Journal Approval Process v11

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Standard Journal Approval Process

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Journal Approval Process
Ritwik Kumar Mishra
Oracle AppsFinance Functional Consultant
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION: ..................................................................................................... 2
2 Employee Identification ......................................................................................... 2
3 Pre-requisites: ......................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Settings for journal approval in the primary ledger: ...................................................... 3
3.2 Setting up journal approval in journal sources .............................................................. 7
3.3 Setting the journal authorization limits for employee .................................................... 7
4 Required Profile Options ....................................................................................... 8
4.1 Approver method ......................................................................................................... 9
4.2 No self-approval ..........................................................................................................10
5 Creation of Journal ............................................................................................... 11
6 Identification of the Supervisor ........................................................................... 17
7 Log in with the user id of Mr. Brown Casey ....................................................... 20
8 Approval Notification: .......................................................................................... 23
9 Granting of approval ............................................................................................ 26
10 Conclusion: ........................................................................................................ 27

Standard Journal Approval Process

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In any accounting cycle journals become an integral part of the financial reporting system. So as
part of the procedures before posting of journals decision needs to be taken whether the
journals should be approved or not. So this approval related decision needs to be setup and be
part of the application through which financials transactions are being done and regulated in real
time scenarios. This functionality of setting up the approval process based on the journal details
or amounts is called Journal Approval. Like any other ERP in oracle apps as well journal
approval functionality is available.
As we know that in real time business scenarios journals are prepared by the employees who
would be creating the journals so in order to set it up the approval limits for the same need to be
set with the employee. So in order to do the testing we need to know the employee to whom the
user ID is attached to in system administrator.
2 Employee Identification
Responsibility: System Administrator
So as we know that in vision instance our user name is OPERATIONS. So lets query
with our user name and see the details.

Ctrl F11
Standard Journal Approval Process

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So here we can see that our user is attached to Pat Stock for whom we need to set the
approval limits in general ledger module.
3 Pre-requisites:
Before setting the approval limit we need to do the pre-requisite set ups for this functionality.
These setups are as given below
Setting of journal approval in primary ledger
Setting of journal approval in journal sources
Setting of journal authorization limits for the employees
Once the above mentioned above setups are done then we need to start the process.
3.1 Settings for journal approval in the primary ledger:
Responsibility: General Ledger
As we know that our ledger is Vision operations so first we need to query for our ledger
and attach the settings for journal approval.
Standard Journal Approval Process

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Query for our ledger

Click for changing the required settings
Standard Journal Approval Process

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Get into the primary ledger and make the required changes by clicking button

Get into the and make the changes
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So her as we can see that the box for journal approval is unchecked so in order to
enable the functionality we need to check this box as shown below.

Standard Journal Approval Process

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3.2 Setting up journal approval in journal sources
Responsibility: General Ledger
Query for your journal source and set the check box for as shown

3.3 Setting the journal authorization limits for employee
Responsibility: General Ledger Super user

Select the employee as shown below
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As here as you can see that we have selected Stock Pat as the employee for setting the
journal authorization limits as its the employee to whom this user is attached with.

So here we have assigned the journal authorization limit for our employee that is Stock
Pat which is 20000 USD.
4 Required Profile Options
In order to test the journal approval flow we need to create a journal from the user id of Robin
the various pre-requisites are
Standard Journal Approval Process

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As part of the standard journal approval flow is concerned in case the journal authorization limits
are exceeded then the approval notification will go to the supervisor of the journal creator which
in our case is Robin More.
4.1 Approver method
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profile > System
Next we need to enable a profile option which will define the approval method that will be used.
In this context there are four option as we can see in the below screenshot.

Go Up Management Chain: The journal batch moves up the approval hierarchy until it
has been approved by an approver whose authorization limit is sufficient to allow
approval. The journal batch must be approved by all intermediate approvers as well.

Go Direct: The journal batch is sent directly to the first approver in the approval
hierarchy who has an authorization limit high enough to allow approval. The preparer's
direct manager receives a courtesy notice.

One Stop Then Go Direct: The journal batch is first sent to the preparer's manager for
approval. If further approvals are required, the journal batch is sent directly to the first
approver in the approval hierarchy who has an authorization limit high enough to allow

The default value for this profile option is Go up Management Chain.
You cannot view this profile option at the user level. Your System Administrator must set this
profile option at the site, application, or responsibility level.
As per the requirement since there should be one line of approval so we need to go for Go
Direct option.
Standard Journal Approval Process

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Save it
4.2 No self-approval
If we want to have self-approval so for this we need to look into a profile option.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profile > System
Profile option name: Journals: Allow Preparer Approval

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As part of the conditions for journal since we dont want self approval so we need to set the
profile option as No.
5 Creation of Journal
Lets go ahead with creating a journal.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super user

Standard Journal Approval Process

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Enter the line details

Standard Journal Approval Process

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Standard Journal Approval Process

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Here in both places you can see that we have entered a journal with amount as USD
30000 which is exceeding the authorization limits. So if this approval process is working
then the journal will not get approved and will be send for one level of approval.
Standard Journal Approval Process

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Posting of Journal

Standard Journal Approval Process

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So here we can see that the journal since is above the authorization limits so has been
send for approval. This shows the fact that the approval system set by us is working
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6 Identification of the Supervisor
As we have seen that our employee pat has authorization limit of 20000 USD and so
the journal; of 30000 USD has been send for approval. So this journal will go for the
approval of the supervisor of Pat. For this we need to know about the supervisor of Pat.
Responsibility: Human resources
Query with the employee name

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Standard Journal Approval Process

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So here we can know that the supervisor of Pat is Mr. Brown Casey. So in order to
cross check the fact that this approval notification is working or not we need to check
with the user id of the supervisor that whether he has received the approval notification
or not.
Standard Journal Approval Process

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7 Log in with the user id of Mr. Brown Casey
For this purpose we need to know the user name and password of this person which we
can know from system administrator.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Query with the supervisors name in the persons TAB as shown below

Standard Journal Approval Process

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Now we need to set the password for this person in order to log in.
So press TAB and enter the password of your choice as shown below

Press Tab and re-enter to confirm the password
Standard Journal Approval Process

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Again press Tab to confirm

This changing of color of the field from yellow to blue gives the indication that the
password given by us has been frozen and set.
Save it
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8 Approval Notification:
Now try to log in with the login id of CBROWN

Standard Journal Approval Process

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Change the password set by you

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Now get into the GL module
Responsibility: General Ledger Super user

Over here we can see that Mr. Brown has received the approval notification for the
journal which is above the authorization limit of Pat.

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9 Granting of approval
Lets see the notification which has come

Click to approve the journal

As here as we can see that our journal approval notification does not appear over here.
So this shows the fact that our notification regarding the approval process of journals is
working perfectly.
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10 Conclusion:
So here we have seen the whole process by which the journal approval for a particular
employee can be set up. but the biggest lacunae of this process is that it facilitates parallel
approval and does not facilitate if more approval lines are required.
In order to meet the requirements apart from one given in standard we need to customize the
standard journal approval workflow.

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