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Tall = alto
Young = joven
Old = viejo
Thin = delgado
Heavy = pesado
Has long hair = tiene pelo largo
Has short hair = tiene pelo corto
Dark hair = Pelo Obscuro
Has Blond hair = tiene pelo rubio
Mustache = bigote
Pierced ears = Aros
Shaved head = Cabeza rapada
Bald = Calvo
Braces = frenillos
Long fingernails = uas largas
Ponytail = cola de caballo
Freckles = pecas
Cornrows = Dreadloocks
Blonde short hair = rubia pelo corto
Glasses = lentes
Muscular = muscular
Braids = trenzas
Sppiked hair = pelo de punta
Wavy hair = pelo ondulado
Curly hair = pelo crespo
Cargo pants = pantalones con bolsillos grandes.
Straigth hair = pelo liso
Firefighter = Bombero
Paramedic = Paramedico
Backpacking = Muchilear
Police officer = oficial de polica
Journalist = periodista
Sales representative = representante de ventas
Doctor = doctor
Nurse = enfermera
Healthcare = Salud bucal
Dentist = dentista
Teeth = diente
Recepcionista = recepcionist
Letter carrier = cartero
Computer specialist = especialista en computacin
Assistant = asistente
Business executive = ejecutivo de negocios
Plumber = plomero
Carpenter = carpintero
Electrician = electricista
Architect = arquitecto
Graduating = graduarse
Goatee = barba de chivo
Beard = barba
Hazer eyes = ojos color avellana
Pale = Plido
Middle aged = adulto joven
Bald = pelado
Side Burns = patillas
Dimples = margaritas en la cara
Spiky = pelos parados
High lights = reflejos en el pelo
Shoulder Bag = bolso de colgar
Baggy pants = pantalones anchos
Chubby = nio gordito
Husky = fornido
Plump = rechonchit a/o
Curvy = gordita con curvas
Flabby = las charchas (jajajaja)
Caring = se preocupa por los dems
Arms olded = brazos cerrados
Arms open = brazos abiertos
Slim = delgado
Slender = esbelto
Skinny = flacuchento
Lean / wisy = Delgado y muscular
Petite = chiquita
Lanky = larguirucho
Fit = en forma
In Good shape = en buena condicin
- Reading the bulletin
- Reading a book
- Standing at back classroom
- listen music
- Talking to Anna
- Dancing With Cindy
- Chatting
- Sitting next to Eduardo
- Studying behind the sofa
- With the highlights
- With the shoulder bag
- With blonde short hair
- With Glasses
- With Red hair
- With Mustache
- With side burns
- With Spiky hair
- With a goatte
- With cornrows
- With big eyes
- With long black straight hair
- With Curly hair
- With the gray hair
- With black hair
- With his arms olded
- With his arms open
- In jeans
- In a short
- In jeans and security boats
- In Baggy pants
- In the grean sweater
- In a Blouse
- In a t-shirt
- In a Beatle
Is Going to V 80-100 %
Will V (probably) 50-70 %
May V 30-40 %
Might V 0-20 %
Graduate from college 100%
Get a summer job 70%
Get married 10%
- Paul Is going to graduate from college this year.
- Paul Will probably get a summer job.
- Paul Might get married next year.
What are you going to next semester?
Graduate 100 %
Take inglish IV again 70%
- Am Going to graduate next semester.
- Will take english IV again.
What are you going to do after you graduate?
Look for a job 50 %
Travel abroad 30%
- I Will/may look for a job.
- I May travel abroad
What are you plans for the next summer?
Get a part time job 70 %
Go Backpacking to the south 100 %
- I Will probably gat a part time job for the
- I am going to Backpacking to the south With my
- What does a nurse do?
A nurse is a person who takes care of the
sick people.
- What does a carpinter?
A carpinter is a person who work With
- What does an Electrician do?
An Electrician is a person who work/repair a
electrical appliances in wigh or low voltaje.
Connect wires to circuit breakers,
transformers, or other components
- What does a police officer do?
A police officer is a person who keeps order
in the city, persues criminals.
- What does a Journalist do?
A Journalist is a person who writes news or
articles in a news paper.
- Computer operator:
Enter commands, using computer terminal, and
activate controls on computer and peripheral
equipment to integrate and operate equipment.
- Actor:
Attend auditions and casting calls in order to
audition for roles.
Collaborate with other actors as part of an
- Astronomer:
Analyze research data to determine its
significance, using computers.
Calculate orbits, and determine sizes, shapes,
brightness, and motions of different celestial
- Barber:
Provide face, neck, and scalp massages.
- Bartender:
Mix ingredients, such as liquor, soda, water,
sugar, and bitters, in order to prepare cocktails and
other drinks.
- Nurse:
Observe, interview, and assess patients to identify
care needs.
- Dancer:
Harmonize body movements to rhythm of musical
- Teacher:
Evaluate and grade students' class work,
assignments, and papers.
- Farmers:
Grow cattles and working the land.
- Firefighters :
respond to emergency situations and primarily
protect people, the environment and property from
all types of accident and emergencies
- Writer:
Writers are involved in the creation and
development of works of fiction and non-fiction.
- Plumber:
Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes
and pipe fittings, using hand and power tools.
Installing or maintaining heating systems .
Repairing sanitation systems.
- Architect:
An architectural engineer helps create efficient
buildings and building systems.
- Business executive:
Following up new business opportunities and
setting up meetings.
Writing reports.
- Letter Carrier:
Deliver mail to residences and business
establishments along specified routes.
- Doctor:
Conducting regular patient check-ups
Diagnosing any ailments
rescribing medication.
- Dentist:
educating patients on oral healthcare!
e"amining teeth and diagnosing patients# dental

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