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1 A Word from the Head of Department
3 Programme Overview
9 Why Choose the University of London International
Programmes at HELP?
8 Special Features of the University of London
International Programmes
10 Features of the University of London International
Programmes at HELP Academy
11 Programme Syllabus
16 Achievers
17 Academic Team
A Word from the Head
Why choose the University of London International programmes? The answer is simple: they
are arguably the most prestigious social science degrees ofered in Malaysia. You want to
diferentiate yourself from the thousands with degrees? Cant aford to go overseas? Want a
classy degree with a lot of meat on it? Hey, the University of London is right here in Kuala
Lumpur. You could opt to take one of the degrees ofered by the University of London. They
have been running this show for over a hundred years. Weve been doing it for twenty-seven.
Weve grown up to be an Afliate Centre of the University of London. The deal is straight-
forward: we provide the tuition and support for three years. The University of London, in
collaboration with the London School of Economics (LSE), provides the academic content
and direction. So, there you go: the LSE is in the picture. Another distinguishing feature is that
all examinations are set and graded in Britain. So you know your degree is certied by a world
class institution. The programmes are designed to cultivate a sense of challenge and pride
for students. This is the premier league. These are degrees which will open doors and take
you places. With 27 years under our belts, we have the savvy and experience to deliver. No
hype. No hard sell. We are an experienced academic crew whod like you on board. And
remember, you dont just get a degree. You get an education.
With more than 52,000 students in 190 countries, these degrees have earned global
recognition in both academic and professional circles. The distinctive quality of the
University of London degrees is comparable to those from Oxbridge.
Globally, the International Programmes have produced luminaries such as Nelson Mandela
and Nobel Laureates such as Ronald Coase, Derek Walcott and Sir Charles Kao. For mortals,
the degrees ofer students an edge in a competitive global economy because the university
is a premier educational institution.
Baldev Sidhu
Head of Department
2 3
The University of London (University of London) is a
world renowned institution of learning, research and
scholarship. It is unique in that it is structured as a
federation which includes 19 colleges and a number
of specialist institutes. Specialised colleges such as
the London School of Economics & Political Science
(LSE) and multi-faculty institutes which include
University College London and Kings College
London are internationally recognised and
To provide for the needs of people who could not do
programmes on-campus in London, the University
established the External System to ofer a range of
exible external programmes in 1858. Under this
system students could choose to study full-time or
at their own pace.
The University of London prides itself on being an
international institution by ofering a range of degree
programmes to students world-wide through its
External System for some 150 years. Today, more
than 50,000 students are studying University of
London programmes in over 190 countries, while the
University itself runs more than 100 programmes to
meet the needs of students studying on-campus in
The University continues to maintain robust
academic standards through a series of quality
assurance mechanisms. Equal standards are
maintained for students studying on-campus or
under the External System in and outside the United
Kingdom. All study materials, examination papers,
and marking of scripts for on-campus and external
students are compiled, prepared and done by
University of London academics. This is to ensure
that the Universitys reputation for academic rigour
and its qualications are highly respected by
employers throughout the world. All graduates are
awarded a University of London degree or diploma
upon completion of their course.
University of London
International Programmes
University of London degrees are respected in the
world for their high academic standards and up to date
content. You will nd our programmes intellectually
challenging and relevant to a wide range of career paths.
The courses are examined to the same high standards that
have made LSE the world-leading institution that it is today.
It will be my pleasure to meet you in person during your
future studies.
Dr Keith Sharp
Director, University of London International Programmes
5 4
HELP obtained the largest number of BSc
First Class Honours degrees from the
University of London and the London School
of Economics among overseas institutions
Produced 13 recipients of the London School
of Economics External Study Scholarship
HELP has produced 3 recipients of the LSE
Study Grant to complete their PhD degrees
at the LSE
Won all the Standard Chartered Bank
Scholarships during the 10 years they were
ofered, for students to complete Year 2 & 3
of the BSc degree at LSE
HELPs University of London graduates have
won scholarships for Masters and PhD
degrees at Oxford, Cambridge, Chicago,
Wharton School of Business and the London
School of Economics
HELP-University of London:
A Partnership of Distinction
Like its federal main institution
the University of London, the
London School of Economics
& Political Science (LSE) is
the United Kingdoms world-
leading institution for the social
sciences. Notable for its academic
excellence, innovative teaching
and research, the LSE is globally
associated with the benchmark
of quality.
The LSE ofers degree
programmes that cover a broad
range of areas. A unique feature of
LSE has been its strong emphasis
on key world issues which impact
the general well-being of people,
societies and the world. Major
research and expertise areas of LSE
academics include globalisation,
newinformation technologies,
corporate management, patterns of
governance and ecological policies.
Another key feature of LSE has
been the great diversity of its
academics who come from
all corners of the globe. They
bring with them a rich collection
of cultural, ethnic and social
experiences. Many of these
academics feature prominently
in the United Kingdom and
international media, assuming
vital roles as commentators,
analysts, government advisors,
or as seconded consultants and
specialists to many British and
international organisations.
Finally, but no less unique to the
making of LSEs benchmark of
academic quality and honours,
the LSE is proud of its ability
to constantly extend the list of
distinguished personalities among
its alumni and former staf.
The London School of
Economics & Political
Science (LSE)
6 7
HELP has been administering the University of London
International Programmes since 1986. The Programme was
detached from the Department of Economics in September
2008 and became a separate academic department under
the HELP Academy, a member of the HELP Group. The
Department of University of London International
Programmes ofers a range of programmes to serve the
needs of students in collaboration with the University of
London. They are:
BSc Accounting & Finance
BSc Economics & Management
BSc Economics
BSc Banking & Finance
BSc Business
The Department has a strong team of professional and
experienced academics, many of whom have taught in the
University of London International Programmes over a long
period. The academic team comprises holders of Masters
and PhD degrees who are caring, approachable, and
supportive of students. Academics are also involved in
coaching and mentoring work designed to assist students
with special needs.
A key feature of the University of London International
Programmes is a strong emphasis on developing students
ability for critical thinking and to resolve problems
independently. Thus, students are trained to be active in class
discussions and debates.
An equally strong emphasis is on relationship-building
between students, lecturers and the Department. This is the
core value the Department and its team strongly believes in
and strives to develop.
The Department of
University of London International
Programmes at HELP Academy
Course Structure
The University of London International
Programmes requires students to complete a
total of 12 subjects (comprising 5 Foundation
and 7 Further units) over a study duration
of 3 years minimum or 8 years maximum.
Students may determine their own pace of
study and the course duration.
The University of London International
Programmes is run over two semesters and is
100% examination-based and thus does not
require students to do class assignments or
research work. Students sit for examinations
upon completion of the subjects. All
examination papers are set and prepared
by academics in London and students are
allowed to sit or resit examinations only once
a year, normally in mid-May or June.
Teaching and learning materials are provided
to students from the London campus.
These include subject guides, Strategies for
Success, the Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE), samples of past examination papers
plus examiners reports, and direct and free
access to the University of Londons rich
library resources in London.
The Department of the University of
London International Programmes at HELP
Academy, however, also administers two
internal (mock) examinations each year
to help students prepare for their London
9 8
The Programmes has a long
history of academic
achievement and innovation
since its founding in 1859,
having produced 74 afliated
Nobel laureates
The University of London degree
is a benchmark of academic
quality and excellence
The University of London degree
is highly valued and sought after
by global employers in diverse
occupational elds
The Programme has great
exibility by allowing students
to tailor study to their needs
University of London
International Programmes
stresses the need to develop
analytical skills and conceptual
insights in identifying and
resolving problems of diferent
magnitudes and dimensions
Full access to University of
Londons library resources, study
and learning aids, samples of
past examination questions, and
other study materials through
the Universitys Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) system
The Programme has immense
global popularity with over
52,000 enrolled students in
Why Choose the University
of London International
Programmes at HELP?
Special Features of the University of London International
some 190 countries
The Programmes allows
students to complete
their course of study
locally or transfer earned
credits to universities in
the United Kingdom,
Australia, NZ and the US.
However, acceptance is
at the discretion of these
HELP has over 28 years' exper-
ience conducting the University of
London International Programmes
with a proud record of over 1,522
graduates under this system
HELP is the rst and foremost
provider of the University of
London International
Programmes in Malaysia
HELP is an Afliate Centre of the
University of London the highest
recognition awarded by the
University to an institution that
ofers the University of London
HELPs University of London
International Programmes have
nurtured many achievers, First
Class Honours graduates or
winners of distinguished prizes
and awards
The entire Programme can be
completed locally at HELP
Credit transfer to the University
of London or other top
universities in the world
HELPs University of London
International Programmes are
run by a team of professionals
and highly qualied and
experienced academics, many
with PhD degrees from
prominent universities
University of Londons Vice-
Chancellor commended HELP for
providing excellent teaching and
support in enabling students to
achieve outstanding results in
their studies
HELPs University of London
International Programmes
provide important pathways to
achievers for prestigious
scholarships and awards, or for
postgraduate studies in top
universities like Cambridge,
Oxford and Chicago
Many of HELPs University of
London graduates today ll high
posts in multinational
corporations and universities in
the UK, Singapore and Malaysia
HELPs University of London
International Programmes
promote strong links with
industry and stress workplace
learning through internships
HELPs University of London
International Programmes are
cost competitive and afordable
for students from all economic
Generous scholarships and
bursaries from HELP for
ambitious candidates who aim
The UEC qualifcation admits
students directly into Year 1 of the
University of London International
Programmes (conditions apply;
see Admission Requirements)
10 11
BSc Accounting & Finance (Hons)
The programme provides students with a comp-
rehensive grounding in accounting and nance within a
solid framework of social science.
The programme conveys an international perspective
and reects the eforts and contributions from
academics and professionals in the UK and Asia Pacic.
The subject guides provided for students are compiled
by academics and researchers who are reputable and
globally known in the eld of professional accountancy
and nancial markets.
The degree allows students exemption of up to two full
units including Principles of Accounting and one
non-specied unit if they are qualied in accountancy.
Students graduating from 2008 onwards who have
passed the Foundation and Further units required by
this degree or the BSc Banking & Finance are allowed
by the Association of Chartered Certied Accountants
(ACCA) to claim exemption from certain ACCA
The degree qualies students to sit for the prestigious
ICPAS Professional Examination organised by the
Institute of Certied Public Accountants of Singapore
Code Unit Name Prerequisite
EC1002 Introduction to Economics Nil
ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) & Nil
MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit) Nil
AC1025 Principles of Accounting Nil
ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit) Nil
MT105B Mathematics 2 (half unit) Nil
FN1024 Principlesof Banking&Finance Nil
EC2066 Microeconomics EC1002+MT105A
FN3092 Corporate Finance EC1002+MT105A
AC3097 Management Accounting AC1025
AC3091 Financial Reporting AC1025
AC3093 Auditing & Assurance AC1025
(Two of the following electives)
EC2020 Elements of Econometrics EC1002+ST104A/
ST104B +MT105A/
MT3095 Further Mathematics for MT105A
Economists +MT105B
MN3032 Management Science Methods ST104A +MT105A
BSc Economics & Management
The programme draws heavily on knowledge
generated fromsocial science theory.
Abroad range of issues pertaining to global
economics and international management is
incorporated to develop a world-wide viewand
Employers in the corporate world and related key
employment areas place high esteemand
recognition on graduates who have successfully
completed their studies in this programme.
The programme is designed to foster logical and
quantitative reasoning abilities among students who
are able to demonstrate a good understanding of the
forces having a profound impact on peoples life and
work in society.
The programme incorporates in-depth analyses of
key issues in the eld of economics/specic areas of
study in management.

Code Unit Name Prerequisite
EC1002 Introduction to Economics Nil
ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) & Nil
MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit) Nil
SC1021 Principles of Sociology Nil
AC1025 Principles of Accounting Nil
MN1107 Introduction to Business &
Management Nil
EC2066 Microeconomics EC1002+MT105A
EC2065 Macroeconomics EC1002+MT105A
(One of the following electives)
MT2076 Management Mathematics ST104A+MT105A
MN3141 Principles of Marketing EC1002/SC1021
MN3127 Organisational Theory EC1002 /SC1021
(Any three electives)
EC2020 Elements of Econometrics EC1002+ST104A/
FN3092 Corporate Finance EC1002+MT105A
AC3097 Management Accounting AC1025
MN3032 Management Science Methods ST104A+MT105A
EC3115 Monetary Economics EC2065
HELP has gained vital experience in the past 28 years in running two
degree programmes of the University of London. Today, ve academic
programmes are ofered to cater to students specic needs: BSc
Accounting & Finance, BSc Economics & Management, BSc Economics,
BSc Business and BSc Banking & Finance. Each programme has its own
unique features.
Features of the University of London
International Programmes at HELP Academy
12 13
Students with any of the following qualifcations/certifcates are eligible for
admission to the University of London International Programmes:
STPM - 2 Principals (excluding General Paper) for admission to Year 1
A-Levels - 2 Passes for admission to Year 1
SAM - 5 Passes with score of 80% or above in each of the fve best subjects
for admission to Year 1
Ontario - 6 Ontario CPU acceptable passes, provided that at least 70% is
achieved in each of those subjects
HELP Foundation - Admission to University of London Programmes Year
1 (pass 4 University of London highly recommended subjects: Calculus,
Accounting, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics). Foundation certifcates
from other institutions in Malaysia may be accepted.
(a) 5 Bs plus 3 SPM subjects (non-overlapping) with credits (inclusive of
English and Maths); or
(b) 8 UEC subjects with credit but without SPM certifcate. All UEC
applicants without SPM certifcate must score TOP in English language
such as IELTS (6.0 or above) or TOEFL (580 or above) with TWE (4.5
or above) or pass HELPs Advanced English course in the Foundation
Programme to qualify for admission to the University of London
International Programmes Year 1.
Other qualifcations/certifcates to be considered:
(a) Achieved a minimum grade level of 70% in each of the 5 best subjects
taken in the senior high examinations in the country of origin
(b) Attended at least 12 years of education in the country of origin and are
19 years in age or above at the time of enrolment with the University of
London International Programmes
(c) Complete and pass 3 University of London-required subjects in HELPs
Foundation Programme: Advanced English, Calculus and Critical Thinking
BSc Economics (Hons)
The degree builds on a good foundation in economic
theory together with the necessary elements of
mathematics and statistics.
The study of economics gives students a greater
understanding of monetary and industrial economics
as well as a broad perspective of world economics.
A wide range of international economics issues is
incorporated to develop a global view of economics.
Because its a world class degree, its combination of
rigorous study and powerful mathematical and
quantitative skills equips students for top positions in
public and private sector employment anywhere in
the world.
Code Unit Name Prerequisite
EC1002 Introduction to Economics Nil
ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) & Nil
ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit) Nil
MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit) & Nil
MT105B Mathematics 2 (half unit) Nil
(One of the following electives)
SC1021 Principles of Sociology Nil
AC1025 Principles of Accounting Nil
EC2020 Elements of Econometrics EC1002+ST104A/
EC2065 Macroeconomics EC1002+MT105A
EC2066 Microeconomics EC1002+MT105A
(One of the following electives)
MN3032 Management Science Methods EC1002+MT105A
AC3091 Financial Reporting AC1025
AC3097 Management Accounting AC1025
AC3093 Auditing & Assurance AC1025
FN3092 Corporate Finance EC1002+MT105A
MT3095 Further Mathematics MT105A+MT105B
(Two of the following electives)
EC3115 Monetary Economics EC2065
EC3099 Industrial Economics EC2066/MN3028
EC3016 International Economics EC2065+EC2066/
BSc Banking & Finance (Hons)
The degree provides students with a strong foundation in
quantitative, economic, accounting and nance subjects.
The nance units provide students with an understanding
of the way in which nancial intermediaries and
institutions operate and the structure and functioning of
nancial markets.
Students will learn about the pricing of nancial assets
and why and how corporations choose and issue various
types of assets.
The banking units provide information on precisely how
nancial intermediaries operate, both on a domestic level
and in the international arena.
The degree allows students to choose optional units in
related areas which complement the core units to give a
well-rounded coverage of the major issues and areas of
modern nancial theory and practice.
Code Unit Name Prerequisite
EC1002 Introduction to Economics Nil
ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) & Nil
MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit) Nil
AC1025 Principles of Accounting Nil
(One of the following electives)
ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit) & Nil
MT105B Mathematics 2 (half unit) Nil
SC1021 Principles of Sociology Nil
MN1107 Introduction to Business &
Management Nil
FN1024 Principles of Banking & Finance Nil
FN3092 Corporate Finance EC1002+MT105A
EC2065 Macroeconomics or EC1002+MT105A
EC2066 Microeconomics EC1002+MT105A
EC2020 Elements of Econometrics EC1002+ST104A/
ST104B+MT105A/MT1 05B
FN3023 Investment Management FN1024
FN2029 Financial Intermediation FN1024
(Two of the following electives)
EC3115 Monetary Economics EC2065
MN3032 Management Science Methods ST104A+MT105A
EC3099 Industrial Economics EC2066/MN3028
AC3091 Financial Reporting AC1025
AC3093 Auditing & Assurance AC1025
MT2076 Management Mathematics ST104A+MT105A
AC3097 Management Accounting AC1025
BSc Business (Hons)
The programme combines core social science
paradigms with technical skills such as data analysis
in order to prepare students for the demanding world
of business.
A social science emphasis allows students to develop
a thorough appreciation of business and manage-
ment within a wider environment.
The degree structure also allows students to choose
other subject areas apart from social science such as
nance and economics units. This helps students to
focus on developing analytical and quantitative skills
relating to either nancial aspects of management, or
business and management in an international
Code Unit Name Prerequisite
EC1002 Introduction to Economics Nil
ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) & Nil
MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit) Nil
AC1025 Principles of Accounting Nil
SC1021 Principles of Sociology Nil
MN1107 Introduction to Business &
Management Nil
MN3141 Principles of Marketing EC1002/SC1021
(Two of the following electives)
EC2065 Macroeconomics EC1002+MT105A
EC2066 Microeconomics EC1002+MT105A
AC3091 Financial Reporting AC1025
EC2020 Elements of Econometrics EC1002+ST104A/
AC3093 Auditing & Assurance AC1025
AC3099 Industrial Economics EC2066or MN3028
(Four of the following electives)
FN3092 Corporate Finance EC1002+MT105A
MN3127 Organisation Theory EC1002/SC1021
MT2076 Management Mathematics ST104A+MT105A
MN3032 Management Science Methods ST104A+MT105A
AC3097 Management Accounting AC1025
March, May,
Admission Pathway and
Year 2
(University of
Other universities
in UK, Australia
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
or SAM/
China &
Year 3
14 15
Subject Exemption
Students may apply for subject exemption if they have completed a similar
syllabus with equivalent breadth and depth for similar subject or subjects
required by the University of London International Programmes. This qualication
should not exceed ve years from the date of their current enrolment for the
course of their choice. Exemption of a maximum of four full Foundation units
may be considered. To be eligible for subject exemption, students must register
under the Standard Routes of University of Londons BSc degrees. More
information on subject exemption is given in the University of London Prospectus.
Scholarships and Financial
HELP ofers scholarships to students through a system of
open competition based on academic merit and
achievement. Students who satisfy the award criteria may
apply. Generally, scholarships are of one years duration, after
which students need to re-submit a newapplication for the
following year. For information on scholarships/awards,
please contact:
Mr K CLee at 012-6139-741
Students may also apply to HELP University for nancial
assistance. To do so, they have to lodge an application with
the Registrar of HELP University and undergo an interview
with the Head of the Department of University of London
International Programmes at the HELP Academy. A waiver of
tuition fees up to 50% may be granted.
Credit Transfer
Some British and Commonwealth universities may consider credit transfer
requests from students in the University of London International Programmes.
Belowis a University of London list of these tertiary institutions for student
reference and application purposes.
University of Bath
University of Bristol
University of East Anglia
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Nottingham
Lancaster University
University of Reading
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Royal Holloway College, University
of London
University of Shefeld
University of Southampton
University of Aberystwyth
University of Westminster
University of Queensland
Credit transfer to University of London in the United Kingdom may be considered
only upon the completion of all four Foundation units at Year 1 level at HELP
Academy. Students who satisfy the entry requirements for Year 2 in LSE may be
admitted to continue their study at this level. In any case, transfer fromHELP
Academy to LSE is not automatic as students are required to achieve good grades
in subjects relevant to LSEs requirements for admission to that year level. To
facilitate the process of credit transfer, students need to initiate an application
upon completing the 4 Foundation units at Year 1. The University of London does
not consider requests for credit transfer to Year 3 level in any of its colleges in
London. Specialised colleges within the University of London that may consider
applications for credit transfer include Queen Mary, Royal Holloway and the
London School of Economics &Political Science (LSE).
Career Pathways
Career prospects for University of
London graduates are bright as
employers in diverse occupational
felds globally accord high esteem
and value to University of London
degrees. For graduates from BSc
Economics & Management, their
employment areas include
management consultancy,
banking and consultancy,
investment fund management,
investor relations, risk
management, trade relations
management, corporate
development and corporate
strategies. The career pathway for
graduates from BSc Accounting &
Finance is much wider. Their
employment areas include the
accounting professions,
investment, banking and fnance,
investment analyst and
management, fnancial
management, management
consultancy, corporate treasury
management, fnancial analyst,
credit management, fnancial
control, fnancial consultancy, and
corporate secretary. Graduates
from BSc Economics fnd
employment as economists,
economic analysts, economic
consultants/advisers, economic
researchers inbanking, fnance,
educational andmanufacturing
industries, whereas graduates from
BSc Business fndemployment in
the areas of business, banking,
general management,
accountancy, management
Employment areas of BSc Banking
andFinance graduates include the
accountancy professions,
consultancy, commercial banking,
investment, sales, tradingandrisk
HELP Foundation Subjects
required for University of
London Programme admission
Students holding HELPs Foundation qualication
are eligible to enter University of London
International Programmes at Year 1 level. They are
required to complete and pass subjects that are
recognised and accepted by the University of
London. These subjects include the following:
Advanced English
Intermediate English
Computing Principles
Critical Thinking
Finite Mathematics
Study Skills
Principles of
Students from China and Vietnam need to
complete 3 subjects required by the University of
London in HELPs Foundation Programme. They
include: Advanced English, Calculus and Critical
Thinking Skills.
HELP Student Placement Centre
We assist and guide students on
overseas study options in Australia, UK,
NewZealand, USA, Canada etc
We advise on tuition fees, living
expenses, entry requirements,
application procedures,
accommodation application, visa
requirements and documentation,
ight reservations and provide
pre-departure briengs
We advise on scholarship opportunities
SPC staf are highly experienced
counsellors with many years of service
in placing students in the ideal
Application fees to universities may be
waived if applications are made
through the HELP Student Placement
For more details, please contact Josephine Chong @03-2095 8791

16 17
Academic Team
Dr Soo Kwok Tong
Dr Soo was the frst student
in the world to obtain 4 As in
the University of London
Diploma in Economics. He
graduated BSc with First
Class Honours and was awarded the LSE
External Study Scholarship to study for an
MSc (Econs) at LSE. Won the Gerstenberg
Award for being one of the top four
Economics graduates in the University of
London, both internally and externally. Dr
Soo obtained the MSc (Econs) with
Distinction and was awarded the LSE Grant
to pursue his PhD in Economics. He now
lectures at Lancaster University, UK. Former
student of SMK Damansara Utama PJ.
Wong Chun Fye
Former student of SM Chong
Hwa Kluang, Chun Fye was a
recipient of the HELP Merit
Scholarship. He excelled by
obtaining First Class
Honours in the University of London BSc
Accounting &Finance.
Dr Chew Seen Meng
Former student of SMJK Katholik
PJ. First Class Honours in the
London BSc Accounting & Finance
program. Recipient of the LSE
Entrance Grant and the Cambridge
Commonwealth Trust for MPhil in
Economics at Cambridge University.
Recipient of the University of
Chicago Fellowship for PhD in
Economics, studying under
Economics Nobel Laureates Milton
Friedman and Gary Becker. Dr Chew
now works in investment banking at
Morgan Stanley, Singapore.
Baldev Sidhu
Head of Department
MA (SEA Studies) (London),
BA (Geog) Hons (Portsmouth)
Dr Goh Seng
Associate Professor
PhD (Statistics), MSc (Statistics),
BSc (Maths)(Malaya)
Ms Rachel Chan Suet Kay
MA (Sociology) (Malaya); BSc
(Sociology) (London); Dip
(Economics) London
Ms Vickie Yew
B. Econs (UM)
M.Econs (UM)
Dr Hui Hon Chung
Senior Lecturer
PhD, MSc (Nottingham)
BSc (Econs) Hons (London)
Marilyn Kew Pei-Ling
BSc (Commerce) (ANU),
CPA Australia, MAF (HELP)
Valerie Loh Mei-Foong
Senior Lecturer
MSc (Finance)(Strathclyde),
BSc Hons (Econ) (London)
Gavin Chong
Senior Lecturer
BA Hons (Acct)(Bolton), GradDip
Bus & Mgt (Prime), MBA (USQ)
Thayaparan Sabapathy
Senior Lecturer
MA (Maths)(Hartford), BSc
(Maths) (Florida)
Chai Yuen Peng
A former student of
SMK Damansara Jaya,
Petaling Jaya. Yuen Peng
scored 10 As in the SPM.
She obtained her
University of London Diploma in
Economics with Distinction, scoring 3 As
and subsequently graduated with First
Class Honours in her BSc Accounting &
Finance at HELP. Yuen Peng obtained
the LSE External Scholarship to pursue
her MSc in Accounting &Finance at the
London School of Economics.
Selina Ng Mei Wer
A former student of SM
Seksyen 24 Shah Alam,
Selina joined the
Diploma in Economics
at HELP in 1998. She
obtained 3 As in her Diploma in
Economics with Distinction. She went on
to excel by obtaining First Class Honours
in the University of London BSc
Accounting &Finance.
Din Ling
Ding Ling was an
international student
from China at HELP. A
engineering student of the Shanghai
Railway University, she was the recipient
of the HELP Merit Scholarship and
obtained her University of London
Diploma in Economics with Distinction.
Obtained First Class Honours in BSc
Accounting &Finance from the
University of London at HELP.
David Lim Tjun
Former student of SMK
Damansara Jaya PJ,
David obtained his
University of London
Diploma in Economics with Distinction
by scoring the maximum 4 As. He
graduated with First Class Honours in
BSc Accounting &Finance from the
London School of Economics.
Education is not preparation for life.
It is life itself. - John Dewey
HELP Academy Sdn Bhd (Co No: 700201-H)
Komplex Pejabat Damansara, Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur. (Registration No: W4P0055)
Tel: 03-2095 8791 Fax: 03-2095 3017 Email:

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