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Oahu Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Oct. 8, 2008

Opened: 6:33 pm
* Serenity Prayer & Preamble – Matt & Linda
* Twelve Traditions – read by Eric

Introduction of New Members: Lisa from Spiritual Awakening (Welcome!)

Approval of September 2008 Minutes: Change closing time from 7:55 to 7:35.
Accepted as amended.

Chairperson's Opening Remarks: Provided by Matt.

Financial Report: Provided by Eric. In regards to Cecil’s question a couple

meetings back, Eric learned that the interest on our various accounts is as
follows: (1) savings-0.25% (2) activity-0% (3) IG-.03% (4) Book Bank-.03%. Don
had a question regarding how our IG schedules were accounted for (when a sale
is made of $0.10/schedule). Does the money go back to the Book Bank fund, and
if so, why doesn’t the Book Bank pay for the production of the schedules? Eric
will check. Liz asked why the numbers reported on August Q1 and Q2 were
different from this months numbers? Eric will check. Misty asked why the admin
expenses were abnormally high for this month. Eric explained that this is when
the expense hit to purchase new file cabinets (old ones damaged as a result of
the burglary some time back). It was found that the numbers in the group
donation columns do not add up correctly—formula may be wrong. Eric will
check. Report tabled to allow time for Eric to address these items.

Central Office Report: Al provided the CO report. Linda from Palolo Discussion
requested that Al make note of the group’s new location at Liholiho Elementary
effective Nov. 7. Al is aware of the move. Robert from DTL reminded Al to make
note of a new meeting at DTL’s location. Meeting will be a BB study every
Wednesday at 10:30am.

Hawaii Area Officer's Report: Linda provided her monthly Area report.

Activities Report:
• Malia Roundup IG Workshop: Liz briefed the IG body of the success of the
workshop. It was well received and Misty from Malia presented a CO with a
certificate of appreciation. Liz spent just $87 and much of the presentation
can be used again. (Thanks again Liz!)
• Literature room sign-up sheet for November Convention just about filled-
only three slots left.

Old Business:
• CO Cleanup Committee-event will occur Nov. 8/9 from 9am-4pm. Tentative.
• Nominations for Steering Committee are as follows: Chair: Robert from DTL.
Vice-Chair: Liz from Eatin Meeting and Jasmin from Kane Alii. Treasurer:
Don from the Point and JP from Friday Night Palolo Discussion. Secretary:
No nominations from the floor.

New Business:
• Ad Hoc committee formed to address our lease ending in Feb. 09. Liz from
the Eatin Meeting will head the committee.

• 47th Annual Conference—take registration forms back to your homegroup

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:55.

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