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Franklin, Miriam; NOLR History. The NARs Fairy Godmother? !

ane Leade " The #hiladel$hian

%o&iety' (nd Times #ro$heti& )ords, Fe*. +, ,--+.
The NARs Fairy Godmother?
Jane Leade & The Philadelphian Society
NOLR History has made some very interesting observations on another post, important
enough, I think, to be flagged up and made into a post of their own
!"#he New $postoli% Reformation& belief that !'od is restoring the offi%e of $postles and
(rophets) * %an be tra%ed to the !+,-. (rophe%y) by a +-
/%entury London/based o%%ult
0hristian 1abbalist se%t %alled the (hiladelphian 2o%iety #he (hiladelphians believed in the
1abbalah do%trine of !Gil09l) or the #ransmigration of souls #hey believed that the souls of
an%ient Israel would rein%arnate into their geneti% des%endants, whi%h in%lude the souls of the
3original3 apostles and prophets
4ike 5i%kle, 5ob 6einer, 7ohn 6imber, 5ill Hamon, Ri%k 7oyner, 0 (eter 6agner and all the
many Latter Rain !$postles and (rophets) get their !$postoli% $uthority) through do%trines of
rein%arnation and it is be%ause of this that 3$LL3 of the Latter Rain !$postles and (rophets) %an
be rightly labeled !o%%ult) in both senses of the word ie +8 hidden and 98 inherently evil
0lassi% Latter Rain do%trine, in%luding fasting "is propagated through IHO(& #he young IHO(
parti%ipants:members are indo%trinated and then !married to 7esus) en masse through 5ridal
4ysti%ism rites %arried out in their large and fre;uent gatherings named !#he 0all),
!One#hing), !<riends of the 5ridegroom <O#5) and !(ropheti% and apostoli%) training
6hat 5i%kle, 7oyner and the rest of the Latter Rain leaders are ;uiet about is that they believe
they are the !0orporate 0hrist) or !4any/4embered 4an%hild) and that the +=s of +===s of
youth who have already gone under the !5ridal 0anopy) to be !4arried to 7esus) have
unwittingly been theosophi%ally tri%ked into marrying the leaders themselves>>>> Now you know
what these people really mean by !ele%ted/seed)
7ust like the %lassi% 'reek 4ystery 2%hools of old, in%luding <reemasonry, Rosi%ru%ians and
4ormons, the New $postoli% Reformation N$R needs warm bodies to %arry forth their New
6orld Order N6O and they are duping an entire generation with %lassi% 0hristian 1abbalah
do%trines and pra%ti%es
I will give a bit more info to %larify what I stated using the lens of %hronology and language of
the New Order of the Latter Rain Revival of +.?-/+.@A that be%ame what 0 (eter 6agner et al
repa%kaged today the New $postoli% Reformation BN$R8 led by the Intl 0oalition of $postles
5#6, I must say that these people have laid down a framework and are intentionally moving in a
dire%tion that mirrors that of their (hiladelphian 2o%iety B(28 prede%essors I am seeing this from
the vantage point of history $ll on has to do to see this is to go to a 5ig #en %ampus library that
has the Cighteenth 0entury Online BC0O8 database and download the (D<s of two (2
do%uments #here are many more that eEpose the history of the (2, but the following two are a
good primer to see how it all relates using their own wordsF
Roa%h, Ri%hard The Great Crisis: or, The Mystery of the Times and Seasons Unfolded; With
Relation to The late Disorder and Confusion of the Seasons of the Year, and other SIGNS of the
Times With Considerations and !"ser#ations, tendin$ to "etter Understandin$ the Wisdom of
%ro#iden&e in the !rder of the '$es; and as &ou&h(d in the %ro)heti&* S&hemes and +m"lems :
'ND Some Cal&ulations of the Num"ers of Time, as )ointin$ out the Introdu&tion of the ,lessed
'$e, or Great Sa""ath of the World BLondonF printed and sold by N 5landford, +-9@, +-9-8
!$ further 0are in the Divided (arties, as su%h, will be, to remo3e all %t9m*lin02*lo&ks, and
o&&asions o: O::en&e out of the 6ay of their 5rethren, to stand Loose to all their (arti%ulars
<orms as su%h, and ready to run into the Cmbra%e of ea%h other, and ;om*ine to0ether into the
<nity o: That ;h9r&h, /hi&h is to *e /holly Re2:ormd and (sta*lishd *y the %$irit in a
%e&ond #ente&ostal (::9sion, or rather #ro:9sion o: the Latter and Har3est Rains, =with
Relation to 0hur%h #ime at LargeG8 whi%h are to In%rease and abound, and that without
0essation, till they ha3e o3er:lo/d the /hole (arth) pH-
Roa%h, Ri%hard, +,,9/+-A= The Im)erial Standard of Messiah Trium)hant; Comin$ No- in the
%o-er, and .in$dom of /is 0ather, To Rei$n -ith his Saints on +arth ,y R Roa&h, ,D
BLondonF (rinted and 2old by N 5landford, at the London 'aIette, 0haring 0rossF and to be had
at the sign of the (eruke neEt the 6hite Horse Inn, in <leet/2treet, +-9-8
2tarting my resear%h into the NOLR in +..., my %uriosity of the pe%uliar language and meaning
of terms led me to the hypotheses that somehow the leaders had tapped into the (hiladelphian
2o%iety writings 2in%e be%oming a 0hristian in +.-@ starting with the 0harismati% movement,
Id never heard phrases like, !4anifest 2ons of 'od), !0orporate 0hrist), !Cle%ted/2eed
'eneration), !4any/4embered 4an%hild) et% et% 4ike 5i%kle is only one leader of many who
have promoted tea%hings using these terms for well over 9=/years I mean really, you dont have
to go to Harvard to see Jou#ube videos showing 4ike 5i%kle and his 1ansas 0ity (rophet
buddies (aul 0ain and 5ob 7ones
#rayer :or >o* !ones
CE%erpt from Crnie 'ruens +..= Report on 5i%kles 1ansas 0ity <ellowship B'ra%e 4inistries8
in +..=
!Im going to live to see this, friends, I really believe it If I %an get through this message If
you have intima%y with 'od, they %ant kill you #hey Pust %ant) B(aul 0ain8 p+A
5ob 7ones B578F !Cveryone that 'od hasQthe <ather has %alled, go under the 2hepherds rod $s
(aul 0ain B(08 said, Jou go under it on%e a year $nd I got all the s%riptures*
!Jep, its all in 2%ripture 6hen you go under it, He Pust turns you upside down and He looks
every pla%e on your body $nd if you be found alright, He marks you to be sa%rifi%ed as a living,
holy sa%rifi%e unto Him One out of ten is marked totally unto the Lord #hats a 2hepherds
rod) B<H., p -/H& pH.
0I#J6IDC 5IR#HD$J 0CLC5R$#ION <OR 5O5 7ONC2, <C5RR$RJ ?, +..= <rom
!6e also invite you to Poin us at 10<s 'randview 6orship 0enter at ,F== pm, <ebruary ?, for
a spe%ial birthday %elebration of 5ob 7ones ,=th birthday 7ohn 6imber and (aul 0ain will be
spe%ial ;uests at this evening) p.@
4ike 5i%kle glorifying 5ob 7onesF
45F !*5ut 5ob 7ones %omes again and says, One of my missions in this whole supernatural
thing is to %onvin%e you its real*things wont be se%ure until you believe that Joull be prone
to do this or that or the other that will end up being %ontrary to this movement if you do not
understand that something more than a lo%al fellowship is being birthed* $nd the Lord speaks
to us and says, Repentan%e $nd He speaks audibly to 5ob 7ones (salms +A=, that Hed
forgiven us) BO(H, p ++, +.8
$s mentioned previously, it is also an annual event for 4ike to interview 5ob 7ones for hours
upon hours regarding his visions and mysti%al eEperien%es
4ike 5i%kle eEalting mysti%al eEperien%esF
45F !2o a period of time left, and he B5ob 7ones8 %omes ba%k to his body and hes standingQ
well, hes not in his body, its kind of like Howard (itman, hes still hovering over his body in
the room, Pust like anybody who has an out/of/body eEperien%e like that $nd its amaIing,
almost anybody with a true propheti% ministry is, thats going to be of a high level, has had
visitations in their %hildhood that were staggering* B(His 9, p ,8 p ../+==
5i%kle, 7ones and 0ain on the !Cle%ted/2eed 'eneration)F
#RO#H(T% AN? #RO#H(%@ANG
4ike 5i%kle and 1ansas 0ity <ellowship s promotion of the propheti% ministry and so/%alled
!prophets) is fraught with error and de%eption It is damaging to the lives of many individuals,
and spiritually dangerous
$ #HC 0O44ON RCNCL$#ION of the so/%alled !prophets) of 1ansas 0ity <ellowship
is that 10< is the start of an end/tine new breed) generation that these prophets have
seen in visions and revelations before %oming to 10<
5 + 10<2 !0HIC< (RO(HC#2) $LL (RO0L$I4 #HC 10< CND/#I4C
45F !5ut 5ob and 7ohn (aul and (aul 0ain and others have seen a generation not where thered
be a 9/year anointing, but the spirit would be a permanent abiding of the 2pirit in the anointing
of 'od in a pure way*) BN4, p ?8 p++,
2o where do these people get this pe%uliar terminology and what do they meanK
A:ter doin0 a /ord sear&h, A dis&o3ered that the terminolo0y and meanin0 stem :rom the
/ritin0s o: the #hiladel$hian %o&iety. #his was around 9==+ 5ut, I had to eliminate
a%%usations of the !'eneti% <alla%y) and:or %ries of !'uilt by $sso%iation) but howK A de&ided
to &onta&t the ori0inal leaders o: the 4+B824+6C North >attle:ord Re3i3al =i: they /ere still
ali3eDE. Heres the three ma1or $roo:s A &ame 9$ /ith
+8 I wrote 'eorge H 6arno%k an open letter regarding 7a%ob 5oehme and 7ane Lead His
written response was that he never heard of 7a%ob 5oehme but he be%ame familiar with the
writings of 7ane Lead !over fifty years ago) and !believed they were propheti% for the Cnd
#imes %hur%h) 2o far Im batting a +===, but Im getting %reeped out bigtime I ask 'od, !6hat
have I dis%overedK 6hat is this stuffK)
98 I dis%overed that 5enny Hinn and his brothers Henry and 2am are also Latter Rain by virtue of
their writings and language #his was 9==9 $nother early leader was 'eorge Robert Hawtin,
one of the original !2haron 5rethren) in North 5attleford #hough he died sometime in the .=s,
he had a newsletter %alled The %a$e from about +.,9/+.H? One of his followers republished the
arti%les as a A?/volume set that were at one time free for the asking Fol9me + &ontains
eGtensi3e H9otes :rom !a&o* >oehme and the in:amo9s 454+ #ro$he&y' attri*9ted to an
9nkno/n $ro$het. #he reason Hawtin didnt know this was from 7ane Lead was be%ause by the
time he was given a %opy of this propheti% de%laration, the !-S was mistranslated as a !+S and
sin%e Lead was born in +,9A, it %ouldnt have been written by her, or so they thought until the
error was dis%overed some years later 5#6, this prophe%y %ame down from the effe%ts of an
Cnglish freemason/turned/evangelist name 0harles 2ydney (ri%e B+HH-/+.?-8 (ri%e be%ame
%onverted under $imee 2emple 4%(herson B+H.=/+.??8
A8 $fter the original 0anadian/based Latter Rain Revival waned down around +.@9/@A, it
splintered as most movements do $ minister named 7ohn Robert 2tevens, who rebelled 'ods
warning against the NOLR de%ided to embra%e the NOLR do%trines and the !anointing) from
6inston Nunes 2tevens %ontinued to embra%e the NOLR do%trines and pra%ti%es whi%h led to
the formation of the 0hur%h of the Living 6ord B0L68 aka !#he 6alk) #hey published an
eEtraordinary amount of Latter Rain tea%hings in the form of tea%hing tapes and booklets 7ohn
Robert 2tevens died in +.HA 4any of 2tevens dis%iples ba%k in the -=s and H=s are todays
N$R leaders 5ob and Rose 6einer B4aranatha 0ampus 4inistries8, Ri%k 7oyner
B4orning2tar8, <ran%is <rangipane, et% all %ame out of the 0L6 aka !#he 6alk) One of
2tevens !$postles) was Royal De6ayne 0ron;uist B+.9./+..H8 0ron;uist laid hands on !to
impart the anointing) into 5ob 6einers mind and body on #hanksgiving Day +.,- Qfive years
before he started 4aranatha in +.-9 7ust a few years later, 6einer linked up with the <ab @ ie
4umford, 2impson, 5asham, 5aEter, (rin%e who were among the top apostates that infiltrated
+===s of %hur%hes in the H=s with the devastating !Dis%ipleship:2hepherding) movement that
robbed +=s of +===s of 0hristians of their lives, fortunes and sa%red 0hristian honor 6einer
in%orporated the <ab @s religious s%heme of !Dis%ipleship:2hepherding) into 4aranatha
6einer and his false leadership engaged in spiritually, e%onomi%ally, and psy%hologi%ally for%e/
raping +=s of +===s of %ollege students #he result was a nationwide out%ry from 404
members, parents, tea%hers, law enfor%ement and orthodoE 0hristian leaders that led to a two/
year intense investigation of 4aranatha by a sele%t team of theologians Jet another
investigation took pla%e in +.HA Bin the middle of the other investigation8 at 1ansas 2tate
Rniversity 0urrently, the NOLR:N$R:I0$ is being investigated not only by 0hristians, but also
by federal, state and lo%al law enfor%ement in a variety of areas
'oing ba%k to !$postle) Royal 0ron;uistF in 9==?, I obtained his writings and books In one
Pournal he eEplodes with spiritual eEuberan%e that !ane Leads 457+ #ro$he&y' /as meant
:or him to *e an A$ostle Heres a few revealing eE%erpts from !Cpistles of the 1ingdom Rnto
Royal by the Holy 2pirit, ?th ed) pp @./,9, B%ir%a +.H=s8F
(#A%TL( 466 I 4+86 A #RO#H(;@ GAF(N AN 457+
#his prophe%y was found in the papers of 5rother 0harles 2 (ri%e after his death It was
written by a +,th %entury 2%ribe/(rophetess named 7ane Leade, and %ame into my hands
when I was about a year old in 0hrist "+.@.& I bear powerful witness in my spirit to the
validity of its words
<or the past thirty/two years I have ordered my motivations, attitudes and %ommitments
to do 'ods will, in%luding the prophe%ys sayings within my heart with hope I have
added the validating 2%riptures, to authenti%ate its verity #he attending anointing of the
Holy 2pirit revealed the %orre%t 2%riptures to add, %alling them into remembran%e B7N
$ll the added 2%ripture referen%es are in parentheses Jou will have to %on%entrate and
dig out the %onfirmation of this prophe%y in the 2%riptures for understanding, but it will
be worth your while $lso, I have taken the liberty in 'od, to add my own %ommentary
remarks and observations in bra%kets 4y prayer is that as you read this prophe%y, the
2pirit of 'od will ;ui%ken to you its relevan%e and %onne%tion to the time we now live
in Q for it speaks of this generation, not of another
TH( #RO#H(;@
#here shall be a full redemption of 0hrist Ban anointed 0orporate 2on8 B7N +-F+HG 9=F9+G
(2 9F+/9G RC ++F+/@8 #his is a hidden mystery Bnot to be revealed or understood without
the revelation workings of the Holy 2pirit8 BC( +F+-/+H& #he Holy 2pirit is at hand to
reveal the same to whosoever will be holy seekers and in;uirers B7C 9.F++/+?aG AAFAG HC
#he %ompletion of su%h redemption is withheld and abstra%ted by the 2eals of Revelation
BRC @F+8 6herefore, the 2pirit of 'od shall open up seal after seal, so that this
redemption %an %ome to be revealed, both parti%ularly and universally B+ (C +FA/@8 In
the gradual opening of the eternal, infinite, progressive mysteries of this redemption,
does %onsist the unsear%hable 6isdom of 'od, 6ho throughout eternity will %ontinually
reveal new and fresh things to the worthy seeker B7N +,F+9G 7C AAFA8
In order to whi%h the $rk of the #estimony in heaven B7esus8, shall be opened before the
end of the age #he living BIn%hristed8 testimony Bthe perfe%ted 5ride:2ons people,
Remnant 5ody of believers on earth8 BC( ?F+A%, +@G HC ,F+ kPG 4# @F?HG RC +.F-G RO
HF+.G .F9@/9-G HF9./A=G HC 9F+=/++8, shall be unsealed Brevealed and manifested8 BRC
,F+G RO HF+.8 #he In%arnate (resen%e of the Divine $rk B7esus %ompleted within8 B0OL
9F+=a8, will %onstitute the life of this Nirgin 0hur%h
6herever this Bperfe%ted remnant8 5ody is BRO .F9-8, there must, of ne%essity, be the
Divine $rk B7esus %ompleted within8 B0OL +F+@/+.G 9F./+=aG C( ?F+A, +@G AF+.G 9F@b/,G
+F+-/9=G 7N +-F+HG 9=F9+G + 7N 9F,G ?F+-G + (C 9F9+8 #he unsealing of this living
testimony Bthose believers who have risen into His over%oming perfe%tion8 BRC +F-, ++,
+-, 9,/9-G AF@, +9, 9+8, this side of death and the #ribulation BRC 9F++, 9,/9-8, being
those %o/e;ual 2ons B7N +-F+HG +?F+9G RO HF+-G RC 9F9,/9-G AF9+8 with the Latter 'lory
BH$' 9F.G I2 ,=F+/998 #hese B5ride:sons8 must begin the promulgation Bannoun%e,
pro%laim, instru%t8 of the Cverlasting 'ospel BRC +?F,8
#he pro%lamation of this testimony B7esus in%arnate within these 2ons brethren8 BRO
HF9./A=G HC 9F+=/++8, will be as the sounding of a trumpet, to alarm the nations of all
professed 0hristendom B7L 9F+/++G +F@/+-G TC( +F+?/+HG 9F+/AG (2 9F+/+9G RC +.F++/+@G
+-F+?G 9F-, ++, +-, 9,/9-G AF@, +9, 9+8
$uthority will be given by 0hrist 7esus to put an end to all %ontroversies Bof do%trines,
revelations and es%hatologies, of attitudes and motives, of all unsan%tified, and
unforgiven, unrepented, of unholy, frayed relationships8 %on%erning the true 0hur%h,
whi%h is to be born of the true 7erusalem 4other BI2 ,,F@, -/H kP:nasG RC +9F+/9G AF+9G
9+F9/A, .d/+=G 4# @F+?8
His B7esus Q their Uualifier8 de%ision will be the a%tual, literal sealing of the Remnant
BRO .F9@/9-8 out from the universal 5ody of 0hrist BRC +9F+/9, @G (2 9F+/.G I2 ,F@/H
kP:nasG AF+A/9=G CT1 .F?G RC -FAG +?F+ kP:nas8 by 'od Himself, giving them %ommission
to a%t by that same authority BO5D 9+G (2 +?.F@/.G I2 9?F+/,G 7C @+F+./9AG 7RDC +?/+@G
4I0 +F+@G 7N +-F+HG @F9-G HF9,, 9Hde, +,, 9.G ?FA?G ,FAHG +?F+9G $0 AF9=/9A8
2o, by 9==?, I proved beyond any shadow of doubt that several pioneer leaders of the NOLR
from whi%h 0 (eter 6agner derived his N$R:I0$ entity, had hard%opies of the +,-. (rophe%y
from the (hiladelphian 2o%iety and they all embra%ed it like it %ame dire%tly from the #hrone
room of $lmighty 'od 2o far, so good #he final part of my investigation involved the
following ;uestionsF
U+F If these early NOLR leaders embra%ed and taught the do%trines of (hiladelphian 2o%ietys
!+,-. (rophe%y) then what did the (2 mean in histori%al %onteEt In other wordsF
U9F 6ho was 7ane Lead and who were the rest of the members of the (hiladelphian 2o%ietyK
UAF 6hat did they believe and in what %onteEtK
U?F How do their writings %ompare with those of the Latter Rain leadersK
U@F $re the 9=th/%entury Latter Rain leaders %arrying out the do%trines and obPe%tives that were
started by the +-/0entury (hiladelphian 2o%iety and if so, then wouldnt it behoove all
N$R:I0$ resear%hers to learn as mu%h as they possible %an about the (hiladelphian 2o%iety so
as to de%ode the biIarre and deadly do%trines and pra%ti%es being %arried out nowK
#he answers to these ;uestions were histori%ally hard to learn and %ome by sin%e I had to
somehow obtain primary sour%e do%uments from the +,th and +-th %entury In an answer to
prayer, I obtained a resear%h partner
In the mean time, I started to witness that all of the eEposVs and lessons learned on this deadly
movement were being forgotten by the vi%tims of the +.-=s and +.H= #hey simply were not
being passed on to this %urrent generation who, like youth in other generations, %ouldnt %are less
about history #he very same NOLR leaders and their mind/%ontrolled dis%iples were now
Ieroing/in on todays youth and had only &han0ed the names o: the 3ery same do&trines and
$ra&ti&es to hide their $ast history In one sense, this is good sin%e I realiIed these %ult leaders
are like a broken re%ord or a repeating message ma%hine #hey %annot break out of their heresies
#he Lord has literally trapped them in their own do%trines and, save for divine intervention, they
simply %annot es%ape #he are like a vorteE straight to the Lake of <ire and are su%king +=s of
+===s into hell #odd 5entley and the 9==H Lakeland Revival is a re%ent eEample
I am making the original %laim that by 9nderstandin0 /ho that #hiladel$hian %o&iety /as
and more im$ortantly, /hat is the hy*rid reli0io9s *elie: system o: ;hristian Ja**alah,
one &an 9nderstand the *iKarre anti2;hristian *elie:s o: the Ne/ Order o: the Latter Rain
=NOLRE, )a0ners NAR.A;A and :or/ard into the ne/ <nited %tated A$ostoli& Allian&e
no/ headed 9$ *y the ill9strio9s ?r.' ?9t&h %heetsLLLL
Of %ourse, there are no new heresies sin%e the ?th %entury, but this parti%ular one is a very %lever
amalgam that has been little understood sin%e the +-th %entury
#hiladel$hian %o&iety )ritin0s
#he vast maPority of (hiladelphian 2o%iety writings are online hereF
2in%e the (hiladelphian 2o%iety took the 0hristian 1abbalist tea%hings of 7a%ob 5oehme and
some were known as 5ehmenists, you will also find 7a%ob 5oehmes writing on this website as
#here are two online bibliographies that are importantF
(rovisional bibliography of Cnglish 5ehmenists
6illiam Law and the 4ysti%s 5ibliography
In these biblios, you will see numerous do%uments that are not on the passtheword website #he
eviden%e is within those do%uments that show the (hiladelphians embra%ing do%trines from the
1abbalah However, even the !divine 0abala) is mentioned by 7ane Leade on the (asstheword
website Here is the eE%erptF
CE%erpt from $ <ountain of 'ardensF Nol III, (t+, 7uly A+ +,-H !#he 2even 0ounsellors)
The )ord ;A>ALA then m9&h r9n thro90h me.
"O1, now %an you see what 7L has gotten herself into through a%%epting her mentorWs
tea%hingK 2he %orre%tly identifies the sour%e for the pro%ess she previously des%ribed
above #he fa%t that she is writing these as visions or instru%tions given to her from her
mysti%al en%ounter in the inner #hroneroom after she X%leansedX or mortified her mental
fa%ilities should not %over up the fa%t that the other very famous (hiladelphian 2o%iety
members taught her these %on%epts beforehand #he pro%ess of mysti%ally eEpressing
something that was previously gained through formal learning without a%knowledging
there was a previous formal learning is %alled X0ryptomnesiaX &
!$nd I %ould not tell what to make of it It %ontinued upon me for a whole Day 5ut the
neEt 4orning pondering upon it, it opened it self thusF #hat the 6ord signified to me, the
(rivy/0oun%il of the #rinity, with the seven 2pirits $nd 5lessed indeed are those that
are worthy to be admitted into that (rivy/0oun%ilG having been for that end admitted into
the Refining House, that was shewn me 6hi%h gave me o%%asion to (ray, that I might
find that favour, with some others, that I made mention of, who might be taken into the
?i3ine ;A>ALA #hen it was answered !2o it shall be, when yet more Uualified for it
<or know, it re;uireth spe%ial Cndowments to make meet for so high a DignityF whi%h by
my 2pirit must be performed, to stand in 0ounsel with me in the inward 0ourt, where the
$ffairs of my 1ingdom are to be determined, and renewed 0ommands therefrom to be
given, with De%rees that my 0ounsellors Bso admitted8 shall Pointly with me, their 1ingly
(riest, send forth <or the whi%h %onsider what manner of (ersons ye mutually must beF
first in high 2an%tityG then, in 6isdom and soundness of 7udgment <or ye shall pass
7udgment upon all 4atters and #hings, belonging both to the Old and New 0reation/
2tateF $nd also know things present, and what is yet for to %ome <or my two great
6itnesses shall rest upon you, whi%h are the spirit of (rophe%y and Revelation, that shall
give $bility, as (rin%es, to stand in my 0oun%ilF and therefrom to deliver out my Laws
and De%rees 2o shall ye be ministering 2pirits, to open the $rk of the Living #estimonyG
that hitherto hath been mu%h shut up 5ut to the 'enerations that are, and shall yet be
born in the 2pirit now in this $ge, to whom will be given a seeking and an in;uiring
4ind, it will verily be openedF to them shall my 2e%rets be revealed, that is, To s9&h as
o: the ?i3ine ;A>ALA do stand, /ith the R9lin0 %&e$ter of <aith still in their Hand)
#hus my LOR? did most :reely &omm9ne, and o$en the %ense and Mystery o: the
)ord ;A>ALA. <$on /hi&h o*li0ed /e are to attend dili0ently; retreatin0
there:ore :rom all that Terrestrial is.'
#his is Pust the tip of the i%eberg I %hose the s%holasti% route of resear%h and that meant spending
long hours studying the history surrounding the time of the (hiladelphians Looking into the
lives of the !2haron 5rethren) North 5attleford, 2askat%hewan at the end of 66II, I %an safely
say these young and very naive men opened (andoras 5oE be%ause they simply did not have the
%apa%ity for histori%al resear%h #hey simply looked toward the dawning of a new age where war
would %ease in 'ods promise of the outpouring of a Latter Rain that had been pumped up in
writings and sermons from the +.=. $Iusa 2treet revival on through 66II 6arno%k writes in
his book, #he <east of #aberna%les, that the original +.=. $IuIa 2treet Revival did not go far
enough He helped promote a se%ond revival Q the North 5attleford Revival Q and it is this
se%ond Latter Rain 4ovement that embra%ed these o%%ult writings is what we are witnessing
$ great general des%ription of 6agners !#hird 6ave) was first en%ountered during the
renaissan%e 0he%k out the following book and read the %entral arti%leF
(opkin, Ri%hard H The Third 0or&e in Se#enteenth Century Thou$ht, B5rills 2tudies in
Intelle%tual History Nol 998, BLeiden:New Jork:1openhavn:1YlnF C7 5rill, +..98 2ee the
arti%le by the same title, pp .=/++.
7eremiah didnt have to die in vain if 0hristians take ba%k what the Latter Rain leaders have
stolen Dut%h 2heets and all the rest look like they will go to hell, but those who %an re/embra%e
'ods #ruth and rePe%t the Latter Rains %entral lie that, !'od is restoring the offi%e of apostles
and prophets) %an be granted forgiveness and obtain healing
5ibli%al apologeti%s must be %ombined with a thorough understanding of the o%%ult history of the
Latter Rain o%%ult movement
Endtimespropheticwordsnote I responded -
I *no- -hen I -as resear&hin$ the 0ren&h %ro)hets and the related Millennialists of the early
1233s 4-ho are a real forerunners of the N'R5N!6R -ith the same manifestations -hi&h &an "e
tra&ed throu$h the Great '-a*enin$ and /oliness mo#ement to William ,ranham ri$ht throu$h
to the modern day7 and -ho hel)ed "irth the Sha*ers -ho also ha#e many similarities in their
errant theolo$y and -ho I also resear&hed into 4a fas&inatin$ $rou)7 I *no- I &ame a&ross 8ane
6eade and the %hiladel)hians a num"er of times -ho -ere an influen&e I thin* I -ill ha#e to do
some more di$$in$ on them /ere is a &onne&tion "et-een the Sha*ers 4of Mother 'nn 6ee, the
di#ine feminine7 and 8ane 6eade 9 "ut I $uess you may *no- this already
I ha#e noti&ed N'R )ro)het and ,ranhamite 8eff 8ansen(s referen&e to the female
)ersonifi&ation of -isdom and <So)hia( -hi&h I *ne- -as ri$ht out of 8a&o" ,oehme
Than*s to you I ha#e made some e#en more firm &onne&tions I ha#e often noted the similarities
"et-een 0ran* Weston Sandford and William ,ranham 9 for s)iritual -arfare, )ro)he&y,
healin$ and a)ostles and dominionism and s)iritual a"use, and other fla*y stuff in&ludin$
,ritish Israelism and )yramidolo$y /a#e you seen this> Sandford(s )la&e -as &alled Shiloh?
'nd Shiloh lin*s "a&*, see here 9 htt):55---&i&hur&hhistory&om5&h"a&*html
@The Manifestation of the .in$dom of Christ u)on the +arth in the Nazarite Sons and
Dau$hters of GodA 4htt):55---)assthe-ordor$58ane:6ead5as&enthtm7 Is this -hat 6ou +n$le
of The Call really means> Is he too referrin$ "a&* to 8ane 6eade>
The /hole reli0io9s *elie: system o: >ritish Asraelism in&l9des the #rotestant'
#hiladel$hian %o&iety do&trines 7ane Lead and her followers are premier spokesmen 6hen 7L
speaks forward the do%trines of the 4anifestation of 0hrist upon the Carth in the NaIarite 2ons
and Daughters of 'od) she is summing up a series of do%trines in%luding spiritual al%hemy,
astrology, 1abbalah, hermeti%ism et% that also mirrors Rosi%ru%ian do%trine I have good reason
to believe that at least some of the #% mem*ers /ere Rosi&r9&ians in the fullest sense of the
word #he (2 as well as their 9+st/%entury 6ord/of/<aith and NOLR followers are promoting
and pra%ti%ing all the Rosi%ru%ian beliefs in one form or another however %leverly they are
wrapped in 0hristian terminology !9st as Ra**is /ho tell 9s there are :o9r le3els o:
inter$retin0 s&ri$t9re that res9lt in le3els' or di::eren&e de:initions :or the same terms
9sed in s&ri$t9re, the leaders o: the NOLR &an eG$ress an o9t/ardly orthodoG ;hristian
Gos$el /hile sim9ltaneo9sly *elie3e and $ra&ti&e the Gos$el 9sin0 the Ja**alah and
hermeti& do&trines as inter$reti3e lenses. #his is one of the main reasons why these people are
able to appear as !angels of light) and evil manifests through them as well Uuestioning the
leaders as to the meaning of bibli%al terms they use is what they %annot stand
#he writings of 7ane Lead and the rest of the (2 members spells out eEa%tly what they mean and
why they believed it #hat 0hu%k (ier%e, 0 (eter 6agner, Robert Heidler, 5arbara 6entroble
and many others are tea%hing 0hristian 1abbalah in %onferen%es su%h as, !'lory of Tion
4inistriesF 2tarting the Jear Off Right) 0onferen%e on 7an 9/,, 9==H in Denton, #M shows they
are finally %oming out of the %loset with what they formerly hid during the formation of their
theosophi%al enterprise that now has evolved using grandiose titles su%h as the Rnited 2tates
$postoli% $llian%e BR2$$8 !#he NeEt (hase of the "Rein%arnated& $postoli% Reformation)
BI am shaking my head in disbelief as I right this8
1nowing full well that the %haron >rethren and others that :ormed an entire mo3ement on
Rosi&r9&ian and >ritish Asrael do&trines stemmin0 :rom em*ra&in0 o&&9lt Ja**alist
do&trines o: Rein&arnation, namely, Gil09l and Tikk9n Olam, 19st amaKes me.
Doesnt 'od state that he will bless or %urse a nation based upon what they do with His 2ons
offer of redemption as in II 0hron -F+? as well as turning from their wi%ked waysK I believe He
does and if He does, then 6agner, 2heets, 6einer, 5roo%ks, Hamon, 7oyner, 5i%kle, et% are
bringing down the R2$ by %ausing 0hristians to submit themselves to leaders who embra%ed the
o%%ult do%trine of rein%arnation>> 6e get one %han%e in life to respond to the message of the
0ross 6e dont have the past souls of Israel transmigrating in our bodies to fulfill yet another
%han%e at !perfe%tion)
Our bodies are temples of the Holy 2pirit and not the temples of the souls of the original
$postles and (rophets that transmigrated through time and subse;uently into our bodies These
hidden *elie:s are /hat is *ehind >ritish Asraelism, 4ormonism, <reemasonry and the New
Order of the Latter Rain as formed through the North 5attleford 2askat%hewan Revival %ir%a
+.?-/+.@A 6e %ertainly are supposed to treat our bodies with respe%t and never tattoo our skin
and make ourselves a human #alisman su%h as NOLR leader #odd 5entley 6e are never to
submit to any leader who not only holds to o%%ult do%trines, but also are seEual perverts su%h as
Roberts Liardon, #odd 5entley, #ed Haggard, (aul 0ain, Reuven Doron, 5ob 7ones, and many,
many others within the Rnholy $llian%e of these illuminatti groups that have now infe%ted the
%hur%hes Our very survival as a nation will depend on whether we a%%ept or rePe%t %ries for a
New 6orld Order from the likes of Henry 1issinger, et%
Henry Jissin0er and the Ne/ )orld Order
Does 1issinger see the Latter Rains infiltration of the %hur%h as a sign that be%ause of this
infe%tion, now is the time to eliminate the R2 0onstitution and implement the New 6orld
Religion of the IlluminattiK It sure looks like that is his plan and 6agner and 0o are doing their
best Pob of playing !7udas 'oat) in leading the $meri%an, 0anadian and Curopean %hur%h
straight into it by indo%trination into the ;hristianiKed Mystery %&hool religions
#hey %an take their deifi%ation/of/man !4anifest 2ons), !0orporate 0hrist) do%trines and shove
5i%kle, 7oyner, Cngle and their whole entourage are pulling from the Rosi%ru%ian do%trines of
0ount von TinIendorf "httpF::enwikipediaorg:wiki:Ni%olausZLudwigZTinIendorf:& who was the
god%hild of (hilipp 2pener "httpF::enwikipediaorg:wiki:(hilippZ7akobZ2pener& >oth o: these
$eo$le, alon0 /ith the #hiladel$hians, em*ra&ed the L9rian Ja**alah to :orm a hy*rid
reli0ion /e no/ kno/ as ;hristian Ja**alah 0hristian 1abbalah %an never be the 'ospel
and its proponents %an never be 0hristians in the same way 4ormons, <reemasons, Rosi%ru%ians
and other 1abbalist/based entities %an never be 0hristians Its time to apply history and
apologeti%s to the %urrent o%%ult !apostoli% and propheti%) infe%tion of the %hur%h $t this point
in time, one without the other Pust isnt going to be effe%tive)
%ee also these related $osts
(atri%a 1ing [ Hermeti%s
Hidden $genda of Order of 4ustard 2eed
DN$ $%tivation and 1abbalah
1nights of 4alta 0onne%tion
0hu%k (ier%e tea%hes and prophesies the 1abbalah>
0hu%k (ier%e and 4ore 1abbalah
Cven more 0hu%k (ier%e and #he 1abbalah
0hu%k (ier%eF !#ruth in the 1abbalah) reF #he Names of 'od
0hu%k (ier%e [ Robert Heidler respond to 1abbalah %harge
(atri%ia 1ing and 5lue <lame of 6it%h%raft
$ngels as%ending and des%ending upon you
Robert 2tearns and (atri%ia 1ing New $ge 2oundwaves
(atri%ia 1ing and Lan%e 6allnau on 4aster Ra%e
On Heavenly (ortals
>ritish >lo0s.&o.9k The >ritish >lo0os$here
The NARs Fairy Godmother? !ane Leade " The #hiladel$hian %o&iety 3ia (nd Times #ro$heti&, #ro$he&y,
Fisions, ?reams, Re3elation, ;hristian >lo0 Fe*r9ary +th, ,--+ at --46
NOLR History has made some very interesting observations on another post, important enough, I think, to be
flagged up and made into a post of their own "#he New $postoli% Reformation& belief that !'od is restoring the
offi%e of $postles and (rophets) * %an be tra%ed to the !+,-. (rophe%y) by the o%%ult 0hristian 1abbalist se%t
%alled the (hiladelphian 2o%iety #he (hiladelphians believed in the 1abbalah do%trine of !'ilgul) or the
#ransmigration of souls #hey believed that the souls of an%ient Israel would rein%arnate into their geneti%
des%endants, whi%h in%lude to souls of the 3original3 apostles and prophets 4ike 5i%kle, 5ob 6einer, 7ohn
6imber, 5ill Hamon, Ri%k 7oyner, 0 (eter 6agner and all the many Latter Rain !$postles and (rophets) get
In %hristianity, #he 6alk, ministry, 5enny Hinn, Heresy, <alse (rophets, New 6orld Order, propheti%, (rophe%y,
new age, mysti%ism, 1abbalah, revival, todd bentley, <alse (rophets and #ea%hers, <resh <ire 4inistries B#odd
5entley8, #odd 5entley B<resh <ire8, signs and wonders, dis%ernment, 0hu%k (ier%e BDr 0harles (ier%e8, New
$postoli% Reformation BN$R8, apostoli%, 0hu%k (ier%e, New $postoli% Reformation, Robert Heidler, 5ob 7ones
B1ansas 0ity (rophets8, 0 (eter 6agner BNew $postoli% Reformation8, 1ansas 0ity (rophets, (atri%ia 1ing Baka
0oking8 CEtreme (ropheti%, Ri%k 7oyner B4orning2tar 4inistries8, Ri%k 7oyner, 0 (eter 6agner, 5ob 7ones, nwo,
7eff 7ansen, IHO( B4ike 5i%kle8, 4ike 5i%kle BIHO( [ 1ansas 0ity (rophets8, IHO(, 4ike 5i%kle, 'lory of Tion
International, 7ames 'oll, (aul 1eith Davis, Latter Rain, #revor and 2haron 5aker BDudley Outpouring8,
dominionism, 7ohn (aul 7a%kson B1ansas 0ity (rophets8, paul %ain, #oronto 5lessing, %hur%h history, 5ill 7ohnson,
Dut%h 2heets, 5ill Hamon B5ishop8, bill hamon, 5enny Hinn B6orld Healing 0enter 0hur%h In%8, Nineyard
0hur%hes B7ohn 6imber8, Demonology, Deliveran%e, 2piritual 6arfare, spiritual warfare, Lou Cngle B#he 0all8,
7ohn 6imber, #he 0all, 6illiam 5ranham BLatter Rain8, <ran%is <rangipane, <ren%h (rophets, 7ohn Robert 2tevens
B#he 6alk8, 2oaking, 7ohn Robert 2tevens, Robert Henderson, holy laughter, spiritual manifestations, Noi%e of
Healing, 'eorge 6arno%k, 4anifest 2ons of 'od:4an%hild, International 0oalition of $postles, freemasonry, Lan%e
6allnau, <rank 6eston 2andford, shakers, $nglo Israelism, 5ritish Israelism, pyramidology, (aul 0ain B1ansas
0ity (rophets [ Latter Rain8, 4anifest sons of 'od, 4orning 2tar 4inistries BRi%k 7oyner8, Derek (rin%e, 5ob
4umford, Crn 5aEter, 5arbara 6entroble, Hermeti%s, theosophy, gifts of the spirit, 0ount TinIendorf, Rosi%ru%ian,
5ob 6einer, 7a%ob 5oehme, 7ane Leade "(hiladelphain&, 6illiam Law, bridal mysti%ism, 0harles 2ydney (ri%e,
0hristian 1abbalah, 0hur%h of the Living 6ord, 0orporate 0hrist, <riends of the 5ridegroom <O#5, 'eorge Robert
Hawtin, Henry Hinn, Illuminatti, 7ane Lead, 7ane Leade, 4aranatha, New Order of the Latter Rain, North 5attleford
Revival, onething, (hiladelphian 2o%iety, Ri%hard Roa%h, Royal De6ayne 0ron;uist, 2am Hinn, 2haron 5rethren

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