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Principles of the management

Unit-1 (2 marks)
1. Define management?
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which,
individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.

2. Distinguish between administration and management?
1. Legislative and determinative function.
2. Determination of objectives and
3. Mainly a top level functions.
4. Involves thinking and planning.
5. Provides a sketch of enterprise.
6. Influenced by public opinion.
1. Executive function.
2. Implementation of policies.
3. Mainly a lower level `functions.
4.Involves doing and acting.
5. Provides the entire body.
6. Influenced by administrative decision.

3. Define the role of managers?
Managers responsible to integrates all the activities which are performed in an
organization. In other words he has to co-ordinate the talents of people working under
him for the purpose of achieving the organizational goals. The role of a manager gets
much importance than other executives in an organization. Hence the managers job is
very much complex and require some special qualities to be a head.
Roles are: Interpersonal, Informational and Decisional.

4. List out the functions of management?

Functions of management are: POSDCORD
Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, co-ordinating, reporting and budgeting.

5. What is scientific management?
Scientific Management as the substitution of exact scientific investigations and
knowledge for the old individual judgment.Or opinion; either of the workmen or the
boss, in all matters relating to the work done in the organization.

6. Name the different levels of management?
Tops level management, middle level management and lower level management.

7. Who is known as father of modern operations management theory?
Henry Fayol.

8. List the various strategies for international business?
Joint venture, merger, and franchising, outsourcing, export or import ect...

9. What are divisions of labour?
Divisions of work make a man specialist. The reason is that division of work helps to
specialize in an activity which increase the output with perfection. Besides it avoid
waste of time.

10. Define Espirit-de-corps?
Espirit de corps means union is strength or team spirit.
All the employees of the organization are put together as a team in order to achieve the
objectives of the organization.
The management should not follow the policy of divide and rule.

11. State the characteristics of management?
Art as well as science
Management is an activity.
It is a continuous process.
Achieving pre-determined objectives.
Organized activity.
It is a factor of production.
It is a system of activity
It is a discipline.
It is a purposeful activity.
It is a distinct entity.
Aim at maximizing profit.
Decision making.
It is a profession.
Universal applications.

12. Is management as an art or science?
Management is both an art and science. It is an art in the sense of processing of
managing skill by a person. In other sense, management is the science because of
developing certain principles or laws which are applicable in the place where a group of
activities are co-ordinated.

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