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Political System in Iran after Iran Revolution

Iran government system is the Islamic Republic of Iran which has been approved by
the people of Iran, based on their traditional belief in the rule of God and justice Qur'an
and follow the victory of their revolution under the leadership of marja'I taqlid Ayatollah
Imam Khomaini with 98.2% majority vote of all were eligible to vote in a referendum
held on 10 and 11 Farvardin 1358 solar Hijra year (September 1 and 2 months of Jumada
Hijrah year 1399, 30 and March 31, 1979 ". (Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
Chapter I, article 1)
The monarchy system in previous become Theocracy under Khomeini era, islam
as the religion must be include in the government system of Iran. He declared Islamic
jurists the true holders of not only religious authority but political authority, who must be
obeyed as an expression of obedience to God.
Constitutionally Iran is a country in the
form of the Islamic Republic. Indicate Republic system of government, while Islam
explain the contents of the system. That is, as a republic, Iran which means using the
democratic system will have the right to choose their leaders in line with the current
constitution. And with Islam, the government must be established on the basis of the
teachings and principles of the Islamic and the Islamic moved on the shaft as well.
Accordingly, the Islamic Republic is a system of government that all citizens have the
right to choose their head of state for a certain term, and the teachings and principles of
Islam into the core and essence. With the slogan of this Neither east nor west, Khomeini
wanted to show that Iran is an example of best governance. Because based on the law of
God which he believed would bring good. It also shows both Khomeini's hatred of
western ideology (capitalism) and eastern (socialism), which he regarded as a tool to
dominate the third world countries.
The concept of the Islamic Republic on its legitimacy based on two constitutional
pillars, first the doctrine of velayet-i faqih, or the guardianship of the jurisconsult, represented in
practice by Ayatollah Khomeini himself, and secondly notions of "limited popular sovereignty" in
the constitution.
This modification of the three joints touch the republican system,

Islamic Government Islam and Revolution I, Writings and declarations of Imam Khomeini, 1981, p.91
Milani, M. (1997) Political Participation in Revolutionary Iran. In Esposito, J.L. (ed.): Political Islam. Revolution,
Radicalism or Reform? Boulder CO:Lynne Rienner.
includes institutions commonly referred to as the Trias Politica. It is felt necessary, given
the system of Islam is the concept of leadership - whether it's called or the Imamate
(imamah) - not adequately represented in it. There are limits, as provided by the concept
of Trias Politica, in which executive power is fully subordinated to the legislative power.
Similarly, judicial power has its own limits that make them are not free to impose Islamic
Yet, the highest lead of Islamic Iran republic is Rahbar or Al- faqih (Leader is the
highest designation given by the State of Iran, in which decisions are binding on all
citizens of the State Leader of Iran of any group, ethnicity, and religion. While the trustee
Al-Faqih (Jurist) is a divine office Maksum instead of being hidden Imam, and his
jurisdiction includes all of the Muslims (Shia sect) wherever located, so called guardians
of al-amr Muslims). However, in the area of al-faqih does not mean that the leadership at
the top is a jurist and directly run the government. The role of an Al-Faqih in the Islamic
State is a role as an ideologue (to supervise the extent to which that ideology has been
done correctly) is not a ruler.
One of verse from Al-quran which used as a basic of Al-Faqih system:
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let
not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to
piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.

In referendum that was approved in 1980 there were 10 critical tasks Wali Faqih
1. Board of Trustees appoint jurists, whose job is to oversee the rules agreed upon by the
shura council
2. To appoint to the Supreme Court, which is the authority of the highest state court
3. Appoint and dismiss the commander of a joint staff
4. Appoint and dismiss the commander of the Revolutionary Guards
5. Form the Supreme Defence Council
6. To appoint the commanders by land, sea, and air
7. To declare war and peace and to mobilize the power
8. Signed a decree officially mandatory appointment after he was elected by the people
9. Dismiss the mandate after the statement of the inability either by a higher court or
shura council

Mark Juergens Meyer. Menentang Negara Sekuler. (Bandung: Mizan 1998), p 210
Al-Quran, Surah Al-Maidah: 8
10. Forgive the perpetrators of the crime or reduce their sentences on the
recommendation of the High Court.

Al-fiqh have authority to do all above but mostly Al-Fiqh hold all of decissions. So it
seems like all the state decission will be do or do not, the last person who makes decission is
The second pillar of the Islamic republic of Iran is about the limitation of popular sovereignty.
In the Iranian constitution refers that absolute sovereignty merely belong to God, while political
power derived from God, followed by the Faqih and the people. The constitution mention about the
principal of popular sovereignty, because it states that the affairs of the country must be
administered on the basis of public opinion as expressed in elections and referenda. But this
sovereignty is limited, because the unelected Faqih and the Council of Guardians are empowered to
veto all legislation and reject the credentials of presidential and national assembly candidates. It
seems like the theocracy used by this system legalize all things done by the al-faqih. So there is no
freedom in the population and what decide by faqih is always right, it similar with dictator rezime.
Iran focuss in industry sector in the Pahlevi time, in Khomaeni era Iran focus on
agriculture sector, it caused by majority of Iranian is farmer.
-keabsahan di tangan khomaeni bkn PM.Politic
-kenapa jadi teokrasi > tak ada esensi freedom > esensi republik tanpa majority vote >
perjajnjian dg barat gaya kepemimpinan pm srta power struggle

Ali Mishkini, Wali Faqih. (Jakarta: Risalah Masa, 1991), h.68-69

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