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Kailash, the sacred mountain and the abode of the Hindu god Shiva is one of the
world's greatest pilgrimage destinations especially for Hindus, Buddhist, Jains and
others. The breathtaking beauty of this sacred mountain and the holy lake of
ansarover along with ruins of !th "entury of #uge $ingdom in %ar &estern Tibet are
a reward of a life time to e'perience.
Mount Kailash Yatra by Helicopter Via Nepalgunj/Simikot/Hilsa/ Taklakot !" #ays
(econi)ed By and *opular among *eople as The (oof of the &orld, T+B,T has
fascinated humanity for centuries. This land beyond the mighty Himalayas, on the
highest plateau of the world, was inaccessible to the outside world and has always been
a challenge to all mortal beings as a uni-ue destination. Tibet is a land of spectacular
skylines, ma/estic mountain peaks, breath taking canyons, serene high0land lakes,
rolling pastures and farmlands 1 pristine %orests. +t also is a land of ancient Buddhist
culture, artistic monasteries and centuries0old caravan trails. +ts snow0covered
mountains and windswept plateau are the highest in the world. The world's highest
mountain 0 ount ,verest, rises in southern Tibet. $a0erh in western Tibet, with an
elevation of more than 23,444 feet 56,374 meters8 above sea level, is believed to be the
highest town in the world.
$n%ormation &lanning an' &reparation o%( Mt. Kailash Yatra
$T$N)*+*Y, Mt. Kailash Yatra by Helicopter !" #ays
#+YS $T$N)*+*Y H-T).S *)M+*KS
9rrival to $athmandu afternoon :arshan of
*ashupatinath and evening briefing of program
overnight at Hotel.
Hotel 6 Star
Transfer to Hotel
and brief
<atra *reparation and afternoon fly to =epalgun/,
overnight at Hotel.
Hotel %light 33min
orning fly to Simikot 5>444m8 by fi'ed wing, %ly to
Hilsa 5>744 m.8 by Helicopter then cross the boarder
drive to purang 5>?44 m.8 overnight at Hotel.
*urang Hotel
%light 63min
By Heli >4min
and :rive 2hr
46. *urang full day acclimati)ation. *urang Hotel 9cclimati)ation
:rive to ansarovar @ake 56344m8 1 Holy Bath, *u/a
:rive >hrs
:rive to :archen <amadowar and walk to :iraphuk
:rive ;hrs and
walk 70?hrs
47. &alk over :olma @a *ass 53A34m8 to Buthulphuk.
Trek 2402;hrs
4?. &alk to ani walls and :rive to Hilsa via *urang.
Trek >06hrs and
:rive >hrs
4!. %ly to Simikot 0 =epalgun/ 0 $athmandu. Hotel 6 Star %light to $T
24. :rive to 9irport and fly back to Home. Home
Tour Package Cost on Per Person Basis
10 Days Package by Helicopter -
Kathmandu to Kathmandu. !" 1#0000.00 $or ndian passport holder
%&D '()0 $or !"*+oreign passport holder
Package by Helicopter - ,ukno- to
!" 1))000.00 $or ndian passport holder
%&D (.)0.00 $or !"*+oreign passport holder
/0tra cost1
Upgrade 5 star hotel on twin sharing
!" ))00.00 Per person
Extra days in Kathmandu on 3 star hotel
(If 5 star Hotel, ost will be extra.!
!" ()00.00 Per person
"irthapuri #isit !" #)00.00 Per person
$shtapada #isit !" ()00 .00 Per person
M-#). -1 &+YM)NTS
;4 days prior to tour departure date, 244C of the total cost should reach Samrat
Tours 1 Travels *vt. @td account by tele' transfer with the copy of passport of
T-2* 0+N0)..+T$-N &-.$0Y
9ll notice of cancellation must be sent to our office in written. Derbal
cancellations will not be entertained.
;4 days before trip departure 24C of total trip cost.
23 days before trip departure 34C of total trip cost.
24 days before trip departure !4C of total trip cost.
47 days and less departure 244C of total trip cost.
$M&-*T+NT &*)#)&+*T2*) $N1-*M+T$-N,
"asual wears and comfortable walking shoes are recommended to travel to Tibet. Be
sure to bring warm clothing as nights and early mornings can be -uite chilly to
downright cold. +ndian woman *ilgrims strictly advisable no Sari. Bring all the film,
medicine, cosmetics, personal toilet items etc. that you will need from home as these
are difficult if not impossible to obtain on the way. 9 small first aid kit is also a good
idea. 9lso -uite useful to have a route map, to know where you are going and have
been each day.
3hat to take,
&inter wear. #ore0Te' material though e'pensive is highly recommended. :own /acket,
raincoat or windbreakers, thermal under wears, Jackets, warm trousers 1 woolen shirts
5cotton will also do8, warm sweaters, woolen gloves, sun hat, sun glass, comfortable
shoes, light leather boots in case of snow, woolen balaclava 5'monkey cap'8 1 scarfEdust
mask to protect your eyes 1 nose from dust.
4ring 5ith you,
Snacks along the way. "hocolates, dry fruit, toffees, glucoseF 'namkeen' etc. Strong
water bottle 1 water purifying tablets. *ersonal medical kit and :iamo' tablet 5for high
altitude8. Sun glasses 5to protect your eyes from GD, which is especially strong in high
altitudes8. Sun block or sun screen lotion, wet tissues 5%resh0ones are e'cellent to wipe
off the dust8, clothes0lineEclips, needle 1 thread, deo0spray 5handy for smelly bootsEfeet
and for a round of spray in the toilet tentH8, toilet paper, torch 1 spare batteries, daypack
5small shoulder bag8, "amera 1 films, Binocular.
This is one of the toughest high altitude road /ourneys on earth. <ou ust be physically
fit 0 no two ways about that. #enerally patients with asthma 1 heart problems have a
problem acclimati)ing to high altitudes. +n your interests it is essential you should be
e'amined by your doctor to know about your health condition and your ability to cope up
with the rigors of high altitude travel for days in 'no road' conditions, e'treme cold, dust,
trekking to an altitude of 2!344ft during the *arikrama, etc.
+ltitu'e Sickness,
9s you are traveling over high terrain, you are likely to e'perience symptoms and
discomfort of altitude sickness 5headache, loss of appetite, nausea, e'haustion,
sleeplessness, breathlessness etc.8 until your body ad/usts to the elevation. This can
take a couple of days or more depending on an individual. %or this reason alone, we
have made it mandatory to stay ; nights at =ylam 52;444ft8 before moving on to the
higher altitudes. :rink plenty of water, be calm, and do not e'ercise. :o not drink
alcohol or smoke prior to and during the tour. &e also recommend you carry a strip of
diamo' tablets. :o consult your physician on the dosage. &e provide #amow bag 5a
special e-uipment to prevent sickness from high altitude8 on this tour.
The unit of "hinese currency is <uan. GS: 2 I A.44 <uan. 2 <uan I +=( 24.44 appro',
oney can e'change at Bank of "hina at Bhangmu or from the locals at Bhangmu or
$odari. ,'change all your remaining <uan at the end of the trip at Bhangmu itself before
re0entering =epal.
*isks 6 .iability,
Samrat Tours 1 Travels *vt. @td and its associates will put every effort to make your
/ourney smooth and pleasant. However, all the tours in Tibet are conduct strictly under
the rules 1 regulation of Tibet Tourism Bureau 5TTB8. Therefore, Samrat Tours 1
Travels *vt. @td and its counterpart shall not be responsible for any change and
alteration in the program due to unavoidable circumstances such as landslide, road
blockage, flood, snow, political unrest, cancellation of flight, delay arrival, delay issue of
permit and visa, sickness or accidents. 9ny e'tra cost incurred thereof shall be borne by
the clients on the spot.
Samrat Tours 6 Tra/els &/t. .t'.
#*J Bo'. ;4!A2, #airidhara, $athmandu, =epal.
Tel. K!770206446744, 6446742
%a'. K!770206744;;A
"ell. K!770!?324>43A6 5"= *andey8
0ontact us
"ell. K!770!?324>;?A7 5(a/aram Tiwari8

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