input. When a scheduled measurement is
performed, TracCon checks NQN and Qm values and
signals one or more alarms if the measured values are
above the thresholds entered. Edit the settings by
double-clicking on the couplers alarm values.

Screen 6-9. Alarms page
Setting Result
Alarm when over
pulses are detected
When checked, TracCon generates an alarm if over magnitude
pulses are detected by the BusTrac or HydroTrac instrument.
These over-magnitude alarms are independent of the NQN and Qm
alarm thresholds entered.
Alarm when a
scheduled test fails due
to comm problems
When checked, TracCon generates an alarm if it was unable to perform a
scheduled measurement. It is recommended that this box remains
Note: Over-magnitude pulses are reported by the instrument when more than four pulses
greater than the maximum input sensitivity are detected during a measurement. Alarms Settings
The NQN and Qm alarm thresholds, per coupler in each phase input (see Section and
6.4.1 for information about setting alarms).
Coupler Name The machine coupler name
+NQN The +NQN alarm threshold
-NQN The NQN alarm threshold
+Qm The +Qm alarm threshold
-Qm The Qm alarm threshold
Table 6-3: Alarm information
Within the Alarms page you can start a measurement, Change Alarm
Settings, or Copy and Paste the Alarm Settings to and from the
clipboard using the right-click () commands.
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6.4 On-line Tests
With the exception of the coaxial cable connections at the junction box, it is imperative that no
other connections be removed from the PD monitoring system while the machine is operational.
As with the portable systems, the 50/60Hz AC voltage between the center pin and the shield
should be 100-600mV
. If the ground is disconnected it is possible this voltage may float to a
higher value.
6.4.1 Threshold Alarms
Threshold alarms are either latched or momentarily alarms that can be connected to a plants
annunciation system to provide plant personnel with warning that NQN or Qm levels have
exceeded a user pre-set value. At Iris we recommend threshold alarms be set based on
comparing the present PD levels to those of similar machines in the Iris database (see Section
6.5.3). Our recommendation is as follows:
If the present Qm level is less than the 75
percentile, then set the Qm Alarm at the 90

If the present Qm level is greater than the 75
percentile, then set the Qm Alarm at twice
the present value
NQN alarms should be 1.5 times higher than the Qm alarms
PD fluctuates with ambient condition and operating parameters, so caution should be taken
before reacting to alarms. Alarms are only warnings that further investigation with a portable
instrument is required. It is the results of that further investigation that determine what type of
maintenance action, if any, is required.
6.4.2 Triggered Data Collection
With remote controlled HydroTracs and BusTracs, it is possible to set up scheduled, or
triggered, data collection. Based on the installation options, these triggers can be set based on
operating parameters and time (see Section 6.3.2). For example, you can set the system to
collect data at full-load hot operating conditions at a frequency of once a month. Though the
trigger definitions applicable to your situation will depend on the condition of the winding, the
type of winding, and the normal operating practice of the machine, the following are some
general recommendations for triggers:
Full-load hot once a month
Full-load cold once a month
Reduced-load hot once a month
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6.4.3 Quality Flags or Flames
During testing, a flame will appear if a problem with the detected PD data occurs. Investigate
the cause for this Quality flag or flame by clicking on the flame. The reasons and recommended
actions are as follows:
OVR: Over Magnitude pulses with higher magnitudes than the test range. You need to
increase the test range magnitudes.
HNM: High Noise Magnitude noise pulses with higher magnitudes than the test range. If
the Unit PD is undetected, you might want to lower the magnitudes of the test range to
look for PD. Be careful if you are getting down into the 2-32mV or 5-85mV range. DO
NOT test at these lower ranges if any pulses are above 1500mV.
HNPR: High Noise Pulse Rate this lets you know there were more noise pulses than the
instrument could count. If you raise the test magnitude, this should skip testing at the
lower magnitudes where the high noise pulse rate occurs. It does not affect the PD data.
POVRL: Pulse Count Overload most likely due to the presence of more low magnitude
pulses than the test instrument can count. Change to higher test magnitudes and these
pulses should no longer be detected. This flame is not a problem to the test instrument.
6.4.4 Errors
The message Reference signal not 50Hz or 60Hz indicates a problem with the voltage
reference signal. For PDA and Bus installs, the AC voltage between the center pin and the
shield at the termination box of C1/Machine should be 100-600mV
. If this is not present,
there is a problem with the sensor or the coaxial cable.
If the computer cannot find the test instrument, you will get a communications not established
message. The problem may be that the network cards did not select the correct network port.
Turn off the computer and the test instrument; reconnect the network cable and then turn on the
computer. You may also need to change the network protocols and adapters of the computer;
see the Trac Users Manual for more information about error messages.
6.5 Interpretation
The download and analysis of collected data should be repeated at least every six months for
machines rated 6kV and up. If a problem develops, then the frequency of collection may need
to be increased. Due to the short-time frame between detection and failure for motors rated
less than 4kV, it is recommended that analysis be done monthly on these machines. By using
the summary archive variables, trending of data is straightforward and useful. Collection of data
at different operating parameters using TracCon may also help in determining the condition of
the stator winding.
6.5.1 Trend Analysis
The first step of analysis is to look at the trend. The trend data based on the archived data
available via TracLink may also provide a trend; see the TracLink User Manual. Furthermore, if
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operating conditions are available, then it is best to compare results obtained under similar
operating condition ranges, such as:
Voltage +/- 200V PD increases with voltage, so variances in voltage can lead
to fluctuations in PD levels
Load +/- 10% If a machine has PD that is mechanically dependent, such
as loose coils or connections, then it is likely the PD levels
will change with load.
Real power +/- 10%
Reactive power +/- 10%
+/- 5C Operating temperature affects the volume of internal voids,
which affects PD magnitudes.
+/- 5 psi
+/- 35kPA Gas pressure affects the electrical breakdown stress and
therefore, levels of PD.
Humidity Unknown Humidity can affect surface PD, especially PD in the
endwinding or ring busses,
When a trend line is established for PD tests taken over a period, it will be obvious that most
show a slight up and down variation between successive tests. However, as an insulation
system ages, there will be an easily discernible overall upward movement of PD with time.
Aging is a very slow process and sudden increases are not expected in the PD test results. A
doubling of PD activity (Qm values twice that of the previous test) every six months is a strong
indication of a rapidly developing failure mechanism. Though the condition of the stator winding
can be assessed, time to failure cannot be predicted. The actual failure is normally the result of
an unusual source of insulation stress such as lightning, out-of-phase synchronization, or
severe overheating.
Caution: Erratic PD can cause wide swings in trends that may be misleading.
Do not interpret these in isolation.
Maintenance can often be done on a machine to lower the PD activity. Examples of
maintenance that have been known to successfully reduce PD are rewedging, cleaning, dip and
bake, and repairs to the voltage stress coatings. If the source of the PD is within the bulk of the
insulation, then repairs may not be effective.
6.5.2 Comparison to Similar Machines
As mentioned in Section 6.5.1, data collected from the same machine operating under similar
parameters using the same test setup are directly comparable and the most useful. It is also
possible to roughly compare the results of one machine to those of similar machines. Due to
the influence of the test frequency on the results, the test setup (sensors and test instrument)
must be the same for all comparisons. Based on statistical analysis, the type of machine does
not appear to have a great impact to PD levels and though insulation types have different types
of failure mechanisms, in these gross comparisons there does not appear to be much difference
in the overall levels of PD activity. Load and temperature can also greatly influence test results,
but these are dependent upon the type and condition of the insulation system, and thus, cannot
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be used in these gross comparisons. The remaining operating variables voltage and gas
coolant must be similar to compare results.
Tables 1-3 are statistical summaries of the Qm values based on the 2002 Iris database that
contains over 43,000 test results. Data are separated by sensor, gas coolant, and voltage
class. All of the data was acquired using an Iris test instrument: a Trac, Portable, or Guard
instrument. Each table shows the average, maximum, and the 25
, 50
, 75
, 90
, and 95

percentile ranks. The 25
percentile is the Qm magnitude for which 25% of the test results are
below and are too small to interpret, similarly for 50%, 75%, 90%, and 95%. Normally, there is
concern for a winding if the Qm in a machine is higher than the 90
percentile and increasing.
Database comparisons:
Negligible <25%
Low <50%
Average <75%
Moderate <90%
High <95%
Very High >95%
6.5.3 Data Summary thru 2002
Bus - air-cooled (TGA)
Rated V 2-4kV 6-8kV 10-12kV 13-15kV 16-18kV
Avg 91 86 193 212 286
Max 3200 1805 4455 4127 3200
25% 5 13 36 37 16
50% 22 37 83 96 59
75% 73 112 207 236 120
90% 155
218 473 514 440
95% 263 295 723 803 2143
PDA - air-cooled
Rated V 6-9kV 10-12kV 13-15kV 16-18kV > 19kV
Avg 137 206 301 360 277
Max 1600 3410 3396 3548 3552
25% 18 26 35 46 95
50% 42 64 101 176 151
75% 104 145 204 379 267
90% 463 310 372 851
95% 740
453 566 1819

Volatile year to year due to a small sampling space
Volatile year to year due to strong influence of a few manufacturers
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Bus - Hydrogen-cooled
Rated V 10-12kV 13-15kV 16-18kV > 19kV
H2 (psi) 11-20 21-30 11-20 21-30 31-50 11-20 21-30 31-50 >50 21-30 31-50 >50
Avg 66 28 135 52 34 319 46 25 16 97 27 43
Max 370 54 1564 459 129 933 127 116 69 150 140 482
25% 0 17 14 12 3 144 21 0 6 62 0 8
50% 37 33 48 35 28 167 44 21 10 99 12 11
75% 55 43 146 68 53 486 62 42 16 140 39 37
90% 192 48 323 88 66 782 86 60 36 145
87 128
95% 257 50 378 179 106 831 97 63 48 146
106 179

6.5.4 PD Characteristics
Phase resolved data available with the portable and guard instruments is needed
for a full analysis of PD results. However, the following based only on PD data
available from Trac instruments may provide the user with some indication of the
primary cause of the PD activity. Comparison Between Phases
When the PD levels and patterns are similar among the phases, then uniform deterioration is
suspected; otherwise, an isolated problem is more likely. Typically, coil looseness, thermal
deterioration, contamination, and problems with the voltage stress coatings are widespread, or
uniform, whereas, improper manufacturing and inadequate spacing are often isolated problems. Polarity Predominance
The polarity of the classic pulses and their
predominance tells a lot about the dominant failure
mechanism as shown in Figure 6-1. Due to space
charge effects, a pulse will occur in a specific
direction based on the proximity of the void to a
metallic substance. For this reason, it is possible
to determine where the pulses originate, and
therefore, the location of the voids in the insulation
system. Several failure mechanisms produce
voids predominantly at a certain location in the
insulation. Note that polarity predominance should
be based only on the classic PD patterns, and in
the absence of classic PD, polarity predominance
is not applicable; this determination requires
phase-resolved PD data.

Figure 6-1. PD Polarity based on Void
TracCon User Manual Page 63 of 88
Iris Power Engineering Inc. Load Effect
If tests are taken at loads that differ by at least 40%, it may be possible to ascertain the effects
of magnetic forces on coil vibration. For loose windings, PD can be extremely load-dependent
with positive PD activity increasing with the load. This is due to the increase in magnetic forces
) causing an increase in coil movement and thus surface (positive) PD activity. The
effect is most significant with loose thermoset (hard) windings such as epoxy-mica insulated
windings. Thermoplastic (soft) windings expand when heated and tend to secure themselves
within the core. If PD load dependency is present, it is always a concern that loose coils can
lead to premature winding failure. These coil movements, if present, can rapidly damage the
semi-conducting coating on the coil side and if left unchecked can wear away the insulation
itself. In extreme cases, this failure mechanism can destroy an otherwise good winding in only
a few years. Temperature Effect
Operating temperature can greatly affect the results from a partial discharge test. Various
materials respond differently to changes in temperature. These changes can be subtle for small
variances of +/-5C, or drastic, doubling and tripling, for greater discrepancies of +/-20C.
Performing the PD test with the machine at the same load, but at different temperatures, i.e. at
least +/-20C may be able to help further identify which failure mechanisms are occurring.
These are often referred to as Cold and Hot tests.
The sizes of voids within a stator winding are usually inversely proportional to the operating
temperature. As temperature increases, the copper and groundwall bonding material expand
closing voids and thus decreasing classic PD. This negative temperature effect is most
significant on asphalt and polyester windings, but can also be observed on epoxy windings. A
large negative temperature effect suggests more severe internal delamination. Note that RTD
temperatures taken outside of the groundwall insulation do not quickly reflect changes in the
temperature of the copper conductor or internal insulation.
It may be possible that the positive classic PD actually increases with temperature, a positive
temperature effect. This phenomenon is frequently an indication of deterioration of the
semicon/grading coating. As the temperature of the stator winding increases, the resistance of
the coatings decreases and results in an increase in surface (positive) PD activity. This
problem is generally a very slow failure mechanism, but often leads to high ozone production in
air-cooled machines. Hydrogen Pressure Effect
Since the occurrence of a partial discharge is greatly affected by the void shape and gas
pressure within the void, variances in operating hydrogen pressure can lead to high fluctuations
of the overall PD activity. These changes can be subtle, for small variances of +/-2 psi, or
drastic, doubling and tripling, for greater discrepancies of +/-5psi. Performing the PD test with
the machine at the same load, but at different operating pressures, i.e. at least +/-10psi, may be
able to help identify which failure mechanisms are occurring. If the PD decreases with small
increases in the hydrogen pressure (negative effect), then the sources of PD are most likely
within the hydrogen environment. If there is no noticeable change in the PD pattern at different
hydrogen pressures (none) or a decrease in PD at lower pressure (positive effect), then it is
likely the PD is from sources external to the hydrogen environment at the machines terminals.
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Note this final statement only applies to Bus installs on hydrogen-cooled machines, not for SSC
applications. Humidity Effect
Perhaps the most influential, yet unpredictable, impacts of ambient conditions to PD are the
effects of variances in ambient humidity on air-cooled machines. Humidity can cause the
electrical breakdown stress of the air to decrease, and therefore cause an increase in surface
PD. Humidity can affect the electrical tracking of surface PD, and therefore cause a decrease in
PD. Thus, in some circumstances, the PD may go up, while in others it would go down with
increases in relative humidity. In some circumstances, the humidity effect has been known to
cause the PD to fluctuate by as much as 300%. Since each scenario is different, it is extremely
important the ambient humidity be recorded at test time so trends can be properly evaluated
and decisions are not made about upward trends that occur because of humidity effects and not
changes in winding condition. Present experience indicates humidity only affects surface
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7. FluxTrac
7.1 Menus & Commands
Within the Machines page of the Inventory List, and a FluxTrac instrument is selected (or
highlighted), the following menus and commands are available.
7.1.1 File Reports
The FileReports menu contains commands pertaining to file
and print operations (see Section 5.1.6 other commands).

Screen 7-1. Machine File Menu File List Report
This command creates a File List Report. A File List Report contains a list of all data files
stored in the Data Files Directory.
Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V5. 1
Fl uxTr ac Fi l e Li st i ng
Pr epar ed On: Fr i Nov 24, 2000 13: 37: 02
Dat a Di r ect or y: C: \ Pr ogr am Fi l es\ I r i s\ Fl uxTr ac Dat a\ ( *. pr n)
( 3 f i l es)
FT_001. PRN Fr i Dec 17, 1999 09: 35: 34
FT_002. PRN Fr i Dec 17, 1999 09: 43: 25
FLXTRC_CH2_LP1_002. PRN Thu J un 08, 2000 13: 51: 41
Report 6: Sample FluxTrac File List Report.

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7.1.2 FluxTrac Menu
The FluxTrac menu contains commands specific to the FluxTrac instrument only.

Screen 7-2. FluxTrac menu Acquire
When selected, TracCon acquires a single measurement from the FluxTrac instrument storing
with the data, the operating condition values entered on the Flux Probe Data. This does not
change the measurement schedule. If you are not getting operating conditions through PI, you
need to enter the Operating Conditions prior to acquiring data (Section 7.3.2). Copy Load Point Data
Copies currently displayed load point data to the clipboard. Paste Load Point Data
Pastes load point data from the clipboard to the selected load point. Clear Load Point Data
When selected, this command clears the flux probe data for the selected load point. Overwrite Files
When checked, TracCon overwrites FluxTrac data files with the same names as newly created
data files. Reset All Filenames
Resets all filenames (per load point and FluxTrac input).
TracCon User Manual Page 68 of 88
Iris Power Engineering Inc. Auto Increment Filename
When checked, TracCon automatically appends the load point index (_LP1) and file number
(_001) to the file name of the Flux Probe data. Delete File(s)
When selected, all files highlighted in the Data Files Directory are permanently erased. Clear All Data
Clears all data from all 12 pre-defined load points. Graph Colors
Displays the graph colors dialog box.
There are three colors displayed in the FluxTrac flux probe graph:
graph background color, foreground (or trace) color and selection
Screen 7-3. FluxTrac Graph Colors dialog box

7.2 Instruments Page
The following information is displayed when the Instruments page is open in the Inventory List
and a FluxTrac instrument is highlighted.
7.2.1 Information Page
The Information page displays information specific to the FluxTrac instrument highlighted in the
Inventory List.

Screen 7-4. Information page

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Setting Result
Name The user supplied name given to the instrument.
Serial Number The instruments unique serial number.
Multidrop Address The instruments multidrop address used for RS485 and
fibre optic communication modes.
Communication Profile The name of the communication mode with which the
instrument is connected.
Version Information The instruments version information.
Company Name Company Name
Station Name Station Name
Number of poles Number of rotor poles
Table 7-1: FluxTrac Instrument Page details
7.2.2 Diagnostics Page
The Diagnostics page contains information from the FluxTrac instrument.

Screen 7-5. Diagnostics page. Update
This command is used to obtain the last diagnostics information from the instrument. To
perform a self-test, use the Self Test command then Update to refresh the information. Self Test
Performs a self-test in the instrument. The contents of the Diagnostics page is not updated, you
must Update the contents. Attention
Sets (turns-on) or resets (turns-off) the Attention indicator visible on the instruments front
panel. Diagnostics Report
Select File Reports Diagnostics Report or Diagnostics Report to obtain a report on
the diagnostics information (see Report 7: Sample FluxTrac Diagnostics Report.).
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Tr acCon Repor t Fi l e V5. 1
Fl uxTr ac Di agnost i cs Repor t : : ' Fl uxTr ac 002 '
Pr epar ed On: Fr i Nov 24, 2000 17: 35: 02
Last updat ed on: Thu Apr 13, 2000 17: 11: 59

- - - COMPONENTS - - -
Communi cat i on Li br ar y 02. 01 ' Tr ac Bus Li br ar y
( I Tr cBus. DLL) '
I nst r ument Li br ar y: 02. 01 ' Fl uxTr ac Li br ar y
( Fl uxTr ac. DLL) '

- - - DI AGNOSTI CS - - -
Ac Sync Vol t age: Det ect ed. 58
Bat t er y: Good. ( 164)
- 15 Vdc Power : Good. ( 126)
- 5 Vdc Power : Good. ( 132)
+15 Vdc Power : Good. ( 244)
+5 Vdc Power : Good. ( 128)
Sync Fr equency: 59. 948 Hz
I nt er nal Temper at ur e: 33. 0
Ref er ence Vol t age: Good. ( 208)
Sync. Voltage status.
Power supply status
Temperature in C

- - - EVENTS LOG - - -
Power Suppl y Faul t s: 0
Communi cat i on Er r or s: 4
Over Temper at ur e: 0
Under Temper at ur e: 0
Syst emFaul t s: 0
Reset Count er : 22
Last Reset ( YY/ MM/ DD HH) : 00/ 04/ 13 h: 17
Event counters

- - - STATI STI CS - - -
At t ent i on St at us Code: 000C
Temper at ur e Li mi t s: No.
Power Suppl y Faul t s: No.
Har dwar e Reset Fl ag: Yes.
Communi cat i on Er r or s: Yes.
User At t ent i on: No.
Memor y Er r or s: No.
Synchr oni zat i on Si gnal : Det ect ed.
attention indicator
Cl ock St at us: Ok.
Bat t er y St at us: Ok.
Ext er nal Mul t i pl exor : Det ect ed.
On- Ti me Ti ck Count er : 0

Opt i ons Code: 0279
RS485 I r i sBus: I nst al l ed.
At t enuat or s: +12 dB.
Ampl i f i er s: +12 dB.
Mul t i dr op Ter mi nat i on Resi st or s: I nst al l ed.
Ext er nal Mul t i pl exor : Suppor t ed.
Ter mi nat i on Resi st or s: I nst al l ed.
Ext er nal Sync Opt i on: I nst al l ed.
Fr ont Panel Connect or s: Absent .
Temper at ur e Measur ement : I nst al l ed.
Fi r mwar e Ver si on: 01. 03
General instrument
Har dwar e Ver si on: FLUXTRAC1
Report 7: Sample FluxTrac Diagnostics Report.
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7.3 Machines Page
The following section describes the FluxTrac interface when an instrument is attached to a
machine (i.e. linked to the Iris Database).
7.3.1 Information Page
The following section describes the FluxTrac interface when the instrument is attached to a
Rated maximum load, in MWatts.
Number of coils per pole
Number of turns for each of the slots in the rotor

Screen 7-6. Information page
With the Machine page open, you can Copy and Paste the
Machine Data to and from the clipboard using the right-click ()
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7.3.2 Flux Probe Data Page
The Flux Probe Data page, shown below, displays the digitized data from the flux probe
Trigger Conditions
Operating Conditions
Load points
Flux data
Screen 7-7: FluxTrac Flux Probe Data page.

Setting Result
Acquire Used to Acquire data from the FluxTrac instrument.
Save Saves the raw data to the filename specified. Do NOT include a filename
extension; it is automatically appended. The filename extension is
defined in the Data Files page (Section 7.3.3).
Enable Current
When checked, the selected trigger is enabled; however, you must have
Enable background time scheduler in the Options & Settings: Tasks
checked for the triggers to run (see Section
Auto Increment
When checked, TracCon automatically increments the filename when
data is automatically saved.
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Load Points TracCon supports predefined Load Point Data for 12 load points. When
you press a Load Point button (numbered from 1 to 12), the predefined
load point data is restored MW and MVars. When a file is saved, the
Load Point Data is also saved with the raw data. Changing Load Points
requires Supervisor rights; contact Technical Support for further
Start The date and time the trigger begins to be valid. If this is a time-based
trigger this will be the time that the next measurement will be taken.
Repeat This is the time between measurements. Every time a measurement is
performed the start time will be incremented by the time interval.
If PI is enabled, then you can get the operating conditions from PI;
otherwise you will need to enter the following data that will be stored with
the results:
Active Power (MW)
Reactive Power (MVar)
Field Volts
Field Amps
7.3.3 Data Files Page
The location and list of raw data files. The data files
are stored in an ASCII format, suitable for import
into a spreadsheet program.

Screen 7-8. FluxTrac Data Files page

Setting Result
Filename Extension Sets the filename extension of the flux probe data files. The
extension entered also serves as a file filter for the file list displayed.
Examples are:

.prn - Print files
.txt - Text files
.csv - Comma separated variable
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Set an alarm when a
scheduled test fails.
When enabled, this will activate the Alarm window and record an
alarm when a scheduled test fails, possibly due to problems with the
flux probe. See Section 5.4.1 for information about Alarms.
Set an alarm when a
file cannot be saved.
When enabled, this will activate the Alarm window and record an
alarm when a file cannot be saved, possibly due to storage problems
on the computer. See Section 5.4.1 for information about Alarms.
Data File Path (and
Browse button)
Used to select the destination directory for flux probe data files. The
browse button can be used to search for the flux probe data
Within the Data Files menu you can List all of the probe data files
or Delete selected files using the right-click () commands (see

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8. Iris Database Utility
The Iris Database Utility (Database Machine Editor) is used to define and add new machines
to the Iris Paradox database.
1. When you run this Iris Database Utility for the first time, there are no Utility or Plant
names. Press New to add a new utility name. Then press Add to add your plant name.
Once you have entered the utility and plant names, open the Machines page at the top
of the dialog box.

Screen 8-1. Iris Database Utility
Note: It is not possible to remove Utilities, Plants or Machines from the
2. Select the Add New Machine icon (see Screen 8-2) and press the Add button.
A wizard dialog box is displayed which guides you through the process of
defining a new machine.
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Screen 8-2. Iris Database Utility - Machines screen
3. Enter the Machine Name (as it will be displayed in TracCon), the Manufacturer, the
Year of Install, the Machine Type and the Insulation Type.
Press Next to continue.
Press Back to return to previous screen.
Press Cancel to exit.

4. Supply the machine rated RPM, the rated Operating Voltage and the rated MWatts.
Press Next to continue.
Press Back to return to previous screen.
Press Cancel to exit.

5. Provide the names of the phases.
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Press Next to continue.
Press Back to return to previous screen.
Press Cancel to exit.

6. Provide a Coupler Name for the first coupler (like C1, or XC1). Select the Coupler
Type. Select the Phase / Parallel combination. Press the button to accept the
coupler. Repeat until all couplers are entered.
Press Next to continue.
Press Back to return to previous screen.
Press Cancel to exit.

7. Select the coupler pairs. First select a coupler from the Coupler 1 list, then the Coupler
2 list. Press to create the Coupler Pair.
Press Next to continue.
Press Back to return to previous screen.
Press Cancel to exit.

Press Add To Database to add the new machine and couplers to the database.
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Press Finish to exit.
Press Enter Another Machine to continue to define new machines.

When you have completed defining all machines, press Finish. You will be returned to the
main applet window.
Note: An alternative method to adding machines to a database is described in
Appendix A.

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9. Customer Support
9.1 Technical Support
If you require additional technical support, please contact Iris Power Engineerings Technical
Support at e-mail or fax 001-416-620-1995 or telephone 001-
416-620-5600 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
9.2 Sales
If you would like to obtain additional installation materials, please contact Iris Power
Engineerings Sales Department at 001-416-620-5600, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time or email
Please check our website for the latest product information, available
services and software updates.
9.3 Product Updates, New Products
For firmware upgrades, software upgrades, product updates and new products, visit our
website, regularly.
Contact our Sales Department at 001-416-620-5600, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time for more information.

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10. Quick Reference
Result Menu Function Keys
New Database FileNew Database
New Report FileNew Report File Ctrl-R
Open FileOpen Ctrl-O
Close FileClose
Save FileSave (As) Ctrl-S
Reports (options vary) FileReports
Print Setup FilePrint Setup
Send email FileSend As Mail
Options & Settings EditOptions &
Cut EditCut Ctrl-X
Copy EditCopy Ctrl-C
Paste EditPaste Ctrl-V
Delete EditDelete Del
Add User Property to Machine Info Add User Property Ins
Delete User Property in Machine
Delete User
Edit User value in Machine Info Edit User Value Enter

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Appendix A: Alternative Method for Adding Machines
This procedure requires a computer with PD-Lite V4.3 installed, but does not
require a test instrument to be connected.
Start PD-Lite.
Wait until it goes through the sequence of trying to connect to an instrument. Click
Click on the DATABASE button.
BACKUP the existing database per normal procedures.
Re-install a NEW database.
Click CLOSE.
Click EDIT.
Enter the Company, Plant, and Machine names. Click ACCEPT.
Define the RATINGS, COUPLERS, and SEQUENCES per Iris naming convention.
HydroTrac: Couplers C1 and C2 for each phase
BusTrac: Couplers M1 and S1, M2 and S2, and M3 and S3
SAVE and then CLOSE.
BACKUP the newly created database. You should back this up to a floppy

Start PD View 2, either from within TracCon, EditTools, or from the Start
RESTORE from the floppy diskette you just made.
The default PATH on the TracCon computer is C:\Program Files\Iris\PDLite\Dbases

You should now be able to add machines to the TracCon database, see Section 4.2
Adding Machines.
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Term Definition
BUS Install When two couplers are installed in a directional mode on a
single-phase enabling the BusTrac to properly classify pulses as
originating from the Unit or System.
BusTrac A permanently mounted instrument that continuously monitors
PD activity on motors and generators fitted with six capacitive
couplers in a double-ended directional configuration, Bus Install.
Capacitance The electrical property that stores an electrical charge by
impeding a change in voltage.
Capacitive couplers (EMC) PD sensors that block the 50/60Hz signal and pass the high-
frequency PD signals (80pF capacitors).
Capacitive coupling Travel of a high-frequency signal due to the capacitance property
of materials.
Differential time-of-arrival A style of sensor installation that uses simultaneous pulse arrival
for noise identification, often referred to as a PDA installation.
Directional time-of-arrival A style of sensor installation that uses directional arrival time for
noise identification, often referred to as a BUS installation.
FluxTrac A permanently mounted instrument that periodically monitors
data collected via a Flux Probe.
HydroTrac A permanently mounted instrument that continuously monitors
PD activity on hydro generators fitted with capacitive couplers in
a differential configuration.
Noise identification The technique used to ensure that only machine PD is detected
and not PD-like noise from sources outside the machine.
NQN Normalized Quantity Number - represents the area beneath the
curve of the 2-D plots weighted by the magnitude of the pulses
and is indicative of the average winding condition.
Operating parameters The operating conditions recorded during PD data collection and
can include load, temperature, hydrogen pressure, and ambient
Partial discharge An incomplete, or partial, electrical discharge that occurs
between insulation and either insulation or a metallic electrode.
PD Counters and Ranges Refers to the PD counter to be displayed and availability
depends on the instrument, such as C1 or C2, and M1 or S1.
PDA Install When two couplers are installed in a differential mode on a
single-phase enabling the HydroTrac to properly classify pulses
as originating from the Unit or System.
PDLite A software package used to control Iris instruments TGA-B,
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Phase adjustment (or shift) In order for PD results to be displayed relative to the phase-to-
ground voltage, the phase shift or adjustment between the
reference voltage and phase-to-ground voltage must be known.
For capacitive couplers, the phase shift is always 90.
PDView A software package used to view PD results collected with any of
the Iris instruments.
) or Q
Peak PD magnitude in mV at 10 pps
Test data set A single test result collected using one of the Iris instruments.
Test ranges The test sensitivity used by the Iris instrument when PD data is
Window Section of the active desktop

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