10 Security Enhancements

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10 Fast and Free Security Enhancements

PC magazine.
Before you spend a dime on security, there are many precautions you can take that wi
protect you against the most common threats.
1. Check !indows "pdate and #ffice "pdate reguary
$%http&''office.microsoft.com'productupdates() ha*e your #ffice C+ ready. !indows ,e,
-000, and .P users can configure automatic updates. Cick on the /utomatic "pdates ta0
in the System contro pane and choose the appropriate options.
-. 1nsta a persona firewa. Both Sy2ate $%www.sygate.com( and 3one/arm
$%www.zonea0s.com( offer free *ersions.
4. 1nsta a free spyware 0ocker. #ur Editors5 Choice $6Spyware,6 /pri --( was SpyBot
Search 7 +estroy $%http&''security.koa.de(. SpyBot is aso paranoid and ruthess in
hunting out tracking cookies.
8. Bock pop9up spam messages in !indows :;, -000, or .P 0y disa0ing the !indows
,essenger ser*ice $this is unreated to the instant messaging program(. #pen Contro
Pane < /dministrati*e ;oos < Ser*ices and you5 see ,essenger. =ight9cick and go to
Properties. Set Start9up ;ype to +isa0ed and press the Stop 0utton. Bye90ye, spam pop9
ups> /ny good firewa wi aso stop them.
?. "se strong passwords and change them periodicay. Passwords shoud ha*e at east
se*en characters) use etters and num0ers and ha*e at east one sym0o. / decent
e@ampe woud 0e fAizBroC. ;his wi make it much harder for anyone to gain access to
your accounts.
D. 1f you5re using #utook or #utook E@press, use the current *ersion or one with the
#utook Security "pdate instaed. ;he update and current *ersions patch numerous
E. Buy anti*irus software and keep it up to date. 1f you5re not wiing to pay, try 2risoft
/F2 Free Edition $2risoft 1nc., wGw.grisoft.com(. /nd dou0echeck your /F with the
free, onine9ony scanners a*aia0e at wGw.pandasoftware.com'acti*escan and
A. 1f you ha*e a wireess network, turn on the security features& "se ,/C fitering, turn
off SS1+ 0roadcast, and e*en use !EP with the 0iggest key you can get. For more, check
out our wireess section or see the e@panded co*erage in Hour "nwired !ord in our ne@t
I. Join a respecta0e e9mai security ist, such as the one found at our own Security
Supersite at %http&''security.ziffda*is.com, so that you earn a0out emerging threats
Kuicky and can take proper precautions.
10. Be skeptica of things on the 1nternet. +on5t assume that e9mai 6From&6 a particuar
person is actuay from that person unti you ha*e further reason to 0eie*e it5s that
person. +on5t assume that an attachment is what it says it is. +on5t gi*e out your
password to anyone, e*en if that person caims to 0e from 6support.6

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