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Day Care Procedures will include following Day Care Surgeries & Day Care Treatments
Microsurgical operations on the middle ear
1. Stapedotomy
2. Stapedectomy
3. e!ision of a stapedectomy
". #ther operations on the auditory ossicles
$. Myringoplasty %Type &' Tympanoplasty(
). Tympanoplasty %closure of an eardrum perforation*reconstruction of the auditory ossicles(
+. e!ision of a tympanoplasty
,. #ther microsurgical operations on the middle ear
#ther operations on the middle & internal ear
-. Myringotomy
1.. emo!al of a tympanic drain
11. 'ncision of the mastoid process and middle ear
12. Mastoidectomy
13. econstruction of the middle ear
1". #ther e/cisions of the middle and inner ear
1$. 0enestration of the inner ear
1). e!ision of a fenestration of the inner ear
1+. 'ncision %opening( and destruction %elimination( of the inner ear
1,. #ther operations on the middle and inner ear
#perations on the nose & the nasal sinuses
1-. 1/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the nose
2.. #perations on the tur2inates %nasal concha(
21. #ther operations on the nose
22. 3asal sinus aspiration
#perations on the eyes
23. 'ncision of tear glands
2". #ther operations on the tear ducts
2$. 'ncision of diseased eyelids
26. 1/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the eyelid
2+. #perations on the canthus and epicanthus
2,. Correcti!e surgery for entropion and ectropion
2-. Correcti!e surgery for 2lepharoptosis
3.. emo!al of a foreign 2ody from the con4uncti!a
31. emo!al of a foreign 2ody from the cornea
32. 'ncision of the cornea
33. #perations for pterygium
3". #ther operations on the cornea
3$. emo!al of a foreign 2ody from the lens of the eye
3). emo!al of a foreign 2ody from the posterior cham2er of the eye
3+. emo!al of a foreign 2ody from the or2it and eye2all
3,. #peration of cataract
#perations on the s5in & su2cutaneous tissues
3-. 'ncision of a pilonidal sinus
".. #ther incisions of the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
"1. Surgical wound toilet %wound de2ridement( and remo!al of diseased tissue of the s5in and
su2cutaneous tissues
"2. 6ocal e/cision of diseased tissue of the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
"3. #ther e/cisions of the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
"". Simple restoration of surface continuity of the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
"$. 0ree s5in transplantation7 donor site
"). 0ree s5in transplantation7 recipient site
"+. e!ision of s5in plasty
",. #ther restoration and reconstruction of the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
"-. Chemosurgery to the s5in
$.. Destruction of diseased tissue in the s5in and su2cutaneous tissues
#perations on the tongue
$1. 'ncision7 e/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the tongue
$2. Partial glossectomy
$3. 8lossectomy
$". econstruction of the tongue
$$. #ther operations on the tongue
#perations on the sali!ary glands & sali!ary ducts
$). 'ncision and lancing of a sali!ary gland and a sali!ary duct
$+. 1/cision of diseased tissue of a sali!ary gland and a sali!ary duct
$,. esection of a sali!ary gland
$-. econstruction of a sali!ary gland and a sali!ary duct
).. #ther operations on the sali!ary glands and sali!ary ducts
#ther operations on the mouth & face
)1. 1/ternal incision and drainage in the region of the mouth7 4aw and face
)2. 'ncision of the hard and soft palate
)3. 1/cision and destruction of diseased hard and soft palate
)". 'ncision7 e/cision and destruction in the mouth
)$. Plastic surgery to the floor of the mouth
)). Palatoplasty
)+. #ther operations in the mouth
#perations on the tonsils & adenoids
),. Transoral incision and drainage of a pharyngeal a2scess
)-. Tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy
+.. Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy
+1. 1/cision and destruction of a lingual tonsil
+2. #ther operations on the tonsils and adenoids
Trauma surgery and orthopedics
+3. 'ncision on 2one7 septic and aseptic
+". Closed reduction on fracture7 lu/ation or epiphyseolysis with osteosynthesis
+$. Suture and other operations on tendons and tendon sheath
+). eduction of dislocation under 89
++. 9rthroscopic 5nee aspiration
#perations on the 2reast
+,. 'ncision of the 2reast
+-. #perations on the nipple
#perations on the digesti!e tract
,.. 'ncision and e/cision of tissue in the perianal region
,1. Surgical treatment of anal fistulas
,2. Surgical treatment of haemorrhoids
,3. Di!ision of the anal sphincter %sphincterotomy(
,". #ther operations on the anus
,$. :ltrasound guided aspirations
,). Sclerotherapy
#perations on the female se/ual organs
,+. 'ncision of the o!ary
,,. 'nsufflation of the 0allopian tu2es
,-. #ther operations on the 0allopian tu2e
-.. Dilatation of the cer!ical canal
-1. Conisation of the uterine cer!i/
-2. #ther operations on the uterine cer!i/
-3. 'ncision of the uterus %hysterotomy(
-". Therapeutic curettage
-$. Culdotomy
-). 'ncision of the !agina
-+. 6ocal e/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the !agina and the pouch of Douglas
-,. 'ncision of the !ul!a
--. #perations on ;artholin<s glands %cyst(
#perations on the prostate & seminal !esicles
1... 'ncision of the prostate
1.1. Transurethral e/cision and destruction of prostate tissue
1.2. Transurethral and percutaneous destruction of prostate tissue
1.3. #pen surgical e/cision and destruction of prostate tissue
1.". adical prostato!esiculectomy
1.$. #ther e/cision and destruction of prostate tissue
1.). #perations on the seminal !esicles
1.+. 'ncision and e/cision of periprostatic tissue
1.,. #ther operations on the prostate
#perations on the scrotum & tunica !aginalis testis
1.-. 'ncision of the scrotum and tunica !aginalis testis
11.. #peration on a testicular hydrocele
111. 1/cision and destruction of diseased scrotal tissue
112. Plastic reconstruction of the scrotum and tunica !aginalis testis
113. #ther operations on the scrotum and tunica !aginalis testis
#perations on the testes
11". 'ncision of the testes
11$. 1/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the testes
11). :nilateral orchidectomy
11+. ;ilateral orchidectomy
11,. #rchidope/y
11-. 92dominal e/ploration in cryptorchidism
12.. Surgical repositioning of an a2dominal testis
121. econstruction of the testis
122. 'mplantation7 e/change and remo!al of a testicular prosthesis
123. #ther operations on the testis
#perations on the spermatic cord7 epididymis und ductus deferens
12". Surgical treatment of a !aricocele and a hydrocele of the spermatic cord
12$. 1/cision in the area of the epididymis
12). 1pididymectomy
12+. econstruction of the spermatic cord
12,. econstruction of the ductus deferens and epididymis
12-. #ther operations on the spermatic cord7 epididymis and ductus deferens
#perations on the penis
13.. #perations on the fores5in
131. 6ocal e/cision and destruction of diseased tissue of the penis
132. 9mputation of the penis
133. Plastic reconstruction of the penis
13". #ther operations on the penis
#perations on the urinary system
13$. Cystoscopical remo!al of stones
#ther #perations
13). 6ithotripsy
13+. Coronary angiography
138. Haemodialysis
13-. adiotherapy for Cancer
1".. Cancer Chemotherapy
3ote= The standard e/clusions and waiting periods are applica2le to all of the a2o!e Day Care
Procedures depending on the medical condition* disease under treatment. #nly 2" hours
hospitali>ation is not mandatory

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