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Human Society and its Environment

2014 Preliminary Modern History
Assessment Task No 1

Task Title: Research Task - Report
Distribution Date:
Unit/Module: The Civil Rights Movement in the USA in the 1950s and 60s
Weighting: 20%
Submission Instructions:
Your assignment must be typed and presented in a report format. For the
purpose of checking that students have not exceeded the word limit of an
assignment, students are expected to use 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5
spacing with a 2cm border around the page. Your report should be 1000
1200 words in length and each page will be considered to be 500 words. This
assessment task cover sheet must be attached to your task. You must
reference your work and your bibliography must contain at least five
sources. Refer to pp.13-16 of your College Diary for how to reference your
work and present your bibliography. In accordance with College policy,
failure to submit the task by the due date will result in a zero mark.

Progress Check: N/A
Due Date: Period 4, Thursday 26/3/14 Week 9 Term 1

Outcomes to be
P1.1 describe the role of key individuals, groups and events of selected
studies from the eighteenth century to the present
P1.2 investigate and explain the key features and issues of selected
studies from the eighteenth century to the present
P2.1 identify forces and ideas and explain their significance in contributing
to change and continuity from the eighteenth century to the present
P3.2 locate, select and organise relevant information from different types
of sources
P3.3 comprehend and analyse sources for their usefulness and reliability
P3.5 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing
and synthesising information from different types of sources
P4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately
P4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features
and issues, using appropriate and well-structured oral and written
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Task Description:

Select an individual/group OR issue/event that is significant in the history of
civil rights in the United States of America. It must not be an
individual/group or issue/event that we have studied in class. Some
examples of what you may choose to study are:

Clyde Kennard
William G. Anderson
Wyatt T. Walker
Cookie Gilchrist

Integration of Mississippi Universities
Albany Movement
Birmingham Campaign
Boycott of New Orleans by African American League Players

If your report is on an INDIVIDUAL/GROUP, you must address the following
Investigate the life and background of the individual/group.
Describe the significance of the individual/group to civil rights issues in
the USA.
Outline the individuals/groups beliefs and ideas and explain the forces
that shaped their attitudes towards civil rights at this time.
Identify and account for differing historical perspectives and
interpretations of the individual/group concerned.

If your report is on an ISSUE/EVENT, you must address the following
Investigate and outline the key developments and forces associated
with your chosen event.
Describe the significance of the event to civil rights issues in the USA.
Outline the beliefs and ideas promoted by this event and explain the
impact of the event on attitudes towards civil rights.
Identify and account for differing historical perspectives and
interpretations of the issue/event concerned.

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Research Task - Report
Topic: The Civil Rights Movement in the USA in the 1950s and 60s
Criteria Marks
Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the chosen individual or issue/event.
Develops a well-structured, sustained and coherent report.
Supports ideas with relevant and detailed evidence, drawn from an extensive range of sources.
Consistently uses appropriate historical terms and concepts.


Demonstrates a clear understanding of the chosen individual or issue/event.
Develops a structured and coherent report.
Supports ideas with relevant evidence, drawn mainly from a wide range of sources.
Uses appropriate historical terms and concepts.

Demonstrates some understanding of the chosen individual or issue/event.
Some attempt to compose a structured report.
Supports ideas with evidence, drawn from range of sources.
Uses some historical terms and concepts, but not always appropriately.


Describes some aspects of the chosen individual or issue/event.
Information provided is limited and/or inaccurate.
Ideas are drawn from a limited range of sources.
Uses basic historical terms and concepts.

Makes some general points about the chosen individual or issue/event.
An answer which contains one or two disjointed facts with little understanding of the question.
No bibliography/ sources.
Unsatisfactory attempt.



Mark: /20

Student: _______________ Parent: _______________ Teacher: _______________

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