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i agree with the contents of your letter and the cultural sarhad rural support national rural

support tvo work in swat chitral and dir

in chitral there are a number of small and medium size local ngos also also informally they
have men and women organisation that cater for them
your believe that with all development, there is a serious challenge to find a balance between
preserving traditional culture and integrating people into the global economy and culture requires
energy and time with some cap city building effort but its to be accelerated chitral is open minded
people area dir is the centre of religious organisations
and swat is modern mixed similar to peshawarite culture
its to introduce technology incentives individual to key informants and to all community where possible
through direct focus and difficult areas with conduit of other similar ngos like khwendo kor and award
and srsp nrsp nchd but some locals need to be associated with trusted record in dir case especially
while chitral is half on board and swat preservation like in kalsh has to be reinforced
if you wish all the list of ngos in these areas can be had from two volumes of life/gef undp study on it
and by contacting akrsp nrsp srsp through rspn and than together a joint strategy on development
with local provincial governments as partners we make make additions to pr-serving culture and
its time consuming but would work effectively since the developmental activism are there they have to
be rephrased and reworded to suit each case and look after the preservation issue simultaneously
through specialised institutions as in japan in rest developed countries for presentation to interested
i will say
talk on the subject the more think on it and come back to yu awaiting yur response will gave me food
for thought accordingly tnx for now i have to smoke and enjuy the net

do you have contacts with NGOs outside of the Kalash Valleys in other parts of Chitral, Dir, and


note that ngos have to register with government under six different laws in ordinary case and
by executive orders in case of government owned ngos
and it helps the people to help them selves thru skill up-gradation and savings and
enterprising activities such as tourism that may genrate income for the with some income re
spent on preservation
postscripts291006 since of today on 16Oct in min of cul Islamabad ngos and government
functionaries meeting on kalash held and today meeting on private public partnerships in
tourism n hydal held in min of production with all provincial representation

1. LOAN: PAK 27182-01 | NWFP Urban Development Sector
The Project will help improve urban infrastructure in up to 24 ... Evaluation > Media
> NGOs > Poverty > Private ... LOAN/27182013.ASP - 41k - Cached - More
pages from this site
2. LOAN: PAK 29586-01 | NWFP Barani Area Development - Phase II
The Project is directed towards rural poor communities living in rainfed areas of
North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) who are least served by infrastructure and
remote from social LOAN/29586013.ASP - 40k - Cached - More
pages from this site
3. PAK/98/G31 PAK/98/O14 Mountain Areas Conservancy Project (PDF)
... Development Programme. PAK/98/G31. PAK/98/O14 ... Negative Propaganda
against NGOs in NWFP. 19 ... April to June 2001 (Second QPR).pdf - 168k - View as
html - More pages from this site
4. Briefings :: NGOs demand protection for women voters
NGOs demand protection for women voters [HUMAN RIGHTS] - ... governmental
organisations (NGOs) to highlight ...NWFP RELIGIOUS BILL. Pak -
Budget. PAK ... p=673&more=1 - 11k - Cached - More pages
from this site
5. Briefings :: NGOs poor show outside Musharraf's hotel
NGOs poor show outside Musharraf's hotel [HUMAN RIGHTS] -
... NWFP RELIGIOUS BILL. Pak - Budget. PAK - ILLEGAL ... p=1151&more=1 - 9k - Cached - More pages
from this site
6. Pak Yahoo!
Keywords: Search: Pakistani Pages Google Yahoo! ... Development,
Charsadda, NWFP. Online directory of Pakistani NGOs... Search Pak Yahoo: Search
... type=NGOs&cat=2 - 22k - Cached - More pages
from this site
7. Registration
Association for Rural Cooperation And Development (ARCAD-Pak) Abbottabad -
Pakistan. Registration. ARCAD-Pak is a Non-Governmental, Non-political
organization engaged in uplifting id2.html - 17k - Cached - More pages from this site
Pakistani English-language newspaper.
Category: Newspapers > Pakistan - 43k - Cached - More pages from this site
9. Basic Project Information Project number and title: PAK/97/006/NEX NWFP-
Essential (PDF)
Basic Project Information. Project number and title: PAK/97 ... in the civil society,
the NWFP-EIROP undertook capacity. mapping of NGOs ... apr-eirop-ii-03.pdf - 329k - View as html - More
pages from this site
10. Needs Assessment Report by UN and NGOs/INGOs for Flood Affectees of NWFP,
Northern Areas and Punjab (PDF)
7, July, 2005. Needs Assessment Report. by. UN and NGOs/INGOs. for. Flood
Affectees of NWFP, Northern Areas. and Punjab. 1. Summary: In response to the
heavy floods that hit documents/2005/unpk-pak-07jul.pdf - 315k -

I found this letter very interesting. I believe with all development, there is a serious challenge to find a
balance between perserving traditional culture and integrating people into the global economy and

I am curious, do you have contacts with NGOs outside of the Kalash Valleys in other parts of Chitral,
Dir, and Swat?

This is not for general consumption. If you choose to show to anyone in the government in
confidence, fine. I leave it to your discretion. I know that the Greek involvement presents
Pakistan with a diplomatic problem, therefore, I am not sending this around as an official
memo. Just to you and Shakil, my trustees and Anna.

Due to your communiqus and the dire problem the Greeks were facing over the nefarious
doings of Ihsan Ali and Dordonna, I felt compelled to call for a meeting of the NGOs (except
for Election KCSS will contact her to query the missing four million rupees from the
Jestakhan project), as an attack against one NGO is an attack on all of us.
There have been several very critical newspaper reports slamming the Greeks.

Too, as I have said before, it is good to discuss plans so as not to duplicate etc.

Saifullah and I hosted the meeting in Rumbur. Akiko was present as was the president of the
KCSS student society. Although I cannot speak for the others, for my part I was taken aback
by many things said by Arthinasios. As you know, my feelings in regard to him have been
extremely negative right from the beginning, but I always found him reasonable in his ideas
and plans for projects as he put them forth,. They sounded practical and worthwhile. I only
parted company with him on his ideas in relation to his scholarship programme and that
monstrous building.

The other day I saw another side to the man.

There is no doubt in my mind he is THE most destructive outside force (most destructive
inside force being Election) to hit the valleys. He is to the valleys what Blair is to Iraq and
Afghanistan. Their characters are similar. They are both egocentric in the extreme. They are
so both so completely self oriented. They are absolutely blind to reality and are quite unable
to see the consequences of their own actions. They are both dangerous men.

What has happened to the Kalash is tragic. With the coming of roads, tourism, development
etc and all the many outside influences, the Kalash were bound to lose their innocence and
become spoiled, but so many now have turned into really unpleasant, corrupt human beings.

Many tourists no longer wish to linger in the valleys. They complain that the people are
always demanding money from them. Some of the Elders have been corrupt for years. Now
the younger generation is not only corrupt in regard to money but in moral values and in their

The very fabric of Kalash society is breaking down.

There have been several incidents in Birir over the past year, which reflect very badly on the
Kalash. One man, whom we brought down to Peshawar, who was nearly blind, along with
other patients and on whom we spent nine thousand, including the successful medical
treatment, food and accommodation, complained that we had done nothing for him and that
we had lost his shoes for him. (They were stolen and we replaced them with an even better

Some of the Kalash in my village, aided and abetted by three of the Kalash school teachers,
deliberately catch tourists, make friends with them, invite them into their homes, cry about
poor medical facilities or not enough schools etc. The foreigners fall for this line and in one
case gave over one lakh rupees to one school teacher to take patients down to Peshawar. In
the event only one person was helped.

Another built a school in Bio. She has now been stopped by the education department from
doing any more. Earlier this year, she gave seventy thousand to another of the school
teachers, who is a member of my household. This youth, who was formally in our employ,
did his best to get me thrown out of Birir when this girl appeared on the horizon. This has
resulted in the involvement of the police and of the courts due to the destruction of a board I
had erected, which had been heartily approved of by many people. It contained a few donts
which were on the original govt board at Dubash. This school teacher coerced a number of
the school children to destroy the board, which they did.

The matter was finally resolved by Kata Sing and Saifullah coming to Birir at my request.

At present, we have the thirteen year old niece of Engineer Khan of Rumbur down here in
Peshawar. She has had her leg amputated due to cancer. So far we have spent over R1,
20,000 on this girl. In the words of Engineer Khan, what help is this, this is nothing

The stories are endless. As I said earlier, the very fabric of Kalash society is breaking down.
Kids who could barely walk have gone to school with thirty thousand rupee scholarships.
Boys no longer wish to become shepherds: they do not want to work on the land; girls no
longer wish to look after the cows or do the chores of the house. All the traditional work of
the Kalash is being neglected by the young, which makes it so much harder for the older

So, does this make for a nation of scholars?

Some parents spent the money on other things. Those who had the money in their own hands
have spent it according to their own dictates. Most girls do not go on to any real good
education. Some are being attracted by the big wide world, especially those taken by
Arthinasios to Greece or by Election to Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar or Switzerland and
have become prostitutes.

The boys, who think they are now just so cool because they can stammer a few words of
English, are chasing every foreign girl who sets foot in the valleys.

Environmentally and culturally, Arthinasios and Election are destroying that, too. Election
destroyed the tangible culture last year with her jestakhan programme. Although I put a stay
order on some of the jestakhans, Election went ahead to demolish them with the connivance
of Ihsan Ali.

Arthinasios is helping to make Bumburet a concrete jungle. He believes in cement lots of it
to withstand earthquakes!

He compared Greece with the valleys, saying they were both earthquake zones, therefore the
Greek way was to build things properly: none of this wood and mud nonsense, such as the
way I build bashali houses and latrines etc. Everything must be built with cement. He
professes to have great archeological knowledge of both Greek and Kalash culture.

As I have lived in Greece and worked for the Greek Tourist Board, as well as visiting both
Greek and Roman ruins all over the Middle East, I find it interesting that he promotes cement
for building sound earthquake proof buildings.

From what I have seen, the ancients built their great buildings from marble and stone.
Cement, of course, being a recent building material. Also, Kalash architecture, with
interlocking wooden beams has been designed to withstand earthquakes.

Some years ago, when there was a bad earthquake in the Chitral area, the Kalash houses were
unscathed, but cement structures in Arandu were destroyed with resulting high casualties.
Besides his monument in Braun, there is his Bashali in Krakaal with the door facing on to the
roadway where the Madames for the prostitutes hang out, and now he is building another one
lower down the valley, which is now causing great dissension.

Two of the most beautiful meadows in Bumburet have been ruined. One is near Aniche,
appropriated by the PTDC, and now one in upper Bumburet, where Arthinarsios has
constructed a huge convoluted cement tank with filters and ugly pipes. According to
Arthinasios , he is also going to add chlorine to the water. Why anyone would do that, when
everywhere else in the world, people pay good money for spring water is perhaps something
only he can answer.

You can simply dismiss all that I say, or, perhaps, on your next trip to the valleys, you will
take the time to travel all the way along Bumburet and speak with the older generation of
Kalash and to the Muslims.

Incidentally, after I had written the above (having momentarily suffered yet again with
computer problems) I was told by a government person last night, that the federal Sec of
Tourism is calling a meeting of the Kalash NGOs myself, Arthinarsios and Election. Not,
apparently, Akiko. Pity that, as Akio is benign. What she has and is doing is very worthwhile.

As for the other two, I have said it all. You know Election only too well. She has long since
ceased to be Kalash. She no longer lives there, just visits. She no longer adheres to the culture
and is hoodwinking the international community. The Kalash do not consider her even
Kalash, let alone their representative and the Chitralis are terribly ashamed of her.

So, I reckon this government meeting should be most interesting sounds like good material
for a farce.

Have to trace yours and Shakils email addresses and will also send a hard copy by courir.

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