DR Moolchandani

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2. What is health information technology? New ways for providers and their patients to readily access
and use health information IT allows health care providers to collect, store, retrieve, and transfer
information electronically Information technology (IT) has the potential to improve the quality,
safety, and efficiency of health care
3. A well developed IT Department should have following Four Functional Units Computer Services
Project Management Team Information Technology Application Support and Training Department
Web Services
4. Computer Services Helpdesk. Technical Support Networking (Networking encompasses both
data and telephony requirements) Project Management Team Projects undertaken range from the
planning and implementation of major new systems such as a Patient Administration system through
to more specialised clinical database systems
5. Information Technology Application Support and Training Department Training in the use of these
systems, as well as offering first line support should any problems arise whilst the system(s) are
being used Web Services The Web Services department maintains, supports, and promotes web
based Information Technology systems
6. Benefits Achieved From a Well Developed IT Department and IT System in a Hospital
7. Benefits Achieved From a Well Developed IT Department and IT System in a Hospital 1. Patient
Monitoring: With the help of a computerized system we can react much more quickly and accurately
2. Reduction of errors in patient care 3. Keeping detailed medical records for National and
International Medical Studies 4. Assisting the physicians in medical diagnosis
8. Benefits Achieved From a Well Developed IT Department and IT System in a Hospital 5. Freeing
skilled medical professional (clerical work is reduced for nurses; as much as 25% time can be
saved) 6. Training hospital employees in a better and interactive way 7. Coordination in emergency
situations (These systems have knowledge of location of all important equipments supplies and
personnel, we can refer the system and respond in a better way) 8. Control of increase in the cost of
information processing
9. Benefits Achieved From a Well Developed IT Department and IT System in a Hospital A well
controlled inventory system can bring in savings of 10 to 15 per cent in the first year itself, thereby
justifying the investment for a HIS product in big hospitals
10. Main Categories of Information Systems in Hospital Administrative and financial systems that
facilitate billing, accounting, and other administrative tasks; Clinical systems that facilitate or
provide input into the care process; Infrastructure that supports both the administrative and clinical
11. IT Applications can be used in following areas 1. Communication of Medical Information 2.
Assistance in diagnosis 3. Assistance in evaluating prognosis 4. Patients Profile 5. Administrative
Support 6. Medical research 7. Legal requirements 8. Linkage with other specialized computers
12. IT Applications can be used in following areas 9. Inventory management 10.Cost control, billing
11.Maintaining medical records 12.Patient Counselling 13.Medical Literature Archival 14.Image
archival and processing 15.Interactive learning and CME
13. Computers in Hospital Administration Helps to take quick and efficient decisions Key to controlling
costs and improving the quality of patient care
14. Computers in Finance and Accounts Department This department uses computer for Payroll
Accounting Accounts Payable Hospital Billing Cash Flow Projections Inpatient register
15. Computer in HR Department Helps organization to combine Human resource information into a
single database Enables the HR dept to take a more active role in Organizational planning
Facilitates the easy storage and access of Personnel records A payroll prepared manually takes 10
days while with help of a HRIS, it can be done in 2 Days
16. Current status of health information technology in hospitals across INDIA
17. Current status of health information technology in hospitals across INDIA We lag behind by
decades, as USA even in 1972, 81% of the hospitals had one or more in-house computers. Today
it is a norm in USA to allocate 10% of the hospitals budget for computerization
18. Current status of health information technology in hospitals across INDIA The current healthcare
system in India is in a state of transition This transition is Technological: For eg- from paper
based patient medical records to electronic patient medical record Organizational: The transfer of
activities from Hospital care to ambulatory care (day care surgical centers)
19. All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi It has around 2,500 indoor beds with over 1.5
lakhs admissions per annum and an annual out-patient attendance of around 20,00,000 patients.
Advertisement for computerization of AIIMS
20. All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi It signed a deal with Siemens Information Systems
for a 22 month project to implement a complete hospital- management system. Plans to offer
telemedicine service are also on the way. Satellite links to various hospitals in Lucknow and
Chandigarh have already been established. Inputs from Dr R S Tyagi, Dy Dir and Head Computer
Facility and Dr G S Rao, Dept of Biophysics
21. Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur BENEFITS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TMH is a 850
bedded hospital equipped with modern facilities and catering all specialities. Effective HIS has
helped TMH administration in achieving and fulfilling their quality objectives
22. People International Hospital, Bhopal 3 Units PEOPLES HOSPITAL (742 bedded teaching hospital),
Bhanpur, Bhopal PEOPLES GENERAL HOSPITAL (100 bedded), Berasia Road, Bhopal
23. People International Hospital, Bhopal The IT department of the group is one of the best departments
and around 30 employees are working full-time in the department. The team capable of developing
its own software and presently the medical college is running with the in house software developed
by its own promising IT team. The new hospital will have paperless record system and will be well
connected with the foreign hospital(Kinder Group, Singapore) in terms of diagnostic services and
other technical aspects
24. A 1000 bedded Government teaching Goa Medical Hospital. The hospital has been College,
Bambolim, G computerized recently. It marks the oa completion of the first phase of a
comprehensive Goa Health Net Plan covering other government medical Institutes in Goa, two
district hospitals, 36 rural and urban hospitals and 19 primary health centres across Goa
25. Government Hospital, Gandhinagar HMIS proved so successful in Gandhinagar, that the Gujarat
government scaled up the initiative to cover all 25 district-level hospitals along with six other major
hospitals in the State. All government-run hospitals are now connected to the State Health
Commissionerate and the Secretariat in Gandhinagar. This not only makes for greater accountability
and transparency, but also facilitates prompt and vital policy decisions to tone up the hospital
administration and improve health services.
26. SMS Hospital, Jaipur e-Sushrut- C-DACs Hospital Information Management System is a complete
ERP solution for Hospitals or a chain of Hospitals. A tripartite agreement was signed on 10 Dec.
2007, between Rajasthan Computerisation (RajCOMP)- A society of Government of Rajasthan ,
Sawai Man Singh Hospital (SMS) and C-DAC Noida to computerize the State Government
Hospitals. The first hospital to get computerized as part of the state level heath computerization is
SMS Hospital, the biggest hospital of the state located in the capital city Jaipur having approximately
more than 2000 beds & 5000 patients hits every day in the Out Patient Department (OPD)
27. The ambitious plans of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) envisage connecting almost all
the major hospitals in the country and in the next three years having even a dedicated health
28. Some terms and technologies you should know about
29. Electronic health record (EHR): EHRs were originally envisioned as an electronic file cabinet for
patient data from various sources (eventually integrating text, voice, images, handwritten notes,
etc.). Include automated order-entry and patient- tracking system providing real-time access to
patient data, as well as a continuous longitudinal record of their care.
30. Computerized provider order entry (CPOE): CPOE in its basic form is typically a medication
ordering system Also include lab orders, radiology studies, procedures, discharges, transfers, and
referrals CPOE significantly reduced (by 55 percent) serious medication errors (Bates et al. 1998)
Of the 11 most rigorous studies, at least 1 study showed that CPOE improved quality and safety
through one of the following actions: reducing medication errors, including adverse drug events;
decreasing dosage errors; prescribing certain medicines more precisely; or prescribing with
improved accuracy by faculty and residents (Oren et al. 2003).
31. Clinical decision support system (CDSS): CDSS provides physicians and nurses with real-time
diagnostic and treatment recommendations. The term covers a variety of technologies ranging from
simple alerts and prescription drug interaction warnings to full clinical pathways and protocols.
CDSS may be used as part of CPOE and EHR A 1998 review of the literature on the impact of 68
computer- based CDSS showed a beneficial impact on processes of care in 43 out of 65 studies and
a positive impact on patient outcomes in 6 out of 14 studies (Hunt et al. 1998)
32. Picture archiving and communications system (PACS): This technology Captures and Integrates
diagnostic and radiological images from various devices(e.g., x-ray, MRI, computed tomography
scan), Stores them, Disseminates them to a medical record, a clinical data repository, or other
points of care PACS can lower costs for acquiring and storing films by storing digitized radiology
images, and may reduce the workload among radiology staff (Wiley 2003)
33. Bar coding: An optical scanner is used to electronically capture information encoded on a product.
Initially, it will be used for medication (for example, matching drugs to patients by using bar codes on
both the medications and patients arm bracelets), but other applications may be pursued, such as
medical devices, lab, and radiology Studies document that bar coding reduced ambulatory and
inpatient medication error and the number of adverse drug events (Oren et al. 2003, Bates and
Gawande 2003, GAO 2003)
34. Radio frequency identification (RFID): This technology tracks patients throughout the hospital, and
links lab and medication tracking through a wireless communications system. It is neither mature nor
widely available, but may be an alternative to bar coding Automated dispensing machines (ADMs):
This technology is used in case of drugs which need closed monitoring while delivery Eg: Digoxin,
Adrenaline, NTG etc
35. Electronic materials management (EMM): Health care organizations use EMM to track and manage
inventory of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and other materials. This technology is similar to
enterprise resource planning systems used outside of health care
36. Interoperability: This concept refers to electronic communication among organizations so that the
data in one IT system can be incorporated into another. Discussions of interoperability focus on
development of standards for content and messaging, among other areas, and development of
adequate security and privacy safeguards
37. Telemedicine: Telemedicine is a system of health care delivery in which physicians examine distant
patients through the use of telecommunications technology Before transferring serious patients to
Central Hospital where much specialised treatment can be given, from the remote areas, medical
staff at the hospital, through X-ray pictures etc can receive information in regard to the patient which
in turn enable to prepare for the oncoming surgical operation etc.
38. Medical Transcription Accurately transcribing medical records dictated by doctors and other
medical professionals Includes patient history and physical reports, clinic notes, office notes,
operative reports, consultation notes, discharge summaries, letters, psychiatric evaluations,
laboratory reports, x-ray reports and pathology reports and other similar kinds medical records.
Medical transcription may be carried out for any medical professional operating out of a small clinic
or a large hospital. These transcribed records are used for purposes of archives, reference or for
serving as a legal proof of medical advise
39. Conversion from Paper Records to Computerized Records: Some Considerations 3 available
options: 1. Summarizing the active old record and entering it into the computerized medical record
2. Converting the existing paper record into digital pictorial format by means of a scanning device 3.
A combination of both Which choice is made depends upon the policy of the hospital
40. HIS Design Considerations Form a design team consisting of Functional managers and MIS
experts Analyze the information needs of the hospital Set objectives and desired characteristics
for an integrated HIS Design systems major characteristics
41. System Development Life Cycle 1. Definition Phase: Functional requirements and constraints are
defined 2. System Design: System Architecture Conceptual Database Design Development and
42. Take home message
43. Garbage in garbage out
44. Computerization is the need of the present but compulsion of the future
45. Computers in an organization are tools for problem solving and not a solution by themselves
46. Return
47. Return
49. Drivers of adoption Hospitals consider both financial return on investment and nonfinancial benefits
when making IT investment decisions Competition to increase quality and lower costs
50. Barriers to adoption Investment in IT is costly and must compete with other priorities, including
investment in bricks and mortar, as well as in technologies with more direct application to clinical
care and greater certainty for increased revenues, such as new imaging equipment The availability
of capital for investment in IT depends, of course, on hospitals ability to access capital in general,
which may be easier for some hospitals (e.g., those with good financial performance, for profits,
members of chains) than others
51. Problems with Information Technology Systems Computerization involves access to the data by all
the users Additional protection from corruption and unauthorized access must be taken For more
sensitive data, more than one password can be used The hardware needs protection from
sabotage Access to main computer machine should be limited Malfunction problems need to be
carefully monitored Airborne dust, humidity, temperature variations and electrical fluctuation should
be taken care of Technology becoming obsolete (extract as much utility in the life span)

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