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Anne of Avonlea Sougata Das Sougata Das 1 1 2000-03-24T14:21:00Z 2000-03-

24T14:22:00Z 13 72674 414244 PCQ Labs 342 !2! 0!720 "#2720

$$$$$$$$$T%e P&o'e(t )utenbe&g *te+t of Anne of Avonlea$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$T%,s f,le s%oul- be na.e- avon10#t+t o& avon10#/,0$$$$$$$

Co&&e(te- *D1T123S of ou& ete+ts get a ne4 3567*89 avon11#t+t#
:*8S123S base- on se0a&ate sou&(es get ne4 L*TT*89 avon10a#t+t#

T%,s (%o,(e 4as .a-e b; 0o0ula& fo& a seasonal l,te&atu&e
&elease9 an- seve&al ot%e& boo<s a&e be,ng (ons,-e&e-9 ,n(lu-,ng
t%e &est of t%e )&een )ables se&,es ,n t%e Publ,( Do.a,n an- t%e
4o&<s of =,lla Cat%e&#

1nfo&.at,on about P&o'e(t )utenbe&g >one 0age?

=e 0&o-u(e about one .,ll,on -olla&s fo& ea(% %ou& 4e 4o&<# 2ne
%un-&e- %ou&s ,s a (onse&vat,ve est,.ate fo& %o4 long ,t 4e ta<e
to get an; ete+t sele(te-9 ente&e-9 0&oof&ea-9 e-,te-9 (o0;&,g%t
sea&(%e- an- anal;/e-9 t%e (o0;&,g%t lette&s 4&,tten9 et(# T%,s
0&o'e(te- au-,en(e ,s one %un-&e- .,ll,on &ea-e&s# 1f ou& value
0e& te+t ,s no.,nall; est,.ate- at one -olla&9 t%en 4e 0&o-u(e a
.,ll,on -olla&s 0e& %ou&@ ne+t ;ea& 4e 4,ll %ave to -o fou& te+t
f,les 0e& .ont%9 t%us u00,ng ou& 0&o-u(t,v,t; to t4o .,ll,onA%&#
T%e )oal of P&o'e(t )utenbe&g ,s to ),ve A4a; 2ne T&,ll,on *te+t
B,les b; t%e De( 319 2001# C109000 + 10090009000DT&,ll,onE
T%,s ,s ten t%ousan- t,tles ea(% to one %un-&e- .,ll,on &ea-e&s#

=e nee- ;ou& -onat,ons .o&e t%an eve&F

All -onat,ons s%oul- be .a-e to GP&o'e(t )utenbe&gA17CG9 an- a&e
ta+ -e-u(t,ble to t%e e+tent allo4able b; la4 >G17CG ,s 1ll,no,s
7ene-,(t,ne College?# >Subs(&,0t,ons to ou& 0a0e& ne4slette& go
to 17C9 too?

Bo& t%ese an- ot%e& .atte&s9 0lease .a,l to:

Dav,- Tu&ne&9 P&o'e(t )utenbe&g
1ll,no,s 7ene-,(t,ne College
700 College 8oa-
L,sle9 1L 6032-0"00

*.a,l &eHuests to:
1nte&net: (%,0.on<Ieagle#,b(#e-u >Dav,- Tu&ne&?
Co.0use&ve: (%,0.on<Ieagle#,b(#e-u >Dav,- Tu&ne&?
Att.a,l: ,nte&netF(%,0.on<Ieagle#,b(#e-u >Dav,- Tu&ne&?
6C1.a,l: >Dav,- Tu&ne&?
ADD8*SS TJP*: 6C1 A *6S: 13T*83*T A 67K:(%,0.on<Ieagle#,b(#e-u

=%en all ot%e& e.a,l fa,ls t&; ou& 6,(%ael S# La&t9 *+e(ut,ve D,&e(to&:
%a&tIv.-#(so#u,u(#e-u >,nte&net? %a&tIu,u(v.- >b,tnet?

=e 4oul- 0&efe& to sen- ;ou t%,s ,nfo&.at,on b; e.a,l
>1nte&net9 7,tnet9 Co.0use&ve9 ATT6A1L o& 6C1.a,l?#

1f ;ou %ave an BTP 0&og&a. >o& e.ulato&?9 0lease:

BTP -,&e(tl; to t%e P&o'e(t )utenbe&g a&(%,ves:
ft0 .&(ne+t#(so#u,u(#e-u
log,n: anon;.ous
0ass4o&-: ;ou&Ilog,n
(- ete+tAete+t"1
o& (- ete+t"2 Cfo& ne4 boo<sE Cno4 also (- ete+tAete+t"2E
o& (- ete+tAa&t,(les Cget suggest gut fo& .o&e ,nfo&.at,onE
-,& Cto see f,lesE
get o& .get Cto get f,les# # #set b,n fo& /,0 f,lesE
)*T 13D*K an- AA13D*K
fo& a l,st of boo<s
)*T 3*= )5T fo& gene&al ,nfo&.at,on
6)*T )5T$ fo& ne4slette&s#

$$1nfo&.at,on 0&e0a&e- b; t%e P&o'e(t )utenbe&g legal a-v,so&$$
>T%&ee Pages?

$$$$STA8T$$TL* S6ALL P813TF$$B28 P57L1C D26A13

=%; ,s t%,s GS.all P&,ntFG state.ent %e&eM Jou <no4: la4;e&s#
T%e; tell us ;ou .,g%t sue us ,f t%e&e ,s,ng 4&ong 4,t%
;ou& (o0; of t%,s ete+t9 even ,f ;ou got ,t fo& f&ee f&o.
so.eone ot%e& t%an us9 an- even ,f 4%atNs 4&ong ,s not ou&
fault# So9 ot%e& t%,ngs9 t%,s GS.all P&,ntFG state.ent
-,s(la,.s .ost of ou& l,ab,l,t; to ;ou# 1t also tells ;ou %o4
;ou (an -,st&,bute (o0,es of t%,s ete+t ,f ;ou 4ant to#

$7*B28*F$ J25 5S* 28 8*AD TL1S *T*KT

7; us,ng o& &ea-,ng an; 0a&t of t%,s P82O*CT )5T*37*8)-t. ete+t9
;ou ,n-,(ate t%at ;ou un-e&stan-9 ag&ee to an- a((e0t t%,s
GS.all P&,ntFG state.ent# 1f ;ou -o not9 ;ou (an &e(e,ve a
&efun- of t%e .one; >,f an;? ;ou 0a,- fo& t%,s ete+t b; sen-,ng
a &eHuest 4,t%,n 30 -a;s of &e(e,v,ng ,t to t%e 0e&son ;ou got
,t f&o.# 1f ;ou &e(e,ve- t%,s ete+t on a 0%;s,(al .e-,u. >su(%
as a -,s<?9 ;ou .ust &etu&n ,t 4,t% ;ou& &eHuest#

A725T P82O*CT )5T*37*8)-T6 *T*KTS

T%,s P82O*CT )5T*37*8)-t. ete+t9 l,<e .ost P82O*CT )5T*37*8)-t.
ete+ts9 ,s a G0ubl,( -o.a,nG 4o&< -,st&,bute- b; P&ofesso&
6,(%ael S# La&t t%&oug% t%e P&o'e(t )utenbe&g Asso(,at,on >t%e
GP&o'e(tG?# ot%e& t%,ngs9 t%,s .eans t%at no one o4ns a
5n,te- States (o0;&,g%t on o& fo& t%,s 4o&<9 so t%e P&o'e(t >an-
;ouF? (an (o0; an- -,st&,bute ,t ,n t%e 5n,te- States 4,t%out
0e&.,ss,on an- 4,t%out 0a;,ng (o0;&,g%t &o;alt,es# S0e(,al
&ules9 set fo&t% belo49 a00l; ,f ;ou 4,s% to (o0; an- -,st&,bute
t%,s ete+t un-e& t%e P&o'e(tNs GP82O*CT )5T*37*8)G t&a-e.a&<#

To (&eate t%ese ete+ts9 t%e P&o'e(t e+0en-s (ons,-e&able effo&ts
to ,-ent,f;9 t&ans(&,be an- 0&oof&ea- 0ubl,( -o.a,n 4o&<s#
Des0,te t%ese effo&ts9 t%e P&o'e(tNs ete+ts an- an; .e-,u. t%e;
.a; be on .a; (onta,n GDefe(tsG# ot%e& t%,ngs9 Defe(ts
.a; ta<e t%e fo&. of ,n(o.0lete9 ,na((u&ate o& (o&&u0t -ata9
t&ans(&,0t,on e&&o&s9 a (o0;&,g%t o& ot%e& ,ntelle(tual 0&o0e&t;
,nf&,nge.ent9 a -efe(t,ve o& -a.age- -,s< o& ot%e& ete+t .e-,u.9
a (o.0ute& v,&us9 o& (o.0ute& (o-es t%at -a.age o& (annot be
&ea- b; ;ou& eHu,0.ent#


7ut fo& t%e G8,g%t of 8e0la(e.ent o& 8efun-G -es(&,be- belo49
C1E t%e P&o'e(t >an- an; ot%e& 0a&t; ;ou .a; &e(e,ve t%,s ete+t
f&o. as a P82O*CT )5T*37*8)-t. ete+t? -,s(la,.s all l,ab,l,t; to
;ou fo& -a.ages9 (osts an- e+0enses9 ,n(lu-,ng legal fees9 an-
C2E J25 LA:* 32 8*6*D1*S B28 3*)L1)*3C* 28 53D*8 ST81CT L1A71L1-
TJ9 28 B28 78*ACL 2B =A88A3TJ 28 C23T8ACT9 13CL5D13) 75T 32T
L161T*D T2 13D18*CT9 C23S*Q5*3T1AL9 P531T1:* 28 13C1D*3TAL
DA6A)*S9 *:*3 1B J25 )1:* 32T1C* 2B TL* P2SS171L1TJ 2B S5CL

1f ;ou -,s(ove& a Defe(t ,n t%,s ete+t 4,t%,n "0 -a;s of
&e(e,v,ng ,t9 ;ou (an &e(e,ve a &efun- of t%e .one; >,f an;? ;ou
0a,- fo& ,t b; sen-,ng an e+0lanato&; note 4,t%,n t%at t,.e to
t%e 0e&son ;ou &e(e,ve- ,t f&o.# 1f ;ou &e(e,ve- ,t on a
0%;s,(al .e-,u.9 ;ou .ust &etu&n ,t 4,t% ;ou& note9 an- su(%
0e&son .a; (%oose to alte&nat,vel; g,ve ;ou a &e0la(e.ent (o0;#
1f ;ou &e(e,ve- ,t ele(t&on,(all;9 su(% 0e&son .a; (%oose to
alte&nat,vel; g,ve ;ou a se(on- o00o&tun,t; to &e(e,ve ,t ele(-

TL1S *T*KT 1S 2TL*8=1S* P82:1D*D T2 J25 GAS-1SG# 32 2TL*8
=A88A3T1*S 2B A3J P13D9 *KP8*SS 28 16PL1*D9 A8* 6AD* T2 J25 AS
T2 TL* *T*KT 28 A3J 6*D156 1T 6AJ 7* 239 13CL5D13) 75T 32T
L161T*D T2 =A88A3T1*S 2B 6*8CLA3TA71L1TJ 28 B1T3*SS B28 A
PA8T1C5LA8 P58P2S*#

So.e states -o not allo4 -,s(la,.e&s of ,.0l,e- 4a&&ant,es o&
t%e e+(lus,on o& l,.,tat,on of (onseHuent,al -a.ages9 so t%e
above -,s(la,.e&s an- e+(lus,ons .a; not a00l; to ;ou9 an- ;ou
.a; %ave ot%e& legal &,g%ts#


Jou 4,ll ,n-e.n,f; an- %ol- t%e P&o'e(t9 ,ts -,&e(to&s9
off,(e&s9 an- agents %a&.less f&o. all l,ab,l,t;9 (ost
an- e+0ense9 ,n(lu-,ng legal fees9 t%at a&,se f&o. an;
-,st&,but,on of t%,s ete+t fo& 4%,(% ;ou a&e &es0ons,ble9 an-
f&o. C1E an; alte&at,on9 .o-,f,(at,on o& a--,t,on to t%e ete+t
fo& 4%,(% ;ou a&e &es0ons,ble9 o& C2E an; Defe(t#

D1ST8175T123 53D*8 GP82O*CT )5T*37*8)-t.G

Jou .a; -,st&,bute (o0,es of t%,s ete+t ele(t&on,(all;9 o& b;
-,s<9 boo< o& an; ot%e& .e-,u. ,f ;ou e,t%e& -elete t%,s GS.all
P&,ntFG an- all ot%e& &efe&en(es to P&o'e(t )utenbe&g9 o&:

C1E 2nl; g,ve e+a(t (o0,es of ,t# ot%e& t%,ngs9 t%,s &e-
Hu,&es t%at ;ou -o not &e.ove9 alte& o& .o-,f; t%e ete+t o&
t%,s Gs.all 0&,ntFG state.ent# Jou .a; %o4eve&9 ,f ;ou
4,s%9 -,st&,bute t%,s ete+t ,n .a(%,ne &ea-able b,na&;9
(o.0&esse-9 .a&<-u09 o& 0&o0&,eta&; fo&.9 ,n(lu-,ng an;
fo&. &esult,ng f&o. (onve&s,on b; 4o&- 0&o(ess,ng o& %;0e&-
te+t soft4a&e9 but onl; so long as $*1TL*8$:

C$E T%e ete+t9 4%en -,s0la;e-9 ,s (lea&l; &ea-able# =e
(ons,-e& an ete+t $not$ (lea&l; &ea-able ,f ,t
(onta,ns (%a&a(te&s ot%e& t%an t%ose ,nten-e- b; t%e
aut%o& of t%e 4o&<9 alt%oug% t,l-e >Q?9 aste&,s< >$?
an- un-e&l,ne >R? (%a&a(te&s .a; be use- to (onve;
0un(tuat,on ,nten-e- b; t%e aut%o&9 an- a--,t,onal
(%a&a(te&s .a; be use- to ,n-,(ate %;0e&te+t l,n<s#

C$E T%e ete+t .a; be &ea-,l; (onve&te- b; t%e &ea-e& at no
e+0ense ,nto 0la,n ASC119 *7CD1C o& eHu,valent fo&.
b; t%e 0&og&a. t%at -,s0la;s t%e ete+t >as ,s t%e
(ase9 fo& ,nstan(e9 4,t% .ost 4o&- 0&o(esso&s?#

C$E Jou 0&ov,-e9 o& ag&ee to also 0&ov,-e on &eHuest at no
a--,t,onal (ost9 fee o& e+0ense9 a (o0; of t%e ete+t
,n ,ts o&,g,nal 0la,n ASC11 fo&. >o& ,n *7CD1C o&
ot%e& eHu,valent 0&o0&,eta&; fo&.?#

C2E Lono& t%e ete+t &efun- an- &e0la(e.ent 0&ov,s,ons of t%,s
GS.all P&,ntFG state.ent#

C3E Pa; a t&a-e.a&< l,(ense fee of 20S >t4ent; 0e&(ent? of t%e
net 0&of,ts ;ou -e&,ve f&o. -,st&,but,ng t%,s ete+t un-e&
t%e t&a-e.a&<9 -ete&.,ne- ,n a((o&-an(e 4,t% gene&all;
a((e0te- a((ount,ng 0&a(t,(es# T%e l,(ense fee:

C$E 1s &eHu,&e- onl; ,f ;ou -e&,ve su(% 0&of,ts# 1n
-,st&,but,ng un-e& ou& t&a-e.a&<9 ;ou ,n(u& no
obl,gat,on to (%a&ge .one; o& ea&n 0&of,ts fo& ;ou&

C$E S%all be 0a,- to GP&o'e(t )utenbe&g Asso(,at,on A
1ll,no,s 7ene-,(t,ne CollegeG >o& to su(% ot%e& 0e&son
as t%e P&o'e(t )utenbe&g Asso(,at,on .a; -,&e(t?
4,t%,n t%e 60 -a;s follo4,ng ea(% -ate ;ou 0&e0a&e >o&
4e&e legall; &eHu,&e- to 0&e0a&e? ;ou& ;ea&-en- ta+
&etu&n 4,t% &es0e(t to ;ou& ,n(o.e fo& t%at ;ea&#

=LAT 1B J25 $=A3T$ T2 S*3D 623*J *:*3 1B J25 D23NT LA:* T2M

T%e P&o'e(t g&atefull; a((e0ts (ont&,but,ons ,n .one;9 t,.e9
s(ann,ng .a(%,nes9 2C8 soft4a&e9 0ubl,( -o.a,n ete+ts9 &o;alt;
f&ee (o0;&,g%t l,(enses9 an- eve&; ot%e& so&t of (ont&,but,on
;ou (an t%,n< of# 6one; s%oul- be 0a,- to GP&o'e(t )utenbe&g
Asso(,at,on A 1ll,no,s 7ene-,(t,ne CollegeG#

=81T* T2 5SF =e (an be &ea(%e- at:

P&o'e(t )utenbe&g D,&e(to& of Co..un,(at,ons >P)D18C26?

1nte&net: 0g-,&(o.Iv.-#(so#u,u(#e-u
7,tnet: 0g-,&(o.Iu,u(v.-
Co.0uSe&ve: T,nte&net:0g-,&(o.I#v.-#(so#u,u(#e-u
Att.a,l: ,nte&netFv.-#(so#u,u(#e-uF0g-,&(o.

D&afte- b; CLA8L*S 7# P8A6*89 Atto&ne;
Co.0uSe&ve: 7260092026
1nte&net: 72600#2026I(o.0use&ve#(o.
Tel: >212? 24-0"3
$*3D$TL* S6ALL P813TF B28 P57L1C D26A13 *T*KTS$:e&#07#02#"2$*3D$

A33* 2B A:23L*A


Lu(; 6au- 6ontgo.e&;

.; fo&.e& tea(%e&
LATT1* )28D23 S61TL
,n g&ateful &e.e.b&an(e of %e&
s;.0at%; an- en(ou&age.ent

Blo4e&s s0&,ng to blosso. 4%e&e s%e 4al<s
T%e (a&eful 4a;s of -ut;9
2u& %a&-9 st,ff l,nes of l,fe 4,t% %e&
A&e flo4,ng (u&ves of beaut;#

1 An 1&ate 3e,g%bo&
11 Sell,ng ,n Laste an- 8e0ent,ng at Le,su&e
111 6&# La&&,son at Lo.e
1: D,ffe&ent 20,n,ons47
: A Bull-fle-ge- S(%ool.aNa.
:1 All So&ts an- Con-,t,ons of 6en# # #an- 4o.en
:11 T%e Po,nt,ng of Dut;
:111 6a&,lla A-o0ts T4,ns
1K A Quest,on of Colo&
K Dav; ,n Sea&(% of a Sensat,on
K1 Ba(ts an- Ban(,es
K11 A Oona% Da;
K111 A )ol-en P,(n,(
K1: A Dange& Ave&te-
K: T%e 7eg,nn,ng of :a(at,on
K:1 T%e Substan(e of T%,ngs Lo0e- Bo&
K:11 A C%a0te& of A((,-ents
K:111 An A-ventu&e on t%e To&; 8oa-
K1K Oust a La00; Da;
KK T%e =a; 1t 2ften La00ens
KK1 S4eet 6,ss Laven-a&
KK11 2--s an- *n-s
KK111 6,ss Laven-a&Ns
KK1: A P&o0%et ,n L,s 24n Count&;
KK: An Avonlea S(an-al
KK:1 A&oun- t%e 7en-
KK:11 An Afte&noon at t%e Stone Louse
KK:111 T%e P&,n(e 7a(< to t%e *n(%ante- Pala(e
KK1K Poet&; an- P&ose
KKK A =e--,ng at t%e Stone Louse


An 1&ate 3e,g%bo&

A tall9 sl,. g,&l9 G%alf-0ast s,+teen9G 4,t% se&,ous g&a; e;es an- %a,&
4%,(% %e& f&,en-s (alle- aubu&n9 %a- sat -o4n on t%e b&oa- &e- san-stone
-oo&ste0 of a P&,n(e *-4a&- 1slan- fa&.%ouse one &,0e afte&noon ,n August9
f,&.l; &esolve- to (onst&ue so .an; l,nes of :,&g,l#

7ut an August afte&noon9 4,t% blue %a/es s(a&f,ng t%e %a&vest slo0es9
l,ttle 4,n-s 4%,s0e&,ng elf,s%l; ,n t%e 0o0la&s9 an- a -an(,ng slen-o&
of &e- 0o00,es outfla.,ng aga,nst t%e -a&< (o00,(e of ;oung f,&s ,n a
(o&ne& of t%e (%e&&; o&(%a&-9 4as f,tte& fo& -&ea.s t%an -ea- languages#
T%e :,&g,l soon sl,00e- un%ee-e- to t%e g&oun-9 an- Anne9 %e& (%,n 0&o00e-
on %e& (las0e- %an-s9 an- %e& e;es on t%e s0len-,- .ass of fluff; (lou-s
t%at 4e&e %ea0,ng u0 'ust ove& 6&# O# A# La&&,sonNs %ouse l,<e a g&eat
4%,te .ounta,n9 4as fa& a4a; ,n a -el,(,ous 4o&l- 4%e&e a (e&ta,n
s(%ooltea(%e& 4as -o,ng a 4on-e&ful 4o&<9 s%a0,ng t%e -est,n,es of
futu&e states.en9 an- ,ns0,&,ng ;out%ful .,n-s an- %ea&ts 4,t% %,g%
an- loft; a.b,t,ons#

To be su&e9 ,f ;ou (a.e -o4n to %a&s% fa(ts# # #4%,(%9 ,t .ust be (onfesse-9
Anne sel-o. -,- unt,l s%e %a- to# # #,t -,- not see. l,<el; t%at t%e&e 4as
.u(% 0&o.,s,ng .ate&,al fo& (eleb&,t,es ,n Avonlea s(%ool@ but ;ou (oul-
neve& tell 4%at .,g%t %a00en ,f a tea(%e& use- %e& ,nfluen(e fo& goo-#
Anne %a- (e&ta,n &ose-t,nte- ,-eals of 4%at a tea(%e& .,g%t a((o.0l,s%
,f s%e onl; 4ent t%e &,g%t 4a; about ,t@ an- s%e 4as ,n t%e .,-st of a
-el,g%tful s(ene9 fo&t; ;ea&s %en(e9 4,t% a fa.ous 0e&sonage# # #'ust
e+a(tl; 4%at %e 4as to be fa.ous fo& 4as left ,n (onven,ent %a/,ness9
but Anne t%oug%t ,t 4oul- be &at%e& n,(e to %ave %,. a (ollege 0&es,-ent
o& a Cana-,an 0&e.,e&# # #bo4,ng lo4 ove& %e& 4&,n<le- %an- an- assu&,ng
%e& t%at ,t 4as s%e 4%o %a- f,&st <,n-le- %,s a.b,t,on9 an- t%at all %,s
su((ess ,n l,fe 4as -ue to t%e lessons s%e %a- ,nst,lle- so long ago ,n
Avonlea s(%ool# T%,s 0leasant v,s,on 4as s%atte&e- b; a .ost un0leasant

A -e.u&e l,ttle Oe&se; (o4 (a.e s(uttl,ng -o4n t%e lane an- f,ve se(on-s
late& 6&# La&&,son a&&,ve-# # #,f Ga&&,ve-G be not too .,l- a te&. to
-es(&,be t%e .anne& of %,s ,&&u0t,on ,nto t%e ;a&-#

Le boun(e- ove& t%e fen(e 4,t%out 4a,t,ng to o0en t%e gate9 an- ang&,l;
(onf&onte- aston,s%e- Anne9 4%o %a- &,sen to %e& feet an- stoo- loo<,ng
at %,. ,n so.e be4,l-e&.ent# 6&# La&&,son 4as t%e,& ne4 &,g%t%an-
ne,g%bo& an- s%e %a- neve& .et %,. befo&e9 alt%oug% s%e %a- seen %,.
on(e o& t4,(e#

1n ea&l; A0&,l9 befo&e Anne %a- (o.e %o.e f&o. QueenNs9 6&# 8obe&t 7ell9
4%ose fa&. a-'o,ne- t%e Cut%be&t 0la(e on t%e 4est9 %a- sol- out an-
.ove- to C%a&lotteto4n# L,s fa&. %a- been boug%t b; a (e&ta,n 6&# O# A#
La&&,son9 4%ose na.e9 an- t%e fa(t t%at %e 4as a 3e4 7&uns4,(< .an9
4e&e all t%at 4as <no4n about %,.# 7ut befo&e %e %a- been a .ont% ,n
Avonlea %e %a- 4on t%e &e0utat,on of be,ng an o-- 0e&son# # #Ga (&an<9G
6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e sa,-# 6&s# 8a(%el 4as an outs0o<en la-;9 as t%ose
of ;ou 4%o .a; %ave al&ea-; .a-e %e& a(Hua,ntan(e 4,ll &
6&# La&&,son 4as (e&ta,nl; -,ffe&ent f&o. ot%e& 0eo0le# # #an- t%at
,s t%e essent,al (%a&a(te&,st,( of a (&an<9 as eve&;bo-; <no4s#

1n t%e f,&st 0la(e %e <e0t %ouse fo& %,.self an- %a- 0ubl,(l;
state- t%at %e 4ante- no fools of 4o.en a&oun- %,s -,gg,ngs#
Be.,n,ne Avonlea too< ,ts &evenge b; t%e g&ueso.e tales ,t &elate-
about %,s %ouse-<ee0,ng an- (oo<,ng# Le %a- %,&e- l,ttle Oo%n
Len&; Ca&te& of =%,te San-s an- Oo%n Len&; sta&te- t%e sto&,es#
Bo& one t%,ng9 t%e&e 4as neve& an; state- t,.e fo& .eals ,n t%e
La&&,son establ,s%.ent# 6&# La&&,son Ggot a b,teG 4%en %e felt
%ung&;9 an- ,f Oo%n Len&; 4e&e a&oun- at t%e t,.e9 %e (a.e ,n fo& a
s%a&e9 but ,f %e 4e&e not9 %e %a- to 4a,t unt,l 6&# La&&,sonNs
ne+t %ung&; s0ell# Oo%n Len&; .ou&nfull; ave&&e- t%at %e 4oul-
%ave sta&ve- to -eat% ,f ,t 4asnNt t%at %e got %o.e on Sun-a;s an-
got a goo- f,ll,ng u09 an- t%at %,s .ot%e& al4a;s gave %,. a bas<et
of Gg&ubG to ta<e ba(< 4,t% %,. on 6on-a; .o&n,ngs#

As fo& 4as%,ng -,s%es9 6&# La&&,son neve& .a-e an; 0&eten(e of -o,ng
,t unless a &a,n; Sun-a; (a.e# T%en %e 4ent to 4o&< an- 4as%e- t%e.
all at on(e ,n t%e &a,n4ate& %ogs%ea-9 an- left t%e. to -&a,n -&;#

Aga,n9 6&# La&&,son 4as G(lose#G =%en %e 4as as<e- to subs(&,be to
t%e 8ev# 6&# AllanNs sala&; %e sa,- %eN- 4a,t an- see %o4 .an;
-olla&sN 4o&t% of goo- %e got out of %,s 0&ea(%,ng f,&st# # #%e
-,-nNt bel,eve ,n bu;,ng a 0,g ,n a 0o<e# An- 4%en 6&s# L;n-e
4ent to as< fo& a (ont&,but,on to .,ss,ons# # #an- ,n(,-entall; to
see t%e ,ns,-e of t%e %ouse# # #%e tol- %e& t%e&e 4e&e .o&e
%eat%ens t%e ol- goss,0s ,n Avonlea t%an an;4%e&e else
%e <ne4 of9 an- %eN- (%ee&full; (ont&,bute to a .,ss,on fo&
C%&,st,an,/,ng t%e. ,f s%eN- un-e&ta<e ,t# 6&s# 8a(%el got
%e&self a4a; an- sa,- ,t 4as a .e&(; 0oo& 6&s# 8obe&t 7ell 4as
safe ,n %e& g&ave9 fo& ,t 4oul- %ave b&o<en %e& %ea&t to see t%e
state of %e& %ouse ,n 4%,(% s%e use- to ta<e so .u(% 0&,-e#

G=%;9 s%e s(&ubbe- t%e <,t(%en floo& eve&; se(on- -a;9G 6&s# L;n-e
tol- 6a&,lla Cut%be&t ,n-,gnantl;9 Gan- ,f ;ou (oul- see ,t no4F
1 %a- to %ol- u0 .; s<,&ts as 1 4al<e- a(&oss ,t#G

B,nall;9 6&# La&&,son <e0t a 0a&&ot (alle- ),nge&# 3obo-; ,n
Avonlea %a- eve& <e0t a 0a&&ot befo&e@ (onseHuentl; t%at
0&o(ee-,ng 4as (ons,-e&e- ba&el; &es0e(table# An- su(% a 0a&&otF
1f ;ou too< Oo%n Len&; Ca&te&Ns 4o&- fo& ,t9 neve& 4as su(% an
un%ol; b,&-# 1t s4o&e te&&,bl;# 6&s# Ca&te& 4oul- %ave ta<en
Oo%n Len&; a4a; at on(e ,f s%e %a- been su&e s%e (oul- get anot%e&
0la(e fo& %,.# 7es,-es9 ),nge& %a- b,tten a 0,e(e &,g%t out of t%e
ba(< of Oo%n Len&;Ns ne(< one -a; 4%en %e %a- stoo0e- -o4n too nea&
t%e (age# 6&s# Ca&te& s%o4e- eve&;bo-; t%e .a&< 4%en t%e lu(<less
Oo%n Len&; 4ent %o.e on Sun-a;s#

All t%ese t%,ngs flas%e- t%&oug% AnneNs .,n- as 6&# La&&,son stoo-9
Hu,te s0ee(%less 4,t% 4&at% a00a&entl;9 befo&e %e&# 1n %,s
.ost a.,able .oo- 6&# La&&,son (oul- not %ave been (ons,-e&e- a
%an-so.e .an@ %e 4as s%o&t an- fat an- bal-@ an- no49 4,t% %,s
&oun- fa(e 0u&0le 4,t% &age an- %,s 0&o.,nent blue e;es al.ost
st,(<,ng out of %,s %ea-9 Anne t%oug%t %e 4as &eall; t%e ugl,est
0e&son s%e %a- eve& seen#

All at on(e 6&# La&&,son foun- %,s vo,(e#

G1N. not go,ng to 0ut u0 4,t% t%,s9G %e s0lutte&e-9 Gnot a -a; longe&9
-o ;ou %ea&9 .,ss# 7less .; soul9 t%,s ,s t%e t%,&- t,.e9 .,ss# # #
t%e t%,&- t,.eF Pat,en(e %as (ease- to be a v,&tue9 .,ss#
1 4a&ne- ;ou& aunt t%e last t,.e not to let ,t o((u& aga,n# # #
an- s%eNs let ,t# # #s%eNs -one ,t# # #4%at -oes s%e .ean b; ,t9
t%at ,s 4%at 1 4ant to <no4# T%at ,s 4%at 1N. %e&e about9 .,ss#G

G=,ll ;ou e+0la,n 4%at t%e t&ouble ,sMG as<e- Anne9 ,n %e& .ost
-,gn,f,e- .anne&# S%e %a- been 0&a(t,(,ng ,t (ons,-e&abl; of late
to %ave ,t ,n goo- 4o&<,ng o&-e& 4%en s(%ool began@ but ,t %a- no
a00a&ent effe(t on t%e ,&ate O# A# La&&,son#

GT&ouble9 ,s ,tM 7less .; soul9 t&ouble enoug%9 1 s%oul- t%,n<#
T%e t&ouble ,s9 .,ss9 t%at 1 foun- t%at Oe&se; (o4 of ;ou& auntNs
,n .; oats aga,n9 not %alf an %ou& ago# T%e t%,&- t,.e9 .a&< ;ou#
1 foun- %e& ,n last Tues-a; an- 1 foun- %e& ,n ;este&-a;# 1 (a.e
%e&e an- tol- ;ou& aunt not to let ,t o((u& aga,n# S%e %as let ,t
o((u& aga,n# =%e&eNs ;ou& aunt9 .,ssM 1 'ust 4ant to see %e& fo&
a .,nute an- g,ve %e& a 0,e(e of .; .,n-# # #a 0,e(e of O# A#
La&&,sonNs .,n-9 .,ss#G

G1f ;ou .ean 6,ss 6a&,lla Cut%be&t9 s%e ,s not .; aunt9 an- s%e %as
gone -o4n to *ast )&afton to see a -,stant &elat,ve of %e&s 4%o ,s
ve&; ,ll9G sa,- Anne9 4,t% -ue ,n(&ease of -,gn,t; at eve&; 4o&-#
G1 a. ve&; so&&; t%at .; (o4 s%oul- %ave b&o<en ,nto ;ou& oats# # #
s%e ,s .; (o4 an- not 6,ss Cut%be&tNs# # #6att%e4 gave %e& to .e t%&ee
;ea&s ago 4%en s%e 4as a l,ttle (alf an- %e boug%t %e& f&o. 6&# 7ell#G

GSo&&;9 .,ssF So&&; ,snNt go,ng to %el0 .atte&s an;# JouN- bette&
go an- loo< at t%e %avo( t%at an,.al %as .a-e ,n .; oats# # #t&a.0le-
t%e. f&o. (ente& to (,&(u.fe&en(e9 .,ss#G

G1 a. ve&; so&&;9G &e0eate- Anne f,&.l;9 Gbut 0e&%a0s ,f ;ou <e0t ;ou&
fen(es ,n bette& &e0a,& Doll; .,g%t not %ave b&o<en ,n# 1t ,s ;ou&
0a&t of t%e l,ne fen(e t%at se0a&ates ;ou& oatf,el- f&o. ou& 0astu&e an-
1 not,(e- t%e ot%e& -a; t%at ,t 4as not ,n ve&; goo- (on-,t,on#G

G6; fen(e ,s all &,g%t9G sna00e- 6&# La&&,son9 ang&,e& t%an eve&
at t%,s (a&&;,ng of t%e 4a& ,nto t%e ene.;Ns (ount&;# GT%e 'a,l
fen(e (oul-nNt <ee0 a -e.on of a (o4 l,<e t%at out# An- 1 (an tell
;ou9 ;ou &e-%ea-e- sn,00et9 t%at ,f t%e (o4 ,s ;ou&s9 as ;ou sa;9
;ouN- be bette& e.0lo;e- ,n 4at(%,ng %e& out of ot%e& 0eo0leNs
g&a,n t%an ,n s,tt,ng &oun- &ea-,ng ;ello4(ove&e- novels9G# # #4,t%
a s(at%,ng glan(e at t%e ,nno(ent tan-(olo&e- :,&g,l b; AnneNs feet#,ng at t%at .o.ent 4as &e- bes,-es AnneNs %a,&# # #4%,(% %a-
al4a;s been a ten-e& 0o,nt 4,t% %e&#

G1N- &at%e& %ave &e- %a,& t%an none at all9 e+(e0t a l,ttle f&,nge
&oun- .; ea&s9G s%e flas%e-#

T%e s%ot tol-9 fo& 6&# La&&,son 4as &eall; ve&; sens,t,ve about
%,s bal- %ea-# L,s ange& (%o<e- %,. u0 aga,n an- %e (oul- onl;
gla&e s0ee(%lessl; at Anne9 4%o &e(ove&e- %e& te.0e& an- follo4e-
u0 %e& a-vantage#

G1 (an .a<e allo4an(e fo& ;ou9 6&# La&&,son9 be(ause 1 %ave an
,.ag,nat,on# 1 (an eas,l; ,.ag,ne %o4 ve&; t&;,ng ,t .ust be to
f,n- a (o4 ,n ;ou& oats an- 1 s%all not (%e&,s% an; %a&- feel,ngs
aga,nst ;ou fo& t%e t%,ngs ;ouNve sa,-# 1 0&o.,se ;ou t%at Doll;
s%all neve& b&ea< ,nto ;ou& oats aga,n# 1 g,ve ;ou .; 4o&- of
%ono& on TLAT 0o,nt#G

G=ell9 .,n- ;ou s%e -oesnNt9G .utte&e- 6&# La&&,son ,n a so.e4%at
sub-ue- tone@ but %e sta.0e- off ang&,l; enoug% an- Anne %ea&- %,.
g&o4l,ng to %,.self unt,l %e 4as out of ea&s%ot#

)&,evousl; -,stu&be- ,n .,n-9 Anne .a&(%e- a(&oss t%e ;a&- an-
s%ut t%e naug%t; Oe&se; u0 ,n t%e .,l<,ng 0en#

GS%e (anNt 0oss,bl; get out of t%at unless s%e tea&s t%e fen(e -o4n9G
s%e &efle(te-# GS%e loo<s 0&ett; Hu,et no4# 1 -a&esa; s%e
%as s,(<ene- %e&self on t%ose oats# 1 4,s% 1N- sol- %e& to 6&#
S%ea&e& 4%en %e 4ante- %e& last 4ee<9 but 1 t%oug%t ,t 4as 'ust as
4ell to 4a,t unt,l 4e %a- t%e au(t,on of t%e sto(< an- let t%e. all
go toget%e&# 1 bel,eve ,t ,s t&ue about 6&# La&&,son be,ng a (&an<#
Ce&ta,nl; t%e&eNs not%,ng of t%e <,n-&e- s0,&,t about L16#G

Anne %a- al4a;s a 4eat%e& e;e o0en fo& <,n-&e- s0,&,ts#

6a&,lla Cut%be&t 4as -&,v,ng ,nto t%e ;a&- as Anne &etu&ne- f&o.
t%e %ouse9 an- t%e latte& fle4 to get tea &ea-;# T%e; -,s(usse-
t%e .atte& at t%e tea table#

G1Nll be gla- 4%en t%e au(t,on ,s ove&9G sa,- 6a&,lla# G1t ,s too
.u(% &es0ons,b,l,t; %av,ng so .u(% sto(< about t%e 0la(e an-
nobo-; but t%at un&el,able 6a&t,n to loo< afte& t%e.# Le %as neve&
(o.e ba(< ;et an- %e 0&o.,se- t%at %e 4oul- (e&ta,nl; be ba(< last
n,g%t ,f 1N- g,ve %,. t%e -a; off to go to %,s auntNs fune&al# 1
-onNt <no4 %o4 .an; aunts %e %as got9 1 a. su&e# T%atNs t%e fou&t%
t%atNs -,e- s,n(e %e %,&e- %e&e a ;ea& ago# 1Nll be .o&e t%an
t%an<ful 4%en t%e (&o0 ,s ,n an- 6&# 7a&&; ta<es ove& t%e fa&.#
=eNll %ave to <ee0 Doll; s%ut u0 ,n t%e 0en t,ll 6a&t,n (o.es9
fo& s%e .ust be 0ut ,n t%e ba(< 0astu&e an- t%e fen(es t%e&e %ave
to be f,+e-# 1 -e(la&e9 ,t ,s a 4o&l- of t&ouble9 as 8a(%el sa;s#
Le&eNs 0oo& 6a&; Pe,t% -;,ng an- 4%at ,s to be(o.e of t%ose t4o
(%,l-&en of %e&s ,s .o&e t%an 1 <no4# S%e %as a b&ot%e& ,n 7&,t,s%
Colu.b,a an- s%e %as 4&,tten to %,. about t%e.9 but s%e %asnNt
%ea&- f&o. %,. ;et#G

G=%at a&e t%e (%,l-&en l,<eM Lo4 ol- a&e t%e;MG

GS,+ 0ast# # #t%e;N&e t4,ns#G

G2%9 1Nve al4a;s been es0e(,all; ,nte&este- ,n t4,ns eve& s,n(e
6&s# La..on- %a- so .an;9G sa,- Anne eage&l;# GA&e t%e; 0&ett;MG

G)oo-ness9 ;ou (oul-nNt tell# # #t%e; 4e&e too -,&t;# Dav; %a-
been out .a<,ng .u- 0,es an- Do&a 4ent out to (all %,. ,n# Dav;
0us%e- %e& %ea-f,&st ,nto t%e b,ggest 0,e an- t%en9 be(ause s%e
(&,e-9 %e got ,nto ,t %,.self an- 4allo4e- ,n ,t to s%o4 %e& ,t 4as
not%,ng to (&; about# 6a&; sa,- Do&a 4as &eall; a ve&; goo- (%,l-
but t%at Dav; 4as full of .,s(%,ef# Le %as neve& %a- an; b&,ng,ng
u0 ;ou .,g%t sa;# L,s fat%e& -,e- 4%en %e 4as a bab; an- 6a&; %as
been s,(< al.ost eve& s,n(e#G

G1N. al4a;s so&&; fo& (%,l-&en t%at %ave no b&,ng,ng u09G sa,-
Anne sobe&l;# GJou <no4 R1R %a-nNt an; t,ll ;ou too< .e ,n %an-#
1 %o0e t%e,& un(le 4,ll loo< afte& t%e.# Oust 4%at &elat,on ,s
6&s# Pe,t% to ;ouMG

G6a&;M 3one ,n t%e 4o&l-# 1t 4as %e& %usban-# # #%e 4as
ou& t%,&- (ous,n# T%e&eNs 6&s# L;n-e (o.,ng t%&oug% t%e ;a&-#
1 t%oug%t s%eN- be u0 to %ea& about 6a&;G

GDonNt tell %e& about 6&# La&&,son an- t%e (o49G ,.0lo&e- Anne#

6a&,lla 0&o.,se-@ but t%e 0&o.,se 4as Hu,te unne(essa&;9
fo& 6&s# L;n-e 4as no soone& fa,&l; seate- t%an s%e sa,-9

G1 sa4 6&# La&&,son (%as,ng ;ou& Oe&se; out of %,s oats to-a; 4%en
1 4as (o.,ng %o.e f&o. Ca&.o-;# 1 t%oug%t %e loo<e- 0&ett; .a-#
D,- %e .a<e .u(% of a &u.0usMG

Anne an- 6a&,lla fu&t,vel; e+(%ange- a.use- s.,les# Be4 t%,ngs ,n
Avonlea eve& es(a0e- 6&s# L;n-e# 1t 4as onl; t%at .o&n,ng Anne %a- sa,-9

G1f ;ou 4ent to ;ou& o4n &oo. at .,-n,g%t9 lo(<e- t%e -oo&9 0ulle-
-o4n t%e bl,n-9 an- S3**Z*D9 6&s# L;n-e 4oul- as< ;ou t%e ne+t -a;
%o4 ;ou& (ol- 4asFG

G1 bel,eve %e -,-9G a-.,tte- 6a&,lla# G1 4as a4a;# Le gave Anne a
0,e(e of %,s .,n-#G

G1 t%,n< %e ,s a ve&; -,sag&eeable .an9G sa,- Anne9 4,t% a
&esentful toss of %e& &u--; %ea-#

GJou neve& sa,- a t&ue& 4o&-9G sa,- 6&s# 8a(%el;# G1 <ne4
t%e&eN- be t&ouble 4%en 8obe&t 7ell sol- %,s 0la(e to a 3e4 7&uns4,(<
.an9 t%atNs 4%at# 1 -onNt <no4 4%at Avonlea ,s (o.,ng to9 4,t% so
.an; st&ange 0eo0le &us%,ng ,nto ,t# 1tNll soon not be safe to go
to slee0 ,n ou& be-s#G

G=%;9 4%at ot%e& st&ange&s a&e (o.,ng ,nMG as<e- 6a&,lla#

GLavenNt ;ou %ea&-M =ell9 t%e&eNs a fa.,l; of Donnells9 fo& one
t%,ng# T%e;Nve &ente- Pete& SloaneNs ol- %ouse# Pete& %as %,&e-
t%e .an to &un %,s .,ll# T%e; belong -o4n east an- nobo-; <no4s
an;t%,ng about t%e.# T%en t%at s%,ftless T,.ot%; Cotton fa.,l; a&e
go,ng to .ove u0 f&o. =%,te San-s an- t%e;Nll s,.0l; be a bu&-en on
t%e 0ubl,(# Le ,s ,n (onsu.0t,on# # #4%en %e ,snNt steal,ng# # #
an- %,s 4,fe ,s a sla(<-t4,ste- (&eatu&e t%at (anNt tu&n %e& %an-
to a t%,ng# S%e 4as%es %e& -,s%es S1TT13) D2=3# 6&s# )eo&ge P;e
%as ta<en %e& %usban-Ns o&0%an ne0%e49 Ant%on; P;e# LeNll be go,ng
to s(%ool to ;ou9 Anne9 so ;ou .an; e+0e(t t&ouble9 t%atNs 4%at#
An- ;ouNll %ave anot%e& st&ange 0u0,l9 too# Paul 1&v,ng ,s (o.,ng
f&o. t%e States to l,ve 4,t% %,s g&an-.ot%e&# Jou & %,s
fat%e&9 6a&,lla# # #Ste0%en 1&v,ng9 %,. t%at ',lte- Laven-a& Le4,s
ove& at )&aftonMG

G1 -onNt t%,n< %e ',lte- %e&# T%e&e 4as a Hua&&el# # #1 su00ose
t%e&e 4as bla.e on bot% s,-es#G

G=ell9 an;4a;9 %e -,-nNt .a&&; %e&9 an- s%eNs been as Huee& as
0oss,ble eve& s,n(e9 t%e; sa;# # #l,v,ng all b; %e&self ,n t%at
l,ttle stone %ouse s%e (alls *(%o Lo-ge# Ste0%en 4ent off to t%e
States an- 4ent ,nto bus,ness 4,t% %,s un(le an- .a&&,e- a Jan<ee#
LeNs neve& been %o.e s,n(e9 t%oug% %,s .ot%e& %as been u0 to see
%,. on(e o& t4,(e# L,s 4,fe -,e- t4o ;ea&s ago an- %eNs sen-,ng
t%e bo; %o.e to %,s .ot%e& fo& a s0ell# LeNs ten ;ea&s ol- an- 1
-onNt <no4 ,f %eNll be a ve&; -es,&able 0u0,l# Jou (an neve& tell
about t%ose Jan<ees#G

6&s L;n-e loo<e- u0on all 0eo0le 4%o %a- t%e .,sfo&tune to be bo&n
o& b&oug%t u0 else4%e&e t%an ,n P&,n(e *-4a&- 1slan- 4,t% a -e(,-e-
(an-an;-goo--t%,ng-(o.e-out-of-3a/a&et% a,&# T%e; 61)LT be goo-
0eo0le9 of (ou&se@ but ;ou 4e&e on t%e safe s,-e ,n -oubt,ng ,t#
S%e %a- a s0e(,al 0&e'u-,(e aga,nst GJan<ees#G Le& %usban- %a- been
(%eate- out of ten -olla&s b; an e.0lo;e& fo& 4%o. %e %a- on(e
4o&<e- ,n 7oston an- ne,t%e& angels no& 0&,n(,0al,t,es no& 0o4e&s
(oul- %ave (onv,n(e- 6&s# 8a(%el t%at t%e 4%ole 5n,te- States 4as
not &es0ons,ble fo& ,t#

GAvonlea s(%ool 4onNt be t%e 4o&se fo& a l,ttle ne4 bloo-9G sa,-
6a&,lla -&,l;9 Gan- ,f t%,s bo; ,s an;t%,ng l,<e %,s fat%e& %eNll
be all &,g%t# Steve 1&v,ng 4as t%e n,(est bo; t%at 4as eve& &a,se-
,n t%ese 0a&ts9 t%oug% so.e 0eo0le -,- (all %,. 0&ou-# 1 s%oul-
t%,n< 6&s# 1&v,ng 4oul- be ve&; gla- to %ave t%e (%,l-# S%e %as
been ve&; loneso.e s,n(e %e& %usban- -,e-#G

G2%9 t%e bo; .a; be 4ell enoug%9 but %eNll be -,ffe&ent f&o.
Avonlea (%,l-&en9G sa,- 6&s# 8a(%el9 as ,f t%at (l,n(%e- t%e .atte&#
6&s# 8a(%elNs o0,n,ons (on(e&n,ng an; 0e&son9 0la(e9 o& t%,ng9
4e&e al4a;s 4a&&ante- to 4ea&# G=%atNs t%,s 1 %ea& about
;ou& go,ng to sta&t u0 a :,llage 1.0&ove.ent So(,et;9 AnneMG

G1 4as 'ust tal<,ng ,t ove& 4,t% so.e of t%e g,&ls an- bo;s at t%e
last Debat,ng Club9G sa,- Anne9 flus%,ng# GT%e; t%oug%t ,t 4oul-
be &at%e& n,(e# # #an- so -o 6&# an- 6&s# Allan# Lots of v,llages
%ave t%e. no4#G

G=ell9 ;ouNll get ,nto no en- of %ot 4ate& ,f ;ou -o# 7ette& leave
,t alone9 Anne9 t%atNs 4%at# Peo0le -onNt l,<e be,ng ,.0&ove-#G

G2%9 4e a&e not go,ng to t&; to ,.0&ove t%e P*2PL*# 1t ,s Avonlea
,tself# T%e&e a&e lots of t%,ngs 4%,(% .,g%t be -one to .a<e ,t
0&ett,e&# Bo& ,nstan(e9 ,f 4e (oul- (oa+ 6&# Lev, 7oulte& to 0ull
-o4n t%at -&ea-ful ol- %ouse on %,s u00e& fa&. 4oul-nNt t%at be an

G1t (e&ta,nl; 4oul-9G a-.,tte- 6&s# 8a(%el# GT%at ol- &u,n %as
been an e;eso&e to t%e settle.ent fo& ;ea&s# 7ut ,f ;ou 1.0&ove&s
(an (oa+ Lev, 7oulte& to -o an;t%,ng fo& t%e 0ubl,( t%at %e ,snNt
to be 0a,- fo& -o,ng9 .a; 1 be t%e&e to see an- %ea& t%e 0&o(ess9
t%atNs 4%at# 1 -onNt 4ant to -,s(ou&age ;ou9 Anne9 fo& t%e&e .a;
be,ng ,n ;ou& ,-ea9 t%oug% 1 su00ose ;ou -,- get ,t out of
so.e &ubb,s%; Jan<ee .aga/,ne@ but ;ouNll %ave ;ou& %an-s full 4,t%
;ou& s(%ool an- 1 a-v,se ;ou as a f&,en- not to bot%e& 4,t% ;ou&
,.0&ove.ents9 t%atNs 4%at# 7ut t%e&e9 1 <no4 ;ouNll go a%ea- 4,t%
,t ,f ;ouNve set ;ou& .,n- on ,t# Jou 4e&e al4a;s one to (a&&; a
t%,ng t%&oug% so.e%o4#G,ng about t%e f,&. outl,nes of AnneNs l,0s tol- t%at 6&s#
8a(%el 4as not fa& ast&a; ,n t%,s est,.ate# AnneNs %ea&t 4as
bent on fo&.,ng t%e 1.0&ove.ent So(,et;# ),lbe&t 7l;t%e9 4%o
4as to tea(% ,n =%,te San-s but 4oul- al4a;s be %o.e f&o.
B&,-a; n,g%t to 6on-a; .o&n,ng9 4as ent%us,ast,( about ,t@
an- .ost of t%e ot%e& fol<s 4e&e 4,ll,ng to go ,n fo& an;t%,ng
t%at .eant o((as,onal .eet,ngs an- (onseHuentl; so.e Gfun#G
As fo& 4%at t%e G,.0&ove.entsG 4e&e to be9 nobo-; %a- an; ve&;
(lea& ,-ea e+(e0t Anne an- ),lbe&t# T%e; %a- tal<e- t%e. ove&
an- 0lanne- t%e. out unt,l an ,-eal Avonlea e+,ste- ,n t%e,& .,n-s9
,f no4%e&e else#

6&s# 8a(%el %a- st,ll anot%e& ,te. of ne4s#

GT%e;Nve g,ven t%e Ca&.o-; s(%ool to a P&,s(,lla )&ant# D,-nNt ;ou
go to QueenNs 4,t% a g,&l of t%at na.e9 AnneMG

GJes9 ,n-ee-# P&,s(,lla to tea(% at Ca&.o-;F Lo4 0e&fe(tl;
lovel;FG e+(la,.e- Anne9 %e& g&a; e;es l,g%t,ng u0 unt,l t%e;
loo<e- l,<e even,ng sta&s9 (aus,ng 6&s# L;n-e to 4on-e& ane4 ,f
s%e 4oul- eve& get ,t settle- to %e& sat,sfa(t,on 4%et%e& Anne
S%,&le; 4e&e &eall; a 0&ett; g,&l o& not#


Sell,ng ,n Laste an-
8e0ent,ng at Le,su&e

Anne -&ove ove& to Ca&.o-; on a s%o00,ng e+0e-,t,on t%e ne+t
afte&noon an- too< D,ana 7a&&; 4,t% %e&# D,ana 4as9 of (ou&se9
a 0le-ge- of t%e 1.0&ove.ent So(,et;9 an- t%e t4o g,&ls
tal<e- about l,ttle else all t%e 4a; to Ca&.o-; an- ba(<#

GT%e ve&; f,&st t%,ng 4e oug%t to -o 4%en 4e get sta&te- ,s to %ave
t%at %all 0a,nte-9G sa,- D,ana9 as t%e; -&ove 0ast t%e Avonlea %all9
a &at%e& s%abb; bu,l-,ng set -o4n ,n a 4oo-e- %ollo49 4,t% s0&u(e t&ees
%oo-,ng ,t about on all s,-es# G1tNs a -,sg&a(eful loo<,ng 0la(e an-
4e .ust atten- to ,t even befo&e 4e t&; to get 6&# Lev, 7oul-e& to 0ull
%,s %ouse -o4n# Bat%e& sa;s 4eNll neve& su((ee- ,n D213) t%at# Lev,
7oulte& ,s too .ean to s0en- t%e t,.e ,t 4oul- ta<e#G

GPe&%a0s %eNll let t%e bo;s ta<e ,t -o4n ,f t%e; 0&o.,se to %aul t%e
boa&-s an- s0l,t t%e. u0 fo& %,. fo& <,n-l,ng 4oo-9G sa,- Anne %o0efull;#
G=e .ust -o ou& best an- be (ontent to go slo4l; at f,&st# =e (anNt
e+0e(t to ,.0&ove eve&;t%,ng all at on(e# =eNll %ave to e-u(ate
0ubl,( sent,.ent f,&st9 of (ou&se#G

D,ana 4asnNt e+a(tl; su&e 4%at e-u(at,ng 0ubl,( sent,.ent .eant@
but ,t soun-e- f,ne an- s%e felt &at%e& 0&ou- t%at s%e 4as go,ng to
belong to a so(,et; 4,t% su(% an a,. ,n v,e4#

G1 t%oug%t of,ng last n,g%t t%at 4e (oul- -o9 Anne#
Jou <no4 t%at t%&ee-(o&ne&e- 0,e(e of g&oun- 4%e&e t%e &oa-s f&o.
Ca&.o-; an- 3e4b&,-ge an- =%,te San-s .eetM 1tNs all g&o4n ove&
4,t% ;oung s0&u(e@ but 4oul-nNt ,t be n,(e to %ave t%e. all (lea&e-
out9 an- 'ust leave t%e t4o o& t%&ee b,&(% t&ees t%at a&e on ,tMG

GS0len-,-9G ag&ee- Anne ga,l;# GAn- %ave a &ust,( seat 0ut un-e&
t%e b,&(%es# An- 4%en s0&,ng ( 4eNll %ave a flo4e&-be- .a-e
,n t%e .,--le of ,t an- 0lant ge&an,u.s#G

GJes@ onl; 4eNll %ave to -ev,se so.e 4a; of gett,ng ol- 6&s# L,&a.
Sloane to <ee0 %e& (o4 off t%e &oa-9 o& s%eNll eat ou& ge&an,u.s
u09G laug%e- D,ana# G1 beg,n to see 4%at ;ou .ean b; e-u(at,ng
0ubl,( sent,.ent9 Anne# T%e&eNs t%e ol- 7oulte& %ouse no4# D,-
;ou eve& see su(% a &oo<e&;M An- 0e&(%e- &,g%t (lose to t%e &oa-
too# An ol- %ouse 4,t% ,ts 4,n-o4s gone al4a;s .a<es .e t%,n< of,ng -ea- 4,t% ,ts e;es 0,(<e- out#G

G1 t%,n< an ol-9 -ese&te- %ouse ,s su(% a sa- s,g%t9G sa,- Anne
-&ea.,l;# G1t al4a;s see.s to .e to be t%,n<,ng about ,ts 0ast
an- .ou&n,ng fo& ,ts ol--t,.e 'o;s# 6a&,lla sa;s t%at a la&ge
fa.,l; 4as &a,se- ,n t%at ol- %ouse long ago9 an- t%at ,t 4as a &eal
0&ett; 0la(e9 4,t% a lovel; ga&-en an- &oses (l,.b,ng all ove& ,t#
1t 4as full of l,ttle (%,l-&en an- laug%te& an- songs@ an- no4 ,t
,s e.0t;9 an- not%,ng eve& 4an-e&s t%&oug% ,t but t%e 4,n-# Lo4
lonel; an- so&&o4ful ,t .ust feelF Pe&%a0s t%e; all (o.e ba(< on
.oonl,t n,g%ts# # #t%e g%osts of t%e l,ttle (%,l-&en of long ago
an- t%e &oses an- t%e songs# # #an- fo& a l,ttle 4%,le t%e ol-
%ouse (an -&ea. ,t ,s ;oung an- 'o;ous aga,n#G

D,ana s%oo< %e& %ea-#

G1 neve& ,.ag,ne t%,ngs l,<e t%at about 0la(es no49 Anne# DonNt
;ou & %o4 (&oss .ot%e& an- 6a&,lla 4e&e 4%en 4e ,.ag,ne-
g%osts ,nto t%e Launte- =oo-M To t%,s -a; 1 (anNt go t%&oug% t%at
bus% (; afte& -a&<@ an- ,f 1 began ,.ag,n,ng su(% t%,ngs
about t%e ol- 7oulte& %ouse 1N- be f&,g%tene- to 0ass ,t too#
7es,-es9 t%ose (%,l-&en a&enNt -ea-# T%e;N&e all g&o4n u0 an-
-o,ng 4ell# # #an- one of t%e. ,s a but(%e&# An- flo4e&s an-
songs (oul-nNt %ave g%osts an;%o4#G

Anne s.ot%e&e- a l,ttle s,g%# S%e love- D,ana -ea&l; an- t%e; %a-
al4a;s been goo- (o.&a-es# 7ut s%e %a- long ago lea&ne- t%at 4%en s%e
4an-e&e- ,nto t%e &eal. of fan(; s%e .ust go alone# T%e 4a; to ,t 4as
b; an en(%ante- 0at% 4%e&e not even %e& -ea&est .,g%t follo4 %e&#

A t%un-e&-s%o4e& (a.e u0 4%,le t%e g,&ls 4e&e at Ca&.o-;@ ,t -,-
not last long9 %o4eve&9 an- t%e -&,ve %o.e9 t%&oug% lanes 4%e&e t%e
&a,n-&o0s s0a&<le- on t%e boug%s an- l,ttle leaf; valle;s 4%e&e t%e
-&en(%e- fe&ns gave out s0,(; o-o&s9 4as -el,g%tful# 7ut 'ust as
t%e; tu&ne- ,nto t%e Cut%be&t lane Anne sa4,ng t%at s0o,le-
t%e beaut; of t%e lan-s(a0e fo& %e&#

7efo&e t%e. on t%e &,g%t e+ten-e- 6&# La&&,sonNs b&oa-9 g&a;-g&een
f,el- of late oats9 4et an- lu+u&,ant@ an- t%e&e9 stan-,ng sHua&el;
,n t%e .,--le of ,t9 u0 to %e& slee< s,-es ,n t%e lus% g&o4t%9 an-
bl,n<,ng at t%e. (al.l; ove& t%e ,nte&ven,ng tassels9 4as a Oe&se; (o4F

Anne -&o00e- t%e &e,ns an- stoo- u0 4,t% a t,g%ten,ng of t%e l,0s
t%at bo-e- no goo- to t%e 0&e-ato&; Hua-&u0e-# 3ot a 4o&- sa,- s%e9
but s%e (l,.be- n,.bl; -o4n ove& t%e 4%eels9 an- 4%,s<e- a(&oss t%e
fen(e befo&e D,ana un-e&stoo- 4%at %a- %a00ene-#

GAnne9 (o.e ba(<9G s%&,e<e- t%e latte&9 as soon as s%e foun-
%e& vo,(e# GJouNll &u,n ;ou& -&ess ,n t%at 4et g&a,n# # #&u,n ,t#
S%e -oesnNt %ea& .eF =ell9 s%eNll neve& get t%at (o4 out b; %e&self#
1 .ust go an- %el0 %e&9 of (ou&se#G

Anne 4as (%a&g,ng t%&oug% t%e g&a,n l,<e a .a- t%,ng# D,ana %o00e-
b&,s<l; -o4n9 t,e- t%e %o&se se(u&el; to a 0ost9 tu&ne- t%e s<,&t
of %e& 0&ett; g,ng%a. -&ess ove& %e& s%oul-e&s9 .ounte- t%e fen(e9
an- sta&te- ,n 0u&su,t of %e& f&ant,( f&,en-# S%e (oul- &un faste&
t%an Anne9 4%o 4as %a.0e&e- b; %e& (l,ng,ng an- -&en(%e- s<,&t9 an-
soon ove&too< %e&# 7e%,n- t%e. t%e; left a t&a,l t%at 4oul- b&ea<
6&# La&&,sonNs %ea&t 4%en %e s%oul- see ,t#

GAnne9 fo& .e&(;Ns sa<e9 sto09G 0ante- 0oo& D,ana# G1N. &,g%t out
of b&eat% an- ;ou a&e 4et to t%e s<,n#G

G1 .ust# # #get# # #t%at (o4# # #out# # #befo&e# # #6&# La&&,son#
# #sees %e&9G gas0e- Anne# G1 -onNt# # #(a&e# # #,f 1N.# # #-&o4ne-
# # #,f 4e# # #(an# # #onl;# # #-o t%at#G

7ut t%e Oe&se; (o4 a00ea&e- to see no goo- &eason fo& be,ng %ustle-
out of %e& lus(,ous b&o4s,ng g&oun-# 3o soone& %a- t%e t4o b&eat%less
g,&ls got nea& %e& t%an s%e tu&ne- an- bolte- sHua&el; fo& t%e o00os,te
(o&ne& of t%e f,el-#

GLea- %e& off9G s(&ea.e- Anne# G8un9 D,ana9 &un#G

D,ana -,- &un# Anne t&,e- to9 an- t%e 4,(<e- Oe&se; 4ent a&oun-
t%e f,el- as ,f s%e 4e&e 0ossesse-# P&,vatel;9 D,ana t%oug%t s%e 4as#
1t 4as full; ten .,nutes befo&e t%e; %ea-e- %e& off an- -&ove %e&
t%&oug% t%e (o&ne& ga0 ,nto t%e Cut%be&t lane#

T%e&e ,s no -en;,ng t%at Anne 4as ,n an;t%,ng but an angel,( te.0e&
at t%at 0&e(,se .o.ent# 3o& -,- ,t soot%e %e& ,n t%e least to
be%ol- a bugg; %alte- 'ust outs,-e t%e lane9 4%e&e,n sat 6&#
S%ea&e& of Ca&.o-; an- %,s son9 bot% of 4%o. 4o&e a b&oa- s.,le#

G1 guess ;ouN- bette& %ave sol- .e t%at (o4 4%en 1 4ante- to bu;
%e& last 4ee<9 Anne9G (%u(<le- 6&# S%ea&e&#

G1Nll sell %e& to ;ou no49 ,f ;ou 4ant %e&9G sa,- %e& flus%e- an-
-,s%evele- o4ne&# GJou .a; %ave %e& t%,s ve&; .,nute#G

GDone# 1Nll g,ve ;ou t4ent; fo& %e& as 1 offe&e- befo&e9 an- O,.
%e&e (an -&,ve %e& &,g%t ove& to Ca&.o-;# S%eNll go to to4n 4,t%
t%e &est of t%e s%,0.ent t%,s even,ng# 6&# 8ee- of 7&,g%ton 4ants
a Oe&se; (o4#G

B,ve .,nutes late& O,. S%ea&e& an- t%e Oe&se; (o4 4e&e .a&(%,ng u0
t%e &oa-9 an- ,.0uls,ve Anne 4as -&,v,ng along t%e )&een )ables
lane 4,t% %e& t4ent; -olla&s#

G=%at 4,ll 6a&,lla sa;MG as<e- D,ana#

G2%9 s%e 4onNt (a&e# Doll; 4as .; o4n (o4 an- ,t ,snNt l,<el;
s%eN- b&,ng .o&e t%an t4ent; -olla&s at t%e au(t,on# 7ut o% -ea&9
,f 6&# La&&,son sees t%at g&a,n %e 4,ll <no4 s%e %as been ,n
aga,n9 an- afte& .; g,v,ng %,. .; 4o&- of %ono& t%at 1N- neve& let
,t %a00enF =ell9 ,t %as taug%t .e a lesson not to g,ve .; 4o&- of
%ono& about (o4s# A (o4 t%at (oul- 'u.0 ove& o& b&ea< t%&oug% ou&
.,l<-0en fen(e (oul-nNt be t&uste- an;4%e&e#G

6a&,lla %a- gone -o4n to 6&s# L;n-eNs9 an- 4%en s%e &etu&ne- <ne4
all about Doll;Ns sale an- t&ansfe&9 fo& 6&s# L;n-e %a- seen .ost
of t%e t&ansa(t,on f&o. %e& 4,n-o4 an- guesse- t%e &est#

G1 su00ose ,tNs 'ust as 4ell s%eNs gone9 t%oug% ;ou D2 -o t%,ngs ,n
a -&ea-ful %ea-long fas%,on9 Anne# 1 -onNt see %o4 s%e got out of
t%e 0en9 t%oug%# S%e .ust %ave b&o<en so.e of t%e boa&-s off#G

G1 -,-nNt t%,n< of loo<,ng9G sa,- Anne9 Gbut 1Nll go an- see no4#
6a&t,n %as neve& (o.e ba(< ;et# Pe&%a0s so.e .o&e of %,s aunts
%ave -,e-# 1 t%,n< ,tNs,ng l,<e 6&# Pete& Sloane an- t%e
o(togena&,ans# T%e ot%e& even,ng 6&s# Sloane 4as &ea-,ng a
ne4s0a0e& an- s%e sa,- to 6&# Sloane9 U1 see %e&e t%at anot%e&
o(togena&,an %as 'ust -,e-# =%at ,s an o(togena&,an9 Pete&MN An-
6&# Sloane sa,- %e -,-nNt <no49 but t%e; .ust be ve&; s,(<l;
(&eatu&es9 fo& ;ou neve& %ea&- tell of t%e. but t%e; 4e&e -;,ng#
T%atNs t%e 4a; 4,t% 6a&t,nNs aunts#G

G6a&t,nNs 'ust l,<e all t%e &est of t%ose B&en(%9G sa,- 6a&,lla ,n -,sgust#
GJou (anNt -e0en- on t%e. fo& a -a;#G 6a&,lla 4as loo<,ng ove& AnneNs
Ca&.o-; 0u&(%ases 4%en s%e %ea&- a s%&,ll s%&,e< ,n t%e ba&n;a&-#
A .,nute late& Anne -as%e- ,nto t%e <,t(%en9 4&,ng,ng %e& %an-s#

GAnne S%,&le;9 4%atNs t%e .atte& no4MG

G2%9 6a&,lla9 4%ateve& s%all 1 -oM T%,s ,s te&&,ble# An- ,tNs all
.; fault# 2%9 4,ll 1 *:*8 lea&n to sto0 an- &efle(t a l,ttle
befo&e -o,ng &e(<less t%,ngsM 6&s# L;n-e al4a;s tol- .e 1 4oul- -o,ng -&ea-ful so.e -a;9 an- no4 1Nve -one ,tFG

GAnne9 ;ou a&e t%e .ost e+as0e&at,ng g,&lF =LAT ,s ,t ;ouNve -oneMG

GSol- 6&# La&&,sonNs Oe&se; (o4# # #t%e one %e boug%t f&o. 6&# 7ell
# # #to 6&# S%ea&e&F Doll; ,s out ,n t%e .,l<,ng 0en t%,s ve&; .,nute#G

GAnne S%,&le;9 a&e ;ou -&ea.,ngMG

G1 onl; 4,s% 1 4e&e# T%e&eNs no -&ea. about ,t9 t%oug% ,tNs ve&;
l,<e a n,g%t.a&e# An- 6&# La&&,sonNs (o4 ,s ,n C%a&lotteto4n b;
t%,s t,.e# 2%9 6a&,lla9 1 t%oug%t 1N- f,n,s%e- gett,ng ,nto s(&a0es9
an- %e&e 1 a. ,n t%e ve&; 4o&st one 1 eve& 4as ,n ,n .; l,fe#
=%at (an 1 -oMG

GDoM T%e&eNs not%,ng to -o9 (%,l-9 e+(e0t go an- see 6&# La&&,son
about ,t# =e (an offe& %,. ou& Oe&se; ,n e+(%ange ,f %e -oesnNt
4ant to ta<e t%e .one;# S%e ,s 'ust as goo- as %,s#G

G1N. su&e %eNll be a4full; (&oss an- -,sag&eeable about ,t9 t%oug%9G
.oane- Anne#

G1 -a&esa; %e 4,ll# Le see.s to be an ,&&,table so&t of a .an#
1Nll go an- e+0la,n to %,. ,f ;ou l,<e#G

G3o9 ,n-ee-9 1N. not as .ean as t%at9G e+(la,.e- Anne# GT%,s ,s all
.; fault an- 1N. (e&ta,nl; not go,ng to let ;ou ta<e .; 0un,s%.ent#
1Nll go .;self an- 1Nll go at on(e# T%e soone& ,tNs ove& t%e bette&9
fo& ,t 4,ll be te&&,bl; %u.,l,at,ng#G

Poo& Anne got %e& %at an- %e& t4ent; -olla&s an- 4as 0ass,ng out
4%en s%e %a00ene- to glan(e t%&oug% t%e o0en 0ant&; -oo&# 2n t%e
table &e0ose- a nut (a<e 4%,(% s%e %a- ba<e- t%at .o&n,ng# # #a
0a&t,(ula&l; toot%so.e (on(o(t,on ,(e- 4,t% 0,n< ,(,ng an- a-o&ne-
4,t% 4alnuts# Anne %a- ,nten-e- ,t fo& B&,-a; even,ng9 4%en t%e
;out% of Avonlea 4e&e to .eet at )&een )ables to o&gan,/e t%e
1.0&ove.ent So(,et;# 7ut 4%at 4e&e t%e; (o.0a&e- to t%e 'ustl;
offen-e- 6&# La&&,sonM Anne t%oug%t t%at (a<e oug%t to soften t%e
%ea&t of an; .an9 es0e(,all; one 4%o %a- to -o %,s o4n (oo<,ng9 an-
s%e 0&o.0tl; 0o00e- ,t ,nto a bo+# S%e 4oul- ta<e ,t to 6&# La&&,son
as a 0ea(e offe&,ng#

GT%at ,s9 ,f %e g,ves .e a (%an(e to sa; an;t%,ng at all9G s%e
t%oug%t &uefull;9 as s%e (l,.be- t%e lane fen(e an- sta&te- on a
s%o&t (ut a(&oss t%e f,el-s9 gol-en ,n t%e l,g%t of t%e -&ea.;
August even,ng# G1 <no4 no4 'ust %o4 0eo0le feel 4%o a&e be,ng le-
to e+e(ut,on#G


6&# La&&,son at Lo.e

6&# La&&,sonNs %ouse 4as an ol--fas%,one-9 lo4-eave-9 4%,te4as%e-
st&u(tu&e9 set aga,nst a t%,(< s0&u(e g&ove#

6&# La&&,son %,.self 4as s,tt,ng on %,s v,nes%a-e- ve&an-a9 ,n %,s
s%,&t sleeves9 en'o;,ng %,s even,ng 0,0e# =%en %e &eal,/e- 4%o 4as
(o.,ng u0 t%e 0at% %e s0&ang su--enl; to %,s feet9 bolte- ,nto t%e
%ouse9 an- s%ut t%e -oo&# T%,s 4as .e&el; t%e un( &esult
of %,s su&0&,se9 .,ngle- 4,t% a goo- -eal of s%a.e ove& %,s outbu&st
of te.0e& t%e -a; befo&e# 7ut ,t nea&l; s4e0t t%e &e.nant of %e&
(ou&age f&o. AnneNs %ea&t#

G1f %eNs so (&oss no4 4%at 4,ll %e be 4%en %e %ea&s 4%at 1Nve
-one9G s%e &efle(te- .,se&abl;9 as s%e &a00e- at t%e -oo&#

7ut 6&# La&&,son o0ene- ,t9 s.,l,ng s%ee0,s%l;9 an- ,nv,te- %e&
to ente& ,n a tone Hu,te .,l- an- f&,en-l;9 ,f so.e4%at ne&vous#
Le %a- la,- as,-e %,s 0,0e an- -onne- %,s (oat@ %e offe&e- Anne a ve&;
-ust; (%a,& ve&; 0ol,tel;9 an- %e& &e(e0t,on 4oul- %ave 0asse- off
0leasantl; enoug% ,f ,t %a- not been fo& t%e telltale of a 0a&&ot 4%o
4as 0ee&,ng t%&oug% t%e ba&s of %,s (age 4,t% 4,(<e- gol-en e;es#
3o soone& %a- Anne seate- %e&self t%an ),nge& e+(la,.e-9

G7less .; soul9 4%atNs t%at &e-%ea-e- sn,00et (o.,ng %e&e fo&MG

1t 4oul- be %a&- to sa; 4%ose fa(e 4as t%e &e--e&9 6&# La&&,sonNs
o& AnneNs#

GDonNt ;ou .,n- t%at 0a&&ot9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son9 (ast,ng a fu&,ous
glan(e at ),nge&# GLeNs# # #%eNs al4a;s tal<,ng nonsense# 1 got
%,. f&o. .; b&ot%e& 4%o 4as a sa,lo&# Sa,lo&s -onNt al4a;s use t%e
(%o,(est language9 an- 0a&&ots a&e ve&; ,.,tat,ve b,&-s#G

GSo 1 s%oul- t%,n<9G sa,- 0oo& Anne9 t%e &e.e.b&an(e of %e& e&&an-
Huell,ng %e& &esent.ent# S%e (oul-nNt affo&- to snub 6&# La&&,son
un-e& t%e (,&(u.stan(es9 t%at 4as (e&ta,n# =%en ;ou %a- 'ust sol-
a .anNs Oe&se; (o4 off%an-9 4,t%out %,s <no4le-ge o& (onsent
;ou .ust not .,n- ,f %,s 0a&&ot &e0eate- un(o.0l,.enta&; t%,ngs#
3eve&t%eless9 t%e G&e-%ea-e- sn,00etG 4as not Hu,te so .ee< as s%e
.,g%t ot%e&4,se %ave been#

G1Nve (o.e to (onfess,ng to ;ou9 6&# La&&,son9G s%e sa,-
&esolutel;# G1tNs# # #,tNs about# # #t%at Oe&se; (o4G

G7less .; soul9G e+(la,.e- 6&# La&&,son ne&vousl;9 G%as s%e gone
an- b&o<en ,nto .; oats aga,nM =ell9 neve& .,n-# # #neve& .,n- ,f
s%e %as# 1tNs no -,ffe&en(e# # #none at all# 1# # #1 4as too
%ast; ;este&-a;9 t%atNs a fa(t# 3eve& .,n- ,f s%e %as#G

G2%9 ,f ,t 4e&e onl; t%at9G s,g%e- Anne# G7ut ,tNs ten t,.es
4o&se# 1 -onNt###G

G7less .; soul9 -o ;ou .ean to sa; s%eNs got ,nto .; 4%eatMG

G3o# # #no# # #not t%e 4%eat# 7ut# # #G

GT%en ,tNs t%e (abbagesF S%eNs b&o<en ,nto .; (abbages t%at 1 4as
&a,s,ng fo& *+%,b,t,on9 %e;MG

G1tNs 32T t%e (abbages9 6&# La&&,son# 1Nll tell ;ou eve&;t%,ng# # #
t%at ,s 4%at 1 (a.e fo& -- but 0lease -onNt ,nte&&u0t .e# 1t .a<es
.e so ne&vous# Oust let .e tell .; sto&; an- -onNt sa; an;t%,ng
t,ll 1 get t%&oug% -- an- t%en no -oubt ;ouNll sa; 0lent;9G
Anne (on(lu-e-9 but ,n t%oug%t onl;#

G1 4onNt sa; anot%e& 4o&-9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son9 an- %e -,-nNt# 7ut
),nge& 4as not boun- b; an; (ont&a(t of s,len(e an- <e0t e'a(ulat,ng9
G8e-%ea-e- sn,00etG at ,nte&vals unt,l Anne felt Hu,te 4,l-#

G1 s%ut .; Oe&se; (o4 u0 ,n ou& 0en ;este&-a;# T%,s .o&n,ng 1 4ent
to Ca&.o-; an- 4%en 1 (a.e ba(< 1 sa4 a Oe&se; (o4 ,n ;ou& oats#
D,ana an- 1 (%ase- %e& out an- ;ou (anNt ,.ag,ne 4%at a %a&- t,.e
4e %a-# 1 4as so -&ea-full; 4et an- t,&e- an- ve+e- -- an- 6&#
S%ea&e& (a.e b; t%at ve&; .,nute an- offe&e- to bu; t%e (o4# 1
sol- %e& to %,. on t%e s0ot fo& t4ent; -olla&s# 1t 4as 4&ong of .e#
1 s%oul- %ave 4a,te- an- (onsulte- 6a&,lla9 of (ou&se# 7ut 1N.
-&ea-full; g,ven to -o,ng t%,ngs 4,t%out t%,n<,ng -- eve&;bo-;
4%o <no4s .e 4,ll tell ;ou t%at# 6&# S%ea&e& too< t%e (o4 &,g%t
a4a; to s%,0 %e& on t%e afte&noon t&a,n#G

G8e-%ea-e- sn,00et9G Huote- ),nge& ,n a tone of 0&ofoun- (onte.0t#

At t%,s 0o,nt 6&# La&&,son a&ose an-9 4,t% an e+0&ess,on t%at 4oul-
%ave st&u(< te&&o& ,nto an; b,&- but a 0a&&ot9 (a&&,e- ),nge&Ns (age
,nto an a-'o,n,ng &oo. an- s%ut t%e -oo&# ),nge& s%&,e<e-9 s4o&e9
an- ot%e&4,se (on-u(te- %,.self ,n <ee0,ng 4,t% %,s &e0utat,on9
but f,n-,ng %,.self left alone9 &ela0se- ,nto sul<; s,len(e#

G*+(use .e an- go on9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son9 s,tt,ng -o4n aga,n#
G6; b&ot%e& t%e sa,lo& neve& taug%t t%at b,&- an; .anne&s#G

G1 4ent %o.e an- afte& tea 1 4ent out to t%e .,l<,ng 0en# 6&#
La&&,son9G# # #Anne leane- fo&4a&-9 (las0,ng %e& %an-s 4,t% %e&
ol- (%,l-,s% gestu&e9 4%,le %e& b,g g&a; e;es ga/e- ,.0lo&,ngl;
,nto 6&# La&&,sonNs fa(e# # #G1 foun- .; (o4 st,ll
s%ut u0 ,n t%e 0en# 1t 4as J258 (o4 1 %a- sol- to 6&# S%ea&e&#G

G7less .; soul9G e+(la,.e- 6&# La&&,son9 ,n blan< a.a/e.ent at
t%,s unloo<e--fo& (on(lus,on# G=%at a :*8J e+t&ao&-,na&; t%,ngFG

G2%9 ,t ,snNt ,n t%e least e+t&ao&-,na&; t%at 1 s%oul- be gett,ng
.;self an- ot%e& 0eo0le ,nto s(&a0es9G sa,- Anne .ou&nfull;#
G1N. note- fo& t%at# Jou .,g%t su00ose 1N- %ave g&o4n out of ,t
b; t%,s t,.e# # #1Nll be seventeen ne+t 6a&(%# # #but ,t see.s
t%at 1 %avenNt# 6&# La&&,son9 ,s ,t too .u(% to %o0e t%at ;ouNll
fo&g,ve .eM 1N. af&a,- ,tNs too late to get ;ou& (o4 ba(<9 but
%e&e ,s t%e .one; fo& %e&# # #o& ;ou (an %ave .,ne ,n e+(%ange
,f ;ouN- &at%e&# S%eNs a ve&; goo- (o4# An- 1 (anNt e+0&ess %o4
so&&; 1 a. fo& ,t all#G

GTut9 tut9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son b&,s<l;9 G-onNt sa; anot%e& 4o&-
about ,t9 .,ss# 1tNs of no (onseHuen(e# # #no (onseHuen(e 4%ateve&#
A((,-ents 4,ll %a00en# 1N. too %ast; .;self,.es9 .,ss# # #
fa& too %ast;# 7ut 1 (anNt %el0 s0ea<,ng out 'ust 4%at 1 t%,n< an-
fol<s .ust ta<e .e as t%e; f,n- .e# 1f t%at (o4 %a- been ,n .; (abbages
no4# # #but neve& .,n-9 s%e 4asnNt9 so ,tNs all &,g%t# 1 t%,n< 1N-
&at%e& %ave ;ou& (o4 ,n e+(%ange9 s,n(e ;ou 4ant to be &,- of %e&#G

G2%9 t%an< ;ou9 6&# La&&,son# 1N. so gla- ;ou a&e not ve+e-#
1 4as af&a,- ;ou 4oul- be#G

GAn- 1 su00ose ;ou 4e&e s(a&e- to -eat% to (o.e %e&e an- tell .e9
afte& t%e fuss 1 .a-e ;este&-a;9 %e;M 7ut ;ou .ustnNt .,n- .e9
1N. a te&&,ble outs0o<en ol- fello49 t%atNs all# # #a4ful a0t to
tell t%e t&ut%9 no .atte& ,f ,t ,s a b,t 0la,n#G

GSo ,s 6&s# L;n-e9G sa,- Anne9 befo&e s%e (oul- 0&event %e&self#

G=%oM 6&s# L;n-eM DonNt ;ou tell .e 1N. l,<e t%at ol- goss,09G
sa,- 6&# La&&,son ,&&,tabl;# G1N. not# # #not a b,t# =%at %ave
;ou got ,n t%at bo+MG

GA (a<e9G sa,- Anne a&(%l;# 1n %e& &el,ef at 6&# La&&,sonNs
une+0e(te- a.,ab,l,t; %e& s0,&,ts soa&e- u04a&- feat%e&-l,g%t#
G1 b&oug%t ,t ove& fo& ;ou# # #1 t%oug%t 0e&%a0s ;ou -,-nNt
%ave (a<e ve&; often#G

G1 -onNt9 t%atNs a fa(t9 an- 1N. .,g%t; fon- of ,t9 too# 1N. .u(%
obl,ge- to ;ou# 1t loo<s goo- on to0# 1 %o0e ,tNs goo- all t%e
4a; t%&oug%#G

G1t ,s9G sa,- Anne9 ga,l; (onf,-ent# G1 %ave .a-e (a<es ,n .; t,.e
t%at 4e&e 32T9 as 6&s# Allan (oul- tell ;ou9 but t%,s one ,s all &,g%t#
1 .a-e ,t fo& t%e 1.0&ove.ent So(,et;9 but 1 (an .a<e anot%e& fo& t%e.#G

G=ell9 1Nll tell ;ou 4%at9 .,ss9 ;ou .ust %el0 .e eat ,t# 1Nll 0ut
t%e <ettle on an- 4eNll %ave a (u0 of tea# Lo4 4,ll t%at -oMG

G=,ll ;ou let .e .a<e t%e teaMG sa,- Anne -ub,ousl;#

6&# La&&,son (%u(<le-#

G1 see ;ou %avenNt .u(% (onf,-en(e ,n .; ab,l,t; to .a<e tea#
JouN&e 4&ong# # #1 (an b&e4 u0 as goo- a 'o&u. of tea as ;ou eve&
-&an<# 7ut go a%ea- ;ou&self# Bo&tunatel; ,t &a,ne- last Sun-a;9
so t%e&eNs 0lent; of (lean -,s%es#G

Anne %o00e- b&,s<l; u0 an- 4ent to 4o&<# S%e 4as%e- t%e tea0ot ,n
seve&al 4ate&s befo&e s%e 0ut t%e tea to stee0# T%en s%e s4e0t t%e
stove an- set t%e table9 b&,ng,ng t%e -,s%es out of t%e 0ant&;#
T%e state of t%at 0ant&; %o&&,f,e- Anne9 but s%e 4,sel; sa,-
not%,ng# 6&# La&&,son tol- %e& 4%e&e to f,n- t%e b&ea- an- butte&
an- a (an of 0ea(%es# Anne a-o&ne- t%e table 4,t% a bouHuet f&o.
t%e ga&-en an- s%ut %e& e;es to t%e sta,ns on t%e table(lot%# Soon
t%e tea 4as &ea-; an- Anne foun- %e&self s,tt,ng o00os,te 6&#
La&&,son at %,s o4n table9 0ou&,ng %,s tea fo& %,.9 an- (%att,ng
f&eel; to %,. about %e& s(%ool an- f&,en-s an- 0lans# S%e (oul-
%a&-l; bel,eve t%e ev,-en(e of %e& senses#

6&# La&&,son %a- b&oug%t ),nge& ba(<9 ave&&,ng t%at t%e 0oo&
b,&- 4oul- be loneso.e@ an- Anne9 feel,ng t%at s%e (oul- fo&g,ve
eve&;bo-; an- eve&;t%,ng9 offe&e- %,. a 4alnut# 7ut ),nge&Ns
feel,ngs %a- been g&,evousl; %u&t an- %e &e'e(te- all ove&tu&es of
f&,en-s%,0# Le sat .oo-,l; on %,s 0e&(% an- &uffle- %,s feat%e&s
u0 unt,l %e loo<e- l,<e a .e&e ball of g&een an- gol-#

G=%; -o ;ou (all %,. ),nge&MG as<e- Anne9 4%o l,<e- a00&o0&,ate
an- t%oug%t ),nge& a((o&-e- not at all 4,t% su(% go&geous 0lu.age#

G6; b&ot%e& t%e sa,lo& na.e- %,.# 6a;be ,t %a- so.e &efe&en(e to
%,s te.0e&# 1 t%,n< a lot of t%at b,&- t%oug%# # #;ouN- be
su&0&,se- ,f ;ou <ne4 %o4 .u(%# Le %as %,s faults of (ou&se#
T%at b,&- %as (ost .e a goo- -eal one 4a; an- anot%e&# So.e
0eo0le ob'e(t to %,s s4ea&,ng %ab,ts but %e (anNt be b&o<en of t%e.#
1Nve t&,e-# # #ot%e& 0eo0le %ave t&,e-# So.e fol<s %ave 0&e'u-,(es
aga,nst 0a&&ots# S,ll;9 a,nNt ,tM 1 l,<e t%e. .;self# ),nge&Ns a
lot of (o.0an; to .e# 3ot%,ng 4oul- ,n-u(e .e to g,ve t%at b,&-
u0# # #not%,ng ,n t%e 4o&l-9 .,ss#G

6&# La&&,son flung t%e last senten(e at Anne as e+0los,vel; as ,f
%e sus0e(te- %e& of so.e latent -es,gn of 0e&sua-,ng %,. to g,ve
),nge& u0# Anne9 %o4eve&9 4as beg,nn,ng to l,<e t%e Huee&9 fuss;9
f,-get; l,ttle .an9 an- befo&e t%e .eal 4as ove& t%e; 4e&e Hu,te
goo- f&,en-s# 6&# La&&,son foun- out about t%e 1.0&ove.ent
So(,et; an- 4as -,s0ose- to a00&ove of ,t#

GT%atNs &,g%t# )o a%ea-# T%e&eNs lots of &oo. fo& ,.0&ove.ent ,n
t%,s settle.ent# # #an- ,n t%e 0eo0le too#G

G2%9 1 -onNt <no49G flas%e- Anne# To %e&self9 o& to %e& 0a&t,(ula&
(&on,es9 s%e .,g%t a-.,t t%at t%e&e 4e&e so.e s.all ,.0e&fe(t,ons9
eas,l; &e.ovable9 ,n Avonlea an- ,ts ,n%ab,tants# 7ut to %ea& a
0&a(t,(al outs,-e& l,<e 6&# La&&,son sa;,ng ,t 4as an ent,&el;
-,ffe&ent t%,ng# G1 t%,n< Avonlea ,s a lovel; 0la(e@ an- t%e
0eo0le ,n ,t a&e ve&; n,(e9 too#G

G1 guess ;ouNve got a s0,(e of te.0e&9G (o..ente- 6&# La&&,son9
su&ve;,ng t%e flus%e- (%ee<s an- ,n-,gnant e;es o00os,te %,.#
G1t goes 4,t% %a,& l,<e ;ou&s9 1 &e(<on# Avonlea ,s a 0&ett;
-e(ent 0la(e o& 1 4oul-nNt %ave lo(ate- %e&e@ but 1 su00ose
even ;ou 4,ll a-.,t t%at ,t %as S26* faultsMG

G1 l,<e ,t all t%e bette& fo& t%e.9G sa,- lo;al Anne# G1 -onNt
l,<e 0la(es o& 0eo0le e,t%e& t%at %avenNt an; faults# 1 t%,n< a
t&ul; 0e&fe(t 0e&son 4oul- be ve&; un,nte&est,ng# 6&s# 6,lton =%,te
sa;s s%e neve& .et a 0e&fe(t 0e&son9 but s%eNs %ea&- enoug% about one
# # #%e& %usban-Ns f,&st 4,fe# DonNt ;ou t%,n< ,t .ust be ve&;
un( to be .a&&,e- to a .an 4%ose f,&st 4,fe 4as 0e&fe(tMG

G1t 4oul- be .o&e un( to be .a&&,e- to t%e 0e&fe(t 4,fe9G
-e(la&e- 6&# La&&,son9 4,t% a su--en an- ,ne+0l,(able 4a&.t%#

=%en tea 4as ove& Anne ,ns,ste- on 4as%,ng t%e -,s%es9 alt%oug% 6&#
La&&,son assu&e- %e& t%at t%e&e 4e&e enoug% ,n t%e %ouse to -o fo&
4ee<s ;et# S%e 4oul- -ea&l; %ave love- to s4ee0 t%e floo& also9
but no b&oo. 4as v,s,ble an- s%e -,- not l,<e to as< 4%e&e ,t 4as
fo& fea& t%e&e 4asnNt one at all#

GJou .,g%t &un a(&oss an- tal< to .e on(e ,n a 4%,le9G suggeste-
6&# La&&,son 4%en s%e 4as leav,ng# GNT,snNt fa& an- fol<s oug%t
to be ne,g%bo&l;# 1N. <,n- of ,nte&este- ,n t%at so(,et; of ;ou&s#
See.s to .e t%e&eNll be so.e fun ,n ,t# =%o a&e ;ou go,ng to
ta(<le f,&stMG

G=e a&e not go,ng to .e--le 4,t% P*2PL*# # #,t ,s onl; PLAC*S 4e
.ean to ,.0&ove9G sa,- Anne9 ,n a -,gn,f,e- tone# S%e &at%e&
sus0e(te- t%at 6&# La&&,son 4as .a<,ng fun of t%e 0&o'e(t#

=%en s%e %a- gone 6&# La&&,son 4at(%e- %e& f&o. t%e 4,n-o4# # #a
l,t%e9 g,&l,s% s%a0e9 t&,00,ng l,g%t%ea&te-l; a(&oss t%e f,el-s ,n
t%e sunset afte&glo4#

G1N. a (&ust;9 loneso.e9 (&abbe- ol- (%a09G %e sa,- alou-9
Gbut t%e&eNs,ng about t%at l,ttle g,&l .a<es .e feel ;oung
aga,n# # #an- ,tNs su(% a 0leasant sensat,on 1N- l,<e to %ave ,t
&e0eate- on(e ,n a 4%,le#G

G8e-%ea-e- sn,00et9G (&oa<e- ),nge& .o(<,ngl;#

6&# La&&,son s%oo< %,s f,st at t%e 0a&&ot#

GJou o&ne&; b,&-9G %e .utte&e-9 G1 al.ost 4,s% 1N- 4&ung ;ou& ne(<
4%en .; b&ot%e& t%e sa,lo& b&oug%t ;ou %o.e# =,ll ;ou neve& be
-one gett,ng .e ,nto t&oubleMG

Anne &an %o.e bl,t%el; an- &e(ounte- %e& a-ventu&es to 6a&,lla9
4%o %a- been not a l,ttle ala&.e- b; %e& long absen(e an- 4as
on t%e 0o,nt of sta&t,ng out to loo< fo& %e&#

G1tNs a 0&ett; goo- 4o&l-9 afte& all9 ,snNt ,t9 6a&,llaMG (on(lu-e-
Anne %a00,l;# G6&s# L;n-e 4as (o.0la,n,ng t%e ot%e& -a; t%at ,t
4asnNt .u(% of a 4o&l-# S%e sa,- 4%eneve& ;ou loo<e- fo&4a&- to
an;t%,ng 0leasant ;ou 4e&e su&e to be .o&e o& less -,sa00o,nte-
# # #0e&%a0s t%at ,s t&ue# 7ut t%e&e ,s a goo- s,-e to ,t too#
T%e ba- t%,ngs -onNt al4a;s (o.e u0 to ;ou& e+0e(tat,ons e,t%e&
# # #t%e; nea&l; al4a;s tu&n out eve& so .u(% bette& t%an ;ou t%,n<#
1 loo<e- fo&4a&- to a -&ea-full; un0leasant e+0e&,en(e 4%en 1 4ent
ove& to 6&# La&&,sonNs ton,g%t@ an- ,nstea- %e 4as Hu,te <,n- an-
1 %a- al.ost a n,(e t,.e# 1 t%,n< 4eN&e go,ng to be &eal goo-
f&,en-s ,f 4e .a<e 0lent; of allo4an(es fo& ea(% ot%e&9 an-
eve&;t%,ng %as tu&ne- out fo& t%e best# 7ut all t%e sa.e9 6a&,lla9
1 s%all (e&ta,nl; neve& aga,n sell a (o4 befo&e .a<,ng su&e to 4%o.
s%e belongs# An- 1 -o 32T l,<e 0a&&otsFG


D,ffe&ent 20,n,ons

2ne even,ng at sunset9 Oane An-&e4s9 ),lbe&t 7l;t%e9 an- Anne S%,&le;
4e&e l,nge&,ng b; a fen(e ,n t%e s%a-o4 of gentl; s4a;,ng s0&u(e boug%s9
4%e&e a 4oo- (ut <no4n as t%e 7,&(% Pat% 'o,ne- t%e .a,n &oa-# Oane %a-
been u0 to s0en- t%e afte&noon 4,t% Anne9 4%o 4al<e- 0a&t of t%e 4a; %o.e
4,t% %e&@ at t%e fen(e t%e; .et ),lbe&t9 an- all t%&ee 4e&e no4 tal<,ng
about t%e fateful .o&&o4@ fo& t%at .o&&o4 4as t%e f,&st of
an- t%e s(%ools 4oul- o0en# Oane 4oul- go to 3e4b&,-ge an- ),lbe&t
to =%,te San-s#

GJou bot% %ave t%e a-vantage of .e9G s,g%e- Anne# GJouN&e go,ng to
tea(% (%,l-&en 4%o -onNt <no4 ;ou9 but 1 %ave to tea(% .; o4n ol-
s(%ool.ates9 an- 6&s# L;n-e sa;s s%eNs af&a,- t%e; 4onNt &es0e(t .e
as t%e; 4oul- a st&ange& unless 1N. ve&; (&oss f&o. t%e f,&st#
7ut 1 -onNt bel,eve a tea(%e& s%oul- be (&oss# 2%9 ,t see.s to .e
su(% a &es0ons,b,l,t;FG

G1 guess 4eNll get on all &,g%t9G sa,- Oane (;# Oane
4as not t&ouble- b; an; as0,&at,ons to be an ,nfluen(e fo& goo-#
S%e .eant to ea&n %e& sala&; fa,&l;9 0lease t%e t&ustees9 an- get
%e& na.e on t%e S(%ool 1ns0e(to&Ns &oll of %ono&# Bu&t%e& a.b,t,ons
Oane %a- none# GT%e .a,n t%,ng 4,ll be to <ee0 o&-e& an- a tea(%e&
%as to be a l,ttle (&oss to -o t%at# 1f .; 0u0,ls 4onNt -o as 1 tell
t%e. 1 s%all 0un,s% t%e.#G


G),ve t%e. a goo- 4%,00,ng9 of (ou&se#G

G2%9 Oane9 ;ou 4oul-nNt9G (&,e- Anne9 s%o(<e-# GOane9 ;ou C25LD3NTFG

G1n-ee-9 1 (oul- an- 4oul-9 ,f t%e; -ese&ve- ,t9G sa,- Oane -e(,-e-l;#

G1 (oul- 3*:*8 4%,0 a (%,l-9G sa,- Anne 4,t% eHual -e(,s,on#
G1 -onNt bel,eve ,n ,t AT ALL# 6,ss Sta(; neve& 4%,00e- an; of us
an- s%e %a- 0e&fe(t o&-e&@ an- 6&# P%,ll,0s 4as al4a;s 4%,00,ng an-
%e %a- no o&-e& at all# 3o9 ,f 1 (anNt get along 4,t%out 4%,00,ng
1 s%all not t&; to tea(% s(%ool# T%e&e a&e bette& 4a;s of .anag,ng#
1 s%all t&; to 4,n .; 0u0,lsN affe(t,ons an- t%en t%e; 4,ll =A3T to
-o 4%at 1 tell t%e.#G

G7ut su00ose t%e; -onNtMG sa,- 0&a(t,(al Oane#

G1 4oul-nNt 4%,0 t%e. an;%o4# 1N. su&e ,t 4oul-nNt -o an; goo-#
2%9 -onNt 4%,0 ;ou& 0u0,ls9 Oane -ea&9 no .atte& 4%at t%e; -o#G

G=%at -o ;ou t%,n< about ,t9 ),lbe&tMG Oane# GDonNt ;ou
t%,n< t%e&e a&e so.e (%,l-&en 4%o &eall; nee- a 4%,00,ng no4 an- t%enMG

GDonNt ;ou t%,n< ,tNs a (&uel9 ba&ba&ous t%,ng to 4%,0 a (%,l-# # #
A3J (%,l-MG e+(la,.e- Anne9 %e& fa(e flus%,ng 4,t% ea&nestness#

G=ell9G sa,- ),lbe&t slo4l;9 to&n bet4een %,s &eal (onv,(t,ons an-
%,s 4,s% to .easu&e u0 to AnneNs ,-eal9 Gt%e&eNs,ng to be
sa,- on bot% s,-es# 1 -onNt bel,eve ,n 4%,00,ng (%,l-&en 65CL#
1 t%,n<9 as ;ou sa;9 Anne9 t%at t%e&e a&e bette& 4a;s of .anag,ng
as a &ule9 an- t%at (o&0o&al 0un,s%.ent s%oul- be a last &eso&t#
7ut on t%e ot%e& %an-9 as Oane sa;s9 1 bel,eve t%e&e ,s an o((as,onal
(%,l- 4%o (anNt be ,nfluen(e- ,n an; ot%e& 4a; an- 4%o9 ,n s%o&t9
nee-s a 4%,00,ng an- 4oul- be ,.0&ove- b; ,t# Co&0o&al 0un,s%.ent
as a last &eso&t ,s to be .; &ule#G

),lbe&t9 %av,ng t&,e- to 0lease bot% s,-es9 su((ee-e-9 as ,s usual
an- e.,nentl; &,g%t9 ,n 0leas,ng ne,t%e&# Oane tosse- %e& %ea-#

G1Nll 4%,0 .; 0u0,ls 4%en t%e;N&e naug%t;# 1tNs t%e s%o&test an-
eas,est 4a; of (onv,n(,ng t%e.#G

Anne gave ),lbe&t a -,sa00o,nte- glan(e#

G1 s%all neve& 4%,0 a (%,l-9G s%e &e0eate- f,&.l;# G1 feel su&e ,t
,snNt e,t%e& &,g%t o& ne(essa&;#G

GSu00ose a bo; sau(e- ;ou ba(< 4%en ;ou tol- %,. to -o,ngMG
sa,- Oane#

G1N- <ee0 %,. ,n afte& s(%ool an- tal< <,n-l; an- f,&.l; to %,.9G
sa,- Anne# GT%e&e ,s so.e goo- ,n eve&; 0e&son ,f ;ou (an f,n- ,t#
1t ,s a tea(%e&Ns -ut; to f,n- an- -evelo0 ,t# T%at ,s 4%at ou&
S(%ool 6anage.ent 0&ofesso& at QueenNs tol- us9 ;ou <no4# Do ;ou
su00ose ;ou (oul- f,n- an; goo- ,n a (%,l- b; 4%,00,ng %,.M 1tNs
fa& .o&e ,.0o&tant to ,nfluen(e t%e (%,l-&en a&,g%t t%an ,t ,s even
to tea(% t%e. t%e t%&ee 8Ns9 P&ofesso& 8enn,e sa;s#G

G7ut t%e 1ns0e(to& e+a.,nes t%e. ,n t%e t%&ee 8Ns9 .,n- ;ou9 an- %e
4onNt g,ve ;ou a goo- &e0o&t ,f t%e; -onNt (o.e u0 to %,s
stan-a&-9G 0&oteste- Oane#

G1N- &at%e& %ave .; 0u0,ls love .e an- loo< ba(< to .e ,n afte& ;ea&s
as a &eal %el0e& t%an be on t%e &oll of %ono&9G asse&te- Anne -e(,-e-l;#

G=oul-nNt ;ou 0un,s% (%,l-&en at all9 4%en t%e; .,sbe%ave-MG as<e-

G2%9 ;es9 1 su00ose 1 s%all %ave to9 alt%oug% 1 <no4 1Nll %ate to
-o ,t# 7ut ;ou (an <ee0 t%e. ,n at &e(ess o& stan- t%e. on t%e
floo& o& g,ve t%e. l,nes to 4&,te#G

G1 su00ose ;ou 4onNt 0un,s% t%e g,&ls b; .a<,ng t%e. s,t 4,t% t%e bo;sMG
sa,- Oane sl;l;#

),lbe&t an- Anne loo<e- at ea(% ot%e& an- s.,le- &at%e& fool,s%l;#
2n(e u0on a t,.e9 Anne %a- been .a-e to s,t 4,t% ),lbe&t fo&
0un,s%.ent an- sa- an- b,tte& %a- been t%e (onseHuen(es t%e&eof#

G=ell9 t,.e 4,ll tell 4%,(% ,s t%e best 4a;9G sa,- Oane 0%,loso0%,(all;
as t%e; 0a&te-#

Anne 4ent ba(< to )&een )ables b; 4a; of 7,&(% Pat%9 s%a-o4;9
&ustl,ng9 fe&n-s(ente-9 t%&oug% :,olet :ale an- 0ast =,llo4.e&e9
4%e&e -a&< an- l,g%t <,sse- ea(% ot%e& un-e& t%e f,&s9 an- -o4n
t%&oug% Love&Ns Lane# # #s0ots s%e an- D,ana %a- so na.e- long
ago# S%e 4al<e- slo4l;9 en'o;,ng t%e s4eetness of 4oo- an- f,el-
an- t%e sta&&; su..e& t4,l,g%t9 an- t%,n<,ng sobe&l; about t%e ne4
-ut,es s%e 4as to ta<e u0 on t%e .o&&o4# =%en s%e &ea(%e- t%e ;a&-
at )&een )ables 6&s# L;n-eNs lou-9 -e(,-e- tones floate- out t%&oug%
t%e o0en <,t(%en 4,n-o4#

G6&s# L;n-e %as (o.e u0 to g,ve .e goo- a-v,(e about to.o&&o49G
t%oug%t Anne 4,t% a g&,.a(e9 Gbut 1 -onNt bel,eve 1Nll go ,n#
Le& a-v,(e ,s .u(% l,<e 0e00e&9 1 t%,n<# # #e+(ellent ,n s.all
Huant,t,es but &at%e& s(o&(%,ng ,n %e& -oses# 1Nll &un ove& an-
%ave a (%at 4,t% 6&# La&&,son ,nstea-#G

T%,s 4as not t%e f,&st t,.e Anne %a- &un ove& an- (%atte- 4,t% 6&#
La&&,son s,n(e t%e notable affa,& of t%e Oe&se; (o4# S%e %a- been
t%e&e seve&al even,ngs an- 6&# La&&,son an- s%e 4e&e ve&; goo-
f&,en-s9 alt%oug% t%e&e 4e&e t,.es an- seasons 4%en Anne foun- t%e
outs0o<enness on 4%,(% %e 0&,-e- %,.self &at%e& t&;,ng# ),nge&
st,ll (ont,nue- to &ega&- %e& 4,t% sus0,(,on9 an- neve& fa,le- to
g&eet %e& sa&(ast,(all; as G&e-%ea-e- sn,00et#G 6&# La&&,son %a-
t&,e- va,nl; to b&ea< %,. of t%e %ab,t b; 'u.0,ng e+(,te-l; u0
4%eneve& %e sa4 Anne (o.,ng an- e+(la,.,ng9

G7less .; soul9 %e&eNs t%at 0&ett; l,ttle g,&l aga,n9G o&,ng
eHuall; flatte&,ng# 7ut ),nge& sa4 t%&oug% t%e s(%e.e an- s(o&ne-
,t# Anne 4as neve& to <no4 %o4 .an; (o.0l,.ents 6&# La&&,son 0a,-
%e& be%,n- %e& ba(<# Le (e&ta,nl; neve& 0a,- %e& an; to %e& fa(e#

G=ell9 1 su00ose ;ouNve been ba(< ,n t%e 4oo-s la;,ng ,n a su00l;
of s4,t(%es fo& to.o&&o4MG 4as %,s g&eet,ng as Anne (a.e u0 t%e
ve&an-a ste0s#

G3o9 ,n-ee-9G sa,- Anne ,n-,gnantl;# S%e 4as an e+(ellent ta&get
fo& teas,ng be(ause s%e al4a;s too< t%,ngs so se&,ousl;# G1 s%all
neve& %ave a s4,t(% ,n .; s(%ool9 6&# La&&,son# 2f (ou&se9 1 s%all
%ave to %ave a 0o,nte&9 but 1 s%all use ,t fo& 0o,nt,ng 23LJ#G

GSo ;ou .ean to st&a0 t%e. ,nstea-M =ell9 1 -onNt <no4 but ;ouN&e &,g%t#
A s4,t(% st,ngs .o&e at t%e t,.e but t%e st&a0 s.a&ts longe&9 t%atNs a fa(t#G

G1 s%all not use an;t%,ng of t%e so&t# 1N. not go,ng to 4%,0 .; 0u0,ls#G

G7less .; soul9G e+(la,.e- 6&# La&&,son ,n genu,ne aston,s%.ent9
G%o4 -o ;ou la; out to <ee0 o&-e& t%enMG

G1 s%all gove&n b; affe(t,on9 6&# La&&,son#G

G1t 4onNt -o9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son9 G4onNt -o at all9 Anne#
US0a&e t%e &o- an- s0o,l t%e (%,l-#N =%en 1 4ent to s(%ool
t%e .aste& 4%,00e- .e &egula& eve&; -a; be(ause %e sa,- ,f
1 4asnNt ,n .,s(%,ef 'ust t%en 1 4as 0lott,ng ,t#G

G6et%o-s %ave (%ange- s,n(e ;ou& s(%ool-a;s9 6&# La&&,son#G

G7ut natu&e %asnNt# 6a&< .; 4o&-s9 ;ouNll neve& .anage t%e ;oung
f&; unless ;ou <ee0 a &o- ,n 0,(<le fo& t%e.# T%e t%,ng ,s ,.0oss,ble#G

G=ell9 1N. go,ng to t&; .; 4a; f,&st9G sa,- Anne9 4%o %a- a fa,&l; st&ong
4,ll of %e& o4n an- 4as a0t to (l,ng ve&; tena(,ousl; to %e& t%eo&,es#

GJouN&e 0&ett; stubbo&n9 1 &e(<on9G 4as 6&# La&&,sonNs 4a; of
0utt,ng ,t# G=ell9 4ell9 4eNll see# So.e-a; 4%en ;ou get &,le-
u0# # #an- 0eo0le 4,t% %a,& l,<e ;ou&s a&e -es0e&ate a0t to get
&,le-# # #;ouNll fo&get all ;ou& 0&ett; l,ttle not,ons an- g,ve
so.e of t%e. a 4%al,ng# JouN&e too ;oung to be tea(%,ng an;%o4
# # #fa& too ;oung an- (%,l-,s%#G

Altoget%e&9 Anne 4ent to be- t%at n,g%t ,n a &at%e& 0ess,.,st,( .oo-#
S%e sle0t 0oo&l; an- 4as so 0ale an- t&ag,( at b&ea<fast ne+t .o&n,ng
t%at 6a&,lla 4as ala&.e- an- ,ns,ste- on .a<,ng %e& ta<e a (u0 of
s(o&(%,ng g,nge& tea# Anne s,00e- ,t 0at,entl;9 alt%oug% s%e (oul-
not ,.ag,ne 4%at goo- g,nge& tea 4oul- -o# La- ,t been so.e .ag,( b&e49
0otent to (onfe& age an- e+0e&,en(e9 Anne 4oul- %ave s4allo4e- a Hua&t
of ,t 4,t%out fl,n(%,ng#

G6a&,lla9 4%at ,f 1 fa,lFG

GJouNll %a&-l; fa,l (o.0letel; ,n one -a; an- t%e&eNs 0lent; .o&e
-a;s (o.,ng9G sa,- 6a&,lla# GT%e t&ouble 4,t% ;ou9 Anne9 ,s t%at
;ouNll e+0e(t to tea(% t%ose (%,l-&en eve&;t%,ng an- &efo&. all
t%e,& faults &,g%t off9 an- ,f ;ou (anNt ;ouNll t%,n< ;ouNve fa,le-#G


A Bull-fle-ge- S(%ool.aNa.

=%en Anne &ea(%e- t%e s(%ool t%at .o&n,ng# # #fo& t%e f,&st t,.e
,n %e& l,fe s%e %a- t&ave&se- t%e 7,&(% Pat% -eaf an- bl,n- to ,ts
beaut,es# # #all 4as Hu,et an- st,ll# T%e 0&e(e-,ng tea(%e& %a-
t&a,ne- t%e (%,l-&en to be ,n t%e,& 0la(es at %e& a&&,val9 an- 4%en
Anne ente&e- t%e s(%ool&oo. s%e 4as (onf&onte- b; 0&,. &o4s of
Gs%,n,ng .o&n,ng fa(esG an- b&,g%t9 ,nHu,s,t,ve e;es# S%e %ung u0
%e& %at an- fa(e- %e& 0u0,ls9 %o0,ng t%at s%e -,- not loo< as
f&,g%tene- an- fool,s% as s%e felt an- t%at t%e; 4oul- not 0e&(e,ve
%o4 s%e 4as t&,ng#

S%e %a- sat u0 unt,l nea&l; t4elve t%e 0&e(e-,ng n,g%t (o.0os,ng a
s0ee(% s%e .eant to .a<e to %e& 0u0,ls u0on o0en,ng t%e s(%ool#
S%e %a- &ev,se- an- ,.0&ove- ,t 0a,nsta<,ngl;9 an- t%en s%e %a-
lea&ne- ,t off b; %ea&t# 1t 4as a ve&; goo- s0ee(% an- %a- so.e
ve&; f,ne ,-eas ,n ,t9 es0e(,all; about .utual %el0 an- ea&nest
st&,v,ng afte& <no4le-ge# T%e onl; t&ouble 4as t%at s%e (oul- not
no4 & a 4o&- of ,t#

Afte& 4%at see.e- to %e& a ;ea&# # #about ten se(on-s ,n &eal,t;
# # #s%e sa,- fa,ntl;9 GTa<e ;ou& Testa.ents9 0lease9G an- san<
b&eat%lessl; ,nto %e& (%a,& un-e& (ove& of t%e &ustle an- (latte&
of -es< l,-s t%at follo4e-# =%,le t%e (%,l-&en &ea- t%e,& ve&ses
Anne .a&s%alle- %e& s%a<; 4,ts ,nto o&-e& an- loo<e- ove& t%e
a&&a; of l,ttle 0,lg&,.s to t%e )&o4nu0 Lan-#

6ost of t%e. 4e&e9 of (ou&se9 Hu,te 4ell <no4n to %e&# Le& o4n
(lass.ates %a- 0asse- out ,n t%e 0&e(e-,ng ;ea& but t%e &est %a-
all gone to s(%ool 4,t% %e&9 e+(e0t,ng t%e 0&,.e& (lass an- ten
ne4(o.e&s to Avonlea# Anne se(&etl; felt .o&e ,nte&est ,n t%ese
ten t%an ,n t%ose 4%ose 0oss,b,l,t,es 4e&e al&ea-; fa,&l; 4ell
.a00e- out to %e&# To be su&e9 t%e; .,g%t be 'ust as (o..on0la(e
as t%e &est@ but on t%e ot%e& %an- t%e&e 61)LT be a gen,us
t%e.# 1t 4as a t%&,ll,ng ,-ea#

S,tt,ng b; %,.self at a (o&ne& -es< 4as Ant%on; P;e# Le %a- a
-a&<9 sullen l,ttle fa(e9 an- 4as sta&,ng at Anne 4,t% a %ost,le
e+0&ess,on ,n %,s bla(< e;es# Anne ,nstantl; .a-e u0 %e& .,n- t%at
s%e 4oul- 4,n t%at bo;Ns affe(t,on an- -,s(o.f,t t%e P;es utte&l;#

1n t%e ot%e& (o&ne& anot%e& st&ange bo; 4as s,tt,ng 4,t% A&t;
Sloane# # #a 'oll; loo<,ng l,ttle (%a09 4,t% a snub nose9 f&e(<le-
fa(e9 an- b,g9 l,g%t blue e;es9 f&,nge- 4,t% 4%,t,s% las%es# # #
0&obabl; t%e Don3*LL bo;@ an- ,f &ese.blan(e 4ent fo& an;t%,ng9
%,s s,ste& 4as s,tt,ng a(&oss t%e a,sle 4,t% 6a&; 7ell# Anne
4on-e&e- 4%at so&t of .ot%e& t%e (%,l- %a-9 to sen- %e& to s(%ool
-&esse- as s%e 4as# S%e 4o&e a fa-e- 0,n< s,l< -&ess9 t&,..e- 4,t%
a g&eat -eal of (otton la(e9 so,le- 4%,te <,- sl,00e&s9 an- s,l<
sto(<,ngs# Le& san-; %a,& 4as to&tu&e- ,nto ,nnu.e&able <,n<; an-
unnatu&al (u&ls9 su&.ounte- b; a;ant bo4 of 0,n< &,bbon
b,gge& t%an %e& %ea-# Ou-g,ng f&o. %e& e+0&ess,on s%e 4as ve&;
4ell sat,sf,e- 4,t% %e&self#

A 0ale l,ttle t%,ng9 4,t% s.oot% &,00les of f,ne9 s,l<;9
fa4n-(olo&e- %a,& flo4,ng ove& %e& s%oul-e&s9 .ust9 Anne t%oug%t9
be Annetta 7ell9 4%ose 0a&ents %a- fo&.e&l; l,ve- ,n t%e 3e4b&,-ge
s(%ool -,st&,(t9 but9 b; &eason of %aul,ng t%e,& %ouse f,ft; ;a&-s
no&t% of ,ts ol- s,te 4e&e no4 ,n Avonlea# T%&ee 0all,- l,ttle
g,&ls (&o4-e- ,nto one seat 4e&e (e&ta,nl; Cottons@ an- t%e&e 4as
no -oubt t%at t%e s.all beaut; 4,t% t%e long b&o4n (u&ls an- %a/el
e;es9 4%o 4as (ast,ng (oHuett,s% loo<s at Oa(< ),lls ove& t%e e-ge
of %e& Testa.ent9 4as P&,ll,e 8oge&son9 4%ose fat%e& %a- &e(entl;
.a&&,e- a se(on- 4,fe an- b&oug%t P&,ll,e %o.e f&o. %e& g&an-.ot%e&Ns
,n )&afton# A tall9 a4<4a&- g,&l ,n a ba(< seat9 4%o see.e- to %ave
too .an; feet an- %an-s9 Anne (oul- not 0la(e at all9 but late& on
-,s(ove&e- t%at %e& na.e 4as 7a&ba&a S%a4 an- t%at s%e %a- (o.e to
l,ve 4,t% an Avonlea aunt# S%e 4as also to f,n- t%at ,f 7a&ba&a
eve& .anage- to 4al< -o4n t%e a,sle 4,t%out fall,ng ove& %e& o4n
o& so.ebo-; elseNs feet t%e Avonlea s(%ola&s 4&ote t%e unusual
fa(t u0 on t%e 0o&(% 4all to (o..e.o&ate ,t#

7ut 4%en AnneNs e;es .et t%ose of t%e bo; at t%e f&ont -es< fa(,ng
%e& o4n9 a Huee& l,ttle t%&,ll 4ent ove& %e&9 as ,f s%e %a- foun-
%e& gen,us# S%e <ne4 t%,s .ust be Paul 1&v,ng an- t%at 6&s# 8a(%el
L;n-e %a- been &,g%t fo& on(e 4%en s%e 0&o0%es,e- t%at %e 4oul- be
unl,<e t%e Avonlea (%,l-&en# 6o&e t%an t%at9 Anne &eal,/e- t%at %e
4as unl,<e ot%e& (%,l-&en an;4%e&e9 an- t%at t%e&e 4as a soul
subtl; a<,n to %e& o4n ga/,ng at %e& out of t%e ve&; -a&< blue e;es
t%at 4e&e 4at(%,ng %e& so ,ntentl;#

S%e <ne4 Paul 4as ten but %e loo<e- no .o&e t%an e,g%t# Le %a- t%e
.ost beaut,ful l,ttle fa(e s%e %a- eve& seen ,n a (%,l-# # #
featu&es of e+Hu,s,te -el,(a(; an- &ef,ne.ent9 f&a.e- ,n a %alo of
(%estnut (u&ls# L,s .out% 4as -el,(,ous9 be,ng full 4,t%out
0out,ng9 t%e (&,.son l,0s 'ust softl; tou(%,ng an- (u&v,ng ,nto
f,nel; f,n,s%e- l,ttle (o&ne&s t%at na&&o4l; es(a0e- be,ng -,.0le-#
Le %a- a sobe&9 g&ave9 .e-,tat,ve e+0&ess,on9 as ,f %,s s0,&,t 4as
.u(% ol-e& t%an %,s bo-;@ but 4%en Anne s.,le- softl; at %,. ,t
van,s%e- ,n a su--en ans4e&,ng s.,le9 4%,(% see.e- an ,llu.,nat,on
of %,s 4%ole be,ng9 as ,f so.e la.0 %a- su--enl; <,n-le- ,nto fla.e
,ns,-e of %,.9 ,&&a-,at,ng %,. f&o. to0 to toe# 7est of all9 ,t
4as ,nvolunta&;9 bo&n of no e+te&nal effo&t o& .ot,ve9 but s,.0l;
t%e outflas%,ng of a %,--en 0e&sonal,t;9 &a&e an- f,ne an- s4eet#
=,t% a Hu,(< ,nte&(%ange of s.,les Anne an- Paul 4e&e fast f&,en-s
fo&eve& befo&e a 4o&- %a- 0asse- bet4een t%e.#

T%e -a; 4ent b; l,<e a -&ea.# Anne (oul- neve& (lea&l; &e(all ,t
afte&4a&-s# 1t al.ost see.e- as ,f ,t 4e&e not s%e 4%o 4as
tea(%,ng but so.ebo-; else# S%e %ea&- (lasses an- 4o&<e- su.s an-
set (o0,es .e(%an,(all;# T%e (%,l-&en be%ave- Hu,te 4ell@ onl; t4o
(ases of -,s(,0l,ne o((u&&e-# 6o&le; An-&e4s 4as (aug%t -&,v,ng a
0a,& of t&a,ne- (&,(<ets ,n t%e a,sle# Anne stoo- 6o&le; on t%e
0latfo&. fo& an %ou& an-# # #4%,(% 6o&le; felt .u(% .o&e <eenl;# # #
(onf,s(ate- %,s (&,(<ets# S%e 0ut t%e. ,n a bo+ an- on t%e 4a; f&o.
s(%ool set t%e. f&ee ,n :,olet :ale@ but 6o&le; bel,eve-9 t%en an- eve&
afte&4a&-s9 t%at s%e too< t%e. %o.e an- <e0t t%e. fo& %e& o4n a.use.ent#

T%e ot%e& (ul0&,t 4as Ant%on; P;e9 4%o 0ou&e- t%e last -&o0s of
4ate& f&o. %,s slate bottle -o4n t%e ba(< of Au&el,a Cla;Ns ne(<#
Anne <e0t Ant%on; ,n at &e(ess an- tal<e- to %,. about 4%at 4as
e+0e(te- of gentle.en9 a-.on,s%,ng %,. t%at t%e; neve& 0ou&e- 4ate&
-o4n la-,esN ne(<s# S%e 4ante- all %e& bo;s to be gentle.en9 s%e sa,-#
Le& l,ttle le(tu&e 4as Hu,te <,n- an- tou(%,ng@ but unfo&tunatel;
Ant%on; &e.a,ne- absolutel; untou(%e-# Le l,stene- to %e& ,n s,len(e9
4,t% t%e sa.e sullen e+0&ess,on9 an- 4%,stle- s(o&nfull; as %e 4ent out#
Anne s,g%e-@ an- t%en (%ee&e- %e&self u0 b; &,ng t%at 4,nn,ng a
P;eNs affe(t,ons9 l,<e t%e bu,l-,ng of 8o.e9 4asnNt t%e 4o&< of a -a;#
1n fa(t9 ,t 4as -oubtful 4%et%e& so.e of t%e P;es %a- an; affe(t,ons
to 4,n@ but Anne %o0e- bette& t%,ngs of Ant%on;9 4%o loo<e- as ,f %e
.,g%t be a &at%e& n,(e bo; ,f one eve& got be%,n- %,s sullenness#

=%en s(%ool 4as -,s.,sse- an- t%e (%,l-&en %a- gone Anne -&o00e-
4ea&,l; ,nto %e& (%a,&# Le& %ea- a(%e- an- s%e felt 4oefull;
-,s(ou&age-# T%e&e 4as no &eal &eason fo& -,s(ou&age.ent9 s,n(e
not%,ng ve&; -&ea-ful %a- o((u&&e-@ but Anne 4as ve&; t,&e- an-
,n(l,ne- to bel,eve t%at s%e 4oul- neve& lea&n to l,<e tea(%,ng#
An- %o4 te&&,ble ,t 4oul- be to be -o,ng,ng ;ou -,-nNt l,<e
eve&; -a; fo&# # #4ell9 sa; fo&t; ;ea&s# Anne 4as of t4o .,n-s
4%et%e& to %ave %e& (&; out t%en an- t%e&e9 o& 4a,t t,ll s%e 4as
safel; ,n %e& o4n 4%,te &oo. at %o.e# 7efo&e s%e (oul- -e(,-e
t%e&e 4as a (l,(< of %eels an- a s,l<en s4,s% on t%e 0o&(% floo&9
an- Anne foun- %e&self (onf&onte- b; a la-; 4%ose a00ea&an(e .a-e
%e& &e(all a &e(ent (&,t,(,s. of 6&# La&&,sonNs on an ove&-&esse-
fe.ale %e %a- seen ,n a C%a&lotteto4n sto&e# GS%e loo<e- l,<e a
%ea--on (oll,s,on bet4een a fas%,on 0late an- a n,g%t.a&e#G

T%e ne4(o.e& 4as go&geousl; a&&a;e- ,n a 0ale blue su..e& s,l<9
0uffe-9 f&,lle-9 an- s%,&&e- 4%e&eve& 0uff9 f&,ll9 o& s%,&&,ng
(oul- 0oss,bl; be 0la(e-# Le& %ea- 4as su&.ounte- b; a %uge 4%,te
(%,ffon %at9 be-e(<e- 4,t% t%&ee long but &at%e& st&,ng; ost&,(%
feat%e&s# A ve,l of 0,n< (%,ffon9 lav,s%l; s0&,n<le- 4,t% %uge
bla(< -ots9 %ung l,<e a floun(e f&o. t%e %at b&,. to %e& s%oul-e&s
an- floate- off ,n t4o a,&; st&ea.e&s be%,n- %e&# S%e 4o&e all t%e
'e4el&; t%at (oul- be (&o4-e- on one s.all 4o.an9 an- a ve&; st&ong
o-o& of 0e&fu.e atten-e- %e&#

G1 a. 6&s# Don3*LL# # #6&s# L# 7# Don3*LL9G announ(e- t%,s v,s,on9
Gan- 1 %ave (o.e ,n to see ;ou about,ng Cla&,(e Al.,&a tol-
.e 4%en s%e (a.e %o.e to -,nne& to-a;# 1t anno;e- .e *KC*SS1:*LJ#G

G1N. so&&;9G falte&e- Anne9 va,nl; t&;,ng to &e(olle(t an; ,n(,-ent
of t%e .o&n,ng (onne(te- 4,t% t%e Donnell (%,l-&en#

GCla&,(e Al.,&a tol- .e t%at ;ou 0&onoun(e- ou& na.e D23nell# 3o49
6,ss S%,&le;9 t%e (o&&e(t 0&onun(,at,on of ou& na.e ,s Don3*LL# # #
a((ent on t%e last s;llable# 1 %o0e ;ouNll & t%,s ,n futu&e#G

G1Nll t&; to9G gas0e- Anne9 (%o<,ng ba(< a 4,l- -es,&e to laug%#
G1 <no4 b; e+0e&,en(e t%at ,tNs ve&; un0leasant to %ave oneNs na.e
SP*LL*D 4&ong an- 1 su00ose ,t .ust be even 4o&se to %ave ,t
0&onoun(e- 4&ong#G

GCe&ta,nl; ,t ,s# An- Cla&,(e Al.,&a also ,nfo&.e- .e t%at ;ou
(all .; son Oa(ob#G

GLe tol- .e %,s na.e 4as Oa(ob9G 0&oteste- Anne#

G1 .,g%t 4ell %ave e+0e(te- t%at9G sa,- 6&s# L# 7# Donnell9 ,n a
tone 4%,(% ,.0l,e- t%at g&at,tu-e ,n (%,l-&en 4as not to be loo<e-
fo& ,n t%,s -egene&ate age# GT%at bo; %as su(% 0lebe,an tastes9
6,ss S%,&le;# =%en %e 4as bo&n 1 4ante- to (all %,. St# Cla,&
# # #,t soun-s S2 a&,sto(&at,(9 -oesnNt ,tM 7ut %,s fat%e&
,ns,ste- %e s%oul- be (alle- Oa(ob afte& %,s un(le# 1 ;,el-e-9
be(ause 5n(le Oa(ob 4as a &,(% ol- ba(%elo&# An- 4%at -o ;ou
t%,n<9 6,ss S%,&le;M =%en ou& ,nno(ent bo; 4as f,ve ;ea&s ol- 5n(le
Oa(ob a(tuall; 4ent an- got .a&&,e- an- no4 %e %as t%&ee bo;s of
%,s o4n# D,- ;ou eve& %ea& of su(% ,ng&at,tu-eM T%e .o.ent t%e
,nv,tat,on to t%e 4e--,ng# # #fo& %e %a- t%e ,.0e&t,nen(e to sen-
us an ,nv,tat,on9 6,ss S%,&le;# # #(a.e to t%e %ouse 1 sa,-9 U3o
.o&e Oa(obs fo& .e9 t%an< ;ou#N B&o. t%at -a; 1 (alle- .; son St#
Cla,& an- St# Cla,& 1 a. -ete&.,ne- %e s%all be (alle-# L,s fat%e&
obst,natel; (ont,nues to (all %,. Oa(ob9 an- t%e bo; %,.self
%as a 0e&fe(tl; una((ountable 0&efe&en(e fo& t%e vulga& na.e#
7ut St# Cla,& %e ,s an- St# Cla,& %e s%all &e.a,n# Jou 4,ll <,n-l;
& t%,s9 6,ss S%,&le;9 4,ll ;ou notM TLA3P ;ou# 1 tol-
Cla&,(e Al.,&a t%at 1 4as su&e ,t 4as onl; a .,sun-e&stan-,ng an-
t%at a 4o&- 4oul- set ,t &,g%t# Donnell# # #a((ent on t%e last
s;llable# # #an- St# Cla,&# # #on no a((ount Oa(ob# JouNll &
TLA3P ;ou#G

=%en 6&s# L# 7# Don3*LL %a- s<,..e- a4a; Anne lo(<e- t%e s(%ool
-oo& an- 4ent %o.e# At t%e foot of t%e %,ll s%e foun- Paul 1&v,ng
b; t%e 7,&(% Pat%# Le %el- out to %e& a (luste& of t%e -a,nt;
l,ttle 4,l- o&(%,-s 4%,(% Avonlea (%,l-&en (alle- G&,(e l,ll,es#G

GPlease9 tea(%e&9 1 foun- t%ese ,n 6&# =&,g%tNs f,el-9G %e sa,-
s%;l;9 Gan- 1 (a.e ba(< to g,ve t%e. to ;ou be(ause 1 t%oug%t ;ou
4e&e t%e <,n- of la-; t%at 4oul- l,<e t%e.9 an- be(ause# # #G %e
l,fte- %,s b,g beaut,ful e;es# # #G1 l,<e ;ou9 tea(%e&#G

GJou -a&l,ng9G sa,- Anne9 ta<,ng t%e f&ag&ant s0,<es# As ,f PaulNs
4o&-s %a- been a s0ell of .ag,(9 -,s(ou&age.ent an- 4ea&,ness
0asse- f&o. %e& s0,&,t9 an- %o0e u04elle- ,n %e& %ea&t l,<e a
-an(,ng founta,n# S%e 4ent t%&oug% t%e 7,&(% Pat% l,g%t-foote-l;9
atten-e- b; t%e s4eetness of %e& o&(%,-s as b; a bene-,(t,on#

G=ell9 %o4 -,- ;ou get alongMG 6a&,lla 4ante- to <no4#

GAs< .e t%at a .ont% late& an- 1 .a; be able to tell ;ou# 1 (anNt no4
# # #1 -onNt <no4 .;self# # #1N. too nea& ,t# 6; t%oug%ts feel as ,f
t%e; %a- been all st,&&e- u0 unt,l t%e; 4e&e t%,(< an- .u--;# T%e onl;
t%,ng 1 feel &eall; su&e of %av,ng a((o.0l,s%e- to-a; ,s t%at 1 taug%t
Cl,ff,e =&,g%t t%at A ,s A# Le neve& <ne4 ,t befo&e# 1snNt ,t,ng to %ave sta&te- a soul along a 0at% t%at .a; en- ,n
S%a<es0ea&e an- Pa&a-,se LostMG

6&s# L;n-e (a.e u0 late& on 4,t% .o&e en(ou&age.ent# T%at goo-
la-; %a- 4a;la,- t%e s(%ool(%,l-&en at %e& gate an- of
t%e. %o4 t%e; l,<e- t%e,& ne4 tea(%e&#

GAn- eve&; one of t%e. sa,- t%e; l,<e- ;ou s0len-,-9 Anne9 e+(e0t
Ant%on; P;e# 1 .ust a-.,t %e -,-nNt# Le sa,- ;ou U4e&enNt an; goo-9
'ust l,<e all g,&l tea(%e&s#N T%e&eNs t%e P;e leaven fo& ;ou#
7ut neve& .,n-#G

G1N. not go,ng to .,n-9G sa,- Anne Hu,etl;9 Gan- 1N. go,ng to .a<e
Ant%on; P;e l,<e .e ;et# Pat,en(e an- <,n-ness 4,ll su&el; 4,n %,.#G

G=ell9 ;ou (an neve& tell about a P;e9G sa,- 6&s# 8a(%el (aut,ousl;#
GT%e; go b; (ont&a&,es9 l,<e -&ea.s9 often as not# As fo& t%at
Don3*LL 4o.an9 s%eNll get no Don3*LL,ng f&o. .e9 1 (an assu&e ;ou#
T%e na.e ,s D23nell an- al4a;s %as been# T%e ,s (&a/;9 t%atNs 4%at#
S%e %as a 0ug -og s%e (alls Queen,e an- ,t %as ,ts .eals at t%e table
along 4,t% t%e fa.,l;9 eat,ng off a (%,na 0late# 1N- be af&a,- of a
'u-g.ent ,f 1 4as %e&# sa;s Donnell %,.self ,s a sens,ble9
%a&--4o&<,ng .an9 but %e %a-nNt .u(% gu.0t,on 4%en %e 0,(<e- out a 4,fe9
t%atNs 4%at#G


All So&ts an- Con-,t,ons of 6en# # #an- 4o.en

A -a; on P&,n(e *-4a&- 1slan- %,lls@ a (&,s0 4,n- blo4,ng
u0 ove& t%e san- -unes f&o. t%e sea@ a long &e- &oa-9 4,n-,ng
t%&oug% f,el-s an- 4oo-s9 no4 loo0,ng ,tself about a (o&ne& of
t%,(< set s0&u(es9 no4 t%&ea-,ng a 0lantat,on of ;oung .a0les 4,t%
g&eat feat%e&; s%eets of fe&ns beneat% t%e.9 no4 -,00,ng -o4n ,nto
a %ollo4 4%e&e a b&oo< flas%e- out of t%e 4oo-s an- ,nto t%e. aga,n9
no4 bas<,ng ,n o0en suns%,ne bet4een &,bbons of gol-en-&o- an-
s.o<e-blue aste&s@ a,& at%&,ll 4,t% t%e 0,0,ngs of .;&,a-s of (&,(<ets9
t%ose gla- l,ttle 0ens,one&s of t%e su..e& %,lls@ a 0lu.0 b&o4n 0on;,ng along t%e &oa-@ t4o g,&ls be%,n- %,.9 full to t%e l,0s 4,t%
t%e s,.0le9 0&,(eless 'o; of ;out% an- l,fe#

G2%9 t%,s ,s a -a; left ove& f&o. *-en9 ,snNt ,t9 D,anaMG# # #an-
Anne s,g%e- fo& s%ee& %a00,ness# GT%e a,& %as .ag,( ,n ,t# Loo<
at t%e 0u&0le ,n t%e (u0 of t%e %a&vest valle;9 D,ana# An- o%9 -o
s.ell t%e -;,ng f,&F 1tNs (o.,ng u0 f&o. t%at l,ttle sunn; %ollo4
4%e&e 6&# *ben =&,g%t %as been (utt,ng fen(e 0oles# 7l,ss ,s ,t
on su(% a -a; to be al,ve@ but to s.ell -;,ng f,& ,s ve&; %eaven#
T%atNs t4o t%,&-s =o&-s4o&t% an- one t%,&- Anne S%,&le;# 1t
-oesnNt see. 0oss,ble t%at t%e&e s%oul- be -;,ng f,& ,n %eaven9
-oes ,tM An- ;et ,t -oesnNt see. to .e t%at %eaven 4oul- be Hu,te
0e&fe(t ,f ;ou (oul-nNt get a 4%,ff of -ea- f,& as ;ou 4ent t%&oug%
,ts 4oo-s# Pe&%a0s 4eNll %ave t%e o-o& t%e&e 4,t%out t%e -eat%#
Jes9 1 t%,n< t%at 4,ll be t%e 4a;# T%at -el,(,ous a&o.a .ust be t%e
souls of t%e f,&s# # #an- of (ou&se ,t 4,ll be 'ust souls ,n %eaven#G

GT&ees %avenNt souls9G sa,- 0&a(t,(al D,ana9 Gbut t%e s.ell of -ea-
f,& ,s (e&ta,nl; lovel;# 1N. go,ng to .a<e a (us%,on an- f,ll ,t
4,t% f,& nee-les# JouN- bette& .a<e one too9 Anne#G

G1 t%,n< 1 s%all# # #an- use ,t fo& .; na0s# 1N- be (e&ta,n to
-&ea. 1 4as a -&;a- o& a 4oo-n;.0% t%en# 7ut 'ust t%,s .,nute 1N.
4ell (ontent to be Anne S%,&le;9 Avonlea s(%ool.aNa.9 -&,v,ng ove&
a &oa- l,<e t%,s on su(% a s4eet9 f&,en-l; -a;#G

G1tNs a lovel; -a; but 4e %ave an;t%,ng but a lovel; tas< befo&e us9G
s,g%e- D,ana# G=%; on ea&t% -,- ;ou offe& to (anvass t%,s &oa-9 AnneM
Al.ost all t%e (&an<s ,n Avonlea l,ve along ,t9 an- 4eNll 0&obabl; be
t&eate- as ,f 4e 4e&e begg,ng fo& ou&selves# 1tNs t%e ve&; 4o&st &oa-
of all#G

GT%at ,s 4%; 1 (%ose ,t# 2f (ou&se ),lbe&t an- B&e- 4oul- %ave
ta<en t%,s &oa- ,f 4e %a- as<e- t%e.# 7ut ;ou see9 D,ana9 1 feel
.;self &es0ons,ble fo& t%e A#:#1#S#9 s,n(e 1 4as t%e f,&st to
suggest ,t9 an- ,t see.s to .e t%at 1 oug%t to -o t%e .ost
-,sag&eeable t%,ngs# 1N. so&&; on ;ou& a((ount@ but ;ou nee-nNt
sa; a 4o&- at t%e (&an<; 0la(es# 1Nll -o all t%e tal<,ng# # #
6&s# L;n-e 4oul- sa; 1 4as 4ell able to# 6&s# L;n-e -oesnNt <no4
4%et%e& to a00&ove of ou& ente&0&,se o& not# S%e ,n(l,nes to9
4%en s%e & t%at 6&# an- 6&s# Allan a&e ,n favo& of ,t@
but t%e fa(t t%at v,llage ,.0&ove.ent so(,et,es f,&st o&,g,nate-
,n t%e States ,s a (ount aga,nst ,t# So s%e ,s %alt,ng bet4een t4o
o0,n,ons an- onl; su((ess 4,ll 'ust,f; us ,n 6&s# L;n-eNs e;es#
P&,s(,lla ,s go,ng to 4&,te a 0a0e& fo& ou& ne+t 1.0&ove.ent .eet,ng9
an- 1 e+0e(t ,t 4,ll be goo-9 fo& %e& aunt ,s su(% a (leve& 4&,te& an-
no -oubt ,t &uns ,n t%e fa.,l;# 1 s%all neve& fo&get t%e t%&,ll ,t gave
.e 4%en 1 foun- out t%at 6&s# C%a&lotte *# 6o&gan 4as P&,s(,llaNs aunt#
1t see.e- so 4on-e&ful t%at 1 4as a f&,en- of t%e g,&l 4%ose aunt 4&ote
U*-ge4oo- Da;sN an- UT%e 8osebu- )a&-en#NG

G=%e&e -oes 6&s# 6o&gan l,veMG

G1n To&onto# An- P&,s(,lla sa;s s%e ,s (o.,ng to t%e 1slan- fo& a
v,s,t ne+t su..e&9 an- ,f ,t ,s 0oss,ble P&,s(,lla ,s go,ng to
a&&ange to %ave us .eet %e&# T%at see.s al.ost too goo- to be t&ue
--but ,tNs,ng 0leasant to ,.ag,ne afte& ;ou go to be-#G

T%e Avonlea :,llage 1.0&ove.ent So(,et; 4as an o&gan,/e- fa(t#
),lbe&t 7l;t%e 4as 0&es,-ent9 B&e- =&,g%t v,(e-0&es,-ent9 Anne
S%,&le; se(&eta&;9 an- D,ana 7a&&; t&easu&e&# T%e G1.0&ove&s9G as
t%e; 4e&e 0&o.0tl; (%&,stene-9 4e&e to .eet on(e a fo&tn,g%t at t%e of t%e 1t 4as a-.,tte- t%at t%e; (oul- not e+0e(t
to affe(t .an; ,.0&ove.ents so late ,n t%e season@ but t%e; .eant
to 0lan t%e ne+t su..e&Ns (a.0a,gn9 (olle(t an- -,s(uss ,-eas9
4&,te an- &ea- 0a0e&s9 an-9 as Anne sa,-9 e-u(ate t%e 0ubl,(
sent,.ent gene&all;#

T%e&e 4as so.e -,sa00&oval9 of (ou&se9 an-# # #4%,(% t%e 1.0&ove&s
felt .u(% .o&e <eenl;# # #a goo- -eal of &,-,(ule# 6&# *l,s%a
=&,g%t 4as &e0o&te- to %ave sa,- t%at a .o&e a00&o0&,ate na.e fo&
t%e o&gan,/at,on 4oul- be Cou&t,ng Club# 6&s# L,&a. Sloane
-e(la&e- s%e %a- %ea&- t%e 1.0&ove&s .eant to 0loug% u0 all t%e
&oa-s,-es an- set t%e. out 4,t% ge&an,u.s# 6&# Lev, 7oulte&
4a&ne- %,s ne,g%bo&s t%at t%e 1.0&ove&s 4oul- ,ns,st t%at eve&;bo-;
0ull -o4n %,s %ouse an- &ebu,l- ,t afte& 0lans a00&ove- b; t%e so(,et;#
6&# S0en(e& sent t%e. 4o&- t%at %e 4,s%e- t%e; 4oul- <,n-l;
s%ovel -o4n t%e (%u&(% %,ll# *ben =&,g%t tol- Anne t%at %e 4,s%e-
t%e 1.0&ove&s (oul- ,n-u(e ol- Oos,a% Sloane to <ee0 %,s 4%,s<e&s t&,..e-#
6&# La4&en(e 7ell sa,- %e 4oul- 4%,te4as% %,s ba&ns ,f not%,ng else 4oul-
0lease t%e. but %e 4oul- 32T %ang la(e (u&ta,ns ,n t%e (o4stable 4,n-o4s#
6&# 6a'o& S0en(e& as<e- Cl,fton Sloane9 an 1.0&ove& 4%o -&ove t%e .,l< to
t%e Ca&.o-; (%eese fa(to&;9 ,f ,t 4as t&ue t%at eve&;bo-; 4oul- %ave to
%ave %,s .,l<-stan- %an--0a,nte- ne+t su..e& an- <ee0 an e.b&o,-e&e-
(ente&0,e(e on ,t#

1n s0,te of# # #o& 0e&%a0s9 natu&e be,ng 4%at ,t ,s9 be(ause
of# # #t%,s9 t%e So(,et; 4ent ga.el; to 4o&< at t%e onl; ,.0&ove.ent
t%e; (oul- %o0e to b&,ng about t%at fall# At t%e se(on- .eet,ng9
,n t%e 7a&&; 0a&lo&9 2l,ve& Sloane .ove- t%at t%e; ta&t a subs(&,0t,on
to &e-s%,ngle an- 0a,nt t%e %all@ Oul,a 7ell se(on-e- ,t9 4,t% an
uneas; feel,ng t%at s%e 4as -o,ng,ng not e+a(tl; la-;l,<e#
),lbe&t 0ut t%e .ot,on9 ,t 4as (a&&,e- unan,.ousl;9 an- Anne g&avel;
&e(o&-e- ,t ,n %e& .,nutes# T%e ne+t t%,ng 4as to a00o,nt a (o..,ttee9
an- )e&t,e P;e9 -ete&.,ne- not to let Oul,a 7ell (a&&; off all t%e lau&els9
bol-l; .ove- t%at 6,ss Oane An-&e4s be (%a,&.an of sa,- (o..,ttee#
T%,s .ot,on be,ng also -ul; se(on-e- an- (a&&,e-9 Oane &etu&ne-
t%e (o.0l,.ent b; a00o,nt,ng )e&t,e on t%e (o..,ttee9 along 4,t%
),lbe&t9 Anne9 D,ana9 an- B&e- =&,g%t# T%e (o..,ttee (%ose t%e,&
&outes ,n 0&,vate (on(lave# Anne an- D,ana 4e&e tol- off fo& t%e
3e4b&,-ge &oa-9 ),lbe&t an- B&e- fo& t%e =%,te San-s &oa-9 an- Oane
an- )e&t,e fo& t%e Ca&.o-; &oa-#

G7e(ause9G e+0la,ne- ),lbe&t to Anne9 as t%e; 4al<e- %o.e toget%e&
t%&oug% t%e Launte- =oo-9 Gt%e P;es all l,ve along t%at &oa- an-
t%e; 4onNt g,ve a (ent unless one of t%e.selves (anvasses t%e.#G

T%e ne+t Satu&-a; Anne an- D,ana sta&te- out# T%e; -&ove to t%e en- of
t%e &oa- an- (anvasse- %o.e4a&-9 (all,ng f,&st on t%e GAn-&e4 g,&ls#G

G1f Cat%e&,ne ,s alone 4e .a; get,ng9G sa,- D,ana9 Gbut ,f
*l,/a ,s t%e&e 4e 4onNt#G

*l,/a 4as t%e&e# # #ve&; .u(% so# # #an- loo<e- even g&,..e& t%an
usual# 6,ss *l,/a 4as one of t%ose 0eo0le 4%o g,ve ;ou t%e
,.0&ess,on t%at l,fe ,s ,n-ee- a vale of tea&s9 an- t%at a s.,le9
neve& to s0ea< of a laug%9 ,s a 4aste of ne&vous ene&g; t&ul;
&e0&e%ens,ble# T%e An-&e4 g,&ls %a- been Gg,&lsG fo& f,ft; o--
;ea&s an- see.e- l,<el; to &e.a,n g,&ls to t%e en- of t%e,& ea&t%l;
0,lg&,.age# Cat%e&,ne9 ,t 4as sa,-9 %a- not ent,&el; g,ven u0 %o0e9
but *l,/a9 4%o 4as bo&n a 0ess,.,st9 %a- neve& %a- an;# T%e; l,ve-
,n a l,ttle b&o4n %ouse bu,lt ,n a sunn; (o&ne& s(oo0e- out of
6a&< An-&e4Ns bee(% 4oo-s# *l,/a (o.0la,ne- t%at ,t 4as te&&,ble
%ot ,n su..e&9 but Cat%e&,ne 4as 4ont to sa; ,t 4as lovel; an-
4a&. ,n 4,nte&#

*l,/a 4as se4,ng 0at(%4o&<9 not be(ause ,t 4as nee-e- but s,.0l; as
a 0&otest aga,nst t%e f&,volous la(e Cat%e&,ne 4as (&o(%et,ng#
*l,/a l,stene- 4,t% a f&o4n an- Cat%e&,ne 4,t% a s.,le9 as t%e
g,&ls e+0la,ne- t%e,& e&&an-# To be su&e9 4%eneve& Cat%e&,ne
(aug%t *l,/aNs e;e s%e -,s(a&-e- t%e s.,le ,n gu,lt; (onfus,on@
but ,t (&e0t ba(< t%e ne+t .o.ent#

G1f 1 %a- .one; to 4aste9G sa,- *l,/a g&,.l;9 G1N- bu&n ,t u0 an-
%ave t%e fun of see,ng a bla/e .a;be@ but 1 4oul-nNt g,ve ,t to
t%at %all9 not a (ent# 1tNs no benef,t to t%e settle.ent# # #'ust
a 0la(e fo& ;oung fol<s to .eet an- (a&&; on 4%en t%e;Ns bette& be
%o.e ,n t%e,& be-s#G

G2%9 *l,/a9 ;oung fol<s .ust %ave so.e a.use.ent9G 0&oteste-

G1 -onNt see t%e ne(ess,t;# =e -,-nNt ga- about to %alls an-
0la(es 4%en 4e 4e&e ;oung9 Cat%e&,ne An-&e4s# T%,s 4o&l- ,s
gett,ng 4o&se eve&; -a;G

G1 t%,n< ,tNs gett,ng bette&9G sa,- Cat%e&,ne f,&.l;#

GJ25 t%,n<FG 6,ss *l,/aNs vo,(e e+0&esse- t%e ut.ost (onte.0t#
G1t -oesnNt s,gn,f; 4%at ;ou TL13P9 Cat%e&,ne An-&e4s# Ba(ts
,s fa(ts#G

G=ell9 1 al4a;s l,<e to loo< on t%e b&,g%t s,-e9 *l,/a#G

GT%e&e ,snNt an; b&,g%t s,-e#G

G2%9 ,n-ee- t%e&e ,s9G (&,e- Anne9 4%o (oul-nNt en-u&e su(% %e&es;
,n s,len(e#G =%;9 t%e&e a&e eve& so .an; b&,g%t s,-es9 6,ss An-&e4s#
1tNs &eall; a beaut,ful 4o&l-#G

GJou 4onNt %ave su(% a %,g% o0,n,on of ,t 4%en ;ouNve l,ve- as long
,n ,t as 1 %ave9G &eto&te- 6,ss *l,/a sou&l;9 Gan- ;ou 4onNt be so
ent%us,ast,( about ,.0&ov,ng ,t e,t%e&# Lo4 ,s ;ou& .ot%e&9 D,anaM
Dea& .e9 but s%e %as fa,le- of late# S%e loo<s te&&,ble &un -o4n#
An- %o4 long ,s ,t befo&e 6a&,lla e+0e(ts to be stone bl,n-9 AnneMG

GT%e -o(to& t%,n<s %e& e;es 4,ll not get an; 4o&se ,f s%e ,s ve&;
(a&eful9G falte&e- Anne#

*l,/a s%oo< %e& %ea-#

GDo(to&s al4a;s tal< l,<e t%at 'ust to <ee0 0eo0le (%ee&e- u0# 1 4oul-nNt
%ave .u(% %o0e ,f 1 4as %e&# 1tNs best to be 0&e0a&e- fo& t%e 4o&st#G

G7ut oug%tnNt 4e be 0&e0a&e- fo& t%e best tooMG 0lea-e- Anne#
G1tNs 'ust as l,<el; to %a00en as t%e 4o&st#G

G3ot ,n .; e+0e&,en(e9 an- 1Nve f,ft;-seven ;ea&s to set aga,nst
;ou& s,+teen9G &eto&te- *l,/a# G)o,ng9 a&e ;ouM =ell9 1 %o0e t%,s
ne4 so(,et; of ;ou&s 4,ll be able to <ee0 Avonlea f&o. &unn,ng an;
fu&t%e& -o4n %,ll but 1 %avenNt .u(% %o0e of ,t#G

Anne an- D,ana got t%e.selves t%an<full; out9 an- -&ove a4a; as
fast as t%e fat 0on; (oul- go# As t%e; &oun-e- t%e (u&ve belo4 t%e
bee(% 4oo- a 0lu.0 f,gu&e (a.e s0ee-,ng ove& 6&# An-&e4sN 0astu&e9
4av,ng to t%e. e+(,te-l;# 1t 4as Cat%e&,ne An-&e4s an- s%e 4as so
out of b&eat% t%at s%e (oul- %a&-l; s0ea<9 but s%e t%&ust a (ou0le
of Hua&te&s ,nto AnneNs %an-#

GT%atNs .; (ont&,but,on to 0a,nt,ng t%e %all9G s%e gas0e-# G1N-
l,<e to g,ve ;ou a -olla& but 1 -onNt -a&e ta<e .o&e f&o. .; egg
.one; fo& *l,/a 4oul- f,n- ,t out ,f 1 -,-# 1N. &eal ,nte&este-
,n ;ou& so(,et; an- 1 bel,eve ;ouN&e go,ng to -o a lot of goo-#
1N. an o0t,.,st# 1 LA:* to be9 l,v,ng 4,t% *l,/a# 1 .ust %u&&;
ba(< befo&e s%e .,sses .e# # #s%e t%,n<s 1N. fee-,ng t%e %ens#
1 %o0e ;ouNll %ave goo- lu(< (anvass,ng9 an- -onNt be (ast -o4n ove&
4%at *l,/a sa,-# T%e 4o&l- 1S gett,ng bette&# # #,t (e&ta,nl; ,s#G

T%e ne+t %ouse 4as Dan,el 7la,&Ns#

G3o49 ,t all -e0en-s on 4%et%e& %,s 4,fe ,s %o.e o& not9G sa,- D,ana9
as t%e; 'olte- along a -ee0-&utte- lane# G1f s%e ,s 4e 4onNt get a (ent#
*ve&;bo-; sa;s Dan 7la,& -oesnNt -a&e %ave %,s %a,& (ut 4,t%out as<,ng
%e& 0e&.,ss,on@ an- ,tNs (e&ta,n s%eNs ve&; (lose9 to state ,t .o-e&atel;#
S%e sa;s s%e %as to be 'ust befo&e s%eNs gene&ous# 7ut 6&s# L;n-e sa;s
s%eNs so .u(% Ubefo&eN t%at gene&os,t; neve& (at(%es u0 4,t% %e& at all#G

Anne &elate- t%e,& e+0e&,en(e at t%e 7la,& 0la(e to 6a&,lla t%at even,ng#

G=e t,e- t%e %o&se an- t%en &a00e- at t%e <,t(%en -oo&#
3obo-; (a.e but t%e -oo& 4as o0en an- 4e (oul- %ea& so.ebo-;
,n t%e 0ant&;9 go,ng on -&ea-full;# =e (oul-nNt .a<e out t%e 4o&-s
but D,ana sa;s s%e <no4s t%e; 4e&e s4ea&,ng b; t%e soun- of t%e.#
1 (anNt bel,eve t%at of 6&# 7la,&9 fo& %e ,s al4a;s so Hu,et an- .ee<@
but at least %e %a- g&eat 0&ovo(at,on9 fo& 6a&,lla9 4%en t%at 0oo& .an
(a.e to t%e -oo&9 &e- as a beet9 4,t% 0e&s0,&at,on st&ea.,ng -o4n %,s
fa(e9 %e %a- on one of %,s 4,feNs b,g g,ng%a. a0&ons# U1 (anNt get
t%,s -u&ne- t%,ng off9N %e sa,-9 Ufo& t%e st&,ngs a&e t,e- ,n a %a&-
<not an- 1 (anNt bust Ne.9 so ;ouNll %ave to e+(use .e9 la-,es#N
=e begge- %,. not to .ent,on ,t an- 4ent ,n an- sat -o4n# 6&# 7la,&
sat -o4n too@ %e t4,ste- t%e a0&on a&oun- to %,s ba(< an- &olle- ,t u09
but %e -,- loo< so as%a.e- an- 4o&&,e- t%at 1 felt so&&; fo& %,.9
an- D,ana sa,- s%e fea&e- 4e %a- (alle- at an ,n(onven,ent t,.e#
U2%9 not at all9N sa,- 6&# 7la,&9 t&;,ng to s.,le# # #;ou <no4 %e
,s al4a;s ve&; 0ol,te# # #N1N. a l,ttle bus;# # #gett,ng &ea-; to
ba<e a (a<e as ,t 4e&e# 6; 4,fe got a teleg&a. to-a; t%at %e&
s,ste& f&o. 6ont&eal ,s (o.,ng ton,g%t an- s%eNs gone to t%e
t&a,n to .eet %e& an- left o&-e&s fo& .e to .a<e a (a<e fo& tea#
S%e 4&,t out t%e &e(,0e an- tol- .e 4%at to -o but 1Nve (lean fo&got
%alf t%e -,&e(t,ons al&ea-;# An- ,t sa;s9 Gflavo& a((o&-,ng to taste#G
=%at -oes t%at .eanM Lo4 (an ;ou tellM An- 4%at ,f .; taste -oesnNt
%a00en to be ot%e& 0eo0leNs tasteM =oul- a tables0oon of van,lla be
enoug% fo& a s.all la;e& (a<eMG

G1 felt so&&,e& t%an eve& fo& t%e 0oo& .an# Le -,-nNt see. to be
,n %,s 0&o0e& s0%e&e at all# 1 %a- %ea&- of %en0e(<e- %usban-s an-
no4 1 felt t%at 1 sa4 one# 1t 4as on .; l,0s to sa;9 U6&# 7la,&9
,f ;ouNll g,ve us a subs(&,0t,on fo& t%e %all 1Nll .,+ u0 ;ou& (a<e
fo& ;ou#N 7ut 1 su--enl; t%oug%t ,t 4oul-nNt be ne,g%bo&l; to -&,ve
too s%a&0 a ba&ga,n 4,t% a fello4 (&eatu&e ,n -,st&ess# So 1
offe&e- to .,+ t%e (a<e fo& %,. 4,t%out an; (on-,t,ons at all#
Le 'ust 'u.0e- at .; offe&# Le sa,- %eN- been use- to .a<,ng %,s
o4n b&ea- befo&e %e 4as .a&&,e- but %e fea&e- (a<e 4as be;on- %,.9
an- ;et %e %ate- to -,sa00o,nt %,s 4,fe# Le got .e anot%e& a0&on9
an- D,ana beat t%e eggs an- 1 .,+e- t%e (a<e# 6&# 7la,& &an about
an- got us t%e .ate&,als# Le %a- fo&gotten all about %,s a0&on an-
4%en %e &an ,t st&ea.e- out be%,n- %,. an- D,ana sa,- s%e t%oug%t
s%e 4oul- -,e to see ,t# Le sa,- %e (oul- ba<e t%e (a<e all &,g%t#
# #%e 4as use- to t%at# # #an- t%en %e as<e- fo& ou& l,st an- %e
0ut -o4n fou& -olla&s# So ;ou see 4e 4e&e &e4a&-e-# 7ut even ,f
%e %a-nNt g,ven a (ent 1N- al4a;s feel t%at 4e %a- -one a t&ul;
C%&,st,an a(t ,n %el0,ng %,.#G

T%eo-o&e =%,teNs 4as t%e ne+t sto00,ng 0la(e# 3e,t%e& Anne no&
D,ana %a- eve& been t%e&e befo&e9 an- t%e; %a- onl; a ve&; sl,g%t
a(Hua,ntan(e 4,t% 6&s# T%eo-o&e9 4%o 4as not g,ven to %os0,tal,t;#
S%oul- t%e; go to t%e ba(< o& f&ont -oo&M =%,le t%e; %el- a
4%,s0e&e- (onsultat,on 6&s# T%eo-o&e a00ea&e- at t%e f&ont -oo&
4,t% an a&.ful of ne4s0a0e&s# Del,be&atel; s%e la,- t%e. -o4n one
b; one on t%e 0o&(% floo& an- t%e 0o&(% ste0s9 an- t%en -o4n t%e
0at% to t%e ve&; feet of %e& .;st,f,e- (alle&s#

G=,ll ;ou 0lease 4,0e ;ou& feet (a&efull; on t%e g&ass an- t%en
4al< on t%ese 0a0e&sMG s%e sa,- an+,ousl;# G1Nve 'ust s4e0t
t%e %ouse all ove& an- 1 (anNt %ave an; .o&e -ust t&a(<e- ,n#
T%e 0at%Ns been &eal .u--; s,n(e t%e &a,n ;este&-a;#G

GDonNt ;ou -a&e laug%9G 4a&ne- Anne ,n a 4%,s0e&9 as t%e; .a&(%e-
along t%e ne4s0a0e&s# GAn- 1 ,.0lo&e ;ou9 D,ana9 not to loo< at .e9
no .atte& 4%at s%e sa;s9 o& 1 s%all not be able to <ee0 a sobe& fa(e#G

T%e 0a0e&s e+ten-e- a(&oss t%e %all an- ,nto a 0&,.9 fle(<less 0a&lo&#
Anne an- D,ana sat -o4n g,nge&l; on t%e nea&est (%a,&s an- e+0la,ne-
t%e,& e&&an-# 6&s# =%,te %ea&- t%e. 0ol,tel;9 ,nte&&u0t,ng onl; t4,(e9
on(e to (%ase out an a-ventu&ous fl;9 an- on(e to 0,(< u0 a t,n; 4,s0
of g&ass t%at %a- fallen on t%e (a&0et f&o. AnneNs -&ess# Anne felt
4&et(%e-l; gu,lt;@ but 6&s# =%,te subs(&,be- t4o -olla&s an- 0a,-
t%e .one; -o4n# # #Gto 0&event us f&o. %av,ng to go ba(< fo& ,t9G
D,ana sa,- 4%en t%e; got a4a;# 6&s# =%,te %a- t%e ne4s0a0e&s
gat%e&e- u0 befo&e t%e; %a- t%e,& %o&se unt,e- an- as t%e; -&ove
out of t%e ;a&- t%e; sa4 %e& bus,l; 4,el-,ng a b&oo. ,n t%e %all#

G1Nve al4a;s %ea&- t%at 6&s# T%eo-o&e =%,te 4as t%e neatest
al,ve an- 1Nll bel,eve ,t afte& t%,s9G sa,- D,ana9 g,v,ng 4a; to
%e& su00&esse- laug%te& as soon as ,t 4as safe#

G1 a. gla- s%e %as no (%,l-&en9G sa,- Anne;# G1t 4oul- be
-&ea-ful be;on- 4o&-s fo& t%e. ,f s%e %a-#G

At t%e S0en(e&sN 6&s# 1sabella S0en(e& .a-e t%e. .,se&able b; sa;,ng,ng ,ll-natu&e- about eve&;one ,n Avonlea# 6&# 7oulte&
&efuse- to g,ve an;t%,ng be(ause t%e %all9 4%en ,t %a- been bu,lt9
t4ent; ;ea&s befo&e9 %a-nNt been bu,lt on t%e s,te %e &e(o..en-e-#
6&s# *st%e& 7ell9 4%o 4as t%e 0,(tu&e of %ealt%9 too< %alf an %ou&
to -eta,l all %e& a(%es an- 0a,ns9 an- sa-l; 0ut -o4n f,ft; (ents
be(ause s%e 4oul-nNt be t%e&e t%at t,.e ne+t ;ea& to -o ,t# # #no9
s%e 4oul- be ,n %e& g&ave#

T%e,& 4o&st &e(e0t,on9 %o4eve&9 4as at S,.on Blet(%e&Ns# =%en t%e;
-&ove ,nto t%e ;a&- t%e; sa4 t4o fa(es 0ee&,ng at t%e. t%&oug% t%e
0o&(% 4,n-o4# 7ut alt%oug% t%e; &a00e- an- 4a,te- 0at,entl; an-
0e&s,stentl; nobo-; (a.e to t%e -oo&# T4o -e(,-e-l; &uffle- an-
,n-,gnant g,&ls -&ove a4a; f&o. S,.on Blet(%e&Ns# *ven Anne
a-.,tte- t%at s%e 4as beg,nn,ng to feel -,s(ou&age-# 7ut t%e t,-e
tu&ne- afte& t%at# Seve&al Sloane %o.estea-s (a.e ne+t9 4%e&e t%e;
got l,be&al subs(&,0t,ons9 an- f&o. t%at to t%e en- t%e; fa&e- 4ell9
4,t% onl; an o((as,onal snub# T%e,& last 0la(e of (all 4as at
8obe&t D,(<sonNs b; t%e 0on- b&,-ge# T%e; sta;e- to tea %e&e9
alt%oug% t%e; 4e&e nea&l; %o.e9 &at%e& t%an &,s< offen-,ng 6&s#
D,(<son9 4%o %a- t%e &e0utat,on of be,ng a ve&; Gtou(%;G

=%,le t%e; 4e&e t%e&e ol- 6&s# =%,te (alle- ,n#

G1Nve 'ust been -o4n to Lo&en/oNs9G s%e announ(e-# GLeNs t%e
0&ou-est .an ,n Avonlea t%,s .,nute# =%at -o ;ou t%,n<M T%e&eNs
a b&an- ne4 bo; t%e&e# # #an- afte& seven g,&ls t%atNs Hu,te an
event9 1 (an tell ;ou#G Anne 0&,(<e- u0 %e& ea&s9 an- 4%en t%e;
-&ove a4a; s%e sa,-#

G1N. go,ng st&a,g%t to Lo&en/o =%,teNs#G

G7ut %e l,ves on t%e =%,te San-s &oa- an- ,tNs Hu,te a -,stan(e out
of ou&9 4a;G 0&oteste- D,ana# G),lbe&t an- B&e- 4,ll (anvass %,.#G

GT%e; a&e not go,ng a&oun- unt,l ne+t Satu&-a; an- ,t 4,ll be too
late b; t%en9G sa,- Anne f,&.l;# GT%e novelt; 4,ll be 4o&n off#
Lo&en/o =%,te ,s -&ea-full; .ean but %e 4,ll subs(&,be to A3JTL13)
'ust no4# =e .ustnNt let su(% a gol-en o00o&tun,t; sl,09 D,ana#G
T%e &esult 'ust,f,e- AnneNs fo&es,g%t# 6&# =%,te .et t%e. ,n t%e ;a&-9
bea.,ng l,<e t%e sun u0on an *aste& -a;# =%en Anne as<e- fo& a
subs(&,0t,on %e ag&ee- ent%us,ast,(all;#

GCe&ta,n9 (e&ta,n# Oust 0ut .e -o4n fo& a -olla& .o&e t%an t%e
%,g%est subs(&,0t,on ;ouNve got#G

GT%at 4,ll be f,ve -olla&s# # #6&# Dan,el 7la,& 0ut -o4n fou&9G
sa,- Anne9 %alf af&a,-# 7ut Lo&en/o -,- not fl,n(%#

GB,ve ,t ,s# # #an- %e&eNs t%e .one; on t%e s0ot# 3o49 1 4ant ;ou
to (o.e ,nto t%e %ouse# T%e&eNs,ng ,n t%e&e 4o&t% see,ng# # #,ng ve&; fe4 0eo0le %ave seen as ;et# Oust (o.e ,n an- 0ass
J258 o0,n,on#G

G=%at 4,ll 4e sa; ,f t%e bab; ,snNt 0&ett;MG 4%,s0e&e- D,ana ,n
t&e0,-at,on as t%e; follo4e- t%e e+(,te- Lo&en/o ,nto t%e %ouse#

G2%9 t%e&e 4,ll (e&ta,nl; be,ng else n,(e to sa; about ,t9G
sa,- Anne eas,l;# GT%e&e al4a;s ,s about a bab;#G

T%e bab; =AS 0&ett;9 %o4eve&9 an- 6&# =%,te felt t%at %e got %,s
f,ve -olla&sN 4o&t% of t%e g,&lsN %onest -el,g%t ove& t%e 0lu.0
l,ttle ne4(o.e&# 7ut t%at 4as t%e f,&st9 last9 an- onl; t,.e t%at
Lo&en/o =%,te eve& subs(&,be- to an;t%,ng#

Anne9 t,&e- as s%e 4as9 .a-e one .o&e effo&t fo& t%e 0ubl,( 4eal
t%at n,g%t9 sl,00,ng ove& t%e f,el-s to ,nte&v,e4 6&# La&&,son9 4%o
4as as usual s.o<,ng %,s 0,0e on t%e ve&an-a 4,t% ),nge& bes,-e %,.#
St&,(<l; s0ea<,ng %e 4as on t%e Ca&.o-; &oa-@ but Oane an- )e&t,e9
4%o 4e&e not a(Hua,nte- 4,t% %,. save b; -oubtful &e0o&t9 %a-
ne&vousl; begge- Anne to (anvass %,.#

6&# La&&,son9 %o4eve&9 flatl; &efuse- to subs(&,be a (ent9 an- all
AnneNs 4,les 4e&e ,n va,n#

G7ut 1 t%oug%t ;ou a00&ove- of ou& so(,et;9 6&# La&&,son9G s%e .ou&ne-#

GSo 1 -o# # #so 1 -o# # #but .; a00&oval -oesnNt go as -ee0 as .;
0o(<et9 Anne#G

GA fe4 .o&e e+0e&,en(es su(% as 1 %ave %a- to-a; 4oul- .a<e .e as
.u(% of a 0ess,.,st as 6,ss *l,/a An-&e4s9G Anne tol- %e&
&efle(t,on ,n t%e east gable .,&&o& at be-t,.e#


T%e Po,nt,ng of Dut;

Anne leane- ba(< ,n %e& (%a,& one .,l- 2(tobe& even,ng an- s,g%e-#
S%e 4as s,tt,ng at a table (ove&e- 4,t% te+t boo<s an- e+e&(,ses9
but t%e (losel; 4&,tten s%eets of 0a0e& befo&e %e& %a- no a00a&ent
(onne(t,on 4,t% stu-,es o& s(%ool 4o&<#

G=%at ,s t%e .atte&MG as<e- ),lbe&t9 4%o %a- a&&,ve- at t%e o0en
<,t(%en -oo& 'ust ,n t,.e to %ea& t%e s,g%#

Anne (olo&e-9 an- t%&ust %e& 4&,t,ng out of s,g%t un-e& so.e s(%ool

G3ot%,ng ve&; -&ea-ful# 1 4as 'ust t&;,ng to 4&,te out so.e of .;
t%oug%ts9 as P&ofesso& La.,lton a-v,se- .e9 but 1 (oul-nNt get t%e.
to 0lease .e# T%e; see. so st,ll an- fool,s% -,&e(tl; t%e;N&e 4&,tten
-o4n on 4%,te 0a0e& 4,t% bla(< ,n<# Ban(,es a&e l,<e s%a-o4s# # #
;ou (anNt (age t%e.9 t%e;N&e su(% 4a;4a&-9 -an(,ng t%,ngs#
7ut 0e&%a0s 1Nll lea&n t%e se(&et so.e -a; ,f 1 <ee0 on t&;,ng#
1 %avenNt a g&eat .an; s0a&e .o.ents9 ;ou <no4# 7; t%e t,.e 1
f,n,s% (o&&e(t,ng s(%ool e+e&(,ses an- (o.0os,t,ons9 1 -onNt
al4a;s feel l,<e 4&,t,ng an; of .; o4n#G

GJou a&e gett,ng on s0len-,-l; ,n s(%ool9 Anne# All t%e (%,l-&en
l,<e ;ou9G sa,- ),lbe&t9 s,tt,ng -o4n on t%e stone ste0#

G3o9 not all# Ant%on; P;e -oesnNt an- =23NT l,<e .e# =%at ,s 4o&se9
%e -oesnNt &es0e(t .e# # #no9 %e -oesnNt# Le s,.0l; %ol-s .e ,n
(onte.0t an- 1 -onNt .,n- (onfess,ng to ;ou t%at ,t 4o&&,es .e .,se&abl;#
1t ,snNt t%at %e ,s so ve&; ba-# # #%e ,s onl; &at%e& .,s(%,evous9 but
no 4o&se t%an so.e of t%e ot%e&s# Le sel-o. -,sobe;s .e@ but %e obe;s
4,t% a s(o&nful a,& of tole&at,on as ,f ,t 4asnNt 4o&t%4%,le -,s0ut,ng
t%e 0o,nt o& %e 4oul-# # #an- ,t %as a ba- effe(t on t%e ot%e&s#
1Nve t&,e- eve&; 4a; to 4,n %,. but 1N. beg,nn,ng to fea& 1 neve& s%all#
1 4ant to9 fo& %eNs &at%e& a (ute l,ttle la-9 ,f %e 1S a P;e9 an- 1
(oul- l,<e %,. ,f %eN- let .e#G

GP&obabl; ,tNs .e&el; t%e effe(t of 4%at %e %ea&s at %o.e#G

G3ot altoget%e&# Ant%on; ,s an ,n-e0en-ent l,ttle (%a0 an- .a<es
u0 %,s o4n .,n- about t%,ngs# Le %as al4a;s gone to .en befo&e an-
%e sa;s g,&l tea(%e&s a&e no goo-# =ell9 4eNll see 4%at 0at,en(e
an- <,n-ness 4,ll -o# 1 l,<e ove&(o.,ng -,ff,(ult,es an- tea(%,ng
,s &eall; ve&; ,nte&est,ng 4o&<# Paul 1&v,ng .a<es u0 fo& all t%at
,s la(<,ng ,n t%e ot%e&s# T%at (%,l- ,s a 0e&fe(t -a&l,ng9
),lbe&t9 an- a gen,us ,nto t%e ba&ga,n# 1N. 0e&sua-e- t%e 4o&l-
4,ll %ea& of %,. so.e -a;9G (on(lu-e- Anne ,n a tone of (onv,(t,on#

G1 l,<e tea(%,ng9 too9G sa,- ),lbe&t# G1tNs goo- t&a,n,ng9 fo& one t%,ng#
=%;9 Anne9 1Nve lea&ne- .o&e ,n t%e 4ee<s 1Nve been tea(%,ng t%e ;oung t%e
,-eas of =%,te San-s t%an 1 lea&ne- ,n all t%e ;ea&s 1 4ent to s(%ool .;self#
=e all see. to be gett,ng on 0&ett; 4ell# T%e 3e4b&,-ge 0eo0le l,<e Oane9
1 %ea&@ an- 1 t%,n< =%,te San-s ,s tole&abl; sat,sf,e- 4,t% ;ou& %u.ble
se&vant# # #all e+(e0t 6&# An-&e4 S0en(e&# 1 .et 6&s# Pete& 7le4ett on
.; 4a; %o.e last n,g%t an- s%e tol- .e s%e t%oug%t ,t %e& -ut; to ,nfo&.
.e t%at 6&# S0en(e& -,-nNt a00&ove of .; .et%o-s#G

GLave ;ou eve& not,(e-9G as<e- Anne &efle(t,vel;9 Gt%at 4%en 0eo0le
sa; ,t ,s t%e,& -ut; to tell ;ou a (e&ta,n t%,ng ;ou .a; 0&e0a&e
fo&,ng -,sag&eeableM =%; ,s ,t t%at t%e; neve& see. to t%,n<
,t a -ut; to tell ;ou t%e 0leasant t%,ngs t%e; %ea& about ;ouM
6&s# L# 7# Don3*LL (alle- at t%e s(%ool aga,n ;este&-a; an- tol- .e
s%e t%oug%t ,t L*8 -ut; to ,nfo&. .e t%at 6&s# La&.on An-&e4
-,-nNt a00&ove of .; &ea-,ng fa,&; tales to t%e (%,l-&en9 an- t%at
6&# 8oge&son t%oug%t P&,ll,e 4asnNt (o.,ng on fast enoug% ,n
a&,,(# 1f P&,ll,e 4oul- s0en- less t,.e .a<,ng e;es at t%e
bo;s ove& %e& slate s%e .,g%t -o bette&# 1 feel Hu,te su&e t%at
Oa(< ),ll,s 4o&<s %e& (lass su.s fo& %e&9 t%oug% 1Nve neve& been
able to (at(% %,. &e--%an-e-#G

GLave ;ou su((ee-e- ,n &e(on(,l,ng 6&s# Don3*LLNs %o0eful son to
%,s sa,ntl; na.eMG

GJes9G laug%e- Anne9 Gbut ,t 4as &eall; a -,ff,(ult tas<# At
f,&st9 4%en 1 (alle- %,. USt# Cla,&N %e 4oul- not ta<e t%e least
not,(e unt,l 1N- s0o<en t4o o& t%&ee t,.es@ an- t%en9 4%en t%e
ot%e& bo;s nu-ge- %,.9 %e 4oul- loo< u0 4,t% su(% an agg&,eve- a,&9
as ,f 1N- (alle- %,. Oo%n o& C%a&l,e an- %e (oul-nNt be e+0e(te- to
<no4 1 .eant %,.# So 1 <e0t %,. ,n afte& s(%ool one n,g%t an-
tal<e- <,n-l; to %,.# 1 tol- %,. %,s .ot%e& 4,s%e- .e to (all %,.
St# Cla,& an- 1 (oul-nNt go aga,nst %e& 4,s%es# Le sa4 ,t 4%en ,t
4as all e+0la,ne- out# # #%eNs &eall; a ve&; &easonable l,ttle
fello4# # #an- %e sa,- R1R (oul- (all %,. St# Cla,& but t%at
%eN- Ul,(< t%e stuff,ngN out of an; of t%e bo;s t%at t&,e- ,t#
2f (ou&se9 1 %a- to &ebu<e %,. aga,n fo& us,ng su(% s%o(<,ng language#
S,n(e t%en R1R (all %,. St# Cla,& an- t%e bo;s (all %,. Oa<e an- all
goes s.oot%l;# Le ,nfo&.s .e t%at %e .eans to be a (a&0ente&9 but
6&s# Don3*LL sa;s 1 a. to .a<e a (ollege 0&ofesso& out of %,.#G

T%e .ent,on of (ollege gave a ne4 -,&e(t,on to ),lbe&tNs t%oug%ts9
an- t%e; tal<e- fo& a t,.e of t%e,& 0lans an- 4,s%es# # #g&avel;9
ea&nestl;9 %o0efull;9 as ;out% loves to tal<9 4%,le t%e futu&e ,s
;et an unt&o--en 0at% full of 4on-e&ful 0oss,b,l,t,es#

),lbe&t %a- f,nall; .a-e u0 %,s .,n- t%at %e 4as go,ng to be a -o(to&#

G1tNs a s0len-,- 0&ofess,on9G %e sa,- ent%us,ast,(all;# GA fello4
%as to f,g%t,ng all t%&oug% l,fe# # #-,-nNt so.ebo-; on(e
-ef,ne .an as a f,g%t,ng an,.alM# # #an- 1 4ant to f,g%t -,sease
an- 0a,n an- ,gno&an(e# # #4%,(% a&e all one of anot%e&#
1 4ant to -o .; s%a&e of %onest9 &eal 4o&< ,n t%e 4o&l-9 Anne# # #
a-- a l,ttle to t%e su. of <no4le-ge t%at all t%e goo- .en
%ave been a((u.ulat,ng s,n(e ,t began# T%e fol<s 4%o l,ve- befo&e
.e %ave -one so .u(% fo& .e t%at 1 4ant to s%o4 .; g&at,tu-e b;
-o,ng,ng fo& t%e fol<s 4%o 4,ll l,ve afte& .e# 1t see.s to
.e t%at ,s t%e onl; 4a; a fello4 (an get sHua&e 4,t% %,s obl,gat,ons
to t%e &a(e#G

G1N- l,<e to a-- so.e beaut; to l,fe9G sa,- Anne -&ea.,l;# G1 -onNt
e+a(tl; 4ant to .a<e 0eo0le P32= .o&e# # #t%oug% 1 <no4 t%at 1S t%e
noblest a.b,t,on# # #but 1N- love to .a<e t%e. %ave a 0leasante&
t,.e be(ause of .e# # #to %ave so.e l,ttle 'o; o& %a00; t%oug%t
t%at 4oul- neve& %ave e+,ste- ,f 1 %a-nNt been bo&n#G

G1 t%,n< ;ouN&e fulf,ll,ng t%at a.b,t,on eve&; -a;9G sa,- ),lbe&t

An- %e 4as &,g%t# Anne 4as one of t%e (%,l-&en of l,g%t b; b,&t%&,g%t#
Afte& s%e %a- 0asse- t%&oug% a l,fe 4,t% a s.,le o& a 4o&- t%&o4n
a(&oss ,t l,<e a glea. of suns%,ne t%e o4ne& of t%at l,fe sa4 ,t9
fo& t%e t,.e be,ng at least9 as %o0eful an- lovel; an- of goo- &e0o&t#

B,nall; ),lbe&t &ose &eg&etfull;#

G=ell9 1 .ust &un u0 to 6a(P%e&sonsN# 6oo-; S0u&geon (a.e %o.e
f&o. QueenNs to-a; fo& Sun-a; an- %e 4as to b&,ng .e out a boo<
P&ofesso& 7o;- ,s len-,ng .e#G

GAn- 1 .ust get 6a&,llaNs tea# S%e 4ent to see 6&s# Pe,t% t%,s
even,ng an- s%e 4,ll soon be ba(<#G

Anne %a- tea &ea-; 4%en 6a&,lla (a.e %o.e@ t%e f,&e 4as (&a(<l,ng
(%ee&,l;9 a vase of f&ost-blea(%e- fe&ns an- &ub;-&e- .a0le leaves
a-o&ne- t%e table9 an- -ele(table o-o&s of %a. an- toast 0e&va-e-
t%e a,&# 7ut 6a&,lla san< ,nto %e& (%a,& 4,t% a -ee0 s,g%#

GA&e ;ou& e;es t&oubl,ng ;ouM Does ;ou& %ea- a(%eMG Hue&,e-
Anne an+,ousl;#

G3o# 1N. onl; t,&e-# # #an- 4o&&,e-# 1tNs about 6a&; an- t%ose (%,l-&en
# # #6a&; ,s 4o&se# # #s%e (anNt last .u(% longe&# An- as fo& t%e t4,ns9
R1R -onNt <no4 4%at ,s to be(o.e of t%e.#G

GLasnNt t%e,& un(le been %ea&- f&o.MG

GJes9 6a&; %a- a lette& f&o. %,.# LeNs 4o&<,ng ,n a (a.0
an- Us%a(<,ng ,t9N 4%ateve& t%at .eans# An;4a;9 %e sa;s %e (anNt
0oss,bl; ta<e t%e (%,l-&en t,ll t%e s0&,ng# Le e+0e(ts to be
.a&&,e- t%en an- 4,ll %ave a %o.e to ta<e t%e. to@ but %e sa;s
s%e .ust get so.e of t%e ne,g%bo&s to <ee0 t%e. fo& t%e 4,nte&#
S%e sa;s s%e (anNt bea& to as< an; of t%e.# 6a&; neve& got on
an; too 4ell 4,t% t%e *ast )&afton 0eo0le an- t%atNs a fa(t#
An- t%e long an- s%o&t of ,t ,s9 Anne9 t%at 1N. su&e 6a&; 4ants
.e to ta<e t%ose (%,l-&en# # #s%e -,-nNt sa; so but s%e L22P*D ,t#G

G2%FG Anne (las0e- %e& %an-s9 all at%&,ll 4,t% e+(,te.ent#
GAn- of (ou&se ;ou 4,ll9 6a&,lla9 4onNt ;ouMG

G1 %avenNt .a-e u0 .; .,n-9G sa,- 6a&,lla &at%e& ta&tl;# G1 -onNt
&us% ,nto t%,ngs ,n ;ou& %ea-long 4a;9 Anne# T%,&- (ous,ns%,0 ,s a
0&ett; sl,. (la,.# An- ,t 4,ll be a fea&ful &es0ons,b,l,t; to %ave
t4o (%,l-&en of s,+ ;ea&s to loo< afte&# # #t4,ns9 at t%at#G

6a&,lla %a- an ,-ea t%at t4,ns 4e&e 'ust t4,(e as ba- as s,ngle (%,l-&en#

GT4,ns a&e ve&; ,nte&est,ng# # #at least one 0a,& of t%e.9G sa,- Anne#
G1tNs onl; 4%en t%e&e a&e t4o o& t%&ee 0a,&s t%at ,t gets .onotonous#
An- 1 t%,n< ,t 4oul- be &eal n,(e fo& ;ou to %ave,ng to a.use
;ou 4%en 1N. a4a; ,n s(%ool#G

G1 -onNt &e(<on t%e&eN- be .u(% a.use.ent ,n ,t# # #.o&e 4o&&; an-
bot%e& t%an an;t%,ng else9 1 s%oul- sa;# 1t 4oul-nNt be so &,s<; ,f
t%e; 4e&e even as ol- as ;ou 4e&e 4%en 1 too< ;ou# 1 4oul-nNt .,n-
Do&a so .u(%# # #s%e see.s goo- an- Hu,et# 7ut t%at Dav; ,s a l,.b#G

Anne 4as fon- of (%,l-&en an- %e& %ea&t ;ea&ne- ove& t%e Pe,t% t4,ns#
T%e &e.e.b&an(e of %e& o4n negle(te- (%,l-%oo- 4as ve&; v,v,- 4,t%
%e& st,ll# S%e <ne4 t%at 6a&,llaNs onl; vulne&able 0o,nt 4as %e&
ste&n -evot,on to 4%at s%e bel,eve- to be %e& -ut;9 an- Anne
s<,llfull; .a&s%alle- %e& a&gu.ents along t%,s l,ne#

G1f Dav; ,s naug%t; ,tNs all t%e .o&e &eason 4%; %e s%oul- %ave
goo- t&a,n,ng9 ,snNt ,t9 6a&,llaM 1f 4e -onNt ta<e t%e. 4e -onNt
<no4 4%o 4,ll9 no& 4%at <,n- of ,nfluen(es .a; su&&oun- t%e.#
Su00ose 6&s# Pe,t%Ns ne+t -oo& ne,g%bo&s9 t%e S0&otts9 4e&e to
ta<e t%e.# 6&s# L;n-e sa;s Len&; S0&ott ,s t%e .ost 0&ofane .an
t%at eve& l,ve- an- ;ou (anNt bel,eve a 4o&- %,s (%,l-&en sa;#
=oul-nNt ,t be -&ea-ful to %ave t%e t4,ns lea&n an;t%,ng l,<e t%atM
2& su00ose t%e; 4ent to t%e =,gg,nsN# 6&s# L;n-e sa;s t%at 6&#
=,gg,ns sells eve&;t%,ng off t%e 0la(e t%at (an be sol- an- b&,ngs
%,s fa.,l; u0 on s<,. .,l<# Jou 4oul-nNt l,<e ;ou& &elat,ons to be
sta&ve-9 even ,f t%e; 4e&e onl; t%,&- (ous,ns9 4oul- ;ouM 1t see.s
to .e9 6a&,lla9 t%at ,t ,s ou& -ut; to ta<e t%e.#G

G1 su00ose ,t ,s9G assente- 6a&,lla gloo.,l;# G1 -a&esa; 1Nll tell
6a&; 1Nll ta<e t%e.# Jou nee-nNt loo< so -el,g%te-9 Anne# 1t 4,ll
.ean a goo- -eal of e+t&a 4o&< fo& ;ou# 1 (anNt se4 a st,t(% on
a((ount of .; e;es9 so ;ouNll %ave to see to t%e .a<,ng an- .en-,ng
of t%e,& (lot%es# An- ;ou -onNt l,<e se4,ng#G

G1 %ate ,t9G sa,- Anne (al.l;9 Gbut ,f ;ou a&e 4,ll,ng to ta<e
t%ose (%,l-&en f&o. a sense of -ut; su&el; 1 (an -o t%e,& se4,ng
f&o. a sense of -ut;# 1t -oes 0eo0le goo- to %ave to -o t%,ngs
t%e; -onNt l,<e# # #,n .o-e&at,on#G


6a&,lla A-o0ts T4,ns

6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e 4as s,tt,ng at %e& <,t(%en 4,n-o49 <n,tt,ng a
Hu,lt9 'ust as s%e %a- been s,tt,ng one even,ng seve&al ;ea&s
0&ev,ousl; 4%en 6att%e4 Cut%be&t %a- -&,ven -o4n ove& t%e %,ll 4,t%
4%at 6&s# 8a(%el (alle- G%,s ,.0o&te- o&0%an#G 7ut t%at %a- been
,n s0&,ngt,.e@ an- t%,s 4as late autu.n9 an- all t%e 4oo-s 4e&e
leafless an- t%e f,el-s se&e an- b&o4n# T%e sun 4as 'ust sett,ng
4,t% a g&eat -eal of 0u&0le an- gol-en 0o.0 be%,n- t%e -a&< 4oo-s
4est of Avonlea 4%en a bugg; -&a4n b; a ( b&o4n nag (a.e
-o4n t%e %,ll# 6&s# 8a(%el 0ee&e- at ,t eage&l;#

GT%e&eNs 6a&,lla gett,ng %o.e f&o. t%e fune&al9G s%e sa,- to %e&
%usban-9 4%o 4as l;,ng on t%e <,t(%en lounge# L;n-e la;
.o&e on t%e lounge no4a-a;s t%an %e %a- been use- to -o9 but 6&s#
8a(%el9 4%o 4as so s%a&0 at not,(,ng an;t%,ng be;on- %e& o4n
%ouse%ol-9 %a- not as ;et not,(e- t%,s# GAn- s%eNs got t%e t4,ns
4,t% %e&9# # #;es9 t%e&eNs Dav; lean,ng ove& t%e -as%boa&-
g&abb,ng at t%e 0on;Ns ta,l an- 6a&,lla 'e&<,ng %,. ba(<#
Do&aNs s,tt,ng u0 on t%e seat as 0&,. as ;ou 0lease# S%e al4a;s
loo<s as ,f s%eN- 'ust been sta&(%e- an- ,&one-# =ell9 0oo&
6a&,lla ,s go,ng to %ave %e& %an-s full t%,s 4,nte& an- no .,sta<e#
St,ll9 1 -onNt see t%at s%e (oul- -o an;t%,ng less t%an ta<e t%e.9
un-e& t%e (,&(u.stan(es9 an- s%eNll %ave Anne to %el0 %e&#
AnneNs t,(<le- to -eat% ove& t%e 4%ole bus,ness9 an- s%e %as a
&eal <na(<; 4a; 4,t% (%,l-&en9 1 .ust sa;# Dea& .e9 ,t -oesnNt
see. a -a; s,n(e 0oo& 6att%e4 b&oug%t Anne %e&self %o.e an-
eve&;bo-; laug%e- at t%e ,-ea of 6a&,lla b&,ng,ng u0 a (%,l-#
An- no4 s%e %as a-o0te- t4,ns# JouN&e neve& safe f&o. be,ng
su&0&,se- t,ll ;ouN&e -ea-#G

T%e fat 0on; 'ogge- ove& t%e b&,-ge ,n L;n-eNs Lollo4 an- along t%e
)&een )ables lane# 6a&,llaNs fa(e 4as &at%e& g&,.# 1t 4as ten
.,les f&o. *ast )&afton an- Dav; Pe,t% see.e- to be 0ossesse- 4,t%
a 0ass,on fo& 0e&0etual .ot,on# 1t 4as be;on- 6a&,llaNs 0o4e& to
.a<e %,. s,t st,ll an- s%e %a- been ,n an agon; t%e 4%ole 4a; lest
%e fall ove& t%e ba(< of t%e 4agon an- b&ea< %,s ne(<9 o& tu.ble
ove& t%e -as%boa&- un-e& t%e 0on;Ns %eels# 1n -es0a,& s%e f,nall;
t%&eatene- to 4%,0 %,. soun-l; 4%en s%e got %,. %o.e# =%e&eu0on
Dav; (l,.be- ,nto %e& la09 &ega&-less of t%e &e,ns9 flung %,s
(%ubb; a&.s about %e& ne(< an- gave %e& a bea&-l,<e %ug#

G1 -onNt bel,eve ;ou .ean ,t9G %e sa,-9 s.a(<,ng %e& 4&,n<le- (%ee<
affe(t,onatel;# GJou -onNt L22P l,<e a la-; 4%oN- 4%,0 a l,ttle
bo; 'ust N(ause %e (oul-nNt <ee0 st,ll# D,-nNt ;ou f,n- ,t a4ful
%a&- to <ee0 st,ll 4%en ;ou 4as onl; Ns ol- as .eMG

G3o9 1 al4a;s <e0t st,ll 4%en 1 4as tol-9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 t&;,ng to
s0ea< ste&nl;9 albe,t s%e felt %e& %ea&t 4a+,ng soft 4,t%,n %e&
un-e& Dav;Ns ,.0uls,ve (a&esses#

G=ell9 1 sN0ose t%at 4as N(ause ;ou 4as a g,&l9G sa,- Dav;9
sHu,&.,ng ba(< to %,s 0la(e afte& anot%e& %ug# GJou =AS a
g,&l on(e9 1 sN0ose9 t%oug% ,tNs a4ful funn; to t%,n< of ,t#
Do&a (an s,t st,ll# # #but t%e&e a,nNt .u(% fun ,n ,t R1R -onNt t%,n<#
See.s to .e ,t .ust be slo4 to be a g,&l# Le&e9 Do&a9 let .e l,ven
;ou u0 a b,t#G

Dav;Ns .et%o- of Gl,ven,ng u0G 4as to g&as0 Do&aNs (u&ls ,n %,s
f,nge&s an- g,ve t%e. a tug# Do&a s%&,e<e- an- t%en (&,e-#

GLo4 (an ;ou be su(% a naug%t; bo; an- ;ou& 0oo& .ot%e& 'ust la,-
,n %e& g&ave t%,s ve&; -a;MG 6a&,lla -es0a,&,ngl;#

G7ut s%e 4as gla- to -,e9G sa,- Dav; (onf,-ent,all;# G1 <no49
N(ause s%e tol- .e so# S%e 4as a4ful t,&e- of be,ng s,(<#
=eN- a long tal< t%e n,g%t befo&e s%e -,e-# S%e tol- .e ;ou 4as
go,ng to ta<e .e an- Do&a fo& t%e 4,nte& an- 1 4as to be a goo- bo;#
1N. go,ng to be goo-9 but (anNt ;ou be goo- &unn,ng &oun- 'ust as
4ell as s,tt,ng st,llM An- s%e sa,- 1 4as al4a;s to be <,n- to Do&a
an- stan- u0 fo& %e&9 an- 1N. go,ng to#G

GDo ;ou (all 0ull,ng %e& %a,& be,ng <,n- to %e&MG

G=ell9 1 a,nNt go,ng to let an;bo-; else 0ull ,t9G sa,- Dav;9
-oubl,ng u0 %,s f,sts an- f&o4n,ng# GT%e;N- 'ust bette& t&; ,t#
1 -,-nNt %u&t %e& .u(%# # #s%e 'ust (&,e- N(ause s%eNs a g,&l#
1N. gla- 1N. a bo; but 1N. so&&; 1N. a t4,n# =%en O,..; S0&ottNs
s,ste& (onte&-,(<s %,. %e 'ust sa;s9 U1N. ol-e&n ;ou9 so of (ou&se
1 <no4 bette&9N an- t%at settles L*8# 7ut 1 (anNt tell Do&a t%at9
an- s%e 'ust goes on t%,n<,ng -,ff&unt f&o. .e# Jou .,g%t let .e
-&,ve t%e gee-gee fo& a s0ell9 s,n(e 1N. a .an#G

Altoget%e&9 6a&,lla 4as a t%an<ful 4%en s%e -&ove ,nto %e& o4n ;a&-9
4%e&e t%e 4,n- of t%e autu.n n,g%t 4as -an(,ng 4,t% t%e b&o4n leaves#
Anne 4as at t%e gate to .eet t%e. an- l,ft t%e t4,ns out# Do&a sub.,tte-
(al.l; to be <,sse-9 but Dav; &es0on-e- to AnneNs 4el(o.e 4,t% one of %,s
%ea&t; %ugs an- t%e (%ee&ful announ(e.ent9 G1N. 6&# Dav; Pe,t%#G

At t%e su00e& table Do&a be%ave- l,<e a l,ttle la-;9 but Dav;Ns
.anne&s left .u(% to be -es,&e-#

G1N. so %ung&; 1 a,nNt got t,.e to eat 0Nl,tel;9G %e sa,- 4%en 6a&,lla
&e0&ove- %,.# GDo&a a,nNt %alf as %ung&; as 1 a.# Loo< at all t%e
e+N(,se 1 too< on t%e &oa- %e&e# T%at (a<eNs a4ful n,(e an- 0lu..;#
=e %avenNt %a- an; (a<e at %o.e fo& eve&Nn eve& so long9 N(ause
.ot%e& 4as too s,(< to .a<e ,t an- 6&s# S0&ott sa,- ,t 4as as .u(%
as s%e (oul- -o to ba<e ou& b&ea- fo& us# An- 6&s# =,gg,ns neve&
0uts an; 0lu.s ,n L*8 (a<es# Cat(% %e&F Can 1 %ave anot%e& 0,e(eMG

6a&,lla 4oul- %ave &efuse- but Anne (ut a gene&ous se(on- sl,(e#
Lo4eve&9 s%e &e.,n-e- Dav; t%at %e oug%t to sa; GT%an< ;ouG fo& ,t#
Dav; .e&el; g&,nne- at %e& an- too< a %uge b,te# =%en %e %a-
f,n,s%e- t%e sl,(e %e sa,-9

G1f ;ouNll g,ve .e A32TL*8 0,e(e 1Nll sa; t%an< ;ou fo& 1T#G

G3o9 ;ou %ave %a- 0lent; of (a<e9G sa,- 6a&,lla ,n a tone 4%,(%
Anne <ne4 an- Dav; 4as to lea&n to be f,nal#

Dav; 4,n<e- at Anne9 an- t%en9 lean,ng ove& t%e table9 snat(%e-
Do&aNs f,&st 0,e(e of (a<e9 f&o. 4%,(% s%e %a- 'ust ta<en one
-a,nt; l,ttle b,te9 out of %e& ve&; f,nge&s an-9 o0en,ng %,s .out%
to t%e fullest e+tent9 (&a..e- t%e 4%ole sl,(e ,n# Do&aNs l,0
t&e.ble- an- 6a&,lla 4as s0ee(%less 4,t% %o&&o&# Anne 0&o.0tl;
e+(la,.e-9 4,t% %e& best Gs(%ool.aNa.G a,&9

G2%9 Dav;9 gentle.en -onNt -o t%,ngs l,<e t%at#G

G1 <no4 t%e; -onNt9G sa,- Dav;9 as soon as %e (oul- s0ea<9
Gbut 1 a,nNt a ge.0lu.#G

G7ut -onNt ;ou 4ant to beMG sa,- s%o(<e- Anne#

GCou&se 1 -o# 7ut ;ou (anNt be a ge.0lu. t,ll ;ou g&o4 u0#G

G2%9 ,n-ee- ;ou (an9G Anne %astene- to sa;9 t%,n<,ng s%e sa4 a (%an(e
to so4 goo- see- bet,.es# GJou (an beg,n to be a 4%en ;ou
a&e a l,ttle bo;# An- gentle.en 3*:*8 snat(% t%,ngs f&o. la-,es# # #
o& fo&get to sa; t%an< ;ou# # #o& 0ull an;bo-;Ns %a,&#G

GT%e; -onNt %ave .u(% fun9 t%atNs a fa(t9G sa,- Dav; f&an<l;#
G1 guess 1Nll 4a,t t,ll 1N. g&o4n u0 to be one#G

6a&,lla9 4,t% a &es,gne- a,&9 %a- (ut anot%e& 0,e(e of (a<e fo& Do&a#
S%e -,- not feel able to (o0e 4,t% Dav; 'ust t%en# 1t %a- been a
%a&- -a; fo& %e&9 4%at 4,t% t%e fune&al an- t%e long -&,ve#
At t%at .o.ent s%e loo<e- fo&4a&- to t%e futu&e 4,t% a 0ess,.,s.
t%at 4oul- %ave -one (&e-,t to *l,/a An-&e4s %e&self#

T%e t4,ns 4e&e not not,(eabl; al,<e9 alt%oug% bot% 4e&e fa,&#
Do&a %a- long slee< (u&ls t%at neve& got out of o&-e&# Dav; %a-
a (&o0 of fu//; l,ttle ;ello4 &,nglets all ove& %,s &oun- %ea-#
Do&aNs %a/el e;es 4e&e gentle an- .,l-@ Dav;Ns 4e&e as &ogu,s%
an- -an(,ng as an elfNs# Do&aNs nose 4as st&a,g%t9 Dav;Ns a
0os,t,ve snub@ Do&a %a- a G0&unes an- 0&,s.sG .out%9 Dav;Ns 4as
all s.,les@ an- bes,-es9 %e %a- a -,.0le ,n one (%ee< an- none ,n t%e
ot%e&9 4%,(% gave %,. a -ea&9 (o.,(al9 lo0s,-e- loo< 4%en %e laug%e-#
6,&t% an- .,s(%,ef lu&<e- ,n eve&; (o&ne& of %,s l,ttle fa(e#

GT%e;N- bette& go to be-9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4%o t%oug%t ,t 4as t%e
eas,est 4a; to -,s0ose of t%e.# GDo&a 4,ll slee0 4,t% .e an- ;ou
(an 0ut Dav; ,n t%e 4est gable# JouN&e not af&a,- to slee0 alone9
a&e ;ou9 Dav;MG

G3o@ but 1 a,nNt go,ng to be- fo& eve& so long ;et9G sa,- Dav; (;#

G2%9 ;es9 ;ou a&e#G T%at 4as all t%e .u(%t&,e- 6a&,lla sa,-9 but,ng ,n %e& tone sHuel(%e- even Dav;# Le t&otte- obe-,entl;
u0sta,&s 4,t% Anne#G

=%en 1N. g&o4n u0 t%e ve&; f,&st t%,ng 1N. go,ng to -o ,s sta; u0 ALL
n,g%t 'ust to see 4%at ,t 4oul- be l,<e9G %e tol- %e& (onf,-ent,all;#

1n afte& ;ea&s 6a&,lla neve& t%oug%t of t%at f,&st 4ee< of t%e
t4,nsN so'ou&n at )&een )ables 4,t%out a s%,ve&# 3ot t%at ,t
&eall; 4as so .u(% 4o&se t%an t%e 4ee<s t%at follo4e- ,t@ but ,t
see.e- so b; &eason of ,ts novelt;# T%e&e 4as sel-o. a 4a<,ng
.,nute of an; -a; 4%en Dav; 4as not ,n .,s(%,ef o& -ev,s,ng ,t@
but %,s f,&st notable e+0lo,t o((u&&e- t4o -a;s afte& %,s a&&,val9
on Sun-a; .o&n,ng# # #a f,ne9 4a&. -a;9 as %a/; an- .,l- as
Anne -&esse- %,. fo& (%u&(% 4%,le 6a&,lla atten-e- to Do&a#
Dav; at f,&st ob'e(te- st&ongl; to %av,ng %,s fa(e 4as%e-#

G6a&,lla 4as%e- ,t ;este&-a;# # #an- 6&s# =,gg,ns s(ou&e- .e 4,t%
%a&- soa0 t%e -a; of t%e fune&al# T%atNs enoug% fo& one 4ee<#
1 -onNt see t%e goo- of be,ng so a4ful (lean# 1tNs lots .o&e
(o.fable be,ng -,&t;#G

GPaul 1&v,ng 4as%es %,s fa(e eve&; -a; of %,s o4n a((o&-9G sa,-
Anne astutel;#

Dav; %a- been an ,n.ate of )&een )ables fo& l,ttle ove& fo&t;-e,g%t
%ou&s@ but %e al&ea-; 4o&s%,00e- Anne an- %ate- Paul 1&v,ng9 4%o.
%e %a- %ea&- Anne 0&a,s,ng ent%us,ast,(all; t%e -a; afte& %,s a&&,val#
1f Paul 1&v,ng 4as%e- %,s fa(e eve&; -a;9 t%at settle- ,t# Le9 Dav;
Pe,t%9 4oul- -o ,t too9 ,f ,t <,lle- %,.# T%e sa.e (ons,-e&at,on
,n-u(e- %,. to sub.,t .ee<l; to t%e ot%e& -eta,ls of %,s to,let9
an- %e 4as &eall; a %an-so.e l,ttle la- 4%en all 4as -one#
Anne felt an al.ost .ate&nal 0&,-e ,n %,. as s%e le- %,. ,nto
t%e ol- Cut%be&t 0e4#

Dav; be%ave- Hu,te 4ell at f,&st9 be,ng o((u0,e- ,n (ast,ng (ove&t
glan(es at all t%e s.all bo;s 4,t%,n v,e4 an- 4on-e&,ng 4%,(% 4as
Paul 1&v,ng# T%e f,&st t4o %;.ns an- t%e S(&,0tu&e &ea-,ng 0asse-
off uneventfull;# 6&# Allan 4as 0&a;,ng 4%en t%e sensat,on (a.e#

Lau&etta =%,te 4as s,tt,ng ,n f&ont of Dav;9 %e& %ea- sl,g%tl; bent
an- %e& fa,& %a,& %ang,ng ,n t4o long b&a,-s9 bet4een 4%,(% a
te.0t,ng e+0anse of 4%,te ne(< s%o4e-9 en(ase- ,n a loose la(e
f&,ll# Lau&etta 4as a fat9 0la(,--loo<,ng (%,l- of e,g%t9 4%o %a-
(on-u(te- %e&self ,&&e0&oa(%abl; ,n (%u&(% f&o. t%e ve&; f,&st -a;
%e& .ot%e& (a&&,e- %e& t%e&e9 an ,nfant of s,+ .ont%s#

Dav; t%&ust %,s %an- ,nto %,s 0o(<et an- 0&o-u(e-# # #a
(ate&0,lla&9 a fu&&;9 sHu,&.,ng (ate&0,lla&# 6a&,lla sa4
an- (lut(%e- at %,. but s%e 4as too late# Dav; -&o00e- t%e
(ate&0,lla& -o4n Lau&ettaNs ne(<#

8,g%t ,nto t%e .,--le of 6&# AllanNs 0&a;e& bu&st a se&,es of
0,e&(,ng s%&,e<s# T%e .,n,ste& sto00e- a00alle- an- o0ene- %,s e;es#
*ve&; %ea- ,n t%e (ong&egat,on fle4 u0# Lau&etta =%,te 4as -an(,ng
u0 an- -o4n ,n %e& 0e49 (lut(%,ng f&ant,(all; at t%e ba(< of %e& -&ess#

G24# # #.o..e&# # #.o..e&# # #o4# # #ta<e ,t off# # #o4# # #get ,t
out# # #o4# # #t%at ba- bo; 0ut ,t -o4n .; ne(<# # #o4# # #.o..e&#
# #,tNs go,ng fu&t%e& -o4n# # #o4# # #o4# # #o4####G

6&s# =%,te &ose an- 4,t% a set fa(e (a&&,e- t%e %;ste&,(al9
4&,t%,ng Lau&etta out of (%u&(%# Le& s%&,e<s -,e- a4a; ,n t%e
-,stan(e an- 6&# Allan 0&o(ee-e- 4,t% t%e se&v,(e# 7ut eve&;bo-;
felt t%at ,t 4as a fa,lu&e t%at -a;# Bo& t%e f,&st t,.e ,n %e&
l,fe 6a&,lla too< no not,(e of t%e te+t an- Anne sat 4,t% s(a&let
(%ee<s of .o&t,f,(at,on#

=%en t%e; got %o.e 6a&,lla 0ut Dav; to be- an- .a-e %,. sta; t%e&e
fo& t%e &est of t%e -a;# S%e 4oul- not g,ve %,. an; -,nne& but
allo4e- %,. a 0la,n tea of b&ea- an- .,l<# Anne (a&&,e- ,t to %,.
an- sat so&&o4full; b; %,. 4%,le %e ate ,t 4,t% an un&e0entant &el,s%#
7ut AnneNs .ou&nful e;es t&ouble- %,.#

G1 sN0ose9G %e sa,- &efle(t,vel;9 Gt%at Paul 1&v,ng 4oul-nNt %ave
-&o00e- a (ate&0,lla& -o4n a g,&lNs ne(< ,n (%u&(%9 4oul- %eMG

G1n-ee- %e 4oul-nNt9G sa,- Anne sa-l;#

G=ell9 1N. <,n- of so&&; 1 -,- ,t9 t%en9G (on(e-e- Dav;# G7ut ,t
4as su(% a 'oll; b,g (ate&0,lla&# # #1 0,(<e- %,. u0 on t%e (%u&(%
ste0s 'ust as 4e 4ent ,n# 1t see.e- a 0,t; to 4aste %,.# An- sa;9
4asnNt ,t fun to %ea& t%at g,&l ;ellMG

Tues-a; afte&noon t%e A,- So(,et; .et at )&een )ables# Anne %u&&,e-
%o.e f&o. s(%ool9 fo& s%e <ne4 t%at 6a&,lla 4oul- nee- all t%e ass,stan(e
s%e (oul- g,ve# Do&a9 neat an- 0&o0e&9 ,n %e& n,(el; sta&(%e- 4%,te -&ess
an- bla(< sas%9 4as s,tt,ng 4,t% t%e of t%e A,- ,n t%e 0a&lo&9
s0ea<,ng -e.u&el; 4%en s0o<en to9 <ee0,ng s,len(e 4%en not9 an- ,n eve&;
4a; (o.0o&t,ng %e&self as a .o-el (%,l-# Dav;9 bl,ssfull; -,&t;9 4as
.a<,ng .u- 0,es ,n t%e ba&n;a&-#

G1 tol- %,. %e .,g%t9G sa,- 6a&,lla 4ea&,l;# G1 t%oug%t ,t 4oul-
<ee0 %,. out of 4o&se .,s(%,ef# Le (an onl; get -,&t; at t%at#
=eNll %ave ou& teas ove& befo&e 4e (all %,. to %,s# Do&a (an %ave
%e&s 4,t% us9 but 1 4oul- neve& -a&e to let Dav; s,t -o4n at t%e
table 4,t% all t%e A,-s %e&e#G

=%en Anne 4ent to (all t%e A,-s to tea s%e foun- t%at Do&a 4as not
,n t%e 0a&lo&# 6&s# Oas0e& 7ell sa,- Dav; %a- (o.e to t%e f&ont
-oo& an- (alle- %e& out# A %ast; (onsultat,on 4,t% 6a&,lla ,n t%e
0ant&; &esulte- ,n a -e(,s,on to let bot% (%,l-&en %ave t%e,& teas
toget%e& late& on#

Tea 4as %alf ove& 4%en t%e -,n,ng &oo. 4as ,nva-e- b; a fo&lo&n
f,gu&e# 6a&,lla an- Anne sta&e- ,n -,s.a;9 t%e A,-s ,n a.a/e.ent#
Coul- t%at be Do&a# # #t%at sobb,ng non-es(&,0t ,n a -&en(%e-9
-&,00,ng -&ess an- %a,& f&o. 4%,(% t%e 4ate& 4as st&ea.,ng on
6a&,llaNs ne4 (o,n-s0ot &ugM

GDo&a9 4%at %as %a00ene- to ;ouMG (&,e- Anne9 4,t% a gu,lt; glan(e
at 6&s# Oas0e& 7ell9 4%ose fa.,l; 4as sa,- to be t%e onl; one ,n
t%e 4o&l- ,n 4%,(% a((,-ents neve& o((u&&e-#

GDav; .a-e .e 4al< t%e 0,g0en fen(e9G 4a,le- Do&a# G1 -,-nNt 4ant
to but %e (alle- .e a f&a,--(at# An- 1 fell off ,nto t%e 0,g0en an-
.; -&ess got all -,&t; an- t%e 0,g &unne- &,g%t ove& .e# 6; -&ess
4as 'ust a4ful but Dav; sa,- ,f 1N- stan- un-e& t%e 0u.0 %eN- 4as%
,t (lean9 an- 1 -,- an- %e 0u.0e- 4ate& all ove& .e but .; -&ess
a,nNt a b,t (leane& an- .; 0&ett; sas% an- s%oes ,s all s0o,le-#G

Anne -,- t%e %ono&s of t%e table alone fo& t%e &est of t%e .eal
4%,le 6a&,lla 4ent u0sta,&s an- &e-&esse- Do&a ,n %e& ol- (lot%es#
Dav; 4as (aug%t an- sent to be- 4,t%out an; su00e&# Anne 4ent to
%,s &oo. at t4,l,g%t an- tal<e- to %,. se&,ousl;# # #a .et%o- ,n
4%,(% s%e %a- g&eat fa,t%9 not altoget%e& un'ust,f,e- b; &esults#
S%e tol- %,. s%e felt ve&; ba-l; ove& %,s (on-u(t#

G1 feel so&&; no4 .;self9G a-.,tte- Dav;9 Gbut t%e t&ouble ,s 1
neve& feel so&&; fo& -o,ng t%,ngs t,ll afte& 1Nve -,- t%e.#
Do&a 4oul-nNt %el0 .e .a<e 0,es9 (ause s%e 4as af&a,- of .ess,ng %e&
(loNes an- t%at .a-e .e %o00,ng .a-# 1 sN0ose Paul 1&v,ng 4oul-nNt
%ave .a-e L1S s,ste& 4al< a 0,g0en fen(e ,f %e <ne4 s%eN- fall ,nMG

G3o9 %e 4oul- neve& -&ea. of su(% a t%,ng# Paul ,s a 0e&fe(t

Dav; s(&e4e- %,s e;es t,g%t s%ut an- see.e- to .e-,tate on t%,s fo&
a t,.e# T%en %e (&a4le- u0 an- 0ut %,s a&.s about AnneNs ne(<9
snuggl,ng %,s flus%e- l,ttle fa(e -o4n on %e& s%oul-e&#

GAnne9 -onNt ;ou l,<e .e a l,ttle b,t9 even ,f 1 a,nNt a goo- bo; l,<e PaulMG

G1n-ee- 1 -o9G sa,- Anne s,n(e&el;# So.e%o49 ,t 4as ,.0oss,ble to %el0
l,<,ng Dav;# G7ut 1N- l,<e ;ou bette& st,ll ,f ;ou 4e&enNt so naug%t;#G

G1# # #-,-,ng else to-a;9G 4ent on Dav; ,n a .uffle- vo,(e#
G1N. so&&; no4 but 1N. a4ful s(a&e- to tell ;ou# Jou 4onNt be ve&;
(&oss9 4,ll ;ouM An- ;ou 4onNt tell 6a&,lla9 4,ll ;ouMG

G1 -onNt <no49 Dav;# Pe&%a0s 1 oug%t to tell %e&# 7ut 1 t%,n< 1
(an 0&o.,se ;ou 1 4onNt ,f ;ou 0&o.,se .e t%at ;ou 4,ll neve& -o ,t
aga,n9 4%ateve& ,t ,s#G

G3o9 1 neve& 4,ll# An;%o49 ,tNs not l,<el; 1N- f,n- an; .o&e of
t%e. t%,s ;ea&# 1 foun- t%,s one on t%e (ella& ste0s#G

GDav;9 4%at ,s ,t ;ouNve -oneMG

G1 0ut a toa- ,n 6a&,llaNs be-# Jou (an go an- ta<e ,t out ,f ;ou l,<e#
7ut sa;9 Anne9 4oul-nNt ,t be fun to leave ,t t%e&eMG

GDav; Pe,t%FG Anne s0&ang f&o. Dav;Ns (l,ng,ng a&.s an- fle4 a(&oss
t%e %all to 6a&,llaNs &oo.# T%e be- 4as sl,g%tl; &u.0le-# S%e
t%&e4 ba(< t%e blan<ets ,n ne&vous %aste an- t%e&e ,n ve&; t&ut%
4as t%e toa-9 bl,n<,ng at %e& f&o. un-e& a 0,llo4#

GLo4 (an 1 (a&&; t%at a4ful t%,ng outMG .oane- Anne 4,t% a s%u--e&#
T%e f,&e s%ovel suggeste- ,tself to %e& an- s%e (&e0t -o4n to get ,t
4%,le 6a&,lla 4as bus; ,n t%e 0ant&;# Anne %a- %e& o4n t&oubles (a&&;,ng
t%at toa- -o4nsta,&s9 fo& ,t %o00e- off t%e s%ovel t%&ee t,.es an-
on(e s%e t%oug%t s%e %a- lost ,t ,n t%e %all# =%en s%e f,nall;
-e0os,te- ,t ,n t%e (%e&&; o&(%a&- s%e -&e4 a long b&eat% of &el,ef#

G1f 6a&,lla <ne4 s%eN- neve& feel safe gett,ng ,nto be- aga,n ,n
%e& l,fe# 1N. so gla- t%at l,ttle s,nne& &e0ente- ,n t,.e#
T%e&eNs D,ana s,gnal,ng to .e f&o. %e& 4,n-o4# 1N. gla-# # #1
&eall; feel t%e nee- of so.e -,ve&s,on9 fo& 4%at 4,t% Ant%on; P;e
,n s(%ool an- Dav; Pe,t% at %o.e .; ne&ves %ave %a- about all t%e;
(an en-u&e fo& one -a;#G


A Quest,on of Colo&

GT%at ol- nu,san(e of a 8a(%el L;n-e 4as %e&e aga,n to-a;9
0este&,ng .e fo& a subs(&,0t,on to4a&-s bu;,ng a (a&0et fo& t%e
vest&; &oo.9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son 4&at%full;# G1 -etest t%at
.o&e t%an an;bo-; 1 <no4# S%e (an 0ut a 4%ole se&.on9 te+t9 (o..ent9
an- a00l,(at,on9 ,nto s,+ 4o&-s9 an- t%&o4 ,t at ;ou l,<e a b&,(<#G

Anne9 4%o 4as 0e&(%e- on t%e e-ge of t%e ve&an-a9 en'o;,ng t%e (%a&.
of a .,l- 4est 4,n- blo4,ng a(&oss a ne4l; 0loug%e- f,el- on a g&a; t4,l,g%t an- 0,0,ng a Hua,nt l,ttle .elo-; t%e t4,ste-
f,&s belo4 t%e ga&-en9 tu&ne- %e& -&ea.; fa(e ove& %e& s%oul-e&#

GT%e t&ouble ,s9 ;ou an- 6&s# L;n-e -onNt un-e&stan- one anot%e&9G
s%e e+0la,ne-# GT%at ,s al4a;s 4%at ,s 4&ong 4%en 0eo0le -onNt
l,<e ea(% ot%e&# 1 -,-nNt l,<e 6&s# L;n-e at f,&st e,t%e&@ but as
soon as 1 (a.e to un-e&stan- %e& 1 lea&ne- to#G

G6&s# L;n-e .a; be an a(Hu,&e- taste 4,t% so.e fol<s@ but 1 -,-nNt
<ee0 on eat,ng bananas be(ause 1 4as tol- 1N- lea&n to l,<e t%e. ,f
1 -,-9G g&o4le- 6&# La&&,son#G An- as fo& un-e&stan-,ng %e&9 1
un-e&stan- t%at s%e ,s a (onf,&.e- bus;bo-; an- 1 tol- %e& so#G

G2%9 t%at .ust %ave %u&t %e& feel,ngs ve&; .u(%9G sa,- Anne
&e0&oa(%full;# GLo4 (oul- ;ou sa; su(% a t%,ngM 1 sa,- so.e
-&ea-ful t%,ngs to 6&s# L;n-e long ago but ,t 4as 4%en 1 %a-
lost .; te.0e&# 1 (oul-nNt sa; t%e. D*L17*8AT*LJ#G

G1t 4as t%e t&ut% an- 1 bel,eve ,n tell,ng t%e t&ut% to eve&;bo-;#G

G7ut ;ou -onNt tell t%e 4%ole t&ut%9G ob'e(te- Anne# GJou onl;
tell t%e -,sag&eeable 0a&t of t%e t&ut%# 3o49 ;ouNve tol- .e a
-o/en t,.es t%at .; %a,& 4as &e-9 but ;ouNve neve& on(e tol- .e
t%at 1 %a- a n,(e nose#G

G1 -a&esa; ;ou <no4 ,t 4,t%out an; tell,ng9G (%u(<le- 6&# La&&,son#

G1 <no4 1 %ave &e- %a,& too# # #alt%oug% ,tNs 65CL -a&<e& t%an ,t
use- to be# # #so t%e&eNs no nee- of tell,ng .e t%at e,t%e&#G

G=ell9 4ell9 1Nll t&; an- not .ent,on ,t aga,n s,n(e ;ouN&e so
sens,t,ve# Jou .ust e+(use .e9 Anne# 1Nve got a %ab,t of be,ng
outs0o<en an- fol<s .ustnNt .,n- ,t#G

G7ut t%e; (anNt %el0 .,n-,ng ,t# An- 1 -onNt t%,n< ,tNs an; %el0
t%at ,tNs ;ou& %ab,t# =%at 4oul- ;ou t%,n< of a 0e&son 4%o 4ent
about st,(<,ng 0,ns an- nee-les ,nto 0eo0le an- sa;,ng9 U*+(use .e9
;ou .ustnNt .,n- ,t# # #,tNs 'ust a %ab,t 1Nve got#N JouN- t%,n<
%e 4as (&a/;9 4oul-nNt ;ouM An- as fo& 6&s# L;n-e be,ng a bus;bo-;9
0e&%a0s s%e ,s# 7ut -,- ;ou tell %e& s%e %a- a ve&; <,n- %ea&t an-
al4a;s %el0e- t%e 0oo&9 an- neve& sa,- a 4o&- 4%en T,.ot%; Cotton
stole a (&o(< of butte& out of %e& -a,&; an- tol- %,s 4,fe %eN-
boug%t ,t f&o. %e&M 6&s# Cotton (ast ,t u0 to %e& t%e ne+t t,.e
t%e; .et t%at ,t taste- of tu&n,0s an- 6&s# L;n-e 'ust sa,- s%e
4as so&&; ,t %a- tu&ne- out so 0oo&l;#G

G1 su00ose s%e %as so.e goo- Hual,t,es9G (on(e-e- 6&# La&&,son g&u-g,ngl;#
G6ost fol<s %ave# 1 %ave so.e .;self9 t%oug% ;ou .,g%t neve& sus0e(t ,t#
7ut an;%o4 1 a,nNt go,ng to g,ve an;t%,ng to t%at (a&0et# Bol<s a&e
eve&last,ng begg,ng fo& .one; %e&e9 ,t see.s to .e# Lo4Ns ;ou& 0&o'e(t
of 0a,nt,ng t%e %all (o.,ng onMG

GS0len-,-l;# =e %a- a .eet,ng of t%e A#:#1#S# last B&,-a; n,g%t an-
foun- t%at 4e %a- 0lent; of .one; subs(&,be- to 0a,nt t%e an- s%,ngle
t%e &oof too# 62ST 0eo0le gave ve&; l,be&all;9 6&# La&&,son#G

Anne 4as a s4eet-soule- lass9 but s%e (oul- ,nst,ll so.e veno. ,nto
,nno(ent ,tal,(s 4%en o((as,on &eHu,&e-#

G=%at (olo& a&e ;ou go,ng to %ave ,tMG

G=e %ave -e(,-e- on a ve&; 0&ett; g&een# T%e &oof 4,ll be -a&< &e-9
of (ou&se# 6&# 8oge& P;e ,s go,ng to get t%e 0a,nt ,n to4n to-a;#G

G=%oNs got t%e 'obMG

G6&# Oos%ua P;e of Ca&.o-;# Le %as nea&l; f,n,s%e- t%e s%,ngl,ng#
=e %a- to g,ve %,. t%e (ont&a(t9 fo& eve&; one of t%e P;es# # #
an- t%e&e a&e fou& fa.,l,es9 ;ou <no4# # #sa,- t%e; 4oul-nNt g,ve
a (ent unless Oos%ua got ,t# T%e; %a- subs(&,be- t4elve -olla&s
bet4een t%e. an- 4e t%oug%t t%at 4as too .u(% to lose9 alt%oug%
so.e 0eo0le t%,n< 4e s%oul-nNt %ave g,ven ,n to t%e P;es#
6&s# L;n-e sa;s t%e; t&; to &un eve&;t%,ng#G

GT%e .a,n Huest,on ,s 4,ll t%,s Oos%ua -o %,s 4o&< 4ell# 1f %e -oes
1 -onNt see t%at ,t .atte&s 4%et%e& %,s na.e ,s P;e o& Pu--,ng#G

GLe %as t%e &e0utat,on of be,ng a goo- 4o&<.an9 t%oug% t%e; sa;
%eNs a ve&; 0e(ul,a& .an# Le %a&-l; eve& tal<s#G

GLeNs 0e(ul,a& enoug% all &,g%t t%en9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son -&,l;#
G2& at least9 fol<s %e&e 4,ll (all %,. so# 1 neve& 4as .u(% of a
tal<e& t,ll 1 (a.e to Avonlea an- t%en 1 %a- to beg,n ,n self--efense
o& 6&s# L;n-e 4oul- %ave sa,- 1 4as -u.b an- sta&te- a subs(&,0t,on
to %ave .e taug%t s,gn language# JouN&e not go,ng ;et9 AnneMG

G1 .ust# 1 %ave so.e se4,ng to -o fo& Do&a t%,s even,ng# 7es,-es9
Dav; ,s 0&obabl; b&ea<,ng 6a&,llaNs %ea&t 4,t% so.e ne4 .,s(%,ef b;
t%,s t,.e# T%,s .o&n,ng t%e f,&st t%,ng %e sa,- 4as9 U=%e&e -oes
t%e -a&< go9 AnneM 1 4ant to <no4#N 1 tol- %,. ,t 4ent a&oun- to
t%e ot%e& s,-e of t%e 4o&l- but afte& b&ea<fast %e -e(la&e- ,t
-,-nNt# # #t%at ,t 4ent -o4n t%e 4ell# 6a&,lla sa;s s%e (aug%t
%,. %ang,ng ove& t%e 4ell-bo+ fou& t,.es to-a;9 t&;,ng to &ea(%
-o4n to t%e -a&<#G

GLeNs a l,.b9G -e(la&e- 6&# La&&,son# GLe (a.e ove& %e&e
;este&-a; an- 0ulle- s,+ feat%e&s out of ),nge&Ns ta,l befo&e 1
(oul- get ,n f&o. t%e ba&n# T%e 0oo& b,&- %as been .o0,ng eve&
s,n(e# T%ose (%,l-&en .ust be a s,g%t of t&ouble to ;ou fol<s#G

G*ve&;t%,ng t%atNs 4o&t% %av,ng ,s so.e t&ouble9G sa,- Anne9
se(&etl; &esolv,ng to fo&g,ve Dav;Ns ne+t offen(e9 4%ateve& ,t
.,g%t be9 s,n(e %e %a- avenge- %e& on ),nge&#

6&# 8oge& P;e b&oug%t t%e %all 0a,nt %o.e t%at n,g%t an- 6&# Oos%ua
P;e9 a su&l;9 ta(,tu&n .an9 began 0a,nt,ng t%e ne+t -a;# Le 4as
not -,stu&be- ,n %,s tas<# T%e %all 4as s,tuate- on 4%at 4as (alle-
Gt%e lo4e& &oa-#G 1n late autu.n t%,s &oa- 4as al4a;s .u--; an- 4et9
an- 0eo0le go,ng to Ca&.o-; t&avele- b; t%e longe& Gu00e&G &oa-#
T%e %all 4as so (losel; su&&oun-e- b; f,& 4oo-s t%at ,t 4as ,nv,s,ble
unless ;ou 4e&e nea& ,t# 6&# Oos%ua P;e 0a,nte- a4a; ,n t%e sol,tu-e
an- ,n-e0en-en(e t%at 4e&e so -ea& to %,s unso(,able %ea&t#

B&,-a; afte&noon %e f,n,s%e- %,s 'ob an- 4ent %o.e to Ca&.o-;#
Soon afte& %,s -e0a&tu&e 6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e -&ove b;9 %av,ng b&ave-
t%e .u- of t%e lo4e& &oa- out of (u&,os,t; to see 4%at t%e %all
loo<e- l,<e ,n ,ts ne4 (oat of 0a,nt# =%en s%e &oun-e- t%e s0&u(e
(u&ve s%e sa4#

T%e s,g%t affe(te- 6&s# L;n-e o--l;# S%e -&o00e- t%e &e,ns9 %el-
u0 %e& %an-s9 an- sa,- G)&a(,ous P&ov,-en(eFG S%e sta&e- as ,f s%e
(oul- not bel,eve %e& e;es# T%en s%e laug%e- al.ost %;ste&,(all;#

GT%e&e .ust be so.e .,sta<e# # #t%e&e .ust# 1 <ne4 t%ose P;es 4oul-
.a<e a .ess of t%,ngs#G

6&s# L;n-e -&ove %o.e9 .eet,ng seve&al 0eo0le on t%e &oa- an-
sto00,ng to tell t%e. about t%e %all# T%e ne4s fle4 l,<e 4,l-f,&e#
),lbe&t 7l;t%e9 0o&,ng ove& a te+t boo< at %o.e9 %ea&- ,t f&o. %,s
fat%e&Ns %,&e- bo; at sunset9 an- &us%e- b&eat%lessl; to )&een
)ables9 'o,ne- on t%e 4a; b; B&e- =&,g%t# T%e; foun- D,ana 7a&&;9
Oane An-&e4s9 an- Anne S%,&le;9 -es0a,& 0e&son,f,e-9 at t%e ;a&-
gate of )&een )ables9 un-e& t%e b,g leafless 4,llo4s#

G1t ,snNt t&ue su&el;9 AnneMG e+(la,.e- ),lbe&t#

G1t ,s t&ue9G ans4e&e- Anne9 loo<,ng l,<e t%e .use of t&age-;#
G6&s# L;n-e (alle- on %e& 4a; f&o. Ca&.o-; to tell .e# 2%9 ,t ,s
s,.0l; -&ea-fulF =%at ,s t%e use of t&;,ng to ,.0&ove an;t%,ngMG

G=%at ,s -&ea-fulMG as<e- 2l,ve& Sloane9 a&&,v,ng at t%,s .o.ent
4,t% a ban-bo+ %e %a- b&oug%t f&o. to4n fo& 6a&,lla#

GLavenNt ;ou %ea&-MG sa,- Oane 4&at%full;# G=ell9 ,ts s,.0l; t%,s#
# #Oos%ua P;e %as gone an- 0a,nte- t%e %all blue ,nstea- of g&een#
# #a -ee09 b&,ll,ant blue9 t%e s%a-e t%e; use fo& 0a,nt,ng (a&ts
an- 4%eelba&&o4s# An- 6&s# L;n-e sa;s ,t ,s t%e .ost %,-eous
(olo& fo& a bu,l-,ng9 es0e(,all; 4%en (o.b,ne- 4,t% a &e- &oof9
t%at s%e eve& sa4 o& ,.ag,ne-# Jou (oul- s,.0l; %ave <no(<e- .e
-o4n 4,t% a feat%e& 4%en 1 %ea&- ,t# 1tNs %ea&tb&ea<,ng9 afte& all
t%e t&ouble 4eNve %a-#G

GLo4 on ea&t% (oul- su(% a .,sta<e %ave %a00ene-MG 4a,le- D,ana#

T%e bla.e of t%,s un.e&(,ful -,saste& 4as eventuall; na&&o4e- -o4n
to t%e P;es# T%e 1.0&ove&s %a- -e(,-e- to use 6o&ton-La&&,s 0a,nts
an- t%e 6o&ton-La&&,s 0a,nt (ans 4e&e a((o&-,ng to a (olo&
(a&-# A 0u&(%ase& (%ose %,s s%a-e on t%e (a&- an- o&-e&e- b; t%e
a((o.0an;,ng 147 4as t%e s%a-e of g&een -es,&e- an-
4%en 6&# 8oge& P;e sent 4o&- to t%e 1.0&ove&s b; %,s son9 Oo%n
An-&e49 t%at %e 4as go,ng to to4n an- 4oul- get t%e,& 0a,nt fo&
t%e.9 t%e 1.0&ove&s tol- Oo%n An-&e4 to tell %,s fat%e& to get 147#
Oo%n An-&e4 al4a;s ave&&e- t%at %e -,- so9 but 6&# 8oge& P;e as
stan(%l; -e(la&e- t%at Oo%n An-&e4 tol- %,. 17@ an- t%e&e t%e
.atte& stan-s to t%,s -a;#

T%at n,g%t t%e&e 4as blan< -,s.a; ,n eve&; Avonlea %ouse 4%e&e an
1.0&ove& l,ve-# T%e gloo. at )&een )ables 4as so ,ntense t%at ,t
Huen(%e- even Dav;# Anne 4e0t an- 4oul- not be (

G1 .ust (&;9 even ,f 1 a. al.ost seventeen9 6a&,lla9G s%e sobbe-#
G1t ,s so .o&t,f;,ng# An- ,t soun-s t%e -eat% <nell of ou& so(,et;#
=eNll s,.0l; be laug%e- out of e+,sten(e#G

1n l,fe9 as ,n -&ea.s9 %o4eve&9 t%,ngs often go b; (ont&a&,es# T%e
Avonlea 0eo0le -,- not laug%@ t%e; 4e&e too ang&;# T%e,& .one; %a-
gone to 0a,nt t%e %all an- (onseHuentl; t%e; felt t%e.selves b,tte&l;
agg&,eve- b; t%e .,sta<e# Publ,( ,n-,gnat,on (ente&e- on t%e P;es#
8oge& P;e an- Oo%n An-&e4 %a- bungle- t%e .atte& bet4een t%e.@
an- as fo& Oos%ua P;e9 %e .ust be a bo&n fool not to sus0e(t
t%e&e 4as,ng 4&ong 4%en %e o0ene- t%e (ans an- sa4 t%e (olo&
of t%e 0a,nt# Oos%ua P;e9 4%en t%us an,.a-ve&te- u0on9 &eto&te-
t%at t%e Avonlea taste ,n (olo&s 4as no bus,ness of %,s9 4%ateve&
%,s 0&,vate o0,n,on .,g%t be@ %e %a- been %,&e- to 0a,nt t%e %all9
not to tal< about ,t@ an- %e .eant to %ave %,s .one; fo& ,t#

T%e 1.0&ove&s 0a,- %,. %,s .one; ,n b,tte&ness of s0,&,t9 afte&
(onsult,ng 6&# Pete& Sloane9 4%o 4as a .ag,st&ate#

GJouNll %ave to 0a; ,t9G Pete& tol- %,.# GJou (anNt %ol- %,.
&es0ons,ble fo& t%e .,sta<e9 s,n(e %e (la,.s %e 4as neve& tol-
4%at t%e (olo& 4as su00ose- to be but 'ust g,ven t%e (ans an-
tol- to go a%ea-# 7ut ,tNs a bu&n,ng s%a.e an- t%at %all
(e&ta,nl; -oes loo< a4ful#G

T%e lu(<less 1.0&ove&s e+0e(te- t%at Avonlea 4oul- be .o&e
0&e'u-,(e- t%an eve& aga,nst t%e.@ but ,nstea-9 0ubl,( s;.0at%;
vee&e- a&oun- ,n t%e,& favo&# Peo0le t%oug%t t%e eage&9
ent%us,ast,( l,ttle ban- 4%o %a- 4o&<e- so %a&- fo& t%e,& ob'e(t
%a- been ba-l; use-# 6&s# L;n-e tol- t%e. to <ee0 on an- s%o4
t%e P;es t%at t%e&e &eall; 4e&e 0eo0le ,n t%e 4o&l- 4%o (oul-
-o t%,ngs 4,t%out .a<,ng a .u--le of t%e.# 6&# 6a'o& S0en(e& sent
t%e. 4o&- t%at %e 4oul- (lean out all t%e stu.0s along t%e &oa-
f&ont of %,s fa&. an- see- ,t -o4n 4,t% g&ass at %,s o4n e+0ense@
an- 6&s# L,&a. Sloane (alle- at t%e s(%ool one -a; an- be(<one-
Anne .;ste&,ousl; out ,nto t%e 0o&(% to tell %e& t%at ,f t%e GSass,et;G
4ante- to .a<e a ge&an,u. be- at t%e (&oss&oa-s ,n t%e s0&,ng t%e;
nee-nNt be af&a,- of %e& (o49 fo& s%e 4oul- see t%at t%e .a&au-,ng
an,.al 4as <e0t 4,t%,n safe boun-s# *ven 6&# La&&,son (%u(<le-9
,f %e (%u(<le- at all9 ,n 0&,vate9 an- 4as all s;.0at%; out4a&-l;#

G3eve& .,n-9 Anne# 6ost 0a,nts fa-e ugl,e& eve&; ;ea& but t%at
blue ,s as ugl; as ,t (an be to beg,n 4,t%9 so ,tNs boun- to fa-e
0&ett,e&# An- t%e &oof ,s s%,ngle- an- 0a,nte- all &,g%t# Bol<s
4,ll be able to s,t ,n t%e %all afte& t%,s 4,t%out be,ng lea<e- on#
JouNve a((o.0l,s%e- so .u(% an;%o4#G

G7ut AvonleaNs blue %all 4,ll be a b;4o&- ,n all t%e ne,g%bo&,ng
settle.ents f&o. t%,s t,.e out9G sa,- Anne b,tte&l;#

An- ,t .ust be (onfesse- t%at ,t 4as#


Dav; ,n Sea&(% of a Sensat,on

Anne9 4al<,ng %o.e f&o. s(%ool t%&oug% t%e 7,&(% Pat% one
afte&noon9 felt (onv,n(e- af&es% t%at l,fe 4as a ve&; 4on-e&ful t%,ng#
T%e -a; %a- been a goo- -a;@ all %a- gone 4ell ,n %e& l,ttle <,ng-o.#
St# Cla,& Donnell %a- not foug%t an; of t%e ot%e& bo;s ove& t%e
Huest,on of %,s na.e@ P&,ll,e 8oge&sonNs fa(e %a- been so 0uffe-
u0 f&o. t%e effe(ts of toot%a(%e t%at s%e -,- not on(e t&; to
(oHuette 4,t% t%e bo;s ,n %e& v,(,n,t;# 7a&ba&a S%a4 %a- .et
4,t% onl; 23* a((,-ent# # #s0,ll,ng a -,00e& of 4ate& ove&
t%e floo&# # #an- Ant%on; P;e %a- not been ,n s(%ool at all#

G=%at a n,(e .ont% t%,s %as beenFG sa,- Anne9 4%o %a-
neve& Hu,te got ove& %e& (%,l-,s% %ab,t of tal<,ng to %e&self# ,s usuall; su(% a -,sag&eeable .ont%# # #as ,f t%e ;ea&
%a- su--enl; foun- out t%at s%e 4as g&o4,ng ol- an- (oul- -o
not%,ng but 4ee0 an- f&et ove& ,t# T%,s ;ea& ,s g&o4,ng ol-
g&a(efull;# # #'ust l,<e a statel; ol- la-; 4%o <no4s s%e (an be
(%a&.,ng even 4,t% g&a; %a,& an- 4&,n<les# =eNve %a- lovel; -a;s
an- -el,(,ous t4,l,g%ts# T%,s last fo&tn,g%t %as been so 0ea(eful9
an- even Dav; %as been al.ost 4ell-be%ave-# 1 &eall; t%,n< %e
,s ,.0&ov,ng a g&eat -eal# Lo4 Hu,et t%e 4oo-s a&e to-a;# # #
not a .u&.u& e+(e0t t%at soft 4,n- 0u&&,ng ,n t%e t&eeto0sF
1t soun-s l,<e su&f on a fa&a4a; s%o&e# Lo4 -ea& t%e 4oo-s a&eF
Jou beaut,ful t&eesF 1 love eve&; one of ;ou as a f&,en-#G

Anne 0ause- to t%&o4 %e& a&. about a sl,. ;oung b,&(% an- <,ss ,ts
(&ea.-4%,te t&un<# D,ana9 &oun-,ng a (u&ve ,n t%e 0at%9 sa4 %e&
an- laug%e-#

GAnne S%,&le;9 ;ouN&e onl; 0&eten-,ng to be g&o4n u0# 1 bel,eve
4%en ;ouN&e alone ;ouN&e as .u(% a l,ttle g,&l as ;ou eve& 4e&e#G

G=ell9 one (anNt get ove& t%e %ab,t of be,ng a l,ttle g,&l all at
on(e9G sa,- Anne ga,l;# GJou see9 1 4as l,ttle fo& fou&teen ;ea&s
an- 1Nve onl; been g&o4n-u00,s% fo& s(a&(el; t%&ee# 1N. su&e 1
s%all al4a;s feel l,<e a (%,l- ,n t%e 4oo-s# T%ese 4al<s %o.e
f&o. s(%ool a&e al.ost t%e onl; t,.e 1 %ave fo& -&ea.,ng# # #
e+(e0t t%e %alf-%ou& o& so befo&e 1 go to slee0# 1N. so bus;
4,t% tea(%,ng an- stu-;,ng an- %el0,ng 6a&,lla 4,t% t%e
t4,ns t%at 1 %avenNt anot%e& .o.ent fo& ,.ag,n,ng t%,ngs#
Jou -onNt <no4 4%at s0len-,- a-ventu&es 1 %ave fo& a l,ttle
4%,le afte& 1 go to be- ,n t%e east gable eve&; n,g%t# 1 al4a;s
,.ag,ne 1N.,ng ve&; b&,ll,ant an- t&,u.0%ant an- s0len-,-# # #
a g&eat 0&,.a -onna o& a 8e- C&oss nu&se o& a Hueen# Last n,g%t
1 4as a Hueen# 1tNs &eall; s0len-,- to ,.ag,ne ;ou a&e a Hueen#
Jou %ave all t%e fun of ,t 4,t%out an; of t%e ,n(onven,en(es an-
;ou (an sto0 be,ng a Hueen 4%eneve& ;ou 4ant to9 4%,(% ;ou (oul-nNt
,n &eal l,fe# 7ut %e&e ,n t%e 4oo-s 1 l,<e best to ,.ag,ne Hu,te
-,ffe&ent t%,ngs# # #1N. a -&;a- l,v,ng ,n an ol- 0,ne9 o& a l,ttle
b&o4n 4oo--elf %,-,ng un-e& a (&,n<le- leaf# T%at 4%,te b,&(% ;ou
(aug%t .e <,ss,ng ,s a s,ste& of .,ne# T%e onl; -,ffe&en(e ,s9
s%eNs a t&ee an- 1N. a g,&l9 but t%atNs no &eal -,ffe&en(e#
=%e&e a&e ;ou go,ng9 D,anaMG

GDo4n to t%e D,(<sons# 1 0&o.,se- to %el0 Albe&ta (ut out %e& ne4 -&ess#
CanNt ;ou 4al< -o4n ,n t%e even,ng9 Anne9 an- (o.e %o.e 4,t% .eMG

G1 .,g%t# # #s,n(e B&e- =&,g%t ,s a4a; ,n to4n9G sa,- Anne 4,t% a
&at%e& too ,nno(ent fa(e#

D,ana blus%e-9 tosse- %e& %ea-9 an- 4al<e- on# S%e -,- not loo<
offen-e-9 %o4eve&#

Anne full; ,nten-e- to go -o4n to t%e D,(<sonsN t%at even,ng9 but
s%e -,- not# =%en s%e a&&,ve- at )&een )ables s%e foun- a state of
affa,&s 4%,(% ban,s%e- eve&; ot%e& t%oug%t f&o. %e& .,n-# 6a&,lla
.et %e& ,n t%e ;a&-# # #a 4,l--e;e- 6a&,lla#

GAnne9 Do&a ,s lostFG

GDo&aF LostFG Anne loo<e- at Dav;9 4%o 4as s4,ng,ng on t%e ;a&-
gate9 an- -ete(te- .e&&,.ent ,n %,s e;es# GDav;9 -o ;ou <no4 4%e&e
s%e ,sMG

G3o9 1 -onNt9G sa,- Dav; stoutl;# G1 %avenNt seen %e& s,n(e -,nne&
t,.e9 (&oss .; %ea&t#G

G1Nve been a4a; eve& s,n(e one oN(lo(<9G sa,- 6a&,lla# L;n-e
too< s,(< all of a su--en an- 8a(%el sent u0 fo& .e to go at on(e#
=%en 1 left %e&e Do&a 4as 0la;,ng 4,t% %e& -oll ,n t%e <,t(%en an- Dav;
4as .a<,ng .u- 0,es be%,n- t%e ba&n# 1 onl; got %o.e %alf an %ou& ago
# # #an- no Do&a to be seen# Dav; -e(la&es %e neve& sa4 %e& s,n(e 1 left#G

G3e,t%e& 1 -,-9G avo4e- Dav;;#

GS%e .ust be so.e4%e&e a&oun-9G sa,- Anne# GS%e 4oul- neve& 4an-e&
fa& a4a; alone# # #;ou <no4 %o4 t,.,- s%e ,s# Pe&%a0s s%e %as fallen
aslee0 ,n one of t%e &oo.s#G

6a&,lla s%oo< %e& %ea-#

G1Nve %unte- t%e 4%ole %ouse t%&oug%# 7ut s%e .a; be ,n so.e of
t%e bu,l-,ngs#G

A t%o&oug% sea&(% follo4e-# *ve&; (o&ne& of %ouse9 ;a&-9 an-
outbu,l-,ngs 4as &ansa(<e- b; t%ose t4o -,st&a(te- 0eo0le# Anne
&ove- t%e o&(%a&-s an- t%e Launte- =oo-9 (all,ng Do&aNs na.e#
6a&,lla too< a (an-le an- e+0lo&e- t%e (ella&# Dav; a((o.0an,e-
ea(% of t%e. ,n tu&n9 an- 4as fe&t,le ,n t%,n<,ng of 0la(es 4%e&e
Do&a (oul- 0oss,bl; be# B,nall; t%e; .et aga,n ,n t%e ;a&-#

G1tNs a .ost .;ste&,ous t%,ng9G g&oane- 6a&,lla#

G=%e&e (an s%e beMG sa,- Anne .,se&abl;

G6a;be s%eNs tu.ble- ,nto t%e 4ell9G suggeste- Dav; (%ee&full;#

Anne an- 6a&,lla loo<e- fea&full; ,nto ea(% ot%e&Ns e;es#
T%e t%oug%t %a- been 4,t% t%e. bot% t%&oug% t%e,& ent,&e
sea&(% but ne,t%e& %a- -a&e- to 0ut ,t ,nto 4o&-s#

GS%e# # #s%e .,g%t %ave9G 4%,s0e&e- 6a&,lla#

Anne9 feel,ng fa,nt an- s,(<9 4ent to t%e 4ellbo+ an- 0ee&e- ove&#
T%e bu(<et sat on t%e s%elf ,ns,-e# Ba& -o4n belo4 4as a t,n;
gl,..e& of st,ll 4ate&# T%e Cut%be&t 4ell 4as t%e -ee0est ,n
Avonlea# 1f Do&a# # #but Anne (oul- not fa(e t%e ,-ea#
S%e s%u--e&e- an- tu&ne- a4a;#

G8un a(&oss fo& 6&# La&&,son9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4&,ng,ng %e& %an-s#

G6&# La&&,son an- Oo%n Len&; a&e bot% a4a;# # #t%e; 4ent to to4n to-a;#
1Nll go fo& 6&# 7a&&;#G

6&# 7a&&; (a.e ba(< 4,t% Anne9 (a&&;,ng a (o,l of &o0e to 4%,(%
4as atta(%e- a (la4-l,<e ,nst&u.ent t%at %a- been t%e bus,ness en-
of a g&ubb,ng fo&<# 6a&,lla an- Anne stoo- b;9 (ol- an- s%a<en
4,t% %o&&o& an- -&ea-9 4%,le 6&# 7a&&; -&agge- t%e 4ell9 an- Dav;9
ast&,-e t%e gate9 4at(%e- t%e g&ou0 4,t% a fa(e ,n-,(at,ve of %uge

B,nall; 6&# 7a&&; s%oo< %,s %ea-9 4,t% a &el,eve- a,&#

GS%e (anNt be -o4n t%e&e# 1tNs a .,g%t; (u&,ous t%,ng 4%e&e s%e
(oul- %ave got to9 t%oug%# Loo< %e&e9 ;oung .an9 a&e ;ou su&e
;ouNve no ,-ea 4%e&e ;ou& s,ste& ,sMG

G1Nve tol- ;ou a -o/en t,.es t%at 1 %avenNt9G sa,- Dav;9 4,t% an
,n'u&e- a,&# G6a;be a t&a.0 (o.e an- stole %e&#G

G3onsense9G sa,- 6a&,lla s%a&0l;9 &el,eve- f&o. %e& %o&&,ble fea&
of t%e 4ell# GAnne9 -o ;ou su00ose s%e (oul- %ave st&a;e- ove& to
6&# La&&,sonNsM S%e %as al4a;s been tal<,ng about %,s 0a&&ot eve&
s,n(e t%at t,.e ;ou too< %e& ove&G

G1 (anNt bel,eve Do&a 4oul- ventu&e so fa& alone but 1Nll go ove&
an- see9G sa,- Anne#

3obo-; 4as loo<,ng at Dav; 'ust t%en o& ,t 4oul- %ave been seen t%at
a ve&; -e(,-e- (%ange (a.e ove& %,s fa(e# Le Hu,etl; sl,00e- off
t%e gate an- &an9 as fast as %,s fat legs (oul- (a&&; %,.9 to t%e ba&n#

Anne %astene- a(&oss t%e f,el-s to t%e La&&,son establ,s%.ent ,n no
ve&; %o0eful f&a.e of .,n-# T%e %ouse 4as lo(<e-9 t%e 4,n-o4
s%a-es 4e&e -o4n9 an- t%e&e 4as no s,gn of an;t%,ng l,v,ng about
t%e 0la(e# S%e stoo- on t%e ve&an-a an- (alle- Do&a lou-l;#

),nge&9 ,n t%e <,t(%en be%,n- %e&9 s%&,e<e- an- s4o&e 4,t% su--en
f,e&(eness@ but bet4een %,s outbu&sts Anne %ea&- a 0la,nt,ve (&;
f&o. t%e l,ttle bu,l-,ng ,n t%e ;a&- 4%,(% se&ve- 6&# La&&,son as
a tool%ouse# Anne fle4 to t%e -oo&9 un%as0e- ,t9 an- (aug%t u0 a
s.all .o&tal 4,t% a tea&sta,ne- fa(e 4%o 4as s,tt,ng fo&lo&nl; on
an u0tu&ne- na,l <eg#

G2%9 Do&a9 Do&a9 4%at a f&,g%t ;ou %ave g,ven usF Lo4 (a.e ;ou to be %e&eMG

GDav; an- 1 (a.e ove& to see ),nge&9G sobbe- Do&a9 Gbut 4e (oul-nNt
see %,. afte& all9 onl; Dav; .a-e %,. s4ea& b; <,(<,ng t%e -oo&#
An- t%en Dav; b&oug%t .e %e&e an- &un out an- s%ut t%e -oo&@ an- 1
(oul-nNt get out# 1 (&,e- an- (&,e-9 1 4as f&,g%tene-9 an- o%9 1N.
so %ung&; an- (ol-@ an- 1 t%oug%t ;ouN- neve& (o.e9 Anne#G

GDav;MG 7ut Anne (oul- sa; no .o&e# S%e (a&&,e- Do&a %o.e 4,t% a
%eav; %ea&t# Le& 'o; at f,n-,ng t%e (%,l- safe an- soun- 4as
-&o4ne- out ,n t%e 0a,n (ause- b; Dav;Ns be%av,o&# T%e f&ea< of
s%utt,ng Do&a u0 .,g%t eas,l; %ave been 0a&-one-# 7ut Dav; %a-
tol- false%oo-s# # #-o4n&,g%t (ol-bloo-e- false%oo-s about ,t#
T%at 4as t%e ugl; fa(t an- Anne (oul- not s%ut %e& e;es to ,t#
S%e (oul- %ave sat -o4n an- (&,e- 4,t% s%ee& -,sa00o,nt.ent#
S%e %a- g&o4n to love Dav; -ea&l;# # #%o4 -ea&l; s%e %a- not
<no4n unt,l t%,s .,nute# # #an- ,t %u&t %e& unbea&abl; to
-,s(ove& t%at %e 4as gu,lt; of -el,be&ate false%oo-#

6a&,lla l,stene- to AnneNs tale ,n a s,len(e t%at bo-e- no goo-
Dav;-4a&-@ 6&# 7a&&; laug%e- an- a-v,se- t%at Dav; be su..a&,l;
-ealt 4,t%# =%en %e %a- gone %o.e Anne soot%e- an- 4a&.e- t%e
sobb,ng9 s%,ve&,ng Do&a9 got %e& %e& su00e& an- 0ut %e& to be-#
T%en s%e &etu&ne- to t%e <,t(%en9 'ust as 6a&,lla (a.e g&,.l; ,n9
lea-,ng9 o& &at%e& 0ull,ng9 t%e &elu(tant9 (ob4ebb; Dav;9 4%o. s%e
%a- 'ust foun- %,--en a4a; ,n t%e -a&<est (o&ne& of t%e stable#

S%e 'e&<e- %,. to t%e .at on t%e .,--le of t%e floo& an- t%en 4ent
an- sat -o4n b; t%e east 4,n-o4# Anne 4as s,tt,ng l,.0l; b; t%e
4est 4,n-o4# 7et4een t%e. stoo- t%e (ul0&,t# L,s ba(< 4as to4a&-
6a&,lla an- ,t 4as a .ee<9 sub-ue-9 f&,g%tene- ba(<@ but %,s fa(e
4as to4a&- Anne an- alt%oug% ,t 4as a l,ttle s%a.efa(e- t%e&e 4as a
glea. of (o.&a-es%,0 ,n Dav;Ns e;es9 as ,f %e <ne4 %e %a- -one 4&ong
an- 4as go,ng to be 0un,s%e- fo& ,t9 but (oul- (ount on a laug% ove&
,t all 4,t% Anne late& on#

7ut no %alf %,--en s.,le ans4e&e- %,. ,n AnneNs g&a; e;es9
as t%e&e .,g%t %ave -one %a- ,t been onl; a Huest,on of .,s(%,ef#
T%e&e 4as,ng else# #,ng ugl; an- &e0uls,ve#

GLo4 (oul- ;ou be%ave so9 Dav;MG s%e as<e- so&&o4full;#

Dav; sHu,&.e- un(;#

G1 'ust -,- ,t fo& fun# T%,ngs %ave been so a4ful Hu,et %e&e fo&
so long t%at 1 t%oug%t ,t 4oul- be fun to g,ve ;ou fol<s a b,g s(a&e#
1t 4as9 too#G

1n s0,te of fea& an- a l,ttle &e.o&se Dav; g&,nne- ove& t%e &e(olle(t,on#

G7ut ;ou tol- a false%oo- about ,t9 Dav;9G sa,- Anne9 .o&e so&&o4full;
t%an eve&#

Dav; loo<e- 0u//le-#

G=%atNs a false%oo-M Do ;ou .ean a 4%o00e&MG

G1 .ean a sto&; t%at 4as not t&ue#G

GCou&se 1 -,-9G sa,- Dav; f&an<l;# G1f 1 %a-nNt ;ou 4oul-nNt %ave
been s(a&e-# 1 LAD to tell ,t#G

Anne 4as feel,ng t%e &ea(t,on f&o. %e& f&,g%t an- e+e&t,ons#
Dav;Ns ,.0en,tent att,tu-e gave t%e f,n,s%,ng tou(%#
T4o b,g tea&s b&,..e- u0 ,n %e& e;es#

G2%9 Dav;9 %o4 (oul- ;ouMG s%e sa,-9 4,t% a Hu,ve& ,n %e& vo,(e#
GDonNt ;ou <no4 %o4 4&ong ,t 4asMG

Dav; 4as ag%ast# Anne (&;,ng# # #%e %a- .a-e Anne (&;F A floo- of &eal
&e.o&se &olle- l,<e a 4ave ove& %,s 4a&. l,ttle %ea&t an- engulfe- ,t#
Le &us%e- to Anne9 %u&le- %,.self ,nto %e& la09 flung %,s a&.s a&oun-
%e& ne(<9 an- bu&st ,nto tea&s#

G1 -,-nNt <no4 ,t 4as 4&ong to tell 4%o00e&s9G %e sobbe-#
GLo4 -,- ;ou e+0e(t .e to <no4 ,t 4as 4&ongM All 6&# S0&ottNs
(%,l-&en tol- t%e. 8*)5LA8 eve&; -a;9 an- (&oss t%e,& %ea&ts too#
1 sN0ose Paul 1&v,ng neve& tells 4%o00e&s an- %e&e 1Nve been t&;,ng
a4ful %a&- to be as goo- as %,.9 but no4 1 sN0ose ;ouNll neve&
love .e aga,n# 7ut 1 t%,n< ;ou .,g%t %ave tol- .e ,t 4as 4&ong#
1N. a4ful so&&; 1Nve .a-e ;ou (&;9 Anne9 an- 1Nll neve& tell a
4%o00e& aga,n#G

Dav; bu&,e- %,s fa(e ,n AnneNs s%oul-e& an- (&,e- sto&.,l;#
Anne9 ,n a su--en gla- flas% of un-e&stan-,ng9 %el- %,. t,g%t
an- loo<e- ove& %,s (u&l; t%at(% at 6a&,lla#

GLe -,-nNt <no4 ,t 4as 4&ong to tell false%oo-s9 6a&,lla#
1 t%,n< 4e .ust fo&g,ve %,. fo& t%at 0a&t of ,t t%,s t,.e
,f %e 4,ll 0&o.,se neve& to sa; 4%at ,snNt t&ue aga,n#G

G1 neve& 4,ll9 no4 t%at 1 <no4 ,tNs ba-9G asseve&ate- Dav; bet4een sobs#
G1f ;ou eve& (at(% .e tell,ng a 4%o00e& aga,n ;ou (an# # #G Dav; g&o0e-
.entall; fo& a su,table 0enan(e# # #G;ou (an s<,n .e al,ve9 Anne#G

GDonNt sa; U4%o00e&9N Dav;# # #sa; Ufalse%oo-9NG sa,- t%e s(%ool.aNa.#

G=%;MG Hue&,e- Dav;9 settl,ng (; -o4n an- loo<,ng u0 4,t%
a tea&sta,ne-9 ,nvest,gat,ng fa(e# G=%; a,nNt 4%o00e& as goo- as
false%oo-M 1 4ant to <no4# 1tNs 'ust as b,g a 4o&-#G

G1tNs slang@ an- ,tNs 4&ong fo& l,ttle bo;s to use slang#G

GT%e&eNs an a4ful lot of t%,ngs ,tNs 4&ong to -o9G sa,- Dav; 4,t% a s,g%#
G1 neve& sN0ose- t%e&e 4as so .an;# 1N. so&&; ,tNs 4&ong to tell 4%o0# # #
false%oo-s9 N(ause ,tNs a4ful %an-;9 but s,n(e ,t ,s 1N. neve& go,ng to
tell an; .o&e# =%at a&e ;ou go,ng to -o to .e fo& tell,ng t%e. t%,s t,.eM
1 4ant to <no4#G Anne loo<e- besee(%,ngl; at 6a&,lla#

G1 -onNt 4ant to be too %a&- on t%e (%,l-9G sa,- 6a&,lla# G1
-a&esa; nobo-; eve& -,- tell %,. ,t 4as 4&ong to tell l,es9 an-
t%ose S0&ott (%,l-&en 4e&e no f,t (o.0an,ons fo& %,.# Poo& 6a&;
4as too s,(< to t&a,n %,. 0&o0e&l; an- 1 0&esu.e ;ou (oul-nNt
e+0e(t a s,+-;ea&-ol- (%,l- to <no4 t%,ngs l,<e t%at b; ,nst,n(t#
1 su00ose 4eNll 'ust %ave to assu.e %e -oesnNt <no4 A3JTL13) &,g%t
an- beg,n at t%e beg,nn,ng# 7ut %eNll %ave to be 0un,s%e- fo&
s%utt,ng Do&a u09 an- 1 (anNt t%,n< of an; 4a; e+(e0t to sen- %,.
to be- 4,t%out %,s su00e& an- 4eNve -one t%at so often# CanNt ;ou
suggest,ng else9 AnneM 1 s%oul- t%,n< ;ou oug%t to be able
to9 4,t% t%at ,.ag,nat,on ;ouN&e al4a;s tal<,ng of#G

G7ut 0un,s%.ents a&e so %o&&,- an- 1 l,<e to ,.ag,ne onl; 0leasant t%,ngs9G
sa,- Anne9 (u--l,ng Dav;# GT%e&e a&e so .an; un0leasant t%,ngs ,n t%e
4o&l- al&ea-; t%at t%e&e ,s no use ,n ,.ag,n,ng an; .o&e#G

1n t%e en- Dav; 4as sent to be-9 as usual9 t%e&e to &e.a,n unt,l
noon ne+t -a;# Le ev,-entl; -,- so.e t%,n<,ng9 fo& 4%en Anne 4ent
u0 to %e& &oo. a l,ttle late& s%e %ea&- %,. (all,ng %e& na.e softl;#
)o,ng ,n9 s%e foun- %,. s,tt,ng u0 ,n be-9 4,t% %,s elbo4s on %,s
<nees an- %,s (%,n 0&o00e- on %,s %an-s#

GAnne9G %e sa,-;9 G,s ,t 4&ong fo& eve&;bo-; to tell 4%o0# # #
false%oo-sM 1 4ant to <no4G

GJes9 ,n-ee-#G

G1s ,t 4&ong fo& a g&o4n-u0 0e&sonMG


GT%en9G sa,- Dav; -e(,-e-l;9 G6a&,lla ,s ba-9 fo& SL* tells t%e.#
An- s%eNs 4o&seNn .e9 fo& 1 -,-nNt <no4 ,t 4as 4&ong but s%e -oes#G

GDav; Pe,t%9 6a&,lla neve& tol- a sto&; ,n %e& l,fe9G sa,- Anne

GS%e -,- so# S%e tol- .e last Tues-a; t%at,ng -&ea-ful
=25LD %a00en to .e ,f 1 -,-nNt sa; .; 0&a;e&s eve&; n,g%t# An- 1
%avenNt sa,- t%e. fo& ove& a 4ee<9 'ust to see 4%at 4oul- %a00en# # #
an- not%,ng %as9G (on(lu-e- Dav; ,n an agg&,eve- tone#

Anne (%o<e- ba(< a .a- -es,&e to laug% 4,t% t%e (onv,(t,on t%at ,t
4oul- be fatal9 an- t%en ea&nestl; set about sav,ng 6a&,llaNs &e0utat,on#

G=%;9 Dav; Pe,t%9G s%e sa,-;9,ng -&ea-ful LAS %a00ene-
to ;ou t%,s ve&; -a;G

Dav; loo<e- s(e0t,(al#

G1 sN0ose ;ou .ean be,ng sent to be- 4,t%out an; su00e&9G %e sa,-
s(o&nfull;9 Gbut TLAT ,snNt -&ea-ful# Cou&se9 1 -onNt l,<e ,t9
but 1Nve been sent to be- so .u(% s,n(e 1 (o.e %e&e t%at 1N. gett,ng
use- to ,t# An- ;ou -onNt save an;t%,ng b; .a<,ng .e go 4,t%out
su00e& e,t%e&9 fo& 1 al4a;s eat t4,(e as .u(% fo& b&ea<fast#G

G1 -onNt .ean ;ou& be,ng sent to be-# 1 .ean t%e fa(t t%at ;ou
tol- a false%oo- to-a;# An-9 Dav;9G# # #Anne leane- ove& t%e
footboa&- of t%e be- an- s%oo< %e& f,nge& ,.0&ess,vel; at t%e
(ul0&,t# # #Gfo& a bo; to tell 4%at ,snNt t&ue ,s al.ost t%e
4o&st t%,ng t%at (oul- LAPP*3 to %,.# # #al.ost t%e ve&; 4o&st#
So ;ou see 6a&,lla tol- ;ou t%e t&ut%#G

G7ut 1 t%oug%t t%e,ng ba- 4oul- be e+(,t,ng9G 0&oteste- Dav;
,n an ,n'u&e- tone#

G6a&,lla ,snNt to bla.e fo& 4%at ;ou t%oug%t# 7a- t%,ngs a&enNt
al4a;s e+(,t,ng# T%e;N&e ve&; often 'ust nast; an- stu0,-#G

G1t 4as a4ful funn; to see 6a&,lla an- ;ou loo<,ng -o4n t%e 4ell9 t%oug%9G
sa,- Dav;9 %ugg,ng %,s <nees#

Anne <e0t a sobe& fa(e unt,l s%e got -o4nsta,&s an- t%en s%e (olla0se-
on t%e s,tt,ng &oo. lounge an- laug%e- unt,l %e& s,-es a(%e-#

G1 4,s% ;ouN- tell .e t%e 'o<e9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 a l,ttle g&,.l;#
G1 %avenNt seen .u(% to laug% at to-a;#G

GJouNll laug% 4%en ;ou %ea& t%,s9G assu&e- Anne# An- 6a&,lla -,-
laug%9 4%,(% s%o4e- %o4 .u(% %e& e-u(at,on %a- a-van(e- s,n(e t%e
a-o0t,on of Anne# 7ut s%e s,g%e- ,..e-,atel; afte&4a&-s#

G1 su00ose 1 s%oul-nNt %ave tol- %,. t%at9 alt%oug% 1 %ea&- a
.,n,ste& sa; ,t to a (%,l- on(e# 7ut %e -,- agg&avate .e so# 1t
4as t%at n,g%t ;ou 4e&e at t%e Ca&.o-; (on(e&t an- 1 4as 0utt,ng
%,. to be-# Le sa,- %e -,-nNt see t%e goo- of 0&a;,ng unt,l %e got
b,g enoug% to be of so.e ,.0o&tan(e to )o-# Anne9 1 -o not <no4
4%at 4e a&e go,ng to -o 4,t% t%at (%,l-# 1 neve& sa4 %,s beat#
1N. feel,ng (lean -,s(ou&age-#G

G2%9 -onNt sa; t%at9 6a&,lla# %o4 ba- 1 4as 4%en 1 (a.e %e&e#G

GAnne9 ;ou neve& 4e&e ba-# # #3*:*8# 1 see t%at no49 4%en 1Nve
lea&ne- 4%at &eal ba-ness ,s# Jou 4e&e al4a;s gett,ng ,nto
te&&,ble s(&a0es9 1Nll a-.,t9 but ;ou& .ot,ve 4as al4a;s goo-#
Dav; ,s 'ust ba- f&o. s%ee& love of ,t#G

G2%9 no9 1 -onNt t%,n< ,t ,s &eal ba-ness 4,t% %,. e,t%e&9G 0lea-e- Anne#
G1tNs 'ust .,s(%,ef# An- ,t ,s &at%e& Hu,et fo& %,. %e&e9 ;ou <no4#
Le %as no ot%e& bo;s to 0la; 4,t% an- %,s .,n- %as to %ave,ng
to o((u0; ,t# Do&a ,s so 0&,. an- 0&o0e& s%e ,s no goo- fo& a bo;Ns 0la;.ate# 1 &eall;
t%,n< ,t
4oul- be bette& to let t%e. go to s(%ool9 6a&,lla#G

G3o9G sa,- 6a&,lla &esolutel;9 G.; fat%e& al4a;s sa,- t%at no
(%,l- s%oul- be (oo0e- u0 ,n t%e fou& 4alls of a s(%ool unt,l
,t 4as seven ;ea&s ol-9 an- 6&# Allan sa;s t%e sa.e t%,ng#
T%e t4,ns (an %ave a fe4 lessons at %o.e but go to s(%ool t%e;
s%anNt t,ll t%e;N&e seven#G

G=ell9 4e .ust t&; to &efo&. Dav; at %o.e t%en9G sa,- Anne
(%ee&full;# G=,t% all %,s faults %eNs &eall; a -ea& l,ttle (%a0#
1 (anNt %el0 lov,ng %,.# 6a&,lla9 ,t .a; be a -&ea-ful t%,ng to sa;9
but %onestl;9 1 l,<e Dav; bette& t%an Do&a9 fo& all s%eNs so goo-#G

G1 -onNt <no4 but t%at 1 -o9 .;self9G (onfesse- 6a&,lla9 Gan- ,t
,snNt fa,&9 fo& Do&a ,snNt a b,t of t&ouble# T%e&e (oul-nNt be a
bette& (%,l- an- ;ouN- %a&-l; <no4 s%e 4as ,n t%e %ouse#G

GDo&a ,s too goo-9G sa,- Anne# GS%eN- be%ave 'ust as 4ell ,f t%e&e
4asnNt a soul to tell %e& 4%at to -o# S%e 4as bo&n al&ea-; b&oug%t
u09 so s%e -oesnNt nee- us@ an- 1 t%,n<9G (on(lu-e- Anne9 %,tt,ng
on a ve&; v,tal t&ut%9 Gt%at 4e al4a;s love best t%e 0eo0le 4%o
nee- us# Dav; nee-s us ba-l;#G

GLe (e&ta,nl; nee-s,ng9G ag&ee- 6a&,lla# G8a(%el L;n-e
4oul- sa; ,t 4as a goo- s0an<,ng#G


Ba(ts an- Ban(,es

GTea(%,ng ,s &eall; ve&; ,nte&est,ng 4o&<9G 4&ote Anne to a QueenNs
A(a-e.; (%u.# GOane sa;s s%e t%,n<s ,t ,s .onotonous but 1 -onNt
f,n- ,t so#,ng funn; ,s al.ost su&e to %a00en eve&; -a;9
an- t%e (%,l-&en sa; su(%,ng t%,ngs# Oane sa;s s%e 0un,s%es
%e& 0u0,ls 4%en t%e; .a<e funn; s0ee(%es9 4%,(% ,s 0&obabl; 4%; s%e
f,n-s tea(%,ng .onotonous# T%,s afte&noon l,ttle O,..; An-&e4s 4as
t&;,ng to s0ell Us0e(<le-N an- (oul-nNt .anage ,t# U=ell9N %e sa,-
f,nall;9 U1 (anNt s0ell ,t but 1 <no4 4%at ,t .eans#N

GU=%atMN 1 as<e-#

GUSt# Cla,& DonnellNs fa(e9 .,ss#N

GSt# Cla,& ,s (e&ta,nl; ve&; .u(% f&e(<le-9 alt%oug% 1 t&; to
0&event t%e ot%e&s f&o. (o..ent,ng on ,t# # #fo& 1 4as f&e(<le-
on(e an- 4ell -o 1 & ,t# 7ut 1 -onNt t%,n< St# Cla,& .,n-s#
1t 4as be(ause O,..; (alle- %,. USt# Cla,&N t%at St# Cla,& 0oun-e-
%,. on t%e 4a; %o.e f&o. s(%ool# 1 %ea&- of t%e 0oun-,ng9 but not
off,(,all;9 so 1 -onNt t%,n< 1Nll ta<e an; not,(e of ,t#

GJeste&-a; 1 4as t&;,ng to tea(% Lott,e =&,g%t to -o a--,t,on#
1 sa,-9 U1f ;ou %a- t%&ee (an-,es ,n one %an- an- t4o ,n t%e ot%e&9
%o4 .an; 4oul- ;ou %ave altoget%e&MN UA .out%ful9N sa,- Lott,e#
An- ,n t%e natu&e stu-; (lass9 4%en 1 as<e- t%e. to g,ve .e a goo-
&eason 4%; toa-s s%oul-nNt be <,lle-9 7en',e Sloane g&avel; ans4e&e-9
U7e(ause ,t 4oul- &a,n t%e ne+t -a;#N

G1tNs so %a&- not to laug%9 Stella# 1 %ave to save u0 all .; a.use.ent
unt,l 1 get %o.e9 an- 6a&,lla sa;s ,t .a<es %e& ne&vous to %ea& 4,l- s%&,e<s
of .,&t% 0&o(ee-,ng f&o. t%e east gable 4,t%out an; a00a&ent (ause#
S%e sa;s a .an ,n )&afton 4ent ,nsane on(e an- t%at 4as %o4 ,t began#

GD,- ;ou <no4 t%at a 7e(<et 4as (anon,/e- as a S3AP*M
8ose 7ell sa;s %e 4as# # #also t%at =,ll,a. T;n-ale =82T* t%e
3e4 Testa.ent# Clau-e =%,te sa;s a Ugla(,e&N ,s a .an 4%o 0uts
,n 4,n-o4 f&a.esF

G1 t%,n< t%e .ost -,ff,(ult t%,ng ,n tea(%,ng9 as 4ell as t%e .ost
,nte&est,ng9 ,s to get t%e (%,l-&en to tell ;ou t%e,& &eal t%oug%ts
about t%,ngs# 2ne sto&.; -a; last 4ee< 1 gat%e&e- t%e. a&oun- .e
at -,nne& %ou& an- t&,e- to get t%e. to tal< to .e 'ust as ,f 1
4e&e one of t%e.selves# 1 as<e- t%e. to tell .e t%e t%,ngs
t%e; .ost 4ante-# So.e of t%e ans4e&s 4e&e (o..on0la(e enoug%
# # # -olls9 0on,es9 an- s<ates# 2t%e&s 4e&e -e(,-e-l; o&,g,nal#
Leste& 7oulte& 4ante- Uto 4ea& %e& Sun-a; -&ess eve&; -a; an- eat
,n t%e s,tt,ng &oo.#N Lanna% 7ell 4ante- Uto be goo- 4,t%out %av,ng
to ta<e an; t&ouble about ,t#N 6a&'o&; =%,te9 age- ten9 4ante- to
be a =1D2=# Quest,one- 4%;9 s%e g&avel; sa,- t%at ,f ;ou 4e&enNt
.a&&,e- 0eo0le (alle- ;ou an ol- .a,-9 an- ,f ;ou 4e&e ;ou& %usban-
bosse- ;ou@ but ,f ;ou 4e&e a 4,-o4 t%e&eN- be no -ange& of e,t%e&#
T%e .ost &e.a&<able 4,s% 4as Sall; 7ellNs# S%e 4ante- a N%one;.oon#N
1 as<e- %e& ,f s%e <ne4 4%at ,t 4as an- s%e sa,- s%e t%oug%t ,t 4as
an e+t&a n,(e <,n- of b,(;(le be(ause %e& (ous,n ,n 6ont&eal 4ent on
a %one;.oon 4%en %e 4as .a&&,e- an- %e %a- al4a;s %a- t%e ve&; latest
,n b,(;(lesF

GAnot%e& -a; 1 as<e- t%e. all to tell .e t%e naug%t,est t%,ng t%e;
%a- eve& -one# 1 (oul-nNt get t%e ol-e& ones to -o so9 but t%e
t%,&- (lass ans4e&e- Hu,te f&eel;# *l,/a 7ell %a- Uset f,&e to %e&
auntNs (a&-e- &olls#N As<e- ,f s%e .eant to -o ,t s%e sa,-9 Unot
altoget%e&#N S%e 'ust t&,e- a l,ttle en- to see %o4 ,t 4oul- bu&n
an- t%e 4%ole bun-le bla/e- u0 ,n a ',ff;# *.e&son ),ll,s %a-
s0ent ten (ents fo& (an-; 4%en %e s%oul- %ave 0ut ,t ,n %,s
.,ss,ona&; bo+# Annetta 7ellNs 4o&st (&,.e 4as Ueat,ng so.e
bluebe&&,es t%at g&e4 ,n t%e g&ave;a&-#N =,ll,e =%,te %a- Usl,-
-o4n t%e s%ee0%ouse &oof a lot of t,.es 4,t% %,s Sun-a; t&ouse&s on#N
U7ut 1 4as 0un,s%e- fo& ,t N(ause 1 %a- to 4ea& 0at(%e- 0ants
to Sun-a; S(%ool all su..e&9 an- 4%en ;ouN&e 0un,s%e- fo& a t%,ng
;ou -onNt %ave to &e0ent of ,t9N -e(la&e- =,ll,e#

G1 4,s% ;ou (oul- see so.e of t%e,& (o.0os,t,ons# # #so .u(% -o
1 4,s% ,t t%at 1Nll sen- ;ou (o0,es of so.e 4&,tten &e(entl;#
Last 4ee< 1 tol- t%e fou&t% (lass 1 4ante- t%e. to 4&,te .e lette&s
about an;t%,ng t%e; 0lease-9 a--,ng b; 4a; of suggest,on t%at t%e;
.,g%t tell .e of so.e 0la(e t%e; %a- v,s,te- o& so.e ,nte&est,ng
t%,ng o& 0e&son t%e; %a- seen# T%e; 4e&e to 4&,te t%e lette&s on
&eal note 0a0e&9 seal t%e. ,n an envelo0e9 an- a--&ess t%e. to .e9
all 4,t%out an; ass,stan(e f&o. ot%e& 0eo0le# Last B&,-a; .o&n,ng
1 foun- a 0,le of lette&s on .; -es< an- t%at even,ng 1 &eal,/e-
af&es% t%at tea(%,ng %as ,ts 0leasu&es as 4ell as ,ts 0a,ns# T%ose
(o.0os,t,ons 4oul- atone fo& .u(%# Le&e ,s 3e- Cla;Ns9 a--&ess9
s0ell,ng9 an- g&a..a& as o&,g,nall; 0enne-#

GU6,ss tea(%e& S%,8le;

)&een gabels#

0#e# 1slan- (an


GUDea& tea(%e& 1 t%,n< 1 4,ll 4&,te ;ou a (o.0os,t,on about b,&-s#
b,&-s ,s ve&; useful an,.als# .; (at (at(%es b,&-s# L,s na.e ,s
=,ll,a. but 0a (alls %,. to.# %e ,s oll st&,0e- an- %e got one of
%,s ea&s f&o/ of last 4,nte&# onl; fo& t%at %e 4oul- be a
goo--loo<,ng (at# 6; un<le %as a-o0te- a (at# ,t (o.e to %,s
%ouse one -a; an- 4ou-ent go a4a; an- un<le sa;s ,t %as fo&got .o&e
t%an .ost 0eo0le eve& <no4e-# %e lets ,t slee0 on %,s &o(<,ng
(%a&e an- .; aunt sa;s %e t%,n<s .o&e of ,t t%an %e -oes of %,s
(%,l-&en# t%at ,s not &,g%t# 4e oug%t to be <,n- to (ats an- g,ve
t%e. ne4 .,l< but 4e oug%t not be bette& to t%e. t%an to ou&
(%,l-&en# t%,s ,s oll 1 (an t%,n< of so no .o&e at 0&esent f&o.

e-4a&- bla<e ClaJ#NG

GSt# Cla,& DonnellNs ,s9 as usual9 s%o&t an- to t%e 0o,nt# St#
Cla,& neve& 4astes 4o&-s# 1 -o not t%,n< %e (%ose %,s sub'e(t o&
a--e- t%e 0osts(&,0t out of .al,(e afo&et%oug%t# 1t ,s 'ust t%at
%e %as not a g&eat -eal of ta(t o& ,.ag,nat,on#

GUDea& 6,ss S%,&le;

Jou tol- us to -es(&,be,ng st&ange 4e %ave seen# 1 4,ll
-es(&,be t%e Avonlea Lall# 1t %as t4o -oo&s9 an ,ns,-e one an- an
outs,-e one# 1t %as s,+ 4,n-o4s an- a (%,.ne;# 1t %as t4o en-s
an- t4o s,-es# 1t ,s 0a,nte- blue# T%at ,s 4%at .a<es ,t st&ange#
1t ,s bu,lt on t%e lo4e& Ca&.o-; &oa-# 1t ,s t%e t%,&- .ost
,.0o&tant bu,l-,ng ,n Avonlea# T%e ot%e&s a&e t%e (%u&(% an- t%e
bla(<s.,t% s%o0# T%e; %ol- -ebat,ng (lubs an- le(tu&es ,n ,t an-

Jou&s t&ul;9
Oa(ob Donnell#

P#S# T%e %all ,s a ve&; b&,g%t blue#NG

GAnnetta 7ellNs lette& 4as Hu,te long9 4%,(% su&0&,se- .e9 fo&
4&,t,ng essa;s ,s not AnnettaNs fo&te9 an- %e&s a&e gene&all; as
b&,ef as st# Cla,&Ns# Annetta ,s a Hu,et l,ttle 0uss an- a .o-el
of goo- be%av,o&9 but t%e&e ,snNt a s%a-o4 of o&g,nal,t; ,n %e&#
Le&e ,s %e& lette&# --

GUDea&est tea(%e&9

1 t%,n< 1 4,ll 4&,te ;ou a lette& to tell ;ou %o4 .u(% 1 love ;ou#
1 love ;ou 4,t% .; 4%ole %ea&t an- soul an- .,n-# # #4,t% all
t%e&e ,s of .e to love# # #an- 1 4ant to se&ve ;ou fo& eve&#
1t 4oul- be .; %,g%est 0&,v,lege# T%at ,s 4%; 1 t&; so %a&- to be
goo- ,n s(%ool an- lea&n .; lessuns#

GUJou a&e so beaut,ful9 .; tea(%e&# Jou& vo,(e ,s l,<e .us,( an-
;ou& e;es a&e l,<e 0ans,es 4%en t%e -e4 ,s on t%e.# Jou a&e l,<e a
tall statel; Hueen# Jou& %a,& ,s l,<e &,00l,ng gol-# Ant%on; P;e
sa;s ,t ,s &e-9 but ;ou nee-nNt 0a; an; attent,on to Ant%on;#

GU1 %ave onl; <no4n ;ou fo& a fe4 .ont%s but 1 (annot &eal,/e t%at
t%e&e 4as eve& a t,.e 4%en 1 -,- not <no4 ;ou# # #4%en ;ou %a- not
(o.e ,nto .; l,fe to bless an- %allo4 ,t# 1 4,ll al4a;s loo< ba(<
to t%,s ;ea& as t%e .ost 4on-e&ful ,n .; l,fe be(ause ,t b&oug%t
;ou to .e# 7es,-es9 ,tNs t%e ;ea& 4e .ove- to Avonlea f&o.
3e4b&,-ge# 6; love fo& ;ou %as .a-e .; l,fe ve&; &,(% an- ,t %as
<e0t .e f&o. .u(% of %a&. an- ev,l# 1 o4e t%,s all to ;ou9 .;
s4eetest tea(%e&#

GU1 s%all neve& fo&get %o4 s4eet ;ou loo<e- t%e last t,.e 1 sa4
;ou ,n t%at bla(< -&ess 4,t% flo4e&s ,n ;ou& %a,&# 1 s%all see ;ou
l,<e t%at fo& eve&9 even 4%en 4e a&e bot% ol- an- g&a;# Jou 4,ll
al4a;s be ;oung an- fa,& to .e9 -ea&est tea(%e&# 1 a. t%,n<,ng of
;ou all t%e t,.e# # #,n t%e .o&n,ng an- at t%e noont,-e an- at t%e
t4,l,g%t# 1 love ;ou 4%en ;ou laug% an- 4%en ;ou s,g%# # #even
4%en ;ou loo< -,s-a,nful# 1 neve& sa4 ;ou loo< (&oss t%oug%
Ant%on; P;e sa;s ;ou al4a;s loo< so but 1 -onNt 4on-e& ;ou loo<
(&oss at %,. fo& %e -ese&ves ,t# 1 love ;ou ,n eve&; -&ess# # #;ou
see. .o&e a-o&able ,n ea(% ne4 -&ess t%an t%e last#

GUDea&est tea(%e&9 goo- n,g%t# T%e sun %as set an- t%e sta&s a&e
s%,n,ng# # #sta&s t%at a&e as b&,g%t an- beaut,ful as ;ou& e;es#
1 <,ss ;ou& %an-s an- fa(e9 .; s4eet# 6a; )o- 4at(% ove& ;ou an-
0&ote(t ;ou f&o. all %a&.#

Jou& afe(<s,onate 0u0,l
Annetta 7ell#NG

GT%,s e+t&ao&-,na&; lette& 0u//le- .e not a l,ttle# 1 <ne4 Annetta
(oul-nNt %ave (o.0ose- ,t an; .o&e t%an s%e (oul- fl;# =%en 1 4ent
to s(%ool t%e ne+t -a; 1 too< %e& fo& a 4al< -o4n to t%e b&oo< at
&e(ess an- as<e- %e& to tell .e t%e t&ut% about t%e lette&#
Annetta (&,e- an- Nfesse- u0 f&eel;# S%e sa,- s%e %a- neve&
4&,tten a lette& an- s%e -,-nNt <no4 %o4 to9 o& 4%at to sa;9 but
t%e&e 4as bun-le of love lette&s ,n %e& .ot%e&Ns to0 bu&eau -&a4e&
4%,(% %a- been 4&,tten to %e& b; an ol- Ubeau#N

GU1t 4asnNt fat%e&9N sobbe- Annetta9 U,t 4as so.eone 4%o 4as
stu-;,ng fo& a .,n,ste&9 an- so %e (oul- 4&,te lovel; lette&s9 but
.a -,-nNt .a&&; %,. afte& all# S%e sa,- s%e (oul-nNt .a<e out 4%at
%e 4as -&,v,ng at %alf t%e t,.e# 7ut 1 t%oug%t t%e lette&s 4e&e
s4eet an- t%at 1N- 'ust (o0; t%,ngs out of t%e. %e&e an- t%e&e to
4&,te ;ou# 1 0ut Gtea(%e&G 4%e&e %e 0ut Gla-;G an- 1 0ut ,n,ng of .; o4n 4%en 1 (oul- t%,n< of ,t an- 1 (%ange- so.e 4o&-s#
1 0ut G-&essG ,n 0la(e of G.oo-#G 1 -,-nNt <no4 'ust 4%at a G.oo-G
4as but 1 sN0ose- ,t 4as,ng to 4ea&# 1 -,-nNt sN0ose ;ouN-
<no4 t%e -,ffe&en(e# 1 -onNt see %o4 ;ou foun- out ,t 4asnNt
all .,ne# Jou .ust be a4ful (leve&9 tea(%e&#N

G1 tol- Annetta ,t 4as ve&; 4&ong to (o0; anot%e& 0e&sonNs lette&
an- 0ass ,t off as %e& o4n# 7ut 1N. af&a,- t%at all Annetta
&e0ente- of 4as be,ng foun- out#

GUAn- 1 -o love ;ou9 tea(%e&9N s%e sobbe-# U1t 4as all t&ue9 even
,f t%e .,n,ste& 4&ote ,t f,&st# 1 -o love ;ou 4,t% all .; %ea&t#N

G1tNs ve&; -,ff,(ult to s(ol- an;bo-; 0&o0e&l; un-e& su(% (,&(u.stan(es#

GLe&e ,s 7a&ba&a S%a4Ns lette&# 1 (anNt &e0&o-u(e t%e blots of t%e o&,g,nal#

GUDea& tea(%e&9

Jou sa,- 4e .,g%t 4&,te about a v,s,t# 1 neve& v,s,te- but on(e#
1t 4as at .; Aunt 6a&;Ns last 4,nte&# 6; Aunt 6a&; ,s a ve&; 0a&t,(ula& an- a g&eat %ouse<ee0e&# T%e f,&st n,g%t 1 4as t%e&e 4e 4e&e at tea#
1 <no(<e- ove& a 'ug an- b&o<e ,t# Aunt 6a&; sa,- s%e %a- %a- t%at 'ug
eve& s,n(e s%e 4as .a&&,e- an- nobo-; %a- eve& b&o<en ,t befo&e#
=%en 4e got u0 1 ste00e- on %e& -&ess an- all t%e gat%e&s to&e out
of t%e s<,&t# T%e ne+t .o&n,ng 4%en 1 got u0 1 %,t t%e 0,t(%e& aga,nst
t%e bas,n an- (&a(<e- t%e. bot% an- 1 u0set a (u0 of tea on t%e table(lot%
at b&ea<fast# =%en 1 4as %el0,ng Aunt 6a&; 4,t% t%e -,nne& -,s%es 1
-&o00e- a (%,na 0late an- ,t T%at even,ng 1 fell -o4nsta,&s
an- s0&a,ne- .; an<le an- %a- to sta; ,n be- fo& a 4ee<# 1 %ea&- Aunt 6a&;
tell 5n(le Oose0% ,t 4as a .e&(; o& 1N- %ave b&o<en eve&;t%,ng ,n t%e %ouse#
=%en 1 got bette& ,t 4as t,.e to go %o.e# 1 -onNt l,<e v,s,t,ng ve&; .u(%#
1 l,<e go,ng to s(%ool bette&9 es0e(,all; s,n(e 1 (a.e to Avonlea#

Jou&s &es0e(tfull;9
7a&ba&a# S%a4#NG

G=,ll,e =%,teNs began9

8es0e(te- 6,ss9

1 4ant to tell ;ou about .; :e&; 7&ave Aunt# S%e l,ves ,n 2nta&,o
an- one -a; s%e 4ent out to t%e ba&n an- sa4 a -og ,n t%e ;a&-#
T%e -og %a- no bus,ness t%e&e so s%e got a st,(< an- 4%a(<e-
%,. %a&- an- -&ove %,. ,nto t%e ba&n an- s%ut %,. u0# P&ett; soon
a .an (a.e loo<,ng fo& an ,nag,na&; l,onN >Que&;@ -- D,- =,ll,e
.ean a .enage&,e l,onM? Ut%at %a- &un a4a; f&o. a (,&(us# An- ,t
tu&ne- out t%at t%e -og 4as a l,on an- .; :e&; 7&ave Aunt %a- -&uv
%,. ,nto t%e ba&n 4,t% a st,(<# 1t 4as a 4on-e& s%e 4as not et u0
but s%e 4as ve&; b&ave# *.e&son ),ll,s sa;s ,f s%e t%oug%t ,t 4as
a -og s%e 4asnNt an; b&ave& t%an ,f ,t &eall; 4as a -og# 7ut
*.e&son ,s 'ealous be(ause %e %asnNt got a 7&ave Aunt %,.self9
not%,ng but un(les#NG

G1 %ave <e0t t%e best fo& t%e last# Jou laug% at .e be(ause 1
t%,n< Paul ,s a gen,us but 1 a. su&e %,s lette& 4,ll (onv,n(e ;ou
t%at %e ,s a ve&; un(o..on (%,l-# Paul l,ves a4a; -o4n nea& t%e
s%o&e 4,t% %,s g&an-.ot%e& an- %e %as no 0la;.ates# # #no &eal
0la;.ates# Jou & ou& S(%ool 6anage.ent 0&ofesso& tol- us
t%at 4e .ust not %ave Ufavo&,tesN ou& 0u0,ls9 but 1 (anNt
%el0 lov,ng Paul 1&v,ng t%e best of all .,ne# 1 -onNt t%,n< ,t
-oes an; %a&.9 t%oug%9 fo& eve&;bo-; loves Paul9 even 6&s# L;n-e9
4%o sa;s s%e (oul- neve& %ave bel,eve- s%eN- get so fon- of a Jan<ee#
T%e ot%e& bo;s ,n s(%ool l,<e %,. too# T%e&e ,s not%,ng 4ea< o&
g,&l,s% about %,. ,n s0,te of %,s -&ea.s an- fan(,es# Le ,s ve&;
.anl; an- (an %ol- %,s o4n ,n all Le foug%t St# Cla,&
Donnell &e(entl; be(ause St# Cla,& sa,- t%e 5n,on Oa(< 4as a4a;
a%ea- of t%e Sta&s an- St&,0es as a flag# T%e &esult 4as a -&a4n
battle an- a .utual ag&ee.ent to &es0e(t ea(% ot%e&Ns 0at&,ot,s.
%en(efo&t%# St# Cla,& sa;s %e (an %,t t%e LA8D*ST but Paul (an
%,t t%e 2BT*3*ST#

GPaulNs Lette&#

6; -ea& tea(%e&9

Jou tol- us 4e .,g%t 4&,te ;ou about so.e ,nte&est,ng 0eo0le 4e <ne4#
1 t%,n< t%e .ost ,nte&est,ng 0eo0le 1 <no4 a&e .; &o(< 0eo0le an- 1
.ean to tell ;ou about t%e.# 1 %ave neve& tol- an;bo-; about t%e.
e+(e0t g&an-.a an- fat%e& but 1 4oul- l,<e to %ave ;ou <no4 about
t%e. be(ause ;ou un-e&stan- t%,ngs# T%e&e a&e a g&eat .an; 0eo0le
4%o -o not un-e&stan- t%,ngs so t%e&e ,s no use ,n tell,ng t%e.#

6; &o(< 0eo0le l,ve at t%e s%o&e# 1 use- to v,s,t t%e. al.ost
eve&; even,ng befo&e t%e 4,nte& (a.e# 3o4 1 (anNt go t,ll s0&,ng9
but t%e; 4,ll be t%e&e9 fo& 0eo0le l,<e t%at neve& (%ange# # #t%at
,s t%e s0len-,- t%,ng about t%e.# 3o&a 4as t%e f,&st one of t%e. 1
got a(Hua,nte- 4,t% an- so 1 t%,n< 1 love %e& t%e best# S%e l,ves
,n An-&e4sN Cove an- s%e %as bla(< %a,& an- bla(< e;es9 an- s%e
<no4s all about t%e .e&.a,-s an- t%e 4ate& <el0,es# Jou oug%t to
%ea& t%e sto&,es s%e (an tell# T%en t%e&e a&e t%e T4,n Sa,lo&s#
T%e; -onNt l,ve an;4%e&e9 t%e; sa,l all t%e t,.e9 but t%e; often
(o.e as%o&e to tal< to .e# T%e; a&e a 0a,& of 'oll; ta&s an- t%e;
%ave seen eve&;t%,ng ,n t%e 4o&l-# # #an- .o&e t%an 4%at ,s ,n t%e
4o&l-# Do ;ou <no4 4%at %a00ene- to t%e ;oungest T4,n Sa,lo&
on(eM Le 4as sa,l,ng an- %e sa,le- &,g%t ,nto a .oongla-e# A
.oongla-e ,s t%e t&a(< t%e full .oon .a<es on t%e 4ate& 4%en ,t ,s
&,s,ng f&o. t%e sea9 ;ou <no49 tea(%e&# =ell9 t%e ;oungest T4,n
Sa,lo& sa,le- along t%e .oongla-e t,ll %e (a.e &,g%t u0 to t%e
.oon9 an- t%e&e 4as a l,ttle gol-en -oo& ,n t%e .oon an- %e o0ene-
,t an- sa,le- &,g%t t%&oug%# Le %a- so.e 4on-e&ful a-ventu&es ,n
t%e .oon but ,t 4oul- .a<e t%,s lette& too long to tell t%e.#

T%en t%e&e ,s t%e )ol-en La-; of t%e (ave# 2ne -a; 1 foun- a b,g
(ave -o4n on t%e s%o&e an- 1 4ent a4a; ,n an- afte& a 4%,le 1 foun-
t%e )ol-en La-;# S%e %as gol-en %a,& &,g%t -o4n to %e& feet an-
%e& -&ess ,s all gl,tte&,ng an- gl,sten,ng l,<e gol- t%at ,s al,ve#
An- s%e %as a gol-en %a&0 an- 0la;s on ,t all -a; long# # #;ou (an
%ea& t%e .us,( an; t,.e along s%o&e ,f ;ou l,sten (a&efull; but
.ost 0eo0le 4oul- t%,n< ,t 4as onl; t%e 4,n- t%e &o(<s#
1Nve neve& tol- 3o&a about t%e )ol-en La-;# 1 4as af&a,- ,t
.,g%t %u&t %e& feel,ngs# 1t even %u&t %e& feel,ngs ,f 1 tal<e-
too long 4,t% t%e T4,n Sa,lo&s#

1 al4a;s .et t%e T4,n Sa,lo&s at t%e St&,0e- 8o(<s# T%e ;oungest
T4,n Sa,lo& ,s ve&; goo--te.0e&e- but t%e ol-est T4,n Sa,lo& (an
loo< -&ea-full; f,e&(e at t,.es# 1 %ave .; sus0,(,ons about t%at
ol-est T4,n# 1 bel,eve %eN- be a 0,&ate ,f %e -a&e-# T%e&eNs &eall;,ng ve&; .;ste&,ous about %,.# Le s4o&e on(e an- 1 tol- %,.
,f %e eve& -,- ,t aga,n %e nee-nNt (o.e as%o&e to tal< to .e be(ause
1N- 0&o.,se- g&an-.ot%e& 1N- neve& asso(,ate 4,t% an;bo-; t%at s4o&e#
Le 4as 0&ett; 4ell s(a&e-9 1 (an tell ;ou9 an- %e sa,- ,f 1 4oul-
fo&g,ve %,. %e 4oul- ta<e .e to t%e sunset# So t%e ne+t even,ng
4%en 1 4as s,tt,ng on t%e St&,0e- 8o(<s t%e ol-est T4,n (a.e
sa,l,ng ove& t%e sea ,n an en(%ante- boat an- 1 got ,n %e&# T%e
boat 4as all 0ea&l; an- &a,nbo4;9 l,<e t%e ,ns,-e of t%e .ussel
s%ells9 an- %e& sa,l 4as l,<e .oons%,ne# =ell9 4e sa,le- &,g%t
a(&oss to t%e sunset# T%,n< of t%at9 tea(%e&9 1Nve been ,n t%e
sunset# An- 4%at -o ;ou su00ose ,t ,sM T%e sunset ,s a lan-
all flo4e&s# =e sa,le- ,nto a g&eat ga&-en9 an- t%e (lou-s a&e be-s
of flo4e&s# =e sa,le- ,nto a g&eat %a&bo&9 all t%e (olo& of gol-9
an- 1 ste00e- &,g%t out of t%e boat on a b,g .ea-o4 all (ove&e- 4,t%
butte&(u0s as b,g as &oses# 1 sta;e- t%e&e fo& eve& so long# 1t
see.e- nea&l; a ;ea& but t%e 2l-est T4,n sa;s ,t 4as onl; a fe4
.,nutes# Jou see9 ,n t%e sunset lan- t%e t,.e ,s eve& so .u(%
longe& t%an ,t ,s %e&e#

Jou& lov,ng 0u0,l
Paul 1&v,ng#

P# S# of (ou&se9 t%,s lette& ,snNt &eall; t&ue9 tea(%e&#


A Oona% Da;

1t &eall; began t%e n,g%t befo&e 4,t% a &estless9 4a<eful v,g,l of
g&,ng toot%a(%e# =%en Anne a&ose ,n t%e -ull9 b,tte& 4,nte&
.o&n,ng s%e felt t%at l,fe 4as flat9 stale9 an- un0&of,table#

S%e 4ent to s(%ool ,n no angel,( .oo-# Le& (%ee< 4as s4ollen an-
%e& fa(e a(%e-# T%e s(%ool&oo. 4as (ol- an- s.o<;9 fo& t%e f,&e
&efuse- to bu&n an- t%e (%,l-&en 4e&e %u--le- about ,t ,n s%,ve&,ng
g&ou0s# Anne sent t%e. to t%e,& seats 4,t% a s%a&0e& tone t%an s%e
%a- eve& use- befo&e# Ant%on; P;e st&utte- to %,s 4,t% %,s usual
,.0e&t,nent s4agge& an- s%e sa4 %,. 4%,s0e&,ng to %,s
seat-.ate an- t%en glan(e at %e& 4,t% a g&,n#

3eve&9 so ,t see.e- to Anne9 %a- t%e&e been so .an; sHuea<; 0en(,ls
as t%e&e 4e&e t%at .o&n,ng@ an- 4%en 7a&ba&a S%a4 (a.e u0 to t%e
-es< 4,t% a su. s%e t&,00e- ove& t%e (oal s(uttle 4,t% -,sast&ous
&esults# T%e (oal &olle- to eve&; 0a&t of t%e &oo.9 %e& slate 4as
b&o<en ,nto f&ag.ents9 an- 4%en s%e 0,(<e- %e&self u09 %e& fa(e9
sta,ne- 4,t% (oal -ust9 sent t%e bo;s ,nto &oa&s of laug%te&#

Anne tu&ne- f&o. t%e se(on- &ea-e& (lass 4%,(% s%e 4as %ea&,ng#

G8eall;9 7a&ba&a9G s%e sa,- ,(,l;9 G,f ;ou (annot .ove 4,t%out
fall,ng ove&,ng ;ouN- bette& &e.a,n ,n ;ou& seat# 1t ,s
0os,t,vel; -,sg&a(eful fo& a g,&l of ;ou& age to be so a4<4a&-#G

Poo& 7a&ba&a stu.ble- ba(< to %e& -es<9 %e& tea&s (o.b,n,ng 4,t%
t%e (oal -ust to 0&o-u(e an effe(t t&ul; g&otesHue# 3eve& befo&e
%a- %e& belove-9 s;.0at%et,( tea(%e& s0o<en to %e& ,n su(% a tone
o& fas%,on9 an- 7a&ba&a 4as %ea&tb&o<en# Anne %e&self felt a 0&,(<
of (ons(,en(e but ,t onl; se&ve- to ,n(&ease %e& .ental ,&&,tat,on9
an- t%e se(on- &ea-e& (lass & t%at lesson ;et9 as 4ell as
t%e un.e&(,ful ,nfl,(t,on of a&,,( t%at follo4e-# Oust as Anne
4as sna00,ng t%e su.s out St# Cla,& Donnell a&&,ve- b&eat%lessl;#

GJou a&e %alf an %ou& late9 St# Cla,&9G Anne &e.,n-e- %,. f&,g,-l;#
G=%; ,s t%,sMG

GPlease9 .,ss9 1 %a- to %el0 .a .a<e a 0u--,ng fo& -,nne&
N(ause 4eN&e e+0e(t,ng (o.0an; an- Cla&,(e Al.,&aNs s,(<9G
4as St# Cla,&Ns ans4e&9 g,ven ,n a 0e&fe(tl; &es0e(tful vo,(e
but neve&t%eless 0&ovo(at,ve of g&eat .,&t% %,s .ates#

GTa<e ;ou& seat an- 4o&< out t%e s,+ 0&oble.s on 0age e,g%t;-fou&
of ;ou& a&,,( fo& 0un,s%.ent9G sa,- Anne# St# Cla,& loo<e-
&at%e& a.a/e- at %e& tone but %e 4ent .ee<l; to %,s -es< an- too<
out %,s slate# T%en %e stealt%,l; 0asse- a s.all 0a&(el to Ooe
Sloane a(&oss t%e a,sle# Anne (aug%t %,. ,n t%e a(t an- 'u.0e- to
a fatal (on(lus,on about t%at 0a&(el#

2l- 6&s# L,&a. Sloane %a- latel; ta<en to .a<,ng an- sell,ng
Gnut (a<esG b; 4a; of a--,ng to %e& s(ant; ,n(o.e# T%e (a<es 4e&e
s0e(,all; te.0t,ng to s.all bo;s an- fo& seve&al 4ee<s Anne %a- %a-
not a l,ttle t&ouble ,n &ega&- to t%e.# 2n t%e,& 4a; to s(%ool t%e
bo;s 4oul- ,nvest t%e,& s0a&e (as% at 6&s# L,&a.Ns9 b&,ng t%e (a<es
along 4,t% t%e. to s(%ool9 an-9 ,f 0oss,ble9 eat t%e. an- t&eat
t%e,& .ates -u&,ng s(%ool %ou&s# Anne %a- 4a&ne- t%e. t%at ,f
t%e; b&oug%t an; .o&e (a<es to s(%ool t%e; 4oul- be (onf,s(ate-@
an- ;et %e&e 4as St# Cla,& Donnell (ooll; 0ass,ng a 0a&(el of t%e.9
4&a00e- u0 ,n t%e blue an- 4%,te st&,0e- 0a0e& 6&s# L,&a. use-9
un-e& %e& ve&; e;es#

GOose0%9G sa,- Anne Hu,etl;9 Gb&,ng t%at 0a&(el %e&e#G

Ooe9 sta&tle- an- abas%e-9 obe;e-# Le 4as a fat u&(%,n 4%o al4a;s
blus%e- an- stutte&e- 4%en %e 4as f&,g%tene-# 3eve& -,- an;bo-;
loo< .o&e gu,lt; t%an 0oo& Ooe at t%at .o.ent#

GT%&o4 ,t ,nto t%e f,&e9G sa,- Anne#

Ooe loo<e- ve&; blan<#

GP# # #0# # #0# # #lease9 .# # #.# # #.,ss9G %e began#

GDo as 1 tell ;ou9 Oose0%9 4,t%out an; 4o&-s about ,t#G

G7# # #b# # #but .# # #.# # #.,ss# # #t%# # #t%# # #t%e;N&e# # #G
gas0e- Ooe ,n -es0e&at,on#

GOose0%9 a&e ;ou go,ng to obe; .e o& a&e ;ou 32TMG sa,- Anne#

A bol-e& an- .o&e self-0ossesse- la- t%an Ooe Sloane 4oul- %ave
been ove&a4e- b; %e& tone an- t%e -ange&ous flas% of %e& e;es#
T%,s 4as a ne4 Anne 4%o. none of %e& 0u0,ls %a- eve& seen befo&e#
Ooe9 4,t% an agon,/e- glan(e at St# Cla,&9 4ent to t%e stove9
o0ene- t%e b,g9 sHua&e f&ont -oo&9 an- t%&e4 t%e blue an- 4%,te
0a&(el ,n9 befo&e St# Cla,&9 4%o %a- s0&ung to %,s feet9 (oul-
utte& a 4o&-# T%en %e -o-ge- ba(< 'ust ,n t,.e#

Bo& a fe4 .o.ents t%e te&&,f,e- o((u0ants of Avonlea s(%ool -,- not
<no4 4%et%e& ,t 4as an ea&t%Hua<e o& a vol(an,( e+0los,on t%at %a-
o((u&&e-# T%e ,nno(ent loo<,ng 0a&(el 4%,(% Anne %a- &as%l;
su00ose- to (onta,n 6&s# L,&a.Ns nut (a<es &eall; %el- an
asso&t.ent of f,&e(&a(<e&s an- 0,n4%eels fo& 4%,(% =a&&en Sloane
%a- sent to to4n b; St# Cla,& DonnellNs fat%e& t%e -a; befo&e9
,nten-,ng to %ave a b,&t%-a; (eleb&at,on t%at even,ng# T%e
(&a(<e&s 4ent off ,n a t%un-e&(la0 of no,se an- t%e 0,n4%eels
bu&st,ng out of t%e -oo& s0un .a-l; a&oun- t%e &oo.9 %,ss,ng an-
s0lutte&,ng# Anne -&o00e- ,nto %e& (%a,& 4%,te 4,t% -,s.a; an- all
t%e g,&ls (l,.be- s%&,e<,ng u0on t%e,& -es<s# Ooe Sloane stoo- as
one t&ansf,+e- ,n t%e .,-st of t%e (o..ot,on an- St# Cla,&9
%el0less 4,t% laug%te&9 &o(<e- to an- f&o ,n t%e a,sle# P&,ll,e
8oge&son fa,nte- an- Annetta 7ell 4ent ,nto %;ste&,(s#

1t see.e- a long t,.e9 alt%oug% ,t 4as &eall; onl; a fe4 .,nutes9
befo&e t%e last 0,n4%eel subs,-e-# Anne9 &e(ove&,ng %e&self9
s0&ang to o0en -oo&s an- 4,n-o4s an- let out t%e gas an- s.o<e
4%,(% f,lle- t%e &oo.# T%en s%e %el0e- t%e g,&ls (a&&; t%e
un(ons(,ous P&,ll,e ,nto t%e 0o&(%9 4%e&e 7a&ba&a S%a49 ,n an agon;
of -es,&e to be useful9 0ou&e- a 0a,lful of %alf f&o/en 4ate& ove&
P&,ll,eNs fa(e an- s%oul-e&s befo&e an;one (oul- sto0 %e&#

1t 4as a full %ou& befo&e Hu,et 4as &esto&e- # # #but ,t 4as a
Hu,et t%at .,g%t be felt# *ve&;bo-; &eal,/e- t%at even t%e
e+0los,on %a- not (lea&e- t%e tea(%e&Ns .ental at.os0%e&e#
3obo-;9 e+(e0t Ant%on; P;e9 -a&e- 4%,s0e& a 4o&-# 3e- Cla;
a((,-entall; sHuea<e- %,s 0en(,l 4%,le 4o&<,ng a su.9 (aug%t
AnneNs e;e an- 4,s%e- t%e floo& 4oul- o0en an- s4allo4 %,. u0#
T%e geog&a0%; (lass 4e&e 4%,s<e- t%&oug% a (ont,nent 4,t% a s0ee-
t%at .a-e t%e. -,//;# T%e g&a..a& (lass 4e&e 0a&se- an- anal;/e-
4,t%,n an ,n(% of t%e,& l,ves# C%este& Sloane9 s0ell,ng Go-o&,fe&ousG
4,t% t4o fNs9 4as .a-e to feel t%at %e (oul- neve& l,ve -o4n t%e
-,sg&a(e of ,t9 e,t%e& ,n t%,s 4o&l- o& t%at 4%,(% ,s to (o.e#

Anne <ne4 t%at s%e %a- .a-e %e&self &,-,(ulous an- t%at t%e
,n(,-ent 4oul- be laug%e- ove& t%at n,g%t at a s(o&e of tea-tables9
but t%e <no4le-ge onl; ange&e- %e& fu&t%e&# 1n a (al.e& .oo- s%e
(oul- %ave (a&&,e- off t%e s,tuat,on 4,t% a laug% but no4 t%at 4as
,.0oss,ble@ so s%e ,gno&e- ,t ,n ,(; -,s-a,n#

=%en Anne &etu&ne- to t%e s(%ool afte& -,nne& all t%e (%,l-&en 4e&e
as usual ,n t%e,& seats an- eve&; fa(e 4as bent stu-,ousl; ove& a
-es< e+(e0t Ant%on; P;eNs# Le 0ee&e- a(&oss %,s boo< at Anne9 %,s
bla(< e;es s0a&<l,ng 4,t% (u&,os,t; an- .o(<e&;# Anne t4,t(%e-
o0en t%e -&a4e& of %e& -es< ,n sea&(% of (%al< an- un-e& %e& ve&;
%an- a l,vel; .ouse s0&ang out of t%e -&a4e&9 s(a.0e&e- ove& t%e
-es<9 an- lea0e- to t%e floo&#

Anne s(&ea.e- an- s0&ang ba(<9 as ,f ,t %a- been a sna<e9 an-
Ant%on; P;e laug%e- alou-#

T%en a s,len(e fell# # #a ve&; (&ee0;9 un( s,len(e#
Annetta 7ell 4as of t4o .,n-s 4%et%e& to go ,nto %;ste&,(s aga,n
o& not9 es0e(,all; as s%e -,-nNt <no4 'ust 4%e&e t%e .ouse %a- gone#
7ut s%e -e(,-e- not to# =%o (oul- ta<e an; ( out of
%;ste&,(s 4,t% a tea(%e& so 4%,te-fa(e- an- so bla/,ng-e;e-
stan-,ng befo&e oneM

G=%o 0ut t%at .ouse ,n .; -es<MG sa,- Anne# Le& vo,(e 4as Hu,te
lo4 but ,t .a-e a s%,ve& go u0 an- -o4n Paul 1&v,ngNs s0,ne# Ooe
Sloane (aug%t %e& e;e9 felt &es0ons,ble f&o. t%e (&o4n of %,s %ea-
to t%e sole of %,s feet9 but stutte&e- out 4,l-l;9

G3# # #n# # #not .# # #.# # #.e t# # #t# # #tea(%e&9 n# # #n# #
#not .# # #.# # #.e#G

Anne 0a,- no attent,on to t%e 4&et(%e- Oose0%# S%e loo<e- at
Ant%on; P;e9 an- Ant%on; P;e loo<e- ba(< unabas%e- an- unas%a.e-#

GAnt%on;9 4as ,t ;ouMG

GJes9 ,t 4as9G sa,- Ant%on; ,nsolentl;#

Anne too< %e& 0o,nte& f&o. %e& -es<# 1t 4as a long9 %eav; %a&-4oo- 0o,nte&#

GCo.e %e&e9 Ant%on;#G

1t 4as fa& f&o. be,ng t%e .ost seve&e 0un,s%.ent Ant%on; P;e %a-
eve& un-e&gone# Anne9 even t%e sto&.;-soule- Anne s%e 4as at t%at
.o.ent9 (oul- not %ave 0un,s%e- an; (%,l- (&uell;# 7ut t%e 0o,nte&
n,00e- <eenl; an- f,nall; Ant%on;Ns b&ava-o fa,le- %,.@ %e 4,n(e-
an- t%e tea&s (a.e to %,s e;es#

Anne9 (ons(,en(e-st&,(<en9 -&o00e- t%e 0o,nte& an- tol- Ant%on; to
go to %,s seat# S%e sat -o4n at %e& -es< feel,ng as%a.e-9
&e0entant9 an- b,tte&l; .o&t,f,e-# Le& Hu,(< ange& 4as gone an-
s%e 4oul- %ave g,ven .u(% to %ave been able to see< &el,ef ,n
tea&s# So all %e& boasts %a- (o.e to t%,s# # #s%e %a- a(tuall;
4%,00e- one of %e& 0u0,ls# Lo4 Oane 4oul- t&,u.0%F An- %o4
6&# La&&,son 4oul- (%u(<leF 7ut 4o&se t%an t%,s9 b,tte&est
t%oug%t of all9 s%e %a- lost %e& last (%an(e of 4,nn,ng Ant%on; P;e#
3eve& 4oul- %e l,<e %e& no4#

Anne9 b; 4%at so.ebo-; %as (alle- Ga Le&(ulaneu. effo&t9G <e0t ba(<
%e& tea&s unt,l s%e got %o.e t%at n,g%t# T%en s%e s%ut %e&self ,n
t%e east gable &oo. an- 4e0t all %e& s%a.e an- &e.o&se an-
-,sa00o,nt.ent ,nto %e& 0,llo4s# # #4e0t so long t%at 6a&,lla g&e4
ala&.e-9 ,nva-e- t%e &oo.9 an- ,ns,ste- on <no4,ng 4%at t%e t&ouble 4as#

GT%e t&ouble ,s9 1Nve got t%,ngs t%e .atte& 4,t% .; (ons(,en(e9G
sobbe- Anne# G2%9 t%,s %as been su(% a Oona% -a;9 6a&,lla# 1N. so
as%a.e- of .;self# 1 lost .; te.0e& an- 4%,00e- Ant%on; P;e#G

G1N. gla- to %ea& ,t9G sa,- 6a&,lla 4,t% -e(,s,on# G1tNs 4%at ;ou
s%oul- %ave -one long ago#G

G2%9 no9 no9 6a&,lla# An- 1 -onNt see %o4 1 (an eve& loo< t%ose
(%,l-&en ,n t%e fa(e aga,n# 1 feel t%at 1 %ave %u.,l,ate- .;self
to t%e ve&; -ust# Jou -onNt <no4 %o4 (&oss an- %ateful an- %o&&,-
1 4as# 1 (anNt fo&get t%e e+0&ess,on ,n Paul 1&v,ngNs e;es# # #%e
loo<e- so su&0&,se- an- -,sa00o,nte-# 2%9 6a&,lla9 1 LA:* t&,e- so
%a&- to be 0at,ent an- to 4,n Ant%on;Ns l,<,ng# # #an- no4 ,t %as
all gone fo& not%,ng#G

6a&,lla 0asse- %e& %a&- 4o&<-4o&n %an- ove& t%e g,&lNs gloss;9
tu.ble- %a,& 4,t% a 4on-e&ful ten-e&ness# =%en AnneNs sobs g&e4
Hu,ete& s%e sa,-9 ve&; gentl; fo& %e&9

GJou ta<e t%,ngs too .u(% to %ea&t9 Anne# =e all .a<e .,sta<es# # #but
0eo0le fo&get t%e.# An- Oona% -a;s (o.e to eve&;bo-;# As fo& Ant%on; P;e9
4%; nee- ;ou (a&e ,f %e -oes -,sl,<e ;ouM Le ,s t%e onl; one#G

G1 (anNt %el0 ,t# 1 4ant eve&;bo-; to love .e an- ,t %u&ts .e so
4%en an;bo-; -oesnNt# An- Ant%on; neve& 4,ll no4# 2%9 1 'ust .a-e
an ,-,ot of .;self to-a;9 6a&,lla# 1Nll tell ;ou t%e 4%ole sto&;#G

6a&,lla l,stene- to t%e 4%ole sto&;9 an- ,f s%e s.,le- at (e&ta,n
0a&ts of ,t Anne neve& <ne4# =%en t%e tale 4as en-e- s%e sa,- b&,s<l;9

G=ell9 neve& .,n-# T%,s -a;Ns -one an- t%e&eNs a ne4 one (o.,ng
to.o&&o49 4,t% no .,sta<es ,n ,t ;et9 as ;ou use- to sa; ;ou&self#
Oust (o.e -o4nsta,&s an- %ave ;ou& su00e&# JouNll see ,f a goo-
(u0 of tea an- t%ose 0lu. 0uffs 1 .a-e to-a; 4onNt %ea&ten ;ou u0#G

GPlu. 0uffs 4onNt .,n,ste& to a .,n- -,sease-9G sa,- Anne -,s(onsolatel;@
but 6a&,lla t%oug%t ,t a goo- s,gn t%at s%e %a- &e(ove&e- suff,(,entl;
to a-a0t a Huotat,on#

T%e (%ee&ful su00e& table9 4,t% t%e t4,nsN b&,g%t fa(es9 an-
6a&,llaNs .at(%less 0lu. 0uffs# # #of 4%,(% Dav; ate fou&# # #
-,- G%ea&ten %e& u0G (ons,-e&abl; afte& all# S%e %a- a goo- slee0
t%at n,g%t an- an- a4a<ene- ,n t%e .o&n,ng to f,n- %e&self an- t%e
4o&l- t&ansfo&.e-# 1t %a- sno4e- softl; an- t%,(<l; all t%&oug%
t%e %ou&s of -a&<ness an- t%e beaut,ful 4%,teness9 gl,tte&,ng ,n
t%e f&ost; suns%,ne9 loo<e- l,<e a .antle of (%a&,t; (ast ove& all
t%e .,sta<es an- %u.,l,at,ons of t%e 0ast#

G*ve&; .o&n ,s a f&es% beg,nn,ng9
*ve&; .o&n ,s t%e 4o&l- .a-e ne49G

sang Anne9 as s%e -&esse-#

24,ng to t%e sno4 s%e %a- to go a&oun- b; t%e &oa- to s(%ool an-
s%e t%oug%t ,t 4as (e&ta,nl; an ,.0,s% (o,n(,-en(e t%at Ant%on; P;e
s%oul- (o.e 0loug%,ng along 'ust as s%e left t%e )&een )ables lane#
S%e felt as gu,lt; as ,f t%e,& 0os,t,ons 4e&e &eve&se-@ but to %e&
uns0ea<able aston,s%.ent Ant%on; not onl; l,fte- %,s (a0# # #4%,(%
%e %a- neve& -one befo&e# # #but sa,- eas,l;9

GP,n- of ba- 4al<,ng9 a,nNt ,tM Can 1 ta<e t%ose boo<s fo& ;ou9

Anne su&&en-e&e- %e& boo<s an- 4on-e&e- ,f s%e (oul- 0oss,bl; be a4a<e#
Ant%on; 4al<e- on ,n s,len(e to t%e s(%ool9 but 4%en Anne too< %e& boo<s
s%e s.,le- -o4n at %,.# # #not t%e ste&eot;0e- G<,n-G s.,le s%e %a- so
0e&s,stentl; assu.e- fo& %,s benef,t but a su--en outflas%,ng of goo-
(o.&a-es%,0# Ant%on; s.,le-# # #no9 ,f t%e t&ut% .ust be tol-9
Ant%on; )8133*D ba(<# A g&,n ,s not gene&all; su00ose- to be a
&es0e(tful t%,ng@ ;et Anne su--enl; felt t%at ,f s%e %a- not ;et
4on Ant%on;Ns l,<,ng s%e %a-9 so.e%o4 o& ot%e&9 4on %,s &es0e(t#

6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e (a.e u0 t%e ne+t Satu&-a; an- (onf,&.e- t%,s#

G=ell9 Anne9 1 guess ;ouNve 4on ove& Ant%on; P;e9 t%atNs 4%at#
Le sa;s %e bel,eves ;ou a&e so.e goo- afte& all9 even ,f ;ou a&e
a g,&l# Sa;s t%at 4%,00,ng ;ou gave %,. 4as U'ust as goo- as a .anNs#NG

G1 neve& e+0e(te- to 4,n %,. b; 4%,00,ng %,.9 t%oug%9G sa,- Anne9 a
l,ttle .ou&nfull;9 feel,ng t%at %e& ,-eals %a- 0la;e- %e& false so.e4%e&e#
G1t -oesnNt see. &,g%t# 1N. su&e .; t%eo&; of <,n-ness (anNt be 4&ong#G

G3o9 but t%e P;es a&e an e+(e0t,on to eve&; <no4n &ule9 t%atNs 4%at9G
-e(la&e- 6&s# 8a(%el 4,t% (onv,(t,on#

6&# La&&,son sa,-9 GT%oug%t ;ouN- (o.e to ,t9G 4%en %e %ea&- ,t9
an- Oane &ubbe- ,t ,n &at%e& un.e&(,full;#


A )ol-en P,(n,(

Anne9 on %e& 4a; to 2&(%a&- Slo0e9 .et D,ana9 boun- fo& )&een )ables9
'ust 4%e&e t%e .oss; ol- log b&,-ge s0anne- t%e b&oo< belo4 t%e
Launte- =oo-9 an- t%e; sat -o4n b; t%e .a&g,n of t%e D&;a-Ns 7ubble9
4%e&e t,n; fe&ns 4e&e un&oll,ng l,<e (u&l;-%ea-e- g&een 0,+; fol<
4a<en,ng u0 f&o. a na0#

G1 4as 'ust on .; 4a; ove& to ,nv,te ;ou to %el0 .e (eleb&ate .;
b,&t%-a; on Satu&-a;9G sa,- Anne#

GJou& b,&t%-a;M 7ut ;ou& b,&t%-a; 4as ,n 6a&(%FG

GT%at 4asnNt .; fault9G laug%e- Anne# G1f .; 0a&ents %a- (onsulte-
.e ,t 4oul- neve& %ave %a00ene- t%en# 1 s%oul- %ave (%osen to be
bo&n ,n s0&,ng9 of (ou&se# 1t .ust be -el,g%tful to (o.e ,nto t%e
4o&l- 4,t% t%e .a;flo4e&s an- v,olets# Jou 4oul- al4a;s feel t%at
;ou 4e&e t%e,& foste& s,ste&# 7ut s,n(e 1 -,-nNt9 t%e ne+t best
t%,ng ,s to (eleb&ate .; b,&t%-a; ,n t%e s0&,ng# P&,s(,lla ,s
(o.,ng ove& Satu&-a; an- Oane 4,ll be %o.e# =eNll all fou& sta&t
off to t%e 4oo-s an- s0en- a gol-en -a; .a<,ng t%e a(Hua,ntan(e of
t%e s0&,ng# =e none of us &eall; <no4 %e& ;et9 but 4eNll .eet %e&
ba(< t%e&e as 4e neve& (an an;4%e&e else# 1 4ant to e+0lo&e all
t%ose f,el-s an- lonel; 0la(es an;%o4# 1 %ave a (onv,(t,on t%at
t%e&e a&e s(o&es of beaut,ful noo<s t%e&e t%at %ave neve& &eall;
been S**3 alt%oug% t%e; .a; %ave been L22P*D at# =eNll .a<e f&,en-s
4,t% 4,n- an- s<; an- sun9 an- b&,ng %o.e t%e s0&,ng ,n ou& %ea&ts#G

G1t S253DS a4full; n,(e9G sa,- D,ana9 4,t% so.e ,n4a&- -,st&ust of
AnneNs .ag,( of 4o&-s# G7ut 4onNt ,t be ve&; -a.0 ,n so.e 0la(es ;etMG

G2%9 4eNll 4ea& &ubbe&s9G 4as AnneNs (on(ess,on to 0&a(t,(al,t,es#
GAn- 1 4ant ;ou to (o.e ove& ea&l; Satu&-a; .o&n,ng an- %el0 .e
0&e0a&e lun(%# 1N. go,ng to %ave t%e -a,nt,est t%,ngs 0oss,ble# # #
t%,ngs t%at 4,ll .at(% t%e s0&,ng9 ;ou un-e&stan-# # #l,ttle 'ell;
ta&ts an- la-; f,nge&s9 an- -&o0 (oo<,es f&oste- 4,t% 0,n< an-
;ello4 ,(,ng9 an- butte&(u0 (a<e# An- 4e .ust %ave san-4,(%es
too9 t%oug% t%e;N&e 32T ve&; 0oet,(al#G

Satu&-a; 0&ove- an ,-eal -a; fo& a 0,(n,(# # #a -a; of b&ee/e an-
blue9 4a&.9 sunn;9 4,t% a l,ttle &oll,(<,ng 4,n- blo4,ng a(&oss
.ea-o4 an- o&(%a&-# 2ve& eve&; sunl,t u0lan- an- f,el- 4as a
-el,(ate9 flo4e&-sta&&e- g&een#

6&# La&&,son9 %a&&o4,ng at t%e ba(< of %,s fa&. an- feel,ng so.e
of t%e s0&,ng 4,t(%-4o&< even ,n %,s sobe&9 .,--le-age- bloo-9
sa4 fou& g,&ls9 bas<et la-en9 t&,00,ng a(&oss t%e en- of %,s f,el-
4%e&e ,t 'o,ne- a f&,ng,ng 4oo-lan- of b,&(% an- f,&# T%e,& bl,t%e
vo,(es an- laug%te& e(%oe- -o4n to %,.#

G1tNs so eas; to be %a00; on a -a; l,<e t%,s9 ,snNt ,tMG Anne
4as sa;,ng9 4,t% t&ue Anne,s% 0%,loso0%;# GLetNs t&; to .a<e t%,s
a &eall; gol-en -a;9 g,&ls9 a -a; to 4%,(% 4e (an al4a;s loo< ba(<
4,t% -el,g%t# =eN&e to see< fo& beaut; an- &efuse to see an;t%,ng else#
U7egone9 -ull (a&eFN Oane9 ;ou a&e t%,n<,ng of,ng t%at 4ent 4&ong
,n s(%ool ;este&-a;#G

GLo4 -o ;ou <no4MG gas0e- Oane9 a.a/e-#

G2%9 1 <no4 t%e e+0&ess,on# # #1Nve felt ,t often enoug% on .; o4n
fa(e# 7ut 0ut ,t out of ;ou& .,n-9 t%e&eNs a -ea&# 1t 4,ll <ee0
t,ll 6on-a;# # #o& ,f ,t -oesnNt so .u(% t%e bette&# 2%9 g,&ls9
g,&ls9 see t%at 0at(% of v,oletsF T%e&eNs,ng fo& .e.o&;Ns
0,(tu&e galle&;# =%en 1N. e,g%t; ;ea&s ol-# # #,f 1 eve& a.# # #
1 s%all s%ut .; e;es an- see t%ose v,olets 'ust as 1 see t%e. no4#
T%atNs t%e f,&st goo- g,ft ou& -a; %as g,ven us#G

G1f a <,ss (oul- be seen 1 t%,n< ,t 4oul- loo< l,<e a v,olet9G
sa,- P&,s(,lla#

Anne glo4e-#

G1N. so gla- ;ou SP2P* t%at t%oug%t9 P&,s(,lla9 ,nstea- of 'ust
t%,n<,ng ,t an- <ee0,ng ,t to ;ou&self# T%,s 4o&l- 4oul- be a .u(%
.o&e ,nte&est,ng 0la(e# # #alt%oug% ,t 1S ve&; ,nte&est,ng an;%o4# # #
,f 0eo0le s0o<e out t%e,& &eal t%oug%ts#G

G1t 4oul- be too %ot to %ol- so.e fol<s9G Huote- Oane sagel;#

G1 su00ose ,t .,g%t be9 but t%at 4oul- be t%e,& o4n faults fo&
t%,n<,ng nast; t%,ngs# An;%o49 4e (an tell all ou& t%oug%ts to-a;
be(ause 4e a&e go,ng to %ave not%,ng but beaut,ful t%oug%ts#
*ve&;bo-; (an sa; 'ust 4%at ( ,nto %e& %ea-# TLAT ,s (onve&sat,on#
Le&eNs a l,ttle 0at% 1 neve& sa4 befo&e# LetNs e+0lo&e ,t#G

T%e 0at% 4as a 4,n-,ng one9 so na&&o4 t%at t%e g,&ls 4al<e- ,n
s,ngle f,le an- even t%en t%e f,& boug%s b&us%e- t%e,& fa(es#
5n-e& t%e f,&s 4e&e velvet; (us%,ons of .oss9 an- fu&t%e& on9 4%e&e
t%e t&ees 4e&e s.alle& an- fe4e&9 t%e g&oun- 4as &,(% ,n a va&,et;
of g&een g&o4,ng t%,ngs#

G=%at a lot of ele0%antNs ea&s9G e+(la,.e- D,ana# G1N. go,ng to
0,(< a b,g bun(%9 t%e;N&e so 0&ett;#G

GLo4 -,- su(% g&a(eful feat%e&; t%,ngs eve& (o.e to %ave su(% a
-&ea-ful na.eMG as<e- P&,s(,lla#

G7e(ause t%e 0e&son 4%o f,&st na.e- t%e. e,t%e& %a- no ,.ag,nat,on
at all o& else fa& too .u(%9G sa,- Anne9 G2%9 g,&ls9 loo< at t%atFG

GT%atG 4as a s%allo4 4oo-lan- 0ool ,n t%e (ente& of a l,ttle o0en
gla-e 4%e&e t%e 0at% en-e-# Late& on ,n t%e season ,t 4oul- be -&,e-
u0 an- ,ts 0la(e f,lle- 4,t% a &an< g&o4t% of fe&ns@ but no4 ,t 4as
a gl,..e&,ng 0la(,- s%eet9 &oun- as a sau(e& an- (lea& as (&;stal#
A &,ng of slen-e& ;oung b,&(%es en(,&(le- ,t an- l,ttle fe&ns
f&,nge- ,ts .a&g,n#

GL2= s4eetFG sa,- Oane#

GLet us -an(e a&oun- ,t l,<e 4oo--n;.0%s9G (&,e- Anne9 -&o00,ng %e&
bas<et an- e+ten-,ng %e& %an-s#

7ut t%e -an(e 4as not a su((ess fo& t%e g&oun- 4as bogg; an- OaneNs
&ubbe&s (a.e off#

GJou (anNt be a 4oo--n;.0% ,f ;ou %ave to 4ea& &ubbe&s9G
4as %e& -e(,s,on#

G=ell9 4e .ust na.e t%,s 0la(e befo&e 4e leave ,t9G
sa,- Anne9 ;,el-,ng to t%e ,n-,s0utable log,( of fa(ts#
G*ve&;bo-; suggest a na.e an- 4eNll -&a4 lots# D,anaMG

G7,&(% Pool9G suggeste- D,ana 0&o.0tl;#

GC&;stal La<e9G sa,- Oane#

Anne9 stan-,ng be%,n- t%e.9 ,.0lo&e- P&,s(,lla 4,t% %e& e;es not to
0e&0et&ate anot%e& su(% na.e an- P&,s(,lla &ose to t%e o((as,on
4,t% G)l,..e&-glass#G AnneNs sele(t,on 4as GT%e Ba,&,esN 6,&&o&#G

T%e 4e&e 4&,tten on st&,0s of b,&(% ba&< 4,t% a 0en(,l
S(%ool.aNa. Oane 0&o-u(e- f&o. %e& 0o(<et9 an- 0la(e- ,n AnneNs
%at# T%en P&,s(,lla s%ut %e& e;es an- -&e4 one# GC&;stal La<e9G
&ea- Oane t&,u.0%antl;# C&;stal La<e ,t 4as9 an- ,f Anne t%oug%t
t%at (%an(e %a- 0la;e- t%e 0ool a s%abb; t&,(< s%e -,- not sa; so#

Pus%,ng t%&oug% t%e un-e&g&o4t% be;on-9 t%e g,&ls (a.e out to t%e
;oung g&een se(lus,on of 6&# S,las SloaneNs ba(< 0astu&e# A(&oss ,t
t%e; foun- t%e ent&an(e to a lane st&,<,ng u0 t%&oug% t%e 4oo-s an-
vote- to e+0lo&e ,t also# 1t &e4a&-e- t%e,& Huest 4,t% a su((ess,on
of 0&ett; su&0&,ses# B,&st9 s<,&t,ng 6&# SloaneNs 0astu&e9 (a.e an
a&(%4a; of 4,l- (%e&&; t&ees all ,n bloo.# T%e g,&ls s4ung t%e,& %ats
on t%e,& a&.s an- 4&eat%e- t%e,& %a,& 4,t% t%e (&ea.;9 fluff; blosso.s#
T%en t%e lane tu&ne- at &,g%t angles an- 0lunge- ,nto a s0&u(e 4oo-
so t%,(< an- -a&< t%at t%e; 4al<e- ,n a gloo. as of t4,l,g%t9 4,t%
not a gl,.0se of s<; o& sunl,g%t to be seen#

GT%,s ,s 4%e&e t%e ba- 4oo- elves -4ell9G 4%,s0e&e- Anne# GT%e;
a&e ,.0,s% an- .al,(,ous but t%e; (anNt %a&. us9 be(ause t%e; a&e
not allo4e- to -o ev,l ,n t%e s0&,ng# T%e&e 4as one 0ee0,ng at us
a&oun- t%at ol- t4,ste- f,&@ an- -,-nNt ;ou see a g&ou0 of t%e. on
t%at b,g f&e(<l; toa-stool 4e 'ust 0asse-M T%e goo- fa,&,es al4a;s
-4ell ,n t%e suns%,n; 0la(es#G

G1 4,s% t%e&e &eall; 4e&e fa,&,es9G sa,- Oane# G=oul-nNt ,t
be n,(e to %ave t%&ee 4,s%es g&ante- ;ou# # #o& even onl; oneM
=%at 4oul- ;ou 4,s% fo&9 g,&ls9 ,f ;ou (oul- %ave a 4,s% g&ante-M
1N- 4,s% to be &,(% an- beaut,ful an- (leve&#G

G1N- 4,s% to be tall an- slen-e&9G sa,- D,ana#

G1 4oul- 4,s% to be fa.ous9G sa,- P&,s(,lla# Anne t%oug%t of %e&
%a,& an- t%en -,s.,sse- t%e t%oug%t as un4o&t%;#

G1N- 4,s% ,t .,g%t be s0&,ng all t%e t,.e an- ,n eve&;bo-;Ns %ea&t
an- all ou& l,ves9G s%e sa,-#

G7ut t%at9G sa,- P&,s(,lla9 G4oul- be 'ust 4,s%,ng t%,s 4o&l-
4e&e l,<e %eaven#G

G2nl; l,<e a 0a&t of %eaven# 1n t%e ot%e& 0a&ts t%e&e 4oul- be
su..e& an- autu.n# # #;es9 an- a b,t of 4,nte&9 too# 1 t%,n< 1
4ant gl,tte&,ng sno4; f,el-s an- 4%,te f&osts ,n %eaven,.es#
DonNt ;ou9 OaneMG

G1# # #1 -onNt <no49G sa,- Oane un(;# Oane 4as a goo- g,&l9
a of t%e (%u&(%9 4%o t&,e- (ons(,ent,ousl; to l,ve u0 to %e&
0&ofess,on an- bel,eve- eve&;t%,ng s%e %a- been taug%t# 7ut s%e
neve& t%oug%t about %eaven an; .o&e t%an s%e (oul- %el09 fo& all t%at#

G6,nn,e 6a; as<e- .e t%e ot%e& -a; ,f 4e 4oul- 4ea& ou& best
-&esses eve&; -a; ,n %eaven9G laug%e- D,ana#

GAn- -,-nNt ;ou tell %e& 4e 4oul-MG as<e- Anne#

G6e&(;9 noF 1 tol- %e& 4e 4oul-nNt be t%,n<,ng of -&esses at all t%e&e#G

G2%9 1 t%,n< 4e 4,ll# # #a L1TTL*9G sa,- Anne ea&nestl;#
GT%e&eNll be 0lent; of t,.e ,n all ete&n,t; fo& ,t 4,t%out
negle(t,ng .o&e ,.0o&tant t%,ngs# 1 bel,eve 4eNll all 4ea&
beaut,ful -&esses# # #o& 1 su00ose 8A16*3T 4oul- be a .o&e
su,table 4a; of s0ea<,ng# 1 s%all 4ant to 4ea& 0,n< fo& a fe4
(entu&,es at f,&St# # #,t 4oul- ta<e .e t%at long to get t,&e- of ,t9
1 feel su&e# 1 -o love 0,n< so an- 1 (an neve& 4ea& ,t ,n TL1S 4o&l-#G

Past t%e s0&u(es t%e lane -,00e- -o4n ,nto a sunn; l,ttle o0en
4%e&e a log b&,-ge s0anne- a b&oo<@ an- t%en (a.e t%e glo&; of a
sunl,t bee(%4oo- 4%e&e t%e a,& 4as l,<e t&ans0a&ent gol-en 4,ne9
an- t%e leaves f&es% an- g&een9 an- t%e 4oo- floo& a .osa,( of
t&e.ulous suns%,ne# T%en .o&e 4,l- (%e&&,es9 an- a l,ttle valle;
of l,sso.e f,&s9 an- t%en a %,ll so stee0 t%at t%e g,&ls lost t%e,&
b&eat% (l,.b,ng ,t@ but 4%en t%e; &ea(%e- t%e to0 an- (a.e out ,nto
t%e o0en t%e 0&ett,est su&0&,se of all a4a,te- t%e.#

7e;on- 4e&e t%e Gba(< f,el-sG of t%e fa&.s t%at &an out to t%e
u00e& Ca&.o-; &oa-# Oust befo&e t%e.9 %e..e- ,n b; bee(%es an-
f,&s but o0en to t%e sout%9 4as a l,ttle (o&ne& an- ,n ,t a ga&-en
# # #o& 4%at %a- on(e been a ga&-en# A tu.ble-o4n stone -;<e9
ove&g&o4n 4,t% .osses an- g&ass9 su&&oun-e- ,t# Along t%e easte&n
s,-e &an a &o4 of ga&-en (%e&&; t&ees9 4%,te as a sno4-&,ft#
T%e&e 4e&e t&a(es of ol- 0at%s st,ll an- a -ouble l,ne of &osebus%es
t%&oug% t%e .,--le@ but all t%e &est of t%e s0a(e 4as a s%eet of
;ello4 an- 4%,te na&(,ss,9 ,n t%e,& a,&,est9 .ost lav,s%9 4,n--s4a;e-
bloo. above t%e lus% g&een g&asses#

G2%9 %o4 0e&fe(tl; lovel;FG t%&ee of t%e g,&ls (&,e-# Anne onl;
ga/e- ,n eloHuent s,len(e#

GLo4 ,n t%e 4o&l- -oes ,t %a00en t%at t%e&e eve& 4as a ga&-en ba(< %e&eMG
sa,- P&,s(,lla ,n a.a/e.ent#

G1t .ust be Leste& )&a;Ns ga&-en9G sa,- D,ana# G1Nve %ea&- .ot%e&
s0ea< of ,t but 1 neve& sa4 ,t befo&e9 an- 1 4oul-nNt %ave su00ose-
t%at ,t (oul- be ,n e+,sten(e st,ll# JouNve %ea&- t%e sto&;9 AnneMG

G3o9 but t%e na.e see.s fa.,l,a& to .e#G

G2%9 ;ouNve seen ,t ,n t%e g&ave;a&-# S%e ,s bu&,e- -o4n t%e&e ,n
t%e 0o0la& (o&ne&# Jou <no4 t%e l,ttle b&o4n stone 4,t% t%e
o0en,ng gates (a&ve- on ,t an- USa(&e- to t%e .e.o&; of Leste&
)&a;9 age- t4ent;-t4o#N Oo&-an )&a; ,s bu&,e- &,g%t bes,-e %e&
but t%e&eNs no stone to %,.# 1tNs a 4on-e& 6a&,lla neve& tol-
;ou about ,t9 Anne# To be su&e9 ,t %a00ene- t%,&t; ;ea&s ago
an- eve&;bo-; %as fo&gotten#G

G=ell9 ,f t%e&eNs a sto&; 4e .ust %ave ,t9G sa,- Anne# GLetNs s,t
&,g%t -o4n %e&e t%e na&(,ss, an- D,ana 4,ll tell ,t# =%;9 g,&ls9
t%e&e a&e %un-&e-s of t%e.# # #t%e;Nve s0&ea- ove& eve&;t%,ng#
1t loo<s as ,f t%e ga&-en 4e&e (a&0ete- 4,t% .oons%,ne an-
suns%,ne (o.b,ne-# T%,s ,s a -,s(ove&; 4o&t% .a<,ng#
To t%,n< t%at 1Nve l,ve- 4,t%,n a .,le of t%,s 0la(e fo&
s,+ ;ea&s an- %ave neve& seen ,t befo&eF 3o49 D,ana#G

GLong ago9G began D,ana9 Gt%,s fa&. belonge- to ol- 6&# Dav,- )&a;#
Le -,-nNt l,ve on ,t# # #%e l,ve- 4%e&e S,las Sloane l,ves no4#
Le %a- one son9 Oo&-an9 an- %e 4ent u0 to 7oston one 4,nte& to 4o&<
an- 4%,le %e 4as t%e&e %e fell ,n love 4,t% a g,&l na.e- Leste& 6u&&a;#
S%e 4as 4o&<,ng ,n a sto&e an- s%e %ate- ,t# S%eN- been b&oug%t u0
,n t%e (ount&; an- s%e al4a;s 4ante- to get ba(<# =%en Oo&-an as<e-
%e& to .a&&; %,. s%e sa,- s%e 4oul- ,f %eN- ta<e %e& a4a; to so.e
Hu,et s0ot 4%e&e s%eN- see not%,ng but f,el-s an- t&ees# So %e
b&oug%t %e& to Avonlea# 6&s# L;n-e sa,- %e 4as ta<,ng a fea&ful
&,s< ,n .a&&;,ng a Jan<ee9 an- ,tNs (e&ta,n t%at Leste& 4as ve&;
-el,(ate an- a ve&; 0oo& %ouse<ee0e&@ but .ot%e& sa;s s%e 4as
ve&; 0&ett; an- s4eet an- Oo&-an 'ust 4o&s%,00e- t%e g&oun-
s%e 4al<e- on# =ell9 6&# )&a; gave Oo&-an t%,s fa&. an- %e bu,lt
a l,ttle %ouse ba(< %e&e an- Oo&-an an- Leste& l,ve- ,n ,t fo&
fou& ;ea&s# S%e neve& 4ent out .u(% an- %a&-l; an;bo-; 4ent
to see %e& e+(e0t .ot%e& an- 6&s# L;n-e# Oo&-an .a-e %e& t%,s
ga&-en an- s%e 4as (&a/; about ,t an- s0ent .ost of %e& t,.e ,n ,t#
S%e 4asnNt .u(% of a %ouse<ee0e& but s%e %a- a <na(< 4,t% flo4e&s#
An- t%en s%e got s,(<# 6ot%e& sa;s s%e t%,n<s s%e 4as ,n (onsu.0t,on
befo&e s%e eve& (a.e %e&e# S%e neve& &eall; la,- u0 but 'ust g&e4
4ea<e& an- 4ea<e& all t%e t,.e# Oo&-an 4oul-nNt %ave an;bo-; to
4a,t on %e&# Le -,- ,t all %,.self an- .ot%e& sa;s %e 4as as
ten-e& an- gentle as a *ve&; -a; %eN- 4&a0 %e& ,n a s%a4l
an- (a&&; %e& out to t%e ga&-en an- s%eN- l,e t%e&e on a ben(%
Hu,te %a00;# T%e; sa; s%e use- to .a<e Oo&-an <neel -o4n b; %e&
eve&; n,g%t an- .o&n,ng an- 0&a; 4,t% %e& t%at s%e .,g%t -,e out ,n
t%e ga&-en 4%en t%e t,.e (a.e# An- %e& 0&a;e& 4as ans4e&e-# 2ne
-a; Oo&-an (a&&,e- %e& out to t%e ben(% an- t%en %e 0,(<e- all t%e
&oses t%at 4e&e out an- %ea0e- t%e. ove& %e&@ an- s%e 'ust s.,le-
u0 at %,.# # #an- (lose- %e& e;es# # #an- t%at9G (on(lu-e- D,ana softl;9
G4as t%e en-#G

G2%9 4%at a -ea& sto&;9G s,g%e- Anne9 4,0,ng a4a; %e& tea&s#

G=%at be(a.e of Oo&-anMG as<e- P&,s(,lla#

GLe sol- t%e fa&. afte& Leste& -,e- an- 4ent ba(< to 7oston#
6&# Oabe/ Sloane boug%t t%e fa&. an- %aule- t%e l,ttle %ouse
out to t%e &oa-# Oo&-an -,e- about ten ;ea&s afte& an- %e 4as
b&oug%t %o.e an- bu&,e- bes,-e Leste&#G

G1 (anNt un-e&stan- %o4 s%e (oul- %ave 4ante- to l,ve ba(< %e&e9
a4a; f&o. eve&;t%,ng9G sa,- Oane#

G2%9 1 (an eas,l; un-e&stan- TLAT9G sa,- Anne t%oug%tfull;# G1
4oul-nNt 4ant ,t .;self fo& a stea-; t%,ng9 be(ause9 alt%oug% 1
love t%e f,el-s an- 4oo-s9 1 love 0eo0le too# 7ut 1 (an un-e&stan-
,t ,n Leste&# S%e 4as t,&e- to -eat% of t%e no,se of t%e b,g (,t;
an- t%e (&o4-s of 0eo0le al4a;s (o.,ng an- go,ng an- (a&,ng not%,ng
fo& %e&# S%e 'ust 4ante- to es(a0e f&o. ,t all to so.e st,ll9 g&een9
f&,en-l; 0la(e 4%e&e s%e (oul- &eSt# An- s%e got 'ust 4%at s%e 4ante-9
4%,(% ,s,ng ve&; fe4 0eo0le -o9 1 bel,eve# S%e %a- fou&
beaut,ful ;ea&s befo&e s%e -,e-# # #fou& ;ea&s of 0e&fe(t %a00,ness9
so 1 t%,n< s%e 4as to be env,e- .o&e t%an 0,t,e-# An- t%en to s%ut
;ou& e;es an- fall aslee0 &oses9 4,t% t%e one ;ou love- best
on ea&t% s.,l,ng -o4n at ;ou# # #o%9 1 t%,n< ,t 4as beaut,fulFG

GS%e set out t%ose (%e&&; t&ees ove& t%e&e9G sa,- D,ana# GS%e tol-
.ot%e& s%eN- neve& l,ve to eat t%e,& f&u,t9 but s%e 4ante- to t%,n<
t%at,ng s%e %a- 0lante- 4oul- go on l,v,ng an- %el0,ng to
.a<e t%e 4o&l- beaut,ful afte& s%e 4as -ea-#G

G1N. so gla- 4e (a.e t%,s 4a;9G sa,- Anne9 t%e s%,n,ng-e;e-#
GT%,s ,s .; a-o0te- b,&t%-a;9 ;ou <no49 an- t%,s ga&-en an-
,ts sto&; ,s t%e b,&t%-a; g,ft ,t %as g,ven .e# D,- ;ou& .ot%e&
eve& tell ;ou 4%at Leste& )&a; loo<e- l,<e9 D,anaMG

G3o# # #onl; 'ust t%at s%e 4as 0&ett;#G

G1N. &at%e& gla- of t%at9 be(ause 1 (an ,.ag,ne 4%at s%e loo<e- l,<e9
4,t%out be,ng %a.0e&e- b; fa(ts# 1 t%,n< s%e 4as ve&; sl,g%t an- s.all9
4,t% softl; (u&l,ng -a&< %a,& an- b,g9 s4eet9 t,.,- b&o4n e;es9 an- a
l,ttle 4,stful9 0ale fa(e#G

T%e g,&ls left t%e,& bas<ets ,n Leste&Ns ga&-en an- s0ent t%e &est
of t%e afte&noon &,ng ,n t%e 4oo-s an- f,el-s su&&oun-,ng ,t9
-,s(ove&,ng .an; 0&ett; noo<s an- lanes# =%en t%e; got %ung&; t%e;
%a- lun(% ,n t%e 0&ett,est s0ot of all# # #on t%e stee0 ban< of a
gu&gl,ng b&oo< 4%e&e 4%,te b,&(%es s%ot u0 out of long feat%e&;
g&asses# T%e g,&ls sat -o4n b; t%e &oots an- -,- full 'ust,(e to
AnneNs -a,nt,es9 even t%e un0oet,(al san-4,(%es be,ng g&eatl;
a00&e(,ate- b; %ea&t;9 uns0o,le- a00et,tes s%a&0ene- b; all t%e
f&es% a,& an- e+e&(,se t%e; %a- en'o;e-# Anne %a- b&oug%t glasses
an- le.ona-e fo& %e& guests9 but fo& %e& o4n 0a&t -&an< (ol- b&oo<
4ate& f&o. a (u0 fas%,one- out of b,&(% ba&<# T%e (u0 lea<e-9
an- t%e 4ate& taste- of ea&t%9 as b&oo< 4ate& ,s a0t to -o ,n s0&,ng@
but Anne t%oug%t ,t .o&e a00&o0&,ate to t%e o((as,on t%an le.ona-e#

GLoo< -o ;ou see t%at 0oe.MG s%e sa,- su--enl;9 0o,nt,ng#

G=%e&eMG Oane an- D,ana sta&e-9 as ,f e+0e(t,ng to see 8un,( &%;.es
on t%e b,&(% t&ees#

GT%e&e# # #-o4n ,n t%e b&oo<# # #t%at ol- g&een9 .oss; log 4,t%
t%e 4ate& flo4,ng ove& ,t ,n t%ose s.oot% &,00les t%at loo< as ,f
t%e;N- been ( an- t%at s,ngle s%aft of suns%,ne fall,ng &,g%t
at%4a&t ,t9 fa& -o4n ,nto t%e 0ool# 2%9 ,tNs t%e .ost beaut,ful
0oe. 1 eve& sa4#G

G1 s%oul- &at%e& (all ,t a 0,(tu&e9G sa,- Oane# GA 0oe. ,s l,nes
an- ve&ses#G

G2% -ea& .e9 no#G Anne s%oo< %e& %ea- 4,t% ,ts fluff; 4,l- (%e&&;
(o&onal 0os,t,vel;# GT%e l,nes an- ve&ses a&e onl; t%e out4a&-
ga&.ents of t%e 0oe. an- a&e no .o&e &eall; ,t t%an ;ou& &uffles
an- floun(es a&e J259 Oane# T%e &eal 0oe. ,s t%e soul 4,t%,n t%e.
# # #an- t%at beaut,ful b,t ,s t%e soul of an un4&,tten 0oe.#
1t ,s not eve&; -a; one sees a soul# # #even of a 0oe.#G

G1 4on-e& 4%at a soul# # #a 0e&sonNs soul# # #4oul- loo< l,<e9G
sa,- P&,s(,lla -&ea.,l;#

GL,<e t%at9 1 s%oul- t%,n<9G ans4e&e- Anne9 0o,nt,ng to a &a-,an(e
of s,fte- sunl,g%t st&ea.,ng t%&oug% a b,&(% t&ee# G2nl; 4,t% s%a0e
an- featu&es of (ou&se# 1 l,<e to fan(; souls as be,ng .a-e of l,g%t#
An- so.e a&e all s%ot t%&oug% 4,t% &os; sta,ns an- Hu,ve&s# # #an-
so.e %ave a soft gl,tte& l,<e .oonl,g%t on t%e sea# # #an- so.e a&e
0ale an- t&ans0a&ent l,<e .,st at -a4n#G

G1 &ea- so.e4%e&e on(e t%at souls 4e&e l,<e flo4e&s9G sa,- P&,s(,lla#

GT%en ;ou& soul ,s a gol-en na&(,ssus9G sa,- Anne9 Gan- D,anaNs ,s l,<e
a &e-9 &e- &ose# OaneNs ,s an a00le blosso.9 0,n< an- 4%oleso.e an- s4eet#G

GAn- ;ou& o4n ,s a 4%,te v,olet9 4,t% 0u&0le st&ea<s ,n ,ts %ea&t9G
f,n,s%e- P&,s(,lla#

Oane 4%,s0e&e- to D,ana t%at s%e &eall; (oul- not un-e&stan- 4%at
t%e; 4e&e tal<,ng about# Coul- s%eM

T%e g,&ls 4ent %o.e b; t%e l,g%t of a (al. gol-en sunset9 t%e,&
bas<ets f,lle- 4,t% na&(,ssus blosso.s f&o. Leste&Ns ga&-en9
so.e of 4%,(% Anne (a&&,e- to t%e (e.ete&; ne+t -a; an- la,-
u0on Leste&Ns g&ave# 6,nst&el &ob,ns 4e&e 4%,stl,ng ,n t%e f,&s
an- t%e f&ogs 4e&e s,ng,ng ,n t%e .a&s%es# All t%e bas,ns
t%e %,lls 4e&e b&,..e- 4,t% to0a/ an- e.e&al- l,g%t#

G=ell9 4e %ave %a- a lovel; t,.e afte& all9G sa,- D,ana9 as ,f s%e
%a- %a&-l; e+0e(te- to %ave ,t 4%en s%e set out#

G1t %as been a t&ul; gol-en -a;9G sa,- P&,s(,lla#

G1N. &eall; a4full; fon- of t%e 4oo-s .;self9G sa,- Oane#

Anne sa,- not%,ng# S%e 4as loo<,ng afa& ,nto t%e 4este&n s<; an-
t%,n<,ng of l,ttle Leste& )&a;#


A Dange& Ave&te-

Anne9 4al<,ng %o.e f&o. t%e 0ost off,(e one B&,-a; even,ng9
4as 'o,ne- b; 6&s# L;n-e9 4%o 4as as usual ( 4,t%
all t%e (a&es of (%u&(% an- state#

G1Nve 'ust been -o4n to T,.ot%; CottonNs to see ,f 1 (oul- get
Al,(e Lou,se to %el0 .e fo& a fe4 -a;s9G s%e sa,-# G1 %a- %e& last
4ee<9 fo&9 t%oug% s%eNs too slo4 to sto0 Hu,(<9 s%eNs bette& t%an
nobo-;# 7ut s%eNs s,(< an- (anNt (o.e# T,.ot%;Ns s,tt,ng t%e&e9
too9 (oug%,ng an- (o.0la,n,ng# LeNs been -;,ng fo& ten ;ea&s an-
%eNll go on -;,ng fo& ten ;ea&s .o&e# T%at <,n- (anNt even -,e an-
%ave -one 4,t% ,t# # #t%e; (anNt st,(< to an;t%,ng9 even to be,ng s,(<9
long enoug% to f,n,s% ,t# T%e;N&e a te&&,ble s%,ftless fa.,l; an-
4%at ,s to be(o.e of t%e. 1 -onNt <no49 but 0e&%a0s P&ov,-en(e -oes#G

6&s# L;n-e s,g%e- as ,f s%e &at%e& -oubte- t%e e+tent of P&ov,-ent,al
<no4le-ge on t%e sub'e(t#

G6a&,lla 4as ,n about %e& e;es aga,n Tues-a;9 4asnNt s%eM
=%at -,- t%e s0e(,al,st t%,n< of t%e.MG s%e (ont,nue-#

GLe 4as .u(% 0lease-9G sa,- Anne b&,g%tl;# GLe sa;s t%e&e ,s a
g&eat ,.0&ove.ent ,n t%e. an- %e t%,n<s t%e -ange& of %e& los,ng
%e& s,g%t (o.0letel; ,s 0ast# 7ut %e sa;s s%eNll neve& be able to
&ea- .u(% o& -o an; f,ne %an--4o&< aga,n# Lo4 a&e ;ou& 0&e0a&at,ons
fo& ;ou& ba/aa& (o.,ng onMG

T%e La-,esN A,- So(,et; 4as 0&e0a&,ng fo& a fa,& an- su00e&9
an- 6&s# L;n-e 4as t%e %ea- an- f&ont of t%e ente&0&,se#

GP&ett; 4ell# # #an- t%at &e.,n-s .e# 6&s# Allan t%,n<s ,t
4oul- be n,(e to f,+ u0 a boot% l,<e an ol--t,.e <,t(%en an-
se&ve a su00e& of ba<e- beans9 -oug%nuts9 0,e9 an- so on#
=eN&e (olle(t,ng ol--fas%,one- f,+,ngs eve&;4%e&e# 6&s#
S,.on Blet(%e& ,s go,ng to len- us %e& .ot%e&Ns b&a,-e- &ugs
an- 6&s# Lev, 7oulte& so.e ol- (%a,&s an- Aunt 6a&; S%a4 4,ll
len- us %e& (u0boa&- 4,t% t%e glass -oo&s# 1 su00ose 6a&,lla
4,ll let us %ave %e& b&ass (an-lest,(<sM An- 4e 4ant all t%e
ol- -,s%es 4e (an get# 6&s# Allan ,s s0e(,all; set on %av,ng
a &eal blue 4,llo4 4a&e 0latte& ,f 4e (an f,n- one# 7ut nobo-;
see.s to %ave one# Do ;ou <no4 4%e&e 4e (oul- get oneMG

G6,ss Oose0%,ne 7a&&; %as one# 1Nll 4&,te an- as< %e& ,f s%eNll
len- ,t fo& t%e o((as,on9G sa,- Anne#

G=ell9 1 4,s% ;ou 4oul-# 1 guess 4eNll %ave t%e su00e& ,n about a
fo&tn,g%tNs t,.e# 5n(le Abe An-&e4s ,s 0&o0%es;,ng &a,n an- sto&.s fo&
about t%at t,.e@ an- t%atNs a 0&ett; su&e s,gn 4eNll %ave f,ne 4eat%e&#G

T%e sa,- G5n(le Abe9G ,t .a; be .ent,one-9 4as at least l,<e
ot%e& 0&o0%ets ,n t%at %e %a- s.all %ono& ,n %,s o4n (ount&;#
Le 4as9 ,n fa(t9 (ons,-e&e- ,n t%e l,g%t of a stan-,ng 'o<e9
fo& fe4 of %,s 4eat%e& 0&e-,(t,ons 4e&e eve& fulf,lle-#
6&# *l,s%a =&,g%t9 4%o labo&e- un-e& t%e ,.0&ess,on t%at
%e 4as a lo(al 4,t9 use- to sa; t%at nobo-; ,n Avonlea
eve& t%oug%t of loo<,ng ,n t%e C%a&lotteto4n -a,l,es fo&
4eat%e& 0&obab,l,t,es# 3o@ t%e; 'ust as<e- 5n(le Abe
4%at ,t 4as go,ng to be to.o&&o4 an- e+0e(te- t%e o00os,te#
3ot%,ng -aunte-9 5n(le Abe <e0t on 0&o0%es;,ng#

G=e 4ant to %ave t%e fa,& ove& befo&e t%e ele(t,on ( off9G
(ont,nue- 6&s# L;n-e9 Gfo& t%e (an-,-ates 4,ll be su&e to (o.e an-
s0en- lots of .one;# T%e To&,es a&e b&,b,ng &,g%t an- left9 so t%e;
.,g%t as 4ell be g,ven a (%an(e to s0en- t%e,& .one; %onestl; fo& on(e#G

Anne 4as a &e--%ot Conse&vat,ve9 out of lo;alt; to 6att%e4Ns
.e.o&;9 but s%e sa,- not%,ng# S%e <ne4 bette& t%an to get
6&s# L;n-e sta&te- on 0ol,t,(s# S%e %a- a lette& fo& 6a&,lla9
0ost.a&<e- f&o. a to4n ,n 7&,t,s% Colu.b,a#

G1tNs 0&obabl; f&o. t%e (%,l-&enNs un(le9G s%e sa,- e+(,te-l;9
4%en s%e got %o.e# G2%9 6a&,lla9 1 4on-e& 4%at %e sa;s about t%e.#G

GT%e best 0lan .,g%t be to o0en ,t an- see9G sa,- 6a&,lla (u&tl;#
A (lose obse&ve& .,g%t %ave t%oug%t t%at s%e 4as e+(,te- also9
but s%e 4oul- &at%e& %ave -,e- t%an s%o4 ,t#

Anne to&e o0en t%e lette& an- glan(e- ove& t%e so.e4%at unt,-; an-
0oo&l; 4&,tten (ontents#

GLe sa;s %e (anNt ta<e t%e (%,l-&en t%,s s0&,ng# # #%eNs been s,(<
.ost of t%e 4,nte& an- %,s 4e--,ng ,s 0ut off# Le 4ants to <no4 ,f
4e (an <ee0 t%e. t,ll t%e fall an- %eNll t&; an- ta<e t%e. t%en#
=e 4,ll9 of (ou&se9 4onNt 4e 6a&,llaMG

G1 -onNt see t%at t%e&e ,s an;t%,ng else fo& us to -o9G sa,-
6a&,lla &at%e& g&,.l;9 alt%oug% s%e felt a se(&et &el,ef#
GAn;%o4 t%e;N&e not so .u(% t&ouble as t%e; 4e&e# # #o& else
4eNve got use- to t%e.# Dav; %as ,.0&ove- a g&eat -eal#G

GL,s 6A33*8S a&e (e&ta,nl; .u(% bette&9G sa,- Anne (aut,ousl;9
as ,f s%e 4e&e not 0&e0a&e- to sa; as .u(% fo& %,s .o&als#

Anne %a- (o.e %o.e f&o. s(%ool t%e 0&ev,ous even,ng9 to f,n-
6a&,lla a4a; at an A,- .eet,ng9 Do&a aslee0 on t%e <,t(%en sofa9
an- Dav; ,n t%e s,tt,ng &oo. (loset9 bl,ssfull; abso&b,ng t%e
(ontents of a 'a& of 6a&,llaNs fa.ous ;ello4 0lu. 0&ese&ves# # #
G(o.0an; 'a.9G Dav; (alle- ,t# # #4%,(% %e %a- been fo&b,--en to
tou(%# Le loo<e- ve&; gu,lt; 4%en Anne 0oun(e- on %,. an- 4%,s<e-
%,. out of t%e (loset#

GDav; Pe,t%9 -onNt ;ou <no4 t%at ,t ,s ve&; 4&ong of ;ou to be
eat,ng t%at 'a.9 4%en ;ou 4e&e tol- neve& to .e--le 4,t% an;t%,ng
,n TLAT (losetMG

GJes9 1 <ne4 ,t 4as 4&ong9G a-.,tte- Dav; un(;9 Gbut 0lu.
'a. ,s a4ful n,(e9 Anne# 1 'ust 0ee0e- ,n an- ,t loo<e- so goo- 1
t%oug%t 1N- ta<e 'ust a 4een; taste# 1 stu(< .; f,nge& ,n# # #G
Anne g&oane-# # #Gan- l,(<e- ,t (lean# An- ,t 4as so .u(% goo-e&
t%an 1N- eve& t%oug%t t%at 1 got a s0oon an- 'ust SA1L*D 13#G

Anne gave %,. su(% a se&,ous le(tu&e on t%e s,n of steal,ng 0lu.
'a. t%at Dav; be(a.e (ons(,en(e st&,(<en an- 0&o.,se- 4,t%
&e0entant <,sses neve& to -o ,t aga,n#

GAn;%o49 t%e&eNll be 0lent; of 'a. ,n %eaven9 t%atNs one (
%e sa,- (o.0la(entl;#

Anne n,00e- a s.,le ,n t%e bu-#

GPe&%a0s t%e&e 4,ll# # #,f 4e 4ant ,t9G s%e sa,-9 G7ut 4%at .a<es
;ou t%,n< soMG

G=%;9 ,tNs ,n t%e (ate(%,s.9G sa,- Dav;#

G2%9 no9 t%e&e ,s not%,ng l,<e TLAT ,n t%e (ate(%,s.9 Dav;#G

G7ut 1 tell ;ou t%e&e ,s9G 0e&s,ste- Dav;# G1t 4as ,n t%at
Huest,on 6a&,lla taug%t .e last Sun-a;# U=%; s%oul- 4e love )o-MN
1t sa;s9 U7e(ause Le .a<es 0&ese&ves9 an- &e-ee.s us#N P&ese&ves
,s 'ust a %ol; 4a; of sa;,ng 'a.#G

G1 .ust get a -&,n< of 4ate&9G sa,- Anne %ast,l;# =%en s%e (a.e
ba(< ,t (ost %e& so.e t,.e an- t&ouble to e+0la,n to Dav; t%at a
(e&ta,n (o..a ,n t%e sa,- (ate(%,s. Huest,on .a-e a g&eat -eal of
-,ffe&en(e ,n t%e .ean,ng#

G=ell9 1 t%oug%t ,t 4as too goo- to be t&ue9G %e sa,- at last9 4,t%
a s,g% of -,sa00o,nte- (onv,(t,on# GAn- bes,-es9 1 -,-nNt see 4%en
LeN- f,n- t,.e to .a<e 'a. ,f ,tNs one en-less Sabbat% -a;9 as t%e
%;.n sa;s# 1 -onNt bel,eve 1 4ant to go to %eaven# =onNt t%e&e
eve& be an; Satu&-a;s ,n %eaven9 AnneMG

GJes9 Satu&-a;s9 an- eve&; ot%e& <,n- of beaut,ful -a;s# An- eve&;
-a; ,n %eaven 4,ll be .o&e beaut,ful t%an t%e one befo&e ,t9 Dav;9G
assu&e- Anne9 4%o 4as &at%e& gla- t%at 6a&,lla 4as not b; to be s%o(<e-#
6a&,lla9 ,t ,s nee-less to sa;9 4as b&,ng,ng t%e t4,ns u0 ,n t%e goo- ol-
4a;s of t%eolog; an- -,s(ou&age- all fan(,ful s0e(ulat,ons t%e&eu0on#
Dav; an- Do&a 4e&e taug%t a %;.n9 a (ate(%,s. Huest,on9 an- t4o
7,ble ve&ses eve&; Sun-a;# Do&a lea&ne- .ee<l; an- &e(,te- l,<e a
l,ttle .a(%,ne9 4,t% 0e&%a0s as .u(% un-e&stan-,ng o& ,nte&est as ,f
s%e 4e&e one# Dav;9 on t%e (ont&a&;9 %a- a l,vel; (u&,os,t;9 an-
f&eHuentl; as<e- Huest,ons 4%,(% .a-e 6a&,lla t&e.ble fo& %,s fate#

GC%este& Sloane sa;s 4eNll -o not%,ng all t%e t,.e ,n %eaven but
4al< a&oun- ,n 4%,te -&esses an- 0la; on %a&0s@ an- %e sa;s %e
%o0es %e 4onNt %ave to go t,ll %eNs an ol- .an9 N(ause .a;be %eNll
l,<e ,t bette& t%en# An- %e t%,n<s ,t 4,ll be %o&&,- to 4ea&
-&esses an- 1 t%,n< so too# =%; (anNt .en angels 4ea& t&ouse&s9
AnneM C%este& Sloane ,s ,nte&este- ,n t%ose t%,ngs9 N(ause t%e;N&e
go,ng to .a<e a .,n,ste& of %,.# LeNs got to be a .,n,ste& N(ause
%,s g&an-.ot%e& left t%e .one; to sen- %,. to (ollege an- %e (anNt
%ave ,t unless %e ,s a .,n,ste&# S%e t%oug%t a .,n,ste& 4as su(% a
Ns0e(table t%,ng to %ave ,n a fa.,l;# C%este& sa;s %e -oesnNt .,n-
.u(%# # #t%oug% %eN- &at%e& be a bla(<s.,t%# # #but %eNs boun- to
%ave all t%e fun %e (an befo&e %e beg,ns to be a .,n,ste&9 N(ause
%e -oesnNt e+0e(t to %ave .u(% afte&4a&-s# 1 a,nNt go,ng to be a
.,n,ste&# 1N. go,ng to be a sto&e<ee0e&9 l,<e 6&# 7la,&9 an- <ee0
%ea0s of (an-; an- bananas# 7ut 1N- &at%e& l,<e go,ng to ;ou& <,n-
of a %eaven ,f t%e;N- let .e 0la; a .out% o&gan ,nstea- of a %a&0#
Do ;ou sN0ose t%e; 4oul-MG

GJes9 1 t%,n< t%e; 4oul- ,f ;ou 4ante- ,t9G 4as all Anne (oul-
t&ust %e&self to sa;#

T%e A#:#1#S# .et at 6&# La&.on An-&e4sN t%at even,ng an- a full
atten-an(e %a- been &eHueste-9 s,n(e ,.0o&tant bus,ness 4as to be
-,s(usse-# T%e A#:#1#S# 4as ,n a flou&,s%,ng (on-,t,on9 an- %a-
al&ea-; a((o.0l,s%e- 4on-e&s# *a&l; ,n t%e s0&,ng 6&# 6a'o&
S0en(e& %a- &e-ee.e- %,s 0&o.,se an- %a- stu.0e-9 g&a-e-9 an-
see-e- -o4n all t%e &oa- f&ont of %,s fa&.# A -o/en ot%e& .en9
so.e 0&o.0te- b; a -ete&.,nat,on not to let a S0en(e& get a%ea-
of t%e.9 ot%e&s goa-e- ,nto a(t,on b; 1.0&ove&s ,n t%e,& o4n
%ouse%ol-s9 %a- follo4e- %,s e+a.0le# T%e &esult 4as t%at t%e&e
4e&e long st&,0s of s.oot% velvet tu&f 4%e&e on(e %a- been
uns,g%tl; un-e&g&o4t% o& b&us%# T%e fa&. f&onts t%at %a- not been
-one loo<e- so ba-l; b; (ont&ast t%at t%e,& o4ne&s 4e&e se(&etl;
s%a.e- ,nto &esolv,ng to see 4%at t%e; (oul- -o anot%e& s0&,ng#
T%e t&,angle of g&oun- at t%e (&oss &oa-s %a- also been (lea&e- an-
see-e- -o4n9 an- AnneNs be- of ge&an,u.s9 un%a&.e- b; an; .a&au-,ng
(o49 4as al&ea-; set out ,n t%e (ente&#

Altoget%e&9 t%e 1.0&ove&s t%oug%t t%at t%e; 4e&e gett,ng on
beaut,full;9 even ,f 6&# Lev, 7oulte&9 ta(tfull; a00&oa(%e- b; a
(a&efull; sele(te- (o..,ttee ,n &ega&- to t%e ol- %ouse on %,s
u00e& fa&.9 -,- bluntl; tell t%e. t%at %e 4asnNt go,ng to %ave ,t
.e--le- 4,t%#

At t%,s es0e(,al .eet,ng t%e; ,nten-e- to -&a4 u0 a 0et,t,on to t%e
s(%ool t&ustees9; 0&a;,ng t%at a fen(e be 0ut a&oun- t%e
s(%ool g&oun-s@ an- a 0lan 4as also to be -,s(usse- fo& 0lant,ng a
fe4 o&na.ental t&ees b; t%e (%u&(%9 ,f t%e fun-s of t%e so(,et;
4oul- 0e&.,t of ,t# # #fo&9 as Anne sa,-9 t%e&e 4as no use ,n
sta&t,ng anot%e& subs(&,0t,on as long as t%e %all &e.a,ne- blue#
T%e 4e&e asse.ble- ,n t%e An-&e4sN 0a&lo& an- Oane 4as
al&ea-; on %e& feet to .ove t%e a00o,nt.ent of a (o..,ttee 4%,(%
s%oul- f,n- out an- &e0o&t on t%e 0&,(e of sa,- t&ees9 4%en )e&t,e
P;e s4e0t ,n9 0o.0a-ou&e- an- f&,lle- 4,t%,n an ,n(% of %e& l,fe#
)e&t,e %a- a %ab,t of be,ng late# # #Gto .a<e %e& ent&an(e .o&e
effe(t,ve9G s0,teful 0eo0le sa,-# )e&t,eNs ent&an(e ,n t%,s
,nstan(e 4as (e&ta,nl; effe(t,ve9 fo& s%e 0ause- -&,(all; on
t%e .,--le of t%e floo&9 t%&e4 u0 %e& %an-s9 &olle- %e& e;es9
an- e+(la,.e-9 G1Nve 'ust %ea&-,ng 0e&fe(tl; a4ful#
=%at D2 ;ou t%,n<M 6&# Ou-son Pa&<e& 1S )213) T2 8*3T ALL
TL* 82AD B*3C* 2B L1S BA86 T2 A PAT*3T 6*D1C13* C26PA3J T2
PA13T AD:*8T1S*6*3TS 23#G

Bo& on(e ,n %e& l,fe )e&t,e P;e .a-e all t%e sensat,on s%e -es,&e-#
1f s%e %a- t%&o4n a bo.b t%e (o.0la(ent 1.0&ove&s s%e (oul-
%a&-l; %ave .a-e .o&e#

G1t CA3NT be t&ue9G sa,- Anne blan<l;#

GT%atNs 'ust 4%at R1R sa,- 4%en 1 %ea&- ,t f,&st9 -onNt ;ou <no49G
sa,- )e&t,e9 4%o 4as en'o;,ng %e&self %ugel;# GR1R sa,- ,t (oul-nNt
be t&ue# # #t%at Ou-son Pa&<e& 4oul-nNt %ave t%e L*A8T to -o ,t9
-onNt ;ou <no4# 7ut fat%e& .et %,. t%,s afte&noon an- as<e- %,.
about ,t an- %e sa,- ,t =AS t&ue# Oust fan(;F L,s fa&. ,s s,-e-on
to t%e 3e4b&,-ge &oa- an- %o4 0e&fe(tl; a4ful ,t 4,ll loo< to see
a-ve&t,se.ents of 0,lls an- 0laste&s all along ,t9 -onNt ;ou <no4MG

T%e 1.0&ove&s D1D <no49 all too 4ell# *ven t%e least ,.ag,nat,ve t%e. (oul- 0,(tu&e t%e g&otesHue effe(t of %alf a .,le of
boa&- fen(e a-o&ne- 4,t% su(% a-ve&t,se.ents# All t%oug%t of
(%u&(% an- s(%ool g&oun-s van,s%e- befo&e t%,s ne4 -ange&#
Pa&l,a.enta&; &ules an- &egulat,ons 4e&e fo&gotten9 an- Anne9
,n -es0a,&9 gave u0 t&;,ng to <ee0 .,nutes at all# *ve&;bo-;
tal<e- at on(e an- fea&ful 4as t%e %ubbub#

G2%9 let us <ee0 (al.9G ,.0lo&e- Anne9 4%o 4as t%e .ost e+(,te-
of t%e. all9 Gan- t&; to t%,n< of so.e 4a; of 0&event,ng %,.#G

G1 -onNt <no4 %o4 ;ouN&e go,ng to 0&event %,.9G e+(la,.e- Oane b,tte&l;#
G*ve&;bo-; <no4s 4%at Ou-son Pa&<e& ,s# LeN- -o A3JTL13) fo& .one;#
Le %asnNt a SPA8P of 0ubl,( s0,&,t o& A3J sense of t%e beaut,ful#G

T%e 0&os0e(t loo<e- &at%e& un0&o.,s,ng# Ou-son Pa&<e& an- %,s
s,ste& 4e&e t%e onl; Pa&<e&s ,n Avonlea9 so t%at no leve&age (oul-
be e+e&te- b; fa.,l; (onne(t,ons# 6a&t%a Pa&<e& 4as a la-; of all
too (e&ta,n age 4%o -,sa00&ove- of ;oung 0eo0le ,n gene&al an- t%e
1.0&ove&s ,n 0a&t,(ula&# Ou-son 4as a 'ov,al9 s.oot%-s0o<en .an9
so un,fo&.l; goo-natu&e- an- blan- t%at ,t 4as su&0&,s,ng %o4 fe4
f&,en-s %e %a-# Pe&%a0s %e %a- got t%e bette& ,n too .an; bus,ness
t&ansa(t,ons# # #4%,(% sel-o. .a<es fo& 0o0ula&,t;# Le 4as
&e0ute- to be ve&; Gs%a&0G an- ,t 4as t%e gene&al o0,n,on t%at %e
G%a-nNt .u(% 0&,n(,0le#G

G1f Ou-son Pa&<e& %as a (%an(e to Utu&n an %onest 0enn;9N as %e
sa;s %,.self9 %eNll neve& lose ,t9G -e(la&e- B&e- =&,g%t#

G1s t%e&e 3272DJ 4%o %as an; ,nfluen(e ove& %,.MG as<e- Anne

GLe goes to see Lou,sa S0en(e& at =%,te San-s9G suggeste- Ca&&,e
Sloane# GPe&%a0s s%e (oul- (oa+ %,. not to &ent %,s fen(es#G

G3ot s%e9G sa,- ),lbe&t e.0%at,(all;# G1 <no4 Lou,sa S0en(e& 4ell#
S%e -oesnNt Ubel,eveN ,n :,llage 1.0&ove.ent So(,et,es9 but s%e
D2*S bel,eve ,n -olla&s an- (ents# S%eN- be .o&e l,<el; to u&ge
Ou-son on t%an to -,ssua-e %,.#G

GT%e onl; t%,ng to -o ,s to a00o,nt a (o..,ttee to 4a,t on %,. an- 0&otest9G
sa,- Oul,a 7ell9 Gan- ;ou .ust sen- g,&ls9 fo& %eN- %a&-l; be (,v,l to bo;s
# # #but R1R 4onNt go9 so nobo-; nee- no.,nate .e#G

G7ette& sen- Anne alone9 G sa,- 2l,ve& Sloane# GS%e (an tal< Ou-son
ove& ,f an;bo-; (an#G

Anne 0&oteste-# S%e 4as 4,ll,ng to go an- -o t%e tal<,ng@ but s%e
.ust %ave ot%e&s 4,t% %e& Gfo& .o&al su00o&t#G D,ana an- Oane 4e&e
t%e&efo&e a00o,nte- to su00o&t %e& .o&all; an- t%e 1.0&ove&s b&o<e
u09 bu//,ng l,<e ang&; bees 4,t% ,n-,gnat,on# Anne 4as so 4o&&,e-
t%at s%e -,-nNt slee0 unt,l nea&l; .o&n,ng9 an- t%en s%e -&ea.e-
t%at t%e t&ustees %a- 0ut a fen(e a&oun- t%e s(%ool an- 0a,nte-
GT&; Pu&0le P,llsG all ove& ,t#

T%e (o..,ttee 4a,te- on Ou-son Pa&<e& t%e ne+t afte&noon# Anne
0lea-e- eloHuentl; aga,nst %,s nefa&,ous -es,gn an- Oane an- D,ana
su00o&te- %e& .o&all; an- val,antl;# Ou-son 4as slee<9 suave9 flatte&,ng@
0a,- t%e. seve&al (o.0l,.ents of t%e -el,(a(; of sunflo4e&s@
felt &eal ba- to &efuse su(% (%a&.,ng ;oung la-,es # # #but
bus,ness 4as bus,ness@ (oul-nNt affo&- to let sent,.ent stan-
,n t%e 4a; t%ese %a&- t,.es#

G7ut 1Nll tell 4%at 1 =1LL -o9G %e sa,-9 4,t% a t4,n<le ,n %,s
l,g%t9 full e;es# G1Nll tell t%e agent %e .ust use onl; %an-so.e9
tast; (olo&s# # #&e- an- ;ello4 an- so on# 1Nll tell %,. %e
.ustnNt 0a,nt t%e a-s 7L5* on an; a((ount#G

T%e vanHu,s%e- (o..,ttee &et,&e-9 t%,n<,ng t%,ngs not la4ful to be utte&e-#

G=e %ave -one all 4e (an -o an- .ust s,.0l; t&ust t%e &est to P&ov,-en(e9G
sa,- Oane9 4,t% an un(ons(,ous ,.,tat,on of 6&s# L;n-eNs tone an- .anne&#

G1 4on-e& ,f 6&# Allan (oul- -o an;t%,ng9G &efle(te- D,ana#

Anne s%oo< %e& %ea-#

G3o9 ,tNs no use to 4o&&; 6&# Allan9 es0e(,all; no4 4%en t%e bab;Ns
so s,(<# Ou-son 4oul- sl,0 a4a; f&o. %,. as s.oot%l; as f&o. us9
alt%oug% %e LAS ta<en to go,ng to (%u&(% Hu,te &egula&l; 'ust no4#
T%at ,s s,.0l; be(ause Lou,sa S0en(e&Ns fat%e& ,s an el-e& an- ve&;
0a&t,(ula& about su(% t%,ngs#G

GOu-son Pa&<e& ,s t%e onl; .an ,n Avonlea 4%o 4oul- -&ea. of
&ent,ng %,s fen(es9G sa,- Oane ,n-,gnantl;# G*ven Lev, 7oulte& o&
Lo&en/o =%,te 4oul- neve& stoo0 to t%at9 t,g%tf,ste- as t%e; a&e#
T%e; 4oul- %ave too .u(% &es0e(t fo& 0ubl,( o0,n,on#G

Publ,( o0,n,on 4as (e&ta,nl; -o4n on Ou-son Pa&<e& 4%en t%e fa(ts
be(a.e <no4n9 but t%at -,- not %el0 .atte&s .u(%# Ou-son (%u(<le-
to %,.self an- -ef,e- ,t9 an- t%e 1.0&ove&s 4e&e t&;,ng to
&e(on(,le t%e.selves to t%e 0&os0e(t of see,ng t%e 0&ett,est 0a&t
of t%e 3e4b&,-ge &oa- -efa(e- b; a-ve&t,se.ents9 4%en Anne &ose
Hu,etl; at t%e 0&es,-entNs (all fo& &e0o&ts of (o..,ttees on t%e
o((as,on of t%e ne+t .eet,ng of t%e So(,et;9 an- announ(e- t%at
6&# Ou-son Pa&<e& %a- ,nst&u(te- %e& to ,nfo&. t%e So(,et; t%at %e
4as 32T go,ng to &ent %,s fen(es to t%e Patent 6e-,(,ne Co.0an;#

Oane an- D,ana sta&e- as ,f t%e; foun- ,t %a&- to bel,eve t%e,& ea&s#
Pa&l,a.enta&; et,Huette9 4%,(% 4as gene&all; ve&; st&,(tl; enfo&(e-
,n t%e A#:#1#S#9 fo&ba-e t%e. g,v,ng ,nstant vent to t%e,& (u&,os,t;9
but afte& t%e So(,et; a-'ou&ne- Anne 4as bes,ege- fo& e+0lanat,ons#
Anne %a- no e+0lanat,on to g,ve# Ou-son Pa&<e& %a- ove&ta<en %e&
on t%e &oa- t%e 0&e(e-,ng even,ng an- tol- %e& t%at %e %a- -e(,-e-
to %u.o& t%e A#:#1#S# ,n ,ts 0e(ul,a& 0&e'u-,(e aga,nst 0atent
.e-,(,ne a-ve&t,se.ents# T%at 4as all Anne 4oul- sa;9 t%en
o& eve& afte&4a&-s9 an- ,t 4as t%e s,.0le t&ut%@ but 4%en
Oane An-&e4s9 on %e& 4a; %o.e9 (onf,-e- to 2l,ve& Sloane %e& f,&.
bel,ef t%at t%e&e 4as .o&e be%,n- Ou-son Pa&<e&Ns .;ste&,ous (%ange
of %ea&t t%an Anne S%,&le; %a- &eveale-9 s%e s0o<e t%e t&ut% also#

Anne %a- been -o4n to ol- 6&s# 1&v,ngNs on t%e s%o&e &oa- t%e
0&e(e-,ng even,ng an- %a- (o.e %o.e b; a s%o&t (ut 4%,(% le- %e&
f,&st ove& t%e lo4-l;,ng s%o&e f,el-s9 an- t%en t%&oug% t%e bee(%
4oo- belo4 8obe&t D,(<sonNs9 b; a l,ttle foot0at% t%at &an out to
t%e .a,n &oa- 'ust above t%e La<e of S%,n,ng =ate&s# # #<no4n to
un,.ag,nat,ve 0eo0le as 7a&&;Ns 0on-#

T4o .en 4e&e s,tt,ng ,n t%e,& bugg,es9 &e,ne- off to t%e s,-e of
t%e &oa-9 'ust at t%e ent&an(e of t%e 0at%# 2ne 4as Ou-son Pa&<e&@
t%e ot%e& 4as Oe&&; Co&(o&an9 a 3e4b&,-ge .an aga,nst 4%o.9 as
6&s# L;n-e 4oul- %ave tol- ;ou ,n eloHuent ,tal,(s9 not%,ng s%a-; %a-
eve& been P82:*D# Le 4as an agent fo& ag&,(ultu&al ,.0le.ents an-
a 0&o.,nent 0e&sonage ,n .atte&s 0ol,t,(al# Le %a- a f,nge&# # #
so.e 0eo0le sa,- ALL %,s f,nge&s# # #,n eve&; 0ol,t,(al 0,e t%at
4as (oo<e-@ an- as Cana-a 4as on t%e eve of a gene&al ele(t,on
Oe&&; Co&(o&an %a- been a bus; .an fo& .an; 4ee<s9 (anvass,ng t%e
(ount; ,n t%e ,nte&ests of %,s 0a&t;Ns (an-,-ate# Oust as Anne
e.e&ge- f&o. un-e& t%e ove&%ang,ng bee(% boug%s s%e %ea&- Co&(o&an
sa;9 G1f ;ouNll vote fo& A.esbu&;9 Pa&<e&# # #4ell9 1Nve a note
fo& t%at 0a,& of %a&&o4s ;ouNve got ,n t%e s0&,ng# 1 su00ose ;ou
4oul-nNt ob'e(t to %av,ng ,t ba(<9 e%MG

G=e# # #ll9 s,n(e ;ou 0ut ,t ,n t%at 4a;9G -&a4le- Ou-son 4,t% a
g&,n9 G1 &e(<on 1 .,g%t as 4ell -o ,t# A .an .ust loo< out fo& %,s
o4n ,nte&ests ,n t%ese %a&- t,.es#G

7ot% sa4 Anne at t%,s .o.ent an- (onve&sat,on ab&u0tl; (ease-#
Anne bo4e- f&ost,l; an- 4al<e- on9 4,t% %e& (%,n sl,g%tl; .o&e
t,lte- t%an usual# Soon Ou-son Pa&<e& ove&too< %e&#

GLave a l,ft9 AnneMG %e ,nHu,&e- gen,all;#

GT%an< ;ou9 no9G sa,- Anne 0ol,tel;9 but 4,t% a f,ne9 nee-le-l,<e
-,s-a,n ,n %e& vo,(e t%at 0,e&(e- even Ou-son Pa&<e&Ns none too
sens,t,ve (ons(,ousness# L,s fa(e &e--ene- an- %e t4,t(%e- %,s
&e,ns ang&,l;@ but t%e ne+t se(on- 0&u-ent,al (ons,-e&at,ons
(%e(<e- %,.# Le loo<e- uneas,l; at Anne9 as s%e 4al<e- stea-,l; on9
glan(,ng ne,t%e& to t%e &,g%t no& to t%e left# La- s%e %ea&- Co&(o&anNs
un.,sta<able offe& an- %,s o4n too 0la,n a((e0tan(e of ,tM
Confoun- Co&(o&anF 1f %e (oul-nNt 0ut %,s .ean,ng ,nto less
-ange&ous 0%&ases %eN- get ,nto t&ouble so.e of t%ese
long-(o.e-s%o&ts# An- (onfoun- &e-%ea-e- s(%ool-.aNa.s 4,t% a
%ab,t of 0o00,ng out of bee(%4oo-s 4%e&e t%e; %a- no bus,ness to be#
1f Anne %a- %ea&-9 Ou-son Pa&<e&9 .easu&,ng %e& (o&n ,n %,s
o4n %alf bus%el9 as t%e (ount&; sa;,ng 4ent9 an- (%eat,ng %,.self
t%e&eb;9 as su(% 0eo0le gene&all; -o9 bel,eve- t%at s%e 4oul- tell
,t fa& an- 4,-e# 3o49 Ou-son Pa&<e&9 as %as been seen9 4as not
ove&l; &ega&-ful of 0ubl,( o0,n,on@ but to be <no4n as %av,ng
a((e0te- a b&,be 4oul- be a nast; t%,ng@ an- ,f ,t eve& &ea(%e-
1saa( S0en(e&Ns ea&s fa&e4ell fo&eve& to all %o0e of 4,nn,ng Lou,sa
Oane 4,t% %e& ( 0&os0e(ts as t%e %e,&ess of a 4ell-to--o
fa&.e&# Ou-son Pa&<e& <ne4 t%at 6&# S0en(e& loo<e- so.e4%at
as<an(e at %,. as ,t 4as@ %e (oul- not affo&- to ta<e an; &,s<s#

GA%e.# # #Anne9 1Nve been 4ant,ng to see ;ou about t%at l,ttle
.atte& 4e 4e&e -,s(uss,ng t%e ot%e& -a;# 1Nve -e(,-e- not to let
.; fen(es to t%at (o.0an; afte& all# A so(,et; 4,t% an a,. l,<e
;ou&s oug%t to be en(ou&age-#G

Anne t%a4e- out t%e .e&est t&,fle#

GT%an< ;ou9G s%e sa,-#

GAn-# # #an-# # #;ou nee-nNt .ent,on t%at l,ttle (onve&sat,on of
.,ne 4,t% Oe&&;#G

G1 %ave no ,ntent,on of .ent,on,ng ,t ,n an; (ase9G sa,- Anne ,(,l;9
fo& s%e 4oul- %ave seen eve&; fen(e ,n Avonlea 0a,nte- 4,t%
a-ve&t,se.ents befo&e s%e 4oul- %ave stoo0e- to ba&ga,n 4,t%
a .an 4%o 4oul- sell %,s vote#

GOust so# # #'ust so9G ag&ee- Ou-son9 ,.ag,n,ng t%at t%e;
un-e&stoo- ea(% ot%e& beaut,full;# G1 -,-nNt su00ose ;ou 4oul-#
2f (ou&se9 1 4as onl; st&,ng,ng Oe&&;# # #%e t%,n<s %eNs so
all-f,&e- (ute an- s.a&t# 1Nve no ,ntent,on of vot,ng fo& A.esbu&;#
1N. go,ng to vote fo& )&ant as 1Nve al4a;s -one# # #;ouNll see
t%at 4%en t%e ele(t,on ( off# 1 'ust le- Oe&&; on to see
,f %e 4oul- (o..,t %,.self# An- ,tNs all &,g%t about t%e fen(e
# # #;ou (an tell t%e 1.0&ove&s t%at#G

G1t ta<es all so&ts of 0eo0le to .a<e a 4o&l-9 as 1Nve often %ea&-9
but 1 t%,n< t%e&e a&e so.e 4%o (oul- be s0a&e-9G Anne tol- %e&
&efle(t,on ,n t%e east gable .,&&o& t%at n,g%t# G1 4oul-nNt %ave
.ent,one- t%e -,sg&a(eful t%,ng to a soul an;%o49 so .; (ons(,en(e
,s (lea& on TLAT s(o&e# 1 &eall; -onNt <no4 4%o o& 4%at ,s to be
t%an<e- fo& t%,s# R1R -,- not%,ng to b&,ng ,t about9 an- ,tNs %a&-
to bel,eve t%at P&ov,-en(e eve& 4o&<s b; .eans of t%e <,n- of
0ol,t,(s .en l,<e Ou-son Pa&<e& an- Oe&&; Co&(o&an %ave#G


T%e 7eg,nn,ng of :a(at,on

Anne lo(<e- t%e s(%ool%ouse -oo& on a st,ll9 ;ello4 even,ng9 4%en
t%e 4,n-s 4e&e 0u&&,ng ,n t%e s0&u(es a&oun- t%e 0la;g&oun-9 an-
t%e s%a-o4s 4e&e long an- la/; b; t%e e-ge of t%e 4oo-s# S%e
-&o00e- t%e <e; ,nto %e& 0o(<et 4,t% a s,g% of sat,sfa(t,on# T%e
s(%ool ;ea& 4as en-e-9 s%e %a- been &eengage- fo& t%e ne+t9 4,t%
.an; e+0&ess,ons of sat,sfa(t,on# # #onl; 6&# La&.on An-&e4s tol-
%e& s%e oug%t to use t%e st&a0 oftene&# # #an- t4o -el,g%tful
.ont%s of a 4ell-ea&ne- va(at,on be(<one- %e& ,nv,t,ngl;# Anne
felt at 0ea(e 4,t% t%e 4o&l- an- %e&self as s%e 4al<e- -o4n t%e
%,ll 4,t% %e& bas<et of flo4e&s ,n %e& %an-# S,n(e t%e ea&l,est
.a;flo4e&s Anne %a- neve& .,sse- %e& 4ee<l; 0,lg&,.age to 6att%e4Ns
g&ave# *ve&;one else ,n Avonlea9 e+(e0t 6a&,lla9 %a- al&ea-;
fo&gotten Hu,et9 s%;9 un,.0o&tant 6att%e4 Cut%be&t@ but %,s .e.o&;
4as st,ll g&een ,n AnneNs %ea&t an- al4a;s 4oul- be# S%e (oul-
neve& fo&get t%e <,n- ol- .an 4%o %a- been t%e f,&st to g,ve %e&
t%e love an- s;.0at%; %e& sta&ve- (%,l-%oo- %a- (&ave-#

At t%e foot of t%e %,ll a bo; 4as s,tt,ng on t%e fen(e ,n t%e
s%a-o4 of t%e s0&u(es# # #a bo; 4,t% b,g9 -&ea.; e;es an- a
beaut,ful9 sens,t,ve fa(e# Le s4ung -o4n an- 'o,ne- Anne9 s.,l,ng@
but t%e&e 4e&e t&a(es of tea&s on %,s (%ee<s#

G1 t%oug%t 1N- 4a,t fo& ;ou9 tea(%e&9 be(ause 1 <ne4 ;ou 4e&e go,ng
to t%e g&ave;a&-9G %e sa,-9 sl,00,ng %,s %an- ,nto %e&s# G1N. go,ng
t%e&e9 too# # #1N. ta<,ng t%,s bouHuet of ge&an,u.s to 0ut on
)&an-0a 1&v,ngNs g&ave fo& g&an-.a# An- loo<9 tea(%e&9 1N. go,ng
to 0ut t%,s bun(% of 4%,te &oses bes,-e )&an-0aNs g&ave ,n .e.o&; of
.; l,ttle .ot%e&# # #be(ause 1 (anNt go to %e& g&ave to 0ut ,t t%e&e#
7ut -onNt ;ou t%,n< s%eNll <no4 all about ,t9 'ust t%e sa.eMG

GJes9 1 a. su&e s%e 4,ll9 Paul#G

GJou see9 tea(%e&9 ,tNs 'ust t%&ee ;ea&s to-a; s,n(e .; l,ttle
.ot%e& -,e-# 1tNs su(% a long9 long t,.e but ,t %u&ts 'ust as
.u(% as eve&# # #an- 1 .,ss %e& 'ust as .u(% as eve&#,.es
,t see.s to .e t%at 1 'ust (anNt bea& ,t9 ,t %u&ts so#G

PaulNs vo,(e Hu,ve&e- an- %,s l,0 t&e.ble-# Le loo<e- -o4n at %,s
&oses9 %o0,ng t%at %,s tea(%e& 4oul- not not,(e t%e tea&s ,n %,s e;es#

GAn- ;et9G sa,- Anne9 ve&; softl;9 G;ou 4oul-nNt 4ant ,t to sto0 %u&t,ng
# # #;ou 4oul-nNt 4ant to fo&get ;ou& l,ttle .ot%e& even ,f ;ou (oul-#G

G3o9 ,n-ee-9 1 4oul-nNt# # #t%atNs 'ust t%e 4a; 1 feel# JouN&e so
goo- at un-e&stan-,ng9 tea(%e&# 3obo-; else un-e&stan-s so 4ell# #
#not even g&an-.a9 alt%oug% s%eNs so goo- to .e# Bat%e& un-e&stoo-
0&ett; 4ell9 but st,ll 1 (oul-nNt tal< .u(% to %,. about .ot%e&9
be(ause ,t .a-e %,. feel so ba-# =%en %e 0ut %,s %an- ove& %,s fa(e
1 al4a;s <ne4 ,t 4as t,.e to sto0# Poo& fat%e&9 %e .ust be -&ea-full;
loneso.e 4,t%out .e@ but ;ou see %e %as nobo-; but a %ouse<ee0e&
no4 an- %e t%,n<s %ouse<ee0e&s a&e no goo- to b&,ng u0 l,ttle bo;s9
es0e(,all; 4%en %e %as to be a4a; f&o. %o.e so .u(% on bus,ness#
)&an-.ot%e&s a&e bette&9 ne+t to .ot%e&s# So.e-a;9 4%en 1N. b&oug%t
u09 1Nll go ba(< to fat%e& an- 4eN&e neve& go,ng to be 0a&te- aga,n#G

Paul %a- tal<e- so .u(% to Anne about %,s .ot%e& an- fat%e& t%at
s%e felt as ,f s%e %a- <no4n t%e.# S%e t%oug%t %,s .ot%e& .ust
%ave been ve&; l,<e 4%at %e 4as %,.self9 ,n te.0e&a.ent an-
-,s0os,t,on@ an- s%e %a- an ,-ea t%at Ste0%en 1&v,ng 4as a &at%e&
&ese&ve- .an 4,t% a -ee0 an- ten-e& natu&e 4%,(% %e <e0t %,--en
s(&u0ulousl; f&o. t%e 4o&l-#

GBat%e&Ns not ve&; eas; to get a(Hua,nte- 4,t%9G Paul %a- sa,- on(e#
G1 neve& got &eall; a(Hua,nte- 4,t% %,. unt,l afte& .; l,ttle .ot%e& -,e-#
7ut %eNs s0len-,- 4%en ;ou -o get to <no4 %,.# 1 love %,. t%e best ,n all
t%e 4o&l-9 an- )&an-.a 1&v,ng ne+t9 an- t%en ;ou9 tea(%e&# 1N- love ;ou
ne+t to fat%e& ,f ,t 4asnNt .; D5TJ to love )&an-.a 1&v,ng best9 be(ause
s%eNs -o,ng so .u(% fo& .e# J25 <no49 tea(%e&# 1 4,s% s%e 4oul- leave
t%e la.0 ,n .; &oo. t,ll 1 go to slee09 t%oug%# S%e ta<es ,t &,g%t out
as soon as s%e tu(<s .e u0 be(ause s%e sa;s 1 .ustnNt be a (o4a&-#
1N. 32T s(a&e-9 but 1N- 8ATL*8 %ave t%e l,g%t# 6; l,ttle .ot%e&
use- al4a;s to s,t bes,-e .e an- %ol- .; %an- t,ll 1 4ent to slee0#
1 e+0e(t s%e s0o,le- .e# 6ot%e&s -o,.es9 ;ou <no4#G

3o9 Anne -,- not <no4 t%,s9 alt%oug% s%e .,g%t ,.ag,ne ,t#
S%e t%oug%t sa-l; of L*8 Gl,ttle .ot%e&9G t%e .ot%e& 4%o
%a- t%oug%t %e& so G0e&fe(tl; beaut,fulG an- 4%o %a- -,e-
so long ago an- 4as bu&,e- bes,-e %e& bo;,s% %usban- ,n
t%at unv,s,te- g&ave fa& a4a;# Anne (oul- not &
%e& .ot%e& an- fo& t%,s &eason s%e al.ost env,e- Paul#

G6; b,&t%-a; ,s ne+t 4ee<9G sa,- Paul9 as t%e; 4al<e- u0 t%e long
&e- %,ll9 bas<,ng ,n t%e Oune suns%,ne9 Gan- fat%e& 4&ote .e t%at %e
,s sen-,ng .e,ng t%at %e t%,n<s 1Nll l,<e bette& t%an an;t%,ng
else %e (oul- sen-# 1 bel,eve ,t %as (o.e al&ea-;9 fo& )&an-.a
,s <ee0,ng t%e boo<(ase -&a4e& lo(<e- an- t%at ,s,ng ne4#
An- 4%en 1 as<e- %e& 4%;9 s%e 'ust loo<e- .;ste&,ous an- sa,-
l,ttle bo;s .ustnNt be too (u&,ous# 1tNs ve&; e+(,t,ng to %ave a
b,&t%-a;9 ,snNt ,tM 1Nll be eleven# JouN- neve& t%,n< ,t to loo<
at .e9 4oul- ;ouM )&an-.a sa;s 1N. ve&; s.all fo& .; age an- t%at
,tNs all be(ause 1 -onNt eat enoug% 0o&&,-ge# 1 -o .; ve&; best9
but )&an-.a g,ves su(% gene&ous 0latefuls# # #t%e&eNs not%,ng .ean
about )&an-.a9 1 (an tell ;ou# *ve& s,n(e ;ou an- 1 %a- t%at tal<
about 0&a;,ng go,ng %o.e f&o. Sun-a; S(%ool t%at -a;9 tea(%e&# # #
4%en ;ou sa,- 4e oug%t to 0&a; about all ou& -,ff,(ult,es# # #1Nve
0&a;e- eve&; n,g%t t%at )o- 4oul- g,ve .e enoug% g&a(e to enable .e
to eat eve&; b,t of .; 0o&&,-ge ,n t%e .o&n,ngs# 7ut 1Nve neve&
been able to -o ,t ;et9 an- 4%et%e& ,tNs be(ause 1 %ave too l,ttle
g&a(e o& too .u(% 0o&&,-ge 1 &eall; (anNt -e(,-e# )&an-.a sa;s
fat%e& 4as b&oug%t u0 on 0o&&,-ge9 an- ,t (e&ta,nl; -,- 4o&<
4ell ,n %,s (ase9 fo& ;ou oug%t to see t%e s%oul-e&s %e %as#
7ut,.es9G (on(lu-e- Paul 4,t% a s,g% an- a .e-,tat,ve a,&
G1 &eall; t%,n< 0o&&,-ge 4,ll be t%e -eat% of .e#G

Anne 0e&.,tte- %e&self a s.,le9 s,n(e Paul 4as not loo<,ng at %e&#
All Avonlea <ne4 t%at ol- 6&s# 1&v,ng 4as b&,ng,ng %e& g&an-son u0
,n a((o&-an(e 4,t% t%e goo-9 ol--fas%,one- .et%o-s of -,et an- .o&als#

GLet us %o0e not9 -ea&9G s%e sa,- (%ee&full;# GLo4 a&e ;ou& &o(< 0eo0le
(o.,ng onM Does t%e ol-est T4,n st,ll (ont,nue to be%ave %,.selfMG

GLe LAS to9G sa,- Paul e.0%at,(all;# GLe <no4s 1 4onNt asso(,ate
4,t% %,. ,f %e -oesnNt# Le ,s &eall; full of 4,(<e-ness9 1 t%,n<#G

GAn- %as 3o&a foun- out about t%e )ol-en La-; ;etMG

G3o@ but 1 t%,n< s%e sus0e(ts# 1N. al.ost su&e s%e 4at(%e- .e t%e
last t,.e 1 4ent to t%e (ave# R1R -onNt .,n- ,f s%e f,n-s out# # #
,t ,s onl; fo& L*8 sa<e 1 -onNt 4ant %e& to# # #so t%at %e& feel,ngs
4onNt be %u&t# 7ut ,f s%e ,s D*T*8613*D to %ave %e& feel,ngs %u&t
,t (anNt be %el0e-#G

G1f 1 4e&e to go to t%e s%o&e so.e n,g%t 4,t% ;ou -o ;ou t%,n< 1
(oul- see ;ou& &o(< 0eo0le tooMG

Paul s%oo< %,s %ea- g&avel;#

G3o9 1 -onNt t%,n< ;ou (oul- see 6J &o(< 0eo0le# 1N. t%e onl;
0e&son 4%o (an see t%e.# 7ut ;ou (oul- see &o(< 0eo0le of ;ou&
o4n# JouN&e one of t%e <,n- t%at (an# =eN&e bot% t%at <,n-#
J25 <no49 tea(%e&9G %e a--e-9 sHuee/,ng %e& %an- (%u..,l;#
G1snNt ,t s0len-,- to be t%at <,n-9 tea(%e&MG

GS0len-,-9G Anne ag&ee-9 g&a; s%,n,ng e;es loo<,ng -o4n ,nto blue
s%,n,ng ones# Anne an- Paul bot% <ne4

GLo4 fa,& t%e &eal.,nat,on o0ens to t%e v,e49G

an- bot% <ne4 t%e 4a; to t%at %a00; lan-# T%e&e t%e &ose of 'o;
bloo.e- ,..o&tal b; -ale an- st&ea.@ (lou-s neve& -a&<ene- t%e
sunn; s<;@ s4eet bells neve& 'angle- out of tune@ an- <,n-&e-
s0,&,ts aboun-e-# T%e <no4le-ge of t%at lan-Ns geog&a0%;# # #
Geast oN t%e sun9 4est oN t%e .oonG# # #,s 0&,(eless lo&e9 not to
be boug%t ,n an; .a&<et 0la(e# 1t .ust be t%e g,ft of t%e goo-
fa,&,es at b,&t% an- t%e ;ea&s (an neve& -efa(e ,t o& ta<e ,t a4a;#
1t ,s bette& to 0ossess ,t9 l,v,ng ,n a ga&&et9 t%an to be t%e
,n%ab,tant of 0ala(es 4,t%out ,t#

T%e Avonlea g&ave;a&- 4as as ;et t%e g&ass-g&o4n sol,tu-e ,t %a-
al4a;s been# To be su&e9 t%e 1.0&ove&s %a- an e;e on ,t9 an-
P&,s(,lla )&ant %a- &ea- a 0a0e& on (e.ete&,es befo&e t%e
last .eet,ng of t%e So(,et;# At so.e futu&e t,.e t%e 1.0&ove&s
.eant to %ave t%e l,(%ene-9 4a;4a&- ol- boa&- fen(e &e0la(e- b; a
neat 4,&e &a,l,ng9 t%e g&ass .o4n an- t%e lean,ng .onu.ents
st&a,g%tene- u0#

Anne 0ut on 6att%e4Ns g&ave t%e flo4e&s s%e %a- b&oug%t fo& ,t9 an-
t%en 4ent ove& to t%e l,ttle 0o0la& s%a-e- (o&ne& 4%e&e Leste& )&a; sle0t#
*ve& s,n(e t%e -a; of t%e s0&,ng 0,(n,( Anne %a- 0ut flo4e&s on Leste&Ns
g&ave 4%en s%e v,s,te- 6att%e4Ns# T%e even,ng befo&e s%e %a- .a-e a
0,lg&,.age ba(< to t%e l,ttle -ese&te- ga&-en ,n t%e 4oo-s an- b&oug%t
t%e&ef&o. so.e of Leste&Ns o4n 4%,te &oses#

G1 t%oug%t ;ou 4oul- l,<e t%e. bette& t%an an; ot%e&s9 -ea&9G
s%e sa,- softl;#

Anne 4as st,ll s,tt,ng t%e&e 4%en a s%a-o4 fell ove& t%e g&ass an-
s%e loo<e- u0 to see 6&s# Allan# T%e; 4al<e- %o.e toget%e&#

6&s# AllanNs fa(e 4as not t%e fa(e of t%e g,&lb&,-e 4%o. t%e
.,n,ste& %a- b&oug%t to Avonlea f,ve ;ea&s befo&e# 1t %a- lost
so.e of ,ts bloo. an- ;out%ful (u&ves9 an- t%e&e 4e&e f,ne9 0at,ent
l,nes about e;es an- .out%# A t,n; g&ave ,n t%at ve&; (e.ete&;
a((ounte- fo& so.e of t%e.@ an- so.e ne4 ones %a- (o.e -u&,ng t%e
&e(ent ,llness9 no4 %a00,l; ove&9 of %e& l,ttle son# 7ut 6&s# AllanNs
-,.0les 4e&e as s4eet an- su--en as eve&9 %e& e;es as (lea& an- b&,g%t
an- t&ue@ an- 4%at %e& fa(e la(<e- of g,&l,s% beaut; 4as no4 .o&e t%an
atone- fo& ,n a--e- ten-e&ness an- st&engt%#

G1 su00ose ;ou a&e loo<,ng fo&4a&- to ;ou& va(at,on9 AnneMG s%e sa,-9
as t%e; left t%e g&ave;a&-#

Anne no--e-#

GJes## # #1 (oul- &oll t%e 4o&- as a s4eet .o&sel un-e& .; tongue#
1 t%,n< t%e su..e& ,s go,ng to be lovel;# Bo& one t%,ng9 6&s# 6o&gan
,s (o.,ng to t%e 1slan- ,n Oul; an- P&,s(,lla ,s go,ng to b&,ng %e& u0#
1 feel one of .; ol- Ut%&,llsN at t%e .e&e t%oug%t#G

G1 %o0e ;ouNll %ave a goo- t,.e9 Anne# JouNve 4o&<e- ve&; %a&-
t%,s 0ast ;ea& an- ;ou %ave su((ee-e-#G

G2%9 1 -onNt <no4# 1Nve (o.e so fa& s%o&t ,n so .an; t%,ngs# 1
%avenNt -one 4%at 1 .eant to -o 4%en 1 began to tea(% last fall#
1 %avenNt l,ve- u0 to .; ,-eals#G

G3one of us eve& -o9G sa,- 6&s# Allan 4,t% a s,g%# G7ut t%en9 Anne9
;ou <no4 4%at Lo4ell sa;s9 U3ot fa,lu&e but lo4 a,. ,s (&,.e#N
=e .ust %ave ,-eals an- t&; to l,ve u0 to t%e.9 even ,f 4e neve&
Hu,te su((ee-# L,fe 4oul- be a so&&; bus,ness 4,t%out t%e.#
=,t% t%e. ,tNs g&an- an- g&eat# Lol- fast to ;ou& ,-eals9 Anne#G

G1 s%all t&;# 7ut 1 %ave to let go .ost of .; t%eo&,es9G sa,- Anne9
laug%,ng a l,ttle# G1 %a- t%e .ost beaut,ful set of t%eo&,es ;ou eve&
<ne4 4%en 1 sta&te- out as a s(%ool.aNa.9 but eve&; one of t%e. %as
fa,le- .e at so.e 0,n(% o& anot%e&#G

G*ven t%e t%eo&; on (o&0o&al 0un,s%.ent9G tease- 6&s# Allan#

7ut Anne flus%e-#

G1 s%all neve& fo&g,ve .;self fo& 4%,00,ng Ant%on;#G

G3onsense9 -ea&9 %e -ese&ve- ,t# An- ,t ag&ee- 4,t% %,.# Jou %ave
%a- no t&ouble 4,t% %,. s,n(e an- %e %as (o.e to t%,n< t%e&eNs
nobo-; l,<e ;ou# Jou& <,n-ness 4on %,s love afte& t%e ,-ea t%at a
Ng,&l 4as no goo-N 4as &oote- out of %,s stubbo&n .,n-#G

GLe .a; %ave -ese&ve- ,t9 but t%at ,s not t%e 0o,nt# 1f 1 %a-
(al.l; an- -el,be&atel; -e(,-e- to 4%,0 %,. be(ause 1 t%oug%t ,t a
'ust 0un,s%.ent fo& %,. 1 4oul- not feel ove& ,t as 1 -o# 7ut t%e
t&ut% ,s9 6&s# Allan9 t%at 1 'ust fle4 ,nto a te.0e& an- 4%,00e-
%,. be(ause of t%at# 1 4asnNt t%,n<,ng 4%et%e& ,t 4as 'ust o&
un'ust# # #even ,f %e %a-nNt -ese&ve- ,t 1N- %ave -one ,t 'ust t%e
sa.e# T%at ,s 4%at %u.,l,ates .e#G

G=ell9 4e all .a<e .,sta<es9 -ea&9 so 'ust 0ut ,t be%,n- ;ou# =e
s%oul- &eg&et ou& .,sta<es an- lea&n f&o. t%e.9 but neve& (a&&;
t%e. fo&4a&- ,nto t%e futu&e 4,t% us# T%e&e goes ),lbe&t 7l;t%e on
%,s 4%eel# # #%o.e fo& %,s va(at,on too9 1 su00ose# Lo4 a&e ;ou
an- %e gett,ng on 4,t% ;ou& stu-,esMG

GP&ett; 4ell# =e 0lan to f,n,s% t%e :,&g,l ton,g%t# # #t%e&e a&e
onl; t4ent; l,nes to -o# T%en 4e a&e not go,ng to stu-; an; .o&e

GDo ;ou t%,n< ;ou 4,ll eve& get to (ollegeMG

G2%9 1 -onNt <no4#G Anne loo<e- -&ea.,l; afa& to t%e o0al-t,nte-
%o&,/on# G6a&,llaNs e;es 4,ll neve& be .u(% bette& t%an t%e; a&e no49
alt%oug% 4e a&e so t%an<ful to t%,n< t%at t%e; 4,ll not get 4o&se#
An- t%en t%e&e a&e t%e t4,ns# # #so.e%o4 1 -onNt bel,eve t%e,& un(le
4,ll eve& &eall; sen- fo& t%e.# Pe&%a0s (ollege .a; be a&oun- t%e ben-
,n t%e &oa-9 but 1 %avenNt got to t%e ben- ;et an- 1 -onNt t%,n< .u(%
about ,t lest 1 .,g%t g&o4 -,s(ontente-#G

G=ell9 1 s%oul- l,<e to see ;ou go to (ollege9 Anne@ but ,f ;ou
neve& -o9 -onNt be -,s(ontente- about ,t# =e .a<e ou& o4n l,ves
4%e&eve& 4e a&e9 afte& all# # #(ollege (an onl; %el0 us to -o ,t
.o&e eas,l;# T%e; a&e b&oa- o& na&&o4 a((o&-,ng to 4%at 4e 0ut
,nto t%e.9 not 4%at 4e get out# L,fe ,s &,(% an- full %e&e# # #
eve&;4%e&e# # #,f 4e (an onl; lea&n %o4 to o0en ou& 4%ole %ea&ts
to ,ts &,(%ness an- fulness#G

G1 t%,n< 1 un-e&stan- 4%at ;ou .ean9G sa,- Anne t%oug%tfull;9
Gan- 1 <no4 1 %ave so .u(% to feel t%an<ful fo&# # #o%9 so .u(%# # #
.; 4o&<9 an- Paul 1&v,ng9 an- t%e -ea& t4,ns9 an- all .; f&,en-s#
Do ;ou <no49 6&s# Allan9 1N. so t%an<ful fo& f&,en-s%,0# 1t
beaut,f,es l,fe so .u(%#G

GT&ue f&,en-s%,0 ,s a ve&; %el0fulul t%,ng ,n-ee-9G sa,- 6&s# Allan9
Gan- 4e s%oul- %ave a ve&; %,g% ,-eal of ,t9 an- neve& sull;
,t b; an; fa,lu&e ,n t&ut% an- s,n(e&,t;# 1 fea& t%e na.e of
f&,en-s%,0 ,s often -eg&a-e- to a <,n- of ,nt,.a(; t%at %as not%,ng
of &eal f&,en-s%,0 ,n ,t#G

GJes# # #l,<e )e&t,e P;eNs an- Oul,a 7ellNs# T%e; a&e ve&; ,nt,.ate
an- go eve&;4%e&e toget%e&@ but )e&t,e ,s al4a;s sa;,ng nast; t%,ngs
of Oul,a be%,n- %e& ba(< an- eve&;bo-; t%,n<s s%e ,s 'ealous of %e&
be(ause s%e ,s al4a;s so 0lease- 4%en an;bo-; (&,t,(,/es Oul,a#
1 t%,n< ,t ,s -ese(&at,on to (all t%at f&,en-s%,0# 1f 4e %ave
f&,en-s 4e s%oul- loo< onl; fo& t%e best ,n t%e. an- g,ve t%e.
t%e best t%at ,s ,n us9 -onNt ;ou t%,n<M T%en f&,en-s%,0 4oul-
be t%e .ost beaut,ful t%,ng ,n t%e 4o&l-#G

GB&,en-s%,0 1S ve&; beaut,ful9G s.,le- 6&s# Allan9 Gbut so.e -a;# # #G

T%en s%e 0ause- ab&u0tl;# 1n t%e -el,(ate9 4%,te-b&o4e- fa(e
bes,-e %e&9 4,t% ,ts (an-,- e;es an- .ob,le featu&es9 t%e&e 4as
st,ll fa& .o&e of t%e (%,l- t%an of t%e AnneNs %ea&t so fa&
%a&bo&e- onl; -&ea.s of f&,en-s%,0 an- a.b,t,on9 an- 6&s# Allan
-,- not 4,s% to b&us% t%e bloo. f&o. %e& s4eet un(ons(,ousness#
So s%e left %e& senten(e fo& t%e futu&e ;ea&s to f,n,s%#


T%e Substan(e of T%,ngs Lo0e- Bo&

GAnne9G sa,- Dav; a00eal,ngl;9 s(&,ng u0 on t%e s%,n;9
leat%e&-(ove&e- sofa ,n t%e )&een )ables <,t(%en9 4%e&e Anne sat9
&ea-,ng a lette&9 GAnne9 1N. A=B5L %ung&;# JouNve no ,-ea#G

G1Nll get ;ou a 0,e(e of b&ea- an- butte& ,n a .,nute9G sa,- Anne
absentl;# Le& lette& ev,-entl; (onta,ne- so.e e+(,t,ng ne4s9 fo&
%e& (%ee<s 4e&e as 0,n< as t%e &oses on t%e b,g bus% outs,-e9 an-
%e& e;es 4e&e as sta&&; as onl; AnneNs e;es (oul- be#

G7ut 1 a,nNt b&ea- an- butte& %ung&;9 G sa,- Dav; ,n a -,sguste- tone#
G1N. 0lu. (a<e %ung&;#G

G2%9G laug%e- Anne9 la;,ng -o4n %e& lette& an- 0utt,ng %e& a&.
about Dav; to g,ve %,. a sHuee/e9 Gt%atNs a <,n- of %unge& t%at (an
be en-u&e- ve&; (;9 Dav;-bo;# Jou <no4 ,tNs one of
6a&,llaNs &ules t%at ;ou (anNt %ave an;t%,ng but b&ea- an- butte&
bet4een .eals#G

G=ell9 g,..e a 0,e(e t%en# # #0lease#G

Dav; %a- been at last taug%t to sa; G0lease9G but %e gene&all;
ta(<e- ,t on as an afte&t%oug%t# Le loo<e- 4,t% a00&oval at t%e
gene&ous sl,(e Anne 0&esentl; b&oug%t to %,.# GJou al4a;s 0ut su(%
a n,(e lot of butte& on ,t9 Anne# 6a&,lla s0&ea-s ,t 0&ett; t%,n#
1t sl,0s -o4n a lot eas,e& 4%en t%e&eNs 0lent; of butte&#G

T%e sl,(e Gsl,00e- -o4nG 4,t% tole&able ease9 'u-g,ng f&o. ,ts
&a0,- -,sa00ea&an(e# Dav; sl,- %ea- f,&st off t%e sofa9 tu&ne- a
-ouble so.e&sault on t%e &ug9 an- t%en sat u0 an- announ(e- -e(,-e-l;9

GAnne9 1Nve .a-e u0 .; .,n- about %eaven# 1 -onNt 4ant to go t%e&e#G

G=%; notMG as<e- Anne g&avel;#

GCause %eaven ,s ,n S,.on Blet(%e&Ns ga&&et9 an- 1 -onNt l,<e
S,.on Blet(%e&#G

GLeaven ,n# # #S,.on Blet(%e&Ns ga&&etFG gas0e- Anne9 too a.a/e-
even to laug%# GDav; Pe,t%9 4%ateve& 0ut su(% an e+t&ao&-,na&;
,-ea ,nto ;ou& %ea-MG

G6,lt; 7oulte& sa;s t%atNs 4%e&e ,t ,s# 1t 4as last Sun-a; ,n
Sun-a; S(%ool# T%e lesson 4as about *l,'a% an- *l,s%a9 an- 1 u0
an- as<e- 6,ss 8oge&son 4%e&e %eaven 4as# 6,ss 8oge&son loo<e-
a4ful offen-e-# S%e 4as (&oss an;%o49 be(ause 4%en s%eN- as<e- us
4%at *l,'a% left *l,s%a 4%en %e 4ent to %eaven 6,lt; 7oulte& sa,-9
UL,s ol- (loNes9N an- us fello4s all laug%e- befo&e 4e t%oug%t# 1
4,s% ;ou (oul- t%,n< f,&st an- -o t%,ngs afte&4a&-s9 N(ause t%en
;ou 4oul-nNt -o t%e.# 7ut 6,lt; -,-nNt .ean to be -,s&es0e(<ful#
Le 'ust (oul-nNt t%,n< of t%e na.e of t%e t%,ng# 6,ss 8oge&son sa,-
%eaven 4as 4%e&e )o- 4as an- 1 4asnNt to as< Huest,ons l,<e t%at#
6,lt; nu-ge- .e an- sa,- ,n a 4%,s0e&9 ULeavenNs ,n 5n(le S,.onNs
ga&&et an- 1Nll es0la,n about ,t on t%e &oa- %o.e#N So 4%en
4e 4as (o.,ng %o.e %e es0la,ne-# 6,lt;Ns a g&eat %an- at
es0la,n,ng t%,ngs# *ven ,f %e -onNt <no4 an;t%,ng about a t%,ng
%eNll .a<e u0 a lot of stuff an- so ;ou get ,t es0la,ne- all t%e
sa.e# L,s .ot%e& ,s 6&s# S,.onNs s,ste& an- %e 4ent 4,t% %e& to
t%e fune&al 4%en %,s (ous,n9 Oane *llen9 -,e-# T%e .,n,ste& sa,-
s%eN- gone to %eaven9 t%oug% 6,lt; sa;s s%e 4as l;,ng &,g%t befo&e
t%e. ,n t%e (off,n# 7ut %e sN0ose- t%e; (a&&,e- t%e (off,n to t%e
ga&&et afte&4a&-s# =ell9 4%en 6,lt; an- %,s .ot%e& 4ent u0sta,&s
afte& ,t 4as all ove& to get %e& bonnet %e as<e- %e& 4%e&e %eaven
4as t%at Oane *llen %a- gone to9 an- s%e 0o,nte- &,g%t to t%e
(e,l,ng an- sa,-9 U50 t%e&e#N 6,lt; <ne4 t%e&e 4asnNt an;t%,ng but
t%e ga&&et ove& t%e (e,l,ng9 so t%atNs %o4 L* foun- out# An- %eNs
been a4ful s(a&e- to go to %,s 5n(le S,.onNs eve& s,n(e#G

Anne too< Dav; on %e& <nee an- -,- %e& best to st&a,g%ten out t%,s
t%eolog,(al tangle also# S%e 4as .u(% bette& f,tte- fo& t%e tas<
t%an 6a&,lla9 fo& s%e & %e& o4n (%,l-%oo- an- %a- an
,nst,n(t,ve un-e&stan-,ng of t%e (u&,ous ,-eas t%at seven-;ea&-ol-s,.es get about .atte&s t%at a&e9 of (ou&se9 ve&; 0la,n an-
s,.0le to g&o4n u0 0eo0le# S%e %a- 'ust su((ee-e- ,n (onv,n(,ng
Dav; t%at %eaven 4as 32T ,n S,.on Blet(%e&Ns ga&&et 4%en 6a&,lla
(a.e ,n f&o. t%e ga&-en9 4%e&e s%e an- Do&a %a- been 0,(<,ng 0eas#
Do&a 4as an ,n-ust&,ous l,ttle soul an- neve& %a00,e& t%an 4%en
G%el0,ngG ,n va&,ous s.all tas<s su,te- to %e& (%ubb; f,nge&s# S%e
fe- (%,(<ens9 0,(<e- u0 (%,0s9 4,0e- -,s%es9 an- &an e&&an-s galo&e#
S%e 4as neat9 fa,t%ful an- obse&vant@ s%e neve& %a- to be tol- %o4
to -o a t%,ng t4,(e an- neve& fo&got an; of %e& l,ttle -ut,es#
Dav;9 on t%e ot%e& %an-9 4as &at%e& %ee-less an- fo&getful@ but
%e %a- t%e bo&n <na(< of 4,nn,ng love9 an- even ;et Anne an- 6a&,lla
l,<e- %,. t%e bette&#

=%,le Do&a 0&ou-l; s%elle- t%e 0eas an- Dav; .a-e boats of t%e 0o-s9
4,t% .asts of .at(%es an- sa,ls of 0a0e&9 Anne tol- 6a&,lla about
t%e 4on-e&ful (ontents of %e& lette&#

G2%9 6a&,lla9 4%at -o ;ou t%,n<M 1Nve %a- a lette& f&o. P&,s(,lla
an- s%e sa;s t%at 6&s# 6o&gan ,s on t%e 1slan-9 an- t%at ,f ,t ,s
f,ne T%u&s-a; t%e; a&e go,ng to -&,ve u0 to Avonlea an- 4,ll &ea(%
%e&e about t4elve# T%e; 4,ll s0en- t%e afte&noon 4,t% us an- go to
t%e %otel at =%,te San-s ,n t%e even,ng9 be(ause so.e of 6&s# 6o&ganNs
A.e&,(an f&,en-s a&e sta;,ng t%e&e# 2%9 6a&,lla9 ,snNt ,t 4on-e&fulM
1 (an %a&-l; bel,eve 1N. not -&ea.,ng#G

G1 -a&esa; 6&s# 6o&gan ,s a lot l,<e ot%e& 0eo0le9G sa,- 6a&,lla -&,l;9
alt%oug% s%e -,- feel a t&,fle e+(,te- %e&self# 6&s# 6o&gan 4as a
fa.ous an- a v,s,t f&o. %e& 4as no (o..on0la(e o((u&&en(e#
GT%e;Nll be %e&e to -,nne&9 t%enMG

GJes@ an- o%9 6a&,lla9 .a; 1 (oo< eve&; b,t of t%e -,nne& .;selfM
1 4ant to feel t%at 1 (an -o,ng fo& t%e aut%o& of UT%e
8osebu- )a&-en9N ,f ,t ,s onl; to (oo< a -,nne& fo& %e&#
Jou 4onNt .,n-9 4,ll ;ouMG

G)oo-ness9 1N. not so fon- of ste4,ng ove& a %ot f,&e ,n Oul; t%at
,t 4oul- ve+ .e ve&; .u(% to %ave so.eone else -o ,t# JouN&e Hu,te
4el(o.e to t%e 'ob#G

G2%9 t%an< ;ou9G sa,- Anne9 as ,f 6a&,lla %a- 'ust (onfe&&e- a
t&e.en-ous favo&9 G1Nll .a<e out t%e .enu t%,s ve&; n,g%t#G

GJouN- bette& not t&; to 0ut on too .u(% st;le9G 4a&ne- 6a&,lla9
a l,ttle ala&.e- b; t%e %,g%-flo4n soun- of G.enu#G JouNll l,<el;
(o.e to g&,ef ,f ;ou -o#G

G2%9 1N. not go,ng to 0ut on an; Ust;le9N ,f ;ou .ean t&;,ng to -o o&
%ave t%,ngs 4e -onNt usuall; %ave on festal o((as,ons9G assu&e- Anne#
GT%at 4oul- be affe(tat,on9 an-9 alt%oug% 1 <no4 1 %avenNt as .u(%
sense an- stea-,ness as a g,&l of seventeen an- a s(%ooltea(%e&
oug%t to %ave9 1N. not so s,ll; AS t%at# 7ut 1 4ant to %ave
eve&;t%,ng as n,(e an- -a,nt; as 0oss,ble# Dav;-bo;9 -onNt leave
t%ose 0ea0o-s on t%e ba(< sta,&s# # #so.eone .,g%t sl,0 on t%e.#
1Nll %ave a l,g%t sou0 to beg,n 4,t%# # #;ou <no4 1 (an .a<e
lovel; (&ea.-of-on,on sou0# # #an- t%en a (ou0le of &oast fo4ls#
1Nll %ave t%e t4o 4%,te &ooste&s# 1 %ave &eal affe(t,on fo&
t%ose &ooste&s an- t%e;Nve been 0ets eve& s,n(e t%e g&a; %en
%at(%e- out 'ust t%e t4o of t%e.# # #l,ttle balls of ;ello4 -o4n#
7ut 1 <no4 t%e; 4oul- %ave to be sa(&,f,(e-,.e9 an- su&el;
t%e&e (oul-nNt be a 4o&t%,e& o((as,on t%an t%,s# 7ut o%9 6a&,lla9
R1R (annot <,ll t%e.# # #not even fo& 6&s# 6o&ganNs sa<e# 1Nll %ave
to as< Oo%n Len&; Ca&te& to (o.e ove& an- -o ,t fo& .e#G

G1Nll -o ,t9G voluntee&e- Dav;9 G,f 6a&,llaNll %ol- t%e. b; t%e legsG
(ause 1 guess ,tN- ta<e bot% .; %an-s to .anage t%e a+e# 1tNs a4ful
'oll; fun to see t%e. %o00,ng about afte& t%e,& %ea-s a&e (ut off#G

GT%en 1Nll %ave 0eas an- beans an- (&ea.e- 0otatoes an- a
lettu(e sala-9 fo& vegetables9G &esu.e- Anne9 Gan- fo& -esse&t9
le.on 0,e 4,t% 4%,00e- (&ea.9 an- (offee an- (%eese an- la-; f,nge&s#
1Nll .a<e t%e 0,es an- la-; f,nge&s to.o&&o4 an- -o u0 .; 4%,te .usl,n
-&ess# An- 1 .ust tell D,ana ton,g%t9 fo& s%eNll 4ant to -o u0 %e&s#
6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes a&e nea&l; al4a;s -&esse- ,n 4%,te .usl,n9
an- D,ana an- 1 %ave al4a;s &esolve- t%at t%at 4as 4%at 4e
4oul- 4ea& ,f 4e eve& .et %e&# 1t 4,ll be su(% a -el,(ate
(o.0l,.ent9 -onNt ;ou t%,n<M Dav;9 -ea&9 ;ou .ustnNt 0o<e 0ea0o-s
,nto t%e (&a(<s of t%e floo&# 1 .ust as< 6&# an- 6&s# Allan an-
6,ss Sta(; to -,nne&9 too9 fo& t%e;N&e all ve&; an+,ous to .eet
6&s# 6o&gan# 1tNs so fo&tunate s%eNs (o.,ng 4%,le 6,ss Sta(; ,s %e&e#
Dav; -ea&9 -onNt sa,l t%e 0ea0o-s ,n t%e 4ate& bu(<et# # #go out to
t%e t&oug%# 2%9 1 -o %o0e ,t 4,ll be f,ne T%u&s-a;9 an- 1 t%,n< ,t
4,ll9 fo& 5n(le Abe sa,- last n,g%t 4%en %e (alle- at 6&# La&&,sonNs9
t%at ,t 4as go,ng to &a,n .ost of t%,s 4ee<#G

GT%atNs a goo- s,gn9G ag&ee- 6a&,lla#

Anne &an a(&oss to 2&(%a&- Slo0e t%at even,ng to tell t%e ne4s to D,ana9
4%o 4as also ve&; .u(% e+(,te- ove& ,t9 an- t%e; -,s(usse- t%e .atte&
,n t%e %a..o(< s4ung un-e& t%e b,g 4,llo4 ,n t%e 7a&&; ga&-en#

G2%9 Anne9 .a;nNt 1 %el0 ;ou (oo< t%e -,nne&MG ,.0lo&e- D,ana#
GJou <no4 1 (an .a<e s0len-,- lettu(e sala-#G

G1n-ee- ;ou9 .a;G sa,- Anne unself,s%l;# GAn- 1 s%all 4ant ;ou to
%el0 .e -e(o&ate too# 1 .ean to %ave t%e 0a&lo& s,.0l; a 72=*8 of
blosso.s# # #an- t%e -,n,ng table ,s to be a-o&ne- 4,t% 4,l- &oses#
2%9 1 -o %o0e eve&;t%,ng 4,ll go s.oot%l;# 6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes
3*:*8 get ,nto s(&a0es o& a&e ta<en at a -,sa-vantage9 an- t%e;
a&e al4a;s so self0ossesse- an- su(% goo- %ouse<ee0e&s# T%e; see.
to be 7283 goo- %ouse<ee0e&s# Jou & t%at )e&t&u-e ,n
U*-ge4oo- Da;sN <e0t %ouse fo& %e& fat%e& 4%en s%e 4as onl; e,g%t
;ea&s ol-# =%en 1 4as e,g%t ;ea&s ol- 1 %a&-l; <ne4 %o4 to -o a
t%,ng e+(e0t b&,ng u0 (%,l-&en# 6&s# 6o&gan .ust be an aut%o&,t;
on g,&ls 4%en s%e %as 4&,tten so .u(% about t%e.9 an- 1 -o 4ant %e&
to %ave a goo- o0,n,on of us# 1Nve ,.ag,ne- ,t all out a -o/en
-,ffe&ent 4a;s# # #4%at s%eNll loo< l,<e9 an- 4%at s%eNll sa;9 an-
4%at 1Nll sa;# An- 1N. so an+,ous about .; nose# T%e&e a&e seven
f&e(<les on ,t9 as ;ou (an see# T%e; (a.e at t%e A#:#1 S# 0,(n,(9
4%en 1 4ent a&oun- ,n t%e sun 4,t%out .; %at# 1 su00ose ,tNs
ung&ateful of .e to 4o&&; ove& t%e.9 4%en 1 s%oul- be t%an<ful
t%e;N&e not s0&ea- all ove& .; fa(e as t%e; on(e 4e&e@ but 1 -o
4,s% t%e; %a-nNt (o.e# # #all 6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes %ave su(%
0e&fe(t (o.0le+,ons# 1 (anNt &e(all a f&e(<le- one t%e.#G

GJou&s a&e not ve&; not,(eable9G ( D,ana# GT&; a l,ttle
le.on 'u,(e on t%e. ton,g%t#G

T%e ne+t -a; Anne .a-e %e& 0,es an- la-; f,nge&s9 -,- u0 %e& .usl,n
-&ess9 an- s4e0t an- -uste- eve&; &oo. ,n t%e %ouse# # #a Hu,te
unne(essa&; 0&o(ee-,ng9 fo& )&een )ables 4as9 as usual9 ,n t%e
a00le 0,e o&-e& -ea& to 6a&,llaNs %ea&t# 7ut Anne felt t%at a
fle(< of -ust 4oul- be a -ese(&at,on ,n a %ouse t%at 4as to be
%ono&e- b; a v,s,t f&o. C%a&lotte *# 6o&gan# S%e even (leane- out
t%e G(at(%-allG (loset un-e& t%e sta,&s9 alt%oug% t%e&e 4as not t%e
&e.otest 0oss,b,l,t; of 6&s# 6o&ganNs see,ng ,ts ,nte&,o&#

G7ut 1 4ant to B**L t%at ,t ,s ,n 0e&fe(t o&-e&9 even ,f s%e ,snNt
to see ,t9G Anne tol- 6a&,lla# GJou <no49 ,n %e& boo< U)ol-en Pe;s9N
s%e .a<es %e& t4o %e&o,nes Al,(e an- Lou,sa ta<e fo& t%e,& .otto
t%at ve&se of Longfello4Ns9

GU1n t%e el-e& -a;s of a&t
7u,l-e&s 4&oug%t 4,t% g&eatest (a&e
*a(% .,nute an- unseen 0a&t9
Bo& t%e go-s see eve&;4%e&e9N

an- so t%e; al4a;s <e0t t%e,& (ella& sta,&s s(&ubbe- an- neve&
fo&got to s4ee0 un-e& t%e be-s# 1 s%oul- %ave a gu,lt; (ons(,en(e
,f 1 t%oug%t t%,s (loset 4as ,n -,so&-e& 4%en 6&s# 6o&gan 4as ,n
t%e %ouse# *ve& s,n(e 4e &ea- U)ol-en Pe;s9N last A0&,l9 D,ana an-
1 %ave ta<en t%at ve&se fo& ou& .otto too#G

T%at n,g%t Oo%n Len&; Ca&te& an- Dav; bet4een t%e. (ont&,ve- to e+e(ute
t%e t4o 4%,te &ooste&s9 an- Anne -&esse- t%e.9 t%e usuall; -,stasteful
tas< glo&,f,e- ,n %e& e;es b; t%e -est,nat,on of t%e 0lu.0 b,&-s#

G1 -onNt l,<e 0,(<,ng fo4ls9G s%e tol- 6a&,lla9 Gbut ,snNt ,t fo&tunate
4e -onNt %ave to 0ut ou& souls ,nto 4%at ou& %an-s .a; be -o,ngM
1Nve been 0,(<,ng (%,(<ens 4,t% .; %an-s but ,n ,.ag,nat,on 1Nve
been &oa.,ng t%e 6,l<; =a;#G

G1 t%oug%t ;ouN- s(atte&e- .o&e feat%e&s ove& t%e floo& t%an usual9G
&e.a&<e- 6a&,lla#

T%en Anne 0ut Dav; to be- an- .a-e %,. 0&o.,se t%at %e 4oul- be%ave
0e&fe(tl; t%e ne+t -a;#

G1f 1N. as goo- as goo- (an be all -a; to.o&&o4 4,ll ;ou let .e be
'ust as ba- as 1 l,<e all t%e ne+t -a;MG as<e- Dav;#

G1 (oul-nNt -o t%at9G sa,- Anne -,s(&eetl;9 Gbut 1Nll ta<e ;ou an-
Do&a fo& a &o4 ,n t%e flat &,g%t to t%e botto. of t%e 0on-9 an-
4eNll go as%o&e on t%e san-%,lls an- %ave a 0,(n,(#G

G1tNs a ba&ga,n9G sa,- Dav;# G1Nll be goo-9 ;ou bet# 1 .eant to
go ove& to 6&# La&&,sonNs an- f,&e 0eas f&o. .; ne4 0o0gun at
),nge& but anot%e& -a;Nll -o as 4ell# 1 es0e(t ,t 4,ll be 'ust
l,<e Sun-a;9 but a 0,(n,( at t%e s%o&eNll .a<e u0 fo& TLAT#G


A C%a0te& of A((,-ents

Anne 4o<e t%&ee t,.es ,n t%e n,g%t an- .a-e 0,lg&,.ages to %e&
4,n-o4 to .a<e su&e t%at 5n(le AbeNs 0&e-,(t,on 4as not (o.,ng t&ue#
B,nall; t%e .o&n,ng -a4ne- 0ea&l; an- lust&ous ,n a s<; full of
s,lve& s%een an- &a-,an(e9 an- t%e 4on-e&ful -a; %a- a&&,ve-#

D,ana a00ea&e- soon afte& b&ea<fast9 4,t% a bas<et of flo4e&s ove&
one a&. an- L*8 .usl,n -&ess ove& t%e ot%e&# # #fo& ,t 4oul- not
-o to -on ,t unt,l all t%e -,nne& 0&e0a&at,ons 4e&e (o.0lete-#
6ean4%,le s%e 4o&e %e& afte&noon 0,n< 0&,nt an- a la4n a0&on
fea&full; an- 4on-e&full; &uffle- an- f&,lle-@ an- ve&; neat an-
0&ett; an- &os; s%e 4as#

GJou loo< s,.0l; s4eet9G sa,- Anne a-.,&,ngl;#

D,ana s,g%e-#

G7ut 1Nve %a- to let out eve&; one of .; -&esses A)A13# 1 4e,g%
fou& 0oun-s .o&e t%an 1 -,- ,n Oul;# Anne9 =L*8* 4,ll t%,s en-M
6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes a&e all tall an- slen-e&#G

G=ell9 letNs fo&get ou& t&oubles an- t%,n< of ou& .e&(,es9G sa,-
Anne ga,l;# G6&s# Allan sa;s t%at 4%eneve& 4e t%,n< of an;t%,ng
t%at ,s a t&,al to us 4e s%oul- also t%,n< of,ng n,(e t%at
4e (an set ove& aga,nst ,t# 1f ;ou a&e sl,g%tl; too 0lu.0 ;ouNve
got t%e -ea&est -,.0les@ an- ,f 1 %ave a f&e(<le- nose t%e SLAP* of
,t ,s all &,g%t# Do ;ou t%,n< t%e le.on 'u,(e -,- an; goo-MG

GJes9 1 &eall; t%,n< ,t -,-9G sa,- D,ana (&,t,(all;@ an-9 .u(%
elate-9 Anne le- t%e 4a; to t%e ga&-en9 4%,(% 4as full of a,&;
s%a-o4s an- 4ave&,ng gol-en l,g%ts#

G=eNll -e(o&ate t%e 0a&lo& f,&st# =e %ave 0lent; of t,.e9 fo&
P&,s(,lla sa,- t%e;N- be %e&e about t4elve o& %alf 0ast at t%e
latest9 so 4eNll %ave -,nne& at one#G

T%e&e .a; %ave been t4o %a00,e& an- .o&e e+(,te- g,&ls so.e4%e&e
,n Cana-a o& t%e 5n,te- States at t%at .o.ent9 but 1 -oubt ,t#
*ve&; sn,0 of t%e s(,sso&s9 as &ose an- 0eon; an- bluebell fell9
see.e- to (%,&09 G6&s# 6o&gan ,s (o.,ng to-a;#G Anne 4on-e&e-
%o4 6&# La&&,son C25LD go on 0la(,-l; .o4,ng %a; ,n t%e f,el-
a(&oss t%e lane9 'ust as ,f not%,ng 4e&e go,ng to %a00en#

T%e 0a&lo& at )&een )ables 4as a &at%e& seve&e an- gloo.; a0a&t.ent9
4,t% &,g,- %o&se%a,& fu&n,tu&e9 st,ff la(e (u&ta,ns9 an- 4%,te
ant,.a(assa&s t%at 4e&e al4a;s la,- at a 0e&fe(tl; (o&&e(t angle9
e+(e0t at su(% t,.es as t%e; (lung to unfo&tunate 0eo0leNs buttons#
*ven Anne %a- neve& been able to ,nfuse .u(% g&a(e ,nto ,t9 fo&
6a&,lla 4oul- not 0e&.,t an; alte&at,ons# 7ut ,t ,s 4on-e&ful
4%at flo4e&s (an a((o.0l,s% ,f ;ou g,ve t%e. a fa,& (%an(e@
4%en Anne an- D,ana f,n,s%e- 4,t% t%e &oo. ;ou 4oul- not %ave
&e(ogn,/e- ,t#

A g&eat blue bo4lful of sno4balls ove&flo4e- on t%e 0ol,s%e- table#
T%e s%,n,ng bla(< .antel0,e(e 4as %ea0e- 4,t% &oses an- fe&ns#
*ve&; s%elf of t%e 4%at-not %el- a s%eaf of bluebells@ t%e -a&<
(o&ne&s on e,t%e& s,-e of t%e g&ate 4e&e l,g%te- u0 4,t% 'a&s full
of glo4,ng (&,.son 0eon,es9 an- t%e g&ate ,tself 4as afla.e 4,t%
;ello4 0o00,es# All t%,s s0len-o& an- (olo&9 .,ngle- 4,t% t%e
suns%,ne fall,ng t%&oug% t%e %one;su(<le v,nes at t%e 4,n-o4s ,n a
leaf; &,ot of -an(,ng s%a-o4s ove& 4alls an- floo&9 .a-e of t%e
usuall; -, l,ttle &oo. t%e ve&,table Gbo4e&G of AnneNs
,.ag,nat,on9 an- even e+to&te- a t&,bute of a-.,&at,on f&o.
6a&,lla9 4%o (a.e ,n to (&,t,(,/e an- &e.a,ne- to 0&a,se#

G3o49 4e .ust set t%e table9G sa,- Anne9 ,n t%e tone of a 0&,estess
about to 0e&fo&. so.e sa(&e- &,te ,n %ono& of a -,v,n,t;# G=eNll
%ave a b,g vaseful of 4,l- &oses ,n t%e (ente& an- one s,ngle &ose
,n f&ont of eve&;bo-;Ns 0late -- an- a s0e(,al bouHuet of &osebu-s
onl; b; 6&s# 6o&ganNs -- an allus,on to UT%e 8osebu- )a&-enN ;ou <no4#G

T%e table 4as set ,n t%e s,tt,ng &oo.9 4,t% 6a&,llaNs f,nest l,nen
an- t%e best (%,na9 glass9 an- s,lve&# Jou .a; be 0e&fe(tl;
(e&ta,n t%at eve&; a&t,(le 0la(e- on ,t 4as 0ol,s%e- o& s(ou&e- to
t%e %,g%est 0oss,ble 0e&fe(t,on of gloss an- gl,tte&#

T%en t%e g,&ls t&,00e- out to t%e <,t(%en9 4%,(% 4as f,lle- 4,t%
a00et,/,ng o-o&s e.anat,ng f&o. t%e oven9 4%e&e t%e (%,(<ens 4e&e
al&ea-; s,//l,ng s0len-,-l;# Anne 0&e0a&e- t%e 0otatoes an- D,ana
got t%e 0eas an- beans &ea-;# T%en9 4%,le D,ana s%ut %e&self ,nto
t%e 0ant&; to (o.0oun- t%e lettu(e sala-9 Anne9 4%ose (%ee<s 4e&e
al&ea-; beg,nn,ng to glo4 (&,.son9 as .u(% 4,t% e+(,te.ent as f&o.
t%e %eat of t%e f,&e9 0&e0a&e- t%e b&ea- sau(e fo& t%e (%,(<ens9
.,n(e- %e& on,ons fo& t%e sou09 an- f,nall; 4%,00e- t%e (&ea. fo&
%e& le.on 0,es#

An- 4%at about Dav; all t%,s t,.eM =as %e &e-ee.,ng %,s 0&o.,se to
be goo-M Le 4as9 ,n-ee-# To be su&e9 %e ,ns,ste- on &e.a,n,ng ,n
t%e <,t(%en9 fo& %,s (u&,os,t; 4ante- to see all t%at 4ent on# 7ut
as %e sat Hu,etl; ,n a (o&ne&9 bus,l; engage- ,n unt;,ng t%e <nots
,n a 0,e(e of %e&&,ng net %e %a- b&oug%t %o.e f&o. %,s last t&,0 to
t%e s%o&e9 nobo-; ob'e(te- to t%,s#

At %alf 0ast eleven t%e lettu(e sala- 4as .a-e9 t%e gol-en (,&(les
of t%e 0,es 4e&e %ea0e- 4,t% 4%,00e- (&ea.9 an- eve&;t%,ng 4as
s,//l,ng an- bubbl,ng t%at oug%t to s,//le an- bubble#

G=eN- bette& go an- -&ess no49G sa,- Anne9 Gfo& t%e; .a; be %e&e b; t4elve#
=e .ust %ave -,nne& at s%a&0 one9 fo& t%e sou0 .ust be se&ve- as soon as
,tNs -one#G

Se&,ous ,n-ee- 4e&e t%e to,let &,tes 0&esentl; 0e&fo&.e- ,n t%e
east gable# Anne 0ee&e- an+,ousl; at %e& nose an- &e'o,(e- to see
t%at ,ts f&e(<les 4e&e not at all 0&o.,nent9 t%an<s e,t%e& to t%e
le.on 'u,(e o& to t%e unusual flus% on %e& (%ee<s# =%en t%e; 4e&e
&ea-; t%e; loo<e- Hu,te as s4eet an- t&,. an- g,&l,s% as eve& -,-
an; of G6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes#G

G1 -o %o0e 1Nll be able to sa;,ng on(e ,n a 4%,le9 an- not
s,t l,<e a .ute9G sa,- D,ana an+,ousl;# GAll 6&s# 6o&ganNs
%e&o,nes (onve&se so beaut,full;# 7ut 1N. af&a,- 1Nll be
tongue-t,e- an- stu0,-# An- 1Nll be su&e to sa; U1 seen#N
1 %avenNt often sa,- ,t s,n(e 6,ss Sta(; taug%t %e&e@ but ,n
.o.ents of e+(,te.ent ,tNs su&e to 0o0 out# Anne9 ,f 1 4e&e
to sa; U1 seenN befo&e 6&s# 6o&gan 1N- -,e of .o&t,f,(at,on#
An- ,t 4oul- be al.ost as ba- to %ave not%,ng to sa;#G

G1N. ne&vous about a goo- .an; t%,ngs9G sa,- Anne9 Gbut 1
-onNt t%,n< t%e&e ,s .u(% fea& t%at 1 4onNt be able to tal<G

An-9 to -o %e& 'ust,(e9 t%e&e 4asnNt#

Anne s%&ou-e- %e& .usl,n glo&,es ,n a b,g a0&on an- 4ent -o4n to
(on(o(t %e& sou0# 6a&,lla %a- -&esse- %e&self an- t%e t4,ns9 an-
loo<e- .o&e e+(,te- t%an s%e %a- eve& been <no4n to loo< befo&e#
At %alf 0ast t4elve t%e Allans an- 6,ss Sta(; (a.e# *ve&;t%,ng 4as
go,ng 4ell but Anne 4as beg,nn,ng to feel ne&vous# 1t 4as su&el;
t,.e fo& P&,s(,lla an- 6&s# 6o&gan to a&&,ve# S%e .a-e f&eHuent
t&,0s to t%e gate an- loo<e- as an+,ousl; -o4n t%e lane as eve& %e&
na.esa<e ,n t%e 7luebea&- sto&; 0ee&e- f&o. t%e to4e& (ase.ent#

GSu00ose t%e; -onNt (o.e at allMG s%e sa,- 0,teousl;#

GDonNt su00ose ,t# 1t 4oul- be too .ean9G sa,- D,ana9 4%o9 %o4eve&9
4as beg,nn,ng to %ave un( .,sg,v,ngs on t%e sub'e(t#

GAnne9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 (o.,ng out f&o. t%e 0a&lo&9 G6,ss Sta(; 4ants
to see 6,ss 7a&&;Ns 4,llo44a&e 0latte&#G

Anne %astene- to t%e s,tt,ng &oo. (loset to get t%e 0latte&# S%e
%a-9 ,n a((o&-an(e 4,t% %e& 0&o.,se to 6&s# L;n-e9 4&,tten to 6,ss
7a&&; of C%a&lotteto4n9 as<,ng fo& t%e loan of ,t# 6,ss 7a&&; 4as
an ol- f&,en- of AnneNs9 an- s%e 0&o.0l; sent t%e 0latte& out9 4,t%
a lette& e+%o&t,ng Anne to be ve&; (a&eful of ,t9 fo& s%e %a- 0a,-
t4ent; -olla&s fo& ,t# T%e 0latte& %a- se&ve- ,ts 0u&0ose at t%e
A,- ba/aa& an- %a- t%en been &etu&ne- to t%e )&een )ables (loset9
fo& Anne 4oul- not t&ust an;bo-; but %e&self to ta<e ,t ba(< to to4n#

S%e (a&&,e- t%e 0latte& (a&efull; to t%e f&ont -oo& 4%e&e %e&
guests 4e&e en'o;,ng t%e (ool b&ee/e t%at ble4 u0 f&o. t%e b&oo<#
1t 4as e+a.,ne- an- a-.,&e-@ t%en9 'ust as Anne %a- ta<en ,t ba(<
,nto %e& o4n %an-s9 a te&&,f,( (&as% an- (latte& soun-e- f&o. t%e
<,t(%en 0ant&;# 6a&,lla9 D,ana9 an- Anne fle- out9 t%e latte&
0aus,ng onl; long enoug% to set t%e 0&e(,ous 0latte& %ast,l; -o4n
on t%e se(on- ste0 of t%e sta,&s#

=%en t%e; &ea(%e- t%e 0ant&; a t&ul; %a&&o4,ng s0e(ta(le .et t%e,&
e;es# # #a gu,lt; loo<,ng s.all bo; s(&,ng -o4n f&o. t%e
table9 4,t% %,s (lean 0&,nt blouse l,be&all; 0laste&e- 4,t% ;ello4
f,ll,ng9 an- on t%e table t%e s%atte&e- &e.nants of 4%at %a- been
t4o b&ave9 be(&ea.e- le.on 0,es#

Dav; %a- f,n,s%e- &avell,ng out %,s %e&&,ng net an- %a- 4oun- t%e
t4,ne ,nto a ball# T%en %e %a- gone ,nto t%e 0ant&; to 0ut ,t u0
on t%e s%elf above t%e table9 4%e&e %e al&ea-; <e0t a s(o&e o& so
of s,.,la& balls9 4%,(%9 so fa& as (oul- be -,s(ove&e-9 se&ve- no
useful 0u&0ose save to ;,el- t%e 'o; of 0ossess,on# Dav; %a- to
(l,.b on t%e table an- &ea(% ove& to t%e s%elf at a -ange&ous
angle# #,ng %e %a- been fo&b,--en b; 6a&,lla to -o9 as %e
%a- (o.e to g&,ef on(e befo&e ,n t%e e+0e&,.ent# T%e &esult ,n
t%,s ,nstan(e 4as -,sast&ous# Dav; sl,00e- an- (a.e s0&a4l,ng
sHua&el; -o4n on t%e le.on 0,es# L,s (lean blouse 4as &u,ne- fo&
t%at t,.e an- t%e 0,es fo& all t,.e# 1t ,s9 %o4eve&9 an ,ll 4,n-
t%at blo4s nobo-; goo-9 an- t%e 0,g 4as eventuall; t%e ga,ne& b;
Dav;Ns .,s(%an(e#

GDav; Pe,t%9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 s%a<,ng %,. b; t%e s%oul-e&9 G-,-nNt 1
fo&b,- ;ou to (l,.b u0 on t%at table aga,nM D,-nNt 1MG

G1 fo&got9G 4%,.0e&e- Dav;# GJouNve tol- .e not to -o su(% an
a4ful lot of t%,ngs t%at 1 (anNt & t%e. all#G

G=ell9 ;ou .a&(% u0sta,&s an- sta; t%e&e t,ll afte& -,nne&#
Pe&%a0s ;ouNll get t%e. so&te- out ,n ;ou& .e.o&; b; t%at t,.e#
3o9 Anne9 neve& ;ou .,n- ,nte&(e-,ng fo& %,.# 1N. not 0un,s%,ng
%,. be(ause %e s0o,le- ;ou& 0,es# # #t%at 4as an a((,-ent#
1N. 0un,s%,ng %,. fo& %,s -,sobe-,en(e# )o9 Dav;9 1 sa;#G

GA,nNt 1 to %ave an; -,nne&MG 4a,le- Dav;#

GJou (an (o.e -o4n afte& -,nne& ,s ove& an- %ave ;ou&s ,n t%e <,t(%en#G

G2%9 all &,g%t9G sa,- Dav;9 so.e4%at ( G1 <no4 AnneNll
save so.e n,(e bones fo& .e9 4onNt ;ou9 AnneM NCause ;ou <no4 1
-,-nNt .ean to fall on t%e 0,es# Sa;9 Anne9 s,n(e t%e; A8* s0o,le-
(anNt 1 ta<e so.e of t%e 0,e(es u0sta,&s 4,t% .eMG

G3o9 no le.on 0,e fo& ;ou9 6aste& Dav;9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 0us%,ng %,.
to4a&- t%e %all#G

=%at s%all 4e -o fo& -esse&tMG as<e- Anne9 loo<,ng &eg&etfull; at
t%e 4&e(< an- &u,n#

G)et out a (&o(< of st&a4be&&; 0&ese&ves9G sa,- 6a&,lla (onsol,ngl;#
GT%e&eNs 0lent; of 4%,00e- (&ea. left ,n t%e bo4l fo& ,t#G

2ne oN(lo(< (a.e# # #but no P&,s(,lla o& 6&s# 6o&gan# Anne 4as ,n
an agon;# *ve&;t%,ng 4as -one to a tu&n an- t%e sou0 4as 'ust
4%at sou0 s%oul- be9 but (oul-nNt be -e0en-e- on to &e.a,n so fo&
an; lengt% of t,.e#

G1 -onNt bel,eve t%e;N&e (o.,ng afte& all9G sa,- 6a&,lla (&ossl;#

Anne an- D,ana soug%t ( ,n ea(% ot%e&Ns e;es#

At %alf 0ast one 6a&,lla aga,n e.e&ge- f&o. t%e 0a&lo&#

G),&ls9 4e 65ST %ave -,nne&# *ve&;bo-; ,s %ung&; an- ,tNs no use
4a,t,ng an; longe&# P&,s(,lla an- 6&s# 6o&gan a&e not (o.,ng9
t%atNs 0la,n9 an- not%,ng ,s be,ng ,.0&ove- b; 4a,t,ng#G

Anne an- D,ana set about l,ft,ng t%e -,nne&9 4,t% all t%e /est gone
out of t%e 0e&fo&.an(e#

G1 -onNt bel,eve 1Nll be able to eat a .out%ful9G sa,- D,ana -olefull;#

G3o& 1# 7ut 1 %o0e eve&;t%,ng 4,ll be n,(e fo& 6,ss Sta(;Ns an-
6&# an- 6&s# AllanNs sa<es9G sa,- Anne l,stlessl;#

=%en D,ana -,s%e- t%e 0eas s%e taste- t%e. an- a ve&; 0e(ul,a&
e+0&ess,on (&osse- %e& fa(e#

GAnne9 -,- J25 0ut suga& ,n t%ese 0easMG

GJes9G sa,- Anne9 .as%,ng t%e 0otatoes 4,t% t%e a,& of one e+0e(te-
to -o %e& -ut;# G1 0ut a s0oonful of suga& ,n# =e al4a;s -o#
DonNt ;ou l,<e ,tMG

G7ut R1R 0ut a s0oonful ,n too9 4%en 1 set t%e. on t%e stove9G sa,- D,ana#

Anne -&o00e- %e& .as%e& an- taste- t%e 0eas also# T%en s%e .a-e a g&,.a(e#

GLo4 a4fulF 1 neve& -&ea.e- ;ou %a- 0ut suga& ,n9 be(ause 1 <ne4
;ou& .ot%e& neve& -oes# 1 %a00ene- to t%,n< of ,t9 fo& a 4on-e&# # #
1N. al4a;s fo&gett,ng ,t# # #so 1 0o00e- a s0oonful ,n#G

G1tNs a (ase of too .an; (oo<s9 1 guess9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4%o
%a- l,stene- to t%,s -,alogue 4,t% a &at%e& gu,lt; e+0&ess,on#
G1 -,-nNt t%,n< ;ouN- & about t%e suga&9 Anne9 fo& 1N.
0e&fe(tl; (e&ta,n ;ou neve& -,- befo&e# # #so R1R 0ut ,n a s0oonful#G

T%e guests ,n t%e 0a&lo& %ea&- 0eal afte& 0eal of laug%te& f&o. t%e
<,t(%en9 but t%e; neve& <ne4 4%at t%e fun 4as about# T%e&e 4e&e no
g&een 0eas on t%e -,nne& table t%at -a;9 %o4eve&#

G=ell9G sa,- Anne9 sobe&,ng -o4n aga,n 4,t% a s,g% of &e(olle(t,on9
G4e %ave t%e sala- an;%o4 an- 1 -onNt t%,n< an;t%,ng %as %a00ene-
to t%e beans# LetNs (a&&; t%e t%,ngs ,n an- get ,t ove&#G

1t (annot be sa,- t%at t%at -,nne& 4as a notable su((ess so(,all;#
T%e Allans an- 6,ss Sta(; e+e&te- t%e.selves to save t%e s,tuat,on
an- 6a&,llaNs (usto.a&; 0la(,-,t; 4as not not,(eabl; &uffle-#
7ut Anne an- D,ana9 bet4een t%e,& -,sa00o,nt.ent an- t%e &ea(t,on
f&o. t%e,& e+(,te.ent of t%e fo&enoon9 (oul- ne,t%e& tal< no& eat#
Anne t&,e- %e&o,(all; to bea& %e& 0a&t ,n t%e (onve&sat,on fo& t%e
sa<e of %e& guests@ but all t%e s0a&<le %a- been Huen(%e- ,n %e&
fo& t%e t,.e be,ng9 an-9 ,n s0,te of %e& love fo& t%e Allans an-
6,ss Sta(;9 s%e (oul-nNt %el0 t%,n<,ng %o4 n,(e ,t 4oul- be 4%en
eve&;bo-; %a- gone %o.e an- s%e (oul- bu&; %e& 4ea&,ness an-
-,sa00o,nt.ent ,n t%e 0,llo4s of t%e east gable#

T%e&e ,s an ol- 0&ove&b t%at &eall; see.s at t,.es to be ,ns0,&e-
# # #G,t neve& &a,ns but ,t 0ou&s#G T%e .easu&e of t%at -a;Ns
t&,bulat,ons 4as not ;et full# Oust as 6&# Allan %a- f,n,s%e-
&etu&n,ng t%an<s t%e&e a&ose a st&ange9 o.,nous soun- on t%e
sta,&s9 as of so.e %a&-9 %eav; ob'e(t boun-,ng f&o. ste0 to ste09
f,n,s%,ng u0 4,t% a g&an- at t%e botto.# *ve&;bo-; &an out
,nto t%e %all# Anne gave a s%&,e< of -,s.a;#

At t%e botto. of t%e sta,&s la; a b,g 0,n< (on(% s%ell a.,- t%e
f&ag.ents of 4%at %a- been 6,ss 7a&&;Ns 0latte&@ an- at t%e to0 of
t%e sta,&s <nelt a te&&,f,e- Dav;9 ga/,ng -o4n 4,t% 4,-e-o0en e;es
at t%e %avo(#

GDav;9G sa,- 6a&,lla o.,nousl;9 G-,- ;ou t%&o4 t%at (on(% -o4n 23 P58P2S*MG

G3o9 1 neve& -,-9G 4%,.0e&e- Dav;# G1 4as 'ust <neel,ng %e&e9
Hu,et as Hu,et9 to 4at(% ;ou fol<s t%&oug% t%e bann,ste&s9 an- .;
foot st&u(< t%at ol- t%,ng an- 0us%e- ,t off# # #an- 1N. a4ful
%ung&;# # #an- 1 -o 4,s% ;ouN- l,(< a fello4 an- %ave -one 4,t% ,t9
,nstea- of al4a;s sen-,ng %,. u0sta,&s to .,ss all t%e fun#G

GDonNt bla.e Dav;9G sa,- Anne9 gat%e&,ng u0 t%e f&ag.ents 4,t%
t&,ng f,nge&s# G1t 4as .; fault# 1 set t%at 0latte& t%e&e an-
fo&got all about ,t# 1 a. 0&o0e&l; 0un,s%e- fo& .; (a&elessness@
but o%9 4%at 4,ll 6,ss 7a&&; sa;MG

G=ell9 ;ou <no4 s%e onl; boug%t ,t9 so ,t ,snNt t%e sa.e as ,f ,t
4as an %e,&loo.9G sa,- D,ana9 t&;,ng to (onsole#

T%e guests 4ent a4a; soon afte&9 feel,ng t%at ,t 4as t%e .ost ta(tful
t%,ng to -o9 an- Anne an- D,ana 4as%e- t%e -,s%es9 tal<,ng less t%an
t%e; %a- eve& been <no4n to -o befo&e# T%en D,ana 4ent %o.e 4,t% a
%ea-a(%e an- Anne 4ent 4,t% anot%e& to t%e east gable9 4%e&e s%e
sta;e- unt,l 6a&,lla (a.e %o.e f&o. t%e 0ost off,(e at sunset9
4,t% a lette& f&o. P&,s(,lla9 4&,tten t%e -a; befo&e# 6&s# 6o&gan
%a- s0&a,ne- %e& an<le so seve&el; t%at s%e (oul- not leave %e& &oo.#

GAn- o%9 Anne -ea&9G 4&ote P&,s(,lla9 G1N. so so&&;9 but 1N. af&a,-
4e 4onNt get u0 to )&een )ables at all no49 fo& b; t%e t,.e Aunt;Ns
an<le ,s 4ell s%e 4,ll %ave to go ba(< to To&onto# S%e %as to be
t%e&e b; a (e&ta,n -ate#G

G=ell9G s,g%e- Anne9 la;,ng t%e lette& -o4n on t%e &e- san-stone
ste0 of t%e ba(< 0o&(%9 4%e&e s%e 4as s,tt,ng9 4%,le t%e t4,l,g%t
&a,ne- -o4n out of a -a00le- s<;9 G1 al4a;s t%oug%t ,t 4as too goo-
to be t&ue t%at 6&s# 6o&gan s%oul- &eall; (o.e# 7ut t%e&e# # #t%at
s0ee(% soun-s as 0ess,.,st,( as 6,ss *l,/a An-&e4s an- 1N. as%a.e-
of .a<,ng ,t# Afte& all9 ,t 4as 32T too goo- to be t&ue# # #t%,ngs
'ust as goo- an- fa& bette& a&e (o.,ng t&ue fo& .e all t%e t,.e#
An- 1 su00ose t%e events of to-a; %ave a funn; s,-e too#
Pe&%a0s 4%en D,ana an- 1 a&e ol- an- g&a; 4e s%all be able
to laug% ove& t%e.# 7ut 1 feel t%at 1 (anNt e+0e(t to -o ,t
befo&e t%en9 fo& ,t %as t&ul; been a b,tte& -,sa00o,nt.ent#G

GJouNll 0&obabl; %ave a goo- .an; .o&e an- 4o&se -,sa00o,nt.ents
t%an t%at befo&e ;ou get t%&oug% l,fe9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4%o %onestl;
t%oug%t s%e 4as .a<,ng a (,ng s0ee(%# G1t see.s to .e9 Anne9
t%at ;ou a&e neve& go,ng to outg&o4 ;ou& fas%,on of sett,ng ;ou&
%ea&t so on t%,ngs an- t%en (&as%,ng -o4n ,nto -es0a,& be(ause ;ou
-onNt get t%e.#G

G1 <no4 1N. too .u(% ,n(l,ne- t%at9 4a;G ag&ee- Anne &uefull;#
G=%en 1 t%,n<,ng n,(e ,s go,ng to %a00en 1 see. to fl; &,g%t
u0 on t%e 4,ngs of ant,(,0at,on@ an- t%en t%e f,&st t%,ng 1 &eal,/e
1 -&o0 -o4n to ea&t% 4,t% a t%u-# 7ut &eall;9 6a&,lla9 t%e fl;,ng
0a&t 1S glo&,ous as long as ,t lasts# # #,tNs l,<e soa&,ng t%&oug%
a sunset# 1 t%,n< ,t al.ost 0a;s fo& t%e t%u-#G

G=ell9 .a;be ,t -oes9G a-.,tte- 6a&,lla# G1N- &at%e& 4al< (al.l;
along an- -o 4,t%out bot% fl;,ng an- t%u-# 7ut eve&;bo-; %as %e&
o4n 4a; of l,v,ng# # #1 use- to t%,n< t%e&e 4as onl; one &,g%t 4a;
# # #but s,n(e 1Nve %a- ;ou an- t%e t4,ns to b&,ng u0 1 -onNt feel
so su&e of ,t# =%at a&e ;ou go,ng to -o about 6,ss 7a&&;Ns 0latte&MG

GPa; %e& ba(< t%e t4ent; -olla&s s%e 0a,- fo& ,t9 1 su00ose#
1N. so t%an<ful ,t 4asnNt a (%e&,s%e- %e,&loo. be(ause t%en
no .one; (oul- &e0la(e ,t#G

G6a;be ;ou (oul- f,n- one l,<e ,t so.e4%e&e an- bu; ,t fo& %e&#G

G1N. af&a,- not# Platte&s as ol- as t%at a&e ve&; s(a&(e# 6&s#
L;n-e (oul-nNt f,n- one an;4%e&e fo& t%e su00e&# 1 onl; 4,s% 1
(oul-9 fo& of (ou&se 6,ss 7a&&; 4oul- 'ust as soon %ave one 0latte&
as anot%e&9 ,f bot% 4e&e eHuall; ol- an- genu,ne# 6a&,lla9 loo< at
t%at b,g sta& ove& 6&# La&&,sonNs .a0le g&ove9 4,t% all t%at %ol;
%us% of s,lve&; s<; about ,t# 1t g,ves .e a feel,ng t%at ,s l,<e
a 0&a;e&# Afte& all9 4%en one (an see sta&s an- s<,es l,<e t%at9
l,ttle -,sa00o,nt.ents an- a((,-ents (anNt .atte& so .u(%9 (an t%e;MG

G=%e&eNs Dav;MG sa,- 6a&,lla9 4,t% an ,n-,ffe&ent glan(e at t%e sta&#

G1n be-# 1Nve 0&o.,se- to ta<e %,. an- Do&a to t%e s%o&e fo& a
0,(n,( to.o&&o4# 2f (ou&se9 t%e o&,g,nal ag&ee.ent 4as t%at %e
.ust be goo-# 7ut %e T81*D to be goo-# # #an- 1 %a-nNt t%e %ea&t
to -,sa00o,nt %,.#G

GJouNll -&o4n ;ou&self o& t%e t4,ns9 &o4,ng about t%e 0on- ,n t%at flat9G
g&u.ble- 6a&,lla# G1Nve l,ve- %e&e fo& s,+t; ;ea&s an- 1Nve neve& been
on t%e 0on- ;et#G

G=ell9 ,tNs neve& too late to .en-9G sa,- Anne &ogu,s%l;#
GSu00ose ;ou (o.e 4,t% us to.o&&o4# =eNll s%ut )&een )ables u0
an- s0en- t%e 4%ole -a; at t%e s%o&e9 -aff,ng t%e 4o&l- as,-e#G

G3o9 t%an< ;ou9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4,t% ,n-,gnant e.0%as,s# G1N- be a
n,(e s,g%t9 4oul-nNt 19 &o4,ng -o4n t%e 0on- ,n a flatM 1 t%,n< 1
%ea& 8a(%el 0&onoun(,ng on ,t# T%e&eNs 6&# La&&,son -&,v,ng a4a;
so.e4%e&e# Do ;ou su00ose t%e&e ,s an; t&ut% ,n t%e goss,0 t%at
6&# La&&,son ,s go,ng to see 1sabella An-&e4sMG

G3o9 1N. su&e t%e&e ,snNt# Le 'ust (alle- t%e&e one even,ng
on bus,ness 4,t% 6&# La&.on An-&e4s an- 6&s# L;n-e sa4 %,. an-
sa,- s%e <ne4 %e 4as (ou&t,ng be(ause %e %a- a 4%,te (olla& on#
1 -onNt bel,eve 6&# La&&,son 4,ll eve& .a&&;# Le see.s to %ave
a 0&e'u-,(e aga,nst .a&&,age#G

G=ell9 ;ou (an neve& tell about t%ose ol- ba(%elo&s# An- ,f %e %a-
a 4%,te (olla& on 1N- ag&ee 4,t% 8a(%el t%at ,t loo<s sus0,(,ous9
fo& 1N. su&e %e neve& 4as seen 4,t% one befo&e#G

G1 t%,n< %e onl; 0ut ,t on be(ause %e 4ante- to (on(lu-e a bus,ness
-eal 4,t% La&.on An-&e4s9G sa,- Anne# G1Nve %ea&- %,. sa; t%atNs
t%e onl; t,.e a .an nee-s to be 0a&t,(ula& about %,s a00ea&an(e9
be(ause ,f %e loo<s 0&os0e&ous t%e 0a&t; of t%e se(on- 0a&t 4onNt
be so l,<el; to t&; to (%eat %,.# 1 &eall; feel so&&; fo& 6&#
La&&,son@ 1 -onNt bel,eve %e feels sat,sf,e- 4,t% %,s l,fe# 1t
.ust be ve&; lonel; to %ave no one to (a&e about e+(e0t a 0a&&ot9
-onNt ;ou t%,n<M 7ut 1 not,(e 6&# La&&,son -oesnNt l,<e to be
0,t,e-# 3obo-; -oes9 1 ,.ag,ne#G

GT%e&eNs ),lbe&t (o.,ng u0 t%e lane9G sa,- 6a&,lla# G1f %e 4ants
;ou to go fo& a &o4 on t%e 0on- .,n- ;ou 0ut on ;ou& (oat an-
&ubbe&s# T%e&eNs a %eav; -e4 ton,g%t#G


An A-ventu&e on t%e To&; 8oa-

GAnne9G sa,- Dav;9 s,tt,ng u0 ,n be- an- 0&o00,ng %,s (%,n on
%,s %an-s9 GAnne9 4%e&e ,s slee0M Peo0le go to slee0 eve&; n,g%t9
an- of (ou&se 1 <no4 ,tNs t%e 0la(e 4%e&e 1 -o t%e t%,ngs 1 -&ea.9
but 1 4ant to <no4 =L*8* ,t ,s an- %o4 1 get t%e&e an- ba(< 4,t%out
<no4,ng an;t%,ng about ,t# # #an- ,n .; n,g%t; too# =%e&e ,s ,tMG

Anne 4as <neel,ng at t%e 4est gable 4,n-o4 4at(%,ng t%e sunset s<; t%at
4as l,<e a g&eat flo4e& 4,t% 0etals of (&o(us an- a %ea&t of f,e&; ;ello4#
S%e tu&ne- %e& %ea- at Dav;Ns Huest,on an- ans4e&e- -&ea.,l;9

GU2ve& t%e .ounta,ns of t%e .oon9
Do4n t%e valle; of t%e s%a-o4#NG

Paul 1&v,ng 4oul- %ave <no4n t%e .ean,ng of t%,s9 o& .a-e a .ean,ng
out of ,t fo& %,.self9 ,f %e -,-nNt@ but 0&a(t,(al Dav;9 4%o9 as
Anne often -es0a,&,ngl; &e.a&<e-9 %a-nNt a 0a&t,(le of ,.ag,nat,on9
4as onl; 0u//le- an- -,sguste-#

GAnne9 1 bel,eve ;ouN&e 'ust tal<,ng nonsense#G

G2f (ou&se9 1 4as9 -ea& bo;# DonNt ;ou <no4 t%at ,t ,s onl; ve&;
fool,s% fol< 4%o tal< sense all t%e t,.eMG

G=ell9 1 t%,n< ;ou .,g%t g,ve a sens,ble ans4e& 4%en 1 as< a
sens,ble Huest,on9G sa,- Dav; ,n an ,n'u&e- tone#

G2%9 ;ou a&e too l,ttle to un-e&stan-9G sa,- Anne# 7ut s%e felt &at%e&
as%a.e- of sa;,ng ,t@ fo& %a- s%e not9 ,n <een &e.e.b&an(e of .an;
s,.,la& snubs a-.,n,ste&e- ,n %e& o4n ea&l; ;ea&s9; vo4e-
t%at s%e 4oul- neve& tell an; (%,l- ,t 4as too l,ttle to un-e&stan-M
Jet %e&e s%e 4as -o,ng ,t# # #so 4,-e,.es ,s t%e gulf bet4een
t%eo&; an- 0&a(t,(e#

G=ell9 1N. -o,ng .; best to g&o49G sa,- Dav;9 Gbut ,tNs a t%,ng ;ou
(anNt %u&&; .u(%# 1f 6a&,lla 4asnNt so st,ng; 4,t% %e& 'a. 1 bel,eve
1N- g&o4 a lot faste&#G

G6a&,lla ,s not st,ng;9 Dav;9G sa,- Anne seve&el;# G1t ,s ve&;
ung&ateful of ;ou to sa; su(% a t%,ng#G

GT%e&eNs anot%e& 4o&- t%at .eans t%e sa.e t%,ng an- soun-s a lot
bette&9 but 1 -onNt 'ust & ,t9G sa,- Dav;9 f&o4n,ng ,ntentl;#
G1 %ea&- 6a&,lla sa; s%e 4as ,t9 %e&self9 t%e ot%e& -a;#G

G1f ;ou .ean *C23261CAL9 ,tNs a :*8J -,ffe&ent t%,ng f&o. be,ng st,ng;#
1t ,s an e+(ellent t&a,t ,n a 0e&son ,f s%e ,s e(ono.,(al#
1f 6a&,lla %a- been st,ng; s%e 4oul-nNt %ave ta<en ;ou an- Do&a
4%en ;ou& .ot%e& -,e-# =oul- ;ou %ave l,<e- to l,ve 4,t% 6&s# =,gg,nsMG

GJou 'ust bet 1 4oul-nNtFG Dav; 4as e.0%at,( on t%at 0o,nt# G3o& 1
-onNt 4ant to go out to 5n(le 8,(%a&- ne,t%e&# 1N- fa& &at%e& l,ve
%e&e9 even ,f 6a&,lla ,s t%at long-ta,le- 4o&- 4%en ,t ( to 'a.9
N(ause J25N8* %e&e9 Anne# Sa;9 Anne9 4onNt ;ou tell .e a sto&;
Nfo&e 1 go to slee0M 1 -onNt 4ant a fa,&; sto&;# T%e;N&e all
&,g%t fo& g,&ls9 1 sN0ose9 but 1 4ant,ng e+(,t,ng# # #lots
of <,ll,ng an- s%oot,ng ,n ,t9 an- a %ouse on f,&e9 an- ,nNt&ust,ng
t%,ngs l,<e t%at#G

Bo&tunatel; fo& Anne9 6a&,lla (alle- out at t%,s .o.ent f&o. %e& &oo.#

GAnne9 D,anaNs s,gnal,ng at a g&eat &ate# JouN- bette& see 4%at s%e 4ants#G

Anne &an to t%e east gable an- sa4 flas%es of l,g%t (o.,ng t%&oug%
t%e t4,l,g%t f&o. D,anaNs 4,n-o4 ,n g&ou0s of f,ve9 4%,(% .eant9
a((o&-,ng to t%e,& ol- (%,l-,s% (o-e9 GCo.e ove& at on(e fo& 1 %ave,ng ,.0o&tant to &eveal#G Anne t%&e4 %e& 4%,te s%a4l ove& %e&
%ea- an- %astene- t%&oug% t%e Launte- =oo- an- a(&oss 6&# 7ellNs
0astu&e (o&ne& to 2&(%a&- Slo0e#

G1Nve goo- ne4s fo& ;ou9 Anne9G sa,- D,ana# G6ot%e& an- 1 %ave
'ust got %o.e f&o. Ca&.o-;9 an- 1 sa4 6a&; Sentne& f&o. S0en(e&
vale ,n 6&# 7la,&Ns sto&e# S%e sa;s t%e ol- Co00 g,&ls on t%e
To&; 8oa- %ave a 4,llo4-4a&e 0latte& an- s%e t%,n<s ,tNs e+a(tl;
l,<e t%e one 4e %a- at t%e su00e&# S%e sa;s t%e;Nll l,<el; sell ,t9
fo& 6a&t%a Co00 %as neve& been <no4n to <ee0 an;t%,ng s%e C25LD sell@
but ,f t%e; 4onNt t%e&eNs a 0latte& at =esle; Pe;sonNs at S0en(e&vale
an- s%e <no4s t%e;N- sell ,t9 but s%e ,snNt su&e ,tNs 'ust t%e sa.e
<,n- as Aunt Oose0%,neNs#G

G1Nll go &,g%t ove& to S0en(e&vale afte& ,t to.o&&o49G sa,- Anne
&esolutel;9 Gan- ;ou .ust (o.e 4,t% .e# 1t 4,ll be su(% a 4e,g%t
off .; .,n-9 fo& 1 %ave to go to to4n -a; afte& to.o&&o4 an- %o4
(an 1 fa(e ;ou& Aunt Oose0%,ne 4,t%out a 4,llo4-4a&e 0latte&M
1t 4oul- be even 4o&se t%an t%e t,.e 1 %a- to (onfess about
'u.0,ng on t%e s0a&e &oo. be-#G

7ot% g,&ls laug%e- ove& t%e ol- .e.o&;# # #(on(e&n,ng 4%,(%9 ,f
an; of .; &ea-e&s a&e ,gno&ant an- (u&,ous9 1 .ust &efe& t%e. to
AnneNs ea&l,e& %,sto&;#

T%e ne+t afte&noon t%e g,&ls fa&e- fo&t% on t%e,& 0latte& %unt,ng
e+0e-,t,on# 1t 4as ten .,les to S0en(e&vale an- t%e -a; 4as not
es0e(,all; 0leasant fo& t&avel,ng# 1t 4as ve&; 4a&. an- 4,n-less9
an- t%e -ust on t%e &oa- 4as su(% as .,g%t %ave been e+0e(te- afte&
s,+ 4ee<s of -&; 4eat%e&#

G2%9 1 -o 4,s% ,t 4oul- &a,n soon9G s,g%e- Anne# G*ve&;t%,ng ,s so
0a&(%e- u0# T%e 0oo& f,el-s 'ust see. 0,t,ful to .e an- t%e t&ees
see. to be st&et(%,ng out t%e,& %an-s 0lea-,ng fo& &a,n# As fo& .;
ga&-en9 ,t %u&ts .e eve&; t,.e 1 go ,nto ,t# 1 su00ose 1 s%oul-nNt
(o.0la,n about a ga&-en 4%en t%e fa&.e&sN (&o0s a&e suffe&,ng so#
6&# La&&,son sa;s %,s 0astu&es a&e so s(o&(%e- u0 t%at %,s 0oo&
(o4s (an %a&-l; get a b,te to eat an- %e feels gu,lt; of (&uelt;
to an,.als eve&; t,.e %e .eets t%e,& e;es#G

Afte& a 4ea&,so.e -&,ve t%e g,&ls &ea(%e- S0en(e&vale an- tu&ne-
-o4n t%e GTo&;G 8oa-# # #a g&een9 sol,ta&; %,g%4a; 4%e&e t%e st&,0s
of g&ass bet4een t%e 4%eel t&a(<s bo&e ev,-en(e to la(< of t&avel#
Along .ost of ,ts e+tent ,t 4as l,ne- 4,t% t%,(<-set ;oung s0&u(es
(&o4-,ng -o4n to t%e &oa-4a;9 4,t% %e&e an- t%e&e a b&ea< 4%e&e t%e
ba(< f,el- of a S0en(e&vale fa&. (a.e out to t%e fen(e o& an e+0anse
of stu.0s 4as afla.e 4,t% f,&e4ee- an- gol-en&o-#

G=%; ,s ,t (alle- t%e To&; 8oa-MG as<e- Anne#

G6&# Allan sa;s ,t ,s on t%e 0&,n(,0le of (all,ng a 0la(e a g&ove
be(ause t%e&e a&e no t&ees ,n ,t9G sa,- D,ana9 Gfo& nobo-; l,ves
along t%e &oa- e+(e0t t%e Co00 g,&ls an- ol- 6a&t,n 7ov;e& at t%e
fu&t%e& en-9 4%o ,s a L,be&al# T%e To&; gove&n.ent &an t%e &oa-
t%&oug% 4%en t%e; 4e&e ,n 0o4e& 'ust to s%o4 t%e; 4e&e -o,ng,ng#G

D,anaNs fat%e& 4as a L,be&al9 fo& 4%,(% &eason s%e an- Anne neve&
-,s(usse- 0ol,t,(s# )&een )ables fol< %a- al4a;s been Conse&vat,ves#

B,nall; t%e g,&ls (a.e to t%e ol- Co00 %o.estea-# # #a 0la(e of
su(% e+(ee-,ng e+te&nal neatness t%at even )&een )ables 4oul- %ave
suffe&e- b; (ont&ast# T%e %ouse 4as a ve&; ol--fas%,one- one9
s,tuate- on a slo0e9 4%,(% fa(t %a- ne(ess,tate- t%e bu,l-,ng of a
stone base.ent un-e& one en-# T%e %ouse an- out-bu,l-,ngs 4e&e all
4%,te4as%e- to a (on-,t,on of bl,n-,ng 0e&fe(t,on an- not a 4ee-
4as v,s,ble ,n t%e 0&,. <,t(%en ga&-en su&&oun-e- b; ,ts 4%,te 0al,ng#

GT%e s%a-es a&e all -o4n9G sa,- D,ana &uefull;# G1 bel,eve t%at nobo-;
,s %o.e#G

T%,s 0&ove- to be t%e (ase# T%e g,&ls loo<e- at ea(% ot%e& ,n 0e&0le+,t;#

G1 -onNt <no4 4%at to -o9G sa,- Anne# G1f 1 4e&e su&e t%e 0latte&
4as t%e &,g%t <,n- 1 4oul- not .,n- 4a,t,ng unt,l t%e; (a.e %o.e#
7ut ,f ,t ,snNt ,t .a; be too late to go to =esle; Pe;sonNs

D,ana loo<e- at a (e&ta,n l,ttle sHua&e 4,n-o4 ove& t%e base.ent#

GT%at ,s t%e 0ant&; 4,n-o49 1 feel su&e9G s%e sa,-9 Gbe(ause t%,s
%ouse ,s 'ust l,<e 5n(le C%a&lesN at 3e4b&,-ge9 an- t%at ,s t%e,&
0ant&; 4,n-o4# T%e s%a-e ,snNt -o4n9 so ,f 4e (l,.be- u0 on t%e
&oof of t%at l,ttle %ouse 4e (oul- loo< ,nto t%e 0ant&; an- .,g%t
be able to see t%e 0latte&# Do ;ou t%,n< ,t 4oul- be an; %a&.MG

G3o9 1 -onNt t%,n< so9G -e(,-e- Anne9 afte& -ue &efle(t,on9 Gs,n(e
ou& .ot,ve ,s not ,-le (u&,os,t;#G

T%,s ,.0o&tant 0o,nt of et%,(s be,ng settle-9 Anne 0&e0a&e- to .ount t%e
afo&esa,- Gl,ttle %ouse9G a (onst&u(t,on of lat%es9 4,t% a 0ea<e- &oof9
4%,(% %a- ,n t,.es 0ast se&ve- as a %ab,tat,on fo& -u(<s# T%e Co00 g,&ls
%a- g,ven u0 <ee0,ng -u(<s# # #Gbe(ause t%e; 4e&e su(% unt,-; b,&-sG# # #
an- t%e %ouse %a- not been ,n use fo& so.e ;ea&s9 save as an abo-e of
(o&&e(t,on fo& sett,ng %ens# Alt%oug% s(&u0ulousl; 4%,te4as%e- ,t %a-
be(o.e so.e4%at s%a<;9 an- Anne felt &at%e& -ub,ous as s%e s(&a.ble- u0
f&o. t%e vantage 0o,nt of a <eg 0la(e- on a bo+#

G1N. af&a,- ,t 4onNt bea& .; 4e,g%t9G s%e sa,- as s%e g,nge&l;
ste00e- on t%e &oof#

GLean on t%e 4,n-o4 s,ll9G a-v,se- D,ana9 an- Anne a((o&-,ngl; leane-#
6u(% to %e& -el,g%t9 s%e sa49 as s%e 0ee&e- t%&oug% t%e 0ane9
a 4,llo4-4a&e 0latte&9 e+a(tl; su(% as s%e 4as ,n Huest of9
on t%e s%elf ,n f&ont of t%e 4,n-o4# So .u(% s%e sa4 befo&e t%e
(atast&o0%e (a.e# 1n %e& 'o; Anne fo&got t%e 0&e(a&,ous natu&e
of %e& foot,ng9 ,n(aut,ousl; (ease- to lean on t%e 4,n-o4 s,ll9
gave an ,.0uls,ve l,ttle %o0 of 0leasu&e# # #an- t%e ne+t .o.ent s%e
%a- (&as%e- t%&oug% t%e &oof u0 to %e& a&.0,ts9 an- t%e&e s%e %ung9
Hu,te unable to e+t&,(ate %e&self# D,ana -as%e- ,nto t%e -u(<
%ouse an-9 se,/,ng %e& unfo&tunate f&,en- b; t%e 4a,st9 t&,e- to
-&a4 %e& -o4n#

G24# # #-onNt9G s%&,e<e- 0oo& Anne# GT%e&e a&e so.e long
s0l,nte&s st,(<,ng ,nto .e# See ,f ;ou (an 0ut,ng un-e& .;
feet# # #t%en 0e&%a0s 1 (an -&a4 .;self u0#G

D,ana %ast,l; -&agge- ,n t%e 0&ev,ousl; .ent,one- <eg an- Anne
foun- t%at ,t 4as 'ust suff,(,entl; %,g% to fu&n,s% a se(u&e
&est,ng 0la(e fo& %e& feet# 7ut s%e (oul- not &elease %e&self#

GCoul- 1 0ull ;ou out ,f 1 (&a4le- u0MG suggeste- D,ana#

Anne s%oo< %e& %ea- %o0elessl;#

G3o# # #t%e s0l,nte&s %u&t too ba-l;# 1f ;ou (an f,n- an a+e ;ou
.,g%t (%o0 .e out9 t%oug%# 2% -ea&9 1 -o &eall; beg,n to bel,eve
t%at 1 4as bo&n un-e& an ,ll-o.ene- sta&#G

D,ana sea&(%e- fa,t%full; but no a+e 4as to be foun-#

G1Nll %ave to go fo& %el09G s%e sa,-9 &etu&n,ng to t%e 0&,sone&#

G3o9 ,n-ee-9 ;ou 4onNt9G sa,- Anne ve%e.entl;# G1f ;ou -o t%e sto&;
of t%,s 4,ll get out eve&;4%e&e an- 1 s%all be as%a.e- to s%o4 .; fa(e#
3o9 4e .ust 'ust 4a,t unt,l t%e Co00 g,&ls (o.e %o.e an- b,n- t%e.
to se(&e(;# T%e;Nll <no4 4%e&e t%e a+e ,s an- get .e out#
1N. not un( as long as 1 <ee0 0e&fe(tl; st,ll# # #
not un( ,n 72DJ 1 .ean# 1 4on-e& 4%at t%e Co00 g,&ls
value t%,s %ouse at# 1 s%all %ave to 0a; fo& t%e -a.age 1Nve -one9
but 1 4oul-nNt .,n- t%at ,f 1 4e&e onl; su&e t%e; 4oul- un-e&stan-
.; .ot,ve ,n 0ee0,ng ,n at t%e,& 0ant&; 4,n-o4# 6; sole ( ,s
t%at t%e 0latte& ,s 'ust t%e <,n- 1 4ant an- ,f 6,ss Co00 4,ll onl;
sell ,t to .e 1 s%all be &es,gne- to 4%at %as %a00ene-#G

G=%at ,f t%e Co00 g,&ls -onNt (o.e %o.e unt,l afte& n,g%t# # #o&
t,ll to.o&&o4MG suggeste- D,ana#

G1f t%e;N&e not ba(< b; sunset ;ouNll %ave to go fo& ot%e&
ass,stan(e9 1 su00ose9G sa,- Anne &elu(tantl;9 Gbut ;ou .ustnNt go
unt,l ;ou &eall; %ave to# 2% -ea&9 t%,s ,s a -&ea-ful 0&e-,(a.ent#
1 4oul-nNt .,n- .; .,sfo&tunes so .u(% ,f t%e; 4e&e &o.ant,(9 as
6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nesN al4a;s a&e9 but t%e; a&e al4a;s 'ust
s,.0l; &,-,(ulous# Ban(; 4%at t%e Co00 g,&ls 4,ll t%,n< 4%en t%e;
-&,ve ,nto t%e,& ;a&- an- see a g,&lNs %ea- an- s%oul-e&s st,(<,ng
out of t%e &oof of one of t%e,& out%ouses# L,sten# # #,s t%at a
4agonM 3o9 D,ana9 1 bel,eve ,t ,s t%un-e&#G

T%un-e& ,t 4as un-oubte-l;9 an- D,ana9 %av,ng .a-e a %ast;
0,lg&,.age a&oun- t%e %ouse9 &etu&ne- to announ(e t%at a ve&; bla(<
(lou- 4as &,s,ng &a0,-l; ,n t%e no&t%4est#

G1 bel,eve 4eN&e go,ng to %ave a %eav; t%un-e&-s%o4e&9G s%e e+(la,.e-
,n -,s.a;9 G2%9 Anne9 4%at 4,ll 4e -oMG

G=e .ust 0&e0a&e fo& ,t9G sa,- Anne t&anHu,ll;# A t%un-e&sto&.
see.e- a t&,fle ,n (o.0a&,son 4,t% 4%at %a- al&ea-; %a00ene-#
GJouN- bette& -&,ve t%e %o&se an- bugg; ,nto t%at o0en s%e-#
Bo&tunatel; .; 0a&asol ,s ,n t%e bugg;# Le&e# # #ta<e .; %at
4,t% ;ou# 6a&,lla tol- .e 1 4as a goose to 0ut on .; best %at
to (o.e to t%e To&; 8oa- an- s%e 4as &,g%t9 as s%e al4a;s ,s#G

D,ana unt,e- t%e 0on; an- -&ove ,nto t%e s%e-9 'ust as t%e f,&st
%eav; -&o0s of &a,n fell# T%e&e s%e sat an- 4at(%e- t%e &esult,ng
-o4n0ou&9 4%,(% 4as so t%,(< an- %eav; t%at s%e (oul- %a&-l; see
Anne t%&oug% ,t9 %ol-,ng t%e 0a&asol b&avel; ove& %e& ba&e %ea-#
T%e&e 4as not a g&eat -eal of t%un-e&9 but fo& t%e best 0a&t of an
%ou& t%e &a,n (a.e .e&&,l; -o4n# 2((as,onall; Anne slante- ba(<
%e& 0a&asol an- 4ave- an en(ou&ag,ng %an- to %e& f&,en-@ 7ut
(onve&sat,on at t%at -,stan(e 4as Hu,te out of t%e Huest,on#
B,nall; t%e &a,n (ease-9 t%e sun (a.e out9 an- D,ana ventu&e-
a(&oss t%e 0u--les of t%e ;a&-#

GD,- ;ou get ve&; 4etMG s%e as<e- an+,ousl;#

G2%9 no9G &etu&ne- Anne (%ee&full;# G6; %ea- an- s%oul-e&s a&e
Hu,te -&; an- .; s<,&t ,s onl; a l,ttle -a.0 4%e&e t%e &a,n beat
t%&oug% t%e lat%es# DonNt 0,t; .e9 D,ana9 fo& 1 %avenNt .,n-e- ,t
at all# 1 <e0t t%,n<,ng %o4 .u(% goo- t%e &a,n 4,ll -o an- %o4 gla-
.; ga&-en .ust be fo& ,t9 an- ,.ag,n,ng 4%at t%e flo4e&s an- bu-s
4oul- t%,n< 4%en t%e -&o0s began to fall# 1 ,.ag,ne- out a .ost
,nte&est,ng -,alogue bet4een t%e aste&s an- t%e s4eet 0eas an- t%e
4,l- (ana&,es ,n t%e l,la( bus% an- t%e gua&-,an s0,&,t of t%e ga&-en#
=%en 1 go %o.e 1 .ean to 4&,te ,t -o4n# 1 4,s% 1 %a- a 0en(,l an-
0a0e& to -o ,t no49 be(ause 1 -a&esa; 1Nll fo&get t%e best 0a&ts
befo&e 1 &ea(% %o.e#G

D,ana t%e fa,t%ful %a- a 0en(,l an- -,s(ove&e- a s%eet of 4&a00,ng
0a0e& ,n t%e bo+ of t%e bugg;# Anne fol-e- u0 %e& -&,00,ng
0a&asol9 0ut on %e& %at9 s0&ea- t%e 4&a00,ng 0a0e& on a s%,ngle
D,ana %an-e- u09 an- 4&ote out %e& ga&-en ,-;l un-e& (on-,t,ons
t%at (oul- %a&-l; be (ons,-e&e- as favo&able to l,te&atu&e#
3eve&t%eless9 t%e &esult 4as Hu,te 0&ett;9 an- D,ana 4as
Gen&a0tu&e-G 4%en Anne &ea- ,t to %e&#

G2%9 Anne9 ,tNs s4eet# # #'ust s4eet# D2 sen- ,t to t%e UCana-,an

Anne s%oo< %e& %ea-#

G2%9 no9 ,t 4oul-nNt be su,table at all# T%e&e ,s no PL2T ,n ,t9
;ou see# 1tNs 'ust a st&,ng of fan(,es# 1 l,<e 4&,t,ng su(% t%,ngs9
but of (ou&se not%,ng of t%e so&t 4oul- eve& -o fo& 0ubl,(at,on9
fo& e-,to&s ,ns,st on 0lots9 so P&,s(,lla sa;s# 2%9 t%e&eNs
6,ss Sa&a% Co00 no4# PL*AS*9 D,ana9 go an- e+0la,n#G

6,ss Sa&a% Co00 4as a s.all 0e&son9 ga&be- ,n s%abb; bla(<9 4,t% a %at
(%osen less fo& va,n a-o&n.ent t%an fo& Hual,t,es t%at 4oul- 4ea& 4ell#
S%e loo<e- as a.a/e- as .,g%t be e+0e(te- on see,ng t%e (u&,ous tableau
,n %e& ;a&-9 but 4%en s%e %ea&- D,anaNs e+0lanat,on s%e 4as all s;.0at%;#
S%e %u&&,e-l; unlo(<e- t%e ba(< -oo&9 0&o-u(e- t%e a+e9 an- 4,t% a fe4
s<,llfull blo4s set Anne f&ee# T%e latte&9 so.e4%at t,&e- an- st,ff9
-u(<e- -o4n ,nto t%e ,nte&,o& of %e& 0&,son an- t%an<full; e.e&ge-
,nto l,be&t; on(e .o&e#

G6,ss Co009G s%e sa,- ea&nestl;# G1 assu&e ;ou 1 loo<e- ,nto ;ou&
0ant&; 4,n-o4 onl; to -,s(ove& ,f ;ou %a- a 4,llo4-4a&e 0latte&#
1 -,-nNt see an;t%,ng else -- 1 -,-nNt L22P fo& an;t%,ng else#G

G7less ;ou9 t%atNs all &,g%t9G sa,- 6,ss Sa&a% a.,abl;# GJou
nee-nNt 4o&&; -- t%e&eNs no %a&. -one# T%an< goo-ness9 4e Co00s
<ee0 ou& 0ant&,es 0&esentable at all t,.es an- -onNt (a&e 4%o sees
,nto t%e.# As fo& t%at ol- -u(<%ouse9 1N. gla- ,tNs fo&
.a;be no4 6a&t%a 4,ll ag&ee to %av,ng ,t ta<en -o4n# S%e neve&
4oul- befo&e fo& fea& ,t .,g%t (o.e ,n %an-;,.e an- 1Nve %a- to
4%,te4as% ,t eve&; s0&,ng# 7ut ;ou .,g%t as 4ell a&gue 4,t% a 0ost
as 4,t% 6a&t%a# S%e 4ent to to4n to-a; -- 1 -&ove %e& to t%e stat,on#
An- ;ou 4ant to bu; .; 0latte&# =ell9 4%at 4,ll ;ou g,ve fo& ,tMG

GT4ent; -olla&s9G sa,- Anne9 4%o 4as neve& .eant to .at(% bus,ness
4,ts 4,t% a Co009 o& s%e 4oul- not %ave offe&e- %e& 0&,(e at t%e sta&t#

G=ell9 1Nll see9G sa,- 6,ss Sa&a% (aut,ousl;# GT%at 0latte& ,s .,ne
fo&tunatel;9 o& 1N- neve& -a&e to sell ,t 4%en 6a&t%a 4asnNt %e&e#
As ,t ,s9 1 -a&esa; s%eNll &a,se a fuss# 6a&t%aNs t%e boss
of t%,s establ,s%.ent 1 (an tell ;ou# 1N. gett,ng a4ful t,&e- of
l,v,ng un-e& anot%e& 4o.anNs t%u.b# 7ut (o.e ,n9 (o.e ,n# Jou
.ust be &eal t,&e- an- %ung&;# 1Nll -o t%e best 1 (an fo& ;ou ,n
t%e 4a; of tea but 1 4a&n ;ou not to e+0e(t an;t%,ng but b&ea- an-
butte& an- so.e (o4( 6a&t%a lo(<e- u0 all t%e (a<e an-
(%eese an- 0&ese&ves afo&e s%e 4ent# S%e al4a;s -oes9 be(ause s%e
sa;s 1N. too e+t&avagant 4,t% t%e. ,f (o.0an; (

T%e g,&ls 4e&e %ung&; enoug% to -o 'ust,(e to an; fa&e9 an- t%e;
en'o;e- 6,ss Sa&a%Ns e+(ellent b&ea- an- butte& an- G(o4(
t%o&oug%l;# =%en t%e .eal 4as ove& 6,ss Sa&a% sa,-9

G1 -onNt <no4 as 1 .,n- sell,ng t%e 0latte&# 7ut ,tNs 4o&t%
t4ent;-f,ve -olla&s# 1tNs a ve&; ol- 0latte&#G

D,ana gave AnneNs foot a gentle <,(< un-e& t%e table9 .ean,ng9
GDonNt ag&ee -- s%eNll let ,t go fo& t4ent; ,f ;ou %ol- out#G
7ut Anne 4as not .,n-e- to ta<e an; (%an(es ,n &ega&- to t%at
0&e(,ous 0latte&# S%e 0&o.0tl; ag&ee- to g,ve t4ent;-f,ve an-
6,ss Sa&a% loo<e- as ,f s%e felt so&&; s%e %a-nNt as<e- fo& t%,&t;#

G=ell9 1 guess ;ou .a; %ave ,t# 1 4ant all t%e .one; 1 (an s(a&e
u0 'ust no4# T%e fa(t ,s -- G 6,ss Sa&a% t%&e4 u0 %e& %ea-
,.0o&tantl;9 4,t% a 0&ou- flus% on %e& t%,n (%ee<s -- G1N. go,ng
to be .a&&,e- -- to Lut%e& =alla(e# Le 4ante- .e t4ent; ;ea&s ago#
1 l,<e- %,. &eal 4ell but %e 4as 0oo& t%en an- fat%e& 0a(<e- %,. off#
1 sN0ose 1 s%oul-nNt %ave let %,. go so .ee< but 1 4as t,.,- an-
f&,g%tene- of fat%e&# 7es,-es9 1 -,-nNt <no4 .en 4e&e so s<u&se#G

=%en t%e g,&ls 4e&e safel; a4a;9 D,ana -&,v,ng an- Anne %ol-,ng
t%e (ovete- 0latte& (a&efull; on %e& la09 t%e g&een9 &a,n-f&es%ene-
sol,tu-es of t%e To&; 8oa- 4e&e enl,vene- b; &,00les of g,&l,s% laug%te&#

G1Nll a.use ;ou& Aunt Oose0%,ne 4,t% t%e Ust&ange eventful %,sto&;N
of t%,s afte&noon 4%en 1 go to to4n to.o&&o4# =eNve %a- a &at%e&
t&;,ng t,.e but ,tNs ove& no4# 1Nve got t%e 0latte&9 an- t%at &a,n
%as la,- t%e -ust beaut,full;# So UallNs 4ell t%at en-s 4ell#NG

G=eN&e not %o.e ;et9G sa,- D,ana &at%e& 0ess,.,st,(all;9 Gan-
t%e&eNs no tell,ng 4%at .a; %a00en befo&e 4e a&e# JouN&e su(%
a g,&l to %ave a-ventu&es9 Anne#G

GLav,ng a-ventu&es ( natu&al to so.e 0eo0le9G sa,- Anne
se&enel;# GJou 'ust %ave a g,ft fo& t%e. o& ;ou %avenNt#G


Oust a La00; Da;

GAfte& all9G Anne %a- sa,- to 6a&,lla on(e9 G1 bel,eve t%e n,(est an-
s4eetest -a;s a&e not t%ose on 4%,(% an;t%,ng ve&; s0len-,- o& 4on-e&ful
o& e+(,t,ng %a00ens but 'ust t%ose t%at b&,ng s,.0le l,ttle 0leasu&es9
follo4,ng one anot%e& softl;9 l,<e 0ea&ls sl,00,ng off a st&,ng#G

L,fe at )&een )ables 4as full of 'ust su(% -a;s9 fo& AnneNs a-ventu&es
an- .,sa-ventu&es9 l,<e t%ose of ot%e& 0eo0le9 -,- not all %a00en at on(e9
but 4e&e s0&,n<le- ove& t%e ;ea&9 4,t% long st&et(%es of %a&.less9 %a00;
-a;s bet4een9 f,lle- 4,t% 4o&< an- -&ea.s an- laug%te& an- lessons#
Su(% a -a; (a.e late ,n August# 1n t%e fo&enoon Anne an- D,ana &o4e-
t%e -el,g%te- t4,ns -o4n t%e 0on- to t%e san-s%o&e to 0,(< Gs4eet g&assG
an- 0a--le ,n t%e su&f9 ove& 4%,(% t%e 4,n- 4as %a&0,ng an ol- l;&,(
lea&ne- 4%en t%e 4o&l- 4as ;oung#

1n t%e afte&noon Anne 4al<e- -o4n to t%e ol- 1&v,ng 0la(e to see Paul#
S%e foun- %,. st&et(%e- out on t%e g&ass; ban< bes,-e t%e t%,(< f,&
g&ove t%at s%elte&e- t%e %ouse on t%e no&t%9 abso&be- ,n a boo< of
fa,&; tales# Le s0&ang u0 &a-,antl; at s,g%t of %e&#

G2%9 1N. so gla- ;ouNve (o.e9 tea(%e&9G %e sa,- eage&l;9 Gbe(ause
)&an-.aNs a4a;# JouNll sta; an- %ave tea 4,t% .e9 4onNt ;ouM
1tNs so loneso.e to %ave tea all b; oneself# J25 <no49 tea(%e&#
1Nve %a- se&,ous t%oug%ts of as<,ng Joung 6a&; Ooe to s,t -o4n
an- eat %e& tea 4,t% .e9 but 1 e+0e(t )&an-.a 4oul-nNt a00&ove#
S%e sa;s t%e B&en(% %ave to be <e0t ,n t%e,& 0la(e# An- an;%o49
,tNs -,ff,(ult to tal< 4,t% Joung 6a&; Ooe# S%e 'ust laug%s an- sa;s9
U=ell9 ;ous -o beat all -e <,-s 1 eve& <no4e-#N T%at ,snNt .; ,-ea
of (onve&sat,on#G

G2f (ou&se 1Nll sta; to tea9G sa,- Anne ga,l;# G1 4as -;,ng to be
as<e-# 6; .out% %as been 4ate&,ng fo& so.e .o&e of ;ou& g&an-.aNs
-el,(,ous s%o&tb&ea- eve& s,n(e 1 %a- tea %e&e befo&e#G

Paul loo<e- ve&; sobe&#

G1f ,t -e0en-e- on .e9 tea(%e&9G %e sa,-9 stan-,ng befo&e Anne 4,t%
%,s %an-s ,n %,s 0o(<ets an- %,s beaut,ful l,ttle fa(e s%a-o4e- 4,t%
su--en (a&e9 GJou s%oul- %ave s%o&tb&ea- 4,t% a &,g%t goo- 4,ll#
7ut ,t -e0en-s on 6a&; Ooe# 1 %ea&- )&an-.a tell %e& befo&e s%e
left t%at s%e 4asnNt to g,ve .e an; s%o&t(a<e be(ause ,t 4as too
&,(% fo& l,ttle bo;sN sto.a(%s# 7ut .a;be 6a&; Ooe 4,ll (ut so.e
fo& ;ou ,f 1 0&o.,se 1 4onNt eat an;# Let us %o0e fo& t%e best#G

GJes9 let us9G ag&ee- Anne9 4%o. t%,s (%ee&ful 0%,loso0%; su,te-
e+a(tl;9 Gan- ,f 6a&; Ooe 0&oves %a&--%ea&te- an- 4onNt g,ve .e an;
s%o&tb&ea- ,t -oesnNt .atte& ,n t%e least9 so ;ou a&e not to 4o&&;
ove& t%at#G

GJouN&e su&e ;ou 4onNt .,n- ,f s%e -oesnNtMG sa,- Paul an+,ousl;#

GPe&fe(tl; su&e9 -ea& %ea&t#G

GT%en 1 4onNt 4o&&;9G sa,- Paul9 4,t% a long b&eat% of &el,ef9
Ges0e(,all; as 1 &eall; t%,n< 6a&; Ooe 4,ll l,sten to &eason#
S%eNs not a natu&all; un&easonable 0e&son9 but s%e %as lea&ne-
b; e+0e&,en(e t%at ,t -oesnNt -o to -,sobe; )&an-.aNs o&-e&s#
)&an-.a ,s an e+(ellent but 0eo0le .ust -o as s%e tells t%e.#
S%e 4as ve&; .u(% 0lease- 4,t% .e t%,s .o&n,ng be(ause 1 .anage- at
last to eat all .; 0lateful of 0o&&,-ge# 1t 4as a g&eat effo&t but
1 su((ee-e-# )&an-.a sa;s s%e t%,n<s s%eNll .a<e a .an of .e ;et#
7ut9 tea(%e&9 1 4ant to as< ;ou a ve&; ,.0o&tant Huest,on#
Jou 4,ll ans4e& ,t t&ut%full;9 4onNt ;ouMG

G1Nll t&;9G 0&o.,se- Anne#

GDo ;ou t%,n< 1N. 4&ong ,n .; u00e& sto&;MG as<e- Paul9 as ,f %,s
ve&; e+,sten(e -e0en-e- on %e& &e0l;#

G)oo-ness9 no9 Paul9G e+(la,.e- Anne ,n a.a/e.ent# GCe&ta,nl;
;ouN&e not# =%at 0ut su(% an ,-ea ,nto ;ou& %ea-MG

G6a&; Ooe# # #but s%e -,-nNt <no4 1 %ea&- %e&# 6&s# Pete& SloaneNs
%,&e- g,&l9 :e&on,(a9 (a.e to see 6a&; Ooe last even,ng an- 1 %ea&-
t%e. tal<,ng ,n t%e <,t(%en as 1 4as go,ng t%&oug% t%e %all#
1 %ea&- 6a&; Ooe sa;9 UDat Paul9 %e ,s -e Huee&esN leetle bo;#
Le tal<s -at Huee&# 1 t,n< -e&eNs,ng 4&ong ,n %,s u00e& sto&;#N
1 (oul-nNt slee0 last n,g%t fo& eve& so long9 t%,n<,ng of ,t9 an-
4on-e&,ng ,f 6a&; Ooe 4as &,g%t# 1 (oul-nNt bea& to as< )&an-.a
about ,t so.e%o49 but 1 .a-e u0 .; .,n- 1N- as< ;ou# 1N. so gla-
;ou t%,n< 1N. all &,g%t ,n .; u00e& sto&;#G

G2f (ou&se ;ou a&e# 6a&; Ooe ,s a s,ll;9 ,gno&ant g,&l9 an- ;ou
a&e neve& to 4o&&; about an;t%,ng s%e sa;s9G sa,- Anne ,n-,gnantl;9
se(&etl; &esolv,ng to g,ve 6&s# 1&v,ng a -,s(&eet %,nt as to t%e
a-v,sab,l,t; of &est&a,n,ng 6a&; OoeNs tongue#

G=ell9 t%atNs a 4e,g%t off .; .,n-9G sa,- Paul# G1N. 0e&fe(tl;
%a00; no49 tea(%e&9 t%an<s to ;ou# 1t 4oul-nNt be n,(e to
%ave,ng 4&ong ,n ;ou& u00e& sto&;9 4oul- ,t9 tea(%e&M
1 su00ose t%e &eason 6a&; Ooe ,.ag,nes 1 %ave ,s be(ause 1 tell
%e& 4%at 1 t%,n< about t%,ngs,.es#G

G1t ,s a &at%e& -ange&ous 0&a(t,(e9G a-.,tte- Anne9 out of t%e
-e0t%s of %e& o4n e+0e&,en(e#

G=ell9 b; an- b; 1Nll tell ;ou t%e t%oug%ts 1 tol- 6a&; Ooe an- ;ou
(an see fo& ;ou&self ,f t%e&eNs an;t%,ng Huee& ,n t%e.9G sa,- Paul9
Gbut 1Nll 4a,t t,ll ,t beg,ns to get -a&<# T%at ,s t%e t,.e 1 a(%e
to tell 0eo0le t%,ngs9 an- 4%en nobo-; else ,s %an-; 1 'ust LA:* to
tell 6a&; Ooe# 7ut afte& t%,s 1 4onNt9 ,f ,t .a<es %e& ,.ag,ne 1N.
4&ong ,n .; u00e& sto&;# 1Nll 'ust a(%e an- bea& ,t#G

GAn- ,f t%e a(%e gets too ba- ;ou (an (o.e u0 to )&een )ables an-
tell .e ;ou& t%oug%ts9G suggeste- Anne9 4,t% all t%e g&av,t; t%at
en-ea&e- %e& to (%,l-&en9 4%o so -ea&l; love to be ta<en se&,ousl;#

GJes9 1 4,ll# 7ut 1 %o0e Dav; 4onNt be t%e&e 4%en 1 go be(ause %e
.a<es fa(es at .e# 1 -onNt .,n- :*8J .u(% be(ause %e ,s su(% a
l,ttle bo; an- 1 a. Hu,te a b,g one9 but st,ll ,t ,s not 0leasant
to %ave fa(es .a-e at ;ou# An- Dav; .a<es su(% te&&,ble ones#,.es 1 a. f&,g%tene- %e 4,ll neve& get %,s fa(e st&a,g%tene-
out aga,n# Le .a<es t%e. at .e ,n (%u&(% 4%en 1 oug%t to be t%,n<,ng
of sa(&e- t%,ngs# Do&a l,<es .e t%oug%9 an- 1 l,<e %e&9 but not so
4ell as 1 -,- befo&e s%e tol- 6,nn,e 6a; 7a&&; t%at s%e .eant to
.a&&; .e 4%en 1 g&e4 u0# 1 .a; .a&&; so.ebo-; 4%en 1 g&o4 u0 but
1N. fa& too ;oung to be t%,n<,ng of ,t ;et9 -onNt ;ou t%,n<9 tea(%e&MG

G8at%e& ;oung9G ag&ee- tea(%e&#

GS0ea<,ng of .a&&;,ng9 &e.,n-s .e of anot%e& t%,ng t%at %as been
t&oubl,ng .e of late9G (ont,nue- Paul# G6&s# L;n-e 4as -o4n %e&e
one -a; last 4ee< %av,ng tea 4,t% )&an-.a9 an- )&an-.a .a-e .e s%o4
%e& .; l,ttle .ot%e&Ns 0,(tu&e# # #t%e one fat%e& sent .e fo& .;
b,&t%-a; 0&esent# 1 -,-nNt e+a(tl; 4ant to s%o4 ,t to 6&s# L;n-e#
6&s# L;n-e ,s a goo-9 <,n- 4o.an9 but s%e ,snNt t%e so&t of 0e&son
;ou 4ant to s%o4 ;ou& .ot%e&Ns 0,(tu&e to# J25 <no49 tea(%e&#
7ut of (ou&se 1 obe;e- )&an-.a# 6&s# L;n-e sa,- s%e 4as ve&;
0&ett; ut <,n- of a(t&ess; loo<,ng9 an- .ust %ave been an a4ful lot
;ounge& t%an fat%e&# T%en s%e sa,-9 USo.e of t%ese -a;s ;ou& 0a
4,ll be .a&&;,ng aga,n l,<el;# Lo4 4,ll ;ou l,<e to %ave a ne4 .a9
6aste& PaulM N =ell9 t%e ,-ea al.ost too< .; b&eat% a4a;9 tea(%e&9
but 1 4asnNt go,ng to let 6&s# L;n-e see TLAT# 1 'ust loo<e- %e&
st&a,g%t ,n t%e fa(e# # #l,<e t%,s# # #an- 1 sa,-9 U6&s# L;n-e9
fat%e& .a-e a 0&ett; goo- 'ob of 0,(<,ng out .; f,&st .ot%e& an- 1
(oul- t&ust %,. to 0,(< out 'ust as goo- a one t%e se(on- t,.e#N
An- 1 CA3 t&ust %,.9 tea(%e&# 7ut st,ll9 1 %o0e9 ,f %e eve& -oes
g,ve .e a ne4 .ot%e&9 %eNll as< .; o0,n,on about %e& befo&e ,tNs
too late# T%e&eNs 6a&; Ooe (o.,ng to (all us to tea# 1Nll go an-
(onsult 4,t% %e& about t%e s%o&tb&ea-#G

As a &esult of t%e G(onsultat,on9G 6a&; Ooe (ut t%e s%o&tb&ea- an-
a--e- a -,s% of 0&ese&ves to t%e b,ll of fa&e# Anne 0ou&e- t%e tea
an- s%e an- Paul %a- a ve&; .e&&; .eal ,n t%e -,. ol- s,tt,ng &oo.
4%ose 4,n-o4s 4e&e o0en to t%e gulf b&ee/es9 an- t%e; tal<e- so .u(%
GnonsenseG t%at 6a&; Ooe 4as Hu,te s(an-al,/e- an- tol- :e&on,(a
t%e ne+t even,ng t%at G-e s(%ool .eesG 4as as Huee& as Paul#
Afte& tea Paul too< Anne u0 to %,s &oo. to s%o4 %e& %,s
.ot%e&Ns 0,(tu&e9 4%,(% %a- been t%e .;ste&,ous b,&t%-a; 0&esent
<e0t b; 6&s# 1&v,ng ,n t%e boo<(ase# PaulNs l,ttle lo4-(e,l,nge-
&oo. 4as a soft 4%,&l of &u--; l,g%t f&o. t%e sun t%at 4as sett,ng
ove& t%e sea an- s4,ng,ng s%a-o4s f&o. t%e f,& t&ees t%at g&e4
(lose to t%e sHua&e9 -ee0-set 4,n-o4# B&o. out t%,s soft glo4
an- gla.o& s%one a s4eet9 g,&l,s% fa(e9 4,t% ten-e& .ot%e& e;es9
t%at 4as %ang,ng on t%e 4all at t%e foot of t%e be-#

GT%atNs .; l,ttle .ot%e&9G sa,- Paul 4,t% lov,ng 0&,-e# G1 got
)&an-.a to %ang ,t t%e&e 4%e&e 1N- see ,t as soon as 1 o0ene- .;
e;es ,n t%e .o&n,ng# 1 neve& .,n- not %av,ng t%e l,g%t 4%en 1 go
to be- no49 be(ause ,t 'ust see.s as ,f .; l,ttle .ot%e& 4as &,g%t
%e&e 4,t% .e# Bat%e& <ne4 'ust 4%at 1 4oul- l,<e fo& a b,&t%-a;
0&esent9 alt%oug% %e neve& as<e- .e# 1snNt ,t 4on-e&ful %o4 .u(%
fat%e&s D2 <no4MG

GJou& .ot%e& 4as ve&; lovel;9 Paul9 an- ;ou loo< a l,ttle l,<e %e&#
7ut %e& e;es an- %a,& a&e -a&<e& t%an ;ou&s#G

G6; e;es a&e t%e sa.e (olo& as fat%e&Ns9G sa,- Paul9 fl;,ng
about t%e &oo. to %ea0 all ava,lable (us%,ons on t%e 4,n-o4 seat9
Gbut fat%e&Ns %a,& ,s g&a;# Le %as lots of ,t9 but ,t ,s g&a;#
Jou see9 fat%e& ,s nea&l; f,ft;# T%atNs &,0e ol- age9 ,snNt ,tM
7ut ,tNs onl; 25TS1D* %eNs ol-# 13S1D* %eNs 'ust as ;oung as an;bo-;#
3o49 tea(%e&9 0lease s,t %e&e@ an- 1Nll s,t at ;ou& feet# 6a; 1 la;
.; %ea- aga,nst ;ou& <neeM T%atNs t%e 4a; .; l,ttle .ot%e& an- 1
use- to s,t# 2%9 t%,s ,s &eal s0len-,-9 1 t%,n<#G

G3o49 1 4ant to %ea& t%ose t%oug%ts 4%,(% 6a&; Ooe 0&onoun(es so Huee&9G
sa,- Anne9 0att,ng t%e .o0 of (u&ls at %e& s,-e# Paul neve& nee-e- an;
(oa+,ng to tell %,s t%oug%ts# # #at least9 to (ongen,al souls#

G1 t%oug%t t%e. out ,n t%e f,& g&ove one n,g%t9G %e sa,- -&ea.,l;#
G2f (ou&se 1 -,-nNt 7*L1*:* t%e. but 1 TL25)LT t%e.# J25 <no49
tea(%e&# An- t%en 1 4ante- to tell t%e. to so.ebo-; an- t%e&e 4as
nobo-; but 6a&; Ooe# 6a&; Ooe 4as ,n t%e 0ant&; sett,ng b&ea- an-
1 sat -o4n on t%e ben(% bes,-e %e& an- 1 sa,-9 U6a&; Ooe9 -o ;ou
<no4 4%at 1 t%,n<M 1 t%,n< t%e even,ng sta& ,s a l,g%t%ouse on t%e
lan- 4%e&e t%e fa,&,es -4ell#N An- 6a&; Ooe sa,-9 U=ell9 ;ous a&e
-e Huee& one# Da&e a,nNt no su(% t,ng as fa,&,es#N 1 4as ve&; .u(%
0&ovo<e-# 2f (ou&se9 1 <ne4 t%e&e a&e no fa,&,es@ but t%at nee-nNt
0&event .; t%,n<,ng t%e&e ,s# Jou <no49 tea(%e&# 7ut 1 t&,e-
aga,n Hu,te 0at,entl;# 1 sa,-9 U=ell t%en9 6a&; Ooe9 -o ;ou <no4
4%at 1 t%,n<M 1 t%,n< an angel 4al<s ove& t%e 4o&l- afte& t%e sun
sets# # #a g&eat9 tall9 4%,te angel9 4,t% s,lve&; fol-e- 4,ngs# # #
an- s,ngs t%e flo4e&s an- b,&-s to slee0# C%,l-&en (an %ea& %,.
,f t%e; <no4 %o4 to l,sten#N T%en 6a&; Ooe %el- u0 %e& %an-s
all ove& flou& an- sa,-9 U=ell9 ;ous a&e -e Huee& leetle bo;#
Jous .a<e .e feel s(a&e#N An- s%e &eall; -,- loo<e- s(a&e-#
1 4ent out t%en an- 4%,s0e&e- t%e &est of .; t%oug%ts to t%e ga&-en#
T%e&e 4as a l,ttle b,&(% t&ee ,n t%e ga&-en an- ,t -,e-# )&an-.a sa;s
t%e salt s0&a; <,lle- ,t@ but 1 t%,n< t%e -&;a- belong,ng to ,t 4as
a fool,s% -&;a- 4%o 4an-e&e- a4a; to see t%e 4o&l- an- got lost#
An- t%e l,ttle t&ee 4as so lonel; ,t -,e- of a b&o<en %ea&t#G

GAn- 4%en t%e 0oo&9 fool,s% l,ttle -&;a- gets t,&e- of t%e 4o&l-
an- ( ba(< to %e& t&ee L*8 %ea&t 4,ll b&ea<9G sa,- Anne#

GJes@ but ,f -&;a-s a&e fool,s% t%e; .ust ta<e t%e (onseHuen(es9
'ust as ,f t%e; 4e&e &eal 0eo0le9G sa,- Paul g&avel;# GDo ;ou <no4
4%at 1 t%,n< about t%e ne4 .oon9 tea(%e&M 1 t%,n< ,t ,s a l,ttle
gol-en boat full of -&ea.s#G

GAn- 4%en ,t t,0s on a (lou- so.e of t%e. s0,ll out an- fall ,nto
;ou& slee0#G

G*+a(tl;9 tea(%e&# 2%9 ;ou D2 <no4# An- 1 t%,n< t%e v,olets a&e
l,ttle sn,0s of t%e s<; t%at fell -o4n 4%en t%e angels (ut out
%oles fo& t%e sta&s to s%,ne t%&oug%# An- t%e butte&(u0s a&e .a-e
out of ol- suns%,ne@ an- 1 t%,n< t%e s4eet 0eas 4,ll be butte&fl,es
4%en t%e; go to %eaven# 3o49 tea(%e&9 -o ;ou see an;t%,ng so ve&;
Huee& about t%ose t%oug%tsMG

G3o9 la--,e -ea&9 t%e; a&e not Huee& at all@ t%e; a&e st&ange an-
beaut,ful t%oug%ts fo& a l,ttle bo; to t%,n<9 an- so 0eo0le 4%o
(oul-nNt t%,n< an;t%,ng of t%e so&t t%e.selves9 ,f t%e; t&,e- fo& a
%un-&e- ;ea&s9 t%,n< t%e. Huee&# 7ut <ee0 on t%,n<,ng t%e.9 Paul
# # #so.e -a; ;ou a&e go,ng to be a 0oet9 1 bel,eve#G

=%en Anne &ea(%e- %o.e s%e foun- a ve&; -,ffe&ent t;0e of bo;%oo-
4a,t,ng to be 0ut to be-# Dav; 4as sul<;@ an- 4%en Anne %a-
un-&esse- %,. %e boun(e- ,nto be- an- bu&,e- %,s fa(e ,n t%e 0,llo4#

GDav;9 ;ou %ave fo&gotten to sa; ;ou& 0&a;e&s9G sa,- Anne &ebu<,ngl;#

G3o9 1 -,-nNt fo&get9G sa,- Dav; -ef,antl;9 Gbut 1 a,nNt go,ng to
sa; .; 0&a;e&s an; .o&e# 1N. go,ng to g,ve u0 t&;,ng to be goo-9
N(ause no .atte& %o4 goo- 1 a. ;ouN- l,<e Paul 1&v,ng bette&#
So 1 .,g%t as 4ell be ba- an- %ave t%e fun of ,t#G

G1 -onNt l,<e Paul 1&v,ng 7*TT*89G sa,- Anne se&,ousl;# G1 l,<e
;ou 'ust as 4ell9 onl; ,n a -,ffe&ent 4a;#G

G7ut 1 4ant ;ou to l,<e .e t%e sa.e 4a;9G 0oute- Dav;#

GJou (anNt l,<e -,ffe&ent 0eo0le t%e sa.e 4a;# Jou -onNt l,<e Do&a
an- .e t%e sa.e 4a;9 -o ;ouMG

Dav; sat u0 an- &efle(te-#

G3o# # #o# # #o9G %e a-.,tte- at last9 G1 l,<e Do&a be(ause s%eNs
.; s,ste& but 1 l,<e ;ou be(ause ;ouN&e J25#G

GAn- 1 l,<e Paul be(ause %e ,s Paul an- Dav; be(ause %e ,s Dav;9G
sa,- Anne ga,l;#

G=ell9 1 <,n- of 4,s% 1N- sa,- .; 0&a;e&s t%en9G sa,- Dav;9 (onv,n(e-
b; t%,s log,(# G7ut ,tNs too .u(% bot%e& gett,ng out no4 to sa; t%e.#
1Nll sa; t%e. t4,(e ove& ,n t%e .o&n,ng9 Anne# =onNt t%at -o as 4ellMG

3o9 Anne 4as 0os,t,ve ,t 4oul- not -o as 4ell# So Dav; s(&a.ble-
out an- <nelt -o4n at %e& <nee# =%en %e %a- f,n,s%e- %,s -evot,ons
%e leane- ba(< on %,s l,ttle9 ba&e9 b&o4n %eels an- loo<e- u0 at %e&#

GAnne9 1N. goo-e& t%an 1 use- to be#G

GJes9 ,n-ee- ;ou a&e9 Dav;9G sa,- Anne9 4%o neve& %es,tate- to g,ve
(&e-,t 4%e&e (&e-,t 4as -ue#

G1 P32= 1N. goo-e&9G sa,- Dav; (onf,-entl;9 Gan- 1Nll tell ;ou %o4
1 <no4 ,t# To-a; 6a&,lla g,ve .e t4o 0,e(es of b&ea- an- 'a.9 one
fo& .e an- one fo& Do&a# 2ne 4as a goo- -eal b,gge& t%an t%e ot%e&
an- 6a&,lla -,-nNt sa; 4%,(% 4as .,ne# 7ut 1 g,ve t%e b,ggest
0,e(e to Do&a# T%at 4as goo- of .e9 4asnNt ,tMG

G:e&; goo-9 an- ve&; .anl;9 Dav;#G

G2f (ou&se9G a-.,tte- Dav;9 GDo&a 4asnNt ve&; %ung&; an- s%e onl; et
%alf %e& sl,(e an- t%en s%e g,ve t%e &est to .e# 7ut 1 -,-nNt <no4
s%e 4as go,ng to -o t%at 4%en 1 g,ve ,t to %e&9 so 1 =AS goo-9 Anne#G

1n t%e t4,l,g%t Anne saunte&e- -o4n to t%e D&;a-Ns 7ubble an- sa4
),lbe&t 7l;t%e (o.,ng -o4n t%&oug% t%e -us<; Launte- =oo-# S%e %a-
a su--en &eal,/at,on t%at ),lbe&t 4as a s(%oolbo; no longe&# An-
%o4 .anl; %e loo<e- -- t%e tall9 f&an<-fa(e- fello49 4,t% t%e
(lea&9 st&a,g%tfo&4a&- e;es an- t%e b&oa- s%oul-e&s# Anne t%oug%t
),lbe&t 4as a ve&; %an-so.e la-9 even t%oug% %e -,-nNt loo< at all
l,<e %e& ,-eal .an# S%e an- D,ana %a- long ago -e(,-e- 4%at <,n-
of a .an t%e; a-.,&e- an- t%e,& tastes see.e- e+a(tl; s,.,la&# Le
.ust be ve&; tall an- -,st,ngu,s%e- loo<,ng9 4,t% .elan(%ol;9
,ns(&utable e;es9 an- a .elt,ng9 s;.0at%et,( vo,(e# T%e&e 4as
not%,ng e,t%e& .elan(%ol; o& ,ns(&utable ,n ),lbe&tNs 0%;s,ogno.;9
but of (ou&se t%at -,-nNt .atte& ,n f&,en-s%,0F

),lbe&t st&et(%e- %,.self out on t%e fe&ns bes,-e t%e 7ubble an-
loo<e- a00&ov,ngl; at Anne# 1f ),lbe&t %a- been as<e- to -es(&,be
%,s ,-eal t%e -es(&,0t,on 4oul- %ave ans4e&e- 0o,nt fo& 0o,nt
to Anne9 even to t%ose seven t,n; f&e(<les 4%ose obno+,ous 0&esen(e
st,ll (ont,nue- to ve+ %e& soul# ),lbe&t 4as as ;et l,ttle .o&e
t%an a bo;@ but a bo; %as %,s -&ea.s as %ave ot%e&s9 an- ,n
),lbe&tNs futu&e t%e&e 4as al4a;s a g,&l 4,t% b,g9 l,.0,- g&a;
e;es9 an- a fa(e as f,ne an- -el,(ate as a flo4e&# Le %a- .a-e u0
%,s .,n-9 also9 t%at %,s futu&e .ust be 4o&t%; of ,ts go--ess#
*ven ,n Hu,et Avonlea t%e&e 4e&e te.0tat,ons to be .et an- fa(e-#
=%,te San-s ;out% 4e&e a &at%e& GfastG set9 an- ),lbe&t 4as 0o0ula&
4%e&eve& %e 4ent# 7ut %e .eant to <ee0 %,.self 4o&t%; of AnneNs
f&,en-s%,0 an- 0e&%a0s so.e -,stant -a; %e& love@ an- %e 4at(%e-
ove& 4o&- an- t%oug%t an- -ee- as 'ealousl; as ,f %e& (lea& e;es
4e&e to 0ass ,n 'u-g.ent on ,t# S%e %el- ove& %,. t%e un(ons(,ous
,nfluen(e t%at eve&; g,&l9 4%ose ,-eals a&e %,g% an- 0u&e9 4,el-s
ove& %e& f&,en-s@ an ,nfluen(e 4%,(% 4oul- en-u&e as long as s%e
4as fa,t%ful to t%ose ,-eals an- 4%,(% s%e 4oul- as (e&ta,nl; lose
,f s%e 4e&e eve& false to t%e.# 1n ),lbe&tNs e;es AnneNs g&eatest
(%a&. 4as t%e fa(t t%at s%e neve& stoo0e- to t%e 0ett; 0&a(t,(es of
so .an; of t%e Avonlea g,&ls -- t%e s.all 'ealous,es9 t%e l,ttle
-e(e,ts an- &,val&,es9 t%e 0al0able b,-s fo& favo&# Anne %el-
%e&self a0a&t f&o. all t%,s9 not (ons(,ousl; o& of -es,gn9 but
s,.0l; be(ause an;t%,ng of t%e so&t 4as utte&l; fo&e,gn to %e&
t&ans0a&ent9 ,.0uls,ve natu&e9 (&;stal (lea& ,n ,ts .ot,ves an-

7ut ),lbe&t -,- not atte.0t to 0ut %,s t%oug%ts ,nto 4o&-s9 fo& %e
%a- al&ea-; too goo- &eason to <no4 t%at Anne 4oul- .e&(,lessl; an-
f&ost,l; n,0 all atte.0ts at sent,.ent ,n t%e bu- -- o& laug% at %,.9
4%,(% 4as ten t,.es 4o&se#

GJou loo< l,<e a &eal -&;a- un-e& t%at b,&(% t&ee9G %e sa,- teas,ngl;#

G1 love b,&(% t&ees9G sa,- Anne9 la;,ng %e& (%ee< aga,nst t%e (&ea.;
sat,n of t%e sl,. bole9 4,t% one of t%e 0&ett;9 (a&ess,ng gestu&es
t%at (a.e so natu&al to %e&#

GT%en ;ouNll be gla- to %ea& t%at 6&# 6a'o& S0en(e& %as -e(,-e-
to set out a &o4 of 4%,te b,&(%es all along t%e &oa- f&ont of
%,s fa&.9 b; 4a; of en(ou&ag,ng t%e A#:#1#S#9G sa,- ),lbe&t#
GLe 4as tal<,ng to .e about ,t to-a;# 6a'o& S0en(e& ,s t%e .ost
0&og&ess,ve an- 0ubl,(-s0,&,te- .an ,n Avonlea# An- 6&# =,ll,a.
7ell ,s go,ng to set out a s0&u(e %e-ge along %,s &oa- f&ont an- u0
%,s lane# 2u& So(,et; ,s gett,ng on s0len-,-l;9 Anne# 1t ,s 0ast
t%e e+0e&,.ental stage an- ,s an a((e0te- fa(t# T%e ol-e& fol<s
a&e beg,nn,ng to ta<e an ,nte&est ,n ,t an- t%e =%,te San-s 0eo0le
a&e tal<,ng of sta&t,ng one too# *ven *l,s%a =&,g%t %as (o.e
a&oun- s,n(e t%at -a; t%e A.e&,(ans f&o. t%e %otel %a- t%e 0,(n,(
at t%e s%o&e# T%e; 0&a,se- ou& &oa-s,-es so %,g%l; an- sa,- t%e;
4e&e so .u(% 0&ett,e& t%an ,n an; ot%e& 0a&t of t%e 1slan-# An-
4%en9 ,n -ue t,.e9 t%e ot%e& fa&.e&s follo4 6&# S0en(e&Ns goo-
e+a.0le an- 0lant o&na.ental t&ees an- %e-ges along t%e,& &oa-
f&onts Avonlea 4,ll be t%e 0&ett,est settle.ent ,n t%e 0&ov,n(e#G

GT%e A,-s a&e tal<,ng of ta<,ng u0 t%e g&ave;a&-9G sa,- Anne9 Gan- 1
%o0e t%e; 4,ll9 be(ause t%e&e 4,ll %ave to be a subs(&,0t,on fo& t%at9
an- ,t 4oul- be no use fo& t%e So(,et; to t&; ,t afte& t%e %all affa,&#
7ut t%e A,-s 4oul- neve& %ave st,&&e- ,n t%e .atte& ,f t%e So(,et;
%a-nNt 0ut ,t ,nto t%e,& t%oug%ts unoff,(,all;# T%ose t&ees 4e
0lante- on t%e (%u&(% g&oun-s a&e flou&,s%,ng9 an- t%e t&ustees
%ave 0&o.,se- .e t%at t%e; 4,ll fen(e ,n t%e s(%ool g&oun-s ne+t ;ea&#
1f t%e; -o 1Nll %ave an a&bo& -a; an- eve&; s(%ola& s%all 0lant a t&ee@
an- 4eNll %ave a ga&-en ,n t%e (o&ne& b; t%e &oa-#G

G=eNve su((ee-e- ,n al.ost all ou& 0lans so fa&9 e+(e0t ,n gett,ng t%e ol-
7oulte& %ouse &e.ove-9G sa,- ),lbe&t9 Gan- 1Nve g,ven TLAT u0 ,n -es0a,&#
Lev, 4onNt %ave ,t ta<en -o4n 'ust to ve+ us# T%e&eNs a (ont&a&; st&ea<
,n all t%e 7oulte&s an- ,tNs st&ongl; -evelo0e- ,n %,.#G

GOul,a 7ell 4ants to sen- anot%e& (o..,ttee to %,.9 but 1 t%,n< t%e
bette& 4a; 4,ll 'ust be to leave %,. seve&el; alone9G sa,- Anne sagel;#

GAn- t&ust to P&ov,-en(e9 as 6&s# L;n-e sa;s9G s.,le- ),lbe&t#
GCe&ta,nl;9 no .o&e (o..,ttees# T%e; onl; agg&avate %,.#
Oul,a 7ell t%,n<s ;ou (an -o an;t%,ng9 ,f ;ou onl; %ave a (o..,ttee
to atte.0t ,t# 3e+t s0&,ng9 Anne9 4e .ust sta&t an ag,tat,on fo&
n,(e la4ns an- g&oun-s# =eNll so4 goo- see- bet,.es t%,s 4,nte&#
1Nve a t&eat,se %e&e on la4ns an- la4n.a<,ng an- 1N. go,ng to 0&e0a&e
a 0a0e& on t%e sub'e(t soon# =ell9 1 su00ose ou& va(at,on ,s al.ost
ove&# S(%ool o0ens 6on-a;# Las 8ub; ),ll,s got t%e Ca&.o-; s(%oolMG

GJes@ P&,s(,lla 4&ote t%at s%e %a- ta<en %e& o4n %o.e s(%ool9 so
t%e Ca&.o-; t&ustees gave ,t to 8ub;# 1N. so&&; P&,s(,lla ,s not
(o.,ng ba(<9 but s,n(e s%e (anNt 1N. gla- 8ub; %as got t%e s(%ool#
S%e 4,ll be %o.e fo& Satu&-a;s an- ,t 4,ll see. l,<e ol- t,.es9
to %ave %e& an- Oane an- D,ana an- .;self all toget%e& aga,n#G

6a&,lla9 'ust %o.e f&o. 6&s# L;n-eNs9 4as s,tt,ng on t%e ba(<
0o&(% ste0 4%en Anne &etu&ne- to t%e %ouse#

G8a(%el an- 1 %ave -e(,-e- to %ave ou& (&u,se to to4n to.o&&o49G
s%e sa,-# G6&# L;n-e ,s feel,ng bette& t%,s 4ee< an- 8a(%el 4ants
to go befo&e %e %as anot%e& s,(< s0ell#G

G1 ,nten- to get u0 e+t&a ea&l; to.o&&o4 .o&n,ng9 fo& 1Nve eve& so
.u(% to -o9G sa,- Anne v,&tuousl;# GBo& one t%,ng9 1N. go,ng to
s%,ft t%e feat%e&s f&o. .; ol- be-t,(< to t%e ne4 one# 1 oug%t to
%ave -one ,t long ago but 1Nve 'ust <e0t 0utt,ng ,t off# # #
,tNs su(% a -etestable tas<# 1tNs a ve&; ba- %ab,t to 0ut off
-,sag&eeable t%,ngs9 an- 1 neve& .ean to aga,n9 o& else 1 (anNt
(; tell .; 0u0,ls not to -o ,t# T%at 4oul- be ,n(ons,stent#
T%en 1 4ant to .a<e a (a<e fo& 6&# La&&,son an- f,n,s% .; 0a0e&
on ga&-ens fo& t%e A#:#1#S#9 an- 4&,te Stella9 an- 4as% an- sta&(%
.; .usl,n -&ess9 an- .a<e Do&aNs ne4 a0&on#G

GJou 4onNt get %alf -one9G sa,- 6a&,lla 0ess,.,st,(all;# G1 neve& ;et
0lanne- to -o a lot of t%,ngs but,ng %a00ene- to 0&event .e#G


T%e =a; 1t 2ften La00ens

Anne &ose bet,.es t%e ne+t .o&n,ng an- bl,t%el; g&eete- t%e f&es% -a;9
4%en t%e banne&s of t%e sun&,se 4e&e s%a<en t&,u.0%antl; a(&oss t%e
0ea&l; s<,es# )&een )ables la; ,n a 0ool of suns%,ne9 fle(<e- 4,t%
t%e -an(,ng s%a-o4s of 0o0la& an- 4,llo4# 7e;on- t%e lan- 4as
6&# La&&,sonNs 4%eatf,el-9 a g&eat9 4,n-&,00le- e+0anse of 0ale gol-#
T%e 4o&l- 4as so beaut,ful t%at Anne s0ent ten bl,ssful .,nutes
%ang,ng ,-l; ove& t%e ga&-en gate -&,n<,ng t%e lovel,ness ,n#

Afte& b&ea<fast 6a&,lla .a-e &ea-; fo& %e& 'ou&ne;# Do&a 4as to go
4,t% %e&9 %av,ng been long 0&o.,se- t%,s t&eat#

G3o49 Dav;9 ;ou t&; to be a goo- bo; an- -onNt bot%e& Anne9G s%e
st&a,tl; (%a&ge- %,.# G1f ;ou a&e goo- 1Nll b&,ng ;ou a st&,0e-
(an-; (ane f&o. to4n#G

Bo& alas9 6a&,lla %a- stoo0e- to t%e ev,l %ab,t of b&,b,ng 0eo0le
to be goo-F

G1 4onNt be ba- on 0u&0ose9 but sN0osen 1N. ba- /a(<s,-entall;MG
Dav; 4ante- to <no4#

GJouNll %ave to gua&- aga,nst a((,-ents9G a-.on,s%e- 6a&,lla#
GAnne9 ,f 6&# S%ea&e& ( to-a; get a n,(e &oast an- so.e stea<#
1f %e -oesnNt ;ouNll %ave to <,ll a fo4l fo& -,nne& to.o&&o4#G

Anne no--e-#

G1N. not go,ng to bot%e& (oo<,ng an; -,nne& fo& 'ust Dav; an- .;self to-a;9G
s%e sa,-# GT%at (ol- %a. bone 4,ll -o fo& noon lun(% an- 1Nll %ave so.e
stea< f&,e- fo& ;ou 4%en ;ou (o.e %o.e at n,g%t#G

G1N. go,ng to %el0 6&# La&&,son %aul -ulse t%,s .o&n,ng9G announ(e- Dav;#
GLe as<e- .e to9 an- 1 guess %eNll as< .e to -,nne& too# 6&# La&&,son ,s
an a4ful <,n- .an# LeNs a &eal so(,able .an# 1 %o0e 1Nll be l,<e %,.
4%en 1 g&o4 u0# 1 .ean 7*LA:* l,<e %,.# # #1 -onNt 4ant to L22P l,<e %,.#
7ut 1 guess t%e&eNs no -ange&9 fo& 6&s# L;n-e sa;s 1N. a ve&; %an-so.e (%,l-#
Do ;ou sN0ose ,tNll last9 AnneM 1 4ant to <no4G

G1 -a&esa; ,t 4,ll9G sa,- Anne g&avel;# GJou A8* a %an-so.e bo;9 Dav;9G
# # #6a&,lla loo<e- of -,sa00&oval# # #Gbut ;ou .ust l,ve u0 to
,t an- be 'ust as n,(e an- gentle.anl; as ;ou loo< to be#G

GAn- ;ou tol- 6,nn,e 6a; 7a&&; t%e ot%e& -a;9 4%en ;ou foun- %e& (&;,ng
N(ause so.e one sa,- s%e 4as ugl;9 t%at ,f s%e 4as n,(e an- <,n- an-
lov,ng 0eo0le 4oul-nNt .,n- %e& loo<s9G sa,- Dav; -,s(ontente-l;#
GSee.s to .e ;ou (anNt get out of be,ng goo- ,n t%,s 4o&l- fo&
so.e &eason o& Nnot%e&# Jou 'ust LA:* to be%ave#G

GDonNt ;ou 4ant to be goo-MG as<e- 6a&,lla9 4%o %a- lea&ne- a g&eat
-eal but %a- not ;et lea&ne- t%e fut,l,t; of as<,ng su(% Huest,ons#

GJes9 1 4ant to be goo- but not T22 goo-9G sa,- Dav; (aut,ousl;#
GJou -onNt %ave to be ve&; goo- to be a Sun-a; S(%ool su0e&,nten-ent#
6&# 7ellNs t%at9 an- %eNs a &eal ba- .an#G

G1n-ee- %eNs not9G sa,- 6a&,la ,n-,gnantl;#

GLe ,s# # #%e sa;s %e ,s %,.self9G asseve&ate- Dav;# GLe sa,- ,t
4%en %e 0&a;e- ,n Sun-a; S(%ool last Sun-a;# Le sa,- %e 4as a v,le
4o&. an- a .,se&able s,nne& an- gu,lt; of t%e bla(<est Nn,Hu,t;#
=%at -,- %e -o t%at 4as so ba-9 6a&,llaM D,- %e <,ll an;bo-;M
2& steal t%e (olle(t,on (entsM 1 4ant to <no4#G

Bo&tunatel; 6&s# L;n-e (a.e -&,v,ng u0 t%e lane at t%,s .o.ent an-
6a&,lla .a-e off9 feel,ng t%at s%e %a- es(a0e- f&o. t%e sna&e of
t%e fo4le&9 an- 4,s%,ng -evoutl; t%at 6&# 7ell 4e&e not Hu,te so
%,g%l; f,gu&at,ve ,n %,s 0ubl,( 0et,t,ons9 es0e(,all; ,n t%e
%ea&,ng of s.all bo;s 4%o 4e&e al4a;s G4ant,ng to <no4#G

Anne9 left alone ,n %e& glo&;9 4o&<e- 4,t% a 4,ll# T%e floo& 4as
s4e0t9 t%e be-s .a-e9 t%e %ens fe-9 t%e .usl,n -&ess 4as%e- an-
%ung out on t%e l,ne# T%en Anne 0&e0a&e- fo& t%e t&ansfe& of
feat%e&s# S%e .ounte- to t%e ga&&et an- -onne- t%e f,&st ol- -&ess
t%at (a.e to %an-# # #a nav; blue (as%.e&e s%e %a- 4o&n at
fou&teen# 1t 4as -e(,-e-l; on t%e s%o&t s,-e an- as Gs<,.0;G as
t%e notable 4,n(e; Anne %a- 4o&n u0on t%e o((as,on of %e& -ebut at
)&een )ables@ but at least ,t 4oul- not be .ate&,all; ,n'u&e- b;
-o4n an- feat%e&s# Anne (o.0lete- %e& to,let b; t;,ng a b,g &e-
an- 4%,te s0otte- %an-<e&(%,ef t%at %a- belonge- to 6att%e4 ove&
%e& %ea-9 an-9 t%us a((out&e-9 betoo< %e&self to t%e <,t(%en
( 4%,t%e& 6a&,lla9 befo&e %e& -e0a&tu&e9 %a- %el0e- %e&
(a&&; t%e feat%e& be-#

A (&a(<e- .,&&o& %ung b; t%e ( 4,n-o4 an- ,n an unlu(<;
.o.ent Anne loo<e- ,nto ,t# T%e&e 4e&e t%ose seven f&e(<les on %e&
nose9 .o&e &a.0ant t%an eve&9 o& so ,t see.e- ,n t%e gla&e of l,g%t
f&o. t%e uns%a-e- 4,n-o4#

G2%9 1 fo&got to &ub t%at lot,on on last n,g%t9G s%e t%oug%t#
G1N- bette& &un -o4n to t%e 0ant&; an- -o ,t no4#G

Anne %a- al&ea-; suffe&e- .an; t%,ngs t&;,ng to &e.ove t%ose f&e(<les#
2n one o((as,on t%e ent,&e s<,n %a- 0eele- off %e& nose but t%e
f&e(<les &e.a,ne-# A fe4 -a;s 0&ev,ousl; s%e %a- foun- a &e(,0e
fo& a f&e(<le lot,on ,n a .aga/,ne an-9 as t%e ,ng&e-,ents 4e&e
4,t%,n %e& &ea(%9 s%e st&a,g%t4a; (o.0oun-e- ,t9 .u(% to t%e -,sgust
of 6a&,lla9 4%o t%oug%t t%at ,f P&ov,-en(e %a- 0la(e- f&e(<les on
;ou& nose ,t 4as ;ou& boun-en -ut; to leave t%e. t%e&e#

Anne s(u&&,e- -o4n to t%e 0ant&;9 4%,(%9 al4a;s -,. f&o. t%e b,g
4,llo4 g&o4,ng (lose to t%e 4,n-o49 4as no4 al.ost -a&< b; &eason
of t%e s%a-e -&a4n to e+(lu-e fl,es# Anne (aug%t t%e bottle
(onta,n,ng t%e lot,on f&o. t%e s%elf an- (o0,ousl; ano,nte- %e&
nose t%e&e4,t% b; .eans of a l,ttle s0onge sa(&e- to t%e 0u&0ose#
T%,s ,.0o&tant -ut; -one9 s%e &etu&ne- to %e& 4o&<# An; one 4%o
%as eve& s%,fte- feat%e&s f&o. one t,(< to anot%e& 4,ll not nee- to
be tol- t%at 4%en Anne f,n,s%e- s%e 4as a s,g%t to be%ol-# Le&
-&ess 4as 4%,te 4,t% -o4n an- fluff9 an- %e& f&ont %a,&9 es(a0,ng f&o.
un-e& t%e %an-<e&(%,ef9 4as a-o&ne- 4,t% a ve&,table %alo of feat%e&s#
At t%,s aus0,(,ous .o.ent a <no(< soun-e- at t%e <,t(%en -oo&#

GT%at .ust be 6&# S%ea&e&9G t%oug%t Anne# G1N. ,n a -&ea-ful .ess
but 1Nll %ave to &un -o4n as 1 a.9 fo& %eNs al4a;s ,n a %u&&;#G

Do4n fle4 Anne to t%e <,t(%en -oo&# 1f eve& a (%a&,table floo& -,-
o0en to s4allo4 u0 a .,se&able9 befeat%e&e- -a.sel t%e )&een )ables
0o&(% floo& s%oul- 0&o.0tl; %ave engulfe- Anne at t%at .o.ent#
2n t%e -oo&ste0 4e&e stan-,ng P&,s(,lla )&ant9 gol-en an- fa,&
,n s,l< att,&e9 a s%o&t9 stout g&a;-%a,&e- la-; ,n a t4ee- su,t9
an- anot%e& la-;9 tall statel;9 4on-e&full; go4ne-9 4,t% a
beaut,ful9 %,g%b&e- fa(e an- la&ge9 bla(<-las%e- v,olet e;es9
4%o. Anne G,nst,n(t,vel; felt9G as s%e 4oul- %ave sa,- ,n %e&
ea&l,e& -a;s9 to be 6&s# C%a&lotte *# 6o&gan#

1n t%e -,s.a; of t%e .o.ent one t%oug%t stoo- out f&o. t%e
(onfus,on of AnneNs .,n- an- s%e g&as0e- at ,t as at t%e 0&ove&b,al
st&a4# All 6&s# 6o&ganNs %e&o,nes 4e&e note- fo& G&,s,ng to t%e
o((as,on#G 3o .atte& 4%at t%e,& t&oubles 4e&e9 t%e; ,nva&,abl; &ose
to t%e o((as,on an- s%o4e- t%e,& su0e&,o&,t; ove& all ,lls of t,.e9
s0a(e9 an- Huant,t;# Anne t%e&efo&e felt ,t 4as L*8 -ut; to &,se
to t%e o((as,on an- s%e -,- ,t9 so 0e&fe(tl; t%at P&,s(,lla
afte&4a&- -e(la&e- s%e neve& a-.,&e- Anne S%,&le; .o&e t%an
at t%at .o.ent# 3o .atte& 4%at %e& out&age- feel,ngs 4e&e
s%e -,- not s%o4 t%e.# S%e g&eete- P&,s(,lla an- 4as ,nt&o-u(e-
to %e& (o.0an,ons as (al.l; an- (o.0ose-l; as ,f s%e %a- been
a&&a;e- ,n 0u&0le an- f,ne l,nen# To be su&e9 ,t 4as so.e4%at
of a s%o(< to f,n- t%at t%e la-; s%e %a- ,nst,n(t,vel; felt
to be 6&s# 6o&gan 4as not 6&s# 6o&gan at all9 but an un<no4n
6&s# Pen-e+te&9 4%,le t%e stout l,ttle g&a;-%a,&e- 4as
6&s# 6o&gan@ but ,n t%e g&eate& s%o(< t%e lesse& lost ,ts 0o4e&#
Anne us%e&e- %e& guests to t%e s0a&e &oo. an- t%en(e ,nto t%e 0a&lo&9
4%e&e s%e left t%e. 4%,le s%e %astene- out to %el0 P&,s(,lla
un%a&ness %e& %o&se#

G1tNs -&ea-ful to (o.e u0on ;ou so une+0e(te-l; as t%,s9G
a0olog,/e- P&,s(,lla9 Gbut 1 -,- not <no4 t,ll last n,g%t t%at 4e
4e&e (o.,ng# Aunt C%a&lotte ,s go,ng a4a; 6on-a; an- s%e %a-
0&o.,se- to s0en- to-a; 4,t% a f&,en- ,n to4n# 7ut last n,g%t %e&
f&,en- tele0%one- to %e& not to (o.e be(ause t%e; 4e&e Hua&ant,ne-
fo& s(a&let feve&# So 1 suggeste- 4e (o.e %e&e ,nstea-9 fo& 1 <ne4
;ou 4e&e long,ng to see %e&# =e (alle- at t%e =%,te San-s Lotel an-
b&oug%t 6&s# Pen-e+te& 4,t% us# S%e ,s a f&,en- of auntNs an- l,ves
,n 3e4 Jo&< an- %e& %usban- ,s a .,ll,ona,&e# =e (anNt sta; ve&; long9
fo& 6&s# Pen-e+te& %as to be ba(< at t%e %otel b; f,ve oN(lo(<#G

Seve&al t,.es 4%,le t%e; 4e&e 0utt,ng a4a; t%e %o&se Anne (aug%t
P&,s(,lla loo<,ng at %e& ,n a fu&t,ve9 0u//le- 4a;#

GS%e nee-nNt sta&e at .e so9G Anne t%oug%t a l,ttle &esentfull;#
G1f s%e -oesnNt P32= 4%at ,t ,s to (%ange a feat%e& be- s%e .,g%t
16A)13* ,t#G

=%en P&,s(,lla %a- gone to t%e 0a&lo&9 an- befo&e Anne (oul- es(a0e
u0sta,&s9 D,ana 4al<e- ,nto t%e <,t(%en# Anne (aug%t %e& aston,s%e-
f&,en- b; t%e a&.#

GD,ana 7a&&;9 4%o -o ;ou su00ose ,s ,n t%at 0a&lo& at t%,s ve&;
.o.entM 6&s# C%a&lotte *# 6o&gan# # #an- a 3e4 Jo&< .,ll,ona,&eNs
4,fe# # #an- %e&e 1 a. l,<e TL1S# # #an- 32T A TL13) 13 TL* L25S*
B28 D133*8 75T A C2LD LA6 723*9 D,anaFG

7; t%,s t,.e Anne %a- be(o.e a4a&e t%at D,ana 4as sta&,ng at %e&
,n 0&e(,sel; t%e sa.e be4,l-e&e- fas%,on as P&,s(,lla %a- -one#
1t 4as &eall; too .u(%#

G2%9 D,ana9 -onNt loo< at .e so9G s%e ,.0lo&e-# GJ259 at least9
.ust <no4 t%at t%e neatest 0e&son ,n t%e 4o&l- (oul-nNt e.0t;
feat%e&s f&o. one t,(< ,nto anot%e& an- &e.a,n neat ,n t%e 0&o(ess#G

G1t# # #,t# # #,snNt t%e feat%e&s9G %es,tate- D,ana# G1tNs# # #
,tNs# # #;ou& nose9 Anne#G

G6; noseM 2%9 D,ana9 su&el; not%,ng %as gone 4&ong 4,t% ,tFG

Anne &us%e- to t%e l,ttle loo<,ng glass ove& t%e s,n<# 2ne glan(e
&eveale- t%e fatal t&ut%# Le& nose 4as a b&,ll,ant s(a&letF

Anne sat -o4n on t%e sofa9 %e& -auntless s0,&,t sub-ue- at last#

G=%at ,s t%e .atte& 4,t% ,tMG as<e- D,ana9 (u&,os,t; ove&(o.,ng -el,(a(;#

G1 t%oug%t 1 4as &ubb,ng .; f&e(<le lot,on on ,t9 but 1 .ust %ave
use- t%at &e- -;e 6a&,lla %as fo& .a&<,ng t%e 0atte&n on %e& &ugs9G
4as t%e -es0a,&,ng &es0onse# G=%at s%all 1 -oMG

G=as% ,t off9G sa,- D,ana 0&a(t,(all;#

GPe&%a0s ,t 4onNt 4as% off# B,&st 1 -;e .; %a,&@ t%en 1 -;e .; nose#
6a&,lla (ut .; %a,& off 4%en 1 -;e- ,t but t%at &e.e-; 4oul- %a&-l; be
0&a(t,(able ,n t%,s (ase# =ell9 t%,s ,s anot%e& 0un,s%.ent fo& van,t;
an- 1 su00ose 1 -ese&ve ,t# # #t%oug% t%e&eNs not .u(% ( ,n TLAT#
1t ,s &eall; al.ost enoug% to .a<e one bel,eve ,n ,ll-lu(<9 t%oug% 6&s#
L;n-e sa;s t%e&e ,s no su(% t%,ng9 be(ause eve&;t%,ng ,s fo&eo&-a,ne-#G

Bo&tunatel; t%e -;e 4as%e- off eas,l; an- Anne9 so.e4%at (onsole-9
betoo< %e&self to t%e east gable 4%,le D,ana &an %o.e# P&esentl;
Anne (a.e -o4n aga,n9 (lot%e- an- ,n %e& &,g%t .,n-# T%e .usl,n
-&ess s%e %a- fon-l; %o0e- to 4ea& 4as bobb,ng .e&&,l; about on t%e
l,ne outs,-e9 so s%e 4as fo&(e- to (ontent %e&self 4,t% %e& bla(<
la4n# S%e %a- t%e f,&e on an- t%e tea stee0,ng 4%en D,ana
&etu&ne-@ t%e latte& 4o&e L*8 .usl,n9 at least9 an- (a&&,e- a
(ove&e- 0latte& ,n %e& %an-#

G6ot%e& sent ;ou t%,s9G s%e sa,-9 l,ft,ng t%e (ove& an- -,s0la;,ng
a n,(el; (a&ve- an- 'o,nte- (%,(<en to AnneNs g&eatful e;es#

T%e (%,(<en 4as su00le.ente- b; l,g%t ne4 b&ea-9 e+(ellent butte&
an- (%eese9 6a&,llaNs f&u,t (a<e an- a -,s% of 0&ese&ve- 0lu.s9
float,ng ,n t%e,& gol-en s;&u0 as ,n (ongeale- su..e& suns%,ne#
T%e&e 4as a b,g bo4lful of 0,n<-an--4%,te aste&s also9 b; 4a; of
-e(o&at,on@ ;et t%e s0&ea- see.e- ve&; .eage& bes,-e t%e elabo&ate
one fo&.e&l; 0&e0a&e- fo& 6&s# 6o&gan#

AnneNs %ung&; guests9 %o4eve&9 -,- not see. to t%,n< an;t%,ng 4as
la(<,ng an- t%e; ate t%e s,.0le v,an-s 4,t% a00a&ent en'o;.ent#
7ut afte& t%e f,&st fe4 .o.ents Anne t%oug%t no .o&e of 4%at 4as
o& 4as not on %e& b,ll of fa&e# 6&s# 6o&ganNs a00ea&an(e .,g%t be
so.e4%at -,sa00o,nt,ng9 as even %e& lo;al 4o&s%,00e&s %a- been
fo&(e- to a-.,t to ea(% ot%e&@ but s%e 0&ove- to be a -el,g%tful
(onve&sat,onal,st# S%e %a- t&avele- e+tens,vel; an- 4as an
e+(ellent sto&;telle&# S%e %a- seen .u(% of .en an- 4o.en9 an-
(&;stal,/e- %e& e+0e&,en(es ,nto 4,tt; l,ttle senten(es an-
e0,g&a.s 4%,(% .a-e %e& %ea&e&s feel as ,f t%e; 4e&e l,sten,ng to
one of t%e 0eo0le ,n (leve& boo<s# 7ut un-e& all %e& s0a&<le t%e&e
4as a st&ongl; felt un-e&(u&&ent of t&ue9 4o.anl; s;.0at%; an-
<,n-%ea&te-ness 4%,(% 4on affe(t,on as eas,l; as %e& b&,ll,an(; 4on
a-.,&at,on# 3o& -,- s%e .ono0ol,/e t%e (onve&sat,on# S%e (oul-
-&a4 ot%e&s out as s<,llfull; an- full; as s%e (oul- tal< %e&self9
an- Anne an- D,ana foun- t%e.selves (%atte&,ng f&eel; to %e&# 6&s#
Pen-e+te& sa,- l,ttle@ s%e .e&el; s.,le- 4,t% %e& lovel; e;es an- l,0s9
an- ate (%,(<en an- f&u,t (a<e an- 0&ese&ves 4,t% su(% e+Hu,s,te g&a(e
t%at s%e (onve;e- t%e ,.0&ess,on of -,n,ng on a.b&os,a an- %one;-e4#
7ut t%en9 as Anne sa,- to D,ana late& on9 an;bo-; so -,v,nel; beaut,ful
as 6&s# Pen-e+te& -,-nNt nee- to tal<@ ,t 4as enoug% fo& %e& 'ust to L22P#

Afte& -,nne& t%e; all %a- a 4al< t%&oug% Love&Ns Lane an- :,olet
:ale an- t%e 7,&(% Pat%9 t%en ba(< t%&oug% t%e Launte- =oo- to t%e
D&;a-Ns 7ubble9 4%e&e t%e; sat -o4n an- tal<e- fo& a -el,g%tful
last %alf %ou&# 6&s# 6o&gan 4ante- to <no4 %o4 t%e Launte- =oo-
(a.e b; ,ts na.e9 an- laug%e- unt,l s%e (&,e- 4%en s%e %ea&- t%e
sto&; an- AnneNs -&,( a((ount of a (e&ta,n .e.o&able 4al<
t%&oug% ,t at t%e 4,t(%,ng %ou& of t4,l,g%t#

G1t %as ,n-ee- been a feast of &eason an- flo4 of soul9 %asnNt ,tMG
sa,- Anne9 4%en %e& guests %a- gone an- s%e an- D,ana 4e&e alone aga,n#
G1 -onNt <no4 4%,(% 1 en'o;e- .o&e# # #l,sten,ng to 6&s# 6o&gan o&
ga/,ng at 6&s# Pen-e+te&# 1 bel,eve 4e %a- a n,(e& t,.e t%an ,f
4eN- <no4n t%e; 4e&e (o.,ng an- been ( 4,t% .u(% se&v,ng#
Jou .ust sta; to tea 4,t% .e9 D,ana9 an- 4eNll tal< ,t all ove&#G

GP&,s(,lla sa;s 6&s# Pen-e+te&Ns %usban-Ns s,ste& ,s .a&&,e- to an
*ngl,s% ea&l@ an- ;et s%e too< a se(on- %el0,ng of t%e 0lu. 0&ese&ves9G
sa,- D,ana9 as ,f t%e t4o fa(ts 4e&e so.e%o4 ,n(o.0at,ble#

G1 -a&esa; even t%e *ngl,s% ea&l %,.self 4oul-nNt %ave tu&ne- u0 %,s
a&,sto(&at,( nose at 6a&,llaNs 0lu. 0&ese&ves9G sa,- Anne 0&ou-l;#

Anne -,- not .ent,on t%e .,sfo&tune 4%,(% %a- befallen L*8 nose 4%en s%e
&elate- t%e -a;Ns %,sto&; to 6a&,lla t%at even,ng# 7ut s%e too< t%e
bottle of f&e(<le lot,on an- e.0t,e- ,t out of t%e 4,n-o4#

G1 s%all neve& t&; an; beaut,f;,ng .esses aga,n9G s%e sa,-9 -a&<l;
&esolute# GT%e; .a; -o fo& (a&eful9 -el,be&ate 0eo0le@ but fo&
an;one so %o0elessl; g,ven ove& to .a<,ng .,sta<es as 1 see. to be
,tNs te.0t,ng fate to .e--le 4,t% t%e.#G


S4eet 6,ss Laven-a&

S(%ool o0ene- an- Anne &etu&ne- to %e& 4o&<9 4,t% fe4e& t%eo&,es but
(ons,-e&abl; .o&e e+0e&,en(e# S%e %a- seve&al ne4 0u0,ls9 s,+- an-
seven-;ea&-ol-s 'ust ventu&,ng9 &oun--e;e-9 ,nto a 4o&l- of 4on-e&# t%e. 4e&e Dav; an- Do&a# Dav; sat 4,t% 6,lt; 7oulte&9 4%o %a- been
go,ng to s(%ool fo& a ;ea& an- 4as t%e&efo&e Hu,te a .an of t%e 4o&l-#
Do&a %a- .a-e a (o.0a(t at Sun-a; S(%ool t%e 0&ev,ous Sun-a; to s,t
4,t% L,l; Sloane@ but L,l; Sloane not (o.,ng t%e f,&st -a;9 s%e 4as
te.0o&a&,l; ass,gne- to 6,&abel Cotton9 4%o 4as ten ;ea&s ol- an-
t%e&efo&e9 ,n Do&aNs e;es9 one of t%e Gb,g g,&ls#G

G1 t%,n< s(%ool ,s g&eat fun9G Dav; tol- 6a&,lla 4%en %e got %o.e
t%at n,g%t# GJou sa,- 1N- f,n- ,t %a&- to s,t st,ll an- 1 -,-# # #
;ou .ostl; -o tell t%e t&ut%9 1 not,(e# # #but ;ou (an 4&,ggle
;ou& legs about un-e& t%e -es< an- t%at %el0s a lot# 1tNs s0len-,-
to %ave so .an; bo;s to 0la; 4,t%# 1 s,t 4,t% 6,lt; 7oulte& an-
%eNs f,ne# LeNs longe& t%an .e but 1N. 4,-e&# 1tNs n,(e& to s,t
,n t%e ba(< seats but ;ou (anNt s,t t%e&e t,ll ;ou& legs g&o4 long
enoug% to tou(% t%e floo&# 6,lt; -&a4e- a 0,(tu&e of Anne on %,s
slate an- ,t 4as a4ful ugl; an- 1 tol- %,. ,f %e .a-e 0,(tu&es of
Anne l,<e t%at 1N- l,(< %,. at &e(ess# 1 t%oug%t f,&st 1N- -&a4
one of %,. an- 0ut %o&ns an- a ta,l on ,t9 but 1 4as af&a,- ,t
4oul- %u&t %,s feel,ngs9 an- Anne sa;s ;ou s%oul- neve& %u&t
an;oneNs feel,ngs# 1t see.s ,tNs -&ea-ful to %ave ;ou& feel,ngs
%u&t# 1tNs bette& to <no(< a bo; -o4n t%an %u&t %,s feel,ngs ,f
;ou 65ST -o,ng# 6,lt; sa,- %e 4asnNt s(a&e- of .e but %eN-
'ust as soon (all ,t so.ebo-; else to Nbl,ge .e9 so %e &ubbe- out
AnneNs na.e an- 0&,nte- 7a&ba&a S%a4Ns un-e& ,t# 6,lt; -oesnNt
l,<e 7a&ba&a N(ause s%e (alls %,. a s4eet l,ttle bo; an- on(e s%e
0atte- %,. on %,s %ea-#G

Do&a sa,- 0&,.l; t%at s%e l,<e- s(%ool@ but s%e 4as ve&; Hu,et9
even fo& %e&@ an- 4%en at t4,l,g%t 6a&,lla ba-e %e& go u0sta,&s to
be- s%e %es,tate- an- began to (&;#

G1N.# # #1N. f&,g%tene-9G s%e sobbe-# G1# # #1 -onNt 4ant to go
u0sta,&s alone ,n t%e -a&<#G

G=%at not,on %ave ;ou got ,nto ;ou& %ea- no4MG 6a&,lla#
G1N. su&e ;ouNve gone to be- alone all su..e& an- neve& been
f&,g%tene- befo&e#G

Do&a st,ll (ont,nue- to (&;9 so Anne 0,(<e- %e& u09 (u--le- %e&
s;.0at%et,(all;9 an- 4%,s0e&e-9

GTell Anne all about ,t9 s4eet%ea&t# =%at a&e ;ou f&,g%tene- ofMG

G2f# # #of 6,&abel CottonNs un(le9G sobbe- Do&a# G6,&abel Cotton tol-
.e all about %e& fa.,l; to-a; ,n s(%ool# 3ea&l; eve&;bo-; ,n %e&
fa.,l; %as -,e-# # #all %e& g&an-fat%e&s an- g&an-.ot%e&s an- eve&
so .an; un(les an- aunts# T%e; %ave a %ab,t of -;,ng9 6,&abel sa;s#
6,&abelNs a4ful 0&ou- of %av,ng so .an; -ea- &elat,ons9 an- s%e tol-
.e 4%at t%e; all -,e- of9 an- 4%at t%e; sa,-9 an- %o4 t%e; loo<e- ,n
t%e,& (off,ns# An- 6,&abel sa;s one of %e& un(les 4as seen 4al<,ng
a&oun- t%e %ouse afte& %e 4as bu&,e-# Le& .ot%e& sa4 %,.# 1 -onNt
.,n- t%e &est so .u(% but 1 (anNt %el0 t%,n<,ng about t%at un(le#G

Anne 4ent u0sta,&s 4,t% Do&a an- sat b; %e& unt,l s%e fell aslee0#
T%e ne+t -a; 6,&abel Cotton 4as <e0t ,n at &e(ess an- Ggentl; but
f,&.l;G g,ven to un-e&stan- t%at 4%en ;ou 4e&e so unfo&tunate as to
0ossess an un(le 4%o 0e&s,ste- ,n 4al<,ng about %ouses afte& %e %a-
been -e(entl; ,nte&&e- ,t 4as not ,n goo- taste to tal< about t%at
e((ent&,( to ;ou& -es<.ate of ten-e& ;ea&s# 6,&abel
t%oug%t t%,s ve&; %a&s%# T%e Cottons %a- not .u(% to boast of#
Lo4 4as s%e to <ee0 u0 %e& 0&est,ge %e& s(%ool.ates ,f s%e
4e&e fo&b,--en to .a<e (a0,tal out of t%e fa.,l; g%ostM sl,00e- b; ,nto a gol- an- (&,.son g&a(,ousness of 2(tobe&#
2ne B&,-a; even,ng D,ana (a.e ove&#

G1N- a lette& f&o. *lla P,.ball to-a;9 Anne9 an- s%e 4ants us to go ove&
to tea to.o&&o4 afte&noon to .eet %e& (ous,n9 1&ene T&ent9 f&o. to4n#
7ut 4e (anNt get one of ou& %o&ses to go9 fo& t%e;Nll all be ,n use
to.o&&o49 an- ;ou& 0on; ,s la.e# # #so 1 su00ose 4e (anNt go#G

G=%; (anNt 4e 4al<MG suggeste- Anne# G1f 4e go st&a,g%t ba(<
t%&oug% t%e 4oo-s 4eNll st&,<e t%e =est )&afton &oa- not fa& f&o.
t%e P,.ball 0la(e# 1 4as t%&oug% t%at 4a; last 4,nte& an- 1 <no4
t%e &oa-# 1tNs no .o&e t%an fou& .,les an- 4e 4onNt %ave to 4al<
%o.e9 fo& 2l,ve& P,.ball 4,ll be su&e to -&,ve us# LeNll be onl;
too gla- of t%e e+(use9 fo& %e goes to see Ca&&,e Sloane an- t%e;
sa; %,s fat%e& 4,ll %a&-l; eve& let %,. %ave a %o&se#G

1t 4as a((o&-,ngl; a&&ange- t%at t%e; s%oul- 4al<9 an- t%e
follo4,ng afte&noon t%e; set out9 go,ng b; 4a; of Love&Ns Lane to
t%e ba(< of t%e Cut%be&t fa&.9 4%e&e t%e; foun- a &oa- lea-,ng ,nto
t%e %ea&t of a(&es of gl,..e&,ng bee(% an- .a0le 4oo-s9 4%,(% 4e&e
all ,n a 4on-&ous glo4 of fla.e an- gol-9 l;,ng ,n a g&eat 0u&0le
st,llness an- 0ea(e#

G1tNs as ,f t%e ;ea& 4e&e <neel,ng to 0&a; ,n a vast (at%e-&al full
of .ello4 sta,ne- l,g%t9 ,snNt ,tMG sa,- Anne -&ea.,l;# G1t -oesnNt
see. &,g%t to %u&&; t%&oug% ,t9 -oes ,tM 1t see.s ,&&eve&ent9
l,<e &unn,ng ,n a (%u&(%#G

G=e 65ST %u&&; t%oug%9G sa,- D,ana9 glan(,ng at %e& 4at(%#
G=eNve left ou&selves l,ttle enoug% t,.e as ,t ,s#G

G=ell9 1Nll 4al< fast but -onNt as< .e to tal<9G sa,- Anne9 Hu,(<en,ng
%e& 0a(e# G1 'ust 4ant to -&,n< t%e -a;Ns lovel,ness ,n# # #1 feel as
,f s%e 4e&e %ol-,ng ,t out to .; l,0s l,<e a (u0 of a,&; 4,ne an-
1Nll ta<e a s,0 at eve&; ste0#G

Pe&%a0s ,t 4as be(ause s%e 4as so abso&be- ,n G-&,n<,ng ,t ,nG t%at
Anne too< t%e left tu&n,ng 4%en t%e; (a.e to a fo&< ,n t%e &oa-#
S%e s%oul- %ave ta<en t%e &,g%t9 but eve& afte&4a&- s%e (ounte- ,t
t%e .ost fo&tunate .,sta<e of %e& l,fe# T%e; (a.e out f,nall; to a
lonel;9 g&ass; &oa-9 4,t% not%,ng ,n s,g%t along ,t but &an<s of
s0&u(e sa0l,ngs#

G=%;9 4%e&e a&e 4eMG e+(la,.e- D,ana ,n be4,l-e&.ent# GT%,s ,snNt
t%e =est )&afton &oa-#G

G3o9 ,tNs t%e base l,ne &oa- ,n 6,--le )&afton9G sa,- Anne9 &at%e&
s%a.efa(e-l;# G1 .ust %ave ta<en t%e 4&ong tu&n,ng at t%e fo&<#
1 -onNt <no4 4%e&e 4e a&e e+a(tl;9 but 4e .ust be all of t%&ee .,les
f&o. P,.ballsN st,ll#G

GT%en 4e (anNt get t%e&e b; f,ve9 fo& ,tNs %alf 0ast fou& no49G
sa,- D,ana9 4,t% a -es0a,&,ng loo< at %e& 4at(%# G=eNll a&&,ve
afte& t%e; %ave %a- t%e,& tea9 an- t%e;Nll %ave all t%e bot%e& of
gett,ng ou&s ove& aga,n#G

G=eN- bette& tu&n ba(< an- go %o.e9G suggeste- Anne;#
7ut D,ana9 afte& (ons,-e&at,on9 vetoe- t%,s#

G3o9 4e .a; as 4ell go an- s0en- t%e even,ng9 s,n(e 4e
%ave (o.e t%,s fa&G

A fe4 ;a&-s fu&t%e& on t%e g,&ls (a.e to a 0la(e 4%e&e
t%e &oa- fo&<e- aga,n#

G=%,(% of t%ese -o 4e ta<eMG as<e- D,ana -ub,ousl;#

Anne s%oo< %e& %ea-#

G1 -onNt <no4 an- 4e (anNt affo&- to .a<e an; .o&e .,sta<es# Le&e
,s a gate an- a lane lea-,ng &,g%t ,nto t%e 4oo-# T%e&e .ust be a
%ouse at t%e ot%e& s,-e# Let us go -o4n an- ,nHu,&e#G

G=%at a &o.ant,( ol- lane t%,s ,t9G sa,- D,ana9 as t%e; 4al<e-
along ,ts t4,sts an- tu&ns# 1t &an un-e& 0at&,a&(%al ol- f,&s
4%ose b&an(%es .et above9 (&eat,ng a 0e&0etual gloo. ,n 4%,(%
not%,ng e+(e0t .oss (oul- g&o4# 2n e,t%e& %an- 4e&e b&o4n 4oo-
floo&s9 (&osse- %e&e an- t%e&e b; fallen lan(es of sunl,g%t#
All 4as ve&; st,ll an- &e.ote9 as ,f t%e 4o&l- an- t%e (a&es
of t%e 4o&l- 4e&e fa& a4a;#

G1 feel as ,f 4e 4e&e 4al<,ng t%&oug% an en(%ante- fo&est9G sa,-
Anne ,n a %us%e- tone# GDo ;ou su00ose 4eNll eve& f,n- ou& 4a;
ba(< to t%e &eal 4o&l- aga,n9 D,anaM =e s%all 0&esentl; (o.e to a
0ala(e 4,t% a s0ellboun- 0&,n(ess ,n ,t9 1 t%,n<#G

A&oun- t%e ne+t tu&n t%e; (a.e ,n s,g%t9 not ,n-ee- of a 0ala(e9
but of a l,ttle %ouse al.ost as su&0&,s,ng as a 0ala(e 4oul- %ave
been ,n t%,s 0&ov,n(e of (onvent,onal 4oo-en fa&.%ouses9 all as
.u(% al,<e ,n gene&al (%a&a(te&,st,(s as ,f t%e; %a- g&o4n f&o. t%e
sa.e see-# Anne sto00e- s%o&t ,n &a0tu&e an- D,ana e+(la,.e-9
G2%9 1 <no4 4%e&e 4e a&e no4# T%at ,s t%e l,ttle stone %ouse 4%e&e
6,ss Laven-a& Le4,s l,ves# # #*(%o Lo-ge9 s%e (alls ,t9 1 t%,n<#
1Nve often %ea&- of ,t but 1Nve neve& seen ,t befo&e# 1snNt ,t a
&o.ant,( s0otMG

G1tNs t%e s4eetest9 0&ett,est 0la(e 1 eve& sa4 o& ,.ag,ne-9G sa,-
Anne -el,g%te-l;# G1t loo<s l,<e a b,t out of a sto&; boo< o& a -&ea.#G

T%e %ouse 4as a lo4-eave- st&u(tu&e bu,lt of un-&esse- blo(<s of
&e- 1slan- san-stone9 4,t% a l,ttle 0ea<e- &oof out of 4%,(% 0ee&e-
t4o -o&.e& 4,n-o4s9 4,t% Hua,nt 4oo-en %oo-s ove& t%e.9 an- t4o
g&eat (%,.ne;s# T%e 4%ole %ouse 4as (ove&e- 4,t% a lu+u&,ant
g&o4t% of ,v;9 f,n-,ng eas; foot%ol- on t%e &oug% stone4o&< an-
tu&ne- b; autu.n f&osts to .ost beaut,ful b&on/e an- 4,ne-&e- t,nts#

7efo&e t%e %ouse 4as an oblong ga&-en ,nto 4%,(% t%e lane gate
4%e&e t%e g,&ls 4e&e stan-,ng o0ene-# T%e %ouse boun-e- ,t on
one s,-e@ on t%e t%&ee ot%e&s ,t 4as en(lose- b; an ol- stone -;<e9
so ove&g&o4n 4,t% .oss an- g&ass an- fe&ns t%at ,t loo<e- l,<e a %,g%9
g&een ban<# 2n t%e &,g%t an- left t%e tall9 -a&< s0&u(es s0&ea-
t%e,& 0al.-l,<e b&an(%es ove& ,t@ but belo4 ,t 4as a l,ttle .ea-o49
g&een 4,t% (love& afte&.at%9 slo0,ng -o4n to t%e blue loo0 of t%e
)&afton 8,ve&# 3o ot%e& %ouse o& (lea&,ng 4as ,n s,g%t# # #not%,ng
but %,lls an- valle;s (ove&e- 4,t% feat%e&; ;oung f,&s#

G1 4on-e& 4%at so&t of a 0e&son 6,ss Le4,s ,s9G s0e(ulate- D,ana as
t%e; o0ene- t%e gate ,nto t%e ga&-en# GT%e; sa; s%e ,s ve&; 0e(ul,a&#G

GS%eNll be ,nte&est,ng t%en9G sa,- Anne -e(,-e-l;# GPe(ul,a& 0eo0le
a&e al4a;s t%at at least9 4%ateve& else t%e; a&e o& a&e not#
D,-nNt 1 tell ;ou 4e 4oul- (o.e to an en(%ante- 0ala(eM
1 <ne4 t%e elves %a-nNt 4oven .ag,( ove& t%at lane fo& not%,ng#G

G7ut 6,ss Laven-a& Le4,s ,s %a&-l; a s0ellboun- 0&,n(ess9G laug%e-
D,ana# GS%eNs an ol- .a,-# # #s%eNs fo&t;-f,ve an- Hu,te g&a;9
1Nve %ea&-#G

G2%9 t%atNs onl; 0a&t of t%e s0ell9G asse&te- Anne (onf,-entl;#
GAt %ea&t s%eNs ;oung an- beaut,ful st,ll# # #an- ,f 4e onl; <ne4
%o4 to unloose t%e s0ell s%e 4oul- ste0 fo&t% &a-,ant an- fa,& aga,n#
7ut 4e -onNt <no4 %o4# # #,tNs al4a;s an- onl; t%e 0&,n(e 4%o <no4s t%at
# # #an- 6,ss Laven-a&Ns 0&,n(e %asnNt (o.e ;et# Pe&%a0s so.e fatal
.,s(%an(e %as befallen %,.# # #t%oug% TLATNS aga,nst t%e la4 of all
fa,&; tales#G

G1N. af&a,- %e (a.e long ago an- 4ent a4a; aga,n9G sa,- D,ana#
GT%e; sa; s%e use- to be engage- to Ste0%an 1&v,ng# # #PaulNs
fat%e&# # #4%en t%e; 4e&e ;oung# 7ut t%e; Hua&&ele- an- 0a&te-#G

GLus%9G 4a&ne- Anne# GT%e -oo& ,s o0en#G

T%e g,&ls 0ause- ,n t%e 0o&(% un-e& t%e ten-&,ls of ,v; an- <no(<e-
at t%e o0en -oo&# T%e&e 4as a 0atte& of ste0s ,ns,-e an- a &at%e&
o-- l,ttle 0e&sonage 0&esente- %e&self# # #a g,&l of about
fou&teen9 4,t% a f&e(<le- fa(e9 a snub nose9 a .out% so 4,-e t%at
,t -,- &eall; see. as ,f ,t st&et(%e- Gf&o. ea& to ea&9G an- t4o
long b&a,-s of fa,& %a,& t,e- 4,t% t4o eno&.ous bo4s of blue &,bbon#

G1s 6,ss Le4,s at %o.eMG as<e- D,ana#

GJes9 .aNa.# Co.e ,n9 .aNa.# 1Nll tell 6,ss Laven-a& ;ouN&e %e&e9
.aNa.# S%eNs u0sta,&s9 .aNa.#G

=,t% t%,s t%e s.all %an-.a,-en 4%,s<e- out of s,g%t an- t%e g,&ls9
left alone9 loo<e- about t%e. 4,t% -el,g%te- e;es# T%e ,nte&,o& of
t%,s 4on-e&ful l,ttle %ouse 4as Hu,te as ,nte&est,ng as ,ts e+te&,o&#

T%e &oo. %a- a lo4 (e,l,ng an- t4o sHua&e9 s.all-0ane- 4,n-o4s9
(u&ta,ne- 4,t% .usl,n f&,lls# All t%e fu&n,s%,ngs 4e&e ol--fas%,one-9
but so 4ell an- -a,nt,l; <e0t t%at t%e effe(t 4as -el,(,ous#
7ut ,t .ust be (an-,-l; a-.,tte- t%at t%e .ost att&a(t,ve featu&e9
to t4o %ealt%; g,&ls 4%o %a- 'ust t&a.0e- fou& .,les t%&oug% autu.n a,&9
4as a table9 set out 4,t% 0ale blue (%,na an- la-en 4,t% -el,(a(,es9
4%,le l,ttle gol-en-%ue- fe&ns s(atte&e- ove& t%e (lot% gave ,t 4%at
Anne 4oul- %ave te&.e- Ga festal a,&#G

G6,ss Laven-a& .ust be e+0e(t,ng (o.0an; to tea9G s%e 4%,s0e&e-#
GT%e&e a&e s,+ 0la(es set# 7ut 4%at a funn; l,ttle g,&l s%e %as#
S%e loo<e- l,<e a .essenge& f&o. 0,+; lan-# 1 su00ose s%e (oul-
%ave tol- us t%e &oa-9 but 1 4as (u&,ous to see 6,ss Laven-a&#
S# # #s# # #s%9 s%eNs (o.,ng#G

An- 4,t% t%at 6,ss Laven-a& Le4,s 4as stan-,ng ,n t%e -oo&4a;#
T%e g,&ls 4e&e so su&0&,se- t%at t%e; fo&got goo- .anne&s an-
s,.0l; sta&e-# T%e; %a- un(ons(,ousl; been e+0e(t,ng to see
t%e usual t;0e of el-e&l; s0,nste& as <no4n to t%e,& e+0e&,en(e
# # #a &at%e& angula& 0e&sonage9 4,t% 0&,. g&a; %a,& an- s0e(ta(les#
3ot%,ng .o&e unl,<e 6,ss Laven-a& (oul- 0oss,bl; be ,.ag,ne-#

S%e 4as a l,ttle la-; 4,t% sno4-4%,te %a,& beaut,full; 4av; an-
t%,(<9 an- (a&efull; a&&ange- ,n be(o.,ng 0uffs an- (o,ls# 7eneat%
,t 4as an al.ost g,&l,s% fa(e9 0,n< (%ee<e- an- s4eet l,00e-9 4,t%
b,g soft b&o4n e;es an- -,.0les# # #a(tuall; -,.0les# S%e 4o&e a
ve&; -a,nt; go4n of (&ea. .usl,n 4,t% 0ale-%ue- &oses on ,t# # #a
go4n 4%,(% 4oul- %ave see.e- &,-,(ulousl; 'uven,le on .ost 4o.en of
%e& age9 but 4%,(% su,te- 6,ss Laven-a& so 0e&fe(tl; t%at ;ou neve&
t%oug%t about ,t at all#

GC%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% sa;s t%at ;ou 4,s%e- to see .e9G s%e sa,-9
,n a vo,(e t%at .at(%e- %e& a00ea&an(e#

G=e 4ante- to as< t%e &,g%t &oa- to =est )&afton9G sa,- D,ana#
G=e a&e ,nv,te- to tea at 6&# P,.ballNs9 but 4e too< t%e 4&ong 0at%
(o.,ng t%&oug% t%e 4oo-s an- (a.e out to t%e base l,ne ,nstea- of t%e
=est )&afton &oa-# Do 4e ta<e t%e &,g%t o& left tu&n,ng at ;ou& gateMG

GT%e left9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9 4,t% a %es,tat,ng glan(e at %e& tea table#
T%en s%e e+(la,.e-9 as ,f ,n a su--en l,ttle bu&st of &esolut,on9

G7ut o%9 4onNt ;ou sta; an- %ave tea 4,t% .eM Please9 -o#
6&# P,.ballNs 4,ll %ave tea ove& befo&e ;ou get t%e&e#
An- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1 4,ll be so gla- to %ave ;ou#G

D,ana loo<e- .ute ,nHu,&; at Anne#

G=eN- l,<e to sta;9G sa,- Anne 0&o.0tl;9 fo& s%e %a- .a-e u0 %e& .,n- t%at
s%e 4ante- to <no4 .o&e of t%,s su&0&,s,ng 6,ss Laven-a&9 G,f ,t 4onNt
,n(onven,en(e ;ou# 7ut ;ou a&e e+0e(t,ng ot%e& guests9 a&enNt ;ouMG

6,ss Laven-a& loo<e- at %e& tea table aga,n9 an- blus%e-#

G1 <no4 ;ouNll t%,n< .e -&ea-full; fool,s%9G s%e sa,-# G1 A6
fool,s%# # #an- 1N. as%a.e- of ,t 4%en 1N. foun- out9 but neve&
unless 1 A6 foun- out# 1N. not e+0e(t,ng an;bo-;# # #1 4as 'ust
0&eten-,ng 1 4as# Jou see9 1 4as so lonel;# 1 love (o.0an;# # #
t%at ,s9 t%e &,g%t <,n- of (o.0an;# # #but so fe4 0eo0le eve&
(o.e %e&e be(ause ,t ,s so fa& out of t%e 4a;# C%a&lotta t%e
Bou&t% 4as lonel; too# So 1 'ust 0&eten-e- 1 4as go,ng to %ave a
tea 0a&t;# 1 (oo<e- fo& ,t# # #an- -e(o&ate- t%e table fo& ,t# # #
an- set ,t 4,t% .; .ot%e&Ns 4e--,ng (%,na # # #an- 1 -&esse- u0
fo& ,t#G D,ana se(&etl; t%oug%t 6,ss Laven-a& Hu,te as 0e(ul,a& as
&e0o&t %a- 0,(tu&e- %e&# T%e ,-ea of a of fo&t;-f,ve
0la;,ng at %av,ng a tea 0a&t;9 'ust as ,f s%e 4e&e a l,ttle g,&lF
7ut Anne of t%e s%,n,ng e;es e+(la,.e- 'o;ful;9 G2%9 -o J25 ,.ag,ne
t%,ngs tooMG

T%at GtooG &eveale- a <,n-&e- s0,&,t to 6,ss Laven-a&#

GJes9 1 -o9G s%e (onfesse-9 bol-l;# G2f (ou&se ,tNs s,ll; ,n an;bo-;
as ol- as 1 a.# 7ut 4%at ,s t%e use of be,ng an ,n-e0en-ent ol- .a,-
,f ;ou (anNt be s,ll; 4%en ;ou 4ant to9 an- 4%en ,t -oesnNt %u&t an;bo-;M
A 0e&son .ust %ave so.e (o.0ensat,ons# 1 -onNt bel,eve 1 (oul- l,ve
at t,.es ,f 1 -,-nNt 0&eten- t%,ngs# 1N. not often (aug%t at ,t t%oug%9
an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% neve& tells# 7ut 1N. gla- to be (aug%t to-a;9
fo& ;ou %ave &eall; (o.e an- 1 %ave tea all &ea-; fo& ;ou# =,ll ;ou
go u0 to t%e s0a&e &oo. an- ta<e off ;ou& %atsM 1tNs t%e 4%,te -oo&
at t%e %ea- of t%e sta,&s# 1 .ust &un out to t%e <,t(%en an- see t%at
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% ,snNt lett,ng t%e tea bo,l# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
,s a ve&; goo- g,&l but s%e =1LL let t%e tea bo,l#G

6,ss Laven-a& t&,00e- off to t%e <,t(%en on %os0,table t%oug%ts ,ntent
an- t%e g,&ls foun- t%e,& 4a; u0 to t%e s0a&e &oo.9 an a0a&t.ent as
4%,te as ,ts -oo&9 l,g%te- b; t%e ,v;-%ung -o&.e& 4,n-o4 an- loo<,ng9
as Anne sa,-9 l,<e t%e 0la(e 4%e&e %a00; -&ea.s g&e4#

GT%,s ,s Hu,te an a-ventu&e9 ,snNt ,tMG sa,- D,ana# GAn- ,snNt
6,ss Laven-a& s4eet9 ,f s%e 1S a l,ttle o--M S%e -oesnNt loo< a b,t
l,<e an ol- .a,-#G

GS%e loo<s 'ust as .us,( soun-s9 1 t%,n<9G ans4e&e- Anne#

=%en t%e; 4ent -o4n 6,ss Laven-a& 4as (a&&;,ng ,n t%e tea0ot9
an- be%,n- %e&9 loo<,ng vastl; 0lease-9 4as C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9
4,t% a 0late of %ot b,s(u,ts#

G3o49 ;ou .ust tell .e ;ou& na.es9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&# G1N. so
gla- ;ou a&e ;oung g,&ls# 1 love ;oung g,&ls# 1tNs so eas; to
0&eten- 1N. a g,&l .;self 4%en 1N. 4,t% t%e.# 1 -o %ateG# # #4,t%
a l,ttle g&,.a(e# # #Gto bel,eve 1N. ol-# 3o49 4%o a&e ;ou# # #
'ust fo& (onven,en(eN sa<eM D,ana 7a&&;M An- Anne S%,&le;M 6a; 1
0&eten- t%at 1Nve <no4n ;ou fo& a %un-&e- ;ea&s an- (all ;ou Anne
an- D,ana &,g%t a4a;MG

GJou9 .a;G t%e g,&ls sa,- bot% toget%e&#

GT%en 'ust letNs s,t (o.f,l; -o4n an- eat eve&;t%,ng9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&
%a00,l;# GC%a&lotta9 ;ou s,t at t%e foot an- %el0 4,t% t%e (%,(<en#
1t ,s so fo&tunate t%at 1 .a-e t%e s0onge (a<e an- -oug%nuts#
2f (ou&se9 ,t 4as fool,s% to -o ,t fo& ,.ag,na&; guests# # #
1 <no4 C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% t%oug%t so9 -,-nNt ;ou9 C%a&lottaM
7ut ;ou see %o4 4ell ,t %as tu&ne- out# 2f (ou&se t%e; 4oul-nNt %ave
been 4aste-9 fo& C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1 (oul- %ave eaten t%e.
t%&oug% t,.e# 7ut s0onge (a<e ,s not a t%,ng t%at ,.0&oves 4,t% t,.e#G

T%at 4as a .e&&; an- .e.o&able .eal@ an- 4%en ,t 4as ove& t%e; all
4ent out to t%e ga&-en9 l;,ng ,n t%e gla.o& of sunset#

G1 -o t%,n< ;ou %ave t%e lovel,est 0la(e %e&e9G sa,- D,ana9
loo<,ng &oun- %e& a-.,&,ngl;#

G=%; -o ;ou (all ,t *(%o Lo-geMG as<e- Anne#

GC%a&lotta9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9 Ggo ,nto t%e %ouse an- b&,ng out
t%e l,ttle t,n %o&n t%at ,s %ang,ng ove& t%e (lo(< s%elf#G

C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% s<,00e- off an- &etu&ne- 4,t% t%e %o&n#

G7lo4 ,t9 C%a&lotta9G ( 6,ss Laven-a&#

C%a&lotta a((o&-,ngl; ble49 a &at%e& &au(ous9 st&,-ent blast#
T%e&e 4as .o.entNs st,llness# # #an- t%en f&o. t%e 4oo-s ove& t%e
&,ve& (a.e a .ult,tu-e of fa,&; e(%oes9 s4eet9 elus,ve9 s,lve&;9
as ,f all t%e G%o&ns of elflan-G 4e&e blo4,ng aga,nst t%e sunset#
Anne an- D,ana e+(la,.e- ,n -el,g%t#

G3o4 laug%9 C%a&lotta# # #laug% lou-l;#G

C%a&lotta9 4%o 4oul- 0&obabl; %ave obe;e- ,f 6,ss Laven-a& %a- tol-
%e& to stan- on %e& %ea-9 (l,.be- u0on t%e stone ben(% an- laug%e-
lou- an- %ea&t,l;# 7a(< (a.e t%e e(%oes9 as ,f a %ost of 0,+;
0eo0le 4e&e .,.,(<,ng %e& laug%te& ,n t%e 0u&0le 4oo-lan-s an-
along t%e f,&-f&,nge- 0o,nts#

GPeo0le al4a;s a-.,&e .; e(%oes ve&; .u(%9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9
as ,f t%e e(%oes 4e&e %e& 0e&sonal 0&o0e&t;# G1 love t%e. .;self#
T%e; a&e ve&; goo- (o.0an;# # #4,t% a l,ttle 0&eten-,ng# 2n (al.
even,ngs C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1 often s,t out %e&e an- a.use
ou&selves 4,t% t%e.# C%a&lotta9 ta<e ba(< t%e %o&n an- %ang ,t
(a&efull; ,n ,ts 0la(e#G

G=%; -o ;ou (all %e& C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%MG as<e- D,ana9 4%o 4as
bu&st,ng 4,t% (u&,os,t; on t%,s 0o,nt#

GOust to <ee0 %e& f&o. gett,ng .,+e- u0 4,t% ot%e& C%a&lottas ,n
.; t%oug%ts9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a& se&,ousl;# GT%e; all loo< so .u(%
al,<e t%e&eNs no tell,ng t%e. a0a&t# Le& na.e ,snNt &eall;
C%a&lotta at all# 1t ,s# # #let .e see# # #4%at ,s ,tM 1 TL13P
,tNs Leono&a# # #;es9 ,t 1S Leono&a# Jou see9 ,t ,s t%,s 4a;#
=%en .ot%e& -,e- ten ;ea&s ago 1 (oul-nNt sta; %e&e alone# # #
an- 1 (oul-nNt affo&- to 0a; t%e 4ages of a g&o4n-u0 g,&l#
So 1 got l,ttle C%a&lotta to (o.e an- sta; 4,t% .e fo&
boa&- an- (lot%es# Le& na.e &eall; 4as C%a&lotta# # #s%e 4as
C%a&lotta t%e B,&st# S%e 4as 'ust t%,&teen# S%e sta;e- 4,t% .e
t,ll s%e 4as s,+teen an- t%en s%e 4ent a4a; to 7oston9 be(ause s%e
(oul- -o bette& t%e&e# Le& s,ste& (a.e to sta; 4,t% .e t%en#
Le& na.e 4as Oul,etta# # #6&s# %a- a 4ea<ness fo& fan(; 1 t%,n<# # #but s%e loo<e- so l,<e C%a&lotta t%at 1
<e0t (all,ng %e& t%at all t%e t,.e# # #an- s%e -,-nNt .,n-#
So 1 'ust gave u0 t&;,ng to & %e& &,g%t na.e#
S%e 4as C%a&lotta t%e Se(on-9 an- 4%en s%e 4ent a4a; *vel,na
(a.e an- s%e 4as C%a&lotta t%e T%,&-# 3o4 1 %ave C%a&lotta
t%e Bou&t%@ but 4%en s%e ,s s,+teen# # #s%eNs fou&teen no4# # #
s%e 4,ll 4ant to go to 7oston too9 an- 4%at 1 s%all -o t%en 1
&eall; -o not <no4# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% ,s t%e last of t%e g,&ls9 an- t%e best# T%e ot%e& C%a&lottas al4a;s let
.e see t%at t%e; t%oug%t ,t s,ll; of .e to 0&eten- t%,ngs but
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% neve& -oes9 no .atte& 4%at s%e .a; &eall; t%,n<#
1 -onNt (a&e 4%at 0eo0le t%,n< about .e ,f t%e; -onNt let .e see ,t#G

G=ell9G sa,- D,ana loo<,ng &eg&etfull; at t%e sett,ng sun#
G1 su00ose 4e .ust go ,f 4e 4ant to get to 6&# P,.ballNs befo&e -a&<#
=eNve %a- a lovel; t,.e9 6,ss Le4,s#G

G=onNt ;ou (o.e aga,n to see .eMG 0lea-e- 6,ss Laven-a&#

Tall Anne 0ut %e& a&. about t%e l,ttle la-;#

G1n-ee- 4e s%all9G s%e 0&o.,se-# G3o4 t%at 4e %ave -,s(ove&e- ;ou
4eNll 4ea& out ou& 4el(o.e (o.,ng to see ;ou# Jes9 4e .ust go# # #
N4e .ust tea& ou&selves a4a;9N as Paul 1&v,ng sa;s eve&; t,.e %e
( to )&een )ables#G

GPaul 1&v,ngMG T%e&e 4as a subtle (%ange ,n 6,ss Laven-a&Ns vo,(e#
G=%o ,s %eM 1 -,-nNt t%,n< t%e&e 4as an;bo-; of t%at na.e ,n Avonlea#G

Anne felt ve+e- at %e& o4n %ee-lessness# S%e %a- fo&gotten about
6,ss Laven-a&Ns ol- & 4%en PaulNs na.e sl,00e- out#

GLe ,s a l,ttle 0u0,l of .,ne9G s%e e+0la,ne- slo4l;# GLe (a.e
f&o. 7oston last ;ea& to l,ve 4,t% %,s g&an-.ot%e&9 6&s# 1&v,ng
of t%e s%o&e &oa-#G

G1s %e Ste0%en 1&v,ngNs sonMG 6,ss Laven-a& as<e-9 ben-,ng ove& %e&
na.esa<e bo&-e& so t%at %e& fa(e 4as %,--en#


G1N. go,ng to g,ve ;ou g,&ls a bun(% of laven-a& a0,e(e9G sa,- 6,ss
Laven-a& b&,g%tl;9 as ,f s%e %a- not %ea&- t%e ans4e& to %e& Huest,on#
G1tNs ve&; s4eet9 -onNt ;ou t%,n<M 6ot%e& al4a;s love- ,t#
S%e 0lante- t%ese bo&-e&s long ago# Bat%e& na.e- .e Laven-a&
be(ause %e 4as so fon- of ,t# T%e ve&; f,&st t,.e %e sa4 .ot%e&
4as 4%en %e v,s,te- %e& %o.e ,n *ast )&afton 4,t% %e& b&ot%e&# Le
fell ,n love 4,t% %e& at f,&st s,g%t@ an- t%e; 0ut %,. ,n t%e s0a&e
&oo. be- to slee0 an- t%e s%eets 4e&e s(ente- 4,t% laven-a& an- %e
la; a4a<e all n,g%t an- t%oug%t of %e&# Le al4a;s love- t%e s(ent
of laven-a& afte& t%at# # #an- t%at 4as 4%; %e gave .e t%e na.e#
DonNt fo&get to (o.e ba(< soon9 g,&ls -ea&# =eNll be loo<,ng fo&
;ou9 C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1#G

S%e o0ene- t%e gate un-e& t%e f,&s fo& t%e. to 0ass t%&oug%# S%e loo<e-
su--enl; ol- an- t,&e-@ t%e glo4 an- &a-,an(e %a- fa-e- f&o. %e& fa(e@
%e& 0a&t,ng s.,le 4as as s4eet 4,t% ,ne&a-,(able ;out% as eve&9 but 4%en
t%e g,&ls loo<e- ba(< f&o. t%e f,&st (u&ve ,n t%e lane t%e; sa4 %e& s,tt,ng
on t%e ol- stone ben(% un-e& t%e s,lve& 0o0la& ,n t%e .,--le of t%e ga&-en
4,t% %e& %ea- lean,ng 4ea&,l; on %e& %an-#

GS%e -oes loo< lonel;9G sa,- D,ana softl;# G=e .ust (o.e often to see %e&#G

G1 t%,n< %e& 0a&ents gave %e& t%e onl; &,g%t an- f,tt,ng na.e t%at
(oul- 0oss,bl; be g,ven %e&9G sa,- Anne# G1f t%e; %a- been so
bl,n- as to na.e %e& *l,/abet% o& 3ell,e o& 6u&,el s%e .ust %ave
been (alle- Laven-a& 'ust t%e sa.e9 1 t%,n<# 1tNs so suggest,ve of
s4eetness an- ol--fas%,one- g&a(es an- Us,l< att,&e#N 3o49 .; na.e
'ust s.a(<s of b&ea- an- butte&9 0at(%4o&< an- (%o&es#G

G2%9 1 -onNt t%,n< so9G sa,- D,ana# GAnne see.s to .e &eal statel;
an- l,<e a Hueen# 7ut 1N- l,<e Pe&&en%a00u(% ,f ,t %a00ene- to be
;ou& na.e# 1 t%,n< 0eo0le .a<e t%e,& n,(e o& ugl; 'ust b;
4%at t%e; a&e t%e.selves# 1 (anNt bea& Oos,e o& )e&t,e fo&
no4 but befo&e 1 <ne4 t%e P;e g,&ls 1 t%oug%t t%e. &eal 0&ett;#G

GT%atNs a lovel; ,-ea9 D,ana9G sa,- Anne ent%us,ast,(all;#
GL,v,ng so t%at ;ou beaut,f; ;ou& na.e9 even ,f ,t 4asnNt
beaut,ful to beg,n 4,t%# # #.a<,ng ,t stan- ,n 0eo0leNs
t%oug%ts fo&,ng so lovel; an- 0leasant t%at t%e;
neve& t%,n< of ,t b; ,tself# T%an< ;ou9 D,ana#G


2--s an- *n-s

GSo ;ou %a- tea at t%e stone %ouse 4,t% Laven-a& Le4,sMG sa,- 6a&,lla
at t%e b&ea<fast table ne+t .o&n,ng# G=%at ,s s%e l,<e no4M
1tNs ove& f,fteen ;ea&s s,n(e 1 sa4 %e& last# # #,t 4as one
Sun-a; ,n )&afton (%u&(%# 1 su00ose s%e %as (%ange- a g&eat -eal#
Dav; Pe,t%9 4%en ;ou 4ant,ng ;ou (anNt &ea(%9 as< to %ave ,t
0asse- an- -onNt s0&ea- ;ou&self ove& t%e table ,n t%at fas%,on#
D,- ;ou eve& see Paul 1&v,ng -o,ng t%at 4%en %e 4as %e&e to .ealsMG

G7ut PaulNs a&.s a&e longe&Nn .,ne9G b&u.ble- Dav;# GT%e;Nve %a-
eleven ;ea&s to g&o4 an- .,neNve onl; %a- seven# NS,-es9 1 D1D as<9
but ;ou an- Anne 4as so bus; tal<,ng ;ou -,-nNt 0a; an; Ntent,on#
NS,-es9 PaulNs neve& been %e&e to an; .eal es(e0t tea9 an- ,tNs eas,e&
to be 0Nl,te at tea t%an at b&ea<fast# Jou a,nNt %alf as %ung&;#
1tNs an a4ful long 4%,le bet4een su00e& an- b&ea<fast# 3o49 Anne9
t%at s0oonful a,nNt an; b,gge& t%an ,t 4as last ;ea& an- 1N6 eve&
so .u(% b,gge&#G

G2f (ou&se9 1 -onNt <no4 4%at 6,ss Laven-a& use- to loo< l,<e but 1
-onNt fan(; so.e%o4 t%at s%e %as (%ange- a g&eat -eal9G sa,- Anne9
afte& s%e %a- %el0e- Dav; to .a0le s;&u09 g,v,ng %,. t4o s0oonfuls
to 0a(,f; %,.# GLe& %a,& ,s sno4-4%,te but %e& fa(e ,s f&es% an-
al.ost g,&l,s%9 an- s%e %as t%e s4eetest b&o4n e;es# # #su(% a
0&ett; s%a-e of 4oo--b&o4n 4,t% l,ttle gol-en gl,nts ,n t%e.# # #
an- %e& vo,(e .a<es ;ou t%,n< of 4%,te sat,n an- t,n<l,ng 4ate&
an- fa,&; bells all .,+e- u0 toget%e&#G

GS%e 4as &e(<one- a g&eat beaut; 4%en s%e 4as a g,&l9G sa,- 6a&,lla#
G1 neve& <ne4 %e& ve&; 4ell but 1 l,<e- %e& as fa& as 1 -,- <no4 %e&#
So.e fol<s t%oug%t %e& 0e(ul,a& even t%en# DA:J9 ,f eve& 1 (at(% ;ou
at su(% a t&,(< aga,n ;ouNll be .a-e to 4a,t fo& ;ou& .eals t,ll
eve&;one else ,s -one9 l,<e t%e B&en(%#G

6ost (onve&sat,ons bet4een Anne an- 6a&,lla ,n t%e 0&esen(e of t%e
t4,ns9 4e&e 0un(tuate- b; t%ese &ebu<es Dav;-4a&-# 1n t%,s ,nstan(e9
Dav;9 sa- to &elate9 not be,ng able to s(oo0 u0 t%e last -&o0s of
%,s s;&u0 4,t% %,s s0oon9 %a- solve- t%e -,ff,(ult; b; l,ft,ng %,s
0late ,n bot% %an-s an- a00l;,ng %,s s.all 0,n< tongue to ,t#
Anne loo<e- at %,. 4,t% su(% %o&&,f,e- e;es t%at t%e l,ttle
s,nne& tu&ne- &e- an- sa,-9 %alf s%a.efa(e-l;9 %alf -ef,antl;9

GT%e&e a,nNt an; 4aste- t%at 4a;#G

GPeo0le 4%o a&e -,ffe&ent f&o. ot%e& 0eo0le a&e al4a;s (alle-
0e(ul,a&9G sa,- Anne# GAn- 6,ss Laven-a& ,s (e&ta,nl; -,ffe&ent9
t%oug% ,tNs %a&- to sa; 'ust 4%e&e t%e -,ffe&en(e ( ,n#
Pe&%a0s ,t ,s be(ause s%e ,s one of t%ose 0eo0le 4%o neve& g&o4 ol-#G

G2ne .,g%t as 4ell g&o4 ol- 4%en all ;ou& gene&at,on -o9G sa,-
6a&,lla9 &at%e& &e(<less of %e& 0&onouns# G1f ;ou -onNt9 ;ou -onNt
f,t ,n an;4%e&e# Ba& as 1 (an lea&n Laven-a& Le4,s %as 'ust
-&o00e- out of eve&;t%,ng# S%eNs l,ve- ,n t%at out of t%e 4a;
0la(e unt,l eve&;bo-; %as fo&gotten %e&# T%at stone %ouse ,s one
of t%e ol-est on t%e 1slan-# 2l- 6&# Le4,s bu,lt ,t e,g%t; ;ea&s
ago 4%en %e (a.e out f&o. *nglan-# Dav;9 sto0 'oggl,ng Do&aNs elbo4#
2%9 1 sa4 ;ouF Jou nee-nNt t&; to loo< ,nno(ent# =%at -oes .a<e ;ou
be%ave so t%,s .o&n,ngMG

G6a;be 1 got out of t%e 4&ong s,-e of t%e be-9G suggeste- Dav;#
G6,lt; 7oulte& sa;s ,f ;ou -o t%at t%,ngs a&e boun- to go 4&ong
4,t% ;ou all -a;# L,s g&an-.ot%e& tol- %,.# 7ut 4%,(% ,s t%e
&,g%t s,-eM An- 4%at a&e ;ou to -o 4%en ;ou& be-Ns aga,nst t%e
4allM 1 4ant to <no4#G

G1Nve al4a;s 4on-e&e- 4%at 4ent 4&ong bet4een Ste0%en 1&v,ng an-
Laven-a& Le4,s9G (ont,nue- 6a&,lla9 ,gno&,ng Dav;# GT%e; 4e&e
(e&ta,nl; engage- t4ent;-f,ve ;ea&s ago an- t%en all at on(e ,t 4as
b&o<en off# 1 -onNt <no4 4%at t%e t&ouble 4as but ,t .ust %ave
been,ng te&&,ble9 fo& %e 4ent a4a; to t%e States an- neve&
(o.e %o.e s,n(e#G

GPe&%a0s ,t 4as not%,ng ve&; -&ea-ful afte& all# 1 t%,n< t%e
l,ttle t%,ngs ,n l,fe often .a<e .o&e t&ouble t%an t%e b,g t%,ngs9G
sa,- Anne9 4,t% one of t%ose flas%es of ,ns,g%t 4%,(% e+0e&,en(e
(oul- not %ave bette&e-# G6a&,lla9 0lease -onNt sa; an;t%,ng about
.; be,ng at 6,ss Laven-a&Ns to 6&s# L;n-e# S%eN- be su&e to as< a
%un-&e- Huest,ons an- so.e%o4 1 4oul-nNt l,<e ,t# # #no& 6,ss
Laven-a& e,t%e& ,f s%e <ne49 1 feel su&e#G

G1 -a&esa; 8a(%el 4oul- be (u&,ous9G a-.,tte- 6a&,lla9 Gt%oug% s%e
%asnNt as .u(% t,.e as s%e use- to %ave fo& loo<,ng afte& ot%e&
0eo0leNs affa,&s# S%eNs t,e- %o.e no4 on a((ount of an-
s%eNs feel,ng 0&ett; -o4n%ea&te-9 fo& 1 t%,n< s%eNs beg,nn,ng to
lose %o0e of %,s eve& gett,ng bette&# 8a(%el 4,ll be left 0&ett;
lonel; ,f an;t%,ng %a00ens to %,.9 4,t% all %e& (%,l-&en settle-
out 4est9 e+(e0t *l,/a ,n to4n@ an- s%e -oesnNt l,<e %e& %usban-#G

6a&,llaNs 0&onouns slan-e&e- *l,/a9 4%o 4as ve&; fon- of %e& %usban-#

G8a(%el sa;s ,f %eN- onl; b&a(e u0 an- e+e&t %,s 4,ll 0o4e& %eN-
get bette&# 7ut 4%at ,s t%e use of as<,ng a 'ell;f,s% to s,t u0
st&a,g%tMG (ont,nue- 6a&,lla# L;n-e neve& %a- an; 4,ll
0o4e& to e+e&t# L,s .ot%e& &ule- %,. t,ll %e .a&&,e- an- t%en
8a(%el (a&&,e- ,t on# 1tNs a 4on-e& %e -a&e- to get s,(< 4,t%out
as<,ng %e& 0e&.,ss,on# 7ut t%e&e9 1 s%oul-nNt tal< so# 8a(%el %as
been a goo- 4,fe to %,.# LeN- neve& %ave a.ounte- to an;t%,ng
4,t%out %e&9 t%atNs (e&ta,n# Le 4as bo&n to be &ule-@ an- ,tNs
4ell %e fell ,nto t%e %an-s of a (leve&9 (a0able .anage& l,<e 8a(%el#
Le -,-nNt .,n- %e& 4a;# 1t save- %,. t%e bot%e& of eve& .a<,ng u0
%,s o4n .,n- about an;t%,ng# Dav;9 -o sto0 sHu,&.,ng l,<e an eel#G

G1Nve not%,ng else to -o9G 0&oteste- Dav;# G1 (anNt eat an; .o&e9
an- ,tNs no fun 4at(%,ng ;ou an- Anne eat#G

G=ell9 ;ou an- Do&a go out an- g,ve t%e %ens t%e,& 4%eat9G sa,-
6a&,lla# GAn- -onNt ;ou t&; to 0ull an; .o&e feat%e&s out of t%e
4%,te &ooste&Ns ta,l e,t%e&#G

G1 4ante- so.e feat%e&s fo& an 1n'un %ea--&ess9G sa,- Dav; sul<,l;#
G6,lt; 7oulte& %as a -an-; one9 .a-e out of t%e feat%e&s %,s .ot%e&
g,ve %,. 4%en s%e <,lle- t%e,& ol- 4%,te gobble&# Jou .,g%t let .e
%ave so.e# T%at &ooste&Ns got eve& so .an; .o&eNn %e 4ants#G

GJou .a; %ave t%e ol- feat%e& -uste& ,n t%e ga&&et9G sa,- Anne9
Gan- 1Nll -;e t%e. g&een an- &e- an- ;ello4 fo& ;ou#G

GJou -o s0o,l t%at bo; -&ea-full;9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4%en Dav;9 4,t% a
&a-,ant fa(e9 %a- follo4e- 0&,. Do&a out# 6a&,llaNs e-u(at,on %a-
.a-e g&eat st&,-es ,n t%e 0ast s,+ ;ea&s@ but s%e %a- not ;et been
able to &,- %e&self of t%e ,-ea t%at ,t 4as ve&; ba- fo& a (%,l- to
%ave too .an; of ,ts 4,s%es ,n-ulge-#

GAll t%e bo;s of %,s (lass %ave 1n-,an %ea--&esses9 an- Dav; 4ants
one too9G sa,- Anne# GR1R <no4 %o4 ,t feels# # #1Nll neve& fo&get %o4
1 use- to long fo& 0uffe- sleeves 4%en all t%e ot%e& g,&ls %a- t%e.#
An- Dav; ,snNt be,ng s0o,le-# Le ,s ,.0&ov,ng eve&; -a;# T%,n< 4%at
a -,ffe&en(e t%e&e ,s ,n %,. s,n(e %e (a.e %e&e a ;ea& ago#G

GLe (e&ta,nl; -oesnNt get ,nto as .u(% .,s(%,ef s,n(e %e began to
go to s(%ool9G a(<no4le-ge- 6a&,lla# G1 su00ose %e 4o&<s off t%e
ten-en(; 4,t% t%e ot%e& bo;s# 7ut ,tNs a 4on-e& to .e 4e %avenNt
%ea&- f&o. 8,(%a&- Pe,t% befo&e t%,s# 3eve& a 4o&- s,n(e last 6a;#G

G1Nll be af&a,- to %ea& f&o. %,.9G s,g%e- Anne9 beg,nn,ng to (lea&
a4a; t%e -,s%es# G1f a lette& s%oul- (o.e 1N- -&ea- o0en,ng ,t9
fo& fea& ,t 4oul- tell us to sen- t%e t4,ns to %,.#G

A .ont% late& a lette& -,- (o.e# 7ut ,t 4as not f&o. 8,(%a&- Pe,t%#
A f&,en- of %,s 4&ote to sa; t%at 8,(%a&- Pe,t% %a- -,e- of (onsu.0t,on
a fo&tn,g%t 0&ev,ousl;# T%e 4&,te& of t%e lette& 4as t%e e+e(uto& of
%,s 4,ll an- b; t%at 4,ll t%e su. of t4o t%ousan- -olla&s 4as left to
6,ss 6a&,lla Cut%be&t ,n t&ust fo& Dav,- an- Do&a Pe,t% unt,l t%e;
(a.e of age o& .a&&,e-# 1n t%e .eant,.e t%e ,nte&est 4as to be use-
fo& t%e,& .a,ntenan(e#

G1t see.s -&ea-ful to be gla- of an;t%,ng ,n (onne(t,on 4,t% a -eat%9G
sa,- Anne sobe&l;# G1N. so&&; fo& 0oo& 6&# Pe,t%@ but 1 A6 gla- t%at
4e (an <ee0 t%e t4,ns#G

G1tNs a ve&; goo- t%,ng about t%e .one;9G sa,- 6a&,lla 0&a(t,(all;#
G1 4ante- to <ee0 t%e. but 1 &eall; -,-nNt see %o4 1 (oul- affo&-
to -o ,t9 es0e(,all; 4%en t%e; g&e4 ol-e&# T%e &ent of t%e fa&.
-oesnNt -o an; .o&e t%an <ee0 t%e %ouse an- 1 4as boun- t%at not a
(ent of ;ou& .one; s%oul- be s0ent on t%e.# Jou -o fa& too .u(%
fo& t%e. as ,t ,s# Do&a -,-nNt nee- t%at ne4 %at ;ou boug%t %e&
an; .o&e t%an a (at nee-s t4o ta,ls# 7ut no4 t%e 4a; ,s .a-e (lea&
an- t%e; a&e 0&ov,-e- fo&#G

Dav; an- Do&a 4e&e -el,g%te- 4%en t%e; %ea&- t%at t%e; 4e&e to l,ve
at )&een )ables9 Gfo& goo-#G T%e -eat% of an un(le 4%o. t%e; %a-
neve& seen (oul- not 4e,g% a .o.ent ,n t%e balan(e aga,nst t%at#
7ut Do&a %a- one .,sg,v,ng#

G=as 5n(le 8,(%a&- bu&,e-MG s%e 4%,s0e&e- to Anne#

GJes9 -ea&9 of (ou&se#G

GLe# # #%e# # #,snNt l,<e 6,&abel CottonNs un(le9 ,s %eMG ,n a
st,ll .o&e ag,tate- 4%,s0e&# GLe 4onNt 4al< about %ouses afte&
be,ng bu&,e-9 4,ll %e9 AnneMG


6,ss Laven-a&Ns

G1 t%,n< 1Nll ta<e a 4al< t%&oug% to *(%o Lo-ge t%,s even,ng9G sa,- Anne9
one B&,-a; afte&noon ,n De(

G1t loo<s l,<e sno49G sa,- 6a&,lla -ub,ousl;#

G1Nll be t%e&e befo&e t%e sno4 ( an- 1 .ean to sta; all n,g%t#
D,ana (anNt go be(ause s%e %as (o.0an;9 an- 1N. su&e 6,ss Laven-a& 4,ll
be loo<,ng fo& .e ton,g%t# 1tNs a 4%ole fo&tn,g%t s,n(e 1 4as t%e&e#G

Anne %a- 0a,- .an; a v,s,t to *(%o Lo-ge s,n(e t%at 2(tobe& -a;#,.es s%e an- D,ana -&ove a&oun- b; t%e &oa-@,.es t%e;
4al<e- t%&oug% t%e 4oo-s# =%en D,ana (oul- not go Anne 4ent alone#
7et4een %e& an- 6,ss Laven-a& %a- s0&ung u0 one of t%ose fe&vent9
%el0ful f&,en-s%,0s 0oss,ble onl; bet4een a 4%o %as <e0t t%e
f&es%ness of ;out% ,n %e& %ea&t an- soul9 an- a g,&l 4%ose
,.ag,nat,on an- ,ntu,t,on su00l,e- t%e 0la(e of e+0e&,en(e#
Anne %a- at last -,s(ove&e- a &eal G<,n-&e- s0,&,t9G 4%,le ,nto
t%e l,ttle la-;Ns lonel;9 seHueste&e- l,fe of -&ea.s Anne an- D,ana
(a.e 4,t% t%e 4%oleso.e 'o; an- e+%,la&at,on of t%e oute& e+,sten(e9
4%,(% 6,ss Laven-a&9 Gt%e 4o&l- fo&gett,ng9 b; t%e 4o&l- fo&got9G
%a- long (ease- to s%a&e@ t%e; b&oug%t an at.os0%e&e of ;out%
an- &eal,t; to t%e l,ttle stone %ouse# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
al4a;s g&eete- t%e. 4,t% %e& ve&; 4,-est s.,le# # #an- C%a&lottaNs
s.,les =*8* fea&full; 4,-e# # #lov,ng t%e. fo& t%e sa<e of %e&
a-o&e- .,st&ess as 4ell as fo& t%e,& o4n# 3eve& %a- t%e&e been
su(% G%,g% ',n<sG %el- ,n t%e l,ttle stone %ouse as 4e&e %el- t%e&e
t%at beaut,ful9 late-l,nge&,ng autu.n9 4%en see.e- 2(tobe&
ove& aga,n9 an- even De( a0e- t%e suns%,ne an- %a/es of su..e&#

7ut on t%,s 0a&t,(ula& -a; ,t see.e- as ,f De( %a- &
t%at ,t 4as t,.e fo& 4,nte& an- %a- tu&ne- su--enl; -ull an-
b&oo-,ng9 4,t% a 4,n-less %us% 0&e-,(t,ve of (o.,ng sno4#
3eve&t%eless9 Anne <eenl; en'o;e- %e& 4al< t%&oug% t%e g&eat g&a;
.a/e of t%e bee(%lan-s@ t%oug% alone s%e neve& foun- ,t lonel;@ %e&
,.ag,nat,on 0eo0le- %e& 0at% 4,t% .e&&; (o.0an,ons9 an- 4,t% t%ese
s%e (a&&,e- on a ga;9 0&eten-e- (onve&sat,on t%at 4as 4,tt,e& an-
.o&e fas(,nat,ng t%an (onve&sat,ons a&e a0t to be ,n &eal l,fe9
4%e&e 0eo0le,.es fa,l .ost la.entabl; to tal< u0 to t%e
&eHu,&e.ents# 1n a G.a<e bel,eveG; of (%o,(e s0,&,ts
eve&;bo-; sa;s 'ust t%e t%,ng ;ou 4ant %e& to sa; an- so g,ves ;ou
t%e (%an(e to sa; 'ust 4%at J25 4ant to sa;# Atten-e- b; t%,s
,nv,s,ble (o.0an;9 Anne t&ave&se- t%e 4oo-s an- a&&,ve- at t%e f,&
lane 'ust as b&oa-9 feat%e&; fla<es began to flutte& -o4n softl;#

At t%e f,&st ben- s%e (a.e u0on 6,ss Laven-a&9 stan-,ng un-e& a
b,g9 b&oa--b&an(%,ng f,&# S%e 4o&e a go4n of 4a&.9 &,(% &e-9 an-
%e& %ea- an- s%oul-e&s 4e&e 4&a00e- ,n a s,lve&; g&a; s,l< s%a4l#

GJou loo< l,<e t%e Hueen of t%e f,& 4oo- fa,&,es9G (alle- Anne .e&&,l;#

G1 t%oug%t ;ou 4oul- (o.e ton,g%t9 Anne9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9
&unn,ng fo&4a&-# GAn- 1N. -oubl; gla-9 fo& C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
,s a4a;# Le& .ot%e& ,s s,(< an- s%e %a- to go %o.e fo& t%e n,g%t#
1 s%oul- %ave been ve&; lonel; ,f ;ou %a-nNt (o.e# # #even t%e
-&ea.s an- t%e e(%oes 4oul-nNt %ave been enoug% (o.0an;# 2%9 Anne9
%o4 0&ett; ;ou a&e9G s%e a--e- su--enl;9 loo<,ng u0 at t%e tall9
sl,. g,&l 4,t% t%e soft &ose-flus% of 4al<,ng on %e& fa(e# GLo4
0&ett; an- %o4 ;oungF 1tNs so -el,g%tful to be seventeen9 ,snNt ,tM
1 -o env; ;ou9G (on(lu-e- 6,ss Laven-a& (an-,-l;#

G7ut ;ou a&e onl; seventeen at %ea&t9G s.,le- Anne#

G3o9 1N. ol-# # #o& &at%e& .,--le-age-9 4%,(% ,s fa& 4o&se9G
s,g%e- 6,ss Laven-a&#,.es 1 (an 0&eten- 1N. not9 but at
ot%e& t,.es 1 &eal,/e ,t# An- 1 (anNt &e(on(,le .;self to ,t as
.ost 4o.en see. to# 1N. 'ust as &ebell,ous as 1 4as 4%en 1
-,s(ove&e- .; f,&st g&a; %a,&# 3o49 Anne9 -onNt loo< as ,f ;ou
4e&e t&;,ng to un-e&stan-# Seventeen CA3NT un-e&stan-# 1N. go,ng
to 0&eten- &,g%t a4a; t%at 1 a. seventeen too9 an- 1 (an -o ,t9 no4
t%at ;ouN&e %e&e# Jou al4a;s b&,ng ;out% ,n ;ou& %an- l,<e a g,ft#
=eN&e go,ng to %ave a 'oll; even,ng# Tea f,&st# # #4%at -o ;ou
4ant fo& teaM =eNll %ave 4%ateve& ;ou l,<e# Do t%,n< of,ng
n,(e an- ,n-,gest,ble#G

T%e&e 4e&e soun-s of &,ot an- .,&t% ,n t%e l,ttle stone %ouse
t%at n,g%t# =%at 4,t% (oo<,ng an- feast,ng an- .a<,ng (an-; an-
laug%,ng an- G0&eten-,ng9G ,t ,s Hu,te t&ue t%at 6,ss Laven-a& an-
Anne (o.0o&te- t%e.selves ,n a fas%,on ent,&el; unsu,te- to t%e
-,gn,t; of a s0,nste& of fo&t;-f,ve an- a se-ate s(%ool.aNa.#
T%en9 4%en t%e; 4e&e t,&e-9 t%e; sat -o4n on t%e &ug befo&e t%e
g&ate ,n t%e 0a&lo&9 l,g%te- onl; b; t%e soft f,&es%,ne an-
0e&fu.e- -el,(,ousl; b; 6,ss Laven-a&Ns o0en &ose-'a& on t%e .antel#
T%e 4,n- %a- &,sen an- 4as s,g%,ng an- 4a,l,ng a&oun- t%e eaves an-
t%e sno4 4as t%u--,ng softl; aga,nst t%e 4,n-o4s9 as ,f a %un-&e-
sto&. s0&,tes 4e&e ta00,ng fo& ent&an(e#

G1N. so gla- ;ouN&e %e&e9 Anne9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9 n,bbl,ng at
%e& (an-;# G1f ;ou 4e&enNt 1 s%oul- be blue# # #ve&; blue# # #
al.ost nav; blue# D&ea.s an- .a<e-bel,eves a&e all ve&; 4ell ,n
t%e -a;t,.e an- t%e suns%,ne9 but 4%en -a&< an- sto&. (o.e t%e;
fa,l to sat,sf;# 2ne 4ants &eal t%,ngs t%en# 7ut ;ou -onNt <no4
t%,s# # #seventeen neve& <no4s ,t# At seventeen -&ea.s D2 sat,sf;
be(ause ;ou t%,n< t%e &eal,t,es a&e 4a,t,ng fo& ;ou fu&t%e& on#
=%en 1 4as seventeen9 Anne9 1 -,-nNt t%,n< fo&t;-f,ve 4oul- f,n- .e
a 4%,te-%a,&e- l,ttle ol- .a,- 4,t% not%,ng but -&ea.s to f,ll .; l,fe#G

G7ut ;ou a&enNt an ol- .a,-9G sa,- Anne9 s.,l,ng ,nto 6,ss Laven-a&Ns
4,stful 4oo-b&o4n e;es# G2l- .a,-s a&e 7283# # #t%e; -onNt 7*C26*#G

GSo.e a&e bo&n ol- .a,-s9 so.e a(%,eve ol- .a,-en%oo-9 an- so.e %ave
ol- .a,-en%oo- t%&ust u0on t%e.9G 0a&o-,e- 6,ss Laven-a& 4%,.s,(all;#

GJou a&e one of t%ose 4%o %ave a(%,eve- ,t t%en9G laug%e- Anne9
Gan- ;ouNve -one ,t so beaut,full; t%at ,f eve&; ol- .a,- 4e&e
l,<e ;ou t%e; 4oul- (o.e ,nto t%e fas%,on9 1 t%,n<#G

G1 al4a;s l,<e to -o t%,ngs as 4ell as 0oss,ble9G sa,- 6,ss
Laven-a& .e-,tat,vel;9 Gan- s,n(e an ol- .a,- 1 %a- to be 1 4as
-ete&.,ne- to be a ve&; n,(e one# Peo0le sa; 1N. o--@ but ,tNs
'ust be(ause 1 follo4 .; o4n 4a; of be,ng an ol- .a,- an- &efuse to
(o0; t%e t&a-,t,onal 0atte&n# Anne9 -,- an;one eve& tell ;ou
an;t%,ng about Ste0%en 1&v,ng an- .eMG

GJes9G sa,- Anne (an-,-l;9 G1Nve %ea&- t%at ;ou an- %e 4e&e engage- on(e#G

GSo 4e 4e&e# # #t4ent;-f,ve ;ea&s ago# # #a l,fet,.e ago# An- 4e
4e&e to %ave been .a&&,e- t%e ne+t s0&,ng# 1 %a- .; 4e--,ng
-&ess .a-e9 alt%oug% nobo-; but .ot%e& an- Ste0%en eve& <ne4 TLAT#
=eN- been engage- ,n a 4a; al.ost all ou& l,ves9 ;ou .,g%t sa;#
=%en Ste0%en 4as a l,ttle bo; %,s .ot%e& 4oul- b&,ng %,. %e&e 4%en
s%e (a.e to see .; .ot%e&@ an- t%e se(on- t,.e %e eve& (a.e# # #
%e 4as n,ne an- 1 4as s,+# # #%e tol- .e out ,n t%e ga&-en t%at
%e %a- 0&ett; 4ell .a-e u0 %,s .,n- to .a&&; .e 4%en %e g&e4 u0#
1 & t%at 1 sa,- UT%an< ;ouN@ an- 4%en %e 4as gone 1 tol-
.ot%e& ve&; g&avel; t%at t%e&e 4as a g&eat 4e,g%t off .; .,n-9
be(ause 1 4asnNt f&,g%tene- an; .o&e about %av,ng to be an ol-
.a,-# Lo4 0oo& .ot%e& laug%e-FG

GAn- 4%at 4ent 4&ongMG as<e- Anne b&eat%lessl;#

G=e %a- 'ust a stu0,-9 s,ll;9 (o..on0la(e Hua&&el# So (o..on0la(e
t%at9 ,f ;ouNll bel,eve .e9 1 -onNt even & 'ust %o4 ,t began#
1 %a&-l; <no4 4%o 4as t%e .o&e to bla.e fo& ,t# Ste0%en -,- &eall;
beg,n ,t9 but 1 su00ose 1 0&ovo<e- %,. b; so.e fool,s%ness of .,ne#
Le %a- a &,val o& t4o9 ;ou see# 1 4as va,n an- (oHuett,s% an- l,<e-
to tease %,. a l,ttle# Le 4as a ve&; %,g%-st&ung9 sens,t,ve fello4#
=ell9 4e 0a&te- ,n a te.0e& on bot% s,-es# 7ut 1 t%oug%t ,t 4oul- all
(o.e &,g%t@ an- ,t 4oul- %ave ,f Ste0%en %a-nNt (o.e ba(< too soon#
Anne9 .; -ea&9 1N. so&&; to sa;G# # #6,ss Laven-a& -&o00e- %e& vo,(e
as ,f s%e 4e&e about to (onfess a 0&e-,le(t,on fo& .u&-e&,ng 0eo0le9
Gt%at 1 a. a -&ea-full; sul<; 0e&son# 2%9 ;ou nee-nNt s.,le9# # #
,tNs onl; too t&ue# 1 D2 sul<@ an- Ste0%en (a.e ba(< befo&e 1 %a-
f,n,s%e- sul<,ng# 1 4oul-nNt l,sten to %,. an- 1 4oul-nNt fo&g,ve %,.@
an- so %e 4ent a4a; fo& goo-# Le 4as too 0&ou- to (o.e aga,n# An-
t%en 1 sul<e- be(ause %e -,-nNt (o.e# 1 .,g%t %ave sent fo& %,.
0e&%a0s9 but 1 (oul-nNt %u.ble .;self to -o t%at# 1 4as 'ust as
0&ou- as %e 4as# # #0&,-e an- sul<,ness .a<e a ve&; ba- (o.b,nat,on9
Anne# 7ut 1 (oul- neve& (a&e fo& an;bo-; else an- 1 -,-nNt 4ant to#
1 <ne4 1 4oul- &at%e& be an ol- .a,- fo& a t%ousan- ;ea&s t%an .a&&;
an;bo-; 4%o 4asnNt Ste0%en 1&v,ng# =ell9 ,t all see.s l,<e a -&ea. no49
of (ou&se# Lo4 s;.0at%et,( ;ou loo<9 Anne# # #as s;.0at%et,( as onl;
seventeen (an loo<# 7ut -onNt ove&-o ,t# 1N. &eall; a ve&; %a00;9
(ontente- l,ttle 0e&son ,n s0,te of .; b&o<en %ea&t# 6; %ea&t -,- b&ea<9
,f eve& a %ea&t -,-9 4%en 1 &eal,/e- t%at Ste0%en 1&v,ng 4as not (o.,ng ba(<#
7ut9 Anne9 a b&o<en %ea&t ,n &eal l,fe ,snNt %alf as -&ea-ful as ,t ,s
,n boo<s# 1tNs a goo- -eal l,<e a ba- toot%# # #t%oug% ;ou 4onNt
t%,n< TLAT a ve&; &o.ant,( s,.,le# 1t ta<es s0ells of a(%,ng an-
g,ves ;ou a slee0less n,g%t no4 an- t%en9 but bet4een t,.es ,t lets
;ou en'o; l,fe an- -&ea.s an- e(%oes an- 0eanut (an-; as ,f t%e&e
4e&e not%,ng t%e .atte& 4,t% ,t# An- no4 ;ouN&e loo<,ng -,sa00o,nte-#
Jou -onNt t%,n< 1N. %alf as ,nte&est,ng a 0e&son as ;ou -,- f,ve .,nutes
ago 4%en ;ou bel,eve- 1 4as al4a;s t%e 0&e; of a t&ag,( .e.o&; b&avel;
%,--en beneat% e+te&nal s.,les# T%atNs t%e 4o&st# # #o& t%e best# # #
of &eal l,fe9 Anne# 1t =23NT let ;ou be .,se&able# 1t <ee0s on t&;,ng
to .a<e ;ou ( # #an- su((ee-,ng###even 4%en ;ouN&e -ete&.,ne-
to be un%a00; an- &o.ant,(# 1snNt t%,s (an-; s(&u.0t,ousM 1Nve eaten
fa& .o&e t%an ,s goo- fo& .e al&ea-; but 1N. go,ng to <ee0 &e(<lessl; on#G

Afte& a l,ttle s,len(e 6,ss Laven-a& sa,- ab&u0tl;9

G1t gave .e a s%o(< to %ea& about Ste0%enNs son t%at f,&st -a; ;ou
4e&e %e&e9 Anne# 1Nve neve& been able to .ent,on %,. to ;ou s,n(e9
but 1Nve 4ante- to <no4 all about %,.# =%at so&t of a bo; ,s %eMG

GLe ,s t%e -ea&est9 s4eetest (%,l- 1 eve& <ne49 6,ss Laven-a&# # #
an- %e 0&eten-s t%,ngs too9 'ust as ;ou an- 1 -o#G

G1N- l,<e to see %,.9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a& softl;9 as ,f tal<,ng to %e&self#
G1 4on-e& ,f %e loo<s an;t%,ng l,<e t%e l,ttle -&ea.-bo; 4%o l,ves %e&e
4,t% .e# # #6J l,ttle -&ea.-bo;#G

G1f ;ou 4oul- l,<e to see Paul 1Nll b&,ng %,. t%&oug% 4,t% .e,.e9G
sa,- Anne#

G1 4oul- l,<e ,t# # #but not too soon# 1 4ant to get use- to t%e t%oug%t#
T%e&e .,g%t be .o&e 0a,n t%an 0leasu&e ,n ,t# # #,f %e loo<e- too .u(%
l,<e Ste0%en# # #o& ,f %e -,-nNt loo< enoug% l,<e %,.# 1n a .ont%Ns t,.e
;ou .a; b&,ng %,.#G

A((o&-,ngl;9 a .ont% late& Anne an- Paul 4al<e- t%&oug% t%e 4oo-s
to t%e stone %ouse9 an- .et 6,ss Laven-a& ,n t%e lane# S%e %a-
not been e+0e(t,ng t%e. 'ust t%en an- s%e tu&ne- ve&; 0ale#

GSo t%,s ,s Ste0%enNs bo;9G s%e sa,- ,n a lo4 tone9 ta<,ng PaulNs
%an- an- loo<,ng at %,. as %e stoo-9 beaut,ful an- bo;,s%9 ,n %,s
s.a&t l,ttle fu& (oat an- (a0# GLe# # #%e ,s ve&; l,<e %,s fat%e&#G

G*ve&;bo-; sa;s 1N. a (%,0 off t%e ol- blo(<9G &e.a&<e- Paul9
Hu,te at %,s ease#

Anne9 4%o %a- been 4at(%,ng t%e l,ttle s(ene9 -&e4 a &el,eve- b&eat%#
S%e sa4 t%at 6,ss Laven-a& an- Paul %a- Gta<enG to ea(% ot%e&9 an-
t%at t%e&e 4oul- be no (onst&a,nt o& st,ffness# 6,ss Laven-a&
4as a ve&; sens,ble 0e&son9 ,n s0,te of %e& -&ea.s an- &
an- afte& t%at f,&st l,ttle bet&a;al s%e tu(<e- %e& feel,ngs
out of s,g%t an- ente&ta,ne- Paul as b&,g%tl; an- natu&all;
as ,f %e 4e&e an;bo-;Ns son 4%o %a- (o.e to see %e&#
T%e; all %a- a 'oll; afte&noon toget%e& an- su(% a feast of fat
t%,ngs b; 4a; of su00e& as 4oul- %ave .a-e ol- 6&s# 1&v,ng %ol- u0
%e& %an-s ,n %o&&o&9 bel,ev,ng t%at PaulNs -,gest,on 4oul- be
&u,ne- fo& eve&#

GCo.e aga,n9 la--,e9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9 s%a<,ng %an-s 4,t% %,.
at 0a&t,ng#

GJou .a; <,ss .e ,f ;ou l,<e9G sa,- Paul g&avel;#

6,ss Laven-a& stoo0e- an- <,sse- %,.#

GLo4 -,- ;ou <no4 1 4ante- toMG s%e 4%,s0e&e-#

G7e(ause ;ou loo<e- at .e 'ust as .; l,ttle .ot%e& use- to -o
4%en s%e 4ante- to <,ss .e# As a &ule9 1 -onNt l,<e to be <,sse-#
7o;s -onNt# Jou <no49 6,ss Le4,s# 7ut 1 t%,n< 1 &at%e& l,<e to
%ave ;ou <,ss .e# An- of (ou&se 1Nll (o.e to see ;ou aga,n#
1 t%,n< 1N- l,<e to %ave ;ou fo& a 0a&t,(ula& f&,en- of .,ne9
,f ;ou -onNt ob'e(t#G

G1# # #1 -onNt t%,n< 1 s%all ob'e(t9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&#
S%e tu&ne- an- 4ent ,n ve&; Hu,(<l;@ but a .o.ent late& s%e
4as 4av,ng a ga; an- s.,l,ng goo--b;e to t%e. f&o. t%e 4,n-o4#

G1 l,<e 6,ss Laven-a&9G announ(e- Paul9 as t%e; 4al<e- t%&oug% t%e
bee(% 4oo-s# G1 l,<e t%e 4a; s%e loo<e- at .e9 an- 1 l,<e %e&
stone %ouse9 an- 1 l,<e C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%# 1 4,s% )&an-.a
1&v,ng %a- a C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% ,nstea- of a 6a&; Ooe# 1 feel
su&e C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4oul-nNt t%,n< 1 4as 4&ong ,n .; u00e&
sto&; 4%en 1 tol- %e& 4%at 1 t%,n< about t%,ngs# =asnNt t%at a
s0len-,- tea 4e %a-9 tea(%e&M )&an-.a sa;s a bo; s%oul-nNt be
t%,n<,ng about 4%at %e gets to eat9 but %e (anNt %el0 ,t,.es
4%en %e ,s &eal %ung&;# J25 <no49 tea(%e&# 1 -onNt t%,n< 6,ss
Laven-a& 4oul- .a<e a bo; eat 0o&&,-ge fo& b&ea<fast ,f %e -,-nNt
l,<e ,t# S%eN- get t%,ngs fo& %,. %e -,- l,<e# 7ut of (ou&seG# # #
Paul 4as not%,ng ,f not fa,&-.,n-e-# # #Gt%at .,g%tnNt be ve&; goo-
fo& %,.# 1tNs ve&; n,(e fo& a (%ange t%oug%9 tea(%e&# J25 <no4#G


A P&o0%et ,n L,s 24n Count&;

2ne 6a; -a; Avonlea fol<s 4e&e .,l-l; e+(,te- ove& so.e GAvonlea 3otes9G
s,gne- G2bse&ve&9G 4%,(% a00ea&e- ,n t%e C%a&lotteto4n UDa,l; *nte&0&,se#N
)oss,0 as(&,be- t%e aut%o&s%,0 t%e&eof to C%a&l,e Sloane9 0a&tl; be(ause
t%e sa,- C%a&l,e %a- ,n-ulge- ,n s,.,la& l,te&a&; fl,g%ts ,n t,.es 0ast9
an- 0a&tl; be(ause one of t%e notes see.e- to; a snee& at ),lbe&t
7l;t%e# Avonlea 'uven,le so(,et; 0e&s,ste- ,n &ega&-,ng ),lbe&t 7l;t%e
an- C%a&l,e Sloane as &,vals ,n t%e goo- g&a(es of a (e&ta,n -a.sel 4,t%
g&a; e;es an- an ,.ag,nat,on#

)oss,09 as usual9 4as 4&ong# ),lbe&t 7l;t%e9 a,-e- an- abette- b;
Anne9 %a- 4&,tten t%e notes9 0utt,ng ,n t%e one about %,.self as a
bl,n-# 2nl; t4o of t%e notes %ave an; bea&,ng on t%,s %,sto&;:

G8u.o& %as ,t t%at t%e&e 4,ll be a 4e--,ng ,n ou& v,llage e&e t%e
-a,s,es a&e ,n bloo.# A ne4 an- %,g%l; &es0e(te- (,t,/en 4,ll lea-
to t%e %;.eneal alta& one of ou& .ost 0o0ula& la-,es#

G5n(le Abe9 ou& 4ell-<no4n 4eat%e& 0&o0%et9 0&e-,(ts a v,olent
sto&. of t%un-e& an- l,g%tn,ng fo& t%e even,ng of t%e t4ent;-t%,&-
of 6a;9 beg,nn,ng at seven oN(lo(< s%a&0# T%e a&ea of t%e sto&.
4,ll e+ten- ove& t%e g&eate& 0a&t of t%e P&ov,n(e# Peo0le t&avel,ng
t%at even,ng 4,ll -o 4ell to ta<e u.b&ellas an- .a(<,ntos%es 4,t% t%e.#G

G5n(le Abe &eall; %as 0&e-,(te- a sto&. fo&,.e t%,s s0&,ng9G
sa,- ),lbe&t9 Gbut -o ;ou su00ose 6&# La&&,son &eall; -oes go to
see 1sabella An-&e4sMG

G3o9G sa,- Anne9 laug%,ng9 G1N. su&e %e onl; goes to 0la; (%e(<e&s 4,t%
6&# La&&,son An-&e4s9 but 6&s# L;n-e sa;s s%e <no4s 1sabella An-&e4s
.ust be go,ng to get .a&&,e-9 s%eNs ,n su(% goo- s0,&,ts t%,s s0&,ng#G

Poo& ol- 5n(le Abe felt &at%e& ,n-,gnant ove& t%e notes# Le sus0e(te-
t%at G2bse&ve&G 4as .a<,ng fun of %,.# Le ang&,l; -en,e- %av,ng
ass,gne- an; 0a&t,(ula& -ate fo& %,s sto&. but nobo-; bel,eve- %,.#

L,fe ,n Avonlea (ont,nue- on t%e s.oot% an- even teno& of ,ts 4a;#
T%e G0lant,ngG 4as 0ut ,n@ t%e 1.0&ove&s (eleb&ate- an A&bo& Da;#
*a(% 1.0&ove& set out9 o& (ause- to be set out9 f,ve o&na.ental t&ees#
As t%e so(,et; no4 fo&t; t%,s .eant a total of
t4o %un-&e- ;oung t&ees# *a&l; oats g&eene- ove& t%e &e- f,el-s@
a00le o&(%a&-s flung g&eat blosso.,ng a&.s about t%e fa&.%ouses
an- t%e Sno4 Queen a-o&ne- ,tself as a b&,-e fo& %e& %usban-#
Anne l,<e- to slee0 4,t% %e& 4,n-o4 o0en an- let t%e (%e&&;
f&ag&an(e blo4 ove& %e& fa(e all n,g%t# S%e t%oug%t ,t ve&;
0oet,(al# 6a&,lla t%oug%t s%e 4as &,s<,ng %e& l,fe#

GT%an<sg,v,ng s%oul- be (eleb&ate- ,n t%e s0&,ng9G sa,- Anne
one even,ng to 6a&,lla9 as t%e; sat on t%e f&ont -oo& ste0s an-
l,stene- to t%e s,lve&-s4eet (%o&us of t%e f&ogs# G1 t%,n< ,t
4oul- be eve& so .u(% bette& t%an %av,ng ,t ,n 4%en
eve&;t%,ng ,s -ea- o& aslee0# T%en ;ou %ave to & to be
t%an<ful@ but ,n 6a; one s,.0l; (anNt %el0 be,ng t%an<ful# # #
t%at t%e; a&e al,ve9 ,f fo& not%,ng else# 1 feel e+a(tl; as *ve
.ust %ave felt ,n t%e ga&-en of *-en befo&e t%e t&ouble began#
1S t%at g&ass ,n t%e %ollo4 g&een o& gol-enM 1t see.s to .e9
6a&,lla9 t%at a 0ea&l of a -a; l,<e t%,s9 4%en t%e blosso.s a&e
out an- t%e 4,n-s -onNt <no4 4%e&e to blo4 f&o. ne+t fo& s%ee&
(&a/; -el,g%t .ust be 0&ett; nea& as goo- as %eaven#G

6a&,lla loo<e- s(an-al,/e- an- glan(e- a00&e%ens,vel; a&oun- to
.a<e su&e t%e t4,ns 4e&e not 4,t%,n ea&s%ot# T%e; (a.e a&oun- t%e
(o&ne& of t%e %ouse 'ust t%en#

GA,nNt ,t an a4ful n,(e-s.ell,ng even,ngMG as<e- Dav;9 sn,ff,ng
-el,g%te-l; as %e s4ung a %oe ,n %,s g&,.; %an-s# Le %a- been
4o&<,ng ,n %,s ga&-en# T%at s0&,ng 6a&,lla9 b; 4a; of tu&n,ng
Dav;Ns 0ass,on fo& &evel,ng ,n .u- an- (la; ,nto useful (%annels9
%a- g,ven %,. an- Do&a a s.all 0lot of g&oun- fo& a ga&-en#
7ot% %a- eage&l; gone to 4o&< ,n a (%a&a(te&,st,( fas%,on#
Do&a 0lante-9 4ee-e-9 an- 4ate&e- (a&efull;9 s;,(all;9
an- -,s0ass,onatel;# As a &esult9 %e& 0lot 4as al&ea-; g&een
4,t% 0&,.9 o&-e&l; l,ttle &o4s of vegetables an- annuals#
Dav;9 %o4eve&9 4o&<e- 4,t% .o&e /eal t%an -,s(&et,on@ %e -ug
an- %oe- an- &a<e- an- 4ate&e- an- t&ans0lante- so ene&get,(all;
t%at %,s see-s %a- no (%an(e fo& t%e,& l,ves#

GLo4 ,s ;ou& ga&-en (o.,ng on9 Dav;-bo;MG as<e- Anne#

GP,n- of slo49G sa,- Dav; 4,t% a s,g%# G1 -onNt <no4 4%; t%e
t%,ngs -onNt g&o4 bette&# 6,lt; 7oulte& sa;s 1 .ust %ave
0lante- t%e. ,n t%e -a&< of t%e .oon an- t%atNs t%e 4%ole t&ouble#
Le sa;s ;ou .ust neve& so4 see-s o& <,ll 0o&< o& (ut ;ou& %a,& o&
-o an; N0o&tant t%,ng ,n t%e 4&ong t,.e of t%e .oon# 1s t%at t&ue9
AnneM 1 4ant to <no4#G

G6a;be ,f ;ou -,-nNt 0ull ;ou& 0lants u0 b; t%e &oots eve&; ot%e& -a;
to see %o4 t%e;N&e gett,ng on Uat t%e ot%e& en-9N t%e;N- -o bette&9G
sa,- 6a&,lla sa&(ast,(all;#

G1 onl; 0ulle- s,+ of t%e. u09G 0&oteste- Dav;# G1 4ante- to see
,f t%e&e 4as g&ubs at t%e &oots# 6,lt; 7oulte& sa,- ,f ,t 4asnNt
t%e .oonNs fault ,t .ust be g&ubs# 7ut 1 onl; foun- one g&ub#
Le 4as a g&eat b,g 'u,(; (u&l; g&ub# 1 0ut %,. on a stone an- got
anot%e& stone an- %,. flat# Le .a-e a 'oll; SQ51SL 1 tell ;ou#
1 4as so&&; t%e&e 4asnNt .o&e of t%e.# Do&aNs ga&-en 4as 0lante- sa.e
t,.eNs .,ne an- %e& t%,ngs a&e g&o4,ng all &,g%t# 1t CA3NT be t%e .oon9G
Dav; (on(lu-e- ,n a &efle(t,ve tone#

G6a&,lla9 loo< at t%at a00le t&ee9G sa,- Anne#G =%;9 t%e t%,ng ,s
1t ,s &ea(%,ng out long a&.s to 0,(< ,ts o4n 0,n< s<,&ts -a,nt,l; u0 an-
0&ovo<e us to a-.,&at,on#G

GT%ose Jello4 Du(%ess t&ees al4a;s bea& 4ell9G sa,- 6a&,lla (o.0la(entl;#
GT%at t&eeNll be loa-e- t%,s ;ea&# 1N. &eal gla-# # #t%e;N&e g&eat fo& 0,es#G

7ut ne,t%e& 6a&,lla no& Anne no& an;bo-; else 4as fate- to .a<e
0,es out of Jello4 Du(%ess a00les t%at ;ea&#

T%e t4ent;-t%,&- of 6a; (a.e# # #an unseasonabl; 4a&. -a;9 as none
&eal,/e- .o&e <eenl; t%an Anne an- %e& l,ttle bee%,ve of 0u0,ls9
s4elte&,ng ove& f&a(t,ons an- s;nta+ ,n t%e Avonlea s(%ool&oo.#
A %ot b&ee/e ble4 all t%e fo&enoon@ but afte& noon %ou& ,t -,e- a4a;
,nto a %eav; st,llness# At %alf 0ast t%&ee Anne %ea&- a lo4 &u.ble
of t%un-e&# S%e 0&o.0tl; -,s.,sse- s(%ool at on(e9 so t%at t%e
(%,l-&en .,g%t get %o.e befo&e t%e sto&. (a.e#

As t%e; 4ent out to t%e 0la;g&oun- Anne 0e&(e,ve- a (e&ta,n s%a-o4
an- gloo. ove& t%e 4o&l- ,n s0,te of t%e fa(t t%at t%e sun 4as
st,ll s%,n,ng b&,g%tl;# Annetta 7ell (aug%t %e& %an- ne&vousl;#

G2%9 tea(%e&9 loo< at t%at a4ful (lou-FG

Anne loo<e- an- gave an e+(,on of -,s.a;# 1n t%e no&t%4est a
.ass of (lou-9 su(% as s%e %a- neve& ,n all %e& l,fe be%el- befo&e9
4as &a0,-l; &oll,ng u0# 1t 4as -ea- bla(<9 save 4%e&e ,ts (u&le-
an- f&,nge- e-ges s%o4e- a g%astl;9 l,v,- 4%,te# T%e&e 4as,ng about ,t ,n-es(&,babl; .ena(,ng as ,t gloo.e- u0 ,n t%e
(lea& blue s<;@ no4 an- aga,n a bolt of l,g%tn,ng s%ot a(&oss ,t9
follo4e- b; a savage g&o4l# 1t %ung so lo4 t%at ,t al.ost see.e-
to be tou(%,ng t%e to0s of t%e 4oo-e- %,lls#

6&# La&.on An-&e4s (a.e (latte&,ng u0 t%e %,ll ,n %,s t&u(< 4agon9
u&g,ng %,s tea. of g&a;s to t%e,& ut.ost s0ee-# Le 0ulle- t%e. to
a %alt o00os,te t%e s(%ool#

G)uess 5n(le AbeNs %,t ,t fo& on(e ,n %,s l,fe9 Anne9G %e s%oute-#
GL,s sto&.Ns (o.,ng a leetle a%ea- of t,.e# D,- ;e eve& see t%e
l,<e of t%at (lou-M Le&e9 all ;ou ;oung ones9 t%at a&e go,ng .;
4a;9 0,le ,n9 an- t%ose t%at a,nNt s(oot fo& t%e 0ost off,(e ,f
;eNve .o&eNn a Hua&te& of a .,le to go9 an- sta; t%e&e t,ll t%e
s%o4e&Ns ove&#G

Anne (aug%t Dav; an- Do&a b; t%e %an-s an- fle4 -o4n t%e %,ll9
along t%e 7,&(% Pat%9 an- 0ast :,olet :ale an- =,llo4.e&e9 as fast
as t%e t4,nsN fat legs (oul- go# T%e; &ea(%e- )&een )ables not a
.o.ent too soon an- 4e&e 'o,ne- at t%e -oo& b; 6a&,lla9 4%o %a- been
%ustl,ng %e& -u(<s an- (%,(<ens un-e& s%elte&# As t%e; -as%e- ,nto
t%e <,t(%en t%e l,g%t see.e- to van,s%9 as ,f blo4n out b; so.e
.,g%t; b&eat%@ t%e a4ful (lou- &olle- ove& t%e sun an- a -a&<ness
as of late t4,l,g%t fell a(&oss t%e 4o&l-# At t%e sa.e .o.ent9
4,t% a (&as% of t%un-e& an- a bl,n-,ng gla&e of l,g%tn,ng9 t%e
%a,l s4oo0e- -o4n an- blotte- t%e lan-s(a0e out ,n one 4%,te fu&;#

T%&oug% all t%e (la.o& of t%e sto&. (a.e t%e t%u- of to&n b&an(%es
st&,<,ng t%e %ouse an- t%e s%a&0 (&a(< of b&ea<,ng glass# 1n t%&ee
.,nutes eve&; 0ane ,n t%e 4est an- no&t% 4,n-o4s 4as b&o<en an- t%e
%a,l 0ou&e- ,n t%&oug% t%e a0e&tu&es (ove&,ng t%e floo& 4,t% stones9
t%e s.allest of 4%,(% 4as as b,g as a %enNs egg# Bo& t%&ee Hua&te&s
of an %ou& t%e sto&. &age- unabate- an- no one 4%o un-e&4ent ,t eve&
fo&got ,t# 6a&,lla9 fo& on(e ,n %e& l,fe s%a<en out of %e& (o.0osu&e
b; s%ee& te&&o&9 <nelt b; %e& &o(<,ng (%a,& ,n a (o&ne& of t%e <,t(%en9
gas0,ng an- sobb,ng bet4een t%e -eafen,ng t%un-e& 0eals# Anne9 4%,te
as 0a0e&9 %a- -&agge- t%e sofa a4a; f&o. t%e 4,n-o4 an- sat on ,t 4,t%
a t4,n on e,t%e& s,-e# Dav; at t%e f,&st (&as% %a- %o4le-9 GAnne9 Anne9
,s ,t t%e Ou-g.ent Da;M Anne9 Anne9 1 neve& .eant to be naug%t;9G an-
t%en %a- bu&,e- %,s fa(e ,n AnneNs la0 an- <e0t ,t t%e&e9 %,s l,ttle
bo-; Hu,ve&,ng# Do&a9 so.e4%at 0ale but Hu,te (o.0ose-9 sat 4,t% %e&
%an- (las0e- ,n AnneNs9 Hu,et an- .ot,onless# 1t ,s -oubtful ,f an
ea&t%Hua<e 4oul- %ave -,stu&be- Do&a#

T%en9 al.ost as su--enl; as ,t began9 t%e sto&. (ease-# T%e %a,l
sto00e-9 t%e t%un-e& &olle- an- .utte&e- a4a; to t%e east4a&-9 an-
t%e sun bu&st out .e&&; an- &a-,ant ove& a 4o&l- so (%ange- t%at ,t
see.e- an absu&- t%,ng to t%,n< t%at a s(ant t%&ee Hua&te&s of an
%ou& (oul- %ave effe(te- su(% a t&ansfo&.at,on#

6a&,lla &ose f&o. %e& <nees9 4ea< an- t&,ng9 an- -&o00e- on %e& &o(<e&#
Le& fa(e 4as %agga&- an- s%e loo<e- ten ;ea&s ol-e&#

GLave 4e all (o.e out of t%at al,veMG s%e as<e-;#

GJou bet 4e %ave9G 0,0e- Dav; (%ee&full;9 Hu,te %,s o4n .an aga,n#
G1 4asnNt a b,t s(a&e- e,t%e&# # #onl; 'ust at t%e f,&st# 1t (o.e on
a fello4 so su--en# 1 .a-e u0 .; .,n- Hu,(< as a 4,n< t%at 1 4oul-nNt
f,g%t Te--; Sloane 6on-a; as 1N- 0&o.,se-@ but no4 .a;be 1 4,ll#
Sa;9 Do&a9 4as ;ou s(a&e-MG

GJes9 1 4as a l,ttle s(a&e-9G sa,- Do&a 0&,.l;9 Gbut 1 %el- t,g%t
to AnneNs %an- an- sa,- .; 0&a;e&s ove& an- ove& aga,n#G

G=ell9 1N- %ave sa,- .; 0&a;e&s too ,f 1N- %ave t%oug%t of ,t9G
sa,- Dav;@ Gbut9G %e a--e- t&,u.0%antl;9 G;ou see 1 (a.e t%&oug%
'ust as safe as ;ou fo& all 1 -,-nNt sa; t%e.#G

Anne got 6a&,lla a glassful of %e& 0otent (u&&ant 4,ne# # #L2=
0otent ,t 4as Anne9 ,n %e& ea&l,e& -a;s9 %a- %a- all too goo-
&eason to <no4# # #an- t%en t%e; 4ent to t%e -oo& to loo< out on
t%e st&ange s(ene#

Ba& an- 4,-e 4as a 4%,te (a&0et9 <nee -ee09 of %a,lstones@ -&,fts
of t%e. 4e&e %ea0e- u0 un-e& t%e eaves an- on t%e ste0s# =%en9
t%&ee o& fou& -a;s late&9 t%ose %a,lstones .elte-9 t%e %avo( t%e;
%a- 4&oug%t 4as 0la,nl; seen9 fo& eve&; g&een g&o4,ng t%,ng ,n t%e
f,el- o& ga&-en 4as (ut off# 3ot onl; 4as eve&; blosso. st&,00e-
f&o. t%e a00le t&ees but g&eat boug%s an- b&an(%es 4e&e 4&en(%e-
a4a;# An- out of t%e t4o %un-&e- t&ees set out b; t%e 1.0&ove&s b;
fa& t%e g&eate& 4e&e sna00e- off o& to&n to s%&e-s#

GCan ,t 0oss,bl; be t%e sa.e 4o&l- ,t 4as an %ou& agoMG as<e- Anne9
-a/e-l;# G1t 65ST %ave ta<en longe& t%an t%at to 0la; su(% %avo(#G

GT%e l,<e of t%,s %as neve& been <no4n ,n P&,n(e *-4a&- 1slan-9G
sa,- 6a&,lla9 Gneve&# 1 & 4%en 1 4as a g,&l t%e&e 4as a
ba- sto&.9 but ,t 4as not%,ng to t%,s# =eNll %ea& of te&&,ble
-est&u(t,on9 ;ou .a; be su&e#G

G1 -o %o0e none of t%e (%,l-&en 4e&e (aug%t out ,n ,t9G .u&.u&e-
Anne an+,ousl;# As ,t 4as -,s(ove&e- late&9 none of t%e (%,l-&en
%a- been9 s,n(e all t%ose 4%o %a- an; -,stan(e to go %a- ta<en 6&#
An-&e4sN e+(ellent a-v,(e an- soug%t &efuge at t%e 0ost off,(e#

GT%e&e ( Oo%n Len&; Ca&te&9G sa,- 6a&,lla#

Oo%n Len&; (a.e 4a-,ng t%&oug% t%e %a,lstones 4,t% a &at%e& s(a&e- g&,n#

G2%9 a,nNt t%,s a4ful9 6,ss Cut%be&tM 6&# La&&,son sent .e ove& to
see ,f ;ous %a- (o.e out all &,g%t#G

G=eN&e none of us <,lle-9G sa,- 6a&,lla g&,.l;9 Gan- none of t%e
bu,l-,ngs 4as st&u(<# 1 %o0e ;ou got off eHuall; 4ell#G

GJasN.# 3ot Hu,te so 4ell9 .aNa.# =e 4as st&u(<# T%e l,g%tn,ng
<no(<e- ove& t%e <,t(%en (%,.bl; an- (o.e -o4n t%e flue an- <no(<e-
ove& ),nge&Ns (age an- to&e a %ole ,n t%e floo& an- 4ent ,nto t%e
sulla&# JasN.#G

G=as ),nge& %u&tMG Hue&,e- Anne#

GJasN.# Le 4as %u&t 0&ett; ba-# Le 4as <,lle-#G Late& on Anne
4ent ove& to ( 6&# La&&,son# S%e foun- %,. s,tt,ng b; t%e
table9 st&o<,ng ),nge&Ns ga; -ea- bo-; 4,t% a t&,ng %an-#

GPoo& ),nge& 4onNt (all ;ou an; .o&e na.es9 Anne9G %e sa,- .ou&nfull;#

Anne (oul- neve& %ave ,.ag,ne- %e&self (&;,ng on ),nge&Ns a((ount9
but t%e tea&s (a.e ,nto %e& e;es#

GLe 4as all t%e (o.0an; 1 %a-9 Anne# # #an- no4 %eNs -ea-# =ell9
4ell9 1N. an ol- fool to (a&e so .u(%# 1Nll let on 1 -onNt (a&e#
1 <no4 ;ouN&e go,ng to sa;,ng s;.0at%et,( as soon as 1
sto0 tal<,ng# # #but -onNt# 1f ;ou -,- 1N- (&; l,<e a bab;#
LasnNt t%,s been a te&&,ble sto&.M 1 guess fol<s 4onNt laug%
at 5n(le AbeNs 0&e-,(t,ons aga,n# See.s as ,f all t%e sto&.s
t%at %eNs been 0&o0%es;,ng all %,s l,fe t%at neve& %a00ene- (a.e
all at on(e# 7eats all %o4 %e st&u(< t%e ve&; -a; t%oug%9 -onNt ,tM
Loo< at t%e .ess 4e %ave %e&e# 1 .ust %ustle &oun- an- get so.e
boa&-s to 0at(% u0 t%at %ole ,n t%e floo&#G

Avonlea fol<s -,- not%,ng t%e ne+t -a; but v,s,t ea(% ot%e& an-
(o.0a&e -a.ages# T%e &oa-s 4e&e ,.0assable fo& 4%eels b; &eason of
t%e %a,lstones9 so t%e; 4al<e- o& &o-e on %o&seba(<# T%e .a,l (a.e
late 4,t% ,ll t,-,ngs f&o. all ove& t%e 0&ov,n(e# Louses %a- been
st&u(<9 0eo0le <,lle- an- ,n'u&e-@ t%e 4%ole tele0%one an-
teleg&a0% s;ste. %a- been -,so&gan,/e-9 an- an; of ;oung
sto(< e+0ose- ,n t%e f,el-s %a- 0e&,s%e-#

5n(le Abe 4a-e- out to t%e bla(<s.,t%Ns fo&ge ea&l; ,n t%e .o&n,ng
an- s0ent t%e 4%ole -a; t%e&e# 1t 4as 5n(le AbeNs %ou& of t&,u.0%
an- %e en'o;e- ,t to t%e full# 1t 4oul- be -o,ng 5n(le Abe an
,n'ust,(e to sa; t%at %e 4as gla- t%e sto&. %a- %a00ene-@ but s,n(e
,t %a- to be %e 4as ve&; gla- %e %a- 0&e-,(te- ,t# # #to t%e ve&;
-a;9 too# 5n(le Abe fo&got t%at %e %a- eve& -en,e- sett,ng t%e -a;#
As fo& t%e t&,fl,ng -,s(&e0an(; ,n t%e %ou&9 t%at 4as not%,ng#

),lbe&t a&&,ve- at )&een )ables ,n t%e even,ng an- foun- 6a&,lla
an- Anne bus,l; engage- ,n na,l,ng st&,0s of o,l(lot% ove& t%e
b&o<en 4,n-o4s#

G)oo-ness onl; <no4s 4%en 4eNll get glass fo& t%e.9G sa,- 6a&,lla#
G6&# 7a&&; 4ent ove& to Ca&.o-; t%,s afte&noon but not a 0ane
(oul- %e get fo& love o& .one;# La4son an- 7la,& 4e&e (leane- out
b; t%e Ca&.o-; 0eo0le b; ten oN(lo(<# =as t%e sto&. ba- at =%,te
San-s9 ),lbe&tMG

G1 s%oul- sa; so# 1 4as (aug%t ,n t%e s(%ool 4,t% all t%e (%,l-&en
an- 1 t%oug%t so.e of t%e. 4oul- go .a- 4,t% f&,g%t# T%&ee of t%e.
fa,nte-9 an- t4o g,&ls too< %;ste&,(s9 an- To..; 7le4ett -,-
not%,ng but s%&,e< at t%e to0 of %,s vo,(e t%e 4%ole t,.e#G

G1 onl; sHueale- on(e9G sa,- Dav; 0&ou-l;# G6; ga&-en 4as all flat9G %e (ont,nue- .ou&nfull;9 Gbut so 4as Do&aNs9G %e
a--e- ,n a tone 4%,(% ,n-,(ate- t%at t%e&e 4as ;et bal. ,n ),lea-#

Anne (a.e &unn,ng -o4n f&o. t%e 4est gable#

G2%9 ),lbe&t9 %ave ;ou %ea&- t%e ne4sM 6&# Lev, 7oulte&Ns ol-
%ouse 4as st&u(< an- bu&ne- to t%e g&oun-# 1t see.s to .e t%at 1N.
-&ea-full; 4,(<e- to feel gla- ove& TLAT9 4%en so .u(% -a.age %as
been -one# 6&# 7oulte& sa;s %e bel,eves t%e A#:#1#S# .ag,(<e- u0
t%at sto&. on 0u&0ose#G

G=ell9 one t%,ng ,s (e&ta,n9G sa,- ),lbe&t9 laug%,ng9 GU2bse&ve&N
%as .a-e 5n(le AbeNs &e0utat,on as a 4eat%e& 0&o0%et# U5n(le AbeNs
sto&.N 4,ll go -o4n ,n lo(al %,sto&;# 1t ,s a .ost e+t&ao&-,na&;
(o,n(,-en(e t%at ,t s%oul- %ave (o.e on t%e ve&; -a; 4e sele(te-#
1 a(tuall; %ave a %alf gu,lt; feel,ng9 as ,f 1 &eall; %a-,(<e-N
,t u0# =e .a; as 4ell &e'o,(e ove& t%e ol- %ouse be,ng &e.ove-9 fo&
t%e&eNs not .u(% to &e'o,(e ove& 4%e&e ou& ;oung t&ees a&e (on(e&ne-#
3ot ten of t%e. %ave es(a0e-#G

GA%9 4ell9 4eNll 'ust %ave to 0lant t%e. ove& aga,n ne+t s0&,ng9G
sa,- Anne 0%,loso0%,(all;# GT%at ,s one goo- t%,ng about t%,s
4o&l-# # #t%e&e a&e al4a;s su&e to be .o&e s0&,ngs#G


An Avonlea S(an-al

2ne bl,t%e Oune .o&n,ng9 a fo&tn,g%t afte& 5n(le AbeNs sto&.9 Anne
(a.e slo4l; t%&oug% t%e )&een )ables ;a&- f&o. t%e ga&-en9 (a&&;,ng
,n %e& %an-s t4o bl,g%te- stal<s of 4%,te na&(,ssus#

GLoo<9 6a&,lla9G s%e sa,- so&&ol;9 %ol-,ng u0 t%e flo4e&s befo&e
t%e e;es of a g&,. la-;9 4,t% %e& %a,& (o,fe- ,n a g&een g,ng%a.
a0&on9 4%o 4as go,ng ,nto t%e %ouse 4,t% a 0lu(<e- (%,(<en9 Gt%ese
a&e t%e onl; bu-s t%e sto&. s0a&e-# # #an- even t%e; a&e ,.0e&fe(t#
1N. so so&&;# # #1 4ante- so.e fo& 6att%e4Ns g&ave# Le 4as al4a;s
so fon- of Oune l,l,es#G

G1 <,n- of .,ss t%e. .;self9G a-.,tte- 6a&,lla9 Gt%oug% ,t -oesnNt
see. &,g%t to la.ent ove& t%e. 4%en so .an; 4o&se t%,ngs %ave
%a00ene-# # #all t%e (&o0s -est&o;e- as 4ell as t%e f&u,t#G

G7ut 0eo0le %ave so4n t%e,& oats ove& aga,n9G sa,- Anne (,ngl;9
Gan- 6&# La&&,son sa;s %e t%,n<s ,f 4e %ave a goo- su..e& t%e; 4,ll
(o.e out all &,g%t t%oug% late# An- .; annuals a&e all (o.,ng u0 aga,n
# # #but o%9 not%,ng (an &e0la(e t%e Oune l,l,es# Poo& l,ttle Leste&
)&a; 4,ll %ave none e,t%e&# 1 4ent all t%e 4a; ba(< to %e& ga&-en
last n,g%t but t%e&e 4asnNt one# 1N. su&e s%eNll .,ss t%e.#G

G1 -onNt t%,n< ,tNs &,g%t fo& ;ou to sa; su(% t%,ngs9 Anne9 1
&eall; -onNt9G sa,- 6a&,lla seve&el;# GLeste& )&a; %as been -ea-
fo& t%,&t; ;ea&s an- %e& s0,&,t ,s ,n %eaven# # #1 %o0e#G

GJes9 but 1 bel,eve s%e loves an- & %e& ga&-en %e&e st,ll9G
sa,- Anne# G1N. su&e no .atte& %o4 long 1N- l,ve- ,n %eaven 1N- l,<e to
loo< -o4n an- see so.ebo-; 0utt,ng flo4e&s on .; g&ave# 1f 1 %a- %a- a
ga&-en %e&e l,<e Leste& )&a;Ns ,t 4oul- ta<e .e .o&e t%an t%,&t; ;ea&s9
even ,n %eaven9 to fo&get be,ng,(< fo& ,t b; s0ells#G

G=ell9 -onNt let t%e t4,ns %ea& ;ou tal<,ng l,<e t%at9G 4as 6a&,llaNs
feeble 0&otest9 as s%e (a&&,e- %e& (%,(<en ,nto t%e %ouse#

Anne 0,nne- %e& na&(,ss, on %e& %a,& an- 4ent to t%e lane gate9
4%e&e s%e stoo- fo& a4%,le sunn,ng %e&self ,n t%e Oune b&,g%tness
befo&e go,ng ,n to atten- to %e& Satu&-a; .o&n,ng -ut,es# T%e 4o&l-
4as g&o4,ng lovel; aga,n@ ol- 6ot%e& 3atu&e 4as -o,ng %e& best
to &e.ove t%e t&a(es of t%e sto&.9 an-9 t%oug% s%e 4as not to
su((ee- full; fo& .an; a .oon9 s%e 4as &eall; a((o.0l,s%,ng 4on-e&s#

G1 4,s% 1 (oul- 'ust be ,-le all -a; to-a;9G Anne tol- a blueb,&-9
4%o 4as s,ng,ng an- s4,ng,ng on a 4,llo4 boug%9 Gbut a s(%ool.aNa.9
4%o ,s also %el0,ng to b&,ng u0 t4,ns9 (anNt ,n-ulge ,n la/,ness9
b,&-,e# Lo4 s4eet ;ou a&e s,ng,ng9 l,ttle b,&-# Jou a&e 'ust
0utt,ng t%e feel,ngs of .; %ea&t ,nto song eve& so .u(% bette& t%an
1 (oul- .;self# =%;9 4%o ,s (o.,ngMG

An e+0&ess 4agon 4as 'olt,ng u0 t%e lane9 4,t% t4o 0eo0le on t%e
f&ont seat an- a b,g t&un< be%,n-# =%en ,t -&e4 nea& Anne
&e(ogn,/e- t%e -&,ve& as t%e son of t%e stat,on agent at 7&,g%t
8,ve&@ but %,s (o.0an,on 4as a st&ange&# # #a s(&a0 of a 4%o
s0&ang n,.bl; -o4n at t%e gate al.ost befo&e t%e %o&se (a.e to a
stan-st,ll# S%e 4as a ve&; 0&ett; l,ttle 0e&son9 ev,-entl; nea&e&
f,ft; t%an fo&t;9 but 4,t% &os; (%ee<s9 s0a&<l,ng bla(< e;es9 an-
s%,n,ng bla(< %a,&9 su&.ounte- b; a 4on-e&ful beflo4e&e- an-
be0lu.e- bonnet# 1n s0,te of %av,ng -&,ven e,g%t .,les ove& a
-ust; &oa- s%e 4as as neat as ,f s%e %a- 'ust ste00e- out of t%e
0&ove&b,al ban-bo+#

G1s t%,s 4%e&e 6&# A# La&&,son l,vesMG s%e ,nHu,&e- b&,s<l;#

G3o9 6&# La&&,son l,ves ove& t%e&e9G sa,- Anne9 Hu,te lost ,n aston,s%.ent#

G=ell9 1 D1D t%,n< t%,s 0la(e see.e- too t,-;# # #65CL too t,-; fo& A#
to be l,v,ng %e&e9 unless %e %as g&eatl; (%ange- s,n(e 1 <ne4 %,.9G (%,&0e-
t%e l,ttle la-;# G1s ,t t&ue t%at A# ,s go,ng to be .a&&,e- to so.e l,v,ng ,n t%,s settle.entMG

G3o9 o% no9G (&,e- Anne9 flus%,ng so gu,lt,l; t%at t%e st&ange& loo<e-
(u&,ousl; at %e&9 as ,f s%e %alf sus0e(te- %e& of .at&,.on,al -es,gns on
6&# La&&,son#

G7ut 1 sa4 ,t ,n an 1slan- 0a0e&9G 0e&s,ste- t%e Ba,& 5n<no4n# GA
f&,en- sent a .a&<e- (o0; to .e# # #f&,en-s a&e al4a;s so &ea-; to
-o su(% t%,ngs# A#Ns na.e 4as 4&,tten ,n ove& Une4 (,t,/en#NG

G2%9 t%at note 4as onl; .eant as a 'o<e9G gas0e- Anne# G6&# La&&,son
%as no ,ntent,on of .a&&;,ng A3J72DJ# 1 assu&e ;ou %e %asnNt#G

G1N. ve&; gla- to %ea& ,t9G sa,- t%e &os; la-;9 (l,.b,ng n,.bl; ba(<
to %e& seat ,n t%e 4agon9 Gbe(ause %e %a00ens to be .a&&,e- al&ea-;#
R1R a. %,s 4,fe# 2%9 ;ou .a; 4ell loo< su&0&,se-# 1 su00ose %e %as
been .asHue&a-,ng as a ba(%elo& an- b&ea<,ng %ea&ts &,g%t an- left#
=ell9 4ell9 A#9G no--,ng v,go&ousl; ove& t%e f,el-s at t%e
long 4%,te %ouse9 G;ou& fun ,s ove&# 1 a. %e&e# # #t%oug% 1 4oul-nNt
%ave bot%e&e- (o.,ng ,f 1 %a-nNt t%oug%t ;ou 4e&e u0 to so.e .,s(%,ef#
1 su00ose9G tu&n,ng to Anne9 Gt%at 0a&&ot of %,s ,s as 0&ofane as eve&MG

GL,s 0a&&ot# # #,s -ea-# # #1 TL13P9G gas0e- 0oo& Anne9 4%o
(oul-nNt %ave felt su&e of %e& o4n na.e at t%at 0&e(,se .o.ent#

GDea-F *ve&;t%,ng 4,ll be all &,g%t t%en9G (&,e- t%e &os; la-;
'ub,lantl;# G1 (an .anage A# ,f t%at b,&- ,s out of t%e 4a;#G

=,t% 4%,(% (&;0t,( utte&an(e s%e 4ent 'o;full; on %e& 4a; an- Anne
fle4 to t%e <,t(%en -oo& to .eet 6a&,lla#

GAnne9 4%o 4as t%at 4o.anMG

G6a&,lla9G sa,- Anne;9 but 4,t% -an(,ng e;es9 G-o 1 loo< as
,f 1 4e&e (&a/;MG

G3ot .o&e so t%an usual9G sa,- 6a&,lla9 4,t% no t%oug%t of be,ng sa&(ast,(#

G=ell t%en9 -o ;ou t%,n< 1 a. a4a<eMG

GAnne9 4%at nonsense %as got ,nto ;ouM =%o 4as t%at 4o.an9 1 sa;MG

G6a&,lla9 ,f 1N. not (&a/; an- not aslee0 s%e (anNt be su(% stuff as -&ea.s
a&e .a-e of# # #s%e .ust be &eal# An;4a;9 1N. su&e 1 (oul-nNt %ave
,.ag,ne- su(% a bonnet# S%e sa;s s%e ,s 6&# La&&,sonNs 4,fe9 6a&,lla#G

6a&,lla sta&e- ,n %e& tu&n#

GL,s 4,feF Anne S%,&le;F T%en 4%at %as %e been 0ass,ng %,.self off
as an un.a&&,e- .an fo&MG

G1 -onNt su00ose %e -,-9 &eall;9G sa,- Anne9 t&;,ng to be 'ust#
GLe neve& sa,- %e 4asnNt .a&&,e-# Peo0le s,.0l; too< ,t fo&
g&ante-# 2% 6a&,lla9 4%at 4,ll 6&s# L;n-e sa; to t%,sMG

T%e; foun- out 4%at 6&s# L;n-e %a- to sa; 4%en s%e (a.e u0 t%at
even,ng# 6&s# L;n-e 4asnNt su&0&,se-F 6&s# L;n-e %a- al4a;s
e+0e(te-,ng of t%e so&tF 6&s# L;n-e %a- al4a;s <no4n t%e&e
4as S26*TL13) about 6&# La&&,sonF

GTo t%,n< of %,s -ese&t,ng %,s 4,feFG s%e sa,- ,n-,gnantl;#
G1tNs l,<e,ng ;ouN- &ea- of ,n t%e States9 but 4%o
4oul- e+0e(t su(% a t%,ng to %a00en &,g%t %e&e ,n AvonleaMG

G7ut 4e -onNt <no4 t%at %e -ese&te- %e&9G 0&oteste- Anne9
-ete&.,ne- to bel,eve %e& f&,en- ,nno(ent t,ll %e 4as 0&ove-
gu,lt;# G=e -onNt <no4 t%e &,g%ts of ,t at all#G

G=ell9 4e soon 4,ll# 1N. go,ng st&a,g%t ove& t%e&e9G sa,- 6&s#
L;n-e9 4%o %a- neve& lea&ne- t%at t%e&e 4as su(% a 4o&- as -el,(a(;
,n t%e -,(t,ona&;# G1N. not su00ose- to <no4 an;t%,ng about %e&
a&&,val9 an- 6&# La&&,son 4as to b&,ng so.e .e-,(,ne fo&
f&o. Ca&.o-; to-a;9 so t%at 4,ll be a goo- e+(use# 1Nll f,n- out
t%e 4%ole sto&; an- (o.e ,n an- tell ;ou on t%e 4a; ba(<#G

6&s# L;n-e &us%e- ,n 4%e&e Anne %a- fea&e- to t&ea-# 3ot%,ng
4oul- %ave ,n-u(e- t%e latte& to go ove& to t%e La&&,son 0la(e@
but s%e %a- %e& natu&al an- 0&o0e& s%a&e of (u&,os,t; an- s%e
felt se(&etl; gla- t%at 6&s# L;n-e 4as go,ng to solve t%e .;ste&;#
S%e an- 6a&,lla 4a,te- e+0e(tantl; fo& t%at goo- la-;Ns &etu&n9 but
4a,te- ,n va,n# 6&s# L;n-e -,- not &ev,s,t )&een )ables t%at n,g%t#
Dav;9 a&&,v,ng %o.e at n,ne oN(lo(< f&o. t%e 7oulte& 0la(e9 e+0la,ne- 4%;#

G1 .et 6&s# L;n-e an- so.e st&ange ,n t%e Lollo49G %e sa,-9
Gan- g&a(,ous9 %o4 t%e; 4e&e tal<,ng bot% at on(eF 6&s# L;n-e
sa,- to tell ;ou s%e 4as so&&; ,t 4as too late to (all ton,g%t#
Anne9 1N. a4ful %ung&;# =e %a- tea at 6,lt;Ns at fou& an- 1 t%,n<
6&s# 7oulte& ,s &eal .ean# S%e -,-nNt g,ve us an; 0&ese&ves o& (a<e
# # #an- even t%e b&ea- 4as s<u&(e#G

GDav;9 4%en ;ou go v,s,t,ng ;ou .ust neve& (&,t,(,/e an;t%,ng ;ou
a&e g,ven to eat9G sa,- Anne;# G1t ,s ve&; ba- .anne&s#G

GAll &,g%t# # #1Nll onl; t%,n< ,t9G sa,- Dav; (%ee&full;#
GDo g,ve a fello4 so.e su00e&9 Anne#G

Anne loo<e- at 6a&,lla9 4%o follo4e- %e& ,nto t%e 0ant&; an- s%ut
t%e -oo& (aut,ousl;#

GJou (an g,ve %,. so.e 'a. on %,s b&ea-9 1 <no4 4%at tea at Lev,
7oulte&Ns ,s a0t to be#G

Dav; too< %,s sl,(e of b&ea- an- 'a. 4,t% a s,g%#

G1tNs a <,n- of -,sa00o,nt,ng 4o&l- afte& all9G %e &e.a&<e-#
G6,lt; %as a (at t%at ta<es f,ts# # #s%eNs too< a f,t &egula&
eve&; -a; fo& t%&ee 4ee<s# 6,lt; sa;s ,tNs a4ful fun to 4at(% %e&#
1 4ent -o4n to-a; on 0u&0ose to see %e& %ave one but t%e .ean ol-
t%,ng 4oul-nNt ta<e a f,t an- 'ust <e0t %ealt%; as %ealt%;9 t%oug%
6,lt; an- .e %ung &oun- all t%e afte&noon an- 4a,te-# 7ut neve& .,n-G
# # #Dav; b&,g%tene- u0 as t%e ,ns,-,ous ( of t%e 0lu. 'a.
stole ,nto %,s soul# # #G.a;be 1Nll see %e& ,n one,.e ;et#
1t -oesnNt see. l,<el; s%eN- sto0 %av,ng t%e. all at on(e 4%en s%eNs
been so ,n t%e %ab,t of ,t9 -oes ,tM T%,s 'a. ,s a4ful n,(e#G

Dav; %a- no so&&o4s t%at 0lu. 'a. (oul- not (u&e#

Sun-a; 0&ove- so &a,n; t%at t%e&e 4as no st,&&,ng ab&oa-@ but b;
6on-a; eve&;bo-; %a- %ea&- so.e ve&s,on of t%e La&&,son sto&;# T%e
s(%ool bu//e- 4,t% ,t an- Dav; (a.e %o.e9 full of ,nfo&.at,on#

G6a&,lla9 6&# La&&,son %as a ne4 4,fe# # #4ell9 not e/a(<l; ne49
but t%e;Nve sto00e- be,ng .a&&,e- fo& Hu,te a s0ell9 6,lt; sa;s#
1 al4a;s sN0ose- 0eo0le %a- to <ee0 on be,ng .a&&,e- on(e t%e;N-
begun9 but 6,lt; sa;s no9 t%e&eNs 4a;s of sto00,ng ,f ;ou (anNt ag&ee#
6,lt; sa;s one 4a; ,s 'ust to sta&t off an- leave ;ou& 4,fe9 an- t%atNs
4%at 6&# La&&,son -,-# 6,lt; sa;s 6&# La&&,son left %,s 4,fe be(ause
s%e t%&o4e- t%,ngs at %,.# # #LA8D t%,ngs# # #an- A&t; Sloane sa;s
,t 4as be(ause s%e 4oul-nNt let %,. s.o<e9 an- 3e- Cla; sa;s ,t
4as N(ause s%e neve& let u0 s(ol-,ng %,.# 1 4oul-nNt leave 6J
4,fe fo& an;t%,ng l,<e t%at# 1N- 'ust 0ut .; foot -o4n an- sa;9
U6&s# Dav;9 ;ouNve 'ust got to -o 4%atNll 0lease 6* N(ause 1N. a 6A3#N
TLATND settle %e& 0&ett; Hu,(< 1 guess# 7ut Annetta Cla; sa;s SL* left
L16 be(ause %e 4oul-nNt s(&a0e %,s boots at t%e -oo& an- s%e -oesnNt
bla.e %e&# 1N. go,ng &,g%t ove& to 6&# La&&,sonNs t%,s .,nute to see
4%at s%eNs l,<e#G

Dav; soon &etu&ne-9 so.e4%at (ast -o4n#

G6&s# La&&,son 4as a4a;# # #s%eNs gone to Ca&.o-; 4,t% 6&s# 8a(%el
L;n-e to get ne4 0a0e& fo& t%e 0a&lo&# An- 6&# La&&,son sa,- to
tell Anne to go ove& an- see %,. U(ause %e 4ants to %ave a tal<
4,t% %e&# An- sa;9 t%e floo& ,s s(&ubbe-9 an- 6&# La&&,son ,s
s%ave-9 t%oug% t%e&e 4asnNt an; 0&ea(%,ng ;este&-a;#G

T%e La&&,son <,t(%en 4o&e a ve&; unfa.,l,a& loo< to Anne# T%e floo&
4as ,n-ee- s(&ubbe- to a 4on-e&ful 0,t(% of 0u&,t; an- so 4as eve&;
a&t,(le of fu&n,tu&e ,n t%e &oo.@ t%e stove 4as 0ol,s%e- unt,l s%e
(oul- see %e& fa(e ,n ,t@ t%e 4alls 4e&e 4%,te4as%e- an- t%e 4,n-o4
0anes s0a&<le- ,n t%e sunl,g%t# 7; t%e table sat 6&# La&&,son ,n
%,s 4o&<,ng (lot%es9 4%,(% on B&,-a; %a- been note- fo& sun-&;
&ents an- tatte&s but 4%,(% 4e&e no4 neatl; 0at(%e- an- b&us%e-#
Le 4as s0&u(el; s%ave- an- 4%at l,ttle %a,& %e %a- 4as (a&efull; t&,..e-#

GS,t -o4n9 Anne9 s,t -o4n9G sa,- 6&# La&&,son ,n a tone but t4o
-eg&ees &e.ove- f&o. t%at 4%,(% Avonlea 0eo0le use- at fune&als#
G*.,l;Ns gone ove& to Ca&.o-; 4,t% 8a(%el L;n-e# # #s%eNs st&u(<
u0 a l,felong f&,en-s%,0 al&ea-; 4,t% 8a(%el L;n-e# 7eats all %o4
(ont&a&; 4o.en a&e# =ell9 Anne9 .; eas; t,.es a&e ove&# # #all ove&#
1tNs neatness an- t,-,ness fo& .e fo& t%e &est of .; natu&al l,fe9
1 su00ose#G

6&# La&&,son -,- %,s best to s0ea< -olefull;9 but an ,&&e0&ess,ble
t4,n<le ,n %,s e;e bet&a;e- %,.#

G6&# La&&,son9 ;ou a&e gla- ;ou& 4,fe ,s (o.e ba(<9G (&,e- Anne9
s%a<,ng %e& f,nge& at %,.# GJou nee-nNt 0&eten- ;ouN&e not9
be(ause 1 (an see ,t 0la,nl;#G

6&# La&&,son &ela+e- ,nto a s%ee0,s% s.,le#

G=ell# # #4ell# # #1N. gett,ng use- to ,t9G %e (on(e-e-# G1 (anNt
sa; 1 4as so&&; to see *.,l;# A .an &eall; nee-s so.e 0&ote(t,on
,n a (o..un,t; l,<e t%,s9 4%e&e %e (anNt 0la; a ga.e of (%e(<e&s
4,t% a ne,g%bo& 4,t%out be,ng a((use- of 4ant,ng to .a&&; t%at
ne,g%bo&Ns s,ste& an- %av,ng ,t 0ut ,n t%e 0a0e&#G

G3obo-; 4oul- %ave su00ose- ;ou 4ent to see 1sabella An-&e4s ,f ;ou
%a-nNt 0&eten-e- to be un.a&&,e-9G sa,- Anne seve&el;#

G1 -,-nNt 0&eten- 1 4as# 1f an;bo-;N- %ave as<e- .e ,f 1 4as
.a&&,e- 1N- %ave sa,- 1 4as# 7ut t%e; 'ust too< ,t fo& g&ante-#
1 4asnNt an+,ous to tal< about t%e .atte&# # #1 4as feel,ng too
so&e ove& ,t# 1t 4oul- %ave been nuts fo& 6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e ,f
s%e %a- <no4n .; 4,fe %a- left .e9 4oul-nNt ,t no4MG

G7ut so.e 0eo0le sa; t%at ;ou left %e&#G

GS%e sta&te- ,t9 Anne9 s%e sta&te- ,t# 1N. go,ng to tell ;ou
t%e 4%ole sto&;9 fo& 1 -onNt 4ant ;ou to t%,n< 4o&se of .e t%an 1
-ese&ve# # #no& of *.,l; ne,t%e&# 7ut letNs go out on t%e ve&an-a#
*ve&;t%,ng ,s so fea&ful neat ,n %e&e t%at ,t <,n- of .a<es .e,(<#
1 su00ose 1Nll get use- to ,t afte& a4%,le but ,t eases .e u0 to loo<
at t%e ;a&-# *.,l; %asnNt %a- t,.e to t,-; ,t u0 ;et#G

As soon as t%e; 4e&e (; seate- on t%e ve&an-a 6&# La&&,son
began %,s tale of 4oe#

G1 l,ve- ,n S(ottsfo&-9 3e4 7&uns4,(<9 befo&e 1 (a.e %e&e9 Anne#
6; s,ste& <e0t %ouse fo& .e an- s%e su,te- .e f,ne@ s%e 4as 'ust
&easonabl; t,-; an- s%e let .e alone an- s0o,le- .e# # #so *.,l; sa;s#
7ut t%&ee ;ea&s ago s%e -,e-# 7efo&e s%e -,e- s%e 4o&&,e- a lot about
4%at 4as to be(o.e of .e an- f,nall; s%e got .e to 0&o.,se 1N- get .a&&,e-#
S%e a-v,se- .e to ta<e *.,l; S(ott be(ause *.,l; %a- .one; of %e& o4n an- 4as
a 0atte&n %ouse<ee0e&# 1 sa,-9 sa;s 19 U*.,l; S(ott 4oul-nNt loo< at .e#N
UJou as< %e& an- see9N sa;s .; s,ste&@ an- 'ust to ease %e& .,n- 1 0&o.,se-
%e& 1 4oul-# # #an- 1 -,-# An- *.,l; sa,- s%eN- %ave .e# 3eve& 4as so
su&0&,se- ,n .; l,fe9 Anne# # #a s.a&t 0&ett; l,ttle l,<e %e& an-
an ol- fello4 l,<e .e# 1 tell ;ou 1 t%oug%t at f,&st 1 4as ,n lu(<#
=ell9 4e 4e&e .a&&,e- an- too< a l,ttle 4e--,ng t&,0 to St# Oo%n fo&
a fo&tn,g%t an- t%en 4e 4ent %o.e# =e got %o.e at ten oN(lo(< at n,g%t9
an- 1 g,ve ;ou .; 4o&-9 Anne9 t%at ,n %alf an %ou& t%at 4as at
4o&< %ouse(lean,ng# 2%9 1 <no4 ;ouN&e t%,n<,ng .; %ouse nee-e- ,t# # #
;ouNve got a ve&; e+0&ess,ve fa(e9 Anne@ ;ou& t%oug%ts 'ust (o.e out
on ,t l,<e 0&,nt# # #but ,t -,-nNt9 not t%at ba-# 1t %a- got 0&ett;
.,+e- u0 4%,le 1 4as <ee0,ng ba(%elo&Ns %all9 1 a-.,t9 but 1N- got a to (o.e ,n an- (lean ,t u0 befo&e 1 4as .a&&,e- an- t%e&eN-
been (ons,-e&able 0a,nt,ng an- f,+,ng -one# 1 tell ;ou ,f ;ou
too< *.,l; ,nto a b&an- ne4 4%,te .a&ble 0ala(e s%eN- be ,nto t%e
s(&ubb,ng as soon as s%e (oul- get an ol- -&ess on# =ell9 s%e
(leane- %ouse t,ll one oN(lo(< t%at n,g%t an- at fou& s%e 4as u0
an- at ,t aga,n# An- s%e <e0t on t%at 4a;# # #fa&Ns 1 (oul- see
s%e neve& sto00e-# 1t 4as s(ou& an- s4ee0 an- -ust eve&last,ng9
e+(e0t on Sun-a;s9 an- t%en s%e 4as 'ust long,ng fo& 6on-a; to
beg,n aga,n# 7ut ,t 4as %e& 4a; of,ng %e&self an- 1 (oul-
%ave &e(on(,le- .;self to ,t ,f s%eN- left .e alone# 7ut t%at s%e
4oul-nNt -o# S%eN- set out to .a<e .e ove& but s%e %a-nNt (aug%t
.e ;oung enoug%# 1 4asnNt allo4e- to (o.e ,nto t%e %ouse unless 1
(%ange- .; boots fo& sl,00e&s at t%e -oo&# 1 -a&snNt s.o<e a 0,0e
fo& .; l,fe unless 1 4ent to t%e ba&n# An- 1 -,-nNt use goo-
enoug% g&a..a&# *.,l;N- been a s(%ooltea(%e& ,n %e& ea&l; l,fe an-
s%eN- neve& got ove& ,t# T%en s%e %ate- to see .e eat,ng 4,t% .;
<n,fe# =ell9 t%e&e ,t 4as9 0,(< an- nag eve&last,ng# 7ut 1
sN0ose9 Anne9 to be fa,&9 R1R 4as (antan<e&ous too# 1 -,-nNt
t&; to ,.0&ove as 1 .,g%t %ave -one# # #1 'ust got (&an<; an-
-,sag&eeable 4%en s%e foun- fault# 1 tol- %e& one -a; s%e %a-nNt
(o.0la,ne- of .; g&a..a& 4%en 1 0&o0ose- to %e&# 1t 4asnNt an
ove&l; ta(tful t%,ng to sa;# A 4oul- fo&g,ve a .an fo&
beat,ng %e& soone& t%an fo& %,nt,ng s%e 4as too .u(% 0lease- to
get %,.# =ell9 4e b,(<e&e- along l,<e t%at an- ,t 4asnNt e+a(tl;
0leasant9 but 4e .,g%t %ave got use- to ea(% ot%e& afte& a s0ell ,f
,t %a-nNt been fo& ),nge&# ),nge& 4as t%e &o(< 4e s0l,t on at
last# *.,l; -,-nNt l,<e 0a&&ots an- s%e (oul-nNt stan- ),nge&Ns
0&ofane %ab,ts of s0ee(%# 1 4as atta(%e- to t%e b,&- fo& .;
b&ot%e& t%e sa,lo&Ns sa<e# 6; b&ot%e& t%e sa,lo& 4as a 0et of
.,ne 4%en 4e 4e&e l,ttle ta-s an- %eN- sent ),nge& to .e 4%en %e
4as -;,ng# 1 -,-nNt see an; sense ,n gett,ng 4o&<e- u0 ove& %,s
s4ea&,ng# T%e&eNs not%,ng 1 %ate 4o&seNn 0&ofan,t; ,n a
be,ng9 but ,n a 0a&&ot9 t%atNs 'ust &e0eat,ng 4%at ,tNs %ea&- 4,t%
no .o&e un-e&stan-,ng of ,t t%an 1N- %ave of C%,nese9 allo4an(es
.,g%t be .a-e# 7ut *.,l; (oul-nNt see ,t t%at 4a;# =o.en a,nNt
log,(al# S%e t&,e- to b&ea< ),nge& of s4ea&,ng but s%e %a-nNt an;
bette& su((ess t%an s%e %a- ,n t&;,ng to .a<e .e sto0 sa;,ng U1
seenN an- Ut%e. t%,ngs#N See.e- as ,f t%e .o&e s%e t&,e- t%e 4o&se
),nge& got9 sa.e as .e#

G=ell9 t%,ngs 4ent on l,<e t%,s9 bot% of us gett,ng &as0,e&9 t,ll
t%e CL16AK (a.e# *.,l; ,nv,te- ou& .,n,ste& an- %,s 4,fe to tea9
an- anot%e& .,n,ste& an- L1S 4,fe t%at 4as v,s,t,ng t%e.# 1N-
0&o.,se- to 0ut ),nge& a4a; ,n so.e safe 0la(e 4%e&e nobo-; 4oul-
%ea& %,.# # #*.,l; 4oul-nNt tou(% %,s (age 4,t% a ten-foot 0ole
# # # an- 1 .eant to -o ,t9 fo& 1 -,-nNt 4ant t%e .,n,ste&s to %ea&
an;t%,ng un0leasant ,n .; %ouse# 7ut ,t sl,00e- .; .,n-# # #*.,l;
4as 4o&&;,ng .e so .u(% about (lean (olla&s an- g&a..a& t%at ,t
4asnNt an; 4on-e&# # #an- 1 neve& t%oug%t of t%at 0oo& 0a&&ot t,ll
4e sat -o4n to tea# Oust as .,n,ste& one 4as ,n t%e ve&;
.,--le of sa;,ng g&a(e9 ),nge&9 4%o 4as on t%e ve&an-a outs,-e t%e
-,n,ng &oo. 4,n-o49 l,fte- u0 L1S vo,(e# T%e gobble& %a- (o.e
,nto v,e4 ,n t%e ;a&- an- t%e s,g%t of a gobble& al4a;s %a- an
un4%oleso.e effe(t on ),nge&# Le su&0asse- %,.self t%at t,.e#
Jou (an s.,le9 Anne9 an- 1 -onNt -en; 1Nve (%u(<le- so.e ove& ,t
s,n(e .;self9 but at t%e t,.e 1 felt al.ost as .u(% .o&t,f,e- as *.,l;#
1 4ent out an- (a&&,e- ),nge& to t%e ba&n# 1 (anNt sa; 1 en'o;e-
t%e .eal# 1 <ne4 b; t%e loo< of *.,l; t%at t%e&e 4as t&ouble
b&e4,ng fo& ),nge& an- A# =%en t%e fol<s 4ent a4a; 1
sta&te- fo& t%e (o4 0astu&e an- on t%e 4a; 1 -,- so.e t%,n<,ng#
1 felt so&&; fo& *.,l; an- <,n- of fan(,e- 1 %a-nNt been so t%oug%tful
of %e& as 1 .,g%t@ an- bes,-es9 1 4on-e&e- ,f t%e .,n,ste&s 4oul-
t%,n< t%at ),nge& %a- lea&ne- %,s vo(abula&; f&o. .e# T%e long an-
s%o&t of ,t 4as9 1 -e(,-e- t%at ),nge& 4oul- %ave to be .e&(,full;
-,s0ose- of an- 4%en 1N- -&uv t%e (o4s %o.e 1 4ent ,n to tell *.,l; so#
7ut t%e&e 4as no *.,l; an- t%e&e 4as a lette& on t%e table# # #'ust
a((o&-,ng to t%e &ule ,n sto&; boo<s# *.,l; 4&,t t%at 1N- %ave to
(%oose bet4een %e& an- ),nge&@ s%eN- gone ba(< to %e& o4n %ouse an-
t%e&e s%e 4oul- sta; t,ll 1 4ent an- tol- %e& 1N- got &,- of t%at 0a&&ot#

G1 4as all &,le- u09 Anne9 an- 1 sa,- s%e .,g%t sta; t,ll -oo.s-a; ,f
s%e 4a,te- fo& t%at@ an- 1 stu(< to ,t# 1 0a(<e- u0 %e& belong,ngs
an- sent t%e. afte& %e&# 1t .a-e an a4ful lot of tal< # # #S(ottsfo&-
4as 0&ett; nea& as ba- as Avonlea fo& goss,0# # #an- eve&;bo-;
s;.0at%,/e- 4,t% *.,l;# 1t <e0t .e all (&oss an- (antan<e&ous
an- 1 sa4 1N- %ave to get out o& 1N- neve& %ave an; 0ea(e#
1 (on(lu-e- 1N- (o.e to t%e 1slan-# 1N- been %e&e 4%en 1 4as
a bo; an- 1 l,<e- ,t@ but *.,l; %a- al4a;s sa,- s%e 4oul-nNt
l,ve ,n a 0la(e 4%e&e fol<s 4e&e s(a&e- to 4al< out afte& -a&< fo&
fea& t%e;N- fall off t%e e-ge# So9 'ust to be (ont&a&;9 1 .ove-
ove& %e&e# An- t%atNs all t%e&e ,s to ,t# 1 %a-nNt eve& %ea&- a
4o&- f&o. o& about *.,l; t,ll 1 (o.e %o.e f&o. t%e ba(< f,el-
Satu&-a; an- foun- %e& s(&ubb,ng t%e floo& but 4,t% t%e f,&st
-e(ent -,nne& 1N- %a- s,n(e s%e left .e all &ea-; on t%e table#
S%e tol- .e to eat ,t f,&st an- t%en 4eN- tal<# # #b; 4%,(% 1
(on(lu-e- t%at *.,l; %a- lea&ne- so.e lessons about gett,ng along
4,t% a .an# So s%eNs %e&e an- s%eNs go,ng to sta;# # #see,ng t%at
),nge&Ns -ea- an- t%e 1slan-Ns so.e b,gge& t%an s%e t%oug%t#
T%e&eNs 6&s# L;n-e an- %e& no4# 3o9 -onNt go9 Anne# Sta; an- get
a(Hua,nte- 4,t% *.,l;# S%e too< Hu,te a not,on to ;ou Satu&-a;# # #
4ante- to <no4 4%o t%at %an-so.e &e-%a,&e- g,&l 4as at t%e ne+t %ouse#G

6&s# La&&,son 4el(o.e- Anne &a-,antl; an- ,ns,ste- on %e& sta;,ng to tea# A# %as been tell,ng .e all about ;ou an- %o4 <,n- ;ouNve been9
.a<,ng (a<es an- t%,ngs fo& %,.9G s%e sa,-# G1 4ant to get a(Hua,nte-
4,t% all .; ne4 ne,g%bo&s 'ust as soon as 0oss,ble# 6&s# L;n-e ,s a
lovel; 4o.an9 ,snNt s%eM So f&,en-l;#G

=%en Anne 4ent %o.e ,n t%e s4eet Oune -us<9 6&s# La&&,son 4ent 4,t% %e&
a(&oss t%e f,el-s 4%e&e t%e f,&efl,es 4e&e l,g%t,ng t%e,& sta&&; la.0s#

G1 su00ose9G sa,- 6&s# La&&,son (onf,-ent,all;9 Gt%at A# %as tol-
;ou ou& sto&;MG


GT%en 1 nee-nNt tell ,t9 fo& A# ,s a 'ust .an an- %e 4oul-
tell t%e t&ut%# T%e bla.e 4as fa& f&o. be,ng all on %,s s,-e#
1 (an see t%at no4# 1 4asnNt ba(< ,n .; o4n %ouse an %ou& befo&e 1
4,s%e- 1 %a-nNt been so %ast; but 1 4oul-nNt g,ve ,n# 1 see no4 t%at
1 e+0e(te- too .u(% of a .an# An- 1 4as &eal fool,s% to .,n- %,s
ba- g&a..a&# 1t -oesnNt .atte& ,f a .an -oes use ba- g&a..a& so
long as %e ,s a goo- 0&ov,-e& an- -oesnNt go 0o<,ng &oun- t%e 0ant&;
to see %o4 .u(% suga& ;ouNve use- ,n a 4ee<# 1 feel t%at A#
an- 1 a&e go,ng to be &eal %a00; no4# 1 4,s% 1 <ne4 4%o U2bse&ve&N
,s9 so t%at 1 (oul- t%an< %,.# 1 o4e %,. a &eal -ebt of g&at,tu-e#G

Anne <e0t %e& o4n (ounsel an- 6&s# La&&,son neve& <ne4 t%at %e&
g&at,tu-e foun- ,ts 4a; to ,ts ob'e(t# Anne felt &at%e& be4,l-e&e-
ove& t%e fa&-&ea(%,ng (onseHuen(es of t%ose fool,s% Gnotes#G T%e;
%a- &e(on(,le- a .an to %,s 4,fe an- .a-e t%e &e0utat,on of a 0&o0%et#

6&s# L;n-e 4as ,n t%e )&een )ables <,t(%en# S%e %a- been tell,ng
t%e 4%ole sto&; to 6a&,lla#

G=ell9 an- %o4 -o ;ou l,<e 6&s# La&&,sonMG s%e as<e- Anne#

G:e&; .u(%# 1 t%,n< s%eNs a &eal n,(e l,ttle

GT%atNs e+a(tl; 4%at s%e ,s9G sa,- 6&s# 8a(%el 4,t% e.0%as,s9
Gan- as 1Nve 'ust been sa;,nN to 6a&,lla9 1 t%,n< 4e oug%t all
to ove&loo< 6&# La&&,sonNs 0e(ul,a&,t,es fo& %e& sa<e an- t&; to
.a<e %e& feel at %o.e %e&e9 t%atNs 4%at# =ell9 1 .ust get ba(<#
T%o.asNll be 4ea&;,ng fo& .e# 1 get out a l,ttle s,n(e *l,/a (a.e
an- %eNs see.e- a lot bette& t%ese 0ast fe4 -a;s9 but 1 neve& l,<e
to be long a4a; f&o. %,.# 1 %ea& ),lbe&t 7l;t%e %as &es,gne- f&o.
=%,te San-s# LeNll be off to (ollege ,n t%e fall9 1 su00ose#G

6&s# 8a(%el loo<e- s%a&0l; at Anne9 but Anne 4as ben-,ng ove& a slee0;
Dav; no--,ng on t%e sofa an- not%,ng 4as to be &ea- ,n %e& fa(e#
S%e (a&&,e- Dav; a4a;9 %e& oval g,&l,s% (%ee< 0&esse- aga,nst %,s
(u&l; ;ello4 %ea-# As t%e; 4ent u0 t%e sta,&s Dav; flung a t,&e-
a&. about AnneNs ne(< an- gave %e& a 4a&. %ug an- a st,(<; <,ss#

GJouN&e a4ful n,(e9 Anne# 6,lt; 7oulte& 4&ote on %,s slate to-a;
an- s%o4e- ,t to Oenn,e Sloane9

GU8oses &e- an- v,Nlets blue9
Suga&Ns s4eet9 an- so a&e ;ouG

an- t%at Ns0&esses .; feel,ngs fo& ;ou e/a(<l;9 Anne#G


A&oun- t%e 7en- L;n-e fa-e- out of l,fe as Hu,etl; an- unobt&us,vel; as %e
%a- l,ve- ,t# L,s 4,fe 4as a ten-e&9 0at,ent9 un4ea&,e- nu&se#,.es 8a(%el %a- been a l,ttle %a&- on %e& ,n %ealt%9
4%en %,s slo4ness o& .ee<ness %a- 0&ovo<e- %e&@ but 4%en %e be(a.e
,ll no vo,(e (oul- be lo4e&9 no %an- .o&e gentl; s<,llful9 no v,g,l
.o&e un(o.0la,n,ng#

GJouNve been a goo- 4,fe to .e9 8a(%el9G %e on(e sa,- s,.0l;9 4%en
s%e 4as s,tt,ng b; %,. ,n t%e -us<9 %ol-,ng %,s t%,n9 blan(%e- ol-
%an- ,n %e& 4o&<-%a&-ene- one# GA goo- 4,fe# 1N. so&&; 1 a,nNt
leav,ng ;ou bette& off@ but t%e (%,l-&en 4,ll loo< afte& ;ou#
T%e;N&e all s.a&t9 (a0able (%,l-&en9 'ust l,<e t%e,& .ot%e&#
A goo- .ot%e&# # #a goo- # # #G

Le %a- fallen aslee0 t%en9 an- t%e ne+t .o&n,ng9 'ust as t%e 4%,te
-a4n 4as (&ee0,ng u0 ove& t%e 0o,nte- f,&s ,n t%e %ollo49 6a&,lla
4ent softl; ,nto t%e east gable an- 4a<ene- Anne#

GAnne9 L;n-e ,s gone# # #t%e,& %,&e- bo; 'ust b&oug%t t%e 4o&-#
1N. go,ng &,g%t -o4n to 8a(%el#G

2n t%e -a; afte& L;n-eNs fune&al 6a&,lla 4ent about )&een )ables
4,t% a st&angel; 0&eo((u0,e- a,&# 2((as,onall; s%e loo<e- at Anne9
see.e- on t%e 0o,nt of sa;,ng,ng9 t%en s%oo< %e& %ea- an-
buttone- u0 %e& .out%# Afte& tea s%e 4ent -o4n to see 6&s# 8a(%el@
an- 4%en s%e &etu&ne- s%e 4ent to t%e east gable9 4%e&e Anne 4as
(o&&e(t,ng s(%ool e+e&(,ses#

GLo4 ,s 6&s# L;n-e ton,g%tMG as<e- t%e latte&#

GS%eNs feel,ng (al.e& an- .o&e (o.0ose-9G ans4e&e- 6a&,lla9 s,tt,ng
-o4n on AnneNs be-# # #a 0&o(ee-,ng 4%,(% beto<ene- so.e unusual
.ental e+(,te.ent9 fo& ,n 6a&,llaNs (o-e of %ouse%ol- et%,(s to
s,t on a be- afte& ,t 4as .a-e u0 4as an un0a&-onable offense#
G7ut s%eNs ve&; lonel;# *l,/a %a- to go %o.e to-a;# # #%e& son
,snNt 4ell an- s%e felt s%e (oul-nNt sta; an; longe&#G

G=%en 1Nve f,n,s%e- t%ese e+e&(,ses 1Nll &un -o4n an- (%at a4%,le
4,t% 6&s# L;n-e9G sa,- Anne# G1 %a- ,nten-e- to stu-; so.e Lat,n
(o.0os,t,on ton,g%t but ,t (an 4a,t#G

G1 su00ose ),lbe&t 7l;t%e ,s go,ng to (ollege ,n t%e fall9G sa,-
6a&,lla 'e&<,l;# GLo4 4oul- ;ou l,<e to go too9 AnneMG

Anne loo<e- u0 ,n aston,s%.ent#

G1 4oul- l,<e ,t9 of (ou&se9 6a&,lla# 7ut ,t ,snNt 0oss,ble#G

G1 guess ,t (an be .a-e 0oss,ble# 1Nve al4a;s felt t%at ;ou s%oul- go#
1Nve neve& felt eas; to t%,n< ;ou 4e&e g,v,ng ,t all u0 on .; a((ount#G

G7ut 6a&,lla9 1Nve neve& been so&&; fo& a .o.ent t%at 1 sta;e- %o.e#
1Nve been so %a00;# # #2%9 t%ese 0ast t4o ;ea&s %ave 'ust been -el,g%tful#G

G2%9 ;es9 1 <no4 ;ouNve been (ontente- enoug%# 7ut t%at ,snNt t%e
Huest,on e+a(tl;# Jou oug%t to go on 4,t% ;ou& e-u(at,on# JouNve
save- enoug% to 0ut ;ou t%&oug% one ;ea& at 8e-.on- an- t%e .one; t%e
sto(< b&oug%t ,n 4,ll -o fo& anot%e& ;ea&# # #an- t%e&eNs s(%ola&s%,0s
an- t%,ngs ;ou .,g%t 4,n#G

GJes9 but 1 (anNt go9 6a&,lla# Jou& e;es a&e bette&9 of (ou&se@
but 1 (anNt leave ;ou alone 4,t% t%e t4,ns# T%e; nee- so .u(%
loo<,ng afte&#G

G1 4onNt be alone 4,t% t%e.# T%atNs 4%at 1 .eant to -,s(uss 4,t% ;ou#
1 %a- a long tal< 4,t% 8a(%el ton,g%t# Anne9 s%eNs feel,ng -&ea-ful
ba- ove& a goo- .an; t%,ngs# S%eNs not left ve&; 4ell off# 1t see.s
t%e; .o&tgage- t%e fa&. e,g%t ;ea&s ago to g,ve t%e ;oungest bo; a
sta&t 4%en %e 4ent 4est@ an- t%e;Nve neve& been able to 0a; .u(% .o&e
t%an t%e ,nte&est s,n(e# An- t%en of (ou&se T%o.asN ,llness %as (ost
a goo- -eal9 one 4a; o& anot%e&# T%e fa&. 4,ll %ave to be sol- an- 8a(%el
t%,n<s t%e&eNll be %a&-l; an;t%,ng left afte& t%e b,lls a&e settle-#
S%e sa;s s%eNll %ave to go an- l,ve 4,t% *l,/a an- ,tNs b&ea<,ng %e&
%ea&t to t%,n< of leav,ng Avonlea# A of %e& age -oesnNt .a<e
ne4 f&,en-s an- ,nte&ests eas;# An-9 Anne9 as s%e tal<e- about ,t
t%e t%oug%t (a.e to .e t%at 1 4oul- as< %e& to (o.e an- l,ve 4,t% .e9
but 1 t%oug%t 1 oug%t to tal< ,t ove& 4,t% ;ou f,&st befo&e 1 sa,-
an;t%,ng to %e&# 1f 1 %a- 8a(%el l,v,ng 4,t% .e ;ou (oul- go to (ollege#
Lo4 -o ;ou feel about ,tMG

G1 feel# # #as ,f# # #so.ebo-;# # #%a- %an-e- .e# # #t%e .oon# # #an- 1
-,-nNt <no4# # #e+a(tl;# # #4%at to -o# # #4,t% ,t9G sa,- Anne -a/e-l;#
G7ut as fo& as<,ng 6&s# L;n-e to (o.e %e&e9 t%at ,s fo& ;ou to -e(,-e9
6a&,lla# Do ;ou t%,n<# # #a&e ;ou su&e# # #;ou 4oul- l,<e ,tM 6&s# L;n-e
,s a goo- an- a <,n- ne,g%bo&9 but# # #but# # #G

G7ut s%eNs got %e& faults9 ;ou .ean to sa;M =ell9 s%e %as9 of (ou&se@
but 1 t%,n< 1N- &at%e& 0ut u0 4,t% fa& 4o&se faults t%an see 8a(%el
go a4a; f&o. Avonlea# 1N- .,ss %e& te&&,ble# S%eNs t%e onl; (lose
f&,en- 1Nve got %e&e an- 1N- be lost 4,t%out %e&# =eNve been ne,g%bo&s
fo& fo&t;-f,ve ;ea&s an- 4eNve neve& %a- a Hua&&el# # #t%oug% 4e (a.e
&at%e& nea& ,t t%at t,.e ;ou fle4 at 6&s# 8a(%el fo& (all,ng ;ou %o.el;
an- &e-%a,&e-# Do ;ou & AnneMG

G1 s%oul- t%,n< 1 -o9G sa,- Anne &uefull;# GPeo0le -onNt fo&get
t%,ngs l,<e t%at# Lo4 1 %ate- 0oo& 6&s# 8a(%el at t%at .o.entFG

GAn- t%en t%at Ua0olog;N ;ou .a-e %e&# =ell9 ;ou 4e&e a %an-ful9
,n all (ons(,en(e9 Anne# 1 -,- feel so 0u//le- an- be4,l-e&e- %o4
to .anage ;ou# 6att%e4 un-e&stoo- ;ou bette&#G

G6att%e4 un-e&stoo- eve&;t%,ng9G sa,- Anne softl;9 as s%e al4a;s
s0o<e of %,.#

G=ell9 1 t%,n< ,t (oul- be .anage- so t%at 8a(%el an- 1 4oul-nNt
(las% at all# 1t al4a;s see.e- to .e t%at t%e &eason t4o 4o.en
(anNt get along ,n one %ouse ,s t%at t%e; t&; to s%a&e t%e sa.e
<,t(%en an- get ,n ea(% ot%e&Ns 4a;# 3o49 ,f 8a(%el (a.e %e&e9
s%e (oul- %ave t%e no&t% gable fo& %e& be-&oo. an- t%e s0a&e &oo.
fo& a <,t(%en as 4ell as not9 fo& 4e -onNt &eall; nee- a s0a&e &oo.
at all# S%e (oul- 0ut %e& stove t%e&e an- 4%at fu&n,tu&e s%e 4ante-
to <ee09 an- be &eal ( an- ,n-e0en-ent# S%eNll %ave enoug%
to l,ve on of (ou&se###%e& (%,l-&enNll see to t%at###so all 1N- be
g,v,ng %e& 4oul- be %ouse &oo.# Jes9 Anne9 fa& as 1N. (on(e&ne-
1N- l,<e ,t#G

GT%en as< %e&9G sa,- Anne 0&o.0tl;# G1N- be ve&; so&&; .;self to
see 6&s# 8a(%el go a4a;#G

GAn- ,f s%e (o.es9G (ont,nue- 6a&,lla9 GJou (an go to (ollege as 4ell
as not# S%eNll be (o.0an; fo& .e an- s%eNll -o fo& t%e t4,ns 4%at 1
(anNt -o9 so t%e&eNs no &eason ,n t%e 4o&l- 4%; ;ou s%oul-nNt go#G

Anne %a- a long .e-,tat,on at %e& 4,n-o4 t%at n,g%t# Oo; an- &eg&et
st&uggle- toget%e& ,n %e& %ea&t# S%e %a- (o.e at last# # #su--enl;
an- une+0e(te-l;# # #to t%e ben- ,n t%e &oa-@ an- (ollege 4as a&oun- ,t9
4,t% a %un-&e- &a,nbo4 %o0es an- v,s,ons@ but Anne &eal,/e- as 4ell t%at
4%en s%e &oun-e- t%at (u&ve s%e .ust leave .an; s4eet t%,ngs be%,n-# # #
all t%e l,ttle s,.0le -ut,es an- ,nte&ests 4%,(% %a- g&o4n so -ea& to %e&
,n t%e last t4o ;ea&s an- 4%,(% s%e %a- glo&,f,e- ,nto beaut; an- -el,g%t
b; t%e ent%us,as. s%e %a- 0ut ,nto t%e.# S%e .ust g,ve u0 %e& s(%ool# # #
an- s%e love- eve&; one of %e& 0u0,ls9 even t%e stu0,- an- naug%t; ones#
T%e .e&e t%oug%t of Paul 1&v,ng .a-e %e& 4on-e& ,f 8e-.on- 4e&e su(% a
na.e to (on'u&e 4,t% afte& all#

G1Nve 0ut out a lot of l,ttle &oots t%ese t4o ;ea&s9G Anne tol- t%e .oon9
Gan- 4%en 1N. 0ulle- u0 t%e;N&e go,ng to %u&t a g&eat -eal# 7ut ,tNs best
to go9 1 t%,n<9 an-9 as 6a&,lla sa;s9 t%e&eNs no goo- &eason 4%; 1 s%oul-nNt#
1 .ust get out all .; a.b,t,ons an- -ust t%e.#G

Anne sent ,n %e& &es,gnat,on t%e ne+t -a;@ an- 6&s# 8a(%el9 afte&
a %ea&t to %ea&t tal< 4,t% 6a&,lla9 g&atefull; a((e0te- t%e offe&
of a %o.e at )&een )ables# S%e ele(te- to &e.a,n ,n %e& o4n %ouse
fo& t%e su..e&9 %o4eve&@ t%e fa&. 4as not to be sol- unt,l t%e fall
an- t%e&e 4e&e .an; a&&ange.ents to be .a-e#

G1 (e&ta,nl; neve& t%oug%t of l,v,ng as fa& off t%e &oa- as )&een )ables9G
s,g%e- 6&s# 8a(%el to %e&self# G7ut &eall;9 )&een )ables -oesnNt see. as
out of t%e 4o&l- as ,t use- to -o# # #Anne %as lots of (o.0an; an- t%e
t4,ns .a<e ,t &eal l,vel;# An- an;%o49 1N- &at%e& l,ve at t%e botto.
of a 4ell t%an leave Avonlea#G

T%ese t4o -e(,s,ons be,ng no,se- ab&oa- s0ee-,l; ouste- t%e a&&,val
of 6&s# La&&,son ,n 0o0ula& goss,0# Sage %ea-s 4e&e s%a<en ove&
6a&,lla Cut%be&tNs &as% ste0 ,n as<,ng 6&s# 8a(%el to l,ve 4,t% %e&#
Peo0le o0,ne- t%at t%e; 4oul-nNt get on toget%e&# T%e; 4e&e bot%
Gtoo fon- of t%e,& o4n 4a;9G an- .an; -oleful 0&e-,(t,ons 4e&e .a-e9
none of 4%,(% -,stu&be- t%e 0a&t,es ,n Huest,on at all# T%e; %a-
(o.e to a (lea& an- -,st,n(t un-e&stan-,ng of t%e &es0e(t,ve -ut,es
an- &,g%ts of t%e,& ne4 a&&ange.ents an- .eant to ab,-e b; t%e.#

G1 4onNt .e--le 4,t% ;ou no& ;ou 4,t% .e9G 6&s# 8a(%el %a- sa,- -e(,-e-l;9
Gan- as fo& t%e t4,ns9 1Nll be gla- to -o all 1 (an fo& t%e.@ but 1 4onNt
un-e&ta<e to ans4e& Dav;Ns Huest,ons9 t%atNs 4%at# 1N. not an en(;(lo0e-,a9
ne,t%e& a. 1 a P%,la-el0%,a la4;e&# JouNll .,ss Anne fo& t%at#G,.es AnneNs ans4e&s 4e&e about as Huee& as Dav;Ns Huest,ons9G
sa,- 6a&,lla -&,l;# GT%e t4,ns 4,ll .,ss %e& an- no .,sta<e@ but
%e& futu&e (anNt be sa(&,f,(e- to Dav;Ns t%,&st fo& ,nfo&.at,on#
=%en %e as<s Huest,ons 1 (anNt ans4e& 1Nll 'ust tell %,. (%,l-&en
s%oul- be seen an- not %ea&-# T%at 4as %o4 1 4as b&oug%t u09
an- 1 -onNt <no4 but 4%at ,t 4as 'ust as goo- a 4a; as all t%ese
ne4-fangle- not,ons fo& t&a,n,ng (%,l-&en#G

G=ell9 AnneNs .et%o-s see. to %ave 4o&<e- fa,&l; 4ell 4,t% Dav;9G
sa,- 6&s# L;n-e s.,l,ngl;# GLe ,s a &efo&.e- (%a&a(te&9 t%atNs 4%at#G

GLe ,snNt a ba- l,ttle soul9G (on(e-e- 6a&,lla# G1 neve& e+0e(te- to get
as fon- of t%ose (%,l-&en as 1 %ave# Dav; gets &oun- ;ou so.e%o4 # # #an-
Do&a ,s a lovel; (%,l-9 alt%oug% s%e ,s# # #<,n- of# # #4ell9 <,n- of# # #G

G6onotonousM *+a(tl;9G su00l,e- 6&s# 8a(%el# GL,<e a boo< 4%e&e eve&;
0age ,s t%e sa.e9 t%atNs 4%at# Do&a 4,ll .a<e a goo-9 &el,able but
s%eNll neve& set t%e 0on- on f,&e# =ell9 t%at so&t of fol<s a&e (
to %ave &oun-9 even ,f t%e;N&e not as ,nte&est,ng as t%e ot%e& <,n-#G

),lbe&t 7l;t%e 4as 0&obabl; t%e onl; 0e&son to 4%o. t%e ne4s of
AnneNs &es,gnat,on b&oug%t un.,+e- 0leasu&e# Le& 0u0,ls loo<e-
u0on ,t as a s%ee& (atast&o0%e# Annetta 7ell %a- %;ste&,(s 4%en
s%e 4ent %o.e# Ant%on; P;e foug%t t4o 0,t(%e- an- un0&ovo<e-
battles 4,t% ot%e& bo;s b; 4a; of &el,ev,ng %,s feel,ngs# 7a&ba&a
S%a4 (&,e- all n,g%t# Paul 1&v,ng -ef,antl; tol- %,s g&an-.ot%e&
t%at s%e nee-nNt e+0e(t %,. to eat an; 0o&&,-ge fo& a 4ee<#

G1 (anNt -o ,t9 )&an-.a9G %e sa,-# G1 -onNt &eall; <no4 ,f 1 (an
eat A3JTL13)# 1 feel as ,f t%e&e 4as a -&ea-ful lu.0 ,n .; t%&oat#
1N- %ave (&,e- (o.,ng %o.e f&o. s(%ool ,f Oa<e Donnell %a-nNt been
4at(%,ng .e# 1 bel,eve 1 4,ll (&; afte& 1 go to be-# 1t 4oul-nNt
s%o4 on .; e;es to.o&&o49 4oul- ,tM An- ,t 4oul- be su(% a &el,ef#
7ut an;4a;9 1 (anNt eat 0o&&,-ge# 1N. go,ng to nee- all .; st&engt%
of .,n- to bea& u0 aga,nst t%,s9 )&an-.a9 an- 1 4onNt %ave an; left
to g&a00le 4,t% 0o&&,-ge# 2% )&an-.a9 1 -onNt <no4 4%at 1Nll -o 4%en
.; beaut,ful tea(%e& goes a4a;# 6,lt; 7oulte& sa;s %e bets Oane An-&e4s
4,ll get t%e s(%ool# 1 su00ose 6,ss An-&e4s ,s ve&; n,(e# 7ut 1 <no4
s%e 4onNt un-e&stan- t%,ngs l,<e 6,ss S%,&le;#G

D,ana also too< a ve&; 0ess,.,st,( v,e4 of affa,&s#

G1t 4,ll be %o&&,bl; loneso.e %e&e ne+t 4,nte&9G s%e .ou&ne-9 one t4,l,g%t
4%en t%e .oonl,g%t 4as &a,n,ng Ga,&; s,lve&G t%&oug% t%e (%e&&; boug%s
an- f,ll,ng t%e east gable 4,t% a soft9 -&ea.-l,<e &a-,an(e ,n 4%,(%
t%e t4o g,&ls sat an- tal<e-9 Anne on %e& lo4 &o(<e& b; t%e 4,n-o49
D,ana s,tt,ng Tu&<fas%,on on t%e be-# GJou an- ),lbe&t 4,ll be gone
# # #an- t%e Allans too# T%e; a&e go,ng to (all 6&# Allan to
C%a&lotteto4n an- of (ou&se %eNll a((e0t# 1tNs too .ean# =eNll
be va(ant all 4,nte&9 1 su00ose9 an- %ave to l,sten to a long
st&,ng of (an-,-ates# # #an- %alf of t%e. 4onNt be an; goo-#G

G1 %o0e t%e; 4onNt (all 6&# 7a+te& f&o. *ast )&afton %e&e9 an;%o49G
sa,- Anne -e(,-e-l;# GLe 4ants t%e (all but %e -oes 0&ea(% su(%
gloo.; se&.ons# 6&# 7ell sa;s %eNs a .,n,ste& of t%e ol- s(%ool9
but 6&s# L;n-e sa;s t%e&eNs not%,ng 4%ateve& t%e .atte& 4,t% %,.
but ,n-,gest,on# L,s 4,fe ,snNt a ve&; goo- (oo<9 ,t see.s9 an-
6&s# L;n-e sa;s t%at 4%en a .an %as to eat sou& b&ea- t4o 4ee<s
out of t%&ee %,s t%eolog; ,s boun- to get a <,n< ,n ,t so.e4%e&e#
6&s# Allan feels ve&; ba-l; about go,ng a4a;# S%e sa;s eve&;bo-;
%as been so <,n- to %e& s,n(e s%e (a.e %e&e as a b&,-e t%at s%e
feels as ,f s%e 4e&e leav,ng l,felong f&,en-s# An- t%en9 t%e&eNs
t%e bab;Ns g&ave9 ;ou <no4# S%e sa;s s%e -oesnNt see %o4 s%e (an
go a4a; an- leave t%at# # #,t 4as su(% a l,ttle .,te of a t%,ng
an- onl; t%&ee .ont%s ol-9 an- s%e sa;s s%e ,s af&a,- ,t 4,ll .,ss
,ts .ot%e&9 alt%oug% s%e <no4s bette& an- 4oul-nNt sa; so to 6&# Allan
fo& an;t%,ng# S%e sa;s s%e %as sl,00e- t%&oug% t%e b,&(% g&ove ba(<
of t%e .anse nea&l; eve&; n,g%t to t%e g&ave;a&- an- sung a l,ttle
lullab; to ,t# S%e tol- .e all about ,t last even,ng 4%en 1 4as
u0 0utt,ng so.e of t%ose ea&l; 4,l- &oses on 6att%e4Ns g&ave#
1 0&o.,se- %e& t%at as long as 1 4as ,n Avonlea 1 4oul- 0ut flo4e&s
on t%e bab;Ns g&ave an- 4%en 1 4as a4a; 1 felt su&e t%at# # #G

GT%at 1 4oul- -o ,t9G su00l,e- D,ana %ea&t,l;# G2f (ou&se 1 4,ll#
An- 1Nll 0ut t%e. on 6att%e4Ns g&ave too9 fo& ;ou& sa<e9 Anne#G

G2%9 t%an< ;ou# 1 .eant to as< ;ou to ,f ;ou 4oul-# An- on l,ttle
Leste& )&a;Ns tooM Please -onNt fo&get %e&s# Do ;ou <no49 1Nve
t%oug%t an- -&ea.e- so .u(% about l,ttle Leste& )&a; t%at s%e %as
be(o.e st&angel; &eal to .e# 1 t%,n< of %e&9 ba(< t%e&e ,n %e&
l,ttle ga&-en ,n t%at (ool9 st,ll9 g&een (o&ne&@ an- 1 %ave a fan(;
t%at ,f 1 (oul- steal ba(< t%e&e so.e s0&,ng even,ng9 'ust at t%e
.ag,( t,.e Nt4,+t l,g%t an- -a&<9 an- t,0toe so softl; u0 t%e bee(%
%,ll t%at .; footste0s (oul- not f&,g%ten %e&9 1 4oul- f,n- t%e
ga&-en 'ust as ,t use- to be9 all s4eet 4,t% Oune l,l,es an- ea&l;
&oses9 4,t% t%e t,n; %ouse be;on- ,t all %ung 4,t% v,nes@ an-
l,ttle Leste& )&a; 4oul- be t%e&e9 4,t% %e& soft e;es9 an- t%e 4,n-
&uffl,ng %e& -a&< %a,&9 4an-e&,ng about9 0utt,ng %e& f,nge&t,0s
un-e& t%e (%,ns of t%e l,l,es an- 4%,s0e&,ng se(&ets 4,t% t%e &oses@
an- 1 4oul- go fo&4a&-9 o%9 so softl;9 an- %ol- out .; %an-s an-
sa; to %e&9 UL,ttle Leste& )&a;9 4onNt ;ou let .e be ;ou& 0la;.ate9
fo& 1 love t%e &oses tooMN An- 4e 4oul- s,t -o4n on t%e ol- ben(%
an- tal< a l,ttle an- -&ea. a l,ttle9 o& 'ust be beaut,full; s,lent
toget%e&# An- t%en t%e .oon 4oul- &,se an- 1 4oul- loo< a&oun- .e
# # #an- t%e&e 4oul- be no Leste& )&a; an- no l,ttle v,ne-%ung %ouse9
an- no &oses# # #onl; an ol- 4aste ga&-en sta&&e- 4,t% Oune l,l,es a.,- t%e
g&asses9 an- t%e 4,n- s,g%,ng9 o%9 so so&&o4full; ,n t%e (%e&&; t&ees# An-
1 4oul- not <no4 4%et%e& ,t %a- been &eal o& ,f 1 %a- 'ust ,.ag,ne- ,t all#G
D,ana (&a4le- u0 an- got %e& ba(< aga,nst t%e %ea-boa&- of t%e be-#
=%en ;ou& (o.0an,on of t4,l,g%t %ou& sa,- su(% s0oo<; t%,ngs ,t 4as
'ust as 4ell not to be able to fan(; t%e&e 4as an;t%,ng be%,n- ;ou#

G1N. af&a,- t%e 1.0&ove.ent So(,et; 4,ll go -o4n 4%en ;ou an-
),lbe&t a&e bot% gone9G s%e &e.a&<e- -olefull;#

G3ot a b,t of fea& of ,t9G sa,- Anne b&,s<l;9 (o.,ng ba(< f&o.
-&ea.lan- to t%e affa,&s of 0&a(t,(al l,fe# G1t ,s too f,&.l;
establ,s%e- fo& t%at9 es0e(,all; s,n(e t%e ol-e& 0eo0le a&e
be(o.,ng so ent%us,ast,( about ,t# Loo< 4%at t%e; a&e -o,ng t%,s
su..e& fo& t%e,& la4ns an- lanes# 7es,-es9 1Nll be 4at(%,ng fo&
%,nts at 8e-.on- an- 1Nll 4&,te a 0a0e& fo& ,t ne+t 4,nte& an-
sen- ,t ove&# DonNt ta<e su(% a gloo.; v,e4 of t%,ngs9 D,ana#
An- -onNt g&u-ge .e .; l,ttle %ou& of gla-ness an- 'ub,lat,on no4#
Late& on9 4%en 1 %ave to go a4a;9 1Nll feel an;t%,ng but gla-#G

G1tNs all &,g%t fo& ;ou to be gla-# # #;ouN&e go,ng to (ollege an-
;ouNll %ave a 'oll; t,.e an- .a<e %ea0s of lovel; ne4 f&,en-s#G

G1 %o0e 1 s%all .a<e ne4 f&,en-s9G sa,- Anne t%oug%tfull;#
GT%e 0oss,b,l,t,es of .a<,ng ne4 f&,en-s %el0 to .a<e l,fe ve&;
fas(,nat,ng# 7ut no .atte& %o4 .an; f&,en-s 1 .a<e t%e;Nll neve&
be as -ea& to .e as t%e ol- ones# # #es0e(,all; a (e&ta,n g,&l
4,t% bla(< e;es an- -,.0les# Can ;ou guess 4%o s%e ,s9 D,anaMG

G7ut t%e&eNll be so .an; (leve& g,&ls at 8e-.on-9G s,g%e- D,ana9
Gan- 1N. onl; a stu0,- l,ttle (ount&; g,&l 4%o sa;s U1 seenN,.es# # #t%oug% 1 &eall; <no4 bette& 4%en 1 sto0 to t%,n<#
=ell9 of (ou&se t%ese 0ast t4o ;ea&s %ave &eall; been too 0leasant
to last# 1 <no4 S26*72DJ 4%o ,s gla- ;ou a&e go,ng to 8e-.on- an;%o4#
Anne9 1N. go,ng to as< ;ou a Huest,on# # #a se&,ous Huest,on# DonNt be
ve+e- an- -o ans4e& se&,ousl;# Do ;ou (a&e an;t%,ng fo& ),lbe&tMG

G*ve& so .u(% as a f&,en- an- not a b,t ,n t%e 4a; ;ou .ean9G sa,- Anne
(al.l; an- -e(,-e-l;@ s%e also t%oug%t s%e 4as s0ea<,ng s,n(e&el;#

D,ana s,g%e-# S%e 4,s%e-9 so.e%o49 t%at Anne %a- ans4e&e- -,ffe&entl;#

GDonNt ;ou .ean *:*8 to be .a&&,e-9 AnneMG

GPe&%a0s# # #so.e -a;# # #4%en 1 .eet t%e &,g%t one9G sa,- Anne9
s.,l,ng -&ea.,l; u0 at t%e .oonl,g%t#

G7ut %o4 (an ;ou be su&e 4%en ;ou -o .eet t%e &,g%t oneMG 0e&s,ste- D,ana#

G2%9 1 s%oul- <no4 %,.# # #S26*TL13) 4oul- tell .e# Jou <no4 4%at .;
,-eal ,s9 D,ana#G

G7ut 0eo0leNs ,-eals (%ange,.es#G

G6,ne 4onNt# An- 1 C25LD3NT (a&e fo& an; .an 4%o -,-nNt fulf,ll ,t#G

G=%at ,f ;ou neve& .eet %,.MG

GT%en 1 s%all -,e an ol- .a,-9G 4as t%e (%ee&ful &es0onse# G1 -a&esa;
,t ,snNt t%e %a&-est -eat% b; an; .eans#G

G2%9 1 su00ose t%e -;,ng 4oul- be eas; enoug%@ ,tNs t%e l,v,ng an
ol- .a,- 1 s%oul-nNt l,<e9G sa,- D,ana9 4,t% no ,ntent,on of be,ng
%u.o&ous# GAlt%oug% 1 4oul-nNt .,n- be,ng an ol- .a,- :*8J .u(% ,f
1 (oul- be one l,<e 6,ss Laven-a&# 7ut 1 neve& (oul- be# =%en 1N.
fo&t;-f,ve 1Nll be %o&&,bl; fat# An- 4%,le t%e&e .,g%t be so.e
& about a t%,n ol- .a,- t%e&e (oul-nNt 0oss,bl; be an; about
a fat one# 2%9 .,n- ;ou9 3elson At<,ns 0&o0ose- to 8ub; ),ll,s
t%&ee 4ee<s ago# 8ub; tol- .e all about ,t# S%e sa;s s%e neve&
%a- an; ,ntent,on of ta<,ng %,.9 be(ause an; one 4%o .a&&,e- %,.
4,ll %ave to go ,n 4,t% t%e ol- fol<s@ but 8ub; sa;s t%at %e .a-e
su(% a 0e&fe(tl; beaut,ful an- &o.ant,( 0&o0osal t%at ,t s,.0l;
s4e0t %e& off %e& feet# 7ut s%e -,-nNt 4ant to -o an;t%,ng &as% so
s%e as<e- fo& a 4ee< to (ons,-e&@ an- t4o -a;s late& s%e 4as at a
.eet,ng of t%e Se4,ng C,&(le at %,s .ot%e&Ns an- t%e&e 4as a boo<
(alle- UT%e Co.0lete )u,-e to *t,Huette9N l;,ng on t%e 0a&lo&
table# 8ub; sa,- s%e s,.0l; (oul-nNt -es(&,be %e& feel,ngs 4%en ,n
a se(t,on of ,t %ea-e-9 UT%e De0o&t.ent of Cou&ts%,0 an- 6a&&,age9N
s%e foun- t%e ve&; 0&o0osal 3elson %a- .a-e9 4o&- fo& 4o&-# S%e
4ent %o.e an- 4&ote %,. a 0e&fe(tl; s(at%,ng &efusal@ an- s%e sa;s
%,s fat%e& an- .ot%e& %ave ta<en tu&ns 4at(%,ng %,. eve& s,n(e fo&
fea& %eNll -&o4n %,.self ,n t%e &,ve&@ but 8ub; sa;s t%e; nee-nNt
be af&a,-@ fo& ,n t%e De0o&t.ent of Cou&ts%,0 an- 6a&&,age ,t tol-
%o4 a &e'e(te- love& s%oul- be%ave an- t%e&eNs not%,ng about
-&o4n,ng ,n TLAT# An- s%e sa;s =,lbu& 7la,& ,s l,te&all; 0,n,ng
a4a; fo& %e& but s%eNs 0e&fe(tl; %el0less ,n t%e .atte&#G

Anne .a-e an ,.0at,ent .ove.ent#

G1 %ate to sa; ,t# # #,t see.s so -,slo;al# # #but9 4ell9 1 -onNt
l,<e 8ub; ),ll,s no4# 1 l,<e- %e& 4%en 4e 4ent to s(%ool an-
QueenNs toget%e&# # #t%oug% not so 4ell as ;ou an- Oane of (ou&se#
7ut t%,s last ;ea& at Ca&.o-; s%e see.s so -,ffe&ent# # #so# # #so# # #G

G1 <no49G no--e- D,ana# G1tNs t%e ),ll,s (o.,ng out ,n %e&# # #
s%e (anNt %el0 ,t# 6&s# L;n-e sa;s t%at ,f eve& a ),ll,s g,&l
t%oug%t about an;t%,ng but t%e bo;s s%e neve& s%o4e- ,t ,n %e&
4al< an- (onve&sat,on# S%e tal<s about not%,ng but bo;s an- 4%at
(o.0l,.ents t%e; 0a; %e&9 an- %o4 (&a/; t%e; all a&e about %e& at
Ca&.o-;# An- t%e st&ange t%,ng ,s9 t%e; A8*9 too# # #G D,ana
a-.,tte- t%,s so.e4%at &esentfull;# GLast n,g%t 4%en 1 sa4 %e& ,n
6&# 7la,&Ns sto&e s%e 4%,s0e&e- to .e t%at s%eN- 'ust .a-e a ne4
1 4oul-nNt as< %e& 4%o ,t 4as9 be(ause 1 <ne4 s%e 4as -;,ng to 7* as<e-#
=ell9 ,tNs 4%at 8ub; al4a;s 4ante-9 1 su00ose# Jou & even 4%en
s%e 4as l,ttle s%e al4a;s sa,- s%e .eant to %ave -o/ens of beaus 4%en s%e
g&e4 u0 an- %ave t%e ve&; ga;est t,.e s%e (oul- befo&e s%e settle- -o4n#
S%eNs so -,ffe&ent f&o. Oane9 ,snNt s%eM Oane ,s su(% a n,(e9 sens,ble9
la-;-l,<e g,&l#G

GDea& ol- Oane ,s a 'e4el9G ag&ee- Anne9 Gbut9G s%e a--e-9 lean,ng
fo&4a&- to besto4 a ten-e& 0at on t%e 0lu.09 -,.0le- l,ttle %an-
%ang,ng ove& %e& 0,llo49 Gt%e&eNs nobo-; l,<e .; o4n D,ana afte& all#
Do ;ou & t%at even,ng 4e f,&st .et9 D,ana9 an- Us4o&eN
ete&nal f&,en-s%,0 ,n ;ou& ga&-enM =eNve <e0t t%at Uoat%9N 1
t%,n<# # #4eNve neve& %a- a Hua&&el no& even a (oolness# 1 s%all
neve& fo&get t%e t%&,ll t%at 4ent ove& .e t%e -a; ;ou tol- .e ;ou
love- .e# 1 %a- %a- su(% a lonel;9 sta&ve- %ea&t all t%&oug% .;
(%,l-%oo-# 1N. 'ust beg,nn,ng to &eal,/e %o4 sta&ve- an- lonel; ,t
&eall; 4as# 3obo-; (a&e- an;t%,ng fo& .e o& 4ante- to be bot%e&e-
4,t% .e# 1 s%oul- %ave been .,se&able ,f ,t %a-nNt been fo& t%at
st&ange l,ttle -&ea.-l,fe of .,ne9 4%e&e,n 1 ,.ag,ne- all t%e
f&,en-s an- love 1 (&ave-# 7ut 4%en 1 (a.e to )&een )ables
eve&;t%,ng 4as (%ange-# An- t%en 1 .et ;ou# Jou -onNt <no4 4%at
;ou& f&,en-s%,0 .eant to .e# 1 4ant to t%an< ;ou %e&e an- no49
-ea&9 fo& t%e 4a&. an- t&ue affe(t,on ;ouNve al4a;s g,ven .e#G

GAn- al4a;s9 al4a;s 4,ll9G sobbe- D,ana# G1 s%all 3*:*8 love an;bo-;
# # #an; )18L# # #%alf as 4ell as 1 love ;ou# An- ,f 1 eve& -o .a&&;
an- %ave a l,ttle g,&l of .; o4n 1N. go,ng to na.e %e& A33*#G


An Afte&noon at t%e Stone Louse

G=%e&e a&e ;ou go,ng9 all -&esse- u09 AnneMG Dav; 4ante- to <no4#
GJou loo< bull; ,n t%at -&ess#G

Anne %a- (o.e -o4n to -,nne& ,n a ne4 -&ess of 0ale g&een .usl,n
# # #t%e f,&st (olo& s%e %a- 4o&n s,n(e 6att%e4Ns -eat%# 1t be(a.e
%e& 0e&fe(tl;9 b&,ng,ng out all t%e -el,(ate9 flo4e&-l,<e t,nts of
%e& fa(e an- t%e gloss an- bu&n,s% of %e& %a,&#

GDav;9 %o4 .an; t,.es %ave 1 tol- ;ou t%at ;ou .ustnNt use t%at 4o&-9G
s%e &ebu<e-# G1N. go,ng to *(%o Lo-ge#G

GTa<e .e 4,t% ;ou9G ent&eate- Dav;#

G1 4oul- ,f 1 4e&e -&,v,ng# 7ut 1N. go,ng to 4al< an- ,tNs too fa&
fo& ;ou& e,g%t-;ea&-ol- legs# 7es,-es9 Paul ,s go,ng 4,t% .e an- 1
fea& ;ou -onNt en'o; ;ou&self ,n %,s (o.0an;#G

G2%9 1 l,<e Paul lots bette&Nn 1 -,-9G sa,- Dav;9 beg,nn,ng to .a<e
fea&ful ,n&oa-s ,nto %,s 0u--,ng# GS,n(e 1Nve got 0&ett; goo-
.;self 1 -onNt .,n- %,s be,ng goo-e& so .u(%# 1f 1 (an <ee0
on 1Nll (at(% u0 4,t% %,. so.e -a;9 bot% ,n legs an- goo-ness#
NS,-es9 PaulNs &eal n,(e to us se(on- 0&,.e& bo;s ,n s(%ool#
Le 4onNt let t%e ot%e& b,g bo;s .e--le 4,t% us an- %e s%o4s us
lots of

GLo4 (a.e Paul to fall ,nto t%e b&oo< at noon %ou& ;este&-a;MG
as<e- Anne# G1 .et %,. on t%e 0la;g&oun-9 su(% a -&,00,ng f,gu&e
t%at 1 sent %,. 0&o.0tl; %o.e fo& (lot%es 4,t%out 4a,t,ng to f,n-
out 4%at %a- %a00ene-#G

G=ell9 ,t 4as 0a&tl; a /a(<s,-ent9G e+0la,ne- Dav;# GLe stu(<
%,s %ea- ,n on 0u&0ose but t%e &est of %,. fell ,n /a(<s,-entall;#
=e 4as all -o4n at t%e b&oo< an- P&,ll,e 8oge&son got .a- at Paul
about,ng# # #s%eNs a4ful .ean an- %o&&,- an;4a;9 ,f s%e 1S
0&ett;# # #an- sa,- t%at %,s g&an-.ot%e& 0ut %,s %a,& u0 ,n (u&l
&ags eve&; n,g%t# Paul 4oul-nNt %ave .,n-e- 4%at s%e sa,-9 1 guess9
but )&a(,e An-&e4s laug%e-9 an- Paul got a4ful &e-9 N(ause )&a(,eNs
%,s g,&l9 ;ou <no4# LeNs CL*A3 )23* on %e&# # #b&,ngs %e& flo4e&s
an- (a&&,es %e& boo<s as fa& as t%e s%o&e &oa-# Le got as &e- as
a beet an- sa,- %,s g&an-.ot%e& -,-nNt -o an; su(% t%,ng an- %,s
%a,& 4as bo&n (u&l;# An- t%en %e la,- -o4n on t%e ban< an- stu(<
%,s %ea- &,g%t ,nto t%e s0&,ng to s%o4 t%e.# 2%9 ,t 4asnNt t%e
s0&,ng 4e -&,n< out of# # #G see,ng a %o&&,f,e- loo< on 6a&,llaNs
fa(e# # #G,t 4as t%e l,ttle one lo4e& -o4n# 7ut t%e ban<Ns a4ful
sl,00; an- Paul 4ent &,g%t ,n# 1 tell ;ou %e .a-e a bull; s0las%#
2%9 Anne9 Anne9 1 -,-nNt .ean to sa; t%at# # #,t 'ust sl,00e- out
befo&e 1 t%oug%t# Le .a-e a SPL*3D1D s0las%# 7ut %e loo<e- so
funn; 4%en %e (&a4le- out9 all 4et an- .u--;# T%e g,&ls laug%e-
.o&eNn eve&9 but )&a(,e -,-nNt laug%# S%e loo<e- so&&;# )&a(,eNs
a n,(e g,&l but s%eNs got a snub nose# =%en 1 get b,g enoug% to
%ave a g,&l 1 4onNt %ave one 4,t% a snub nose# # #1Nll 0,(< one
4,t% a 0&ett; nose l,<e ;ou&s9 Anne#G

GA bo; 4%o .a<es su(% a .ess of s;&u0 all ove& %,s fa(e 4%en %e ,s eat,ng
%,s 0u--,ng 4,ll neve& get a g,&l to loo< at %,.9G sa,- 6a&,lla seve&el;#

G7ut 1Nll 4as% .; fa(e befo&e 1 go (ou&t,ng9G 0&oteste- Dav;9
t&;,ng to ,.0&ove .atte&s b; &ubb,ng t%e ba(< of %,s %an- ove& t%e
s.ea&s# GAn- 1Nll 4as% be%,n- .; ea&s too9 4,t%out be,ng tol-#
1 & to t%,s .o&n,ng9 6a&,lla# 1 -onNt fo&get %alf as often
as 1 -,-# 7ut# # #G an- Dav; s,g%e-# # #Gt%e&eNs so .an; (o&ne&s
about a fello4 t%at ,tNs a4ful %a&- to & t%e. all# =ell9 ,f
1 (anNt go to 6,ss Laven-a&Ns 1Nll go ove& an- see 6&s# La&&,son#
6&s# La&&,sonNs an a4ful n,(e 4o.an9 1 tell ;ou# S%e <ee0s a 'a&
of (oo<,es ,n %e& 0ant&; a-0u&0ose fo& l,ttle bo;s9 an- s%e al4a;s
g,ves .e t%e s(&a0,ngs out of a 0an s%eNs .,+e- u0 a 0lu. (a<e ,n#
A goo- .an; 0lu.s st,(< to t%e s,-es9 ;ou see# 6&# La&&,son 4as
al4a;s a n,(e .an9 but %eNs t4,(e as n,(e s,n(e %e got .a&&,e- ove&
aga,n# 1 guess gett,ng .a&&,e- .a<es fol<s n,(e&# =%; -onNt J25
get .a&&,e-9 6a&,llaM 1 4ant to <no4#G

6a&,llaNs state of s,ngle blesse-ness %a- neve& been a so&e 0o,nt
4,t% %e&9 so s%e ans4e&e- a.,abl;9 4,t% an e+(%ange of s,gn,f,(ant loo<s
4,t% Anne9 t%at s%e su00ose- ,t 4as be(ause nobo-; 4oul- %ave %e&#

G7ut .a;be ;ou neve& as<e- an;bo-; to %ave ;ou9G 0&oteste- Dav;#

G2%9 Dav;9G sa,- Do&a 0&,.l;9 s%o(<e- ,nto s0ea<,ng 4,t%out be,ng s0o<en to9
G,tNs t%e 6*3 t%at %ave to -o t%e as<,ng#G

G1 -onNt <no4 4%; t%e; %ave to -o ,t AL=AJS9G g&u.ble- Dav;#
GSee.s to .e eve&;t%,ngNs 0ut on t%e .en ,n t%,s 4o&l-#
Can 1 %ave so.e .o&e 0u--,ng9 6a&,llaMG

GJouNve %a- as .u(% as 4as goo- fo& ;ou9G sa,- 6a&,lla@ but s%e
gave %,. a .o-e&ate se(on- %el0,ng#

G1 4,s% 0eo0le (oul- l,ve on 0u--,ng# =%; (anNt t%e;9 6a&,llaM
1 4ant to <no4#G

G7e(ause t%e;N- soon get t,&e- of ,t#G

G1N- l,<e to t&; t%at fo& .;self9G sa,- s<e0t,(al Dav;# G7ut 1
guess ,tNs bette& to %ave 0u--,ng onl; on f,s% an- (o.0an; -a;s
t%an none at all# T%e; neve& %ave an; at 6,lt; 7oulte&Ns#
6,lt; sa;s 4%en (o.0an; ( %,s .ot%e& g,ves t%e. (%eese an- (uts
,t %e&self# # #one l,ttle b,t a0,e(e an- one ove& fo& .anne&s#G

G1f 6,lt; 7oulte& tal<s l,<e t%at about %,s .ot%e& at least ;ou
nee-nNt &e0eat ,t9G sa,- 6a&,lla seve&el;#

G7less .; soul9G# # #Dav; %a- 0,(<e- t%,s e+0&ess,on u0 f&o.
6&# La&&,son an- use- ,t 4,t% g&eat gusto# # #G6,lt; .eant ,t
as a (o.0el.ent# LeNs a4ful 0&ou- of %,s .ot%e&9 (ause fol<s
sa; s%e (oul- s(&at(% a l,v,ng on a &o(<#G

G1# # #1 su00ose t%e. 0es<; %ens a&e ,n .; 0ans; be- aga,n9G
sa,- 6a&,lla9 &,s,ng an- go,ng out %u&&,e-l;#

T%e slan-e&e- %ens 4e&e no4%e&e nea& t%e 0ans; be- an- 6a&,lla -,-
not even glan(e at ,t# 1nstea-9 s%e sat -o4n on t%e (ella& %at(%
an- laug%e- unt,l s%e 4as as%a.e- of %e&self#

=%en Anne an- Paul &ea(%e- t%e stone %ouse t%at afte&noon t%e;
foun- 6,ss Laven-a& an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% ,n t%e ga&-en9
4ee-,ng9 &a<,ng9 (l,00,ng9 an- t&,..,ng as ,f fo& -ea& l,fe#
6,ss Laven-a& %e&self9 all ga; an- s4eet ,n t%e f&,lls an- la(es
s%e love-9 -&o00e- %e& s%ea&s an- &an 'o;ousl; to .eet %e& guests9
4%,le C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% g&,nne- (%ee&full;#

G=el(o.e9 Anne# 1 t%oug%t ;ouN- (o.e to-a;# Jou belong to t%e
afte&noon so ,t b&oug%t ;ou# T%,ngs t%at belong toget%e& a&e su&e
to (o.e toget%e&# =%at a lot of t&ouble t%at 4oul- save so.e
0eo0le ,f t%e; onl; <ne4 ,t# 7ut t%e; -onNt# # #an- so t%e; 4aste
beaut,ful ene&g; .ov,ng %eaven an- ea&t% to b&,ng t%,ngs toget%e&
t%at D23NT belong# An- ;ou9 Paul# # #4%;9 ;ouNve g&o4nF JouN&e
%alf a %ea- talle& t%an 4%en ;ou 4e&e %e&e befo&e#G

GJes9 1Nve begun to g&o4 l,<e 0,g4ee- ,n t%e n,g%t9 as 6&s# L;n-e sa;s9G
sa,- Paul9 ,n f&an< -el,g%t ove& t%e fa(t# G)&an-.a sa;s ,tNs t%e
0o&&,-ge ta<,ng effe(t at last# Pe&%a0s ,t ,s# )oo-ness <no4s# # #G
Paul s,g%e- -ee0l;# # #G1Nve eaten enoug% to .a<e an;one g&o4#
1 -o %o0e9 no4 t%at 1Nve begun9 1Nll <ee0 on t,ll 1N. as tall as fat%e&#
Le ,s s,+ feet9 ;ou <no49 6,ss Laven-a&#G

Jes9 6,ss Laven-a& -,- <no4@ t%e flus% on %e& 0&ett; (%ee<s
-ee0ene- a l,ttle@ s%e too< PaulNs %an- on one s,-e an- AnneNs
on t%e ot%e& an- 4al<e- to t%e %ouse ,n s,len(e#

G1s ,t a goo- -a; fo& t%e e(%oes9 6,ss Laven-a&MG Hue&,e- Paul an+,ousl;#
T%e -a; of %,s f,&st v,s,t %a- been too 4,n-; fo& e(%oes an- Paul %a-
been .u(% -,sa00o,nte-#

GJes9 'ust t%e best <,n- of a -a;9G ans4e&e- 6,ss Laven-a&9 &ous,ng
%e&self f&o. %e& &eve&,e# G7ut f,&st 4e a&e all go,ng to %ave,ng to eat# 1 <no4 ;ou t4o fol<s -,-nNt 4al< all t%e 4a;
ba(< %e&e t%&oug% t%ose bee(%4oo-s 4,t%out gett,ng %ung&;9 an-
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1 (an eat an; %ou& of t%e -a;# # #4e %ave
su(% obl,g,ng a00et,tes# So 4eNll 'ust .a<e a &a,- on t%e 0ant&;#
Bo&tunatel; ,tNs lovel; an- full# 1 %a- a 0&esent,.ent t%at 1 4as
go,ng to %ave (o.0an; to-a; an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% an- 1 0&e0a&e-#G

G1 t%,n< ;ou a&e one of t%e 0eo0le 4%o al4a;s %ave n,(e t%,ngs ,n
t%e,& 0ant&;9G -e(la&e- Paul# G)&an-.aNs l,<e t%at too# 7ut s%e
-oesnNt a00&ove of sna(<s bet4een .eals# 1 4on-e&9G %e a--e-
.e-,tat,vel;9 G,f 1 25)LT to eat t%e. a4a; f&o. %o.e 4%en 1 <no4
s%e -oesnNt a00&ove#G

G2%9 1 -onNt t%,n< s%e 4oul- -,sa00&ove afte& ;ou %ave %a- a
long 4al<# T%at .a<es a -,ffe&en(e9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&9
e+(%ang,ng a.use- glan(es 4,t% Anne ove& PaulNs b&o4n (u&ls#
G1 su00ose t%at sna(<s A8* e+t&e.el; un4%oleso.e# T%at ,s 4%;
4e %ave t%e. so often at *(%o Lo-ge# =e# # #C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
an- 1# # #l,ve ,n -ef,an(e of eve&; <no4n la4 of -,et# =e eat all
so&ts of ,n-,gest,ble t%,ngs 4%eneve& 4e %a00en to t%,n< of ,t9
b; -a; o& n,g%t@ an- 4e flou&,s% l,<e g&een ba; t&ees# =e a&e al4a;s
,nten-,ng to &efo&.# =%en 4e &ea- an; a&t,(le ,n a 0a0e& 4a&n,ng
us aga,nst,ng 4e l,<e 4e (ut ,t out an- 0,n ,t u0 on t%e
<,t(%en 4all so t%at 4eNll & ,t# 7ut 4e neve& (an so.e%o4
# # #unt,l afte& 4eNve gone an- eaten t%at ve&; t%,ng# 3ot%,ng %as
eve& <,lle- us ;et@ but C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% %as been <no4n to %ave
ba- -&ea.s afte& 4e %a- eaten -oug%nuts an- .,n(e 0,e an- f&u,t
(a<e befo&e 4e 4ent to be-#G

G)&an-.a lets .e %ave a glass of .,l< an- a sl,(e of b&ea- an- butte&
befo&e 1 go to be-@ an- on Sun-a; n,g%ts s%e 0uts 'a. on t%e b&ea-9G
sa,- Paul# GSo 1N. al4a;s gla- 4%en ,tNs Sun-a; n,g%t# # # fo& .o&e
&easons t%an one# Sun-a; ,s a ve&; long -a; on t%e s%o&e &oa-#
)&an-.a sa;s ,tNs all too s%o&t fo& %e& an- t%at fat%e& neve& foun-
Sun-a;s t,&eso.e 4%en %e 4as a l,ttle bo;# 1t 4oul-nNt see. so long
,f 1 (oul- tal< to .; &o(< 0eo0le but 1 neve& -o t%at be(ause )&an-.a
-oesnNt a00&ove of ,t on Sun-a;s# 1 t%,n< a goo- -eal@ but 1N. af&a,-
.; t%oug%ts a&e 4o&l-l;# )&an-.a sa;s 4e s%oul- neve& t%,n< an;t%,ng
but &el,g,ous t%oug%ts on Sun-a;s# 7ut tea(%e& %e&e sa,- on(e t%at
eve&; &eall; beaut,ful t%oug%t 4as &el,g,ous9 no .atte& 4%at ,t 4as about9
o& 4%at -a; 4e t%oug%t ,t on# 7ut 1 feel su&e )&an-.a t%,n<s t%at se&.ons
an- Sun-a; S(%ool lessons a&e t%e onl; t%,ngs ;ou (an t%,n< t&ul;
&el,g,ous t%oug%ts about# An- 4%en ,t ( to a -,ffe&en(e of o0,n,on
bet4een )&an-.a an- tea(%e& 1 -onNt <no4 4%at to -o# 1n .; %ea&tG# # #
Paul la,- %,s %an- on %,s b&east an- &a,se- ve&; se&,ous blue e;es to
6,ss Laven-a&Ns ,..e-,atel; s;.0at%et,( fa(e# # #G1 ag&ee 4,t% tea(%e&#
7ut t%en9 ;ou see9 )&an-.a %as b&oug%t fat%e& u0 L*8 4a; an- .a-e a
b&,ll,ant su((ess of %,.@ an- tea(%e& %as neve& b&oug%t an;bo-; u0 ;et9
t%oug% s%eNs %el0,ng 4,t% Dav; an- Do&a# 7ut ;ou (anNt tell %o4 t%e;Nll
tu&n out t,ll t%e; A8* g&o4n u0# So,.es 1 feel as ,f ,t .,g%t be
safe& to go b; )&an-.aNs o0,n,ons#G

G1 t%,n< ,t 4oul-9G ag&ee- Anne;# GAn;4a;9 1 -a&esa; t%at
,f ;ou& )&an-.a an- 1 bot% got -o4n to 4%at 4e &eall; -o .ean9
un-e& ou& -,ffe&ent 4a;s of e+0&ess,ng ,t9 4eN- f,n- out 4e bot%
.eant .u(% t%e sa.e t%,ng# JouN- bette& go b; %e& 4a; of e+0&ess,ng ,t9
s,n(e ,tNs been t%e &esult of e+0e&,en(e# =eNll %ave to 4a,t unt,l 4e see
%o4 t%e t4,ns -o tu&n out befo&e 4e (an be su&e t%at .; 4a; ,s eHuall; goo-#G
Afte& lun(% t%e; 4ent ba(< to t%e ga&-en9 4%e&e Paul .a-e t%e a(Hua,ntan(e
of t%e e(%oes9 to %,s 4on-e& an- -el,g%t9 4%,le Anne an- 6,ss Laven-a& sat
on t%e stone ben(% un-e& t%e 0o0la& an- tal<e-#

GSo ;ou a&e go,ng a4a; ,n t%e fallMG sa,- 6,ss Laven-a& 4,stfull;#
G1 oug%t to be gla- fo& ;ou& sa<e9 Anne# # #but 1N. %o&&,bl;9
self,s%l; so&&;# 1 s%all .,ss ;ou so .u(%# 2%9,.es9 1 t%,n<
,t ,s of no use to .a<e f&,en-s# T%e; onl; go out of ;ou& l,fe
afte& a4%,le an- leave a %u&t t%at ,s 4o&se t%an t%e e.0t,ness
befo&e t%e; (a.e#G

GT%at soun-s l,<e,ng 6,ss *l,/a An-&e4s .,g%t sa; but neve&
6,ss Laven-a&9G sa,- Anne# G32TL13) ,s 4o&se t%an e.0t,ness# # #an-
1N. not go,ng out of ;ou& l,fe# T%e&e a&e su(% t%,ngs as lette&s an-
va(at,ons# Dea&est9 1N. af&a,- ;ouN&e loo<,ng a l,ttle 0ale an- t,&e-#G

G2%# # #%oo# # #%oo# # #%oo9G 4ent Paul on t%e -;<e9 4%e&e %e %a- been
.a<,ng no,ses -,l,gentl;# # #not all of t%e. .elo-,ous ,n t%e .a<,ng9
but all (o.,ng ba(< t&ans.ute- ,nto t%e ve&; gol- an- s,lve& of soun-
b; t%e fa,&; al(%e.,sts ove& t%e &,ve&# 6,ss Laven-a& .a-e an
,.0at,ent .ove.ent 4,t% %e& 0&ett; %an-s#

G1N. 'ust t,&e- of eve&;t%,ng# # #even of t%e e(%oes# T%e&e ,s not%,ng
,n .; l,fe but e(%oes# # #e(%oes of lost %o0es an- -&ea.s an- 'o;s#
T%e;N&e beaut,ful an- .o(<,ng# 2% Anne9 ,tNs %o&&,- of .e to tal<
l,<e t%,s 4%en 1 %ave (o.0an;# 1tNs 'ust t%at 1N. gett,ng ol- an-
,t -oesnNt ag&ee 4,t% .e# 1 <no4 1Nll be fea&full; (&an<; b; t%e
t,.e 1N. s,+t;# 7ut 0e&%a0s all 1 nee- ,s a (ou&se of blue 0,lls#G
At t%,s .o.ent C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 4%o %a- -,sa00ea&e- afte& lun(%9
&etu&ne-9 an- announ(e- t%at t%e no&t%east (o&ne& of 6&# Oo%n P,.ballNs
0astu&e 4as &e- 4,t% ea&l; st&a4be&&,es9 an- 4oul-nNt 6,ss S%,&le;
l,<e to go an- 0,(< so.e#

G*a&l; st&a4be&&,es fo& teaFG e+(la,.e- 6,ss Laven-a&# G2%9 1N.
not so ol- as 1 t%oug%t# # #an- 1 -onNt nee- a s,ngle blue 0,llF
),&ls9 4%en ;ou (o.e ba(< 4,t% ;ou& st&a4be&&,es 4eNll %ave tea out
%e&e un-e& t%e s,lve& 0o0la&# 1Nll %ave ,t all &ea-; fo& ;ou 4,t%
%o.e-g&o4n (&ea.#G

Anne an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% a((o&-,ngl; betoo< t%e.selves ba(< to
6&# P,.ballNs 0astu&e9 a g&een &e.ote 0la(e 4%e&e t%e a,& 4as as
soft as velvet an- f&ag&ant as a be- of v,olets an- gol-en as

G2%9 ,snNt ,t s4eet an- f&es% ba(< %e&eMG b&eat%e- Anne# G1 'ust
feel as ,f 1 4e&e -&,n<,ng ,n t%e suns%,ne#G

GJes9 .aNa.9 so -o 1# T%atNs 'ust e+a(tl; %o4 1 feel too9 .aNa.9G
ag&ee- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 4%o 4oul- %ave sa,- 0&e(,sel; t%e sa.e
t%,ng ,f Anne %a- &e.a&<e- t%at s%e felt l,<e a 0el,(an of t%e
4,l-e&ness# Al4a;s afte& Anne %a- v,s,te- *(%o Lo-ge C%a&lotta t%e
Bou&t% .ounte- to %e& l,ttle &oo. ove& t%e <,t(%en an- t&,e- befo&e
%e& loo<,ng glass to s0ea< an- loo< an- .ove l,<e Anne# C%a&lotta
(oul- neve& flatte& %e&self t%at s%e Hu,te su((ee-e-@ but 0&a(t,(e
.a<es 0e&fe(t9 as C%a&lotta %a- lea&ne- at s(%ool9 an- s%e fon-l;
%o0e- t%at ,n t,.e s%e .,g%t (at(% t%e t&,(< of t%at -a,nt; u0l,ft
of (%,n9 t%at Hu,(<9 sta&&; outflas%,ng of e;es9 t%at fas%,on of
4al<,ng as ,f ;ou 4e&e a boug% s4a;,ng ,n t%e 4,n-# 1t see.e- so
eas; 4%en ;ou 4at(%e- Anne# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% a-.,&e- Anne
4%ole%ea&te-l;# 1t 4as not t%at s%e t%oug%t %e& so ve&; %an-so.e#
D,ana 7a&&;Ns beaut; of (&,.son (%ee< an- bla(< (u&ls 4as .u(% .o&e
to C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%Ns taste t%an AnneNs .oons%,ne (%a&. of
lu.,nous g&a; e;es an- t%e 0ale9 eve&(%ang,ng &oses of %e& (%ee<s#

G7ut 1N- &at%e& loo< l,<e ;ou t%an be 0&ett;9G s%e tol- Anne s,n(e&el;#

Anne laug%e-9 s,00e- t%e %one; f&o. t%e t&,bute9 an- (ast a4a; t%e st,ng#
S%e 4as use- to ta<,ng %e& (o.0l,.ents .,+e-# Publ,( o0,n,on neve&
ag&ee- on AnneNs loo<s# Peo0le 4%o %a- %ea&- %e& (alle- %an-so.e
.et %e& an- 4e&e -,sa00o,nte-# Peo0le 4%o %a- %ea&- %e& (alle-
0la,n sa4 %e& an- 4on-e&e- 4%e&e ot%e& 0eo0leNs e;es 4e&e# Anne
%e&self 4oul- neve& bel,eve t%at s%e %a- an; (la,. to beaut;#
=%en s%e loo<e- ,n t%e glass all s%e sa4 4as a l,ttle 0ale fa(e
4,t% seven f&e(<les on t%e nose t%e&eof# Le& .,&&o& neve& &eveale-
to %e& t%e elus,ve9 eve&-va&;,ng 0la; of feel,ng t%at (a.e an- 4ent
ove& %e& featu&es l,<e a &os; ,llu.,nat,ng fla.e9 o& t%e (%a&. of
-&ea. an- laug%te& alte&nat,ng ,n %e& b,g e;es#

=%,le Anne 4as not beaut,ful ,n an; st&,(tl; -ef,ne- sense of t%e
4o&- s%e 0ossesse- a (e&ta,n evas,ve (%a&. an- -,st,n(t,on of
a00ea&an(e t%at left be%ol-e&s 4,t% a 0leasu&able sense of
sat,sfa(t,on ,n t%at softl; &oun-e- g,&l%oo- of %e&s9 4,t% all ,ts
st&ongl; felt 0otent,al,t,es# T%ose 4%o <ne4 Anne best felt9
4,t%out &eal,/,ng t%at t%e; felt ,t9 t%at %e& g&eatest att&a(t,on
4as t%e au&a of 0oss,b,l,t; su&&oun-,ng %e&# # #t%e 0o4e& of
futu&e -evelo0.ent t%at 4as ,n %e&# S%e see.e- to 4al< ,n an
at.os0%e&e of t%,ngs about to %a00en#

As t%e; 0,(<e-9 C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% (onf,-e- to Anne %e& fea&s
&ega&-,ng 6,ss Laven-a&# T%e 4a&.-%ea&te- l,ttle %an-.a,-en 4as
%onestl; 4o&&,e- ove& %e& a-o&e- .,st&essN (on-,t,on#

G6,ss Laven-a& ,snNt 4ell9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.# 1N. su&e s%e ,snNt9
t%oug% s%e neve& (o.0la,ns# S%e %asnNt see.e- l,<e %e&self t%,s
long 4%,le9 .aNa.# # #not s,n(e t%at -a; ;ou an- Paul 4e&e %e&e
toget%e& befo&e# 1 feel su&e s%e (aug%t (ol- t%at n,g%t9 .aNa.#
Afte& ;ou an- %,. %a- gone s%e 4ent out an- 4al<e- ,n t%e ga&-en
fo& long afte& -a&< 4,t% not%,ng but a l,ttle s%a4l on %e&#
T%e&e 4as a lot of sno4 on t%e 4al<s an- 1 feel su&e s%e got a
(%,ll9 .aNa.# *ve& s,n(e t%en 1Nve not,(e- %e& a(t,ng t,&e- an-
loneso.e l,<e# S%e -onNt see. to ta<e an ,nte&est ,n an;t%,ng9 .aNa.#
S%e neve& 0&eten-s (o.0an;Ns (o.,ng9 no& f,+es u0 fo& ,t9 no& not%,ng9
.aNa.# 1tNs onl; 4%en ;ou (o.e s%e see.s to (%,&< u0 a b,t# An- t%e
4o&st s,gn of all9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.# # #G C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
lo4e&e- %e& vo,(e as ,f s%e 4e&e about to tell so.e e+(ee-,ngl;
4e,&- an- a4ful s;.0to. ,n-ee-# # #G,s t%at s%e neve& gets (&oss
no4 4%en 1 b&ea<s t%,ngs# =%;9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 ;este&-a; 1
b&u< %e& g&een an- ;alle& bo4l t%atNs al4a;s stoo- on t%e boo<(ase#
Le& g&an-.ot%e& b&oug%t ,t out f&o. *nglan- an- 6,ss Laven-a& 4as
a4ful (%o,(e of ,t# 1 4as -ust,ng ,t 'ust as (a&eful9 6,ss S%,&le;9
.aNa.9 an- ,t sl,00e- out9 so fas%,on9 afo&e 1 (oul- g&ab %olt of ,t9
an- b&u< ,nto about fo&t; .,ll;un 0,e(es# 1 tell ;ou 1 4as so&&;
an- s(a&e-# 1 t%oug%t 6,ss Laven-a& 4oul- s(ol- .e a4ful9 .aNa.@
an- 1N- &ut%e& s%e %a- t%an ta<e ,t t%e 4a; s%e -,-# S%e 'ust
(o.e ,n an- %a&-l; loo<e- at ,t an- sa,-9 U1tNs no .atte&9 C%a&lotta#
Ta<e u0 t%e 0,e(es an- t%&o4 t%e. a4a;#N Oust l,<e t%at9 6,ss S%,&le;9
.aNa.# # #Uta<e u0 t%e 0,e(es an- t%&o4 t%e. a4a;9N as ,f ,t 4asnNt
%e& g&an-.ot%e&Ns bo4l f&o. *nglan-# 2%9 s%e ,snNt 4ell an- 1 feel
a4ful ba- about ,t# S%eNs got nobo-; to loo< afte& %e& but .e#G

C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%Ns e;es b&,..e- u0 4,t% tea&s# Anne 0atte- t%e
l,ttle b&o4n 0a4 %ol-,ng t%e (&a(<e- 0,n< (u0 s;.0at%et,(all;#

G1 t%,n< 6,ss Laven-a& nee-s a (%ange9 C%a&lotta# S%e sta;s %e&e
alone too .u(%# CanNt 4e ,n-u(e %e& to go a4a; fo& a l,ttle t&,0MG

C%a&lotta s%oo< %e& %ea-9 4,t% ,ts &a.0ant bo4s9 -,s(onsolatel;#

G1 -onNt t%,n< so9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.# 6,ss Laven-a& %ates v,s,t,ng#
S%eNs onl; got t%&ee &elat,ons s%e eve& v,s,ts an- s%e sa;s s%e
'ust goes to see t%e. as a fa.,l; -ut;# Last t,.e 4%en s%e (o.e
%o.e s%e sa,- s%e 4asnNt go,ng to v,s,t fo& fa.,l; -ut; no .o&e#
U1Nve (o.e %o.e ,n love 4,t% lonel,ness9 C%a&lotta9N s%e sa;s to .e9
Uan- 1 neve& 4ant to st&a; f&o. .; o4n v,ne an- f,g t&ee aga,n#
6; &elat,ons t&; so %a&- to .a<e an ol- la-; of .e an- ,t %as
a ba- effe(t on .e#N Oust l,<e t%at9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.#
N1t %as a ve&; ba- effe(t on .e#N So 1 -onNt t%,n< ,t 4oul-
-o an; goo- to (oa+ %e& to go v,s,t,ng#G

G=e .ust see 4%at (an be -one9G sa,- Anne -e(,-e-l;9 as s%e 0ut
t%e last 0oss,ble be&&; ,n %e& 0,n< (u0# GOust as soon as 1 %ave
.; va(at,on 1Nll (o.e t%&oug% an- s0en- a 4%ole 4ee< 4,t% ;ou#
=eNll %ave a 0,(n,( eve&; -a; an- 0&eten- all so&ts of ,nte&est,ng
t%,ngs9 an- see ,f 4e (anNt (%ee& 6,ss Laven-a& u0#G

GT%at 4,ll be t%e ve&; t%,ng9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9G e+(la,.e- C%a&lotta
t%e Bou&t% ,n &a0tu&e# S%e 4as gla- fo& 6,ss Laven-a&Ns sa<e an- fo&
%e& o4n too# =,t% a 4%ole 4ee< ,n 4%,(% to stu-; Anne (onstantl;
s%e 4oul- su&el; be able to lea&n %o4 to .ove an- be%ave l,<e %e&#

=%en t%e g,&ls got ba(< to *(%o Lo-ge t%e; foun- t%at 6,ss Laven-a&
an- Paul %a- (a&&,e- t%e l,ttle sHua&e table out of t%e <,t(%en to
t%e ga&-en an- %a- eve&;t%,ng &ea-; fo& tea# 3ot%,ng eve& taste-
so -el,(,ous as t%ose st&a4be&&,es an- (&ea.9 eaten un-e& a g&eat
blue s<; all (u&-le- ove& 4,t% fluff; l,ttle 4%,te (lou-s9 an- ,n
t%e long s%a-o4s of t%e 4oo- 4,t% ,ts l,s0,ngs an- ,ts .u&.u&,ngs#
Afte& tea Anne %el0e- C%a&lotta 4as% t%e -,s%es ,n t%e <,t(%en9
4%,le 6,ss Laven-a& sat on t%e stone ben(% 4,t% Paul an- %ea&-
all about %,s &o(< 0eo0le# S%e 4as a goo- l,stene&9 t%,s s4eet
6,ss Laven-a&9 but 'ust at t%e last ,t st&u(< Paul t%at s%e %a-
su--enl; lost ,nte&est ,n t%e T4,n Sa,lo&s#

G6,ss Laven-a&9 4%; -o ;ou loo< at .e l,<e t%atMG %e as<e- g&avel;#

GLo4 -o 1 loo<9 PaulMG

GOust as ,f ;ou 4e&e loo<,ng t%&oug% .e at so.ebo-; 1 0ut ;ou ,n .,n- of9G
sa,- Paul9 4%o %a- su(% o((as,onal flas%es of un(ann; ,ns,g%t t%at ,t
4asnNt Hu,te safe to %ave se(&ets 4%en %e 4as about#

GJou -o 0ut .e ,n .,n- of so.ebo-; 1 <ne4 long ago9G sa,- 6,ss Laven-a&

G=%en ;ou 4e&e ;oungMG

GJes9 4%en 1 4as ;oung# Do 1 see. ve&; ol- to ;ou9 PaulMG

GDo ;ou <no49 1 (anNt .a<e u0 .; .,n- about t%at9G sa,- Paul
(onf,-ent,all;# GJou& %a,& loo<s ol-# # #1 neve& <ne4 a ;oung
0e&son 4,t% 4%,te %a,&# 7ut ;ou& e;es a&e as ;oung as .; beaut,ful
tea(%e&Ns 4%en ;ou laug%# 1 tell ;ou 4%at9 6,ss Laven-a&G# # #
PaulNs vo,(e an- fa(e 4e&e as sole.n as a 'u-geNs# # #G1 t%,n< ;ou
4oul- .a<e a s0len-,- .ot%e&# Jou %ave 'ust t%e &,g%t loo< ,n
;ou& e;es# # # t%e loo< .; l,ttle .ot%e& al4a;s %a-# 1 t%,n<
,tNs a 0,t; ;ou %avenNt an; bo;s of ;ou& o4n#G

G1 %ave a l,ttle -&ea. bo;9 Paul#G

G2%9 %ave ;ou &eall;M Lo4 ol- ,s %eMG

GAbout ;ou& age 1 t%,n<# Le oug%t to be ol-e& be(ause 1 -&ea.e-
%,. long befo&e ;ou 4e&e bo&n# 7ut 1Nll neve& let %,. get an;
ol-e& t%an eleven o& t4elve@ be(ause ,f 1 -,- so.e -a; %e .,g%t
g&o4 u0 altoget%e& an- t%en 1N- lose %,.#G

G1 <no49G no--e- Paul# GT%atNs t%e beaut; of -&ea.-0eo0le# # #t%e;
sta; an; age ;ou 4ant t%e.# Jou an- .; beaut,ful tea(%e& an- .e
.;self a&e t%e onl; fol<s ,n t%e 4o&l- t%at 1 <no4 of t%at %ave
-&ea.-0eo0le# 1snNt ,t funn; an- n,(e 4e s%oul- all <no4 ea(%
ot%e&M 7ut 1 guess t%at <,n- of 0eo0le al4a;s f,n- ea(% ot%e& out#
)&an-.a neve& %as -&ea.-0eo0le an- 6a&; Ooe t%,n<s 1N. 4&ong ,n t%e
u00e& sto&; be(ause 1 %ave t%e.# 7ut 1 t%,n< ,tNs s0len-,- to %ave t%e.#
J25 <no49 6,ss Laven-a&# Tell .e all about ;ou& l,ttle -&ea.-bo;#G

GLe %as blue e;es an- (u&l; %a,&# Le steals ,n an- 4a<ens .e 4,t%
a <,ss eve&; .o&n,ng# T%en all -a; %e 0la;s %e&e ,n t%e ga&-en# # #
an- 1 0la; 4,t% %,.# Su(% as 4e %ave# =e &un &a(es an- tal<
4,t% t%e e(%oes@ an- 1 tell %,. sto&,es# An- 4%en t4,l,g%t ( # #G

G1 <no49G ,nte&&u0te- Paul eage&l;# GLe ( an- s,ts bes,-e ;ou# # #
S2# # #be(ause of (ou&se at t4elve %eN- be too b,g to (l,.b ,nto ;ou& la0
# # #an- la;s %,s %ea- on ;ou& s%oul-e&# # #S2# # #an- ;ou 0ut ;ou& a&.s
about %,. an- %ol- %,. t,g%t9 t,g%t9 an- &est ;ou& (%ee< on %,s %ea-# # #
;es9 t%atNs t%e ve&; 4a;# 2%9 ;ou D2 <no49 6,ss Laven-a&#G

Anne foun- t%e t4o of t%e. t%e&e 4%en s%e (a.e out of t%e stone %ouse9
an-,ng ,n 6,ss Laven-a&Ns fa(e .a-e %e& %ate to -,stu&b t%e.#

G1N. af&a,- 4e .ust go9 Paul9 ,f 4e 4ant to get %o.e befo&e -a&<#
6,ss Laven-a&9 1N. go,ng to ,nv,te .;self to *(%o Lo-ge fo& a 4%ole
4ee< 0&ett; soon#G

G1f ;ou (o.e fo& a 4ee< 1Nll <ee0 ;ou fo& t4o9G t%&eatene- 6,ss Laven-a&#


T%e P&,n(e 7a(< to t%e *n(%ante- Pala(e

T%e last -a; of s(%ool (a.e an- 4ent# A t&,u.0%ant
Gse.,-annual e+a.,nat,onG 4as %el- an- AnneNs 0u0,ls
a(Hu,tte- t%e.selves s0len-,-l;# At t%e (lose t%e; gave
%e& an a--&ess an- a 4&,t,ng -es<# All t%e g,&ls an- la-,es
0&esent (&,e-9 an- so.e of t%e bo;s %a- ,t (ast u0 to t%e.
late& on t%at t%e; (&,e- too9 alt%oug% t%e; al4a;s -en,e- ,t#

6&s# La&.on An-&e4s9 6&s# Pete& Sloane9 an- 6&s# =,ll,a. 7ell
4al<e- %o.e toget%e& an- tal<e- t%,ngs ove&#

G1 -o t%,n< ,t ,s su(% a 0,t; Anne ,s leav,ng 4%en t%e (%,l-&en see.
so .u(% atta(%e- to %e&9G s,g%e- 6&s# Pete& Sloane9 4%o %a- a %ab,t
of s,g%,ng ove& eve&;t%,ng an- even f,n,s%e- off %e& 'o<es t%at 4a;#
GTo be su&e9G s%e a--e- %ast,l;9 G4e all <no4 4eNll %ave a goo-
tea(%e& ne+t ;ea& too#G

GOane 4,ll -o %e& -ut;9 1Nve no -oubt9G sa,- 6&s# An-&e4s &at%e& st,ffl;#
G1 -onNt su00ose s%eNll tell t%e (%,l-&en Hu,te so .an; fa,&; tales o&
s0en- so .u(% t,.e &oa.,ng about t%e 4oo-s 4,t% t%e.# 7ut s%e %as %e&
na.e on t%e 1ns0e(to&Ns 8oll of Lono& an- t%e 3e4b&,-ge 0eo0le a&e ,n
a te&&,ble state ove& %e& leav,ng#G

G1N. &eal gla- Anne ,s go,ng to (ollege9G sa,- 6&s# 7ell#
GS%e %as al4a;s 4ante- ,t an- ,t 4,ll be a s0len-,- t%,ng fo& %e&#G

G=ell9 1 -onNt <no4#G 6&s# An-&e4s 4as -ete&.,ne- not to ag&ee full;
4,t% an;bo-; t%at -a;# G1 -onNt see t%at Anne nee-s an; .o&e e-u(at,on#
S%eNll 0&obabl; be .a&&;,ng ),lbe&t 7l;t%e9 ,f %,s ,nfatuat,on fo& %e&
lasts t,ll %e gets t%&oug% (ollege9 an- 4%at goo- 4,ll Lat,n an- )&ee<
-o %e& t%enM 1f t%e; taug%t ;ou at (ollege %o4 to .anage a .an t%e&e
.,g%t be so.e sense ,n %e& go,ng#G

6&s# La&.on An-&e4s9 so Avonlea goss,0 4%,s0e&e-9 %a- neve&
lea&ne- %o4 to .anage %e& G.an9G an- as a &esult t%e An-&e4s
%ouse%ol- 4as not e+a(tl; a .o-el of -o.est,( %a00,ness#

G1 see t%at t%e C%a&lotteto4n (all to 6&# Allan ,s u0 befo&e t%e
P&esb;te&;9G sa,- 6&s# 7ell# GT%at .eans 4eNll be los,ng %,. soon9
1 su00ose#G

GT%e;N&e not go,ng befo&e sa,- 6&s# Sloane# G1t 4,ll
be a g&eat loss to t%e (o..un,t;# # #t%oug% 1 al4a;s -,- t%,n<
t%at 6&s# Allan -&esse- &at%e& too ga; fo& a .,n,ste&Ns 4,fe#
7ut 4e a&e none of us 0e&fe(t# D,- ;ou not,(e %o4 neat an- snug
6&# La&&,son loo<e- to-a;M 1 neve& sa4 su(% a (%ange- .an# Le goes
to (%u&(% eve&; Sun-a; an- %as subs(&,be- to t%e sala&;#G

GLasnNt t%at Paul 1&v,ng g&o4n to be a b,g bo;MG sa,- 6&s# An-&e4s#
GLe 4as su(% a .,te fo& %,s age 4%en %e (a.e %e&e# 1 -e(la&e 1
%a&-l; <ne4 %,. to-a;# LeNs gett,ng to loo< a lot l,<e %,s fat%e&#G

GLeNs a s.a&t bo;9G sa,- 6&s# 7ell#

GLeNs s.a&t enoug%9 butG# # #6&s# An-&e4s lo4e&e- %e& vo,(e# # #G1
bel,eve %e tells Huee& sto&,es# )&a(,e (a.e %o.e f&o. s(%ool one
-a; last 4ee< 4,t% t%e g&eatest &,g.a&ole %e %a- tol- %e& about
0eo0le 4%o l,ve- -o4n at t%e s%o&e# # #sto&,es t%e&e (oul-nNt be a
4o&- of t&ut% ,n9 ;ou <no4# 1 tol- )&a(,e not to bel,eve t%e.9
an- s%e sa,- Paul -,-nNt ,nten- %e& to# 7ut ,f %e -,-nNt 4%at -,-
%e tell t%e. to %e& fo&MG

GAnne sa;s Paul ,s a gen,us9G sa,- 6&s# Sloane#

GLe .a; be# Jou neve& <no4 4%at to e+0e(t of t%e. A.e&,(ans9G
sa,- 6&s# An-&e4s# 6&s# An-&e4sN onl; a(Hua,ntan(e 4,t% t%e 4o&-
Ggen,usG 4as -e&,ve- f&o. t%e (olloHu,al fas%,on of (all,ng an;
e((ent&,( ,n-,v,-ual Ga Huee& gen,us#G S%e 0&obabl; t%oug%t9
4,t% 6a&; Ooe9 t%at ,t .eant a 0e&son 4,t%,ng 4&ong
,n %,s u00e& sto&;#

7a(< ,n t%e s(%ool&oo. Anne 4as s,tt,ng alone at %e& -es<9 as s%e
%a- sat on t%e f,&st -a; of s(%ool t4o ;ea&s befo&e9 %e& fa(e
lean,ng on %e& %an-9 %e& -e4; e;es loo<,ng 4,stfull; out of t%e
4,n-o4 to t%e La<e of S%,n,ng =ate&s# Le& %ea&t 4as so 4&ung ove&
t%e 0a&t,ng 4,t% %e& 0u0,ls t%at fo& a .o.ent (ollege %a- lost all
,ts (%a&.# S%e st,ll felt t%e (las0 of Annetta 7ellNs a&.s about
%e& ne(< an- %ea&- t%e (%,l-,s% 4a,l9 G1Nll 3*:*8 love an; tea(%e&
as .u(% as ;ou9 6,ss S%,&le;9 neve&9 neve&#G

Bo& t4o ;ea&s s%e %a- 4o&<e- ea&nestl; an- fa,t%full;9 .a<,ng .an;
.,sta<es an- lea&n,ng f&o. t%e.# S%e %a- %a- %e& &e4a&-# S%e %a-
taug%t %e& s(%ola&s,ng9 but s%e felt t%at t%e; %a- taug%t
%e& .u(% .o&e# # #lessons of ten-e&ness9 self-(ont&ol9 ,nno(ent
4,s-o.9 lo&e of (%,l-,s% %ea&ts# Pe&%a0s s%e %a- not su((ee-e- ,n
G,ns0,&,ngG an; 4on-e&ful a.b,t,ons ,n %e& 0u0,ls9 but s%e %a-
taug%t t%e.9 .o&e b; %e& o4n s4eet 0e&sonal,t; t%an b; all %e&
(a&eful 0&e(e0ts9 t%at ,t 4as goo- an- ne(essa&; ,n t%e ;ea&s t%at
4e&e befo&e t%e. to l,ve t%e,& l,ves f,nel; an- g&a(,ousl;9 %ol-,ng
fast to t&ut% an- (ou&tes; an- <,n-ness9 <ee0,ng aloof f&o. all
t%at savo&e- of false%oo- an- .eanness an- vulga&,t;# T%e; 4e&e9
0e&%a0s9 all un(ons(,ous of %av,ng lea&ne- su(% lessons@ but t%e;
4oul- & an- 0&a(t,(e t%e. long afte& t%e; %a- fo&gotten t%e
(a0,tal of Afg%an,stan an- t%e -ates of t%e =a&s of t%e 8oses#

GAnot%e& (%a0te& ,n .; l,fe ,s (lose-9G sa,- Anne alou-9 as s%e
lo(<e- %e& -es<# S%e &eall; felt ve&; sa- ove& ,t@ but t%e &
,n t%e ,-ea of t%at G(lose- (%a0te&G -,- ( %e& a l,ttle#

Anne s0ent a fo&tn,g%t at *(%o Lo-ge ea&l; ,n %e& va(at,on an-
eve&;bo-; (on(e&ne- %a- a goo- t,.e#

S%e too< 6,ss Laven-a& on a s%o00,ng e+0e-,t,on to to4n an- 0e&sua-e-
%e& to bu; a ne4 o&gan-; -&ess@ t%en (a.e t%e e+(,te.ent of (utt,ng
an- .a<,ng ,t toget%e&9 4%,le t%e %a00; C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% baste-
an- s4e0t u0 (l,00,ngs# 6,ss Laven-a& %a- (o.0la,ne- t%at s%e (oul-
not feel .u(% ,nte&est ,n an;t%,ng9 but t%e s0a&<le (a.e ba(< to %e&
e;es ove& %e& 0&ett; -&ess#

G=%at a fool,s%9 f&,volous 0e&son 1 .ust be9G s%e s,g%e-#
G1N. 4%oleso.el; as%a.e- to t%,n< t%at a ne4 -&ess# # #
even ,t ,s a fo&get-.e-not o&gan-;# # #s%oul- e+%,la&ate .e so9
4%en a goo- (ons(,en(e an- an e+t&a (ont&,but,on to Bo&e,gn 6,ss,ons
(oul-nNt -o ,t#G

6,-4a; ,n %e& v,s,t Anne 4ent %o.e to )&een )ables fo& a -a; to .en-
t%e t4,nsN sto(<,ngs an- settle u0 Dav;Ns a((u.ulate- sto&e of Huest,ons#
1n t%e even,ng s%e 4ent -o4n to t%e s%o&e &oa- to see Paul 1&v,ng#
As s%e 0asse- b; t%e lo49 sHua&e 4,n-o4 of t%e 1&v,ng s,tt,ng &oo.
s%e (aug%t a gl,.0se of Paul on so.ebo-;Ns la0@ but t%e ne+t .o.ent
%e (a.e fl;,ng t%&oug% t%e %all#

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9G %e (&,e- e+(,te-l;9 G;ou (anNt t%,n< 4%at
%as %a00ene-F,ng so s0len-,-# Bat%e& ,s %e&e# # #
'ust t%,n< of t%atF Bat%e& ,s %e&eF Co.e &,g%t ,n# Bat%e&9
t%,s ,s .; beaut,ful tea(%e&# J25 <no49 fat%e&#G

Ste0%en 1&v,ng (a.e fo&4a&- to .eet Anne 4,t% a s.,le# Le 4as a
tall9 %an-so.e .an of .,--le age9 4,t% ,&on-g&a; %a,&9 -ee0-set9
-a&< blue e;es9 an- a st&ong9 sa- fa(e9 s0len-,-l; .o-ele- about
(%,n an- b&o4# Oust t%e fa(e fo& a %e&o of & Anne t%oug%t
4,t% a t%&,ll of ,ntense sat,sfa(t,on# 1t 4as so -,sa00o,nt,ng to
.eet so.eone 4%o oug%t to be a %e&o an- f,n- %,. bal- o& stoo0e-9
o& ot%e&4,se la(<,ng ,n .anl; beaut;# Anne 4oul- %ave t%oug%t ,t
-&ea-ful ,f t%e ob'e(t of 6,ss Laven-a&Ns & %a- not loo<e-
t%e 0a&t#

GSo t%,s ,s .; l,ttle sonNs Ubeaut,ful tea(%e&9N of 4%o. 1 %ave
%ea&- so .u(%9G sa,- 6&# 1&v,ng 4,t% a %ea&t; %an-s%a<e# GPaulNs
lette&s %ave been so full of ;ou9 6,ss S%,&le;9 t%at 1 feel as ,f 1
4e&e 0&ett; 4ell a(Hua,nte- 4,t% ;ou al&ea-;# 1 4ant to t%an< ;ou
fo& 4%at ;ou %ave -one fo& Paul# 1 t%,n< t%at ;ou& ,nfluen(e %as
been 'ust 4%at %e nee-e-# 6ot%e& ,s one of t%e best an- -ea&est of
4o.en@ but %e& &obust9 .atte&-of-fa(t S(ot(% (o..on sense (oul- not
al4a;s un-e&stan- a te.0e&a.ent l,<e .; la--,eNs# =%at 4as la(<,ng ,n
%e& ;ou %ave su00l,e-# 7et4een ;ou9 1 t%,n< PaulNs t&a,n,ng ,n t%ese
t4o 0ast ;ea&s %as been as nea&l; ,-eal as a .ot%e&less bo;Ns (oul- be#G

*ve&;bo-; l,<es to be a00&e(,ate-# 5n-e& 6&# 1&v,ngNs 0&a,se
AnneNs fa(e Gbu&st flo4e& l,<e ,nto &os; bloo.9G an- t%e bus;9
4ea&; .an of t%e 4o&l-9 loo<,ng at %e&9 t%oug%t %e %a- neve& seen a
fa,&e&9 s4eete& sl,0 of g,&l%oo- t%an t%,s l,ttle G-o4n eastG
s(%ooltea(%e& 4,t% %e& &e- %a,& an- 4on-e&ful e;es#

Paul sat bet4een t%e. bl,ssfull; %a00;#

G1 neve& -&ea.e- fat%e& 4as (o.,ng9G %e sa,- &a-,antl;# G*ven )&an-.a
-,-nNt <no4 ,t# 1t 4as a g&eat su&0&,se# As a gene&al t%,ng# # #G
Paul s%oo< %,s b&o4n (u&ls g&avel;# # #G1 -onNt l,<e to be su&0&,se-#
Jou lose all t%e fun of e+0e(t,ng t%,ngs 4%en ;ouN&e su&0&,se-#
7ut ,n a (ase l,<e t%,s ,t ,s all &,g%t# Bat%e& (a.e last n,g%t
afte& 1 %a- gone to be-# An- afte& )&an-.a an- 6a&; Ooe %a- sto00e-
be,ng su&0&,se- %e an- )&an-.a (a.e u0sta,&s to loo< at .e9 not .ean,ng
to 4a<e .e u0 t,ll .o&n,ng# 7ut 1 4o<e &,g%t u0 an- sa4 fat%e&#
1 tell ;ou 1 'ust s0&ang at %,.#G

G=,t% a %ug l,<e a bea&Ns9G sa,- 6&# 1&v,ng9 0utt,ng %,s a&.s
a&oun- PaulNs s%oul-e& s.,l,ngl;# G1 %a&-l; <ne4 .; bo;9 %e %a-
g&o4n so b,g an- b&o4n an- stu&-;#G

G1 -onNt <no4 4%,(% 4as t%e .ost 0lease- to see fat%e&9 )&an-.a o& 19G
(ont,nue- Paul# G)&an-.aNs been ,n <,t(%en all -a; .a<,ng t%e t%,ngs
fat%e& l,<es to eat# S%e 4oul-nNt t&ust t%e. to 6a&; Ooe9 s%e sa;s#
T%atNs L*8 4a; of s%o4,ng gla-ness# R1R l,<e best 'ust to s,t an-
tal< to fat%e&# 7ut 1N. go,ng to leave ;ou fo& a l,ttle 4%,le no4
,f ;ouNll e+(use .e# 1 .ust get t%e (o4s fo& 6a&; Ooe# T%at ,s one
of .; -a,l; -ut,es#G

=%en Paul %a- s(a.0e&e- a4a; to -o %,s G-a,l; -ut;G 6&# 1&v,ng
tal<e- to Anne of va&,ous .atte&s# 7ut Anne felt t%at %e 4as
t%,n<,ng of,ng else un-e&neat% all t%e t,.e# P&esentl; ,t
(a.e to t%e su&fa(e#

G1n PaulNs last lette& %e s0o<e of go,ng 4,t% ;ou to v,s,t an ol-# # #
f&,en- of .,ne# # #6,ss Le4,s at t%e stone %ouse ,n )&afton#
Do ;ou <no4 %e& 4ellMG

GJes9 ,n-ee-9 s%e ,s a ve&; -ea& f&,en- of .,ne9G 4as AnneNs -e.u&e
&e0l;9 4%,(% gave no %,nt of t%e su--en t%&,ll t%at t,ngle- ove&
%e& f&o. %ea- to foot at 6&# 1&v,ngNs Huest,on# Anne Gfelt
,nst,n(t,vel;G t%at & 4as 0ee0,ng at %e& a&oun- a (o&ne&#

6&# 1&v,ng &ose an- 4ent to t%e 4,n-o49 loo<,ng out on a g&eat9
gol-en9 b,llo4,ng sea 4%e&e a 4,l- 4,n- 4as %a&0,ng# Bo& a fe4
.o.ents t%e&e 4as s,len(e ,n t%e l,ttle -a&<-4alle- &oo.# T%en %e
tu&ne- an- loo<e- -o4n ,nto AnneNs s;.0at%et,( fa(e 4,t% a s.,le9
%alf-4%,.s,(al9 %alf-ten-e&#

G1 4on-e& %o4 .u(% ;ou <no49G %e sa,-#

G1 <no4 all about ,t9G &e0l,e- Anne 0&o.0tl;# GJou see9G s%e e+0la,ne-
%ast,l;9 G6,ss Laven-a& an- 1 a&e ve&; ,nt,.ate# S%e 4oul-nNt tell
t%,ngs of su(% a sa(&e- natu&e to eve&;bo-;# =e a&e <,n-&e- s0,&,ts#G

GJes9 1 bel,eve ;ou a&e# =ell9 1 a. go,ng to as< a favo& of ;ou#
1 4oul- l,<e to go an- see 6,ss Laven-a& ,f s%e 4,ll let .e# =,ll
;ou as< %e& ,f 1 .a; (o.eMG

=oul- s%e notM 2%9 ,n-ee- s%e 4oul-F Jes9 t%,s 4as & t%e ve&;9
t%e &eal t%,ng9 4,t% all t%e (%a&. of &%;.e an- sto&; an- -&ea.#
1t 4as a l,ttle belate-9 0e&%a0s9 l,<e a &ose bloo.,ng ,n 2(tobe&
4%,(% s%oul- %ave bloo.e- ,n Oune@ but none t%e less a &ose9
all s4eetness an- f&ag&an(e9 4,t% t%e glea. of gol- ,n ,ts %ea&t#
3eve& -,- AnneNs feet bea& %e& on a .o&e 4,ll,ng e&&an- t%an on
t%at 4al< t%&oug% t%e bee(%4oo-s to )&afton t%e ne+t .o&n,ng#
S%e foun- 6,ss Laven-a& ,n t%e ga&-en# Anne 4as fea&full; e+(,te-#
Le& %an-s g&e4 (ol- an- %e& vo,(e t&e.ble-#

G6,ss Laven-a&9 1 %ave,ng to tell ;ou# #,ng ve&; ,.0o&tant#
Can ;ou guess 4%at ,t ,sMG

Anne neve& su00ose- t%at 6,ss Laven-a& (oul- )5*SS@ but 6,ss Laven-a&Ns
fa(e g&e4 ve&; 0ale an- 6,ss Laven-a& sa,- ,n a Hu,et9 st,ll vo,(e9
f&o. 4%,(% all t%e (olo& an- s0a&<le t%at 6,ss Laven-a&Ns vo,(e usuall;
suggeste- %a- fa-e-#

GSte0%en 1&v,ng ,s %o.eMG

GLo4 -,- ;ou <no4M =%o tol- ;ouMG (&,e- Anne -,sa00o,nte-l;9
ve+e- t%at %e& g&eat &evelat,on %a- been ant,(,0ate-#

G3obo-;# 1 <ne4 t%at .ust be ,t9 'ust f&o. t%e 4a; ;ou s0o<e#G

GLe 4ants to (o.e an- see ;ou9G sa,- Anne# G6a; 1 sen- %,. 4o&-
t%at %e .a;MG

GJes9 of (ou&se9G flutte&e- 6,ss Laven-a&# GT%e&e ,s no &eason 4%;
%e s%oul-nNt# Le ,s onl; (o.,ng as an; ol- f&,en- .,g%t#G

Anne %a- %e& o4n o0,n,on about t%at as s%e %astene- ,nto t%e %ouse
to 4&,te a note at 6,ss Laven-a&Ns -es<#

G2%9 ,tNs -el,g%tful to be l,v,ng ,n a sto&;boo<9G s%e t%oug%t ga,l;#
G1t 4,ll (o.e out all &,g%t of (ou&se# # #,t .ust# # #an- Paul 4,ll
%ave a .ot%e& afte& %,s o4n %ea&t an- eve&;bo-; 4,ll be %a00;#
7ut 6&# 1&v,ng 4,ll ta<e 6,ss Laven-a& a4a;# # #an- -ea& <no4s
4%at 4,ll %a00en to t%e l,ttle stone %ouse# # #an- so t%e&e a&e
t4o s,-es to ,t9 as t%e&e see.s to be to eve&;t%,ng ,n t%,s 4o&l-#G
T%e ,.0o&tant note 4as 4&,tten an- Anne %e&self (a&&,e- ,t to t%e
)&afton 0ost off,(e9 4%e&e s%e 4a;la,- t%e .a,l (a&&,e& an- as<e-
%,. to leave ,t at t%e Avonlea off,(e#

G1tNs so ve&; ,.0o&tant9G Anne assu&e- %,. an+,ousl;# T%e .a,l
(a&&,e& 4as a &at%e& g&u.0; ol- 0e&sonage 4%o -,- not at all loo<
t%e 0a&t of a .essenge& of Cu0,-@ an- Anne 4as none too (e&ta,n
t%at %,s .e.o&; 4as to be t&uste-# 7ut %e sa,- %e 4oul- -o %,s
best to & an- s%e %a- to be (ontente- 4,t% t%at#

C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% felt t%at so.e .;ste&; 0e&va-e- t%e stone
%ouse t%at afte&noon# # #a .;ste&; f&o. 4%,(% s%e 4as e+(lu-e-#
6,ss Laven-a& &oa.e- about t%e ga&-en ,n a -,st&a(te- fas%,on#
Anne9 too9 see.e- 0ossesse- b; a -e.on of un&est9 an- 4al<e- to
an- f&o an- 4ent u0 an- -o4n# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% en-u&e- ,t
t,ll at,en(e (ease- to be a v,&tue@ t%en s%e (onf&onte- Anne
on t%e o((as,on of t%at &o.ant,( ;oung 0e&sonNs t%,&- a,.less
0e&eg&,nat,on t%&oug% t%e <,t(%en#

GPlease9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9G sa,- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 4,t% an
,n-,gnant toss of %e& ve&; blue bo4s9 G,tNs 0la,n to be seen ;ou
an- 6,ss Laven-a& %ave got a se(&et an- 1 t%,n<9 begg,ng ;ou&
0a&-on ,f 1N. too fo&4a&-9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 t%at ,tNs &eal
.ean not to tell .e 4%en 4eNve all been su(% (%u.s#G

G2%9 C%a&lotta -ea&9 1N- %ave tol- ;ou all about ,t ,f ,t 4e&e .;
se(&et# # #but ,tNs 6,ss Laven-a&Ns9 ;ou see# Lo4eve&9 1Nll tell
;ou t%,s .u(%# # #an- ,f not%,ng ( of ,t ;ou .ust neve&
b&eat%e a 4o&- about ,t to a l,v,ng soul# Jou see9 P&,n(e C%a&.,ng
,s (o.,ng ton,g%t# Le (a.e long ago9 but ,n a fool,s% .o.ent 4ent
a4a; an- 4an-e&e- afa& an- fo&got t%e se(&et of t%e .ag,( 0at%4a;
to t%e en(%ante- (astle9 4%e&e t%e 0&,n(ess 4as 4ee0,ng %e&
fa,t%ful %ea&t out fo& %,.# 7ut at last %e & ,t aga,n an-
t%e 0&,n(ess ,s 4a,t,ng st,ll# # #be(ause nobo-; but %e& o4n -ea&
0&,n(e (oul- (a&&; %e& off#G

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 4%at ,s t%at ,n 0&oseMG gas0e- t%e
.;st,f,e- C%a&lotta#

Anne laug%e-#

G1n 0&ose9 an ol- f&,en- of 6,ss Laven-a&Ns ,s (o.,ng to see %e&

GDo ;ou .ean an ol- beau of %e&sMG t%e l,te&al C%a&lotta#

GT%at ,s 0&obabl; 4%at 1 -o .ean# # #,n 0&ose9G ans4e&e- Anne g&avel;#
G1t ,s PaulNs fat%e&# # #Ste0%en 1&v,ng# An- goo-ness <no4s 4%at 4,ll
(o.e of ,t9 but let us %o0e fo& t%e best9 C%a&lotta#G

G1 %o0e t%at %eNll .a&&; 6,ss Laven-a&9G 4as C%a&lottaNs uneHu,vo(al &es0onse#
GSo.e 4o.enNs ,nten-e- f&o. t%e sta&t to be ol- .a,-s9 an- 1N. af&a,- 1N. one
of t%e.9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 be(ause 1Nve a4ful l,ttle 0at,en(e 4,t% t%e .en#
7ut 6,ss Laven-a& neve& 4as# An- 1Nve been a4ful 4o&&,e-9 t%,n<,ng 4%at on
ea&t% s%eN- -o 4%en 1 got so b,g 1N- LA:* to go to 7oston# T%e&e a,nNt an;
.o&e g,&ls ,n ou& fa.,l; an- -ea& <no4s 4%at s%eN- -o ,f s%e got so.e
st&ange& t%at .,g%t laug% at %e& 0&eten-,ngs an- leave t%,ngs l;,ng &oun-
out of t%e,& 0la(e an- not be 4,ll,ng to be (alle- C%a&lotta t%e B,ft%#
S%e .,g%t get so.eone 4%o 4oul-nNt be as unlu(<; as .e ,n b&ea<,ng -,s%es
but s%eN- neve& get an;one 4%oN- love %e& bette&#G

An- t%e fa,t%ful l,ttle %an-.a,-en -as%e- to t%e oven -oo& 4,t% a sn,ff#

T%e; 4ent t%&oug% t%e fo&. of %av,ng tea as usual t%at n,g%t at
*(%o Lo-ge@ but nobo-; &eall; ate an;t%,ng# Afte& tea 6,ss Laven-a&
4ent to %e& &oo. an- 0ut on %e& ne4 fo&get-.e-not o&gan-;9
4%,le Anne -,- %e& %a,& fo& %e&# 7ot% 4e&e -&ea-full; e+(,te-@
but 6,ss Laven-a& 0&eten-e- to be ve&; (al. an- ,n-,ffe&ent#

G1 .ust &eall; .en- t%at &ent ,n t%e (u&ta,n to.o&&o49G s%e sa,-
an+,ousl;9 ,ns0e(t,ng ,t as ,f ,t 4e&e t%e onl; t%,ng of an;
,.0o&tan(e 'ust t%en# GT%ose (u&ta,ns %ave not 4o&n as 4ell as
t%e; s%oul-9 (ons,-e&,ng t%e 0&,(e 1 0a,-# Dea& .e9 C%a&lotta
%as fo&gotten to -ust t%e sta,& &a,l,ng A)A13# 1 &eall; 65ST
s0ea< to %e& about ,t#G

Anne 4as s,tt,ng on t%e 0o&(% ste0s 4%en Ste0%en 1&v,ng (a.e -o4n
t%e lane an- a(&oss t%e ga&-en#

GT%,s ,s t%e one 0la(e 4%e&e t,.e stan-s st,ll9G %e sa,-9 loo<,ng
a&oun- %,. 4,t% -el,g%te- e;es# GT%e&e ,s not%,ng (%ange- about
t%,s %ouse o& ga&-en s,n(e 1 4as %e&e t4ent;-f,ve ;ea&s ago#
1t .a<es .e feel ;oung aga,n#G

GJou <no4 t,.e al4a;s -oes stan- st,ll ,n an en(%ante- 0ala(e9G sa,- Anne
se&,ousl;# G1t ,s onl; 4%en t%e 0&,n(e ( t%at t%,ngs beg,n to %a00en#G

6&# 1&v,ng s.,le- a l,ttle sa-l; ,nto %e& u0l,fte- fa(e9 all asta& 4,t%
,ts ;out% an- 0&o.,se#,.es t%e 0&,n(e ( too late9G %e sa,-# Le -,- not as< Anne to
t&anslate %e& &e.a&< ,nto 0&ose# L,<e all <,n-&e- s0,&,ts %e Gun-e&stoo-#G

G2%9 no9 not ,f %e ,s t%e &eal 0&,n(e (o.,ng to t%e t&ue 0&,n(ess9G
sa,- Anne9 s%a<,ng %e& &e- %ea- -e(,-e-l;9 as s%e o0ene- t%e 0a&lo& -oo&#
=%en %e %a- gone ,n s%e s%ut ,t t,g%tl; be%,n- %,. an- tu&ne- to (onf&ont
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 4%o 4as ,n t%e %all9 all Gno-s an- be(<s an-
4&eat%e- s.,les#G

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9G s%e b&eat%e-9 G1 0ee<e- f&o. t%e <,t(%en
4,n-o4# # #an- %eNs a4ful %an-so.e# # #an- 'ust t%e &,g%t age fo&
6,ss Laven-a&# An- o%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 -o ;ou t%,n< ,t 4oul-
be .u(% %a&. to l,sten at t%e -oo&MG

G1t 4oul- be -&ea-ful9 C%a&lotta9G sa,- Anne f,&.l;9 Gso 'ust ;ou
(o.e a4a; 4,t% .e out of t%e &ea(% of te.0tat,on#G

G1 (anNt -o an;t%,ng9 an- ,tNs a4ful to %ang &oun- 'ust 4a,t,ng9G s,g%e-
C%a&lotta# G=%at ,f %e -onNt 0&o0ose afte& all9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.M
Jou (an neve& be su&e of t%e. .en# 6; ol-e& s,ste&9 C%a&lotta t%e B,&st9
t%oug%t s%e 4as engage- to one on(e# 7ut ,t tu&ne- out L* %a- a
-,ffe&ent o0,n,on an- s%e sa;s s%eNll neve& t&ust one of t%e. aga,n#
An- 1 %ea&- of anot%e& (ase 4%e&e a .an t%oug%t %e 4ante- one g,&l
a4ful ba- 4%en ,t 4as &eall; %e& s,ste& %e 4ante- all t%e t,.e#
=%en a .an -onNt <no4 %,s o4n .,n-9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 %o4Ns
a 0oo& go,ng to be su&e of ,tMG

G=eNll go to t%e <,t(%en an- (lean t%e s,lve& s0oons9G sa,- Anne#
GT%atNs a tas< 4%,(% 4onNt &eHu,&e .u(% t%,n<,ng fo&tunatel;# # #
fo& 1 C25LD3NT t%,n< ton,g%t# An- ,t 4,ll 0ass t%e t,.e#G

1t 0asse- an %ou&# T%en9 'ust as Anne la,- -o4n t%e last s%,n,ng s0oon9
t%e; %ea&- t%e f&ont -oo& s%ut# 7ot% soug%t ( fea&full; ,n ea(%
ot%e&Ns e;es#

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9G gas0e- C%a&lotta9 G,f %eNs go,ng a4a; t%,s
ea&l; t%e&eNs not%,ng ,nto ,t an- neve& 4,ll be#G T%e; fle4 to t%e 4,n-o4#
6&# 1&v,ng %a- no ,ntent,on of go,ng a4a;# Le an- 6,ss Laven-a& 4e&e
st&oll,ng slo4l; -o4n t%e .,--le 0at% to t%e stone ben(%#

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 %eNs got %,s a&. a&oun- %e& 4a,st9G
4%,s0e&e- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% -el,g%te-l;# GLe .ust %ave 0&o0ose-
to %e& o& s%eN- neve& allo4 ,t#G

Anne (aug%t C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% b; %e& o4n 0lu.0 4a,st an- -an(e-
%e& a&oun- t%e <,t(%en unt,l t%e; 4e&e bot% out of b&eat%#

G2%9 C%a&lotta9G s%e (&,e- ga,l;9 G1N. ne,t%e& a 0&o0%etess no& t%e
-aug%te& of a 0&o0%etess but 1N. go,ng to .a<e a 0&e-,(t,on#
T%e&eNll be a 4e--,ng ,n t%,s ol- stone %ouse befo&e t%e .a0le
leaves a&e &e-# Do ;ou 4ant t%at t&anslate- ,nto 0&ose9 C%a&lottaMG

G3o9 1 (an un-e&stan- t%at9G sa,- C%a&lotta# GA 4e--,ng a,nNt
0oet&;# =%;9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 ;ouN&e (&;,ngF =%at fo&MG

G2%9 be(ause ,tNs all so beaut,ful# # #an- sto&; boo<,s%# # #an-
&o.ant,(# # #an- sa-9G sa,- Anne9 4,n<,ng t%e tea&s out of %e&
e;es# G1tNs all 0e&fe(tl; lovel;# # #but t%e&eNs a l,ttle sa-ness
.,+e- u0 ,n ,t too9 so.e%o4#G

G2%9 of (ou&se t%e&eNs a &es< ,n .a&&;,ng an;bo-;9G (on(e-e-
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 Gbut9 4%en allNs sa,- an- -one9 6,ss S%,&le;9
.aNa.9 t%e&eNs .an; a 4o&se t%,ng t%an a %usban-#G


Poet&; an- P&ose

Bo& t%e ne+t .ont% Anne l,ve- ,n 4%at9 fo& Avonlea9 .,g%t be (alle-
a 4%,&l of e+(,te.ent# T%e 0&e0a&at,on of %e& o4n .o-est outf,t
fo& 8e-.on- 4as of se(on-a&; ,.0o&tan(e# 6,ss Laven-a& 4as gett,ng
&ea-; to be .a&&,e- an- t%e stone %ouse 4as t%e s(ene of en-less
(onsultat,ons an- 0lann,ngs an- -,s(uss,ons9 4,t% C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
%ove&,ng on t%e outs<,&ts of t%,ngs ,n ag,tate- -el,g%t an- 4on-e&#
T%en t%e -&ess.a<e& (a.e9 an- t%e&e 4as t%e &a0tu&e an- 4&et(%e-ness
of (%oos,ng fas%,ons an- be,ng f,tte-# Anne an- D,ana s0ent %alf t%e,&
t,.e at *(%o Lo-ge an- t%e&e 4e&e n,g%ts 4%en Anne (oul- not slee0 fo&
4on-e&,ng 4%et%e& s%e %a- -one &,g%t ,n a-v,s,ng 6,ss Laven-a& to sele(t
b&o4n &at%e& t%an nav; blue fo& %e& t&avel,ng -&ess9 an- to %ave %e&
g&a; s,l< .a-e 0&,n(ess#

*ve&;bo-; (on(e&ne- ,n 6,ss Laven-a&Ns sto&; 4as ve&; %a00;#
Paul 1&v,ng &us%e- to )&een )ables to tal< t%e ne4s ove& 4,t%
Anne as soon as %,s fat%e& %a- tol- %,.#

G1 <ne4 1 (oul- t&ust fat%e& to 0,(< .e out a n,(e l,ttle se(on- .ot%e&9G
%e sa,- 0&ou-l;# G1tNs a f,ne t%,ng to %ave a fat%e& ;ou (an -e0en- on9
tea(%e&# 1 'ust love 6,ss Laven-a&# )&an-.a ,s 0lease-9 too# S%e sa;s
s%eNs &eal gla- fat%e& -,-nNt 0,(< out an A.e&,(an fo& %,s se(on- 4,fe9
be(ause9 alt%oug% ,t tu&ne- out all &,g%t t%e f,&st t,.e9 su(% a t%,ng
4oul-nNt be l,<el; to %a00en t4,(e# 6&s# L;n-e sa;s s%e t%o&oug%l;
a00&oves of t%e .at(% an- t%,n<s ,ts l,<el; 6,ss Laven-a& 4,ll g,ve
u0 %e& Huee& not,ons an- be l,<e ot%e& 0eo0le9 no4 t%at s%eNs go,ng to
be .a&&,e-# 7ut 1 %o0e s%e 4onNt g,ve %e& Huee& not,ons u09 tea(%e&9
be(ause 1 l,<e t%e.# An- 1 -onNt 4ant %e& to be l,<e ot%e& 0eo0le#
T%e&e a&e too .an; ot%e& 0eo0le a&oun- as ,t ,s# J25 <no49 tea(%e&#G

C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4as anot%e& &a-,ant 0e&son#

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 ,t %as all tu&ne- out so beaut,ful#
=%en 6&# 1&v,ng an- 6,ss Laven-a& (o.e ba(< f&o. t%e,& to4e&
1N. to go u0 to 7oston an- l,ve 4,t% t%e.# # #an- .e onl; f,fteen9
an- t%e ot%e& g,&ls neve& 4ent t,ll t%e; 4e&e s,+teen# A,nNt
6&# 1&v,ng s0len-,-M Le 'ust 4o&s%,0s t%e g&oun- s%e t&ea-s on
an- ,t .a<es .e feel so Huee&,.es to see t%e loo< ,n %,s e;es
4%en %eNs 4at(%,ng %e&# 1t begga&s -es(&,0t,on9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.#
1N. a4ful t%an<ful t%e;N&e so fon- of ea(% ot%e&# 1tNs t%e best 4a;9
4%en allNs sa,- an- -one9 t%oug% so.e fol<s (an get along 4,t%out ,t#
1Nve got an aunt 4%o %as been .a&&,e- t%&ee t,.es an- sa;s s%e .a&&,e-
t%e f,&st t,.e fo& love an- t%e last t4o t,.es fo& st&,(tl; bus,ness9
an- 4as %a00; 4,t% all t%&ee e+(e0t at t%e t,.es of t%e fune&als#
7ut 1 t%,n< s%e too< a &es<9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.#G

G2%9 ,tNs all so &o.ant,(9G b&eat%e- Anne to 6a&,lla t%at n,g%t#
G1f 1 %a-nNt ta<en t%e 4&ong 0at% t%at -a; 4e 4ent to 6&# P,.ballNs
1N- neve& %ave <no4n 6,ss Laven-a&@ an- ,f 1 %a-nNt .et %e& 1N-
neve& %ave ta<en Paul t%e&e# # #an- %eN- neve& %ave 4&,tten to %,s
fat%e& about v,s,t,ng 6,ss Laven-a& 'ust as 6&# 1&v,ng 4as sta&t,ng fo&
San B&an(,s(o# 6&# 1&v,ng sa;s 4%eneve& %e got t%at lette& %e .a-e
u0 %,s .,n- to sen- %,s 0a&tne& to San B&an(,s(o an- (o.e %e&e ,nstea-#
Le %a-nNt %ea&- an;t%,ng of 6,ss Laven-a& fo& f,fteen ;ea&s# So.ebo-;
%a- tol- %,. t%en t%at s%e 4as to be .a&&,e- an- %e t%oug%t s%e 4as an-
neve& as<e- an;bo-; an;t%,ng about %e&# An- no4 eve&;t%,ng %as (o.e &,g%t#
An- 1 %a- a %an- ,n b&,ng,ng ,t about# Pe&%a0s9 as 6&s# L;n-e sa;s9
eve&;t%,ng ,s fo&eo&-a,ne- an- ,t 4as boun- to %a00en an;4a;# 7ut even so9
,tNs n,(e to t%,n< one 4as an ,nst&u.ent use- b; 0&e-est,nat,on# Jes ,n-ee-9
,tNs ve&; &o.ant,(#G

G1 (anNt see t%at ,tNs so te&&,bl; &o.ant,( at all9G sa,- 6a&,lla
&at%e& (&,s0l;# 6a&,lla t%oug%t Anne 4as too 4o&<e- u0 about ,t
an- %a- 0lent; to -o 4,t% gett,ng &ea-; fo& (ollege 4,t%out Gt&a,0s,ngG
to *(%o Lo-ge t4o -a;s out of t%&ee %el0,ng 6,ss Laven-a&# G1n t%e
f,&st 0la(e t4o ;oung fools Hua&&el an- tu&n sul<;@ t%en Steve 1&v,ng
goes to t%e States an- afte& a s0ell gets .a&&,e- u0 t%e&e an- ,s
0e&fe(tl; %a00; f&o. all a((ounts# T%en %,s 4,fe -,es an- afte&
a -e(ent ,nte&val %e t%,n<s %eNll (o.e %o.e an- see ,f %,s f,&st
fan(;Nll %ave %,.# 6ean4%,le9 s%eNs been l,v,ng s,ngle9 0&obabl;
be(ause nobo-; n,(e enoug% (a.e along to 4ant %e&9 an- t%e; .eet an-
ag&ee to be .a&&,e- afte& all# 3o49 4%e&e ,s t%e & ,n all t%atMG

G2%9 t%e&e ,snNt an;9 4%en ;ou 0ut ,t t%at 4a;9G gas0e- Anne9
&at%e& as ,f so.ebo-; %a- t%&o4n (ol- 4ate& ove& %e&# G1 su00ose
t%atNs %o4 ,t loo<s ,n 0&ose# 7ut ,tNs ve&; -,ffe&ent ,f ;ou loo<
at ,t t%&oug% 0oet&;# # #an- R1R t%,n< ,tNs n,(e&# # #G Anne &e(ove&e-
%e&self an- %e& e;es s%one an- %e& (%ee<s flus%e-# # #Gto loo< at
,t t%&oug% 0oet&;#G

6a&,lla glan(e- at t%e &a-,ant ;oung fa(e an- &ef&a,ne- f&o.
fu&t%e& sa&(ast,( (o..ents# Pe&%a0s so.e &eal,/at,on (a.e to %e&
t%at afte& all ,t 4as bette& to %ave9 l,<e Anne9 Gt%e v,s,on an-
t%e fa(ult; -,v,neG# # #t%at g,ft 4%,(% t%e 4o&l- (annot besto4 o&
ta<e a4a;9 of loo<,ng at l,fe t%&oug% so.e t&ansf,gu&,ng# # #o&
&eveal,ngM# # #.e-,u.9 4%e&eb; eve&;t%,ng see.e- a00a&elle- ,n
(elest,al l,g%t9 4ea&,ng a glo&; an- a f&es%ness not v,s,ble to
t%ose 4%o9 l,<e %e&self an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 loo<e- at t%,ngs
onl; t%&oug% 0&ose#

G=%enNs t%e 4e--,ng to beMG s%e as<e- afte& a 0ause#

GT%e last =e-nes-a; ,n August# T%e; a&e to be .a&&,e- ,n t%e
ga&-en un-e& t%e %one;su(<le t&ell,s# # #t%e ve&; s0ot 4%e&e
6&# 1&v,ng 0&o0ose- to %e& t4ent;-f,ve ;ea&s ago# 6a&,lla9 t%at
1S &o.ant,(9 even ,n 0&ose# T%e&eNs to be nobo-; t%e&e e+(e0t
6&s# 1&v,ng an- Paul an- ),lbe&t an- D,ana an- 19 an- 6,ss Laven-a&Ns
(ous,ns# An- t%e; 4,ll leave on t%e s,+ oN(lo(< t&a,n fo& a t&,0
to t%e Pa(,f,( (oast# =%en t%e; (o.e ba(< ,n t%e fall Paul an-
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% a&e to go u0 to 7oston to l,ve 4,t% t%e.#
7ut *(%o Lo-ge ,s to be left 'ust as ,t ,s# # #onl; of (ou&se t%e;Nll
sell t%e %ens an- (o49 an- boa&- u0 t%e 4,n-o4s# # #an- eve&; su..e&
t%e;N&e (o.,ng -o4n to l,ve ,n ,t# 1N. so gla-# 1t 4oul- %ave
%u&t .e -&ea-full; ne+t 4,nte& at 8e-.on- to t%,n< of t%at -ea&
stone %ouse all st&,00e- an- -ese&te-9 4,t% e.0t; &oo.s# # #o& fa&
4o&se st,ll9 4,t% ot%e& 0eo0le l,v,ng ,n ,t# 7ut 1 (an t%,n< of ,t
no49 'ust as 1Nve al4a;s seen ,t9 4a,t,ng %a00,l; fo& t%e su..e& to
b&,ng l,fe an- laug%te& ba(< to ,t aga,n#G

T%e&e 4as .o&e & ,n t%e 4o&l- t%an t%at 4%,(% %a- fallen
to t%e s%a&e of t%e .,--le-age- love&s of t%e stone %ouse#
Anne stu.ble- su--enl; on ,t one even,ng 4%en s%e 4ent ove& to
2&(%a&- Slo0e b; t%e 4oo- (ut an- (a.e out ,nto t%e 7a&&; ga&-en#
D,ana 7a&&; an- B&e- =&,g%t 4e&e stan-,ng toget%e& un-e& t%e b,g 4,llo4#
D,ana 4as lean,ng aga,nst t%e g&a; t&un<9 %e& las%es (ast -o4n on
ve&; (&,.son (%ee<s# 2ne %an- 4as %el- b; B&e-9 4%o stoo- 4,t% %,s
fa(e bent to4a&- %e&9 sta..e&,ng,ng ,n lo4 ea&nest tones#
T%e&e 4e&e no ot%e& 0eo0le ,n t%e 4o&l- e+(e0t t%e,& t4o selves at
t%at .ag,( .o.ent@ so ne,t%e& of t%e. sa4 Anne9 4%o9 afte& one
-a/e- glan(e of (o.0&e%ens,on9 tu&ne- an- s0e- no,selessl; ba(<
t%&oug% t%e s0&u(e 4oo-9 neve& sto00,ng t,ll s%e ga,ne- %e& o4n
gable &oo.9 4%e&e s%e sat b&eat%lessl; -o4n b; %e& 4,n-o4 an- t&,e-
to (olle(t %e& s(atte&e- 4,ts#

GD,ana an- B&e- a&e ,n love 4,t% ea(% ot%e&9G s%e gas0e-#
G2%9 ,t -oes see. so# # #so# # #so L2P*L*SSLJ g&o4n u0#G

Anne9 of late9 %a- not been 4,t%out %e& sus0,(,ons t%at D,ana 4as
0&ov,ng false to t%e .elan(%ol; 7;&on,( %e&o of %e& ea&l; -&ea.s#
7ut as Gt%,ngs seen a&e .,g%t,e& t%an t%,ngs %ea&-9G o& sus0e(te-9
t%e &eal,/at,on t%at ,t 4as a(tuall; so (a.e to %e& 4,t% al.ost t%e
s%o(< of 0e&fe(t su&0&,se# T%,s 4as su((ee-e- b; a Huee&9 l,ttle
lonel; feel,ng# # #as ,f9 so.e%o49 D,ana %a- gone fo&4a&- ,nto a
ne4 4o&l-9 s%utt,ng a gate be%,n- %e&9 leav,ng Anne on t%e outs,-e#

GT%,ngs a&e (%ang,ng so fast ,t al.ost f&,g%tens .e9G Anne t%oug%t9
a l,ttle sa-l;# GAn- 1N. af&a,- t%at t%,s (anNt %el0 .a<,ng so.e
-,ffe&en(e bet4een D,ana an- .e# 1N. su&e 1 (anNt tell %e& all .;
se(&ets afte& t%,s# # #s%e .,g%t tell B&e-# An- 4%at CA3 s%e see
,n B&e-M LeNs ve&; n,(e an- 'oll;# # #but %eNs 'ust B&e- =&,g%t#G

1t ,s al4a;s a ve&; 0u//l,ng Huest,on# # #4%at (an so.ebo-; see ,n
so.ebo-; elseM 7ut %o4 fo&tunate afte& all t%at ,t ,s so9 fo& ,f
eve&;bo-; sa4 al,<e# # #4ell9 ,n t%at (ase9 as t%e ol- 1n-,an sa,-9
G*ve&;bo-; 4oul- 4ant .; sHua4#G 1t 4as 0la,n t%at D,ana D1D see,ng ,n B&e- =&,g%t9 %o4eve& AnneNs e;es .,g%t be %ol-en#
D,ana (a.e to )&een )ables t%e ne+t even,ng9 a 0ens,ve9 s%; ;oung
la-;9 an- tol- Anne t%e 4%ole sto&; ,n t%e -us<; se(lus,on of t%e
east gable# 7ot% g,&ls (&,e- an- <,sse- an- laug%e-#

G1N. so %a00;9G sa,- D,ana9 Gbut ,t -oes see. &,-,(ulous to t%,n<
of .e be,ng engage-#G

G=%at ,s ,t &eall; l,<e to be engage-MG as<e- Anne (u&,ousl;#

G=ell9 t%at all -e0en-s on 4%o ;ouN&e engage- to9G ans4e&e- D,ana9
4,t% t%at .a--en,ng a,& of su0e&,o& 4,s-o. al4a;s assu.e- b; t%ose
4%o a&e engage- ove& t%ose 4%o a&e not# G1tNs 0e&fe(tl; lovel; to
be engage- to B&e-# # #but 1 t%,n< ,t 4oul- be s,.0l; %o&&,- to be
engage- to an;one else#G

GT%e&eNs not .u(% ( fo& t%e &est of us ,n t%at9 see,ng t%at
t%e&e ,s onl; one B&e-9G laug%e- Anne#

G2%9 Anne9 ;ou -onNt un-e&stan-9G sa,- D,ana ,n ve+at,on# G1 -,-nNt
.ean TLAT# # #,tNs so %a&- to e+0la,n# 3eve& .,n-9 ;ouNll un-e&stan-,.e9 4%en ;ou& o4n tu&n (

G7less ;ou9 -ea&est of D,anas9 1 un-e&stan- no4# =%at ,s an ,.ag,nat,on
fo& ,f not to enable ;ou to 0ee0 at l,fe t%&oug% ot%e& 0eo0leNs e;esMG

GJou .ust be .; b&,-es.a,-9 ;ou <no49 Anne# P&o.,se .e t%at# # #
4%e&eve& ;ou .a; be 4%en 1N. .a&&,e-#G

G1Nll (o.e f&o. t%e en-s of t%e ea&t% ,f ne(essa&;9G 0&o.,se- Anne;#

G2f (ou&se9 ,t 4onNt be fo& eve& so long ;et9G sa,- D,ana9 blus%,ng#
GT%&ee ;ea&s at t%e ve&; least# # #fo& 1N. onl; e,g%teen an- .ot%e&
sa;s no -aug%te& of %e&s s%all be .a&&,e- befo&e s%eNs t4ent;-one#
7es,-es9 B&e-Ns fat%e& ,s go,ng to bu; t%e Ab&a%a. Blet(%e& fa&.
fo& %,. an- %e sa;s %eNs got to %ave ,t t4o t%,&-s 0a,- fo& befo&e
%eNll g,ve ,t to %,. ,n %,s o4n na.e# 7ut t%&ee ;ea&s ,snNt an; too
.u(% t,.e to get &ea-; fo& %ouse<ee0,ng9 fo& 1 %avenNt a s0e(< of fan(;
4o&< .a-e ;et# 7ut 1N. go,ng to beg,n (&o(%et,ng -o,l,es to.o&&o4#
6;&a ),ll,s %a- t%,&t;-seven -o,l,es 4%en s%e 4as .a&&,e- an- 1N.
-ete&.,ne- 1 s%all %ave as .an; as s%e %a-#G

G1 su00ose ,t 4oul- be 0e&fe(tl; ,.0oss,ble to <ee0 %ouse 4,t% onl;
t%,&t;-s,+ -o,l,es9G (on(e-e- Anne9 4,t% a sole.n fa(e but -an(,ng e;es#

D,ana loo<e- %u&t#

G1 -,-nNt t%,n< ;ouN- .a<e fun of .e9 Anne9G s%e sa,- &e0&oa(%full;#

GDea&est9 1 4asnNt .a<,ng fun of ;ou9G (&,e- Anne &e0entantl;#
G1 4as onl; teas,ng ;ou a b,t# 1 t%,n< ;ouNll .a<e t%e s4eetest
l,ttle %ouse<ee0e& ,n t%e 4o&l-# An- 1 t%,n< ,tNs 0e&fe(tl; lovel;
of ;ou to be 0lann,ng al&ea-; fo& ;ou& %o.e oN-&ea.s#G

Anne %a- no soone& utte&e- t%e 0%&ase9 G%o.e oN-&ea.s9G t%an ,t
(a0t,vate- %e& fan(; an- s%e ,..e-,atel; began t%e e&e(t,on of one
of %e& o4n# 1t 4as9 of (ou&se9 tenante- b; an ,-eal .aste&9 -a&<9
0&ou-9 an- .elan(%ol;@ but o--l; enoug%9 ),lbe&t 7l;t%e 0e&s,ste-
,n %ang,ng about too9 %el0,ng %e& a&&ange 0,(tu&es9 la; out ga&-ens9
an- a((o.0l,s% sun-&; ot%e& tas<s 4%,(% a 0&ou- an- .elan(%ol; %e&o
ev,-entl; (ons,-e&e- beneat% %,s -,gn,t;# Anne t&,e- to ban,s%
),lbe&tNs ,.age f&o. %e& (astle ,n S0a,n but9 so.e%o49 %e 4ent
on be,ng t%e&e9 so Anne9 be,ng ,n a %u&&;9 gave u0 t%e atte.0t
an- 0u&sue- %e& ae&,al a&(%,te(tu&e 4,t% su(% su((ess t%at %e&
G%o.e oN-&ea.sG 4as bu,lt an- fu&n,s%e- befo&e D,ana s0o<e aga,n#

G1 su00ose9 Anne9 ;ou .ust t%,n< ,tNs funn; 1 s%oul- l,<e B&e- so
4ell 4%en %eNs so -,ffe&ent f&o. t%e <,n- of .an 1Nve al4a;s sa,- 1
4oul- .a&&;# # #t%e tall9 slen-e& <,n-M 7ut so.e%o4 1 4oul-nNt
4ant B&e- to be tall an- slen-e&# # #be(ause9 -onNt ;ou see9 %e
4oul-nNt be B&e- t%en# 2f (ou&se9G a--e- D,ana &at%e& -olefull;9
G4e 4,ll be a -&ea-full; 0u-g; (ou0le# 7ut afte& all t%atNs bette&
t%an one of us be,ng s%o&t an- fat an- t%e ot%e& tall an- lean9
l,<e 6o&gan Sloane an- %,s 4,fe# 6&s# L;n-e sa;s ,t al4a;s .a<es
%e& t%,n< of t%e long an- s%o&t of ,t 4%en s%e sees t%e. toget%e&#G

G=ell9G sa,- Anne to %e&self t%at n,g%t9 as s%e b&us%e- %e& %a,&
befo&e %e& g,lt f&a.e- .,&&o&9 G1 a. gla- D,ana ,s so %a00; an-
sat,sf,e-# 7ut 4%en .; tu&n ( # #,f ,t eve& -oes# # #1 -o
%o0e t%e&eNll be,ng a l,ttle .o&e t%&,ll,ng about ,t# 7ut
t%en D,ana t%oug%t so too9 on(e# 1Nve %ea&- %e& sa; t,.e an- aga,n
s%eN- neve& get engage- an; 0o<; (o..on0la(e 4a;# # #%eN- LA:* to
-o,ng s0len-,- to 4,n %e&# 7ut s%e %as (%ange-# Pe&%a0s
1Nll (%ange too# 7ut 1 4onNt# # #an- 1N. -ete&.,ne- 1 4onNt# 2%9
1 t%,n< t%ese engage.ents a&e -&ea-full; unsettl,ng t%,ngs 4%en
t%e; %a00en to ;ou& ,nt,.ate f&,en-s#G


A =e--,ng at t%e Stone Louse

T%e last 4ee< ,n August (a.e# 6,ss Laven-a& 4as to be .a&&,e- ,n ,t#
T4o 4ee<s late& Anne an- ),lbe&t 4oul- leave fo& 8e-.on- College#
1n a 4ee<Ns t,.e 6&s# 8a(%el L;n-e 4oul- .ove to )&een )ables an-
set u0 %e& la&es an- 0enates ,n t%e e&st4%,le s0a&e &oo.9 4%,(% 4as
al&ea-; 0&e0a&e- fo& %e& (o.,ng# S%e %a- sol- all %e& su0e&fluous
%ouse%ol- 0len,s%,ngs b; au(t,on an- 4as at 0&esent &evel,ng ,n t%e
(ongen,al o((u0at,on of %el0,ng t%e Allans 0a(< u0# 6&# Allan 4as
to 0&ea(% %,s fa&e4ell se&.on t%e ne+t Sun-a;# T%e ol- o&-e& 4as
(%ang,ng &a0,-l; to g,ve 0la(e to t%e ne49 as Anne felt 4,t% a
l,ttle sa-ness t%&ea-,ng all %e& e+(,te.ent an- %a00,ness#

GC%anges a,nNt totall; 0leasant but t%e;N&e e+(ellent t%,ngs9G
sa,- 6&# La&&,son 0%,loso0%,(all;# GT4o ;ea&s ,s about long
enoug% fo& t%,ngs to sta; e+a(tl; t%e sa.e# 1f t%e; sta;e-
0ut an; longe& t%e; .,g%t g&o4 .oss;#G

6&# La&&,son 4as s.o<,ng on %,s ve&an-a# L,s 4,fe %a-
self-sa(&,f,(,ngl; tol- t%at %e .,g%t s.o<e ,n t%e %ouse
,f %e too< (a&e to s,t b; an o0en 4,n-o4# 6&# La&&,son
&e4a&-e- t%,s (on(ess,on b; go,ng out-oo&s altoget%e& to
s.o<e ,n f,ne 4eat%e&9 an- so .utual goo-4,ll &e,gne-#

Anne %a- (o.e ove& to as< 6&s# La&&,son fo& so.e of %e& ;ello4 -a%l,as#
S%e an- D,ana 4e&e go,ng t%&oug% to *(%o Lo-ge t%at even,ng to %el0
6,ss Laven-a& an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4,t% t%e,& f,nal 0&e0a&at,ons
fo& t%e .o&&o4Ns b&,-al# 6,ss Laven-a& %e&self neve& %a- -a%l,as@
s%e -,- not l,<e t%e. an- t%e; 4oul- not %ave su,te- t%e f,ne
&et,&e.ent of %e& ol--fas%,one- ga&-en# 7ut flo4e&s of an; <,n-
4e&e &at%e& s(a&(e ,n Avonlea an- t%e ne,g%bo&,ng -,st&,(ts t%at su..e&9
t%an<s to 5n(le AbeNs sto&.@ an- Anne an- D,ana t%oug%t t%at a (e&ta,n
ol- (&ea.-(olo&e- stone 'ug9 usuall; <e0t sa(&e- to -oug%nuts9 b&,..e-
ove& 4,t% ;ello4 -a%l,as9 4oul- be 'ust t%e t%,ng to set ,n a -,. angle
of t%e stone %ouse sta,&s9 aga,nst t%e -a&< ba(<g&oun- of &e- %all 0a0e&#

G1 sN0ose ;ouNll be sta&t,ng off fo& (ollege ,n a fo&tn,g%tNs t,.eMG
(ont,nue- 6&# La&&,son# G=ell9 4eN&e go,ng to .,ss ;ou an a4ful lot9
*.,l; an- .e# To be su&e9 6&s# L;n-eNll be ove& t%e&e ,n ;ou& 0la(e#
T%e&e a,nNt nobo-; but a subst,tute (an be foun- fo& t%e.#G

T%e ,&on; of 6&# La&&,sonNs tone ,s Hu,te unt&ansfe&able to 0a0e&#
1n s0,te of %,s 4,feNs ,nt,.a(; 4,t% 6&s# L;n-e9 t%e best t%at (oul-
be sa,- of t%e &elat,ons%,0 bet4een %e& an- 6&# La&&,son even un-e&
t%e ne4 &eg,.e9 4as t%at t%e; 0&ese&ve- an a&.e- neut&al,t;#

GJes9 1N. go,ng9G sa,- Anne# G1N. ve&; gla- 4,t% .; %ea-# # #an-
ve&; so&&; 4,t% .; %ea&t#G

G1 sN0ose ;ouNll be s(oo0,ng u0 all t%e %ono&s t%at a&e l;,ng &oun-
loose at 8e-.on-#G

G1 .a; t&; fo& one o& t4o of t%e.9G (onfesse- Anne9 Gbut 1
-onNt (a&e so .u(% fo& t%,ngs l,<e t%at as 1 -,- t4o ;ea&s ago#
=%at 1 4ant to get out of .; (ollege (ou&se ,s so.e <no4le-ge of
t%e best 4a; of l,v,ng l,fe an- -o,ng t%e .ost an- best 4,t% ,t#
1 4ant to lea&n to un-e&stan- an- %el0 ot%e& 0eo0le an- .;self#G

6&# La&&,son no--e-#

GT%atNs t%e ,-ea e+a(tl;# T%atNs 4%at (ollege oug%t to be fo&9
,nstea- of fo& tu&n,ng out a lot of 7#A#Ns9 so (%o(< full of
boo<-lea&n,ng an- van,t; t%at t%e&e a,nNt &oo. fo& an;t%,ng else#
JouN&e all &,g%t# College 4onNt be able to -o ;ou .u(% %a&.9
1 &e(<on#G

D,ana an- Anne -&ove ove& to *(%o Lo-ge afte& tea9 ta<,ng 4,t% t%e.
all t%e flo4e&; s0o,l t%at seve&al 0&e-ato&; e+0e-,t,ons ,n t%e,&
o4n an- t%e,& ne,g%bo&sN ga&-ens %a- ;,el-e-# T%e; foun- t%e stone
%ouse agog 4,t% e+(,te.ent# C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4as fl;,ng a&oun-
4,t% su(% v,. an- b&,s<ness t%at %e& blue bo4s see.e- &eall; to 0ossess
t%e 0o4e& of be,ng eve&;4%e&e at on(e# L,<e t%e of 3ava&&e9
C%a&lottaNs blue bo4s 4ave- eve& ,n t%e t%,(<est of t%e f&a;#

GP&a,se be to goo-ness ;ouNve (o.e9G s%e sa,- -evoutl;9 Gfo&
t%e&eNs %ea0s of t%,ngs to -o# # #an- t%e f&ost,ng on t%at (a<e
=23NT %a&-en# # #an- t%e&eNs all t%e s,lve& to be &ubbe- u0 ;et# # #
an- t%e %o&se%a,& t&un< to be 0a(<e-# # #an- t%e &ooste&s fo& t%e
(%,(<en sala- a&e &unn,ng out t%e&e be;ant t%e %en%ouse ;et9
(&o4,ng9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.# An- 6,ss Laven-a& a,nNt to be
t&uste- to -o a t%,ng# 1 4as t%an<ful 4%en 6&# 1&v,ng (a.e
a fe4 .,nutes ago an- too< %e& off fo& a 4al< ,n t%e 4oo-s#
Cou&t,ngNs all &,g%t ,n ,ts 0la(e9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 but ,f
;ou t&; to .,+ ,t u0 4,t% (oo<,ng an- s(ou&,ng eve&;t%,ngNs s0o,le-#
T%atNs 6J o0,n,on9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.#G

Anne an- D,ana 4o&<e- so %ea&t,l; t%at b; ten oN(lo(< even
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4as sat,sf,e-# S%e b&a,-e- %e& %a,& ,n
,nnu.e&able 0la,ts an- too< %e& 4ea&; l,ttle bones off to be-#

G7ut 1N. su&e 1 s%anNt slee0 a blesse- 4,n<9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9
fo& fea& t%at,ngNll go 4&ong at t%e last .,nute# # #t%e (&ea.
4onNt 4%,0# # #o& 6&# 1&v,ngNll %ave a st&o<e an- not be able to (o.e#G

GLe ,snNt ,n t%e %ab,t of %av,ng st&o<es9 ,s %eMG as<e- D,ana9 t%e
-,.0le- (o&ne&s of %e& .out% t4,t(%,ng# To D,ana9 C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
4as9 ,f not e+a(tl; a t%,ng of beaut;9 (e&ta,nl; a 'o; fo&eve&#

GT%e;N&e not t%,ngs t%at go b; %ab,t9G sa,- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%
4,t% -,gn,t;# GT%e; 'ust LAPP*3# # #an- t%e&e ;ou a&e# A3J72DJ
(an %ave a st&o<e# Jou -onNt %ave to lea&n %o4# 6&# 1&v,ng loo<s
a lot l,<e an un(le of .,ne t%at %a- one on(e 'ust as %e 4as
s,tt,ng -o4n to -,nne& one -a;# 7ut .a;be eve&;t%,ngNll go all
&,g%t# 1n t%,s 4o&l- ;ouNve 'ust got to %o0e fo& t%e best an-
0&e0a&e fo& t%e 4o&st an- ta<e 4%ateve& )o- sen-s#G

GT%e onl; t%,ng 1N. 4o&&,e- about ,s t%at ,t 4onNt be f,ne to.o&&o49G
sa,- D,ana# G5n(le Abe 0&e-,(te- &a,n fo& t%e .,--le of t%e 4ee<9
an- eve& s,n(e t%e b,g sto&. 1 (anNt %el0 bel,ev,ng t%e&eNs a goo-
-eal ,n 4%at 5n(le Abe sa;s#G

Anne9 4%o <ne4 bette& t%an D,ana 'ust %o4 .u(% 5n(le Abe %a- to -o
4,t% t%e sto&.9 4as not .u(% -,stu&be- b; t%,s# S%e sle0t t%e
slee0 of t%e 'ust an- 4ea&;9 an- 4as &ouse- at an unea&t%l; %ou& b;
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%#

G2%9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 ,tNs a4ful to (all ;ou so ea&l;9G (a.e
4a,l,ng t%&oug% t%e <e;%ole9 Gbut t%e&eNs so .u(% to -o ;et# # #an- o%9
6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 1N. s<ee&e- ,tNs go,ng to &a,n an- 1 4,s%
;ouN- get u0 an- tell .e ;ou t%,n< ,t a,nNt#G Anne fle4 to t%e
4,n-o49 %o0,ng aga,nst %o0e t%at C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% 4as sa;,ng
t%,s .e&el; b; 4a; of &ous,ng %e& effe(tuall;# 7ut alas9 t%e
.o&n,ng -,- loo< un0&o0,t,ous# 7elo4 t%e 4,n-o4 6,ss Laven-a&Ns
ga&-en9 4%,(% s%oul- %ave been a glo&; of 0ale v,&g,n suns%,ne9 la;
-,. an- 4,n-less@ an- t%e s<; ove& t%e f,&s 4as -a&< 4,t% .oo-; (lou-s#

G1snNt ,t too .eanFG sa,- D,ana#

G=e .ust %o0e fo& t%e best9G sa,- Anne -ete&.,ne-l;# G1f ,t onl;
-oesnNt a(tuall; &a,n9 a (ool9 0ea&l; g&a; -a; l,<e t%,s 4oul-
&eall; be n,(e& t%an %ot suns%,ne#G

G7ut ,t 4,ll &a,n9G .ou&ne- C%a&lotta9 (&ee0,ng ,nto t%e &oo.9 a
f,gu&e of fun9 4,t% %e& .an; b&a,-s 4oun- about %e& %ea-9 t%e en-s9
t,e- u0 4,t% 4%,te t%&ea-9 st,(<,ng out ,n all -,&e(t,ons# G1tNll
%ol- off t,ll t%e last .,nute an- t%en 0ou& (ats an- -ogs# An- all
t%e fol<s 4,ll get so00,ng# # #an- t&a(< .u- all ove& t%e %ouse# # #
an- t%e; 4onNt be able to be .a&&,e- un-e& t%e %one;su(<le# # #an-
,tNs a4ful unlu(<; fo& no sun to s%,ne on a b&,-e9 sa; 4%at ;ou 4,ll9
6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.# R1R <ne4 t%,ngs 4e&e go,ng too 4ell to last#G

C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% see.e- (e&ta,nl; to %ave bo&&o4e- a leaf out
of 6,ss *l,/a An-&e4sN boo<#

1t -,- not &a,n9 t%oug% ,t <e0t on loo<,ng as ,f ,t .eant to#
7; noon t%e &oo.s 4e&e -e(o&ate-9 t%e table beaut,full; la,-@
an- u0sta,&s 4as 4a,t,ng a b&,-e9 Ga-o&ne- fo& %e& %usban-#G

GJou -o loo< s4eet9G sa,- Anne &a0tu&ousl;#

GLovel;9G e(%oe- D,ana#

G*ve&;t%,ngNs &ea-;9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9 an- not%,ng -&ea-ful %as
%a00ene- J*T9G 4as C%a&lottaNs (%ee&ful state.ent as s%e betoo<
%e&self to %e& l,ttle ba(< &oo. to -&ess# 2ut (a.e all t%e b&a,-s@
t%e &esultant &a.0ant (&,n<l,ness 4as 0la,te- ,nto t4o ta,ls an-
t,e-9 not 4,t% t4o bo4s alone9 but 4,t% fou&9 of b&an--ne4 &,bbon9
b&,g%tl; blue# T%e t4o u00e& bo4s &at%e& gave t%e ,.0&ess,on of
ove&g&o4n 4,ngs s0&out,ng f&o. C%a&lottaNs ne(<9 so.e4%at afte& t%e
fas%,on of 8a0%aelNs (%e&ubs# 7ut C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% t%oug%t
t%e. ve&; beaut,ful9 an- afte& s%e %a- &ustle- ,nto a 4%,te -&ess9
so st,ffl; sta&(%e- t%at ,t (oul- stan- alone9 s%e su&ve;e- %e&self
,n %e& glass 4,t% g&eat sat,sfa(t,on# # #a sat,sfa(t,on 4%,(% laste-
unt,l s%e 4ent out ,n t%e %all an- (aug%t a gl,.0se t%&oug% t%e s0a&e
&oo. -oo& of a tall g,&l ,n so.e softl; (l,ng,ng go4n9 0,nn,ng 4%,te9
sta&-l,<e flo4e&s on t%e s.oot% &,00les of %e& &u--; %a,&#

G2%9 1Nll 3*:*8 be able to loo< l,<e 6,ss S%,&le;9G t%oug%t 0oo&
C%a&lotta -es0a,&,ngl;# GJou 'ust %ave to be bo&n so9 1 guess# # #
-onNt see.Ns ,f an; a.ount of 0&a(t,(e (oul- g,ve ;ou t%at A18#G

7; one oN(lo(< t%e guests %a- (o.e9 ,n(lu-,ng 6&# an- 6&s# Allan9
fo& 6&# Allan 4as to 0e&fo&. t%e (e&e.on; ,n t%e absen(e of t%e
)&afton .,n,ste& on %,s va(at,on# T%e&e 4as no fo&.al,t; about
t%e .a&&,age# 6,ss Laven-a& (a.e -o4n t%e sta,&s to .eet %e&
b&,-eg&oo. at t%e foot9 an- as %e too< %e& %an- s%e l,fte- %e& b,g
b&o4n e;es to %,s 4,t% a loo< t%at .a-e C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 4%o
,nte&(e0te- ,t9 feel Huee&e& t%an eve&# T%e; 4ent out to t%e
%one;su(<le a&bo&9 4%e&e 6&# Allan 4as a4a,t,ng t%e.# T%e guests
g&ou0e- t%e.selves as t%e; 0lease-# Anne an- D,ana stoo- b; t%e
ol- stone ben(%9 4,t% C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% bet4een t%e.9 -es0e&atel;
(lut(%,ng t%e,& %an-s ,n %e& (ol-9 t&e.ulous l,ttle 0a4s#

6&# Allan o0ene- %,s blue boo< an- t%e (e&e.on; 0&o(ee-e-# Oust as
6,ss Laven-a& an- Ste0%en 1&v,ng 4e&e 0&onoun(e- .an an- 4,fe a ve&;
beaut,ful an- s;.bol,( t%,ng %a00ene-# T%e sun su--enl; bu&st t%&oug%
t%e g&a; an- 0ou&e- a floo- of &a-,an(e on t%e %a00; b&,-e# 1nstantl;
t%e ga&-en 4as al,ve 4,t% -an(,ng s%a-o4s an- fl,(<e&,ng l,g%ts#

G=%at a lovel; o.en9G t%oug%t Anne9 as s%e &an to <,ss t%e b&,-e#
T%en t%e t%&ee g,&ls left t%e &est of t%e guests laug%,ng a&oun-
t%e b&,-al 0a,& 4%,le t%e; fle4 ,nto t%e %ouse to see t%at all 4as
,n &ea-,ness fo& t%e feast#

GT%an<s be to goo-ness9 ,tNs ove&9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.9G b&eat%e-
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9 Gan- t%e;N&e .a&&,e- safe an- soun-9 no
.atte& 4%at %a00ens no4# T%e bags of &,(e a&e ,n t%e 0ant&;9
.aNa.9 an- t%e ol- s%oes a&e be%,n- t%e -oo&9 an- t%e (&ea. fo&
4%,00,ng ,s on t%e sulla& ste0s#G

At %alf 0ast t4o 6&# an- 6&s# 1&v,ng left9 an- eve&;bo-; 4ent to
7&,g%t 8,ve& to see t%e. off on t%e afte&noon t&a,n# As 6,ss
Laven-a&# # #1 beg %e& 0a&-on9 6&s# 1&v,ng# # #ste00e- f&o. t%e
-oo& of %e& ol- %o.e ),lbe&t an- t%e g,&ls t%&e4 t%e &,(e an-
C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% %u&le- an ol- s%oe 4,t% su(% e+(ellent a,.
t%at s%e st&u(< 6&# Allan sHua&el; on t%e %ea-# 7ut ,t 4as
&ese&ve- fo& Paul to g,ve t%e 0&ett,est sen--off# Le 0o00e- out of
t%e 0o&(% &,ng,ng fu&,ousl; a %uge ol- b&ass -,nne& bell 4%,(% %a-
a-o&ne- t%e -,n,ng &oo. .antel# PaulNs onl; .ot,ve 4as to .a<e a
'o;ful no,se@ but as t%e (lango& -,e- a4a;9 f&o. 0o,nt an- (u&ve
an- %,ll a(&oss t%e &,ve& (a.e t%e (%,.e of Gfa,&; 4e--,ng bells9G
&,ng,ng (lea&l;9 s4eetl;9 fa,ntl; an- .o&e fa,nt9 as ,f 6,ss
Laven-a&Ns belove- e(%oes 4e&e b,--,ng %e& g&eet,ng an- fa&e4ell#
An- so9 a.,- t%,s bene-,(t,on of s4eet soun-s9 6,ss Laven-a& -&ove
a4a; f&o. t%e ol- l,fe of -&ea.s an- .a<e-bel,eves to a fulle& l,fe
of &eal,t,es ,n t%e bus; 4o&l- be;on-#

T4o %ou&s late& Anne an- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t% (a.e -o4n t%e lane aga,n#
),lbe&t %a- gone to =est )&afton on an e&&an- an- D,ana %a- to <ee0 an
engage.ent at %o.e# Anne an- C%a&lotta %a- (o.e ba(< to 0ut t%,ngs ,n
o&-e& an- lo(< u0 t%e l,ttle stone %ouse# T%e ga&-en 4as a 0ool of
late gol-en suns%,ne9 4,t% butte&fl,es %ove&,ng an- bees boo.,ng@
but t%e l,ttle %ouse %a- al&ea-; t%at ,n-ef,nable a,& of -esolat,on
4%,(% al4a;s follo4s a fest,v,t;#

G2% -ea& .e9 -onNt ,t loo< loneso.eMG sn,ffe- C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%9
4%o %a- been (&;,ng all t%e 4a; %o.e f&o. t%e stat,on# GA 4e--,ng
a,nNt .u(% (%ee&fulle& t%an a fune&al afte& all9 4%en ,tNs all
ove&9 6,ss S%,&le;9 .aNa.#G

A bus; even,ng follo4e-# T%e -e(o&at,ons %a- to be &e.ove-9
t%e -,s%es 4as%e-9 t%e uneaten -el,(a(,es 0a(<e- ,nto a bas<et fo&
t%e -ele(tat,on of C%a&lotta t%e Bou&t%Ns ;oung b&ot%e&s at %o.e#
Anne 4oul- not &est unt,l eve&;t%,ng 4as ,n a00le-0,e o&-e&@ afte&
C%a&lotta %a- gone %o.e 4,t% %e& 0lun-e& Anne 4ent ove& t%e st,ll
&oo.s9 feel,ng l,<e one 4%o t&o- alone so.e banHuet %all -ese&te-9
an- (lose- t%e bl,n-s# T%en s%e lo(<e- t%e -oo& an- sat -o4n un-e&
t%e s,lve& 0o0la& to 4a,t fo& ),lbe&t9 feel,ng ve&; t,&e- but st,ll
un4ea&,e-l; t%,n<,ng Glong9 long t%oug%ts#G

G=%at a&e ;ou t%,n<,ng of9 AnneMG as<e- ),lbe&t9 (o.,ng -o4n t%e
4al<# Le %a- left %,s %o&se an- bugg; out at t%e &oa-#

G2f 6,ss Laven-a& an- 6&# 1&v,ng9G ans4e&e- Anne -&ea.,l;# G1snNt
,t beaut,ful to t%,n< %o4 eve&;t%,ng %as tu&ne- out# # #%o4 t%e;
%ave (o.e toget%e& aga,n afte& all t%e ;ea&s of se0a&at,on an-

GJes9 ,tNs beaut,ful9G sa,- ),lbe&t9 loo<,ng stea-,l; -o4n ,nto
AnneNs u0l,fte- fa(e9 Gbut 4oul-nNt ,t %ave been .o&e beaut,ful st,ll9
Anne9 ,f t%e&e %a- been 32 se0a&at,on o& .,sun-e&stan-,ng# # #
,f t%e; %a- (o.e %an- ,n %an- all t%e 4a; t%&oug% l,fe9 4,t% no
.e.o&,es be%,n- t%e. but t%ose 4%,(% belonge- to ea(% ot%e&MG

Bo& a .o.ent AnneNs %ea&t flutte&e- Huee&l; an- fo& t%e f,&st t,.e
%e& e;es falte&e- un-e& ),lbe&tNs ga/e an- a &os; flus% sta,ne- t%e
0aleness of %e& fa(e# 1t 4as as ,f a ve,l t%at %a- %ung befo&e
%e& ,nne& (ons(,ousness %a- been l,fte-9 g,v,ng to %e& v,e4 a
&evelat,on of unsus0e(te- feel,ngs an- &eal,t,es# Pe&%a0s9 afte&
all9 & -,- not (o.e ,nto oneNs l,fe 4,t% 0o.0 an- bla&e9 l,<e
a ga; <n,g%t &,-,ng -o4n@ 0e&%a0s ,t (&e0t to oneNs s,-e l,<e an
ol- f&,en- t%&oug% Hu,et 4a;s@ 0e&%a0s ,t &eveale- ,tself ,n
see.,ng 0&ose9 unt,l so.e su--en s%aft of ,llu.,nat,on flung
at%4a&t ,ts 0ages bet&a;e- t%e &%;t%. an- t%e .us,(9 0e&%a0s# # #
0e&%a0s# # #love unfol-e- natu&all; out of a beaut,ful f&,en-s%,09
as a gol-en-%ea&te- &ose sl,00,ng f&o. ,ts g&een s%eat%#

T%en t%e ve,l -&o00e- aga,n@ but t%e Anne 4%o 4al<e- u0 t%e -a&<
lane 4as not Hu,te t%e sa.e Anne 4%o %a- -&,ven ga,l; -o4n ,t t%e
even,ng befo&e# T%e 0age of g,&l%oo- %a- been tu&ne-9 as b; an
unseen f,nge&9 an- t%e 0age of 4as befo&e %e& 4,t% all
,ts (%a&. an- .;ste&;9 ,ts 0a,n an- gla-ness#

),lbe&t 4,sel; sa,- not%,ng .o&e@ but ,n %,s s,len(e %e &ea- t%e
%,sto&; of t%e ne+t fou& ;ea&s ,n t%e l,g%t of AnneNs &
blus%# Bou& ;ea&s of ea&nest9 %a00; 4o&<# # #an- t%en t%e gue&-on
of a useful <no4le-ge ga,ne- an- a s4eet %ea&t 4on#

7e%,n- t%e. ,n t%e ga&-en t%e l,ttle stone %ouse b&oo-e- t%e
s%a-o4s# 1t 4as lonel; but not fo&sa<en# 1t %a- not ;et -one 4,t%
-&ea.s an- laug%te& an- t%e 'o; of l,fe@ t%e&e 4e&e to be futu&e
su..e&s fo& t%e l,ttle stone %ouse@ .ean4%,le9 ,t (oul- 4a,t# An-
ove& t%e &,ve& ,n 0u&0le -u&an(e t%e e(%oes b,-e- t%e,& t,.e#

*n- of P&o'e(t )utenbe&g *te+t of Anne of Avonlea#

T%e (o&&e(t 4o&-s 4e&e obta,ne- f&o. t%e L#C# Page V Co.0an;9 1n(#
e-,t,on of t%,s boo< (o0;&,g%t 1"0" - T%,&teent% 1.0&ess,on9 A0&,l 1"11#

1tal,( e.0%ases %ave been CAP1TAL1Z*D fo& e.0%as,s9 ot%e& ,tal,(s9 su(%
as t,tles %ave been UPla(e- ,n S,ngle Quotes#N 1tal,( 1Ns a&e R1R#

6ost s0ell,ngs an- (o.b,ne- 4o&-s %ave been left as t%e; 4e&e ,n t%e
.a'o&,t; of t%e e-,t,ons o&g,nall; 0ubl,s%e-# So.e s0ell,ng e&&o&s
4e 0&esu.e 4e&e not ,nten-e- %ave been (o&&e(te-#

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