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From: Schaaf, Libby

To: Nosakhare, Shereda

Subject: FW: 13 in 3 - A Sustainable Approach on Minimum Wage
Date: Wednesday, J uly 02, 2014 1:13:07 PM
Attachments: 13 in 3 Sustainable Min Wage Response Letter to Lift Up.pdf
Sustainable Min Wage for Oakland - 13 in 3.pdf
LUO-Chamber ltr_J une22_2014.pdf
Importance: High

From: Isaac Kos-Read []
Sent: Friday, J une 13, 2014 3:56 PM
To: Schaaf, Libby
Cc: 'Barbara Leslie'; Stoffmacher, Bruce
Subject: 13 in 3 - A Sustainable Approach on Minimum Wage
Importance: High

Dear Councilmember Schaaf:

Sorry we did not get to connect at the briefing this morning. It was unfortunate that the
presentation made it seem like the initiative proposal was legislation (instead of
circumventing the legislative process); that it was comparable to Richmond and Berkeley
which have phase-ins, tiers for different size businesses, and exceptions for certain types
of employees; and that it was this proposal or nothing. I also appreciate your staff for
being one of the sole voices to ask a question, to which the professor responded Those
are good questions; we should be concerned. Yes, we should.

We have a sustainable alternative. Attached please find the proposal along with a letter we
received from the Lift Up Coalition (which was supposedly copied to you), and our
response to that letter.

Our goal is an ordinance that avoids ballot-box policy making, avoids a costly ballot
campaign or fight, and yet increases the minimum wage to a higher level (even than Lift
Up is proposing) but in a way that is phased in and wont adversely impact Oaklands
vulnerable small restaurants and non-profits in particular, as well as its burgeoning
hospitality industry.

Thanks and we look forward to working together toward a sustainable compromise.



Isaac Kos-Read - Kos Read Group, Inc. - 510.292.5715

From: Barbara Leslie []
Sent: Friday, J une 13, 2014 12:27 PM
To: J ennifer Webber
Cc: Anthony Panarese; Nikki Bas; Van Nguyen; Gary J imenez; Root J ennifer; Ty Hudson; Ellouise
Patton; Ross J ames
Subject: Letter from Oakland Community Coalition

Hi Jenn,

Thanks for reaching out. Attached please find a letter from our Coalition in response as well as our
13 in 3 proposal.
Look forward to working with you.


From: J ennifer Webber []
Sent: Wednesday, J une 11, 2014 9:15 PM
To: Barbara Leslie
Cc: Anthony Panarese; Nikki Bas; Van Nguyen; Gary J imenez; Root J ennifer; Ty Hudson; Ellouise
Patton; Ross J ames
Subject: Letter from the Lift Up Oakland Coalition

Good evening, Barb -

I hope you are well.

Attached please find a letter from the Lift Up Oakland Coalition.


J enn Webber

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