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Practice Test Siva Narayana

Put a tick mark (a) in the correct answer in the following questions:

Example :

Mention the writer of ‘Anand Math’:

(a) Harindra Nath Chattopadhyaya
(b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(c) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(d) Mulk Raj Anand

Ans. (b)

1. H. U. D. C. O. stands for:
(a) Housing and Urban Development Corporation
(b) High Under Development Corporation
(c) The name of an American leading oil company
(d) The name of British company

2. Who is the author of the book ‘Ignited Minds’?

(a) Anita Desai
(b) Mulk Raj Anand
(c) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(d) Shobha De

3. (A) Who is/are popularly known as the Nightingale of India?

(a) Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
(b) Lata Mangeshker
(c) Sarojini Naidu
(d) Nur Jehan

(B) ‘Arthashastra’ was written by:

(a) Kalidas (b) Kautilay
(c) R.K. Narayan (d) Bana Bhatt

4. The newly appointed Ambassador to China is:

(a) S. Menon (b) U. Perishashtry
(c) Ronen Sen (d) Nalin Surie

5. Who is the author of the book ‘White Mugals’?

(a) Mikhai Solokhov
(b) William Dalrymple
(c) Miguel de Cervantes
(d) Boris Pasternak

6. The foreign traveler who visited India during Vijayanagar period was-
(a) Nicolo Conti
(b) Yuan Chwang
(c) Fa-hien
(d) Megasthenes

7. The book ‘Wings of Fire’ has been authored by-

(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(c) Kuldeep Nayyar
(d) Acharya J.B. Kriplani

8. Who is the author of ‘Life of Pi’?

(a) Shobha De
(b) Yann Martel
(c) Shashi Pandey
(d) Amit Chaudhary

9. Who said, “Man does not live by bread alone”?

(a) The Bible
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Lord Alfred Tennyson
(d) Leo Tolstoy

10. In which Shakespearean Drama is Desdemona character?

(a) Hemlet
(b) The Merchant of Venice
(c) Othello
(d) As You Like It

11. Who said, “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”?

(a) The Bible
(b) John Milton
(c) Alexander Pope
(d) Dr. Samuel Johnson

12. James Bond is a character created by:

(a) Ian Fleming
(b) P.G. Wore House
(c) Perry Mason
(d) Erl Stanley Gardener

13. The famous work of Leo Tolstoy is:

(a) The Merchant of Venice
(b) Illiad
(c) War and peace
(d) Great Expectations

14. “I have not become His Majesty’s First Minister to preside over the
liquidation of the British Empire. “Who said it”?
(a) Clement Attlee (b) Winston Churchill
(c) Chamberlain (d) Anthony Eden

15. In which year was English recommended as the medium of instruction for
higher education in India by Lord Macaulay?
(a) 1835 (b) 1833
(c) 1858 (d) 1821
(e) None of the above

16. The Arab invasion of Sind took place in:

(a) 66 A.D. (b) 326 B.C.
(c) 712 A.D. (d) 1191 A.D.

17. The 191st member of the United Nations is;

(a) Tuvalu
(b) East Timor
(c) Tonga
(d) Kiribati

18. Which one of the following universities was not established by Lord
(a) Bombay (b) Madras
(c) Delhi (d) Calcutta

19. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between:

(a) The British and the French
(b) The Marathas and The British
(c) The Mughals and Shershah Suri
(d) Ahmed Shah Abdali and The Marathas

20. India liberated Goa from the Portuguese in:

(a) 1948 (b) 1965
(c) 1961 (d) 1960
21. Which battle made the British rule in India finally supreme?
(a) Battle of Plassey (1757) between British forces under Clive and the ruler of
Bengal, Sirazudaulla.
(b) Battle of Buxar (1764) between British forces under Munroe and the
Muslim rules Shuja-ud-Daulah and Shah Alam II
(c) 3rd Mysore War (1790-92) between the British and Tipu Sultan.
(d) 4th Mysore War (1799) between British forces under Wellesley and Tipu

22. Who was the British Governor General in India in whose reign a part of
Charter Act read like this, “No native of India, nor natural born subject of His
Majesty, should be disabled form holding any place, office of employment by
reason of his religion, place of birth descent or colour.
(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Lord Hastings
(c) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Lord Dalhousie

23. Who was the founder of Saka era?

(a) Kaniska
(b) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(c) Samudra Gupta
(d) Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya

24. Tick out the names of the two countries in which the relics of cultural
influence of ancient India are still present in the form of temples.
(a) Egypt (b) Malaya
(c) Cambodia (d) Indonesia
(e) Thailand

25. Name one of the most illustrious kings in each of the following dynasties:
I. Guptas:
(a) Skand Gupta
(b) Chandra Gupta II
(c) Ram Gupta
II. Mughals.
(a) Akbar
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Aurangzeb

26. In which year was (I) Akbar born (II) in which year did he die?
I. (a) 1530
(b) 1542
(c) 1545
(d) 1528
II. (a) 1605
(b) 1660
(c) 1603
(d) 1604

27. To which dynasty did the following belong

I. Elizabeth I:
(a) Tudor
(b) Stuart
(c) House of Hanover

II. Ashoka:
(a) Gupta
(b) Maurya
(c) Vardhan

III. Sultan Razia:

(a) Khilji
(b) Tughlaq
(c) Slave

28. What are the most important events of the following dates?
I. 24 –10 - 1945
(a) The end of 2nd World War
(b) Dropping of Atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan
(c) The founding of the U. N. O.

II. 16 –12 - 1971

(a) Man set foot on the moon for the first time
(b) Liberation of Bangladesh
(c) Outbreak of hostilities between India and Pakistan
(d) India accorded recognition to the Republic of Bangladesh

29. Who is Kalam?’ is a book written by:

(a) C. R. Maniratnam (b) Sobha Dey
(c) R. Ramanathan (d) None of these

30. Name the battle in which Caesar defeated Pompei in 48 A.D.

(a) Battle of Pharasalus
(b) Battle of Thermopyae
(c) Battle of Salamis
(d) None of these
31. In which year was the Spanish Armada defeated by the British?
(a) 1588 (b) 1589
(c) 1603 (d) 1590

32. In which year did the Glorious Revolution which put an end to the despotic
rule of the Stuarts in England and made. Parliament supreme, take place?
(a) 1660 (b) 1688
(c) 1689 (d) 1648

33. Name the world personality who came to top in the French Revolution:
(a) Voltaire
(b) Napoleon Bonaparte
(c) Rousseau
(d) Robespierre

34. Who was the King of France at the time of French Revolution?
(a) Louis XVI (b) Louis XV
(c) Louis XIV (d) Louis XVII

35. The Hijri Era (Calendar) started in:

(a) 622 A.D. (b) 712 A.D.
(c) 570 A.D. (d) 1129 A.D.

36. When was the Magna Carta signed by King John of England?
(a) 1217 (b) 1215
(c) 1066 (d) 1212

37. What important events of world history are associated with the following
I. 1789:
(a) French Revolution
(b) American Declaration of independence

II. 1815:
(a) Battle of Trafalgar
(b) Battle of Waterloo
(c) Crimean War

38. With which Battle or war was Joan of Arc associated?

(a) Battle of England
(b) 100 years’ War
(c) Seven Years’ War
(d) Battle of Hastings
(e) None of these
39. The main allies of England in the World War II were:
(a) France, Austria and Italy
(b) France, U. S. A. and U. S. S. R.
(c) U. S. a., France and Belgium

40. Which is the place of worship of the Jews?

(a) Fire temple (b) Mosque
(c) Church (d) Synagogue

41. Which is the religious book of the Parsis?

(a) Quran
(b) Torah
(c) Zend Avesta
(d) None of these

42. Which is the national animal of India?

(a) Lion (b) Tiger
(c) Leopard (d) Cow

43. Which is the national flower of India?

(a) Lotus (b) Rose
(c) Marigold (d) Sun flower

44. Who painted the portrait of Mona Lisa lying in the Louvre Museum at Paris?
(a) Sir Noel Paton
(b) Leonardo da Vinci
(c) Pablo Picasso
(d) Machael Angelo

45. Name the following:

I. The densest populated state in India according to census 2001-
(a) West Bengal
(b) Kerala
(c) Bihar

II. Garden city in the World:

(a) New York
(b) Tokyo
(c) Chicago
(d) London

III Most populated State in India:

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Andhra Pradesh

IV. The language in India in which the largest number of newspapers and
periodicals are published:
(a) English (b) Telugu (c) Hindi

46. Which is the National Anthem of India?

(a) Vande Mataram
(b) Jana Gana Mana
(c) Sare Jahan Se Achcha Hindustan Hamara
(d) Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara

47. The supreme Command of Indian armed forces is vested in:

(a) The Prime Minister of India
(b) The President of India
(c) The Defense Minister of India
(d) None of the above

48. How many times can a person be elected as President of U.S.A.?

(a) There times (b) Two times
(c) No limit (d) Four times

49. Which is the more powerful house of legislature at the center in India?
(a) Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
(b) Lok Sabha (Lower House)
(c) Both are equally powerful
(d) None of these

50. Which statutory official in India can participate in Lok Sabha discussions but
cannot Vote?
(a) Chief Election commissioner
(b) Attorney General
(c) Comptroller and Auditor General
(d) Chairman Finance Commission

51. The President of India can be removed form office by:

(a) The Lok Sabha by passing a resolution
(b) The Parliament through impeachment
(c) The Chief Justice of India
(d) The Prime Minister

52. Who can preside but cannot vote in one of the Houses of Parliament?
(a) Speaker (b) Deputy Speaker
(c) Vice President (d) Vice Chairman

53. The Parliamentary Committee which scrutinizes the report of the Comptroller
and Auditor General of India?
(a) Estimates Committee
(b) Select Committee
(c) Public Accounts Committee
(d) None of the above

54. Which amendment to the Constitution of India affirmed the power of the
Parliament to amend any part of the Constitution including at hat relating to
fundamental rights:
(a) 26th (b) 25th
(c) 24th (d) 23rd

55. The Judges of the Supreme Court of India hold office till they attain the age
(a) 60 years (b) 62 years
(c) 65 years (d) None of the above

56. Which film bagged the best feature film 76th Oscar Award 2004?
(a) Cold Mountain
(b) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the king
(c) Mystic River
(d) None of these

57. Which one is not a Fundamental Right in the Constitution of India?

(a) Right of Equality
(b) Right of Liberty
(c) Right against exploitation and forced labour
(d) Right to Property

58. Under what article of the constitution of India can the President take over the
administration of a State in case its constitutional machinery breaks down?
(a) Article 83 (b) Article 352
(c) Article 356 Article 343

59. Habeas Corpus is:

(a) An order form a higher court to stop proceedings in a case and follow the
specified alternative course
(b) An order form a court to any official to show his right to the office
(c) An order form a superior court to a lower court to do a specific work
(d) An order form the court to produce the man held under illegal detention
(e) None of the above

60. How many languages are recognized by the Constitution of India in the 8th
(a) 14 (b) 16
(c) 22 (d) 12

61. The World Investment Report (WIR) is published by which of the following
(a) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
(b) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
(c) International Development Agency (IDA)
(d) World Bank

62. Into how many commands is the Indian army organised?

(a) Four (b) Six
(c) Five (d) Seven

63. Where are tanks manufactured in India? What is the name of the Indian made
Main Battle Tank?
I. (a) Avadi
(b) Perambur
(c) Bhadravati
(d) Kirkee

II. (a) Garuda

(b) Arjun
(c) Maruti
(d) Ajeya

64. What is the lowest commissioned rank in the Indian Air Force? What is its
equivalent in the land army?
I. (a) Flying officer
(b) Pilot officer
(c) Flt. Lieutenant

II. (a) Lieutenant

(b) Captain
(c) Major

65. Central Building Research Institute is located in:

(a) Lucknow (b) Varanasi
(c) Roorkee (d) Chennai
66. What has been the annual exponential growth rate of population in India
during 1991-2001?
(a) 1.11 per cent (b) 32.01 per cent
(c) 1.95 per cent (d) 2.35 per cent

67. What is the total population of India according to 2001 census?

(a) 102.70 crores (b) 68.00 crores
(c) 64.85 crores (d) 84.39 crores

68. Where is the Institute of Sugar technology situated?

(a) Delhi (b) Pimpri
(c) Kanpur (d) Mumbai

69. Where’s Central Minning Research Station located?

(a) Cuttack Jamshedpur
(c) Dhanbad Bhavnagar
(e) Puna

70. Where is Indian Institute of Experimental Medicine located?

(a) Ahmedabad (b) Kolkata
(c) Lucknow (d) New Delhi

71. Where is the Headquarters of Election Commission located?

(a) Kolkata (b) Chenanai
(c) New Delhi (d) Mumbai

72. FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) which has taken the place of
FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) came into force form:
(a) 1st April, 1999 (b) 1st April, 2000
(c) 1st June, 2000 (d) 1st August, 2000

73. Where is the ‘National Gallery of Modern Act’ located?

(a) Mysore (b) Kampur
(c) New Delhi (D) Chennai
(e) Lucknow

74. The highest Indian decoration for showing valour and gallantry in the was is:
(a) Param Vishisha Seva Medal
(b) Ashoka Chakra
(c) Param Vir Chakra
(d) None of these

75. Name the States in which the following are located?

I. Nagarjun Sagar Dam:
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamilnadu
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala

76. What is the sex ratio in India according to the census of 2001?
(a) 923 females per 1000 males
(b) 912 females per 1000 males
(c) 933 females per 1000 males
(d) 930 females per 1000 males

77. A Bengali language novel ‘Utal Hawa’ (Gusty Wind) has been banned as it
expresses ant Islamic sentiments and statements. Who is the writer of this
(a) Salman Rushdi
(b) Khushwant Singh
(c) Taslima Nasreen
(d) None of these

78. Which institution is responsible for the formulation of 5 year Plus in India?
(a) National Productivity Council
(b) Planning Commission
(c) National Development Council
(d) None of these

79. Who is written the book ‘Step Across This Line’?

(a) Sidney Sheldon
(b) Lalit Shastri
(c) Salman Rushdie
(d) A. K. Damodaran

80. Which train in India has the longest route length?

(a) Himgiri Express
(b) Himsagar Express
(c) G. T. Express
(d) Guwahati-Trivendrum Express

81. Where is the Railway Staff College located?

(a) Puna (b) Delhi
(c) Vadodra (d) Allahabad

82. Electrical current is measured by:

(a) Voltameter (b) Anemometer
(c) Wattmeter (d) Ammeter
83. The ‘Interpreter of Maladies’ written by Jhumpa Lahiri bagged which one of
the following prizes?
(a) Commonwealth writers Prize
(b) Pulitizer Prize
(c) UNESCO International Prize
(d) IMPAC International Literacy Award

84. Where is Satish Dhawan space center located?

(a) Trivendrum
(b) Bangalore
(c) Shrihari Kota
(d) Arvi

85. Reshuffling of Cabinet is the prerogative of:

(a) The Speaker
(b) The President
(c) The Prime Minister
(d) None of these

86. Which of the following is the name of the German International Airlines?
(a) Cathay Pacific
(b) Qantas
(c) KLM
(d) Lufthansa

87. Which of the following companies is the first in India to allow for ‘Direct to
Home’ service?
(a) Star (b) Sun
(c) Zee (d) Doordarshan

88. In which of the following years was the first budget in Euro Common
Currency Presented by European Union?
(a) 1999
(b) 2000
(c) 2001
(d) 2003

89. Who among the following leaders is known for her work in the field of the
empowerment of women?
(a) Mary Robinson
(b) Benazir Bhutto
(c) Sheik Hasian
(d) Chandrika Kumaratunga
90. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award for 2003 was awarded to:
(a) Abhinav Bindra
(b) K. M. Binamol and Anjali Bhagwat
(c) Nisha Millet
(d) ChiraJeev Milkha Singh

91. The largest continent in the world is:

(a) North America (b) South America
(c) Asia (d) Europe
(e) Africa

92. How many counties are the members of ASEAN?

(a) 10 (b) 15
(c) 19 (d) 20

93. Seasons occur because:

(a) The earth rotates
(b) The earth is round
(c) The earth’s revolution around the sun
(d) The earth’s axis is inclined by 66 1/20
(e) Combined effect of (c) and (b) above

94. Khajuraho is situated in the state of:

(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Mahrashtra
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
(e) Orissa

95. Geyser refers to:

(a) a hot water spring
(b) a bight star
(c) an animal which survives in the polar regions
(d) a warm ocean current

96. What does the Mercator projection refer to?

(a) lines of longitude and latitude drawn in curved lines
(b) high altitude contours
(c) lines of latitude and longitude drawn in straight lines
(d) equatorial belt

97. The largest river in the world is:

(a) Nile (b) Brahmputra
(c) Amazon (d) Missisipi
(e) Ganga
98. First Planetarium of India is in:
(a) Jaipur (b) Kanpur
(c) Cuttack (d) Calcutta

99. In India diamond is mainly found in:

(a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradeh
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu

100. In which of the following are Indian lions nurtured in their natural habitat?
(a) Corbett National Park
(b) Bandipur Sanctuary
(c) In Gir forest
(d) Kaziranga Sanctuary

101. (A) India is the chief exporter of:

(a) Coffee (b) Mica
(c) Silk (d) Jute

(B) The longest dam is:

(a) Aswan (b) Gorky
(c) Hirakud (d) Kiev
(e) Mangla

102. Famous Meenakshi temple is situated at:

(a) Madurai (b) Bangalore
(c) Mahabalipuram (d) Trivendram

103. The Heavy Engineering Corporation is located at:

(a) Sindri (b) Tiruchi
(c) Kanchi (d) Pimpri
(e) Ranchi

104. The oceans cover ………of the surface of the earth.

(a) 50% (b) 60%
(c) 71% (d)80%
(e) 90%

105. The name Typhoon comes form the Chinese word ‘Taifu’ which means:
(a) heavy rain (b) high wind
(c) clear sky (d) chilly weather
(e) calm sea

106. What is Param 10000?

(a) Surface to Surface Missile
(b) Surface to air Missile
(c) Radar
(d) Computer
(e) Sub-marine

107. Aurora borealis is:

(a) a medical term for boric powder
(b) a phenomenon of colored lights visible in the northern hemisphere
(c) a cinema theater
(d) a Russian master craftsman
(e) a Greek goddess

108. The salaries and allowances of the judges of the High Court are charged to
(a) Consolodated Fund of the State
(b) Consolodated Fund of the India
(c) Contingency Fund of the State
(d) Contingency Fund of the India

109. the epithet ‘Land of the Rising Sun’ is used for:

(a) Cambodia (b) Japan
(c) Thailand (d) Indonesia

110. The ‘Hall of Nations’ is located in:

(a) Mumbai (b) London
(c) New Delhi (d) Kolkata

111. (A) Which of the following is recipient of Dada Sahib Falke Award for 2002?
(a) Lata Mangeshker
(b) Dr. Raj Kumar
(c) Devanand
(d) Nitin Bose

(B) Among the 5th National Film Awards 2002 (announced on 26July2003) the
best Director award recipient was:
(a) Aparna Sen
(b) Raj Kumar Santoshi
(c) Rituparno Ghosh
(d) Maniratnama

112. Kiwis are the inhabitants of:

(a) New Zealand (b) Hungary
(c) Indonesia (d) South Africa
113. Eldorado is:
(a) a country in California
(b) a tract of fertile land in Africa
(c) a fictitious country or city abounding in gold and riches
(d) the desert land in China

114. Name of India’s indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft is:

(a) Rudra
(b) Tejas
(c) Kranti
(d) None of these

115. Which country in the world is the largest producer of copper?

(a) U. S. A. (b) Russia
(c) South Africa (d) China

116. What has been the decadal growth of India’s population during 1991-2001?
(a) 21.34 (b) 23.46
(c) 24.06 (d) 19.25

117. Mwai Kibaki won a landslide victory in the general election of:
(a) Kenya (b) Zimbabwe
(c) Peru (d) South Africa

118. What are Pillars of Hercules?

(a) Straits of Gibraltar
(b) Straits of Bosphorous
(c) A huge building in Rome
(d) A huge structure in Greece

119. What is ‘Atlantis’?

(a) Submarine indigenously developed by India
(b) A small combat aircraft developed by HAL
(c) The U. S. Space shuttle
(d) None of these

120. The Keil canal links the:

(a) Pacific and Atlantic ocean
(b) Mediterranean and Red Sea
(c) Mediterranean and Black Sea
(d) North Sea and Baltic Sea

121. Panna is Madhya Pradesh is associated with:

(a) Manganese (b) Mica
(c) Copper (d) Diamond
(e) Gold

122. Which of the following Indian athletes bagged bronze medal for India at the
27th Olympiad held at Sydney (Australia) in September-October, 2000?
(a) Angeli Vedpathak
(b) Karnam Malleshwari
(c) Laender Paes
(d) None of the above

123. The planet that lies at the outermost orbit of the solar system is:
(a) Saturn
(b) Neptune
(c) Mercury
(d) Pluto

124. Who was the first Caliph?

(a) Sulaiman, the Great
(b) Imam Hussain
(c) Constantine
(d) Abu Bakr

125. In which of the following countries, the world’s largest power gird has been
set up?
(a) Italy (b) China
(c) Canada (d) Russia

126. The coldest planet is:

(a)Pluto (b) Venus
(c) Uranus (d) Jupiter

127. The planet nearest to the sun is:

(a) Mercury (b) Saturn
(c) Jupiter (d) Mars

128. The smallest planet is:

(a) Mercury (b) Pluto
(c) Uranus (d) Neptune
(e) Venus

129. What amount of tax-free baggage has been fixed for a person returning form
foreign journey as per 2004-2005 budgets?
(a) Rs. 12,000
(b) Rs. 25,000
(c) Rs. 30,000
(d) Rs. 35,000

130. Name the state which has the least population:

(a) Goa (b) Tripura
(c) Sikkim (d) Nagaland

131. The biggest planet is:

(a) Uranus (b) Jupiter
(c) Pluto (d) Mercury
(e) Venus

132. Steppes are that temperate grasslands of:

(a) South America (b) North America
(c) Australia (d) Europe and Asia

133. A huge mass of snow moving slowly down the valley and slopes of
mountains till it melts after passing the snow line is called:
(a) Iceberg (b) Glacier
(c) Avalanche (d) Typhoon

134. Isotherms are:

(a) Contour lines showing equal amount of sunshine
(b) Lines of a map joining places which have the same mean temperature
(c) Contour lines of equal rainfall
(d) Contour lines of equal air pressure

135 In the election of the President which of the following do not take part?
(a) Members of Legislative council
(b) Elected members of Lok Sabha
(c) Elected members of Rajya Sabha
(d) None of the above

136 The great temple of Sun God at Konark in the Puri district was built by:
(a) Narasimha (b) Kapoilendra
(c) Purushottama (d) Choda Ganga
137. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus:
(a) Ploimyetis (b) Malaria
(c) Whooping (d) Ring worm

138. World’s largest producer of Jute products is:

(a) Bangladesh (b) Pakistan
(c) India (d) Myanmar
139. Which Republic of the former U. S. S. R. has been provided with permanent
membership of the Security Council of the U. N. O. in place of the U. S. S. R?
(a) Russian Federation
(b) Georgia
(c) Ujbekistan
(d) Estonia

140. On the river Hudson is situated:

(a) Chicago (b) Washington
(c) New York (d) New Jersey

141. The book that bagged Broker Prize for 2003 was:
(a) ‘A New world’ by Amit chaudhary
(b) ‘Speed post’ by Shobha De
(c) ‘Disgrace’ by J.M. Coetzee
(d) Vernon God little

142. Which of the following substances is a bad conductor of electricity but good
conductor of heat?
(a) Celluloid (b) Asbestos
(c) Purspecks (d) Mica

143. In the Sydney Olympics 2000, which country bagged the largest number of
medals and which country was placed second? Which pair is correct?
(a) U. S. A. – China (b) U. S. A. – Russia
(c) Russia – Japan (d) U. S. A. – Japan

144. Pampas are the:

(a) temperate grasslands of South America
(b) temperate grasslands of North America
(c) temperate grasslands of Africa
(d) temperate grasslands of Eurasia

145. Sea of Tranquility is:

(a) a place where is calm prevails
(b) a sea where there is the least disturbance
(c) a place on moon where American astronauts landed
(d) None of the above

146. The atmospheric layer farthest form the earth’s surface is known as:
(a) Exosphere (b) Ionosphere
(c) Mesophere (d) Stratosphere

147. What are the sun spots?

(a) Dark patches on the surface of the sun are cooler areas
(b) Regions without winter climate
(c) Desert areas on the sun
(d) Dark patches on the surface of the sun which are hotter places

148. What is meant by Isthmus?

(a) A narrow strip of water connecting two large oceans
(b) A narrow strip of land connecting tow large areas of land
(c) A narrow strip of water dividing two oceans
(d) The mouth of river where it joints the sea

149. Perihelion is:

(a) The point in earth’s orbit which is nearest to the sun
(b) The point in earth’s revolution round the earth
(c) The path of moon’s revolution round the earth
(d) The path of earth’s revolution round the sun

150. Rakesh Sharma is famous for being:

(a) A famous football player
(b) A musician of repute
(c) India’s first man is space
(d) None of these

151. The largest bird which can run with a great speed is:
(a) Ostrich (b) Emu
(c) Kivi (d) Penguin

152. (a) China (b) USA

(c) Canada (d) Argentina

153. Five nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have formed
an organisation known as Eurasian Economic Community. Among the
members are included Russia and Belarus. Which one of the following
countries is not its member?

154. The first American President to visit India is

(a) Jimmy Carter
(b) D.D. Eisenhower
(c) George Washington
(d) Ronald Reason

155. The Southernmost point of India is:

(a) Indira point in Nicobar Islands
(b) Cape Comorin
(c) Point calimere
(d) None of the above

156. Which of the following is not a function of the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (SEBI)?
(a) Supervising the working of the Stock Exchanges
(b) Regulating merchant banks and Mutual finds
(c) Promoting the development of a healthy capital market
(d) Underwriting new capital issues

157. DCM Trophy is associated with:

(a) Cricket (b) Hockey
(c) Football (d) None of these

158. Which of the following is the World’s Largest Constituency in terms of

(a) Outer Delhi (b) South Calcutta
(c) Navi Mumbai (d) None of these

159. The oldest Football Tournament in India is:

(a) Rovers Cup (b) I.F.A. Shield
(c) Durand Cup (d) Tata Cup

160. Which country’s cricket team made history in Feb./March 2001 by making a
world record of having won 16 test matches in continuity.
(a) England (b) West Indies
(c) S. Africa (d) Australia

161. Which of the following is the ruling party in Arunachal Pradesh?

(a) B. J. P (b) Congress
(c) S. P. (d) B. S. P.

162. Which city is the venue of world half marathon championship tobe held on 2
October 2004?
(a) Chennai (b) Banglore
(c) New Delhi (d) Hyderabad

163. Which country won gold medal in hockey at the 27th Olympic games 2000
played at Sydney (Australia)?
(a) Australia (b) Pakistan
(c) Sri Lanka (d) India

164. Which country bagged gold medal in men’s football at the 27th Olympiad
held at Sydney in September-October, 2000?
(a) Cameroon (b) Spain
(c) France (d) Brazil

165. The dimensions of Hockey Field (in yards) are:

(a) 80X60 (b) 100X80
(c) 120X100 (d) 100X60

166. The term ‘breast stroke’ is associated with:

(a) Skating (b) Croquet
(c) Swimming (d) Rifle Shooting

167. Cheapauk Stadium is located at:

(a) Kolkatta (b) Chennai
(c) Kanpur (d) New Delhi
(e) Mumbai

168. The 2004 Australian Open Tennis man’s Single Title was won by:
(a) Marat Safin (b) Pete Sampras
(c) Patrick Rafter (d) Roger Federer

169. Who is the Present Chief Justice of India?

(a) M. M. Punchi (b) J. S. Verma
(c) V. N. Khare (d) K. N. Singh

170. The founder of the Scout Movement is:

(a) Lord Baden Powell
(b) Sir Thomas Munro
(c) Jim Corbett
(d) Lewis Carol

171. Who was the Ist Indian to swim across the English Channel?
(a) Rita Faria
(b) Shanta Rangaswami
(c) Arati Saha
(d) Kamaljit Sandhu
172. Which is known as Cockpit of Europe?
(a) Spain (b) Belgium
(c) Austria (d) Switzerland

173. Alla Rakha was an exponent of which of the following instruments?

(a) Shahnai (b) Tabla
(c) Sitar (d) Flute
174. The term of which one of the following Lok Sabhas was extended beyond five
(a) Fourth Lok Sabha
(b) Third Lok Sabha
(c) Seventh Lok Sabha
(d) Fifth Lok Sabha

175. Which country is called ‘The Playground of Europe’?

(a) Scotland (b) Switzerland
(c) Netherlands (d) France

176. The 8th United Nation Framework Convention on climate change opened on
Oct. 23, 2002 at:
(a) Bangkok
(b) Beijing
(c) Manila
(d) New Delhi

178. Maputo is the capital of:

(a) Angola (c) Mozambique
(c) Sierra Leone (d) Guinea- Bissau

179. The dimensions of the Billiards table are:

(a) 12 X 74’ X5 (b) 11 X 6’ X4’
(c) 9’ X 5’ X21/2 (d) 9’ X 4’ X2’

180. The term ‘Dummy’ is associated with:

(a) Football (c) Bridge
(c) Baseball (d) Cricket

181. Davis Cup is associated with:

(a) Golf (c) Boat rowing
(c) Boxing (d) Lawn Tennis

182. India‘s territorial water limits are only up to

(a) 9 nautical miles
(b) 3 nautical miles
(c) 12 nautical miles
(d) 15 nautical miles

183. USA’s Operation Endeavour refers to:

(a) The consolidation of gains in Kargil War
(b) A sustained operation for the elimination terrorism form Kashmir
(c) Naval and Air force joints exercise carried out by India in the Arabia Sea
(d) USA’s campaign against international terrorism in the wake of terrorist
attacks on its World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

184. The 2002 Asiad were staged at Busan (South Korea) which country will stage
the 2006 Asiad?
(a) Malaysia (b) India
(c) Qatar (d) Indonesia

185. Swathling Cup is associated with:

(a) Volley ball (b) Basketball
(c) Bridge (d) Table Tennis

186. Which of the following species can see both forward and backward with both
the eyes?
(a) Owl (b) Deer
(c) Monkey (d) Cuckoo

187. Amella Vega, Miss Universe, 2003 belongs to:

(a) Canada
(b) Australia
(c) Dominican Republic
(d) South Africa

188. Which of the following is the first state in the country to introduce Value
Added Tax (VAT)?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Haryana (d) Uttar Pradesh

189. Who is at present the U. N. O. Secretary General?

(a) Javier Parez De Cueller
(b) Dr. Kofi Annan
(c) James Gustave Speth
(d) Dr. Napis Sadik

190. India’s national game is:

(a) Football (b) Cricket
(c) Tennis (d) Hockey

191. The national award given to the distinguished sportsmen/women in India is

knows as:
(a) Bharat Award (b) Urvashi Award
(c) Ardjun Award (d) Nehru Award

192. Manufacture of sports goods is an important industry in:

(a) Punjab (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Karnataka (d) Uttar Pradesh

193. Who has written ‘Some books’ are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and
some few to be chewed and digested’?
(a) Ruskin (b) Bacon
(c) Russel (d) Shakespear

194. Grand Slam is a term associated with:

(a) Billiards (b) Bridge and Tennis
(c) Badminton (d) Chess
195. Shambhu Maharaj excelled in:
(a) Hindustani
(b) Instrumental Music
(c) Film Music
(d) Kathak Dancing

196. Jaimini Roy distinguished himself in:

(a) Dancing
(b) Colour Photography
(c) Painting
(d) Instrumental

197. The author of India’s National Song is:

(a) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(b) Subramaniam Bharati
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(d) Mulk Raj Anand

198. How many countries are the members of the U. N. O. at present?

(a) 196 (b) 191
(c) 176 (d) 169

199. The Headquarters of the U. N. O. is located in:

(a) Washington (b) New York
(c) Philadelphia (d) Chicago

200. In which of the following cities is Charminar situated?

(a) Mysore (b) Rajkot
(c) Hyderabad (d) Lucknow

201. When was the United Nations Organisation founded? 198.

(a) 20th October, 1945
(b) 11th November, 1944
(c) 24th October, 1945
(d) 26th June, 1945

202. A 16 years athlete Feng Jing who obtained the honour of having won the all
round Gymnastic championship held at Ghent at the youngest age on Nov. 1,
2001, belongs to:
(b) China (b) Belgium
(c) Mangolia (d) Myanmar

203. The United Nations agency concerned with the improvement of standards of
education and strengthening international co-operation in this field is:
(a) U.N.E.F. (b) U.N.E.S.C.O.
(c) U.N.I.C.E.F. (d) U.N.E.D.O

204. Who among the following won the Nobel Prize for 203 in Medicine?
(a) Masatoshi Koshiba (Japan)
(b) John Fenn (U.N.A.)
(c) Koichi Tanaka (Japan)
(d) Deniel Kahreman (U.N.A.) and Peter Mansfield (Britain)

205. The specialized agency of the U.N.O. which helps the development of the
member countries by giving loans for development projects is know as:
(a) I.B.R.D. (b) I.M.F.
(c) U.N.I.C.E.F. (d) S.D.R.

206. Which of the following is not the main organ of the U.N.O.?
(a) General Assembly
(b) Security Council
(c) Trusteeship Council
(d) International Court of Justice
(e) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

207. Where is the Headquarters of the International court of Justice?

(a) Paris (France)
(b) Rome (Italy)
(c) The Hague (Netherlands)
(d) Washington (U.S.A.)

208. How many Judges are there in the International court of Justice?
(a) 9 (b) 10
(c) 11 (d) 15

209. The first Secretary General of the United Nations was:

(a) Mrs. Vijay Lakshimi Pandit
(b) Trygve Lie
(c) Dag Hammarskjoeld
(d) U. Thant

210. Who was the first Indian to be President of U.N. General Assembly?
(a) Natwar Singh
(b) V.K. Krishna Menon
(c) Smt. Vijay Lakshimi Pandit
(d) Romesh Bhandari

211. The present Secretary General of the U.N.O. belongs to:

(a) Cuba (b) Greece
(c) Poland (d) Geneva

212. The headquarters of the World Health Organization is located at:

(a) London (b) Rome
(c) Paris (d) Geneva

213. The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a period
(a) one year (b) two years
(c) three year (d) four years

214. General Assembly of the United Nations meets:

(a) once a year (b) twice a year
(c) once in two years (d) occasionally

215. Which of the following is not one of the working languages of the U.N.O.?
(a) French (b) Spanish
(c) Arabic (d) Italian

216. On what date did the U.N.O. adopt the Universal Declaration of Human
(a) 20th October, 1945
(b) 11th November, 1944
(c) 24th October, 1945
(d) 26th June, 1945

217. The headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency is located in:
(a) Paris (b) Washington
(c) New York (d) Vienna

218. ‘Sindhushastra’ is a naval defence vessel inducted into Indian navy on July
19, 2000.
What is it?
(a) It is a frigate
(b) It is a destroyer
(c) It is an aircraft carrier
(d) It is a submarine

219. In the modern times International relations are determined primarily by:
(a) Political considerations
(b) Social considerations
(c) Scientific considerations
(d) Economic considerations

220. An essential attribute of Inflation is:

(a) the absence of the black-market
(b) the presence of black-market
(c) increase in prices
(d) fall in production

221. National income of a country is based on:

(a) the taxes earned by the state
(b) the sum of all factor incomes
(c) personal incomes of all the citizens
(d) surplus of exports over imports

222. The primary function of an entrepreneur is to:

(a) decide the time and place to start the factory
(b) take risk and bear the uncertainties
(c) lay down the policy
(d) provide the money
(e) make optimum use of the scarce resources

223. Devaluation of currency basically helps to promote:

(a) national income
(b) savings
(c) imports at lower cost
(d) export

224. The salient feature of socialism is:

(a) private ownership of means of production
(b) abolition of property
(c) state ownership of all means of production
(d) state control over distribution and consumption
225. Which cricketer of India has the credit of having scored more than 10,000 runs
in one-day cricket-matches?
(a) Anil Kumble
(b) Harbhajan Singh
(c) Saurav Ganguli
(d) Sachin Tendulkar

226. Which of the following currencies has the highest value in terms of rupees?
(a) Dollar (b) Pound
(c) Yen (d) Mark

227. Andy flower is associate with:

(a) Football (b) Hockey
(c) Cricket (d) Badminton

228. Which of the following republics did not belong to Yugoslavia?

(a) Bosnia
(b) Estonia
(c) Macedonia
(d) Slovenia

229. Mixed economy implies:

(a) Co-existence of heavy industries and small scale and cottage industries
(b) Promotion of agriculture as well as industries
(c) Presence of the rich and the poor
(d) Co-existence of public sector and private sector

230. The state with the highest density of population in India according to 2001
census is:
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) Kerala (d) West Bengal
231. During Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-2007) What annual growth rate has been
targetted to be achieved?
(a) 10% (b) 14%
(c) 8% (d) 7%
232. The term ‘Carat’ is used to express purity of gold. The purest form of gold is:
(a) 18 carats (b) 20 carats
(c) 22 carats (d) 24 carats

233. A crossed cheque implies that:

(a) it cannot be cashed through another bank
(b) it is not forged
(c) payment has to be taken by the payee at the counter
(d) payment can be credited to bank account only
234. Which is the first country to have played in limited overs 500 matches in one-
day international cricket.
(a) England (b) Australia
(c) Pakistan (d) South Africa

235. Freud is associated with:

(a) leprosy control
(b) detective work
(c) politics
(d) psychoanalysis

236. Who among the following has been appointed the chairman of the 12th
Finance Commission?
(a) L. C. Jain
(b) J. C. Jetly
(c) Dr. C. Rangrajan
(d) T. N. Srivastava

237. Which is the first country to have played in limited overs 500 matches in one-
day international cricket.
(a) England (b) Australia
(c) Pakistan (d) South Africa

238. In which year did the man first land on the moon?
(a) 1968 (b) 1969
(c) 1970 (d) 1971

239. Dyne stands for the unit of:

(a) force (b) momentum
(c) energy (d) power

240. After a watch the been would it:

(a) possesses mechanical energy stored in it
(b) has heat energy stored in it
(c) has electrical energy stored in it
(d) has magnetic energy stored in it

241. In order to know the time, the astronauts orbiting in an earth satellite should
(a) a watch having mainspring to keep it going
(b) a pendulum clock
(c) either a pendulum clock or a watch
(d) an alarm clock
242. ‘Servants of India Society’ was founded by:
(a) Sriniwas Shastri
(b) Pandit Hirdaya Nath Kinzru
(c) Gopal Krishan Gokhale
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

243. Deficiency of watch vitamin causes a disease ‘Beri-Beri’?

(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D

244. Hygrometer is used for the measurement of:

(a) density
(b) potential energy of something
(c) relative humidity
(d) specific gravity

245. The smallest particle of substance capable of independent existence and

retaining the properties of the original substance is called:
(a) atom (b) molecule
(c) neutron (d) electron

246. When milk is skimmed, the cream gets separated form it due to the?
(a) cohesive force
(b) centrifugal force
(c) centripetal force

247. Tiger Woods who created history on June 18, 2000 by shattering the 101-year-
old record by winning the U.S. open Golf Championship by a record margin
belongs to-
(a) Britain (b) USA
(d) Australia (d) New Zealand

248. On increasing the pressure, the melting point of ice is lowered. This
phenomenon is called:
(a) condensation (b) regelation
(c) fusion (d) expansion of ice

249. Galvanized iron is coated with a thin coating of:

(a) copper (b) tin
(c) zinc (d) aluminium

250. Which of the following is a wrong statement?

(a) Light travels with a speed grater than that of sound
(b) Light cannot travel through vaccum
(c) Light travels in straightiline
(d) Light is a wave motion

251. In the visible spectrum the colour having the shortest wavelength is:
(a) Red (b) Yellow
(c) Blue (d) Violet

252. Which of the following is a wrong statement?

(a) a rainbow can be seen only when the sun is at your front
(b) something two rainbows can be seen simultaneously
(c) the same rainbow can be observed by two persons if both have normal
(d) rainbow is formed due to refraction of light in rain drops

253. A time-keeper in a foot race is standing at the finish line. When should he
start his stop watch?
(a) when he hears the whistle
(b) when he see the flash
(c) he may start the watch at either of the two, it making no difference
(d) when he is informed through telephone

254. The radiant energy of the sun results form:

(a) cosmic radiation
(b) nuclear fusion
(c) nuclear fission
(d) combustion

255. In oxygen, things:

(a) burn dimly
(b) burn brightly
(c) do not burn at all
(d) burn rapidly and are immediately reduced to ashes

256. Metallurgy is the process of:

(a) roasting form the ore
(b) extracting metal from the ore
(c) concentrating the ore
(d) refining the ore

257. Where form did Mahatma Gandhi start the famous ‘Dandi March’?
(a) Mumbai (b) Ahmedabad
(c) Surat (d) Bardoli
258. Antibiotics are”
(a) anaesthetic substances
(b) sleeping pills
(c) medicines against contamination of wounds
(d) drugs prepared form moulds and mould like organism
(e) special medicines used during surgical operation

259. Bacteria were first seen, described and sketched by:

(a) Linnaeus (b) Ronald Ross
(c) Pasteur (d) Jenner

260. The green colour of leaves is due to the presence of:

(a) iron
(b) chlorophyll
(c) etiolin
(d) the property of reflecting green colour of the sun and absorbing the rest

261. Ecology is a branch of science which deals with:

(a) the study of the universe
(b) cell formation
(c) balance of nature
(d) the structure of the human body

262. The chemical digestion of food takes place in the following combination of
organs in the alimentary tract:
(a) mouth and small intestine
(b) stomach and small intestine
(c) stomach and large intestine

263. Dr. Hargovind Khurana’s research work is related with:

(a) Zoology
(b) Medicine
(c) Cure for cancer
(d) Genetics

264. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the:

(a) liver (b) kidneys
(c) bone marrow (d) small intestine

265. Hydrometer is an instrument:

(a) for measuring sound under water
(b) to detect the presence of hydrogen in the atmosphere
(c) for measuring the specific gravity of liquids
(d) to detect the changes in the atmospheric humidity
266. The bird that makes its nest is:
(a) peacock (b)cuckoo
(c) owl (d) kiwi

267. The concept of ‘equality’ in a liberal democracy emphasises that:

(a) All persons must have equal income
(b) All persons must have the same education
(c) Every person has the same moral worth and dignity
(d) All person must believe in the same ideology

268. Teleprinter is used:

(a) for long distance printing
(b) for telegraphic communication
(c) for television
(d) for overseas telephone link

269. “To Be or Not To Be” is the title of a recent book by:

(a) Rajeev Gandhi (b) Rahul Bajaj
(c) Bill Clinton (d) K.K. Birla

270. India’s first artificial satellite ‘Arya-Bhatta” was designed and built at:
(a) Sriharikota
(b) Peenya near Bangalore
(c) Arvi near Pune
(d) Hyderabad

271. Who invented cresograph?

(a) Rutherford (b) Edison
(c) Faraday (d) J.C. Bose

272. RADAR was invented by:

(a) George Eastman
(b) Robert Watson Watt
(c) J.L. Baird
(d) Graham Bell

273. Who is the chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission?

(a) H.N. Sethna (b) M.G.K. Menon
(c) Anil Kakodkar (d) Satish Dhawan

274. The Law of Survival of the fittest is associated with:

(a) Mendel (b) Mendeleef
(c) Kepler (d) Darwin
275. The purity of milk is measured by:
(a) Hydrometer (b) Manometer
(c) Lactometer (d) Fathomometer

276. Acupuncture is widely practiced in:

(a) China (b) America
(c) England (d) Mangolia

277. Diabetes can be controlled by the injection of:

(a) thyroxin (b)tetracyclin
(c) streptomycin (d) insulin

178. Milk is pasteurised in order to:

(a) destroy micro-organisms
(b) detect adulteration
(c) increase the protein content
(d) increase the fat content

279. The number of bones in the human body system is:

(a) 306 (b) 206
(c) 260 (d) 370

280. The main function of white blood corpuscles in the body is:
(a) to help in the formation of clot
(b) to carry food
(c) to carry oxygen
(d) to protect the body against disease

281. Hydroponics is:

(a) soil conservation
(b) conservation of water
(c) growth of plants under laboratory conditions
(d) growth of plants liquid media

282. Hereditary characters are carried form one generation to another through:
(a) Cytoplasm (b) Nucleoplasm
(c) Protoplasm (d) Chromosomes

283. Thrombosis is a disease of the:

(a) lungs (b) blood
(c)thyroid (d) nerve bursting
284. How much total outlay has been proposed for the 10th Five Year Plan in the
Public Sector?
(a) Rs. 15,92,300 crore
(b) Rs. 17,92,000 crore
(c) Rs. 18,34,100 crore
(d) Rs. 17,61,000 crore

285. Which of the following is considered as the ‘Electronic City’ of India?

(a) Hyderabad (b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata (d) Bhopal
(e) Bangalore

286. INS Kirch is the name of:

(a) Indian Corvette escort ship
(b) a famous temple in the Himalayas
(c) the highest hill top in Simla
(d) a mountain peak in the Himalayas

287. The over all population density of India according to the census 2001 is:
(a) 324 persons per sq. km
(b) 267 persons per sq. km
(c) 880 persons per sq. km
(d) 767 persons per sq. km

288. The Nobel Prize for peace for 2003 has been awarded to:
(a) Nelson Mandela and F.W. De Klark
(b) Dr.Amartya Sen
(c) Jimmy Carter
(d) Shirin Ebadi

289. The Central Statistical Organisation of India has put out the advanced
estimated figures of average per capita income in India during 2002-2003 on
current price sat:
(a) Rs. 18,912 (b) Rs. 17,947
(c) Rs. 26,034 (d) Rs. 22,015

290. Who was awarded 2001 Jnan Pith Award?

(a) Nirmal Verma
(b) Gurdayal Singh
(c) Rajendra K. Shah
(d) Indira Goswani

291. What is US-64?

(a) A variety of wheat developed by Pusha Institute of India
(b) A scheme of the Unit Trust of India
(c) A United States of America’s overseas assistance agency
(d) A pilotless aircraft developed by the U.S.A.

292. The real executive power under the Constitution of India rests with:
(a) The President
(b) The Prime Minister
(c) The parliament
(d) The Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers

293. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of Planning Commission in India?

(a) Prime Minister (b) President
(c) Planning Minister (d) Chief Justice

294. Name the Constitution Amendment by which three new states-Chhattisgarh,

Uttaracnchal and Jharkhand have been created:
(a) 81st Constitution Amendment, 2000
(b) 82nd Constitution Amendment, 2000
(c) 83rd Constitution Amendment, 2000
(d) 84th Constitution Amendment, 2000

295. The partition of Bengal in 1905 was effected by:

(a) Lord Linlithgow (b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Lord Minto (d) Lord Curzon

296. Which countries are the members of the ASEAN (Association of South East
Asian Nations)?
(a) Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand
(b) North, Korea, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal
(c) Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines Vietnam Laos,
Myanmar and Brunei, Cambodia
(d) Shi Lanka, India, Burma, Singapore
(e) Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Burma

297. India House is located in:

(a) New Delhi (b) Calcutta
(c) London (d) Mumbai

298. According to the census of 2001 the only state in India that shows excess of
females over males is:
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Kerala
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Jammu and Kashmir
299. who was the founder of the Indian National Congress:
(a) W.C. Banerjee
(b) Mrs. Annie Besant
(c) A.O. Hume
(d) Madan Mohan Malviya

300. The Central Government drives maximum revenue form:

(a) Income Tax
(b) Sale Tax
(c) Excise Tax
(d) Custom Duties

301. Duration of the 10th Five Year Plan is:

(a) 1998-2004 (b) 2000-2005
(c) 2002-2007 (d) 2003-2008

302. ‘Kuchipudi’ is a dance style which orginated form:

(a) Orissa (b) Kerala
(c) North India (d) Andhra Pradesh

303. Who was known as ‘Man of Destiny’?

(a) Napoleon (b) Stalin
(c) Hitler (d) Musolini

304. Michael Jordan is considered as one of the best player of:

(a) Football
(b) Basket ball
(c) Hockey
(d) Tennis

305. Which of the following is not a space power?

(a) France (b) Spain
(c) U.S.A. (d) China
(e) India

306. Which one of the following is not covered by Four Freedoms?

(a) Freedom from want
(b) Freedom form fear
(c) Freedom of Religion
(d) Freedom of Movement
(e) Freedom of Speech

307. The term Fourth estate refers to:

(a) Very backward state
(b) Judiciary
(c) Parliament
(d) Press

308. Which island is associated with the birth of Napoleon?

(a) Malta (b) Cicily
(c) Corsica (d) St. Helena

309. Who is said to have fiddled when Rome was burning?

(a) Nero (b) Hercules
(c) Achilles (d) Julius Caesar

310. The Finance Commission is normally expected to be constituted after every:

(a) year (b)two years
(c) three years (d) five years

311. The headquarters of the organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries is at:

(a) Abu Dhabi (b) Tunis
(c) Doha (d) Vienna
(b) Teheran

312. Kuro Siwo is:

(a) Japanese mountain peak
(b) the high yielding rubber tree of Malaysia
(c) a live valcano in Italy
(d) a hot water current of Pacific Ocean

313. The country known as the ‘Land of the Midnight Sun’is”

(a) Japan (b) Sweden
(c) Norway (d) Denmark
314. Rome is situated on the bank of:
(a) Vistula (b) Tiber
(c) Euphrates (d) Danube

315. Which country is called the ‘Sugar Bowl of the World:

(a) Indonesia (b) India
(c) Cuba (d) Thailand

316. The discovery of inert gases is associated with:

(a) J.B. Priestley (b) Lavosier
(c) Cavendish (d) Ramsay

317. Pasteurized milk:

(a) is sterile
(b) not sterile
(c) will not turn sour
(d) will not turn sour for sometime

318. A nuclear reactor uses……… fuel:

(a) Uranium (b) Heavy water
(c) Graphite (d) Cadmium

319. Instruments can be shielded from outside magnetic effects by surrounding

them with:
(a) Glass shield (b) Iron shield
(c) Rubber shied (d) Brass shied

320. The heater element in an electric iron is made of:

(a) Nichrome (b) Tungsten
(c) Copper (d) Iron

321. Why do some automobiles have additional yellow headlights?

(a) Yellow light does not produce dazzling effect in the eyes of the people
coming form front.
(b) Yellow light consumes less power
(c) Yellow is this able to illuminate the road better in fogy night
(d) Both (a) and (b)

322. The surface water in a lake is just going to freeze. What is the temperature of
water at the bottom?
(a) 0ºC (b) 1ºC
(c) less then0 C (d) 4ºC

323. Railway tracks are banked on curves so that:

(a) Necessary centripetal force may be obtained form the horizontal
component of the weight of the train
(b) No fictional force may be produced between the wheels and the tracks
(c) The train may not fall down inward
(d) The weight of the train may be reduced

324. Who discovered the sea-route to India?

(a) John Cabot (b) Megallen
(c) Columbus (d) Vasco-de-Gama

325. South pole was discovered by:

(a) Robert (b) Amundsen
(c) Captain (d) Megallen
326. Cubism-a torn of modern art was introduced by:
(a) Leonardo da Vinci
(b) Michael Angelo
(c) Rembrandt
(d) Nand Lal Bose
(e) Pablo Piccasso

327. The recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature for 2003 is:
(a) Dr. Arvid Carlsson
(b) Dr. Paul Greengard
(c) J.M. Coetzee
(d) Mr. Jack Kilby

328. Show your Acquaintance with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo:

(a) The woman revolutionary waging war against military government in
(b) A black American who recently won Australian Open Tennis Women’s
Single Title
(c) The newly appointed President of Philippines
(d) A well known U.S. Film actors who won Oscar award

329. Who called Britain a nation of shopkeepers?

(a) Hitler (b) Garibaldi
(c) Napoleon (d) Mussolani

330. The Mugal ruler who spent 15 Years in exile was:

(a) Babar (b) Humayun
(c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
(e) Shahjahan

331. The meetings of the Rajya Sabha are presided over by:
(a) The Speaker
(b) President of India
(c) Vice-president of India
(d) The Prime Minister

332. Indian Naval Academy is situated in:

(a) Kolkata (b) Visakhapattnam
(c) Mumbai (d) Cochin

333. Who is the chief election commission of India?

(a) T.N. Sheshan
(b) M.S. Gill Krishan Murthy
(c) Krishan Murthy
(d) Ram Dhan
(e) V.S. Rama Devi

334. Who said, “I came, I saw, I conquered”?

(a) Napoleon
(b) Shakespeare in Julius Caesar
(c) Admiral Nelson
(d) Hitler

335. Who was the First President of U.S.A.?

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomas Jefferson
(c) Abraham Lincoln
(d) None of the above

336. The Kamagata Maru incident took place in the year:

(a) 1914 (b) 1915
(c) 1916 (d) 1917

337. The recipient of Gandhi International Peace Award 2003 is:

(a) John Hume
(b) Vaclav Havel
(c) Sir Shrideth Ramphal
(d) None of these

338. Who wrote the following lines? “Death is the end of life. Ah, why should life
all labour be?”
(a) P.B. Shelley (b) John Keats
(c) Lord Byron (d) Alfred Tennyson

339. Aga Khan, who visited Indian recently, is a:

(a) Film director
(b) Scientist
(c) Spiritual leader
(d) Writer

340. Kyat is the currency of:

(a) Israel (b) Malaysia
(c) Thailand (d) Myanmar

341. Which of the following cricketers was not punished by Indian Cricket Control
Board (BCCI) in Dec. 2000 for being found involved in match fixing?
(a) Ajay Jadeja (b) Ajay Sharma
(c) Azharuddin (d) None of these

342. The Parliament of India has the power to levy income tax:
(a) on all incomes other than agricultural
(b) on agricultural incomes
(c) on all incomes
(d) none of these

343. The Glorious Revolution in England established:

(a) the rule of the Tudors
(b) the rule of the House of Hanover
(c) the rule of the Stuarts
(d) the supremacy of Parliament

344. The first woman appointed a chairman of the National Film Development
Corporation is:
(a) Shabana Azmi (b) Hema Malini
(c) Saira Bano (d) Mranal Pandey

345. Cue is a term used in:

(a) Billiards (b) Chess
(c) Bridge (d) Crocquet

346. Goran Ivanisevic is associated with:

(a) Hockey (b) Lawn Tennis
(c) Golf (d) Badminton

347. The instrument for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies is called:
(a) spherometer (b) altimeter
(c) sextant (d) spectrometer
(e) none of these

348. The costliest city in the world is:

(a) London (b) Paris
(c) New York (d) Tokyo

349. Laissez faire means:

(a) right to interfere
(b) a policy of non-interference by the state
(c) let individuals be not left alone to do what they like
(d) helping the poor by taxing the rich

350. Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre is located in:

(a) New Delhi (b) Mumbai
(c) Calcutta (d) Ahmedabad

351. Chittor is associated with:

(a) Tyntya (b) Nana Pharanvis
(c) Rana Pratap (d) Shivaji ]

352. The first and the only Muslim lady who ever sat on the throne of Delhi was:
(a) Chand Bibi (b) Razia Begum
(c) Zeenat Begum (d) Mumtaj Mahal

353 A blind folded woman holding a balance in her hand is a symbol for:
(a) peace (b) justice
(c) distress (d) mourning

354. A device that stores energy within itself is:

(a) Capacitor and Resistor
(b) Capacitor and Inductor
(c) Inductor and Resister
(d) None of these

355. Which of the following taxes belongs to the states exclusively?

(a) Land revenue (b) Sales Tax
(c) Tolls (d) All the above

356. Whom did the 27th Olympiad 2000 turn out as the fastest man on earth?
(a) Ian (b) Michael Johnson
(c) Felix Savon (d) Maurice Green

357. Which of the following is the ruling party in Tamil Nadu at present?
(a) AIADMK (b) National Front
(c) Cong .I (d) DMK

358. Whose signatures are found on the 10 rupee note in India?

(a) Prime Minister of India
(b) President of India
(c) Finance Minister of India
(d) Governor, Reserve Bank of India

359. The first woman to be Prime Minister in the world was:

(a) Smt. Indira Gandhi
(b) Margaret Thatcher
(c) Smt. Sirimavo Bhandarnaike
(d) Kim Campbell
360. The only woman to scale Mt. Everest twice is:
(a) Zunko Tabei (b) Pasang Lhamu
(c) Santosh Yadav (b) Dickey Dolma

361. With which religion are the Dilwara temples associated?

(a) Jainism
(b) Hindusim
(c) Buddhism
(b) Hinduism & Jainism both

362. Detroit in the U.S.A. is known as the city of:

(a) Motor cars (b) Lights
(c) Aeroplanes (b) Rockets

363 International Day for persons with disabilities is observed on:

(a) October 1 (b) November 1
(c) December 3 (b) January 1

364. Who has become the highest scorer in Cricket World Cup?
(a) Javed Miadad
(b) Vivian Richard
(c) Sachin Tendulkar
(d) Brian Lara

365. Who invented dynamite?

(a) Lord Chelmsford
(b) Bahbha Homi
(c) Alfred Nobel
(d) Neil O both

366. Sahitya Academy Samman 2003 has been awarded to:

(a) B.R. Chopra (b) Asha Bhonsle
(c) Kamaleshwar (b) Lata Mangeshkar

367. In the 14 Asiad played at Busan, South Korea in September-October 2002,

China won the largest number of medals. Which country was placed second?
(a) Japan (b) South Korea
(c) Thailand (b) India

368. The Indian Scientist who enabled India to become an atomic power and died
in an air crash in Italy was?
(a) C.V. Raman (b) S.S. Bhatnagar
(c) H.J. Bhabha (b) None of these
369. The National Defence College is located at:
(a) Delhi (b) Coimbatore
(c) Puna (b) Dehradun

370. Who said, “Where wealth accumulates, Men decay”?

(a) Motor cars (b) Lights
(c) Aeroplanes (b) Rockets

371. Which State of India has the largest area under forget?
(a) M.P. (b) U.P.
(c) Gujrat (b) Assam

372. Which of the following republics of USSR was the last to be a member of the
(a) Estonia (b) Georgia
(c) Latvia (b) Lithuania

373. Which month is named after the Roman God of War?

(a) April (b) May
(c) March (b) September

374. Which country is associated with Magyars?

(a) Belgium (b) Austria
(c) Hungary (b) Denmark

375. The Summer Olympics of 2004 will be organised at which of the following
(a) Rome (b) Athens
(c) Tokyo (b) London

376. The winner of federation up Vollyball 2003 is:

(a) Railways (b) Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu (b) Services

377. Which scientific law states that a fluid in a closed system exerts pressure
equally in all directions?
(a) Graham’s law (b) Boyle’s law
(c) Perkin’s law (b) Pascal’s law

378. ‘Newton’s disc’ when rotated at a great speed appears:

(a) Black
(b) White
(c) Shows seven colours
(d) Green
379. Who gave the slogan “Play the game in the spirit of the game”?
(a) Baron de Cubertin
(b) Samaranch
(c) Maharaja Yadvendra Singh
(d) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

380. Duties of the citizens were added to the Constitution by the:

(a) 39th Amendment
(b) 40th Amendment
(c) 41st Amendment
(d) 42nd Amendment

381. How many districts are there in the newly created State of Chhattishgarh?
(a) 18 (b) 22
(c) 19 (b) 21

382. ‘Life of Pi’ is a book written by:

(a) Yann Martel (b) Mikhali Solokhov
(c) Durga Das (d) Sanharov

383. Annic Besant established Home Rule League with the purpose:
(a) To start a revolutionary movement
(b) To help the Congress
(c) To gain independence by constitutional means
(d) To create harmonious relations between the Moderates and the Extremists

384. Write the following in right chronological order:

1. Annexation of Oudh
2. Annexation of Burma
3. Annexation of Punjab
4. Annexation of Sindh

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, (b) 4, 3, 2, 1,
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2, (d) 3, 4, 2, 1,

385. Harappan civilization is Indus civilization because:

(a) It resembles Indus civilization and is considered to exist at the same time
(b) It is in the same region
(c) Both are wholly the same
(d) None of the above

386. Which State of India bagged the largest number of medals in the 32nd
National Games held at Hyderabad in December 2002?
(a) Punjab (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Karnataka (d) Haryana

387. The ‘Moortidevi Sahitya Puraskar’ has been instituted by:

(a) Bhartiya Vidya Bahwan
(b) Ministry of Education
(c) Sahitya Academy
(d) Bhartiya Jnanpith

388. Which one the better meaning of a good citizen?

(a) One who pays respect to the National Flag
(b) One who is engaged in doing good to others
(c) One who is expert of good behaviour
(d) One who performs his duties and makes the right use of his rights

389. According to proposals of budget for 2003-04, the income tax exemption limit
(a) Rs. 50,000 (b) Rs. 75,000
(c) Rs. 1,00,000 (d) None of these

390. Asiatic Society was founded by:

(a) Max Muller
(b) Cunningham]
(c) Sir John Marshal
(d) William Jones

391. Who directs, controls and supervises the Lok Sabha Secretariat?
(a) Prime Minister (b) Speaker
(c) President (d) Chief Secretary

392. Who elects the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

(a) Lok Sabha
(b) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(c) Rajya Sabha
(d) Nominated by the Vice President

393. Budha Vihars were used for:

1. Education
2. Residence of Budha Bhikshus
3. Residence of worshippers of Budha
4. Religious expansion

(a) 2 is correct
(b) 1 and 3 are correct
(c) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
(d) 1 and 4 are correct

394. Which Sri Lankan bowler took a hatrick in World Cup- 2003?
(a) M. Muralidharan
(b) Dharma Sena
(c) Chaminda Vaas
(d) S. Jayasurya

395. India’s highest civilian award ‘Bharat Ratna’ was given in 2001 to two
persons. One of them is Lata Mangeshkar; the other is:
(a) Bismillah Khan
(b) Jyoti Basu
(c) Amitabh Bachchan
(d) Bhimsen Joshi

396. Who won the Australian Open Women’s Singles Lawn Tennis Championship
for 2004?
(a) Martina Hingis
(b) Jennifer Capriati
(c) Venus Williams
(d) Justin-Henin Harden

397. Who is the author of the book ‘M.F. Hussain, Where Art Thou’?
(a) Arundhati Roy
(b) Khalid Mohammed
(c) Sanjay Khan
(d) Lata Mangeshkar
398. Below are given some noted personalities and their actions. Rearrange then so
that against the names their actions may be made clear:
A. Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan
B. Alauddin Khilji
C. G. Shanker Kurup
D. Samudra Gupta
E. Lord Wellesley

1. Subsidiary Alliance
2. Market Control
3. Modern armoury and Training
4. Writing of Oda Kuzai
5. Conquest of whole India
(a) 3 2 4 5 1
(b) 2 3 4 5 1
(c) 3 2 5 4 1
(d) 3 2 1 4 5

399. The one who is benefited by inflation:

(a) Creditor (b) Corporation
(c) Debtor (d) Government

400. The parliamentary system of government in India works on the principles of:
(a) Separation of powers between the three organs of government
(b) Fusion of powers between legislature and executive
(c) Fusion of powers between three organs of government
(d) None of these

401 Ranchi airport in Jharkhand has been renamed on the name of:
(a) Kunwar Singh
(b) Dr. Rajednra Prasad
(c) Birsa Munda
(d) Sachchidanand ]

402. A. Reformist movement was inspired by definite aims but it could not
influence the Indian society much
B. Because the movement remained restricted to the property owners and
middle classes.
(a) A is true but B explains it clearly
(b) A is true but B does not explain it property
(c) A is true B is not
(d) A and B both are incorrect

403. Consider the map of India given below:

The areas shaded in the map are known for the cultivation of:
(a) Bajra (b) Cotton
(c) Jwar (d) Groundnut

404. Consider the map of India given below:

The places marked 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively indicate the:
(a) Malabar, Coromandel, Konkan and Northern circar coasts
(b) Northern circar, Coromandel, Malabar and Konkan coasts
(c) Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel and Northern circar coasts
(d) Coromandel, Malabar, Konkan and Northern circar coasts

405. The isobar Pattern and the direction of the winds are shown in a weather
chart given below:
The weather chart relates to:
(a) Cyclone in the northern hemisphere
(b) Anticyclone in the northern hemisphere
(c) Anticyclone in the southern hemisphere
(d) Cyclone in the southern hemisphere

406. Consider the figure given below:

The type of rainfall shown in the figure is:
(a) Orographic
(b) Convectional
(c) Cyclonic
(d) Relief


1. (a ) 2.(c ) 3.A (c) 3. B (b) 4. (d) 5.(b) 6 .(a) 7 . (b) 8.( b) 9 .(a) 1 0.( c) 11 .( c )

12 .(a ) 13. (c ) 14 .(b) 15 .(b) 16 .(c ) 1 7 .(b) 18 . (c) 19 .(d ) 20 .(c ) 2 1 .(b) 22 . ( c)

23 . (a) 24 .(c,d ) 2 5.I (b) 2 5 . I I (a ) 26 .I (b ) 26 .I I (a ) 2 7 .I (a ) 2 7 . I I (b) 2 7.I I I (c)

28 .I (c) 28. I I (b) 29. (c) 30 . (a ) 31 . (a ) 3 2. (b) 33. (b) 3 4 . (a ) 3 5.(a ) 3 6 . (b)

37 .I (a) 37 I I (b) 38. (b) 39 . (b) 40 . (d) 4 1. (c) 4 2. (b ) 4 3 .(a ) 44 .(b)4 5. I (a )

45 .I I (c) 45.I I I ( c) 4 5.I V (c) 46 . ( b) 47 . (b) 48 . (b ) 4 9. ( b) 5 0. (b) 51 . (b)

52 . (c)

53 . (c) 54. ( c) 55. ( c) 56.(b) 57.(d)5 8. (c) 59.(d) 6 0.(c ) 61 .(b ) 6 2.(b) 63 . I (a )

63 .I I (b& d) 6 4.I ( a) 64. I I (a) 6 5 . (c) 66 . (c) 67 . (a ) 6 8 . (c) 69 . (c) 7 0 .

(b) 71 . (c )

72 . (c) 73 .( c) 74 . ( c) 75.I ( c) 75 .I I (a) 76 .(c) 7 7. (c) 7 8 .(b ) 7 9. (c ) 80 . (b)

81 .(c)

82 . (d) 83.(b) 8 4. (c ) 85 .(c) 86 . (d) 8 7.( c ) 8 8 .(a ) 89. (a ) 90 .(b ) 9 1.(c) 92 . (a )

93 .(e ) 94. (d) 9 5. (a ) 96.(c) 97 .( c) 9 8.(d ) 99 .(c) 1 00 .( c) 10 1 . A (b) 1 0 1.B (c)

10 2. (a )10 3.(e ) 1 04. (c) 10 5.(b ) 10 6 .(d) 107 .(b) 1 08.(a )1 0 9. (b) 1 10 .(c )

11 1. A (c) 111 .B (a) 11 2. (a ) 1 13 . (c ) 1 14 . (b) 1 15 . (a) 1 1 6 . (a) 1 1 7 . (a )

11 8. (a )

11 9. (c) 12 0.(d ) 12 1 .(d) 1 2 2. (b) 1 2 3. (d) 1 24 .(d) 1 25.(b) 1 2 6 (a) 1 2 7 .(a )

1 27 . (b) 128. (b) 12 9.(b) 13 0. (c ) 13 1 .(b ) 13 2 .(d) 133 .( c) 1 3 4 .(b) 1 3 5.(a )

1 36 . (a) 13 7.(a ) 13 8 .(c) 13 9 .(a ) 1 40 .(c ) 14 1 .(d) 142 .(a ) 14 3 . (b)

1 44 .(a)145. (c ) 14 6.( a)147 . (d) 1 48 .(b ) 1 49 .(a ) 15 0 .(c ) 15 1. ( a ) 15 2 .(a )

1 53 . (c) 154 .(b ) 155 .(a) 1 5 6 .(d) 1 57 . (c) 15 8.(a ) 1 5 9.(c ) 1 6 0. (d) 16 1 .(a)

1 62 . (c) 163 .( c) 16 4 .(a) 16 5.(d) 1 66 . (c) 16 7.(b)1 68.(d) 16 9 . (c) 17 0 .(a )

1 71 . (c) 172 .(b ) 173 .(b) 1 74 .(d) 17 5 . (b) 1 7 6.(d) 1 77 .(c ) 1 78 .(b) 17 9 .(c )

1 80 . (b) 181. (d) 18 2.(a ) 1 83 .(d) 18 4 . (c ) 18 5 .(d) 186.(a ) 1 8 7 .(c) 1 8 8. ( c)

1 89 . (b) 190. (d) 19 1.(c) 1 92 .(a ) 19 3. (b ) 19 4. (b) 195.(d ) 1 9 6.(c) 1 9 7 .( c)

1 98 . (b) 199. (d) 20 0.(c) 2 01 .( c) 2 02 .(a ) 20 3. (b) 2 04 .(e ) 20 5.(a ) 20 6.(e)

2 07 . (c) 208 .(d ) 209 .(b) 2 10 .(c ) 2 11 .(d) 212 .(d) 213 .(b) 2 1 4 .(a ) 2 1 5.(d)

2 16 . (d) 217 .(d ) 2 18.(d) 2 1 9.(d ) 2 20 (c) 2 21 ( b) 2 2 2 (b ) 22 3(d) 2 2 4 ( c)

2 25 (d)

2 26 (b) 2 27(c ) 228(b ) 22 9(d) 2 30 (d ) 2 31 (c) 23 2(d ) 2 33 (d) 2 3 4 (c) 2 35 (d )

2 36 (c) 2 37( c) 2 38(b ) 239 (a ) 24 0(a ) 2 4 1 (a) 2 42 (c ) 2 43 (b) 2 4 4 (c) 24 5 (b )

2 46 (c) 2 47(b ) 24 8(b ) 249(c) 2 50 (b) 25 1 (d) 2 52 (a) 2 53 (b) 2 5 4(b) 2 5 5(b)

2 56 (b) 2 57(b) 258 (c ) 25 9(c) 2 6 0 (b) 2 61 (c) 26 2 (b ) 263(d) 2 64 (c) 26 5 ( c)

2 66 (d) 2 67(c ) 268(a ) 26 9(e) 2 7 0(b ) 2 71 (d) 27 2 (b) 2 73 (c) 2 7 4(d) 2 7 5 (c )

2 76 (a) 277(d) 2 78 (a ) 2 79(b) 28 0 (d ) 28 1 (d) 2 82 (d) 283 (d) 2 84 (a) 2 8 5(e)

2 86 (a) 287(a) 288 (d ) 289(a) 2 90 ( c) 2 91 ( b) 29 2 (d) 293 (a ) 2 9 4 (d) 29 5 (d)

2 96 (c) 2 97( c) 2 98(b ) 299 (c) 3 0 0 (c) 3 01 ( c) 30 2 (d) 303 (a) 3 0 4 (b) 30 5 (b)

3 06 (d) 3 07(d) 308 (c ) 309(a) 3 10 (d ) 3 11 (d) 3 1 2(d) 3 13 (c) 3 14 (b) 3 1 5(c )

3 16 (d) 3 17(d) 318 ( a) 3 19(b) 32 0 (a ) 32 1(c) 3 22 (d ) 3 23 (a ) 32 4 (d) 3 25 (b)

3 26 (e) 327(c ) 328 (c ) 3 29(c) 3 30 (b) 33 1 (c) 3 3 2(d ) 3 33(c ) 3 3 4(b) 3 3 5(a )
3 36 (a) 337(b) 3 38 ( d) 3 39(c) 3 40 (d) 34 1(d) 3 42 (c ) 3 43 (d) 3 4 4(b) 3 4 5(a )

3 46 (b) 3 47(c ) 348(d ) 34 9(c) 3 5 0 (a) 3 51 ( c) 35 2 (b) 353 (b) 3 5 4 (b) 3 5 5(d)

3 56 (d) 3 57(a ) 3 58 ( d) 3 59(c) 3 60 (c) 36 1(a) 3 62 (a) 3 63 (c) 3 6 4(c) 36 5( c)

3 66 (c) 3 67(b ) 36 8(c ) 3 69(a) 37 0 (b ) 37 1 (d) 3 72 (b) 3 73 (c) 3 7 4(c) 3 7 5 (b )

3 76 (a) 377(d) 3 78 ( b) 3 79(d) 38 0 ( d) 38 1(b) 3 82 (a) 3 83 (c) 3 84 (b) 3 8 5(a )

3 86 (b) 3 87(d) 388 ( d) 38 9(a) 39 0 (d ) 39 1(b) 3 92 (c ) 3 93(a) 3 94 (c) 3 9 5(a )

3 96 (d) 397 (b ) 39 8( a) 3 99 (c ) 4 00 (b ) 4 0 1(c) 4 02 (a) 403 (b ) 4 04 (c ) 4 0 5 ( c)

4 06 (b)

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