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When asked if I want to be buried or cremated- cremated I would say. In the obituaries, it often states-
the body has been cremated. Cremation for me has been nothing more than a word and up until lately
I knew little about the process. Initially I thought I would have my body laid out at the funeral home
but then after consultation with family and friends I decided I would go straight from my temple of
transition a.k.a. deathbed to be cremated. All I know is my body would be taken to the crematorium,
and I would be vaporized and turned into ashes. So I decided to check out the process and here's a few
things I learned. Some religions are against cremation- many are not.
Here's What Wikipedia has to say:
"The box containing the body is placed in the Retort and at a temperature of 760 to 1150 (1400 to
2100 F} during the cremation process, the greater portion of the body (especially the organs and other
soft tissues) is vaporized and oxidized by the intense heat; gases released are discharged through the
exhaust system. The process usually takes 90 minutes to two hours, with larger bodies taking longer
Jewellery, such as necklaces, wrist-watches and rings, are ordinarily removed before cremation, and
returned to the family. Several implanted devices are required to be removed. That could explode and
damage the cremator and potentially staff nearby; spinal cord stimulators have similar power sources,
and implanted drug reservoirs may produce lesser bangs. A specific variety of bone nail use in the
femur and humerus is a hollow shell which is inflated with saline under high pressure to grip the
interior of the bone, and constitutes a bomb in the cremator. In the United Kingdom, and possibly
other countries, the undertaker is required to remove such devices prior to delivering the body to the
crematorium, and sign a declaration stating that no hazardous device remains in place . Contrary to
popular belief, the cremated remains are not ashes in the usual sense. After the incineration is
completed, the dry bone fragments are swept out of the retort and pulverised by a machine called a
Cremulator essentially a high-capacity, high-speed to process them into "ashes" or "cremated
lthough pulverisation may also be performed by hand. This leaves the bone with a fine sand like
texture and color, able to be scattered without need for mixing with any foreign matter, though the
size of the grain varies depending on the Cremulator used. Their weight is approximately 4 pounds (1.8
kg) for adult females and 6 pounds (2.7 kg) for adult human males. There are various types of
Cremulators, including rotating devices, grinders, and older models using heavy metal balls. The
grinding process typically takes about 20 minutes."
Tibetans have what they call a sky burial, they take the body up the mountain close to the sky. Over the
next few days everything is devoured. Pauline is often talked about being wrapped in an environmental
cloth, put in a hole and a tree planted on top- which would use her body in nourishment (this is being
done in Europe). Both of these options are not possible in Canada- so burial or cremation is the only
two options I know and I've chosen cremation.
"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet
death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped and that is as it should be- because
Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to
make way for the new" Steve Jobs

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