Mujtaba Basharat

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Mujtaba Basharat
Im Late
Oh my god Im late
I had just awoken from a peaceful 18 hour sleep. I checked the time it was 8:29am and the
school started at 8:30am.This meant that I had only 60 seconds to get dressed, get my homework,
comb my hair and finally get to school. The school that I attended was about a mile away but
thats no reason to fret because I can run a mile in exactly 30 second. But the seconds were
ticking fast. So first I went to the bathroom. In there I remembered it was Picture Day at my
school so instead of just combing my hair, I even put gel in it and made it look all fancy. By
fancy, I mean is combing all the hair to the side and then partially set side of the hair to the other.
But By doing this I had wasted 3 seconds. I had rushed down stairs to make an omelet which
took 4 seconds to make and another 8 seconds to eat.
Crack,ssssssss as the egg made contact to the surface of the pan.
While eating the egg I had made a rather large mess due to the fact that my book bag was
open and I had knocked it over spilling all its contents. When cleaning all the mess up, I casually

glanced at my watch. Now realizing that I had wasted over 15 seconds with breakfast and getting
ready for school. I only had 42 seconds left before the bell rang at my school.
So I decided I had to get out of my house. I rushed out and then ran toward my
school. About 6 seconds in toward my run to school, I realized that I had not locked my door. So
I had to run back and lock the door. Now with only 30 seconds left I charged for the school. I ran
so fast that I had broken the sound barrier causing all the glass objects around me to shatter. But
unfortunately I ran so fast that I had missed the school and had to turn around. But when I finally
made it there was only one second left to spare. At that moment I had felt as if a weight had been
lifted from my shoulders. Then suddenly put on again after realizing I had left my homework at
home. I was so scared because Mrs.Farrow had a strict no late assignment policy that said if you
brought an assignment late your head would get put on a stake to ward off all the others(Im
guessing this part to be false but you never know). So when the time came and you called in for
all the essays, I walked up to you sheepishly and told you the story Im telling you now.
And that is why I did not have my essay I said finally.

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