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VOL. 1/2-11
SINCE 1941
Museum Hours
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Noon - 4pm
Closed Monday
Financial Support for the San Diego Art Institute (OSP 2010) is provided in part by the City of San Diego Commission
for Arts and Culture, QUALCOMM Incorporated, and the Chris and Lorraine Wolfe Fund.
Dear Members.
SDAIs Museum of the Living Artist and San Diego Art
Department are committed to the professional development
of the artist, the integration of art and artist alike into the
community, and public education about the value of art in our
San Diego to a large degree is perceived to be a beach town
and the majority of the art produced here is thought to be of
that ilk. SDAI continues to strive to nd the center for the arts
and artists that is recognizable not only to our community but
to our visitors, state and the country.
can quote me, Timothy Field.
Although both the Museum and the Art Department run
independently, each is interdependent on the other. We
continue to look at options open to us in North Park to
address our need for expansion of the Art Department and
the expansion of our offerings throughout North Park. If any
of our Friends and/or Membership has any help for us in this
area, please do not hesitate to bring your ideas forward.
Along with the growth of the organization, we must also
address the growth of our Board of Directors. Our Board
of Directors needs to expand to reect its inuence in the
community in order to help develop funding opportunities.
Presently, we are identifying and assessing prospective
Directors for the expansion of our Board.
We would like to welcome Eric Cantrell to our Board. Eric is
a CPA and will be working with us on oversight and strategic
development for accounting practices at both locations. He
is also a longtime volunteer and also a SDAI member glass
artist. We also give a thumbs up to Bruce Tall, a Board Advisor
who facilitated and created a public awareness campaign for
SDAI in partnership with the airport. His wife Cheryl is a long-
time artist member and a talented ceramicist and teacher.
For several years, the Talls have supported our International
Letter from the desk of Timothy Field
Continued on page 3
Authors & Art Event
So Say We All, San Diego Writers, Ink,
and the San Diego Art Institute
The Fab and Furious
Queer Circus
of Dastardly Delights
Sunday, July 10, 4pm to 8pm
Performances begin at 6pm
$5 suggested door donation
at the Museum of the Living Artist in Balboa Park
1439 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
On July 10, So
Say We All, San
Diego Writers, Ink,
and the San Diego
Art Institute will
present The Fab
& Furious Queer
Circus of Dastardly
Delights, an event
mixing storytelling,
dance, slam poetry,
performance art,
and some of the
best emerging
visual artists in
Southern California.
Happening on the
Sunday prior to San
Diego LGBT Pride,
the Fab & Furious Queer Circus will feature the stories, art,
and experiences of the local gay, lesbian, transgender, and
queer community. In addition to more traditional readings
and performances, there will be pickling demonstrations,
tarot readings, participatory art and other surprises.
Continued on page 2
Museum of the Living Artist
House of Charm, Balboa Park, 1439 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101-1617
(619) 236-0011 Fax (619) 236-1974
San Diego Art Department
Educational Facility: 3830 Ray St.,
San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 299-4278
Board of Governors
Bill Hawkins, Schuyler Hoffman, Susan Leonard
Jean McKee, Ted Mintz, Robert Wallace,
Chris & Lorraine Wolfe
Board of Directors
Chair: Elaine Ellis
Vice Chair: Claire Slattery
(past COVA Board Member)
Secretary: Kathyrn Kramer
Treasurer: Ruth Hoffman
(on leave)
Joe Nalven
Larry Poteet (Attorney)
Eric Cantrell
Educational & Outreach Committee
Andrea Chamberlin
Elizabeth Morton, Education Programs Coordinator
SDAI Advisory Board
Vincent Andrunas
(Social Editor: Dcor/ Style Magazine)
Elizabeth Basinet (Barrett Resource Group)
Pamela Hartwell
Emalyn Leppard
Debra A. Morse Attorney
Peter B. Rutman (AdminEstate Corporation)
Bruce Tall
Vaughn Woods, CFP
City of San Diego Commission for Arts & Culture
Friends of the Institute
San Diego Art Department/Ray Street
Director Andrea Chamberlin
Studio Assistant Tim Schultheis
Studio Assistant Lesley Anderson
Staff of SDAI
Executive Director Timothy J. Field
Executive Administrator Kerstin Robers
Gallery Assistant/Public Relations Marc Pickett
Developmt & Finance Mgr - Debora Wells
Educational Programs Andrea Chamberlin
Education Programs Coordinator Elizabeth Morton
Graphic Designer/Production Coordinator - Jack Wade
Poet Program Coordinator Michael Klam
Accounting Assistant Paul Stolte
Journal Staff
Tim Field, Kerstin Robers, Jack Wade,
Debora Wells, Douglas James Martin
Photos Sullivan/Messenger & Richard Powers
Website Design
Michael Hanes, Roark Dority
Exhibition by sponsoring an exhibition award.
Our organization is at a critical junction, one where the future is undetermined. What
we do know is that the work of SDAI continues to ensure visibility and awareness
of the visual arts both in the development and support of the artist and their ability
to live and work here, but also in the integration of the arts as part of a K-12 core
school curriculum.
The staff and I are committed to a focused push for the expansion of both our
Board of Directors and the Art Department. Please put some thought into my
plea for support in these areas. Without support, SDAI will head down a road of
indifference. This is a we organization; please make it a major focus for the year so
that collectively SDAI will garner the reputation it has earned.
Please support and make others aware of the Art Departments offerings, the
Museums outstanding exhibitions, collective works and partnerships.
Contact myself or Kerstin if there is an interest in giving service to SDAI. Together
we will make the difference.
Thank you, Timothy Field
Executive Director, SDAI and its programs
Featured Artist Linda Kardoff
Solo Show SDAI:MOLA June 24, 2011 to July 24, 2011
People Like You
Since childhood, Ive been compelled to draw the people around me, and depict-
ing human beings is still my passion. Being an artist provides me with a sense
of empowerment and allows me to counter the seriousness of life with a bit of
the absurd. When I begin a painting I can never predict the nal result. I try to
keep my mind open to the unanticipated and receptive to the universal con-
sciousness.So these paintings are partly your fault. I hope youre happy.
You are cordially invited to join a Special Artist Reception:
Friday, July 1, 2011 from 6 to 8 pm.
Featured Artist Richard Allan Messenger
Solo Show SDAI:MOLA June 24, 2011 to July 24, 2011
Concerning the Soul
I am compelled to paint these portraits. I cannot explain them except to say
they are underneath human appearance. I could attempt to dene the soul but it
seems useless. I do hope what is conveyed is something about the soul.
You are cordially invited to join a Special Artist Reception:
Friday, July 1, 2011 from 6 to 8 pm.
A tribute to Ginger Wallace
SDAI recently received a donation from Gerry Russell in memory of Ginger Wal-
lace, a loyal supporter of SDAI. Here are a few of Gerrys reections:

We were fortunate to know Ginger, having been former neighbors of the
very dear Wallace Family. And what an example Ginger set: of modesty
regarding her many talents and many accomplishments; of kindness to one and all;
her generosity and her inclusiveness, all of which our family experienced from the
Wallaces. Arent we lucky!
Timothy Fields Letter - Continued from page 1
Featured Artist:
Suzanne LaJoie
Show runs from July 29, 2011 to September 4, 2011
Instinctual is a follow-up to the Natural Instinct show in 2008, a series of small and
large paintings of real animals, abstracted or deconstructed. There are similarities as
there are still animals and quiet differences in texture, material used, and countenance.
A lot more horses are used because of my love for them. Some are totally abstracted.
My characters are more serene, revealing a sense of strength in their countenance. I
have used new material, for example, new papers, rope & pastel. A few are engaged in
action; I mostly wanted to explore quiet action, in that the emotions and attitude are
present, but the movement is still. My philosophy remains the same - it is the animals
natural endeavors towards life and us, as opposed to our perfected society, that connect
us to them, and our similarities in their countenance or presence of mind that we sought
and cannot duplicate nor explain. As animals ll the world, they ll our heart and soul
with very similar gestures I believe I call truths.
Featured Artist:
Susan Osborn
Show runs from July 29, 2011 to September 4, 2011
Demented Dolls and Devices
When I hold a found object it emits certain memories. I feel coming from inside, a little
bit of magic about its past use. When it sits in my hand, that shape and the magic tell me
a story and look for something new. Maybe a device or a personality. In that way, seeing
similarities between past functions and future becomings, old things get new lives.
Hmm...same with humans. Yes?
Sometimes a combination of two shapes can begin to form an anthropomorphic being
or a device loaded with questions about its use. If I can inspire you, make you reminisce,
create a chuckle or make you scratch your head in wonder, I am happy.
About Me
Susan Osborn lives in Bonita, CA and is currently teaching drawing and painting classes
at The Athenaeum and the San Diego Art Department. She taught art for seventeen
years at The Bishops School in La Jolla. Her varied teaching experience includes art
and photography classes at Southwestern College and numerous private lessons.
Susan received her Master of Arts degree from Cal State University, San Diego. She
has held numerous exhibitions and won many prizes for her work including exhibitions at
the San Diego Museum of Art, the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC-Xerox.) and at the
Museo Internacional de Electrograa, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Cuenca,
In 2007, Susan took a class from Michael deMeng in assemblage and a whole new art
world opened up to her. The experience of transforming the old and discarded into
mysterious relics has changed the way she looks at society and what we do with
common ordinary things around us.
Member of San Diego Art Institute, West Coast Drawing
Listed in Whos Who in America
Jerome Walker
Jerome Walker will have three of his new
paintings published in International
Contemporary Artists 2012. The book will
come out at the end of October 2012. One
of them, Julies Garden, is currently on
view at the San Diego Art Institute.
Writers and storytellers will include
the poet Jericho Brown, activist
Autumn Sandeen, essayist Dave
White, singers and actresses Adriana
Zuniga and Dawn Marie Williams,
Dylan Yates, Allan Clark, and Liat
Wexler. Performance and visual artists
will include the TK dancers, the TK
drag artists, The Sisters of Perpetual
Indulgence, Adrian de la Pena, Don
Tatro, Frankie Martin, Jayson Ward,
Jen Smith, Kristine Thompson, Marcus
Civin, Omar Lopez, Rigo Moldonado,
Robert Steinberger, The Rubber Rose,
Steve McIsaac, Suzanne Wright, and
Zac Monday. The art is being curated
by Andrew Printer and literature by
Ted Gideonse.
San Diego Writers, Ink is a nonprot
organization that offers classes,
groups, workshops, readings and
other literary events at The Ink Spot
and other locations throughout San
Diego County. They collaborate with
other arts and cultural organizations
and community programs to fulll
their mission to nurture writers and
those wishing to explore the craft of
writing, foster a literary community,
promote literature and celebrate
artistic diversity.
So Say We All is a non-prot narrative
arts production and education
organization. Specializing in the
literary and storytelling arts, SSWA
serves the community by providing
showcases for artists of various
mediums, education outreach
programs and workshops, and
publishing opportunities.
Queer Circus - Continued from page 1
Locations will be at various San Diego County or Southern
Orange County locations. Two or three of these may be in Balboa
Park. Locations will be announced in the bi-monthly SDAI
Journal with the e-mail address of the host of each event. The
host for each event is to be contacted by e-mail for sign-up and
detailed information and directions on where to meet, etc.
An e-mail list of interested participants will be maintained
by Richard Powers and announcements will be sent to all on
the list prior to each event in addition to the SDAI Journal
The events will be open to anyone desiring to participate,
whether members of SDAI or not.
There will be at least one juried show at SDAIs Museum
of the Living Artist per year for about 20 paintings running
simultaneously with one of the Regional Shows.
All painting canvases or watercolor papers are to be stamped
and dated at each event to prove they were done in the program.
Only paintings done within the program can be submitted for
the show. Paintings are limited to a maximum size of 12 x 16
and should be framed in appropriate plein-air frames with wire
hangers. Up to 3 paintings can be submitted by each artist for
the show. Non-members of SDAI will pay an entry fee of $20.00.
There is no fee for SDAI members. All paintings must be hand-
delivered to SDAI:MOLA and picked up there at the end of the
The co-hosts for these SDAI paint-outs are Richard Powers, Mark
Slusser and Mark Fehlman.
Paintings done during September will be the last ones eli-
gible for the Second Annual SDAI Plein Air Show in Octo-
ber 2011. The show will show paintings executed from De-
cember 2010 through September 2011.

As some of you may know I had a health-related event in mid
April. As a result I have not been running on full cylinders. As
much as I would like to I have not even done any painting since
then. After the SDAI Show in October I plan to step down from
leading this program. Until October I will just be showing up to
check in and stamp canvases and then leaving for home unless
some of you would like to ll in for this task on occasion. If any
of you are interested in stepping up to being a leader, please let
either myself or Mark Fehlman know. There has even been some
conversation about combining with the San Diego Branch of the
California Art Club for these SDAI Paint-Outs.

July 2nd & 7th Oceanside Harbor - Meet at 8:30 am
(On Saturday an early arrival will guarantee better parking.)
(Richard Powers will be there for check in and stamping of can-
vases until 10:00 am. You can pick someone from the group to
lead the critique at the end.)

From the I-5 in Oceanside take Exit 54C towards Oceanside Harbor Drive.
Merge onto Vandegrift Blvd, continue onto San Diego Blvd, continue
onto Harbor Drive. Turn Left to stay on Harbor Drive then take the 1st
right onto South Harbor Drive. There is a large parking lot along the har-
bor with Monterey Bay Canners restaurant to the left facing the harbor.
Do not park in the rst row by the water as this is reserved for owners
of boats parked in the marina. Lots of boat and harbor views, even a

August 6th & 11th La Jolla Cove - Meet at 8:30 am
(On Saturday and even on Thursday get there early for best parking.)

From I-5 or I-805 take CA-52 west, exit onto La Jolla Pkwy, continue onto
Torrey Pines Rd, turn right at Prospect Place, right at Coast Blvd, then
park near La Jolla Cove. Restrooms are available in the park area above
the cove.
The San Diego Art Institute Museum of the
Living Artists
David G. Fleet Youth Art Gallery
Carver K-8 & Gareld Elementary
The San Diego Art Institutes Museum of the Living
Artist takes pleasure in presenting the 2011 Page to
Canvas to Stage Artists in Schools program student
artwork from Carver K-8 and Gareld Elementary.
The 17-week program incorporated poetry, visual &
performance art working with students in 2nd, 6th, 7th,
and 8th grade at our local schools.
A big thank you to our teaching artists involved in the
program: Jackleen Holton, Brandon Cesmat, Michael
Klam, Elizabeth Morton, Susan Osborn, Pose 2, Mykel
Lamar, and Sarah Garcia. Funding provided by the
California Arts Council.
The exhibition is on display from June 24 July
24. An awards reception for students, teachers,
administrators, and parents will be held in conjunction
with the regional exhibition on Friday, July 1st

from 6
to 8 pm.
The San Diego Art Institutes David G. Fleet Young
Artists Gallery provides a year-round venue for art from
public, private, parochial, and charter schools (K-12)
throughout San Diego County and partners with the San
Diego County Art Education Association, San Diego
County Ofce of Education. Co-sponsored by City of
San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, San Diego
County Community Enhancement Fund, QUALCOMM,
Inc., Reuben H. Fleet Foundation, California Arts
Council, and the Chris and Lorraine Wolfe Fund.
The San Diego Art Department
Ages 6-12 (10% sibling discounts & scholarships available) / ONE TEEN WEEK for Ages 12- 17
This summer, SDAD presents ve week-long art workshops where kids can discover and imagine new ways to try their
ideas with art. Our summer camps take place in the professional art studios of our North Park facility. Each weekly
workshop includes two classes per day from 9:30 3:30pm. Call 619-299-4ART to register or if you have any questions
Week 1: July 11 15
- Class Full
Watercolor Painting - With Thia Nevius 9:30am 12:30pm $260 full day
Jewelry Design and Creation - With Alexis Archibald 12:45 3:30pm
Week 2: July 18 22
Space Available
Sculpture Explorations - With Alexis Archibald 9:30am-12:30pm $260 full day
Hip Hop Dance At Eveoke Dance Theatre (2811-A University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104)
12:45 3:30pm
Week 3: July 25 29
Space Available
With Alexis Archibald 9:30am-12:30pm $185 half day
Week 4: Aug 1 5
Space Available
Comic Creations
With Billy Martinez of Neko Press 9:30am-12:30pm $260 full day
Bring Your Comics to Life! - With Alexis Archibald 12:45pm - 3:30pm
Week 5: Aug 8 12
- Class Full
Draw it All! - With Sally Phillips 9:30am 12:30pm $260 full day
Everything Paint! - With Elizabeth Morton 12:45pm 3:30pm
Upcoming Art Workshops in
Book Making Workshop NEW!
Instructor: Kevin Greeland
Sunday, July 10 from 11am 3:00pm

Mixed Media with Oil Pastel Workshop
(a Homage to Georgia OKeeffe)
Instructor: Susan Osborn
Sunday, July 17 from 11am 3:00pm
Fun & Relaxing Zentangle Workshop NEW!
Instructor: Cecie McCaffery
Friday, July 22 from 1pm 4:00pm
Sunday, Aug 28 from 11am 2:00pm
Glass Fusing Workshop
Instructor: Bonnie Dull
Sunday, July 31, 11am 2:00pm
Personal Watercolor Journal Workshop
Instructor: Rachelle Farber
Sunday, Aug 7, 11am 2:00pm
Portrait Workshop in Oil NEW!
Instructor: Kris Finch
Sunday, Aug 14 from 10:30am 4:30pm
Watercolor Greeting Card Creation Workshop NEW!
Instructor: Rachelle Farber
Sunday, Aug 14 from 11am 2:00pm
Wood Collage Workshop
Instructor: Cindy Dunlevy
Sunday, Aug 21 from 11am 3:00pm
The Professional
Artist Lecture Series
presented by the San
Diego Art Institute
is geared to educate
artists in running a
successful business,
as well as expanding
their knowledge of art
Upcoming Professional Artist Lecture
Wednesday, July 6, 2011 from 6pm 9pm
Protect Your Creative Edge by Being
Arts Ready

Guest Speakers: Naomi Nussbaum, Synergy Art
Foundation; Patricia Frischer, San Diego Visual
Arts Network; Meryl Zwanger, ArtsReady San
Diego; and re victim/artists account

ArtsReady San Diego is a three-hour workshop for
San Diego regional artists that will provide some best
practices for specically protecting artists studios
and artworks from unexpected emergencies such as
wildres and supply inventory tools to organize their
studios, track their artworks, materials, and mailing
lists, and much more. This informational workshop
will also include insurance policy information
and what to look out for when choosing liability
ArtsReady San Diego is coordinated by Synergy
Art Foundation, sponsored by San Diego Visual
Arts Network, and funded through a grant from the
San Diego Regional Disaster Fund, a supporting
organization of The San Diego Foundation.
Information on emergency preparedness is supplied
by CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund).

For more information please visit the website at
Please RSVP by June 30
with Andrea
Rodriguez Chamberlin by emailing
All lectures are held at the San Diego Art Institute: Museum
of the Living Artist
1439 El Prado,The House of Charm, Balboa Park
Admission: $5 SDAI/SDAD members / $10 non-members
SDAD Reception - May 27, 2011
Andrea Rodriguez Chamberlin, Toye Martindale
and Bonnie Dull showing the new kiln.
On Thursday, May 5th the San Diego Art Insti-
tute/San Diego Art Department was awarded
funding by the Thursday Club to purchase a new
glass fusing kiln. We are thrilled to announce
that our new Skutt kiln arrived in May! The San
Diego Art Department held a celebration party
on May 27th! We would like to thank the Thursday
Club members and all those who have helped
contribute to the kiln fund over the last year.
The Gathering is a social, relaxed group where
artists, acionados, their spouses or signicant
others meet over potluck to discuss their latest
work and adventures. Children are welcome but
the work is not censored, so parental discretion is
strongly advised.
Description and schedule:
3:30 to 4:00: bring artwork and check in.
4:00: doors are locked (ring the doorbell after 4).
4:30-5:30: artists break off into groups of 9 artists
to present their work. (If enough under-age
artists bring work, they will be given a separate
group and leader.) Non-presenters can continue
socializing or join the group of their choice.
5:30 to 6:00: groups nish up, reconvene, socialize
and/or help tidy up.
Artists can bring up to 3 pieces of artwork. All
skill levels show work for fun, feedback, mentoring
and exposure. In the UU tradition there will be
a question of the day (hereafter known as the
Molly), which artists can answer or ignore when
showing their work.
Artists are encouraged to bring show yers, books,
magazines, announcements, etc., to share. People
who bring Art and Food (or just food) get in free.
Everyone else is $5 per individual, couple or family.
New members: this is a great opportunity to meet
other members, show your work and see the work
being created in the San Diego area.
Everyone else: show us your work, whether youre
getting into the juried shows or not. We want to see
what you are doing and have the opportunity to talk
with you.
The next Gathering dates will be:
July 3 & Aug 7
The Gathering occurs the first Sunday of each month
Co-Sponsored by:

and The San Diego County Community Enhancement Fund

(Now combined with the UU Art Guild)
The San Diego Art Institutes Educational Facility,
the San Diego Art Department,provides an inclusive,
collaborative environment that fosters artistic
expression, for all ages and prociencies, using art to
contribute value and diversity to the community with
educational programs, exhibitions and workspace.
July exhibition featuring
Cassiopeia Dreams of Better Days
by visiting artist Mimi Frank.

Closing reception will be held on July 9
, 6-10pm
(during Ray at Night).
Also on exhibit will be artwork by students, members,
instructors. On the Featured Artist Wall artwork by
Sheila Daube.
July/August exhibition featuring
Annual Student Show
Opening reception on July 16
, 6-8pm and the
closing reception will be held on August 13, 6-
10pm (during Ray at Night).
Also on exhibit will be artwork by members &
instructors. On the Featured Artist Wall artwork by
Ann Golumbuk.
SDAD is located on 3830 Ray Street in North Park.
For a detailed schedule of our classes please visit the
website: or call: 619-299-4ART.
Welcome SDAI New Members!
Francois M. Beausoleil
Angela Kosta Driessen
Rebecca J. Duckworth
Joanna Fields
Brandon M. Holmes
Atsuko K. Laskaris
William Leslie
Anne Mudgett
Kathleen Kane-Murrell
Gretchen K. Rideout
Sally Seyler
Janet Wallace
Julien S. Wayne

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